The problem of relations between native people arguments. The problem of family relationships - ready-made arguments and abstracts

The problem of relations between native people arguments. The problem of family relationships - ready-made arguments and abstracts

N.V. Gogol is the story "Taras Bulba." In this story N.V. Gogol writes about the all-consuming power of feelings over man. His Hero of Andry betrays his homeland, the bonds of the partnership, his father, his people, having loved the beauty-pool. Thus, on the thought of the writer, the hero ruined himself. In the final he kills his own father, who did not give up his betrayal.

N.S. Leskov - Tale "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County."

The writer explores the nature of love-passion, a trustworthy soul of man. The carrier of this passion becomes N. Leskova Woman, merchant wife Katerina Izmailov. And this passion leads her to crimes, death. For his lover, she secretly ruins her husband, a child. In the final she hits the catguard, where the lover betrays her. Love-passion is, according to the writer, the destructive element, which is not driven by reason.

What is the role of childhood in a person's life? What makes the image of a native home in our soul?

L.N. Tolstoy - the story "Childhood". In this work, the writer explores the process of becoming a character. In the consciousness of the Hero, Nicholya Irtenyev reflected the entire richest range of life impressions: children's, family, estates. Gradually, the hero begins to discover the world around the world, people and explore his own soul. So, Nikolyka feels his moral separation from friends and acquaintances. Father's authority collapses: the hero begins to understand that Mama is deprived of his attention. "The tragedy of the ruined life of the faithful Lord Slaves of Natalia Savishna opens. There is a first competition of minds and characters: Nikolets and the elder brother Volodya, Nikoleniki and Serge Ivnin. The unconscious cruelty is manifested ... - Washing with Ilten's ladder. The main result of childhood is all things and relationships are in motion, you are not alone in the world. "

I.A. Goncharov - Roman "Oblomov". In this novel, the author is deeply as high as the nature of his hero, the origins of his character, in the paintings of Childhood Oblomov. These pictures, the author gives us in the "Obloma dream". We see here a description of nature. Her serenity, calm akin to the magic fairy tale. In this place there are no "dense forests", the sea, taking out sadness, mountains and the abuse. But the sky there "as a parental reliable roof", the sun "brightly and hot shines around noon and then removes ... accurately reluctantly ...". And all the nature there represents a "row ... fun, smiling landscapes ...". This mid-Russian nature with a leisurely flow of rivers, the serene hearts influenced the soft character of Ilya. Next, we encounter a description of the landlord and peasant life. And again here is a kind of idyll: "Happy people lived, thinking that otherwise it should not and can not be confident that all others live in the same way and that live otherwise - sin ...". Oblomovtsy are hardworking, religious, superstitious, they love to listen to fairy tales, to solve dreams. Forever will remain in the memory of the hero of the endless winter evenings, the tales of the nanny about the wonderful country, where the rivers flow honey and milk, where beauty and good well done are walking. It is here, in the Oblomovka, in the distant childhood, an important feature of his character was formed - poetic dreaminess. Legends and fairy tales, epics and parables identified his consciousness and attitude to life.

Another defining character trait of Oblomov is the independence of the world of external life, the feeling of inner freedom. That is why the service is only as a career, secular friends, empty women who are not able to give happiness, turn out to be alien hero. "All this is the dead. Sleeping people worse than me, these members of the world and society! " - declares bugs. He is looking for excellence in this world, "norms, ideal of life, which indicated nature to man goal." In their actions and thoughts Ilya Ilyich, the soul of His "Clea and clear as glass".

However, life in the labor estate has formed both negative aspects of the nature of Oblomov. So, the little Ilyusha grew up active and inquisitive, but the best gusts were precurable. The permanent care of parents and nyanka did not give the opportunity to fully develop a child. All his attempts to do something independently refuted arguments: "Why? Where to? And Vaska, and Vanka, and Zakharka for what? ". His study in the Guesthouse of the gallery went with the interruption, it became indifferent to the sciences. Gradually, the child developed laziness, inertia, apathy, indifference to life.

Ilya Ilyich dreams of love and family, but he is not given to experience the perfect feeling. With Olga Ilinskaya he breaks up, as she cannot give him true happiness. Agafya Pshetitsyn also his character, a somewhat approaching the female type, which existed in his childhood. And that is why it remains on the Vyborg side, in the house of Augusta Matveyevna, it becomes the very Militris Kirbatova, who he read the nanny. So the fairy tale is embodied in the life of Oblomov. Thus, childhood, according to the writer, fully define our character and life scenario.

F. Iskander is the book "Writer Reflections" (Collection of Essay and Publicistics). The author allocates two types of creativity in Russian literature - "House" and "Beadoye". Poets, defenders and organizers of "Houses" - Pushkin, Tolstoy, Akhmatova. The authors of the "Chemistry" - Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Tsvetaeva. Thus, Lermontov Pechorin destroys the house of Bala, the house of Hushchnitsky, being homeless, he dies in Persia. Pushkin Eugene in the poem "Copper Horseman", on the contrary, protects its right to the house, resting against Peter. We find poetry at the "Eugene Onegin", "Captain daughter".

On this page, we listed the most common problems associated with the family. All of them have a place to be in the content. Under each title you will find two arguments for an essay on the Russian language. You can also download a table with all these examples at the end of the article.

  1. In Comedy D.I. Fonvizin "Nepal" This problem was touched by one of the main characters of Mitrofanushki - the son of landowners. The young man is 16 years old, but he still does not know what he wants from life. It is impossible to say that the parents did not like the child, on the contrary, they literally choke him with their care and care. Especially similar zeal to "upbringing" demonstrated the mother of Mitrofanushki Mrs. Prostakov. Maternal love completely blinded the powerful woman. It seemed that she did not see anything around, except for the exaggerated merit of the nape of Mitrofan. She did everything to tie him to him forever. Hence the non-independence of the young man, laziness and uneducation took. It was not necessary to bother you to bother myself, because all the problems solved too attentive mother for him. Thus, in the play D.I. Fonvizin Family played a huge role in the life of Mitrofanushki: blind parent love did not give the hero to develop.
  2. In the story N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"the problem of the role of the family in the formation of a person is one of the most important. In the family of the old Cossack Taras Bulba there were two sons - Andry and Ostap. The image of the father for the latter became sacred. Since childhood, Ostap obediently performed everything that his parent taught. He inherited such traits such as persistence and masculinity from him. Feelings of patriotism, debt to family and comrades were also grasped by the Cossack by his father. It is safe to say, thanks to family education, respect for the traditions of her ancestors, the Ostap with dignity stood for his homeland, stood all the flour execution. However, excessive pressure and excessive energy of Taras have adversely affected Andria's education, which fled from his home and violated all the unsupported rules of a kind. He rebelled against the press of the head of the family and wanted to build his life differently. Thus, the same upbringing was different on the fate of the sons of Bulba.

The problem of fathers and children

  1. The main character Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"Evgeny Bazarov could not find a common language with his parents. Being a supporter of new attractions and morals, a man of science, and not faith, Evgeny Bazarov considers the behavior of parents inappropriate and obsolete. He loves his old people, but does not want to live past. Also, the liberal views of the hero give rise to the conflict between him and his friend's uncle, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Eugene terrifies the fact that Kirsanov is ready to spend money on white collars and an imported costume in the village, where no one still sees his efforts. According to the young physician, the art of Favoron Pavlom Petrovich, the art in comparison did not go with the science and natural labor of man. Elderly man also does not understand the guest, considering it an uncompatible snob. Only in the final, they are reconciled with each other's existence, recognizing the fact that the confrontation of generations is a normal phenomenon.
  2. The cause of broken fate heroes pieces A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" Again is interponing, which arose due to the difference in age, excellent views on the world of fathers and children. Thus, the main heroine of the work of Katerina became an unloved daughter-in-law, because it does not correspond to the ideas of the checkout of Kabani about a decent person: she does not listen to the mother-in-law, allows themselves to speak about something, deprived of meekness and respect for the elder. The confrontation of generations leads to a complete chaos in the house of Kabanov, and ultimately to the suicide of Katerina. Another representative of the "Elite" of the city of Kalinov and the co-gelatin of the Kabani in the "Dark Kingdom", the merchant Wildlie hates his nephews and the whole family as a whole. It is difficult for him to accept that the younger generation has the same rights as he himself that the same Boris deserves respect. And young men and girls will also rise against obsolete orders: Barbara deceives the mother, and in the final and runs away at all, Tikhon vinit Kabanov in the death of his wife, etc. Alas, all the characters did not have enough kindness and understanding, otherwise they could avoid all these negative consequences.

Problem Education

  1. Father Petra Grneev - one of their main characters tale A.S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter" - asked her son to learn a simple truth: "Take care of honor". Thanks to the instructions of the Father, the approximate upbringing Peter Grinev was able to exit the winner of a difficult game called "Pugachevschina". Honor and respect not only friends, but also the opponents led Greeneva, despite his misconduct, to gain happiness and success in affairs. Of course, the contribution of Father and Nanniki Savelich is a very weighty contribution to this victory. Peter entered correctly when he did not reject the tips of the elders, making out the conclusions from them, the hero tried to act on conscience in everything and with everyone.
  2. It's one thing when parents' advice go for use, and completely different when the harmless lesson of his father suddenly turns into the cause of the Son's catastrophe. So, B. poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls" It is said about the fate of the once poor young man who has become a prosperous and active person. As we know, Chichikov decided to organize an adventure and prosecute on the plowed peasants who do not actually exist. For the sake of enrichment, he was ready for any deception, so I traveled on the estates and tried to persuade the owners with all the forces to sell him dead souls. The reason for such a mad thrust for money was the upbringing: as early as childhood, Paul received an order from his father to never forget the price of money, put the material benefits above all. Such words served as a catalyst for moral fall, and in the future, oddly enough, the plight of the hero, because he left with nothing after exposing the box.

Neglecting children in relation to parents

  1. Of course, all children love their fathers and mothers, no matter what circumstances, but not always the awareness of this fact comes immediately, that is, at an early age, when we are still able to correct the situation while our parents are alive. In the story of K. G. Poystovsky "Telegram"the young heroine Nastya did not think at all how the mother's mother is dear. Nastya did not understand that the bright paints of Big Leningrad would not replace her maternal love and caress. Unfortunately, this girl understood too late - only when her mother was in death. The death of the closest man gave rise to the feeling of endless guilt in Nastya, because the old woman left this world alone, and not saying goodbye to his daughter.
  2. As for the main thing hero Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Evgenia Bazarov, he also later recognized his mistakes, already on her deathbed. He appreciated the care of his father and mother, but considered her manifestation optional for himself. By virtue of its nature, the formed hero makes rampant actions - repels the parents who are not sufficiently suppressed for scientists with him. Although, as it turned out, a young nihilist feeling is close much more than he thought. But he, rejected by his beloved woman, admits it much later, needing help and affection. He realizes how hurts his mother to see his indifference, as he is conscable, that she is not so smart to like her son. Alas, awareness is late, and the hero dies with the feeling of guilt.

The problem of the relationship of generations ("fathers and children") - page number 1/1

Arguments for problems (from the writings)

  1. The problem of the relationship of generations ("fathers and children").

1. In Roman I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children" We are watching the conflict of old and young generations: N.P. Kirsanov can not understand the views of his son Arkady, he is trying to communicate with his friends, to penetrate them with ideas, but this attempt is doomed to failure. Arcadia friend, bazaars, skeptically refers to both brothers Kirsanov, it even comes to fierce disputes on many issues. We observe the same complete absence of mutual understanding at the beginning of the novel between Evgeny Bazarov and his parents.

2. In the story of K. Powesty "Telegram" The main heroine of Katerina Ivanovna is completely alone. Her daughter lives in Leningrad, engaged in the organization of exhibitions of young artists, constantly knocks something for them, and I don't remember my mother completely or very rarely. Even the maternal letter to she to read underestimation. Even the news of the disease of the native person himself does not touch her. And the mother is waiting for his native daughter, forgives her this severity towards himself, explains her indifference employment by work.
3. Theory relationships in the family are very important both for children and for parents themselves. And these relationships are far from perfect. You can recall an example from our history. Emperor Paul I experienced hatred for his mother Catherine II. After her death, he changed most of the laws she approved. He did all this in order for him to be reminded of his mother.

  1. The problem of degradation of the human person.

1. In the poem N.V.Gogol "Dead Souls" We see this on the example of a plush landowner. The writer said so brightly about how this once intelligent, active, hospitable man gradually turned into a "man", not that in the "Babu", to "bandage on the body of mankind." A person should not be so degraded, should not be so descended, because people are creatures thinking, and not animals. This thought comes to mind immediately after reading the chapter on Plushkin.
2.This problem B. the center of the story of A.P.hekhov "Ionch". It is given a story about how a cute, charming, smart, kind, hardworking person who seeks to become a good Zemsky doctor, gradually turns into a "pagan god", for whom the main in life has become money. But he once experienced a sincere feeling of love for a cat, knew how to finely feel the beauty of nature. But the environment in which he falls, forces him to live according to its laws, and the elder himself is not able to resist. Together with the character of Dmitry Startieva, appearance and behavior have changed. He is interested only because you can take money from them. As a person, he degraded.

  1. The problem of good, mercy, charity, compassion, humane attitude towards a person, unconscious (and on the contrary, the absence of this)

1. This is a problem in the story of A. Platonova "Yushka". The old Yushka is not needed to anyone, he is defenseless, it's impossible, kind, but in the city there were bad many: both adults and children. They broke their anger on him, resentment, failures, children teased him, threw in an old man with sticks, stones. But he did nothing wrong with anyone. In the city, they did not even know that Yushka was so badly dressed and eats because he saved money for a reception daughter who studied for a doctor. This girl had no one, she is an orphan, Yushnaya regrets her and treated her as his own daughter. He showed compassion, mercy to a completely alien person, but he himself very much suffered from the cruelty of people.

2. In Russian literature there are many works in which the authors wrote about these problems. Recall at least a story A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrinin Dvor". Matrön, the old Russian peasant woman, did the whole of his life to people well, loved people and regret them, although herself had almost seen from people with goodness. She disinterestedly helped all her neighbors who asked to help with rustic work, helped by another Matrion with the upbringing of Kira, promised to give half the house at Kiru and even gives, albeit with pain in the heart. She regrets her guests and tries to please him and feed him better. Never who didn't tell Matrius a bad word about anyone, never condemned anyone. The author himself called his heroine "righteous", that is, living in the right life.
3. The life of a modern society is cruel, merciless, but this does not mean that there is no place for mercy, compassion. What do we know about popular artists? Almost nothing, besides what flashes about them in the press. We envy their popularity, successes, wealth. And we do not think at all about the fact that these people show such a number of mercy, compassion that we, as they say, "and did not dream." A few years ago, the only native man suddenly died from the Hope of Babkina, not an old brother who helped her a lot in life. This death was for it such a shock, she closed in himself, very much lost weight, her hair almost got out, so that the luxurious braid had to be cut off. And the most important thing is that she almost stopped singing, her ensemble was on the verge of decay. So it lasted about a year, until she visited an orphanage. There she saw that there are people who live much worse than her that grief they have much more than her. Since then, the artist is constantly in orphanages with concerts, a lot helps materially, organizes musical and choral circles for them, children who sing with her group are pupils of the orphanage.
4. Recently died from a heart attack very famous surgeon transplantologist S. Shumakov. All his life, he saved human life from death. He gave so many patients 10 more, 15 years of life! And did it not for big money. After his death showed a documentary about him, about his family. He has neither a huge mansion, nor a luxurious apartment, no savings in a bank, because it was the main business of his life - this is the salvation of human lives, not believing with either time or with his health.
5. The article "Arguments and Facts" was printed article about grandmother tone From the city of Suzdal, which for the orphanage bakes the pies, buys candy, knits the children mittens. It sells apples in the bazaar, cucumbers, souvenir toys, and buying products for children from orphanage products. In her yard, she arranged a children's town, which plays the entire surrounding baby. But Baba Tonya receives a pension 4 thousand rubles, but it does not prevent her from doing good. Babu is tony called in Suzdal "Holy" and know both adults and children.
6.What we know about Raisa Mikhailovna Gorbachevoy? That she is the wife of the ex-president of the USSR, that she very exquisitely dressed that she accompanied him in all foreign trips, often flashed on the TV screen, that she died from the incurable disease. And few of us know that Long before Rais Mikhailovna's disease was engaged in problems of children's hematology and transplantology, and when she died in 1999 from leukemia, in memory of it was built by the Institute of Children's Hematology and Transplantology. And largely due to its efforts, children's mortality from leukemia in Russia decreased from 90% to 30.
7. Known actress Chulpan Khamatova Once he fell into the hospital, where children were lying, patients with leukemia. After that, she understood that he could not stay indifferent to their fate. Together with another actress, they established a charitable foundation "Give Life". Together with other people, she participates and organizes concerts and shares in favor of sick children. Letters and translations with different amounts come to the Foundation: from 10 rubles to 10 thousand euros. All money goes to purchase equipment and medicines for sick children.
8. The name of the country knows the name children's Surgeon Leonid Roshal. He helped save people from the hands of terrorists in Beslan and Dubrovka. He was there because the terrorists demanded that. He could refuse, but did not do it because he knew that he was dependent on the lives of children and adults, although his own was in the balance of death.
9.Gazet "Arguments and Facts" created a charity foundation called "AIF. Kind heart". The same name is one newspaper page in this edition. The Foundation organizes fundraising for those who are very sick and requires a lot of money for treatment. It is impossible to read these articles without tears, especially about children. The Foundation helped and helps very many - this is told by articles of journalists. Money here is mostly sent by ordinary people who have small pensions and salaries. This suggests that in our pragmatic time, people have not forgotten about mercy, no compassion, nor kindness.

  1. The problem of finding the meaning of life , his place in life

1. In the novel of the Tolstoy "War and Peace" Two main characters (A. Bolonsky and P. Bozukhov) constantly searching for a response to the question: what is the meaning of a person's life, what should I live for? Bolkonsky is trying to find himself in military service, in a civil field. And in 1812 he realized that the main thing was to be in unity with the people, so he goes to fight with the French.

Pierre Duhov also constantly in search of the meaning of life. At first he spends his life on trifles, Kuta with Anatola Kuragin, then hesitated by the ideas of Masons about the fraternity, equality, it becomes at the head of the Masons in Russia. But when I realized that for many members of the Masonic organization, this brotherhood is only a means of career growth, then Pierre ripped relations with them. It does not attract secular life. In the war of 1812, he, absolutely civilian man visited the Borodino field during the battle, suffered a captivity, communicated very much with a simple people, so the people who won the victory over Napoleon, but remained in his country in slavery. And Pierre comes to the thought that it is unfair that the liberation of the people needs to be struggling. In the epilogue of Roman Pierre becomes a member of a secret society, which in the future should have been, according to the writer's plan, to organize an uprising in St. Petersburg at the Senate Square on December 14, 1925. Thus, Pierre found an answer to the question: why is it worth living?

2. At one of the press conferences, journalists asked u V.V. PutinWhat he dedicates his further life. The president replied that he devoted his whole life to one - serving the Fatherland and his people, that he sees the meaning of his life now in the future. And these are not high words. This is a civil position of a person with a capital letter, a patriot, a citizen of the country. His service as president of the country, his affairs, his ideas for the future suggest that his choice is deeply conscious that his words are not empty sound. It was he who pulled the country from terrible chaos of the late 90s, did not finally remove it into pieces, did not allow the United States and Western Europe to put the country to his knees, forced the world again with respect to Russia.

  1. The problem of alcoholism

1. Troubles alcoholism has always been very sharp in our country. This was still written by F. M.Dostoevsky in the novel "Crime and Punishment", in which one of the heroes, an official of marmalands, drinks from unemployment, from a terrible poverty, from the troubles in his family, from hopelessness. All suffer: and the eldest daughter Sonya, and the wife of Katerina Ivanovna, and her little children, and he himself. No one can and does not want to help him, everyone just laughs or mock. Yes, and as you could help, if in St. Petersburg of that time, as Dostoevsky wrote, on the street from 17 houses there were 21 pitery institutions. So this problem was a state scale in the days of Dostoevsky.

2. In the play of M. Gorky "On the bottom" we see Bosiakov, who drink almost everything: Satin, Bubnov, actor, Baron, Nastya. This list can be continued. Drink from hopelessness, from unemployment.

  1. Problem honor, dignity

1. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the honor and dignity of the man defended the duel. There are duels in the novel of Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", and in the Roman Lermontov "Hero of Our Time", and in the Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children". The officer's honor, noble honor - it was not empty words not only in the novels of the distant century, but also in life too. Pushkin shot with Dantes, defending the honor and dignity of his wife, his family. For him, these words mean a lot, so he himself challenged Dantesu, knowing that he felt well, because he was an officer and was considered an insection duelist.

  1. The problem of human relationship towards nature (or vice versa)
1. For many years ago, wonderful meadows were drunk at our village, where the grass reached human growth. Herd herd here, they were harvested for the whole winter of the hay, went here to all the scell in the berries, behind flowers, it was a favorite holiday destination residents of the village. And what do we see now? In some places, everything is bombarded, and there is nothing in places at all. Cause One: Someone from the local authorities decided that there was not enough arable land that the meadow should be praised to sow wheat here, rye, barley. The order of the bosses was fulfilled, but nothing but harm did not work out. It turned out that meadow soil is not suitable for growing cereals. Now in these places, weak and other weeds. The meadows tried to restore, but it turned out that it was necessary for it. The local newspaper published an article of a scientist that after such a barbarian relationship the soil should be recovered about forty years, and then, if there is no foot of the person, there will be no mouth of cattle, they will not ride tractors and cars that, of course same, unrealistic. This is how the thoughtless decision of one person inflicted the nature of our region irreparable damage.

  1. Problem conscience
1. Problem conscience is a moral problem. Bulgakov believed that the conscience wakes up even in the most cruel and indifferent people. Pontius Pilate in the novel "Master and Margarita" by virtue of his position (he was the procurator of the Ershalaim) often coming against his conscience and senses innocent people to death. But his conscience torments him, so he constantly hurts his head. Seeking Izeua to death, Pontius Pilate hoped for the fact that in honor of the Easter holiday they will be released, but this did not happen. It is conscience that makes this hero suffer. M. Bulgakov concludes that no one can wake in a person this feeling, if he himself is not aware of his actions and does not make the right conclusions.
2. This problem is found in many works of Russian literature. An example is Roman F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", in which the main character after the murder of the old woman and her sister "bred" conscience. He goes crazy, habit, he has hallucinations. Raskolnikov trying to tell about the murder of familiar, close, relatives. The conscience does not give him peace, makes him go to the police with a guy.

  1. The problem of family relationships.

1. With the play of M. Gorky "at the bottom" a lot of problems, one of them is the problem of family relationships. In such conditions in which the nightnits live, family life is impossible. We see this on the example of the attitude of the tick and Anna. The tick of evils on his wife, she bothers him, he considers it a burden and waiting for, when, finally, she will die. No help, no sympathy for him by Anna sees. Relations between them worse than between enemies.

  1. The problem of humane attitude towards man .

1. Troubles a humane attitude to a person revealed by M. Gorky in the play "On the bottom". The inhabitants of the night do not live, but exist. Cruelty, evil, rudeness, rudeness reigns around them. They constantly scandals with each other, deceive, steal, do not regret anyone and do not like. With the appearance of Luke atmosphere, the atmosphere changes. He addresses bosias with affectionate words, trying to console them, regrets many of them, such as Anna. He inspires the spent hopes for the best. That is why the actor, for example, threw a drink and began to save money on a hospital, and satin began to pronounce sublime speeches, which before the appearance of Luke never pronounced. That is, Luke in many nightnings woke something good. This is a humane attitude towards a person.

  1. The problem of freedom of creativity.

1. In the beginning of the XX century. Freedom of creativity in our country was impossible. Everything was under the brutal control of the authorities. Bulgakov in the novel "Master and Margarita" wrote that the master was in a psychiatric hospital for his work. After all, the pontium of Pilate he hinted at the modern government and was punished for it.

2. Many works of A.Akhmatova were banned with her life, they were not printed. A.I. Solzhenitsyn for many years lived abroad, and his works, in particular the Gulag Archipelago at that time in the USSR, it was forbidden to print. The novel "Young Guard" A.Fadeev had to redo, because, according to party officials, he poorly showed in his work the role of a Communist Party during the war years. Thus, the problem of freedom of creativity was relevant in the Soviet Union.

  1. The problem of preserving the cultural heritage of the country .

1. Cultural legacy plays a crucial role for the country. This problem was particularly relevant during the war years. During hostilities, the Germans captured a clear clearing and wanted to destroy the house-museum of L.N. Tolstoy. Even before the arrival of the fascists, the locals managed to take out and hide the most valuable. The Germans, seeing that the museum was almost empty, staged a hospital in it for their soldiers, and part of the stables. During the retreat, they set fire to the house-museum. Residents of the surrounding villages, seeing smoke, rushed to extinguish the fire. They managed to defend the house. They understood what this museum meant for our culture.

2. In 1941, capturing Veliky Novgorod, the fascist troops destroyed the best creations of our people. In churches, they arranged machine-gun jots, the monuments were destroyed and exported to Germany. It was also touched by the famous monument "Millennia of Russia". The Germans disassembled him, immersed in the wagons and were going to send them from Russia. Only the offensive of the Soviet army could stop the fascists.

  1. The problem of preserving the memory of war 1941 - 1945 .
1. In all the corners of our country, obeliski in memory of the dead warriors was built. Every year on May 9, rallies dedicated to the Victory Day are held. We remember the dead, honor them, respect them about them.
2.Many writers and poets themselves were participants in the war. They reflected real events in their works. For example, A.Vardovsky has a poem "I killed under Rzhev", which the poet devoted to all the fallen soldiers. The poem is written on behalf of a warrior who died in a tank meat grinder in 1941. There was nothing left of him after the direct hit of the projectile, but the soldier is interested in not the memory of himself, and the answer to the question - passed the city or not? Tvardovsky feels his guilt before all the dead, he wants the memory of them to be alive.
3. Banniga A.Twarkovsky "Vasily Torkin" is the memory of war and about those who won this terrible war. Vasily Khorkin is a collective image of a Russian winner soldier, a patriot, a citizen, defender, hero. This is a book about all front-line.

  1. The problem of betrayal.

1. During the lowest act .. During the Great Patriotic War, General Vlasov passed the whole army. The word "Vlasovets" sounded like a stigma.

2. Example of betrayal and negative attitudes to traitors we can see in the story of N.V.Gogol "Taras Bulba". Andry for the sake of his beloved girl forgets about his homeland, about comrades, about the father, about the mother. He becomes a traitor, goes to the side of the Poles. Father personally shook his son, because no one has ever forgiven betrayals to anyone.

The arguments that will be useful for the essay of the EGE, which reflect:

Problem relationship problem

The problem of misunderstanding in the family

The problem of neglect of family bings

The problem of conflict between relatives

The problem of the significance of the family

Possible theses:

Related ties are the most durable, family for a person is the highest value, and he is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of relatives

Often people neglect the family for their own interests.

V. I. Amlinsky Roman "Return of Brother"

In the novel "Return of Brother" Amblinsky demonstrates the unconditional love of the boy to the older brother, whom he never seen before. Ivan, who had seen twelve years in the colony, was difficult to get used to the new life. The guy did not meet the expectations of Little Serge, who was very waiting for his brother, hoping that they would become friends. But the boy did not turn away from Vanya and helped him stand on the right life path.

N. V. Gogol The story "Taras Bulba"

Confirmation that the family for a person can move to the background, can be found on the pages of the famous story of Gogol "Taras Bulba". So, Andriy, the younger son of Taras, fell in love with the pool, a girl with an enemy side. The hero could not observe how beautiful the beauty suffers from hunger, who conquered his heart. But help her - meant to betray her. Love turned out to be more important than related links, Andriy renounced his father and her older brother and moved to the side of the enemy.

For Taras Bulba, the hero of the same name of Gogol, the partnership and devotion to the motherland were more important than the family. The old Kozak of all traitors prisred the same, even if such a close man turned out. When Andriy, in love with the Polyakka, moved to the side of the enemy, Taras could not accept it. When meeting with his son, an angry father killed his own son for betrayal, and his hand did not flinch at this difficult moment.

F. M. Dostoevsky Roman "Crime and Punishment"

The problem of family relationships is traced in the novel of the Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Dunyasov Skolnikova loved her brother very much and was ready to sacrifice himself for his well-being. At first, the girl got into the House of Svidrigaylov, to send Rodium of money, where she had to tolerate the landlord's pile. And after she decided to marry the unloved, but rich nudge, in the hope that he would help pay the formation of his brother.

In the novel of the Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" describes a self-sacrifice for the sake of family. Sonya Marmeladova lived with his father, stepmother and summary brothers and sisters. The family experienced extreme need, the children were starving, and the father was dispersed. In order to somehow help his relatives, the believer Sonya passed the commandment "Do not commit adultery", deciding to sleep with men for money, which was for her a very difficult step. The act of this girl is a vivid example of readiness to sacrifice itself and abandon its own principles for the sake of family.

B. L. Vasilyev Roman "Do not shoot in white swans"

In the novel Vasilyev "Do not shoot in white swans" traced neglect of related links. When Byrianova was removed from the post of foreson for exceeding the authority and appointed a cousin of Egor Polushkina in his place, an envious man lured his relative into a trap and beat him together with his accomplices, after which the protagonist died in the hospital.

  • The continuity of generations is manifested in the general moral values \u200b\u200bof children and their parents
  • Not always from generation to generation Positive customs and traditions are transmitted
  • The causes of misunderstanding between generations are due to the difference between epochs and morals
  • The worldview of parents may be alien to children


I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children." The relationship of the values \u200b\u200bof children is visible by Arkady Kirsanov's relations and Evgenia Bazarov with their parents. Young people who came from learning are adherents of nihilism - the ideological theory, which doubt the question of all generally accepted values. Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, Father Arkady, does not understand the views of young people, but he strives to treat them with respect, because he loves his son. Pavel Petrovich, his brother, set up radically: ready to argue and defend his point of view. Do not understand the views of the Son and the parents of Yevgeny Bazarov. Later, Arkady Kirsanov understands that in fact nihilism does not adhere to. For him, traditional values \u200b\u200bare more important: a loving family, admiration for nature, good relationship with the Father. There is still continuity between generations, after all, Arcadia's views are similar to the views of the Fathers generation. So people like Evgeny Bazarov, it is difficult to live in the world, because with their theories, first of all stand up against generally accepted values. Conflict generations is primarily a conflict of values, worldviews and beliefs.

E. Hemingway "Old man and the sea." For the old Cuban fisherman Santiago, it is important to convey your skills to someone who can keep them and teach them future generations. That is why he teaches the boy Manolino to all the subtleties of his craft. This is the most expensive inheritance that old fisherman can leave behind. The continuity of generations in the work is precisely in the transfer of experience from ancestor to a descendant. Santiago makes a huge contribution to those who will live after it.

N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". Speaking of the continuity of generations, you need to turn to the image of Chichikov. The attentive reader remembers that it was the father who taught the hero to take care of every penny to secure a good life. The instruction of the father influenced Chichikov's character: he became a cunning, calculating and hypocritical man. The hero decided to buy dead souls from thirst for money. It turns out to some extent this is also a consequence of the Council of Father. Chichikov took over the experience of the Father: he learned what his father told him, and became just such a person, what father wanted to see him.

DI. Fonvizin "inexpensive". Mitrofanushka mother brought up in his own way, so he grew up with greedy, lazy and stupid. Prostakova achieved his own: she handed his son only idleness and egoism. Mitrofan replies the mother's drawing and rude, leaving it in the end "at the broken trough." The continuity of generations is obvious, because the son "I absorbed" what his mother lived and people, her like lived.