Sergey Gilyarovsky. Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich: biography, activities and interesting facts

Sergey Gilyarovsky. Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich: biography, activities and interesting facts
Sergey Gilyarovsky. Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich: biography, activities and interesting facts

Became the legend else during his lifetime. All Moscow knew him as a tireless reporter, the author of books and wonderful articles. He was born in 1853 in the Vologda province on the forest farm, among lakes, forests and swamps. His father was an assistant manager of the forest estate of Count Olesufyev. He possessed a huge physical force, easily walked on the bear with Rhitina.

Gilyarovsky's mother was the Zaporizhia Cossack. From her, Vladimir inherited the love of Cossack songs and Cossack Volnice. Externally, adult Gilyarovsky was very similar to the Zaporizhia Cossack and posed the artist Repin when writing them the painting "Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan." Sculptor Andreev saw in the Gilyarovsky of the famous Zaporizhia Cossack Taras Bouvbu, who came up with Gogol.

But all this will be in the distant and foggy future, but as long as the forest boy of Volodya disappears all day in the forest and learn from the Father to understand the forest and its inhabitants. Free and happy life ended with the death of Mother and with the beginning of study in the gymnasium. Having learned outwardly good manners, in the soul, he remained all the free man.

A curious and developed teenager brought acquainted with the reference, which was a great set in Vologda. At seventeen years I read the Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?" And, deciding to repeat the fate of Rakhmetov, ran out of the house. He went to the Volga, met with burles and decided on them to Artel. Burlack he was a whole season. Then she went wander on. He was a loader, a worker, stroke, herdschik, a handlebar of horses, worked in a circus and in the theater.

He served a provincial actor for several years, although he still searched for new impressions. It continued to wake throughout the country, passed all the Don, climbed to Elbrus. Vladimir was 24 years old, when the Russian-Turkish war began and he, of course, went to her, became a reconnaissance-slant. Later he will write what kind of fun and reckless time, as he liked to lie in secret or dosor under the enemy's nose. From the war he returned to St. George Cavalier.

I continued to serve in provincial theaters for some time, then moved to Moscow. At first, actors, but then took up literary creativity. He started his reporter work Gilyarovsky with small notes in different publications, and then got a job in the Moscow newspaper in the incident department. In the 19th century there were no such technical capabilities as modern journalists. But Gilyarovsky managed to learn about all incidents almost immediately. His extraordinary communicability, the latitude of nature helped to make useful dating. A huge network of informants worked on him and soon Gilyarovsky received the nickname "King of the Report", which was very proud of.

He is the only one who could get into the place of a terrible railway catastrophe under an eagle. There, the whole composition drowned in the swamp and was kept in the strictest secretion. Only the "Moscow Gazeta" wrote an exclusive report due to Gilyarovsky. Vladimir Gilyarovsky's biography is a biography of a man who never sits on the spot. After examining Moscow from fashionable salons to the last triton, he could go to Don when cholera rages there, or in Albania to the place of the terrorist act.

His friends and friends were famous and poets, artists, actors, but at the same time as a friend of Uncle Gilyaya, as many were called, were the Raughty with the hectis of the market, jockey and clowns from the circus. People as a magnet attracted to this man who was able to keep the boyish pad and cheerful temper to the old age.

Chief "Mosgorby's house", reporter and athlete. An amazing man of rare valet, talent and will. Books "Uncle Gilyaya" to this day are bestsellers.

Burlac from gymnasium

Vladimir Gilyarovsky was born in the Vologda province, in the village of Xyama, in the family of the estate. Mother died when the child was 8 years old. Father, engaged in great economy and friendship with referent revolutionary, could not pay a lot of time, and gave it in 1865 to the Vologda gymnasium, since all the home education was reduced to grow her son's "hunter and athlete." However, the study was not asked: in the first class, Gilyarovsky remained for the second year, instead of the main lessons paid the time to equestrian classes in Manege - Djigitovka and Voltzhirovka, and also wrote "dirtyness to mentors" - parody poems and epigrams on teachers. As a result, reading the Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?" Gilyarovsky threw the gymnasium without having completed the year, and he went to the people, starting his career from the burladom on the Volga.

Circus, poet and soldiers

Having reached the burles to Yaroslavl, Gilyarovsky decided to become a military and entered the Nezhinsky Regiment. The successes of a young man noted the bosses, and he was credited to the Moscow Junker School, but soon he was kicked out for the complete lack of discipline. But Gilyarovsky, who by that time had already published several poems in the Vologda newspapers, was not upset. He changed several professions: from the trader of young horses to the circus artist, played in the provincial theaters, and even mastered the firefighter craft. Returned to the army Gilyarovsky only in 1877, when the war began with Turkey. For courage and faithful service, Vladimir Gilyarovsky was awarded the Order of St. George IV degree.

Metropolitan reporter

In 1881, Gilyarovsky arrived in Moscow, stopping at the Hotel Golyashkin (which then dedicates many lines in his book "Moscow and Muscovites"). His familiar actors lived in the hotel. So to conquer the capital Gilyarovsky began with the scene of Anna Brenko theater. In parallel, Gilyarovsky began publishing poems in the magazine "Alarm clock" and to be printed in Moscow newspapers. During this period, his friendship with Anton Chekhov, who lasted all his life began. Literature so carried away Gilyarovsky that he left the scene for the sake of writing and reporter work in the Moscow Listka newspaper.

"King of Reporters"

Soon Gilyarovsky became a living legend - one of the best and well-known Moscow reporters. He always managed to be the first to the scene, plunging into the smallest of events, and described everything quickly, talented and what is called "with a light." He wrote a report from fires, led journalistic investigations on the life of workers at the Moscow factories, the first to raise the subject of homeless animals and raised the question of this problem and her decision, but his main theme was reports for the criminal chronicle. Physical strength, courage and tendency to risk of Gilyarovsky found their use here. A report on the tragedy on the Khodynskaya field in 1896 brought loud glory. Gilyarovsky was there personally and with his own eyes saw the whole catastrophe.

Two writers

Friendship Chekhov and Gilyarovsky was the most sincere, and continued until the death of Anton Pavlovich. He appreciated Gilyarovsky as a writer and as a person. For his part, Gilyarovsky's healthy with tenderness treated the weak health to the writer, especially in the last years of his life. Communication of two writers led to the emergence of new plots: so, his famous story "Antenatalist", Chekhov wrote after he visited Gilyarovsky at his dacha. But as described the first appearance of the "king of reporters" in the Chekhovsky house Brother writer - Actor Mikhail Chekhov: "It was still a young man, medium height, unusually mighty and chunky, in high hunting boots. Cheerfulness from him and jumped in all directions. He immediately became with us on "You", suggested that we feel his iron muscles on her hands, turned a penny in the tube, a ripple with a screw spoon, gave everything tobacco to everyone, showed several amazing foci on the maps, told many of the most risky jokes and leaving By itself, a mustache impression, gone. Since then, he began to go with us and every time made some kind of special revival with him. "

"Uncle Gilyay"

As a writer, Gilyarovsky wrote about the same people with whom came across the reporting work, who knew and loved: the inhabitants of the city "bottom", workers from poor neighborhoods and other ordinary residents of the capital. His book "Slumbing People" was forbidden to press for, how they would say today, Negative. But the main and beloved readers with the works of "Uncle Gilyaya" (so called him in the editorial board of Moscow newspapers) became "Moscow and Muscovites" - a collection of essays about life The capital of Russia, in which Gilyarovsky with love and amazing paint painting painted the city of the end of the XIX - early XX century. About Gilyarovsky walked the countless many amazing rumors, jokes and plenty stories. The Gilyar rumors themselves never refuted, on the contrary, laughing at the mustache, twin new, even more incredible stories of their adventures.

Muscovite by vocation

All who knew Gilyarovsky, marked his sincerity, truthfulness and cheerful character. When Gilyarovsky wrote his essays and reports, then the main thing for him was to convey the truth, and he was carried away, sometimes sacrificed for this truth with the artistic merits of his works. In the end of the life of Gilyar Oplex. But then his character was affected - Vladimir Alekseevich did not throw, and he wrote independently, mastering the technique of writing the letter. He was buried in his beloved Moscow, at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

(1853-1935) russian writer, journalist

Without Gilyarovsky, it is impossible to imagine Moscow at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. He was not only her chronicler, "living memory," as the Ivan Bunin, Ivan Bunin. Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich became an indispensable part of urban culture, because he lived in Moscow for more than fifty years and wrote about her all his life.

Vladimir Gilyarovsky was born in the Vologda estate of Count Olsufyev, where his father served as an assistant manager. The mother was the Cossack with Kuban, and her roots went to the Zaporozhets. She died suddenly when Vladimir has not yet been eight years old. The cousin uncle P. Kitaev becomes the educator and the largest friend of the boy since that time. He was a retired sailor and lived in the family of Gilyarov. Kitaev taught the boy to play sports, the future writer has adopted his hobby in gymnastics and boxing.

The circle of his acquaintances expanded when Vladimir moved to Vologda and began to study in the gymnasium. Then he met with students of the St. Petersburg and Moscow universities expelled. Under their influence, he has developed democratic views.

In 1871, the imitations of the heroes of Roman Nikolai Chernyshevsky "What to do?", Vladimir Gilyarovsky left the father's house and went on the Volga. His wanderings lasted ten years, and during this time the future writer changed many professions. He worked as a burlac, was a factory worker, firefighter, climbed around wild horses. Since 1873, in provincial newspapers from time to time, his reports began to appear, in which he told about what he saw and described the people encountered.

For several years, Vladimir Gilyarovsky worked in provincial theaters. Later, his impressions of this period will be praised in the books of Essays "Friends and Meetings" (1934), "People of theater" (published in 1941).

During the Russian-Turkish war, 1877-1878, Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky volunteer joined the army. He passed the whole war as a scout. For courage was awarded the Order.

The turning in his life was 1881, when Gilyarovsky settled in Moscow. After the publication of several essays in the magazine "Alarm clock", he became a correspondent of several Moscow newspapers. And since that time, his essays and reports regularly appear in Moscow publications.

Vladimir Gilyarovsky Reztyimo searched for plots for his reports. He traveled all the Moscow region, visited the largest factories and factories and brightly brought from everywhere, and sometimes completely unexpected about the content of the stories. But he did not make anything in any of them and did not come up with. He believed that it was necessary to write only about what he saw with his own eyes.

In 1883, Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky was invited to the largest newspaper of that time - "Russian statements", with which almost all its pre-revolutionary activities were connected. As a correspondent of this newspaper, he turned out to be the only journalist who described a catastrophe at the Khodynsky field during the coronation of Nicholas II. The Essays of Gilyarovsky were highly appreciated by A.hehhov and G. Uspensky, who advised him to seriously do literature.

In addition to essays, he wrote and stories. Initially, he printed them in journals, but on the advice of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov gathered his first compilation - "slum people". The book was printed in 1888, but its circulation was immediately confiscated and destroyed by censorship - the inhabitants of the "bottom" were too bright and sympathetically described in it. The book came out of print only in 1957.

By the century of Gogol in 1906, Gilyarovsky took a big trip to Ukraine, during which he traveled all the places related to the life of the writer, and clarified a number of unknown facts of his biography. In particular, he discovered the documents in which the exact date and place of the birth of the writer.

In addition to prose, Vladimir Gilyarovsky constantly applied to poetry. He regularly published individual poems, and in 1896 he wrote the poem "Stenka Razin". The last major poetic work is the poem "Petersburg" - came out of the press in 1922. It is built on the contrast of beauty and suffering, and the poet greatly imitates Alexander block. However, the main topic in the work of Gilyarovsky consistently remained Moscow. He became an expert and explorer of Moscow life, one of the first realized that the urban environment needs the same conservation as other monuments of human culture. Therefore, over the years, the writer carefully collected and recorded stories about the old Moscow, the descriptions of the customs, life and the morals of various layers of the urban population. It was Gilyarovsky that introduced a kind of fashion on this topic at the beginning of the 20th century, picturesquely and a little romantic-zone describing the residents of the night. In this regard, the journalist became the predecessor of Gorky. When the play "At the bottom" was put in the Small Theater, Vladimir Gilyarovsky specially spent on the ceremony of the market of actors and the artist of the play V. Simova so that they saw what they had to bring to the scene.

The accumulated impressions became the basis of numerous books of Gilyarovsky, published in the post-revolutionary time, - "Moscow and Muscovites" (1926), "Notes Muscovite" (1931), "From the English Club to the Museum of the Revolution" (1926), "Moscow newspaper" (1960) .

After the events of 1917, Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky did not understand and did not take a new life for a long time. Apparently, so he never began to be printed in the Soviet press. In addition to books about Moscow, during these years Gilyarovsky published a cycle of memoir works. They prevail the feeling of nostalgia over the past. The fates of outstanding people he knew are intertwined with the stories of the faithful and dead talents, famous thieves, rich merchants and professional beggars. Explaining why he turned so late to the memoir genre, Vladimir Gilyarovsky wrote: "On meetings in my youth I started writing only now, because only after dozens of years these impressions got up in front of me quite brightly." He was a man of great physical strength, his large, an antique figure repeatedly attracted the attention of artists. Sculptor N. Andreev captured Gilyarovsky on one of the bas-reliefs of the monument N. Gogol. Artist I. Repin depicted a writer in the picture "Cossacks".

Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky was born on the deaf forest farm farm in the family of an assistant manager of the Forest estate of the Count Olsufyeva Alexei Ivanovich Gilyarovsky and Hope Petrovna, a neban estate whose ancestors began to start from the Kuban Cossacks. The attorney life of the North and Manila Hunting and Fishing, later the cousin of Gilyarovsky, a runaway sailor of Kitaev, taught Vladimir Gymnastics, boxing, wrestling and swimming, and he inherited the love of reading, poems Pushkin, Lermontov, Ryleva and colorful prose Gogol. Seven years Little Volodya moved to Vologda, there the father received the place of the bailiff, the Son was waiting for training in the local gymnasium. However, the winsted character of the boy did not fit into the regulation of the strict rules of the gymnasium. Gilyarovsky pulled on the detrothe, and eighteen years old, without graduating from the gymnasium, the young man escaped from the house.

Skitania is an inconspicuous gymnasium

Burland on the Volga was the beginning of the Skalic life of Gilyarovsky. Over the years of the wanders, he visited the wague on the Volga shipping company, the workers in the Belil Plant, the fighter of the fireman, the Tabuncher in the Kalmyk steppes, served as an actor in theaters of Saratov and Penza, Voronezh and Tambov, a rider in the circus. The last craft of Gilyarovsky learned from Araba-Rider, living in Vologda. Circus he loved with all the soul, later, in the tabletower Lane, Gilyarovsky often had a trainer Anatoly Durov, and with a strength poddubnoy writer and himself fought.

Memories of the famous circuschains of the brothers Nikitin, Dmitry and Akima, formed the basis of the story "Clown" Maxim Gorky, with whom Gilyarovsky led a good friendship friendship.

In 1877, he was a volunteer for the Russian-Turkish war. He served in the detachment of Plastuna hunters, ready to go to death at any moment - in the Balkan mountains he took the Turkish clocks. "These operations sent hunters of the most deft, and most importantly strong, always together, and sometimes three. We must remove the watch without noise. The cheerful occupation is the same hunt, just pity, but in this and pleasure, "the writer later confessed later. For participation in this war, Gilyarovsky received the St. George Cross IV degree. In 1902, Gilyarovsky visited the celebration of the twenty-fiveth anniversary of the battle on the legendary thykequet and repeated the heroic path of the General M. D. Skobelev's detachment through the Antelli Pass. Reports about the courage of Russian warriors and the general talent of the general formed the basis of the book "Shipka before and now. 1877-1902. "

I am Muscovite!

A. Dolko (relative of Chekhov), V. A. Gilyarovsky, I. P. Chekhov (stand); An. P. Chekhov, M. P. Chekhov (sit). Melikhovo. 1892 // V. A. Gilyarovsky: a set of 12 postcards. M., 1983.

In 1881, the wandering of Vladimir Gilyarovsky was put an end, he finally moved to Moscow and began his journalistic activities. I wrote articles and essays for a variety of newspapers and periodicals: "Russian statements", "Petersburg leaflet", "new time", "ant", "wasps", "Russian word". A sharp mind, natural artistry, observation, vast experience and big courage distinguished its notes and essays. Colleagues on the reporter Peru joked: "He knows everything on the day before, where what happens." He first arrived at the scene, be it a fire, a catastrophe on the railway tracks or ruthless catching of stray dogs.

The hero of his reports was simple people, wildlife, workers factories and plants, and wrote about them Gilyarovsky is always open and honest. Special fame and respect came to him after a report about the tragic events on the Khodynsky field. So he described the folk horror: "In the direction of Moscow, the public with nodules and circles in the hands of hands is woven: Gifts got! Running there on the faces curiosity and anxiety, in the crawling from there - horror or indifference ... Hundreds of corpses. Lying rows. They take firefighters and dump the wagons. This ditch, these terrible wolf pits are full of corpses. Here is the main place of death. Many of the people hung up, still standing in the crowd, and fell already dead under the legs of the fled behind, others died with signs of life under the legs of hundreds of people, dusted; There were those who stood in a fight, near the booths, because of the nodules and mugs. "

Outdoor Out

And, of course, no one except Uncle Gilyaya knew in detail the life and morals of Bosyakov at night and restaurants of the once famous Moscow cunning - square between the Pokrovsky Boulevard and Solunka. There is a terrible place, the desire of obverseans from all the immense Russia, where someone else could easily kill. This is how Gilyarovsky is described in his famous book. "Moscow and Muscovites": "In the maze of corridors and transitions, on the curves of dilapidated stairs leading at home all floors, there was no lighting. Two- and three-storey houses around the square are all full of at nights, in which overnight and juts up to ten thousand people. Under the bottoms, raised on the Arshin from the floor, there were a lair for two; They were divided by hidden chores. The space in the heights of the height and one and a half Arshin width between the two cargoes and there is a "numer", where people spent the night without any litter, except their own ferments ... "

But among the hectares of Gilyay was his own, he saw people in them, albeit fell. Often helped them with money, fed. The final of the life of the beggar of the tramps turned out to be almost always deplorable - Mordoboy, drunkenness, death. But rare exceptions were. One such case Gilyarovsky described in the story "Navigator far-sailing".The son of the deceased beggar from the tricks themselves was prepared by robbery and theft. But the boy ran first to Yaroslavl, then in Astrakhan, becoming later by the officer of the sea fleet.

Friends and meetings

I. Repin "Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan"

In the Moscow Art Theater, traveled at the rehearsal of Chekhovsky Waterville "Bear" With Lvom Nikolayevich Tolstoy. He left a bright chronicle of old Moscow, beautiful essays "Friends and Meetings", Tale "Slum people", memories of the newspaper and publishing place of the capital. Gilyarovsky is captured on the bas-relief of the monument Nikolay Gogol Sculptor N.A. Andreeva, there the writer appeared in the image of Tarasa Bulba himself, and even this is a lacker Cossack in a white papakh in the picture I. E. Repin "Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan."So was Moskvich Vladimir Gilyarovsky: Restless, noisy, but with a clean soul.

(November 26, according to the old style) of 1853 (according to other information - 1855) in the forest farm in the Vologda province. His father was an assistant to the forest estate manager.

In 1860, the family moved to the provincial city of Vologda, where the father received the place of the official.

In August 1865, Gilyarovsky entered the first class of the Vologda gymnasium, where he remained for the second year. In the gymnasium, Vladimir Alekseevich began writing poems and epigrams on teachers ("dirtyness to mentors"), engaged in translations of poems from French. During his studies in the gymnasium, two years studied circus art.

In 1871, without graduating from education, Gilyarovsky escaped from the house. He was a burlack on the Volga, a kojik, a worker, herdschik and even an actor.

In the early 1870s, Vladimir Gilyarovsky came to Moscow for the first time and for about a month he studied in the UNCER school in Lefortov.

During the Russian-Turkish war, 1877-1878 entered a volunteer in the army. He served in intelligence, was awarded the St. George Cross.

All this time, Gilyarovsky wrote poems, sketches, letters to his father. For the first time, the work of Vladimir Gilyarovsky was published in the Vologda gymnasium compilation in 1873. It was the poem "Leaf".

In 1881, Gilyarovsky, settled in Moscow, worked at the Anna Brenko theater. In the autumn of the same year, he threw the theater and took up literature.

For about a year, Vladimir Gilyarovsky wrote articles for various periodicals, at first he printed in the "Russian newspaper", since 1882 he worked as a reporter in the Moscow Listka, and in 1883-1889 - in the Russian Vedomosti. In 1889-1891, he was listed by a regular employee in the newspaper "Russia". Printed in the newspapers "Russian Thought", "Petersburg Listka", "New Time", "Osa", "Russian Word", "Alarm Clock", etc.

He wrote stories, essays and reports, highlighting the most sides of the Moscow life: a fire in Khamovniki, the tragedy on the Khodynsky field, the opening of exhibitions and theatrical premieres, meetings of the literary and artistic mug, cunning market and the trolls of the rhevki. He was called the "king of reporters."

In 1887, Gilyarovsky prepared for pressing his book "Slunchers". The book was banned by Cancer, and the circulation was destroyed, but the stories from it entered later collections of the writer.

In 1894, Gilyarovsky issued a collection of poems "Forgotten Notebook". And in the following years, throughout his life, he did not leave classes in poetry.

Essays of their wanders Gilyarovsky issued under the name "Negative" (1900). Printed brochures "Tailor Yernoska and cockroaches" (1901), "Shipka before and now" (1902), "on the homeland of Gogol" (1902), "were" (1908), "jokes" (1912).

In 1914, Gilyarovsky received a proposal to publish his writings. Work on the semitomic meeting was interrupted by the First World War. After the October Revolution, Gilyarovsky wrote for newspapers "Izvestia", "Evening Moscow", "Spotlight", "Spark". In 1922, the poem was published "Stenka Razin".

His books "from the English club to the museum of the revolution" (1926), "Moscow and Muscovites" (1926), "My Wandering" (1928), "Notes Muscovite" (1931), "Friends and Meetings" (1934). "Theater People" were printed only after the death of Vladimir Gilyarovsky - in 1941.