Amazing people Judge Olga. "Amazing people": what happens behind the frame of the new season show

Amazing people Judge Olga. "Amazing people": what happens behind the frame of the new season show

The second season of the project on people with a high level of intelligence and extraordinary mental abilities. Premiere Show " Amazing people"- September 3. The project allows participants to show their unique abilities, which is difficult to believe in an ordinary person! This is a project on the limitless possibilities of a person. Show " Amazing people"- Russian adaptation of the world famous show" The Brain ".

The first season of the show started in 2016 and had an unreal success. The main prize is a million rubles - last year I took a blind musician from Kursk. As a child, he discovered the absolute rumor, who learned to use to see the world around. After the project, he opened the training center for the visually impaired to tell about his echolocation method.

Show host " Amazing people» - Alexander Gurevich. The jury sit star guests Olga Shelest, Evgeny Papunaishvili, Natalia Ragozina and leading researcher at the Neuroeconomic Center and Cognitive Research, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor Vasily Klyucharev. In the new season, people from all over the world submitted an application for participation.

Vasily Klyucharev: - I thought that after the first season would be difficult to surprise something. But it is not so! Some tasks in this design I see for the first time in my life. Theoretically, everything can be explained, but look at it is amazing! The viewer will experience the entire range of emotions!

In the second season show " Amazing people»Participants will have difficult tests. 7 contestants take part in each issue, and only one of them takes place in the final. His fate solves the auditorium. The final there are winners of all previous issues.

Evgeny Papunaishvili: - I have genuine emotions, and once again they are absolutely sincere! The program is amazing! I just look, I enjoy, I admire, I am surprised, commenting, I ask the participants questions and try to find something about them and their abilities. This is one of those rare cases when we do not have to put assessments - and thank God, otherwise I would just rip me from doubt! Determine the winners is very difficult, our participants are unique in their own way! Let's see what choice will be made by the audience in the hall.

Natalia Ragozina: - This project is really cool! Many things that make our participants seem absolutely incredible and inexplicable. But these are not tricks, but the real abilities of real people! Even our expert is not always possible to explain everything! I come home satisfied, happy and sometimes trying to repeat something, for example, collect rubik cube. After filming the first season, I became interested in mental arithmetic and mnemotechnics. So now I also engage in self-development.

Amazing people season 2, release from 03.09.2017

In the first issue of the new season of the show, 7 people were submitted to the audience. The first to the scene came out Alexander Goryachev From Voronezh, who received from the leading transfer of the nickname, "Flashka" and the human encyclopedia. A man has a fantastic visual memory. His task was to remember the appearance of three goldfish selected jury, and then find these specimens among 48 identical individuals. Alexander Brilliantly coped with the task.

The second on the stage was Kristina Karelin, girl sininestetic. Her ability is that every melody girl sees in color, each note in her mind has a definite color. The test for her was the definition of Spear Musicians Songs on the set of colors flashes on the screen. Kristina I learned and was able to play the piano all the proposed compositions.

The following will demonstrate their abilities Vladimir Shkultti., polyglot from Slovakia. In his arsenal 19 languages, which he solve and switches from one language to another. The man was suggested to chat with nineteen carriers of different languages. Vladimir Not only was easily able to find a common language with foreigners, but also showed them brilliant knowledge in the history of Moscow and St. Petersburg. According to the issue of the issue Vladimir Shkultti. He became a winner, gaining 16 percent of spectator voices.

The most young participant of the first issue has become a decade Sophia Kiryan. The girl is fond of zoology and is a real sign of frogs. Sofye. They proposed to guess the amount and the breed at the same time quiet frogs. The girl coped with the task without much effort.

Fifth on the stage turned out to be a member of Mongolia Nyamgarel Ganghuag. According to the girl, and maybe they are going on what many make hands. Her feet have incredible flexibility and coordination. A young participant shot a target from Luke, holding his legs. The first shot ended with the slip, the rest of the arrows flew exactly to the target. Sumber shots Nyamgarel hit the jury members.

Alexey Schleg From St. Petersburg is fond of balancing. On the instructions of the lead, he was able to install on the stones in completely incredible positions, a laptop, a chair, a simulator and even a washing machine. All items kept on the stones for quite a long time.

The last on the scene came out a speedcubber Vladimir Okencitz from Vladikavkaz. About four years Vladimir Collects Rubik Cube for speed. On the air program, the guy had to blindly assemble 7 cubes in 6 minutes, while being in the filling pool. The unique young man coped with the task, the hall applauded him standing, chanting: "Well done!".

Amazing people season 2, release from 09/10/2017

The second release of the transfer began Ilya Gubenko From Krasnodar, demonstrating unique memory. For him, the transfer studio was discontinued in the largest registry office of Russia: 27 pairs of grooms and brides came to the scene. Jury members mixed grooms and brides, breaking the pair. Ilya An unexpectedly remembered the sequence of youthful young people and could also voice the reverse sequence without allowing errors.

The next scene came out the youngest conductor - 11-year-old Asadbek Ayubzhenov. A boy professionally conducts a symphony orchestra. He was asked to learn the musical work, watching the movement of the hand of the conductor. With the task, the boy coped brilliantly.

Julia Kamenskaya From Kazakhstan has stereoscopic vision and is engaged in the production of stereoscopic pictures. A few couples have shown a woman, a few smallest details were changed in one of the pair. Task Julia It was found differences between two videos, she did it masterfully, without allowing a single mistake.

The next surprise viewers and strict jury came the 18-year world champion in astronomy, Ivan Uteshev. The ceiling and walls of the studio turned into a starry sky, but the jury members removed several stars by pressing the joystick. Task Ivana It was understood what stars had disappeared from a skyskle. The young man with incredible accuracy determined exactly where the stars lacking, and where they were too much.

Sommelier Vladislav Markinfrom Moscow, he stated that he would know any wine to taste. Before filming, a man worked in restaurants, after graduated from a wine school. As a test, he was asked to learn the name of wine, grape variety and place where it was manufactured.

18-year-old Nikolai Erschov It is the so-called mnemonic, he remembers any amount of information proposed. The young man is fond of cards, so he was given a task to remember the playing cards shown on the screen and set them in the correct sequence.

Alexander Pokhilko From Moscow, despite disability, leads an extremely active and interesting way of life. In particular, Alexander He writes pictures of memory, although he has no hands with hands. In 5 minutes, the man had to remember 50 portraits, and then write one of them by memory, selected Evgeny Papunaishvili. With the task, the artist coped just amazing.

Nikolai Erschov and Alexander Pokhilko They received the most spectator votes - 16% - and the final of the show passed.

Amazing people season 2, release from 09/17/2017

The first participant of the next release of the show became Georgy Georgievfrom Bulgaria, owning a rapid mathematical account in the mind. His tasks were divided into three stages: in the first man retracted the root of ten-digit numbers, in the second Delhi l Discount numbers on five-digit, and in the third he was asked to call the days of the week for 72 days in one minute. All stages Georgy. passed successfully, without allowing a single error.

Dmitry Shelikhovfrom Surgut has extremely developed memory. To check its abilities on a high multi-colored lattice, there were 12 gymnasts, Dmitriy It was supposed to remember their location. And then tell on the beam what color is each of the four limbs of gymnasts. Dmitriy Absolutely accurately remembered all the colors.

The next to the scene came out eight-year Maxim Rosol. From Voronezh - an outstanding football player. In its young age Maxim It is already the owner of a multitude of foot awards, on his account 36 goals. He was invited to score 5 balls in the corners of the gate and under the top crossbar. One of the boy's balls flew by the goal.

Svetlana Belichenko From Arkhangelsk - mnemotechnics. She trained his abilities herself, making special emphasis on the weaknesses of memory. Its task was to remember 196 Japanese hieroglyphs. Members of the jury chose a few of the proposed symbols by calling them by the method of coordinates, as in the game "Sea battle", and Svetlana It was necessary to remember the hieroglyph standing at this place. The woman was mistaken just once.

Andrei Popkov From Togliatti has an original ability - he knows how to recognize the volume of the knee glass of the rumor. On the instructions of the lead, he needed the sound of the game on the "glass harp" to determine the number of glasses, of which it consists and the water level in them. Andrew True called the volume of fluid in each vessel.

Eighteen years old Roman Strahov - Speedcubber. He has already treated his skills for a very long time, at the moment he can pick up a Rubik's cube blindfolded by moving on the bike back forward. Novel They gave the task to disassemble blindly already assembled Rubik's cube according to the wave. The guy coped so brilliantly with the task that Evgeny Papunaishvili suggested that Novel - Alien, not a man.

Artem Sofronovfrom Novosibirsk has unique memory. A young guy needed to remember the names and sites of training 50 students, and then recall the ten of them chosen by members of the jury. Artem Reproduced true all information about students.

The winner in this release has become Roman Strahovwho scored 18% of spectator voices.

Amazing people season 2, release from 09/24/2017

The first participant of the fourth release of the show was 6-year-old Ruslan Safarov From Kusarov, who struck the Russian audience and jury members with their unique mathematical abilities. From the very early age, the boy's father is engaged in him and believes that his son will become a great mathematician in the future. And Ruslan himself calls himself a "human calculator" and dreams of a programmer's profession. The task was to calculate several complex mathematical tasks in several actions. The boy coped brilliantly with all the calculations.

Elena Kulyaev From Sochi, at the age of 15 years already graduated from school and entered the university, and Taekwondo was engaged in his free time. Such results of the heroine achieved thanks to phenomenal memory. The combat technique girl pulled to such an extent that she was able to put exact blows blindly on the task of the jury without mistakes.

Next participant, 33-year-old Vasily Zakharov From Kazan - a coach for the development of memory and photography techniques - demonstrated its unique abilities during an exciting test. He was asked to remember the schedule of three schoolchildren for a week and help them collect backpacks to school.

24-year-old Anastasia Traubenberg From St. Petersburg - a wedding stylist and the make-up - I tried to prove that her fingers had a special memory. She was suggested to blindly feel some bald young people, and then guess those who chose the jury.

11-year-old brothers Artem and Nikolai Vasilyevfrom St. Petersburg from the earliest childhood, animals are very loved, possess unique knowledge about them and even capable of hypnotize. In the eyes of the audience and jury, the boys introduced a dog, chinchilla, chicken, toad and rabbit in the trance. And then it was easy to wake them up.

13-year-old Arseny Tsybarov From the eagle, seriously interested in aircraft, demonstrated his knowledge in the "Amazing People" show. He defined several aircraft one after the drawing of their engine.

The last of the participants of the show "Amazing People" was the 20-year-old native of Tyumen Daniel Yuff- Grossmaster, three-time champion of Russia for fast chess among young men. A young man is able to simultaneously play on several boards blindly and has a musical hearing. On the air show Yuff Demonstrates how to simultaneously play the piano and in chess blindly.

The winner of the fourth release of the show became Daniel Yuffwho scored 20 percent of spectator voices.

Amazing people season 2, release from 01.10.2017

Another release of the show "Amazing People" opened a 20-year-old student Alexander Kasamov - Champion of Ukraine in sports memorization. He was proposed by eye to fix the sequence of 20 runners and after playing it. Alexander He coped with the task.

10-year-old Valeria Foamfrom Novosibirsk knows how to count faster than the calculator. Instant arithmetic in action demonstrated a girl. This technique Valeria It is trained specifically, using with the score of the fingers. The girl was mistaken only once.

The next participant was 15-year-old Ksenia Demesova from Lipetsk. The girl demonstrated the jury the possibilities of its memory, allowing to record huge amounts of information. Especially for the speech of the young participant on the stage, 18 people were invited - visitors of the restaurant. They had a choice of three positions of hot dishes, snacks and desserts. After all visitors have made their order, leading program Alexander Gurevichasked one of the members of the dancer jury Evgenia Papunaishvili Bet the role of a chef that ordered for three guests. Ksenia had to sound all that hidden under the covers. In the first order, the girl confused a snack.

Seven-year Kirill Ageevfrom Yelets, a great knowledge of the Moscow Metro was shown. The boy showed the ability to lay routes in the mind, demonstrated knowledge of the history of metro stations and the structure of his branches. Support boy came famous Shoumen Alexander Pushnya.

Yulia Pus From Krasnoyarsk, only 17 years old, but it is pulled by non-light acrobatic abilities. Young gymnast with the help of acrobatic techniques tried to throw balls in 6 basketball rings, but all 6 times the girl missed.

A resident of Tyumen. Alexey Litvinovhe accepted, the choreographer of the famous ensemble formeshn "Vera", determined the style of dance, do not hear music. He saw only the projection of dancers - they had special costumes with sensors. Mudnesses were displayed on the screen, which instead of the hands and legs were sticks.

"I can learn any dance on the rhythmic characteristic of the sound!" - Alexey Litvinov commented on his abilities.

The last participant of this issue Narek Gevondyan Cave the jury to the rapid score of the letters in any texts. He can do it in three languages \u200b\u200b- Armenian, Russian and English. The jury was shocked by abilities Nareka - Talent, which he accidentally discovered and began to develop further.

Amazing people season 2, release from 10/08/2017

The first participant of the next issue was 16-year Irina Drobtko From near Moscow Lyuberes. A girl in 7 minutes played a batch in chess with Alexandra Selphonovaya and gathered 23 Rubik Cube.

Evgeny Ivchenkov It has spatial memory. In a short time, the young man remembered how the crossbars were stood on the couches. The next part of his task was blindly called the location and color of arrows, each of which belonged to one of the archers. Evgenia managed to cope with only one mistake.

Novosibirsk schoolboy Vladislav Shipulin I am struck by the jury show "Amazing people" - the boy was able to decipher two dozen QR codes in order to find false information among them. According to his mom, in the head, Vladislav made many mathematical actions to decipher the code.

Vladislav Black - mnemonic, presenter invented for a young man an incredibly complex task. In 5 minutes, Vladislav remembered the location of the items in a kind of sportswear, organized on stage. Further, behind his back, members of the jury changed the items to the smallest. Mately managed to correctly solve all movements, except for an inverted lacing up the ball for American football.

Three years old Stephen Shuranov became the most young participant in this issue of the show. For 4 minutes, the baby was able to place 10 pieces from three collected puzzles in places, which previously reached the jury. He became the winner of the show this week.

Vladimir Babetserov has the ability to build numbers from 1 to 100 in seven different degrees. 10 digits from completely different dozens appeared on the screen. They needed to be erected in various degrees from the third to the seventh, and Vladimir Babeta brilliantly coped with this task.

Evgeny Krasnov From Kazan has photographic memory. Shortly before the transfer of the guy, a mini-excursion was held on the gateway and spacecraft embankment, where the guy was supposed to consider and remember the location of buildings. Later, his task was to portray the Panorama seen. Evgeny perfectly coped with the task.

In the 7th release of the show dated October 22, 2017, the jury and spectators were surprised as usually seven participants from different cities of Russia. This week, a talented blind guy came out on the stage, a young girl, with ease of the car's speed without a special device, an amateur of coffee that recognizes any variety of taste and aroma, an expert of 23 thousand characters of the PI number, a unique binary codes decoder, and Also two mnemonics. The winner and another finalist showed Ilya Antonov, Amateur number pi.

8 Edition of the show dated October 29, 2017 - the last one in front of the finals of the second seasons of the show. This time the jury was surprised by mental mathematics, a professional game of billiards, the knowledge of the roads of Moscow, the game of chess on three boards blindly, recognizing lies, recognizing plants to the touch and fantastic memory. The final finalist became the chess player Timur Gareev.

In 9 releases of November 5, 2017, the name of the second season of the show "Amazing People" was announced on the air channel "Russia 1". They became a 23-year-old Roman Strahov From Zheleznogorsk, which is the fastest of all in the world collects a cube Rubik blindly. Our compatriot is a six-time world record holder in the discipline "Cube assembly 5x5x5 blind", the current champion of Europe Po "4 * 4 blind" and "5 * 5 blind" and two-time winner of the World Cup.

"The victory in the show changed my life, and if earlier speedcubing was no more than a hobby for me, then from that moment I decided to completely devote myself to the development of speedcubling and make it my main" profession. " A month ago, I left the company where I was developing software, and this was my main source of income. But this decision was one of the best for my whole life, because thanks to "amazing people", I finally realized that the speedcubing was my vocation, "the fears told.

In addition to the title of the winner of the second season show "Amazing people", Fears became the owner of the monetary prize in one million rubles. Where will spend the winnings, the novel has not yet decided. "I will definitely not spend this money on travel, because, thanks to speedcubu, I had the opportunity to be in different countries. I go to the competition, and many people know me all over the world thanks to my records, "shared his plans.

The young manip of Tosboltayev from the capital of Tajikistan Dushanbe took part in the international project of the Russian television channel "Russia 1" "Amazing people" and struck members of the jury with unique abilities.

The girl can almost accurately name the speed passing by the car due to the mental arithmetic, and the question of a member of the TV presenter Olga rustle is about whether she has a formula, she admitted that there is, but it still needs to be quickly applied.

"Yes, I have a certain formula. But you need to quickly fold, "said Tosbochyev's drawing.

To verify its abilities, the authors of the show organized races of three cars on a special car in Moscow, and the girl's testimony and radar were invited to another jury member, Evgenia Papunaishvili dancer. The first car drove at a speed of 69-70 km / h, and the drawing, in turn, called 66 km / h. For the second time, the deviation was 3 km / h (the participant called 76 km / h, while the real speed was 79-81 km / h). The third car drove at a speed of 145 km / h, and Tosboltayeva said about 149 km / h.

The lead and members of the jury admitted that they were amazed by the ability of the girl, and they were still asked to reveal her secret.

"I count the time, well, with the help of a hand, that is, the seconds are accurate, after I share the distance for a while. And in order to translate into a kilometer / hour I multiply by 36 and I divide on 10, "she told.

A young Dushanbish was also told in the plot of the program "Morning Russia" on Thursday, October 19, as part of the announcement of the next release of "amazing people."

"I need some rhythm, I think that time. You know, I am not directly considering a second "Once or two." I somehow have themselves dial that if, "the participant shared.

The drawing admits that he did not always love mathematics. She was even her most unlosest subject and at the end of a quarter, three or four on it always came out, because of what she was very worried and even cried. Everything changed when her mother opened the training center on mental arithmetic - it was there she began to understand and love mathematics.

The second season of the show "Amazing People" started on the TV channel "Russia 1" on September 3. Anyone can take part in the project, regardless of age and country of residence / citizenship. Each issue involves seven contestants, and at the end of the program among the audience there is a vote for the participant who has become the most impression.

In the final release, the winners of all previous esters will be collected, which will compete for the main prize - one million rubles.

Their performances evaluate the jury in which TV presenter Olga Shelest, Dancer Evgeny Papunaishvili, athlete-boxer Natalia Rogozin and Professor Vasily Klyucharev. Professional assessment of contestants gives an expert program, a leading researcher at the Neuroeconomic Center and Cognitive Research Center, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor Vasily Klyucharev.

Leads the program to famous TV presenter Alexander Gurevich.

On Sunday, September 3, the TV channel "Russia 1" launches the second season of the fantastic show "Amazing People-2017". Each release of the program from the first to last second proves the viewer: the human brain is capable of incredible wonders.

See the second season of the project "Amazing People" on the channel "Russia 1" on Sundays, from September 3, at 18:00

After the colossal success of the first season " Amazing people" in Russia The project comes to a new international level. If in the first season, contestants only from Russia and countries took part CISThe new season of the audience is waiting for a meeting with unique, amazing people of all ages from all over the world.

For the first time, the project participants will be amazing people from Slovakia, Belgium and other countries. And already in the first issue of viewers await awesome discoveries. For example, a participant of the show from St. Petersburg It is able to force the balance of any item - the equilibrium person is able to control the power of earthly attraction. And the 18-year-old world champion in astronomy will transfer viewers into space, where it is focused on his own apartment. His peer is Vladikavkaza Not only gathers a cube Rubik blindly, it easily makes it under water, plunging into the pool.

Another participant is one of the most powerful mnemonics of Russia. He is able to remember the "face" dozens of goldfish. A 10-year-old Muscovite will be a serious competition, which recognizes any bird not only in a voice, but also in a single pen. No one will leave indifferent and a chic room with a shooting of onion, because the participant will shoot a foot.

Alexander Gurevich, the leading project "Amazing people":

"We are all unique. But there are among us those who learned to manage their consciousness, their body, their brain at the striking level. This is not the next show of talents. This is a living proof of the fact that human abilities are limitless "

The guarantor of the fact that everything that happens on the stage is not focus, performs a specially invited expert. All miracles are given an absolutely scientific explanation - a leading researcher is responsible for this. Neuroeconomic Center and Cognitive Studies, Professor Vasily Klyucharev.

project personnel

"Amazing people"

Project personnel

"Amazing people"

Project personnel

"Amazing people"

Project personnel

"Amazing people"

Shaw "Amazing People" gives the opportunity to show their unique abilities, in which the usual person is difficult to believe. This is a project on the limitless possibilities of our brain, which are still little studied. The first season of "amazing people" has already shown how many extraordinary people with unique abilities live in our country. The show opened the world such talents like a 5-year-old Polyglot girl Bella Devyatikinawho knows seven languages. Video with her performance only in the first days gained more than 15 million views on social networks. And now the number of views of Bella's room in the network exceeded 100 million.

The first release of the second season of the show "Amazing People" will be released on the channel "Russia 1" on Sunday, September 3, at 18:00

The program also visually confirms: to engage in the development of its abilities is very important. The winner of the first season Eduard Nehaeva Thanks to the participation in the project, many students have appeared worldwide. He teaches the visually impaired people to his method of orientation in space - echolocation.

In the new season, awesome people have to go through new complex and interesting tests. Seven contestants are involved in each issue - a magnificent seven. At the end of the program, the auditorium by voting chooses one winner, which made the strongest impression. In the final, the winners of all previous issues will meet to compete for the main prize - one million rubles.

Select the best participant to the audience in the hall help star guests who comment on performances: TV presenter Olga Shelest, choreographer Evgeny Papunaishvili, Honored Master of Sports Boxing Natalia Ragozina.

Predict exactly what number will shock the audience the strongest, it is impossible. Each of the participants in the second season of the project "Amazing People" challenges the impossible. A fascinating journey into the world of secrets of the human brain will begin on September 3 at 18:00 on the TV channel " Russia 1» . Voting starts today at 20:00 (MSK).

Photo: Russia 1

original name:

"Amazing people-2"

Quality of players: High HD.
Transmission production: VGTRK "Russia" and Weit Media
Producer: Yulia Sumasheva, General "White Media"
Presenter: Alexander Gurevich
Jury project: Expert Vasily Klyucharev, choreographer Evgeny Papunaishvili, athlete Natalia Ragozina, actress and journalist Olga Shelest
How many issues in the program "Amazing People": September 3, 2017 started season 2
Genre: transfer, talent show,
Final "Amazing People" Unique Show Search Talents Season 2 9 Edition: November 5, 2017 on the channel Russia-1
release year: 2016 - 2017
Participants: Phenomenal, amazing and extraordinary individuals from all over the world who will demonstrate their unique memory and intuition ...

Shaw information: - Who are these amazing people? The heroes of the new unique project on the TV channel "Russia-1" will affect your imagination. These people are capable of a lot: their unique talent - beyond our understanding and ordinary human opportunities. The incredible abilities of people who took in this show make the audience understand - there is no limit for human mind.
Someone owns the ability to look at the highway to calculate the speed of all moving cars. Someone can calculate in the mind with the speed of the computer. Someone remembers in one view the content of hundreds of books, collects a cube of Rubik with closed eyes, breaks glasses with his voice, recognizes the outlines of any states on our planet ...
His phenomenal gift, miracles of intuition and memory will demonstrate people in the new show "Amazing People". Invitation to take part in this show received thousands of people with unique abilities. In 2017, the project was released on a new level after his stunning success in Russia in 2016. Not only people from Russia and CIS countries will be able to take part, but also foreign guests of any age and with different abilities ...

48 finalists will wait open uncompromising and difficult competitions, because this show is not just another demonstration of their skills - this is the battle of the people of X! This is an amazing contest among unique people, but only one will rise to the winner pedestal!
For the best of the best, the invited viewers will be vocked in the studio, and helping their choice, their comments and reviews will be the famous guests: Natalia Ragozina - Absolute world champion among boxing professionals; Evgeny Papunaishvili is a wonderful choreographer, a famous dancer, and a member of the Dancing project "Dancing with the Stars"; Olga Shelest is a journalist, an actress, a popular TV presenter. In the new second season, the contestants will have to overcome new tests that will be harder and more interesting. In each new issue, seven contestants will take part, they can be called a magnificent seven. At the end of each release, the audience vote who to give victory. Star guests have the right to intervene once in the course of the audience voting and give a chance to one of the participants to go to the finale show.
Also, Professor Vasily Klyucharev - an expert from the center of neuroeconomics and cognitive studies has its influence on the choice of project finalists. The winners of all previous issues come to the final, where they will have to fight among themselves for the main prize of 1 million rubles and worldwide recognition!

Show Talent "Amazing People" Season 2 7 Edition ether from October 22, 2017

Show Talents "Amazing People" Season 2 8 Edition ether from October 29, 2017

On the channel Russia-1 started a new show "Amazing people". Each week, 8 participants demonstrate their extraordinary abilities and only one of them will fall into the final. On Konound 1 million rubles for dreams + transfer cup.

At the lead Alexandra Gurevich Something is wrong with mathematics: he said that there will be 6 issues, and eight participants will fight in the final. So in some issues there will be more than one winner? Well, or the rules of a bit change in the game.

Most numbers in "amazing people" are associated with numbers and recognition. But one girl struck not only Russian spectators, but the whole world! 4-year-old Bella Devyatkina knows seven languages, including Russian, can read, understand read and answer questions. About Belle Devyatkina Already remove news reports foreign media. The secret of amazing ability is simple: parents began to engage with Bella Devyatkina foreign languages \u200b\u200bfrom birth. In the show "Amazing People" a little girl talked with native speakers, answered their questions and at the end received a prize when all the trials took place. Bravo! But whether these knowledge will be left with it to conscious age - time will show.

So, the show "Amazing people" I liked partly and I put it three stars. Do not like the semi-third-hour format, half of the tasks are frankly boring + the public with the jury sometimes react to the ideas are too theatrical. Releases could make both shorter. My advice: Look for on the official website of the project Record individual rooms and see them - so at least save time. Well, on TV show show on Sundays at 18.00 Moscow time. I'll probably watch online on the Internet when there is time.

Thank you for positive assessments and comments!

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