Composer, arranger, singer and conductor Varlamov Alexander Vladimirovich: biography, creativity and interesting facts. Varlamov Aleksandr Egorovich value in a brief biographical encyclopedia of Varlamov composer works

Composer, arranger, singer and conductor Varlamov Alexander Vladimirovich: biography, creativity and interesting facts. Varlamov Aleksandr Egorovich value in a brief biographical encyclopedia of Varlamov composer works

Varlamov, Alexander Egorovich(1801-1848), Russian composer, singer (tenor) and vocal teacher. Born in Moscow 15 (27) November 1801 in the family of an official. At nineteenth age, he was sent to Petersburg, where he studied music in the court singing chapel, was the singers of the choir, and later, the author of a number of spiritual compositions. At the age of 18, he was sent to Holland as a teacher of the singers of the Russian Embassy Church in the Hague. From 1823 he lived in St. Petersburg, where he taught in the theater school and served as a chorister and teacher for some time. During this period, I got together with M.I. Glinka, took part in the execution of his writings, performed in public concerts as a conductor and singer.

The flourishing of creativity falls on the Moscow period of the Varlamov (1832-1844). Successful composer debut in the play A.A.Shakhovsky Roslavlev (1832) and work in theatrical genres contributed to the acquisition of the Varlamian Place of Assistant Kappelmeister (1832), and then the "composer of music" with the orchestra of the Imperial Moscow theaters. Varlamov wrote music to Shakespeare Hamletu By order of the famous actor P.S.Mocalova (1837), put his ballets in Moscow Sultan fun (1834) and Sly boy and cannibal (1837), etc. In the early 1830s, the first romances and songs of Varlamov appear; All have been created by more than 100 works of this genre, and among them Red Sarafan., What dug out, the dawn is clear, Do not make sure that the winds are riveted (Published in 1835-1837). Varlamov successfully performed as a singer, was a popular vocal teacher (he taught in the theater school, an educational house, gave private lessons), in 1849 issued his Full school singing; In 1834-1835 published the magazine "Ealar Harp", which included romances and piano works, his own and other authors.

After 1845, the musician lived in St. Petersburg, where he moved hoping to make a teacher in court chapel, but for various reasons this plan was not realized. Was in St. Petersburg literary and artistic circles; Closely descended with A.S.Dargomyzhsky and A.A. Grigoriev (Varlamov two poems of this poet and criticism are devoted to Varlamov). Varlamov's romances were performed in the salons, they sang in their concerts, famous Polina Viardo (1821-1910).

Varlamov died in St. Petersburg 15 (27) of October 1848. His memory was devoted to Romance Gurilieva Memories of Varlamov, collective piano variations on his romance Solovy flying (among the authors of A.G.Rubystein, A.Gezselt), as well as released in 1851 Music Collection in memory A.E.Vlamova, included, along with the writings of the late composer, the romances of the prominent Russian composers. Total Varlamov has been created about two hundred romances and songs on the texts of more than 40 poets, a collection of treatment of folk songs Russian singer (1846), two ballet, music at least two dozen performances (most lost).

Russian composer, singer (tenor) and vocal teacher. Born in Moscow 15 (27) November 1801 in the family of an official. At nineteenth age, he was sent to Petersburg, where he studied music in the court singing chapel, was the singers of the choir, and later, the author of a number of spiritual compositions. At the age of 18, he was sent to Holland as a teacher of the singers of the Russian Embassy Church in the Hague. From 1823 he lived in St. Petersburg, where he taught in the theater school and served as a chorister and teacher for some time. During this period, it became close to M. I. Glinka, took part in the execution of his writings, performed in public concerts as a conductor and singer.

The flourishing of creativity falls on the Moscow period of the Varlamov (1832-1844). Successful composer debut in the play A. A. Shakhovsky Roslavlav (1832) and work in theatrical genres contributed to the preparation of the Varlamian Place of Assistant Kappelmeister (1832), and then the "composer of music" with the orchestra of the Imperial Moscow theaters. Varlamov wrote music to the Shakespearean "Hamlet" on request of the famous actor PS Mochalov (1837), put his ballets "Fun Sultan" in Moscow (1834) and "Sly boy and cannibal" (1837), etc. In the early 1830s, the first romances and songs of Varlamov appear; In total, more than 100 works of this genre have been created, and among them "Red Sarafan", "What I was withdrawn, the dawn is clear," "do not make sure, the winds are violent" (published in 1835-1837). Varlamov successfully performed as a singer, was a popular vocal teacher (he taught in the theater school, an educational house, gave private lessons), in 1849 issued his "full school of singing"; In 1834-1835 published the magazine "Ealar Harp", which included romances and piano works, his own and other authors.

After 1845, the musician lived in St. Petersburg, where he moved hoping to make a teacher in court chapel, but for various reasons this plan was not realized. Was in St. Petersburg literary and artistic circles; Closely came up with A. S. Dargomyzhsky and A. A. Grigoriev (two poems of this poet and criticism are devoted to Varlamov. Varlamov's romances were performed in the salons, they sang in their concerts, famous Polina Viardo (1821-1910).

Varlamov died in St. Petersburg 15 (27) of October 1848. His memory was devoted to the Romance Gurilieva "Memory of Varlamov", collective piano variations on the topic of his romance "Solovyna Chalet" (among the authors A. G. Rubinstein, A. Genzelt), and also Gone in 1851 "Musical Collection in memory of A. E. Varlamov", which included, along with the writings of the late composer, the romances of the prominent Russian composers. Total Varlamov created about two hundred romances and songs on the texts of more than 40 poets, a collection of treatment of folk songs "Russian singer" (1846), two ballet, music for at least two dozens of performances (most lost).

Encyclopedia Krugosvet

1. Famous romance

Varlamovsky Romances enjoyed great love of the Moscow public and instantly flew around the entire city. A close buddy Varlamov soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Bantyshev woke up a composer for a long time to write a romance for him.
- What are you?
- Which you yourself, Alexander Egorovich ...
- Okay. Come in a week. Welded Varlamov very easily, but, being an extremely intolerable man, a very long time was going to work for work.
A week later, Bantyshev comes - no romance.
"There was no time," Varlamov spreads his hands. - come tomorrow.
The next day is the same. But the singer was a person stubbornly and began to come to Varlamov every morning when the composer also slept.
"Eki you, right," the Varlamov raised once. - A man sleeps, and you are, you can say, at the dawn! I will write you a romance. I said, I will write, and I will write!
- Tomorrow? Bantyshev asks ulcer.
- Tomorrow, tomorrow!
In the morning, the singer, as always, is. Varlamov sleeps.
"It's you, Mr. Bantyshev," says the servant and reports the early guest of the new romance, which was destined to become famous for the whole of Russia.
Called the romance "At the dawn, you are not boudes"!

2. Bird

Varlamov was a good and hoping man. Exiled from the Bolshoi Theater, he remained without work and without a penny of money. As the father of a large family, which it was necessary to somehow keep and feed, composer and pets of the Moscow public did not easily occupied a very modest post of Teacher singing in an educational house.
- Is this this thing? After all, you are in Moscow - the first celebrity. Do not remember yourself! - the tragic of urms spent his friend Varlamov.
"Ah, Pasha, a lot of pride in you," the composer responded. - And I sing like a bird. Sang in the Bolshoi Theater is good. Now I will sing with orphans - is it bad? ...

3. Evil languages \u200b\u200bargue ...

That the famous opera Alexei Versta "Askoldova Mogile" actually wrote Varlamov. But, being a man's careless and frivolous, he lost it to the Maps of the Versta.
The vests set "Askoldov's grave" under his name in the Bolshoi Theater and became famous. When Varlamov's close friend, Poet Apollo Grigoriev, told him with a reproach: "Ah, Aleksandr Egorovich, what did you run! Do you feel sorry for your Opera your?" - That I would answer: "What do you feel sorry, cute apallha? I am I also write, it's not easy! "

4. Everything is very simple

One day, the novice composer complained to Varlamov that he had no romance in any way, and asked advice ...
"Why is the advice here, cute?" Varlamov responded. - Do it's very simple: Write ten romances and throw them into the stove, you look, the eleventh and come out good ...

Romances and songs A. Varlamov - a bright page of Russian vocal music. Composer of wonderful melodic dating, he created works of large artistic value that have won rare popularity. Who is not known to know the melody of the songs "Red Sarafan", "along the street Metelitsa" or the romance "White Sail Lonely", "At the dawn, you are not boudes"? According to a fair remark of the contemporary, his songs "with a purely Russian motifs made folk." The famous "Red Sarafan" sang "all the estates - in the living room Welmazby, and in Kurknya Men," and even was captured in Russian Lubka. The music of Varlamov was reflected in the fiction: the romance of the composer, as a characteristic element of life, was introduced into the works of many writers - N. Gogol, I. Turgenev, N. Nekrasova, N. Leskova, I. Bunin and even the English author J. Golzouorsi ( Roman "End of Chapter"). But the fate of the composer has developed less happily than the fate of his songs.

Varlamov was born in a poor family. His musical gifts manifested itself early: he leaned with a self-taught to play the violin - Pickli songs chose hearing. Handsome, the boy's ringing voice determined his further fate: at 9 years old he was adopted in the St. Petersburg court singel chapel by young singers. In this glorified choir team, Varlamov was engaged in the direction of the director of the chapel of the outstanding Russian composer D. Borttyansky. Soon Varlamov became the soloist of the choir, learned the game on the piano, cello, guitar.

In 1819, the young musician is sent to Holland teacher in the Russian Embassy Church in the Hague. Before younger, the world opens the world of new varied impressions: he often visits Opera, concerts. Even he speaks publicly as a singer and guitarist. Then, according to his own admission, he "deliberately studied the theory of music." Upon returning to his homeland (1823), Varlamov teaches at the St. Petersburg theater school, he is engaged in the songwriters of the Preobrazhensky and Semenov regiments, then the chorist and teacher enters the singing chaser again. Soon in the hall of the philharmonic society, he gives his first concert in Russia, where he carries symphonic and choral works and acts as a singer. Meetings with M. Glinka played a significant role - they contributed to the formation of independent views of a young musician for the development of Russian art.

In 1832, Varlamov was invited to the Assistant of Dropper Museum of Moscow Imperial Theaters, then received the place of "composer of music." He quickly entered the circle of Moscow artistic intelligentsia, in whose environment there was a lot of talented people, versatile and brightly gifted: Actors M. Shpkin, P. Mochalov; composers A. Gurilev, A. Verstoresky; Poet N. Tsyganov; Writers M. Zagoskin, N. Field; Singer A. Bantyshev and others. They were closer to the hot passion for music, poetry, folk art.

"Music needs a soul," Varlamov wrote, "" And the Russian has, the proof is our folk songs. " During these years, Varlamov composes "Red Sarafan", "Oh, hurts, yes Schumit", "what is the heart", "don't make sure, the winds are violent", "What dressed, dresseka is clear" and other romances and songs included in " Music Album for 1833 "and glorified the name of the composer. Working in the theater, Varlamamov writes music to many dramatic productions ("Motor" and "Roslavlav" A. Shakhovsky - the second on the novel M. Zagoskin; "Prince Silver" on the story of "Note" A. Bestumev-Marlinsky; "Esmeralda" on the novel "Cathedral of the Paris Our Lady" V. Hugo, "Hamlet" V. Shakespeare). Staging a Shakespeare tragedy was an outstanding event. On the transfer of the field, the game of Mochalov in the role of Hamlet, V. Belinsky enthusiastically wrote about the song, who visited this performance 7 times ...

Ballet was also interested in Varlamov. 2 of his works in this genre - "Fun Sultan, or Seller Seller" and "Sly Boy and Cannibal", written jointly with A. Guryanov in the fairy tale of S. Pershot "Boy-C-Finger", went on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. The composer wanted to write and opera - His fascinated the plot of the poems of A. Mitskevich "Konrad Wallenrod", but the idea remained unrealized.

Throughout his life, Varlamov's performing activities did not stop. He systematically spoke in concerts, most often like a singer. The composer possessed a small, but beautiful tenor, singing was distinguished by rare musicality and incessia. "He unearnedly expressed ... his romances," he noticed one of his friends.

Varlamov was widely known as a vocal teacher. His "School of singing" (1840) is the first large work in Russia in Russia - and now has not lost its meaning.

The last 3 years of Varlamov spent in St. Petersburg, where he hoped to enter the teacher in a singing chapel. This desire was not realized, the life was difficult. Wide fame of the musician did not protect it from poverty and disappointments. He died of tuberculosis at the age of 47.

The main, the most valuable part of the creative heritage of Varlamov is romances and songs (approx. 200, including ensembles). The circle of poets is very wide: A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, V. Zhukovsky, A. Delvig, A. Polezhaev, A. Timofeev, N. Tsyganov. Varlamov opens for Russian music A. Koltsova, A. Plesecheva, A. Feta, M. Mikhailov. Like A. Dargomyzhsky, he one of the first appeals to Lermontov; Its attention is also attracted by translations from I. V. Goethe, G. Heine, P. Bearage.

Varlamov - Lirik, a singer of ordinary human feelings, his art reflected the Duma and the aspirations of contemporaries, was consonant with the spiritual atmosphere of the era of the 1830s. "Thirst of Storm" in the romance "Belleet Sail Lonely" or the state of tragic doomes in the romance "hardly, did not become for the strength" - characteristic of Varlamov moods. Time trends affected both romantic aspirations, and in the emotional openness of the Varlamian lyrics. The range of it is quite wide: from bright, watercolor paints in the landscape romance "I love to look into the night of the night" to the dramatic elegance "you are not already".

The creativity of Varlamov is inextricably linked with the traditions of household music, with a folk song. Deep soil, it subtly reflects its musical features - in the language, in the subject, in the shaped strict. Many images of Varlamian romances, as well as a number of musical techniques related primarily to the melody, are directed to the future, and the ability of the composer to raise household music to the level of authentic professional art deserves attention and now.


Alexander Egorovich Varlamov was born in 1801 in Moscow. The father of the composer first was at the military, then in the civil service, was a modest official. Large musical abilities, outstanding vocal data, which manifested by Varlamov, was determined by his fate: at the nine of the age he was sent to St. Petersburg and enlisted by the "juvenile singers" in the court singer chapel. In this wonderful choir team of Varlamov under the leadership of the outstanding Russian composer D. S. Borttyansky received a musical education. After studying in Chapel, an eighteen-year-old Varlamov was sent by a teacher of singers in the Russian Embassy Church in the Hague (Holland). In a foreign land, he first spoke in concerts as a singer and guitarist.

Since that time, the difficult thorny path of the Varlamov - the Russian musician, who came out of the underworkers of the Society and forced to ensure its existence of work and talent.

In 1823, Varlamov returns to his homeland, to St. Petersburg. He gives singing lessons, composes music and once performs in a large public concert as a conductor and singer. However, material insecurity makes the musician to look for a durable official position. He bothers about entering the singing chapel and since 1829 combines the work of Chorist and the teacher of solo singing boys-singers ..

In St. Petersburg, Varlamov met M. I. Glinka and took an active part in the musical evenings that took place in the house in the Great Composer. These meetings were fruitful for the development of Varlamov's creative aspirations.

Service in Chapel demanded work mainly in the field of spiritual music, while the composer attracted to secular musical art, to the theater. Not satisfied with his work, he left Capella (at the end of 1831) and then moved to Moscow, where he took the position of Assistant Kapelmeister in the Imperial Moscow theaters. His duties were conducted by the orchestra in the performance of water waters. Varlamov also continued to pedagogical work: he taught singing in the theater school and gave private lessons. In Moscow, he became close to the outstanding representatives of art, actors of the Small Theater P. S. Mochalov, M. S. Shchepkin, composer of the Versta, writer M. N. Zagoskin, Poet N. G. Tsyganov, Singer A. O. Bantyshev, etc. Creative communication with talented representatives of the Moscow Artistic Environment had a great influence on Varlamov. He finally decided on a hot desire to write the music "in Russian" (the expression of Glinka), the love of a folk song manifested more stronger.

This, the folk musical art emerged in all the diverse activities of Varlamov: in creativity, in performement, in pedagogy (namely, in an attempt to substantiate the peculiarity of the Russian school singing with the peculiarities of the Russian folk song).

The Moscow period is the heyday of the composer. The first romances of Varlamov came out of print, immediately providing the author exclusive popularity: "Red Sarafan", "that he was blunting, the dress is clear," "Oh, hurts and shedding", "do not make sure that the winds are buoy" and others.

Shortly after moving to Moscow, Varlamov was proposed a place of "composer of music" with the Orchestra of the Moscow Theater. He had to compose music to dramatic performances, handle works of other authors, make various arrangements. In addition, it was sometimes conducted by the orchestra, replacing the main dropsuser.

During the 30s - early 40s, Varlamov created music to a number of performances that were set on the scene of the Moscow Small Theater, as well as in St. Petersburg. These were the plays of various Russian and Western European authors, for example: "Two-man" Shakhovsky, Roslavlev, on the novel of Zagoskin, "Maiko" Beklemishev, Gamlet Shakespeare, "Esmeralda" V. Hugo and many others. Varlamov's theatrical music consists mainly of songs performed by orchestra, and from small independent orchestral episodes.

The composer also appealed to the ballet. Two ballet Varlamov - "Sultan's fun" and "Boy with finger" - went on the stage of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater ..

In the same period, Varlamov worked a lot in the romance and songs. After the first publication of romances in 1833, 85 new vocal works of the composer were published for ten years.

The performing activities of Varlamov as a singer, guitarist and conductor had considerable importance. Being an excellent singer, despite the relatively small voice (tenor), Varlamov was surprisingly subtly performed by the romances of his own essay and folk songs. He often performed in concerts and was always the desired participant in music-literary evenings. Listeners captured deep expressiveness and peculiar manner of singing; According to contemporaries, the singer "unearthly expressed" his romances.

Varlamov was also very popular as a vocal teacher. In 1840, his work was published "School of singing", which was a generalization of large pedagogical experience. "School of singing" - the first large work in Russia on the method of teaching vocal art ..

The last three years of Varlamov again spent in St. Petersburg. In the capital, he hoped to settle down to serve in a singing chapel, but it did not succeed, and he, burdened with a big family, was hard. Shortly before the death of Varlamov began to publish the music magazine "Russian singer", the content of which was processing to vote from the piano of Russian and Ukrainian folk songs. Heavy living conditions have adversely affected by the composer's health: in 1848 he died at the age of 47.

In the extensive creative heritage of Varlamov, his romances and songs occupy the most significant place. More than 150 solo works are written by the composer, a number of vocal ensembles and a significant number of folk songs.

".. at the warehouse of your dating Varlamov Lirik. His music captivates sincerity, immediacy and freshness of feelings. Civilian, social topic did not find such direct reflection from Varlamov as Alyabyev. However, his lyrical works, expressed by the depleting feeling of longing and dissatisfaction, then stormy impulses and passionate thirst for happiness, were deeply consonant with the sentiments experienced by the Russian society of the 1930s. Hence the huge popularity of the songs and romances of Varlamov from his contemporaries. This popularity is also explained by the democraticity of Varlamian creativity. The composer relied on widespread genres of domestic art and usually composed in the same manner. He managed to pass the music warehouse so truthfully, that some of his works (for example, "Red Sarafan") were perceived as genuine folk songs.

In the romance of an agitated, elevated nature, as well as in some songs, the influence of the Gypsian manner of singing, which affects, in particular, in sharp emotional and dynamic contrasts.

The most valuable in the music of Varlamov is its melodic wealth. In this area, the most fully revealed a huge talent of the composer. The melodies of his romances are song, sowing, wide breathing - develop freely and easily. They are characteristic of plasticity, relief, completeness of the drawing. Inclusive, their connection with the melody of the folk song is not only in the nature of intonations, but also in principles of development.


The romances and songs of Alexander Egorovich Varlamov - a bright page of Russian vocal music. Composer of wonderful melodic dating, he created works of large artistic value that have won rare popularity. Who is not known to know the melody of the songs "Red Sarafan", "along the street Metelitsa" or the romance "White Sail Lonely", "At the dawn, you are not boudes"? According to a fair remark of the contemporary, his songs "with a purely Russian motifs made folk." The famous "Red Sarafan" sang "all the estates - in the living room Welmazby, and in Kurknya Men," and even was captured in Russian Lubka. The music of Varlamov was reflected in the fiction: his romances, as a characteristic element of life, was introduced into the works of Gogol, Turgenev, Nekrasov, Leskova, Bunin, and even the English author J. Golzóworsi (Roman "End of Head"). However, the fate of Alexander Varlamov has developed less happily than the fate of his songs.

Alexander Egorovich Varlamov was born in a poor family. His musical gifts manifested itself early: he leaned with a self-taught to play the violin - Pickli songs chose hearing. Handsome, the boy's ringing voice determined his further fate: at 9 years old he was adopted in the St. Petersburg court singel chapel by young singers. In this glorified choir team, Varlamov was engaged in the direction of the director of the chapel of the outstanding Russian composer of Bortnian. Soon Varlamov became the soloist of the choir, learned the game on the piano, cello, guitar.

In 1819, a young musician is sent to Holland a teacher of singers in the Russian Embassy Church in the Hague. The world of new impressions opens to the young man: he often visits Opera, concerts, speaks publicly as a singer and guitarist. Then, according to his own admission, he "deliberately studied the theory of music." Upon returning to his homeland (1823), Varlamov teaches at the St. Petersburg theater school, he is engaged in the songwriters of the Preobrazhensky and Semenov regiments, then the chorist and teacher enters the singing chaser again. Soon in the hall of the philharmonic society, he gives his first concert in Russia, where he carries symphonic and choral works and acts as a singer. A considerable role was played with Glinka - they contributed to the formation of independent views of a young musician on the development of Russian art.

In 1832, Alexander Egorovich Varlamov was invited to the Assistant of Kapel Muser Moscow Imperial Theaters, then received a place of "composer of music". He quickly entered the circle of Moscow artistic intelligentsia, in whose environments there were many talented people, versatile and brightly gifted: actors Shchepkin, urine; Composers Gurilev, Versta; Poet of Gypsy; Writers Zagoskin, field; Singer Bantyshev. They were brought together a passion for music, poetry, folk art.

« Music need a soul"," Alexander Varlamov wrote, "" and the Russian has it, proof - our folk songs" In these years, he composes "Red Sarafan", "Oh, hurts, yes,", "what is the heart", "do not make sure, the winds of the raw", "What dressed, the dawn is clear" and others entering the "Musical Album on 1833 "and glorifying the name of the composer. Working in the theater, Varlamov writes music to the dramatic productions ("two-man" and "Roslavlav" Shakhovsky - the second on the novel M. Zagoskin; "Prince Silver" on the story of the "Note" Bestumev-Marlinsky; "Esmeralda" on the novel "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady" Hugo, Gamlet Shakespeare). Staging a Shakespeare tragedy was an outstanding event. On the transfer of the field, the game of Mochalov in the role of Hamlet, V. Belinsky enthusiastically wrote about the song, who visited this performance 7 times ...

Ballet was also interested in Varlamov. Two of his works in this genre - "Sultan's fun, or the seller of slave" and "cunning boy and cannibal", written in conjunction with Guryanov on a fairy tale Perso-C-Finger, went on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. The composer wanted to write and opera - his fascinated plot of the poems of Mitskevich "Konrad Wallenrod", but the plan remained unrealized.

Throughout his life, Varlamov's performing activities did not stop. He systematically spoke in concerts, most often like a singer. The composer possessed a small, but beautiful tenor, singing was distinguished by rare musicality and incessia. " He unearnedly expressed his romances", I noticed one of his friends.

Alexander Varlamov was widely known as a vocal teacher. His "School of singing" (1840) is the first large work in Russia in Russia - and now has not lost its meaning.

In the past three years, Varlamov spent in St. Petersburg, he hoped to enter the teacher in a singing chapel again, but the desire was not realized. Wide fame did not protect it from poverty and disappointments. Alexander Egorovich Varlamov died of tuberculosis at the age of 47.

Varlamov wrote near 200 romances and songs (including ensembles). The circle of poets-authors of words is very wide: Pushkin, Lermontov, Zhukovsky, Delvig, Polezhaev, Timofeev, Gypsies. Varlamov opens for Russian music Koltsov, Plescheyev, Feta, Mikhailov. Like the composer Dargomyzhsky, he was one of the first to appeal to Lermontov; He was also attracted translations from Goethe, Heine, Berance.

Alexander Egorovich Varlamov - Lirik, singer of ordinary human feelings, his art reflected the Duma and the aspirations of contemporaries, was consonant with the spiritual atmosphere of the era 1830s "Thirst for a stormy" in the romance "Belleet Sail Lonely" or the state of tragic doomes in the romance "hard, there was no strength." Time trends affected romantic aspiration, and in the emotional openness of the Varlamian lyrics. The range of it is quite wide: from bright, watercolor paints in the landscape romance "I love to look into the night of the night" to the dramatic elegance "you are not already". The work of Alexander Varlamova is inextricably linked with the traditions of household music, with a folk song. Deep soil, it subtly reflects its musical features - in the language, in the subject, in the shaped strict.\u003e Varlamov.html.

Interesting Facts

Famous romance

Varlamovsky Romances enjoyed great love of the Moscow public and instantly flew around the entire city. A close buddy Varlamov soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Bantyshev woke up a composer for a long time to write a romance for him.
- What are you?
- Which you yourself, Alexander Egorovich ...
- Okay. Come in a week. Welded Varlamov very easily, but, being an extremely intolerable man, a very long time was going to work for work.
A week later, Bantyshev comes - no romance.
"There was no time," Varlamov spreads his hands. - come tomorrow.
The next day is the same. But the singer was a person stubbornly and began to come to Varlamov every morning when the composer also slept.
"Eki you, right," the Varlamov raised once. - A man sleeps, and you are, you can say, at the dawn! I will write you a romance. I said, I will write, and I will write!
- Tomorrow? Bantyshev asks ulcer.
- Tomorrow, tomorrow!
In the morning, the singer, as always, is. Varlamov sleeps.
"It's you, Mr. Bantyshev," says the servant and reports the early guest of the new romance, which was destined to become famous for the whole of Russia.
Called the romance "At the dawn, you are not boudes"!


Varlamov was a good and hoping man. Exiled from the Bolshoi Theater, he remained without work and without a penny of money. As the father of a large family, which it was necessary to somehow keep and feed, composer and pets of the Moscow public did not easily occupied a very modest post of Teacher singing in an educational house.
- Is this this thing? After all, you are in Moscow - the first celebrity. Do not remember yourself! - the tragic of urms spent his friend Varlamov.
"Ah, Pasha, a lot of pride in you," the composer responded. - And I sing like a bird. Sang in the Bolshoi Theater is good. Now I will sing with orphans - is it bad? ...\u003e Varlamov.html.

Chamber choir from St. Petersburg. Interesting article-investigation Valentina Antonova "History of one song": \u200b\u200b...

What bolds, the dawn is clear,
Paw to land dew?
What did you think, the girl is red,
The eyes flashed a tear?

Sorry to leave you, black!
Singer struck the wing,
Shouted! .. Midnight! .. Give the tea deep,
Fallen rather wine!
Time! .. Arrange me the horse you are a loved one,
Tight keep under the coziness!
Going with goods to the path from Casimova
Murom Forest merchants!

There is a shock kofka for you
Flash fur coat!
You will walk you all the gratuit is losing,
Sleep on the swan fluff!
A lot of soul your lonely,
Many outfits buy!
I am to blame that you, black,
More than the soul, love!


Words Mikhail Yurevich Lermontova (1814-1841)

I, Mother of God, now with a prayer
In priority, bright shine,
Not about salvation, not before the battle,
Not with gratitude to Ile repentance,

Not for your praying soul deserted
For the soul of the wanderer in the light of rootless, -
But I want to give a nunty girl
The warm intercession of the world is cold.

County happiness is a decent soul
Give her sopales, full attention,
Youth lightly, the old age is the deceased,
Heart of an informous world of hope.

Whether approaching the hour to approach
In the morning, whether noisy, in the night of Li lackless -
You take to take a saddown sad
The best angel soul is beautiful.

Alexander Egorovich Varlamov's music.

Oleg Evgenievich Pogudin's execution.

Showing paintings Vasily Grigorievich Perova (1833-1882); :
1. "Guitarist Bobyl";
2. "Christ and the Our Lady of the Sea of \u200b\u200bSea";
3. "Wanderer";
4. "Wanderer";
5. "Girl rushing into the water";
6. "Drill";
7. "Wires of the Deader";
8 "Return of peasants with funeral in winter";
9. "Children-orphans in the cemetery";
10. "Troika" ("Pupils Masters are carrying water");
11. "Scene on the grave";
12. "Wanderer in the field."