Show Success - Application for participation (Casting). Vocal Show New Star Casting Rules for participation in full-time casting

Show Success - Application for participation (Casting). Vocal Show New Star Casting Rules for participation in full-time casting
Show Success - Application for participation (Casting). Vocal Show New Star Casting Rules for participation in full-time casting

From the same time, as television appeared, and the TV became an integral attribute of the interior of each apartment, many people just "got sick" the idea to get to any show. For some of this chance, get a minute or more weighty glory, for others - to solve a serious problem, for the third - the opportunity to earn good.

And whatever the motive, television always goes towards the viewer, offering various programs in the format of the program, the participant of which he can become, withstanding the preliminary selection or, as it is customary to speak, casting.

Typically, information about castings is distributed during the ether, as well as on the official website of the project.

Current casting

Finished castings

Most often, the first step towards getting to the TV, it becomes the study of the criteria for which heroes are selected: gender, age, place of residence or citizenship, body or face parameters, unusual abilities or skills.

The applicant himself appreciates, it is suitable or not, and if it is suitable, the questionnaire becomes the second step. It can be both formal and very detailed. Very often, the organizers of the show are asking for a future participant in advance. Send your photo or even video, to this you need to be ready in advance.

If the viewer is suitable for all the questionnaires, then the editorial staff of the project interesting to him will be associated with it and tell me how and when you can get to shoot. A huge number of channels and the show on them says that the chance to get to television is absolutely everyone, most importantly - a desire!

Spectators in the hall.
November 22 on the World CTC television channel, a large-scale vocal show "Success",
which press has already set for one level with the American Idol project.
Leading Vera Brezhnev.

Show "Success" will be shown completely in a new format with chic scenery and dance floor.
With the help of three superstars in the jury, 4 talented participants will be selected without musical producers and spectator voices, which will be given to the development of their creative potential to conquer the show-business on their own. However, the most difficult will be to maintain your participation in the show, because every week there will be new participants who are seeking to take their "place under the sun", and the places of these only 4!

Age 18-45 years. Gorera 800 rubles.
Clothing: top in bright colors.

We meet: m. Alekseevskaya in the center of the hall, sign Svetlana Maxim.
Approximate end of 21:00 (+ -), breaks.
Documents are not required.

ATTENTION! These are mandatory conditions!
Each with it must have a smartphone,
in the hall there will be a real vote for participants,
Wi-Fi will be distributed in the hall.
Without a gadget, you will not miss the platform!

There is no recording on the phone! Record in place on fact


The types did not specify

Casting is blocked by the administration for violating the rules of publication or at the request of users.

Casting ended, the reception of applications is over.

Music competition for talented non-professional vocalists. Project TV channel STSit will consist of 8 issues. The leading show will be faith Brezhnev.

Vera Brezhnev: "There are many successful examples of Self-Made celebrities that have achieved success with their own - Taylor Swift, Ed Shiran, Oxxxymiron, Max Korzh. All of them, destroying the laws of show business, showed what millions are capable and received. Their example confirms the rules of the new time: now it is important only how talented, charismatic, cool, in the end. It's great that the CTC channel decided to risk and show all

TV channel STS The first in the world launches a large-scale vocal show " Success"which press has already set for one level with the American Idol project. At the heart of Success" - new format The Final Four. Companies Armoza Formats.whose account is more than a hundred projects sold worldwide.

Channel Fox. (USA) prepares its version of the show in parallel with STSThe rights to a large-scale project also acquired companies from France, Norway, Denmark, Italy and Spain. But still the first shows will see Russian audience.

About Valible Show Success (STS 2017)

Show " Success" Created in order to refute the main rule of the show-buys and prove that it is possible to become a star and without the coolest producer and without the support of the famous label. Large-scale scenery, hundreds of talented performers, three superstars in the jury and a single musical producer - in such conditions " Success" will raise new stars.

Daria Leoni-Phialo, director of the CTC television channel says: "The times have changed: in the era of the Internet, the talents themselves find the way to success. It is not a producer who is behind you, but what you imagine is your style, charisma, individuality. And our show is an excellent playground to show them. "

In the first release, television viewers together with three superstar mentors will choose four vocalists who will receive all the tools to conquer the show business. They will be provided with a luxury home, they will give money to the creation of albums and clips, will be made famous for the whole of Russia. However, at any time they can lose all this. After all, every week another "portion" of talented performers will do everything to overthrow the new stars with the musical Olympus in order to take their place.

Ksenia Bugrimova, head of the entertainment direction of the CTS TV channel, about the project: "When all the shows end, our just begins, because it is not enough to get a pass to the highest league of show business, the main thing is to resist it. The chance of the star status, which our participants will feel on themselves, will force them in a short time to show maximum results. "

Future stars will fall on master classes from the most famous musicians, actors and TV presenters, work on stage images, will record songs and shoot video clips. The creators of the project will completely recreate the thorny path to the show business.

Casting to participate in the vocal show " Success"on the channel STS ended on September 1, 2017. Citizens of the Russian Federation from 18 to 45 years took part in the competition.

In October 2017, it became known that one of the members of the jury will be a rapper who won in Rap-Battle Oxymiron.

Purulent: "If you are talented, friends with internet, popularity will come to you. Producers use the methods of the past that can be shifted, and may not. They no longer have a monopoly on the information space: it is impossible to pay a bunch of money and just wait for the results. Now everything works according to other laws. Time passed the kings of the pop, now we are the main. "

His colleague will perform the famous Russian singer Philipp Kirkorov, who carefully followed the battle between the purulent and oximiron, noting the masting style of fame speeches. Musicians will demonstrate a very different approach to speeches and judging. According to Kirkorov, the duration of rapper's popularity also remains in question.

Philip Kirkorov:

"Just so fame would not come to glory. It is no coincidence that they are talking about him, they are discussed, I myself watched Battle with oximiron with great interest. It was very clever and non-standard, and he seemed to me a guy smart and educated. But how much it will last its popularity and how long it will be interesting to people will show time. "

The third invited member of the jury vocal show will be the singer Nyusha, whose debut took place in the show "STS lights superstar!".

Nyusha: "Exactly ten years ago I won the show" STS lights a superstar! ", And today I'm in the jury of the new draft STS" Success ". This is how interesting is the story! During this time there were hundreds of concerts, dozens of songs and premiums. Probably, now I also want to help the talented guys find your way to success. (...) I am waiting for the participants of the maximum charge of energy and identity. I think the main thing is to have your handwriting: it is important to show that you have talent and potential. Here such people I want to see - capable, loving their work and living with his dream, and still charged for success, with a desire to work much and hard. "

The composition of the participants: Dan Rosin, Oleg Lose, Alina Astrovskaya, Maria Rusakova, Olga Glazov, Ivuelo Filipov, Camila Izmailov, Nikita Novikov, Yves Nabiyev (Ivan Agafonov), Levon Gziryan, Egor Romanov, Ksenia nnchenko,

Unusual music TV show "Success" We invite you to leave an application for participation (casting)

You can leave an application on the official website:

On this page, everyone will be able to leave a request for Show's success STS. To your application for the show "Success" was sent, fill in all fields

Very soon on the TV channel for the name of the STS, a bright and unique musical project will be released, which can please very many connoisseurs of art. The creators of this program have tried to get it unusual, bright, interesting and exciting for viewers.

The presented TV show will be 3 members of the jury and not a single musical producer, therefore participants will independently be successful. Someone will get easy, and someone will try from all his might, but only the strongest and charismatic will win. Bright, stylish scenery, unusual musical tasks, a dynamic plot and much more in this TV show - will not let him be bored with the audience.

At the very beginning of the show, only the 4th participant will be selected, which will have to prove that they are better than all contestants. They will have to be quite difficult, because in each new release of this TV show new participants will come, which will strive to take their place. It is worth noting that this musical project will be released in the Russian Federation rather soon, which will delight very many fans and connoisseurs of modern musical vocals.

We invite you to full-time castings
2 seasons of the All-Russian Vocal Competition "New Star"!

In the casting, everyone can take part, regardless of the place of residence and register. Choose the closest city closest to you and come with your support group. They will help you declare themselves throughout the country!

Casting sites:

24 August - Simferopol,
"Crimean State Philharmonic", ul. Pushkin, 3;

September 5 - Yekaterinburg,
"Ural State Estrada Theater", ul. March 8, 15;

9th of September - Vladivostok,
"State Primorsky Opera and Ballet Theater", ul. Fastovskaya, 20;

Rules of participation in full-time casting:

Persons from 16 years old and musical teams up to 5 people are allowed to participate.

1. It is necessary to arrive at the casting place by 10:00.
2. With yourself have a filled printed questionnaire , indicating the region you are going to represent (write it large, noticeable). The region that you imagine should be justified by your birthplace, registration or place of residence.
3. It is allowed to fulfill any song for your choice, a duration of no more than 1.5 minutes. When the song is executed, be sure to take a USB flash drive with music with music (minus), you can also take the guitar / keys and other tools that will help you. You can sing "A Capella".
4. Be sure to bring a group of support: friends, relatives and other people who can tell about you and your work on an interview that will be shown on television! With their help, you can declare yourself to the whole country!
5. Cannot come to clothing: with a logo or brand inscription (noticeable logos / inscriptions); With a small pattern, a cage, strip.
6. One can take part in full-time casting (once (once in full-time casting).