Abstract: Ancient Japan. Ancient Japan: culture and customs of the islands

Abstract: Ancient Japan. Ancient Japan: culture and customs of the islands
Abstract: Ancient Japan. Ancient Japan: culture and customs of the islands

Usually under religious beliefs understand the ancient religious practice that is not connected with church hierarchy. This is a set of ideas and actions based on prejudice and superstitions. Although folk beliefs and differ from the temple cult, the relationship between them is obvious. Let us turn, for example, to the ancient cult of the fox, which the Japanese worship from time immemorial.

The deity in the image of the fox, believed the Japanese, had a body and a human mind. Special temples were built in Japan, where people gathered, allegedly possess foxes. Under the rhythmic sounds of the drums and the upholding of priests, parishioners with the "fox in kind" fell into the state of the trance. They believed that this spirit of the fox would instill their strength in them. Therefore, people with "foxes" considered themselves in some ways by sorcerers and visionary, capable of predicting the future.

Wolf has long been worshiped in Japan. He was considered the spirit of Mountains. People asked others to protect the crops and the workers themselves from various misfortunes. Japanese fishermen still ask him about the feeling of a favorable wind.

In some areas of Japan, especially on the coast, already in antiquity local residents worshiped the turtle. Fishermen considered her the deity of the sea, from which their luck depended. Huge turtles off the coast of Japan often came across fishing networks. Fishermen carefully pulled them out, they drove sake and produced back.

In Japan, there also had a peculiar cult of snakes and mollusks. Currently, the Japanese without trembling use them into food, but some types of snakes and mollusks are considered sacred. This is Tanisi, the inhabitants of rivers and ponds. Some scientists suggest that a reverent attitude towards them came to Japan from China. According to legend, in the area of \u200b\u200bAizz, once stood the temple of Vacia Hatiman, at the foot of which were two ponds. If anyone caught Tanisi in them, then at night I heard a voice that demands her return. Sometimes patients specially caught Tanisi to hear the voice of the pond deity and demand for themselves recovery in exchange for the liberation of Tanisi. In old Japanese medical books, it is indicated that Tanisi - good tool from eye diseases. And, on the contrary, there are legends that only one who does not eat them is cured from eye diseases.

Shark (Sama) in Japan in ancient times was considered to be a creature endowed with Divine force, that is, Kami. About shark went various legends. In one of them, it is described that, once a shark bit off a woman's leg. Woman's father in prayers asked the Spirits of the Sea to take revenge on the daughter. After some time, he saw in the sea a large flock shark pursued one predator. The fisherman caught her and found his daughter in her stomach. Fishermen believed that shark could help avoid misfortunes in the sea. According to their beliefs behind the sacred shark, shoals of fish stretched. If the fisherman was lucky to meet her, he returned with a rich catch.

The Japanese also guarded the crab. The amulet made from its dried shell protected from evil spirits and diseases. They said that one day the crabs appeared in the coastal area where no one had ever seen them. Fishermen caught them, dried and hung on the trees. Since then, evil spirits by side bypass these places. Until now, there is a legend that the warriors of Tyra, who suffered a defeat in the war with a clan of Minato, plunged into the sea and turned into crabs. Therefore, in some rural areas, it is believed that the belly of the crab resembles a person's face.

Along with the worship of animals in Japan, the worship of the mountains, mountain sources, stones, trees spread. The Japanese peasant deified nature in his ideas. Contemplation of individual stones, trees caused a true pleasure from the Japanese. Among the trees in the first place was Iva. Japanese Bogwasher merchant Ivu. (Yanagi). Many poets were signed with her since ancient pore, artists depicted on engravings and scrolls. All graceful and elegant Japanese still compare with the branches of Willow. Yanagi Japanese treated trees that brings happiness and good luck. From the willow made wands for food, which used only on the holiday of the New Year.

A great influence on the beliefs of the Japanese rendered to Japan with the mainland of religion. This can be shown by the example of the Kosin Cult.

Kosin (Monkey Year) - the name of one of the years of an old cyclic summer, used in Japan until 1878 (that is, the famous bourgeois reform of Maidzi). This summer consists of repetitive 60-year cycles. Cult Kosin is connected with Taoism, who came from China. Daoists believed that on the night of the New Year, Kosin, inhabiting every person as a kind of mysterious creature leaves him and rises into the sky, where he reports to heavenly Vladyka about sinful affairs. Based on the report, Vladyka can deprive the person of life. Therefore, it was recommended that the nights of Kosin spend without sleep. In Japan, this custom got widespread, gradually choosing elements of Buddhism and Sintoism.

Many deities from Buddhism entered the folk pantheon. Buddhist Holy Dzizo received great popularity. In the courtyard of one temple in Tokyo, his statue was erected, excavated by the straw ropes. If a person kidnapped some values, he tied Dzizo and promised to free it when the disappearance was found.

Researchers as follows classify the ancient folk beliefs of the Japanese:

Production cults (related to agriculture and fishing),
Healing cults (providing curable from diseases),
cults of patronage (aimed at defencing epidemics and other troubles)
The cult keeper of the home hearth (protected from the fire and supporting peace in the family),
cult of good luck and prosperity (giving the acquisition and good of life)
The cult of scaring evil spirits (directed to getting rid of the devils, water, ledges).

Here I would like to especially stop at the tea ceremony (Japanese Town). This ceremony refers to the most distinctive, unique and oldest arts. For several centuries, it plays a significant role in the spiritual and public Life Japanese. Straight - strictly painted ritual, in which the "master of tea" is involved, brewing tea and spilling it, as well as those who are present at the same time and then drink it. The first is a priest, making tea acts, the second participants involved in it. Each has its own behavior style, covering and sent to the seat, and all movements, and the expression of the face, and the Maneru of Speech. Aesthetics pull, his sophisticated ritual is subordinate to the canons of Zen-Buddhism. According to legend, she originates from China since the first patriarch Buddhism Bodhidharma. Once, the legend says, sitting in meditation, Bodhikharma felt his eyes closing and his clone to sleep. Embarging by himself, he pulled the eyelids and threw them to the ground. Soon on that place an unusual bush with juicy leaves rose. Later, the pupils of Bodhikharma began to brew his leaves with hot water - the drink helped them to keep cheerfulness.

In fact, the tea ceremony arose in China long before the appearance of Buddhism. According to sources, Lao Tzu introduced it. It is he in V c. BC, suggested a ritual with a cup of "Golden Elixira". This ritual flourished in China up to the Mongolian invasion. Later, the Chinese brought the ceremony with the "golden elixir" to the simple brewing of the dried tea leaves. In Japan, the art of Taine received its logical conclusion.

It is no secret that the Japanese are now considered pretty strange people: They have a very peculiar culture, music, movies, and indeed everything. After reading the facts from this article, you will understand where the roots of these oddities are growing. It turns out that the Japanese have always been such.

More than two and a century of Japan was a closed country.

In 1600 after a long period of feudal fragmentation and civil warsIn Japan, came to power Tokugava Ieaisu - founder and the first head of Sögunat in Edo. By 1603, he finally completed the Japan's association process and began to rule his "iron hand". Iehasu, like his predecessor, supported trade with other countries, but was very suspicious about foreigners. This led to the fact that in 1624 trade with Spain was completely banned. And in 1635, a decree was released on the prohibition of the Japanese to leave the country's limits and the ban on the banner had already left come back. From 1636, foreigners (Portuguese, subsequently, the Dutch) could be only on the artificial island of Deadzim in the harbor of Nagasaki.

The Japanese were low because they did not eat meat.

From VI to XIX century medium height Japanese men were only 155 cm. It is connected with the fact that it was in the VI century that the Chinese "in neighborhood" shared with the Japanese philosophy of Buddhism. So it is not clear why, but the new worldview had to do with the ruling circles of Japanese society. And especially this part that vegetarianism is the way to rescue the soul and better reincarnation. The meat was completely excluded from the diet of the Japanese and the result did not make himself wait a long time: from vi to XIX century, the average growth of the Japanese decreased by 10 cm.

In the ancient Japan, the trade "night gold" was distributed.

Night gold - phraseology, which means the product of human activity, its faeces used as valuable and balanced fertilizer. In Japan, this practice was used quite widely. Moreover, waste of rich people were sold at a higher price, because their nutrition was abundant and diverse, therefore, in the resulting "product" there remained more nutrients. Different historical documents starting with the 9th century describe in detail the procedures for toilet waste.

Pornography in Japan always flourished.

Sexual topics in Japanese art arose many centuries ago and enter the ancient Japanese myths, among which the most famous - myth about the emergence of Japanese islands as a result of the sexual connection of God idzanagi and Goddess Izanami. In ancient monuments there is no hint of disapproving attacks to sex. "This frankness in the story about sex and literary materials, - writes the Japanese culturanopologist Tosinao Yonyama, "preserved up to our day ... In Japanese culture, there was no primary sin in Japanese culture, as it took place in Christian cultures."

Fishermen in ancient Japan used taught cormorants.

Everything happened something like this: at night, the fishermen went on the boat into the sea and lit torches to attract fish. Further, they produced about a dozen cormorant, which were tied to a boat using a long rope. At the same time, the neck of each bird was slightly intercepted by a flexible collar so that she could not swallow caught fish. As soon as the cormorants gained complete zages, fishermen pulled the birds on the boat. For their work, each bird received a remuneration in the form of a small fish.

In ancient Japan, there was a special form of marriage - Tsumadi.

A full-fledged small family - in the form of a joint residence - in ancient Japan was not a typical form of marriage. Foundation family relationships Compiled a special Japanese marriage - Tsumadoy, in which her husband visited his wife freely, while maintaining, in fact, separate residence with her. For the bulk of the population, the marriage was to achieve the majority: at age 15 for the young man and at 13 - for the girl. The conclusion of marriage assumed the consent of numerous relatives, right up to grandfathers and grandmothers from the wife. The marriage of Tsumadi did not intend to monogamine, and the man was not allowed to have several wives, as well as concubines. However, a free relationship with his wives, leaving them without a reason to marry a new wife, the laws were not allowed.

In Japan, there were quite a lot of Christians.

Christianity appeared in Japan in the middle of the 16th century. The first missionary who preached the Japanese gospel was Basque - Jesuit Francis Xavury. But the Mesentery lasted not long. Soon the signes began to see in Christianity (like faith of foreigners) threat. In 1587, the Toythoma Hidecyt forbade the residence of missionaries in the country and began oppression of believers.

As an excuse of his actions, he pointed out that some of the converts the Japanese were defiled and destroyed Buddhist and the Shinto sanctors. The repressive policy continued the political successor to Hideyash Tokugawa Iehasu. In 1612, he forbade the confession of Christianity in his possessions, and in 1614 distributed this ban on all Japan. About 3,000 Japanese Christians were tortured in the Tokugawa era, the rest underwent imprisonment or references. Tokugava policy obliged all japanese families Register in the local Buddhist temple and receive evidence that they are not Christians.

Japanese prostitutes were divided into several ranks.

In addition to the famous Geisha, who, by and large, were simply leading ceremonies, in Japan there were kurtisans who, in turn, were divided into several classes depending on the cost: Tay (the most expensive), Kosi, Zubone, Santia and the cheapest - street Girls, whiskers, servants, etc. The following agreement existed: If choosing a girl, it was necessary to adhere to it, "cooled." Therefore, men often contained their own curtains.

Girls rank Tasy accounted for 58 MOMME (about 3000 rubles) at a time and this is not counting the mandatory 18 MMME for servants - another 1000 rubles. Prostitutes of the lowest rank cost about 1 MMME (about 50 rubles). In addition to direct payment for services, there were still related expenses - food, drinking, tip plot, all this could reach up to 150 MMME (8000 rubles) for the evening. Thus, a man containing the curtisank could well post for the year about 29 Kamme (about 580,000 rubles).

The Japanese often made paired suicides due to the inability to be together.

After the "reorganization" of prostitution in 1617, the entire empty sex-life of the Japanese was carried out in certain quarters by the type "Quarter of Red Lights", where the girls lived and worked. You could not leave the quarter a quarter, if only they did not have redeemed wealthy customers to their wives. It was worth it very expensive and more often it happened that the lovers simply could not afford together. Despair brought such couples to Sinzyu - pair suicides. The Japanese did not see anything wrong with it, because they had long been rebirth and were completely confident that in next life They will definitely be together.

Torture and executions in Japan have long been spelled out in law.

To begin with, it should be said that in the system of Japanese proceedings, the times of Tokugava did not exist presumption of innocence. Each person who fell into court rather was considered in advance guilty. With the arrival of the Tokugava power in Japan, only four types of torture remained legal: baking, squeezing with stone slabs, binding to the rope and hanging on the rope. At that time, the torture was not the punishment by itself, and its goal was not causing the maximum suffering to the prisoner, but to obtain sincere recognition in a committed crime. It should also be noted that the torture was applied only to those criminals who threw the death penalty for their acts. Therefore, after comprehensive recognition, the poor is most often executed. The executions were also very different: from a banal cut-off of the head to terrible welding in boiling water - so punished the ninja, which failed the custom murder and were captured.

You can add a few more vintage traditions.

Sexy tradition "Yobai"

Until recently, the custom of Yobai or "sanging in the night" is widespread in Japanese depthms - was, so to speak, introducing sexuality for many young people. Jobai was as follows: in the sleeping girl's room (well, or not quite a girl) slipped a mysterious stranger, attached to the back and ambiguously stated his intentions. If the young lady was not against, a couple had sex until the morning, trying to produce as much noise as possible, after which the night visitor was as quietly removed.

By logic, the young man-yobist would have to be familiar with the girl and her family. Often, Yobai - was a certain prelude to a further wedding, and parents, allegedly, did not notice the secret visits and, allegedly, did not hear anything, until they believed that the love games were finished, "caught up" of Yobaist, they were engaged in public, he struck and all agreed After a couple of days, the couple went under the crown to indulge sex already on legal grounds.

But it often happened that while harvesting when the peasant hired the seizure of migrant workers, so to speak, he should have been ready to be ready for the fact that the workers were sleeping under one with him, could well choose his daughter with an object for Yobai. In some cases, a group of young people went a few kilometers into a neighboring village, and then Yobai became an exciting night adventure with an absolute stranger.

It is only possible to assume that some not much lucky with the girls, and they turned out to be in a strange position - climbing into the house and finding the sleeping rude, the way back was not: only forward, only hardcore. After all, in otherwise, the young man could blame theft and, feel God, immediately on the spot and silence.

In fact, the firm consent of the girl is not required, Yobai is not considered rape, the main thing to comply with some rules:

To the house you need to enter naked (in Fokuoka you can not attack a naked man who has imbued into the house, because it is most likely to do yobai, and not theft). Even being absolutely naked, you need to try to abide by silence. It is required to practice safe sex - cover your face with a cloth or mask to protect yourself and lady from shame if she suddenly, for some reason, will start to scream "Save! Rape! "

Consecrated by centuries national Tradition The treatment of "coldness" in adolescents and lonely men in Japanese is called Yobai. And yes, this is exactly what you think about here, the decision was in sexual intercourse with women at night.

An ancient Japanese way of choosing a partner was uncomplicated, as an angle of the house: at sunset, men took a warm sake on the chest for courage and in the dark slowly burers in the village. Near the house with a yobabel free girl, they played a stone-scissor-paper, Louzers continued to the mion, and the winner undressed her dogge, quietly joined the house straight to the girl in bed, gently woke her and invited her to have fun. If she was agreed, Yobai continued on, before the final exhaustion. The girl could and refuse, then the cavalier was the same way to dress and home. It was not accepted to make noise, people sleep in the house, and there is a refusal to fail.

The devils undressed on a very simple and practical reason: at night, clothes at night I implaced the thief and cut off without unnecessary conversations. BUT honest person In someone else's house, clothing is not needed, he, in the case of which, just came to picked up a bit and in front of their neighbors. Today you are my sister, tomorrow I am your daughter, the sacred tradition, from the ancestors. Was in Yobai and safe sex: you could come to the girl with a bag on your head. The anonymous yobar was so prevented from shame, in case of refusal.

And sometimes Yobai was just a prelude to marry: the bride's parents for some time "did not notice" night visits of a naked groom, and then stuck a couple together and immediately blessed young.

The current elderly Japanese, as they say, remember the times of free Yobai with nostalgia, especially those who have grown in the village and found the tradition in its pristine free cleanliness. And the erotic scenes of the modern Japanese media art, when the hero is attached to a sleeping girl and is excited, most likely grow from Yobai.

Young citizens' guys practiced and exit yobay. Companies from 3-7 people went to the village away from his own city and there everyone chose a goal. One of the reasons for this departure was that if the parents of the girl were "squeezed", he was not particularly ashamed.
Yobay is still practiced in some remote corners of Japan, but most regions tradition has already descended.

Admiring chopped heads.

Wild Japanese custom is admiring chopped heads. For japanese samurai The greatest pleasure was admired not blooming Sakura or Mount Fuji, and the enemies were cut off. In the ammunition, the samurai was a special bag - Cuba-Bukuro, like an Avoska or Yagdas, where the chopped heads were folded. After the victory of the head was given to women of the castle, they were with their soaps, combed and installed on special stands. Then the samurai castle gathered in the hall and admired these heads. There was a whole system of gadas on the heads. If the right eye is closed, this means that if the left is different, etc.

Tradition here (Yap. 衆道 Xu: To :)

Traditional Japanese homosexual relations Between adult man and boys. Were distributed in the samurai environment from the Middle Ages until the XIX century.

The term here appeared at about 1485, having come to replace the word of the cute, describing the love relationship between Buddhist bonsters and their novices.

Practice shoudo enjoyed great respect and encouraged, especially at Samurai class. It was believed that shoudogenially acts on the young men, teaching them to dignity, honesty, the feeling of excellent. Shoudo was opposed to women's love, which was accused of "softening" men.

It is worth adding that the ceremony is like a young samurai to offer his Mr. Mr., spelled out in Bouusido.


In general, you can also tell a lot more and most of them may have the impression that which is unique, romantic, very sexy culture in this Japan. But not everything is so simple.

The wildest was the country. Foreigners were immediately allowed to consumption on the fact of detection. Hitler dreamed of the purity of the nation, and the Japanese implemented it by 100 percent long before him. There are no Gypsies and Jews, no Muslims, and there is nothing about blacks about the blacks. The Chinese chuckled millions, poisoned, chained, live burning and buried to the ground. Everyone knows that China is now in eternal conflict With Japan. And the roots of this hatred are in the occupation period of Japan China. The fact that they came there to the Nazis and did not dream in terrible dreams. The most innocent fun of Japanese soldiers is to spend the belly of a pregnant Chinese woman or throw a baby and catch on the bayonet. Exchangeable cruelty without any moral imperatives.

Usually under folk beliefs understand an ancient religious practice that does not associate with the church hierarchy. This is a complex of representations and actions based on prejudice, superstitions, etc. Although folk beliefs differ from the temple cult, but the relationship here is obvious. We turn, for example, to ancient one, which the Japanese worship from time immemorial.

Initially a huge impact On beliefs, as already mentioned, they had rendered to Japan with the mainland of religion. This can be shown by the example of the Kosin Cult.

Many deities from Buddhist Pantheon entered the folk pantheon of Japanese deities themselves. So, in Japan got great popularity buddhist Saint Dzizo. In the courtyard of one of the temples in Tokyo, the Dzizo statue was erected, excavated by the straw ropes. This is the so-called Sibarara Dzizo - "Related Dzizo"; If a person kidnapped some values, he tied Dzizo and promised to free it when the disappearance was found.

Researchers as follows classify the ancient folk beliefs of the Japanese:
- Production cults (related mainly with agriculture and fishing);
- Healing cults (providing alleged curability from diseases);
- cults of patronage (aimed at defencing epidemics and other troubles from the outside);
- the cult is the keeper of a homely focus (who has protected the house from the fire and supported the world in the family);
- the cult of good luck and prosperity (which gave the acquisitions and good of life);
- The cult of frightening evil spirits (aimed at getting rid of different uncleanies - devils, water, ledges).

The ancient'apon civilization did not have a significant impact on the ancient and medieval culture other regions. Its value for global culture is in another.

Having developed on the basis of the most heterogeneous and multiple elements, peculiar arts, literature, worldview, Japan managed to prove that its cultural values \u200b\u200bpossess sufficient potencies both in time and in space, even if they remained due to the island position of the country unknown contemporaries in other countries . The task of the historian of Japanese antiquity consists, in particular, in order to understand how the foundations were laid down that we are currently found japanese culturewhich, after a centuries-old battery period cultural heritage Other countries currently contributes to an all-growing contribution to the development of universal culture.

Japanese civilization is young. Young and the people who created it. It was formed as a result of complex and time-based ethnic mergers of immigrants who overcomed to the water barrier, separating

Gliniyyigigurki. Japanese Japanese from the mainland.

Perchszdemon. The earliest inhabitants

Vili-I thousand BC. e. R, _

Japan were, on all probabilities, protoainic tribes, as well as the Malaysian-Polynesian tribes. In the middle of the first to n. e. From the southern part of the Korean P-Ova, there is an intensive migration of the Protoopon tribes of Wa, which was largely assimiced by the population of the south of Japan ( japanese languageAccording to the latest studies of S. A. Starostinina, reveals the greatest relationship with Korean).

And although in that epoch, all the tribes that settled the territory of Japan were at the level of the primitive community, it was probably laid out one of the leading stereotypes of the Japanese worldview, which was viewed throughout the history of this country, is the ability to assimilate skills and knowledge, coming as a result of contacts with other peoples. It is after assimilation with local tribes at the turn of the IV-III centuries. BC e. The cultivation of irrigation rice and metal processing begins.

A period of six centuries (up to III century. N. E.) Wears in Japanese historiography the name "Yoyu" (in the quarter in Tokyo, where

for the first time, the remains of this culture were discovered). The culture of Yoya is characterized by the creation of sustainable communities, the basis of which was irrigated farming. Since the bronze and iron penetrate into Japan almost simultaneously, then the bronze was used mainly for the manufacture of iconic objects: ritual mirrors, swords, bells, and iron - for the production of workers of labor.

The ability to absorb inrogen samples becomes particularly noticeable together with the emergence of statehood dated

III- IV centuries. n. e. B This time is a conquering campaign of the Southern Kyushu tribes in Central Japan. The result is begins to form the so-called state of Yamato, the culture of which is characterized by unprecedented homogeneity.

The period from IV at the beginning of the VII century. Wears the name of Kurgan ("Cofun Jidai") by type of burial, the device and inventory of which are distinguished by the features of strong Korean and Chinese influences. Nevertheless, such large-scale construction - and at present, more IO thousand Curgans were found, could not be successful if the idea of \u200b\u200bKurgan was alien to the population of Japan. Mounds of Yamato are probably genetically connected with Dolmen Kyushu. Among the borders of the cult, the clay plastic Haniva is of particular importance. Among these brilliant samples of an ancient ritual art images housing, temples, umbrellas, vessels, weapons, armor, boats, animals, birds, priests, warriors and tn. For these images, many features of the material and fuel life of the ancient Japanese are restored by the construction of a kurgan type facility was obviously related to the cult The ancestors and the cult of the Sun, which was reflected in the monuments of the Rannelipon writing that had reached us (mythological and chronicle codes "Codziki", "Nihon Syuki").

The cult of ancestors is of particular importance for the original Japanese rel.

gIA - syntoism, and therefore for the entire culture of Japan. Along with the openness noted, the cult of the ancestors is another powerful moving force The development of Japanese civilization, strength that ensured continuity during historical evolution.

HA state level The cult of ancestors was embodied in the cult of the goddess of the Sun Amateras, which is considered the progenitor of the ruling genus. Among the cycle of the myths dedicated to Amateras, the central place occupies a narrative



Detail of clay statuettes. III-

II thousand BC e.

Clay statuette. The end of the Dzemon period. II century BC e.

about her concealment in the heavenly cave, when the world plunged into darkness and stayed in it until the gods with the help of magical techniques could not put out the goddess from her refuge.

The Pantheon of Early Sintoism included the deity of the ancestors of childbirth, which occupied the leading place in the social structure of the Japanese society during the registration period as the category of state ideology. The deities of the first-term was considered polyfunctional defenders of the birth, bringing their origin from them. In addition to generic deities, the Japanese worshiped themselves with numerous landscape deities that, as a rule, local values.

K mid vi in. In the state of Yamato, a certain political stabilityAlthough the mitigation of centrifugal trends has still remained one of the main concerns of the ruling.

In order to overcome ideological fragmentation, sanctified by generic and regional cults of Coto, the Japanese rulers appealed to the religion of the developed class society-Buddhism.

It is difficult to overestimate the role that Buddhism played in the history of Japan. In addition to his contribution to the formation of a national ideology, the creation of Buddhism formed a new type of personality, deprived of generic attachment and therefore more suitable for functioning in the system of state relations. The process of Buddhist socialization was ever completed completely, but nevertheless at this stage of the historical development of Buddhism served by the cementing force, which provided the ideological homogeneity of the Japanese state. Great was the humanizing role of Buddhism, introducing positive ethical dormitory norms that came to

Clay vessel. Dzemon period.

Ѵpі-i thousand before and. 3.

Dancer. Haniva. Cofun period. The middle of the III-middle of the VI century. n. e.

shift to the tabuations of Coto.

Together with Buddhism in Japan, the material complex that serves the needs of this religion penetrates. The construction of temples, the production of sculptural images of Buddha and Bodhisatat, other cults of the cult begins. Sintonism at that time had not yet had a developed tradition of building covered religious buildings for worship.

The layout of the first Japanese Buddhist temple complexes with their orientation from the south to the north as a whole corresponds to Korean and Chinese prototypes. However, many design features of construction, such as the anti-seeming of structures, indicate that temples and monasteries were erected with the direct participation of local masters. An important property Many of the first Buddhist temples of Japan were also the absence of indoor rooms in them, inherited from comprehensive construction Shinto temples. The interior was not intended for praying, but to preserve the temple shrines.

The most grandiose Buddhist cult facility was the Temple of Todaji, the complex of which occupied more than 90 hectares (erected in the middle of the VIII century). The temple symbolized the power of the state. In addition to purely religious needs, it was used for both public ceremonies of nationwide importance, for example, to assign official ranks. The "Golden Pavilion" ("Condo") Todaji was repeatedly rebuilt after the devastating fires. B present it is the largest wooden building in the world. Its height is 49, width-57. Length-50 m. B it houses a giant statue

space Buddha Vairyalna Height of 18 m. However, "Syndrome of Giantia" was overcome pretty quickly, and in the future there was no anything like the temple complex of Todaji. The desire for miniaturization B VII-VIII centuries becomes characteristic. Continental Buddhist sculpture almost completely suppresses a local iconographic tradition.

Bronze Buddhist statues either imported from Korea and China, or were manufactured by visitors. Along with a bronze sculpture from the second half of the VIII century. The manufacture of lacquer, clay and wooden Buddhist images becomes more and more common, in the appearance of which the influence of the local iconographic canon is noticeably. Compared to sculpture, monumental temple painting occupied a much less place in the visual canon.

Sculpture depicted not only Buddha and Bodhisatat. Since Buddhism brought with me the concept of personality, characterized by a greater individualization, rather than that which he managed to develop a syntipline by this time, it is not by chance that from the middle of the viii century. There is an interest in the portrait image of the outstanding figures of Japanese Buddhism (Goesen. Guy, Gandzin, etc.). However, these portraits are still deprived of the personality traits of a person and tipping.

K 710. The construction of the permanent capital of Ha- PA was completed, which was a typical bureaucratic bureaucratic city with a certain planning, such as the capital of Tansky China, Changani. From the south to the north, the city was divided by nine streets, and from West on East. Crossing at right angles, they formed a rectangle with a size of 4.8 to 4.3 km, in 72 quarters of which, together with the closest suburbs, could, according to modern estimates, to live up to 200 thousand people. HAPA was then the only city: Development Level agriculture, crafts I. social relationship I have not yet reached the stage when the appearance of cities would be a widespread necessity. Nevertheless, the colossal population concentration in the capital contributed to the development of product exchange and commodity-money relations. B VIII century. In Japan, his own coin was already minted.

The construction of the capital according to the continental sample was one of the important measures to turn Japan from the Deputy Warehouse Kingdom in the Empire, which the numerous reforms were to be promoted, which began to be actively conducted from the middle

us VII in. B 646 was published a decree consisting of four articles. According to Article 1, the former hereditary system of ownership of slaves and land has abolished; Instead, state ownership of land was proclaimed and, in accordance with the official ranks, fixed feedings were distinguished. Article 2, prescribed a new territorial division of the country on the provinces and counties; determined the status of the capital. Article 3 was announced about the census of yards and the preparation of registers



for the redistribution of land. Article 4th Steet Painting Canceled the former Arbitrary Rod ^ Itsy. V-

labor service and installed the size of natural household population of agriculture and crafts.

The whole second half of the VII century. It was noted by the increased activity of the state in the field of legislation. Subsequently, individual decrees were summarized, and on their basis, in 701, the preparation of the first universal legislation "Tijore" was completed, serving

Wall painting with add and modification

ghogschshtsy Tokamatsoyshi in the base of the feudal law

dzuka. VJ V. H. E.

duration throughout the Middle Ages. According to Tijore and Erorery (757 r.), Administrative-official Japanese apparatus

the states were a complex and branched hierarchical system with strict coencing from top to bottom. The economic foundation of the country was a state monopoly on Earth.

Ha throughout the VII-VIII centuries. The Japanese state is trying to substantiate the established and newly created management institutions. B First of all, the mythological and chronicle codes "Codori" (712) and Nihon Syuki (720 r) were served. Myths, records of historical and semi-religious events have been subjected to substantial processing in both monuments. The main purpose of the compilers was the creation of a state ideology, in other words, the dusting of the "Myth" and "History": the narrative of the "Codziki" and "Nihon Syuki" is divided into the "era of the gods" and "era of emperors." Consequently, the then position of the royal order, as well as the other most powerful genera from the environment of the family-tribal aristocracy, found a justification in the role that the deities of deities were played during the "era of the gods".

Compilation of "Codziki" and "Nihon Syuki" marks an important stage in creating a national ideology based on a Sinto's myth. This attempt should be recognized very successful. The myth was aligned with the realities of history, and the system of sacred genealogy until XX played an outstanding role in the events of Japanese history.

Simultaneously with the active involvement of Sintoism to state construction, Buddhism loses its position in this area. This is especially noticeable after a failed coup, undertaken by the Buddhist monk dock in 771. To avoid the pressure of the Buddhist clergy, which settled in the temples and the HAPA monasteries, in 784 r. The capital is transferred to Nagawa, and in 794 in Hayene. Listened to a large degree of state support, Buddhism nevertheless contributed to the formation of the personally identified from the team and constantly participated in the process of its socialization. In this is his incredit significance in the history of Japan.

Despite the fact that the compilation of the "Codziki" and "Nihon Syuki" pursued the same goals, the "real" dynasty chronicle only "Nihon Syuki" was recognized. Although both monuments were compiled in Chinese ("Codziki" - with a large involvement of the phonetic recording of the hieroglyphs "Man'eog - on"), "Codziki" was recorded by Yasumaro with the vote of Hyda-Bohn-ARE. Thus, it was used, thus, the usual syntiosis of the "oral channel" transmission of sacred information. Only then, according to the convictions of adherents of traditionalism, the text became the text true.

The text "Nihon Syuki" from the very beginning arises as text written. Due to the active distribution of Chinese writing, which created new opportunities in fixing and storing important cultural values, the question of which speech or oral speech should be recognized as more authoritative. Initially, the choice was made in favor of the first. The language of culture for some time was the Chinese literary language. He served primarily the needs of the state. HA chronic led chronicles, made up laws. In the quality of textbooks in public schools established in the VIII century, the works of Chinese philosophical, sociological and literary thought were used.

Medieval Japanese poetry is known to the whole world. Ho The first of the poetic anthrace - "Kaifuso" reached us

According to 1994, the most ancient subject of ceramics is the "jug with a kvasoleptibal ornament", which was found in Japan in the dungeon of the temple of SaintPukjuzi and marched the eleventh millennium before the Nativity of Christ. It is from this moment that the era of the Dzevel comes and lasted ten millennia. During this time, ceramic products began to produce throughout Japan. Compared to the remaining neolithic ceramic cultures of antiquity, this was exceptional for Japan. Dzemo ceramics is characterized by limited distinction, time extent, similarity of styles. In other words, it can be divided into two regional groups, developing by evolution, and their ornamental motives were similar. The most distinguished Neolithic ceramics of Eastern Japan and Western. Although there are regional differences, all types of ceramics have similarities, this indicates a solid archaeological culture. No one knows how much the parking lot of the Dzemo era. According to 1994, there were hundred thousands of them. This speaks of a relatively large population density of Japan. Until the 90s, most of the parking lots were located in East Japan, but the archaeologists did so that the number of standings in the West and the East would become approximately the same.

The ethnologist from Japan K. Suidzi believes that twenty thousand people lived in the middle of the above-described era in Japan, in the middle of this period, 260,000, at the end - 76,000.

Ancient Japanese farm

During the period, the Japanese economy was based on fishing, hunting, collecting products. It is believed that elementary gravy-firing agriculture was known to the Neolithic settlement, in addition, were domesticated wild boars.

During hunt, the Japanese usually used an ordinary onion. Researchers managed to find the remnants of this tool in the marsh covers of parking lots in a wetland lowland. At the time of 1994, the archaeologists were found only thirty whole bows. They are most often made of the head-tice types of wood and covered with a dark color varnish. At the end of the arrows there was a tip from a powerful stone called Obsidian. Spear used quite rarely. Most often, various parts of the copies were found on Hokkaido, but for Kanto this is an exception. And in Western Japan spears almost never been. Not only weapons, but also dogs and wolf pits took hunting. Usually hunting was produced on deer, boars, wild birds. For fishing, crabs, shrimps, and so on, harpuna or fishing nets were used. On the ancient landfills, remnants of networks, weights, hooks were found. Most of the tools are made of deer bones. They are usually in the parking lots placed on the shores of the sea and rivers. These tools were applied at the time of the year and were directed on specific fish: Bonites, Sudakov, and so on. Harpuny and rods used alone, networks - collegially. Fisherman was especially well developed in the middle of the days of Dzness.

Great importance Having gather on the farm. Even at the beginning of the time, the Dzemen was used as various vegetation as products. Most often it was solid fruits, such as nuts, chestnuts, acorns. Gathering was produced in the autumn months, the fruits were collected in baskets woven from Lozin. Justice was used in the manufacture of flour, which Moli on the shine, and prepared bread from it. Some products were kept in winter in the pits one meter depth. Pits were located out settlement. The parking lot of the middle period of Sakanositis and the final period of Minami Gatamaee is indicated about such pans. The population consumed not only solid products, but also grapes, water nuts, dogwood, actinidia, and so on. Grains from such plants were near the reserves of solid fruits in the parking lot of the Toriham.

Most likely, residents were engaged in elementary agricultural production. This is told about traces from agricultural land, which were found in the settlement zone.

In addition, people took possession of the skill of gibrics and Chinese nettle, which was used in the manufacture of tissues.

Ancient Japanese housing

Throughout the era of the Dzevel, the population of the Japanese archipelago lived in the dugouts, which were considered the classical prestructing premoccience. The dwelling was deepened in the soil, there had sex and walls from the ground, the roof kept the base from wooden beams. The roof consisted of trees, vegetation and animal skins. In different regions there were various dugouts. In the eastern part of Japan there were more, in Western - less.

At an early stage, the housing design was very primitive. She could be a round form or rectangular. In the middle of each earthquake, a hearth was necessarily located, which was divided into: a stone, jug or earth. An earthy focal was made as follows: a small funnel was digging, which was folded by a brushwood and burned. For the manufacture of a pitched focus, the lower part of the pot was used, it was bought into the soil. The stone focus was made from small pebbles and pebbles, they laid a plot where the focus was divorced.

Dwellings of such regions, like Tohoku and Holokurik, differed from other things that had enough big sizes. From the middle period, these buildings began to be manufactured on a complex system, which assumed the use of more than one focus in one housing. The dwelling of that period was not simply considered a place to find peace, but also the space interrelated with the beliefs and the perception of the world.

On average, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling ranged from twenty to thirty square meters. Most often, a family consisting of a minimum of five lived in such territory. The number of family members proves the discovery in the parking lot of the beaches - the burial of a family was found in the dwelling, consisting of several male people, a few female and one child.

There are extensive premises located in North-Central and Northern Japan. To be accurates, the capphana was excavated at the Foodo parking lot, consisting of four foci.

The design is similar to an ellipse having a length of seventeen meters, and the radius of eight meters. At the parking lot of Sugisavaday, the dwelling of the same form is excavated, but the length was 31 meters, and the radius is 8.8 meters. It is not precisely established, for which the premises of such sizes were intended. If we argue hypothetically, it can be assumed that these were storerooms, public workshops and so on.

Ancient settlements

From several housing a settlement was formed. At the beginning of the Epoch of the Dzevel, two or three houses included in one settlement. IN early period The number of earthquakes became more and more. This proves that people began to lead a settling life. Building for housing has been constructed around the territory at about one distance. This territory was the middle of the religious and collective life of the population. A similar type of settlements was called "round" or "horseshoe". Since the events of the Dzevel's era, such settlements have become distributed throughout Japan.

The settlements were divided into: permanent and temporary, but in the first, and in the second case, people lived on one territory for a long time. This proves the connection of ceramic cultural styles of the village and the layering of the settlements of the early era to the Late.

Settlements consisted not only of dwellings, but also from buildings on the backups. The basis of such buildings was the shape of a hexagon, a rectangle, an ellipse. They had no walls and gender from the ground, there were buildings on the backup columns, the focus was also absent. The room had a width of five to fifteen meters. For which the buildings were intended on the backups - no one knows.


The Japanese of the Dzevel era most often the dead attached to the land in Mushchy mound, which were located near the housing and were simultaneously not only the cemetery, but also a landfill. In the first millennium, general cemeteries were created before the Nativity of Christ. For example, in the parking lot of Iosigo, the researchers discovered more than three hundred remains. It said that the population began to send a settling life and the number of residents of Japan grew.

Most of the human burials can be called the raft masonry of the corpses: the limbs of the deceased person were in such a way that he looked like an embryo, he was just put in the diverty pit and fell asleep the earth.

In the Third Millennium, there were special cases before the Nativity of Christ when the corpses were put in an extended form. At the end of this period, the burning tradition of the dead was introduced: a triangle was made from the burnt limbs dead, the skull and the rest of the bones were put into the center. Usually, the burials were single, but there were general graves, for example, family. The biggest grave of the era of the Dzevel had a length of two meters. It was discovered about fifteen remains. Such a burial ground was found in the mound of the parking lot.

In Mushchy, there were not only jam burials. The researchers found a cemetery, where the dead lay in the recess with the base of stone or in huge coffins from the stone. Such burials were frequent finds at the end of the era in the northern part of Japan.

In Hokkaido, the dead were buried on extensive special cemeteries with a generous funeral decoration. In addition, in ancient Japan there was a tradition to bury children born dead, as well as to the six-year-old age in the vessels from ceramics. There were cases when in pots were buried and older people. After burning the bodies, the remains were wrapped with water, and stored in such a container.

Japanese beliefs and rites

As an information source about the religion of the Japanese, the Epoch of the Dzevel was the burial decoration. If the interior had, then people believed that there was life after death and soul. Together with the deceased most often put on the grave of the objects that the deceased man enjoyed during his lifetime. It could be rings, chain and other decorations. It was usually necessary to find, belts made of deer horns, which were covered with a beautiful intricate pattern, and bracelets made from rappani solid shells or Glycymeris. Inside, they were made of opening for hand and polished to a brilliant state. The decorations possessed both aesthetic and ritual function. As a rule, the bracelets were found in the graves of women, and the belt in the graves of men. The number of interior items and their luxury spoke about public, physiological and age division.

In late times, a tradition appeared to pull out or cut into teeth. Still during life people cleaned some of the cutters - it said they passed adult group. Methods and order of dental removal had differences depending on the place and time. In addition, there was a tradition to focus four upper cutters in the form of two or tridents.

There is another monument relating to the religion of that period - this is women's figurines doge of ceramics. They also bear the name Dzemo-Venus.

Clay figure made in the period of Zemon

These ancient statuettes were found in the Khanavadai parking lot, presumably they belong to the early days of the Dzevel's era. Figurines are divided, depending on the manufacturer's manner, on the following types: cylindrical, flat, embossed with legs, with a face in the form of a triangle, with eyepiece eyes. Almost all the dog is depicted, most likely, a pregnant woman with a convex tummy. Typically, statuettes are detected in a broken form. There is an opinion, such statues are a symbol of a female start, family, the birth of offspring. The dog was used in rituals concerning the cult of fertility. In the same cult, such symbols like swords and knives of stone were used, sekibobi sticks, which represented power, male start, influence. Figurines made of stone and wood. There were a dog's kind of overama. In addition, the ancient Japanese made masks from ceramics, but where they were used, to this day remains a mystery.


This Japanese dwelling simply attracts minimalism, ease and simplicity of lines. Welcome only natural materials. The room should have a lot of light and air and few furniture.

In the Japanese house, everything is adapted to life on the floor. The main attribute of such a house is a mattami mat that possesses the smell of dry hay. It makes it made of straw ribbons, and at the edges it is trimmed with a cloth.

The finished product has a certain size - about 2 square meters. Tatami usually change once in a few years.

In the bedroom, the futon is put on such mat. This is a traditional mattress that is made of pure cotton. Thus, it turns out an environmentally friendly bed. It is worth noting that such a bed is quickly cleaned. This moment is relevant for small rooms. Tatami is a soft furniture that leaves no traces on the floor.

Japanese furniture is thought out to the smallest detail. Shirma zonate space, decorating the room. Low tables covered with varnish can be used to receive food and for calligraphy. Women will have to your heart with a lot of drawers, boxes for writing and toiletries, books for books.

Varnish, which is used to cover Japanese furniture, serves almost forever, will not fuss and does not require careful care.


Ancient Japan - Vicky

The history of ancient Japan covers the time cut from Paleolithic and ending with the Hayan period. This era occurred the settlement of the Japanese islands, the formation of the foundations of the economy and religious representations, as well as the formation and formation of Japanese statehood. In the future, the rulers of Ancient Japan have taken the first contacts with the outside world, conducted the reforms of the state device and have formed a state ideology. The whole history of the ancient Japan was accompanied by the assimilation of the peoples of the Japanese archipelago, changes in land relations, the release of classes and aristocracy, internecine wars, as well as the development of crafts and culture.

At the final stage of the history of ancient Japan, during the Hayan period, the people of Yamato gained their own national self-consciousness. In almost all spheres of life, their own analogues were created based on the achievements of Chinese culture. In the system of power, this is a dual government system, originally built on the related relations on the motherboard, and then on the relations of the father and son. In religion, this is the emergence of the Japanese forms of Buddhism, which organically connected with the synthism. In culture is to create your own writing, flourishing local literature, visual arts and architecture. At the same time, the internal integrity of the ruling elite was disturbed, the principles of the legal system of Japanese statehood were collapse, private forms of land ownership arose, which ultimately led to fundamental changes in society.

The history of the ancient Japan is divided into three large stages, which in turn are divided into smaller historical periods (Dziday). The first stage is known as "Prehistoric Japan" and includes three periods in its composition - Japanese Paleolithic, Jemon and Yayoi (conditionally this stage can be correlated with primitive society). The second stage had to form a Japanese statehood, he


The decoration of the room and the whole house is usually only a single toconom or a view that opens on the garden adjacent to the house.

Without a doubt, nowhere in the world, except Japan, are not intertwined by the types of art that are considered basic, and types of art considered decorative. The simplicity of the material, restraint in its use does not cause doubts in the creative gift of the artist and in the strength of this talent. The most common cup (even one-only cup) is quite capable of expressing the talent of the artists of the whole era. This country, in the art of which an emotional embodiment takes the top above the plan, paradoxically showed much more attention to the abstract beauty of the material and the line than to the specifics of the material and the benefits, but it was never sacrificed to the altar of useless, "clean", art . On the contrary, the works of art are easily becoming (and always became) Obsite Objects: the traditional picture, for example, was at first a scroll, which a lover was supposed to turn his hands.

The subject in Japan was never static. It opens or closes whether it is possible to consider it from all sides, it is in all its completeness and volume (which can be extremely small) retains the power of aesthetic and emotional impact, which rules over the form, material and skill. The decoration of the room and the whole house is usually only a single toconom or a view that opens on the garden adjacent to the house. The lighting of this species depends on the movement of the Sun and requires changes and mobility of objects. Everything is strictly correlated with the rhythm of the time of the year and reminds, despite the simplicity of being, about the transit time and eternity of the nature of the process of changing the seasons. Characteristic of the Japanese religious customs and a tendency to allegories in combination with undoubted mastery of manual technology favored the development of interest in sculpture, to the creation of works of small forms. A garden-reduced copy on a close space is a kind of symbol, concentrates the very idea of \u200b\u200bnature, is a certain microcosm to which he is constantly striving, it becomes possible and accessible: the kindergarten turns into a link of an inseparable chain that leads from the organization of space to the concept of the subject.

For several centuries, since the time of establishing the Tokugawa mode, art was usually a lot of artisans. Peaceful life, an increase in wealth, the growing of cities and the development of industry, a tendency to luxury, inherent in feudalities, becoming courtesy, and rejected merchants - all favored development artistic craft. In almost all directions, it used unsystematicly used antique techniques perceived from the past, but their original spirit is gradually increasingly losing their meaning. Therefore, bizarre decorations are popular among new public layers, when creating talent is replaced by brilliant technical skills. The manifestation of this trend was the famous NPCECs, small clasps, carved from ivory. It was these products that were most famous in the West. In the modern era, there is a return to simplicity, but the mixing of genres triumphs more than ever, and the desire for the sample creates wonders: Tesiveighara Sofu creates bouquets, the color effects of which are reminded of brilliant painting of Sotatsa Corin schools, while his vases acquire Sculptural volumes, and its sculptures themselves are already turning into architecture elements:

For me, Ikebana is first of all the way to create some beautiful shape, for this purpose, flowers are used, let them even fade. Meanwhile, I do not believe that the flowers will be the only material, when using which it would be possible to produce a similar shape, and I myself used other materials from time to time ... I consider myself primarily the creator of forms, which in his craft uses mainly Flowers, not a clean compiler of flower arrangements (Tesivigahar Sofa. His endless world of flowers and shapes). Most of all in art is valued form and beauty, much more than belonging to schools and genres. This trend remained unchanged throughout Japanese history and acquires particular significance in our days. In a holistic ensemble of contemporary art, which has acquired world meaning, opposed styles and motifs allow you to create countless variations depending on whether they penetrate into each other. Just like the European decorative art Since the day, the East-India company's ships delivered china from China, fully borrowed these new shapes for him and flavor, in the same way and today, artistic phenomena accompanying Japanese life, feed from numerous sources related to traditions as Asia and Europe.

Since the form is largely determined by the nature of the substance, then in Japan, the quality of the material has always been the object of the very attentive study. To our modern materials - metals and plastics - a rich gamma is added here, which for hundreds of years a nobility was granted: velvety gently shimmering varnishes, smooth or expressive texture of wood, fine graininess or delicate crap, ceramic mass, thin or thick, but always Delivering when touched, lightweight or heavy luxury silk, cheerful colors of porcelain. Of all japanese works The arts are porcelain products, thanks to its precious qualities and magnificence, acquire a pomp, which is little combined with the natural simplicity of the Japanese home. On the contrary, these products that have gained fame in the West and are usually common whenever it is impossible to match the worthy decoration of the rich interior.

The most famous beautiful samples of the Japanese handicraft tradition are tea trays and cups that are just beginning to appreciate in Europe: simplicity of their shapes, warm and often dark color, restraint corresponding to their appointment, in fact, with difficulty find their place in the pretentious and coupling decor . The East-India Company extravagania has not yet lost attractions. It is possible that the modern collection of "Evan" (created by Deguty Onisaburo), combining squat forms and a dense texture of traditional tea cups with a bold bright flavor, corresponding to the direction that was invented by Ka-Camon, has a chance to achieve (as well as expressive other Japanese products) New success abroad.