Competitive game program for schoolchildren "fast, dexterous and smart". Scenario of the game competition program "Colorful game" for children of primary and secondary school age

Competitive game program for schoolchildren "fast, dexterous and smart". Scenario of the game competition program "Colorful game" for children of primary and secondary school age
Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna primary school teacher MBOU secondary school №9, Ulyanovsk.
Work description: I bring to your attention an entertaining - game program, which includes: competition games, outdoor games and table games for preschoolers and younger students. All types of games presented are aimed at organizing children's leisure activities. This material will be useful for counselors working in summer camps, as well as primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers. In addition, it can be used in work with children in country and school camps, on walks and in extracurricular activities. In games can participate, as players of different squads or classes, and one.

Target: Development and improvement of the play culture of children.
- to organize interesting and informative leisure for children.
- cause a feeling of joy from joint actions with adults and peers.
- improve motor skills and abilities and strengthen health.

Entertaining - game program "Play - learn yourself"

Dear guys and dear adults! Today an exciting and interesting journey awaits you, we go to the "World of Games".

Competition Games

Take one player from each team. Each player is given 3 big balls. The player must carry the "cargo" to the designated place.
"Duck Run"
The start and finish lines are drawn, the distance between them is 15-20 steps. All participants stand near the starting line. This is followed by the leader's signal: "Start!" Players move with a duck step, that is, squat down and waddle around, imitating ducks. The winner is the one who crosses the finish line first.

Outdoor games

"Needle and thread"
The host is a "needle". The rest of the players are a "thread". The presenter runs, dodges, changes directions, in a word, tries to confuse the players. The "thread" moves one after the other and, holding the shoulders of the one in front, will repeat everything exactly. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated. The player who does not make mistakes wins.
“Level up! At ease! "
Everyone who wants to play is lined up in one column. The presenter commands: "At ease!", The children scatter in all directions. This is followed by the leader's command: "Level up!" Children should line up in one row, as before, each in his place.
"Hares and the wolf"
The host explains the rules of the game. If he claps his hands 1 time, it means “danger”, the wolf is nearby, you need to quickly jump and hide, if 2 times, then squat down, if 3 times, then the danger has passed, you can safely move, jump.

Table games

"Smart Fast"
The players sit at the table, put both hands on the table, palms down. The host starts the game. He expresses his assumptions, while quickly raising one finger to the top and just as quickly lowers. All players should do the same if the assumption is correct. If one of the players makes a mistake, then he bends one finger over the edge of the table. The winner is the one with more fingers on the table.
Sample statements:
1. After April comes January. (No).
2. There are 4 seasons in a year. (Yes).
3. After Monday comes Tuesday. (Yes).
4. In weeks - 3 days. (No).
5. After morning, night falls. (No).
6. There are 12 months in a year. (Yes).
7. After winter comes spring. (Yes).
8. Morning, afternoon, evening, night. (Yes).
9. In a minute - 60 seconds. (Yes).
10. In a day - 25 hours. (No).
The game can be continued. The player with the most fingers left on the table becomes the leader.
This game is played in pairs. The players sit at the table opposite each other. They put their hands on the table so that the little finger touches the table and the thumb looks up. The command sounds: "The game has begun!" The players move their hands and try to press the opponent's thumb against the hand or on the table.

And in conclusion, I would like to add.
Dear adults!
Play with your kids, take time, remember that play not only increases life. But it also makes it much more interesting and exciting! It is not for nothing that they say: "Our whole life is a game!!!"
Let these words become your motto or life credo:
Play always, play everywhere -
And there will be happiness on Earth!
All the best and most beautiful to you!
Thank you very much for your attention!

Scenario of the competition program for schoolchildren "Fast, dexterous and smart"

Goals: develop logical thinking, creativity, ingenuity, dexterity of students; promote team building, the ability to play in a team.

Event progress:

Lead1: Hello everybody! Today we are gathered here to find out which of you is the fastest, the most agile and the smartest! At the end of each competition, the winners will receive tokens. Which team will have more tokens wins.

In some contests, the whole team participates, in some, one person from the team, so that everyone participates.

Lead 2: So, let's get started ...

    Contest "Come up with a team name".

You need to choose a captain and a team name. Have you chosen? Well done!

1 team ______________________________________________

2 team _______________________________________________

Lead 2: Let's move on to the second task. Here, each team must answer 10 questions. If a question has not been answered, then the audience will answer it. Ready? Let's start!

    Contest "Logical Questions".

    The largest ocean? (Quiet)

    Queen of Flowers (Rose)

    Conversation between two persons, exchange of remarks (dialogue)

    A piece of clothing where money is put. (pocket)

    What tree does the crow sit on after the rain (On wet)

    Which month is the shortest (May)

    Which hand is the best for stirring tea? (With a spoon)

    The starting point of a speed sport? (start)

    What are the Japanese shouting out during the battle? (Banzai)

    The most affectionate animal (Cat)

2 team

    The deepest lake? (Baikal)

    Wild Mountain Sheep (Arkhar)

    Dramatic work with a funny, funny plot (Comedy)

    Continuation of parents (Children)

    What stones are there in no sea? (dry)

    What will happen to the red ball if it falls into the Black Sea? (It gets wet)

    What kind of dishes cannot be eaten from? (From empty)

    The final part of the competition distance (Finish)

    Complex sports facility (stadium)

    What is luck for? (By the tail)

Lead 3: Well done! You've proven that you are smart guys. Now let's move on to the third competition.

3 Contest "Draw an animal"

2 boys from each team take part here. You are given task cards. It indicates who should portray which animal. The opposing team must guess who you are portraying.

Ready? Let's start!

Lead 4: Well done! Both teams did an excellent job!

And now competition 4. The task is a team task, so the teams need to line up in columns.

4 Competition "Running with a rope"

The teams are given jump ropes, they must jump on the rope to a certain strip, and run back, give the rope to the next player.

Lead 1: Well done, guys, did a good job with this task.

5 Contest "Quiz"

1. Grandmother Dasha has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does a grandmother have? (One)

2. The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will two such thermometers show? (15)

3. Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend?

4. There are 8 benches in the park. Three painted. How many benches are there in the park? (Eight)

5. The truck was driving to the village. On the way, he met 4 cars. How many cars were driving to the village? (One)

6. Two boys played checkers for 2 hours. How long did each boy play? (2 hours)

7. What will happen to the crow when she turns 7 years old? (Eighth will go)

8. What is always increasing and never decreasing? (Age)

9. When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open)

10. What does half an orange look like the most? (For the second half)

Lead 2: Well done guys, they answered our questions well.

And now we proceed to the next competition.

6 Competition "Pantomime"

It is attended by 2 people from the team. The name of the competition speaks for itself. Listen to the assignment and do a pantomime on it, and you all look carefully. Will the participants cope with the tasks or not. We invite participants.

A. A footballer who is shaking his shoes.

B. A weightlifter who, while lifting the barbell, got a fly on his nose.

B. A gymnast who herself got entangled in the ribbon.

D. Boxer whose shorts fall off during the fight.

Lead 3: Well done, guys, your parodies are a success ..

And now we proceed to the next competition.

7 Competition "Kochka"

This is a team competition, so I ask the teams to line up in columns. Your task is this. The one in front has a hoop in his hands. The participant must put the hoop in front of him and stand in it. Then take the hoop and put it in front of you again, etc. Until they reach the strip. They run back carrying a hoop in their hand. The first team to complete the task wins. Ready? Let's start!

8 Competition "Fantasy"

It is necessary to come up with the types of goods that would be sold in stores. For example:

Everything for the Losers.

Everything for truants.

Everything for sluts.

Everything for the repeaters

Everything for the hard-core forgetting shoes.

Lead 4: Well done! We learned so many interesting things thanks to this competition. And now we proceed to the next competition.

9 Competition "Paired"

Perform the simplest actions from the point of view of a normal person. But at the same time, two participants need to hug each other so that the right hand of one and the left hand of the other are free. For example:

Cut a circle out of paper with scissors;

Replace the refill in the ballpoint pen.

10 Competition "Friendship"

Lead 1: This competition is also a team competition, but here you work in pairs. Now let's see how you can be friends. Stand in pairs, facing each other. There is an inflatable ball between you. Your task is to run to the strip with the ball, go back, do not drop it, pass it to the next pair. Ready? Let's start!

Lead 2: Well done! We did a good job with this building too. Now our hosts will count your tokens that you received after each competition, so we will find out the winners.

Lead 3: So we counted the team tokens and it turned out that the winners in this competition program were the team _________________________________________________________

Lead 4: Have fun with all the heart, well done! And now sweet prizes for active participants. Thank you all for your participation, see you soon!

Yulia Feofanova
Scenario of the game competition program "Colorful game" for children of primary and secondary school age

Scenario of the game competition program« Colorful game» for children of primary and secondary school age

Work description: This development is intended for the organization of exciting, useful leisure senior preschool children, primary and secondary school age in the summer in kindergarten, in courtyard clubs, in school camps, in holiday camps children... To carry it out, I propose to use a large number of multicolored plastic bottle caps and crayons

Target: organization of exciting, useful leisure time children


Develop in children activity, striving for success, sociability;

Develop attention, dexterity and speed, the ability to act on a signal;

Develop imagination and creativity;

Provide an opportunity to spend your free time well and usefully.

Equipment and props: phonograms of funny children's songs, 2 easels, 2 sets of crayons, 2 markers, 2 Whatman paper, multicolored plastic bottle caps (7 colors, 30 pieces each, multicolored flags, Balloons different color, 3 sets of colored cards, soap bubbles.

The course of the event.

The soundtrack of the song sounds "Box with pencils".

Leading: Hello dear friends! Today we have gathered for a holiday

And what will it be called? Let's tell everyone

Together: we celebrate the holiday « Colorful game» .

Leading: Guys, do you know a lot of flowers?

Let's remember the most important colors

Children read poetry.

Red radish grew in the garden

Nearby there are tomatoes - red children.

There are red tulips on the window

The red banners outside the window are burning.


Orange fox

All night carrots dream -

Looks like a fox tail:

Orange too.

The yellow sun gazes at the ground,

The yellow sunflower follows the sun,

Yellow pears hang on the branches,

Yellow leaves are flying from the trees.

We have green onions growing

And the cucumbers are green

And outside the window is a green meadow

And the houses are whitewashed.

My doll has blue eyes,

And the sky above us is still doves.

It's blue like a thousand eyes

We look at the sky, and the sky at us.


The violet violet is tired of living in the forest.

I'll pick it off and bring it to my mom on her birthday.

She will live with purple lilacs

On the table in a beautiful vase near the window.

As you may have guessed, all of our competitive assignments will be devoted to paints. In the usual sense, paints are colored energy that makes the surrounding world bright, colorful, colorful and interesting... And today we will try to get the largest portion of this energy.

Leading: guess the riddles

At a notebook leaf

And the sugar has a piece

Both salt and chalk

What color happens? - ...

Answer: White

He is the dimmest of all,

Just believe it or not -

You can see this color

And with your eyes closed!

Answer: Black color

Raspberries and strawberries

Tomatoes and lingonberries

The taste is, of course, very different,

Well, the color is similar - ...

Answer: Red

The frog is jumping in the swamp

She's on the hunt all the time.

Goodbye, foolish gnat!

And the frog has a color ...

Answer: Green

From shells, from diapers

A little chicken came out.

Oh, how funny you are

Our little lump ...

Answer: Yellow

You and I draw the sea:

Here is a boat in the open,

Here is a star at the bottom,

Here - the fountain launches a whale ...

Waves and whale back

We will paint with color ...

Answer: Blue

Forget-me-not color is wonderful -

Light, joyful, heavenly.

You and I will guess

This color. He - …

Answer: Blue

Mom as a gift

Choose your roses!

Red but not bright

In a simple way - ...

Answer: Pink

It is in coffee, in lentils,

In teddy bear and cinnamon

There is also chocolate -

You can't eat it without it.

Answer: Brown color

It's in asphalt and concrete

In warm fluff on a raven,

In the wolf and its tail

And cats in the dark.

Answer: Grey colour

Leading: And now we are with you a little let's play and shout... And we will do it So: those who have green in their clothes, clap and shout together ... And now those guys who have red in their clothes ... and so on. Great!

Leading: Well, let's check how attentive you are. I will read lines from colored poetry. Once you hear your color, clap and shout louder.

The sky is rainy, gray, I will quickly turn blue.

The sun is burning in the sky, clear, so hot, so red!

Flowers of unusual beauty are good in the garden! We will be delighted with foliage and green grass.

In winter everything is covered with frost and the cheeks become. red.

I'll go for a walk in the meadow, put on a cool dress.

I will weave a ribbon brightly into my braid. green.

I bring a bouquet to my sister Alena and there is a flower in it. He. blue.

Leading: Well done boys! It was hard to outsmart you.

Now we need to split into two teams, which I propose to call "Pencils" and "Paints"... For victory in everyone competition teams will earn one badge each, which means you need to try hard to win.

Leading: I suggest you start with a small relay race.

The teams line up in columns one at a time.

Contest"Cheerful clown"

In front of each team, at a certain distance, there is an easel with an attached sheet of Whatman paper.

At the signal of the presenter players each team should in turn run up to the easel and draw parts of the portrait of the cheerful clown.

The winner is the team that completes the task faster and gets a badge more beautifully.

Leading: Guys, which of you can correctly name all the colors of the rainbow without a special hint? What tips do you know?

Every Hunter Wants To Know Where The Pheasant Sits

Contest"Draw a rainbow"

In front of each team, at a certain distance, there are buckets with colored lids.

Exercise: Each team needs to lay out a rainbow of caps. Permitted to everyone to the player lay out two lids in one go.

The speed and correctness of laying out the rainbow is evaluated

The game"Find your color"

rules: The presenter breaks playing for the number of groups corresponding to the number of checkboxes. To each to the player a token of the color of their group is awarded. Chairs with flags of their own color are placed in the corners of the room. After the words of the presenter "Go for a walk!" children disperse around the playground (room)... By command "Find your color!" children gather near the flag that matches the color of their tokens and name their color.

Leading: And now let's play with the audience(collective answers)

If you see - a river is drawn in the picture, Or a spruce and white frost, or a garden and clouds, Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut, The picture must be called.


If you see - in the picture there is a cup of coffee on the table, Or juice. in a large decanter, or a vase in crystal, Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake, Or all objects at once, know what it is.

(Still life)

If you see that someone is looking at the picture US: either a prince in an old cloak, or a steeplejack in a robe, a pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka is your neighbor, - The picture must be called.


Contest"Mysterious drawing"

rules: To the participants of the game (it is best to involve all guests at once) the right to choose one color is given. That is, one can of bubbles of the same color and one sheet of paper. In 5-7 minutes (after the command "Started!") all participants must paint a picture by blowing soap bubbles near the paper. And so that everyone else (and first of all - the judge) were able to determine what is depicted in the picture.


Leading: Guys! All the letters in the words denoting colors are confused, we urgently need to decipher this abra- cadabru:

tosavylai - light green

resyne - lilac

wrinkled - orange

doorboys - burgundy

limavy - raspberry

ricochet - brown

olefied - purple

The teams take turns drawing out the sheets with the encrypted color. They confer for a minute and give the correct answer.

For each correct answer, the team is awarded one badge.

Traffic light game rules

rules: With the help of a counting board, the driver is selected, 2 lines are drawn at a distance of several meters from each other. Players stand behind one of the lines. The driver stands in the center between the lines and turns to players back... He further names any color and turns to players... Children look for this color on their clothes, if they find it, they show it to the presenter, and calmly pass to the other side. If there is no player of this color, he must run across to the other side, the task of the driver is to try to grease him. The one who is offended becomes the leader. If everyone has passed or ran to the other side, the driver turns away and thinks of a new color. Before starting the game, you should agree on whether you can look for colors on hairpins, beads, watches and other accessories

Contest« Multicolored paints»

The teacher distributes balloons to children (yellow, green, orange, blue, purple, red, cyan)... Explains the rules of the game. The child hears in a short phrase the name of the object, the color of which matches the color of the ball and throws it up (ball) up. The teacher invites children to throw balloons behind the screen. But not all at once, but upon a signal-wave with a flag of a certain color.

Contest"Beautiful flower bed"

A circle with a diameter of about 1 meter is drawn on the asphalt in front of each team. To all players teams are issued with crayons. In 1 minute, teams must "Plant" as many colors as possible on "Flower bed".

The team with the most colors wins.

the game"Paints"

rules: For the game "Paints" among the participants are selected by one leader-seller and one buyer-monk, the rest of the children become painters. Participants-paint sit in a circle or in a gazebo, sometimes children stand in a row. The seller is quiet (in the ear) tells everyone what paint color it matches. Children remember their color. The buying monk does not have to know the colors of the paints.

Game progress:

The monk comes to the paint store and addresses the seller:

I am a monk in blue pants, I came for paint.

For what?

The monk calls the paint color (e.g. blue)... If there is no such paint, then the seller answers:

There is no such! Ride along the blue track, on one leg, you will find boots, diarrhea, but bring them back!

Monk assignments can be various: ride on one leg, pass by a duck, squat or something else.

If the named paint is present in the store, then the seller answers monk:

There is one!

What is the price?

Five rubles (The monk loudly claps the seller's palm five times).

Summarizing contests.

Awarding of participants and winners with sweet prizes.

Leading: Our holiday ends. But the summer does not end. And may it be as bright, cheerful and multicolored how you painted it!

Scenario of an intellectual and entertainment program for junior schoolchildren "Hour of games".

Compiled by: Travneva Olga Yurievna, primary school teacher, KSU "Secondary school №21 p. Saryozek »Osakarovsky district Karaganda region Kazakhstan
Description: the proposed scenario of the intellectual and entertainment program will be of interest to primary school teachers. The event can be held both entertaining at school and can be held at a summer school camp.
Target: creating conditions for the formation of inventive thinking, effective communication and creative abilities of primary schoolchildren.
-activate cognitive activity, enrich the vocabulary of students;
-to develop intelligence, logical thinking, correct constructive speech of students;
- to cultivate friendly relations in the team.
Equipment: illustrations of works, signal cards, two chairs and two scarves (kerchiefs) for the game, pictures - answers to charades, sweet prizes for rewarding, diplomas to teams for participation.
Hello guys! Today we are hosting the "Hour of Games". We will remember the names of cities, the names of works you know, solve charades, answer interesting questions and joke problems.
Today we will be competing between two teams. And at the end of the games we will sum up the results, find out the guys of which team are the most resourceful and quick-witted.
Students of the class (detachment) are divided into two teams. The event is held as a competition in games between two teams.
City Name Chain Game
The game can be played between all team members. Or you can choose one member from the team.
One student names any city. For example, "Karaganda". The name of the city ends with the letter "a". then the next player must now say the name of the city, which begins with the letter "a". for example, "Aktobe", etc. Whose team (team player) will name more cities.
Competition "Know the authors of books"
An excerpt from the work is read. Whose team will raise the signal card faster and say the name of the work, that one is awarded a point.
1. “The girl took the largest spoon and sipped from the largest cup; then she took a medium spoon and sipped from a medium cup; then she took a small spoon and sipped from a little blue cup, and Mishutkina's soup seemed to her the best. "
(Leo Tolstoy "Three Bears")

2. “The old man smoothed his long beard.
- I want to help you. There is such a magic word ...
Pavlik opened his mouth.
- I'll tell you that word. But remember: you must say it in a low voice, looking directly into the eyes of the person you are talking to. Remember - in a low voice, looking straight into the eyes ...
- What is the word?
- This is the magic word - please. But do not forget how to speak it. "
(Valentina Oseeva "The Magic Word")

3. “The old woman took pity on Zhenya, brought her to her kindergarten and said:“ Never mind, don't cry, I'll help you. True, I don’t have any donuts and I don’t have money either, but one flower grows in my garden, it’s called “seven-flower”, it can do anything ... ”
(Valentin Kataev "Seven-color flower")

4. “Suddenly a storm arose. Wind! Lightning! Thunder! Fuck-tara-rah! The ship hit a rock and crashed. Then the crocodile put everyone on a broad back and swam to the shore. On the shore, the travelers were seized by the servants of the evil Barmaley and imprisoned ... "
(Korney Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit")

Game "We ask - answer"
The teams take turns answering questions. If a team cannot answer their question, the second team can give the answer. In this case, a point is awarded to the second team. For each correct answer - one point.
1. The troika rode 12 kilometers. How many kilometers did each horse ride?
(12 kilometers each)
2. What question cannot be answered “yes”?
(To the question "Are you sleeping?")
3. When a person walks across a bridge, what is under his feet?
4. What will happen to the white silk scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the Red Sea?
(It will get wet)
5. How to write 100 in five units?
6. What does half an apple look like?
(For the second half)
7. In which legume plant are two notes found?
8. What bird chicks do not know their mother?
9. What happens to a bee if it stings?
(Stung, the bee dies)
10. When is a person at home without a head?
(When he looks out the window)
Game "Come back soon"
The game is played in pairs. From each team the first players come out, then the second, etc.
At a distance of 8-10 meters, two chairs are placed opposite each other. Two blindfolded players sit on them. At the command "March!" they should go to the opposite chair as soon as possible, touch it, and go back to their chair. The winner is the one who gets to his chair faster.
Teams are encouraged to take turns solving the charades. Each team will solve three charades. If a team cannot solve their charade, the second team can answer. For one correctly guessed charade - one point.
Charada is a puzzle in which you need to solve a conceived word, consisting of several parts. The hidden word is divided into parts (sometimes into syllables), and each part (syllable) constitutes an independent word that needs to be guessed.
Putting together the guessed parts (syllables), we get the conceived word.
In the composition of charades, the following can be used: conjunctions, prepositions, notes, pronouns, exclamations, etc.

1. The first is the note,
The second is too,
And the whole looks like a bean.

2. The beginning is the voice of a bird,
The end is at the bottom of the pond
And the whole in the museum
You can find it easily.

3. First - you will find among the notes,
And the second - the elk carries.
Do you want to find the whole
So look for him along the way.

4. The first is lying on the ground,
The second flows into the Volga,
And the whole bird is called.

5. My beginning is a letter of the alphabet,
She always hisses angrily.
Second - the ships are afraid
And they strive to bypass it.
And the whole in the spring flies and buzzes,
It sits on a flower, then flies away again.

6. You take the name of the fish soup,
Attach the letter "M" to the beginning,
There and then everyone is familiar
An insect will appear in response.

Joke tasks.
The teams take turns finding the answer to the proposed joke problem. If a team cannot answer its problem, the second team can give the answer. In this case, a point is awarded to the second team. For each correct answer - one point.
1. The room has four corners. There is a cat in every corner. Three cats sit opposite each cat. How many cats are there in the room.
(Four cats)
2. The field was plowed by seven tractors. Two tractors stopped. How many tractors are there in the field?
(Seven tractors)
3. Seven brothers walked. Each brother has one sister. How many people were walking?
(Eight people)
4. December has come. Three daisies blossomed, and then another. How many flowers have blossomed?
(Flowers don't grow in December)
5. The animal has two right legs, two left legs, two in front, two behind. How many legs does an animal have?
(Four legs)
6. Nine children watered one garden bed each. How many beds are there in the garden?
(Nine beds)
7. The goose weighs two kilograms. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on one leg?
(Two kilograms)
8. One donkey carried ten kilograms of sugar, and the other donkey carried ten kilograms of cotton wool. Who had the heavier luggage?
(Identical for ten kilograms)
9. Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse pulled and pulled and finally pulled the turnip. How many eyes saw the turnip?
(Twelve eyes)
10. Three boys - Kolya, Andrey, Vova went to the store. On the way, they found three coins. How many coins did Vova find alone if he went to the store alone?
(Three coins)
Summarizing. Rewarding.



The game is designed for children and adolescents of middle school age.

Leading. Profession! From the school desk, girls and boys dream: who to become?

Which path to take?

Nowadays everyone has enough professions.

Who to be? A doctor? Unaesthetic ...

Accountant? Unromantic ...

An art critic? Impractical ...

A housewife? It's indecent ...

Surveyor? Difficult ...

An economist? Boring ...

Parachutist? Scary ...

Retired? It's too early ...

One dream: to have a diploma,

Though for questionnaires,

At least for aplomb.

A vocation in business is a good thing.

I, composing this monologue,

Took one saying

It is not so tricky.

An academician once uttered:

“I won't tell you 'ce la vie'.

I won't ask for a lot of money

I ask for a job for love! "

He is right. And this truth for the sake of

I repeat to everyone - there are many professions,

But choose only one!

Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we will talk about professions. As you grow up, you will choose one of the many professions. In the meantime, we will play with you in the profession, we will try ourselves in different roles.

English playwright William Shakespeare said:

The whole world is a theater,
There are women, men - all actors.
They have exits, exits.
And everyone plays more than one role.

The first profession, which will be discussed, the most creative and interesting is the theater and film actor. To become an actor, one must develop such abilities and qualities in oneself: attention, imagination, a sense of faith and truth, memory, the ability to speak loudly and clearly. You can enroll in the collectives of our center - a drama studio, a theater of pop miniatures.

The game "Theater of Miniatures" is being held.

Assign roles and act out the situation.


  • Call: "Tink-tink".
  • Class: "Oh-e"!
  • Teacher: "Hello, children!"
  • Knowledge: "Well, take us!"
  • Pointer: "Silence!"
  • Horror: "Ha ha ha."
  • Control: "Now we will check."

Staging text

Rang bell. Class was weak since knowledge he had small ones. But the teacher decided to spend in this class control. Teacher armed pointer. Class seeing tasks on control, numb from horror. Teacher knocked pointer on the desk. From this horror in the classroom became even stronger. Class tried to find knowledge in the textbooks hidden under the desk. But harsh teacher did not give class write off. Rang bell. Teacher with pointer importantly retired from class... Frivolous knowledge flew out the window.


And the road winds like a gray ribbon.

Sight glass flooded with rain.

Let your fuzovik break through the storm

I want you to be lucky, chauffeur.

Profession - chauffeur, bus driver, truck driver, etc.

The game "Motorists" is being held.

Game "Motorists" (attention). Any number of participants. After making a mistake, the participants are eliminated from the game. The prize is awarded
most attentive.
For the game, you need to prepare 4 cards: yellow, blue, green and red. The facilitator shows the cards, and the participants must take the appropriate action.

  • Red - hands forward with a shout: "Stop!"
  • Blue - Fasten your seat belt with a chik-chik sound.
  • Yellow - step over your feet in one place with the sound "chap-chap".
  • Green - while holding on to an imaginary steering wheel, turn it with a "whisper-whisper" sound.

Leading. Platon Egorov. The poster demonstrates ... From all the letters of this name and surname, a profession should come out.
This is a neurologist. The profession is a doctor. Take care of your health. This is the main condition in life.

The game "Doctor Aibolit" is being played.

Game "Doctor Aibolit" (relay race) 2 teams participate. Aibolit is chosen in each team. A large box of skittles stands in the center. Aibolites take one pint each - a thermometer - and put them under the arm of their team members. Who quickly?

Leading. The following profession can be guessed from the clues:

  • These specialists always look elegant outwardly, have their own form, many people entrust their lives to them.
  • The profession requires excellent health, sharp eyesight, good hearing, developed motor memory, and high working capacity.
  • These specialists are responsible for studying the optimal route, for monitoring all devices, for communicating with dispatchers.
  • They can sing: "First of all, the planes, well, and the girls later."


The game "Airplane" is being held.

Participants are invited to make an airplane out of paper and launch. Who will fly next?

Leading. Guess the profession using the tips.

  • This specialist knows how to pose and solve problems, has knowledge of his subject.
  • Develops the content of classes and creates a creative atmosphere for them, introduces new methods and means of obtaining knowledge.
  • Gives an adequate assessment of the success of students, promotes the development of individual abilities, has a pedagogical education, works in schools.
  • Twenty couples are watching the pointer. Where does the Volga flow? What residents do and what they grow there, Maria Andreevna explains to everyone


The game "In the lesson" is being played.

Participants must decipher the acronym:

  • NS- name the insect whose flight is set to music. (Bumblebee)
  • TO- if you hone it, you will draw whatever you want. (Pencil)
  • O- not a beast, not a bird, evil eyes and a tail. (Queue)
  • L- a ruler for drawing curved lines. (Curve)
  • A- collection of geographical maps. (Atlas)

Leading. This specialist visits places where interesting important events take place, analyzes them, and evaluates situations. He:

  • is able to think in an original way, is able to write texts, scripts, poems, to make video;
  • participates in press conferences, meetings, meetings, cooperates with the administration, police, hospitals, etc .;
  • his place of work is television, radio, newspaper.


The game "Burime" is being played.

Participants are invited to compose poems according to the given rhymes. For example: a glass is a banana, a girlfriend is a frog.

  • "Relay with bags" is the profession of a postman.
  • "Rezinochki" is a profession of a hairdresser.
  • "Karaoke" is the profession of a singer.
  • “Build a house, a mechanism from all team members” is the profession of an architect, constructor.

Game "Relay with bags"

2 teams of 5 people participate. Each team is given a bag containing cards with syllables: TA, MA, SE, NI, KO, SI, NA, VI, BE, BJ. There are 2 identical tables at the finish line:

Game "Rubber bands"

3-4 participants are called. Each is given a box containing 10 colored hair ties. Participants choose a client of a hairdressing salon. Task: from all the rubber bands to build a hairstyle on the client's head and give it a name.