Antique Hellenes. Ancient Greeks

Antique Hellenes. Ancient Greeks
The World History. Volume 1. Ancient world Yegen Oscar

Origin of Ellinov

Origin of Ellinov

Resettlement from Asia.

The main and initial event in the history of the part of the world, which is called the ancient Semitic name Europe (midnight), there was an endless long-lasting relocation of peoples from Asia. Preceded by this relocation is covered with complete Mrac: if it was where to this resettlement the native population, it was very rare, stood at the lowest stage of development, and therefore it was displaced by immigrants, enslaved, exterminated. This process of relocation and durable settlement on new sellers began to take the form of a historical and reasonable manifestation of folk life, previously all - in the Balkan Peninsula, and moreover, in the southern part of it, to which the bridge was held, in the form of an almost continuous series of islands. . Really. Sporads and Cycladic The islands lie so close to each other that, as it were, lure a migrant, attract, keep, indicate the future path. Romans called residents of the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula and the islands belonging to it greeks (graeci); they themselves called themselves afterwards with one general name - ellina. But they accepted this common name already in a fairly late era of their historical life, when they were in their new foundish to the whole people.

Figure on the Archaic Greek Black Figure Vessel VIII century. BC e. Eastern features are felt in the style of painting.

These residents that moved to the Balkan Peninsula belonged to aryan Tribe, as it is positively proved by comparative linguistics. The same science in general explains the volume of culture made by them from their East Praodina. Their beliefs were in the circle of their beliefs - Zeus, or Diy, the god of a comprehensive heavenly arch - Uranus, the goddess of the land of Gay, the Ambassador of the Gods - Hermes and a few more naive-religious officers embodying the forces of nature. In the area of \u200b\u200blife, they were known for the necessary home apparel and agricultural tools, the usual pets of a moderate belt - bull, horse, sheep, dog, goose; They were characterized by the concept of settling, durable dwelling, about the house, in contrast to the nomad portable satellite; Finally, they have had a very developed language, testifying to a fairly high degree of development. With which these migrants from the old settlements of the settlement came out and that they brought with them to Europe.

Their resettlement was completely arbitrary, not led by anyone who did not have any specific goal and plan. It was committed, without a doubt, like European evictions in America, which is currently occurring, i.e., they were moved by families, crowds, of which the most part of a long time in the new fatherland was selected for individuals and tribes. In this resettlement, as in modern resettlement to America, not rich and notable, and not the lowest layer of the population, less than a movable; The most energetic part of the poor, which, when evicting, expects to improve their fate.

Nature of the country

The territory elected to the settlement, they found not quite empty and deserted; they met the primitive population there, which was later called pelasgami. Between the ancient names of various tracts of this territory, many who are coming on themselves the imprint of Semitic origin, and it can be assumed that some parts of the territory were populated by the Semitic tribes. Those migrants who had to join the Balkan Peninsula from the north, came across there on another population, and it did not happen everywhere without struggle. But nothing is known about this, and one can only assume that the initial pelasgic population of the territory was few. New immigrants were looking for, apparently, not pastures and non-vigorous, but such places where they could firmly settle, and here are the terrain south from Olympa, although not particularly rich in large and fructive plains, it seemed to them particularly attractive. From the North-West to the south-east, the mountain range of the Pend is stretched along the entire Peninsula, with vertices to 2.5 thousand meters, with aisles of 1600-1800 meters; He is a watershed between the Aegean and Adriatic seas. From his heights, going face south, on the left side to the east, a fruitful plain with a beautiful river is visible - a country, subsequently called Fessals; to the west - a country, raised by mountain chains parallel to the Pinda, is Epir S. His wooded heights. Next, under 49 ° C. sh. the country extends later Ellala - Actually average Greece. This country, although there is mountain and pretty wilderness in it, and in the middle it rises a two-service parenas, towering 2460 meters, was still very attractive in appearance; Pure sky, rarely dropping rains, a lot of variety in the general area, a little away - an extensive plain with a lake in the midst of abundant fish is the later beoze; Mountains everywhere were richly covered with forest at the time than later; rivers a little and shallow water; to the west everywhere to the sea - to file hand; The southern part is a mountainous peninsula, almost completely separated by water from the rest of Greece - this Peloponnes. All this country, mountainous, with sharp climate transitions, has something that wakes up energy and harnesses strength, and the main thing that its own surface is conducive to the formation of individual small communities, quite closed, and so contribute to the development of hot love to them native corner. In one respect, the country has a truly incomparable advantage: the entire East Store of the Peninsula is extremely tortuous, in it at least five large bays and moreover with many branching - therefore, it is available everywhere, and the abundance is expensive at the time of purple mollusk in some bays and sheds ( For example, EUBEY and Saronic), and in other areas the abundance of ship forest and mineral wealth has already become very early to attract here in Sements. But ingenians could never get into the depths of the country, since her, according to the nature of the terrain, it was easy to protect from the external invasion everywhere.

An image of a military fleet on a bronze sword blade.

The first Greek civilizations were famous for the militancy and knowledge of the sea, for which in Egypt, these tribes received the common name of the "Peoples of the Sea". III century BC e.

Phoenician influence

However, in the distant time of the first settlements of the Aryan tribe on the Balkan Peninsula only one The people could prevent the natural growth and development of the Aryans, namely - phoenicians; But they did not think about colonization in large sizes. Their influence, however, was very significant and, generally speaking, even benefactor; According to legend, the founder of one of the Greek cities, the cities of FIV, there was a Phoenic Kadm, and this name really carries the Semitian imprint and means "man from the East." Therefore, it can be assumed that it was a time when the Phoenician element was among the population prevailing. He delivered a precious gift from the Aryan population - letters that this mobile and the involuntary people, gradually developing from the Egyptian basis, appealed to the present sound letter with a separate sign for each individual sound - in alphabet. Of course, in this form of writing served as a powerful tool for further success of the development of the Aryan tribe. And religious ideas, and the rites of the Phoenicians also had some influence that is not difficult to recognize in individual deities of later time, for example, in Aphrodite, in Hercules; They should not be not to see Astarta and Baal Melcart Phoenician beliefs. But in this area, the Phoenician influence penetrated shallow. It only excited, but did not master well, and everything clearly was discussed in the language, which later retained and learned only a very small number of semitty words, and then mainly in the form of trading terms. The Egyptian influence, which also preserved legends, of course, was still weaker than Phoenician.

Education of the Hellenic Nation

These contacts with an alien element were important precisely what they found out his peculiar character, the peculiarities of his life, brought them to the consciousness of these features and thereby contributed to their further independent development. About the active spiritual life of the Aryan people, on the basis of his new homeland, is already evidenced by the infinite many myths about the gods and heroes, in which the creative fantasy is discouraged, restrained by the mind, and not blurry and unbridled on the oriental sample. These myths represent a distant echo of those great coup, which gave the country to its final appearance and are known entitled " dorian wanders.

Dorian wandering and its influence

This era of resettlement is timed ordinary to 1104 BC. e., of course, completely arbitrarily, because this kind of events can never definitely indicate their beginning nor the end. The external course of these relocations of peoples in a small space is presented in the following form: the tribe of the Fessenians, whoed in an epire between the Adriatic Sea and the ancient Sanctuary of the Dodon Oracle, passed through Pind and took possession of the East from this ridge a fertile country extending to the sea; This country is a tribe and gave your name. One of the tribes sighted by these Fessenians reached out to the south and overcame minus in Orkhomen and the cadms in the philas. In connection with these movements or even earlier, their third folk, Dorians, settled on the southern slope of Olympas, also moved in the southern direction, won a small mountainous area between Pendum and this one - Dorida But it was not pleasant to her because she seemed close to this numerous and militant folod, and therefore he settled the south of the mountainous Peninsula Peloponnes (i.e. Pelops Island). According to legend, this seizure was justified by some rights of the Dorian princes on Argolid, the area on Peloponnese, the rights that came to them from their herakelon, Hercules. Under the command of the three leaders, reinforcing on the way by Etolian crowds, they invaded Peloponnese. Etolians were assieved in the northeast of the Peninsula on the plains and the hills of ELIDA; Three separate crowds of Doriytsev over a certain period of time are seized by all the rest of the peninsula, except for the Arkady in the center of its mountainous country and thus are based on three Dorian communities - Argolida, Lacon, Messia, With some impurity conquered by the Dorians of the Ahasey tribe, originally lived here. And winners, and defeated - two different tribes, not two different people - formed here some similarity of a small state. Part of the Ahetsev in Laconia, who did not have their enslavement, rushed to the Ionian settlements of the northeast coast of Peloponnese under the Corinth Gulf. The ionians displaced from here were evaporated on the eastern outskirts of Central Greece, the Attika. Soon after that Dorians tried to move to the north and penetrate the attic, but this attempt was failed, and they had to be able to peloponnese. But the attic, not particularly fertile, could not bear too much overflow by the population. It led to new evictions for the Aegean Sea, in Malaya Asia. Migrants occupied the middle bankway there and founded a well-known number of cities - Millet, Mults, prince, Ephesus, Kolofon, Lebedos, Eritri, TEOS, Clauses, and the only combustrialists began to gather for annual festivities on one of the Cycladic Islands, Delome For which the legends of Ellini indicate as the place of birth of the solar god Apollo. Southwested shores from those engaged in Ionians, as well as the South Islands of Rhodes and Crete were settled by the Dorian tribe migrants; The terrain towards the North - Ahetis and others. Name itself Ealide This locality received precisely from the multirud and diversity of its population, for which the famous family of the national team was the island of Lesbos.

During this period of persistent struggle, the tribes, which put the foundation of the subsequent device of the individual states of Greece, the spirit of Ellinov found an expression in heroic songs - this is the first flower of Greek poetry, and this poetry is already very early, in the X-IX centuries. BC E., reached the highest degree of development in Homere, who managed to create two large epic works from individual songs. In one of them, he chased the anger of Achilles and his consequences, in the other - the return of Odyssey home from distant wanderings, and in both of these works he was brilliantly and expressed all the youthful freshness of the remote heroic period of Greek life.

Homer. Lateant bust.

The original is kept in the Capitol Museum.

About his personal life is unknown; Only his name is saved reliably. Several significant cities of the Greek world challenged each other honor to be called the birthday of Homer. Many can be confused by the expression "People's Poet" often used in relation to Homer, and meanwhile, its poetic works were already created, apparently, for the chosen, noble public, for the Lord, if you can express it. He is excellent with all sides of the life of this higher class, whether he describes hunting or martial arts, helmet or other weapons, in everything is visible. With an amazing skill and knowledge based on the dorms of observation, he draws separate characters from this higher circle.

Palace's throne hall in Pilos, the capital of the legendary Homeric Tsar Nestor.

Modern reconstruction

But this higher estate, described by Homer, was not at all closed byulates; The chapter of this class stood the king, which ruled the small area in which he was the main landowner. Below this class was a layer of free farmers or artisans, who were treated to warriors for a while, and everyone had their own common cause, common interests.

Mycenae, the legendary capital of Tsar Agamemnon, the reconstruction of the initial type and plan of the fortress:

A. Lion Gate; V. Bar; S. Wall supporting the terrace; D. Playground leading to the palace; E. Circle of burial found by Schliman; F. Palace: 1 - entrance; 2 - location for the guard; 3 - entrance to propylene; 4 - Western portal; 5 - Northern Corridor: 6 - Southern Corridor; 7 - Western pass; 8 - big yard; 9 - staircase; 10 - throat hall; 11 - receiving room: 12-14 - portico, large receiving room, Megaron: G. Fundam of the Greek sanctuary; N. Black input.

Lion gate in mycken.

The courtyard courtyard of the Palace in Mixes. Modern reconstruction.

An important feature of life during this time is the absence of closely cohesive estates, there is no separate estate of priests; Different layers of the people were still close to each other and understood each other, which is why these poetic works, even if they were originally intended for the highest class, soon became the property of all the people as the true fruit of his self-awareness. Homer learned from his people the ability to curb and artistically die his fantasy, just as he inherited from him the legends about his gods and heroes; But, on the other hand, he managed to clothe these legends in such a bright artistic form that he forever left the seal of his personal genius on them.

We can say that since the time of Homer, the Greek people became clearer and more clearly to imagine their gods in the form of separate, separate personalities, in the form of certain creatures. The chambers of the gods at the impregnable top of Olympus, the highest of the gods of Zeus, the great deities coming to him - the spouse of his gera, proud, passionate, grumpling; The darkwheld God of the Seas Poseidon, whoars land and stunning her; The god of the Underworld Aid; Hermes - the ambassador of the gods; Ares; Aphrodite; Demeter; Apollo; Artemis; Athena; God of fire Hephaest; The motley crowd of gods and spirits of the sea depths and mountains, sources, rivers and trees, - the whole world thanks to Homer was embodied alive, individual forms that were easily assimilated by the people's presentation and easily enjoyed the poets and artists in tactile form. And all expressed applied not only to religious ideas, to the views on the world of the gods ... and the people in the same way definitely characterizes the poetry of Homer, and, opposing characters, draws poetic images - the noble young man, a royal husband, a hype-free senior, - moreover, that these Human images: Achilles, Agamemnon, Nestor, Diomed, Odyssey forever remained the property of Ellini, like their deities.

Miking time warriors. Reconstruction M. V. Gorelika.

It was necessary to look like the heroes of the Homerovsky epic. From left to right: warrior in wheelchair armor (by find from mycken); Infantryman (in drawing on a vase); Cavalist (painting from Pilos Palace)

The dome-shalomb in mycken, excavated by Schliman and called the "tomb of the atrides"

Such a literary heritage of all the people, how "Iliad" and "Odyssey" became in a short time for the Greeks, to Homer, as far as known, nowhere else has ever happened. We should not forget that these works, predominantly transmitted orally, were pronounced, not readable, which is why they seem to be still heard and felt freshness of live speech.

The position of the lowest classes of society. Gesiod

We should not forget that poetry is not reality and that the reality of the remote era for most those who were neither king, nor anymore, was very harsh. The strength then replaced the right: Little people lived badly even where the kings belonged to their subjects with the deceive softness, and the notable stood for their people. A simple man has exposed his life to his life in the war, which was conducted because of this case, which directly and personally did not concern him. If he had kidnapped him everywhere after a sea robber, he died a slave on a foreign land and he was not a return to his homeland. This reality, in relation to the life of ordinary people, described another poet, Gesiod - Direct opposite to Homer. This poet lived in the Beotic Village at the foot of the Helikon, and his "works and days" went around the farmer, as he should have been treated during the north and harvest, as it was necessary to cover the ears from the cold wind and malicious morning mist.

Vase with warriors. Mycena XIV-XVI1I centuries. BC e.

Harvest harvest holiday. An image from a chernofigure vessel VII. BC e.

He warmly rebels against all noble people, complains of them, arguing that in that iron age they could not find any councils, and very much compares them, in relation to the lower layer of the population, with the KORSHUM, who in his claws will carry the nightingale.

But no matter how large these complaints were, it was still a big step forward in the fact that as a result of all these movements and wars, certain states were formed everywhere with a small territory, urban centers, states with certain, although harsh for the lower layer of legal orders.

Greece in the VII-VI centuries. BC e.

Of these, in the European part of the Ellinsky world, which was given the opportunity to develop freely, without any external, ingenic influence, was sublined to the greatest value of two states: Sparta On Peloponnese I. Athens In Central Greece.

Image of plowing and sowing on a black v/ of vulcia. VII century BC e.

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The Star Hour of Ellinov The Phoenician Sea Power was still in the Zenith of Glory, when young Greek cities-states rose on the rocky shores of the Balkan Peninsula. Greece's geographical position led to the early appearance of the navy there.

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Grands and Pleallies in Heritage of Ellinov What comes to mind with the word "elda"? The Greeks are known not only by trading talents (although this important gift we do not deny at all). First of all, Greek heroes come to mind, a great homer with a spring transparent stanza. L.N.


16.2. The victory of Ellinov with the placas and taking by Poles of the city of Polotsk and the fortresses around him according to Herradoni, the famous and experienced Persian commander of Mardonius, one of the nearest Cerksats, was abandoned by the king as commander-in-chief of the Persian Ariřard

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5. The origin of Ermak and the origin of Cortes in the previous chapter, we have already reported that, according to Romanov historians, information about the past Ermak is extremely scarce. According to legend, Grandfather Ermak was a suburban man of Suzdal. The famous grandson was born somewhere in

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Chapter XIV. The struggle of Western Ellinov for freedom is even more persistent than the metropolis, needed to restore the order of the Greek West. Since Dion crushed Dionysius's power, here the internecial war did not stop. Finally, as we have seen, Dioniria managed again

Continuing the topic about the ancient civilizations, I offer you a small compilation of data on the interlogatory and ethnic history of the Ellinsky world - from the Minoan era to the Macedonian expansion. Obviously, this topic is more extensive than previous ones. Here will be to stay on the materials of K. Kun, Edgela, Pulia, Sergey and Ripley, as well as some other authors ...

First, it is worth noting a few moments associated with the Dointo European Pool Pool of the Aegean Sea.

Herodot about Pelasgah:

"The Athenians have pelasgic, and Laquisian - Hellenic origin"

"When Pelasgi took that land that is now called Greece, the Athenians were pelasgami and called the crane; when the kecpets ruled, they called kecropids; With Eriet, they turned into Athenians and, in the end, in Jonyan, from Ionus, the son of Kstusus "

"... Pelasgi spoke on the barbaric adveria. And if they were all Pelasgi, then the Athenians, being pelasgami, changed the tongue at the same time when all Greece "

"The Greeks, already separated from Pelasgov were few, and their number grew due to mixing with other barbaric tribes"

"... Pelasgi, who already become Ellini, united together with the Athenians, when they also began to call themselves by Ellity"

In Pelasgah, Herodotes should consider conglomerate of various tribes, having both autochthonic neolithic origin and low-depth and North-Galucan origin, which has passed through the bronze century, the homogenization process. Later in this process, Indo-European tribes, who came from the north of Balkans, as well as the Minoan colonists from Crete were also involved.

The skull of the middle bronze century:

207, 213, 208 - female skulls; 217 - Male.

207, 217 - Atlanto-Mediterranean type ("Basic White"); 213 - European alpine type; 208 - East Alpine type.

It is also necessary to affect myxen and tyyrinf. - Civilizational centers of the era of the middle bronze century.

Reconstruction of the appearance of the ancient mykens:

Paul Form, "The daily life of Greece in the times of the Trojan War"

"All that can be learned from the study of the Skeletons of the Rannel-Allensky type (XVI-XIII century BC) with the current level of anthropological information, only confirms and slightly complements the data of the Mycenaean iconography. Men buried in a circle in the royal tombs in mycken, an average reached 1.675 meters of height, seven were 1.7 meters above. Women are mainly 4-8 centimeters below. In a circle, two skeletons are preserved more or less well: the first reaches 1.664 meters, the second (carrier of the so-called Agamemnon Mask) is 1.825 meters. We studying their Lawrence Andzhil noticed that both on the rarity dense bony, body and head massive. These people clearly belonged to the ethnic type different from their subjects and were on average 5 centimeters above them. "

If we talk about the "gogotorn-born" destroyers who came from behind the sea and usurped power in the old Myckenes polishes, then here, most likely, we have the place of the ancient East-intersectoral tribes of the navigators. "Manthorn" found their mapping in myths and legends, from their names began the dynasty of the Ellen kings who lived already in the classical era.

Paul Form About the type displayed on the posthumous masks of the kings from the "Manthorn" dynasties:

"Some retreats from the widespread type on gold masks from the burls allow you to see other physiognomy, it is especially interesting to alone - almost round, with a more fleshy nose and fragile with brings brings. Such faces are often found in Anatolia, and even more often - in Armenia, as if deliberately wanting to provide a justification for legends, according to which many kings, tsarits, concubines, masters, slaves and soldiers were moved to Greece.

Traces of their presence can be found among the population of Cyclades, Lesbos and Rhodes.

A. Pulianos About the Aegean Anthropological Complex:

"It is distinguished by dark pigmentation, wavy (or straight) hair, average hair growth on the chest, above average rising beard. There is no doubt affecting the influence of front -hasional elements. On the color and shape of hair, in the growth of beard and hair on the chest in relation to the anthropological types of Greece and the forefront, aegean type occupies an intermediate position "

Also confirmation of the expansion of navigators "Because of the sea" can also be found in the data dermatolgifiki:

"There are eight types of prints that can easily be reduced to three main: arcs, looped, mutter, that is, those whose lines differ in concentric circles. The first attempt of comparative analysis, made in 1971 by Professors Rolu Astrom and Sven Ericeson on the material of two hundred copies of the Mycenaan era, was discouraging. She showed that for Cyprus and Crete the percentage of arc prints (5 and 4%, respectively) - the same as the peoples of Western Europe, for example, Italy and Sweden; The percentage of looped (51%) and mutual (44.5%) is very close to the fact that we see the peoples of modern Anatolia and Lebanon (55% and 44%). True, the question remains the question of what interest among the artisans of Greece was Asian emigrants. Still, the fact remains a fact: the study of fingerprint revealed two ethnic components of the Greek people - European and Middle Eastern "

Fitting K. more detailed description population of the ancient Eldla K. Kun about the ancient Ellina (from the work of the "race of Europe")

"... in 2000 BC. Here were present, based on the cultural point of view, the three main elements of the Greek population: local neolithic Mediterranean; Aliens from the north, with the Danube; Cycladic tribes from Asia Minor.

Between 2000 BC and Homer's Epoch, Greece experienced invasions: (a) The culture tribes of cord ceramics, which came from the north later than 1900 BC, and which, according to Maiz, brought an Indo-European Base Greek language; (b) Militans from Crete, which gave the "ancient pedigree" dynasties of the ruler of FIV, Athens, Mycene. Most of them invaded Greece later than 1400 BC. © "The Manthorn" conquerors, such as Atii, Pelop, etc., who came from the Aegean Sea on the ships, learned Greek speech and usurped the throne, marrying the daughters of the Minoan kings ... "

"The Greeks of the Great Period of Athenian Civilization were the result of mixing various ethnic elements, and the search for the origins of the Greek language continues ..."

"Skeletal remains should be useful in the process of reconstruction of history. Six skulls from Ayas Kosmas, near Athens, represent the entire period of mixing the neolithic, "Danube" and "Cycladic" elements, between 2500 and 2000. BC. Three skulls are dolichephaloval, one - mesocephalus, and two - brachiecephali. All faces are narrow, noses - leptorrhus, orbits are high ... "

"The medium-eldic period is represented by 25 turtles, which represent the era of the invasion of aliens of the culture of cord ceramics from the north, and the process of strengthening the relics of the Minoan conquerors from Crete. 23 skulls - from Asin, and 2 from Mycene. It should be noted that the population of this period is very mixed. Only two skulls are brachycephalus, they both male and both are connected with low growth. One skull has a medium size, a high cranial box, a narrow nose and a narrow face; Others are extremely wide and Hamarrian. They are two different wider types, both of which can be found in modern Greece.

Long skulls are not a homogeneous type; Some have large cranial boxes and massive abrasions, with deep nasal depressions, resembling me one of the options for Neolithic Dolikhacephalves from Long Barrow and Culture of Ceramics ... "

"The rest of the part of the dolirocephalus skulls is the middle-elegassium population, which has been smoothed by the abrasions and long noses similar to the residents of Crete and Malaya Asia in the same era ..."

"... 41 skull of the late-eldic period, dating between 1500 and 1200. BC, and leading their origin, for example, from argold, should include the element of the "raw birth" conquerors. Among these skulls are 1/5 - Brachicepal, mostly Cypriot Dinar Type. Among the dolirocephalus, a significant part is difficult and classified options, and a smaller number is the lowered Mediterranean options. Similarities with northern types, with the type of culture of cord ceramics, in particular, this era seems more noticeable than before. This change in non-mineral origin should be associated with Homer's heroes "

"... The racial history of Greece in the classical period is not as described in detail, as in those periods that were previously studied. Up to the start of the slave-owned era, there could be small population changes. In Argolid, the Mediterranean element in pure form is represented only in one of the six skulls. In accordance with the data of Kumaris, Mesotacephalia dominated Greece everywhere throughout the classical period, and in the Hellenistic and Roman era. The average cefial index in the Athens represented by 30 skulls, this period is 75.6. Mesocephalus displays mixing various elements, Mediterranean among which is dominant. Greek colonies in Malaya Asia reflect the same combination of types as in Greece. The mixture with low-immigs should have been disguised as noticeable similarity between the population of both shores of the Aegean Sea "

"A young nose with a high nose and flexible body fell into classic Greece as an artistic ideal, but portrait images of people show that it could not be an ordinary phenomenon in life. Villas, funny characters, satirists, centaurs, giants and all disagreeable people and in sculpture, and in Vasopysi are shown as widely, smoky and bearded. Socrates belonged to this type similar to satire. This alpine type can be found in modern Greece. And in early skeletal materials, it is represented by some brachycephalus series.

In general, surprisingly contemplate portraits of Athenians and posthumous masks of Spartans, such similar to modern inhabitants of Western Europe. This resemblance is less noticeable in Byzantine art, where you can often find images similar to modern residents of the Middle East; But the Byzantines, mostly lived outside Greece.
How will be shown next (Chapter XI) , modern residents of Greece, oddly enough, almost do not differ from their classic ancestors»

Greek skull from Megara:

The following data leads Lawrene Angel:

"All evidence and assumptions are contrary to Nilsson's hypothesis that the Greco-Roman decline is associated with an increase in the reproduction of passive individuals, bastardsation initially racially nobility, as well as a low level of its birth rate. Since it is this mixed group that appeared in the geometric period, gave the beginning of the classical Greek civilization "

Analysis of the remains of representatives of different periods of Greek history reproduced by Angel:

Based on the data above, the dominant elements in the classic era are: Mediterranean and Irano-Nordic.

Iranian Nordic Greeks (from L. Endzhel)

"Representatives of Irano-NorDic type have long high cranial boxes with strongly protruding populations, which smooth out an ovoid ellipsoid contour, developed abrasions, inclined and wide foreheads. The considerable height of the face and narrow cheekbones, in combination with a wide jaw and forehead, create an impression of a rectangular "horse" face. Large, but compressed cheekbones are combined with high orbits, an eagle protruding nose, a long concave pawn, massive wide jaws, chin with a deepening, although not protruding forward. Initially, representatives of this type were both blue-eyed and green-ventilation blondes and shutters and burning Brunettes "

Mediterranean type Greeks (from L. Endzhel)

"The classic Mediterraneans have a subtle physique and are graceful. They have small dalicephalous heads, pentagonal in vertical and occipital projection; Compressed neck muscles, low rounded foreheads. They have thin beautiful features; Square orbits, thin noses with a low nose; Triangular lower jaws with a small protruding chin, barely noticeable prenatamism and an incorrect bite, which is associated with the degree of wear of the teeth. Initially, they were only below average height, with a thin neck, brunettes with black or dark hair "

Having studied the comparative data of the ancient and modern Greeks, Angel is drawing:

"Racial continuity in Greece is amazing"

"Puulnos is faithful in its judgments as to which there is a genetic continuity of the Greeks from antiquity to modernity"

For a long time, the discussion remained the question of the influence of the Northern Indo-European elements on the genesis of Greek civilization, therefore it is worth staying at several points relating to this topic:

The following writes Paul Form:

"Classical poets, from Homer to Euripid, persistently paint the heroes of high and blonde. Any sculpture from the Minoan era and to the Ellinism era gives the goddesses and gods (except may zeus) golden curls and superhuman growth. It is rather an expression of the ideal of beauty, a physical type, not occurring among ordinary mortals. And when the geographer Diekarh from Messen in the IV century BC. e. Surprised to blonde chivans (painted? Red?) And praises the courage of blonde spartists, it only emphasizes the exceptional rarity of blonds in the Mynań world. And in fact, on the pictures of warriors that have come down to us - - be it ceramics, inlaid, a wall painting of a michene or pilos. We see men with black, slightly curly hair, and their beards - in those cases, if any, are black as agate. No less dark wavy or curly hair the priestens and goddesses in the mixes and tyaring. Widely open dark eyes, a long thin nose with a clearly intended, and the meatful tip, thin lips, very light skin, relatively small height and a slim figure - all these features we invariably find on Egyptian monuments where the artist sought to capture "peoples, What lives on the islands of the Great (Sugouja) of Greens. " In XIII, as in the XV century BC. e., Most of the population of the Myckene region belonged to the ancient Mediterranean type, the one that was preserved in many regions and at this time "

L. Angel

"There is no reason to assume that the Iran-Nordic type in Greece was as light-fightered as Nordic in the northern latitudes"

J. Gregor

"... like Latin Flavy, and the Greek" Xantos "and" Hari "- generalized terms with a lot of additional values. "Xantos", which we safely translate as "Blonde", was used by the ancient Greeks to determine "any color of the hair, with the exception of black as coal, and the color of this was probably not lighter than dark-chestnut" ((Wees, Caiter ) Serge) ... "

K. Kun.

"... We cannot make sure that the entire prehistoric skeletal material seems to be north-European in osteological sense, was associated with light pigmentation"


"With regard to the Ahetsev, we can say that it seems there is no reason to suspect the presence of the North-European component"


"In the composition of the population of the Bronze Age, we generally find the same anthropological types as in the modern population, only with another percentage ratio of representatives of certain types. We cannot talk about mixing with the Northern Race "

K. Kun, L. Angene, Baker and, Later, Aris Pulianos adhered to the opinion that the Indo-European language was brought to Greece along with the ancient tribes of Central Europe, which included, as an integral element, to the Dorian and Ionian tribes that assimilated the local pelasgic population.

Indications on this fact we can find an ancient author Paramemon (who lived in the Adrian era):

"Those who managed to preserve the Hellenic and Ionian race in all its purity (!) - Men are pretty tall, widespread, statist, okay, and pretty late-skinned. They do not quite bright hair (that is, light-chestnut or blond), relatively soft and slightly wavy. Persons wide, cheese, lips are thin, the nose is straight and shiny, full of fire, eyes. Yes, the eyes of the Greeks are the most beautiful in the world. "

Data features: strong physique, medium or high height, mixed hair pigmentation, wide cheesefaces indicate the Central European element. Similar data can be found and bullying, according to the results of the studies of which the Central European Alpine type in some regions of Greece has a specific weight of 25-30%. Puliasov explored 3,000 people from various regions of Greece, among which the most light pigmented is Macedonia, but at the same time, the cefial index is 83.3, i.e. An order of magnitude higher than in all other regions of Greece. In Northern Greece, Pulianos allocates Western Paulone-based (Seversopin) type, it is the most light-free, is sub-brachycephalus, but, at the same time, it coincides with the Elaladic anthropological group (centrultural and southern-hydrical type).

As a more or less visual example western Ascedonian Complex Damn - Bulgaria-speaking Macedonets:

Interesting is the example of blonde characters from Pella (Macedonia)

In this case, the heroes are depicted by chillers, pale (as opposed to ordinary mortals, workers under the scoring sun?), Very tall, with a straight line of the profile.

In comparison with them - Image hipspic detachment from Macedonia:

In the image of heroes, we see the sacralism of their image and the features, the most distinctly different from "simple mortals", the embodiment of which are the warriors-hypospists.

If we talk about the works of painting, then the relevance of their comparison with living people is doubtful, as the creation of realistic portraits begins only with 5-4 V. BC. - The image of the features found relatively rarely dominate the image (absolutely straight line of the profile, heavy chin with a soft circuit, etc.).

However, the combination of these features is not fantastic, but an ideal, the models for the creation of which were few. Some parallels for comparison:

In 4-3 centuries. realistic images People begin to acquire widespread - some examples:

Alexander the Great (+ Estimated reconstruction of the appearance)

Alkivad / Fucidide / Herodot

On the sculptures of the Epoch of Philip Argeada, the conquests of Alexander and in the Hellenistic period, which are characterized higher than in early periods, realistic, dominates atlanto Mediterranean ("Basic White" in the terminology of Endzhel) type. This is possible anthropological pattern, and possibly the coincidence or a new ideal, under which the features of depicted personalities were suppressed.

Atlanto Mediterranean OptionCharacteristic of the Balkan Peninsula:

Modern Greeks of Atlanto Mediterranean Type:

Based on the data to K. Kun, the Atlanto-Mediterranean substrate is largely present in Greece everywhere, and is also a basic element for the populations of Bulgaria and Crete. Angel also positions this anthropological element as one of the most prevailing Greece in the population, both throughout history (see table) and in modern era.

Antique sculptural images displaying the features of the above type:

The same features are clearly noticeable to the sculptures of the images of Alkiviad, Selevka, Herodotus, Fukidid, Antioch and other representatives of the classical era.

As mentioned above, this element domains and among population of Bulgaria:

2) Tomb in Kazanyk (Bulgaria)

Here are noticeable to the same features as on previous paintings.

Thracian type by Aris Pulia:

"Of all the types of the southeastern branch of the Europeanid race thracian type The most mesochepal and narrowish. The nose backrest profile is straight or convex (women often concave). Nose tip position horizontal or raised. The slope of the forehead is almost straight. The speech of the wings of the nose and the skin of the lips is medium. In addition to Frace and East Macedonia, the Thracian type is distributed in Turkish Frakia, in the West of Malaya Asia, partly among the population of the Aegean Islands and, apparently, in the north, in Bulgaria (in the southern and eastern regions). The closer to all this type costs to the central, especially to his Fessealian option. It can be opposed to both Epiro and the front -hasional types, and called the South-Western ... "

And Greece (with the exception of Epira and the Aegean Archipelago), as the localization zone of the civilization center of the classical Allenian civilization, and Bulgaria, with the exception of the Northwestern regions, as the ethnic core of the Ancient-Defraki community), are relatively tall, dark, mesocephalous, high-headed populations, whose The specificity is placed in the framework of the Western-Defaway Race (see Alekseeva).

Map of peaceful Greek colonization of 7-6 centuries. BC.

During the expansion of 7-6 centuries. BC. Greek colonists, leaving the overpole policies of Ellala, brought the grain of classical Greek civilization is hardly at all parts of the Mediterranean: Small Asia, Cyprus, South Italy, Sicily, Chernomorsk Coast Balkans and Crimea, as well as the appearance of few policies in Western Mediterranean (Massily, Emporia, and T .d.).

In addition to the cultural element, Hellen brought there and the "grain" of their race - the genetic component dedicated Cavalli Sforza and associated with the zones of the most intensive colonization:

This element is noticeable and clustering of the population of Southeastern Europe on Y-DNA markers:

Concentration of various Y-DNA markers in the population of modern Greece:

Greeks n \u003d 91

15/91 16.5% V13 E1B1B1A2
1/91 1.1% V22 E1B1B1A3
2/91 2.2% M521 E1B1B1A5
2/91 2.2% M123 E1B1B1C

2/91 2.2% P15 (XM406) G2A *
1/91 1.1% M406 G2A3C

2/91 2.2% M253 (XM21, M227, M507) i1 *
1/91 1.1% M438 (XP37.2, M223) I2 *
6/91 6.6% M423 (XM359) i2A1 *

2/91 2.2% M267 (XM365, M367, M368, M369) J1 *

3/91 3.2% M410 (XM47, M67, M68, DYS445 \u003d 6) J2A *
4/91 4.4% M67 (XM92) J2A1B *
3/91 3.2% M92 J2A1B1
1/91 1.1% DYS445 \u003d 6 J2A1K
2/91 2.2% M102 (XM241) J2B *
4/91 4.4% M241 (XM280) J2B2
2/91 2.2% M280 J2B2B

1/91 1.1% M317 L2

15/91 16.5% M17 R1A1 *

2/91 2.2% P25 (XM269) R1B1 *
16/91 17.6% M269 R1B1B2

4/91 4.4% M70 T

The following writes Paul Form:

"For several years, a group of scientists from Athens - V. Baloaras, N. Konstantangis, M. Paidusis, X. Sbarunis and Aris Pulianos, - studying the blood groups of young conscripts of the Greek army and the composition of the bones burned at the end of the Myckene era, came to a double conclusion about The fact that the pool of the Aegean Sea demonstrates the striking uniformity in the ratio of blood groups, and few exceptions fixed, say, in the White Mountains of Crete and in Macedonia, find compliance with the Ingush and other peoples of the Caucasus (while throughout Greece, the blood group "in "It approaches 18%, and the group" O "with small oscillations - to 63%, here they are noted much less often, and the latter sometimes drops to 23%). This is a consequence of ancient migrations inside stable and still prevailing Mediterranean type in Greece "

Y-DNA markers in the population of modern Greece:

mT-DNA markers in the population of modern Greece:

Autosomal markers in the population of modern Greece:

As a conclusion

It is worth making several conclusions:

Firstly, Classical Greek civilization formed in 8-7 centuries. BC. Involved a variety of ethno-civilizational elements: Minoan, Mygen, Anatolian, as well as the influence of North-Balkan (Ahasey and Ionian) elements. The genesis of the civilization core of classical civilization is a combination of the consolidation processes of the above elements, as well as their further evolution.

Secondly, the molenetic and ethnic core of classical civilization was formed as a result of consolidation and homogenization of various elements: Aegean, Minoan, North-Galucan and Anatolian. Among which the authonic eastern-intentional element was dominant. The Ellen's "kernel" was formed as a result of complex interaction processes between the above elements.

ThirdlyIn contrast to the "Romans", which were essentially a politicalonium ("Roman \u003d Citizen Rome"), Ellinas have formed a unique ethnic group, which has retained related relationships with the ancient Thracian and low-ancient population, but has become a centering basis for a completely new civilization. Based on the data to K. Kun, L. Endzhela and A. Pulianos, between modern and ancient Ellities there is a line of anthropological continuity and "racial continuity", which manifests itself in comparison between populations as a whole, as well as in comparison between specific micro elements.

FourthDespite the fact that many people have an opposition opinion, the classic Greek civilization has become one of the bases for Roman civilization (along with the Etruscan component), in part predetermining the further genesis of the Western world.

FifthIn addition to the impact on Western Europe, the era of the campaigns of Alexander and War Diarathov was able to give the beginning of a new Hellenistic world, in which various Greek and oriental elements were closely intertwined. It was the Hellenistic world that became fertile soil for the emergence of Christianity, its further distribution, as well as the emergence of the East Roman Christian civilization.

Chapter Second. Ellina. Origin and history of nation before collision with Persians

East and West.

Turning from the review of various sides of the life of the huge Persian kingdom to the history of the West, involuntarily affects the complete opposite of the East, which is found in all manifestations of historical life. In the East, the state, organization and order go, if you can put it, above, as a result of which some mechanically correct social system is created, usually leading to the exorbitant development of the power of the one who in this is strictly the main basis and support, that is, the king. The rights of the people are there completely insignificant before the will of the monarch, and the very concept of law, about the state right in the western meaning of this word there is no.

In the West, the other: here the force, creating a state, goes from the bottom, from one; A single good has a permanent and main goal, creating and binder society. It could only have a concept about personal freedom, which is also as a concept, and as a word, in vain, in the ancient languages \u200b\u200band inscriptions of the East, or even in the oldest covenant. Hellenm first managed to consciously carry out this concept into social life and those to give a new strength of the moral activity of a person: this is their world-historical merit, in this and the entire essence of their history.

Origin of Ellinov

Resettlement from Asia

The main and initial event in the history of the part of the world, which is called the ancient Semitic title of Europe (midnight), was not confront of the long-lasting resettlement of peoples from Asia. Preceded by this relocation is covered with complete Mrac: if it was where to this resettlement the native population, it was very rare, stood at the lowest stage of development, and therefore it was displaced by immigrants, enslaved, exterminated. This process of relocation and durable settlement on new sellers began to take the form of a historical and reasonable manifestation of folk life, previously all - in the Balkan Peninsula, and moreover, in the southern part of it, to which the bridge was held, in the form of an almost continuous series of islands. . Really. Sporadic and Cycladic Islands lie so close to each other, which, as it were, lure a migrant, attract, hold, indicate the future path. The Romans called residents of the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula and the Greek Islands belonging to it; They themselves called themselves afterwards with one general name - Ellina [Maybe, originally it was the name of some separate tribe.]. But they accepted this common name already in a fairly late era of their historical life, when they were in their new foundish to the whole people.

Figure on the Archaic Greek Black Figure Vessel VIII century. BC e. Eastern features are felt in the style of painting.

These residents that moved to the Balkan Peninsula belonged to the Aryan tribe, as it is positively proved by comparative linguistics. The same science in general explains the volume of culture made by them from their East Praodina. Their beliefs were in the circle of their beliefs - Zeus, or Diy, the god of a comprehensive heavenly arch - Uranus, the goddess of the land of Gay, the Ambassador of the Gods - Hermes and a few more naive-religious officers embodying the forces of nature. In the area of \u200b\u200blife, they were known for the necessary home apparel and agricultural tools, the usual pets of a moderate belt - bull, horse, sheep, dog, goose; They were characterized by the concept of settling, durable dwelling, about the house, in contrast to the nomad portable satellite; Finally, they have had a very developed language, testifying to a fairly high degree of development. With which these migrants from the old settlements of the settlement came out and that they brought with them to Europe.

Their resettlement was completely arbitrary, not led by anyone who did not have any specific goal and plan. It was committed, without a doubt, like European evictions in America, which is currently occurring, i.e., they were moved by families, crowds, of which the most part of a long time in the new fatherland was selected for individuals and tribes. In this resettlement, as in modern resettlement to America, not rich and notable, and not the lowest layer of the population, less than a movable; The most energetic part of the poor, which, when evicting, expects to improve their fate.

Nature of the country

The territory elected to the settlement, they found not quite empty and deserted; They met the primitive population there, which was subsequently called Pelasgami. Between the ancient names of various tracts of this territory, many, which are coming on themselves the imprint of Semitic origin [for example, Salamin - the city of the world, well-being.], And it can be assumed that some parts of the territory were settled by the semitting tribes. Those migrants who had to join the Balkan Peninsula from the north, came across there on another population, and it did not happen everywhere without struggle. But nothing is known about this, and one can only assume that the initial pelasgic population of the territory was few. New immigrants were looking for, apparently, not pastures and non-vigorous, but such places where they could firmly settle, and here are the terrain south from Olympa, although not particularly rich in large and fructive plains, it seemed to them particularly attractive. From the North-West to the south-east, the mountain range of the Pend is stretched along the entire Peninsula, with vertices to 2.5 thousand meters, with aisles of 1600-1800 meters; He is a watershed between the Aegean and Adriatic seas. From his heights, going face to the south, on the left side to the east, the fruitful plain with a beautiful river is visible - the country, subsequently called the Fessiona; To the West - a country, rich by mountain chains, parallel to the Pinda, is an epirrow with its wooded heights. Next, under 49 ° C. sh. The country extends later, the name of Ellala is actually average Greece. This country, although there is mountain and pretty wilderness in it, and in the middle it rises a two-service parenas, towering 2460 meters, was still very attractive in appearance; Pure sky, rarely dropping rains, a lot of variety in the general area, a little away - an extensive plain with a lake in the midst of abundant fish is the later beoze; Mountains everywhere were richly covered with forest at the time than later; rivers a little and shallow water; to the west everywhere to the sea - to file hand; The southern part is a mountainous peninsula, almost completely separated by water from the rest of Greece - this is a peloponnese. All this country, mountainous, with sharp climate transitions, has something that wakes up energy and harnesses strength, and the main thing that its own surface is conducive to the formation of individual small communities, quite closed, and so contribute to the development of hot love to them native corner. In one respect, the country has a truly incomparable advantage: the entire East Store of the Peninsula is extremely tortuous, in it at least five large bays and moreover with many branching - therefore, it is available everywhere, and the abundance is expensive at the time of purple mollusk in some bays and sheds ( For example, EUBEY and Saronic), and in other areas the abundance of ship forest and mineral wealth has already become very early to attract here in Sements. But ingenians could never get into the depths of the country, since her, according to the nature of the terrain, it was easy to protect from the external invasion everywhere.

An image of a military fleet on a bronze sword blade.

The first Greek civilizations were famous for the militancy and knowledge of the sea, for which in Egypt, these tribes received the common name "Peoples of the Sea". III century BC e.

Phoenician influence

However, in the distant time of the first settlements of the Aryan tribe in the Balkan Peninsula, only one people could prevent the natural growth and development of Aryans, namely, the Phoenicians; But they did not think about colonization in large sizes. Their influence, however, was very significant and, generally speaking, even benefactor; According to legend, the founder of one of the Greek cities, the cities of Five, there was FiPniec Kadm, and this name really carries the semita imprint and means "man from the East." Therefore, it can be assumed that it was a time when the Phoenician element was among the population prevailing. He delivered a precious gift for the Aryan population - letters that the mobile and the involuntary people, gradually developing from the Egyptian basis, appealed to the present sound letter with a separate sign for each individual sound - into the alphabet. Of course, in this form of writing served as a powerful tool for further success of the development of the Aryan tribe. And religious ideas, and the rites of the Phoenicians also had some influence that is not difficult to recognize in individual deities of later time, for example, in Aphrodite, in Hercules; They should not be not to see Astarta and Baal Melcart Phoenician beliefs. But in this area, the Phoenician influence penetrated shallow. It only excited, but did not master well, and everything clearly was discussed in the language, which later retained and learned only a very small number of semitty words, and then mainly in the form of trading terms. The Egyptian influence, which also preserved legends, of course, was still weaker than Phoenician.

Education of the Hellenic Nation

These contacts with an alien element were important precisely what they found out his peculiar character, the peculiarities of his life, brought them to the consciousness of these features and thereby contributed to their further independent development. About the active spiritual life of the Aryan people, on the basis of his new homeland, is already evidenced by the infinite many myths about the gods and heroes, in which the creative fantasy is discouraged, restrained by the mind, and not blurry and unbridled on the oriental sample. These myths represent a distant echo of those great coups, which gave the country to its final appearance and are known as the "Doriytsev wandering".

Dorian wandering and its influence

This era of resettlement is timed ordinary to 1104 BC. e., of course, completely arbitrarily, because this kind of events can never definitely indicate their beginning nor the end. The external course of these relocations of peoples in a small space is presented in the following form: the tribe of the Fessenians, whoed in an epire between the Adriatic Sea and the ancient Sanctuary of the Dodon Oracle, passed through Pind and took possession of the East from this ridge a fertile country extending to the sea; This country is a tribe and gave your name. One of the tribes sighted by these Fessenians reached out to the south and overcame minus in Orkhomen and the cadms in the philas. In connection with these movements or even earlier, their third folk, Dorians, settled on the southern slope of Olympas, also moved in the southern direction, won a small mountainous area between the Pendum and this - Dorid, but he did not suffer, because she seemed close to this numerous and militant folod, and therefore he settled the southerly mountainous Peloponnese Peninsula (i.e. Pelops Island). According to legend, this seizure was justified by some rights of the Dorian princes on Argolid, the area on Peloponnese, the rights that came to them from their herakelon, Hercules. Under the command of the three leaders, reinforcing on the way by Etolian crowds, they invaded Peloponnese. Etolians were assieved in the northeast of the Peninsula on the plains and the hills of ELIDA; Three separate Dorian crowds during a certain period of time are seized by all the rest of the peninsula, except in the center of its mountainous country of Arcadia, and thus are based on three Dorian communities - Argolida, Lacon, Messia, with some admixture of the Dorians of the Ahasey tribe, originally lived here. And winners, and defeated - two different tribes, not two different people - formed here some similarity of a small state. Part of the Ahetsev in Laconia, who did not have their enslavement, rushed to the Ionian settlements of the northeast coast of Peloponnese under the Corinth Gulf. The ionians displaced from here were evaporated on the eastern outskirts of Central Greece, the Attika. Soon after that Dorians tried to move to the north and penetrate the attic, but this attempt was failed, and they had to be able to peloponnese. But the attic, not particularly fertile, could not bear too much overflow by the population. It led to new evictions for the Aegean Sea, in Malaya Asia. Migrants occupied there the average shore lane and founded a well-known number of cities - Millet, Multi, Priol, Ephesus, Kolofon, Lebedos, Eritri, TEOS, Clauses, and the miniments began to gather for the annual festivals on one of the Cycladic Islands, Delos, for which Ellinov's legends indicate As the place of birth of the solar god Apollo. Southwested shores from those engaged in Ionians, as well as the South Islands of Rhodes and Crete were settled by the Dorian tribe migrants; The terrain towards the North - Ahetis and others. The very name of the ELIDA This locality received precisely from the multirud and diversity of its population, for which the famous kind of national team was the island of Lesbos.


During this period of persistent struggle, the tribes, which put the foundation of the subsequent device of the individual states of Greece, the spirit of Ellinov found an expression in heroic songs - this is the first flower of Greek poetry, and this poetry is already very early, in the X-IX centuries. BC E., reached the highest degree of development in Homere, who managed to create two large epic works from individual songs. In one of them, he chased the anger of Achilles and his consequences, in the other - the return of Odyssey home from distant wanderings, and in both of these works he was brilliantly and expressed all the youthful freshness of the remote heroic period of Greek life.

Homer. Lateant bust.

The original is kept in the Capitol Museum.

About his personal life is unknown; Only his name is saved reliably. Several significant cities of the Greek world challenged each other honor to be called the birthday of Homer. Many can confuse the expression "People's Poet" often used towards Homer, and meanwhile, its poetic works were already created, apparently, for the chosen, noble public, for the Lord, if you can express it. He is excellent with all sides of the life of this higher class, whether he describes hunting or martial arts, helmet or other weapons, in everything is visible. With an amazing skill and knowledge based on the dorms of observation, he draws separate characters from this higher circle.

Palace's throne hall in Pilos, the capital of the legendary Homeric Tsar Nestor.

Modern reconstruction

But this higher estate, described by Homer, was not at all closed byulates; The chapter of this class stood the king, which ruled the small area in which he was the main landowner. Below this class was a layer of free farmers or artisans, who were treated to warriors for a while, and everyone had their own common cause, common interests. [The life of the highest class of Homeric times was supplemented with important excavations of the shliman, produced in the place of the ancient Troy (in Malaya Asia) and in the most continent of Greece (in mynaires and other places). Things mined from these excavations and constituting a precious contribution to the science of ancient archeology make up the richest Schlmanov Museum in Athens.]

Mycenae, the legendary capital of Tsar Agamemnon, the reconstruction of the initial type and the plan of the fortress

A. Lion Gate; V. Bar; S. Wall supporting the terrace; D. Playground leading to the palace; E. Circle of burial found by Schliman; F. Palace: 1 - entrance; 2 - location for the guard; 3 - entrance to propylene; 4 - Western portal; 5 - Northern Corridor: 6 - Southern Corridor; 7 - Western pass; 8 - big yard; 9 - staircase; 10 - throat hall; 11 - receiving room: 12-14 - portico, large receiving room, Megaron: G. Fundam of the Greek sanctuary; N. Black input.

Lion gate in mycken.

The courtyard courtyard of the Palace in Mixes. Modern reconstruction.

An important feature of life during this time is the absence of closely cohesive estates, there is no separate estate of priests; Different layers of the people were still close to each other and understood each other, which is why these poetic works, even if they were originally intended for the highest class, soon became the property of all the people as the true fruit of his self-awareness. Homer learned from his people the ability to curb and artistically die his fantasy, just as he inherited from him the legends about his gods and heroes; But, on the other hand, he managed to clothe these legends in such a bright artistic form that he forever left the seal of his personal genius on them.

We can say that since the time of Homer, the Greek people became clearer and more clearly to imagine their gods in the form of separate, separate personalities, in the form of certain creatures. The chambers of the gods at the impregnable top of Olympus, the highest of the gods of Zeus, the great deities coming to him - the spouse of his gera, proud, passionate, grumpling; The darkwheld God of the Seas Poseidon, whoars land and stunning her; The god of the Underworld Aid; Hermes - the ambassador of the gods; Ares; Aphrodite; Demeter; Apollo; Artemis; Athena; God of fire Hephaest; The motley crowd of gods and spirits of the sea depths and mountains, sources, rivers and trees, - the whole world thanks to Homer was embodied alive, individual forms that were easily assimilated by the people's presentation and easily enjoyed the poets and artists in tactile form. And all expressed applied not only to religious ideas, to the views on the world of the gods ... and people in the same way definitely characterizes the poetry of Homer, and, opposing characters, paints poetic images - a noble young man, a royal husband, a hype-free senior, - moreover, What these human images are: Achilles, Agamemenon, Nestor, Diomed, Odyssey remained forever the property of Ellini, like their deities.

Miking time warriors. Reconstruction M. V. Gorelika

It was necessary to look like the heroes of the Homerovsky epic. From left to right: warrior in wheelchair armor (by find from mycken); Infantryman (in drawing on a vase); Cavalist (painting from Pilos Palace)

The dome-shalomb in mycken, excavated by the Schlifiman and called the "Tomb of Atrides"

Such a literary property of all the people, how "Iliad" and "Odyssey" became in a short time for the Greeks, to Homer, as far as known, has never happened anywhere. We should not forget that these works, predominantly transmitted orally, were pronounced, not readable, which is why they seem to be still heard and felt freshness of live speech.

The position of the lowest classes of society. Gesiod

We should not forget that poetry is not reality and that the reality of the remote era for most those who were neither king, nor anymore, was very harsh. The strength then replaced the right: Little people lived badly even where the kings belonged to their subjects with the deceive softness, and the notable stood for their people. A simple man has exposed his life to his life in the war, which was conducted because of this case, which directly and personally did not concern him. If he had kidnapped him everywhere after a sea robber, he died a slave on a foreign land and he was not a return to his homeland. This reality, in relation to the life of ordinary people, described the other poet, Gesiod - the direct opposite of Homer. This poet lived in the Besotian village at the foot of the Helikon, and his "works and days" went around the farmer, as he should have been treated during a north and harvest, as it was necessary to cover the ears from the cold wind and malicious morning mist.

Vase with warriors. Mycena XIV-XVI1I centuries. BC e.

Harvest harvest holiday. An image from a chernofigure vessel VII. BC e.

He warmly rebels against all noble people, complains of them, arguing that in that iron age they could not find any councils, and very much compares them, in relation to the lower layer of the population, with the KORSHUM, who in his claws will carry the nightingale.

But no matter how large these complaints were, it was still a big step forward in the fact that as a result of all these movements and wars, certain states were formed everywhere with a small territory, urban centers, states with certain, although harsh for the lower layer of legal orders.

Greece in the VII-VI centuries. BC e.

Of these, in the European part of the Ellinsky world, who was given the opportunity for a fairly long time to develop freely, without any external, ingenic influence, was elevated to the greatest value of two states: Sparta on Peloponnese and Athens in Central Greece.

Image of plowing and sowing on a black v/ of vulcia. VII century BC e.

Dorians and Ionians; Sparta and Athens


Ahaeis and in Laconia, the most extreme southeastern Peloponnese, were obeyed by courageous deoris. But they obeyed not soon and not quite. As far as the Dorian military force, which moved down the Valley of Evrota, the Ahasey city of Amikla (in the lower reaches of Evrota) had a stubborn resistance. From the military camp, located on the right bank of the same river, the city of Sparta arose, which, and in the subsequent development of the state formed near him, retained the nature of the military camp.

Fight Falang. An image on the Black-Figure Peloponnesian Vase IV. BC e.

Warriors have classic weapons of goplites: large round shields, helmets, bell-shaped kings, ledges, two spears, one of which is holding a warrior in his left hand, another lies over head for a throw.

The Falanga is a flutist for maintaining a walking clock. Warning shields are painted by personal emblems.

Shield characteristic for VIII BC. e. Forms. Kirase bell-shaped from excavations in Argos, dated VI century. BC er, a naughty of the finds in Corinthvi in. BC E., Leggings and puzzles are reconstructed on a statuette of Boeotia. The right hand is protected by brakes. Illyrian type VII type helmet. BC. The shield of the usual goplite shape, wooden, looped with copper sheets. Armament make up a heavy goplitsky spear with a dock and throwing spear with a loop

One of the citizens Sparta Likurg, who came from the royal family, was made by the legislator of his homeland and was subsequently read in a person dedicated to his memory, the sanctuary, where he was honored as an honorable hero. A lot was told later about his travels, about the sayings of Oracle, who pointed out to him by the people as per chief, and, finally, about his death in a foreign land. The task of the legislator was to collect and focus the strength of Spartians - Dorian Military Aristocracy, opposing it with a numerous layer of subjects belonging to another tribe and moreover in a fairly extensive country. These subjects are Ahaseians - disintegrate into two classes: periek and Ilotov. The latter were, judging by the name, prisoners of war who belonged to the population of those Ahasey cities and towns that resisted the conquest to the last extreme and with which therefore were accepted throughout the rigor of military laws. They became the property of the state and its authorities were provided to slavery to those or other aristocrats. As slaves, they themselves are landless, treated Earth for their Lords and received half of the harvest to their content. Some of them, granted to the personal order of their Lord, accompanied them to war, wore their weapons and edible supplies and thus acquired some military significance. They were easy to distinguish between special clothes and leather caps and for all external signs of people plunged into slavery. The only defense of the law to which they had the right was that Mr. who used them as a working force carried out some responsibility for them in front of the state, which in this case was the owner, so he could neither kill them or dismiss , I could neither release to freedom or sell. Periek position was better. They took place from that much greater, part of the Ahasey population, which in time had time to enter into negotiations with the winner and voluntarily admitted his domination. They were mostly small landowners and artisans and enjoyed personal freedom. In his work activity, they were not constrained by anything, they paid Podati, carried military service; In various humiliating forms, they had to show their worship before the notable estate and had no political rights. The questions of the war and the world were resolved in addition to their will with representatives of the top class of Sparta, and Perieki learned about it only from the mouth of their harmony, or foreman who also belonged to the highest class.

Likurgign legislation

As for Spartians, that is, the Dorian aristocratic community, then she constantly retained its strictly military organization, as in the time of conquest. They lived in the houses scattered around the shores of their universal sparta walls as the army in the camp. However, the position of the city was such that he excluded all the possibility of an open attack: in the west, a taigaet's steep wall, in the east and south - the coast without a single harbor, and everywhere, in those places where the coast is attached, garrisons are located; To the north, mountainous terrain with close passages, which was not difficult to overturn. Moreover, all their army could be collected in a few hours. At the head of the troops stood according to some kind of ancient usual, the origin of which is unknown, two kings of two different births. Deliciousness, maybe, from the Ahasey times, therefore, from the very reason, the power is very weak, only in wartime, like military leaders, both of these kings acquired some meaning. Although in peacetime, they were rewarded by external honors and they had all sorts of advantages, their hands were connected by the Council of Elders, the so-called Georusia - a deliberative meeting of 28 elders (gerons), which were elected by the people of old people at least 60 years. In this Supreme Government Council, the king owned only one voice, like any other geronta. Monthly, in full moon, all noble spartists convened to the general national assembly, on which, however, no free debate was allowed. Only one officials could talk; Exclamation or silence, more or less loud cry - that's what the will of the people expressed. If it is necessary to obtain a clearer decision of denying and confirming, forced to disperse in opposite parties. Folk customs were carefully guarded and all the usual of camp life were supported. True aggravated his hand on the home life of Spartians and at the education of the youth. Who did not marry, he was subjected to Atimia, i.e., deprivation of honorary rights; committing unequal marriages tried to prevent, sometimes they even punished for them; Weak children were expelled to Ilotoch or even killed. From 7 years of age, the boys have already raised at the expense of the state. Dress, hair haircut, content - all this was strictly defined, according to the oldest orders. The young men, divided into Ageli (or Ils), were given to training in special teachers of gymnastics and brought to such perfection in military exercises, which at that time no one could equal to them. They were chained to transfer all possible difficulties - hunger, thirst, to difficult transitions, to unquestioned, fast, silent obedience, and at the same time, together with this education, perceived an exorbitant sense of self-esteem, which was based as much on national pride, as The estate spent and on the consciousness of his military perfection. This public education lasted until 30 years. Therefore, it can be assumed that the young man could have repeatedly could send his courage in the war before he was taken to one of the sisters, i.e., tental companions or packaging partnerships, which were one of the wonderful institutions of this militant state. In each such sissium there were 15 participants. Reception of a new member was produced by means of a known genus of running; Such partnerships were obliged to dare together and in everything, even in the Kushans [very often, the national dish was served here, that "black" lentil soup, over which all citizens of seaside and shopping rich cities constantly laughed.], Strictly hold on old customs.

Archaic relief found near Sparta. VII century BC e.

Education of the youth even tried to add the best way, forcing the young men to attend this dinner as the audience or listeners, so that they could hear the feast conversations of her husbands, constantly rotating about two inexhaustible topics: war and hunting. Under such conditions, of course, a little time remained for homework, and the state also took care of the upbringing of young girls. It was not carried out publicly, but the same strictly defined point of view was found - to determine the militant, physically strong offspring, and it was decorated with rational rules and was subjected to strict observation. Meanwhile, women, as in any aristocratic medium, enjoyed great honor and influence. In the rest of Greece, they paid attention to the fact that they were called "mistress" (DesproNe).

The position of Sparta in Peloponnese

This Sparta public apparatus, which consisted mainly in the upgrade and the final consolidation of the Old Orchard customs, refers to 840 BC. e. It gave Sparta superiority over everyone, and its fame spread even in the most remote countries. A similar military state, of course, could not be lackless; It began with the fact that she conquered the most beautiful from Greek lands, the country lying on the other side of Taigty - Messia. After the heroic struggle, part of the Messenians evaporates from their country, the rest was facing Ilotov. The next attack on Arkady, lying in the center of Peloponnese, was not quite successful. However, the most important from the cities of Arcadia, Teghea, joined Sparta to the treaty in which he pledged to provide Sparta to the well-known squad of warriors on the team in the Spartan commander. Wars Sparta with Argos were even more fierce and even less successful. These wars lasted for a long time, resumed many times, and yet did not lead to anything ... Argos remained independent of Sparta. In the same way, the Power of Spartans did not spread to the semi-mononian and Ahasey cities on the northern coast of Peloponnese: Corinth, Sikion, Epidavr, Megaru, etc. Nevertheless, but, about 600 BC. e. Historical circumstances have developed in the peloponnese, nothing could happen without will and the participation of Sparta, and since the states of Central Greece then have not yet reached independent significance, then Sparta, undoubtedly, was to be presented to the ingenians of the most powerful from the powers on the mainland of Greece.

Bronze plate and image of the head of the jellyfish gorgon. Diameter 32 cm. Find from laconic, dated VII century.

Further development of the internal system. EFO

In addition to military glory, which Sparta has deservedly enjoyed, there were three more circumstances with which she was obliged to their high position. The first is that Sparta is exactly when the struggle of political parties was boiling in all of the rest of Greece (the phenomenon, unknown in the East!), Managed to reconcile all contradictions in the inner life and remained completely calm. Attempts by some more energetic kings to expand the royal authorities led to the fullest celebration of aristocracy, but at the same time the royal power was not eliminated, but only a new and highly peculiar institution was added - something like control: five Ehofors (warders) who soon assigned themselves The right of observation is not only for the royal power, but also for the aristocracy.

The relief depicting the scenes from the Trojan war on the bronze archaic vessel VII century. BC e.

It is assumed that Original Eforms were representatives of five settlements, of which the city of Sparta rose, or five parts (quarters), to which he was divided subsequently. It is reliably known that eforms were chosen annually and their elections were not shy of any aggravating restrictions, such as the election of gerons; What they are due to the principle, in the same time, completely alien to this state, turned over time to the active government body, and the kings themselves brought an oath to these representatives of the people in compliance with the laws of the country, and, in turn, elooms swore kings in loyalty on behalf of of their community. Gradually, eforms from observation of the kings of the kings moved to the observation of all officials in general, and in their hands there was already unlimited disciplinary power, which he almost voluntarily obeyed Spartan to know, brought up in strict rules of military obedience. With frequently repeated elections, the EFOOR was constantly meant that the emines would not have faces belonging to the same name or party or party, and generally tried to make this important post available to a greater number of Spartans. But this new institution has not changed anything in the ancient, centuries consecrated by a strict state, but only even increased its inviolability.


As a result, another condition that reinforced its importance and power in the Greek world appeared, which increased its importance and power in the Greek world: all the states of Peloponnese and many outside of its borders in Sparta saw the aristocratic support, the ideal of a closely cohesive big party. This party, consisting of the highest class, solely by land owned by land, began to threaten the opposition made up of a wide variety of elements and became more and more dangerous. The aristocracy abolished the royal power everywhere, which was mainly a support and protection for weak, and in a very many places replaced its oligarchy, that is, the domination of one kind or few surnames. In seaside cities, where the aristocrats initially captured in their hands and trade, soon began to develop the spirit of independence, purely democratic aspirations appeared, supported by discontent of the lower segments of the population, and the aristocracy turned out to be powerless in the fight against these elements, if the leader appeared. Such leaders the opposition often found among the ambitions of the highest class, and these intricate conditions of social life were given in some places to the new form of monarchy - tyranny, that is, to seize power by one person. The power of these tyranov, mainly maintained by the mass of the people, was little like the former royal power of Homeric times. She relied on the interests of the present, and moreover, not only material, but also on spiritual, and ideal. Writers and artists were everywhere in the Tirands of generous patrons, and the mass of the people - material support and a permanent job in the erected by the tyrants of public buildings and facilities. This opposite between the popular power of tyrants and the egoistic aspirations of the aristocracy everywhere caused strong shocks. Sparta, calm at home, although supporting this peace of mind with the most severe measures [it is only worth remembering the secret inner guard (cripatomy), which was established in Sparta to observe the Ilota. Each spartiat, which was part of this guard, had the right to kill Ilota, which for some reason seemed suspicious to him.], It was quite peculiar to these unscalapping unprinciples ... She everywhere sympathized with the aristocratic element in connection with major land tenure, and it encouraged the aristocracy. The rest of the Greek states to disappear on Sparta as an unshakable support of aristocracy and all conservative began.

Delphian Oracle. Olympic Games

The third important condition that contributed to the elevation of Sparta was made of the established close ties with the sanctuary and the oracle of Apollo Delphic in Central Greece and the attitude towards the Olympic Games - the ancient festival of Zeus in Elide, in the north-western part of Peloponnese.

Reconstruction of the archaeological ensemble Delph

These games have long been adopted by Sparta for special patronage, and their own glory of Sparta increased along with the brilliance and the meaning of these sacred games in honor of Zeus, who highly acquired the importance of the festival, in common for all Ellini, spent on these games from all countries, due to Sea and from all over the Ellinsky world to participate in contests for rewards issued every fourth year, or only to be present at these solemn games.

Fighters. Olympic Games. Antique sculptural group.

Left: relay with a torch (image on the jug, IV century BC).

On the right and below: runners for short and long distances (image at Panafine Amphore, VI century BC. E.).

Thus, the Spartan power undoubtedly served as if a brake among the alarming life of the Greek world, composed of a variety of small states with their restless population, with their heterogeneous opposites and the peculiarities of life. It provided to some extent only an external order, but of spiritual influence, in the highest meaning of this word, could not exert Sparta to Greece, because in her life and activity everything was designed only for maintaining an existing one. For this purpose, for the sake of being sparted from foreign influence, the most radical measures were taken there: foreigners were directly sent out of Spartan cities and from the state of the state, the spartes of the travel outside the Sparta were permitted only with the government's permissive. Moreover, the spartists were forbidden to keep silver money and to satisfy their needs, they were prescribed to be content with the money from the iron extracted in Taigate, that is, such a coin that could only be accurate in Sparta. Spiritual progress in Greece was created by another city of Central Greece, Athens, who were completely independently developed and developed their state system in completely different, opposite beginnings.

Athens and Attica

The city of Athens raised in Attica, in the country representing the most outstanding part of the Central Greece. This country is not extensive in size, only about 2.2 thousand square meters. km, and not very fertile; Between the mountains, not too rich forest, stretch the plains that are not replete with irrigation; Among vegetation - a silk tree, almond and laurels; The country is also rich in fig and olive trees. But the wonderful sky and the proximity of the sea are attached to the attic landscape of paint and freshness, and for the cape of Suni, the far outstanding southeastern tip of Attica, the whole world of the islands begins, which stretch in the form of a continuous range of ports and the harbors to almost the very coast of Asia, facilitating relationships and trade. Attica was not attracted to the settlers from the outside, and afterwards the inhabitants loved to praise the fact that they are "the sons of the earth of their own" who never left their ashes. According to some ancient legends and legends (for example, by the myth of the young men and girls, brought by the Minotaur, who lived on about. Crete), there is a reason to assume that the Phoenician factors were once in attic, and on the islands adjacent to it, but not long .

Ancient history of Athens

And in Athens, the history of public life begins with the kings who have collected under their authority a small attic state and founded their residence in the lower reaches of the Ceffer - the largest country in poor water sources. Ancient legends praise the Tseu Tane, which is attributed to many important merits in relation to the culture of the country. There are no less glorify the last of the descendants of Sene, the king of the coder who sacrificed the life for the fatherland and fell in the battle with Dorians, trying to invade the attic through the East of End.

Royal power; Higher classes and people

Everywhere the overlapped aristocratic element and the attic turned out to be so strong that without any violence eliminated the royal power. About 682 BC e. At the head of the attic state stood 9 archons (rulers) elected by the highest estate from the highest class for one year. This estate - Evpartely (sons of a noble father) are the exclusive and only managers of the country. When the archons were serving their year service to the state, they came to the special Supreme Council - the Areopagu, in which Evparters (Aristocrats and birth, and for the property) focused their entire strength.

Theses killing Minotaurus. An image on the archaic Greek print VIII century. BC e.

Behind the hero is Ariadna, Minotaur - the monster-person, born by the wife of Tsar Minosa, placed in a labyrinth built by Dedal on the island of Crete. It is believed that the legend reflects the dependence of the Athens from Crete.

The goddess Athena, the patroness of the city of Athens.

The image on the prize Panafine Amphore V c. BC e.

But in this aristocratic element on the attic grounds there was one very significant difference compared with Spartan aristocracy: the lower layers of the people were uncommon with Evparterians. Evparterians were rich people, major landowners - "People of Plain" (Pedies), as they were then called - between them and the lower class there was a difference in property, in education, in one word - the difference and the opposite of purely social. Next to Evparterians - two more classes in an attic society - small landowners (diacries), which, with the total poverty of the country, were very burdened with debts and therefore fell into more and more serious dependence on the rich, and finally coastal residents (parallia), people , everywhere on the shores engaged in trade and seaworth.

Panafiney. Central episode of the annual holiday Athens.

The solemn procession with sacrifical animals rose to the Acropolis to the statue of Athens. Girls in new clothes that have a few months old, pinned on the altar of the branch of the sacred olive. After sacrifices, the feast ended with musical and athletic competitions, the winners in which were awarded olive branches and luxurious amphoras with olive oil. Image on prize Panafine Amphore VI in. BC e.

Consequently, there are completely different social conditions, other needs than in Sparta; The urgen need among the emerging democracy here was the need for a written law, which would eliminate the arbitrariness of strong and rich. An attempt to establish tyranny, so ordinary at this time caused by partly personal ambition, partly the desire to satisfy the need for mass, failed in Athens. Kilon, the son-in-law of Megar Tirana Feagen, was captured by the Athenian Acropolis (628 BC. Er). But the Aristocratic Party took over in the fight: Kilon's adherents were to seek salvation at the foot of the altars, surrendered to deceptive promises and were interrupted.

Kilon and Draconte

About 620 BC e. There is a first attempt to establish the right legislation in the person of the Dracon. It seems that he has already established the division of citizens on property attributed to Solon: everyone who was able to extract full weapons, and these citizens elected archons and other officials for whom certain values \u200b\u200bexisted, property qualifications. The Council, consisting of 401 chosen Favorites, was a representative of all citizens, a cash fine was appointed for the lack of council meetings. However, this social device did not lead to anything, it did not improve the position of the lower classes, did not give the correct solution to the social task, which was based on the attic public device. The relationship between the poor and rich did not improve; The oppression of the highest classes seems to be even more intensified due to attempts to establish the tyranny made by the above-mentioned kilon. In many places, stone pillars were visible, on which it was written how much one or another courtyard of small landowners was supposed to be a rich, which, therefore, had the opportunity to sell it in the close future, and quite many of the attic citizens were sold during this time To slavery to a foreign trade, to pay debts to its creditors.


Of course, such sad conditions of social life in the country of lowland and not densely inhabited, with the full possibility of evicting to neighboring countries, they should have been tangible to affect the highest estate ... And finally, a wonderful person, Solon, Son of Execisstide, finally found out of the very estate of Evparterides The descendant of the king of the coder, who found the opportunity to return the well-being of his homeland, removed from the enslaved attic population the grave oppression of non-payment debt. With a moral face of this great person, you can be somewhat closer to several of his poems in excerpts. The spirit of the true sage and quite truthful person is repaid in these poems! Not without some humor, he speaks of them that he had to do, like a wolf between dogs, to make a way for himself, not shyling into any direction or in the other side and not listening to anyone to come to a reasonable conclusion. For these poems, you can even trace the transitions in the mood of his soul. Almost without evasioning in the direction of optimism, nor towards pessimism, he only deals with the Greeks of the Spirit characteristic of the Greeks and, turning through all the ages of a person and all classes associated with its various provisions, strictly for each defines the boundaries of the available and possible. The property it gives the price, as well as the pleasures of love and wine at the time and on time, but with disgust talks about the insatiable greedy in possession. In one of the poems, he expresses a desire for his death to be left uncooked. Two personal qualities of Solon especially pronounced in these poetic passages: strongly and clearly expressing the feeling of the rightness (the right is the deity of Solon!) And no less strong, beautiful Athenian patriotism. Reading these poems, you might think that he will hold the great future of his native country: "By the will of Zeus and the thought of immortal gods, our city has not died yet!" - So begins one of the Solon poems. "The daughter of the Almighty, High Pallada-Athena, extends her hand over us, protects us!" It must be assumed that the evil, for the correction of which Solon began, was already aware of many long ago, so he, barely started his legislative reforms, immediately saw a circle of people who were ready to help him and sympathize. Solon, born in 639 BC. er, acquired popularity among his fellow citizens a very important patriotic feat: he returned to the Athenians Salamin Island, who trampled the exits from the Athenian harbors and the rulers of the rulers from Athenian Megarians. In 594, he was elected to the Archon and showed himself a practical statesman: he managed to save the state from terrible harm, which caused the unbearable debt of citizens and all its consequences. Full amnesty for all debtors who fell apart by Atimy, i.e., deprivation of civil rights, redemption and the return of the debtors sold to the alien, the addition of debts, facilitating their payment and new orderly rules of the larger - this is what was part of Solon's legislation, followed by the later time The name of the "great relief" (sisakhfia) has been preserved. The rest concerned the future device of the same relationship between the poor and rich class: I prevented loans provided by the personality of the debtor himself, and thus destroyed slavery for debts. It was a solid healing of a terrible public disease, and in the subsequent history of Attica there is not a single case when the calm of the country violated any economic turmoys, so ordinary in other countries.

Solon legislation

But this "great relief" was not enough to correct all the evils on the collision of the attic, and meanwhile, the term of the powers of Solon, like Archont, was approaching. He was aware that the dismissions (i.e., confusion in law), which he saw around himself, is a great evil, and it could easily seize power into his own hands for the good goal - actuating the legal reform conceived by him. But he did not want to show a bad example with his fellow citizens and arched the powers of the archon on legal time. Then the new rulers, highly redeemed the merit and modest moderation of Solon, offered it to introduce that Evnoye (equilibrium of the law), which was his ideal, in other words, offered him to give the state a new device.

Solon Public Reform

This new device fully corresponded to the conditions of attic public household. Solon was perfectly aware of the difference between the aristocracy in the attic and the same estate in other states of Greece. Attic aristocracy was mainly the aristocracy of the property, and therefore the legislator nominated the property as the basic principle for the separation of society to the class, when introduced into the people of a new organization. He rescipiently existing to him (probably still inserted by the introduced) division into estates on average income from the harvest: on pentakosiomedimnov (receiving up to 500 grains from the harvest), riders, zevgitov (peasants of the owners who have trading a pair of oxen) and fetov ( Login). The latter were not charged with any serves; The first three classes are covered according to their income; But all, and immaneous, and the poor were equally obliged to military service to defend the Fatherland. It is very reasonable, he distributed to each honor of merit. In the archons (9 rulers were elected annually) only those that were charged with the highest size of the filings were elected; They actually have to lead their affairs - politics, war and external relations, cult and court. The first of the Archon, Eponim (his name was marked by the year of his rule), presided over the Council and in the People's Assembly; Archont Paullearh took care of the external relations of the state; The Third Archon, Basilev (King), watched the ministry of the gods; The remaining six archons, fefesophhetes (legislators) were met in the courts. In addition to the Archon, the Council was formed from elected citizens: each of the four phil or districts to which the country was divided, annually elected 100 people to this Council; Election of members in this Council of four hundred could only be produced by citizens of the three first classes and only from the first three classes. This corporation was engaged in current affairs and prepared cases that were subject to the decision of Ecclesia - the National Assembly. The people in the attic for the first time appeared in the form of a full-awake ruler, as the highest and last instance, which and the highest dignitaries should have given a report in their actions.

Fragment of the tombstone of the wall of the Athens Citizen from the riders. V c. BC e.

The laws of Solon prescribed to citizens of this class to contain at their own expense of a combat horse and acting at hiking. But the cavalry in the Athenian militia never occupied a privileged position. Often, the riders left horses and became in the ranks of the phalanx.

It is doubtful however, so that in the times of Solon Feta has already taken part in these meetings. At first, at the institution of Ecclesia, this meeting was convened infrequently, on average four times a year, and it was very reasonable, since not a policy, and the work for the acquisition of urgent bread should be the main occupation and the main interest of the people. Moreover, at first, these meetings did not wear such a rapid nature, as subsequently.

Plan of Athenian Agora, the central square of the city, where the folk assemblies were held

About Solon is known that he spoke with the people in a calm position, until half a hand with a hand of clothing. These meetings were collected in a special place, which every time he was very sanctified for this purpose; The meeting was opened, as in Sparta and everywhere in Greece, sacrifices and prayer. And the old age was honored - heraldly offered to first talk to those who were more than 50 years old. By nature, this living, easily flammable people of the Ionian tribe and in the spirit of this kind of state institutions, these meetings here very soon have gained more lively character and got more important than the folk assembly in Sparta and anywhere in the Dorian tribe. Solon believed that he gave people enough power; He took care of the people to raise, and for this purpose, he gave a bailiff as the most close to the people. In this sense, for the sake of this purpose, annually from citizens crossed the 30-year-old age, 4 thousand people were elected at the disposal of Fesmofetov, and more or less their number was called to the court for presence as jurors with those trials that were conjugate deprivation of defendants of life, property or civil rights. They brought a common oath when entering into the correction of their important honorary duties, and those that were called upon to pronounce the contract in a particular case, they uttered a special oath before the beginning of each trial. The most particular importance of this folk convulsion, helium, attached to the fact that before his face and the Archons themselves, before their entry into office, had to withstand some kind of test (DCCIMASIA) regarding their rights, their moral purity provided by them of military merit and fulfill them other civil duties; In the same way, at the end of his year, the Archonts had to give the report (Eutin) in their activities. The circle of activity of this Court was not excessively large, in the country's separate communities there were their village judges for less important cases, and all the complaints related to solutions of any litigation should always bring first before the arbitration court.

Athenian goplites, equipping hike. An image on an attic vase. V c. BC e.

Warriors put on armor and clean the weapon. On the left figure, the design of a Greek canvas shell with leaning shoes, which warrior delays on the left side. The extreme right of the warrior puts on bronze pons, which were manufactured individually on the leg and kept due to elasticity. Boys help Goplites.

The legislator tried to maintain everything that was possible to keep from the old days. So, the old conviction survived, who was subject to criminal crimes - ancient areaopag. Archons, who graduated from their service, therefore, the people who held the highest state in the state, entered into this a higher state institution, the powers of which were largely expanded, so he received even some political importance. Solon's contemporaries on the general state system were not looking at something mechanically created, not as a kind of insurance society, but as a vital, sacred, and therefore Solon and his adherents, good knowing human nature, perfectly understood that for the government and his Officials are unattainable much of what can be of serious importance for the entire population. That is why the Aropaopa was instructed by the famous observation of the life of citizens, and moreover, he was lifted in an unlimited punitive authority against all the violators of the main moral laws - against the lazy, ungrateful or any people of gloor behavior. At the same time, the areaopag was also the keeper of laws, and his members - the lifetimes belonging to the highest and richest classes of society, moreover, independent of external influences - gave him such authority that he could, in case of need, to customize the decisions of even the People's Assembly, or Withdrawing them completely, or at least by delaying their implementation for an indefinite time.

World-Historical Meaning of Solon Laws

In general, the most important of Solon legislation. From the above, it is clear that in this the people there were other spirit, rather than in Spartan - the Spirit is more free and more eased. This legislation was not as a result of mistrust to the depressed population, it was free and, we can say, the joyful creation of true state wisdom. Solon managed to work out for his people a reliable legitimate basis, which in the future history of Athens constantly provided a good influence on the folk life. For all further history and for the whole life of the people, the fact that such a huge organic reform was produced by Solon legally - through a free agreement, without any bloodshed, without the capture of power and violence. In this sense, Solon is much more than Likurg worthy of the world-historical name. In the form of a supplement or addition to the legislation of Solon, the known number of moral verts and teachings, as if emanating from Solon, like well-known "do not mock the dead", "in the face of the people always tell the truth," and so on. It is possible that among wooden Tables stored in the Acropolis, on which Solon's legislation was written, one table and was devoted to the sayings of such practical wisdom. But the well-known position ascribed by Solon, according to which every citizen with inter-consumables should openly speak in favor of a particular party - this situation, of course, belongs to the earlier era of the revival of democracy.

Tirands of Pisistrata and his sons. 538

Although Solon managed to remove all the thoughts on the severity of the supreme power into his hands, however, its state structure did not save the attic from temporary tyranny. One of the young evpartarers, a piscristist from the home of the Nelaidov, relying on their military merits in the fight against megarians and supported by diakry, while Solon managed to capture power into their hands and lost it twice and again captured, until he finally held it (538- 527 BC). He established himself into the power of the usual means of all Greek tyrants - Thracian mercenaries, unions with other tyranans, Ligdamide Naxosky and with the most famous from all the polycratoms of Samos, colonization and the acquisition of new lands. At the same time, he encouraged the development of rural culture, loved to surround himself with writers and artists. He paid special attention to the justice device in the village communities, which often visited in person, and, according to Aristotle's testimony, he was very loved by the people as a ruler. Solon's laws he left inviolable, as far as they did not interfere with his board, which he was surprisingly skillfully and deftly knew how to reconcile with the rapidly vigorous power of the people. He died by the ruler, and even handed his power as quite secured her sons. The eldest of them, Hippius, went on the footsteps of the Father, joined new unions, managed to even blame with Sparta, but the murder of his brother, Hippark, who fell victim to private seven hundreds of citizens, Garmody and Aristogiton, shakes the calm of Hippius and forced him to harsh measures which hurt him significantly.

Garmody and Aristiton, Hippark's killers.

Antique marble copy with a copper group of the Antenna of Athens, taken by Xerx in Persia in the form of military prey and returned after the victory of Alexander Macedon

Fall in tyranny. 510

In addition, the power of the house of the Naleidov, to which the Piscistrate belonged, the descendants of another noble kind - alkmeonids were long ago, who was expelled after the unsuccessful attempt of kilon to seize power and establish Tiracy in Athens. These alkmeonides were actively worked in exile, preparing the death of pisistidides. They entered the relationship with the priests of the Delphic Oracle, bowed them to their side, and they were affected by Sparta. Two times they tried to overthrow hypipe, but unsuccessfully. For the third time, when a happy accident destroyed in their hands of children hypipe, they have achieved their goal, the hypipals fled, and the alkmeonids returned to their homeland (510 BC. E.).

But it happened not at all what all Greek states were expected. The aristocratic form of the Board was not restored. On the contrary, there was a sharp turn toward a clean democracy, and one of the alkmeonids appeared in this sense in this sense, Clisphen, who contributed to the expulsion of Tirana Hippius. From what motiveness he acted, now it is impossible to know. It is only known that he regained the Solonovsky government device and gave him a new form in the further development of democracy.

Democracy. Clisfen.

The reform plan was conceived by Clisphen widely and demanded a long time for its implementation. Instead of the very ancient division of the country on 4 films, in which Evpartarers had a complete opportunity to have a strong local influence, Clisphen introduced a division by 10 Phil, and each of them elected 50 members to the Council, 500 Heliasts to the People's Judgment, and thus the Council Consisted already out of 500 members, and helium out of 5 thousand citizens. A strong reaction was followed by a bold innovation. The leader of the opposite party, Isahors, called on Spartans to help; The Spartan army under the leadership of Tsar Celomen was taken by Athenian Acropolis. But the self-awareness of the people during this time had time so much that the people did not allow foreign intervention in their affairs. There was a general folk uprising, and a small Spartan army was forced to capitulate. After that, the Athenians began to be fear of revenge from their terrible neighbor Sparta, and these concerns were so great that at one time the Athenians began to even bother about help from Persia and treated it even to the nearest Persian Satrapus, in Sarda. But the danger soon passed: the advancing of the Attika, the Spartan army was forced to return, because the discord began between his superiors and it came to a complete violation of military discipline. However, the Spartans still did not think to throw things, and the strong party between them was dominated by the restoration of tyranny in Athens during Spartan aid.

Many such a form of government in the neighboring state seemed more profitable than the folk board, in which the clever and brave demagogue could easily captivate the crowd. Hippius was even invited to Sparta. But when discussing the issue of the intervention of Sparta at the General Meeting of Peloponnesian Union States against this, many were rebuilt, and mostly Corinthian. Their speaker began his speech by hot access: "Heaven and Earth - Are you in place?!" And proved all the unnecessstness of the intercession for tyranny by the state, which would never have allowed her. Spartan intervention, therefore, did not take place, and the democratic principle finally tried in Athens.

In certain demas or village districts of attics, which were previously among 100, and then 190, self-government developed in the broadest sense of the word. Every 10 demoms were fillets. At the same time, another major innovation was admitted: the archons began to replace not by elections, but on the lot between those who sought ArchonThism or had rights on him. Against attempts to restore the tyranny invented a very peculiar measure - Ostrakism (County Court, if you can say so). Every year, the People's Assembly, sometimes on the submission of the Council, sometimes at the initiative of a private person, was asked: "Doesn't there be a reason for the expulsion of such a citizen?", I.e. it does not eat such a casual desire to be tyrant, or even - It is not so influencing that such a temptation can come into his head. If the meeting responded to this question in the affirmative, then the question was allowed to vote, i.e., they scattered the name of a dangerous citizen on the shards, and if 6 thousand were gained such shards, then the fate of a citizen was solved: he was expelled from the country, although this exile was not conjugate None with a loss of honor or confiscation of property. The expulsion of Ostracism condemned for 10 years of stay outside the country, but it was a simple formality, and by decision of the people he could be called back at any time.

The overall picture of the life of the Ellini is about 500 BC. e.

Hellenic colonization

It was formed in Central Greece, on a brisk and convenient for the relationship with neighboring countries, a new state, which grew up from a completely different basis than Sparta, and quickly moving towards development. The education of this state was the most important political event of the last two centuries. During this time, the whole life of the people, who has long been known for the general name of Ellin, has changed significantly. With speed, unparalleled in the history of mankind, Ellina seized almost all the Mediterranean Sea and fell away from its coast and the island with their colonies.

Greek birem. An image on a vase VI in. BC e.

Modern reconstruction of Greek military birem. Vi in. BC e.

Phoenicians, somewhat weakened by the historical living conditions already in the East, were forced to give way to this more capable, more multilateral, more energetic people; And everywhere there were new peculiar cities, distinguished by such a rapid growth of the population, which had to organize new colonies. In this magnifier, all the Greek tribes equally took part, and it was in these diverse settlements that the generallylline national feeling that was withdrawn from the Greeks from alien or barbaric tribes, among whom they had to settle. Misses to these continuously renewed and enormous evictions were different. Some forced the actual need for eviction from the Motherland, other victory of the party's opposite to them in a strongly broken passage everywhere, thirdly fascinated by the passion for adventures, and sometimes the government itself was led by the eviction of part of the citizens to save the city from an excess of the population. Very few of these evictions were made due to the forced, violent gap with the Fatherland. Migrants usually captured a head from his native hearth and she lit up their new focus on the site of a new settlement, and the names of the squares and streets of the native city were revived in his racing, and began from the new city of departure of honorary embassies on the festivities of the hometown, and back the embassy from the old The domestic city for holidays in honor of the deities of the new settlement. But the way mutual connections were limited, the marks were looking for an alien independence and found it everywhere. To give a concept about these relations between the metropolis and the colonies, remember that one city of Millets allocated 80 colonies in different directions within one and a half centuries, and these colonies did not constitute the Miletsky kingdom, nor the Miletsky Union of Cities, and each of them existed itself In myself and lived in my life, although he kept friendly relations to their fellow citizens and fellow countrymen [this crushing on the part was to such an extent characterized by the Ellians that they did not even create a separate term, like our word "state": the word policy, actually the city , applied in the sense of the state.].

The extreme point of Ellin's colonization in the West was massive in the country of Galov, not far from the mouth of the Rhone. In southern Italy and Sicily, the Hellensky colonies were as it were from a special area. Here they had to compete with the Western descendants of the Phoenicians (Carthaginians), Etruscia in the north-west of Italy and other various peoples that have been industrially dispersed. But in the eastern half of them were the full owners of the Mediterranean Sea and the seas related to him. Their colonies were sealed to the remote banks of the Black and Azov seas, east stretched to the chief of the Cyprus itself and in the south, in Egypt, they were inhabited by the beautiful area of \u200b\u200bKerenaica - west of the mouth of the Nile. It is impossible to list all these Ellen colonies, look into their history, curious and instructive; But it is impossible not to notice that the consequences of this colonial activity were extremely important: the new culture uncontrollably allowed its roots everywhere, from Ponta Evcinsky to remote banks of Iberia, covering all the extensive space by the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Folk life. Literature

No matter how diversified the life of this nation, the connection of all his tribes was strong everywhere, since they were all of the same treasure. This treasure was a single, common language for all, which, although it was shared on various dialects and dialects, was still equally clear in all the ends of the Ellinsky world, just as the general Greek literature became available and understood by all Hellenians. Homeric songs have long been widely in the national treasure, and more precious, they have long been fixed in writing editorial staff, and on the great legislators of Greece - Likurg and Solon - indicate both the zealous distributors of Homeric poetry, and on the Pisistratus - as the most thorough and most careful The editors of Homer's songs. These news are important because they prove which close mutual connection existed in Greeks between their literary and state aspirations and successes. The incomparable works of Homer, in turn, gave rise to rich epic literature, in the form of continuations and imitation of its poems, especially since it was already ready for this literature that the size created for it is a hexameter. From epic poetry, with a certain change of the poetic size, a new poetic form appeared - an elegy, in which the new content was also invested: in Elegia, the poet from a simple epic story passed to the region of purely subjective sensations, and thus opened the poetic inspiration to new immense horizons. The new elegic size served as a form for a tender complaint, then for a calm contemplation, then for the product of a satirical shade; One of the similar Elegy Solon prompted his fellow citizens to the conquest of Salamin. The same poetic size, somewhat abbreviated, served to contemporary Solon, Feognida from Megara, for epigram, directed against the emerging democracy. Another excellent connoisseur of the language and a pleasant poet, the archives of Paros, invented another verse size - the Yambic verse as a form, convenient for expressing an excited feeling - anger, mockery, passion. This verse took advantage of the new poetic images of the poet of the talent of the island of Lesbos Arion, Alkei and Poets Safo, and challenged wine and love, militant arousal and passionate struggle of the parties. Few of the poets, like Anacreonte Teossky, were engaged in their art under the auspices of tyrants. Most of these bold thinkers were hostile to tyranny in their works, which relied in their aspirations to the lower layers of the people. Maybe that is why they hurried the Piscistides to take a drama for their patronage, this younger, but the most important of the poetry branches, which originated on the basis of attic, rich in spiritual life.

Festive choir in honor of the god Winemaking Dionysus. Image with archaic vase VIII cent. BC e.

Holiday Dionysus. The relief of the attic sarcophagus.

The drama in the original form developed from those choral songs that were sang in honor of the god of Wine Dionysus on his fun festivals. The legend calls Fespid from the Attic Demos of Ikaria, the first culprit of the appearance of a new poetic form. He as if he had occurred to the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a living action element into a choral song; For this purpose, he also became a chorus, and the main severity (Corryon) of the choir to climb masks, the choral song turned into a song dialogue between the Korifence and Choir; The basis of these dialogs was put one of the many legends about Dionysse.

Mimic dance. Actors are dressed in masks.

Image from a Greek vase V c. BC e.


Simultaneously with the literature, other plastic arts began to grow rapidly, to which tyrants were especially favorably, helping their development and encouraging artists. The attention of these rulers was drawn mainly on structures suitable for public benefits - roads, water pipelines, swimming pools, but they were not neglected and elegant, every workers who are stuck in the eyes. And the growth of arts in this era was as amazingly fast as the growth of literature. With incredible speed, they were freed from ultrasound of gravity and workshop limitations. Previously, the architecture developed, in which the creative genius of Ellinov was expressed brilliantly.

Caryatida from the Temple of Aphrodite in the Book VI century. BC e.

Reliefs from the Temple of Aphrodite, located in the Majual Asian City of Books.

Sample of early classic sculpture VI in. BC e.

Accessories an ancient artist.

It is possible that before the first Greek architects and have troubled legends about the huge temples, the palaces and the tombs of the Egyptians, but they could not take an example from them and went independently. So, for example, two completely different types of columns are found in the Greeks very early, in which the eastern forms are not only transformed and improved, but they are so independently assimilated that even the characteristic features of the two main Greek tribes appear in the form of two styles - doric and ionic.

Capitals of columns of doric and ionic types.

A sculpture develops next to the architecture. Homer has already mentioned sculptural works that portrayed people and animals that seemed to be "as if alive." But, in essence, this art moved forward very slowly, and the artist cutter did not have learned to defeat the technical difficulties of scratching; However, even those works of Greek sculpture that finish her first period, for example, a well-known frontal group on the temple of Athens in aeigh, exceeds the overall spirit of the work and on the artistic stability of their all that in the same area of \u200b\u200bart managed to create the East.

The fronton group of the temple of Athens on the island of the aigina.

Religious views of Ellinov

In religious views and myths of Ellinov, the ancient Organic began to retreated to the background. The gods turned into the personification of people who hated, and loved, and put up, and quarreled, and their interests were confused in the same way as in humans, but only in other, the highest world - the ideal reflection of the lower. Thanks to such a turnover, the concepts of the people appeared a danger of too much accruitment, the materialization of the Divine, and many of the advanced people of Greece understood this perfectly. Repeatedly manifested the desire to clear the religion from too gross ideas about the Divine, to clothe these ideas in some fog of mystery. It is in this sense that some local cults were important, of which two were enjoyed a huge meaning in all Greece, namely the cult of deities, patronizing agriculture, demeters, bark and Dionysus in Attica - in Eleusin, known as Eleusinsky sacraments. In these sacraments, the fleeting, insignificant existence of every mortal with high-order phenomena, inaccessible to human knowledge and understanding, was impressive in these sacraments. As far as is known, the flowering lifetime was clearly presented here in the overall picture, her wiliation, death and awakening to a new afterlife, which, in fact, the Greeks had only a very limited idea.

Remembered sacrifice. An image on an attic vase.

The cult of the God of Apollo in Delfa used at least the meaning. This is a small town, abandoned in the Fokyd Mountains, in the middle of the VI century. BC e. He became famous for Oracle, whose progress was worshiped for the will of the inspirational God. An important step forward along the path of development of religious beliefs should already be considered that here Apollo, the God of the Sun, therefore, personified one of the forces of nature - in the folk view, appealed to a deity capable of revelation, who came out his will in the mouth of the priestess, which was planted on The tripod over the slit in the rock, constantly emitting sulfur couple. Revered by them and the prisons given to the sliced \u200b\u200bstate, the priestess became really involuntary tool of God or his deft servants. Thousands of commoners and poor people were constantly crowded in dolphes, and the kings, the rulers and Velmazbi were inconspicuously sent their ambassadors there with requests to Oracle. Subsequently, when some cities, and then more and more than their number, established a treasury and a reliable warehouse of their wealth and jewelry, this city appealed to a very important center of trade turnovers. Delphian priests, to which from everywhere came with Westies and requests, of course, had to know a lot and enjoyed the enormous influence on the people. But to their credit it should be said, judging by their few renewing, that they largely contributed to the dissemination of cleaner moral views. Herodotus tells the famous case with the Spartyatom of the Commander, who, by pulling someone else's good, dares to turn to the oracle with the question whether he can assign money to his by bringing a false oath. Oracle severely answered, reveaving any oath, and threatened the master to be a complete extermination of his kind. The masterpiece returned his wealth-held, but it was too late: his oscillation was imputed to him in the offense, and the gods cruelly shook him, eradicating his genus in Sparta. This example, given by Herodot, clearly indicates that the moral views of this time were higher than in the time of Homer, who praised one of the princes with an amazing naivetness for the fact that the God Hermes Himself was convicted of himself. .

The science

It is easy to understand such a significant moral progress, remembering that at this time and science has already stated its existence and became boldly bypassing myths, look for the beginning of the existing one. It was the century, subsequently the nicknamed "age of 7 wise men"; The history of science indicates at this time on Ionian Falez, on Anaximman and on Anaximandra as in the first scientists who observed nature, reasonably contemplating and not beling to the region of fantasy, and tried to look into the most being surrounding them in the world, denying the binding of the citizen's legend.

Awakening a national feeling. Olympic Games

All of the above indicates a significant generality of thought and sensations in the Greek world, which equated to a certain extent of all Ellinov and gave them moral unity at the time when they, seeking to all the ends of the world famous for them, found their settlements everywhere. But nowhere is not mentioned at this time either the political, nor the national center to which all the Hellenes will have. Even the Olympic Games in honor of Zeus did not serve as the center, although they have already managed to acquire great importance and make the property of the entire Hellensky world. All Ellinas are equally affordable, they have long lost their local character; According to the Olympics, that is, the four-year gaps between the games, the chores were conducted in all Greece, and the one who wanted to see Greece or show himself and become famous for all Greece, he should have come to the Olympic Games.

Hercules (Hercules phariesky)

Discus thrower

Winner gets a headband

Within five days of the holiday on the plain Alpharey, fresh, print and amazingly diverse life. But here, the main reviving element was the rivalry of various cities and locations, which was represented in a more peaceful form in these sacred days, immediately after their ready to move into a fierce struggle. According to the Amphios - a rather original political and religious institution - it can be seen to what extent of Ellina during this period of time were capable of unity. This name denotes the "union of the surrounding cities" - surrounding in relation to the sanctuary, and the most important from the amphikonium was the center for which the sanctuary of Apollo was served in Delphi. This union was going to the congregation twice a year, and gradually it included a rather significant number of tribes and states: the Fessels and Bottiys, Dorians and Ionians, Fokese and Locks, strong and weak in their political meaning. At these meetings came to general decisions, which were carried out by the general forces, in cases where the priest threatened some disturbance of calm or a punishment of the shrine required to revenge and redemption. But participation in this union did not prevent wars and discords between cities belonging to one amphitonium. For these wars (and they are overflowing the history of Greece) existed, however, well-known humane rules for which, for example, it was impossible to bring the war to the extreme ruin of the city in the amphihonia, it was impossible to remove water from him and starving his thirst, etc.

Ellinskaya freedom

So, the main vital element of this world of small communities was freedom of movement, and the love for this freedom was so great that each of Ellinov was ready to sacrifice everything. Oriental neighbors of the Greeks in Asia, who did not have the concepts of the life of such small centers, looked at them with disregard and laughed at their constant disputes and gravestones. "What do they quarrel? After all, they have the language of everyone - would send ambassadors, and they would have walked all their disagreement!" - thought Persians who did not comprehend, what a huge force consisted in this independence of each individual citizen, not tolerant of any constraint. Historian Herodotus, on the contrary, was absolutely clear the difference between the worldviews of Ellinov and Asians, since he was born of a subject of the Persian king, it extremely highly sets what he calls the "equality of all people in the market", i.e. the equality of citizens before The law, in the form, as established after the expulsion of tyranans. Who does not know his story about the conversation of Curse with Solon, so superbly drawing better ideals of the Hellens of a better time? Crop, showing Solon all the innumerable riches, which was overflowing his treasury, asked: "Did you see people in the light of the world, the creek?" This great legislator attic answered. that "the happiest people do not happen between mortals, but, how much this expression can be applicable to the mortal, he could point the creek on one of his fellow citizens, as one of the happiest people in the world," and then told the king of his simple, Uncomplicated history. So lucky, according to Solon, was the Athenian Tella, who worked and who acquired, and not at the despot. He is either rich, nor poor, he has as much as he needs, he has children, and grandchildren who will survive him, in the struggle not for Elladu, but for their native city, in one of the small grooves with the neighboring city, CHEL He dies with weapons in his hands, and his fellow citizens give him the honor of merit. They bang him at the place where he fell, and get buried on his common account ...

And an hour came, when the Asians had to experience this power in the hossesman - in the war that one of the great heroic epics of world history should be recognized and which, of course, is quite different interest than the devastating campaigns of Ashurbanpala and Nebuchadnezzar.

Greek coin, knocked out in honor of the Olympic Games, depicting awards awarded to the winners.

Ellina (Ἔλληνες). - For the first time with the name of Ellinov - a small tribe, who lived in South Fessaly in the Valley of Eniyme, Apidan, and others. Pateni's tributaries, - We meet at Homer (Il. II, 683, 684): E., together with Aheyans and Mimmidonians, are mentioned here as a subject of Achilla, inhabiting actually Ellad.. In addition, the name of Eldlands as the South Festo region we find in several later parts of both Homer's poems (Il. IX, 395, 447, XVI, 595; OD. I, 340, IV, 726, XI, 496). These data of epic poetry about the geographic location of E. enjoy Herodotus, Fucdide, Paros Marble, Apollodor; Only Aristotle based on IL. XVI, 234-235, where the "Priests of the Dodon Zeus are mentioned Sella , not washing feet and sleeping on bare earth, "and identifying the names of Sellov (Pod. Gelles) and Ellinov, transfers an ancient Ellad to Epirus. Based on the fact that the Epirian Dodon was the center of an ancient cult of the original Greek gods - Zeus and Diodes, Ed. Meyer ("Geschichte des Altertums", Stuttgart, 1893) believes that in the prehistoric period, the Greeks, which occupied Epirus, were displaced from there to Fessel and moved to new lands and former tribal and regional names; It is clear that Gellopia and Homeric Selly (Gella) mentioned by Gellopia and Homeria (Gellas) are repeated in the Fesselsali Elline and Eldead. Later, genealogical poetry (starting from Gesida) created an eponym of the Hellensky tribe of Hellen, making him the son of Genkalion and Pierry, who survived the Great Local Flood and those who were considered by the hedgeons of the Greek people. The same genealogical poetry created in the face of Brother Ellin, the Amphikion, the eponym of the Fermopyl-Dolphic amphitia. From here you can withdraw a conclusion (HOLM "HISTORY OF GREECE", I, 1894 p. 225 trail; see also Beloch, "History of Greece", t. I, p. 236-217, M., 1897) that the Greeks recognized close Communication between the amphitivation uniforms and the name of E., especially since in the center of the peoples that were originally part of the Union, the phyotiy ahaeis was placed geographically, identical with the oldest Hellenes. Thus, the members of the amphiki, connecting themselves by origin with the magicians, little was accustomed to call themselves with the Ellities and distributed this name on North and Central Greece, and Dranny moved him to Peloponnese. In the VII century to R. XP. Mostly in the East, correlate concepts of barbarians and Phallinov arose in the East: this last name was supposed to be used by the name of Ellinov, which united all the tribes that spoke to Greek. Language, with the exception of Macedonian, who lived a separate life. As a nationwide name, the name of E., according to our information, is found for the first time from the archite and in the Gesiodovsky directory; In addition, it is known that the organizers of the Olympic Festival wore the name of the Gellands earlier than 580 to R. XP. The need for the creation of a nationwide name is already noticeable in epic poetry: so, in Homer Greeks we carry the general pricing names Danayev, Argivyan, Ahetsey, as opposed to the Trojans. Aristotle and some representatives of the Alexandrian literature mention another, according to their oldest energic name of the people - γραικοί (\u003d graeci \u003d Greeks), under which, in historical time, the inhabitants of E. were known to the Romans and which then passed through the Romans to all European peoples. In general, the question of the origin of the ethnic names of the Greek people belongs to the number of controversial and not solved to the present. Cf. ED. Meyer, Forschungen Zur Alten Geschichte (Stuttgart, 1892); B. Niese, "Ueber Den Volkstamm Der Gräker" ("Hermes", Vol. XII, B., 1877; p. 409 and next); BUSOLT, "GRIECHISCHE GESCHICHTE BIS ZUR SCHLACHT BEI CHAIRONIIA" (I t., 2 ed., Gota, 1893); Enmann, "From the field of ancient Greek geographic onomatology" ("Journal. Min. Nar. Pros.", 1899, April and July).


The name of Ellin or Yellin itself, goes back to the VIII century to our era. And it takes its name from Eldla or differently - ancient Greece. Thus, Ellen is "Greek", or a resident of Greece, a representative of the Greek people, ethnos.

It must be said that over time, in the first century of our era, the word "Ellin", it became not only the Greeks by nationality, but also representatives of the whole Mediterranean. It began to denote carriers of Greek culture, language, and even people of another nationality, which were born in Greece or neighboring countries and assimilated there.

Since the conquests of Alexander Macedonsky, Greek culture has spread throughout the world. Greek morals, customs, Greek, penetrated all countries bordering Greece, and became in their own kind, international cultural values. That is why the whole world then spoke of Greek. And even the Romans who came to replace the Greeks took over a lot of what was right in Greek culture.

Of all the above, you can see that the Jews under the word Ellin, meant the "pagan", the representative of which people he was not. If he is not a Jew, then he means Ellin (pagan).

Ellenists from the book of Acts 6: 1

1 These days, when students multiplied up, there was a ropot for the Jews for the fact that the widows of their neglected were in the daily distribution of needs.
(Acts 6: 1).

As a result, the apostles instructed the brothers to appoint several responsible for the satisfaction of the needs of Hellenist widows.

« Ropot»This text is a translation of the Greek word. goggumos. which means "grumbling; muttering "; "Digured conversation"; "The expression of hidden discontent"; "a complaint".

« Erlinists»This is the word transliteration helleniston. , Multiple Number of Page Cases from Hellenistes. Hellas means Allada, Greece. In the New Testament, Hellas is used in relation to the southern part of Greece, unlike Macedonia in the north.

The word "Ellin", otherwise the Greek, meant a person who did not belong to the Jewish people, such as in the book of Acts 14: 1; 16: 1, 16: 3; 18:17; Messages to the Romans 1:14.

1 In Iconia, they entered the Jewish synagogue and said that he believed the great many Jews and Ellinov.
(Acts 14: 1).

1 he reached the dervis and leisure. And so, there was some student, named Timofey, whom Mother had an assuasy, and Father Enerlin.
(Acts 16: 1).

3 He wished Pavel to take with him; and, taking, cropped it for the sake of Jews, who were in those places; For everyone knew about his father that he was Elelin.
(Acts 16: 3).

17 And all ELLINA, grabbing Splepen, the head of the synagogue, beat it before the trial; And Gallion Nimalo was not worried about that.
(Acts 18:17).

14 I have to both Hellym and Barbarars, sages and ignorant.
(Rome 1:14).

In the New Testament, the word Hellenistes is used only three times [Acts 6: 1; 9:29; 11:20], and means Jews who spoke in Greek. "Hellenists" in the book of Acts 6: 1, these are Greek-speaking Jews who followed the Greek custom and came from Greek-speaking countries.

29 also spoke and competed with ELLINISTs; And they attempted to kill him.
(Acts 9:29).

20 There were some of them Kikilians and Cyrinets who, having come to Antioch, said Hellym, the gospey of the Lord Jesus.
(Acts 11:20).

Probably, they represented those nations [Acts 2: 8-11], which were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, and after the resurrection of Jesus, who turned into the Lord Jesus Christ.

8 How we hear each own adverb, in which they were born.
9 Parfyan, Midyan, and Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Jews and Cappadocia, Ponta and Asia,
10 Frigia and Pamphilia, Egypt and parts of Libya, adjacent to Kirin, and those who came from Rome, Judea and proles,
11 Creaters and Arabian, hearing them by our languages \u200b\u200bspeaking about the great [affairs] of God?
(Acts 2: 8-11).