Nizhny Novgorod Encyclopedia. Livestocking Prince George Georgian Vera in God I have from my mother

Nizhny Novgorod Encyclopedia. Livestocking Prince George Georgian Vera in God I have from my mother
Nizhny Novgorod Encyclopedia. Livestocking Prince George Georgian Vera in God I have from my mother


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Union of Diveevsky writers at RDK "Literary Diveevo" invites all lovers of the literary word to the creative evening of a member of the joint venture of Russia

Mary Sukhorukova

During the "free microphone" will be

Presented the video of the work of Ivan Bunin and Fyodor Dostoevsky, in the author's performance will be performed by the works of everyone

Free admission


Suchukova Maria Arsentievna was born on June 7, 1952 on the farm of the Long, the Uryupinsky district of the Volgograd region. He graduated from the historical and philological department of the Volgograd Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature in high school, a journalist in a number of periodicals, an educator.

The beginning of the literary work and the first publication - 1966. Lives and works in the city of Lyskovo Nizhny Novgorod region.

Poet. Member of the Russian Writers Union since 1990.

Main publications:

1. "Under the Sun", a collection of poems, Moscow, 1977.

2. "Lazur", collection of poems, Moscow, 1989.

3. "Lyskov's Chimes", a collection of poems, Moscow, 1995.

4. "Call of the sky", a collection of poems, G. N.Novgorod, 1997.

5. "Holy Love", a collection of poems, G. N.Novgorod, 1997.

6. "Angels of the Necrobia", a collection of poems, G. N.Novgorod, 2001.

7. "Tsarskaya Forgetcoming", a collection of poems, G. N.Novgorod, 2003.

Don Cossack Maria Sukhukova was born in the farm of the long, Uryupinsky district of the Volgograd region. He graduated from the historical and philological department of the Volgograd Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature in high school, a journalist in a number of periodicals, an educator.

On the shore in the summer

Memory of the poet

March 25, 2018 was not an amazing distinctive Nizhny Novgorod woman, beautiful Russian poets Mary Sukhorukova. As always happens on our sinful land, especially in the creative environment, there is no prophet in her fatherland. Ocolateral officials are worried - whether in their edges of the overseas wind of some kind of Kenegeev, or the metropolitan spill of a busy glory and the Russian history of Viktor Erofeev, and there would be some more couple of expensive closures in addition. And before they, in the side, in the native soil, away from the postal roads, from all sorts, quietly and intenno, in love for Russia, to the Russian people and the Russian word, live true talents, - there is no business for these full gentlemen . These gentlemen need local literary cannes, an indispensable mixture of French with Nizhny Novgorod ... And such as the old half-thousand names of Fyodor Sukhov, Alexander Lukin, as the Luxury Standard Maria Schukrukova, the Eternal Homeless Wanderer, the Poetic Bird of Heaven, Russian Orthodox Christian, the Keeper of Russian History , cultures, speeches, fate of Russia, flesh from the flesh of their people, - they do not remember, do not know, because their difficult and painful biographies, on their honest and noble work, on their disinterested ministry, do not drink Fatherland, do not paint on their own dubious talents , do not come to the "civilized" western world! ..

Alas, fellow writers often do not indulge with the love and attention of their strange, strange, one only "spiritual thirst for Tomamy", which seems to those who are unrodible, - fellow countrymen and companions on Peru. For many years, Maria Sukhukova, loved by simple listeners, simple people, inhabitants of monasteries and Russian depths, blessed on their way with simple rustic baphs and holy elders, were held for many years.

Deltsi from literature never recognize that light and pure happiness, which knew the Russian wanderer of Maria Sukhukov on a difficult land, never know the happiness, which she will know in eternity, in the memory of the Russian people ...

Pray for the newly promoted servant of God Mary.

I applied to these bitter rows and your essay, written two years ago for the book of Maria Sukhorukova's poems "fragrant sounds." For me, there is a big joy that words of respect and recognition I managed to say a true poet in his life.

Gennady Krasnikov,

What's in Kotomka at Mary

Therefore, and we, having around ourselves such a cloud of witnesses, will overthrow any burden and a sign of our sin and with patience we will pass the field preserving to us, looking at the head and performer of the Faith of Jesus, who, instead of the joy pretended to him, has undergone the cross, neglected the Ambassador, And skewed the skeleton of God's breath.
Heb.12: 1, 2

It happens, listen to today's poetic evenings of the presentation of modern poetries, you see how the philological shovels intended exclusively for "dedicated", who can enthusiastically appreciate the whole spectacular verbal imitation of thoughts and feelings, and think - and perhaps among A similar "High Communication" of the public would have lost, was Smezhen, at best there was a condescendingly listened as a primitive prostacle, who did not hit the address, one who with the shiny gray swirls, with a burning through brilliant glasses glasses with gaze, in habitually carelessly estantized Frace, would read here Its such a simple and nonsense poem:

These poor villages,
This scarce nature is
Land of native long-suffering
The edge of the Russian people!
Will not understand and not notice
Proud gardens of invoicing
What sneaks and secretly shines
In the height of your humble.
A leaning gaze,
All of you, the land is native,
In slavish form king heavenly
He proceeded, blessed.

Here are the same as the Tyutchev rows given here (without comparing, of course, the authors!) - It looks at first glance, uncomplicated, sootimy and clean on the pristine essence of their verses of Nizhny Novgorod poetess Mary Sukhorukova ...

In the fact that Maria Suchukova is a natural distinctive poet, I, since I just saw it first personally, hearing how she reads what she was written, having learned how she lives (only the birds of heaven live! ..) - he was convinced without any doubt. I could not only determine for myself what the charm of simplicity and some trusting openness in front of its poems. So draw artists primitivists; So in childish capital letters recorded its picturesque lines of Ksenia Nekrasov ...

Here are the poetic drawings of Mary Sukhorukova:

Land in the palms rolling
Star dust of dust nights.
Naked Snezhinka Taket
And in no way melts the earth ...
Blue Snowflake»)

* * *
The snow did not reach the Earth,
I could not touch her, touch.
And he melted, as if he knew
What he could not keep here.

So believe, as the old man of Grigory Dolbunov said, "purely, from the heart, from the heart" (after all, it was the "pure heart of God," and the whole Russian philosophy is the philosophy of the heart!) ... Maria Suchukova has sees a heart and feels the picture of today's world:

I hear the heavenly sighs,
In which thunderstorms are purity.
What the eyes are darker than the era,
The radiant of the eyes of Christ.

This poetry in the cultural and genetic level remembers-knows-feeling the poetry of Koltsova-Nikitina-Nekrasov-Yesenin-Rubatov-Sukhova ... In it and Music Music, Rakhmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Sviridov, Gavrilina ... - As in any Russian heart, in Russian Word Even with those who, in misfortune, and did not hear this music (and do not complain now), but the Russian composers took this music from such Russian souls.

Without cross, all words are emptiness,
Cross - that rain in the middle of the sultry sushi.
Only through the jaze of the cross
God will hear the singers.
Poetic cross", Dedication to the poet F. Sukhov)

So the cherry, so the chamber, so wormwood (Emshan-grass from A. Maikova) - every year not only born and are in the world of their novelty, passing and remembering the flavors and smells that were before us will be with us and after us:

Concerned the rain, hot, me
Delicate gentle-cool makers.
At the lake gentle, shouldn
The soul enjoyed the flowers as conditional.
Saw aromas wormwood, carnations
And Pijmas, and clover, mint, souls.
And the herbs messed the green tongue,
And pushes a thick meadow tiss ...
There was August, he was a new century on himself,
Already not twenty, and the age of twenty first.
I learned it on the grass:
Wheel, wrinkled, rough and nervous.
And I gave about the past, native,
About Rzhanye horses with their breatham fragrant,
About hut with cow pair milk,
About grandmother of the Dunya with the subsidence pure ...
Under the August thunderstorm»)

Outwardly, as it were, the poetics of Sukhorukov - no sizes and focus formal, no acute seasoning for the tiping of the reader. But in this simplicity there is transparency of the spring, the transparency of the sky, through which he shines the Russian soul, Russian fate. That simplest, about which such a brilliant intellectual as Tyutchev said: "It will not understand and will not notice // Proud gaze is an invalid, // What it sings and secretly shines // in the beauty of your humble ..." Therefore, they are so sinking, so fall to music. Mary poems Sukhorukova, who write songs of folk musicians and professionals. For them, her words - 90th, because the melody is already laid in her poems, in its rhythms, in the breath of lines.

And in the pictures, which are so organically, as if illustrations to verses, are abundantly included in her books, it almost always smiles. Just like the Bunin in the wonderful story of "Birds of Heavenly" tells about a meeting of a student's frost and a beggar of a wanderer:

"Frozen, old man? - shouted a student with delolded cheerfulness.
The beggar suspended and hardly translated his breath, opening his mouth, raising his chest and shoulders.
"No," he answered unexpectedly simple and even as if fun ... "
And at a surprised question: "Is it not bad for you?", "Answered:" Only the demon is poor, there is no cross. And I live myself ... "...

In the poem "Song of the Lord", one of the works characteristic in the whole of her work, Maria Sukhukova, as if echoing with the words of the Buninic hero:

All birch in the cold
Snow among the plains.
Lord, my Lord,
You are with me one ...
Sky in a wonderful gold,
Rivers sober fur.
And when you with me,
I am richer than everyone ...

After reading the poem of the Sukhorukova "Tale of the Small Village of the Ochast", I accidentally found the key to her poetics. Yes, it is just a tale, and the fantasticity of her poems is obvious, as in the stories of Leskov, as in Russian folklore, like Vladimir Dalya. So the old women of the Wanderer of Island's Pieces were broadening, rumors, folk myths and legends at home. So once, in my native Kursk village, Olga Afanasyevna, in my grandmother's house, there was a wanderer - aunt's mouth (Akulin), which came every year under the winter with a cotton cracker and leaving the first warm spring days - Christarad and pray for holy places , and collect Russian speech, Russian tales, were and not, looking through the bitter and bright Russian slaves, Russian life, Russian folk history, Russian share. And after the death of the grandmother - remained for several years in the house to help orphans. But in one of the veins, like a bird, still feeling something, gathered on the road and never returned, left, dissolved in Russia, how he left and disappeared at the beginning of the century past the Poet-wanderer Alexander Dobrolyubov, As, according to legend, Tsar Alexander went, becoming Fedor Kuzmich. This is the one who was Emperor Alexander the first - "blessed", as his name was in the people, "our angel", as they said at the court ...

Therefore, the poems are abundant from the Sukhorukova - as in that kittombo the strangers of the story-tales, like songs in the carriage of obstacles. Not all poems, perhaps, are artistically equivalent, but they are still priceless as those crackers and that little thing, Christ for the sake of the White Light in order not to die with hunger, when no one listens to anyone, does not want to listen and hear. This is a kind of sootimy from the pure heart of praying, the gloriousness of God, God's creation, where it is so uncomfortable and so I want to be in silence, alone with nature, with a homeland, with your thoughts, with your favorite people ...

Again the dews of the hands rang,
And barefoot knives - in dew.
I, almost like everything, love Russia,
And in the end and not as everything.

Each leaf and flower are touched.
Miscellaneous they mean existence.
I'm just one of God,
And there will be no such as me ...
Not with something to each other
As long as the star is burning.
Because everyone wants a common
For no one will repeat us.

Her poems can not be read in a row, but simply open on any page, as if in a SUM, the strange hand, not knowing - what will come to you this time, but sure that it will still be a small piece of found in the wanders, open by the word poet World. Unfortunately - here is the motive of these verses, contemplation, thanksgiving, compassion, the love is immense:

For birds in the forest, south in warm
For all colors feeder,
For the whole nature on earth
Thank you, creator.
I sing your gardens in color
And in the sun trail and alley.
You made all the beauty,
And he himself lost her.

In her verses, it is naturally and organically sounded by roll calls, Auchania with native voices of Rubatov and Sukhova:

My eyes were filled,
Swan traces of frightened.
My steamer stuck on the mel.
Hears the flesh of the land grave.
And birch is your foot in the forest.
And the soul is missing heaven.

In the Don Cossack by birth, in it not only later humility "not from this world" affects verses, but also the passion volcano "from the world of this", let the sinking, forgetting, breaks through poems memories:

I asked God.
And Day
Towards me fled to the sky
Garden rustle with color apple trees
In me ruddy summer bailiary
Mai Solovie sowed in the undergrowth,
In forests,
That all the curtains got silence
In houses.
I have revealed the windows
Asked the sky to walk around the hall
Light ...
It was ten years to twenty
Take up years, they sparkle
Burn ...
Years are burning»)

As the true poet Maria Sukhukov always felt his inacidity, dissimilarity, uniqueness:

People have ceilings.
I'm smoking them,
In the distance sapper from longing
And smiling colors
People have ceilings ...»)

But this is not a pride, but passing through the line through all its poetry, through her entire destiny, through the fate of the Russian woman, - the Orthodox perception of the world as the unique creation of God, where " Every leaf from God is not superfluous", Where:

Nothing like each other.
Everywhere uniqueness reigns.
ALL, ALL, the creation of God
About the wealth of the Creator says.
Oh, the urban diversity!
Victim, and burning in Gras
I will leave forever in bad weather.
But I leave not like that.
Lord Difficulty») -

Such is the "pride", which actually has higher humility and admiration for the Creator and the Fourth of the World! ..

What does she get like, what to lead, what sophistication of joy in the strange poetic kitomka at Mary Sukhorukova? No, she is not a passive contemplator and keeper, in every poem, in each of its row, she carries her brick, his brother, his straw in the creation of the temple, nature, the Motherland. Even her suffering is constructive, since the lost sources saves:

There is no farms, only alone spiny.
Not a cattle, and no people.
Sorrow silent birches of cribs.
Even the placer do not have lights.
Some lights flashes,
Reviving a little hot.
Pins one on the village barks,
Yes, and then it is coat here,
Redhead, as if on the hill clay,
Named a rhyzyk this dog.
Life circle - What is wormwood-Kalina,
Bind in it from the minor tears.

For the external simplicity of her verses, genuine skill of the poet actually hides, Suchukov brilliantly owns the form where the plot and artistic task is required. What the above for its short miniatures, and such sophisticated and sophisticated poems are also sophisticated and in their own way:

My song fire is burning.
I can not sleep in any way, friend.
Headlight Moon. Scripture Halt.
Forest without leaves, without flowers meadow ....
And goes into the void trace
And concerns winter mouth.
Young years have no long
I hear snow in clouds crunch.
Returning to pain poems again.
And in my ears, the ringing is boiling.
Only in the morning in my chest, in blood
White sail sails sleep.
White Parus.»)

Only master ownership of the form allows Maria Sukhorukovka to create, for example, such verses:

Horse swept red cheek
On the green shoulders of the bulb,
Cockup is torn without a cake:

Smiles innocent month
It smells like a dry yard,
Mother shouts to a playful son:
"It's time to sleep ... It's time to sleep ... It's time to sleep ..."
The night comes silently, silently,
And it is silence until the morning,
And she flew lovingly:
"It's time to sleep ... It's time to sleep ... It's time to sleep ..."

Such poems would include in all the advantages, study at school, - Learn of love for the Motherland, to the native nature, to the unmandant Spring of Russian speech ...

The new Book of Maria Sukhorukova "Fragrant Sounds", like almost all of its books of recent years, as if herbarium leaves, the page behind the page is laid by photos of Irina Vysotsky. So once a wonderful Russian poet, a member of the Great Patriotic War, Fedor Sukhov (husband of Mary Sukhorukova) to all his addresses in each sent his letter loved to invest in the field flowers and herbs with Russian fields and meadows (I myself have a few of his letters with dried blues Forget-me-not, with clover stalks ...). Like this simple and expensive every Russian heart forget-me-not, cornflowers, bells, corn tears, are perceived among the verses of Mary Sukhorukovka cute and touching photos of Irina Vysotskaya, adding the poet's poets a special amount and expanse of Russia ... because it is so quiet and heartily sound in the book of gratefulness Irina - A faithful friend and assistant in all works and concerns:

I met at dawn forces
With a big crash.
My Lord connected
At that time with Irina.

We pray with her in the temple go,
Hearts are not ruining.
We are published with her book,
Do you like the nature ...
My Irina»)

The book "Aromatic Sounds", as told by the author, is devoted to "in consolation by the abbot of the Orange Monastery Archimandrit Netaria (Marchenko) in the year of the 380th anniversary of the Orange Monastery." What is also no coincidence. Maria Sukhukova, year after year, the fact of the year is looking for the truth, looking for this truth by holy places, falling for holy sources, to wonderful elders and prayer books, such as archimandrite nectaries, to such as the great burgher prince Dmitry Donskoy, Tsar Martyr Nicholas II And his family, the pretext of the Grand Prince of Elizabeth Fedorovna, what our contemporaries were Metropolitan St. Petersburg and Ladoga John (Snychyov), Archimandrite Pavel (Gruztev), Blessed Starley Marfa Tsaritsynskaya, Old Man Mikhail Khabarsky, Batyushka Grigory Dolbunov, Schimonakhin Maria (Kudimova) ... Falling to the whole Sonma "Witnesses clouds", which is saved in Russia, for the man, because, as Fedor Mikhailovich, Dostoevsky, is said: "Russian man without a cross - passing" ...

Maria Sukhukova with all his work, all his fate leads the reader with the paths with earth and spiritual, poetic, showing how difficult and how sweet come to simple, giving as grace, discoveries:

I am to the church threshold
All in a hurry in a human circle.
I would fall into my feet to God
Golden petal ...

@ Gennady Krasnikov,
2015 - 2018

Exceptionally fruitful work in the literature of a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, the famous Nizhny Novgorod poet Mary Sukhorukova cannot not pay attention. It is forced to make a few of its large, beautifully illustrated books of the last decade. Some of them seems to form a kind of series, where several genres are organically connected. As a result, this is not purely poetic collections, but more complex on the inner content of the book. These are, in fact, begin with "royal forget-me-not," (2003), dedicated to the spiritual mentor of the poet, all the beloved and revered old man of the Makarev women's monastery of Makaria, in Schima Mary (Kudinova).

Mothering her spiritual daughter, which Matushovo dashely called "my Pushkin", the chicken-skinned Orthodox fault bless her literary work was blessed, saw his undoubted benefit to people. This is a long-term close communication and led to the special value of the book, which brings to us the expensive heart of the statements of the Bogomudra Stress on many questions of the surrounding life and the historical personalities of our past. For example, about Grigory Efimovich Rasputin.

Along with the memories of Schimonahine, the book to some extent gives her life-looking out of the fateful meeting of the young Makaria Mother of Makaria with the reverend cushs Odessa.

Full of human thanks to the spiritual mother, Maria Sukhukova soon complements the "royal forget," a large poetic compilation "Pravit God" (2005), also dedicated to Macaria Mother (Kudinova), which was obvious to everyone who knew her. Therefore, the extremely accurate name of the collection involuntarily makes us advise the well-known continuation: "Praise God in his saints. Praise it in the highest, "which directly belongs to Schimonakhin Mary (Kudinova).

Following the dear road, Maria Suchukov has created a new book "Bogatyr of the Spirit of the Russian" (2007) about the great righteous of the land of Nizhny Novgorod Mikhail Alekseyevich sour cream, the more famous thousands of Orthodox laity as an old man Mikhail Khabarsky.

The image of this revered in the people of the righteous has long worried the poet. She even together with Irina Vysotskaya initiated the shooting of a documentary film about him, made by Moscow film director A.S. Moskvina. However, the story of the book is not limited only by the old man Mikhail, but quite naturally addresses to his younger contemporary, the famous Velikirazha Faith, Archpriece Gregory Vasilyevich Dolbunov.

Revealing the spiritual feat of two elders, the author leads them to the memories of relatives and people who personally who knew the Orthodox devotees during their lifetime, introduces readers with a distant Russian village of Naussovo, now the Pochinkovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, where they were born and sovereign joined Orthodoxy.

This wonderful series continues the book of Maria Sukhorukovka "Shining Sun of Russia" (2008), dedicated to the bright memory of the Moscow elder, writer and theologian, Archpriest Mikhail Torukhanov, the defender Mary, with whom the poet tied the years of deleteless communication.

The conditional series is crowned with "Rainbow over the snow" (2011), telling about the submemblingment Metropolitan Nicolae (Kutetov), \u200b\u200bthe Nizhny Novgorod ruling bishop, which has been taking ten years ago. For more than a quarter of a century, he ruled the extensive diocese and for many Nizhny Novgorod was simply Nikolai Vasilyevich, Frontovik, a member of the Stalingrad battle, awarded battle orders and medals of the Motherland.

For the Orthodox laity, he was a master of Metropolitan, the Saint, to whom it was possible to come free, talk, to get an archpastor blessing to specific cases. Maria communicated with him personally and more than once. Its simplicity, cordiality and accessibility were well known, and the authority and respect in the Orthodox and public circles of Nizhny Novgorod are durable.

The above books, despite their impressive volume, are only part of the literary works of Maria Sukhorukova for the period under review. Nevertheless, collected together, they represent an impressive list of editions of last decade. Looking at him, someone may be tempted to catch a poet in dubious fertility and will not be right, because it is the fertility of the blissful Augustine, giving the grace of God.

In order to write and publish, it is necessary to lead the same mobility life of a deeply incereverized Orthodox person, which poet leads. In addition, it is necessary to possess its talent writer and incredible efficiency. And it is necessary, finally, to carry the same numerous sorrow that Maria Suchukov is brought.

Reflecting on her work, it is appropriate to remember V.V. Rosanova, who, showing the popular contemporary, said that Meriazhkovsky writes all the time about Russia and Orthodoxy. And what is interesting: not Russia, he has no Orthodoxy.

Unlike Dmitry Meriazhkovsky, who actively published at the beginning of the 20th century, Maria Sukhukova lives in the inecilious love of his great Orthodox dedication, the thought of which permeates all its being, piercing pain speaks in a variety of poetic lines.

A courageous, sacrificial ministry of the poet's favorite dedication of sincere, artistic, often screaming from the depths of the heartfall in the word of chill and suffering akin to weekdays of the warrior on the protection of the native frontiers.

From here the author does not sit down the warm seas and sunny beaches of Egypt and Turkey. Do not attack her and the darling charming of prudent Europe. All of this, Maria Suchukova prefers an indiscriminate eye of the Orthodox church, pilgrimage to holy places, a quiet Russian river with crystal water, a field, full of disintegration, forest and a block of land in the Lyskov district, the will of fate who became part of the personal biography of the poet.

The faithful Testament of N. A. Nekrasov, the real Russian poets have always lived in large and topical themes of their native land, highly climbing the momentary Sysyukaniyi "Kudda Mitrek" and "Wise Kudrek". Not once in their capacious lines sounded a harsh Lermontov warning about the heavenly proud: "But there is both God's court, defenders of debauchery! There is a formidable judgment: he is waiting; It is not accessible to the ringing of Zlata, and thoughts and things he knows about ... "Maybe therefore, enthusiastic poetry is so mysterious and prophetic Ortre. Sometimes even dangerous for the power of pre-warning. Especially if they frankly abuse it, neglecting the interests of the country and the people. Isn't that the fate of A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontova, D. V. Veshevitinova and A. V. Koltsova, N. S. Gumilyova, S. A. Yesenin and V. V. Mayakovsky, Igor Talkova ?! ..

How many of them were in the bloom of ruined Russian talents?! Such as Boris Kornilov, Alexey Ghanin, Sergey Chekmayv, Pavel Vasilyev, Nikolay Klyuev, Nikolai Rubtsov, Alexander Lukin ... not in vain, apparently, once said the hero of the Caucasus, General A. P. Yermolov, that the prose goes from the mind The poetry is given over. So, it is always fearless and impartial when it turns to the socio-political life and the themes of high citizenship.

This is exactly what the work of the poet of Maria Sukhorukova, the conscience of the poet of Mary Sukhorukova, conscience, and the voice from the despicantine, often rises to a rolled Nabathy. It today serves as a bright lighthouse, as well as we need to write in our troubled time to pass the earth "Exam", which mentioned our outstanding contemporary, Schimons of Paisius Svyatogorets.

The solid books of the poet in four hundred and even eight hundred and emphasis clearly indicate the explicit assistance of God, without which their exit to the light would be simply unrealized in accordance with financial considerations.

Happiness rare meetings

Finally, this is essentially addictive in content and, I must say, "unscheduled" book V.V. Sdobnyakova became a reality, there will be a wide range of readers and, undoubtedly, will delight them.

Its beginning was laid in my eyes in the first conversations of the author with people completely extraordinary, often very famous and famous, in fact, which make up pride and color of the Russian nation and the native Fatherland. Otherwise, it is impossible, for example, to talk about Yu.V. Bondarev - Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of the Leninist and Two State Prizes of the USSR, as well as - Literary Award of the RSFSR named

A.M. Gorky, direct participant in the Great Patriotic War.

A man of amazing modesty and personal charm, now Yuri Vasilyevich, recognized classic of domestic literature, the books of which were published by millionic circulations and translated into many foreign languages. They served as scenarios of the best, stunning with their epic scope and piercing truth artistic films about the Great and the most bloody war in the history of mankind.

This fully applies to one of the Creators and Witnesses of the Naval Power of the Soviet Union, the hereditary sailor, the Savior of the Legendary Russian Goro-Hero of Sevastopol during the times of liberalism and nightmarish arbitrariness, Admiral I.V. Casantonov

The modern scientist-encyclopedist with a world name, doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, VP, belongs to the same equally large personalities. Polevans. True, it is only a part, although probably the most significant, very rich biography of Vladimir Pavlovich. In addition to the main field in geology and personal hobbies of an excellent photo artist, he is also a fairly well-known politician of the country. This is just V.P. Lucanov, as the first deputy prime minister of the Government of the Russian Federation at B.N. Yeltsin, had to take the scandalous "economy" of the sadly famous A.B. Chubais in the Ministry of State Property Property of the Russian Federation. Naturally, due to pronounced patriotism and sincere love for the Motherland - Russia, V.P. Polevanov, like the Minister of Printing of the Russian Federation of the time B.S. Mironov, was not destined to stay for a long time on the government's top of liberal democracy. In a matter of months, it was also necessary to leave their high state posts by the undisguised joy of all pseudo-models.

An interesting page of the life of Vladimir Pavlovich was his governorate in the Amur Region of Eastern Siberia, rich in conservations, natural fossil and traditions of peoples inhabited there.

Any meeting with such outstanding personalities can make a happiest fact of biography of any person. And each of their words should be literally catching to forever keep in memory for yourself and descendants. Valery, Valery, presented us with one or more words, and large and detailed conversations with them affecting many vital aspects of Russian history. Take at least Yu.V. Bondarev, who passed the chick hell of Stalingrad and surviving there against everything. Where they died with thousands, and the score of the dead went for a minute. And he was survived only to make a remarkably tell about an incredible, unparalleled feat of soldiers, officers and generals of the heroic Red Army, who fought with the abundance of the enemy in the most open conditions, no secure space of the ruins of Stalingrad, where it was simply impossible to preserve.

But a miracle happened. Exactly the same as with the other, recently by the Frontovik writer, the hero of the Soviet Union, the famous intelligence officer V.V. Karpov, the author of the wonderful books "Communion", about the commander of the South Front during the war, General of the Army I.E. Petrov and Dilogy "Generalissimus" - about the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces and the Chairman of the State Committee for the Defense of the USSR of the same period I.V. Stalin.

Vladimir Vasilyevich happened even more interesting. Walking during the war in a fortune-mutized one now for all negative Lada Strefbat and risking every day to die, he, according to his personal admission, thought by no means about death, but about what he described what was written in future books!

So and Yu.V. Bondarev recalled how they were in Stalingrad, shooting on fascist tanks by direct vending, contrary to the current instructions and the strictest orders of the command, previously filmed armored shields from the guns, since they not only demasked combat calculations, but also prevented the quick and sighting shooting in the situation where solved the fraction of a second.

Returning the years later to the place of the former cruel battles of the Hero city of Stalingrad, where they, the young Red Army artilleryrs, stood to death against Armada Hitler's tanks and survived in the greatest battle of world history, Yuri Vasilyevich could not believe his eyes that it happened on a tiny block of land where it would seem, and it was not for what! I remembered the long-standing miracle that after many years not only was not forgotten, but it became even more apparent.

I, confess, was very lucky to constantly observe all far away, labor-intensive and hard work on creating complete conversations with Heroes V.V. Sdobnyakova. In the course of her, he shared it every time, as where was the meeting, how much she lasted and that it was made the greatest impression and especially remembered. All these details and other important details, of course, always remained beyond the framework of an insensible voice recorder. As, naturally, the author's opinion about the interlocutor. Staying on him, Valery Viktorovich most often did not cease to be surprised at the abundance of our talented nuggets, which in all centuries was fabulously rich in Russian land. Yes, and how neither admire them when each of the interlocutors involuntarily crossed in the eyes of the author not from the cheap PR, the extremely dubious reputation, and from the commander of the accredited cases, solved the tasks of emergency complexity, which almost always demanded the hero of the full return of physical and creative forces, that is, All myself without a residue. And how not to imbued with compassion for such, for example, that emotional production R.P. Pazelta, Winner of the USSR State Prize, one of the creators of fighter aircraft unsurpassed in the world, with heart pain, states that we have lost not only them, but also have no prices for creating them. Everything in vandalist is thoughtlessly destroyed! And it is not the mainly welder of the Aviation Plant, who worked in him R.P. Bay, not to know about it ?! .. And Rudolf Petrovich was not just him, but worked technical wonders in his narrowly profile business of the finest specialist to whom they, by the way, were very by the way when creating a combat aircraft, where the welding of its large parts and The aggregates, as, however, in rocket and space technology, without any exaggeration belongs to the most decisive role.

The first conversations, conceived by the author as a detailed interview with interesting people, imperceptibly turned around, which is quite natural, in a big and serious conversation about the experience and sore. And for him, it turned out to be crowded as wide framework of universal formula V.V. Mayakovsky "On time and about himself", because the questions discussed sometimes carried away the faded interlocutors and in the depths of the history of Russia, as it happened with V.P. Polevanov. He involuntarily recalled the famous governor of Eastern Siberia Tsaric times Prince N.N. Muravyov-Amur, passed to century-old Russian relations with an almost unknown feat of Albazi, where 800 Cossacks of this little wooden stort on a distant Amur held several months to defense from unsuccessfully stormed his army out of 30 Ltzur LLC!

Unfortunately, unlike the famous "Azov seating" of the Don Cossacks in the Turkish Fortress of Azov B1637-1642, the valiant heroism of the defenders of a small wooden progress on Amur in 1685 and from the summer of 1686 in the spring of 1687 has not yet been widely known in the country And undeservedly forgotten. And the first combat episode of the actions of the Siberian Cossacks on the protection of the alcohol is especially interesting and presented to the official history too unbearable simplified: "In 1685, a large Chinese squad approached the albazine. His garrison led by the Voivod Tolbutn after a short resistance surrendered to the conditions of free output. The Chinese destroyed this stronghold of the Russian presence on Amur, and then left the area ... "

Cossacks did not surrender, but voluntarily left the Ostrog with arms, in combat and with the banners. And it happened, that is, such a harsh solemnity of the release of defenders from the progress, not at all by chance. The intriguing details of all the circumstances of the bright page of the Military History of the Fatherland and told V.P. Polevanyov, before that, deeply and comprehensively studied as the governor and scientist, real, and not represented by someone theraged history of the region.

The noble initiative of Vladimir Pavlovich in the city of Blagoveshchensk was installed a beautiful monument to the aforementioned outstanding predecessor and the maternity owner of Eastern Siberia, the Russian prince-Patriot N.N. Amur to the Amur, fully strengthened our presence on the Russian outskirts with the consolidation of the Russian Empire with profitable bilateral agreements with China, whose importance is not lost and so on.

And meanwhile, the gallery of interesting meetings Valery Viktorovich grew and grew and grew, which was promoted by a rare level and persons a rather extensive circle of personal communication of the author. It is enough to say that he absorbed state and politicians, scientists, writers, military leaders and even prominent hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, one of which was now its Primary, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill (Gundyaev).

It is impossible not to pay tribute to a sensitive thoughtful conversation, their harness and selectivity. The author seems to be trying to maximally cover with them many areas of cultural and economic life of the country, as well as its past and present. But the main thing in any of these conversations was still always the hero himself with his inner world, an impressive luggage of accumulated knowledge and personal experience, an independent opinion and absolutely independent and extremely reasoned judgments on the most distinguished topical issues of time.

They are sophisticated fame and glory wise writer and editor of the word "word" A.V. Laryon; The oldest Soviet poet and the cavalier of state awards, an excellent connoisseur of deep relationships in the literary circles of two capitals O. N. Shestinsky; It is desperately bold in the chinds of many not true of life, the junior St. Petersburg fellow V.I. Shemshuzhenko; Always smooth and calmly discreet facilities of inexhaustible historical and literary knowledge, Professor A.A. Parpara; Grown as a major engineer in the appearance of the eternal strict secrecy of the Soviet aircraft industry, the winner of the USSR N.S. State Prize Nikolaev; Original Hoshchik and a major public figure V.G. Kalinin and his Nizhny Novgorod Colleague K.I. Shikhov ... - It seems to be in many ways it looks outwardly and in nature, but all their sincere service, country, people, sincerely.

Fast readers and recognition of conversations, which immediately overwhelmed the boundaries of the literary genre and became a document of Russian life and the epoch, was determined not only by the outstanding personalities of the majority of the author's heroes. It is in a large extent obliged to uncomplicable skill itself, now also a long-timed writer, editor and journalist V.V. Sdobnyakova, his extraordinary ability to arrange the interlocutor to himself and imperceptibly make the most fully disclosed, so that it met then and slowly to get to the most interesting, to the essence. Specively leading a long thin thread of the conversation, without giving it to either break or relax.

An important role was played here and invariably revealed soul kinship. A certain invisible to the eye unity of the author and the interlocutor, the soldered among themselves with one common pain, experience and huge love for his great and long-suffering debris. They, perhaps, were always the cause of that inherent in the author, selectivity in everything mentioned above.

With Oleg Nikolayevich Sixinsky Valeria Viktorovich, unlike many others, tied years of warm human friendship, which was supported by the constant and living reservoir of two writers. The big difference at the age did not interfere with them regular, however, more by absentee communication. She only gave birth to touching caring and decent attention of the elder - O.N. Sixinsky to younger - V.V. Sdobnyakov. But in the beloved area, in the literature, the age of both was almost equalized, I do not completely interfer deep and intend to delve into its creative and theoretical problems. The fruitful communication of the eminent metropolitan writer and his gifted Nizhny Novgorod colleague served in the subsequent publication of an interesting book of their correspondence "Apples of the Russian Garden" (2010), to which Valery Viktorovich, as in this case, also had to persistently push and almost forced that as The non-disabilities still justified itself. The book was immediately seen by the reader, appreciated and very soon went throughout Russia, as well as neighbor and far abroad.

As the accumulation of the conversations, it became clear that the obvious importance of the material obtained, of course, demands to collect them in a separate book, which, besides, it is hardly a suitable analogue in the literature. However, in this, as stated above, I had to convince the author for a long time and persistently, which, as always for personal modesty, was sincerely afraid to overestimate his work. And after overcoming all the oscillations and doubts, the wonderful book saw the light to replenish the treasury of modern literature. It seems that she, like all the present, is doomed to a long and happy fate.

Faith in God I have from my mother

Vladimir Georgievich Flowers is a famous Russian publicist, the author of many articles in periodical press, in literary journals and almanachas, as well as about two dozen books, the greatest fame of which acquired a "new friend", "Revenge of Khrushcheva", "Russian valor", "Beautiful Trotsky's doll "," The price of love - death "," Staff for entrepreneurs "," Orthodox leader "... The main topic of historical and publicistic studies of flowers - Orthodoxy as the basis of Russian statehood, Russian worldview, Russian world. For several years now, Vladimir Georgievich works closely with our magazine and publishing house "Vertical. The XXI century, "where in the series" times and opinions "several of his books and collections of articles came out. Today we talk with the writer shortly after the release of his book - the "Motherland of the Elderes", which, beyond any doubt, will cause Orthodox readers from Orthodox, and not only they have the most lively interest.

Valery Podobnyakov. But I, Vladimir Georgievich, still want to start our conversation, after another. We both grew up in Nizhny Novgorod, which in our childhood was called bitter, in the country was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, under a large pressure of anti-religious and international propaganda, excluding the memory of the pre-revolutionary historical path of Russia. Where in the end in our hearts made a sprout of love for his homeland, to Russia? How did the Saving Orthodox Vera suspended in our souls? Outside myself, I tried to understand the sketch "Observing Russia" in this task. But, because I understand, everyone has his own way, his experience.

Vladimir Flowers. Now the late Patriarch of Alexy II (redger) said somehow that the complexity of our situation lies in the fact that during the years of Soviet power grew generation of people, "who did not come back." That is, in conditions of state atheism, they did not know Orthodoxy. It was different with me. I rose without a father with one mother - Flower Evdokia Mikhailovna, born in 1907. She comes from Balakhna and in childhood still found royal time. And therefore, in the gymnasium studied as one of the objects of the "Law of God", which was canceled immediately after the revolution in 1918. Naturally, Mom was an Orthodox, deeply believing man, with the mouth of which did not go: "Lord, humbly!" Or "how to endure!" I heard these words in childhood constantly and, in fact, I absorbed into my senses. Yes, and baptized me already big, in three years, in our Vysokovsky Trinity Temple, which was replaced by the Cathedral of the Cathedral at that time. They just remained in the city, probably no more than three - the rest were closed. The circumstances of Holy Baptism were remembered for the following years. Moreover, I really liked the communion I asked yet.

This, so to speak, private moments. Of course, there was no icons or spiritual literature in the house. I saw the Bible with the only time - someone gave her mom for several hours.

Objectively, Russia is the Great Orthodox Power with more than a thousand-year history of stay in faith, the loyalty of which is obliged to maintain every Russian man. And it is in Russia that all Ecumenical Orthodoxy holds. And the fact that she is the third Rome - not empty words. These are chosen by over. In addition, the holy fathers clearly said that the Russian people there is a third elected people-gogonymer. The famous words of the Russian prophet and the world famous writer F.M. Dostoevsky: "All Russia for that only lives to serve Christ." I think that in them, as in the unique formula, everything is concluded. The whole point of our human life, starting from birth.

B.C. Holy Fathers, and setting up our lives to the resonance of the spiritual perception of the whole occurring and in the country, and in the world there is some evidence, which is marked by many thinkers of both past years and today. Because, apparently, it appeared in Russia, it is very important for our life, emphasized, not only spiritual, but also a public, phenomenon like olderity. The phenomenon in its kind is unique, born from the bowels of the spiritual, religious state of society. Stossed in Russian society is not a mind, but for centuries-old religious experience. The tradition of olderism, thank God, is not interrupted and so on. I remember what impression was made by the statement of Schirchimandritis John (Maslov), who in the work of the "Rev. Amvrosy Optina and the Russian Intelligentsia of the second half of the XIX century" was drawn: "What to explain that representatives of all classes with a seminar education and the provisions and even those whom in the world called "the giants of thought and spirit"? (This is meant by Vl. Solovyov, S.P. Pogodin, N.V. Gogol, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, K.N. Leontyev, A.N. Tolstoy ... - B.C.). The answer can be expressed by the words of the St. Paul's Holy Pravoy Apostle: "Not Az, but grace, Like me." And then at Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov, in his amazing work "near the walls of church" I found another statement on the same topic. So, our famous philosopher writes: "Some of the educated adopted by the leadership of the elder. Nobody nobody to this. They started it when they wanted, and ended when they wanted. But, usually, once applied never wanted to move away due to the express benefit of the Soviets, based only on the circumstances of the one who requested the Council, and not the mood of the elder. "

You have just published the book "Motherland of Elders". Tell us about her and what personally prompted you to take up this topic?

V.Ts. I do not think that this experienced monk is like about. John (Maslov), could arise some perplexity about the senile bumps of representatives of all the estates of the old Russia, which you spoke. Of course, he knew perfectly well why thousands of the Kaluga region and thousands of suffering Orthodox laity were also treated to the Great Elders of the Holy Administration of Optio Desert, and thousands of suffering Orthodox laity personally, as well as letters and telegrams. Stall, as the phenomenon of the Church of Christ, is known a long time ago and has extensive patristic and agiographic literature. We are all looking for any wonder on the side, and they are near. It happened to our wonderful, the countryman, Nizhny Novgorod, said by you. Rozanov. He long attacked Orthodoxy with his sharp word and only then, on the slope of years she opened that all the power in him. That this is an eternal treasure, non-leaving. He was clear and in relation to K. N. Leontiev, who allocated from all as an outstanding Russian Orthodox thinner. By the way, Konstantin Nikolayevich has never been such a throw, and he was still on Athos, he wanted to take the monastic stop, with a secular life. But there were elders experienced in spiritual doing, which, of course, have surrendered the future life path of the Russian Pilgrim, whose dream was already implemented in Russia, and not in Greece. It was at home that he fell into the hands of the same multiple Optina elder Amvrosia, who blessed the works of Leontyev.

Simply put, the elders are the Orthodox devotees of a high spiritual life, many works and exploits that have been clearing themselves from passions and acquired a true one, and not squeezed humility. In the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, they became monks, right up to hierarchs, and representatives of the White clergy (parish priests), and even the laity. The Lord emphasizes such chosen by the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit - the insight, the healing of spiritual and physical ailments, reasoning, consolation, love ... This is what the many people have a lot of people for help in various vitality. And he, guided by the will of God, opens a man how to do it in a particular case.

B.C. Nevertheless, I will return to my statement that it is, to a greater extent, a purely Russian phenomenon. The phenomenon of Russian Orthodox spiritual life. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the phenomenon of love and reverence, which exist in relation to today's elders in Russia. For advice, they are going to ride not only the laity, which in today's cruel world have to worry too much sorrows, but also people wealthy, burdened by world glory, power having great conditions.

V.Ts. The Great and All the Holy Holy, St. Lawrence Chernigov said that the olderies in Russia would be predicted to the condation of the centuries. He himself graduated from his life path in 1950. How incomprehensible is the feat of spiritual business on the way to senile, public service can be seen on the example of St. Sarovsky St. Sarrephim, who, according to the famous spiritual writer Metropolitan Veniamine (Fedchenkov), received the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit only seven years before his death. But this was enough to be about. Seraphim became the great and beloved all Orthodox world saints.

For the most famous and revered elders of the last time abroad, we, of course, should include Schimonha Phaysia Svyatogorz, who has departed to the Lord in 1994, which every self-respecting Orthodox person knows today in Russia. His life ways and teachings were separated in a variety of publications. So the chosen proposals of God are glorified, which cannot be silent, nor slander, for the truth is sooner or later it will still be revealed. And grief to someone who will stand on her way.

Russia especially thrilled in the XIX and early XX centuries, during the times of the great optuclei elders - Anatoly (Zholovova), Anatoly (Potapov), nectaria (Tikhonov), Warsconia (Plyharkov) ... just to their fellow and predecessors , Reverend Macaria, Amvrosia, Joseph and others, and sought the outstanding figures of the Native Fatherland - N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, brothers Kireevsky. And there was another Glinsky desert and other foci of Russian spirituality. And the coming death does not interrupt the possibility of appealing to the older for the help of what can be seen by the example of our Nizhny Novgorod devotees of domestic piety - old people of Makaria, in Schima Mary (Kudinova), Archpriest Gregory Vasilyevich Dolbunova, Starters Mikhail Khabar and John Shorokhov ... I must say Merry literally struck the case with Nasquarov. It is incredible, but the fact that the rest of this very remote Russian village of Nizhny Novgorod depthms was immediately three Orthodox devotee of the Great Holyness! Moreover, all of them are contemporaries, younger of which is Archpriest Grigory Dolbunov. Undoubtedly, it is rare, if not the rarest case in the history of the church. About the last of them - the priest, the Archbishop of Tver and Kashinsky Fadda (Assumption) - the wondrous hierarch of our church, I would like to say particularly because it continues to continue the prominent number of Nizhny Novgorod. I mean Patriarchs Nikon and Sergius. Vladyka Faddey (Uspensky), let it be nominally nominally, let it very briefly, but also he was at the head of the ROC! And his personal human and archpastor qualities simply bribed with their originality. Here I want to make a reservation on the existing delusion of the belonging of the Lord of Faddey (Uspensky) to our city Vasilsursk, which did not go around me. Asks, where did it come from? But the thing is that the parent of Archbishop Faddey (Assumption), oh. Vasily Fedorovich Uspensky at the end of the Nizhny Novgorod spiritual seminary in 1870, together with Mother Lidia Andreevna, arrived in the village of Nizorkovo Nizhny Novgorod province, where he served as a priest in the temple and taught in church-parish school. Subsequently, Assumption was moved to the city of Vasilsursk Nizhny Novgorod province, where about. Vasily served as the abbot of the Cathedral Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin. Later, the Archpriest Vasily Fedorovich Uspensky moved to the village of Belarus in the temple of the Ascension of the Lord and became the perception of the 1st County of the Vasilsurian degree. That was why I was mistaken and attributed to the Lord of Faddey (Assumption) to the city of Vasilsursk. But he, among the three children of Assumption - Alexander, 1871 years of birth, and Vasily, 1873 years old, was born in the Lukoyansky district, and therefore in the village of Naussovo.

B.C. Two years ago, I traveled up the Volga and from there on the canal and through the lakes in St. Petersburg and back. During this multi-day swimming, I somehow completely felt the meaning of Russian life, so much different from what modern media impose us. In all the limits of our land, in large cities and very little villages, in churches and monasteries are kept by the Holy Orthodox people - the miraculous icons, the power of the saints. And this is neither "museum exhibits", and the facts participating in everyday folk life. The flow of Russian people does not dry up to the worship of the shrines. And not only Russians. It is more correct to say - the folk stream of believers of Orthodox laity.

V.Ts. In the elders, as in the greatest Orthodox devotees, the spiritual power of the Russian people and its Orthodox Russia was expressed and expressed by any exaggeration. It was in it a unprecedented fact that a three-year-old boy from the Perm Territory went to Athos and reached! For you to youthful age, he was already endowed with the Lord gives the grace of the Holy Spirit, which caused envy of adult monks from the Greeks, who, unfortunately, often disliked Russians for their rapid spiritual ascent in the affairs of Orthodox piety. This boy was the Holy Rev. Feodosius Caucasian or "Jerusalem Batyushka": he spent nine years from the Merry Coffin in Jerusalem, which also has a case from a series of outgoing. Now the Rev. Feodosius Caucasian is glorified as a local saint in the Krasnodar and Stavropol dioceses of the ROC, and his holy relics rest in the main church of the city of Mineral waters of the North Caucasus. Crowds of Orthodox pilgrims from different places of vast Russia go to them and ride them. Last lifetime, the Rev. Feodosius promised to help everyone who appeals to him for help after his blissful death.

B.C. You are a child of post-war years. How is the time remember now and is I remembering at all? In modern Russia, the politicians of the "Democratic sense" have become simply a mandatory rule of good tone to throw in that historical period of our country of pebbles, and Pozhabia.

V.Ts. Well, firstly, this tone is far from good, but unacceptable and rather risky, as it can entail the most unpleasant and unpredictable consequences for its apologists and conductors. No wonder the scientists brought the law of Le Chateel, according to which all these immoral references with historical failure to attract more punishment. As a result, sooner or later, but it comes. Therefore, all falsifiers of Russian or world history should be thoughtful if they value our personal well-being or well-being of their loved ones. With such things, prudent people do not joke.

As for me personally, I, like many children of a happy time carefree childhood, passed the nursery and kindergarten. Then there was a native seven-year-old pink school number 32, which was near the house on our Nevsky Street Voroshilovsky, and later the Prioki district of Gorky. I went to her in the fall of the mournful 1953: in the spring, on March 5, the outstanding statesman of the Soviet Union died, the unsurpassed geopolitik and the beloved Soviet leader Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. It then became a great peopling grief - sincere tears were in front of everyone. We cried and we, children. In the first grade I found another separate training of boys and girls. Since 1954 we combined us.

Well remember the care of the state of children of low-income families of the time I treated. Helped with clothes. In the summer, they gave travel to the pioneer camp to the green city, and in the winter - tickets for the Christmas tree, right up to the Palace of Pioneers in the city, with compulsory well-selected New Year's gifts. All this was done, of course, for free, through the trade unions of the Leninsky factory, where Mom worked.

We lived then, naturally, very modestly, without excesses in clothes and nutrition, but they did not go and were not hungry. And the Oka River, the Stadium and the Switzerland Park, which were near, was not allowed to bored. And for a teenager of that wonderful time, everything was open: libraries, many different circles and sports sections. Go wherever you want! And I walked - in the Children's library named after Sasha Chekalin on the new village, at the bath, and then in adult, the name of this year. Shevchenko on Karavahah, in the art studio of Krinnis club on the old village. My friend, Hweak Borovkov, except for her, began to engage in the brass, and at the end of the secondary school finished our conservatory in the Goba class. I was more attracted by the sport. Fortunately, Radii Stadium, and then "Energy", was under the side. Therefore, skates, skiing, hockey, football, and later the towns occupied me in the hours of leisure. Everywhere only desire was required. There were no other obstacles. I could not be anything about any money and speeches: everything was provided for free. The choice of such classes was extremely wide. Once we, the group of Maizinsky guys, wanted to do boxing. And what? Let's go to the house of officers, where the coach of DPO "Spartak", a master of sports on boxing N.M. Bataline without conversations recorded us all.

The same unlimited possibilities were discovered for study after high school: Go to any university, at any school in any city. I remember how the reception commission was happy in the medical institute, where I filed documents: I lacked the guys! At the same time, I went to Leningrad at the military registration and enlistment office at the Military Faculty of the Lesgaft Institute, who was preparing the Nachfis preparation of the regiment.

B.C. By the way, along with the book "Motherland of Startsev", in January 2012, I saw the light and other work - "Balcius - the Greeting Dynasty", which caused a lot of interest in both veterans and sports lovers, and in general, readers are not indifferent to domestic history. There was several factors at once - and the fact that the book was written a talented publicist, and the fact that the author himself is a master of sports on the towns, well, and mainly that it is told about one of the oldest games of our ancestors, which is in today's Russia is clearly not in Favor. But the towns can be called a Russian national game? No wonder you once from many opportunities to play sports chose it.

V.Ts. Living in the house behind the fence of the stadium, it is impossible to be protected from sports. And I was engaged in many of his kinds - skates, skis, football, hockey, table tennis and somehow imperceptibly addicted to the towns. Initially, as a viewer, sitting on a high fence and watching the game of civiced: We actively acted in Mode, the Section of the Greeting Sports headed by his enthusiast - Viktor Alekseevich Zakharov, the termist of the 4th plant of the Lenin Plant, that is, the current Notea. He and his colleagues hardened the details and parts of equipment equipment, such as punches, matrices, cutters, etc. Therefore, Vitu, the whole of Miz knew on his famous nicknamed "Kalila". Yes, and called. So I watched from above, as he and his comrades in the section deftly knocked out the figures from five towns. Of course, I knew well in the identity of all civilians, like fifteen figures, in the assignment of which they regularly trained. And so, having walked off the characteristic knock of the city bits, I immediately fled to the courts from our street, climbed on the fence and, without breaking down, followed the game. Sometimes, with a particularly unsuccessful throw, I was driven by as an imaginary culprit of a breakdown: it was necessary to recoup on someone! And more often did not touch. As a viewer-frequenter, I knew perfectly where the towns were hidden. Sticks, of course, did not get: they were carried with themselves to the locker room, where they were stored. So gradually I learned about the individual bits design. As - in no way, most of the civic trains are Vitya Zakharov, Pavel Telepenin, Kolya Kudelkin, Ivan Peasmen, Yura Novikov and others - were masters of sports. And when they left, my time began, stimulated by the impression of the game of masters. Threw than got, that is, all that can be used instead of bits. Only the towns, although not new, were real. And so continued for a long time. And in winter, and summer. Occasionally, I trusted to head the junior team, which was gained at a one-time event from peer-football players. In the end, I reached the real bit, which I bought for three rubles from Nikolai Semenovich Kudelkin. And after some time, he began to compete with masters, for which I was immediately included in the team.

The title of "Master of Sports of the USSR" I was fulfilled in Murom in August 1966, having won the All-Union Personal Competitions on the Hero Soviet Union N.F. with a big advantage. Gastello. They were organized by DPO Lokomotiv. According to the following rules, it was necessary to master the norm of the wizard twice to the main competitions. Therefore I had to successfully prevent

The All-Union Tournament fulfilling the norm of the Master of Sports on the championships of the city and the Gorky railway, where the cities were well developed and the cities of Lokomotiv had actively operated, which had several sites. One of them was even in the locomotive depot of Gorky-Moscow station near the Moscow railway station.

For me personally, the towns have always been not just a sport, but an element of Russian national culture that determined the skill and delets of a person. Therefore, traces of the people's game are lost in the centuries of gray-haired antiquity and it is not in vain more interested in the Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. That was why she was so mass and loved everywhere among other moving games of the Russian people.

Since 1923, the towns have become an official sport with a qualifying standard, the number and view of the figures, as well as a specifically defined platform, that is, squares for towns and "horse" and "half-one" for their knife. Since 1928, the towns have been the indispensable participants of all the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR with testimile glasses for teams of participants. All the 50s before the 80s, the custody was in continuous development and achievements: a metallic coating of civilian squares appeared, the asphalting of the racks was complicated and the workshops of the bits were improved, where gram weights and millimeters of their centering were captured.

By the way, abroad, let's say, in Finland, Sweden and other countries of the world, to such national treasures, as our towns, are extremely careful. In recent years, with the fall in the mass of sports and the authority of its organizational state-public structures, completely irresponsible figures have appeared, not burdened by any historical memory, which believe that with the towns you can do everything that they are pleased. From here, almost every day is changing the rules, some three- and eight-marched towns are imposed, which neither sport nor the Russian folk play is imposed, the role of the judiciary. In addition, some unification imposes with the same perseverance and perseverance, that is, the limit of the weight of the bit to funny. For example, up to two kilograms. As a result, it turns out that from those committed and technically complex bits to which the masters, together with their beloved sports, we walked for decades, should be back to the original frontier. To ordinary sticks who played inexperienced lovers in any holiday home or cultural park. The only thing, they will not be birch or oak, but some polymer. That's right one of the leading custody of the country - A.V. Humpback from the Tomsk region - called it "return to the caveman". It looks very similar that our pseudo-connotists are not all right with your head.

These are these and many other issues of giving up and reveals my book against the background of the story of the famous Nizhny Novgorod dynasty of the malls, which I perfectly knew personally. The first reviews about the book of clook people say that it is successful and really needed. In any case, the civilian sport did not know such a complete and large volume of serious publication. One thing is already happy.

B.C. What prompted you to study the life and creativity of Vladimir Mayakovsky? Apparently, this is also a consequence of deep interest in general to domestic history. Or you, as a law professional, first of all interested in the fact of the mysterious death of Vladimir Vladimirovich? Still, many, as then, and now, did not adopt the well-known version of the suicide of the poet. In his book "The price of love is death," according to which one scientist said to me: "I thought I knew everything about Mayakovsky. Now I understand that I didn't know anything, "you, referring to many sources, is argued proving that it was a murder.

V.Ts. My interest in the great Soviet poet arose somehow randomly during study in the middle evening-replacement school number 23, which is on Bettov Street. It was about 1965. We just studied his work. I remember, the most famous poem about the Soviet passport was analyzed. It happened here, I would say an unexpected discovery, the comprehension of the poet and his creativity, where Lydia Afanasyevna, a beautiful and thoughtful teacher, an expert on domestic literature played a considerable role. Then there were many such teachers. From this time, I began to collect the books of the Great Poet, the most famous collection of his writings. Then there were already several and different. The works of Mayakovsky entailed a completely natural interest in his personality, and therefore, to the biography, which was extremely interesting. Therefore, leaving for service business trips at work, I was everywhere where I had to "checked" shops for any memories of the poet. Therefore, now, many years later, I remember well where and what book I discovered and purchased. For example, the album of photographs L.F. Volokov-Lannita "Visu Mayakovsky" - in Alatyra; Memories of the Georgian Prince Bebutova "Reflection" - at the Udmurt station Balezino ...

Mayakovsky generally stands by a mansion in the Russian Soviet literature, who has been literally literally legendary glory in contemporaries. And it is never born in scratch and water. All fame served everything - and a mighty high figure, and beautiful appearance, and voice, and erudition, and phenomenal memory, and a grand poetic and organizational talent, and a lightning sprinkler of an unsurpassed controversy. Mayakovsky, artist on education, was also criticized, and a magnificent publicist. Its American notes are equally topical and decades later. But the main thing in it, which was especially emphasized by the contemporary of the poet Austrian Gugo Guppert, was moral purity, which was cleared and entered all who in contact with him. There were no literary premiums and other differences. They replaced the encouraging word of Mayakovsky. His praise, attention and support.

So I came to the systematization of biographical materials about a great poet, alphabets with sections - "Trips", "Speeches", "Growth", "Eyes", etc., etc.

So close interest in the poet shoved me with his Yarym admirer and propagandist, engineer of "Civilizer" B.C. Kuznetsov. For many years, we talked for many years, together went to Moscow to the big anniversaries of the poet, where I met the American daughter Vladimir Vladimirovich - Helen Patricia Thompson and her adult son - Roger, a lawyer by profession. She is very similar to Mayakovsky outwardly and called himself only by Elena Vladimirovna.

But I especially get to know the acquaintance and friendship with one of the deepest researchers of the last period of the poet's life, his interesting biographer and a talented Moscow journalist, the author of the unique book "The Mystery of Mayakovsky" (1998) V.I. Sorry. We actively corresponded with Valentin Ivanovich almost three years (from July 1990 to April 1993), more than once they met in Moscow on his apartment, on the upper Maslovka, near the Dynamo stadium, at the Novodevichy Cemetery, and in the Cook, and In the GMM in the Lubyan passage. Useful interconnecting communication continued until the unexpected and clearly premature death of Svatina. How close was communication, says the fact that Valentin Ivanovich involved me as a researcher in the poet's biography, in the reference office of his book, and did not see the light during the life of the author. We were like-minded and were convinced that Mayakovsky was killed. And enough for us on this expense of all Ekivokes. We must speak directly and only about the murder of the Great Poet, how wonderfully made admirers

S.A. Yesenin, evidence "dealt" with his official biographer Yuri Procusushev, insisted on suicide. By the way, the massacre of the Russian poets of that time can not be disturbed. It is enough to say that the Trootskistami with their anti-Soviet opposition, covered by their sinister tentacles the whole country, was criminal shot only at once at once sixteen (!!!) peasant poets! .. The names are well known.

My humble book, like the "Beautiful Doll of Trotsky" - this is a small, but still an accusatory act of that sealing time of the arbitrariness of the anti-Soviet Trotskyist opposition - a real culprit of mass repression and the atmosphere of fear in our country, and she never was afraid of innocent blood sufferers with their hands.

B.C. In correspondence between you and V.I. You sooned with each other thought only about the biography of Mayakovsky, or did the issues of the modern history of Russia, in general, generally political situation in the USSR?

Connected by bricks and their adherents of suicide of the poet could be only many new ones, and not slaughtered evidence that it would be impossible to ignore Nickname, thanks to their authority and experience, meticulous eater and exceptional, I would say, uncompromising professional good faith, did it simply on this path incredible. It is not by chance that in this regard, Professor Albert Todd from New York involuntarily summed up: "An outstanding work done by the Russian explorer Valentin Sorry, forces a new one to look at the version of the Mayakovsky suicide ..." This led me into a paper passage, 4, Moscow, where the editorial board was located. We introduced our Nizhny Novgorod-Gorkyan, headed by the department of Valentin Alekseevich Kuznetsov, who published the materials of Svietin. His sensational exposure findings pretty rebounded the entire numerous and influential camp of supporters of the briks. In fact, it was a whole epic of the crash of a huge stratum as it were, once again I repeat, legalized lies, diligently covered with a "textbook gloss" and a mass of dubious prohibitions. Therefore, the main thing is that the supporters of the GEAPE family of the Brikov did, surrounded by which the group of professional killers of the head of the RUSS General A.P. was among the close connections. Kutepov, it was stubbornly silent as the name of the researcher and the results of his stunning discoveries. In contrasts, they organized many publications in various media - newspapers, magazines, etc. - materials insist on the suicide of Mayakovsky and praise BRICS, especially Lily Yuryevna, the neborn Lily Turning Kagan. Direct participation and personal interest in the physical elimination of the Great Soviet poet of the right hand of the Odius Chairman of the OGPU G. E berries - Yankel Sheveleva-Shmaeva-Agromov, the bloody executioner of the Russian people, on the rehabilitation of which is not talking about today, even at today's legal lawlessness, almost made . Briquid wife and heiress of all Literary Labor Liskovsky with the appointment of a solid life pension with a special decree of SNK RSFSR from 1930. This is a completely unscrupulous treachery was done with the live and present, and not by the imaginary husband, Osipa Maximovich (Meyerovich) Brick, who was cutlessly turned off as a free app to the numerous husbands of his taste of his belch, completely dividing its intricate life moves. In essence, they were carried out together according to a single carefully thought-out and sophisticated plan of sophisticated chairs. Not in vain the Lileka so sincerely crushed only about the wasp, which had passed well in 1945. Other "husbands", as a person and spouse, simply did not interest her. And with the axes, as Lilya was expressed, he died allegedly and she herself. True, this death was very tightened in time and occurred much later after the beloved and only legitimate man of the Blica axis. And the leafer even hurried her, ending with him at the age of 88.

Despite these shocking normal human circumstances, Zano to protect such an unfair and unnatural historical "alignment", arranged unlimited the possibilities of the execution of the execution of the executioner from OGPU Agromov, as always rushed by the Bricovskaya "Guard" of conjugurities. It was worth appearing the first "Mayakovsky" publications of Sprinkle in the "journalist", as everything immediately rushed ... In 1989, the Magazine "Theater" begins to publish the Paskvilnik Yu.A. Karabchievsky "Resurrection of Mayakovsky", first published in 1985 in Munich. And in 1990, it urgently produces a prestigious "Soviet writer" in our country in the form of a small scribble.

On June 18 of the same year, Yuri Arkadyevich from 22.15 to 22.35 in the evening participates in the artificial skirmish-Potashka on the 1st CT channel in the TV shows "Scales" called "again about Mayakovsky" with a mastyt and in addition to the official biographer of the poet A.A. Mikhailov. The final she was assumed to convince the viewers in the uncertainty of suicide Vladimir Vladimirovich, which was made with false opponents.

By the way, the suicide apologue of Mayakovsky Karabchievsky was so born in his role as a connoisseur of the death of a great poet, which, having rolling into Israel, a little extended his stay there, and returned to the country, like Lily Bric, committed suicide.

All in the same 1990, the TASS journalist Elena Bernasconi was involved in the case, published its first material about Mayakovsky in the magazine "Echo of the Planet", №18. The topic lasted until 1993 under the flag "Mayakovsky. Love story". The final material was in the 9th issue of "Echo Planet" for February 27 - March 5, 1993.

B.C. You can quote from letters from letters some important, in your opinion, statements, observations, maybe even caution?

"According to the" drawer ", they say, the transfer flashed. In the center of this program, as I was told, there was this Jewish from the Tassovsky magazine Bernasconi! That's what a Jewish grip! Learn. One material (Babich) prepared for printing as a editor. Then wrote itself. "Echo of the Planets" (№31 / 32?). And what do you think? She is already acting as the largest Mayakovsky specialist! It's funny all this. "

But except E. Bernasconi and Yu. Karabchievsky with A.A. Mikhailov, others began to work for the urgent disavowance of the accusatory results of the journalistic search for journalistic: Suspiciously intensified Slavist from Sweden B. Yangfeldt, I often had an adminizer of Brikov from Kazakhstan to Moscow. The virtue of the virtue of the elderly, but still living V.V. Polonskaya is the main witness of the suicide of the poet, who shot himself almost in her eyes. Vitoldovna Vitoldovna's name with indispensable stories about the suicide poet was sleeping on the periodical. And then, K. Kedrov from Izvestia, V. Radzishevsky from the "Literary Newspaper", L. Kalodov, 3. Boguslavskaya ... Even famous specialist in A.N. Tolstoy - Philologist V.I. Baranov who has changed the Nizhny Novgorod residence in Moscow. Moreover, Vadim Ilyich managed to somehow please not anyone, on the Moscow backyards, and directly to the famous "house on the embankment", glorified by Y. Trifonov.

So, the raylutin establishes some new previously unknown stunning facts of Mayakovsky's biography, pulling the perpetrators of his death, and silence, silence, diving on the radio and television of the partially given "Guard" of the refuted facts led by A. Mikhailov. They once again insist on the suicide of the poet, in every way the name of the exhaust journalist who disturbed their calm life.

I must say that the "creative" thought of the "Guards" worked fine. In addition to personal allegations, some controversial expertises like the "psycholinguistic" regarding the suicide note of Mayakovsky, or not known experts such as A. Maslov appeared in relation to the "psycholinguistic". Presented him with a magnificent as an excellent forensic examination, associate professor of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov. More interestingly, the material appeared in the "LG" and reprinted on January 15, 1992 "Nizhny Novgorod news". He was called "As Mayakovsky killed", his remarkable heading was reading - "point over I", and an unambiguous summary led the subtitle: "The dispute is completed by experts."

However, A. Maslov, whom Sorietin called just a "shooting sleeve", was failed to complete. For colorful imaging, he turned out to be an ordinary neighbor of Brikov, who lived with them in the same house for a whole thirty years.

The traveler was obvious, and any conclusions of such an "expert" are doubtful.

Therefore, the topic of our correspondence was built mainly on the biographies of the Great Poet, since comments asked themselves from the behavior of unfair opponents. Valentin Ivanovich also wrote about constant unhealthy interest in his investigation of the famous Moscow journalist Lion Lion, who tried to learn about the plans and finds of the biographer. Snorietin sincerely crushed her book about the poet with the publication.

Occasionally Valentin Ivanovich concerned about the political life. Basically, glimpse. So he lied with bitterness then on the scene of Shwichina, calling him a real last name - Shayhet. He, in my opinion, became Minister of Labor or aims in Yeltsin. "In a word, to bend to you under the severity of taxes, and we will be in poverty, while Monsieur Yeltsin will be surrounded by this Shantrapoy ...", - wrote to me on September 29-30, 1991.

Shortly before that, on September 15, he crushed: "The democratic pogrom in Paritarhivakh complicated the situation, pushed his work with the main materials about the poet. Have to start from scratch. I do not lose hope. "

And in the spring of the same year, or rather 10 May, Valentin Ivanovich asked me, at the same time rejuvenated:

"Youth" №2 saw? There, Boguslavskaya (wife of the poet Andrei Voznesensky - V.Ts.) So much disinformation threw ... Why do they pushing such "humpbones"? Confused only. Or troubled your head consciously?

Makarov went underground. I think forever. "

In the same letter, the spring reported other current news:

"Veronika Witoldovna called the other day. Already after the transfer. Milo talked. Congratulated her, wished health, mood. They agreed (at once!) On the meeting. (I'm going! ..) But as it comes out, I do not know. And with everything, it is not a word about publications in the "journalist", and I have a word about her speech on the radio of Russia. Like this. Neither peace nor war. Strange situation. Curious ... "

Early spring, March 11, the same 1991 Valentin Ivanovich told me an extraordinary case from the life of the "Democratic" Moscow:

".... Deputy Yu.P. Vlasova (the famous athlete, the Olympic champion, journalist - V.Ts.) (my long-time acquaintance) disappeared from the apartments rare ("old") books concerning the OGPU, other materials and its own diary records. Moreover, he said that his "Hatu" and earlier visited the geneticists, got acquainted with the materials, but did not touch anything. Now they went to "chaos."

B.C. I remember those years with the shudder. The end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s appeared to the gangster chaos both from the criminals and from the state itself, by those who captured power in it. It seems that everything is the lowest and insignificant appeared in the world to rush it, humiliate, destroy. But the confidence of all was a cynical betrayal, the public meanness of those who are now "outstanding cultural figures." They are awarded the most higher orders of the country, state prizes.

V.Ts. Yes you are right. But I still continue quoting letters of fristern, because it seems to me that his thoughts, comments, premonitions are very important for the true understanding of the processes occurring in our country today. The lines of letters were not always visible was the heavy artificially created atmosphere, in which a journalist worked, but sometimes she still broke out when he wanted to somehow discharge from nervous tension. May 2, 1991 he wrote to me:

"Restricted all contacts. According to the book there will be a lot of technical work. ... But still. Random meetings in the editorial board are occurring. Again, this worship flew to me - Kim Israelich Lyaso. Names me not otherwise, as the successor of the case of Kohloscova. I explained this creatine to this creatine that my version is essentially diverted with Koloskovskaya ... "," ... I do not blame anything in anything, I just restore events. And if recreated events are briquettes in an unsightly light, then there is no guilt in it. About his good name was to take care of the bricks himself, and not to Kim Israel ... "

All the same Kim Israelich, coming somehow in the GMM, brought the director of the Museum Svetlana Stregging to such a state that she had all the unfamiliar and pale jumped out of his own office, leaving there aggressive from the evils of the briquette.

"Lyasco is a petty man," a little later wrote to me, "and you undoubtedly right. You should not join him in disputes. For the family L.Yu. Brick he is ready to scratch his eyes. Evil, aggressive, irreasonable. Straight chain! "

Of course, our correspondence could not get around the daughter and grandson of the Grand Soviet poet:

"With Patricia, naturally, I met. On the finish itself, that is, on the day before the departure took it to the initiative in his hands, - wrote Sororutin on September 25, 1991. - I snatched her from the hands of "admirers", all sorts of clubs and teapots, broke along with her to the Cabinet of Strizhneva and started the "interview". Then he himself could not fight back from her. The whole further scenario (her conversation with representatives of the Culture Foundation, a sauna girl from gas. "Labor", tea drinking, a trip to the embassy for passports, etc.) was broken. Museum ladies veiled from indignation. But they did it, honestly, with a sympathy to me. Patricia became interested in our conversation. Agreed to continue this "Interview" in October. Like this".

With Valentin Ivanovich, we had a very interesting combination of knowledge and interests in Mayakovsky. For example, by acquaintance of the poet with TA Yakovlev in Paris we had different points of view. He believed that Tatyana was slipped by the younger sister of L. Bric Elsa Tyole, successfully married to the French communist writer Louis Aragon, who settled in Paris. According to Rightsina, she was afraid, as if Mayakovsky had no father's feelings at the meeting in Nice Ellie Jones with a little Patricia. It was 1928. I believed that the meeting of the poet with Tatiana Yakovleva in France is in no way connected with tri-ole. She, on the contrary, was very wary of this story and hostile to Tanya. More than once we mutually exchanged sources of searches. For example, I helped clarify the installation data from Zori Volovich, who participated in the abduction of the general

A.P. Kutepov in France. In turn, Valentin Ivanovich helped to navigate in Moscow instances and organizations. So he wrote to me on October 18, 1991 on Tsagali:

"Collected. "Description Document, Materials" was released in 2 "volumes". ... should have come out and sh is. But, as far as I know, is not ready yet. You can clarify this in someone. Abroski ("Friends" with V.V. Kathanyan!). She serves in Tsgali. Trying not to release materials from your paws. And now, by the way, prepares inventory archives L.Yu. Brick and V.A. Catanian. Refers to this family with a large pitue. Feeds on publications. Vasya provided her to participate in the Tripter, who is preparing in Goslitisdat under the leadership of A. Mikhailov ... With the blessing, Vasi took it to the team to prepare for the publication of Correspondence L. Bric - E. Tyol. Clear? Who is friends with V.V. Kathanyn and Bogatvory L.Yu. Without a piece will not remain. This Abroskin (I call her Barboskina!) Made a disgusting impression ... "

B.C. You can tell you more about the cooperation of Valentina Ivanovich with the Mayakovsky museum in Moscow?

V.Ts. In the correspondence for quite understandable reasons, the State Museum of V.V. was mentioned more than once. Mayakovsky (GMM). Along August 1, 1992 was not without him:

"MA Nemirova pissed and silent. Condemns, according to rumors, me. He says that, they say, the raylutin is not good with the township. Her supporters in the museum are talking to me through the teeth. They offended that I did not bring this thing to them, did not consult that and how I wrote. Bad I am a man! So many specialists in Mayakovsky in the museum, and a certain shooter ignores them. "

MA Nemirova - Deputy Director of the GMM in Science is repeatedly mentioned by Valentin Ivanovich in this letter: "I've already. Patricia, alleged, insists that the comments on the diary records of her mother made Muz Nemirov. Imagine these comments! Poor Mayakovsky! 60 years have passed after his death, and passions do not subside. There are no bricks, but they live them! .. "

"Right Mikhailov Al. Al. (The journalist called him no other than the head of the "destructive forces"! - V.Ts.). Silently celebrated the 70th anniversary in January 1992 ... and attached. And yet the museum "ladies" dance in front of him. How, the breadwinner! Under his editorial board, "Huddit" was preparing 3-Domnik memories. The ladies fussed in all. Raised all museum funds ... But I do not trust them. After all, they will go to all for the sake of profit. Make any bills without reservations. " "... Mayakovsky - the quantity, by which you will not pass in any way. This is undoubtedly a phenomenon. April 14 passed unnoticed. The museum cook dinners, discuss their internal news, weave intrigue. Mayakovsky, as they say, with them. Prepare duty publications for the anniversary (small and big) dates ... In short, everyone subordinate to their interests ... "

Separate letters of Svatina talked about a complex setting and literary life in the capital of the abundant time of coups, collapse and disorganization:

"Panorama Publishing House (formerly" Planet ") somehow very sluggish offered me to publish the book from them. But, first, I have not been unleashed with "mg", but, secondly, 1.5 thousand was thrown over the printed list. Funny! Sent them carefully ... Tired of poverty! Amazing country. I do not put work in the penny, "Valentin Ivanovich was outraged in a letter dated August 26, 1992.

In the same letter, he mentioned his buddy Vladimir Dyadicheva, telling that he was "... to continue. Posted by almost 1.5 furnace. Sheet about briquettes and Mayakovsky. The reason was the way out, in our country, the books of Yangfeldt "Love is the heart of everything." I read. Gave the advice of some. He agreed. Now care: where to arrange? "Moscow" refuses. "Our contemporary" turns his nose. Stas Kunyayev, as you know, is preserved in Yesenin. The "mg" sits illiterate ... Khatyushin, who brought himself a poet ... in a word, gave advice to Dyadichev, to write a book. The conditional name "Life after death". Even the topics of individual chapters came up with him. The book about what happened to the poet's biography after his death, which struggle turned around Mayakovsky. Any resolutions of the leaders, decree of the Central Committee, Shares of Brikov, Letters Simonov in the Central Committee, Museum Museum, Publications of Vorontsov and Koloskova, the epic with the "lightkovskaya" publications of Mayakovsky. Many interesting things can be told about how the story of our literature has written. "

"We are working now, as they say, according to the" first row, "- Valentin Ivanovich wrote on September 8, 1992, - and there are other memoirists. Of course, they, these memoirists, can not give expanded, or rather, a detailed portrait. But, as a rule, curious details are detected in such memories. "

These thoughts, apparently, have occupied him more than once: "We are wearing a judgment already from the top of the century," wrote Sororutin on November 30, 1992. - Much cleared up, exposed. We are concerned with already bare wires. And we, it became clear to us. Of course, not because of a woman! And not "suicide for political motifs"! Most likely, murder on political reasons! "

Even earlier, February 17, 1992, he touched upon the theme of the death of the poet, referring to A.A. Ahmatov: "... Isn't it funny to shoot because of the young actress? Akhmatova is still wise. She said: "It can not be that because of the women when they were at the same time so much ..."

Correctly said!

I am Polonskaya and I do not believe myself. Rather, I do not really believe. But I also think. Maybe it is involved. Maybe passively involved ... "

By the way, it is interesting and one more earlier mention. Polonskaya in a letter dated September 1 of the same 1992:

"Worked at the Muta Museum. ... Polon's personal business did not give. Beat-beat. But ... the hypocrisy is solid. Like, we have no right. Man alive. And suddenly ... etc. managed to see the journal. Rehearsals of the play "Our youth". And what? It turns out, V.V. (14th rehearsal was canceled) calmly, as if nothing had happened, went to the rehearsal 15, 16, (17th went with Janishin to the investigator on N. Basmanny, there was no rehearsal), 18, 19, 21, 22 April etc.

What is it? Cynicism? Divinelessness? Related? Let not a husband, even if not loved, but a close man shot himself! How so?!

I can not understand this! "

"Vova Makarov (you need to know about it) - Comanor Vorontsova, Kolosov. At one time, he brought Polon's Museum and led her interrogations. Bricks frightened to him K. Simonov. In short. Vova "seized" from the museum and seem to be from the turnover too. But he knows something and, naturally, can tell about it. "

By the end of the correspondence, Valentine Ivanovich's letter became alarming. He reported that L. Deep is very interested in the results of the journalistic search, calls, asks. Then, apparently, because of some concerns, he wrote somehow about the desire to replace the apartment door to the iron. Carefully tracking the reaction to its publications, Svatin after another publication wrote to me on September 8, 1992:

"There is no reaction to the publication. Jews are silent. Their press is also. Katanyan drank. Yangfeldt stunned. Currency took a swivel. Remember: before - they reacted. Sluggishly, unconvincing. But still ... And now - quiet. Does not stick and some kind of cedars from Izvestia. So that all this meant? How do order to understand this mysterious silence? Strange! "

However, there was nothing strange. Everything went as a woman, and by the end of Correspondence Valentin Ivanovich wrote with all the frankness: "... the pressure of Zionism increases with every day. I already, apparently, surrounded by red flags ... "

So be distracted from the main topic, in general, it was no time. Yes, and the drama of what is happening in the country and, in particular, the events did not contribute to this. Termination of correspondence caused anxiety. Only after a while I learned about the unexpected death of the fruit, an excellent person and a journalist. He was not old. From here and its cone is a lot of questions. Therefore, I am happy that I was friends with him and that Valentin Ivanovich included in his book "The Mystery of the Death of Mayakovsky" several of my facts, and the name is to its reference apparatus.

B.C. Three your books - "Revenge of Khrushchev", "Beautiful Doll Trotsky", "Orthodox Leader" - one way or another, are devoted to the life and activities of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, who goverd by our country in the Postalea. In their books, you share the views of his supporters. What is this historical figure mean?

V.Ts. First, I am happy that I was a contemporary of the Great Soviet leader and was a witness and a member of the National Mark of March 1953, which is impossible to be energized from human memory and, in particular. Secondly, I. V. Stalin is the Creator of the Epoch of Creators and the winners who lived only by the interests of the country and the simple people. He is better than anyone, he showed in practice the inexhaustible and unlimited possibilities of Russia on the taming of any planetary evil, the source of which is obviously known and openedly indicated by another outstanding Russian patriots - S.A. Nilus, I.A. Ilyin, A.S. Shmakov and others. All attempts to trust I.V. Stalin and his life feat of our consciousness are in vain. They are not new in Russian history. It just always goes to those who most faithfully served Russia. But "go" from pseudoistorics and pseudoistory, the future fate of which is unquosable. From responsibility, none of them will take away. And thirdly. I personally owed I.V. Stalin's birth. I was born in 1946, and ten years before that, he banned abortions in the USSR. For them, criminal liability was established for them. So, if not the leader, I could not be born. How can I not thank him?! ..

Here with these positions of grateful memory to the great person and the three of my books about the leaders have been made. They are designed to dispel that slander, in which they try to drown his name. However, better I.V. Stalin, who said: "The truth is guarded by the battalions of lies", perhaps it is impossible to express. An example of the unfaithful Trotskyist Khrushchev in this regard is very indicative. However, he tried to thicken black paints in his unsubstantiated substrate report on February 25, 1956, there was nothing left of him, except for the personal shame of a slander, which today we will not hear any good word. In a subulsion report against I.V. Stalin did not find a single truthful fact! Probably, it was not for nothing that he did not find a place and in the resolution of the XX Congress, where the leader's name was not mentioned at all. To us, playing on our gullibility, constantly, for many years he was told about the exposure, about the cult. In another book, I sought to show a difficult preimary atmosphere in the USSR, in which the huge anti-Soviet Trotsky's conspiracy was ready to imagine the country into a terrible chaos and suffering. I.V. Stalin is strongly presets of these excuses, himself all the time being in mortal danger.

To the great of my joy now there is one for another excellent bona fide books about the Soviet leader. But this spontaneous "Stalinian" clearly lacked one more. Fill the gap and tried the book "Orthodox Chief", which I consider my main work. Numerous excited and touched reviews about her readers only convince that he was undertaken in vain.

B.C. In general, can you give some assessment of today's patriotic movement? Honestly, I would have been the impression that I did not become a serious expressant of folk feelings. What is the case here? Did not find a truly talented organizer, able to unite people, sincerely worried about the future of their country, offended for the crop of her past?

V.Ts. Many years ago, in my opinion, in the 90s, I had to speak with this topic. I marked it then specifically definitely: "Patriotic movement is doomed to disagreement." And now I adhere to the same look. Why? If you look at our patriots from the side, the eye will be charged from their multirud and diversity. Many such "patriots", unfortunately, really do not know the stories of their glorious Fatherland and its outstanding personalities. We have the communists, and Orthodox, and pagans, and many others are all patriots. Some do not tolerate Orthodoxy, others - communism, the third is something else ... for example, an honest and well-known modern scientist R.I. Kosolapov, which made a lot of further development and publication of Labor I.V. Stalin, can condescendingly to respond about the holy and great state owner by Emperor Nicolae the second, refusing to him in all the advantages. At the same time, Richard Ivanovich prevents understanding that Russia during the last reign was on top of its pre-revolutionary achievements literally in all areas. Right eclipse some kind!

How to fight with Orthodoxy when patriotism is an integral part of the Orthodox worldview of the Russian person? After all, our patristic faith is a powerful uncomfortable foundation of Russian statehood. So it was for centuries. This is primarily necessary to think about any person who considers himself a patriot of Russia.

  1. C. A separate topic is your historical studies of the life and activities of the Holy Russian Orthodox Church. This, in fact, is devoted and your last book. And before that, you can remember the "new friend" and a number of other works.

V.Ts. Russian history, a genuine presentation of which briefly proposed our outstanding contemporary, Metropolitan John (Snychyov) in his famous work of the "autocracy of the Spirit" until the end is not open. For us to some extent, it is known, of course, incompletely, a thousand years of official Russian history. Genial M.V. Lomonosov added a few thousand years to her and was right. But the famous history of Russia is extremely interesting and rich in such facts and events that will not leave anyone indifferent. With this, I started to speak, and then the book "Russian Valor" was born, the first edition of which was held in 2005. True, I was limited in the volume by defining a very modest number of pages. In fact, this topic is immense. However, she is intriguing. She makes it be proud of his native grazing, love her before selflessness. Therefore, it is not by chance that in our unfavorable time for publications, the "Russian valor" time has already passed four editions.

Nizhny Novgorod February 2012

It is very joyful that recently paid by me "Russian People's Republic" recently paid the attention of the remarkable historical personality of the bright prince George Alexandrovich Georgian, the creator of the Nizhny Novgorod folk militia of 1812 against Napoleon and for thirty years of the provincial leader of the nobility. In the first material "Right from the Bible » Famous publicist Sergey Skatov spoke about participationNizhny Novgorod branch "Russian Assembly" in celebrations on the day of memory of Prince George Georgian - May 28 of this inlyskovo city of Nizhny Novgorod region (once generic estate prince). Then in the article "About Prince Georgian silence the word! » Irina Vysotsky,the director of the Nizhny Novgorod Charitable Foundation "Messenat", my long-term publisher, gave the reward to the "crushing" review of my book "From the Rod Davidov", dedicated to the prince, from the philosopher and deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of two convocations from the Russian Federation N. Benedictova ... The author of the review sees in Prince Georgy by the Georgian typical royal landlord of the landlord - "self-director," and if it was done by something in life in life, it was"Sleeping fault."

As a filling and author-compiler of the book "From the genus David", tooi will not resist from several replicas about the Review of the doctor of the Philosophical Sciences of the Communist N. Benedictova.And in conclusion, I offer the prince's life-compiled by me (included in the book). In terms of volume, it is small, but, I think, many "malfunctions" in the biographies of the prince can fill.

But first, a few words about what the figure of the prince of me so excited that the book about him was written and published.

In Lyskov, I am not someone else's person - I lived here in my time as much as 16 years. And I know perfectly well than this district center should be primarily famous. Not beer or apple wine, not sausages or breadmen, but his epochable great people! One of them is to break the bright prince Georgy Alexandrovich Georgian. Once first of all this person and was famous, and was the weight of the small town of Lyskovo, the former village.

About Prince Georgy has long hatched his reasoning, his love for him and a reverent attitude.

With Mother Maria (Kudinova), Schimonachines of the Makarevsky Zhochomodsky Monastery, who later became my spiritual mother, met for a long time, when she just arrived at the will of God to pray to the destroyed monastery, where there was a continuous abundance of launch. We sat with Mother and talked on the banks of the Volga, talked about Prince Georgian.

Mother did not give the people who prince dicked up and purge until now. And she firmly varied deep voice: "It is necessary to state a positive, especially, the dead storms do not have. In addition, he was a zealous prayerman and opened openly, sincerely repent. "And Mother Maria also blessed me to write a book about Prince and expose people talking about lies.

My spiritual father, the famous Moscow writer-theologian Archpriest Mikhail Trukhanov, also called for this, and also gave his blessing.

The prince of Georgia Alexandrovich Georgian, respectable Archimandrite Netary (Marchenko), the abbot of the Orange Mary Men's Monastery, values. And according to his prayer assistance, the book "From the genus Davidov" was published.

About Prince wrote not me alone. A few years ago, for example, the book of the Lyskovsky Lioweda, teachers of the local school A.N. Myasnikova "Prince Georgian and his capital - the village of Lyskovo." On a glittering paper, with color illustrations. Unfortunately, there are so many there, in her book about Prince, dubious beacks, supracted from the finger. However, everything is in the traditions of the Bolshevik formation. The foam emotions of the author of the book overexpose sound logic and often look like rustic women gossip.

Albina Nikolaevna called Prince his "skate", which, therefore, ruthlessly curled, beat on the sides. More than once fought with us (I mean Irina Vysotskaya and myself) and at personal meetings, and through the Lysovskaya newspaper "Volga TRADE". It was offended that we publish books often.

Evil and Envy destroy a person, all the good gives the Lord on prayers to him and the petitions ... regretted that A.N. Myasnikova died suddenly, did not have time to come to church and repent, put the cross and sigh about his mistakes. Homes, Lord, and forgive her soul sin.

Somehow I wrote in verses: "... Communist Chvania Tries Motherland My"!

My native grandfather, the priest John Makarov, - Martyr Solovkov, had happie to communicate with Pavel Florensky and died for the Orthodox faith in Solovetsky Goloque. There I was at one time with my husband a famous Frontovik Fedor Grigorievich Sukhov, who came out of the Rows of the CPSU; Walked in the footsteps of the sufferings of my grandfather. Grandfather My John wrote poems, said bold sermons about the royal power, for which he was executed by the Bolsheviks. Do not give, God, to touch them and have disputes to have, because in disputes with the bootiers, the truth will never achieve, but there will be only confusion and "bradyracy". Where there is no peace, there is no God. God, as you know, is the head of silence.

Mirous philosophy does not give rise to the prophets. The prophets give birth to love and prayer standing for each other.

And again returning to the prince.

The expensive bright prince Georgy Aleksandrovich Georgian constantly and tirelessly read the psalter, the gospel, sang on the pollosy, smarmer to death, declaring himself once in his lifetime for three years. But who is capable of this?! Pride - for nothing. Gordy, the Lord opposes, and the humble grace gives.

And the prosperous grace, from the prince goes, is poured on the lands of Lyskov and Nizhny Novgorod. And I am not indifferent to people mired in the "Fogs of Philosophy":

Sorry, Benediktov Nikolay

The evil is filled through the edge.

Because of the glasses looks like, Hmur,

Prince for him - Prince-Samodor.

Communist evil

A philosopher's log legally

On the shoulders and fell on the chest.

Know is not easy so evil

Carry in the black way

And I should get away from him.

And get up on a white, narrow way,

Yes, and sins with soul shake,

Pray, repent of churches,

Have the Lord's Fear

Altage only good.

It is the love of the Holy Core.

Widowers lept observe

And do not condemn anyone

Moreover, royal blood

High-level people

What was the Georgian Prince.

In it conscience and honor

Shines God's fire

And all that brighter every day.

And the philosophical gray darkness -

What a sample is a liner dog.

Our prince truly mighty,

In it the sun is a wonderful ray,

Kinging all lies to burn.

Amen. What else to say?

Everything is said. Sighs back.

Radin, philosopher, pray.

Dreams are preparing to get up

And drive fogs from the yard!

There is, there is something to think about, who beats his saving path - towards God.

Maria Sukhukova, member of the Nizhny Novgorod branch "Russian Assembly",member of the Russian Writers Union, a valid member of the Academy of Russian Literature and Fine Arts named after G. Derzhavina, Professor

The lives of a brilliant expensive prince Georgie Aleksandrovich Georgian

(Maria Sukhukova - according to the book "From the genus Davidov": Vertical Publishing House, Messenat Charitable Foundation, N.Novgorod, 2013. p. 4-13)

Prince Georgy Aleksandrovich Georgian November 2 (according to a new style on November 15), 1762 in Russia. Its roots emanate from the dominated kings of the Georgian land, leading their own genus from the Old Testament Tsar, the Prophet and the Psalmopevtsa David.

His parents were Tsarevich Alexander Bakarovich and Countess Daria Alexandrovna Menshikov. Grandfather - Georgian King Bakar Vakhtangovich, Praded - Tsar Vakhtang VI. He was brought up with the pious grandmother Anna Georgievna Aragvis-Erystaby.

Georgy received a wonderful education, knew many languages, studied history, geography, artillery, architecture. Constantly read the gospel, the psalter.

At one time, the prince lived in the capital of Russia of the time - in St. Petersburg, where his upbatch was engaged in the aunt Elizabeth Bakarovna, brilliantly educated and deeply believer.

In the young years, Georgy Aleksandrovich also lived in the rich village of the village of Allysvatsky in the palace of his noble relatives. But when the St. Petersburg Highway was held through the village, Prince Georgian Georgy Alexandrovich went to the village of Lyskovo Nizhny Novgorod province, which Georgian princes was granted to the King Peter I back in 1700.

In Lyskov Prince G.A. Georgian lived B. aboutwe have a rest of my life. With his possession, the village of Lyskovo became known as the capital of Prince Georgian. It was famous for the whole world, by the Macarea Fair. In Lyskov, there were more than a thousand houses, good-quality, two-storey, with storage room. Near the Volga is a huge marina where steamboats and barges with bread stayed. A more than a hundred winged mills treated the hills. Various crafts bloomed in the village: leather, pottery, carpentry, carpentry, weaving, lock, tin, blacksmith.

Prince Georgian was a man active, energetic, alive in nature, Orthodox, in fact, the keeper of many shrines: particles of the life-giving cross of the Lord, the Cross of Holy Nina, the Cross of the Holy Prophet of John the Forerunner, the hands of Holy Anastasia Romanni and other shrines, who brought to Russia the prince of Prince.

In Lyskov, Prince Georgian had a rich palace, built by the Rastrelli project, which was surrounded by a huge garden with greenhouses and greenhouses, a picturesque park. Near the palace there were various warehouses, human, stables and kagents.

Living luxurious and richly, the prince did not forget prayers to the Lord. The architectural ensemble, consisting of the beautiful Ascension Church and the four M-shaped buildings around it, is erected on his funds in the center of the village. The ensemble was built in honor of the victory of the Russian army over Napoleon.

The prince tirelessly took care of the life of people, about their well-being. Built the hospital, library. His lackeys were elegant and clean. Prince loved to feed people. He took runaway peasants, soldiers, wanderers, contained beggars and orphans, heated widovers and cripples.

The prince was distinguished by a strict temper, loved the discipline and order, Dilad and Cool punished people of immoral - Tuneev, thieves, charged to someone else's wealth of deceivers, drunks, harmnikov, lords. Sometimes he spoke the court: if necessary -

rutty, or even a fist, so that it was no longer to sin more and others to seduce others.

The prince not only lived money, but also offended them. In the city of Makarev, he had a closure factory, in the village of Neongo - the equestrian plant, and in Lyskov - a distinguished and brewery. With it in Lyskov, there was a browse trade in wax, salt, leather, iron, horses.

On the day of the opening of the fair, the prince came to the Makarev monastery on the twelve harnessed horses, in a ripped, truly royal carriage. Church services led by archimandrite did not begin without it. The Lord himself said that the prince is his worthy chosen one. At his chest, the prince always wore particles of the life-giving Cross of the Lord. The prince did the honor of his fair and his churches.

Prince was a legendary person. Within 30 years, he was elected by the provincial leader of the Nizhny Novgorod nobility. He was read and respected in the most educated circles of Russia.

Following the example of the Nizhny Novgorod older, the Cosma of Minin, he called on the nobles to invest his funds in the militia of 1812, and he himself headed this militia from Nizhny Novgorod.

The prince has a wide charitable monasteries, churches, hospitals, shelters, co-ray houses, at home.

Over the years, the prince became wiser, a powerful, more often confessed and gently rushed and asked for forgiveness from people who offended. Prince loved to hug on the closer. The service in the St. George Church was carried out at the Georgian language. Until the death, he did not have to talk to his native Georgian.

In the deep Orthodox faith, he brought up his children Anna and Ivan, in fact, as the wife of his barbarian Nikolaevna Bakhmetheva, being a painful man, died early. The prince was very crushed when his son Ivan contacted Decembrists. He spoke to his son: "I do not support your quiet."

Anna absorbed the best features of his father. She led a strict monastery lifestyle, was distinguished by the formerly mercy and the gift of charity. As a Countess Tolstoy, Anna gave the shelter in his Moscow Palace in the Nikitsky Boulevard Great Spiritual writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

Prince, feeling the offensive of the black forces to Russia, heartily suffered that society becomes godless and morally patients seeking to rob everything and destroy. He was deeply worried that the Holy Tsarist Rus lost himself, the top was taken by Gordy, and the uncertainty of the supervisory.

In 1999, in the year of the Millennium, the phenomenon of the Iberian icon of the Mother of God, miracles began to occur at the Lyskovskaya Earth.

On the night of November 13, two days before the birth of Prince G.A. Georgian, Elena Viktorovna Maslova, who actively helped in the restoration of the Transfiguration Cathedral, dreams: Some unfamiliar man tells her: "What do you go for me?" Having come to the Cathedral, Elena Viktorovna realized that she was still the case on some rough, stamped with cement stove. With the help of her husband, son and one more woman, she turned the stove. It turned out that it was the tombstone of the prince himself

George Alexandrovich Georgian.

Simultaneously with this miracle on the walls of the temple and on the inside of the dome of the Cathedral of the Cathedral, the images of the saints, angels, before that hidden.

On the eve of the 240th anniversary of its birth and the 150th anniversary of the prince, the prince revealed a new miracle. The evening of his memory was preparing in the noble meeting of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, where the Georgian community was supposed to participate. The Petsenate Charitable Foundation, the initiator of the evening, has developed a postcard about Prince for the publication. But a printed machine suddenly broke, and I had to wait for the master to repair it. With a prayer appeal to the prince, George Alexandrovich the machine was repaired. The organizers of the evening every day they read Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Georgy Victorious, the patron of Prince G.A. Georgian. And the photo with the image of the house, in which the prince lived in Lyskov, was covered with oily spots and bolaciously.

All these phenomena tell us that the Lord himself is famous for his chosen one.

The bright deeded princess Georgie, the moths of God about us, sinful!