Aina is a mysterious people. Aina - White Race

Aina is a mysterious people. Aina - White Race
Aina is a mysterious people. Aina - White Race

Aina. (Aina) is a mysterious tribe, because of which scientists from different countries broken a great many copies. They are white and straight-eyed (men are also distinguished by strong hairiness) and in their appearance are straightened from other peoples of East Asia. They are clearly not the Mongoloids, rather to the anthropological type of Southeast Asia and Oceania.

Aina in traditional costumes. 1904 year

Hunters and fishermen, for centuries, almost not known agriculture, Aina nevertheless created an unusual and rich culture. Their ornament, carving and wooden sculpture are amazing in beauty and fiction; Their songs, dances and legends are beautiful as all sorts of genuine creatures of the people.

Each people are characterized by unique history and distinctive culture. Science is more or less known to the stages of the historical development of a particular ethnos. But there are peoples in the world, the origin of which remains a mystery. And nowadays, they continue to worry the minds of ethnographers. Such ethnic groups primarily include Ainos - Aboriginal Far Eastern Region.

It was the most interesting, beautiful and healthy nature of the people settled on the Japanese Islands, South Sakhalin and Kurilla. They themselves called themselves various breeding names - Soyo-Untara, "Psuba-Untara". The word "Ain", which they are accustomed to call, is not self-sizing this nation. It means "man." These aborigines are highlighted by scientists in a separate amine race, combining European-like, Australoid and Mongoloid features in appearance.

The historical problem arising in connection with Aina is the question of their racial and cultural origin. Traces of existence of this people were found even in places of neolithic parking on the Japanese Islands. Aina is an oldest ethnic community. Their progenitors are the carriers of the culture "Dzemen" (literally "rope ornament"), numbering almost 13 thousand years (on the Kuril Islands - 8 thousand years).

The beginning of the scientific study of the Dzomonsky parking was made by the German archaeologists of F. and the city of Ziboldami and American Mors. The results obtained by them significantly differed. If Ziboldov approved with all responsibility that the Dzomon culture is the creation of the hands of the ancient Ainov, then Morse was careful. He did not agree with the point of view of his German colleagues, but at the same time emphasized that the Dzomonsky period differs significantly from Japanese.

And what are the Japanese themselves who called the Ainov word "ebi-su"? Most of them did not agree with the conclusions of archaeologists. For them, the aborigines were always only barbarians, as evidenced by, for example, the record of the Japanese chronic, made in 712: "When our sublime alerts descended on the ship from the sky, they found some wild peoples on this island, among them the wild There were Aina. "

But as evidenced by archaeological excavations, the ancestors of these "savages" long before the appearance on the Japanese Islands created there a whole culture, which any people can be proud of! That is why official Japanese historiography has made attempts to relate the creators of the Dzomon culture with the ancestors of modern Japanese, but not with Aina.

Nevertheless, most scientists agree that the Culture of Ainov was so viable that he had an impact on the culture of their enslavers - the Japanese. According to Professor S. A. Arutyunov, the Aynian elements have played a significant role in the formation of the samurai and ancient Japanese religion - Sintoism.

So, for example, the Aynian Warrior - Dzhangin - had two short swords, 45-50 cm long, weakly-blurred, with one-sided sharpening and fought by them without recognizing shields. In addition to swords, Aina wore two long knives ("Cheiki-Makiri" and "Sa-Makiri"). The first was a ritual knife for the manufacture of the sacred chips "Inau" and making the rite "Pere" or "Eritonta" - ritual suicide, which was then adopted by the Japanese, calling Harakiri, or SEPPUK (as, by the way, and a sword's cult, special shelves for a sword, spears , Luka).

Aina's swords exhibited for everyone's review only during a bear holiday. The old legend reads: "A long time ago, after this country was created by God, an old Japanese and old man lived. Grand-Ain was ordered to make a sword, and grandfather-Japanese is money. " Then explains why U-Ain was the cult of swords, and the Japanese had a thirst for money. Aina condemned their neighbors for the compassion.

Helmets Aina did not wear. They had long thick hair, who were shot down in a chopenne, forming a natural helmet. Iinov's military art is currently known very little. It is believed that the prayaponians adopted almost everything from them. In fact, Aina fought not only with the Japanese.

Sakhalin, for example, they were walked from the "Tonci" - a low-altar, really indigenous population of Sakhalin. It remains to add that the Japanese were afraid of an open battle with Aina, conquered and outstretched them with cunning. In an ancient Japanese song, it was said that one "Emsi" (Barbarian, Ain) costs a hundred people. There was a belief that they could put fog.

Initially, Aina lived on the Islands of Japan (then she was called Ainumosiri - Land of Ainov), until they were pushed back to the North Praponians. They came to Kuriles and Sakhalin already in the XIII-XIV centuries. Traces of their stay were also found in Kamchatka, in Primorye and Khabarovsk Territory.

Many toponymic names of the Sakhalin region are caught by Ayn names: Sakhalin (from Sugararen Mosiri - "wave-like land"); Kunashir Islands, Simushir, Shikotan, Shiashkoltan (words-grading "Shir" and "Kotan" mean accordingly the "plot of land" and "settlement"). To take the entire archipelago to Hokkaido inclusive (then he was called Edzo) the Japanese required more than two thousand years (the earliest evidence of the skirmis with Aina dates from 660 a year before. Er).

There is enough facts of cultural history of the Ainov, and it would seem, it is possible to calculate their origin with a high degree of accuracy.

First, it can be assumed that in the time immemorial, the whole northern half of the main Japanese island Honshu inhabited tribes, which are either direct ancestors of the Ainov or standing in their material culture very close to them. Secondly, two elements are known, which were the basis of the ornament of Ainov, - Spiral and Zigzag.

Thirdly, it is not doubtful that primitive animism was the initial point of Aynian beliefs, that is, the recognition of the existence of the soul in any creature or subject. Finally, the social organization of the Ainov and the method of their production are well studied.

But it turns out that the factological method does not always justify itself. For example, it has been proven: a spiral ornament has never been the property of alone Ain. It was widely used in the art of residents of New Zealand - Maori, in the decorative drawings of Papuans of New Guinea, in the Neolithic tribes who lived in the lower course of Amur.

What is this - a random coincidence or traces of the existence of certain contacts between the tribes of Eastern and Southeast Asia in some distant period? But who was the first, and who took over the opening? It is also known that the worship of the bear and its cult was distributed in the vast territories of Europe and Asia. But by Ainov, he sharply different from him like other peoples, because only they fed the sacrificial bear with breasts of female feeders!

Aina and Bear Cult

The mansion is the language of Ainov. At one time it was believed that he was not in relationship with any other language, but now some scientists bring it closer to the Malay-Polynesian group. And the lingules found in the Latin, Slavic, Angloherman and even Sanskrit roots in the Latin. In addition, the ethnographers still be fighting over the question - where people who wear a swollen (southern) clothing type appeared in these harsh lands.

The dress-dressing robe isolated from wood fibers and decorated with a traditional ornament equally looked at men and women. Festive white robes sewed from nettle. In the summer, Aina was wore a south-type dressing, winter sewed clothes from fur. Salmon skins were used by them for the manufacture of moccasin to the very knees.

Ainov was alternately ranked to Indo-Arias, and to Australoids and even Europeans. The Aina themselves considered themselves from heaven: "There was a time when the first Ains descended from the country of clouds to the ground, fell in love with her, fishery, fishing, to eat, dance and produce children" (from Ainsky Tradition). And indeed, the life of these amazing people was completely connected with nature, sea, forest, islands.

They, engage in collecting, hunting, fishing, combined the knowledge, skills and skills of many tribes and peoples. For example, like Taiga, went hunting; collected seafood, like southerners; Beed the marine animals, as the inhabitants of the North. Aina stirred stored the secret of mummifying the departed and the recipe for a deadly poison extracted from the root of the plant a aconite, which the tips of their arrows and harpunov were impregnated. They knew that this poison quickly decomposes in the body of a dead animal and meat could be eaten.

Ainov's guns and weapons were very gait for those who were used by other communities of prehistoric people who lived in similar climatic and geographical conditions. True, they possessed one significant advantage - they had obsidians who are rich in Japanese islands. When processing obsidian, the serf was obtained smoother than that of a silica, so that the arrow tips and the Dzemontsev axes can be attributed to the masterpieces of neolithic production.

From weapons the most important were onions and arrows. High Developed the production of harpunov and fishing rods made from deer horns. In short, the tools, and the weapons of the Jemons are typical for their time, and somewhat unexpectedly only that people who have not knew far agriculture, no cattle breeding, lived quite numerous communities.

And how many mysterious questions gave rise to the culture of this nation! The ancient Ains created an amazing beauty of ceramics with a manual brave way (without any device for referring to dishes, and even more than a pottery circle), decorating it with a bizarre rope ornament, and mysterious figurines doge.

Ceramics of the culture of Dzemon

Everything was done manually! And yet, Dzemon's ceramics is given a special place in primitive ceramics in general - nowhere contrast between the polishes of its ornament and extremely low "technology" does not look more striking than here. In addition, the Ains were almost the most early farmers of the Far East.

And again the question! Why did they lose these skills, becoming only hunters and fishermen, having done in essence, thereby developing a step back? Why is the most bizarre image of the Ainov, the features of different nations, elements of high and primitive crops are intertwined?

Being from nature the people are very musical, Aina loved and knew how to have fun. Carefully prepared for the holidays, of which the most important was bearish. Aina deified all around them. But they especially read the bear, snake and dog.

Leading at first glance a primitive life, they gave the world inimitable art samples, enriched culture of humanity with nothing comparable to mythology and folklore. With all their views and life, they, as it were, denied the established ideas and the usual schemes of cultural development.

In women, Ainov on the faces could see a smile tattoo. Cultural studies believe that the tradition to draw a "smile" is one of the oldest in the world, she was followed by representatives of Ain's nationality for a long time. Despite all the prohibitions from the Japanese government, even in the twentieth century Ain did a tattoo, it is believed that the last "right" tattooed woman died in 1998.

Tattooed exclusively women were believed, it was believed that the rite taught the ancestors of Ain the ancestor of the whole living - Okikurumi Turesh Machi, the younger sister of the God-creator Okikurumi. A tradition was passed on the female line, the drawing on the body of the girl applied her mother or grandmother.

In the process of "Japanization" of Ain's nation in 1799, a ban on tattooing girls was introduced, and in 1871, a re-strict ban on Hokkaido was proclaimed, since it was considered that the procedure was too painful and inhumane.

For Ain, the abandonment of tattoos was unacceptable, because it was believed that in this case the girl would not be able to marry, and after death, to find peace in the afterlife. It is worth noting that the rite was really cruel: for the first time the drawing was applied to girls at the age of seven, and later the "smile" were drawn over for several years, the final stage - on the day of marriage.

In addition to the characteristic tattoo smile, on the hands of the Ain, it was possible to see the geometric patterns, they were also applied to the body as a charm.

In a word, the riddles over time became more and more, and the answers brought all new problems. It is known exactly one thing that their life in the Far East was extremely difficult and tragic. When, in the XVII century, Russian landowners reached the "Far East", their eyes opened the vast majestic and numerous islands.

But more fascinating nature was amazed, they were the appearance of the natives. Before the travelers, people were brought up with thick beards, people with wide, like Europeans with eyes, with large, noses, similar to anyone: on men from Russia, on the inhabitants of the Caucasus, on Gypsy, but not on the Mongoloids, which the Cossacks and seruners are accustomed see everywhere behind the Ural ridge. The landlords dubbed them with "shaggy chicks."

Information about the Kuril Ainai Russian scientists learned from the "notes" of the Cossack Ataman Danila Anzheferov and Esuula Ivan Kozyrevsky, in which they were notified by Peter I on the opening of the Kuril Islands and about the first meeting of Russian people with the natives of local places.

This happened in 1711.

"Leaving Baidars to dry, went the shore for noon and in the evening they saw or at home, or the plague. Holding me at the ready - who knows what is there for people, they went to them. To meet the folded person, dressed in the skins. They looked without frightened and there were an appearance of unusual - hairy, long-working, but with white persons and not diagonal like Yakuts and Kamchadals. "

For several days, the conquerors of the Far East through Tolmach tried to lean the "shaggy smokers" under the sovereign hand, but they refused such honor, saying that no one was paid to Nobody and pay and pay. Just learned the Cossacks that the land they sailed, is the island for noon behind him, and even more - Matmai, Japan.

26 years after Anzheferov and Kozyrevsky Kamchatka, Stepan Krasheninnikov visited Stepan. He left behind the classic work "Description of the Earth of Kamchatka", where, in addition to other information, has given a detailed characteristic of the Ainov as an ethnic type. This was the first scientific description of the tribe. A century later, in May 1811, the famous navigator Vasily Golinov visited here.

The future admiral has studied for several months and described the nature of the islands and the life of their inhabitants; His truthful and colorful story about what they saw highly appreciated both lovers of literature and scientists. We note this detail: the translator from the head served as a smoke, that is, Ain, Alexey.

It is not known what name he was "in the world", but his fate is one of the many examples of contacting Russians with smokers who are willing Russian speech, they took Orthodoxy and conducted a lively trade with our great-grandpars.

Kuril Aina, according to eyewitnesses, were very kind, friendly and open people. Europeans who visited the islands in different years and usually silent by their culture, presented high demands on etiquette, but they noted a manner characteristic of Ainov.

Dutch navigator de friz wrote:
"Their behavior in respect of foreigners is so simple and sincerely that the educated and polite people could not behave better. Being before strangles, they dress up in their best dress, pronounce their greetings and wishes, inclined their heads. "

Perhaps this is that good nature and openness did not allow Ainam to resist the harmful influence of people from a large land. The regression in their development came when they were between two lights: close to the Japanese south and from the North - Russians.

Modern Aina.

It happened that this ethnic branch - Kuril Aina - turned out to be erased from the face of the earth. Now Aina live in several reservations in the south and south-east. Hokkaido, in the valley of the river Isicari. Purebred Ains were practically degenerated or assimilated with Japanese and Nivhami. Now they are only 16 thousand, and the number continues to decline dramatically.

The life of contemporary Ainov specifically reminds the picture of the life of the ancient Dzomons. Their material culture over the past centuries has changed so insignificant that these changes may not be taken into account. They leave, but the burning secrets of the past continue to worry and disturb, break up imagination and feed the inexhaustible interest in this amazing distinctive and no one like people.

When in the XVII century, Russian landowners reached the "Far East", where, as they thought, the terrestrial firm connection is connected with the firm of heaven, and they turned out to be a vast sea and numerous islands, they were amazed by the appearance of the natives of the natives. The people with a wide, like Europeans, eyes, with large, protruding noses, similar to the men of southern Russia, on the residents of the Caucasus, on the Optic Guests from Persia or India, on Gypsy, - for anyone, for anyone, appeared before them. On the Mongoloids, which the Cossacks are universally seen behind the Urals.

The landlocks were dubbed them with smokers, smokers, having endowed the epithet "the shaggy", and they themselves called themselves "Ain", which means "man." Since then, researchers are fighting over countless mystery of this people. But to this day, they did not come to a certain conclusion.

First of all: where did the tribe, anthropologically appeared in a solid mongoloid array in a solid mongoloid array here, roughly speaking, inappropriate? Now Aina live on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, and in the past they settled a very wide territory - Japanese Islands, Sakhalin, Kuriles, South Kamchatka and, for a number of data, Amur and even Primorye, up to Korea. Many researchers were convinced that Aina - Cores. Others argued that Aina is relatives to Polynesians, Papuans, Melanesians, Australians, Hindu ...

Archaeological data is convinced in the deep antiquity of the Ainov settlement in the Japanese archipelago. This is especially confusing the question of their origin: How could people of the ancient century could overcome huge distances separating Japan from the European West or tropical south? And why did they need to change, say, a fertile equatorial belt on the stern northeast?

Ancient Ains or their ancestors created amazing ceramics, mysterious figurines of the dog, and besides, it turned out that they were almost the earliest farmers in the Far East, if not in the world. It is not clear why they completely abandoned pottery classes, and agriculture, becoming fishermen and hunters, in essence, taking a step back in cultural development. The Ainov legends are told about fabulous treasures, fasteners and castles, but the Japanese, and then the Europeans caught this tribe living in huts and earthlings. The raids are bizarre and contradictory the features of the northern and southern inhabitants, elements of high and primitive cultures. With all its existence, they do not deny the usual ideas and the usual cultural development schemes.

In the first millennium BC. e. Migrants who later were destined to become the basis of the Japanese nation became on Earth's Earth. For many centuries, Aina fiercely resisted the onslaught, and sometimes very successful. Approximately in the VII century. n. e. For several centuries, a front door was established between the two peoples. On this border line, there were not only military battles. Trade went, intensive cultural exchange was conducted. It happened, Rooded Aina influenced the policy of Japanese feudalists. The culture of the Japanese was significantly enriched at the expense of their northern opponent. Even the traditional religion of the Japanese, Sintoism, detects obvious anx roots; Aynian origin Ritual Harakiri and the Complex of Military Valit Becido. The Japanese ritual of the sacrifice of the Goohea has obvious parallels with the installation of Aina's sticks in Inau ... List of borrowing can be continued.

During the Middle Ages, the Japanese have increasingly pushed Ainov to the north Honsu, and from there - on Hokkaido. In all likelihood, part of the Ainov long before he moved to Sakhalin and the Kuril Rud ... Unless the process of the settlement did not go in a diametrically opposite direction. There was only an insignificant fragment from this people. Modern Aina live in the south-east of Hokkaido, along the coast, as well as in the valley of the major river Isicari. They underwent severe ethnoce and cultural assimilation, and even more cultural, although still try to preserve identity.

The most curious feature of the Ain is their noticeable every day an external difference from the rest of the Japanese islands.

Although today, due to the centuries-old mixing and a large number of interethnic marriages, it is difficult to meet "clean" Ainov, in their appearance, the European-like features are noticeable: Typical Aina elongated shape, asthenic body, thick beard (for Mongoloids Facial Summary is uncharacteristic) and thick, wavy hair. Aina speak a special language, not related to Japanese, nor any other of Asian languages. Among the Japanese Aina are so famous for their hairiness, which they deserved the contemptuous nickname "Hairy Aina". Only for one race on Earth is characterized by such a significant hair cover - the European one.

Ainov's tongue is not like a Japanese or any other Asian language. The origin of Ainov is unclear. They penetrated Japan through O. Khokkido in the period between 300g. BC. and 250 g. (The period yayoi) and then settled in the northern and eastern regions of the main Japanese island Honshu.

During the reign of Yamato, about 500 g. BC, Japan expanded its territory in the eastern direction, and in connection with which the Ains were partly pushed to the north, partly assimilated. In the period of Maji (Meiji) - 1868-1912 - They received the status of former Aboriginal, but, nevertheless, continued to be discriminated against. The first mention of the Ainov in Japanese chronicles is 642g., In Europe, information about them appeared in 1586.

American anthropologist S. Renrin Breis, from the University of Michigan in the magazine "Horizons of Science", №65, September- October 1989 Writes: "Typical Aina is easy to distinguish from the Japanese: it has brighter skin, a more thick hair cover and a more protruding nose."

Breis studied about 1,100 Crowds of the Japanese, Ainov, etc. Asian ethnic groups and came to the conclusion that representatives of the privileged class of samurai in Japan are actually descendants of the Ainov, and not yayoi (Mongoloids), the ancestors of most modern Japanese. Next, Breis writes: ".. This explains why the features of the person from representatives of the ruling class so often differ from the modern Japanese. Samurai - The descendants of the Ainov acquired such an influence and prestige in the medieval Japan, that they have come across the ruling circles and brought the blood of the Ainov's blood, while the rest of the Japanese population was mostly descendants of yayoi. "

So, despite the fact that the information about the origin of the Ainov is lost, their external data indicate a promotion of white, which reached the very edge of the Far East, mixed with the local population, which led to the formation of the ruling class of Japan, but, at the same time, A separate group of descendants of white aliens - Aina - still exposed to discrimination as a national minority.

When in the XVII century, Russian travelers reached the "Far East", where, as they seemed, the mainland ends, the strange picture appeared to their eyes. In the midst of the endless ocean, extensive and numerous islands populated by people rose.

The appearance of the aliens struck the land around the soul: overgrown with dense beards people with wide, like Europeans, eyes, with large, protruding noses, thick lips, in kaftans, fur caps, chungy and with a tobacker's belt.

Seeing such a miracle, the Russian discovers first decided that these were men from somewhere with the Volga region or Siberia or, as a last resort, Roma, but not the Mongoloids, which our Cossacks everywhere met over the Urals. Travelers dubbed the aborigines by shaggy chicks, but these people themselves called "Ain", which means "man."

Since then, many centuries have passed, but researchers and now fight over countless mystery of this people and have not yet come to a certain conclusion. Indeed, where did the Russian people come from on Kurilla and Sakhalin?

Why "shaggy", being surrounded by the Mongoloid peoples, was sharply different from them outwardly? Why did their men wore the same healthy beards as Russian Old Believers? After all, everything is all united neighboring peoples, including Kamchadalov, Yakuts, Japanese, Koreans and the Chinese, never worn beard.

Where did they finally come from these harsh islands? No answer. If we assume that Aina came from Russia, then the question arises: how could people in the Stone Age be overcome such huge distances?

Representatives of alternative science put forward their, very unexpected version: In ancient times, aliens reset the Russians into these territories as an experiment, having endowed them with special abilities.

The longer Russian travelers watched Aina, the more they were amazed by their orders. It turned out that locals are large bear fans. Mishka appeared almost in all Ainsky fairy tales and legends.

The bear is dedicated to the most important holiday in the year. It is curious that the exact same cult of Toptygin was also observed in Russia, or rather, among the peoples of the Russian North and Siberia. Another coincidence, forcing you to think about the relationship of our peoples, but only Aina feed the little bear with the milk of female crumbles.

Like the peoples who inhabited Russian Taiga and Tundra, Aina went for the prey in the forest, from where they brought a little closure. But if representatives of other peoples put the baby in a special wooden crate, then Aina left him in a nursing mother's house. And that "supplied" with milk not just his own children, but also a forest acceptance.

To a fluffy lump and treated as a child - they had a battle, endured for a walk, cared. Looking at such miracles, Russian travelers were bred by their hands, because the Ains were so cleverly managed with the bear, as if owned by some secret language of animals.

But the fate of the bear was solved from the very beginning. When he smashed, he was killed during the holiday, he also dedicated to him. The bones of Toptygin were placed in a special barn, in which many remains of bears killed on the hunt and similar celebrations gathered for decades.

Ainai sincerely apologized to the bear: if they did not kill him, then how would his soul climb to mountainous spirits and told them that the Aina was infinitely committed to the deities?

At the Bear Holiday Sakhalin Islands

When the Russians opened the "shaggy smokers", they did not greatly be a difficulty work - only hunted and caught fish. But before the land was treated, they were engaged in ceramics - traces of these classes could be found on the islands. In ancient times, Aina created amazing jugs and plates, mysterious figurines Dog, decorated their homes with a unique spiral ornament.

It is not clear that it forced them to throw almost all of their traditional classes, thereby taking a step back in cultural development. In legends, Ainov is told about fabulous treasures, fasteners and castles, but the Japanese, and then the Europeans caught this tribe living in uncomfortable huts, dugouts and caves.

The Ainov had no writing, their language is not similar to any other, and the account system is very original: they considered twenty. When the Japanese colonized the chickens and Sakhalin, they began to teach Aboriginal to Japanese, so that they were quickly assimilated.

Aina hardly learned the Japanese diploma, but a little alone Ayn's tongue began to be crowned with Japanese, and by the middle of the 20th century almost went into the summer, as, however, most of the Ainov.

After the Second World War, the "shaggy chicken", inhabiting Sakhalin, were Hokkaido and mixed with the local population. The few representatives of this people were preferred not to stick out, it was easier to adapt to a new life.

In the 1990s, the Aynsky language tried in the country of the rising sun, but to break, as you know, not to build - nothing came out of the venture. People are the same as Ponyna consider themselves Aina, you can recalculate on your fingers.

Materials Articles Vladimir Strogov from the site

Just story: (article from the right, I personally liked. PIPL)

Everything is acer that Americans are not the indigenous population of the United States, just like the current population of South America. And you knew that the Japanese are not the indigenous population of Japan?

Who then lived in these places to them?

The Aina, the mysterious people, in the origin of which still many mysteries still lived here.

Aina was adjacent to the Japanese for some time until the latter could not displace them to the north.

Ainov's resettlement at the end of the XIX century

The fact that Aina are ancient owners of the Japanese archipelago, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, show written sources and numerous names of geographic objects, the origin of which is associated with the Language of Ainov.

And even the symbol of Japan - the Great Mount Fujiyama - has in its name the Ayn word "Fuji", which means the "Deity of the Focal". According to scientists, Ains settled the Japanese Islands about 13,000 years before our era and formed the Neolithic culture of Jemon there.

Ains were not engaged in agriculture, they mined food to hunting, collecting and fishing. They lived in small settlements, quite removed from each other. Therefore, the area of \u200b\u200btheir accommodation was quite extensive: Japanese Islands, Sakhalin, Primorye, Kuril Islands and South Kamchatka.

Later, the Japanese islands arrived the Mongoloid tribes that later became the ancestors of the Japanese. New settlers brought with them the culture of rice, which allowed to feed themselves to a large number of people in a relatively small territory. Thus began difficult times in the life of Ainov. They were forced to move north, leaving colonizers their original land.

But Aina were skillful warriors, perfectly by owned onions and a sword, and the Japanese could not defeat them for a long time. For a very long time, almost 1500 years. Aina was able to be controlled with two swords, and on the right thigh they wore two daggers. One of them (Cheiki-Makiri) served as a knife for ritual suicide - Harakiri.

The Japanese were able to defeat the Ain only after the invention of the guns, having had time to take a lot of them in part of military art at this point. Code of honor of samurai, the ability to own two swords and mentioned Ritual Harakiri - these seemingly characteristic attributes of Japanese culture were actually borrowed from Ainov.

Scientists argue about the origin of Ainov.

But the fact that this people is not related to other indigenous peoples of the Far East and Siberia, already proven fact. The characteristic feature of their appearance is very thick hair and beard in men, which is deprived of representatives of the Mongoloid race. For a long time it was believed that they can have common roots with the peoples of Indonesia and the Aboriginals of the Pacific Ocean, since they have similar features. But genetic studies were excluded and this option.

And those who arrived on the island of Sakhalin, the first Russian Cossacks even accepted Ain for the Russians, so they were not like Siberian tribes, and resemble Europeans rather. The only group of people from all the analyzed options, with whom they have a genetic relationship, were the people of the Jemon era, which are allegedly and were Ainov's ancestors.

Aynsky is also very embarrassed from the modern linguistic picture of the world, and he has not yet found a suitable place. It turns out that during the long-term isolation Aina lost contact with all other people's peoples, and some researchers even allocate them into a special amine race.

Aina in Russia

For the first time, Kamchatka Ain was in contact with Russian merchants at the end of the XVII century. Relations with Amur and Seversaluril Aina were established in the XVIII century. Ain believed Russians, distinguished by the race from their Japanese enemies, friends, and by the middle of the XVIII century more than one and a half thousand Ainov adopted Russian citizenship. Even the Japanese could not distinguish Ain from the Russians because of their external similarity (white leather and the Australoid features of the face, which in some row are similar to the European).

Composed under the Russian Empress Catherine II "spatial earth farming of the Russian state", included The Russian Empire is not only all the Kuril Islands, but also Hokkaido Island.

The reason - the ethnic Japanese at that time did not even populate it. The indigenous population is Aina - according to the results of the expedition of the Antipina and Shabalin were recorded by Russian subjects.

With the Japanese Aina fought not only in the south of Hokkaido, but also in the northern part of Honshu Island. The Kuril Islands themselves were investigated and laid in the XVII century. So that Russia may require Japanese Hokkaido

The fact of the Russian citizenship of Hokkaido residents was noted in the letter of Alexander I to the Japanese Emperor in 1803. Moreover, this did not cause any objections from the Japanese side and the more official protest. Hokkaido for Tokyo was an ingenic territory like Korea. When the first Japanese arrived on the island in 1786, the Ains, wearing Russian names and surnames came to meet them. And moreover - the Christians of Orthodox!

The first claims of Japan on Sakhalin are dated only in 1845. Then the emperor Nicholas I immediately gave diplomatic rebuff. Only a weakening of Russia in the following decades led to the occupation of the southern part of Sakhalin by the Japanese.

Interestingly, the Bolsheviks in 1925 condemned the former government who gave Japan Russian lands.

So in 1945, historical justice was only restored. The Army and the Fleet of the USSR by force decided the Russian-Japanese territorial question.

Khrushchev in 1956 signed a joint declaration of the USSR and Japan, article 9 of which he read:

"The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, going towards the wishes of Japan and taking into account the interests of the Japanese state, agrees to the transfer of Japan of the Islands of the Habomai and Islands of Sycotan in order, however, that the actual transmission of these Islands of Japan will be made after the conclusion of a peace treaty between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan" .

The goal of Khrushchev was the demilitarization of Japan. He was ready to sacrifice a pair of small islands in order to remove the American military bases from the Soviet Far East.

Now, obviously, the demilitarization is no longer coming. Washington clung to his "unspecified aircraft carrier" dead grip. Moreover, Tokyo's dependence from the United States even intensified after the accident at Fukushim NPPs. Well, just so, then the galleces of the islands as the "gesture of goodwill" loses its appeal.

It is reasonably not followed by the Khrushchev Declaration, but to put forward symmetrical claims, based on well-known historical facts. Shun away with ancient scrolls and manuscripts, which is normal practice in such affairs.

The persistent requirement to give Hokkaido would be a cold shower for Tokyo.It would have to argue in the negotiations no longer about Sakhalin or not even a smoke, but about their own current territory.

I would have to defend, justify, prove your right. Russia from diplomatic defense would move in this way in the offensive.

Moreover, China's military activity, nuclear ambitions and readiness for military actions of the DPRK and other security problems in the Asia-Pacific region will give an extra reason for the signing of the Peace Treaty Japan with Russia.

But back to Ainam

When the Japanese first came into contact with the Russians, they called them Red Aina (Ainu with blond hair). Only at the beginning of the XIX century, the Japanese understood that Russians and Ain were two different people. Nevertheless, for Russian Ain, they were "hairy", "dark-eyed", "dark-eyed" and "dark-haired". The first Russian researchers described Ain like Russian peasants with dark skin or more like Gypsies.

Ain was on the side of the Russians during the Russian-Japanese wars of the XIX century. However, after the defeat in the Russian-Japanese war of 1905, the Russians threw them on the mercy of fate. Hundreds of Ain were destroyed and their families were rapidly sent to the Japanese Hokkaido. As a result, Russian failed to win the Ain during the Second World War. Only a few Ain representatives decided to stay in Russia after the war. More than 90% went to Japan.

Under the terms of the St. Petersburg Treaty of 1875, Kuriles moved Japan, along with Ain living on them. 83 Seversaluril Ain on September 18, 1877 arrived in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, deciding to remain under the direction of Russia. They refused to move on to the reservation of the Commander Islands, as the Russian government offered them. After that, since March 1881, for four months they traveled to the village of Javino, where they were later settled.

Later, the village of Golygino was founded. Another 9 Ainov arrived from Japan in 1884. The census of 1897 indicates 57 people of the Goligino population (all - Ain) and 39 people in Javino (33 Ain and 6 Russians). The Soviet government was destroyed by the Soviet government, and the inhabitants were resettled in Zaporozhe Ust-Bolsherenetsky district. As a result, three ethnic groups were assimilated with Kamchardala.

Seversocuril Ain at the moment is the largest subgroup of Ain in Russia. Nakamura family (South Road on the Father's Line) is the smallest and consists of only 6 people living in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. On Sakhalin there are several those who define themselves as Ain, but much more Ain is not recognized as such.

Most of the 888 Japanese residents in Russia (2010 census) have an axine origin, although they do not recognize it (the purebred Japanese is allowed to enter Japan without a visa). Similar situation with Amur Ayna living in Khabarovsk. And it is believed that no one left from Kamchatka Ain alive.


In 1979, the USSR deduces the ethnonym "Ain" from the list of "living" ethnic groups of Russia, thereby proclaiming that this people are extinct in the USSR. Judging by the 2002 census, no one entered the ethnonym "Ain" in the fields 7 or 9.2 forms to 1 census

There are such information that the most direct genetic bonds on the Male Aina line have, oddly enough, with Tibetans - half of them are carriers of a close haplogroup D1 (the very same group D2 is practically not found outside the Japanese archipelago) and the nations of Miao-Yao in the south of China and in indochite.

As for the female (MT-DNA) of the haplogroup, the Ainov dominates the group from the other peoples of East Asia, but in small quantities.

During the 2010 census, about 100 people tried to register themselves as Aina, but the Government of the Kamchatka Territory rejected their claims and recorded them as Kamchadal.

In 2011, the head of the Aynian community of Kamchatka Aleksei Vladimirovich Nakamura sent a letter to the Governor of Kamchatka Vladimir Ilyukhin and the chairman of the local Duma Boris Nevzorov with a request to include Ainov to the list of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.
The request was also rejected.
Alexey Nakamura reports that in 2012 205 Ainov marked in Russia (compare with 12 people noted in 2008), and they, like Kuril Kamchadala, are fighting for official recognition. Ayn language extinct many decades ago.

In 1979, only three people on Sakhalin could speak to Ainski, and there is a completely fatal language by the 1980s.
Although Caidzo Nakamura spoke to Sakhalin-Ain and even translated several documents into Russian for the NKVD, he did not give his son his son.
Tae Asai, the last who knew the Sakhalin Aynsky language, died in Japan in 1994.

While Ain is not recognized, they are noted as people without nationality, as ethnic Russian or Kamchadala.
Therefore, in 2016, and Kuril Ain, and the Kuril Kamchadals are deprived of their rights to hunt and fishing, which has small peoples of the Far North.

Today, Ainov left very little, about 25,000 people. They live mainly in the north of Japan and are almost completely assimilated by the population of this country.

When in the XVII century, Russian landowners reached the "Far East", where, as they thought, the terrestrial firm connection is connected with the firm of heaven, and they turned out to be a vast sea and numerous islands, they were amazed by the appearance of the natives of the natives. The people with a wide, like Europeans, eyes, with large, protruding noses, similar to the men of southern Russia, on the residents of the Caucasus, on the Optic Guests from Persia or India, on Gypsy, - for anyone, for anyone, appeared before them. On the Mongoloids, which the Cossacks are universally seen behind the Urals.

The landowners were painted them with smokers, smokers, having endowed the epitheet of "shaggy", and they themselves called themselves "Ain", which means "noble man." Since then, researchers are fighting over countless mystery of this people. But to this day, they did not come to a certain conclusion.

Famous collector and researcher of the peoples of the Pacific region B.O. Pilsudski in the report on the trip 1903-1905 wrote about Aina: "Friendship, affectionateness and society Maukin Ainov called me a strong desire to get acquainted with this interesting tribe."

Russian writer A.P. Chekhov left such lines: "These are the people of meek, modest, good-natured, credulous, reportable, polite, respective property; On the hunt, brave and even intelligent. "

In the meeting of the Aynian oral legends, Yucar said: "Aina inhabited Japan over hundreds of thousands of years before the children came (that is, the Japanese. - Aut.)"

Aina almost completely disappeared. They remained only in the south-east of Hokkaido Island, who was previously called them Edzo. Until now, Aina celebrate the Bear Holiday and honor his hero Jajress, similar to the general Slavonic Bear Holiday Komotya (Maslenitsa), dedicated to the Bear Veles and the revival of the Sun (Yarilo).

Almost all geographical names remained from Ainov on the Japanese archipelago. For example, the volcano in the northeast of the island of Kunashir in the Language of Ainov is called toy-pit, literally "Father-Mountain".

As in Europe, the Southern Conquerors, the Japanese, called representatives of the Northern civilization of the "Barbaras" in their time. But despite this, most of its culture, religious representations, military art and traditions, the Japanese adopted the Ainov. In particular, the Samurai vocabulary of Middle Ages Japan adopted the "Septuk" rite ("Harakiri") from the ritual suicide by plowing the abdomen, the origins of which go into deep antiquity - to the pagan cults of Ainov.

Moreover, according to the Japanese historical tradition, the founder of the Ancient-Picopon Empire, Yamato was a prince Picopopoami (Dzimm). On the engraving of the nineteenth century, Jimma has external features of Aina !!!

Syretoko - Peninsula in the east of the Japanese Hokkaido Island. In the language of the people of Ain means "the edge of the earth."

First of all: where did the tribe, anthropologically appeared in a solid mongoloid array in a solid mongoloid array here, roughly speaking, inappropriate? Now Aina live on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, and in the past they settled a very wide territory - Japanese Islands, Sakhalin, Kuriles, South Kamchatka and, for a number of data, Amur and even Primorye, up to Korea. Many researchers were convinced that Aina - Cores. Others argued that Aina is relatives to Polynesians, Papuans, Melanesians, Australians, Hindu ...

Archaeological data is convinced in the deep antiquity of the Ainov settlement in the Japanese archipelago. This is especially confusing the question of their origin: How could people of the ancient century could overcome huge distances separating Japan from the European West or tropical south? And why did they need to change, say, a fertile equatorial belt on the stern northeast?

Ancient Ains or their ancestors created amazing ceramics, mysterious figurines of the dog, and besides, it turned out that they were almost the earliest farmers in the Far East, if not in the world. It is not clear why they completely abandoned pottery classes, and agriculture, becoming fishermen and hunters, in essence, taking a step back in cultural development. The Ainov legends are told about fabulous treasures, fasteners and castles, but the Japanese, and then the Europeans caught this tribe living in huts and earthlings. The raids are bizarre and contradictory the features of the northern and southern inhabitants, elements of high and primitive cultures. With all its existence, they seem to deny the usual ideas and the usual cultural development schemes. In the first millennium BC. e. Migrants who later were destined to become the basis of the Japanese nation became on Earth's Earth. For many centuries, Aina fiercely resisted the onslaught, and sometimes very successful.

Approximately in the VII century. n. e. For several centuries, a front door was established between the two peoples. On this border line, there were not only military battles. Trade went, intensive cultural exchange was conducted. It happened, Rooded Aina influenced the policy of Japanese feudalists. The culture of the Japanese was significantly enriched at the expense of their northern opponent. Even the traditional religion of the Japanese, Sintoism, detects obvious anx roots; Aynian origin Ritual Harakiri and the Complex of Military Valit Becido. The Japanese ritual of the sacrifice of the Goohea has obvious parallels with the installation of Ainai sticks in Inau ... List of borrowing can be continued for a long time. In the course of the Middle Ages, the Japanese have increasingly pushed the Ain to North Honshu, and from there - on Hokkaido. In all likelihood, part of the Ainov long before he moved to Sakhalin and the Kuril Rud ... Unless the process of the settlement did not go in a diametrically opposite direction. There was only an insignificant fragment from this people. Modern Aina live in the south-east of Hokkaido, along the coast, as well as in the valley of the major river Isicari. They underwent severe ethnoce and cultural assimilation, and even more cultural, although still try to preserve identity.

The most curious feature of the Ain is their noticeable every day an external difference from the rest of the Japanese islands.

Although today, due to the centuries-old mixing and a large number of interethnic marriages, it is difficult to meet "clean" Ainov, in their appearance, the European-like features are noticeable: Typical Aina elongated shape, asthenic body, thick beard (for Mongoloids Facial Summary is uncharacteristic) and thick, wavy hair. Aina speak a special language, not related to Japanese, nor any other of Asian languages. Among the Japanese Aina are so famous for their hairiness, which they deserved the contemptuous nickname "Hairy Aina". Only for one race on Earth is characterized by such a significant hair cover - the European one.

Ainov's tongue is not like a Japanese or any other Asian language. The origin of Ainov is unclear. They penetrated Japan through O. Khokkido in the period between 300g. BC. and 250 g. (The period yayoi) and then settled in the northern and eastern regions of the main Japanese island Honshu.

During the reign of Yamato, about 500 g. BC, Japan expanded its territory in the eastern direction, and in connection with which the Ains were partly pushed to the north, partly assimilated. In the period of Maji (Meiji) - 1868-1912 - They received the status of former Aboriginal, but, nevertheless, continued to be discriminated against. The first mention of the Ainov in Japanese chronicles is 642g., In Europe, information about them appeared in 1586.

The samurai in a wide understanding of this word in feudal Japan was called secular feudalists. In a narrow understanding of this concept, this is a military estate of small nobles. So it turns out that samurai and warrior is not always the same thing.

It is believed that the concept of a samurai was originated in the VIII century on the outskirts of Japan (South, North and Northeast). In those places there were constant clashes between the imperial governors, expanding the empire, and local aborigines. The brutal wars on the outskirts took place until the IX century and all this time the authorities of these provinces were trying to resist the oppression of a constant danger in Dali from the center of the Empire and her troops. In such conditions, they were forced to independently lead the defense and create their own military formations from the male population. An important point of the formation of the samurai was the transition from the invited formation of a squad to a permanent professional army. Armed servants defended their owner, and instead they received her shelter and food. One of the main reasons that bowed the scales in favor of exactly the professional troops was the external threat in the face of the indigenous people of the Japanese Islands - Ainov. Although the threat was not deadly, even in the most crisis moments of its history, the Empire of the Rising Sun remained stronger than the broken tribes, but the great difficulty of border areas, as well as further promotion to the north, created. Castles Izawa, Taga-Taga-buttons and Akita are built to fight Aina, is a large number of fortifications. But the call due to the fear of the rebellion canceled and that the fortifications did not stand empty and at least somehow performed their function, warriors are necessary. Who, how not professional servicemen could cope with this better than all?

As we can see, the need for samurai services increases, which could not but affect their numbers. Another channel appearance of samurai, except for armed servants of large landowners, were settlers. They had to literally walked the land from the Ainov and the authorities did not save the settlers in service. This policy has brought its fruits. Residing in the immediate vicinity of the enemy, "Adzumabito" (people of the East) had a rather effective opposition. The local samurai is no longer a robber sent by Daimo to pick up the latter, but rather a defender.

But Aina was not only an external threat and condition for consolidation and the formation of northern samurai. Of course, the mutual penetration of cultures is also present. Many customs of warriors were transferred from Ainov, for example, Harakiri - rites of ritual suicide, which subsequently became one of the business cards of Japanese samurai, originally belonged to Ainam.

For reference: Slavs of the Slavic-Aryan troops were characteristics (characteristics - literally: who own the center of Hara. From here, "Harakiri" - the release of vitality through the center of Hara, located in the field of navel, "to Iry" - to Iria, the Slavic-Aryan Heavenly Kingdom: From here, the "zakar" knows the Haru, with the recovery that any treatment should begin). The characterists in India are still referred to as Maharathas - great warriors (on Sanskrit "Mach" - big, great; "Ratha" - Raint, army).

American anthropologist S. Renrin Breis, from the University of Michigan in the magazine "Horizons of Science", №65, September- October 1989 Writes: "Typical Aina is easy to distinguish from the Japanese: it has brighter skin, a more thick hair cover and a more protruding nose."

Breis studied about 1,100 Crowds of the Japanese, Ainov, etc. Asian ethnic groups and came to the conclusion that representatives of the privileged class of samurai in Japan are actually descendants of the Ainov, and not yayoi (Mongoloids), the ancestors of most modern Japanese. Next, Breis writes: ".. This explains why the features of the person from representatives of the ruling class so often differ from the modern Japanese. Samurai - The descendants of the Ainov acquired such an influence and prestige in the medieval Japan, that they have come across the ruling circles and brought the blood of the Ainov's blood, while the rest of the Japanese population was mostly descendants of yayoi. "

So, despite the fact that the information about the origin of the Ainov is lost, their external data indicate a promotion of white, which reached the very edge of the Far East, mixed with the local population, which led to the formation of the ruling class of Japan, but, at the same time, A separate group of descendants of white aliens - Aina - still exposed to discrimination as a national minority. . . .

Valery Kosarev