Michael Jackson from what the cause of death died. Michael Jackson (Michael Jackson) - biography, information, personal life

Michael Jackson from what the cause of death died. Michael Jackson (Michael Jackson) - biography, information, personal life

Jackson. It was hospitalized with a diagnosis - the fourth stage of the pancreatic cancer. His children told reporters that he was at death. A few days ago, Joe personally confirmed rumors and announced his imminent death.

Joe Jackson was the ideological inspirer and the creator of the Jackson 5 group popular in the 60s and 70s, in which Michael began his career.

Photo report: Michael Jackson's father died

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Joe was born in 1928 in the family of a university professor. In his memoirs, Jackson described his childhood lonely, despite two brothers and two sisters. However, the Father brought up children in the situation of strictness and Joe rarely had to communicate with peers.

In school years, Joe dreamed of becoming a professional boxer and at first did progress, but he failed to achieve heights in sports, but the music was going to the fore. Jackson played a guitar with his friends in the Falcons blues group, but the team could not sign a contract with a record label.

However, Jackson retained the love of music in the 50s, and already next decade created the Jackson group 5. At first, the older sons of Jackie, Tito and Jermain appeared in the ensemble on leading roles, and very little Marlon and five-year-old Michael were on the dancer.

Over time, Michael became increasingly taking a microphone in his hands, and in 1967 Joe was able to sign a contract with Steeltown Records label.

The group recorded its first hit "Big Boy" in early 1968, when the future "pop king" has not yet been taper.

At that moment, the real managerial talent of Joe was manifested, who after only one hit was able to sign a group with the legendary Motown Records. The contract with the world-famous label helped embody Joseph's dream - to raise the first African American musicians with world name.

Jackson 5 became incredibly popular in the country, but Joe did not rest on the laurels, and decided not to forget about any of his ten children. He began to actively promote the career of his daughters of Rebby, La Toya and Janet. Subsequently, with the help of his father, he recorded its first solo album in 1982 aged 16 and became the second most popular after Michael solo artist from the whole family. In 1975, Michael was able to persuade the group to leave Motown to an even richer label - Epic Records.

Joe did not try to keep his most talented son in the group, and he began to record albums himself in parallel with work in the ensemble.

A breakthrough in Michael's solo career was the 1979 Disc. And in 1982, the legendary Thriller came out, raised singer to heaven.

In the late 80s, the perfect before the reputation of Joe was substantially subjected - it was then that the first reports appeared in the press that he brutally addressed his children. They themselves told that he forced them to contact himself in the full name of Joseph, which as a result led to the fact that their relationship almost lost signs of related.

Michael Jackson argued that since childhood, he was physically and emotional violence from his father - he made him rehearsing around the clock, raised his hand on him and called him. However, the musician himself immediately noted that harsh temper Joe played a key role in his success.

For the first time, the "king of Pop" openly spoke about his difficult past in 1993 in the transfer of Oprah Winfrey. According to him, in childhood he often cried from loneliness. According to the memories of the singer, during the rehearsals of children, Jackson-senior was sitting with a belt in his hand and threatened them with a violence in the event that the result does not suit him.

Joe himself confessed that in the punishment beat his children with a belt, but "did it not just so." At the same time, he stated that "never used heavy items", which, in his opinion, implies the term "beating".

Be that as it may, Michael Jackson eventually forgave the Father. The artist wrote off such manifestations of Joe's character on a grave adultery conducted in the south, which fell on the period of the Great Depression and the greatest degree of racial segregation in the country, as well as at least rainbow adult years, marked by unbearable labor. All this, considered Michael, forced his father to push his children to success with all available means.

Joe himself and his wife Catherine have denied similar accusations every way. According to the last, although beating a belt, perhaps, and took place, it was still happening in those times when such education methods were considered the norm. Michael did not agree with the brothers: Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon refused to consider the behavior of the father violent.

In 2014, Joe accepted the award instead of his deceased son Michael, when he was included in the Hall of Glory Rhythm-H-Blues for Life Achievements, and next year he was accompanied by Janet Jackson at the Bet TV channel awards ceremony.

In the summer of 2015, Joseph was hospitalized with a stroke, which occurred right during the celebration of his 87th birthday in Brazil. As a result, he was forced to stay in this country for another two weeks, as he could not fly by the state of health. Hemorrhage in the brain led to problems with the vision, from which he was treated already upon arrival in Los Angeles.

On the night of June 27, 2018, he died surrounded by loved ones - there was a wife with him, as well as some children and grandchildren.

Mystery of death

The death of Michael Jackson was stated in the clinic of Ucla Medical Center, where the musician was taken from the leased mansion in Los Angeles already without signs of life - in a state of deep coma. Attempts to bring a musician to consciousness continued on the road to the medical center and within an hour after arrival. But it was not possible to return Jackson to life - he died of a heart stop shortly after he was brought to the clinic. On the same day, his body was transported by a helicopter to Boyle Heights, where the Los Angeles coronors service is located. The next day, June 26, an autopsy was made.

Despite the fact that the police did not reveal the signs of violent death, the musician's family insisted on holding the most thorough toxicological examination, since relatives immediately had the assumption that Michael could die from overdose an anesthetic drug, dependence on which he allegedly suffered the last 20 years of life. It is now more reliably known that, as expected, death came from overdose with a powerful anesthetic Propofol (Propofol), or, according to some sources close to the investigation, the cause of death served as a deadly combination of drugs, including propofol. It is known that within a few weeks to death Michael Jackson took a combination of eight medical drugs that are incompatible with each other. Three of them are painful, and so strong that the combination of two of them can lead to a fatal outcome. In addition to them, Jackson took several other drugs that should have helped him withstand the load during future tour.

Even for a young, healthy and hardy organism, a similar combination of drugs could become fatal, and the physical condition of Jackson has long caused anxiety. People who knew the musician explain addiction to sedative and painkillers with stress from the coming speeches that were to officially complete his career. Jay Coleman, one of the advertising representatives of Jackson in the 1980s, told the edition "Edmonton Sun", which although the news about the death of the singer plunged him in shock, it was not amazing: "He was not in very good shape, and the huge stress of the upcoming This summer speeches and expectations of his fans should have been given a lot to him, "said Coleman, who also said that Jackson was a perfectionist, an extremely concerned about his image. "He never wanted his face to take longer than three seconds," he said. "He didn't want to be too open, so we had to look for alternatives, for example, to shoot his famous glove."

The death of idols of millions spawned many questions. The most important of them - was there an overdose by a random or musician intentionally introduced a deadly dose of the drug? There is still no answer to this question. Investigators who lead a confusing case on the fact of Michael Jackson's death seek to establish whether the personal attending doctor of the singer is guilty, Dr. Konrad Murray, who was near his patient on the day of death. According to the testimony of Murray, on the day of the death of Michael Jackson, he introduced him 25 milligrams of propofol, besides that, that night, the singer accepted several more sedatives. Murray argued that he was constantly watching the state of Jackson and left his patient for no more than two minutes, but when he returned, the singer had no longer breathe. Konrad Murray fell under suspicion also because immediately after the news of the death of Jackson disappeared in an unknown direction, appearing only after a day. The mystery of this story adds that Murray, 11 days before the death of the "Star" client, announced that temporarily ceases to medical activities, not explaining the reasons. In addition, Jackson hired Murray not on his own - the Cardiologist was presented to him by the company-organizer of London tour. In early 2010, the prosecutor's office is going to prevent the doctor a deliberate murder.

The death of the singer also set other questions. What to do with his opposite materials? Who owns the rights to them? Who will inherit the state of Michael Jackson, as well as his numerous debts? Even the question of where and when the funeral of the star idol will be held, remained open for a long time. Plans for the Farewell Ceremony and even the date of the funeral has changed more than once. Initially, Jackson's funeral was to take place on August 29 - a day when the singer would be 51 years old. But they were transferred for five days, because part of his native Jackson was opposed to the burial on his birthday.

Michael Jackson, who died on June 25, was buried only on September 4, two more than a month after death. The mourning ceremony took place at the Glendale Forest Lawn cemetery in the suburb of Los Angeles. During the day before that, Los Angeles, the District of Los Angeles issued a certificate of the death of Jackson, which indicates that the cause of the death of the singer was the "murder by injection by strying drugs". Michael Jackson was buried on the so-called "Holy Terrace", where such stars of American cinema, as Clark Gable, Carol Lombard, Jean Harlow and Humphrey Bogart.

The closed ceremony, to get on which it was possible only on special invitations, began two hours later than the stated time. In addition to relatives, his closest friends came to say goodbye to Michael Jackson - Elizabeth Taylor, Barry Bonds, McColalia Kalkin and Stevie Wonder. The "king of pop music" was buried in gilded sarcophagus, decorated with flowers and wreaths. During the ceremony to the audience to hold a musician on the last path, a friend of the Jackson family, a famous Negroist, a preacher and human rights activist Al Sharpton. Singer Gladys Knight performed in honor of the late song. On the sleeves of relatives were gray mourning bandages with the image of the crown. After the farewell ceremony, a clock service was held, and the coffin with the body of Jackson was transferred to a large mausoleum of the cemetery, which serves as the last guilty of many Hollywood celebrities. It is noteworthy that what is happening under the light of Sofita intended for the failed concert of King Pop Music in London, did not broadcast the TV channels, but more than five hundred journalists from 60 publications were accredited to the ceremony. Meanwhile, hundreds of fans gathered for the cemetery fence, which unsuccessfully tried to penetrate the protection of the security for another day before the funeral. Dressed in white T-shirts and black hats with narrow fields, they launched a banner with the words: "The King of Pop Music Michael Jackson went too early."

Fans were able to say goodbye to their idol for two months earlier. On July 7, 2009, a farewell ceremony took place in Los Angeles, consisting of a family service in the Freedom Hall in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park on the Hollywood Hills, followed by a public farewell in Staples Center 7. The broadcast of the ceremony lived the TV channels of many countries of the world, We looked at about a billion people. Farewell to the "king of pop music" was also shown in cinemas and on television screens installed on squares in many major cities, including New York, Tokyo, London and Melbourne. Bronze with the gilding coffin with the body of Michael Jackson on the stage in Staples Center, whose ardock portrayed the church stained glass window, delivered his brothers, each of which was put on one shiny glove, which is considered to be the corporate sign of the late singer. Legends, fabulous character, icons of pop culture, a brilliant singer and composer no longer had. There was just a deceased person who was remembered with sincere sadness, like any other deceased person.

The musical part of the mourning ceremony was opened by Mariya Carey and Trey Lorenz, who performed the song Michael Jackson "I'll Be There". In addition, Lionel Richie performed on the stage, performed by Jesus Is Love, Stevie Wonder with the song "Never Dreamed You'D Leave in Summer", Jennifer Hudson with a version of Jackson's song "Will You Be There" and Asher with Gone Soon " Brother of the deceased - Jermain Jackson - sang "smile" - the favorite song of the King of Pop Music. In the final of the mourning ceremony, members of the Jackson family and guests together performed one of the most famous compositions of the late singer - "Heal The World". The scene Staples Center also climbed the son of the famous fighter for the rights of Black Martin Luther King III, actress Brook Shields and the founder of the record company "Motown Records" Berry Gordi. Rev. El Sherpton ripped the applause hall when he said, turning to the children of Jackson: "There was nothing strange in your father. Strange was what your father came across. " Jackson's 11-year-old daughter - Paris Catherine - said with tears: "From the moment I was born, the daddy was the best father, whom you can imagine ... I just wanted to say that I love him so much!"

On the arena itself, except for stars of sport and show business, as well as friends of the Jackson family, there were more than 17 thousand fans of the singer. Free tickets for a mourning ceremony were distributed by random sampling among the applications left on the special site. Ticket applications left 1.6 million people, and 8 thousand 750 people received invitations to the ceremony for two persons. Ensuring security and law enforcement during it, the Los Angeles budget in the amount of 2 to 4 million dollars. The urban authorities stated that they would completely cover all expenses, but called fans of the singer to donate to the budget. Jackson's burial costs are approaching an astronomical amount. However, on the eve of the judge Mitchell Bekloff in Los Angeles ruled that all costs will be covered from the state of the singer himself, which has significantly increased after his death due to record increased sales of its discs. After the death of the singer in the world, real Jacksonism really began.

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Michael Jackson's name has long been a legend. Life Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson died on the night of June 25-26, 2009 in Los Angeles. The news about his untimely death instantly flew around the whole world, shocking not only fans, but also envious. Jackson's name by that time had long been a legend, and, despite numerous reports of diseases, no one expected such a sudden death.

On the morning of June 25, 2009, Michael lost consciousness while in the house he filmed to Holmbi Hills, in the west of Los Angeles. Personal doctor of Jackson, Cardiologist Conrad Murray, later informed through his lawyer, that he rose to the second floor and found Jackson in bed, no longer breathing, but with a weak pulse in the femoral artery. Murray began to conduct cardiovascular resuscitation (SLR). After 5-10 minutes, Murray decided to make a phone call, but in the bedroom there was no stationary phone, but I didn't want to call Murray on a cell phone, because I did not know the address of Jackson's house. While Murray was looking for a security guard so that he from his phone would call for emergency services, was 30 minutes. At 12:21 am local time a call to the number 911 was registered. It called not Murray, and the security worker at home.

After 3 minutes and 17 seconds after the call, the doctors found no breathable jackson with a heart-stopped heart and conducted a cardiovascular resuscitation for 42 minutes. According to the lawyer Murray, the doctor from UCLA prescribed the team of doctors to make a direct injection of adrenaline in the heart of Jackson. The lawyer noted that all the time, until Jackson was at home, he still had a pulse. Attempts to return Jackson to life continued on the road and within an hour after arrival at the University of California (UCLA) at 13:14. The effect failed to achieve. Death was stated at 14:26 local time.
Thousands of fans of the singer immediately gathered near the hospital. They literally surrounded the porch, falling asleep with soft toys and flowers and forcing everything around the photographs of the singer and candles. Fans also came to express grief to the empty house in Gary, Indiana, where Jackson held his childhood, and on the huge central square of Times Square in New York.

Estimated news Most people have learned not from newspapers. People called each other, sent messages, wrote in blogs. On the scale of the tragedy, the death of Jackson can be compared unless with the death of Princess Diana or the murder of President Kennedy.

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. He was the seventh of nine children in the Jackson family. At four years, Michael was already on the scene. A little later began to speak together with the senior brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermit and Marlon in the group "The Jackson 5", which was invented by their father Joseph. And although Michael was the youngest, it was he who attracted the most attention to himself, the better than everyone sang, danced, able to charming the public and eventually became a real team of the team.
In the late 1960s, "The Jackson 5" signed a contract with Motown Records and began to produce hot hits one by one throughout the next decade. Simultaneously with the work in the family Banda, Michael did successful solo projects.

Actuant Michael has always been not enough. So, in 1978, he starred together with the young Diana Ross in the Wizard's Art Film, the African American Conduction of the Wizard of Oz. The film did not become a classic American cinema, but had a great importance for Michael, because at the site he met with the great musical producer Quincy Jones, who worked on the film's musical accompaniment.

It was Quincy who helped Michael Jackson to make his next album Off the Wall of 1979 by Multiplatinov, turning a sowing black-eyed young boy in the superstar of popular music. Don "T Stop" Til You Get Enough and Rock With You GET ENOUGH and ROCK WITH YOU included in the album, the plaque broke up 10 million copies.

In 1982, Jackson broke not only his own record, but also established an unattainable bar for subsequent generations. Thriller's album did not have time to reprint, more than 50 million copies around the world were sold. Michael Jackson received seven figurines of Grammy Awards for this album. Another world record of the Thriller album - leadership in the charts for 37 weeks in a row, which no one has so far surpassed.
Thriller's sensational success was invited before, charming and surprisingly beautiful video clips on Billie Jean songs, Beat IT and Thriller. Jackson first managed to make a small film from the clip, make a video to the means of transmitting music, do not care on the laws of the genre, setting their own. Michael broke any stereotypes that came across his path. Jackson became the first black guy on American MTV

Having passed the peak, Michael continued to stay at a huge height of popularity. The album Bad 1987 was separated by a circulation of 25 million copies, and in 1991 23 million copies of Dangerous album were sold.

In 1993, Michael became famous for the Oprah Winfrey show, which was filmed at his house - on the Ranch "Country of Eternal Childhood" in Santa Yanez, California. The interview lasted 1.5 hours and attracted almost 100 million viewers, becoming the most popular show of the year.

In 1995, Michael produces an ambitious and brilliant double album of History Past, Present and Future Book I, consisting of 15 superhits of past years and 15 new songs, which are still considered the most touching and penetrating compositions. For the year, the album six times became platinum in the United States and still sold successfully, being the most popular double album in the world.

Jackson with ease develops new musical genres and techniques, creating a wave, ahead of time. In subsequent years, he produces albums "Blood On The Dance Floor: History in The Mix", "Invincible", "Number 1" S ", which includes repristed old songs and new compositions, as well as 44-minute DVD" Michael Jackson - The One "with records from CBS archives, including its concerts, shooting outside the scene, as well as shooting episodes during the tour of the History.

In 1996, Jackson marries the nurse Debbie Row, which gives him two sons (1997 and 2002) and daughter (1998). Jackson says fatherhood is the main dream of his life.

From 2003 to 2005, the whole world discusses a loud trial: Michael Jackson accused of planting juvenile. After a long meeting and the proceedings of Michael, they recognize innocent on all points, but long-tense litter undermines the health of the singer, so after the trial he leaves for the island of Bahrain and becomes a hermit.

In March 2009, Michael announced that she was going to give the last in London a series of concerts called This Is IT Tour. A series of 10 concerts at the O2 Arena stadium, which accommodates 20 thousand people, should have started on July 13, 2009 and end on March 6, 2010. However, the demand for tickets exceeded all expectations, and the organizers planned additional performances.

According to the state of the physicians who examined Jackson, the health of the singer fully allowed him to hold such a difficult tour ...

The day after the death of Jackson, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) was investigating unusual and loud things. They spoke about the new version of the cause of the death of the singer - murder.

July 1, 2009 to the investigation joined the Anticipation Office (DEA). Dea, having the right to investigate the problems, usually protected by the privilege "Patient Medicine", could explore all drugs discharged by Jackson. The main prosecutor of California Jerry Brown said that DEA was used to investigate Cures - the recipe database containing information on all discharged drugs, doctors, doses and patients. On July 9, William Bratton, Chief of Police Los Angeles, said that the investigation focused on the versions of the murder or accidental overdose, but it is necessary to wait for complete toxicological reports from the coroners.

On August 24, 2009, the conclusions of the judicial medical examination were made public - death occurred due to the overdose of a pretty anesthetic propofol. A number of other potent substances (lorazapam, diazepams, micdazolam) were also discovered in the blood.

On August 28, Los Angeles Coroner announced that Michael Jackson's death would qualify as a murder. In disaster murder, a cardiologist Konrad Murray was accused, Michael's personal doctor.

The point is still becoming more and new in detail. According to the latest testimony, when the singer had stopped the heart, Murray interrupted the initial reanimation procedure to hide drugs that he illegally introduced celebrities.

However, what is already now the difference ... Michael Jackson, the new details about his death anyway do not even revive.

Michael Jackson died on the night of June 25-26, 2009 in Los Angeles. The news about his untimely death instantly flew around the whole world, shocking not only fans, but also envious. Jackson's name by that time had long been a legend, and, despite numerous reports of diseases, no one expected such a sudden death.

Despite the years of musical silence, in the memory of bloggers, the singer remains a real legend, the king of pop music, the author of numerous hits, spectacular video clips and the famous "lunar gait", without which few people can imagine the 1980s left era and their young years.

On the morning of June 25, 2009, Michael lost consciousness while in the house he filmed to Holmbi Hills, in the west of Los Angeles. Personal doctor of Jackson, Cardiologist Conrad Murray, later informed through his lawyer, that he rose to the second floor and found Jackson in bed, no longer breathing, but with a weak pulse in the femoral artery. Murray began to conduct cardiovascular resuscitation (SLR). After 5-10 minutes, Murray decided to make a phone call, but in the bedroom there was no stationary phone, but I didn't want to call Murray on a cell phone, because I did not know the address of Jackson's house. While Murray was looking for a security guard so that he from his phone would call for emergency services, was 30 minutes. At 12:21 am local time a call to the number 911 was registered. It called not Murray, and the security worker at home. Here is the record of this historic call.

After 3 minutes and 17 seconds after the call, the doctors found no breathable jackson with a heart-stopped heart and conducted a cardiovascular resuscitation for 42 minutes. According to the lawyer Murray, the doctor from UCLA prescribed the team of doctors to make a direct injection of adrenaline in the heart of Jackson. The lawyer noted that all the time, until Jackson was at home, he still had a pulse. Attempts to return Jackson to life continued on the road and within an hour after arrival at the University of California (UCLA) at 13:14. The effect failed to achieve. Death was stated at 14:26 local time.

Thousands of fans of the singer immediately gathered near the hospital. They literally surrounded the porch, falling asleep with soft toys and flowers and forcing everything around the photographs of the singer and candles. Fans also came to express grief to the empty house in Gary, Indiana, where Jackson held his childhood, and on the huge central square of Times Square in New York.

Estimated news Most people have learned not from newspapers. People called each other, sent messages, wrote in blogs. On the scale of the tragedy, the death of Jackson can be compared unless with the death of Princess Diana or the murder of President Kennedy.

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. He was the seventh of nine children in the Jackson family. At four years, Michael was already on the scene. A little later began to speak together with the senior brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermit and Marlon in the group "The Jackson 5", which was invented by their father Joseph. And although Michael was the youngest, it was he who attracted the most attention to himself, the better than everyone sang, danced, able to charming the public and eventually became a real team of the team.

In the late 1960s, "The Jackson 5" signed a contract with Motown Records and began to produce hot hits one by one throughout the next decade. Simultaneously with the work in the family Banda, Michael did successful solo projects.

Actuant Michael has always been not enough. So, in 1978, he starred together with the young Diana Ross in the Wizard's Art Film, the African American Conduction of the Wizard of Oz. The film did not become a classic American cinema, but had a great importance for Michael, because at the site he met with the great musical producer Quincy Jones, who worked on the film's musical accompaniment.

It was Quincy who helped Michael Jackson to make his next album Off the Wall of 1979 by Multiplatinov, turning a sowing black-eyed young boy in the superstar of popular music. Don "T Stop" Til You Get Enough and Rock With You GET ENOUGH and ROCK WITH YOU included in the album, the plaque broke up 10 million copies.

In 1982, Jackson broke not only his own record, but also established an unattainable bar for subsequent generations. Thriller's album did not have time to reprint, more than 50 million copies around the world were sold. Michael Jackson received seven figurines of Grammy Awards for this album. Another world record of the Thriller album - leadership in the charts for 37 weeks in a row, which no one has so far surpassed.

Thriller's sensational success was invited before, charming and surprisingly beautiful video clips on Billie Jean songs, Beat IT and Thriller. Jackson first managed to make a small film from the clip, make a video to the means of transmitting music, do not care on the laws of the genre, setting their own. Michael broke any stereotypes that came across his path. Jackson became the first black guy on American MTV.

Having passed the peak, Michael continued to stay at a huge height of popularity. The album Bad 1987 was separated by a circulation of 25 million copies, and in 1991 23 million copies of Dangerous album were sold.

In 1993, Michael became famous for the Oprah Winfrey show, which was filmed at his house - on the Ranch "Country of Eternal Childhood" in Santa Yanez, California. The interview lasted 1.5 hours and attracted almost 100 million viewers, becoming the most popular show of the year.

In 1995, Michael produces an ambitious and brilliant double album of History Past, Present and Future Book I, consisting of 15 superhits of past years and 15 new songs, which are still considered the most touching and penetrating compositions. For the year, the album six times became platinum in the United States and still sold successfully, being the most popular double album in the world.

Jackson with ease develops new musical genres and techniques, creating a wave, ahead of time. In subsequent years, he produces albums "Blood On The Dance Floor: History in The Mix", "Invincible", "Number 1" S ", which includes repristed old songs and new compositions, as well as 44-minute DVD" Michael Jackson - The One "with records from CBS archives, including its concerts, shooting outside the scene, as well as shooting episodes during the tour of the History.

In 1996, Jackson marries the nurse Debbie Row, which gives him two sons (1997 and 2002) and daughter (1998). Jackson says fatherhood is the main dream of his life.

From 2003 to 2005, the whole world discusses a loud trial: Michael Jackson accused of planting juvenile. After a long meeting and the proceedings of Michael, they recognize innocent on all points, but long-tense litter undermines the health of the singer, so after the trial he leaves for the island of Bahrain and becomes a hermit.

In March 2009, Michael announced that she was going to give the last in London a series of concerts called This Is IT Tour. A series of 10 concerts at the O2 Arena stadium, which accommodates 20 thousand people, should have started on July 13, 2009 and end on March 6, 2010. However, the demand for tickets exceeded all expectations, and the organizers planned additional performances.

According to the state of the physicians who examined Jackson, the health of the singer fully allowed him to hold such a difficult tour ...

The day after the death of Jackson, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) was investigating unusual and loud things. They spoke about the new version of the cause of the death of the singer - murder.

July 1, 2009 to the investigation joined the Anticipation Office (DEA). Dea, having the right to investigate the problems, usually protected by the privilege "Patient Medicine", could explore all drugs discharged by Jackson. The main prosecutor of California Jerry Brown said that DEA was used to investigate Cures - the recipe database containing information on all discharged drugs, doctors, doses and patients. On July 9, William Bratton, Chief of Police Los Angeles, said that the investigation focused on the versions of the murder or accidental overdose, but it is necessary to wait for complete toxicological reports from the coroners.

On August 24, 2009, the conclusions of the judicial medical examination were made public - death occurred due to the overdose of a pretty anesthetic propofol. A number of other potent substances (lorazapam, diazepams, micdazolam) were also discovered in the blood.

On August 28, Los Angeles Coroner announced that Michael Jackson's death would qualify as a murder. In disaster murder, a cardiologist Konrad Murray was accused, Michael's personal doctor.

The point is still becoming more and new in detail. According to the latest testimony, when the singer had stopped the heart, Murray interrupted the initial reanimation procedure to hide drugs that he illegally introduced celebrities.

However, what is already now the difference ... Michael Jackson, the new details about his death anyway do not even revive.

"In the end, the most important thing is to be honest with your loved ones and work a lot. What is now, tomorrow will not be. Dare. Fight. Improving and cultivate your talent. Be the best in what you are doing. Learn more about your activities more than any of those living. Use tools to feed yourself - be it a book, or the floor to dance, or water to swim. Wherever it is - this is yours. This is what I always try to remember. "

                          Michael Jackson


The whole world is grieving about the death of Michael Jackson. Many did not believe in this death, suspected that Michael Jackson did not die, but instead, someone else died.

To this worldwide deception is involved in the Order of the Illuminati.

The interview will continue to be presented from a person who knows the whole truth about the death of Michael Joseph Jackson. This man insider is secret society. In the media (media), this group is usually called "Order of Masson".
The facts found were also provided that Jackson had a twin ...

I know the truth, and I'll tell her!

I am a member of the Order, and I know why the Illuminati helped Jackson to deceive the world. I want as a larger number of people learned the truth. After all, the fact that Michael Jackson has already succeeded - a trifle compared to his far-reaching plans, which he is going to implement in this century.

Why did the Illuminati agreed to Michael Jackson's plan?
Yes, because no one ever could have repeated him. Ask the people closest to him, and they will say: Michael has always sought his own.

Already 4 years ago, Michael Jackson conceived this plan. His intentions were serious than ever. It was then, 4 years ago, he met with a representative of our Order in Naples and offered to help him in implementing his plan. The fee that Michael Jackson promised for it was above any expectations. Our Order does not need money, but a huge amount received for the fulfillment of Michael Jackson's order will allow the Order to safely work on solving the problem that we have already solved for at least 700 years.

It should not be accused the Order in illegibility or in excessive conspirability. Just for the money, the Order would not agree on a grand deception. However, in the hand of Michael Jackson there was not only a sweet gingerbread, but also iron whip. It was very transparently hinted that not only generously pay our consent, but would also do everything so that we could not refuse. If the leadership of the Order was still refused, Michael Jackson promised to reveal the secret to the whole world, which we thoroughly hidden over all 700 years of existence of the Order. This would attract unwanted Vatican attention to the activities of the Order. Such a trouble has already happened in the 1940s, when representatives of the German Nazis were trying to conclude with the Illuminati. There are rumors in the world about the estimated (I emphasize this word, "supposed") the desire of illuminates to power over the world and the cruelty manifest. Hitler's agents tried to play these legends, attributing to the Order of other people's sins.

I have already said that I intend to tell the whole truth about the secrets of the Order. I will tell, and about where the allegedly deceased Michael Jackson is now. I realize that for my confessions will follow a revenge on the side of Michael Jackson, and revenge on the part of the Order. I violate the silence that the Illuminati was kept during the centuries. And I give a report in what can expect me. I do not know whether Michael Jackson is capable of murder, but considering the circumstances that made him arrange a grand plot on the deception of all mankind, I will not be surprised if he is already thinking of ways to remove me. So to speak, order me a trip for a trip to the Ranch "NEVERLAND" without refund.

NEVERLAND - Villa Michael Jackson
Fans M.Jekson, of course, know that his villa in California is called "Neverland". This is the name of the magic country from the fairy tale "Peter Peng". In this country, children cease to grow, which means that cease and grow old. This beautiful fairy tale has the second, quite terrible, meaning. None of the fans of Michael Jackson are not thinking about this sense. Well, tell me when the expense of human years is stopped? That's right when people die.

Why did the artificial death of Jackson arranged?
Michael Jackson since childhood was obsessed with the idea that he died, barely born, and, therefore, he is a vampire. It was strangely combined with his death of death, which many of his fans know about. It is known that Michael observed strict regime, since he dreamed of living at least 150 years. He often feared that he would die early as the legendary Elvis Presley. The most unusual way to preserve the youth of Michael was his desire to sleep in special chambers, where the high oxygen pressure was maintained.

In fact, one was due to others. Jackson was afraid of death, because he really never lived. As a child, the joy of life took away from him. Jackson-senior stubbornly and systematically pushed her son to success in show business, not letting him relax on playing with peers and for children's pranks. The creation of the Ranch "NEVERLAND" was an attempt to Michael Jackson to return the lost joy of childhood.

Jackson's father not only took his son childhood. He made his son a peculiar "addict", having grabbed him an obsessive desire to continuously success on the scene. Therefore, the huge wealth that Michael Jackson brought the show business did not satisfy him. Jackson did not see his life, did not feel it. He was a stranger in this world. Such a removed, gave rise to Michael faith in his divinity, and - as a result - in the inevitable immortality. He tried to achieve this immortality not only scientific and technical means, but also by means of occult too.

Michael Jackson was a vampire?
Michael Jackson considered himself a vampire. Everyone knows that he moved several skin transplant operations on the face. He made these painful operations not because it was ashamed to be black. He wanted to be like thousands of living dead, who - he believed - still did not disappear from the face of our planet.

On December 2, 1983, the MTV was first shown the Thriller video.

The film "Thriller" film shot on the same disk is an attempt to finish the vampire army soldiers. Michael hoped that if he would like them outwardly, it would change internally. "Triller" was like the autobiography of Jackson, in which he laughed at death. But subconsciously he was afraid of death and was looking for the secrets of immortality. He hoped that he had seen a film, the living dead would be squeezed by his despair and would come to him.

And they came. One of the vampires led Michael Jackson to the Illuminatas.
One way or another, this meeting was supposed to take place. Jackson not only spent millions in pleasure. He spent hundreds of millions in search of immortality. These searches sooner or later were to lead it to the illuminators. Contacts with Illuminati at one time sought Hitler to build a thousand-year empire with them. I have already mentioned it. The illuminates were able to avoid Hitler's sockets. But Jackson had more resources than a rampant Fuhrer.

He achieved money and threats to the fact that he was allowed to archives of the Order, which kept the Millennium Secrets. He spent in the archives of the Illuminati for many weeks. At this time, three of his twins constantly flashed in public. Doubles Michael Jackson with his screaming skin, as if plastic, face, was much easier to find than other celebrities. This circumstance was pushed by Michael Jackson on a false death plan. It is about this plan that I will tell now.

Full photo of Michael Jackson

True on the fictitious death of Michael Jackson
Before going to the best world, allowed himself an excessive load that could well lead to a heart stop from an anesthetic introduced by the attending physician. According to the hands of the attending physician, not a real Michael Jackson died, but romanian Double Dimitry Dragouch Dimitrie Draghicescu), which was drawn into one of the biggest intrigues in the show business.

Michael Jackson himself at this time calmly sat down in a jet plane, which took him to the southeast of the United States of America. This Romanian decided to be similar to both two drops of water on the legend of the stage, for three years he endured many plastic operations. He also learned to copy the speech manner and the style of behavior, not to mention the choreographic abilities. But still it was not the great Michael Jackson, but only his twin, whom he was taken to the hospital.
Think ourselves, the person who caused the service of immediate response never answered, who is bad, and what his name is. In principle, even if the idiot of millions would die, then in 911 it would reliably hid this information from extraneous, moreover, they have special sensors that react to the degree of unrest of the caller, thereby it makes it possible to learn about the reliability of the call. At that moment there were no suspicion, but the person died in reality, but it was hardly Michael Jackson.

Dimitri Dragucchuk was fatally sick and knew that sooner or later his turn would come, therefore he agreed to play the role of the Body King's corpse. To all, the real Michael promised a generous reward with the family of the Romanian twin, and he was simply not able to abandon such a luxurious way to leave. In fact, Jackson is alive, and he was absolutely healthy, since all his life tried to keep himself in a stunning form, which would allow him to live not 50 years old, but all 150. Most likely, a conceived blackmail was crowned with success, and now Michael Jackson is calm with A smile looks at what is happening from the side. This person has achieved such heights in his life, which several generations do not reach, he had everything that could only be dreaming. It was loved by millions, and he paid the same, and the series of scandals, which was associated with the name of the singer, nothing more than a way to heat attention to his person.

Mystery Diary of Michael Jackson
After Michael's death, his close longtime friend allegedly found a diary, who led the singer, he repeatedly mentioned a certain plan of death, the dramatization he wants to be checked. The diary said that Jackson wanted to imitate his departure from this world from a heart attack. Also in the diary, Jackson writes that he is tired that his name is associated only with the scandalous details of his life, he is tired of all this hype, and he just wants to leave, relax. On, he describes such details that allegedly another king of the scene, Elvis Presley, who had problems with drugs, at one time, too, theatrically put his death, although in fact, there was another person in his place.

It is possible that Jackson decided to get rid of all the problems and simply fool the world community. In confirmation, there are many facts that explicitly show that Michael Jackson could not be so easy to disappear into one moment. In the diary he writes that, most likely, imitates a heart attack, which will occur from severe drugs.
He even chose the day when he brings himself to the peace of himself. He wanted to choose either Christmas or New Year, but doubted. Further, he wrote that after that the completely different life would come, which would be more beautiful than that was before. He understood that he had a millionth army of fans, which he would lose forever, but another way to get rid of all the urgent problems he did not know and could not imagine.

That close friend who found this manuscript was dumbfounded by the information in it. He decided to give the diary a friend and close singer. As he correctly noticed, it's not his thing, she does not belong to him. According to the people close to Michael, their intention to leave, so the singer declared back in 2008, but then no one perceived his words seriously. When it turned out, thus immediately came resonance in the media. This is a real draft fraud, which in the event of the disclosure of this international deception will be a powerful tool against the personality of the superstar. Legal implications in this case will be more than serious. When this information was made public, then ordinary people happily perceived the fact that Michael Jackson could really be alive, and that it was a draw. Simple people love him as he is in his songs, his work and they do not care about what was really. They believe that he did it not for the sake of money, not for the sake of insurance to cover all his debts.

Death Cper Jackson
On June 25 last year, the world was shaken by news, overnight all the others. Many generations pop-idol died Michael Jackson. At first, no one believed in this controversial information, some even decided that it was no more than a duck or someone's bad joke. Many continued to believe that Jackson is alive and just hiding. Moreover, thousands of witnesses around the world in one voice claimed that the king of pop music was seen.

In particular, his family behaved extremely suspicious, based on what journalists decided that the death of Michael Jackson Not fiction. Then the whole world found out that the death of the most popular singer in the world is real, though.
After a reliable confirmation of the doctors about death, the family of the deceased demanded a re-autopsy to find out exactly whether it was Michael. An opening of the corpse showed that Michael Jackson died from a big dose of a painkillers of Dipriva (another name in the medical world "Propofol"), which his attending physician himself was crowned. The attending physician is recognized as guilty of the death of the most popular singer in the world.
The best lawyers tried to relieve the accusation with the attending physician, but as it turned out, it was absolutely impossible. Nevertheless, some argue that death is nothing more than a very high-quality stage, and in fact Jackson was absolutely healthy by a person who is not so that up to 50 years old would have lived to 150 years.

Regarding its bankruptcy, it is also nothing more than fiction, he still has had a huge cash resources and could afford a lot. It seems that Jackson sits quietly somewhere in a secluded place and looks at the mouth with a smile. He reached even more than represented, so why not afford to myself such a little prank?
Perhaps he is tired of being popular, because popularity does not relieve loneliness, and judging throughout, Jackson was an unhappy person. He did not understand him when he decided to make an operation and changed his skin color, but when the tragedy came to his house, it became the impression that everyone who even disliked Michael began to grieve with those who considered him his idol.

When did Michael Jackson died?
June 25, 2009 At the age of 50 years, death was performed. And on Thursday, on September 3, at the Cemetery of Glendale Forest Lawn in the suburb of Los Angeles, worldwide, millions of people were watched by how the funeral of the King was held, so how to register the fact, did he or really went to the world of others? No one knows for sure.

What happened in fact to everyone will remain a mystery, the key to which will be extremely difficult.

Perhaps this is one big performance in which the King of Million played a major role, and I must say played it perfectly, forcing the whole world to believe in my supreme death. After all, it is for themselves, as otherwise, the famous person could disappear without a trace, the life of which has recently become the subject of discussion of the whole globe, in creativity, a certain stagnation was seen, and it seems such a chance that you need to use as soon as possible. After all, Michael Jackson disappeared immediately after the world tour, doesn't it seem suspicious or even mystical?

The golden lid of the coffin was closed, it is unclear who was in the coffin.

Immediately after the announcement of the death of the Great Singer, all of him took off to the tops of the charts, his album began to bother with the tripled force, knowing about the debts, which accumulated a lot, Jackson and his approximal could well test such an attor. All statements about long-term illness and other health problems, no more than the myth. Jackson was in great shape and was not going to die, at least so soon. More than such a genius may not appear on the stage, and if it appears, how the world will react to him? Will he take new, so far that still an unknown singer? The answer to this question will give only time.

What do you think?

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