Daria Stavrovich at the voice show. The vocalist of the group "slot" plunged into a stupor the judges of the show "voice

Daria Stavrovich at the voice show.  The vocalist of the group
Daria Stavrovich at the voice show. The vocalist of the group "slot" plunged into a stupor the judges of the show "voice
December 11, 2016 7:50 pm

I admit honestly that I learned about the existence of this girl only from the show "The Voice". Earlier I heard about the Slot group, but that was a long time ago and I only listened to a couple of songs from them. The soloist in these songs was Teona Dolnikova. There were no complaints about her. She's cool and sings great. There was a clear division of labor. The guy growled, yelled and read, and Teona sang beautifully.

Here is a song that I once heard to the holes.

Then I tried to find something else interesting for myself, but I never saw Theona with them. there was some other girl, I did not like what I heard and I forgot about them for many years.

Then one day I have a girl at work. who wore tattoos and dreadlocks and seemed to be singing in some local band, told me that her idol is the lead singer of the Slot group. I also asked her: "Theon of Dolnikov?"

When I saw Daria's performance on the "Voice" show and heard that she was singing in the "Slot" group, I immediately understood where my colleague's dreadlocks grow from))))

It was interesting for me to listen to her in order to understand why she is so good that she is even an idol for someone. She sang the song "Zombit", the song I always liked very much in the original. I didn’t like Daria’s performance, I don’t like it when they yell like that. But I liked Daria for her unusual appearance, her abs))) and her drive. It needs to be watched in conjunction with sound, and not just listened to. Otherwise, the effect is much weaker (for me personally).

Daria chose Leps and I was wondering what he could offer her in the next stages. Or let her be herself. or will remake her into a "girl".

Her second performance in the "Voice" show seemed to me just nothing. It seemed to me that the choice of the song is banal for Daria, like they are yelling, Jareth Leto is yelling, Dasha is yelling - they are made for each other)))) On the other hand, it is unfair to the second participant, because this is clearly not his story and to put them together in this song means initially giving her a head start. The second participant, Oleg Kondrakov, was simply leaked by Leps. Usually if I like the number. then I revise it several times. I didn’t even finish watching this number once.

I am very glad that Dima Bilan saved Oleg, because then Oleg showed what he really was. He sang a very difficult song very well. He touched me with his number.

At the next stage, Daria sang the song "Circles on the Water", I unexpectedly liked the song and I even listened to it several times, but what do I hear during discussions? It was a song written by Daria herself ... i.e. again a handicap, again dishonest ... Naturally, if her song, then the song is written specifically for her voice, for her capabilities. naturally Daria will look organic, because she performed this song a hundred times. And again the question: "Why such injustice?" After all, there are no random people in this show. Everyone here is creative, with experience, with education. here half of 100% have their own songs of some kind. But for some reason, everyone else is singing world hits, and Daria is allowed to sing her song. Why doesn't Panayotov sing his songs? It's kind of forbidden, from what I've heard. but for some reason they made an exception for Daria ... It seems that mentors should teach something new here? Or Leps simply does not know what to do with her and what to offer her, so he left her to herself ... But I liked the song and Daria looked organic ...

And this week I just precipitated. She was given the Bjork song. I love Bjork and I love this song, the music there is cool and Bjork's vocals, as always, are unusual and cosmic. Although I read a lot of positive reviews in the comments to Daria's performance, in my opinion she just fucked up the song ... She couldn't show anything at all ... She just shook her head ... I think that after this performance she was needed, objectively , kick out ... She is charismatic and she is good in her image and in her work, but this is not about the "Voice" show ... I was just shocked that she made it to the final ... Or maybe I was I don’t understand. I have no musical education, I rely only on my feelings and emotions from what I hear ... Maybe I don't understand something? What do you think?

The appearance of Daria Stavrovich, who is known as a singer under the pseudonym "Nuki", on the popular TV show "The Voice" caused a lot of discussion. The girl has been working in the alternative rock group Slot for nine years. Despite the fact that all members of the jury wanted to see the artist in their team, she preferred Grigory Leps. Stavrovich does not intend to change the style of performance and please the majority of viewers, as he believes that the project "Voice" should be a variety of musicians.

“It's poppy because people go there and sing pop! They really love it. Actually! Nobody imposes anything on them. Television has raised this gray mass of people who practically themselves began to love it all, because it was shown to them for a long, long time. And it seems to me that at some point the First Channel itself, having heard the show "The Voice", realized that everything is the same, gray. And I decided to give the go-ahead for such a freak like me, ”the participant of the TV show said frankly.

The artist herself had never watched Golos before, so her colleagues from the Slot group brought her to audition. As a teenager, Daria realized that it was rock music that she dreamed of singing. She believes that this is given to her by nature.

“My voice, timbre, manner of speaking, how to sing is something innate. And alternative rock - it just happened, brought me in, it is possible that there could be something different, but also from this direction. At the age of 15, I suspected that it was probably mine, ”Stavrovich told StarHit.

Daria is glad that Grigory Leps became her mentor. Despite the fact that she respects each member of the jury, she cannot imagine how she could work under their supervision. Daria is glad that Leps is not trying to change her and does not dictate strict conditions. Stavrovich told StarHit that she did not intend to adapt to any framework, but wanted to convey rock music to a wide audience. And I am sure that it is with Leps that she will be able to achieve this.

“He is not trying to build something out of himself. Leps is real, as it seemed to me, and still, by the way, it seems, "- said Stavrovich in an interview with Life.

This fall Daria Stavrovich entered the second stage of the Voice show. Lovers of heavy music know her as Nuki, or the frontwoman of the alternative rock band Slot. On a blind audition, she impressed the entire jury with her "disgusting" performance of the 90s hit Zombie. But Nuki chose the most "driving" of them - Grigory Leps.

- Daria, why do you need to participate in such a pop project as "The Voice"?

- In short: enlightenment and just have fun. And those who are somehow familiar with our modern rock scene, let them look at everything that happens with new eyes.

- Does it bother you that the show is mainly pop-style?

- There are different, completely different. The format of the show, in my opinion, is still being done by the participants themselves. I choose what I sing, how I sing, how I look.

- Why did you choose Zombie for blind listening?

- Because all the other compositions suitable for me were too brutal and unknown. And this is still some kind of hit. A reasonable environment won and said: “Yes, Dash, you have to sing the song that people more or less know. At least for the blind.

- Would you go to another mentor if Leps hadn't turned around?

- I think not. I don't know what I would have done there. Firstly, I know that Leps gives a certain freedom. It seems to me that his whole team, plus or minus, is left to itself. This is good for me. Agutin, by the way, is really doing something with his own people. As a musician, I respect him very much, but he certainly does not have the emotional palette that is in me. It just seems to me that he would not understand a lot and would not allow it at some stages. And Leps - do not care! (hits the table with his hand and smiles).

- And before that you had to somehow communicate with Leps?

- Yes, he is an anarchist (laughs).

- Which of the team of Grigory Leps do you like the most?

- I am attracted by the fact that they are all different there. Kirill Babiev, who sang Linkin park, also went to Leps. I understand him. And to whom else? A person (Grigory Leps) clearly has a natural drive.

- He once dropped: "I don't understand why I haven't heard this before." I think that he is attracted by a similar manner of singing, driving. Someone says: "Yes, they all know, all this (blind listening) is a setup." No, they really don't know Slot. We just seem to live in one country, but in completely parallel universes.

- Fans on the street often find out if they come up?

- Well, yes, quite often. Especially after this broadcast on Golos. I had such a period of time, several hours, when it seemed to me that I woke up famous. They just come up, ask like "Is there life on Mars?" or just wish you good luck: "Tear it all."

- As far as I read the contract, it is better not to win, because you fall into “slavery”. And I do not want to be enslaved. You turn into some kind of corporate cover artist, and they squeeze the juices out of you. We also agreed with Cash (the second lead singer of the Slot group): if I go to Golos, he goes to the rap battle (laughs).

This fall Daria Stavrovich entered the second stage of the Voice show. Lovers of heavy music know her as Nuki, or the frontwoman of the alternative rock band Slot. On a blind audition, she impressed the entire jury with her "disgusting" performance of the 90s hit Zombie. But Nuki chose the most "driving" of them - Grigory Leps.

- Daria, why do you need to participate in such a pop project as "The Voice"?

- In short: enlightenment and just have fun. And those who are somehow familiar with our modern rock scene, let them look at everything that happens with new eyes.

- Does it bother you that the show is mainly pop-style?

- There are different, completely different. The format of the show, in my opinion, is still being done by the participants themselves. I choose what I sing, how I sing, how I look.

- Why did you choose Zombie for blind listening?

- Because all the other compositions suitable for me were too brutal and unknown. And this is still some kind of hit. A reasonable environment won and said: “Yes, Dash, you have to sing the song that people more or less know. At least for the blind.

- Would you go to another mentor if Leps hadn't turned around?

- I think not. I don't know what I would have done there. Firstly, I know that Leps gives a certain freedom. It seems to me that his whole team, plus or minus, is left to itself. This is good for me. Agutin, by the way, is really doing something with his own people. As a musician, I respect him very much, but he certainly does not have the emotional palette that is in me. It just seems to me that he would not understand a lot and would not allow it at some stages. And Leps - do not care! (hits the table with his hand and smiles).

- And before that you had to somehow communicate with Leps?

- Yes, he is an anarchist (laughs).

- Which of the team of Grigory Leps do you like the most?

- I am attracted by the fact that they are all different there. Kirill Babiev, who sang Linkin park, also went to Leps. I understand him. And to whom else? A person (Grigory Leps) clearly has a natural drive.

- He once dropped: "I don't understand why I haven't heard this before." I think that he is attracted by a similar manner of singing, driving. Someone says: "Yes, they all know, all this (blind listening) is a setup." No, they really don't know Slot. We just seem to live in one country, but in completely parallel universes.

- Fans on the street often find out if they come up?

- Well, yes, quite often. Especially after this broadcast on Golos. I had such a period of time, several hours, when it seemed to me that I woke up famous. They just come up, ask like "Is there life on Mars?" or just wish you good luck: "Tear it all."

- As far as I read the contract, it is better not to win, because you fall into “slavery”. And I do not want to be enslaved. You turn into some kind of corporate cover artist, and they squeeze the juices out of you. We also agreed with Cash (the second lead singer of the Slot group): if I go to Golos, he goes to the rap battle (laughs).