Japan against the USSR history. Soviet-Japanese war: a position that justifies the use of the USSR into war against Japan, erroneous

Japan against the USSR history. Soviet-Japanese war: a position that justifies the use of the USSR into war against Japan, erroneous
Japan against the USSR history. Soviet-Japanese war: a position that justifies the use of the USSR into war against Japan, erroneous

The article describes the reasons for the Soviet-Japanese armed conflict, the preparation of the parties to war, the course of combat operations. The characteristic of international relations before the beginning of World War II in the East is given.


Active fighting in the Far East and in the Pacific Aquatorium were a consequence of the contradictions between the USSR, Great Britain, the United States and China, and Japan on the other hand, on the other hand. The Government of Japan sought to seize new territories rich in natural resources, and the establishment of political hegemony in the Far East.

From back from the end of the XIX century, Japan conducted many wars, as a result of which new colonies acquired. It includes the Kuril Islands, South Sakhalin, Korea, Manchuria. In 1927, General Hiiti Tanaka became the Prime Minister of the country, whose government continued to be a complase policy. In the early 1930s, Japan increased the size of the army and created a powerful naval fleet, which was one of the strongest in the world.

In 1940, Prime Minister Fumimaro Conoe developed a new foreign policy doctrine. The Japanese government planned to create a colossal empire with a length of Transbaikalia to Australia. Western countries conducted a dual policy against Japan: on the one hand, they sought to limit the ambitions of the Japanese government, but on the other hand they did not prevent the intervention of North China. To implement their plans, the Japanese government entered into an alliance with Germany and Italy.

The relationship between Japan and the Soviet Union in the pre-war period was noticeably deteriorated. In 1935, the Quantongy army entered the border areas of Mongolia. Mongolia hastily concluded an agreement with the USSR, the units of the Red Army were introduced on its territory. In 1938, Japanese troops crossed the state border of the USSR in the field of Lake Hasan, but the invasion attempt was successfully repulsed by Soviet troops. Japanese sabotage groups have been repeatedly thrown into Soviet territory. The confrontation was even more aggravated in 1939, when Japan began a war against Mongolia. The USSR, observing the agreement with the Mongolian Republic, intervened in the conflict.

After these events, Japan's policy in relation to the USSR changed: the Government of Japan was afraid of a collision with a strong Western neighbor and decided to temporarily abandon the seizure of territories in the north. Nevertheless, for Japan, the USSR was actually the main opponent in the Far East.

Contract with Japan about non-fire

In the spring of 1941, the USSR concluded a non-aggression agreement with Japan. In the case of an armed conflict of one of the states with any third countries, the second power must comply with neutrality. But the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan gave to understand the German ambassador in Moscow that the prisoner neutrality pact will not prevent Japan to fulfill the conditions of the tripled Covenant during the war from the USSR.

Before the beginning of World War II, in the east, Japan kept negotiations with American leaders, seeking to recognize the annexation of the territories of China and the conclusion of new trade agreements. The ruling top of Japan could not decide against whom to send a blow to the future war. Part of politicians considered it necessary to maintain Germany, the other part called for an attack on the Pacific Colonies of Great Britain and the United States.

Already in 1941, it became obvious that Japan's actions would depend on the situation on the Soviet-German front. The Japanese government planned to attack the USSR from the east in case of success of Germany and Italy, after the seizure of Moscow by the German troops. It was also of great importance to the fact that the country needed raw materials for its industry. The Japanese were interested in seizing areas rich in oil, tin, zinc, nickel and rubber. Therefore, on July 2, 1941, the Imperial Conference decided to start the war against the United States and the UK. But the Government of Japan did not refuse the plans of the attack on the USSR right up to the Kursk battle, when it became obvious that Germany did not win in World War II. Along with this factor, the active combat operations of the allies in the Pacific Ocean forced Japan to repeatedly postpone, and then abandon the aggressive intentions against the USSR at all.

Position in the Far East in the period

Despite the fact that the fighting in the Far East has never begun, the USSR has been forced throughout the war through the region a large military grouping in this region, the amount of which varied in different periods. At the border until 1945, there was a Kwantung army, which consisted of up to 1 million military personnel. The local population was also preparing for defense: men were mobilized into the army, women and adolescents studied the methods of air defense. Strengthening were built around strategically important objects.

The Japanese leadership believed that the Germans would be able to seize Moscow until the end of 1941 in connection with this, began to start an offensive in the Soviet Union in winter. On December 3, the Japanese command was ordered by the troops located in China, prepare for a transfer to the northern direction. The Japanese were going to invade the USSR in the Ussuri area, and then start the offensive in the north. To implement the approved plan, it was necessary to strengthen the Kwantung Army. For the northern front, troops were sent, freed after the fighting on the Pacific Ocean.

However, the hopes of the Japanese government on the fast victory of Germany were not justified. The failure of Blitzkrig tactics and the defeat of the Wehrmacht's armies near Moscow testified that the Soviet Union is a fairly strong opponent, whose power should not be underestimated.

The threat of a Japanese invasion intensified in the fall of 1942. The troops of Nazi Germany fell into the Caucasus and Volga. The Soviet command hastily transferred to the front of 14 rifle divisions and more than 1.5 thousand guns from the Far East. Just at this time, Japan did not led active fighting on the Pacific Ocean. However, at the head of the commander-in-chief predicted the opportunity to attack the Japanese. Far Eastern troops received replenishment at the expense of local reserves. This fact became known for Japanese intelligence. Japan's government again postponed the entry into war.

The Japanese attacked the commercial vessels in neutral waters, preventing the delivery of goods to the Far Eastern ports, repeatedly violated government borders, committed sabotage in Soviet territory, moved propaganda literature across the border. Japanese intelligence collected information about the movements of the Soviet troops and transferred them to the headquarters of the Wehrmacht. Among the causes of the USSR entry into the Japanese war in 1945 were not only obligations to the allies, but also concern for the safety of their borders.

Already in the second half of 1943, when the fracture ended during World War II, it became clear that after Italy, who had already released from the war, Germany and Japan would also be crushed. Soviet command, anticipating future war in the Far East, from this time almost did not use Far Eastern troops on the West Front. Gradually, these parts of the Red Army were replenished with military equipment and vibrant power. In August 1943, a seaside group of troops was created as part of the Far Eastern Front, which indicated preparation for the future war.

At the Yalta Conference, held in February 1945, the Soviet Union confirmed that the agreement between Moscow and the Allies on participation in the war with Japan remains in force. The Red Army had to start hostilities against Japan no later than 3 months after the completion of the war in Europe. Instending I. V. Stalin demanded territorial concessions for the USSR: Russia's transfer of the Kuril Islands and enshrined for Japan as a result of the war of 1905. Part of the Sakhalin Island, transfer to the Soviet Naval Base of the Chinese port of Port Arthur (on modern maps - Lyushun ). The trading port of the distant should have become an open port with the preferential compliance with the interests of the USSR.

By this time, the Armed Forces of the United States and the United Kingdom inflicted Japan a number of defeats. However, its resistance was not broken. The requirement of the United States, China and the United Kingdom on unconditional surrender, presented on July 26, was rejected by Japan. This decision was not unfounded. The United States and the United Kingdom did not have sufficient forces for carrying out an intent operation in the Far East. According to the plans of American and British leaders, the final defeat of Japan was provided for not earlier than 1946. The Soviet Union, having entered into war with Japan, significantly brought the end of the Second World War.

Forces and plans of the parties

The Soviet-Japanese war or the Manchu operation began on August 9, 1945. Before the Red Army, there was a task to defeat Japanese troops in China and North Korea.

Back in May 1945, the USSR began to transfer troops to the Far East. 3 fronts were formed: the 1st and 2nd Far Eastern and Zabaykalsky. The Soviet Union used the border troops in the offensive, the Amur military flotilla and the ships of the Pacific Fleet.

As part of the Kwantung Army there were 11 infantry and 2 tank brigades, more than 30 infantry divisions, cavalry and mechanized divisions, sungamovsky team, Sungarian military-river flotilla. The most significant forces were stationed in the eastern regions of Manchuria, which bordered with the Soviet Primorye. In the Western regions, the Japanese spaces 6 infantry divisions and 1 brigade. The number of soldiers of the enemy exceeded 1 million people, but more than half of the fighters constituted the recruits of younger ages and limitedly suitable. Many Japanese parts were imperumbed. Also in newly created divisions lacked weapons, ammunition, artillery and other military equipment. Overdue tanks and aircraft were used in parts and japanese connections.

On the side of Japan, the troops of Manzhou-th, the army of the inner Mongolia and the Suiuian army group fought. In the border areas, the enemy built 17 fortified districts. The command of the Kwantung Army was carried out by General Osudzo Yamada.

The plan of the Soviet command provided for the application of two major blows by the forces of the 1st Far Eastern and Trans-Baikal fronts, as a result of which the main forces of the enemy in the center of Manchuria will be taken into ticks, divided into parts and crushed. The troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Front consisting of 11 rifle divisions, 4 rifle and 9 tank brigades were to interact with the Amur military flotilla to strike towards Harbin. Then the Red Army should have occupied major settlements - Shenyang, Harbin, Changchun. The fighting took place on a plot of more than 2.5 thousand km. Along the map of the area.

Start of fighting

At the same time, with the beginning of the offensive of the Soviet troops, aviation conducted a bombardment of areas of large concentrations of troops, strategically significant objects and communication sites. The ships of the Pacific Fleet inflicted strikes on Japan's naval bases in North Korea. He led the offensive Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet troops in the Far East A. M. Vasilevsky.

As a result of hostilities, the troops of the Trans-Baikal Front, which by going the Gobi and Hinganian Mountains desert on the first day of the offensive advanced by 50 km, were defeated by significant groups of the enemy's troops. The offensive was hampered by natural location conditions. There was not enough fuel for tanks, but the units of the Red Army used the experience of Germans - the delivery of fuel by transport aviation was organized. On August 17, the 6th Guards Tank Army entered the approach to the capital of Manchuria. Soviet troops were isolated by the Kwantung Army from the Japanese parts in North China and took important administrative centers.

The Soviet group of troops, coming from Primorye, broke through the strip of border fortifications. In the area of \u200b\u200bMudanjiang, the Japanese inflicted a number of conferraders who were repulsed. Soviet divisions were taken by Girin and Harbin, and with the assistance of the Pacific Fleet released the coast, capturing strategically significant ports.

Then the Red Army liberated North Korea, and from mid-August, the fighting was held in China. On August 14, the Japanese command initiated negotiations on the surrender. From August 19, the troops of the enemy began massively give away. However, the military actions of the Second World War continued until September.

At the same time, with the defeat of the Kwantung Army in Manchuria, Soviet troops conducted the South Sakhalin offensive operation and landed the landings on the Kuril Islands. During the operation on Kurils on August 18-23, Soviet troops, with the support of the ships of the Petropavlovsk naval base, were mastered by the island of Samush and until September 1, they took all the islands of Kuril Ridge.


As a result of the defeat of the Kwantung Army on the continent, Japan could no longer continue the war. The enemy lost the important economic regions in Manchuria and Korea. The Americans conducted atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and captured Okinawa island. September 2, an act of surrender was signed.

The USSR included territories lost by the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century: South Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. In 1956, the USSR restored relations with Japan and agreed to the transfer of Japan of the Islands of the Habomai and Islands of Sicotan, subject to the conclusion between the countries of the peace treaty. But Japan did not accept territorial losses and negotiations on belonging to the disputed regions still do not stop.

For military merits More than 200 divisions received the ranks "Amur", "Ussuri", "Khinang", "Harbinski", etc., 92 soldiers became the heroes of the Soviet Union.

According to the results of the operation, the loss of warring countries amounted to:

  • from the USSR - about 36, 5 thousand servicemen,
  • from Japan - more than 1 million soldiers and officers.

Also during the battles, all the ships of the Sungarian flotilla were surrounded - more than 50 ships.

Medal "For the victory over Japan"

Attack of the Japanese destroyers of the Russian squadron.

On the night of February 8 to February 9 (from January 26 to January 27), 1904, 10 Japanese destroyers suddenly attacked the Russian squadron at the external Ride of Port Arthur. Squaded armadors "Cesarevich", "Retvosan" and the kruiser "Pallada" received severe damage from the explosions of Japanese torpedoes and so as not to sink jumped stranded. Japanese destroyers of the Russian squadron of the Russian squadron were damaged by artillery IJN Akatsuki. and Ijn Shirakumo. . So the Russian-Japanese war began.

On the same day, the Japanese troops began landing the landing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe port of Chelpo. When trying to get out of the port and go to Port Arthur, Korean's canoners boat was attacked by Japanese destroyers who forced her to return back.

On February 9 (January 27), 1904, a fight occurred at Chelpo. As a result of which, due to the impossibility of the breakthrough, the "Varyag" cruiser was flooded with their crews and the Korean canonere boat blown up.

On the same day, February 9 (January 27), 1904, Admiral Jesense came out at the head of the Vladivostok detachment of cruisers in the sea to start hostilities to violate the transportation of Japan with Korea.

On February 11 (January 29), 1904, the Russian cruiser "Boyharin" was undermined near Port Arthur.

February 24 (February 11), 1904, the Japanese fleet tried to close the exit from Port Arthur by flooding 5 ships loaded with a stone. The attempt was unsuccessful.

On February 25 (February 12), 1904, two Russian destroyers "fearless" and "impressive" when leaving for exploration came across 4 Japanese cruisers. The first managed to leave, and the second was driven into the blue bay, where he was flooded by order of Captain M. Pushkin.

On March 2 (February 18), 1904 by order of the Maritime General Staff, the Mediterranean Squado of Admiral A. Varenius (Armor's armadapole ", the cruiser" Aurora "and" Dmitry Donskoy "and 7 Docontians), headed in Port Arthur, was withdrawn to the Baltic Sea .

On March 6 (February 22), 1904, the Japanese squadron fired at Vladivostok. The damage was insignificant. The fortress was translated into a siege position.

On March 8 (February 24), 1904 in Port Arthur arrived a new commander of the Russian Pacific Escader Vice-Admiral S. Makarov, who replaced Admiral O. Stark in this post.

March 10 (February 26) of 1904 in the Yellow Sea, when returning from intelligence in Port Arthur, was surfed with four Japanese destroyers ( IJN USUGUMO. , IJN Shinonome. , IJN AKEBONO. , IJN Sazanami.) Russian Mission "Energier", and "decisive" managed to return to the port.

Russian fleet in Port Arthur.

On March 27 (March 14), 1904, the second attempt by the Japanese blocking the entrance to the Harbor Port Arthur was being built by flooding branders.

April 4 (March 22) 1904 Japanese battleship IJN Fuji. and Ijn Yashima. He fired through Port Arthur fire from pigeon bay. All of them were produced by 200 shots and instruments of the main caliber. But the effect was minimal.

On April 12 (March 30), 1904, the Russian Mission "Scary" was surfed by the Japanese Mission.

On April 13 (March 31), 1904 on Mine and sank almost with all the crew during the exit to the sea, the battleship "Petropavlovsk" was injected. Among the dead was Admiral S. O. Makarov. Also on this day was damaged by the explosion of mines and was out of order for several weeks of the Barny "Victory".

April 15 (April 2) 1904 Japanese cruisers Ijn kasuga. and IJN NISSHIN. They fired in the inner raid of Port Arthur with overhead fire.

April 25 (April 12) 1904 Vladivostok detachment of cruisers off the coast of Korea Skilled Japanese steamer IJN GOYO-MARU, coaster IJN Haginura-Maru and Japanese military transport IJN Kinsu-Maru, after which I went to Vladivostok.

May 2 (April 19) of 1904 by the Japanese, with the support of gunners IJN AKAGI and IJN CHōKAI , the Ministry of Asian 9th, the 14th and 16th dancer fleets, the third and last attempt was made to block the entrance to the Harbor of Port Arthur, this time using 10 transports ( IJN Mikasha-Maru, IJN Sakura-Maru, IJN TOTOMI-MARU, IJN Otaru-Maru, IJN Sagami-Maru, IJN Aikoku-Maru, IJN OMI-MARU, Ijn asagao-maru, IJN IEDO-MARU, IJN Kokura-Maru, IJN FUZAN-MARU) As a result, they managed to partially overlap the passage and temporarily make it impossible to the yield of large Russian ships. This contributed to the unimpeded landing of the 2nd Japanese army in Manchuria.

On May 5 (April 22), 1904, the 2nd Japanese army under the command of General Yasukati OKU, about 38.5 thousand people, the landfill on the Liaodong Peninsula began, approximately 100 kilometers from Port Arthur.

On May 12 (April 29), 1904, the four Japanese destroyers of the 2nd flotilla of Admiral I. Miyako began to traw the Russian mines in the Bay of Kerr. When performing the task, the Ministry of Meeting No. 48 blew up on Mine and sank. On the same day, Japanese troops finally cut off Port Arthur from Manchuria. The siege of Port Arthur began.

Death IJN Hatsuse In Russian mines.

On May 15 (May 2), 1904 on a mine-barrier exhibited the day before the minutes of Cupred, "Cupid" were blew up and sank two Japanese battleship Ijn Yashima. and IJN Hatsuse .

On this day, the Island of Elliot has a clash of Japanese cruisers Ijn kasuga. and IJN Yoshino. in which the second from the damage received sank. And the southeast coast of the island kangy village of Avizo Ijn Tatsuta. .

On May 16 (May 3) of 1904, two Japanese canoners collided to the southeast of the city of Incou. As a result of the collision, the boat sank IJN Oshima. .

On May 17 (May 4), 1904, the Japanese destroyer sank on Mine. IJN Akatsuki. .

On May 27 (May 14), 1904, not far from the city of the distant flew to the stones and was undermined by his team Russian Mission "attentive." On the same day, Japanese Avizo Ijn Miyako. He exploded in the Russian mine and sank in the bay of Kerr.

On June 12 (May 30), 1904, the Vladivostok detachment of cruisers came out to the Korean Strait to violate the sea communications of Japan.

June 15 (June 2) 1904 Cruiser "Sloba" Skilled two Japanese transports: Ijn idzuma-maru and IJN Hitachi-Maruand cruiser "Rurik" two torpedoes Skilled Japanese transport IJN SADO-MARU. A total of three transports contained 2445 Japanese soldiers and officers, 320 horses and 18 heavy 11-inch warm.

On June 23 (June 10), 1904, the Pacific Estra of the Council Admiral V. Vitgofta took the first attempt to break through in Vladivostok. But when the Japanese fleet is found, Admiral H. Togo, without entering the battle, returned to Port Arthur. At night, the same day, the Japanese destroyers took an unsuccessful attack on the Russian squadron.

On June 28 (June 15), 1904 in the sea again to violate the enemy's marine communications, the Vladivostok detachment of cruisers Admiral Jesense.

On July 17 (July 4), 1904 near the island of Schipleva blew up and sank in the Japanese mine field Russian Ministry of Mechano No. 208.

On July 18 (July 5), 1904 was exploded on the mine of the Russian mine bar "Yenisei" in Talienvan's bay and sank the Japanese cruiser IJN Kaimon. .

On July 20 (July 7), 1904, the Vladivostok detachment of cruisers through the Sangar Strait went to the Pacific Ocean.

July 22 (July 9) of 1904 the detachment was detained with smuggling goods and sent to Vladivostok with a prize team English steamer Arabia..

On July 23 (July 10), 1904, the Vladivostok detachment of cruisers approached the entrance to the Tokyo Bay. Here was inspected and ached by English steamer with smuggled cargo Night kommander. Also on this day several Japanese shhun and the German steamer were surfed TEA.walking with smuggled cargo to Japan. And captured later english steamer Kalhas.After inspection, was sent to Vladivostok. The detachment cruiser also headed into his port.

On July 25 (July 12), 1904 from the sea to the mouth of the River Liaohe, a squadron of Japanese destroyers. The team of the Russian Canoner Boat "Sivuch", due to the impossibility of a breakthrough, after landing ashore, blew his ship.

On August 7 (July 25), 1904, Japanese troops were fired by Port Arthur and His Harbor. As a result of the shelling, the armadiole "Cesarevich" was damaged, the Commander of the Squador Council Admiral V. Vithette was easily injured. Also received damage to the battleship "Retvosan".

On August 8 (July 26), 1904, a detachment of ships as part of the cruiser "Novik", the canoner boat "Beaver" and 15 destroyers participated in TAHE bay in the art-ringer of the coming Japanese troops, causing great losses.

Fight in the yellow sea.

August 10 (July 28), 1904, when trying to breakthrough a Russian squadron from Port Arthur, a fight took place in Vladivostok. During the battle, the counter-admiral V. Vithette was killed, the Russian squadron lost control broke up. 5 Russian battleships, the bayan cruiser and 2 destroyers in disarray began to go to Port Arthur. Only Barny Zesarevich, the cruiser "Novik", Askold, Diana and 6 destroyers, broke through the Japanese blockade. Barny Zesarevich, a cruiser "Novik" and 3 destroyers headed to Qingdao, Askold cruiser and Esminets "Thunder" - in Shanghai, Cruiser "Diana" - in Saigon.

On August 11 (July 29), 1904, the Vladivostok detachment came out at a meeting of the Russian squadron, which was supposed to break from Port Arthur. Barny Zesarevich, a cruiser "Novik", the destroyer "silent", "merciless" and "fearless" arrived in Qingdao. The cruiser "Novik", immersing 250 tons of coal in the bunker came out in the sea in order to break through in Vladivostok. On the same day, the Russian destroyer "decisive" was intermented in Chifu the Chinese authorities. Just on August 11, a damaged destroyer "Stormy" was flooded with the team.

On August 12 (July 30), 1904 in Chifu two Japanese destroyers were captured by the previously intermanized destroyment.

On August 13 (July 31), 1904 in Shanghai, a damaged Russian cruiser "Askold" was internedted and disarmed.

August 14 (August 1) 1904 in the Korean Strait Four Japanese cruisers ( IJN IZUMO. , Ijn Tokiwa. , IJN Azuma. and IJN iwate.) I intercepted three Russian cruisers going to meet the first Pacific squadron ("Russia", "Rurik" and "Surching"). Between them there was a fight, which entered the story called the fight in the Korean Strait. As a result of the battle, Rurik was sweeping, and the other two Russian cruisers with damage returned to Vladivostok.

On August 15 (August 2), 1904 in Qingdao, the German authorities were inhibited by the Russian armadiole "Cesarevich".

On August 16 (August 3), 1904 in Vladivostok, the damaged Cruiser "Sloba" and "Russia" returned. In Port Arthur, the proposal of the Japanese General M. Feet of the surrender of the fortress was rejected. On the same day in the Pacific, Russian cruiser "Novik" was stopped and insolent by English steamer Seltic..

On August 20 (August 7), 1904, Sakhalin is a fight between the Russian cruiser "Novik" and Japanese IJN Tsushima. and Ijn chitose . As a result of the fight "Novik" and IJN Tsushima. Received serious damage. Due to the impossibility of repair and danger of the seizure of the ship by an opponent, the Novika commander M. Schulz decided to flood the ship.

August 24 (August 11) 1904 in Saigon the French authorities an English cruiser "Diana".

On September 7 (August 25), 1904, submarine "Trout" was sent from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok on the railway.

October 1 (September 18), 1904 was exploded in Russian mine and sunk near the island of Iron Japanese canoners IJN Heiyen..

On October 15 (October 2), 1904, the 2nd Pacific East of Admiral Z. Rodvlensky was published from Libaya.

November 3 (October 21) He exploded on MINE to the Russian Esmin's "fast" and sank in near Cape Lun-Wan-Tan Japanese destroyer Ijn Hayatori. .

On November 5 (October 23), 1904, Port Arthur's domestic raid after the Japanese shell hit the Boezapace of the Russian battleship "Poltava". As a result, the ship sank.

November 6 (October 24), 1904 in the fog on the rock and sank under Port Arthur Japanese canoners boat IJN ATAGO. .

On November 28 (November 15), 1904, a submarine "Dolphin" was sent from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok on the railway.

On December 6 (November 23), 1904, the Japanese artillery, established on the day earlier height No. 206, began a massive shelling of Russian ships, standing at Port Arthur's domestic raid. By the end of the day, they were softened by the Retvosan battleship and received severe damage to the Peresvetsky armadiole. To preserve whole, the armadiole "Sevastopol", the canoner boat "brave" and the destroyer, brought out of Japanese fire to the external raid.

On December 7 (November 24), 1904, due to the impossibility of repair after the damage received from the Japanese arthroplay, was flooded with the crew of the Peresvetsky battleship in the Western Basin of Harbor Port Arthur.

On December 8 (November 25), 1904, the Japanese artillery was surfed in the internal raid of Port Arthur Russian ships - Brainnapole "Victory" and a cruiser "Pallada".

On December 9 (November 26), 1904, the Japanese heavy artillery sank the Bayan cruiser, the Mine Cuprage "Amur" and the Gilyak Kannelian boat.

December 25 (December 12) 1904 IJN Takasago. In the course of patrol, he exploded on Mine put out the "angry" Russian destroyer, and sank in the yellow sea between Port Arthur and Chifu.

On December 26 (December 13), 1904 on the Ride Port Arthur Fire of Japanese artillery, the canoner boat "Beaver" was swept.

Submarines of the Siberian Flotilla in Vladivostok.

On December 31 (December 18), 1904 in Vladivostok from St. Petersburg on the railway Railway, the first four submarines like "Kajak" arrived.

On January 1, 1905 (December 19, 1904) in Port Arthur, by order of command, the crew were blown by half-tested on the internal raid of the battleship "Poltava" and "Peresvet" and at the external raid was flooded by the armadapor "Sevastopol".

January 2, 1905 (December 20, 1904), the commander of the Defense of Port Arthur, General A. Peresssel, gave an order for the surrender of the fortress. Completed siege port arthur.

On the same day, before surrendering the fortress, the clips "Dzhigit" and "Robber" were flooded. The 1st Pacific squadron was completely destroyed.

January 5, 1905 (December 23, 1904) arrived from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok on the railway Dolphin submarine.

January 14 (January 1), 1905 by order of the commander of the Vladivostok port from submarines "Trout" ,.

On March 20 (March 7), 1905, the 2nd Pacific Squadre of Admiral Z. Rodvlensky passed the Malak Strait and entered the Pacific Ocean.

On March 26 (March 13), 1905, the Dolphin submarine was published from Vladivostok to the combat position to the island of Askold.

On March 29 (March 16), 1905 returned to Vladivostok from combat duty at the island of Askold Submarine "Dolphin".

On April 11 (March 29), 1905, Torpedoes were delivered to Russian submarines in Vladivostok.

On April 13 (March 31), 1905, the 2nd Pacific Ecader Admiral Z. Rodlessly arrived in Camran in Indochita Bay.

On April 22 (April 9), 1905 from Vladivostok to the shores of Korea, the wretch of the "Kaisat" submarine was published.

On May 7 (April 24), 1905 from Vladivostok came to violation of the naval communications of the enemy of the cruiser "Russia" and "Slobe".

On May 9 (April 26), 1905, the 1st Detachment of the 3rd Pacific Squadger of the Council Admiral N. Nabatov and the 2nd Pacific Squadrel Vice Admiral School of Vice-Admiral Z. Rodvlensky were connected to Camran Bay.

May 11 (April 28) 1905 in Vladivostok returned Cruiser "Russia" and "Slobe". During the raid, there were four Japanese transport ships.

On May 12 (April 29), 1905, three submarines were sent to the interception of the Japanese detachment to the transformation bay - "Dolphin", "Calzat" and "Som". At 10 am, the first fight with the participation of a submarine occurred not far from Vladivostok at Cape Rotary. "Som" attacked the Japanese destroyers, but the attack ended to no avail.

On May 14 (May 1), 1905, the Russian 2nd Pacific Eccada of Admiral Z. Rodvlynsky reached Vladivostok from Indochina.

On May 18 (May 5), 1905 in Vladivostok, a submarine Dolphin was sunk from the vapor of the vapor of gasoline.

On May 29 (May 16), 1905 in the Japanese Sea, the Island is annoying by his team, Dmitry Donskoy.

On May 30 (May 17), 1905, the Russian cruiser "Emerald" sat on the stones at Cape Orekhov in the Gulf of St. Vladimir and was blown up with his team.

June 3 (May 21) 1905 in the Philippines in Manila, the American authorities were inhibited by the Russian cruiser "Pearls".

On June 9 (May 27), 1905 in the Philippines in Manila was an internized by the American authorities of the Russian cruiser "Aurora".

On June 29 (June 16), 1905 in Port Arthur, Japanese rescuers raised from the bottom of the Russian battleship "Peresvet".

On July 7 (June 24), 1905, the Japanese troops began the Sakhalin Terminal Operation on the landing of the landing of 14 thousand people. While the Russian troops numbered only 7.2 thousand people on the island.

On July 8 (July 25), 1905 in Port Arthur, Japanese rescuers raised the flooded Russian battleship "Poltava".

On July 29 (July 16), 1905, the Japanese Sakhalin Asian Operation of Russian Troops was completed.

On August 14 (August 1), 1905 in the Tatar Strait of the Uta-Boat "Keta" conducted an unsuccessful attack on two Japanese destroyers.

On August 22 (August 9), 1905, the negotiations between Japan and Russia began with the mediation of the United States in Portsmouth.

On September 5 (August 23), a peace treaty was signed in the USA in Portsmouth between the Japanese Empire and the Russian Empire. According to the Treaty, Japan received the Liaodan Peninsula, part of the FCP from Port Arthur to Changchun and South Sakhalin, Russia recognized the prevailing interests of Japan in Korea and agreed to conclusion of the Russian-Japanese Fishing Convention. Russia and Japan have committed themselves to bring their troops from Manchuria. The requirement of Japan on reparations was rejected.

On August 9, 1945, a manchur operation began (battle for Manchuria). It was a strategic offensive operation of the Soviet troops, which was carried out with the aim of defeating the Japanese Quantongist army (its existence was a threat to the Soviet Far East and Siberia), liberation of the Chinese Northeastern and Northern provinces (Manchuria and inner Mongolia), Lyodong and Korean Peninsula, liquidation The largest military bridgehead and the Military Economic Base of Japan in Asia. After conducting this operation, Moscow fulfilled agreement with the Allies on the Anti-Hitler Coalition. The operation was completed by the defeat of the Kwantung army, the surrender of the Japanese Empire, and was the completion of World War II (on September 2, 1945, an act of the surrender of Japan was signed).

Fourth War with Japan

On all over 1941-1945 The Red Empire was forced to keep at least 40 divisions on their eastern borders. Even during the most cruel fighting and critical situations 1941-1942. In the Far East stood a powerful Soviet grouping, in full readiness to repel the blow of the Japanese military car. The existence of this group of troops became the main factor, which restrained the beginning of the Japanese aggression against the USSR. Tokyo chose the southern direction for its expansionist designs. However, until the second center of war and aggression continued to exist in the Asia-Pacific region - Imperial Japan - Moscow could not consider secure security on the eastern borders. In addition, it is necessary to consider the Revenge factor. Stalin consistently conducted a global policy aimed at restoring Russia's position in the world, and the defeat in the Russian-Japanese war is 1904-1905. Damage to our positions in the region. It was necessary to return the lost territories, the naval base in Port Arthur and restore its position in the Pacific region.

The defeat of Nazi Germany and the unconditional surrender of its armed forces in May 1945, as well as the success of the western coalition troops at the Pacific Theater of Military Activities forced the Japanese government to begin preparations for defense.

On July 26, the Soviet Union, the United States and China demanded from Tokyo to sign unconditional surrender. This requirement was rejected. On August 8, Moscow stated that from the next day he will consider itself in a state of war with the Japanese empire. By that time, the Soviet Supreme Command was deployed on the border with Manchuria (there was a puppet state of Manzhou-go) the troops deployed from Europe. The Soviet army was supposed to defeat Japan's basic impact group in the region - the Kwantung army and free from the invaders of Manchuria and Korea. The destruction of the Kwantung army and the loss of northeastern provinces of China and the Korean Peninsula should have to have a decisive impact on the acceleration of Japan's surrender and accelerate the defeat of the Japanese forces in the South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

By the beginning of the Soviet troops, the total number of Japanese group, located in North China, Korea, in the South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, was up to 1.2 million people, about 1.2 thousand tanks, 6.2 thousand guns and mortars and up to 1.9 thousand aircraft. In addition, the Japanese troops and the forces of their allies are the army of the manzhou-go and the Menjian army, relied on 17 fortified areas. Commanded by the Kwantung Army General Rodzo Yamada. To destroy the Japanese army in May-June 1941. The Soviet command to 40 divisions, which were in the Far East, additionally transferred 27 rifle divisions, 7 separate rifle and tank brigades, 1 tank and 2 mechanized cases. As a result of these measures, the combat composition of the troops of the Soviet Army in the Far East increased almost twice, amounting to more than 1.5 million bayonets, over 5.5 thousand tanks and SAU, 26 thousand guns and mortars, about 3.8 thousand aircraft. In addition, more than 500 ships and vessels of the Pacific Fleet and the Amur Military Flotilla took part in hostilities against the Japanese army.

By the decision of the GKO, the Commander-in-Chief of Soviet troops in the Far East, which included three frontal associations - Zabaykalsky (under the start of Marshal Rodion Yakovlevich Malinovsky), 1st and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts (commanded them Marshal Kirill Afanasyevich Meretkov and the Army General Maxim Alekseevich Purrian , Marshal Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky was appointed. The fighting on the Eastern Front began on August 9, 1945 by the simultaneous strike of the troops of all three Soviet fronts.

On August 6 and 9, 1945, the US Air Force dropped two atomic bombs into the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, although they did not have an important military significance. During these blows, 114 thousand people died. The first nuclear bomb was dropped by Hiroshima. He was terrible destruction, out of 306 thousand inhabitants of more than 90 thousand killed. In addition, tens of thousands of Japanese killed later because of the Russian Academy of Sciences, burns, radioactive irradiation. The West committed this attack not only to demoralize the Japanese military-political leadership, but also demonstrations of the Soviet Union. The United States wanted to show a terrible effect with the help they wanted to blackmail the whole world.

The main forces of the Trans-Baikal Front under the start of Malinovsky applied from Transbaikal from the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic (Mongolia was our ally) in the general direction of Changchun and Mukden. The troops of the Trans-Baikal Front had to be made to the central regions of Northeast China, to overcome anhydrous steppe, and then pass Hinghan's mountains. The troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front under the command of Meretskov were coming from Primorye towards Girin. This front was due to the shortest direction to connect to the main grouping of the Trans-Baikal Front. The 2nd Far Eastern Front under the leadership of Urkuryev began the offensive from the Amur region. His troops had a task with blows on a number of directions to join the counterparts opposing him, thereby contributing to the parts of the Trans-Baikal and 1st Far Eastern Fronts (they were to surround the main forces of the Kwantung Army). Blowing Air Force and Marine Guards from the Ships of the Pacific Fleet should have supported the actions of the drum groups of land forces.

Thus, the Japanese and allied troops were attacked on land, from the sea and air on all the huge 5,000th sections of the border with Manchuria and to the coast of North Korea. On August 14, 1945, the Trans-Baikalsky and 1st Far Eastern Fronts were moved to the depths of northeastern China for 150-500 km and went to the main military-political and industrial centers of Manchuria. On the same day, in the face of an inevitable military defeat, the Japanese government signed the surrender. But, Japanese troops continued to provide fierce resistance, since, despite the decision of the Japanese emperor about the surrender, the order of the Command of the Kwantung Army on the cessation of combat operations was never given. Special danger was presented by sabotage groups of suicide bombs who tried to destroy the Soviet officers at the cost of their lives, to undermine themselves in a soldier group or armored vehicles, trucks. Only from August 19, the Japanese troops stopped resistance and began to fold weapons.

Japanese soldiers give their weapons to the Soviet officer.

At the same time, a surgery for the liberation of the Korean Peninsula, Southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands (fought up to September 1). By the end of August 1945, Soviet troops completed the disarmament of the Kwantung Army and the forces of the Vassal State of Manzhou, as well as the liberation of Northeast China, the Liaodo Peninsula and North Korea to 38 parallels. On September 2, the Japanese empire unconditionally capitulated. This event took place on board the American Ship "Missouri", in the waters of the Tokyo Bay.

According to the results of the fourth Russian-Japanese war, Japan returned the USSR South Sakhalin. The Kuril Islands also moved to the Soviet Union. Japan itself was occupied by American troops, which continue to be based in this state so far. From May 3, 1946 to November 12, 1948, the Tokyo process was held. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East condemned the main Japanese war criminals (only 28 people). The International Tribunal sentenced 7 people to the death penalty, 16 defendants - to life imprisonment, the rest received 7 years in prison.

Lieutenant General K.N. Derevyko on behalf of the USSR signs an act of the surrender of Japan on board the American Linkar "Missouri".

The defeat of Japan led to the disappearance of the Manyzhou's puppet state, the restoration of Chinese government in Manchuria, the liberation of the Korean people. Helped the USSR and the Chinese Communists. In Manchuria, parts of the 8th Chinese People's Liberation Army were entered. The Soviet Army handed over the Chinese arms of the defeated Kwantung army. In Manchuria, under the leadership of the Communists, the authorities were created, military units were formed. As a result, Northeast China became the basis of the Chinese Communist Party, and she played a decisive role in the victory of the Communists over Homesindan and the Chan Kaisi regime.

In addition, the news of the defeat and surrender of Japan led to the August revolution in Vietnam, which broke out on the call of the Communist Party and League Vietmin. The leadership of the liberation revolt was carried out by the National Liberation Committee of Vietnam under the beginning of Ho Chi Minh. The liberation army of Vietnam, the number of which in a few days has increased more than 10 times, disarmed the Japanese parts, accelerated the occupying administration and established new authorities. On August 24, 1945, the Vietnamese Emperor Bao Dai granted the throne. The Supreme Power in the country passed to the National Release Committee, which began to implement the Functions of the Provisional Government. On September 2, 1945, the Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Mines proclaimed the Declaration of Independence of Vietnam.

The defeat of the Japanese empire caused a powerful anticolonial movement in the Asia-Pacific region. Thus, on August 17, 1945, the independence committee led by Sukarno declared independence of Indonesia. Ahmed Sukarno became the first president of the new independent state. There was a huge India, where the leaders of the people were liberated from the prison of Mahatma Gandhi and Javaharlal Nehru.

Soviet marines in Port Arthur.

The question of the USSR accession to the war with Japan was decided at the Conference in Yalta on February 11, 1945 by a special agreement. It was envisaged that the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan on the side of the allied powers 2-3 months after the surrender of Germany and the end of the war in Europe. Japan has rejected the requirement of the United States, the United Kingdom and China on July 26, 1945 to fold the weapons and unconditionally capitulate.

According to V. Davydov in the evening on August 7, 1945 (two days before the official gap of Moscow, the Soviet military aviation unexpectedly began to bomb the roads of Manchuria.

On August 8, 1945, the USSR declared the war of Japan. By order of the Supreme Commander, in August 1945, preparations began to prepare for military operation on landing for the Marine Guard in the port of Dalian (Far) and the liberation of Lyushun (Port Arthur) together with the parts of the 6th Guards Tank Army from the Japanese occupiers in the Liaodong Peninsula of the North China. The 117th aircraft aircraft of the Pacific Pacific Fleet, which was trained in Sukhodol under Vladivostok, was preparing for operation.

On August 9, the Troops of the Trans-Baikal, 1st and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts, in collaboration with the Pacific Navy and the Amur River Floutilla, began fighting against Japanese troops at the front of more than 4 thousand kilometers.

The 39th Combine Army was part of the Trans-Baikal Front, which was commanded by the Marshal of the Soviet Union R. Ya. Malinovsky. Commander of the 39th Army - Colonel-General I. I. Ludnikov, Member of the Military Council General-Major Boyko V. R., Chief of Staff General Major Siminovsky M.I.

The task of the 39th Army was a breakthrough, a strike from Tszeg-Bulgarian protrusion, Halun-Arshhansky and, together with the 34th Army, Highlard Refined Areas. 39th, 53-Yaobshchevskovskaya and the 6th Guards Tank Army made from the district of Choibalsan in the territory of the MTR and advanced to the state border of the Mongolian People's Republic and Manzhou-go to 250-300 km.

In order to better organize the transfer of troops to the areas of concentration and further to the areas of deployment, the headquarters of the Trans-Baikal Front sent in advance to Irkutsk and at the station Karym special groups of officers. On the night of August 9, advanced battalions and reconnaissance detachments of three fronts in extremely adverse weather conditions - the summer monsoon, bringing frequent and strong rains, - moved to the enemy's territory.

In accordance with the order, the main forces of the 39th Army moved the border of Manchuria at 4:30 am on August 9. Research and detachments began to act much earlier - at 00 hours of 05 minutes. The 39th Army had 262 tanks and 133 self-propelled artillery installations at its disposal. She was supported by the 6th Major General I. P. Loka, based on the airfields of Tszemeag-Bulgarian protrusion. The army struck the troops included in the 3rd front of the Kwantung Army.

On August 9, the Head Watch of the 262nd Division came to the Khalun-Arshan - Solun railway. Halun-Arshansky fortified area, as the division exploration has found out the 107th Japanese Infantry Division.

To the outcome of the first day of the offensive, the Soviet tank workers made a throw by 120-150 km. Advanced troops of the 17th and 39th armies have advanced by 60-70 km.

On August 10, the Mongolian People's Republic of the USSR was joined by the statement of the USSR and declared Japan's war.

Treaty of the USSR - China

On August 14, 1945, the signing of an agreement on friendship and union between the USSR and China, agreements on the Chinese Changchun Railway, about Port Arthur and Far. On August 24, 1945, the Treaty on Friendship and Union and Agreement was ratified by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China. The contract was concluded for 30 years.

By agreement on the Chinese Changchun Railway, the former CERE and its part - the South Manchu Railway, coming from Manchuria station to Suifenhe Station and from Harbin to Far and Port Arthur, passed to the common property of the USSR and China. The agreement was 30 years. After this period of the KSC, KChzh was to be free to transfer to the full ownership of China.

The Agreement on Port Arthur provided for the transformation of this port into the naval base, open for warships and merchant ships only China and the USSR. The term of the agreement was determined in 30 years. After this period, the naval base of Port Arthur was to be transferred to the ownership of China.

The far was declared a free port, open for trade and shipping of all countries. The Chinese government agreed to allocate in the port for transfer to the USSR rental of pier and warehouses. In the event of the war with Japan, the Military Base Military Base was to be distributed, determined by the Port Arthur Agreement. The term of the agreement was established in 30 years.

At the same time, on August 14, 1945, an agreement was signed on the relationship between the Soviet Commander-in-Chief and the Chinese administration after the entry of Soviet troops into the territory of the northeastern provinces for joint military operations against Japan. After the arrival of Soviet troops on the territory of the northeastern provinces of China, the supreme power and responsibility in the military operations zone in all military issues was resting on the commander-in-chief of the Soviet Armed Forces. The Chinese government appointed a representative who had to establish the administration and lead it in the territory purified from the enemy, to assist in establishing the interaction between the Soviet and Chinese armed forces on the returned territories between the Soviet and Chinese Armed Forces, to ensure the active cooperation of the Chinese administration with the Soviet commander-in-chief.


Soviet-japanese war

On August 11, part of the 6th Guards Tank Army General A. G. Kravchenko overcame Big Hinghan.

The first of the rifle compounds came to the eastern rocks of the mountain range 17th Guards Rifle Division General A. P. Kvashnin.

During August 12-14, the Japanese took a lot of contraclus in the areas of Lignxi, Solun, Vanyamao, Bowl. However, the Troops of the Trans-Baikal Front inflicted strong blows along the counterattaking enemy and continued to move rapidly in southeast.
On August 13, the compounds and parts of the 39 of the army were traded by the cities of Ulan-Hoto and Solun. After that, the attack on Changchun was deployed.

On August 13, the 6th Guards Tank Army, which had 1019 tanks in its composition, broke through Japanese defense and entered the strategic space. The Kwantung Army had nothing left, except for departing through the Yalu River to North Korea, where its resistance continued until August 20.

In the Highlard direction, where the 94th rifle case came, it was possible to surround and eliminate the large grouping of the enemy cavalry. About a thousand cavalry officers, including two generals, were captured. One of them is Lieutenant-General Gullin, commander of the 10th Military District, was taken to the headquarters of the army.

On August 13, 1945, US President Harry Truman gave an order to take the port of far before the Russians fall there. Make it Americans gathered on ships. The Soviet command decided to get ahead of the United States: so far Americans will pay down to the Liaodong Peninsula, Soviet troops will fall out their landing on the hydrosines.

During the Hingano-Mukden front offensive operation, the troops of the 39th Army struck from Tszemeg-Bulgarian protrusion under the troops of the 30th, 44th armies and the left flank of the 4th separate Japanese army. Defeating the enemy's troops, covering the approaches to the passes of Big Hinghan, the army took possession of the Halun-Arshansky fortified area. Developing an offensive to Changchun, advanced with battles for 350-400 km and by August 14th came to the central part of Manchuria.

Marshal Malinovsky set a new task in front of the 39th army: in extremely short time to take the territory of Southern Manchuria, acting by strong advanced detachments towards Mukden, Incou, Andong.

By August 17, the 6th Guards Tank Army advanced a few hundred kilometers - and the Changchun city of Manchuria remained about a hundred and fifty kilometers.

On August 17, the first Far Eastern Front broke the resistance of the Japanese in the east of Manchuria, took the largest city in the region - Mudanjiang.

On August 17, the Kwantung Army received an order of his command about the surrender. But he did not immediately reach everyone, and in some places where the Japanese acted and contrary to the orders. On a number of plots, they carried out strong confruders and carried out regrouping, seeking to take advantageous operational borders on the Jinzhou line - Changchun - Girin - Tuman. Almost military actions continued until September 2, 1945. And the 84th Cavalry division of General T. V. Dedeoglu, which came to the environment on August 15-18 to the northeast of the city of Nenny, the fighting was carried out until September 7-8.

By August 18, on all over the Trans-Baikal Front, the Soviet-Mongolian troops came to the railway line Baipin - Changchun, and the shock force of the main group of the front - the 6th Guards Tank Army - broke out for the approaches to Mukden and Changchuhen.

On August 18, the commander-in-chief of the Soviet troops in the Far East Marshal A. Vasilevsky gave an order about the occupation of the Japanese Island Hokkaido forces of two rifle divisions. This landing was not carried out due to a delay in the promotion of Soviet troops in southern Sakhalin, and then postponed until the rate was specified.

On August 19, Soviet troops took Mukden (air landing 6 GW. TA, 113 SC) and Changchun (air landing 6 gv. Ta) - the largest cities of Manchuria. At the airfield in Mukden, the emperor of the state of Manzhou-go - Pu I.

By August 20, South Sakhalin, Manchuria, Kuril Islands and part of Korea were occupied by Soviet troops.

Asians in Port Arthur and Far

On August 22, 1945, 27 aircraft of the 117th aircraft regiment climbed into the air and took the course to port far. A total of 956 people participated in the landing. Commanded by the landing General A. A. Yamanov. The route ran over the sea, hereinafter - through the Korean Peninsula, along the coast of North China. The excitement of the sea at the landing was about two points. The seaplates sat one after another in the port of the port. The paratroopers have transplanted on inflatable boats on which they sailed to the pier. After landing, the landing acted according to the combat task: took a shipbuilding plant, a dry dock (construction where ships are repaired), warehouses. The coast guard immediately starred and was replaced with his watch. At the same time, the Soviet command took the capitulation of the Japanese garrison.

On the same day, on August 22, at 3 o'clock in the day, airplanes with a landing with fighters rose from Mukden. Soon, part of the aircraft turned to the port port. The landing in Port Arthur, which consists of 10 aircraft with 205 paratroopers, commanded the Deputy Commander of the Trans-Baikal Front, Colonel General V. D. Ivanov. Asian was the head of intelligence Boris Likhachev.

Airplanes one after another dropped on a flying field. Ivanov gave an order to immediately take all the exits and capture heights. The paratroopers immediately disarmed several sites near the garrison, took captivity about 200 Japanese soldiers and marine law officers. Capturing several cargo and passenger cars, paratroopers went to the western part of the city, where the other part of the Japanese garrison was grouped. By evening, the overwhelming majority of garrison capitulated. The head of the sea garrison of the fortress Vice Admiral Kobayashi surrendered with his headquarters.

The next day, disarmament continued. A total of 10 thousand soldiers and officers of the Japanese army and fleet were captured.

Soviet soldiers released about a hundred prisoners: the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans.

On August 23, an air landing of sailors, headed by General E. N. Preobrazhensky, landed in Port Arthur.

On August 23, the Japanese flag was launched in the presence of Soviet soldiers and officers and the Soviet fortress was silent over the fortress.

August 24 in Port Arthur arrived part of the 6th Guards Tank Army. On August 25, a new reinforcement arrived - marine paratroopers at 6 flying boats of the Pacific Fleet. 12 boats are driven in a far, additionally landing 265 marines. Soon, the profits of the 39th army in the composition of two rifle and one mechanized enclosures with the parts led by it and freed the entire Liaodan Peninsula with the cities of Dalian (Far) and Lyushun (Port Arthur) were released. General V.D. Ivanov was appointed to the commandant of the fortress of Port Arthur and the head of the garrison.

When parts of the 39th Army of the Republic of Red Army went to Port Arthur, two squads of American troops on high-speed landing vessels have tried to land ashore and take a bomb favorable from a strategic point. Soviet soldiers opened the automotive fire in the air, and the Americans stopped falling down.

As it was designed, by the time American ships approached the port, he was all busy with Soviet parts. A few days of standing at the external raid of the port port, the Americans were forced to leave this area.

On August 23, 1945, Soviet troops entered Port Arthur. The commander of the 39th Army General-Colonel I. I. Ludnikov became the first Soviet commandant of Port Arthur.

Not fulfilled Americans and their obligations to divide the burden of occupation of the Island of Hokkaido with the Red Army, the leaders of three powers agreed. But General Douglas MacArthur, who had a great influence on President Harry Truman, resolutely opposed to this. And the Soviet troops did not step on the territory of Japan. True, the USSR, in turn, did not allow the Pentagon to accommodate his military bases on Kurilla.

On August 22, 1945, the G. Jinzhou was liberated by the advanced parts of the 6th Guards Tank Army

On August 24, 1945, the squad of the Akilov Lieutenant Colonel from the 61st Tank Division of the 39th Army in the city of Dashitsa Plenyl headquarters 17 of the Front of the Quantong Army. In Mukden and the Far Soviet troops, large groups of American soldiers and officers were liberated from the Japanese captivity.

On September 8, 1945, a parade of Soviet troops in honor of victory over imperialist Japan took place in Harbin. He commanded the parade of Lieutenant General K. P. Kazakov. He took the parade of the head of the Harbinsky garrison - Colonel-General A. P. Beloborodov.

To establish the peaceful life and interaction of the Chinese authorities with the Soviet military administration, 92 Soviet Commands were created in Manchuria. Mukden's commandant became Major General Kovtun-Stankevich A. I., Port Arthur - Colonel Voloshin.

In October 1945, the US 7th Fleet ships with the Khomintovsky landing approached the port port. The commander of the squadron Vice-Admiral Settle intended to enter ships to the port. Far Commander, deputy. The Commander of the 39th Army, Lieutenant-General G. K. Kozlov demanded to take off the squadron by 20 miles from the coast in accordance with the sanctions of the mixed Soviet-Chinese commission. Settle continued to persist, and Kozlov had nothing left, to remind the American admiral about the Soviet coastal defense: "She knows his task and will cope with it." After receiving a convincing warning, the American squadron was forced to get out of the ravis. Later, the American squadron, imitating the airline to the city, also tried unsuccessfully to penetrate Port Arthur.

After the war, Port Arthur's commandant and commander of the grouping of Soviet troops in China in the Liaodong Peninsula (Kwantong) until 1947 was I. I. Ludnikov.

On September 1, 1945, the order of the Commander of the Bimv of the Trans-Baikal Front No. 41/0368 61st Tank Division was displayed from the composition of the 39th army for front-line submission. By September 9, 1945, it should be prepared for his progress on winter apartments in Choibalsan. On the basis of the Office of the 192nd Rifle Division, the 76th Orsha-Hingansky Red Banner Division of the Konvoy Troops of the NKVD for the protection of Japanese prisoners of war, which was then removed in the city of Chita.

In November 1945, the Sovetskogo command introduced the Homintan authorities a plan for the evacuation of troops by December 3 of the same year. In accordance with this plan, the Soviet parts were allocated from Incou and Halludao and from the area to the south of Shenyang. In the late autumn of 1945, the Soviet troops left the city of Harbin.

However, the beginning of the conclusion of the Soviet troops was suspended at the request of the Khomintan government until the establishment of the organization of the civil administration in Manchuria and the transit of the Chinese army there. On February 22 and 23, 1946, anti-Soviet demonstrations were held in Chongqing, Nanjing and Shanghai.

In March 1946, the Soviet leadership decided to immediately withdraw the Soviet army from Manchuria.

On April 14, 1946, the Soviet troops of the Trans-Baikal Front, headed by Marshal R. Ya. Malinovsky evacuated from Changchun in Harbin. Immediately prepared for the evacuation of troops and from Harbin. On April 19, 1946, a meeting of the public of the city was held, dedicated to the wires of leaving Manchuria parts of the Red Army. April 28, Soviet troops left Harbin.

On May 3, 1946, the last Soviet soldier left the territory of Manchuria [source not specified 458 days].

In the Liaodong Peninsula, in accordance with the 1945 treaty, the 39th Army remained:

  • 113 SC (262 SD, 338 SD, 358 SD);
  • 5 gv. SC (17 GV.SD, 19 GV.SD, 91 GV.SD);
  • 7 meh.d, 6 gv.adp, 14 zenad, 139 APABR, 150 yards; And also transmitted from the 6th Guards Tank Army, the 7th Novoukrain-Hinang Corps, which was soon reformed into the division of the same name.

7th bombarding aircraft case; In the joint use of Port Arthur naval base. The location of their deployment was Port Arthur and the port of the distant, that is, the southern part of the Liaodong Peninsula and the Guangdun Peninsula, located on the south-western tip of the Liaodo Peninsula. Small Soviet garrisons remained along the QUCT line.

In the summer of 1946, the 91st GW. SD was reorganized in the 25th GW. machine gun-artillery division. 262, 338, 358 SD were disbanded at the end of 1946 and the personnel was transferred to the 25th GW. Pub.

Troops of the 39th Army in the PRC

In April-May 1946, the Kuomintan troops during the fighting with noa closely approached the Guangardon Peninsula, almost the Soviet naval database of Port Arthur. In this difficult situation, the command of the 39th Army was forced to take counter measures. The headquarters of the Gomintan Army, the colonel M. A. Voloshin, left the headquarters in the direction of Guangundun. The Komintan commander was stated that the territory for marked on the map is 8-10 km marked on a map of 8-10 km north of Guangland, is under the fire of our artillery. In the event of further promotion of the Khomintan troops, hazardous consequences may arise. The commander with reluctant gave a promise to the distinction line not to cross. This most managed to reassure the local population and the Chinese administration.

In 1947-1953, the Soviet 39th army in the Liaodong Peninsula commanded the Colonel-General twice Hero of the Soviet Union of Afanasy Pavlandevich Beloborodov (Headquarters in Port Arthur). He was the eldest head of the whole grouping of Soviet troops in China.

Head of Staff - General Grigory Nikiforovich Crossroads, who in the Manchurian strategic offensive operation commanded the 65th Rifle Corps, Member of the Military Council - General I. P. Konnov, Head of Political Operation - Colonel Nikita Stepanovich Dyubin, Commander Artillery - General Yuri Pavlovich Bazhanov and Deputy Civil administration - Colonel V. A. Greeks.

In Port Arthur, there was a Navy base, whose commander was Vice Admiral Vasily Andreevich Tsipanovich.

In 1948, the American military base was operated on the Shandong Peninsula, 200 kilometers from the Far. Each day, an intelligence plane appeared from there and at a low altitude, one and the same route took place and photographed Soviet and Chinese objects, airfields. Soviet pilots stopped these flights. The Americans sent a note from the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a statement about the attack of Soviet fighters to "Light passenger plane", but the reconnaissance flights above the Liaodulus stopped.

In June 1948, large joint teachings of all kinds of troops were held in Port Arthur. The general leadership of the exercises carried out Malinovsky, S. A. Krasovsky arrived from Khabarovsk - Commander of the Far Eastern Air Force. The exercises took place in two main stages. On the first - the reflection of the marine assault of the conditional opponent. On the second - imitation of applying a massive bombing strike.

In January 1949, the Soviet government delegation headed by A. I. Mikoyan arrived in China. He conducted an inspection of Soviet enterprises, military facilities in Port Arthur, and also met with Mao Zedong.

At the end of 1949, a large delegation was arrived in Port Arthur, headed by the Prime Minister of the State Administrative Council of the PRC Zhou Egnulam, who met with the commander of the 39th Army Beloborodov. At the proposal of the Chinese side, the general meeting of Soviet and Chinese military was held. At the meeting, where more than a thousand Soviet and Chinese military workers were present, Zhou Eclai made a big speech. On behalf of the Chinese people, the Soviet military he handed the banner. It was embroidered with the words of gratitude to the Soviet people and his army.

In December 1949 and February 1950, in the Soviet-Chinese negotiations in Moscow, an agreement was reached to train the "Frames of the Chinese Navy" in Port Arthur, with the subsequent transfer of part of the Soviet ships in China, to prepare a planning operation plan for Taiwan in the Soviet General Staff and send to PRC Grouping of air defense troops and the required number of Soviet military advisers and specialists.

In 1949, the 7th tank was reorganized in the 83rd mixed aircraft.

In January 1950, the Hero of the Soviet Union General Rykachev Yu. B. was appointed commander of the Corps

The further fate of the corps was formed as follows: in 1950, the 179th Bad redeemed the Aviation of the Pacific Fleet, but it was based on the same place. The 860th BAP was the 1540th MTAP. At the same time, the Shad was brought to the USSR. When a MiG-15 regiment was placed in Sanshilip, Minno-torpedo air strikes were transferred to Jinzhou airfield. Two shelf (fightering on La-9 and mixed on Tu-2 and Il-10) in 1950 were relocated in Shanghai and several months provided an air cover of its objects.

On February 14, 1950, the Soviet-Chinese treaty on friendship, union and mutual assistance was concluded. At this time, the Soviet bombarding aviation was already based in Harbin.

On February 17, 1950, the operational group of Soviet military members arrived in China: Colonel-General Batitsky P. F., Vysotsky B. A., Yakushin M. N., Spiridonov S. L., General Slyusarev (Transbaikal Military District). and a number of other specialists.

On February 20, Colonel-General Batitsky P. F. met with his deputies with Mao Zedong, who returned from Moscow on the eve.

The Khomintan regime, which under the protection of the United States strengthened in Taiwan, is hardly equipped with American military equipment and weapons. In Taiwan, under the guidance of American specialists, aviation units for attacking the major cities of China, 1950, an immediate threat arose for the largest industrial and shopping center - Shanghai.

The Chinese air defense was extremely weak. At the same time, at the request of the Government of the People's Republic of China, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopts a resolution to create a group of air defense and send it to the PRC to fulfill the combat international task on the organization of air defense of Shanghai and conducting hostilities; - to appoint a P. F. General Lieutenant P. F., the Deputy - General of Slyusarev S. A., Deputy Headquarters - Colonel Vysotsky B. A., Deputy For Politchasts - Colonel Bakseva P. A., Commander of Fighter Aviation - Colonel Yakushin M. N., head of the rear - Colonel Mironova M. V.

Shanghai air defense was carried out by 52 anti-airflower division under the command of Colonel Spiridonova S. L., Chief of Staff Colonel Antonov, as well as parts of fighter aircraft, anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft projectors, radio engineering and rear formed from Moscow's troops.

The combat composition of the Air Defense Group included: [Source is not specified 445 days]

  • three Chinese anti-aircraft guns of medium caliber armed with Soviet 85-mm cannons, Poazo-3 and range finders.
  • an anti-aircraft rack of a small caliber armed with Soviet 37-mm cannons.
  • fighter-Aviation Regiment MiG-15 (commander Lieutenant Colonel Pashkevich).
  • the fighter-aviation regiment on Lag-9 aircraft was relocated to the flight from the distant airfield.
  • zenito-projector regiment (CPR) - commander Colonel Lysenko.
  • radiotechnical battalion (RTB).
  • the battalions of the airfield and maintenance (ATO) were remarked by one of the Moscow region, the second from the far.

During the deployment of troops, a wired communication was used mainly, which reduced the possibility of the enemy to listen to the operation of radio resources and dialing the grouping radio stations. For the organization of telephone communication combat orders, urban cable telephone networks of Chinese communication nodes were used. Radio communication was launched only partially. Control receivers who worked for listening to the enemy were mounted in conjunction with anti-aircraft guns. The radio network was prepared for action in case of wired communication. Signatures provided from the Communication Node of the CP Group at the Shanghai International Station and the nearest district Chinese telephone station.

Until the end of March 1950, American-Taiwanese aircraft appeared unhindered and unpunished in the airspace of East China. Since April, they began to act more carefully, the presence of Soviet fighters, who conducted training flights with Shanghai airfields.

During the period from April to October 1950, the Shanghai air defense was made in combat readiness a total of about fifty times, when the anti-aircraft artillery opened the fire and rose to the interception fighters. In just this time, four bombarders were destroyed by means of air defense Shanghai. Two aircraft voluntarily flew to the side of the PRC. In six air battles, the Soviet pilots shot down six opponent aircraft without losing a single one. In addition, the four Chinese anti-airflower regiments shot down another K-24 plane.

In September 1950, General P. F. Batitsky was withdrawn to Moscow. Instead, his deputy general S. V. Slyusarev joined the post of commander of the Air Defense Group. At the beginning of October, at the beginning of October from Moscow received a decree on retraining Chinese military and the transfer of military equipment and the entire air defense system to the Chinese Command of the Air Force and Air Defense. By mid-November 1953, the preparation program was completed.

With the beginning of the war in Korea by agreement between the Government of the USSR and the PRC in the North-East of China, large Soviet aviation units were stationed, defending the industrial centers of this area from the raids of American bombers. The Soviet Union has taken the necessary measures to build up its armed forces in the Far East, to further strengthen and develop the Naval Base of Port Arthur. She was an important link in the defense system of the eastern borders of the USSR, and in particular Northeast China. Later, in September 1952, confirming this role Port Arthur, the Chinese government appealed to the Soviet leadership with a request to postpone the transfer of this base from the collaboration with the USSR to the Completion of the PRC. The request was satisfied.

On October 4, 1950, 11 American aircraft were shot down by the Soviet intelligence aircraft A-20 Tof, which carried out the planned flight in the port Arthur area. Three crew members died. On October 8, two American aircraft took an attack on the Soviet airfield in Primorye dry river. 8 Soviet aircraft were damaged. These incidents escalated the already intense atmosphere on the border with Korea, where additional parts of the Air Force, air defense and land forces of the USSR were deployed.

The entire grouping of the Soviet troops was subordinate to Marshal Malinovsky and not only served as a rear basis for the warring North Korea, but also a powerful potential "shock fist" against American troops in the Far East region. The personnel of the Ground Forces of the USSR with the families of officers in Liaodul was more than 100,000 people. In the port of Port Arthur, 4 armored trains were kicked.

By the beginning of the hostilities, the Soviet aviation grouping in China consisted of 83 mixed airproof (2 mead, 2 dietary supplements, 1 s); 1 IAP Navy, 1TAP Navy; In March 1950, 106 air defense iad (2 JEAP, 1 SBSAP) arrived. Of these and newly arrived parts, at the beginning of November 1950, the 64th special fighter aviakorpus was formed.

Total for the period of war in Korea and the casion negotiations following her, twelve fighter divisions changed (28th, 151st, 303, 324th, 97th, 190th, 32nd, 216th , 133rd, 37th, 100th), two separate night fighter shelf (351st and 258th), two fighter regiment from the Air Force of the Navy (578th and 781th), four anti-aircraft artillery divisions (87th, 92nd, 28th and 35th), two aviation and technical divisions (18th and 16th) and other parts of the provision.

The corps in different periods commanded the Major General I. V. Belov, G. A. Lobov and Lieutenant General Aviation S. V. Slyusarev.

The 64th Fighter Aviation Corps took part in hostilities from November 1950 to July 1953. The total number of personnel of the corps was approximately 26 thousand people. And she remained so until the end of the war. As of November 1, 1952, 440 pilots and 320 aircraft were in the corps. In service with the 64th, IAC initially consisted of aircraft MiG-15, Yak-11 and La-9, in the future they were replaced by MiG-15BIS, MiG-17 and La-11.

According to Soviet data, Soviet fighters from November 1950 to July 1953 in 1872 air battles were shot down by 1106 opponent aircraft. From June 1951, 153 aircraft were destroyed by the fire artillery of the corps from June 1951, and only 1259 opponent aircraft of various types were shot down by 1259 of the 64th. The loss of aircraft in air battles conducted by the pilots of the contingent of Soviet troops amounted to 335 MiG-15. Soviet aviation divisions who participated in the reflection of US aviation raids lost 120 pilots. The loss of anti-aircraft artillery in personnel amounted to 68 people killed and 165 wounded. The total loss of the contingent of Soviet troops in Korea amounted to 299 people, of which the officers - 138, sergeants and soldiers - 161. As Major General A. Kalugin remembered, "we took the time of 1954. I carried the combat on duty, departed to interceptions when groups appear American aircraft, which happened daily and several times a day. "

In 1950, the main military adviser and at the same time military attache in China was Lieutenant General Pavel Mikhailovich Kotov-Lomankov, then Lieutenant-General A. V. Petrushevsky and the Hero of the Soviet Union Colonel-General S. A. Krasovsky.

The chief military adviser was subject to senior advisers of various kinds of troops, military districts and academies. These advisors were: in artillery - Major General Artillery M. A. Nikolsky, in the armored troops - Major General of the Tank Troop Troops G. E. Cherkasi, in the air defense - Major General Artillery V. M. Dobryansky, in the military-air Forces - Major General of Aviation S. D. Pants, and in the Navy - Council Admiral A. V. Kuzmin.

Soviet military assistance had a significant impact on the course of hostilities in Korea. For example, assistance provided by Soviet Sailors Korean Navy (Senior Naval Counselor in the DPRK - Admiral Kapanadze). With the help of Soviet specialists in coastal waters, more than 3 thousand mines of Soviet production were delivered. The first ship of the United States who broke out on Mine, on September 26, 1950 was the destroyer "Bram". The second, who appeared on the contact mine, is the Menchfield destroyer. The third is the Magpai Merper. In addition to them, they were injured in mines and sank the watchdog and 7 trashmen.

The participation of Soviet land forces in the Korean War is not advertised and has been classified so far. And, nevertheless, throughout the war in North Korea, Soviet troops were located, a total of about 40 thousand military personnel. They included military advisers with KNA, military specialists and servicemen of the 64th Fighter Aviation Corps (IAK). The total number of specialists was 4,293 people (including 4020-soldiers and 273 - Wolnonamed), most of which were in the country until the beginning of the Korean War. Advisors were under communal communities and heads of the Korean People's Army services, in infantry divisions and individual infantry brigades, infantry and artillery shelves, individual combat and curriculums, in officers and political schools, in rear connections and parts.

Veniamin Nikolayevich Bersenev, a year and nine months who fought in North Korea, says: "I was a Chinese volunteer and wore the form of the Chinese army. For this, we were jokingly called "Chinese chickles". Many Soviet soldiers and officers served in Korea. And their families did not even know about it. "

Soviet aircraft involverships in Korea and China, I. A. Seyidov, notes: "In China and North Korea, the Soviet parts and air defense units also observed disguise, performing the task in the form of Chinese folk volunteers."

V. Smirnov testifies: "Starked Dalian, who asked to call His uncle Zhora (in those years, he was a volincident worker in the Soviet military unit, and the name of Zhora was given by Soviet soldiers), said that Soviet pilots, tankers, artilleryrs helped Korean people in reflection American aggression, but they fought in the form of Chinese volunteers. The dead were buried in the cemetery in Port Arthur. "

The work of the Soviet military advisers was highly appreciated by the Government of the DPRK. In October 1951, 76 people for selfless work "to assist KNA in its struggle against American-English Interventory" and "selfless return of their energy and abilities to the common cause of peace and security of nations" were awarded Korean national orders. Due to the unwillingness of the Soviet leadership, to publish publicity, the presence of Soviet soldiers in the territory of Korea, their stay in the existing parts from September 15, 1951 was "officially" forbidden. And, nevertheless, it is known that the 52nd Zenad from September to December 1951 held 1093 battery shootings and hit 50 opponent aircraft on the territory of North Korea.

On May 15, 1954, the American government published documents that established the size of the participation of Soviet troops in the Korean War. According to the given data, about 20,000 Soviet soldiers and officers were located as part of the North Korean army. Two months before the conclusion of the truce, the Soviet contingent was reduced to 12,000 people.

American radar and overheard system, according to the fighter pilot B. S. Abakumov, controlled the mode of operation of Soviet airlines. Monthly in North Korea and China threw a large number of saboteurs with various tasks, including seizure of someone from Russians to prove their presence in the country. American scouts were equipped with first-class information transfer techniques and could mask radio equipment under water rice fields. Due to the high-quality and operational work of the agent, the enemy side was often informed even about the departures of Soviet aircraft, up to the designation of their side numbers. Veteran 39 Samohelev's Army F. E., Commander of the Staff Right of Communication 17 GW. SD, recalled: "It cost our parts to start moving or aircraft to climb into the air, as an enemy radio station immediately began to work. Catch the gunner was extremely difficult. They knew the terrain well and skillfully masked. "

The American and Homintan Intelligence constantly actively acted in China. The Center for American Intelligence called "Research Bureau for Far Eastern Affairs" was located in Hong Kong, in Taipei - School for the training of saboteurs and terrorists. On April 12, 1950, Chan Kaisha gave a secret order to establish special units in Southeast China for the implementation of terrorist acts against Soviet specialists. In it, in particular, it was said: "... to widely deploy terrorist actions against Soviet military and technical specialists and important military and political communist workers in order to effectively stop their activities ..." Chankayshist agents sought to obtain documents in China of Soviet citizens. There were also provocations with the drags of the attacks of the Soviet soldiers on China. These scenes were photographed and presented in print as acts of violence against local residents. One of the sabotage groups was disclosed in the training aircraft for preparing for flights on reactive techniques in the territory of the PRC.

According to the testimony of veterans of the 39th Army, "saboteurs from nationalist gangs of Chan Kaisha and the Kaihomyndanovans attacked the Soviet soldiers during the carrier of the guard service on distant facilities." Constant radiotheryal intelligence and search engines were conducted against spies and sabotage. The situation required a constant high combat readiness of the Soviet troops. The combat, operational, staff, special training was continuously conducted. Conducted joints with parts of NAK teachings.

Since July 1951, new divisions began to be created in the Nugwaysky district, including Korean, derived from Manchuria. At the request of the Chinese government, two advisers were sent to these divisions for the period of their formation: to the division commander and to the commander of the tank-self-propelled regiment. With their active help began, the combat training of all parts and units was carried out and ended. Advisors of the commanders of these infantry divisions in the Nugoktai Military District (in 1950-1953) were: Lieutenant Colonel I. F. Pozazov; Colonel N. P. Katkov, V. T. Yaglenko. N. S. Loboda. Advisors of the commanders of Tovhovo-self-propelled regiments Lieutenant Colonel G. A. Nikiforov, Colonel I. D. Ivlev, etc.

January 27, 1952, US President Truman wrote in a personal diary: "It seems to me that the right decision would now be an ultimatum with a ten-day deadline that we intends to block the Chinese coast from the Korean border to Indochina and that we intend to destroy all military bases in Manchuria ... We will destroy all ports or cities in order to achieve our peaceful goals ... This means a universal war. This means that Moscow, St. Petersburg, Mukden, Vladivostok, Beijing, Shanghai, Port Arthur, Dive, Odessa and Stalingrad and all industrial enterprises in China and the Soviet Union will be erased from the face of the Earth. This is the last chance for the Soviet government to decide whether it deserves to exist or not! ".

Anticipating such a development of events, the Soviet soldiers were issued in case of atomic bombing of iodide drugs. Water was allowed to drink only from flasks filled in part.

Wide resonance in the world received facts using the UN coalition forces of bacteriological and chemical weapons. As reported by the publications of those years, bombings with special containers styled by insects (flies, spiders, beetles, grasshoppers, ants, midges, etc.), infected with chumay, cholera and other diseases, were subjected to both the positions of the Korean-Chinese troops and districts From the front line. In total, according to Chinese scientists, in two months the Americans conducted 804 bacteriological plates. These facts are confirmed by Soviet soldiers - veterans of the Korean War. Bersenev recalls: "B-29 bombed at night, and in the morning you will get out - everywhere insects: such large flies infected with different diseases. The whole earth was littered with them. Because of the flies slept in gauze canopy. We were constantly made preventive injections, but many still have fallen. And someone from our died in bombings. "

In the afternoon of August 5, 1952, a flight station Kim Il Sayna was raided. As a result of this, 11 Soviet military advisers died. On June 23, 1952, the Americans made the largest raid on a complex of hydraulic structures on the Yalujiang River, which participated over five hundred bombers. As a result, almost all of North Korea and part of the North China remained without power supply. The British authorities disabled from this act committed under the UN flag, saying protest.

On October 29, 1952, American aviation committed a destructive raid on the Soviet Embassy. According to memories of the Embassy Embassy V. A. Tarasova, the first bombs were reset at two o'clock in the morning, the subsequent sites continued approximately every half an hour before dawn. Four hundred bombs were reset on two hundred kilograms each.

On July 27, 1953 on the day of signing a cease-fire contract (generally accepted date of the end of the Korean War), the Soviet military aircraft "IL-12", refurbished in the passenger version, flew from Port Arthur to Vladivostok. Flying over the spurs of Big Hingan, he was suddenly attacked by 4 American fighters, as a result of which the unarmed "IL-12" with 21 people aboard, including crew members, was shot down.

In October 1953, the Commander of the 39th Army was appointed Lieutenant-General V. I. Shevtsov. He commanded the army until May 1955

Soviet parts participating in hostilities in Korea and China

The following Soviet parts that participated in hostilities in Korea and China are known: 64th IAK, Department of Inspection of the DHW, DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT at DHW; Three aviation committees located in Pyongyang, Seusin and Canco for the maintenance of the Vladivostok - Port Arthur route; Haidzinsky intelligence station, station "HC" of the Ministry of State Security in Pyongyang, a broadcast point in Ranan and Communication Rota, servicing links with the Embassy of the USSR. From October 1951 to April 1953, at the headquarters of the CBD, a group of Radruists GRU was working under the command of Captain Yu. A. Zharov, which provided communication with the General Staff of the Soviet Army. Until January 1951, a separate issue of communication was also in North Korea. 06/13/1951 The 10th zenith-projector regiment arrived in the fighting area. He was in Korea (Andun) until the end of November 1952 and was replaced by the 20th regiment. 52nd, 87th, 92nd, 28th and 35th anti-aircraft artillery divisions, 18th Aviation and Technical Division of the 64th IAC. In the composition of the corps were also 727 OK and 81 ODS. There were several radiotechnical battalions on the territory of Korea. Forced several military hospitals on the railway and operated the 3rd railway operational regiment. Soviet relationships, operators of radar stations, deposits, specialists engaged in repair and recovery work, sappers, drivers, Soviet medical institutions were conducted by combat work.

As well as parts and compounds of the Pacific Fleet: Seyssinskaya VBM, 781th JaP, 593th separate transport aviation regiment, 1744th Dalname Aviation Squadron, 36th Minno-Torpeda Aviation Regiment, 1534th Minno-Torpeda Aviation Regiment, Cable ship "Plastun", 27th Laboratory of Aviation Medicine.


In Port Arthur stationed: Headquarters 113 SK Lieutenant General Tereshkova (338th Infantry Division - on the port of Port Arthur, Far, 358th from the far to the northern border of the zone, 262th MD along the entire northern border of the peninsula, headquarters 5 -Ho Artillery Corps, 150 UR, 139 APABR, Communication Regiment, Artillery Regiment, 48th GW. SMEs, Air Defense Regiment, JaP, Balon Ato. Editorial Board of the 39th Army "Son of Motherland". After the war, she began to be called " The glory of the Motherland! ", Editor - Lieutenant Colonel B. L. Krasovsky. Base Navy of the USSR. Hospital 29 PPG.

In the area of \u200b\u200bJinzhou, headquarters of 5 GW were stationed. Lieutenant General L. N. Alekseeva, 19, 91 and 17th GW. Rifle division under the command of General-Major Evgeny Leonidovich Korkuca. Head of the headquarters Lieutenant Colonel Strashnenko. The division included a 21st separate communication battalion, which was trained by Chinese volunteers on the basis. 26th Guards Cannon Artillery Regiment, 46th Regiment of Guards Mortar, Part 6th Artillery Division Breakthrough, Minno-Torpened Airport Tof.

In the far - 33rd cannon division, 7th tank headquarters, aviation parts, 14th Zenad, 119th rifle regiment guarded the port. Parts of the USSR Navy. In the 50s, Soviet experts in a convenient coastal zone were built a modern hospital for NAK. This hospital exists now.

In Sanshilip - Airlines.

In the city of Shanghai, Nanjing and Xuzhou - 52 Anti-Armenia Division, airfields (at Jianwan and Dachan airfields), posts VOS (in Cydun Points, Nanki, Hyan, Usegan, Tsunjiaol).

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Andun - 19th GW. Rifle division, air facilities, 10th, 20th anti-aircraft projector shelves.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Infertsi - the 7th fur. The division of Lieutenant General F. G. Katkova, part of the 6th Artillery Division of the breakthrough.

In the area of \u200b\u200bNanchang - aircraft.

In the area of \u200b\u200bHarbin - Airlines.

In the area of \u200b\u200bBeijing - 300th airlock.

Mukden, Anshan, Liaoyan - Airborne Bases.

In the area of \u200b\u200bTsizicar - Airlines.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Mythago - Airlines.

Losses and loss

The Soviet-Japanese war of 1945. Died - 12,031 people., Sanitary - 24,425 people.

During the execution of the Soviet military specialists of international debt in China from 1946 to 1950, died, died from RAS and 936 people diseases. Of these, officers are 155, sergeants - 216, soldiers - 521 and 44 people. - From among civilian specialists. The burial of the fallen Soviet internationalists is preserved in the People's Republic of China.

War in Korea (1950-1953). The general irrevocable losses of our parts and compounds amounted to 315 people, of them officers - 168, sergeants and soldiers - 147.

The numbers of Soviet losses in China, including during the period of the Korean War, differ significantly in different sources. So, according to the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Shenyang, 89 Soviet Citizens (GG. Lyushun, Dalian and Jinzhou) were buried on cemeteries at the Liaodo Peninsula (GG. Lyushun, Dalian and Jinzhou), and according to Chinese certification of 1992 - 723 people. In total, in the period from 1945 to 1956, 722 Soviet citizens were buried on the Liaodunsk Peninsula, according to the Civil Centers (of which 104 unknown), and according to the Chinese certification of 1992 - 2572 people, including 15 unknowns. As for the Soviet losses, the full data is still missing. From many literary sources, including memoirs, it is known that during the Korean war, Soviet advisers, anti-aircraft people, telecommunications, health workers, diplomats, other specialists who provided North Korea.

In China, there are 58 boron sites of Soviet and Russian warriors. More than 18 thousand were killed when China's liberation from Japanese invaders and after VMW.

In the territory of the PRC, the ashes of more than 14.5 thousand Soviet soldiers are resting, in 45 cities of China, at least 50 monuments to Soviet soldiers are constructed.

There is no detailed information regarding the accounting of the loss of Soviet civilians in China. At the same time, about 100 women and children were buried only at one of the plots in the Russian cemetery in Port Arthur. The children of military personnel are buried here, who died during the cholera epidemic in 1948, mostly one or two years from the genus.

The Soviet-Japanese war of 1945 refers to the number of history events that cause an overwhelming interest. At first glance, nothing special and did not happen: incomplete three weeks of fighting at the final stage of actually completed World War II. Neither of the fierce, nor on the scale of losses, it can not be compared not only with other wars of the twentieth century, but even with such operations of World War II, as Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk Battle, Norman operation, etc.
However, this war left an extremely deep mark in history, remains actually the only unbalanced node Second World War. Its consequences continue to have a strong impact on modern Russian-Japanese relations.

The grouping of Soviet troops in the Far East, deployed by August 1945, on the borders from Manzhou and in the seaside districts of the USSR, included in its composition Zabaykalsky, 1st and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts, Pacific Fleet and Red Banner Amur Flotilla.

By the beginning of the hostilities, Soviet troops had full superiority over the enemy in alive, weapons and military equipment. The quantitative superiority of the Soviet troops was supported by high-quality characteristics: Soviet parts and compounds had extensive experience in conducting hostilities against a strong and well-armed enemy, and tactical and technical data consisting in service with domestic and foreign military equipment significantly exceeded Japanese.

By August 8, the grouping of the Soviet troops in the Far East had 1,669,500 people, and 16,000 people numbered compounds of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army. Soviet troops exceeded a grouping of enemy troops in different directions: on tanks 5-8 times, artillery 4-5 times, mortars 10 or more times, 3 or more combat aircraft.

The opposing grouping of the Japanese and puppet troops of Manzhou-th was up to 1 million people. It was the basis of the Japanese Quantongist, the army, which included the 1st, 3rd and 17th fronts, 4th and 34th individual armies, the 2nd air army and the Sungarian military flotilla. On the Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, the troops of the 5th front were stationed. Along the borders of the USSR and MTR, the Japanese were built with 17 fortified areas, which had more than 4.5 thousand long-term structures. Powerful defensive structures were on Sakhalin and Kuril Islands.

The defense of the Japanese troops was based on all the benefits of the natural and climatic conditions of the Far Eastern Military Theater. The presence of large mountain systems and rivers with swampy floats along the Soviet-Manchur border created a kind of natural hard-solid defensive line. From the side of Mongolia, the area was an extensive anhydrous semi-desert, eminent and almost deprived of roads. The specificity of the Far Eastern TVD was also in the fact that its extensive part was marine pools. South Sakhalin was distinguished by a complex mountainous-wetland nature, and most of the Kuril Islands were a natural fortress.

On August 3, Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M.Vasilevsky reported I.V. Stalin on the situation in the Far East and the state of the troops. Referring to the data of the main intelligence department of the General Staff, the commander noted that the Japanese are actively increasing the land and military air grouping of their troops in Manchuria. According to the Commander, the most acceptable period for the transition of the state border was August 9-10, 1945

The rate determined the term - 18.00 August 10, 1945 Moscow time. However, in the afternoon, on August 7, new instructions were obtained from the TGC rate - to start the fighting exactly for two days earlier - at 18.00 on August 8, 1945 Moscow time, that is, at midnight from August 8 to August 9 in Transbaikalt time.

How can I explain the transfer of the values \u200b\u200bof the beginning of the war with Japan? First of all, this is a look at the desire to achieve maximum suddenness. The Soviet command proceeded from the fact that even if the enemy has been known for the established period of combat operations, then its transfer for two days earlier will have a paralyzing effect on Japanese troops. For the Soviet troops, ready to conduct combat operations from August 5, the change in the timing of their starts did not matter. The fact that on August 8, on August 8, was exactly three months from the date of signing the act on the unconditional surrender of the troops of fascist Germany. Thus, Stalin with unprecedented punctuality has kept a promise to the Allies on the beginning of the war with Japan.

But another interpretation of this rate is possible, since it was taken immediately after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. It is likely that Stalin had data on the preparing bombers of Japanese cities, and the first information about the scale of losses and destruction in Hiroshima forced him to speed up the USSR entry into the war due to the concerns that Japan could "prematurely" capitulate.

The initial plans also envisaged a landing operation on about. Hokkaido, but for some military-political reasons and reached it was canceled. Not the last role was played here that the US President of the city of Truman "refused to us in this", that is, in the creation of the Soviet area of \u200b\u200boccupation on O. Khokkido.

Military actions began, as planned, exactly at midnight on Zabaykalsky time from 8 to August 9, 1945 on Earth, in the air and the sea at the same time at the front of a total length of 5130 km. The offensive turned into extremely unfavorable meteorological conditions: On August 8, storm rains began, which fastened the actions of aviation. Spilled rivers, swamps and blurred roads extremely difficult to perform vehicles, moving parts and front connections. In order to ensure secrecy, aviation and artillery preparation of the offensive was not carried out. August 9, at 4 h. 30 min. Local time, the main forces of the fronts were introduced into battle. The blow to the enemy was so powerful and unexpected that the Soviet troops did not meet almost anywhere. After a few hours of fighting, Soviet troops advanced in different directions from 2 to 35 km.

The most successfully developed the actions of the Trans-Baikal Front and the compounds of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army. In the first five days of the war, the 6th Guards Tank Army has advanced by 450 km, the Ridge Hingana ridge overcameed and reached the central manchurian plain for a day before the planned term. The exit of the Soviet troops in the deep rear of the Kwantung Army in the Hingano-Mukden direction created the possibility of the development of the offensive towards the most important military, administrative and industrial centers of Manchuria. All opponent's attempts to stop the Soviet troops with counterattacks were torn.

The troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front at the first stage of the Manchurian operation met the resistance of the Japanese troops at the turns of fortified areas. The most fierce battles were carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Mudanjiang - an important transport center of Manchuria. Only on the outcome on August 16, the troops of the 1st Red Banner and the 5th armies finally mastered this well-fortified node of communications. Successful actions of the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front were created favorable conditions for the offensive in the Harbino-Girin direction.

In close cooperation with the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front, the Pacific Fleet acted. To change the initial plan, the seizure of the most important ports on the coast of Korea was instructed by the forces of the fleet. On August 11, Port Yuki was busy with the Forces of the Marine Guards, on August 13 - Rasin, on August 16 - Seismin.

At the first stage of the Manchurian strategic offensive operation, the 2nd Far Eastern Front had a task to promote the troops of the Trans-Baikal and 1st Far Eastern Fronts in the defeat of the Kwantung Army and mastering Harbin. In cooperation with ships and ships of the Red-known Amur Flotilla and the troops of the Khabarovsky red-known borderline district, the part and the front compounds were mastered by the main major islands and several essential bridgeheads on the right bank of the river. Amur. The Sungarian military fleet of the enemy turned out to be locked, and the troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Front were able to successfully develop the offensive along the p. Sungari on Harbin.

Simultaneously with the participation in the Manchu strategic offensive operation, the troops of the 2nd Far Eastern Front from August 11, an offensive operation was launched on southern Sakhalin, actively interacting with the Northern Pacific Military Flotilla. The offensive on Sakhalin was carried out in extremely difficult conditions of mountain and wooded and swampy terrain against a strong enemy, based on a powerful and branched system of defensive structures. Fights on Sakhalin from the very beginning took a fierce character and continued until August 25.

On August 19, in the cities of Girin, Mukden and Changchun, aerial landings were planted. At the airfield in Mukden, the Soviet paratroopers seized the plane with the emperor Manzhou-Pu and and accompanying his persons sent to Japan. Soviet air landings were also planted on August 23 in the cities of Port Arthur and Dire (Far).

The rapid promotion of moving units of ground forces in combination with landing of air assaults in Hamhane and Pyongyan on August 24 and the actions of the Pacific, the entire territory of North Korea until the 38th parallel was released.

On August 18, the Kuril landing operation was launched by the 2nd Far Eastern Front in collaboration with the fleet. The islands of the Kuril Ridge were turned into a chain of impregnable natural fortresses, the central link of which was O.Shumsha. Bloody battles continued on this island for several days, and only on August 23, the Japanese garrison capitulated. By August 30, all the islands of the northern and central part of the Kuril ridge were occupied by Soviet troops.

From August 28, part of the 2nd Far Eastern Front and the Northern Pacific flotilla began to master the southern part of Kuril - ITUURUP, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomaia. Japanese resistance branions did not provide, and by September 5, all the churches were occupied by Soviet troops.

The power and suddenness of Soviet strikes, the unaware of the war of the Quantong Army and its doomed predetermined the vehicles of the Soviet-Japanese war of 1945. Military actions were focal in nature and, as a rule, were insignificant on scale and intensity. The Japanese army did not show fully all of their strengths. However, at the tactical level in battles with the Soviet troops who had absolute superiority over the enemy, the Japanese parts have distinguished the fanatical following orders and their military duty, spirit of self-denial and self-sacrifice, discipline and organization. Documents indicate numerous facts of fierce resistance of Japanese soldiers and small units even in hopeless situations. An example of this is the tragic fate of the Japanese garrison of the reference point on the town of Outragia Hatouau Stolong. The ultimatum of the Soviet command about the delivery was categorically rejected, the Japanese fought to the end, with the courage of doomed. After battles in underground chamsisats, corpses of 500 Japanese soldiers and officers were found, and near them - the corpses of 160 women and children, family members of the Japanese servicemen. Part of women was armed with daggers, grenades and rifles. To the end of the devotees to the emperor and their military duty, they deliberately chose death, abandoning the surrender and captivity.

Contempt to death demonstrated 40 Japanese soldiers, who were in one of the sections of the Trans-Baikal Front into a desperate counterattack against Soviet tanks, having no anti-tank agents.

At the same time, Japanese sabotage groups were actively operating at the rear of Soviet troops, squaders, single fanatics, the victims of which the Soviet soldiers became the victims of the Soviet soldiers, and above all the commanders and political workers. The terrorist acts conducted by them were distinguished by extreme cruelty and sadism, were accompanied by inhuman torture and bullying, abuse on the bodies of the dead.

The role of the Soviet Union in liberation from Japanese enslavement is highly assessed by the population of Manchuria and Korea, who sent letters of valet and congratulations to the Soviet military leaders.

By September 1, 1945, in fact, all the tasks set by the TGK front assembly and Tof were fulfilled.

On September 2, 1945, Japan signed an act of unconditional surrender, which marked the end of the Soviet-Japanese war and the end of World War II. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was announced on September 3, the Day of the National Celebration - the Victory Day over Japan. "

The defeat of the Soviet troops of the Quantongy army and the liberation of the Northeast of China resolutely changed the relationship in favor of the PDA forces, which on August 11, were transferred to the offensive, which was launched until October 10, 1945. During this time, before the approach of the Khomintan troops, they settled the main lines of communications, took a number of cities and Extensive rural areas in Northern China. By the end of the year, almost a quarter of the territory of China with a population of about 150 million people passed under the control of the CPC. Immediately after the surrender of Japan in China, the acute political struggle on the path of the country's further development was broken.

With the completion of the war in the Far East, the problem of summing up her results, identifying and taking into account losses, trophies, material damage.

According to Sovinformbüro of September 12, 1945, during the time from August 9 to September 9, the losses of the Japanese were killed over 80 thousand soldiers and officers. In accordance with the views established in domestic historiography, during the Far Eastern campaign of Soviet troops, the Japanese army lost 83.7 thousand people killed. However, this figure, like everyone else, is very conditional. The exact data of Japan's losses in the war against the USSR in August-September 1945, it is practically impossible to indicate for a variety of causes of an objective nature. In Soviet combat and reporting documents of that time, Japanese losses were evaluated; Currently, it is impossible to dilute the losses of the Japanese army into categories - those killed in battle, those who dare (nebarean losses), who died for various reasons who died from the impact of Soviet aviation and fleet, missing, etc.; It is difficult to identify among the dead percentage of Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Mongols. In addition, strict accounting of combat losses was not established in the most Japanese army itself, the majority of Japanese combat documents were or destroyed when surrendered, or for one reason or another before this day was not preserved.

It is also not possible to establish a precise number of Japanese prisoners of war taken by Soviet troops in the Far East. The documents in the archives of the Main Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR for prisoners of war and interneeds show that the accounting was supplied (by different data) from 608,360 to 643,501 people. Of these, 64,888 people were released directly from the fronts in accordance with the order of the General Staff of the Liberation of All Prisoners of Nevapon Nationality, as well as patients, wounded and long-continuously disabled Japanese. 15 986 people died in front points of the prison concentration. 12 318 Japanese prisoners of war were transferred to the MPR authorities, part of the work for the rear needs of the fronts was taken to record erroneously (adolescents, disabled, colonists, etc.); A certain amount was transferred to Smered, fled or was killed with escapes. The total number of Japanese prisoners decisilated from accounting before the export of them in the USSR is (by different data) from 83,561 to 105,675 people.

The victory of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Far East in September 1945 went to the price of the lives of many thousands of Soviet soldiers. The total loss of Soviet troops, taking into account the sanitary, amounted to 36,456 people. The compounds of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army lost 197 people, of which 72 people are irretrievably.
Viktor Gavrilov, Military Historian, Candidate of Psychological Sciences