The spiritual death of Mr. San Francisco. Life and death of Mr. San Francisco (according to the story and

The spiritual death of Mr. San Francisco. Life and death of Mr. San Francisco (according to the story and
The spiritual death of Mr. San Francisco. Life and death of Mr. San Francisco (according to the story and

....... And no one knew that he had long bored this pair to suffer to his blissful flour under shameless-sad music, nor what is deeply under them, on the bottom of the dark hold, in the neighborhood with gloomy and sultry subsoil Ship, overwhelmed darkness, ocean, blizzard ......
After a long fight against the arrogance of death, which came so unexpectedly, and suppressed his power, it seemed such a meaningful and wonderful life, Mr. San Francisco, Rights the soul of Mr. San Francisco for a long time rebuilt because of such injustice, and because of The fact that being a man, he did so much to be a significant and respected person, to gain wealth and go to a cruise with the whole family. It seemed to him that if there was money, and they had them, since he always sought them, then death was subject to them. But it was all wrong. Slowly, Mr. San Francisco began to be aware of the truths, which forgot in pursuit of false well-being.
When his body was placed in the hold, Mr. From San Francisco was already ready for this, and Mirno accompanied him as the last worldly value, but something delayed him on the deck, and he stopped him in his thoughts, despite the fact that his body was continued carry By this time, he literally prosened: he already understood that expensive orders could not be replaced with the beautiful thing that the society of rich people was very rarely sincere and warm that living the life he lived could not achieve respect that everything in his life was Littered and bought. Mr. San Francisco was insulting and bitterly, that in the world where he lived, there was a lie, and that even the perfect, it would seem, the perfect couple of lovers, was nothing more than a couple of actors. Now, after death, he saw more than he could see during his life, including the souls of people: in the entire crew of Atlantis, he saw only a mask, followed by the death of the soul, or eating sadness and sadness. All of them were similar, all these people made a bet on material wealth. What for? Because none of them knew what he learned the dead Mr. San Francisco, no one knew that they would seek what they would seek, it was a mirage of happiness, warm and honeying, which everyone wants to master. Mr. San Francisco lost the material part of his life, that is, body and money, felt that part of life, about which spiritual is usually said. He felt that not all women bankers were happy, and that behind the cute and cheerful smile of most ladies there were terrible things: depressive and dark thoughts, and sometimes even reasoning about suicide. His soul, catching the decks through the passengers of the ship, even more disappointed in the life she lived, went down, in the subsoil of the ship, where her body was resting.
In the hold of the soul of Mr. San Francisco felt more comfortable, since there, at the top, everything was as before, only Mr. San Francisco himself became different. It is believed that after death, a person ceases to exist, but it is not so, after death, some people are just beginning to live, since their earthly life left nothing after himself. What could remember Mr from San Francisco? Maybe a wedding? Daughter's birth? But no, at this time the thought of him was quite about the friend .... Only now, he completely understood that those goals that set themselves, not always correct and do not always lead to a good result, and what you need to keep your life under Control and at least sometimes think about what will happen in a year, two. The soul was sitting next to the body and understood that it was already too late to change something, and people did not know about what wise judgments were almost at the very bottom of the ship ....

Everyone knows the content of the story of the Bunin, in which we are talking about the rich Mr., suspiciously died on the deck of a gorgeous yacht. This work is included in the school curriculum. Today we remember some details of the plot of themella of the last Russian classicAnd also answer the question "from which Mr. San Francisco died."

Characteristic of the main character

The hero's life is told a bit. And the work itself is small. However, Bunin made it clear that the life of his character challenge, unitage, could even be said to say, a bad. The biography of a wealthy American is described in the first paragraph. He was 58 years old. For many years he worked, copied and multiply his fortune. I achieved a lot and now, on the slope of the years, I decided to take from life what I had lacking before. Namely to go on the journey.

What does Mr. San Francisco died at the age of 58? After all, only now he began to truly live. Scheduled a trip to Monte Carlo, Venice, Paris, Seville and other wonderful cities. On the way back, I dreamed of visiting Japan. But not fate. The lives of many people take place in the works. Not everyone has the ability to relax, have fun, attend long-range countries. But the work of Bunin is not about the workaholic, which dedicated life to his beloved business. This is a history of a person whose existence was aimed at achieving financial welfare and imaginary respect for others.

Once Mr. San Francisco was a young man without a penny. Once, apparently, it was set to become a millionaire. He succeeded. At his enterprise worked not to twist the hands of thousands of China. He became rich. However, it did not live, but existed. Is it possible to name the life of constant overcoming barriers?


Deck, cabins, premises for service personnel The writer compares with Dante Ada Circles. A rich American, his wife and daughter know nothing about what is happening at the bottom. They rest, spend time as it should be the people of their circle: breakfast, drink coffee in the restaurant, then dinner, slowly walking along the deck. Mr. San Francisco has long dreamed of rest. However, it turned out that he could not relax at all. He spends the time as if approved by the schedule. However, he himself did not notice, being in anticipation of the selling love of young Neapolitanok, carnival in Monte Carlo, bull battle in Seville.

And somewhere far, in the lower cabins, dozens of workers work. Many people serve the Hero of Bunin and the Lord's Lovely. "The owners of life" have the right to a luxurious vacation. They deserve it.

Mr. San Francisco is quite generous. He believes in the caringness of all those who will eat, feeds, serves him at breakfast. Although, perhaps, he never thought about the degree of sincerity of the personnel. This is a person who does not see anything, as they say, further his nose.

What did Mr. San Francisco die from? The surroundings warn his slightest desires, guard his cleanliness and peace, pulling his suitcases. He is in a state that can be called happiness. At least he has not experienced anything previously.

In Palermo

Before answering the question of why Mr. San Francisco died, it is worth talking about his last days. They passed in a picturesque Palermo. Here, there were helpful guides everywhere, broadcasting about local attractions.

Successful businessman knew how to pay. True, there are things in this world that cannot be purchased for money. As it called, the weather spoiled. From noon, the sun Serelo, the small rain began. The city seemed dirty, close, museums monotonous. An American with his family decided to leave Palermo. Where did Mr. San Francisco die? A successful businessman died, not having time to complete his journey, on the island of Capri.

Last hours

Capri Island met the American family more hospitably. First, there was a damp here and dark, but soon Nature came to life. And here Mr. San Francisco was surrounded by a thoughtful crowd. He was served, pleased, drove - met in accordance with his social and financial position. The apartments arrived, which recently occupied another no less than a high person. Phazanov, asparagus, roast beyf submitted for dinner.

What did the story hero of the story think about the last minute? About the fault, Tarantelle, the upcoming walk along Capri. Philosophical thoughts did not visit him. However, as over the preceding 58 years.


Mr. San Francisco was going to be quite nice to spend the evening. He spent a lot of time on the toilet. When was ready for the next stage of luxurious, but clearly planned leisure, I decided to go to the reading room. There she took a cozy leather chair, deployed a newspaper, looking at the notch of the never stopping the Balkan War. In this not a remarkable moment, he died.

After death

What did Mr. San Francisco die from? Most likely, from a heart attack. Bunin did not say anything about the diagnosis of his hero. But it does not matter what the cause of the death of a rich American. It is important how he lived his life and what happened after his death.

And after the death of a rich Mr. A smooth account nothing happened. Is that other guests have a little spoiled mood. In order not to upset the impressionable gentlemen, the corridor and lacquer delivered a dead American in the close, the worst number.

Why did Mr. San Francisco die? His death irreparably spoiled such a wonderful evening. Guests returned to the dining room, diet, but their faces were dissatisfied, offended. The owner of the hotel was approached by one, then to another, apologized for such an unpleasant situation in which he, of course, was not to blame. Meanwhile, the hero of the story lay in a cheap room, on a cheap bed, under a cheap blanket. He no longer smiled, did not serve. He was not interested in anyone else.

The "terrible" in fact was the first touch of death, and not a conscious person, in the soul of which "no longer left ... no mystical feelings." After all, as Bunin writes, the busy rhythm of his life did not leave the "time for feelings and reflections." However, some feelings, or rather, the feelings were still, the same simplest, if not to say low ... The writer repeatedly indicates that Mr. from San Francisco is revived only at the mention of Tarantella's performer (his question asked by "Nothing Voted" , about her partner: Not her husband whether he is - just gives out hidden excitement), only imagining how she, "said you, with a tag, similar to a mulatto, you are a flowery outfit /.../ Daece", only anticipation "love Young Neapolitanok, albeit not quite disinterested ", just admiring" living paintings "in tritons, or so frankly looking at the famous beauty-blonde that his daughter becomes awkward. Despair, he feels only when it begins to suspect that life breaks out from under his control: he came to Italy to enjoy, and here the fog, rains and a terrifying pitching ... But he was given with pleasure to dream of a spoonful of soup and a throat of wine.

And for this, as well as in the life of life, in which there were self-confidentiality, and the brutal exploitation of other people, and the infinite accumulation of wealth, and the conviction that everyone around is designed to serve him, to warn his slightest desires, to carry his things for The absence of any live start, executes his bunin. And execute cruelly, you can say mercilessly.

The death of Mr. San Francisco shakes his unsighteousness, repellent physiologist. Now the writer fully uses the aesthetic category of "ugly" so that in our memory forever captured the disgusting picture, when "his neck fonded, his eyes were released, Pensne flew from the nose ... He rushed forward, wanted to block air - and wildly stuck; Lower His jaw fell out /.../, the head fell on the shoulder and climbed, / ... / - And the whole body, wriggling, joining the carpet with heels, crawled to the floor, fighting for someone. " But it was not an end: "He was still fighting. He aggreed with death, I didn't want to succumb to her, so unexpectedly and rudely called him. He walked his head, hoarse, like slapped, rolled his eyes like a drunk ... ". Write bubbing continued to be heard from his breast and later, when he was already lying on a cheap iron bed, under gross woolen blankets, dimly lit by the only light bulb. Bunin does not regret repenting details to recreate a picture of a miserable, disgusting death of a mighty person who cannot save any wealth from subsequent humiliation. And only when a concrete gentleman disappears from San Francisco, and in his place "someone else", an authenticed death of death, he allows himself a few details, emphasizing the significance of the accomplished: "Slowly (...) flowed the pallor to face the deceased, And the features began to sink, blighten. " And later the dead is given and genuine communication with nature, which he was deprived of what had never experienced needs, being alive. We remember well, what was striving for and what "aim" in the rest of his life Mr. San Francisco. Now, in a cold and empty room, "the stars looked at him from the sky, squeezed with sad carelessness on the wall."

But it seems that painting further humiliation, which accompanied the posthumous earthly "being" of Mr. San Francisco, Bunin even confesses in life truth. The reader may have a question why, for example, the owner of the hotel considers those money that could give him a wife and daughter of the deceased guest in gratitude for the transfer of the body into a luxury room, a trifle? Why does he lose the remnants of respect for them and even allows herself to "settle" Madame when she starts demanding to be due to her right? Why is he so in a hurry to "say goodbye" with the body, not even giving the opportunity to close the coffin? And already at his order, the body of Mr. San Francisco turns out to be immersed in a long box from under the soda English water, and his dawn, secretly, rushes down to the pier Drunk drive, to hurry to immerse at the small vaporody, which will give his burden to one From the port warehouses, after which it will turn out to be on the Atlantis. And there the black grilled coffin harness deeply in the hold, in which he will be before returning home.

But such a state of affairs is really possible in the world where death is perceived as something shameful, obscene, "unpleasant", violating the noticeable order, like Mauvais Ton (bad tone, poor education), capable of spoiling a mood, knock out a rut. The writer is no coincidence choosing the verb, which should not be coordinated with the word death: "Hat". "Do not be in the church of the German /.../ - Nor a single soul from the guests would know what he did." Consequently, death in the perception of these people is something that it follows to "lean", hide, otherwise not to avoid "offended persons", claims and "spoiled evenings." That is why this is in such a hurry the owner of the hotel to get rid of the deceased that in the world of distorted ideas about the proper and short, about the decent and indecent (indecently die like this, not on time, but it is decent to invite an elegant couple, "play love for good money", delight Beneficated loafers, you can stubcate the body into a box from under bottles, but it is impossible that guests violated their motion). The writer persistently emphasizes the fact that, not be an unwanted witness, the twisted servants "instantly, the rear moves, they would die behind the legs and head of Mr. from San Francisco far away," and everything would go to the manner. And now the owner has to apologize to the guests for the inconvenience caused: I had to cancel Tarantel, to put out electricity. He even gives a monstrous promise from the human point of view, saying that he will accept "all-dependent measures" to eliminate troubles ". (Here we can once again be convinced of the finest irony of the Bunin, who managed to convey the terrible self-conceit of a modern man, convinced that that he can oppose the inexorable death something that in its power to "fix" inevitable.)

The writer "awarded" his hero is such a terrible, unreasonable death, in order to once again emphasize the horror of that unrighteous life, which only could end in this way. And indeed, after the death of Mr. San Francisco, the world felt relief. A miracle happened. The next day, the "Morning Blue Sky," the world and peace was sworn on the island, "a simple person was poured into the streets, and the city market was decorated with his presence Handsome Lorenzo, who serves as a model to many painters and, as it were, symbolize his beautiful Italy. Everyone in it will drastically contrast with Mr. from San Francisco, although he, like that, old man! And his calm (he can stand in the market from morning to evening), and his non-guestricant ("he brought and already sold for the sternals of the two caught nights of Omarov"), and the fact that he is "carefree walking" (his idleness acquires moral value comparison with the fussy readiness of the American consumed pleasure). He has "royal habits", while the slowness of Mr. from San Francisco seems to be intensity, and he does not need to dress and worship - his rags are picturesque, and the red wool takes as always sacrificed in the ear.

But even greater degree confirms the grace of a peaceful procession from the mountain heights of two Abruzzki Highlands to the world. Bunin specially slows down the pattern of the narrative, so that the reader can open the Panorama of Italy with them and enjoy it - "a whole country, joyful, beautiful, sunny, stretched under them: And the stony stump of the island, which almost all lay from their feet, and that fabulous blue In which he sailed, and shining the morning pairs over the sea to the east, under the dazzling sun, which was already hot, climbing higher and higher, and foggy-azure, still in the morning brief arrays of Italy, her loved ones and distant mountains. ../ ". It is important to stop in the way that these two people do - in front of an illuminated sun, in a crown, golden-rusty from bad weather, the snow-white statue of Madonna. She, "the immaculate intercession of all those who suffer," they raise "humbly-joyful praise." But the sun. And morning. Bunin makes his characters by children of nature, clean and naive ... and this stop, turning the usual descent from the mountain on a long journey even longer, makes it and meaningful (again, in contrast to the meaningless accumulation of impressions, which should be crowned with the journey of Mr. From San Francisco).

Bunin openly embodies his aesthetic ideal in ordinary people. Already before this apotheosis of natural, chaste, religious life, which arises shortly before the story of the story, looked through his admiration for the naturalness and the unmanduticity of their existence. First, almost all of them were honored to be identified. Unlike the nameless "Mr.", his wife, Missis, his daughter, "Miss", as well as the impassive owner of the hotel at Capri, captain of the ship - at servants, dancers have names! Carmell and Giuseppe are superbly danced by Tarantella, Luigi Khlejstko messengers the deceased English speech, and the old man Lorenzo allows you to admire you to convey to foreigners. But it is also important that the death of the chumped Mr. from San Francisco with simple mortals: in the hold of the ship, he is located next to the hellish cars serviced by "tough, dirty then" naked people!

But the bunin is not so unequivocal to limit oneself to the direct opposition of the horrors of the capitalist civilization of the natural modesty of uncomfortable life. With the death of Mr. San Francisco disappeared the social evil, but the evil is a cosmic, indestructible, then the existence of which is forever because the devil is watching him. Bunin, usually not inclined to resort to symbols and allegories (the exception is its stories created at the turn of the X1x and twentieth centuries, - "Pass", "Togan", "Velga", "Nadezhda", where the romantic symbols of faith in the future arose, overcoming , persistences, etc.), there was an unaware of the devil himself on the rocks of Gibraltar, not a lowering eye from the ship's night, and "By the Word" remembered two thousand years ago, a person, "a vague with a vague in satisfaction of his lust And for some reason he had power over millions of people who made over them cruelty over all measures. "

According to Bunin, social evil may be temporarily eliminated - who was "all", became "nothing", what was "at the top" turned out to be "below", but the cosmic evil, embodied in the forces of nature, historical realities, is unreasonable. And the pledge of this evil is the darkness, the unbarrous ocean, a mad blizzard, through which the resistant and magnificent ship is hard, where the social hierarchy is still preserved: at the bottom of the hell of hellish fires and slaves chained to them, at the top - elegant lush halls, infinitely lasting ball , multilingual crowd, the bliss of languid melodies ...

But Bunin does not draw this world with socially two-dimensional, for him there are not only exploiters and exploited. The writer does not create a socially accuratory work, but a philosophical parable, and therefore he makes a small amendment. Above all, "the" car driver of the ship ", the captain, he" seats "should be inhabited over the luxurious cabins and halls, he" sits "to the whole ship in" cozy and weakly lit rests. " And he is the only one who knows the best about what is happening - about the valet's hired for money, about gloomy cargo, which is located on the day of the ship. He is the only one who hears the "grave upholding of a siren suffered a storm" (for all the rest she, as we remember, stop the sounds of the orchestra), and it worries it, but he soothes himself, placing hopes for the technique, to achieve civilization just like They believe in it floating on a ship, convinced that he has "power" over the ocean. After all, the ship "Gromden", he "racks, hard, magnifying and terrible", it is built by a new person (these capital letters used by riunin are noteworthy for designation and man and devil!), And a radio device is behind the captain's cabin, where the telegraph takes any Signals from any parts of the world. In order to confirm the "omniscience" of the "Palenitice Telegraph" Bunin creates a similarity of Nimba around his head: Metal half-erach. And in order to add the impression - fills the room with a "mysterious hum, trembling and dry crucibles of blue lights, tearing around ...". But in front of us are false, as well as the captain - no commander, not a driver, but just a "pagan idol", who used to worship. And their omnipotentist is false, as livy all civilization, covering its own weakness by external attributes of fearlessness and strength, persistently distinguishes his thoughts about the end. It is as false as the entire mishet brilliance of luxury and wealth, which are not able to save a person by either death, nor from the dark depths of the ocean, nor from the universal longing, the symptom of which can be considered what and superbly demonstrating the infinite happiness of the charming pair " I bought (...) preferably torture with its blissful flour. " The formidable zev of the underworld, in which the "terrible in their concentration of force bubbles", is open and waiting for their victims. What strength meant bunin? Perhaps this is anger of enslaved - it's not by chance that Bunin focused contempt, with which Mr. San Francisco perceives genuine people of Italy: "greedy, smear of the garlic of people" living in "miserable, through the preplex stone houses, rusked on each other at the water itself , near the boats, near some rags, tin and brown networks. " But, undoubtedly, this is ready to leave the subordination of the technique, only creating an illusion of security. No wonder the captain is forced to calm themselves the proximity of the cabin of the telegraphist, which in fact only looks like "as if armored".

Maybe the only (in addition to the chastity of the natural world of nature and people close to it), which can withstand the pride of a new person with an old heart, is youth. After all, the only alive man among puppets, inhabiting ships, hotels, resorts, is the daughter of Mr. San Francisco. And let it also do not have a name, but in a completely different reason than her father. In this character, all that distinguishes youth from the delight and fatigue caused by the years has been merged. She is all in the monitoring of love, on the eve of those happy meetings, when it doesn't matter, good or fools your chosen one, it is important that he stands next to you and you "listen to him and do not understand from excitement that he (...) says" , MLEXE from the "inexpressible charm", but at the same time persistently "you make the view that you look at the distance." (Bunin clearly demonstrates condescension in relation to such behavior, stating that "it doesn't matter exactly what the girl is awakening, whether the money is granted whether the kind of kind is," it is important that it is able to awaken.) The girl is hardly falling in Syncze, when it seems to her that she saw her the hereditary prince of one Asian state liked her, although it is known that it cannot be in this place. She is able to embarrass, intercepting immodest views, what kind of her father escorts beauties. And the innocent frankness of her clothes clearly contrasts with only her father's young father and with a rich outfit of her mother. Only her torture squeezes his heart when his father confesses to her that in his dream a person was given to the owner of the hotel at Capri, and at that moment she was visited by a "feeling of terrible loneliness." And only she buried bitterly, realizing that his father was dead (her mother had tears instantly dried as soon as she had rebuffed from the owner of the hotel).

In Emigration, Bunin creates the parable of "youth and old age", the summary of his thinking about the life of a person who has accounted for the path of profit and acquirement. "God created the sky and earth ... Then God created a man and said to man: you will be, a man, live thirty years in the world, - you will live well, you will be happy to think that God has done everything in the world for one of you and did . Are you satisfied with this? And the man thought: so good, and only thirty years of life! Oh, little ... Then God created the Ishak and said to Izaku: you will carry the Burdyuki and Blinds, will drive people on you and will beat you on your head Stick. Are you satisfied with such a term? And Izhak buried, I cried and told God: Why do I need so much? Give me, God, just fifteen years of life. - And I add fifteen, said the man to God, please, add from his share! - So God did, agreed. And a man came out of forty five years of life ... Then God created the dog and also gave her thirty years of life. You, God said to the dog, you will always live evil, you will watch the shopping wealth, not to believe anyone else , Breut will be on passersby, do not sleep at night from anxiety. And ... dog even Oversized: Oh, there will be from me and half of this life! And again there was a man to ask God: add me and this half! And again God added ... Well, and then God created a monkey, he also gave her thirty years of life and said that she would live without difficulty and without care, only very bad face would be ... bald, in wrinkles, naked eyebrows I climb on my forehead, and everything ... will try to look at her, and everyone will laugh at her ... And she refused, asked himself only half ... and the person backmed himself and this half ... a person his own Thirty years lived in human - ate, drank, he fought in war, danced at weddings, loved young women and girls. And fifteen years old worked, she profited wealth. And fifteen dog shore your wealth, all broke and angry, did not sleep at night. And then it became such a shy, old as that monkey. And all the heads swung and laughed at His old age ... "

The story "Mr. San Francisco" can be considered a full-blooded life of life, later turned into a tight rings Proverbs "youth and old age." But he has already been a harsh sentence to man-dun, a man-dog, a monkey man, and most of all - a new person with an old heart, who established such laws on earth, the whole of the earthly civilization that challenged himself in the shackles of false morality.

In the spring of 1912, the whole world had a message about a collision with the iceberg of the largest passenger ship "Titanic", about the terrible death of more than one and a half thousand people. This event sounded a warning to mankind, federated scientific success, convinced of his limitless opportunities. A huge "Titanic" has become a symbol of this power, but his immersion in the ocean waves, the self-confidence of the captain who did not constitute the danger signals, inability to resist the elements, the helplessness of the team once again confirmed the fragility and vulnerability of a person in the face of cosmic forces. Maybe most acutely made this catastrophe I.A. Bunin, who saw in her the result of the activities of the "Pride of a new man with an old heart", what he wrote about in his story "Mr. from San Francisco" three years later, in 1915 .

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Everyone knows the content of the story of the Bunin, in which we are talking about the rich Mr., suspiciously died on the deck of a gorgeous yacht. This work is included in the school curriculum. Today we remember some details of the plot of themella of the last Russian classicAnd also answer the question "from which Mr. San Francisco died."

Characteristic of the main character

The hero's life is told a bit. And the work itself is small. However, Bunin made it clear that the life of his character challenge, unitage, could even be said to say, a bad. The biography of a wealthy American is described in the first paragraph. He was 58 years old. For many years he worked, copied and multiply his fortune. I achieved a lot and now, on the slope of the years, I decided to take from life what I had lacking before. Namely to go on the journey.

What does Mr. San Francisco died at the age of 58? After all, only now he began to truly live. Scheduled a trip to Monte Carlo, Venice, Paris, Seville and other wonderful cities. On the way back, I dreamed of visiting Japan. But not fate. The lives of many people take place in the works. Not everyone has the ability to relax, have fun, attend long-range countries. But the work of Bunin is not about the workaholic, which dedicated life to his beloved business. This is a history of a person whose existence was aimed at achieving financial welfare and imaginary respect for others.

Once Mr. San Francisco was a young man without a penny. Once, apparently, it was set to become a millionaire. He succeeded. At his enterprise worked not to twist the hands of thousands of China. He became rich. However, it did not live, but existed. Is it possible to name the life of constant overcoming barriers?


Deck, cabins, premises for service personnel The writer compares with Dante Ada Circles. A rich American, his wife and daughter know nothing about what is happening at the bottom. They rest, spend time as it should be the people of their circle: breakfast, drink coffee in the restaurant, then dinner, slowly walking along the deck. Mr. San Francisco has long dreamed of rest. However, it turned out that he could not relax at all. He spends the time as if approved by the schedule. However, he himself did not notice, being in anticipation of the selling love of young Neapolitanok, carnival in Monte Carlo, bull battle in Seville.

And somewhere far, in the lower cabins, dozens of workers work. Many people serve the Hero of Bunin and the Lord's Lovely. "The owners of life" have the right to a luxurious vacation. They deserve it.

Mr. San Francisco is quite generous. He believes in the caringness of all those who will eat, feeds, serves him at breakfast. Although, perhaps, he never thought about the degree of sincerity of the personnel. This is a person who does not see anything, as they say, further his nose.

What did Mr. San Francisco die from? The surroundings warn his slightest desires, guard his cleanliness and peace, pulling his suitcases. He is in a state that can be called happiness. At least he has not experienced anything previously.

In Palermo

Before answering the question of why Mr. San Francisco died, it is worth talking about his last days. They passed in a picturesque Palermo. Here, there were helpful guides everywhere, broadcasting about local attractions.

Successful businessman knew how to pay. True, there are things in this world that cannot be purchased for money. As it called, the weather spoiled. From noon, the sun Serelo, the small rain began. The city seemed dirty, close, museums monotonous. An American with his family decided to leave Palermo. Where did Mr. San Francisco die? A successful businessman died, not having time to complete his journey, on the island of Capri.

Last hours

Capri Island met the American family more hospitably. First, there was a damp here and dark, but soon Nature came to life. And here Mr. San Francisco was surrounded by a thoughtful crowd. He was served, pleased, drove - met in accordance with his social and financial position. The apartments arrived, which recently occupied another no less than a high person. Phazanov, asparagus, roast beyf submitted for dinner.

What did the story hero of the story think about the last minute? About the fault, Tarantelle, the upcoming walk along Capri. Philosophical thoughts did not visit him. However, as over the preceding 58 years.


Mr. San Francisco was going to be quite nice to spend the evening. He spent a lot of time on the toilet. When was ready for the next stage of luxurious, but clearly planned leisure, I decided to go to the reading room. There she took a cozy leather chair, deployed a newspaper, looking at the notch of the never stopping the Balkan War. In this not a remarkable moment, he died.

After death

What did Mr. San Francisco die from? Most likely, from a heart attack. Bunin did not say anything about the diagnosis of his hero. But it does not matter what the cause of the death of a rich American. It is important how he lived his life and what happened after his death.

And after the death of a rich Mr. A smooth account nothing happened. Is that other guests have a little spoiled mood. In order not to upset the impressionable gentlemen, the corridor and lacquer delivered a dead American in the close, the worst number.

Why did Mr. San Francisco die? His death irreparably spoiled such a wonderful evening. Guests returned to the dining room, diet, but their faces were dissatisfied, offended. The owner of the hotel was approached by one, then to another, apologized for such an unpleasant situation in which he, of course, was not to blame. Meanwhile, the hero of the story lay in a cheap room, on a cheap bed, under a cheap blanket. He no longer smiled, did not serve. He was not interested in anyone else.

The story I. A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco" is devoted to the description of the life and death of a person with power and wealth, but, by the will of the author, who does not even have the name. After all, the name contains a certain definition of spiritual essence, the embryo of fate. Bunin refuses his hero in this not only because it is typical and similar to other rich old men coming from America to Europe to finally enjoy life. The writer emphasizes that the existence of this person is completely devoid of spiritual principle, the desire for good, bright and high. The first half of the story is devoted to traveling on the ship "Atlantis", where the hero enjoys all the benefits of civilization. Bunin with a frank irony describes its "main" events - breakfasts, lunches and numerous dressing towards them. All that happens around, at first glance does not concern the main character: the roar of the ocean, howl of sirens, burning fireboxes somewhere below. He confidently takes everything you can take for money, forgetting about your own age. At the same time, he resembles a mechanical doll on hinge, which absorbs wine and disorders, but for a long time he does not remember the ordinary human joys and charts. The story of the story missed youth and strength, hunting money, and did not notice how life had passed undercover.

He is old, but the thoughts about the ambulance do not attend it. In any case, Bunin describes his hero as a person who does not believe in an omen. The fact that a person from his last dream was similar to the owner of the Caprius hotel, rather chased Mr. San Francisco than it seemed to some warning. The ghostity of wealth and power is found in the face of death, which has come suddenly, without giving him a second for awareness of his own care.

Unlike L. N. Tolstoy (the story "Death of Ivan Ilyich"), the Bunin is not worried about the spiritual, but the cosmic meaning of death. The philosophical understanding of death at the Bunin is multifaceted and the emotional spectrum is wide: from horror to a passionate desire to live. In his presentation, life and death is equal. At the same time, life is described by sensual details, each of which is full and important to comprehend the beauty of being. And death serves as a transition to another being, to the posthumous shine of the soul. But was the Mr. San Francisco Soul? Bunin describes his death and the posthumous municipality of the bodily shell is emphasized roughly, naturalistically, nowhere is not mentioning any mental suffering. Only spiritual personality is capable of overcome death. But the hero of the story was not such a person, so his death is portrayed only as the death of the body: "He rushed forward, wanted to block the air - and wildly stuck ... The head fell on the shoulder and climbed, the chest of the shirt was sticking to the box - and the whole body, giving up the carpet Heels, crawled to the floor, desperately struggling with someone. " The signs of the soul lost during the lifetime appear after death, like a weak hint: "And slowly, slowly in front of all the pallor to face the deceased, and the features began to be sophisticated, brighten ..." Death erased the hero's injured mask and minted him The true appearance is the one as he could be if life lived in a different way. Thus, the life of the hero was the state of his spiritual death, and only physical death carries the opportunity to awaken the lost soul. The description of the dead acquires a symbolic character: "The dead remained in the dark, the blue stars looked at him from the sky, the cricket with sad carelessness was soldered on the wall ..." The image of the "lights of heaven" is a symbol of the soul and search for the spirit, lost during the lifetime of Mr. San Francisco. The second part of the story is the journey of the body, the barren remains of the hero: "The body of a dead old man from San Francisco returned home, in the grave, on the shores of the new world. After having experienced a lot of humiliations, a lot of human inattention, with a week, smoking from one port bar, in another, it finally got on the same famous ship on which it was so even recently, with such honoraries it was taken to the old light. " It turns out that the hero of the story turns first the living body, devoid of spiritual life, and then just a dead body. There is no secret of death, the secrets of the transition to another form of existence. There is only a conversion of wear shell. Part of this shell is money, power, honor - it turned out to be just a fiction, to which there was no longer anything else. The world without Mr. San Francisco did not change: the ocean is also raging, roars siren, dancing in the salon "Atlantis" the elegant public, the hired couple depicts love. Only the captain knows that it is in a heavy box at the very bottom of the truma, but it cares only the safety of the mystery. Bunin does not show how his wife and daughter are worried about the death of the hero. But the rest of the world is indifferent to this event: what gone with him did not make the life of others brighter, lighter and happier. Therefore, the Bunin's death of the hero is a warning to everyone who lives only for his own glory and wealth, everyone who does not remember his soul.