Alexander Panayotov confirmed relations with Catherine Koreneva. Katya Cora: "My job interests me more than personal life" Katya Korenev and Alexander Panayotov in contact

Alexander Panayotov confirmed relations with Catherine Koreneva. Katya Bark:
Alexander Panayotov confirmed relations with Catherine Koreneva. Katya Cora: "My job interests me more than personal life" Katya Korenev and Alexander Panayotov in contact

Ekaterina Korenevaborn in Kemerovo. After school, he graduated from the Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov in Moscow. While still a student, began to build a career in the sphere of show business. Came to practice in the company of the famous Russian musical producer Evgenia Friedlandwho worked for many years already after receiving a diploma of the university.

It is in this producer company Ekaterina and became the concert director of the finalist of the fifth season of the All-Russian Vocal Show "Voice" Alexander Panayotova. In 2011, the singer's contract with Friedland Studio ended, but Corneneva remained working with Alexander.

Ekaterina Koreneva. Personal life

The fact that Catherine and Alexander Panayotova are associated not only by working relationships, but also Amur, the singer himself reported in mid-March 2017. Before that, the guys lived under the same roof for several years. In confirmation of his novel from the Korean musician published a joint shot from the car in microblog, signing it like this: "I'm going to the city of brides, with your" samovar ".

The fans congratulated Alexander, expressing the sympathy of his chosen. The same artist earlier in the framework of the show "Alone with everyone" confessed what he thinks to commit to a bachelor life:

I did everything with myself ... there is a girl, she is always with me. I already think about creating a family, the birth of children - I want five. Give birth to children when they have nothing to give, I would not want.

March 13, 2017.

About Panayoteov's novel and roorish fans, but only now Alexander decided to frank recognition. As it should be expected, about changes in his personal life, Gregory Lepsa reported in a joking form.

"I go to the city of brides, with my" samovar ", - signed the artist joint with Catherine. Numerous subscribers began to congratulate Panayotov. "ABOUT! Sweet couple! Good performance! That's right, your samovar is much better and relative !!! "," We wish you a lot of little panayotics with Katyusha "," How we are happy for you with Katyusha !!! " - Commented on the social network users.

By the way, in the recent release of the program of Julia, the Finalist Shaw "Voice" said that he had long been ready for the creation of a family. "Everything kept with me ... There is a girl who is always with me. I already think about creating a family, the birth of children. I want five children. Two dogs. Give birth to children when they have nothing to give, I would not want, "the Panikes of the TV host confronted. So, perhaps, soon in the domestic show business will be less than one bachelor.

Alexander Panayotov for a long time did not tell anything about his personal life. It seemed that the musician devoted his music career all his life and was not going to create a family.

After the speech on the project "Voice", the singer again became popular and in demand. But still almost everywhere appeared alone or in the company of its director Catherine Koreneva. The other day it turned out that it was Catherine for two years now is a legitimate wife of the singer. Alexander Panayotov presented it with his subscribers in Instagram, presenting a new clip.

"The main role is my favorite wife. And let our wedding still reached a pap of paper, but, as the classic said, "do not burn manuscripts," wrote a musician in the comment to the video.

The lyrical composition of the "Names", in the clip on which the spouses were starred together, tells about how love fades. But in the life of Panayotov and his young wife, it seems, everything is fine. They constantly appear together at secular events and are friends with many artists from the Russian show business.

Many fans, having learned unexpected news, hurried to congratulate the favorite artist, albeit late. Fans wanted to see wedding photos that are not in the instagrams of newlyweds. In any case, combine the release of the clip with the news about its marriage has become quite successful PR-move, which probably approved the wife and director of the singer, the responsibility of which enters the promotion of his beloved artist.

By the way, recently the artist was in the center of the scandal. The former participant of the "Disco" of the "accident" Nikolai Timofeev suspected him to theft of his song. According to the ex-soloist, he performed his new song "for you." The author of the music and words of the composition of Alain Melnik admitted that he did not expect a similar act from Panayotov and even wanted to submit it to court.

Panayotov's fans stood on the defense of their idol and assured that the performance of Alexander the song sounded significantly better. The fans did not see anything galloping in the fact that the singer once executed the composition of his song at the concert.

At the beginning of the career, after participating in the TV project "People's Artist" Alexander Panayotov removed the apartment on Marshal Zhukov Avenue. Together with him, Yulia Valeeva lived, which at one time time also participated in the project. However, Panayota immediately made it clear that they had exceptionally friendly relations with Yurali.


"I never could have never had anything with her. We are just good friends with her. And I suggested that I suggested to live with me while she doesn't have any business," said Panayotov's curious journalists.

Alexander told that Valeeva in Izhevsk remained a favorite man named Dmitry, with whom the girl lived for five years. Lovers even managed to maintain relationships at a distance.

However, Dmitry threw Yulia. "Of course, he was jealous. I always felt some kind of incapacitative attitude towards me from him. I offered Julie to meet three and put all the points over I. But she said:" No, let everything goes to her! If he is not able to understand me, then God is with him! ". As a result, it turned out that I would be unwittingly, but broke their family," Panayoteov quotes

Note that "People's Artist" could not give Alexander a ticket to life - the performer quickly forgotten not only TV channels and radio stations, but also journalists.

Everything changed after a successful performance of Panayoteov on blind auditions in the fifth season of the show "Voice". About the artist remembered again. "Now for him the most important thing - not to catch an asterisk and not to put on the laurels, but to use the situation. I hope Sasha will help his current producer - my student Katya Koreneva," said the former producer of Alexander Evgeny Friedlyand.

According to a man, Panayotov and Korenev for many years live together. "I don't know - the cohabitants of them or the bride and groom. But Katya is always next to Sasha," Fridlyand said.

Katya Cora, one of the most popular and successful PR managers of our capital, consisting in the unification of the Presnya Family (Creative Connect of Talented Artists), told about the pros and cons of their profession.

- Katya, have you long been involved in PR management?

In fact, the PR manager is one of my 15 professions. Initially, I generally dealt with all kinds of artist management: Concert activities, PR, production - music, clips, shooting. That is, from style and image to concert activity. I do this 12 years. We are with my friend Kravtsy ( popular rap artist Pavel Kravtsov - Ed.) We started with the organization of events, and then I smoothly switched to the show business.

- Did you study together with Kravts?

No, we just know each other for 15 years. We introduced a common friend, my former classmate. We made friends and started working together. Then Pasha went to music, and I am in producing. About 6 years of age I worked with twelve artists at the same time - group "Prime Minister", Pavel Volya, Alexander Panayotov, Alexey Chumakov, Group "Naomi", Kravts, etc. In general, I am the Plip Operator and part-time director Alexander Panayotova. On my account already 5 clips.

- Tell us about the positive and negative moments of your profession.

Positive is that I love my job very much. As I have already said, I am 12 years old in this business, and I continues to impress everything, and I like it! Each time I recognize something new. For example, I used to only organize shooting and live broadcast on the radio for your wards, and now I can much more! I study all the time, I develop. This contributes to work with new artists, each of them needs their own approach, each has its own concept.

Negative, probably, the human factor. As in any other business. For example, it is difficult to reach editors of radio stations and television and convince them to put a clip ...

Plus graph. In people who work in show business, there is no standard weekend, there is no such thing as free time. I have 24 hours a day calling the phone. It turns out, I am always online.

- How do you find the audience of the artist in other cities?

This is the work of a serious concert manager. I can not sit and nick every city. I am more active manager who spends a lot of time with people, artists and participates in creative processes.

Again, it is possible to influence the regions only by large fees in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities. The effect of "Sarafan Radio" is triggered: the artist is beginning to speak, to show interest in his work. However, all this is subjective. In one city, we can take us well, and in the other a little worse ....

For example, if an artist came the day before, then people had already spent their pending thousand rubles, and not the fact that they would be ready to spend more. I myself am from Siberia, so I understand all the difficulties perfectly. After all, the standard of living in Moscow and in the outback absolutely different.

- Is it time for a personal life?

Unfortunately, no, but this is my choice. If the time for a personal life does not remain, then I myself am to blame for this. It turns out, my job interests me more than a personal life. But I am not deprived of attention and do not die from loneliness ( smiles). On the contrary, I am surrounded by a lot of interesting and bright people, friends. When I am ready to go into the family, raise children, then the time will appear, everything will come. So far, apparently, I'm not ready. In general, I know a lot of steep pirachikov who have time to do and engage in children, and do their job well.

- Thank you for the interesting conversation, Katya. See you!