Reporting concert SDK script. Scenario of the reporting concert mkuk "prelestnensky sdk

Reporting concert SDK script. Scenario of the reporting concert mkuk "prelestnensky sdk

This scenario can be useful for the organizer teacher to organize an open parent meeting or a reporting concert at the end of the school year. The event does not require complex preparation.

Report concert "Solar Carousel"

Equipment and materials:
- A multimedia installation, a hall decorated with balloons, a decorated exhibition of students' works, a stage decorated with satin ribbons in the form of a multi-colored carousel.

Event progress


The dance is performed by girls from the Miracle Association
(girls run off stage)

Lead 1:
- Hello dear friends!
- We are glad to see you at our solemn holiday dedicated to all of you - you are creative, talented, active and cheerful!

Lead 2:
Miracles live in a fairytale house
The voices of the guys do not stop here,
And the joyful laughter does not end.
The doors are open for everyone and everyone!
An unfamiliar fairy tale lives here,
And the magic behind the scenes awaits.
You just have to open the door for you
And step over the threshold without looking back.
You will quickly spin in a dashing dance,
And sing the microphone into a real one,
The artist's colors will become friends
You blind the animal with your own hands.
Children's creativity is wonderful.
Everything on the planet comes from childhood.
And not a magician, but we are with you,
We do a miracle with our own hands.

Lead 2:
- The floor is given to the director of the BOU DO "CTR and GO" ________________.

Lead 1:
- Today we invite you to ride, together with us, on the "Solar Carousel", attractions of creativity, skill and artistry.

Lead 2:
- And so we begin, and let this fiery oriental dance performed by the girls of the weekend club "Riders" open our festive concert.

Lead 1:
Everyone in the world is familiar with music
Many songs are written for us,
Songs from the children's album
They sang before and they sing now.
Lead 2:
We meet the students of the vocal studio "Kaleidoscope"

Lead 1:
The song "Sashka plus Natasha" is performed by the soloist of the vocal studio ____

Lead 2:
I took a brush
And she took out bright colors
Up - down, right left
Proudly like a queen.
Suddenly the Brush went jabbing,
Knocked "heel"
And then he walks in a circle
Like girls in a round dance
We draw: one ... one ...,
Everything will work out with us.

Lead 1:
- We invite to our "Solar Carousel" students of the art studio "Brush"
(children talk about unification and show a presentation)

Lead 2:
-For you a student of the art studio "Brush" sings ______________

Lead 1:
And again we hear the sounds of cheerful music,
A horde of children is hurrying to the stage.
These kids will perform a cool dance for us,
Admire their talents and you.

Lead 2:
- Association "Kalinka", for children with disabilities, prepared for you an incendiary dance of cowboys.

And now the guys will tell us about their association.
(children talk about unification and show a presentation)

Lead 1:
And these are the masters of any business,
There is no limit to their creativity.
They do it so brightly, so skillfully
There is no limit to your admiration.

Lead 2:
- Association "Wonderful moments", present to your attention their wonderful work and tell you what they do in the classroom.
(children talk about unification and show a presentation)

Lead 1:
Oh, you recognized these kids, of course,
We have seen on our stage more than once
They will dance and sing skillfully,
And you will be convinced of this now.

Lead 2:
- Meet the learning associations "Droplets".
(children talk about unification and show a presentation)

Lead 1:
-And now a gift from the "Droplets" association.

Lead 2:
And this is who goes on stage boldly,
Who can sing a song and dance a dance,
who will do any business,
we are ready to take part everywhere.

Lead 1:
- And again we meet the students of the weekend club "Rogues".
(children talk about unification and show a presentation)

Lead 2:
- And again we invite the director of our center to the stage
(awarding the best students)

Lead 1:
Let in the light of days
All sorrows will drown
May all childhood dreams come true
We wish all children to illuminate
Make way for your creativity.

Final song
(all the kids go on stage and sing a song)

Lead 2:
- We thank everyone! Until next time!

Used Books:
1. Holidays in middle and high school. Publishing house "Uchitel" 2007
2. Holidays in middle and high school. Publishing house "Uchitel" 2008
3. Non-standard forms of extracurricular work Publishing house "Teacher-AST" 2005.
4.Klassnyh hours: 6th grade / Avt-stat. L.A. Egorova.-M.: VAKO, 2008.

/ The curtain is closed. The background of the muses. - the voice of the ved. behind the scenes/
1 : Glorious things for Russia,
Through culture they will be reborn.
And there will be Russian tribes
To be considered high again.
And the Phoenix bird will fly
From the ashes of years of oblivion
The face of the holy virgin
And will give us inspiration!
/ Fanfare. The curtain opens. On the stage there is a brass band. Music performance. works.
Then the voice of 1ved:
Exemplary ensemble children's brass band, artistic director and conductor of the orchestra Winner of the Governor's Prize in the field of culture and art Denis Nikolaevich Durnovtsev. /
/ muses. leading out in classic outfits /
2 Vedas: Good afternoon, dear friends!
1 Veda: We are glad to welcome you in our hospitable hall of the Palace of Culture "Krasnaya Gorka" "
2: Today there will be a big concert "New Year with Good Friends", where the creative teams of our Palace of Culture will take part.
1: People have lit the clear fire of art in time immemorial, and since then, from generation to generation, have passed it on. Art is capable of turning a person's life for the better, enriching him with courage, nobility, wisdom and, of course, goodness.
2: The closer we are to the unfading light of art, the brighter the reflections falling on us.
1: Our Palace is always wide open
For eager meetings and communication of hearts!
2: For those who wish to reveal their talent,
Dance among the crystal garlands.
1: and now, as now, putting aside all the sorrows,
Watch the concert in our festive hall!
2: Meet the Mature and the Young in Years
Singers and dancers!
1: Readers!
2: Musicians!
1: We are glad to see you again!
2: Long live the holiday
1.2: before the New Year! (folk talents)
1: On the stage an exemplary collective is the vocal studio of the pop song "Ocharovashki", the ensemble "Caprice". Laureate of the 21st city competition for young vocalists "Silver Bell". Artistic director: Nelly Nokolaevna Mishkina.

1: There are many wonderful holidays,
Each comes in his turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world
The best holiday is the new year!

2: It comes on a snowy road,
Swirling snowflakes in a round dance.
Mysterious and austere beauty
fills the heart of the new year!

1: We wish you all the joys in the world for the new year,
Health for 100 years ahead for you and your children.
May joy next year be a wonderful gift to you,
And leave tears, boredom and misfortune better in the old!

2: Anna Chumachenko, a fellow of the Young Talents of Prokopyevsk Foundation, sings for you. "New Year's Song".

1: When the folk choir sings,
There is no place for old age and boredom!
To the sounds dear to my heart
The open space becomes brighter!

2: While the folk choir sings,
The people's spring will not dry up!
Here the Russian spirit, here it smells of Russia -
Defying any winds!

1: Meet the People's Collective Choir of War and Labor Veterans. Artistic director Nelly Nikolaevna Mishkina.

1 Ved: Song! it captivates us with joy and sorrow, infects us with fun, gives rise to an inexpressible sense of communication.
The song is a true friend. She is always there - at work, in battle, at a festive table, on a campaign, around a fire, in the ranks of a marching column, in solitude.

2 ved: You know, Olga, let's sing with you,
I can't believe in life without good songs.
Let a smile be on your face
Again, as if the sun will shine!
1: "Lost Soul" Performed by Alisa Pstyga.

1 Veda: (to the audience) Dear friends, please tell me if this holiday makes you happy with the art and talent of our artists, whom you just saw? (answers)
2 Vedas: Great! Since today is a holiday, we will try to do everything so that everyone has a great mood, so that the laughter does not cease and the smiles on your faces do not go out. Do you agree? (answers)
1: Dear friends, we invite everyone in the room to take part in the New Year's auction. It is necessary to name adjectives on the topic: "What New Year's Eve are you dreaming about." I call the first adjective: Merry.
/ Music background /
Thanks! Let everything you have conceived come true!
Dear friends, your applause!

1: The old year is coming to an end, good, good year.
We will not be sad, because a new one is coming to us!

2: Let's remember all the good things that happened!
Let's meet all the best that will come!

1: Fortune shone for us all year!
And may luck never forget us!

2: For the winner of the auction and of course for everyone present, a magical New Year's gift!
1: An ensemble of oriental dance, a diploma winner of the open championship of Kuzbass in oriental dances "The Many-Faced East", gives you its art. For you, the choreographic composition "Wings of Love"

1: Our Motherland is generous for talents -
Everywhere Russians are held in high esteem as masters.
2: Our free, amazing people,
He has been creating a miracle for centuries - fairy tales!
1: And art is eternal in the world.
And always only shines for us good!
2: And the soul sings when it sees
That talent lives in our children!
1: Announce them quickly!
2: Wait, don't rush.
Here they have their debut now!
1: That's right, Denis, the team that will now appear in front of our audience will be on this stage for the first time.
2: Meet the young stars of acting - the theater group "Surprise". The head is Alisa Olegovna Pstyga. "Primitive New Year"

1: Harmony in our area is heard from all sides,
Walking down the street. Why should she lie in vain?
2: And the free song is alive and in the heart it asks,
And no one can hold this song.
1: Dear friends, your applause for the accordion ensemble. To the winners of the international competition of accordion players named after Gennady Zavolokin - brothers Sidorov.
1: May the new year dawn on you,
Will give you success.
And at work - let it sound
Cheerful, ringing laughter!
2: Have a faithful friend by your side
And on a holiday, and in bad weather!
And let it snowball into your house,
Happiness always comes!
1: The first part of the reporting concert of the creative collectives of the Palace of Culture "In the New Year with Good Friends" is completed.
2: Break _____ minutes.
/ Muz. - closing the curtain /

/ Muz. - curtain opening - presenter exit /
2Ved: Dear friends, we are continuing the program of the concert.
Ouch! And then, according to the script, the words of my co - presenter Olga Where is she?
/ Muz. - exit of the disguised presenter (modern outfit with New Year's attributes, in the form of bunny ears /
2: Well, finally! And then I already started to worry!
1: Dear friends, we are opening the second branch of our program.
2 (interrupts): Stop! Stop! Olga, what is your outfit and what is on your head?
After all, we need to continue to conduct the concert program of the reporting concert "In the New Year with Good Friends"? Have you messed up all the programs?
1: And I, Denis, did not mix anything up. You yourself just said that we need to host a concert called "New Year with Good Friends".
Do you know what the new year 2011 will be according to the Eastern calendar?
2: No, I'm not into it.
1: And I will answer. 2011 is the year of the rabbit. Therefore, my outfit matches the cheerful festive New Year mood!
By the way, on this magnificent day, I want to present you, Denis, with a New Year's gift. Try it on, please!
(gives the ears of the rabbit - the led puts them on himself)
1: Dear friends, the rabbit is a harmless cute animal that will definitely bring you and me sincere happiness, true love, good health and excellent mood.
2: And indeed, my soul became more cheerful! The closeness of the new year is felt! Is it time to sing !?
1: Of course! Meet the soloist of the vocal association "Crystal" Evgeny Ilyukhin with thunderous applause. The song "Lady Love" is played

1: Cheer up, honest people,
A meeting awaits you with art!
2: Now arrived for the holiday
oriental beauties!
1: Everyone has his own secret,
But there are no secrets for you!
2: The young ladies will tell everything,
They will show their skills!
1 On stage, the ensemble "The Many-Faced East" - "Conversation of drums"

Denis, do you agree that children are a wonder of the world?

Of course, Olga! .. Tell me, what films did you like to watch as a child?
1. You know, Denis, I have always loved to watch fabulous, extraordinary, breathtaking, but simply not probable stories. For example - "Pippi Long Stocking"
2. Are you thinking the same thing that I am?
1Yes, the time has come to invite the children's ensemble "Grace". They will present a song called "Peppy - Long Stocking"

1: New Year is a celebration of miracles and magic!
We invite you, dear friends, to make sure of this once again.
I have in my hands a silver lump that grants a wish. I'll throw it into the hall. Whoever catches a lump, we ask to go up on stage. So, catch it!
/ Background muses. - the caught lump comes out /
1: Today our hall is full of wonderful wonderful people. Namely, you were lucky enough to catch a magic ball. And we would like to ask you a few questions.
2- please introduce yourself.
1- do you often attend cultural and leisure programs held in our recreation center?
2- Which collective or individual creative personality of our scene do you like more?
1- do you have any big plans or dreams for 2011? (What kind?)
1Thank you! And now the fulfillment of your wish is a New Year's gift and applause from all those present!
/ presentation of the prize. The lucky one leaves the stage /

2 And now, like in a fairy tale
The eastern star is dancing!
1: Diploma-recipient of the Siberian Open Cup in Oriental Dance 2010, soloist of the Jasmine ensemble Svetlana Sivirgina. "Unsolved Magic"

1: First played,

2: Then they sang,

1: And in a year they will dance

2: Ensemble of girls on stage -

1: It's called "Milady"!

2: Show - Milady group, head Tatiana Khaimina. The song "You" sounds.

1.And here are the heroes,
The ensemble has been known to us for a long time!

2.Plastic movements
He will surprise us today
He will dedicate his number for you.

1 welcome, the Pronix break-dance team with the dance composition “Street Dances”!


1: The old year is leaving its last page rustling.
Let the best that was - not go away, and the worst - can not be repeated!

2: So that the songs, so that the dances never cease.
Happy New Year!
1: Happy New Happiness!
(in chorus): Let the trouble pass us!

Evgeny Ilyukhin and the ensemble "Slides" - "Happy New Year, friends"
1 Dear friends, the time has come to invite to this stage the director of the Palace of Culture, an honored worker in the field of culture and art - Galina Nikolaevna Sikorskaya! Your applause!
/ congratulatory speech, presenting gifts to amateur participants /
(Final words of the hosts):
1 Yes, for glory this time
A holiday has come out - we have it!
2: Had a lot of fun
We united with creativity!
1: Thank you all,
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
2: You, artists are named!
You young talents!
1 And of course the audience,
Creativity of connoisseurs!
Holiday greetings
(in chorus): Happy New Year!
2: Goodbye!
1: Until next time!
/ Muz. - the curtain closes /


reporting concert

department of aesthetic orientation

State educational institution

"Secondary school No. 3 in Orsha"


The splash screen sounds.

Narration. Choir "Tutti"

There is one Light in the whole Universe, there is one Love for all,
Talents are given to all in full, so that the soul lives in creativity.
Listen to the call of the heart, understand its call,
Open the talent in yourself to dissolve your soul in love.

The whole Earth will become beautiful and everything will suddenly come to life,
Create in joy friends and happiness will come to you!
We are musicians and singers, we are all artists,
Everyone can be a poet when there are flowers in the soul!

"Star Rain"

Fanfare sounds. The chorus diverges on two sides. Leading exit.

V. Good afternoon, dear friends. Today is a holiday at our school, fanfare is thundering, the hall greets guests with festive decorations, costumes are full of colors, the stage light is illuminated by the footlights, which means that we are opening the Talent Parade.


For us, this is a summing up of the results for the year, an opportunity to show ourselves, and for you, guests and spectators, - to evaluate our achievements, of course, to be happy for us and get a charge of good mood.

The Tutti Choral Group opened the talent parade.

This year, the collective presented our school, our city at the Republican competition of choral creativity "Sleep once again" and became the owners of a 2nd degree diploma at the regional stage. And in the final of the competition, which was held in Minsk, the choir "Tutti" took the honorable third place. In addition, the team was awarded a special diploma of the republican competition "Young talents of Belarus" in the National camp "Zubrenok".

"Spring gamma"


The splash screen sounds. The chorus leaves.

Alla Vladimirovna Sinyavskaya, the director of the school, is invited to the stage to greet the participants of the parade and to receive awards.

Director's word

AWARDINGI block. Background on awardednot

Music screensaver

Theatre! How much does a word mean
For everyone who has been there many times!
How important and sometimes new
There is action for us!

Theatre! Theatre! How much do they mean
Sometimes your words are for us!
And how could it be otherwise?
In the theater, life is always right!

The talent parade is continued by fans of the theatrical genre, and there are a lot of them in our school. These are theatrical collectives "Poteshki", "Peer", the poetic theater "Firefly". Our school is one of the few where theater traditions are kept sacred. Members of theatrical collectives not only participate in contests, festivals, but also organize theatrical evenings for their peers, parents, and kindergarten children. And now the youngest members of the Teremok theater group will appear on this stage. "Gape" is the name of the miniature that they will present to your attention.

Theater "Teremok" "Gape"

To the sounds of fanfare, applause and enthusiastic glances from KVN fans, at the talent parade, I represent the school KVN team "Our Roof". This team has a five-year history, the fourth edition, two victories in the season. This year, the team became the second in the finals of the district school league and a 2nd degree diploma of the Vitebsk open league of KVN school teams, and Alexander Batyukov was recognized as the best player of the season. On behalf of the team, I would like to express my gratitude to the parents for their understanding, patience and support.

The teaching staff of the State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 3" in Orsha expresses gratitude and appreciation for the personal contribution to the development of the material and technical base of the school, for support, cooperation and an active life position

AWARDINGІІ block.Background on awardednot

The festive parade is continued by the Laureate of the regional festival of creativity of children and adolescents "I will be a star" theater of rhythm and plastics "Formula of movement"

"PiratesXXIcentury "

What compares to music in sound?
The noise of the forest? A nightingale's song?
Thunderstorms rolling? The murmur of the brook?
I cannot find comparisons.

But whenever there is confusion in my soul -
Love or sadness, fun or sadness.
In any given mood
Suddenly the music starts to sound

Elizaveta Kalanich sings for you.


Last vocal group in the block (Chinese song)

B \ O Chinese song

B / O Exemplary theater of costume "Image"

Breath of the Celestial Empire "

Costume theater "Image". Leaders Vinogradova N.Ya. and Derevianko E.V. This creative team has been the hallmark of our school for more than 10 years. This year he was awarded the honorary title "Exemplary". The team members represent our school, our region at regional, republican competitions and festivals. Thanks to the support of parents this academic year, the team members attended the regional festival “Zdravevskaya politra” in Vitebsk, at the festival of Chinese lanterns in Minsk, took part in the commercial competition “Sails of Hope”. Dear parents, children, please accept my words of gratitude.


Oh music is the language of love
Creation of God's glow ,.
How do you cleanse your soul
How you ignite inspiration!

The musicians continue the talent parade. On stage instrumental duet Sinyakova Tatyana Balinskaya Daria



You are welcomed by the laureate of the regional festival of creativity of children and adolescents "I will be a star" vocal group "Confetti"


The magic power of art
A truly powerful word.
And if your soul is empty,
You do it again.

The magic power of art
And all of a sudden everything around became new.
And you wanted to smile
And make the other person happier.

Live, create, dare
Learn willingly and a lot,
Discover your talents
And the road will be joyful!

Singing by Ivan Voroshkov

"New day"

All participants of the concert

The scenario of the reporting concert

MKUK "Prelestnensky SDK"

Fanfare sounds, presenters take the stage, the music stops

Veda 1: Hello!

Veda 2: Hello, so be healthy!

Veda 1: Hello, then be rich!

Veda 2: Hello, then be happy every person, every family separately and a large family of fellow countrymen together.

Against the background of the words of the presenters, the vocal ensemble "Sudarushka"

Ved 1: Under the wings of a two-headed eagle,

Born under the sign of Aquarius

You were born and lit your fire

Which warms us with warmth and light.

Veda 2: I live here and I breathe you,

Feeding strength from your element.

I sing, write, shout about you!

Great, endless Russia!

The song "Zlotya Rus" is played in Spanish. wok. ans. "Sudarushka"

Vedas 1: Small homeland or big -

All this is the Motherland, no matter what you call.

It gives strength and inspires hope,

Pain relieves and teaches love.

Small homeland or big, -

All this is only one homeland.

At the hour when everything collapses and decays,

Only she keeps in the world.

The song "My Home Russia" is played in Spanish. V. Kyssa

Vedas 1: By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, 2014 was declared the year of culture.

Veda 2: What is Culture? The engine of progress,

The basis of life, Synthesis of Beauty,

Counterbalance to aggression and stress,

The Grain of the Beautiful in the Field of Kindness.

Vedas 1: The dearest and closest person teaches us only good and beautiful things from childhood, this is our mother. Close your eyes, listen. Do you hear my mother's voice? He lives in you, so familiar and dear. It cannot be confused with anything. Even as you grow up, you will always remember your mother’s voice, mother’s eyes and hands.

The song "Early in the morning" is played in Spanish. Diana Ovcharenko

Veda 2: May the past remain with us forever,

Let life boil violently in the present.

Vedas 1: Let's fill the world with bright deeds,

And the future will accomplish a new feat.

The song "Great-grandfather" is played in Spanish. Nikita Zakharova

Vedas 1: The world of childhood is a wonderful and fabulous world,

A little - a little funny, a little mysterious.

Where discoveries are made every day and every hour!

Vedas 2: You once visited it, and the light of this spiritual kindness

Kept in the heart, like a flame, warming us!

The song "Merry Song" is played by Olesya Machkarina

The song "Red-haired girl" is played in Spanish. Dmitry Ilyasov

Vedas 1: Suddenly, in silence from subtle notes,

Weaving into a pattern of melody,

Music will arise. And so -

She lives, she suffers!

Vedas 2: And it excites again and again -

And weightless and invisible ...

She's crazy like love

And how love is unique.

In isp. D. Lobovoy the song "White Birds" sounds

The song "My Beloved" is played in Spanish. E. Suvorova

Veda 1: We cannot live without a song.

She is an assistant at work.

And, if you feel sad at heart,

You always sing anyway.

Veda 2: So, dear ones, we go through life.

Probably it will be like this forever:

Ears to fields, space to cranes,

And the song is for good people.

The song "Kalina - mountain ash" in Spanish is played. N. Ievlevoy

S. Smolyakova performs the monologue "Grandma's Happiness"

Vedas 1: Crystal ringing in the rays of dawn,

The fog spreads blue.

Love's magic planet

Opened the doors for you and me.

V. Kyss, E. Suvorova performed the song "Snow-White Flowers"

I. Erchakova reads A. Dementiev's poem "I wish you"

Against the background of the introduction of the song, the words of the presenter sound

Vedas 2: We wish you a lot in life

Health, happiness, warmth

Vedas 1: Love and Attention to Each Other

And kindness.

The song "Wish" is played in Spanish. wok. ans. "Sudarushka"

Against the background of the loss, all the participants of the program enter the stage (children stand in the front row)

Our concert was attended by:

Veda 1: Dear friends, our concert program has come to an end.

Veda 2: Goodbye!

Leading together: Until next time!

1. "Zlotya Rus" - "Sudarushka"

2. "My home is Russia" - V. Kyssa

3. "Early in the morning" - D. Ovcharenko

4. "Great-grandfather" - N. Zakharov

5. "Merry Song" - O. Machkarina

6. "Red-haired girl" - D. Ilyasov

7. "White Birds" - D. Lobova

8. "My beloved" - E. Suvorova

9. "Kalina - mountain ash" in Spanish. N. Ievleva

10. Monologue "Grandma's Happiness" - S. Smolyakova

11. "Snow-white flowers" - V. Kyssa, E. Suvorova

12. The poem "I wish you" - I. Erchakova

13. "Wish" - vocal ensemble "Sudarushka"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia

Education Committee of Ulan-Ude

Municipal autonomous educational institution of additional education

Center for Continuing Education



for club leaders



The script of the reporting concert of the creative dance

association "CARAMEL"

The concert program was created for the final reporting event of the creative association "CARAMEL" MAOU DO CDO "Edelweiss"

Relevance of the event: demonstration by children of dances learned during the academic year in front of parents and peers, spectators.

Target: to show and evaluate the level of creative and performing growth of the collective of the creative association for the academic year, to congratulate on the completion of the educational period.


      Popularization of the art of choreography and creative activities of the association;

      To give viewers an idea of ​​the creativity and repertoire of the association;

      Implementation of practical skills in dance performance;

      Fostering the spirit of collectivism and solidarity, mutual assistance. Uniting a creative team of different ages with a single responsibility in a solo concert;

      Awaken in schoolchildren from among the audience, the desire to engage in choreography in the creative association "CARAMEL";

      Create an atmosphere of success and celebration for children.

The concert program is designed for children 7-12 years old.


Children enter the hall to the music

Ved .:

1 child: Let the music sound louder

2 child: Let the light flash brighter!

Ved .: Hello to our young viewers,

And also to their parents,

3 child: And grandfathers,

4 child: and grandmothers -

In chorus: Hey! Hey! Hey!

Ved .:

Hello dear friends! We are glad to welcome you at the reporting concert of the creative association "Caramel". And today we want to invite you to the “Magic land called My home.

1. Miracles live in a fairytale house
The voices of the guys do not stop here,
And the joyful laughter does not end.
The doors are open for everyone and everyone!

2. An unfamiliar fairy tale lives here,
And the magic behind the scenes awaits.
You just have to open the door for you
And step over the threshold without looking back.

3. You will quickly spin in a dashing dance,
And sing the microphone into a real one,
The artist's colors will become friends
You blind the animal with your own hands.

4. Children's creativity is wonderful.
Everything on the planet comes from childhood.
And not a magician, but we are with you,
We do a miracle with our own hands.


Ved .:

Childhood is a ringing laughter.

Rainbow in the sky.

In childhood, with joy for everyone,

Everyone would plunge into it.

Childhood is a special country with its own traditions, values, finds and victories.

Magic is believed here

Here they are friends with miracles

All fairy tales in reality

They come to visit themselves.

The clouds are not visible here,

It's crowded here from smiles

On a creative wave

Childhood is floating somewhere.

Dance (Funny Frog)

Ved .:

"Every person is born talented." Every child has an abyss of talents and abilities hidden.

And every parent wants a "star" to grow out of his child. All loving and sensitive parents are capable of discerning in their child the talent and craving for certain sciences or creativity. Over time, it may turn out that the chosen hobby, occupation in the future becomes a profession for the child.

Ved .:

Meet, on the stage, the girls of the junior dance group with the dance "Kindness"

Dance (Barbariki)

Ved .:

Happy, irreversible childhood! And each of us wants to be there even for a moment!

Game Funny Answers

Ved .:

From cheerful rhythms

Can't go nowhere

Modern rhythms -

These are the rhythms of childhood.

Dance (Modern middle gr.)

Ved .:

The dance is beautiful! This is magic

It attracts to itself swiftly and tenaciously

Movement, rhythm and music kinship

Intertwined with bright illumination.

Here beauty gives birth to beauty

Which one? The one in which there is no rest

And the heart aspires to the height again

Subject to dance, music and formation.

Dance (Modern Art. Gr.)


Everyone is sitting in a circle. Each has a piece of paper and a pencil or felt-tip pen. At a signal (it could be a musical melody), everyone starts drawing. As soon as the music stops, everyone finishes drawing and passes their started drawing in a circle. After the music continues again, you need to continue the drawing that was given to you until the music ends. This can be continued until the sheets return to their owners. I wonder if you can recognize your drawing? Original

Children read

    And what lies ahead? Who can answer?

After all, we are still so few years old.

Ved .: All paths lead to a happy world

Happy crumbs live in this world.

    There Vera and Good settled forever.

There the wind is made of laughter, there is joy - the rivers.

    There the red sun plays with rays,

There the stars laugh at night

    And to the little inhabitants of this country

Descend on rays of good dreams !!!

Ved .:

We are responsible for the future:

Our joy is pain and sadness

Our future is children ..

It is difficult with them, so be it.

Our children are our strength

The lights of extraterrestrial worlds

If only there was a future

As light as they are.

The song is my home

Ved .:

Our concert was a success,

We hope everyone likes it!

May it be memorable and bright for everyone,

As the best dear gift!

Ved .:

The school year ends, the dancing season ends. We congratulate everyone on the end of the dance season and want to say a big thank you to all parents and children for their patience and hard work.

Rewarding children

Presenting thanks to parents

And to you, our dear viewers, we wish you always a good mood, many bright moments in life, and we are waiting for you in the next academic year.

Goodbye, see you soon!


Do you want to laugh heartily? Then we suggest you play one fun game. Before starting it, you need to prepare cards with suggested answers, the more cards there are, the longer you can play. The rules of the game are as follows: the leader distributes cards to the participants face down. Then he begins to ask everyone any questions that come to mind. You can write questions in advance, but it is more interesting if they become impromptu. Participants must give the answers to the questions, which are recorded on their cards. As a rule, they do not correspond to the meaning of the questions, they are completely ridiculous, which causes laughter and great fun. We offer you several ready-made questions and answers.

Can you tell your friends' secrets?
Are your parents punishing you?
How often do you have to crow?
Do you eavesdrop when your sister is on the phone?
Do you respect your parents?
Do you often pick your nose?
Does your pen break when you write for a long time?
Do you like to make gifts?
Do you comb every day?
Do you have to wash the dishes?
How often do you use public transport without a ticket?
Do you break dishes every day?
Do you often fall out of bed?
Do you cheat at your deskmate?
Do you like gifts?
Do you often joke with friends?
Do you often climb to your neighbor's raspberries?
Is your dog listening to you?
Are you often lazy?
Are you glad to go to school?
Do you like to laugh at others?
Do you make your bed every day?
Do you like to eat sweets?
Do you lick your plate after eating?
Do you practice sports?
Do you stumble on your way to school?
Do you wash often?
Do you trim your toenails in front of guests?
Do you ever sleep in class?
Do you often dream of hippos?
Do you like to sleep in the afternoon?
Do you brush your teeth every day?
Do you like snapping seeds?
Do you have many secrets?
Are you wearing holey socks?
Do you think that parents should only be told the truth?
Do you often go to visit?
Do you like going to the zoo?
Do you often run away from school?
Would you go through the forest at night?

I can't imagine my life without it.
Smart people don't give out secrets.
Yes, and my dog ​​too!
No, the teacher scolds me for that.
No, I'm very shy!
You will not understand this, I like it so much.
Away from home you can try.
Of course, this is the coolest thing to do.
I don't know myself, but others say yes.
No, it’s no use anyway.
This is my hobby.
Yes, but our cat has tantrums from this.
Not here.
Every day except today.
Why not? With great pleasure!
Yes, the neighbors will not stand it soon.
If I am strongly asked about it.
Yes, when you have to look smart.
I can for hours, especially in the dark.
Yes, so as not to wash the dishes.
No, I tried it once - it didn't work.
Only when the weather is bad.
How did you guess?
Golko on an empty stomach.
Only on holidays.
Oh, have you already been told about this?
Only at night.
Yes, if you have something to eat.
Only if nobody sees.
Yes, it creates a brutal appetite.
Could you ask a more modest question?
Yes, they even wrote about this in the newspaper.
On Saturdays this is a must for me.
Yes, the doctor prescribed it for me.
This is the main goal of my life.
Can't you see it from me?
I just can't stand it.
Not always, but often.
No, I am too well brought up.
Unfortunately no.