Russian folk fairy tale in a whitening class. By whining vein - Russian folk fairy tale

Russian folk fairy tale in a whitening class. By whining vein - Russian folk fairy tale
Russian folk fairy tale in a whitening class. By whining vein - Russian folk fairy tale

The main character Fairy Tales - Emely - I absorbed both negative and positive traits ordinary Russian guy of their time.

Unknown author

Some fairy tales appear by themselves, others come up with writers. How did the story entitled "by schuye village"? The fairy tale that is still not known is the product is a product. folk creativity. She had several variations and in different regions was described unequal.

The Russian ethnographer of Afanasyev, following the example of the Grimm brothers or Charles Perp, decided to organize a voyage around the country and collect fragmented legends in one voluminous work, so to speak, to systematize national heritage. He somewhat changed the name of the story and summarized individual elements, differing depending on the region. Thanks to this, the tale of "Emelya and Pike" has gained popularity.

Next, who took to cut a familiar plot, became Alexey Tolstoy. He added B. national Epos. Literary beauty and returned the work of the old name "by whining kettle". The fairy tale, the author of which he tried to make it more interesting for children, quickly scattered in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and local theaters even added a new performance to their repertoire.

Main characters

The main character of this legend is a certain not too frustrated young boy of Emel. It contains those negative qualities that do not allow him to lead a good life:

  • frivolity;


Nevertheless, when he manifests his mind and kindness, he comes across a real luck - pike out of the hole.

The second character, literally antipode Emeli, is a pike. She is smart and fair. The fish is designed to help the young man in his personal formation, send it to the thoughts in the right direction. As it relies in such situations, Emelya and Pike became friends.

The third hero acts in the form of a villain. The king is a busy person, leading a multi-million state, which Emelya forces its antics to condescend to commoner. The fairy tale "about Emel and Pike" endowed him with an envious character.

The royal daughter is a prize for the main character for becoming the right way.


The tale of "Emelya and Pike" begins with acquaintance with the main hero. He is so unfeasured and extremely lazy that everything entrusted to him has to redo other people.

Emela's daughter-in-law was interrogated with his help with long persuasion. Nevertheless, as soon as someone promises a remuneration for what he does, immediately hurts for working with double power.

And suddenly, on one fine day, Emel gets a magical pike from the hole. She offers him his service in exchange for life. The guy immediately agrees.

Magic help

After the pike becomes his magic subordinate, Emela lives even better than before. Now he doesn't even have to do even completely simple orders.

Magic forces are cut by firewood, walk on the water and even beat him enemies. Emelya remains very pleased with what is happening. He so lazy that he did not want to get up from the oven. Pike helps him and in this, turning the furnace in the first prototype of the mechanical means of movement.

During such walks, Emelya can be crushed on it several peasants who will get across the road. He justifies himself that people themselves jumped under his stove.

It seems that in his deed he does not repent. The fairy tale "about Emel and Pike" contains a hidden morality.

King and Emelya

Hearing about an unprecedented miracle, self-propelled stove, and also about the steep temper of her owner, the king decides to call Emel to himself.

With the reluctance of the "hero" is to look at the chorus of the Lord. But this trip changes the guy all life.

In the tsarist palace, he meets with the Royal. That at first it also seems fairly wayward and evil. But Emel decides that he is time to be cooled, and wants to call her wife.

The Lordsian daughter does not agree at first. The monarch himself opposes such a union, feasting hope that his daughter will marry only for a significant person or a foreign king.

Emelya asks the pike to be joined the naughty king. As a result, the young man seeks his. The girl gives consent. They are getting married.

The angry king locks the couple forever in love in a barrel and throws them into the sea. Emelya asks the pike to save them. She does so that the barrel arrived to the shore, they are chosen from it.

The guy asks the pike to build a huge palace, and turn the handsome himself in writing. Magic fish fulfills a desire.

Happy newlyweds live shovels while they do not declare an angry king. His palace is much less than Emelia. The main character of graciously forgives the sovereign all the past. He invites him to dine them. During the banquet, Emel is recognized to him who he really is. The king remains affected by agility and mind young man. Now he understands that it was such a guy who was supposed to marry his daughter.

"By whining omen" - the fairy tale is kind and instructive. Its end does not leave a specific manual for action. On the contrary, everyone should think and decide for themselves that in life correctly, and what should not do.

"By whining omen" (Russian fairy tale): Analysis

This story something resembles a dream slavic peoples via magic Forces Get everything desired, not much at the same time.

At the same time, to catch the pike of Emel only on his own, when it began to do at least something and conscience.

The finished loaf in the eyes of readers evolves to a hardworking, decent person. Having received sufficient motivation in the form of love for the princess, he forgets about the desire to remain lazy, to live only in his pleasure and is accepted for business.

If the pike does not produce on it great impressionsHe initially accepts her as proper, then the first refusal of the girl awakens feelings in it.

At that moment, when Emel on the stove begins to press passersby, according to many tales researchers, the guy manifests the kingny traits. After this incident, even the monarch drew his attention to him.

It is possible that our ancestors who have created a fairy tale have seen email in the last external transformation and internal changes to the better.

When he became more beautiful, he managed to forgive and understand the king, became kinder and more attentive to others. People with visible distinctive signs On the face was usually considered bad or even familiar with the unclean power.

While Emel looked like an ordinary, not too nice guy, he could not become a king. With acquisition inner beauty Everything immediately changed.

Traditional Russian fairy tales have always ended encouraging. Most likely, the peasants of that time exactly that was the happiest day.

"By whining the vein"

The crown phrase of the whole fairy tale is "by schuchy VenyuIn my opinion. "This is a kind of spell that causes a magic pike. Using these words, Emelya gets everything he wants." By whining kettle ", that is, just like this. Without attach any effort to this. Despite That the fairy tale is called "Emelya and Pike", she was renamed in the honor of these magical words.

Pike teaches a guy to this secret spell. And as soon as it sounds, magic begins to act, no matter where Emelya was. Although on the furnace, even under water. In a barrel, he saves his phrase "on a whiteway of courage." The fairy tale holds her main thread.

These words immediately became the proverb in the people. They mean an attempt to do something not with their own hands, but for someone else, most often a magical, account.

Tale in pop culture

When the story was first printed big circulation And many were able to read it, she immediately became popular.

The tale of "Emelya and Pike" even became the basis for the movie of the same name. Children's film filmed in 1938. Alexander Row answered the director at that time. Separate elements of the scenario were taken from the play Elizabeth Tarakhovsky "Emelya and Pike". The fairy tale in its interpretation was adapted to modern realitiesBut Moral remained the same.

Director Ivanov Vano removed the cartoon at the same fiction in 1957. And once again, Tarakhovskaya's play was taken in 1970, on the new film release of Vladimir Pekary.

The third cartoon created Valery Fomin, already in 1984.

The tale of "Emelya and Pike" was immortalized on the GDR brands in 1973. Each of the six stamps depicts one of the plots was.

Mention themselves are popularly popular. The main hero of the legend began to be associated with a lazy man seeking to get wealth, without doing anything.

"Emelya and Pike" - a fairy tale, the author of which is not known, did not want to perpetuate himself and remain in the fence of descendants, who did not strive for glory, wealth, fame. Nevertheless, his image should be better demonstrated by a good man.

There was a poor peasant; How much he worked, how much he worked - everything is nothing! "Eh," he thinks with himself, "my grandfather's share! All the days are killing for the farm, and then look - you will have to die with the hunger; But my neighbor is my whole life on my side lies, and what? - The farm is large, the baryrs themselves swim in the pocket. I can see, I did not please God; From morning to evening I will pray, maybe the Lord and goes away. " He began to pray to God; For all day, starving, and everything prays. Coming holy holiday, hit the Sautren. Poor thinks: "All people will become stripped, and I have no pieces! I will go at least to the water I will bring - so instead of hike. " He took a bucket, went to the well and just threw into the water - suddenly he fell into a crucial pike in a bucket. A man was delighted: "So I am with a holiday! I will give my oaks and lunch. " He tells him a pussy with a human voice: "Let me go, a kind man, to the will; I will do you happy: what your soul will wish, everything will be! Just say: on a whimstanding handle, according to God's blessing, there is something and that now - now it will appear! " The poor threw a pike to the well, came to the hut, sat down at the table and says: "By whining the vein, in God's blessing, be the table covers and lunch is ready!" Suddenly, from where what came - all sorts of eats and drinks appeared on the table; Although the king is treating, so it will not be ashamed! The poor crossed: "Glory to you Lord! There is something to warn. " I went to the church, defended and lunch, grown and began to stripping; Doodle drank, went out for the gate and sat on a shop.

At that time, the princess acted on the streets along the streets, goes with his nanacles and mothers and for the sake of the festive Christ, he distributes to the poor alms; He filed everyone, but about this peasant and forgot. So he says to himself: "According to the blessing of God, for God's blessing, let the princess be a fruit and give birth to a son!" For the word of the princess in the one minute a minute of the inheritant and nine months gave birth to a son. He began to interrogate her king. "Convent," says, "who sinned?" And Tsarevna cries and swear in every way that he did not sin with anyone: "And herself does not know, for which the Lord punished me!" How many king was prevented, did not recognize anything.

Meanwhile, the boy is not by day, but the clock is growing; A week later I began to talk. The king convened from all over the kingdom of boyars and spiritual people, shows their boys: does he not recognize anyone for his father? No, the boy is silent, no one calls for a father. Ordered the king of nanacians and moms to carry it in all the courtyards, on all the streets and show all the ranks of people and married and idle. Nanniki and mothers suffered a child for all the yards, on all the streets; Walked, went, he is silent. Finally came to the hut of a poor man; As soon as he saw the boy's boy, he now reached into his handms and shouted: "Tamper, toy!" Reported about the sovereign, led to the palace of the wretched; The king began to interrogate it: "Consite the clean conscience - is your child?" - "No, God!" The king was angry, married the wretched on the princess, and after the crown ordered them to put them together with the child in a large barrel, glorifying my bed and put into the open sea.

Here the barrel floated around the sea, brown winds suffered and knocked distant bank. Hears the poor, that the water under them does not pegs, and says that the word: "By whining the velinist, on God's blessing, breakdown, barrel, on a dry place!" The barrel was splashing; They got out to dry place and went where the eyes look. They went, went, went, went, there is nothing to drink, the princess completely extinguished, barely stops. "What," asks poor, "you know now, what is thirst and hunger?" - "I know!" - answers Tsarevna. "That's the poor suffer; And you didn't want to file the day and alms on Christ! " Then he says the poor: "By whining the vein, in God's blessing, it becomes a rich palace here - so it was better in the whole world, and with gardens, and with ponds, and with all sorts of extensions!"

Only stepped up - a rich palace appeared; Reliered from the palace of servants faithful, take them under his arms, lead in the chambers of white and plant over the tables of oak, the tablecloths are married. Wonderful whalers are removed, it is On the tables everything is prepared: both wines, and sloant, and a kushan. The poor and princess got drunk, a mellow, rested and went to the garden to walk. "Everyone here is good," says Tsarevna, "only a pity that there is no bird on our ponds." - "Wait, there will be a bird!" - answered the poor and immediately walked: "By whining the vein, according to God's blessing, let the twelve ducks swim on this pond, the thirteenth spleen - all of them would have one feather was golden, the other silver; Yes, there would be a decement of a chub on a diamond head! " Looks - twelve ducks and spleen floating water - one feather golden, the other silver; On the head at the spleen of Chub diamond.

So the princess lives with her husband without grief, without sadness, and her son grows yes grows; Rose big, I worked in myself the great strength and became at the father, the mother can ask for a white light yes to look for a bride. They let him go: "Stay, son, with God!" He saddled the Bogatyr horse, sat down and drove into the road. It comes across towards the old old woman: "Hello, Russian Tsarevich! Where to drive? " - "Food, grandmother, a bride to look for, and where to look for - and I do not know." - "Wait, I will tell you, Dietyatko! Go for the sea in the thirtie kingdom; There is a queen - such a beauty that all the world will be, and it is better not to get it anywhere! " Good well done thanked the old woman, came to the pier, hired the ship and swam in the thirtieth kingdom.

How long is it in short on the sea, soon the fairy tale affects, it does not soon be done - comes to the kingdom, came to the local king and began to wove in his daughter. Tells him the king: "You're not one for my daughter; We still have the bridegroom - the strong boys; If he refuse him, he will defuse everything my state. " - "I will refuse me - I will break!" - "What are you! It is better to fumble with him: which of you will win, for the daughter I will give. " - "Okay! Conscribe all the kings and Tsarevichi, Kings and Korolevichy on an honest battle to look at the wedding. " Immediately sent the messengers in different directions, and the year did not pass, as the kings and Tsarevichi, Kings and Kingii gathered from all the surrounding lands; arrived and the king that his native daughter In the barrel scrambled yes in the sea, let him go. On the appointed day, warriors came to the death fight; Beggat, beat, from their blows the earth moaning, the forests were abandoned, the rivers were worried; The son of Tsarevna caught his opponent - she was driving his violent head.

Royal boyars ran here, they took good well done under the arms and led to the palace; The next day he was married with the Korolevoy, and how they wrote off the wedding, began to call all the kings and Tsarevichi, kings and kingdom to visit her father, to the mother. We rose all at once, ships shit and floated through the sea. Tsarevna and his husband met guests with detection, and began again peirs and fun. Tsari and Tsarevichi, Kings and Koroleichi look at the palace, in the gardens and are distinguished: this wealth is not seen anywhere, and most of all the ducks and spleen seemed to them - in one duck it is possible to give POLUTION! Unlocked guests and attended home to go; They did not have time to get to the pier, how soon messengers run behind them: "Our de master asks you back to breys, he wants to hold the secret advice with you."

Tsari and Tsarevichi, Kings and Koroleichi returned back; The owner spoke to them and began to say: "Does it say kind people Do it? After all, my duck disappeared! Oaking you no one to take! " - "What do you share in vain? - Tsari and Tsarevichi, Kings and Korolei answers him. - This is a matter of naughty! Now the usual are all! If you find some kind of duck, do with him that you yourself know; And if you do not find, your head is one! " - "Ok, I agree!" - the owner said, went on a number and began to search them; How soon did the line reached the Tsarevnina Father, he slowly and walked: "By whining the vein, according to God's blessing, let the king be tied under the hollow caftana!" He took, lifted him caftan, and under the hollow as there is a duck is tied - one feather is golden, the other silver. Here all the other kings and Tsarevichi, Kings and Korolei laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha! That's what! I began to steal the kings! " Tsarevnin Father all the holy swarms are to steal - he also did not have on thoughts; And as a duck hit him - he does not know himself. "Tell me! You found, it became, you are alone and guilty. " The princess came out, rushed to his father and admitted that she was the one of his daughter, which he gave out for the wretched marriage and planted into the resin barrel: "Patty! You didn't believe with my words then, but now I have read what you can be guilty without guilt. " He told him how and what was, and after that they began to live together to live together, to find good, and to wear a lika.

Russian folk fairytale By whining veliny

He lived was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third is a fool of Emelya.

Those brothers work, and Emel lies all day on the stove, does not want to know anything.

Once the brothers left for the bazaar, and women, daughter-in-law, let's send it:

Go, Emelya, water.

And he from the stoves:


Go, Emelya, and then the brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you.


Tears of Emel from the stove, shoved, dressed, took the buckets and the ax and went to the river.

I burned the ice, burned the buckets and put them, and he himself looks into the hole. And he saw Emelya in the corruption pike. I was illuminated and grabbed the pike in my hand:

Here the ear will be sweet!

Emelya, let me go to the water, I come to you.

And Emelya laughs:

What do you come in handy me? .. No, I will carry you home, you can cook my daughter-in-mind. There will be a sweet ear.

Pike prayed again:

Emelya, Emelya, let me go to the water, I will do you all that you wish.

Okay, only show first that you do not cheat me, then I will let go.

Pike asks him:

Emelya, Emely, tell me - what do you want now?

I want the buckets to go home and water would not have splash ...

Pike him says:

Remember my words: When you want - tell me only:

"By whining the courage, in my opinion."

Emelya and says:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - go, go, buckets, home ...

Just said - the buckets themselves and went uphill. Emelya put the pike into the hole, and he went beams himself.

Give buckets in the village, the people are divided, and Emelya goes from behind, laughs ... Bucked buckets in the hut and became a shop themselves, and Emelya got to the oven.

Passed, a lot of whether it was not time - the daughter-in-law tell him:

Emelya, what are you lying? Would go to the firewood.


Do not disturb firewood, brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you.

Ever reluctance to sink from the furnace. He remembered about Pike and Slowly says:

By whining the velenia, in my opinion - like, the ax, the shaking of firewood, and the firewood - go to the hut and put in the oven ...

The ax jumped out from under the shop - and on the courtyard, and let's do the firewood, and the firewood themselves go to the hut and climb the oven.

Many, if there was no time - daughter-in-law say again:

Emely, we no longer have firewood. Congress in the forest, violaby.

And he from the stoves:

Yes, what?

How are we on what? .. Is our business in the forest for firewood ride?

I'm reluctant ...

Well, there will be no gifts.

Nothing to do. Tears of Emel from the furnace, shoved, dressed. He took the rope and ax, went out into the yard and sat in Sani:

Baba, revole the gate!

The daughter-in-law says:

What are you, foolish, sat down in Sani, and the horse is not ground?

I do not need a horse.

The daughters took the gate, and Emel speaks slowly:

By whining the velenia, in my opinion - go, Sani, in the forest ...

Sani themselves and went to the gate, yes so quickly - do not catch up with the horse.

And in the forest it was necessary to go through the city, and then he remembered a lot of people, suppressed. The people scream: "Keep it! Catch it!" And he, know, Sanya chases. Arrived in the forest:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - the ax, the ones, and you, the firewood, are rolled in the sleigh, fade away ...

The ax began to chop, prick dry firewood, and the firewoods themselves are lying in the sleigh and rope. Then Emelya ordered the topor to cut off his battlefield - such a raise to raise. Feed on WHO:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - go, Sani, home ...

Sanya rushed home. Again, he drives Emelya for the city, where the divecha remembered, suppressed a lot of people, and there they are waiting for him. Calculated Emel and drags with WHO, scold and beat.

He sees that a bad thing, and slowly:

By whining vein, in my opinion - well, a baton, broke the sides ...

Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother. The people rushed away, and Emel came home and climbed into the oven.

How long, briefly - he heard the king about the emetini trips and sends an officer behind him - to find him and bring him to the palace.

The officer arrives in that village, he enters that hut, where the Emel lives, and asks:

Are you a fool of Emel?

And he from the stove:

What are you talking about?

Dress Rather, I'll take you to the king.

And I reluctance ...

An officer became angry and hit him on his cheek. And Emelya speaks slowly:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - a baton, breaking my sides ...

Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother the officer, he feet abandoned.

The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with the Emers, and sends his most random items:

Bring to me to the Palace of Fool Emel, and then I will take my head off my shoulders.

Bucked up the wideline Izyumu, prune, gingerbread, came to that village, entered the hut and began to ask the daughter of the daughter, which loves Emel.

Our Emelya loves when he is affectionately asked yes red caftan ascend, "then he will do everything that will not ask.

Missed Welheck gave Emeyle Iisma, prune, gingerbread and says:

Emelya, Emelya, what are you lying on the furnace? Let's go to the king.

I am warm here ...

Emelya, Emelya, the king will be good to feed - go, please go.

And I reluctance ...

Emelya, Emelya, the king you red caftan will give, a hat and boots.

Emelya thought-thought:

Well, okay, you go ahead, and I will be behind you.

I left the venel, and Emel was still saying:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - well, the oven, go to the king ...

Here in the hives, the corners were glanced, the roof was stupid, the wall flew out, and the oven itself went down the street, on the road, straight to the king.

The king looks out the window, is divided:

What is this miracle?

Differ Welcome to him:

And this is the Emel on the furnace goes to you.

The king came out on the porch:

Something, Emel, for you a lot of complaints! You suppressed a lot of people.

Why did they climb under Sani?

At this time, the royal daughter was glared on him the window - Marya-Tsarevna. Emelya saw her in the window and speaks slowly:

By whining velin. In my opinion - let the royal daughter love me ...

And said again:

Stay, oven, home ...

The oven turned and went home, went to the hut and became for the previous place. Emelya again lying-lie down.

And the king in the palace cry and tears. Marya-Tsarevna is bored by Ever, can't live without him, asks her father, so that he gave her for the Emel to marry. Then the king worn, shouting and says again as many nobles:

Stay, bring me a living or dead Emel or the dead, and then he will take off his shoulders.

Bucked scalid wedlan's wines of sweet and different snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to sweat emeel.

Emelya got drunk, ate, Zahmel, and went to bed. And the nobleman put it in the wagon and brought to the king.

The king immediately ordered to order a big barrel with iron hoops. Emel was planted in it and Marwe - Tsarevna, scrambled and barrels in the sea threw.

How long, briefly - Yemel woke up, sees - dark, closely:

Where is me?

And he is answered:

Bored and nausea, Ememyushka! We were scrambled in a barrel, threw in the blue sea.

And who are you?

I am Marya-Tsarevna.

Emel says:

By whining the veliny, in my opinion - the winds are rains, roll off the barrel on the dry coast, on the yellow sand ...

Warm winds poured. The sea was excited, barrel thrown into a dry shore, on yellow sand. Emelya and Marya-Tsarevna came out of it.

Emeyelushka, where will we live? Build some kind of hut.

And I reluctance ...

Here she began to ask him to ask him, he says:

By whining vein, in my opinion, the stamped, the stone palace with the Golden Roof ...

Only he said - a stone palace appeared with a golden roof. Circle - Green Garden: Flowers flower and birds sing. Marya-Tsarevna from Emers entered the palace, got from the window.

Emeyelyushka, and you can not become a handsome to you?

Here Emel thought for a short time:

By whining velin, in my opinion - to become a good one to me, writing a handsome ...

And Emely became such that in a fairy tale, nor the pen describe.

And at that time the king went to hunt and sees - it is worth the palace, where there was nothing before.

Is it for the unfortunate without my permission on my land put the palace?

And sent to learn-ask: "Who are these?" The ambassadors ran, steel under the window, asked.

Emelya answers them:

Ask the king to visit me, I'll tell him himself.

The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads to the palace, planting at the table. Start they to appear. The king eats, drinks and not put pressure:

Who are you, kind well done?

And remember the fool by Emel - how came to you on the stove, and you told him with her daughter in a barrel to scramble, throw in the sea? I am the same Emel. I want - all your kingdom of fire and ruin.

The king was very frightened, it became forgivers to ask:

Marry my daughter, Emeyelushka, take my kingdom, just do not goubi me!

There was a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Marya-Tsarevne and began to rule the kingdom.

Here and the fairy tale is the end, and who listened - well done.

"For wisdom, there is nothing hating than the trick."
Eastern wisdom.

This fairy tale was told by my parents. My - their grandparents. Therefore, this fairy tale is certain more than a hundred years. In the royal times, the censors of the throne allowed the interpretation of all and history and legends and fairy tales in the educational context, which supported the system of slavery of Russian peoples. Education, as you know, is laid since childhood and so its highest pricing Excellency was configured to leave only the beginning and the end of the fairy tale is not touching, and the middle of the edit how he behaved himself. Sometimes fairy tales can be cut to the level of a joke, for example as a fairy tale " The Scarlet Flower", In others, it is unacceptable because the meaning of the fairy tale is lost, her good and positive magic.

The fairy tale "By whining the vein" created by the Russian people has a completely different meaning! It traces the growth of Emela as a person, from a small venture to the middle, from the middle creation to the highest goal. Yes, he is a lazy and Russian people always in moderation likes to laugh at himself and who wants to bend back?

Here the saying is appropriate: "Linen and poverty are engines of progress."

Any sailboat can be made with a rowing boat, although it is difficult, as well as the reverse surrogate process of turning a person into a slave and a monkey. And so what happened with a fairy tale, it turned out to print. And read the works of A. S. Pushkin, written in the legends of Arina Rodionov and immediately change the very idea of \u200b\u200bRussian man. In them, Ivan - ... Tsarevich, the champion of good and justice, kind and brave hero.

In the outback of our big homeland, fairy tales have been preserved in a pure, folk veneer. They remained pristine, such as my mom told me. She was a descendant of the Cossack kind of Central Asia And he told as the Russian people affected them.

Of course it was difficult for me to restore this fairy tale, she abounds folk wisdom, Sayings of the Russian people, a bright humor and a mystery hidden for children's perception. My goal began to correct the misunderstanding, folded on the new one and lost, to grow on skeletons left in children's literature - live body Wise and good Russian folk tales.

Tale, a fairy tale, and how to tell, the case of parents. Not in vain they say: "How to harness and go" and "that we will lay it and get married."

I decided to write it for you - for the prose. Ru and tell you how heard himself in distant childhood.

Enjoy your reader readers.

The Russian people are simple, yes not simple.
And fairy tales affects simple yes difficult.


He lived, there was an old man and he had three sons, two awesome and the third killed - the fool of Emelya.

The brothers happen already the eyes sweat and the Emel lies all day on the stove, it does not want anything. Just and dreams about that everything itself, the shaft, from the sky it was poured.

Once the brothers left for the Bazaar brains to ventilate yes palm to fall into. And baba daughter-in-law Let's throw a teeth, perhaps send to fool:

Go beel by water.

And he from the stoves:

Where women are smoking there and there is no water in the tub.

No, I'm not hunting ...

Go Emelya, and then the brothers from the bazaar arrive at the hotels will not be brought to you.

Well, if so. That is okay!
Sleep up to sleep! And not to sleep, so get up!

Emelya reached out, tears from the stove, shoved, dressed, jumped into the yard was sinking with snow, ran in the Songy took a bucket and went to the river. And to meet him with rockerings on the shoulders, girls are walking, the water is splashing.

Only they burned out, Idly, Emelya, I understood that it was necessary for a rocker home. Turned, slipped yes so on the Kosoyar Kubarem with buckets down and flew. The spirit was buried to the edge of the wormwood, with all Mahu, the balance of the water rumbled, splashes at all of the parties flew. Yes, and his head on the ice was firmly blurted.

Emelya thought out, pulled out the healers from the water and in one pike in the belly up dumbfounded, as if the thunder was amazed ...

I took Emely Pike for the gills, brought to the face, admires not being redeemed. Laughs, a broken lip licks yes he himself senses with him:

Wow! Kotlet brothers click. For Bati - I will pay the head with garlic and bake. Packing to weld, Wow!, Ear will be sweet.

And the pike stared at the Emel with the scurrying eyes, revealed the royal mouth, prayed and vote from heaven, yes from River Prostor, he praise:

Listen to Emel! Let me let me go for good and for that, I thank you.

Emelya crossed the mitching, is divided, he does not believe himself, Pike!, But tells the human language.

Asks Emely Pike:

What will you thank me?

She says:

Listen and breathe.

Everything! In this world is done - in my order! Remember it! You have one. Just want ... how to say the words of my cherished, so everything will be fulfilled.

Emelya, he ventilated, thinks about himself:

I'm not weak, I shandaruned, if this, hears.

Became to delve into the fish language, looks at the mouth comprehends miraculous words. Meanwhile, the rudes of the river came to himself, spinning as a frying pan, I was illuminated and finally, as a sign of great gratitude for the perception - I awarded Emel, I starred his magic tail in the face, putting all the all hidden power written promises on the water.

The mouth of the mouth did not have time to open and it became so, with a silent consent slipped a king of fish from emes. I washed with fins and for goodbye, voice from heaven and river spacious, gentle by him:

Time will come, happy you will become an Ememyushka. Remember, do not forget what I said ...

And left, in his enchanted river kingdom.

Emelya, from such a scenario albeit too dumbfounded.

Live cutlets through the fingers failed.

Thought Emelya twisted. And what about! It was a lot of saying, but it says little ... I remember, it's confused to remember that he whispered fish:

In my opinion, he says ... the vein, in your opinion ... it became desire ... or, in our desire? And everything is inspired!

Well, things ...

He became Emel himself, himself, he himself say yes to tempt:

After all, I'm sick ... So ?! ... Schu - ka.

It does not believe in your ears, shivered, shook, a broken lip licks, he sees how the mind comes for the mind, even overhell ... from such a transmission.

And the girls on the hill are the ear-huts for the stomach hold yes on the interruption ask:

What is Emel, the pike in love was explained and she refused? And let's laugh at all.

And Emel confused and says:

Yes, she simplified, I told me no wife yet, I will be planted for you, and I will help you to help everything, just worth you want!, And all your desire will be stolen. For this promise, I picked her and letting it.

Oh, he did not hearly see Emel from a whining fertility crossed. Thinks to himself Emelya: I'm alone, I am not a man, I would be like women to carry water on the rocker? No, it is necessary to solve the mind. Likewise! It is worth only ... Wanted!

Returned home, made racks with a wheel pull, alone in the hole stuck, others put on the shore. Stretched the belts, hooked the balance, he manned his legs into Koshibor, his belt thrust was pulling on himself and looks at the girls, laughs, she covered with one palm and says quietly:

By whining class, in my opinion.

Just said, I intercepted the second hand the belt traction and the buckets themselves went uphill. The people smiles, and Emelya himself and he himself, deftly, he set up his mechanics that the buckets were flying at the hut and became a shop. And Emelya entered the house and climbed onto the furnace.

Did you have a lot of time - the daughter-in-law says to him:

Emelya, what are you lying? Would go to the firewood.


Do not disturb firewood, the brothers from the bazaar arrive at the hotels will not be brought to you.

Ever lazy to plunge from the oven. Yes, sick gifts loved. Dressing from the Lena, washed, got dressed, began to shift and he thinks about himself: - with buckets, any fool - Mastak. But to make firewood with an ax ..., there will be a task, a little more difficult.

Lit on the bench, thought, remembered the wheel of the wheel, podnapsya, pecking, picked up the instrument, gathered a diva-wonder aggregate.

Yes, says to the brides:

- Mustache seems to be finished and everything turned out.

She covered his mouth with his mouth so that the daughters did not hear and whisper:

Come on the ax, the shaking of firewood and the firewood themselves go to the hut and fold in the oven ...

Everything twisted spinning on the courtyard and let's flourished with an ax with an ax, and they go to the hut and climb the furnace.

The daughters from the amazement of the mouths were opened ...

And the Emelya thinks a stick, collects a miracle to the car, day and night lives in it, he does not sleep himself, does not eat, does not drink.

Assemmed, climbed onto the oven and sleeps resting about happiness dreams.

How many times did not have time, the daughter-in-law say again:

- Emel, we no longer have firewood. Come to the forest of the violaby.

And he drows out from the stove:

Yes, you are all what?

How are we on what? .. Is our business in the forest for firewood ride?

Yeah, as languages \u200b\u200bscratch so against you not to find anyone.

Not, I'm not reluctant and he himself laughs ...

Well, you do not want as you want, there will be no gifts.

Tears of Emelya from the oven, dressed warmer, took the rope, saw and the ax and went out into the courtyard.

Sell \u200b\u200bin Sani yes says:

What the teeth are scalded, revole the gate!

The daughter-in-law is asked:

Well, you mugged, got in Sani and the horse is not ground?

I do not need a horse!

The daughter-in-law discarded the gate. And Emelya covered his mouth with his mouth so that the daughter-in-law did not hear and speak slowly:

By whining class, in my opinion ...

Compare Sani in the forest ...

Sani themselves and went for the gate and so quickly - do not catch up with the horse. And in the forest, it was necessary to go through the capital and then he had a lot of idlers and the rotoseys miraculously remembered.

Belorukov let's shout:

Keep it! Catch it!

And he knows Sani chasing. He arrived in the forest and with all souls in full voice and bloats:

That's why a pike of business, we climb everything out there, look, not on that! Nothing your own! Want to pike all. What you can do with them! Therefore, the ax will have to you: - By whining the classroom, in my opinion - to chop firewoods. And let the firewood, let themselves fall into the sleigh, knit themselves ...

Oh and started a well-coordinated topopor, cut to chop, and sawing to cut dry firewood. The firewoods themselves are lying in Sani and rope. Then, Emelya ordered the topor to cut the bats for himself, so that raise raise.

He became a hatch in the hands of Emelie miracles to create, nicely shot. On the ploy! Tied the batons to the gear wheel, sat on WHO and says:

Let's have a sleigh, go home yourself.

Sanya rushed home. Again, he drives Emely on the streets and the boyarsky yards, where the divecha remembered many idle puzzles and they are already waiting for him. Just wanted to grasp Emel for the sleeves and Yelel twisted, the knap pulled out and says:

Well, dubble, break the sides ...

The batons jumped out of the wheels and let's thresh up the lobotryers. They rushed away.

And the tired of the day of Emel came home and not so much, climbed onto the oven.

Lives a short time for a short time, heard the king about Emelakins and sends the head of the gendarmerie to that village for Emeters.

And the people came to the people, so he made two entrances, one to himself where the master and crafts did and the other was on cattle yard. Yes, the daughters punished, depending on how they would ask, invite something coming to him, or send to the other door to another door. For silent and coarse entrance was a secret as you will enter so immediately go to the pit.

The royal servant from the threshold did not say hello, did not introduce himself and on the move he began to wave a touch as a checker:

What are the images stared? Yes, and you are an old stump of Russell, you do not see anyone who stands before you! Let's say where is your lucky son of Emely?

And the daughter-in-law says to him:

Smill, not recognized. You will not blamehold, the father of him and deaf and sunfall and the Ememyushka you in the cattle yard from the morning waiting - waiting for ...

I went to the courtyard of Tsarev Kully, entered the door yes, I immediately fell into the sump. Nasil got out and here it was also a straw with feathers wake up. Here is such a man desighed by a handsome man, he appeared before the king.

Grilling the king, sends his most random items:

Bring me to the palace - fool, Sukina Son Emel.

Bucked raisis, prunes, gingerbread, came to that village, entered that hut and began to ask the daughter-in-law:

What does Emel love?

Our Emel loves when he is affectionately asked yes red caftan aside then he will do everything that will not ask!

As soon as the immemorous was treated with a raisin, gingerbread, prunes, and he himself entered the door where Emel Masteril - greeted and says:

Emelya, Emelya, what are you lying on the furnace? Let's go to the king.

Emelya answers him:

"I feel warm here that he himself thinks:" Oh, Barin-boyar, like the royal servant, and the fool of the fool, the cart cannot be distinguished from the furnace.

And the wellex is torn the royal venet to execute - persuades and sings sweetly:

Emelya, belly, do not warm the stove, and the king will be good to feed you, go, please go.

Emelya from affairs does not come off, masenite and says:

And I'm reluctant.

Welject is not lagging behind, it climbs out of leather, flushed, puffed like a samovar, as well as sweated.

Thinks about yourself, what else to offer?

I remembered! That the daughter-in-law was told at the meeting.

I knocked myself with my palm on the forehead and says:

Emelya! ... the king you will give you red caftan! ... Cap and boots!

Emely looked at the noble and thinks: - It seems simple as a pig and a snake as a snake.

You know, in truth I'm not so too lazy as once. Well, okay, you go ahead and I am for you - I will pass.

Venelica and Emelya was driving up the firebox to Red and says to the brides:

What can you do? Although I'll see people, I will show myself. Hunting, forests of captivity and therefore, at the time of the cord! In my opinion - let's go to the palace ...

Here in the hut corners were glad, the roof was stupid, the wall flew out and the furnace itself went down the street, on the road, straight to the palace.

The king looks out the window, is divided:

What is this miracle crew such?

Differ Welcome to him:

And this is the Emel on the furnace goes to you.

The king came out on the porch, says:

Something Emel is about you a lot of complaints! You remembered a lot of browsing and crown and cried. I firmly grieved me.

Emelya answers:

They suffered because of their curiosity. They themselves climbed under the unprecedented sleigh. And the sleigh is not simple, new and non-rolled. But not in vain, everyone says: "Curious Varvar - in the bazaar, the nose torn off" that they got.

Okay, the king says - the sins you forgive you, if you want to lose the nose with one arrogant foreign majesture and do not want! He head off his shoulders.

And it takes out a tiny crystal casket and in the hands of Emele filed. Opened the Larka of Emelya, but to divide, sits on a red velvet silver flea and she moves legs. In the meantime, Emel Bloch considered, he himself looked at all this eyes tsar's daughter Mariu-Tsarevna and fell in love.

It became for the evening and Emel stands and dreams:

So now ... how was it great! According to the royal class, in my opinion! ... marry me, on the beauty of the princess ... And we rinsed the feast! - On the whole world!

Became to ask the king, says:

Give me my wife's daughter! I want to marry her!

He heard this Mary Tsarevna, was delighted, herself, too, at first glance in Emeyelushka fell in love. It happens like that!

And how not fall in love? The guy is Russian, your own, with your head and master!

The king of slyly squinted and says Emele:

Want is not harmful! Maritochka you do not have a couple, the prince is woven to her. Only, only he says as the compelling stream rumbles.

So come on, go for good health Yes, I watch the flea do not break. And the bruise on the nose, the time will come - I will ask.

Emel twisted and what can you do. He took the casket, sat on the "oven" self-propelled and drove home.

Again, it lies, heats up, over the royal rally, it can not be buried, marryoshka cannot forget.

Yes, and says:

That's why the pike, the king himself and he can not without me, no one gives me rest in the afternoon at night! One you hear: - sleeps yes sleeps and once again. And put the problem - a difficult thing about it.

Tears from the bed, started flew, put on the table and she let's jump in a circle. The daughters laugh are surprised.

One says:

Oh! ... Although flea and how the foal near the uterus is spinning ...

Well thinks Emely, ... I'll take it ...

He took Bloch ... and ... snapped.

Meanwhile, the king in the palace cry and tears. Marya-Tsarevna is missing, can't live without him. He asks the Father to give her married her, for Emel. Then the king hurt himself, says Marya-Tsarevna:

If you do not conquer! And in my field of rally, you will not go for the prince - the world will go through the world.

And I myself called a rapid one and says:

Stay, bring me an Emel of a living or dead.

Sculpt the immemorous wine of the sweet yes different snacks and drove into that village. According to the properties entered into that hut and the daughter began to treat, father and brothers by the bikes to feed, and drink everyone.

The owners of full charm pours a little albeit. From the neutrition, it is lifted on the pies with a taverid, with a cabbage and sterling. Talked, sits and without a silence, then yes, about the king and about the kingdom - anything affects. He himself, unnoticed, everything pours Emelya is falling.

Emely thinks to himself:

Oh, Barin-Boyarin, Chitter Yes, like a pike is voracious and not so simple as you think.

Already a late evening by midnight, bends, the daughter-in-law with brothers from conversations were tired and went to sleep. And all the blades were left, it does not go away. Emelya is tired of work per day, he didn't even notice how Zahmel didn't even notice. And the kings of the servant laid the dead by the heating of Emel in the wagon yes, he was to the palace.

The king crushed, wokened by Emel and asks:

Well, Sukin Son, Dutcher's nose to foreign people?
Come on Bloch!

I got a lot of Larchchik, just gave the king to his hands and immediately fell asleep.

The king watches nothing, grumbled, grumbled, ordered to betray a big barrel with iron hoops, Emel was planted into it and not the submissive Marjo-Tsarevna, said the barrel to the sea.

How many were briefly sailed, they woke up by Emely, it deplexed that it was dark and cramped. His head hurts, there is a ringing in the ears. Asks itself:

- Where is me?

Marya-Tsarevna answers:

In the sea we Emelyushka. To get used to us with you on the will of the free ... will be separated.

Emelya was delighted, her mouth covered and says softly:

By whining class, in my desire - the rains of the rains, roll away the barrel on the dry coast, on the yellow sand ...

Warm winds poured. The sea was excited, barrel thrown into a dry shore, on yellow sand. Emelya and Marya-Tsarevna came out of it.

Marya-Tsarevna says:

- Emeyelushka, where will we sleep and live? Construct any kind of a hut with a pastel and a pillow.

And he answers her:

"No, I don't want anything ... I'm insensitive, I'm tired and want to sleep."

Then she began to ask him to ask Yes to sentence:

Emeyelushka and you try and wage. I did not sleep on the grass and I will not live in a hood.

Emely sighed, covered his mouth with his palm so that Marya-Tsarevna did not hear and says:

- Well ... on a pickest cord ...

And it began to build, grow in breadth, to rise in the crowded stone palace with a golden roof, such as the Marya-Tsarevna itself in the voice of a spit Yes, the main Emeyelushka for Maritochka and herself wanted. Very good palace turned out. Circle - green garden, flowers flower and birds sing. Marya-Tsarevna from Emers entered the palace and sat down from the window.

They look at Dali distant, tea drink with jams and honey, about the unprecedented, new free lives talk.

Emel says:

Oh marito! How boring the day until the evening when there is nothing to do.

Yes! Emeyelushka is always when it lives for himself and the heart to work is torn.

Marya-Tsarevna bloomed, smiles and asks:

Ememyushka and you can not become a handsome to you? The aglitsky flea flesh himself snapped and the teeth aligned themselves. And I will not correct that I will not make it nor to kiss.

Here the Emel began to truck, she began ... I realized that now it's just yes easily, the pike will not remember.

Yes, and says:

Okay Marnushka, fed.

And Emelya became also a dentist yes, such that neither in the fairy tale is not to describe the pen. The teeth fastened, shepaling stopped, the first guy in the kingdom became.

Says Emely:

From now on, Marlushka, I will do everything, only - in your order! And ... my understanding.

Well done Ememyushushka, you don't take away my mind! And the want ... I will always provide you.

So they lived did not live.

Many of the time has passed many times, I decided to inspect the king. And by the time the king was already stiff and tolerable. Assemmed the king of his servant and went to hunt. Liuleous whether I went short and suddenly I saw ... it's worth the palace where there was nothing before.

The king asks his servant:

This is what kind of browse is such - the sick worship, without my high, then the permissiveness yes on my land put the palace?

And sent to find out, ask who are. The ambassadors ran, steel under the window, asked.

Emelya answers them:

Ask the king to visit me, I'll tell him himself.

The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads to the palace, planting at the table. Start they to appear. The king eats, drinks and not put pressure:

Who are you going to be, kind well done?

And remember the fool, the mounds of Emel. How came to you on the oven and you told him with her daughter in a barrel to put and throw in the sea?

I am the very Emel and there is that both fleas snapped and a self-propelled oven gathered.

The king frowned and says:
- So it means you! ... Shchuchnya Baska?!

And Emelya answers him:
- You, Your Majesty Speak Yes, do not speak. I want! Such a look - all your kingdom of fire and ruin.

The king was very frightened and slyly asked:

Want to marry my daughter? ... Emeyelyushka.

Marc and Happiness! And my love.

So get married...

The king sits under his nose ha myself tambourine:

Here, because! ... Schu - ka ...

The king rose from the table and says Emele:

From now on, you will be a relative of me as a junk dear! Take my kingdom! Only ... not rubi.

Then the feast was arranged - on the whole world. Emelya married Marya-Tsarevne and began to rule the kingdom.

That's the fairy tale, and who listened, well done!

Russian proverbs:

When a person believes in his strength, he is the Creator and gives rise to wonders. Pike is not to sleep. Ours, the most important thing - so that the peasant does not sleep on the furnace and wanted and wanted. If life becomes better, then the work argues. Holding for a man, do not say that not a duzh. The kingdom took so be able to own, only - not Guby. Manage, great skill, that everyone has become good. Well live in honor yes the answer is great. Culture, upbringing, language define the Russian Spirit. Freedom is missing. When the females are wound, then they often say: I ask you, humanly.
The people whisching lives, hidden iron hoops and people, after all, the master and head.

The fairy tale teaches:

As a person, what he wants so, he is about that and stones. He wants a man - on a bare top, the flowers will bloom.
For all wants to have time and patience. No want and work does not catch and fish out of the pond.
Want! Dream, learn, read, work. Believe in knowledge, in yourself! And you will become free and happy!

It also happens. Sometimes others swear - praise and praising, scolding yourself ...

By whining veliny - The fairy tale for children about the balovna of the destiny of Emela. According to fabulous plot, caught the hero pike. The inhabitant of the reservoir turned out to be a wizard. Pike asked to let her go, and in return promised to fulfill all his wishes. Since then, it cost an Emeyushka to pronounce magic spellHow his desire was immediately performed. Thanks magic knowledge, Rustic boy managed to marry the king's daughter and get a whole kingdom in addition. The fairy tale is very cheerful and will have to do small listeners. Read a fairy tale on a whiteway You can on this page.

Tale - Check for kindness!

The fairy tale is a kind of good, but not disinterested. I wonder if Emelya pike would let go if she did not promise him magical help for his life? Emeyelyushka, of course, not Ivanushka-fool, but also the hero is a very smiling, funny and positive. That is fabulous characters Fate very often gives a chance in the form of such a predatory fish to make sure they are worthy of happiness or not.