End of the names of different nations. What depends on "-ov", "-Ev" "-in" in the Russian surname

End of the names of different nations. What does it depend on
End of the names of different nations. What depends on "-ov", "-Ev" "-in" in the Russian surname

The life of each person is filled with new acquaintances almost every day, but sometimes you can get into a very awkward situation, ocked with the nationality of a person and behaving in the unsophistication of the nationalistic peculiarities of the people to which the new acquaintance belongs or familiar. Therefore, it is quite important to have knowledge of how to identify nationality by last name. Face features do not always indicate the origin: just like a human speech.

Determine nationality - is it difficult to determine?

Probably, how to find out your nationality by last name, interests a few, because at birth we are aware of our belonging to a particular people. However, the question of how to find out the nationality of new people in your circle of communication is very relevant.

How it all arranged

Many people know that the end of the surname in most cases indicates the origin of a person. In the construction of the endings there are no algorithms, they need to just memorize.

Is it worth it to unconditionally believe the stereotypes and should they break them?

What is the end of the end, suffixes and prefixes


In this case, the signs of nationalist affiliation determines not entirely ending, and the suffix:

  • -Enko, -ko, -Uk, -yuk, - auch (Nagornok, Goncharuk, Fomenko);
  • some surnames were formed, based on any craft or classes of past times (Koval, Gonchar);
  • provincial words are also found (cotton, Gorobets, Ukrainian);
  • the fusion of words is also there (non-fiweed, vernigora).


If the surname of a person ends on -i, nationality is Russian. The same applies to the following endings: -Ev, -ski (Woodil, Kamensky).


Everything is simple here: Men's - ends at -s, -s; Women - on -Y, -a, -n (Vlititskis, Shurins - Shurin).


The classic family names of Belarusians have the end of the end of the city, -Kor, -Ok, -ko, -On, -Onak (Falkevich, Dubrovka, Kolchonok, Nuharchik).

In times soviet power belarusian surnames were fired (Dubrovsky, Kalshonko).


In men, the surname ends to -onis, -Unas, -Utis, -Aytis, -Enas (Luenas, Ronvidatis, Narnunas).

Female are formed from male with the help of suffixes -Un, Yuven, Wen and End (Luenas - Luenasven). Such transformations occur either with the surname of the husband or father. In the second case, suffixes are added - they, -, -At, and ending-it (Korbatas - Korbat).


Men and women in the surname do not have differences. Everything foreign surnamesEstonian citizens have once been transformed into Estonian. The so-called Estonian law is also valid to today, so in order to play for the Estonian football team, some of the team members had to be transformed from Sergey Khokhlov and Konstantine Kolubastenko on Simson and flock.


Perhaps, many are aware of signs of the names of Polyakov. They are characterized by the presence of suffixes - feminine gender (Gursky, Gursky, Macenedonsky).

There are so-called double surnamesWhen a woman joins his husband in marriage during marriage. Therefore, among the Poles can be found, for example, Mazur-Komorowskaya.

French people

In French surnames, the prefix le or de (de Lon, Le Pen) is often found. Mostly, they are formed from nicknames and names (Jolie, Roberto).


In England, many surnames were formed from the place of residence (Wales, Scott), professions (Clerk - employee, Smitht - Kuznets), character (Armstrong - strong, sweet - sweet).


In Italy, surnames with suffixes -ini, -ino, -ello,-Wello, -etti, is -etto, is, by Ramazetto, Furtini, Maretti). Some surnames have ending -O, -a, -I (Conti, Costa).

The prefixes of di- and da in the surname have people who are properly known (da Vinci, Di Maretti).

It's not so difficult to learn the importance of surnames, because it is not necessary to memorize everything. Select the most necessary to always be aware of who your interlocutor is. How to learn nationality by last name? Simply! Thanks to this information, it is possible to identify the nationality of a person without difficulty.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, Russian surnames ended on-and -Ev. Wide distribution also received surnames to -in and -yn. How it happened, and what about it? Factrum I decided to figure it out in this matter.

The secret of the appearance of surnames on -ov and -

End of -Os and -Ev in the most common Russian names appeared not by chance. Historians believe that their appearance is mainly due to the origin of the genus. So, for example, if the person was called Ivan, and his father Peter, he automatically received the name of Petrov, since he was the son of Peter. Later, in the XIII century, the names began to use officially, and they were given by the senior man in the family. Thus, Petrov became not only the son of Peter, but all his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

However, this is not the only reason for which the majority of Russian surnames received suffixes and -s. Some of them appeared from nickname. In order to be clearer, I will give an example: if a person was called Bezborod, then his children and grandchildren became fabricated. A key role in this issue could play a human activity. Carpenters received exactly such a surname, because his father was a carpenter, and Kuznetsov was the heir to the blacksmith. As for the suffix -Ev, he appeared in the names of those people whose people were engaged in activities whose names ended on a consonant soft letter. Well, for example, the children and grandchildren of a man who received a nickname bullfinch, already called downedly, and the descendants of Bondar - Bondarev.

The mystery of the origin of the names to -in and -yn

In the second place in popularity in Russia - the names to -in and a little less often - on -yn. In fact, there is no secrecy here. Their origin is as connected with the names and nicknames of the ancestors, with their origin. Such surnames were formed when the words endowed on-and-I were taken as the basis, as well as nouns of the female genus with a soft consonant at the end. For example, the last name Minin obviously went from women's name Mina, which, in turn, was rather popular in Russia.

Agree, in our days, the names like Fomin and Ilyin are quite common. It is now obvious that among the ancestors of these people were Thomas and Ilya. But the surname Rogozhin suggests that the genericants, apparently, were engaged in the manufacture or trade of chores. As in the case of the names of the on-houses, the names, nicknames and names of occupations were as follows.

Have you ever been interested in the origin of your last name? In fact, it is very interesting, because the surname makes it possible to learn nationality, human roots. To deal with what nationality is the name of this or that surname, you need to pay attention to suffixes and endings.

So, the most common suffix ukrainian names - "-Enko" (Bondarenko, Petrenko, Tymoshenko, Ostapenko). Another group of suffixes - "-", "-ko", "-" - "Belebeko, Bobertiko, Grishko). The third suffix is \u200b\u200b"-" (Berezovsky, Mogilevsky). Often, among Ukrainian surnames, you can meet those that come from the names of professions (Koval, Gonchar), as well as from the combinations of two words (Sinezub, Belogor).

Among russian family Such suffixes are common: "-an", "-yn", "Ying", "-skaya", "-", "-Ev", "-", "-", ",", "," ". It is easy to guess that examples of such surnames can be considered the following: Smirnov, Nikolaev, Donskoy, gray.

Polish surnames Most often have suffixes "-sk" and "- TSK", as well as the end of the "-y", "-" (Sushitsky, Kovalskaya, Vishnevsky). Often you can meet Poles with last names with an immutable form (SENKEVICH, Woznyak, Mitskevich).

English surnames Often come from the name of the area, where a person lives (Scott, Wales), from the names of professions (Smith - Kuznets), from the characteristic (Armstrong - strong, sweet is sweet).

In front of many french surnames There is an insertion "Le", "Mont" or "De" (Le Germain, Le Pen).

German surnames Most often formed from the names (Peters, Jacobi, will return), from characteristics (Klein - small), from the kind of activity (Schmidt - Blacksmith, Muller - Melnik).

Tatar surnames Tatar words and such suffixes are taking place: "-OV", "-Ev", "-in" (Yuldashin, Safin).

Italian surnames They are formed using such suffixes: "-ini", "-ino", "-ello", "-ello", "-etti", "--etto", "-" (Maretti, Benedetto).

Most spanish I. portuguese surnames Take place from the characteristics (Alegre - joyful, bravo - brave). Among the endings most often found: "-", "-every", "-AZ" (Gomez, Lopez).

Norwegian surnames Food with the help of the suffix "EN" (Larsen, Hansen). The surnames are also popular without suffix (per, morgen). Frequently formed surnames from the name natural phenomena or animals (Blizzard - Blizzard, Svana - Swan).

Swedish surnames Most often end on "--sson", "-berg", "-", "-strom" (Forceberg, Bosstrom).

W. estonians by last name You will not be able to understand, male or female genus in humans (Simson, Ok).

W. jewish surnames There are two common roots - Levi and Cohen. Most surnames are formed from male names (Solomon, Samuel). There are surnames that are formed by suffixes (Abramson, Jacobson).

Belarusian surnames Endage to "-Kich", "-", "-", "--ko", "-onak", "-ёnak", "-uk", "-" - IK "," - Sk "(Radakevich, Kitchen ).

Turkish surnames They have the ending "-Oklu", "-ji", "-Zade" (Mustafooglu, Ekindzhi).

Almost all bulgarian surnames Formed from names with the help of Sufiks "-OV", "-Ev" (Konstantinov, Georgiev).

Men's latvian surnames End to "-C", "-", and women - on "-e", "-a" (Shurins - Shurin).

And men's lithuanian surnames End to "-onis", "-Nas", "-Uthis", "-Atis", "-Eno" (Norwidytis). Women end on "-En", "-Yven", "- Wen" (Grijnoven). In the names unmarried girls The surname of the father and suffixes are contained. "," "-", "-At", as well as the end of "-e" (Orbakas - Orbakaite).

Most armenian surnames End to suffix "-yan", "-ynyz", "-" (Hakobyan, Galustyan).

Georgian surnames Endage to "-Shvili", "-dze", "", "," -Ava "," -a "," -ua ",", "," -nu "(Mikadze, Gwishian).

Walnut surnames Inherent in the end of "-dis", "-Kos" - "Plunos" (Angelopoulos, Nikolaydis).

Chinese I. korean surnames Consist of one, sometimes two syllables (Tan Liu, Qiao, Mao).

Japanese surnames They are formed using one or two words (Kitamura - North and Village).

Women's feature czech surnames It is the mandatory end of "-OV" (Valdrov, Andersonova).

Amazing how many differences between the names of different nationalities and nations!

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Identically Russian, most cossack surnames ends on: oV, eV, iN.. For many it gives reason to assumeand even to argue that the ancestors of the carriers of such surnames were Russians (Velikorsosha). It is made to eliminate the assumption that the ancestors of the carriers of such surnames, as: Persias, Georgians, Morzintsev, Greeks, Turkin, etc. There were not Russians, but representatives of the nation, respectively, the direction of the name itself. But by this provision, the question of Cossack surnames is in reality far away.

Surnames with ending on― oV, eV, iN. more ancient originthan the Russian (Great Russian) spree, the formation of which, as is known, it began withXIII. in. According to R. XP. So, in the 2nd contract Kiev Prince Igor with Greeks (912) in his list (nicknames): Fastov, Kari (s), Tudkov, Karshev, Tudors, Spear, Zakov, Bernov, Gunarev, Bells, Gudov, Tadov, Kuji (s), Vuzlev, Utin , SINO, BORICH.

Such surnames and their similar, found in later historical documents establish that the above endings in the names were not only common to the population. Kievan Rus, Ukrainians ancestors, but that both surnames from foreign, not Slavic words (Bern, Tuad, Tudor, Fast), took the end oV And those weakened.

These data and the fact that with the above-mentioned surname are common and to the present in Ukraine, they give reason to assert that they are not the creativeness of the Velikorsov, but are borrowed, like most of cultural foundations, from Kievan Rus; Velikorosov education surnames with the end on oV, eV, iN.reached only the greatest development― These endings easily replace others (I, Oh, oh) or are easily added to any and not Russian words.

Bulgarian surname with the end oV and eVordinary now, as ordinary were in antiquity.

And if so, then we have the right to assume that such endings in the names were ordinary and the Slavic-Turkic population of the Cossack (after the Tmutarakan principality, from where the Cossack people had formed). They were later, and only since the rule of the Russians (Velikorussians), i.e. Over the past 2nd centuries, have achieved the greatest development.

Cossacks the surname on oh, iY, to her Change B.― oV, eV; Other endings change in iN., and by graduation ko Sound is added adds in: Sulatsk (s) s, kadatsk (s) OV, bend (a) in, rind (a) in, jachenko + in, semenchenko + in, late (s), Schulg (a) in.

Poles are common endings of surnames - iY, iCH, eC; They are characteristic of Ukrainians.

Preserving such grades of Cossack surnames (or replaced) indicate that the ancestors of the carriers of such names were either Ukrainians, or Poles: Kalinovsky, Bukovsky, Levitsky, Kohanovsky, Khchechkhatitsky, Kadatkov, Kurganinsky.

Ending surnames (nickname) on koAs it can be seen from the document 912 and other, very ancient origin. Ending ko (Velikorsosa was borrowed and turned into ka - Ivashka, Fomka, etc.) in the Russian (Kiev) state (later the succession of it - Ukraine) denoted the younger degree, subordination, a smaller part of the subject.

So, in Kievan Rus end ko Sometimes it was added to the names of the princes (Volodirko, Vasilko, Jurko), who did not have the devices (rogue), i.e. subordinates; But never gained to the names of the Kiev region princes.

In Ukraine, the son or grandson of Taras, Shevchuk, Bulba, the Ostap was called Tarashenok, Shevchenok, Bullbenok, Leaven, and from here already formed and surnames - Tarasenko, Shevchenko, etc.

Such formations can be assumedfirst were peculiar to the Western regions of Ukraine; In the Podneprovskaya part, where there was a more intensive betrayal of Turkic nations, the end prevailed oh, oh, to her, but, aC; All of them turkic origin.

Ending to her (County, Palee, Kochubey, Berende, etc.) Very often changed into the end eEV.

So, from many documents establishing entry into the ranks of the Don Cossacks at the endXVI in. and in the first halfXVII in. individual representatives of the Ukrainian people, from its substanders, in Cossack and Moscow documents called Cherkasy, surnames on ko Almost does not occur. So in the list of such Cherkasov from 1647, entered into the ranks of the Cossacks. Out of 200 above the surnames are not a dozen with the end on ko, and mainly on oV, eV. (Burpeanov, Charitons, bend (a) in, etc.).

Development of surnames on ko in Ukraine in the second halfXVII Art. Must be, it can be assumed to colonize the Western regions of it.

It would be ridiculous to believe that the ancestors of the names of the names - Ovanesov, Chebukchiev, Big (Ai) Ev, etc. Or even they themselves are Russian. Back if you added the end oV, eV or iN.to the surnames - Grimm, Wrangel, Struve, etc., it would still not hide that the ancestors of such surnames were Swedes, Germans or a representative of another nationality, but not Russian.

Back, durable ending oV and eV Even the seemingly division of the surname cannot hide that the ancestors of the names of the names - Milyukov, Chuwild (her) of EEV, TURGEN (B) EV, as they establish the words themselves and historically documents, were Tatars. The appearance itself is often confirming, the nature of the nobility of such a surname is also. In this case, it can only be a nickname, when or what ancestor or the owner of such a name became Russian (Velikorsom).

Very many of the names of the Cossacks (in some hundred nits, they are predominant) have the basis of the word not slavic origin; Hereas an example: Merzhan, Catanov, Mishousts, Koloman-Ov, Norma-ev, Dukmas, Mendele-s, Gald (a) -in, Kaklud (a) in, Malyug (a) in, Arakans, Secret-ev, Torub-Ov, Boldyr-ev, Cundel, Biryukh, Kudin-s.

The definition of what kind of people is borrowed the word, or it is brought as a surname, it is very often established by the nationality of the ancestor of the carrier of such a surname; It is sometimes confirmed by historical documents. So, Merzhan (the ancestor, probably carriers of this surname) - was a native Arab, heed together with the Don Cossacks from the Turkish captivity in 1640; He accepted Christianity and became the Don Cossack.

Misists - the surname of Circassian Prince Ro-yes, existing in the middle of the last century.

Mendeleev comes from Kalmyk's words - Mendel (Hello-Sia).

Kindelleov, as established by documents, occur from Kalmyk Murza, who accepted Christianity and became the Cossack in the first halfXVIII century

GALAND - Kalmyk name; The origin from Kalmyk is confirmed by the features of the media from this names family legend.

The last name of tours was formed from 2 words: Turkic and Slavic: Tour (Dark) - wrong, incorrect; Torver in the book-made sense is the man of the wrong faith, Ine-Retz. And, as I heard from one of the representatives of Ro-da Torubovy, the family legend says that their PERS was.

The surname of Arakans comes from the word Arak (C) -Aracian - a leaving from Araka, maybe from Araks.

Sometimes the Turkic and other words served as OS-new to form the surname seem to be Slavic. According to such similarity, it would be wrong to argue that the ancestors of the names of the names of the names of the names of the names of the names of the names of the names of the names of the names of the names of the Names. So, if the surname of Kharlamov was formed on behalf of Harlampiy, it was Harlampiev; Calmycks: Har - Black, Lam (e) priest, literally transfer Harlam - Monk. The sidemen originate from Kalmyk Murza - Boca, the sustenance of which and the transition to the Cossacks after the attributes of Christianity is established by the documents of the penXVIII century

Vedeneev was formed from the Word - Vedeno, what a Mordva calls himself in his language.

Appearance and character are very often under-hardening, sometimes, and regardless of the otis-plated, the nationality of the ancestors of the Cossack is established.

Cossack people have developed from Slavic (Russa) and Turkic (Cossack Cherkasov) living in the territory of Cossacks, later within the Tmutarakan principality formed from her. (Italics mine. - Ed.)

If we take into account that in Kievan Rus, part of its population of her black hoods (Podprovsky Cherkasov, the nationalities of Turkic origin), as seen from the chronicles, the names of the leaders were at the heart of the word Turkic (Loveor, Tudor, Quanda, Arcashar, etc. .), We have the right to assume that the ancestors of the Don and other Cossacks of the surname, nicknames, at the heart of the Turkic words, were usually ordinary with the names that had Slavic roots.

During the rule of the Mongols, during the pre-extension of the Don Cossacks as part of the Golden Horde (XIII - XIV. c.) The Turkic-Tatar language for all Eastern Europe was a state, and the Don Cossacks who lived in close proximity to the Tatars, closely connected with her capital, G. Saram, was on a row with her, Slavic, and conversational.

Before the emergence of free Cossacks (leaving the wild field and for him) and the education of the independent republics (troops) inXV Art. Don Cossacks who lived in the turns of the Moscow and Ryazan Principles and theirs who lived as a rather borderline force were in communicating with neighbors - the Turkic-Tatar peoples and did not forgive their language. For Don Cossacks, preserved in the territory of Cossacks - by R.R. Hopra and Maundice (Salavaska) with tributaries and in the lower dona (from the Azov Cossacks), along with his own language and the Turkic-Tatar.

It is known that the Moscow State of the Volga Cossacks (branches of the Don) is still at the beginningXVII Art. Pi-fat letters in the Tatar language. Replenishment of the champion inXVI - XVII V.V. It went much more from the Turkic-Tatar peoples than from Velikorsov, not a throat already about Ukrainians (Cherkas). Finally, talking in Tatar at the Don German endXVIII century and on-chala XIX in. It was a sign good tonelike rus-led aristocracy of that time - speak- French.

Based on the above, we can argue that the names of which are the basis of which the Turkic-Tatar words serve as the Cossacks themselves and are not reasons for themselves (that is, that there were no ancestors to the Don); But they are all definitely, the trees of origin.

Such characteristic surnames like Kolimanov (Changes. Colomanov), Arkasharin (existing in the Don Cossacks in the first halfXVIII C.) And Calin decrees to the continuity of the names of the Cossacks since ancient times.

Koloman and Arcashara - one of the leaders of black hoods (Podprovsky Cherkasov)XIII. in. The name of Kolo-Man meets before. CALEDA - one of the pre-drivers of the Podneprovsky Cherkasov beganXV Art. As you know, the Ukrainian people - especially with the subnet (Cherkasy) were a significant element, complementing-PWM Don Cossacks in the event of a free ka-duration, and after the main source of his passion.

The surnames that occurred from Slavic words sometimes provide the abstraction of the preferences of their carriers.

So, the ancestors of the owners of the names: Kravtsov, seam-cow, Limavarev, Kovalev, Chebotarev, Miroshnikov, Osipov, Ostaps, Astakhov, Piecers, Wolshin, were definitely Cherkasy.

But there is no data to argue that the ancestors of the surnames of Kuznetsov, Sapozhnikov, Vedernikov, Melnikov were certainly grandios; These etifamilies could be formed on Don.

There are surnames from the Cossacks originating from words that sometimes determine nationality, more often social status, occupation, etc.: Voevodin, BoyaIninov, Buddaris, Pushkarev, Drummers, Mardine (Klinda - Prince or royal bodyguard - Page). But it would be wrong to believe that the names of Voevodin and Boyarinov occurred from the runaway Boyarin and the Governor of Mo-Skovski (it would be hidden by fizzly). Can be labeled with a sufficient basis that they are origin of Novgorod, when at the endXV And in the first halfXVI in., After the Moscow defeat of Novgorod, and Vyatka, the representatives and higher classs of V. Novgorod - and the boyars, and the governors, and the merchants, and the clergy, saving their heads from the Moscow Faehi, on Don.

Such a surname as bara bathovers does not establish the Great-Russian originity of the owner of it - in the Moscow State in the second halfXVII in. When the troops "ingenic building" started, they were just the Germans.

There are many Cossack surnames originating from Mohammedan names: Alimov, Seyov (Usane, Seim), Kireev (Gireev), Izmailov, Temirov, etc. D.Peredov, those surnames were definitely persons who confessed Islam - or Tatars, or Turks , or Circassians, or finally Persians; But what exactly the people - it is impossible to solve.

Almost most of the Cossack surnames in the current time, as inXVII - XVIII Art. In comparison with others, if they are divided into groups, comes from Orthodox names.

As you know, the Don Cossacks (like other Cossacks) were ancient times Orthodox; from the Don Cossacks from 1261 to the endXIV. in. There was its own special Taffier (or Saranskaya) Eparcian with the stay of the bishop in the capital of the Golden Horde of Saraj. Highly replenished rows of the Cossacks of Novgorod and Cherkasy were also Orthodox. Finally, the ancestors of the Don Cossacks Slavs (RUSSI) and Kazakhs (Cossacks) who lived in Cossacks and the Tmutarakan principality withIX c., were right-nice.

Thus, the formation of the names from the right-glorious names was definitely the usual Ka-Zakov themselves and was very ancient.

Many Cossack surnames known for documents of the second halfXVI c., have been preserved to the present; Many are no longer found, but it does not know that there are no descendants of such Cossacks.

Very often one surname was replaced by another. If there were two families or a few of the same names, then the new received the name by the name of the senior representative - or his personal nickname, characteristic of a sign.

When there were no written documents, the names were lost, and the nicknames or the names of the elders to the family were fixed as surnames. So the names - Kosososov, Ryabov, Debt, Kurnoshov, Skur (a) in, Zhelojkin, Estros, Kultyshkin, etc. They were formed, but they are not characteristic of themselves, but they would initially come to the last name. Such "street" surnames that could no longer be entrenched due to the existence of written documents, formed in the Cossacks until recently.

But the surnames from Orthodox names can conceal the ancestors of any national origin.

When joining the ranks of the Cossacks is not a Cossack and not a Christian, especially young, he sometimes acquired the name of the godfather.

So, the descendants of the stump of a hundred gypsies, which became the Cossack, was not necessarily totted in the gypsy, they could contact Vasil-Evhi, Polycapov, Petrov, if such a name was wary godfather Rodonarchist.

Sometimes they received F-Miles named and the Greeks that have entered into the ranks of the Cossacks, which was often. So, the Greek merchants who are separated from the Don Cossacks the severity " Azov Seating"In 1641, everyone was accepted in the Cossacks. From Greek, Yana was a surname of Yanov (mistakenly consider it Polish origin); From Maxim Grek - Greeks and from one of them - Kololkov ("Korolev" - a silver coin of that time, used in the Cossacks and Turks, foreign chasing, with the image of a minor king - "Rubber"). All other Greeks received surnames on the names (fathers, grandfathers); So they mean in the document.

It would seem that the extensive material should have been given lists of the Cossacks of winter villages (embassies from Don to Moscow), preserved in the affairs of the Moscow in the Solish order, but in them, in fact, there are no surnames.

In O. DON and MOSCOW state relationships were adopted: the Moscow king in Gramo-te was usually called the names of the Don Ataman, but only the name and patronymic of his (Osip Petrov); It was a special honor; Back, and the Don Army is not a hundred-called the name of Ataman in the abstracts of the Moscow King, but only the name and patronymic.

These diplomas and unsubscribers are the main material for history, and we still do not know the names of such Don Atamans, like Ermak Timofeev, Osip Petrov, Naum Vasilyev, Yakovlev, and others. Timofeev, Petrov, etc. are patronymic, and not last name; The descendants of these Atamans live under these surnames, but those attacks in the correctness of these atamans.

In the lists of winter villagesXVII Art. Famy Lii are also not shown (the importance of the composition of the village), but only names and patronymic.

There are the names of the names and female names and female names (Sidorkins, Gapkin, Sidorins, Dyachikhin, Yankins, etc.).

Etifamilia-congenived in such order - if the prisoner or the leaving married the natural Cossack, then the offspring received the name named Mother; I could take the last name by the name of the mother or by the characteristic sign of her and the child, if his father was not-known.

A lot of surnames from the Cossacks from the name of Ot spiritual Sana (Dychkin, Popov, etc.). The name of Popov has especially common from the Don Cossacks. Name the name Popova on Don - nothing to say nothing.

In Donsky Cadet corps Such surnames also joined the number.; Popper, or first-graders in Popova, were Noshn, usually exceeding 2 dozen.

Known such an anecdote having a historical basis. After the sessions of the Allied troops of Paris in 1813, Don Atama. Cards represented imper. Alexander.I Cossack shelves.

The latter at that time did not wear the number, but were called the names of the regiments of the regiments. During the passage in the horseman of the regiments Ataman c. Cards among others as if called: "Polkdyachkina ... Dyachikhina, Dyakov ... Dyakonova ... Popova 8 ... Popova 12, Popova 13, Protopopova ... Polk Apostolova."

When there was a launch, AlexanderI. As if, asked: "And where is the regiment of Jesus?" What Donasiaman replied: "We did not have time to form: the war ran out."

Part of these surnames really wore the commanders of the Cossack regiments, others meet among officers in 1812-13, as these documents are established.

Surnames such could form even during the entry of Novgorod and Vyatchan in the ranks of the Cossacks, but I personally, in any of the historical documents before the middle of xVII art. I have not met the names originating from spiritual san. Probably, they were formed on the Don after the emigration of Velikorsov after the spiritual split, the only period when the occurrence of them was more or less noticeable.

It is possible that the ancestors wearing these surnames would be Velikorsosa, although I met the Cossacks wearing F-Mile Popov, in the whole family of which the Turkic-Tatar type was sharply expressed.

From this it is necessary to make an exception and added. The surname of the apostles (rare on Don, is one race), of course, Ukrainian origin.

Dyack only in recent century indicated only the spiritual San, inXVII Art. Dyack is a clerk, a punch, etc. The rank (very high) in the Zaporizhia troops of the "military writer" in Donskoy corresponded - "Military Diak". It is most likely that the surname of Dyakov is coming from here, and not from spiritual sanitary. To the above category, it is necessary to attribute the surname of Corcegin.

The names of Cossack, originating from geographical names, mainly cities, towns and villages (giant, Bukanovsky, Kargalsk (s), Kundryutskov, Ternovskov, Khopersky, Kumshaskov, Bogucharskov, SA-Marin, Korhoruksov, etc.), give little data for the defense of the nationality of ancestors - Especially if the names of the villages served as the basis for surnames.

The surname Bukanovsky speaks only that the ancestor of this name was a led from the Bukanovsky Town of Don Troops. Bogajevsky - a migranet from the giant village or town to another, which speaks very little.

The appearance of the deceased M. P. Goyarevsky itself said more than the ancestor was, of course, Kalmyk, and the features of his brothers confirm this.

Karochken - a leaving from the city of Karochi - and was probably Cherkas (Ukrainian).

Bogucharskov, Samarins, Kaluzhenina were immigrants from respective cities; Suites from the outskirts of the children of Boyar, Archers, the city Cossacks in the ranks of the latter were Cherkasy and Tatars.

So in this case, the belonging of those surnames to the ancestors of the Velikorsov is not installed.

Thus, the surnames of Cossack do not indicate on any significant entry of the Vigoros-owls (Russians) in the ranks of the Cossacks; Of course, they cannot give the material at all for the proof of the origin of the Don and other Cossacks from the Velikorsov, since the Cossacks from Great Bigs (Russians) in reality and do not occur.

The above refers to all Cossacks, except for the Cubans-Chernomoretsev. They have the names are identical to Ukrainian; The endings are dominated iY, oh, oh, but, aC. At the base, they have Slavic (Ukrainian) words and Turkic, some borrowed from the ancestors - black hoods (Cherkasov).

But this question requires a special study.

IP. Bykadorov

From the editorial

I happily found this article in 38-39 issues of the magazine "Volnoe Cossacks" (in i.flane Kozatvo ") - published on June 25 and July 10, 1929 in Prague (the year of publication is the second). Her author is Isaac Fedorovich Byikador.

Born in 1882 in the family of the Don Colonel in the village of Nizhne Kundrychevskaya. Major General, Historian, Comrade of the Chairman of the Don Circle, a member of the Done Supreme Circle, Kuban and Terek. Good systematic education received in classical gymnasium in Rostov-on-Don, in the Novocherkassian engineering school. In 1907, he was accepted at the Academy of General Staff, a full course was held, but in 1910, the immediate release returned to the system (because of the family tragedy).

During the First World War, many combat orders were awarded (lost one eye).

In the spring of 1918, the Cossacks who rebelted against Soviet power elected Colonel Bykadorov to their commander.

Since 1920 - in emigration.

"Being a fiery Cossack patriot, always harmed materials on cossack history and used them for their books "The History of Cossacks" and "The Fight of Don Cossacks for Exit to the Sea", which were already published in emigration ... His books, like individual articles in the Cossack Press, gave the theoretical substantiation of the Cossack National Idea and set some Milestones for the Cossacks in their historical searches. " (A.I. Sveilov, G.V. Gubarev.)

... this article does not put, of course, the point is in response to the most difficult question and the origin of the Cossack surnames, and the Cossacks itself. But to know this is the opinion of one of the formed Cossack managers - necessary.

Cossack General-Filology Isaac Bykadors ... Amazing people Were in our story with you!

Yu. Makarenko