Revenge Hydena, Bach jokes, intolerance Beethoven: Funny cases from the life of great composers. Statements about art, music, composers

Revenge Hydena, Bach jokes, intolerance Beethoven: Funny cases from the life of great composers. Statements about art, music, composers
Revenge Hydena, Bach jokes, intolerance Beethoven: Funny cases from the life of great composers. Statements about art, music, composers

Many great musicians, poets, musical critics admired the genius of I. S. Baha, as evidenced by the reached us historical facts and documents. The article contains some similar statements about the German composer and his work.

Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg about Bahah:

"AND. S. Bach arrived in Dresden and was, with the consent of the king, so that Marshant did not know about it, admitted to the listener for the nearest concert at the court. When, among others, at this concert, a marshaan was made with a French song and he was applauded very long for his clean and fiery performance and for skillful variations, then the Bach standing near him was invited to try the key. He accepted an invitation, stolen briefly, but masterfully and, before, rather than it could be expected, repeated the song, played by Marshant, and varied her with new art that was never heard in a dozen times. Marshant, who still did not inferdate any organist, had to, no doubt, recognize the superiority of his present contrary. For when Bach allowed himself on a friendly contest on the organ to invite and at the end introduced him the topic sketched by a pencil on a piece of paper for processing it without preparation, asking him the topic for himself, then Mr. Marshant on the elected battlefield It seemed for more useful with extra-mail from Dresden to retire. "

Alexander Nikolaevich Serov about Bakha:

"There was a time that the music of Sebastian Baha looked off the whole music light as a school peduncing trash, on the old town, which is sometimes, how, for example, in Clavecin Bien Temp? R?", It is suitable for the exercise of the fingers, along with Etudes of Mosselles and Exterms. Mobile. Since Mendelssohn, the taste bowed again to Bahu, even much more than at the time when he himself lived, - and now there is still "directors of the conservatory", which, during conservatism, do not be ashamed to learn their pets to play Fugues Baha without expressiveness, those. As "Exercises", like Palcetic exercises ... If there is anything in the field of music, what is necessary to approach not from under Ferula with a pointer in hand, and with love in the heart, with fear and faith, so it's exactly the creations of the Great Bach "

"... Polyphon style along with the ability to harmony requires a great melodic talent in the composer. One harmony, that is, the clever clutch of chords, it is impossible to get off here. It is necessary that each voice is on their own and was interesting in his melodic progress. And on this side, unusually rare in the area musical creativity, There is no artist not only equal to Johann Sebastian Bahu, but even anything suitable for its melodic wealth. If you understand the word "melody" is not in the sense of visitors of the Italian opera, but in true sense independent free movement musical Speech In each voice, movements are always deeply poetic and deep meaningful, - no more Bach melody in the world. "

Johannes Brahms about Bahah:

"If all music literature "Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann - disappeared, that would be extremely sad, but if we lost Baha - I would be undeaked."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe about Bahah:

"... Leipzig Cantor is a divine phenomenon: he is clear and still inexplicable."

Boris Vladimirovich Asafiev about Bakha:

"AND. S. Bach is such a giant that is perceived not as a person, but as a powerful creative laboratory, in which all the creative skills, styles, trends and the search for music of his time passed. "

"Balakirevtsy" about Bahah:

(N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, "The chronicle of my musical life")

"FROM. Bach was considered a petrified, even just a musical and mathematical, insensible and deadly kind, writing like some kind of car. "

Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov About Bahah:

"The counterpoint was the poetic language of the genius composer."

Pietro Maskanya about Bakha:

"Verdie extremely highly put Baha and called him the most modern among all polyphonists."

Robert Schuman about Babach:

"Bach was a man, there was nothing half, painful, everything is written as if for eternal times."

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart about Bahah:

"There is something to learn!"

Ludwig Van Beethoven about Bahah:

"He is not a stream - he is the ocean."

Bach about yourself:

"I had to be hard to do who would be as diluted, reaches the same."

These statements can be used in different ways: post in class, read students. You can suggest students to listen to the saying and try to retell it in your own way, explaining how they understand the thought expressed. This work is interested in middle-aged students and causes a fruitful discussion.

"Music is sounds, but music is also a whole mass of the feelings that open in these sounds for sensitive people." A. Lunacharsky

"Music - revelation is higher than wisdom." R.Rollana

"Music is an item delivering to man pleasure, pleasure." Ya.K. Komensky

"Music is the road to us because it is most deep expression Souls, harmonious extection of her joys and sorrow. " R.Rollana

"Music is a higher art." Goethe

"... Music, when she is perfect - gives, undoubtedly, the brightest happiness." Standal

"I would wish with all the forces of my soul, so that my music brings people to people and consolation." P.I. Tchaikovsky

I don't know if there is at least one great musician that could be said that he was outdated. The simplest song coming from the depths of millennia, alive. "A.V. Lulunacharsky

"Art is a heart capable of thinking." Sh. Guno

"Poets tell us
that orphea music
Trees, rocks, riversaled.
All that intensely, harshly, vigorously, -
Always, on a moment, though music softens. " V.Smpir

"Music is the same as the sigh, flowing suddenly from the heart. Much feel in it, but a little understandable mind. " S.F.Durov

"Music is a universal language. It exists for everyone - for poor and rich, unfortunate and happy. " L.A.Stokovsky

"The music encourages us eloquently think." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Art is, first of all, the skill, the ability to create perfect things." I.F.Stravinsky

"Music is a mighty source of thought." V.Sushechinsky

Music, like any art, conveys the thoughts of the one who created her, the thoughts and feelings of those she portray. "

"The primary source of music is not only the world around, but also the person himself, his spiritual world, thinking and speech." V.Sushechinsky

"There is no childbirth of music, except for two - good and bad." J.Biz

What is music, as not the sounds that change and move in time. "L. Terrns

Music - arithmetic sounds, just like optics - light geometry. "K. Teryssi

What an extensive, rich world is art, if the goal is taken by a person. "M.P.Morusorgsky

"The cardinal dignity of my life has always been searching for the original, their musical tongue. I hate my imitations, I hate beaten techniques. " S.S.Prokofev

"The first in life is the minute inspiration - I experienced at the time of singing in the choir." R. Needrin

"I will not endure the tragic atmosphere of modernity. I want to create cheerful. This is my need. " Strauss

"Just having frowning the form, you can comprehend the Spirit." R. Shuman.

"From all the depth of my soul, I hate one-sidedness, which many makes it think that only what they do, is the best." F.Shubert

"Do not strengthen, and the sea should be called him!"L.Betshoven

"Work, - if your things were not even played, were not published, did not meet sympathy, believe - they are trying to honor themselves; You have a huge and original talent. " F.List (about Borodina)

"Music is my soul." M.I. Glinka

"Sincere, clean and bright music of the Grill is created to awaken in the" Feelings of Good ".A.S. Pushkin

"I will understand the people like great personality". M.P.Morusorgsky

"Scriabin teaches not to be afraid of suffering, not be afraid of death, but believe in the victorious life of the spirit." A.V. Lulunacharsky

"I loved everything to do in this moment, and with each new thing I feel that I finally found a way and just started writing. " I.F.Stravinsky

"Shadow caps, gentlemen, in front of you genius!" R.Shuman (about Chopin)

"Clean, generous, kind, condolent, he was fulfilled by one sense, the most noble of earthly feelings, - love for his homeland." F.List (about Chopin)

"Chopin is a bard, rhapsod, spirit, soul piano." A. Herubestein

"Schubert possessed a rare ability to" feel and transmit joys and grief of life, how they feel and would like to transfer most people if they had a gift of Schubert "". B.V. Aasafiev

Me Roads Bach ...
Well, how to tell you
Not that now the music has not become
But here's such a pure crystal
We have not yet grace.
What is the balance of passions,
What a comprehensive conscience,
What an amazing story
About my soul abandoned in the century! N. Shushakov

It is said that I am old as an ancient rivers,
That time from my hands is drowning forever.
Yes, a lot of it flowed without good, I know.
But, the devil, let it be so! Let the loss of
Still, damn it, there are my cantata.
And not time me - and I am his office. K.I.Halchinsky

"You, Mozart, God"
... what depth!
What courage, and what kind of harmony!
You, Mozart, God, and you do not know
I know I! A.S. Pushkin

... as a kind of cherub
He somewhat brought us Paradish songs,
So that, outbreak, loony
In us, children of dust, after fly away.

Light Beethoven
That same day when your consonant
Overcome sophisticated world labor,
Light overpowered light, passed through cloud cloud,
Thunder moved to thunder, the star entered the star.
And fierce covered inspiration
In the orchestras of thunderstorms and the thrill of thunder,
You rose at cloud steps
And touched the music of worlds.

N. Zabolotsky

He wrote so, as if at night
I caught the hands of lightning and clouds,
And the prison of the world turned to ash turned
In a single moment, power is mighty.

K. Kumiv

Johann Sebastian Bach. "Do not stream - the sea him name ..."

... Bach! With you, a few could compare:
You became like a great organist long since
And the fact that you are annealed for music pages,
For many times, the times will glorify you ...


Amazing the fate of the music of this great german composer, from the birth of which has passed more than three hundred years. During his lifetime, he received recognition mainly as an organist and an expertise of musical instruments, and after death was almost forgotten for several decades. But then gradually began to re-open his work and admire him as precious art treasure, unsurpassed by skill, inexhaustible in the depth and humanity of the content. "Not a stream! "The sea should be a name for him." So said about Babach another musical genius - Beethoven.

Look at the portrait of the Great Composer. Johann Sebastian Bach is watching us. Please note how unusually dressed musicians of those times. On his head - a wig with letters. He is dressed in dark caftan, the white handkerchief is tied. He looks at us in three centuries. His view is serious, volve chin. Passed, lips firmly closed, as if he would foresee all the trials that he would have to survive in this world, but he is ready for verification of fate. How did such a great composer appeared in this world? How was his fate? What mystery is stored in his music and why is it limitless in time?

In the musical art, the name Bach is connected with an ancient German genius. Some representatives of this kind were composers, others - church organists, the third - city musicians ...

The world glory acquired the work of Johann Sebastian Baha - a brilliant composer and an organist. He lived almost 300 years ago, but wrote such an exalted and ingenious music that people still listen to her.

Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Germany. Imagine an old German town of Eisena - narrow streets scored by stones, houses with high spiers, stone church. Here in 1685 on March 21 and there was a boy who was destined to become a great, unacceptable Bach.

He was born in the family of a musician, his father taught him a game on the violin and Clavesis, the musicians were his brothers. One of them, Johann Christoph, when the father died, took Sebastian to her upbringing. And the boy has already cared for himself from 10 years old, he played perfectly on the violin and organ, sang in the choir, composed amazing music. And he did not miss the case to study the creations of great masters who created their writings before, before him. For example, his brother had notes vintage composersWith which he really treated, so much that he did not give Sebastian on them. And the boy at night rewrote these notes when moonlight. What was his misfortune, when one day brother entered his room and selected almost rewritten notes! That was a mountain of Sebastian! This work Sebastian greatly damaged his eyesight.

But his persistence in mastering the musical art was not the limit! For example, he loved the sound of the organ, working as an organist. But when he heard that the neighboring city comes famous composer, The famous organist Dietrich Buxtehude to give his concerts, then scored holidays from his authority for a month and went on foot to listen to these concerts. But after all, the neighboring city was almost 100 km, and the whole path of young Sebastian there and back did on foot. That's so stubbornness!

In the summer of 1696, Sebastian became a student of a local gymnasium. Ordruff gymnasium was considered one of the best in Thuringia. Latin was seriously studied here, read in the originals of Roman authors. The competent letter was very valued. In high school, disputes were arranged on the most different topics. 5 hours a week was assigned to music lessons.

Sebastian turned fifteen years. Having finished the gymnasium, Sebastian continues the teaching in the Lyceum of St. Michael in Luneburg. He is glad that no longer will sit on the neck from the older brother. He is full of dreams and hopes. New independent life begins.

The Lyceum Music Library was famous far beyond Luneburg. Sebastian many hours spent in school Library, studying composers of the past and traditional composition methods, including polyphony. And at the same time, his body on the body became more and more perfect as a result of the lessons, which he took from the famous organist George Boema.

Bach composed an organ fugue and brought her Boe. He carelessly looked at the notes and postponed them aside. Then he smiled and said:

My organ snorted. Do not want a dear colleague, spend it with me?

Puzzled Sebastian only nodded in response.

Service in the Church of St. John has long been over. Around the body, employees in workers' clothing. One of the manual keyboards was dismantled. Elderly wizard adjusted the key to the place before the key.

Well, Mr. Bahm. Now everything is all right.

The skin really swept. I had to change. However, Mr. Bahh, give me, not in furs.

And what? Lower registers cough, like an old drunkard in the morning.

Master scratched the head:

Rent me that you have to disassemble the pipes. Something fell into them.

What could they get into them? Well, let's see.

They went around the body on the other side. Two workers finished updating the bellows that can inhale air into silent to the time before the construction. Sebastian had a feeling that he was near the sleeping deity. What voice will speak, when will it be wanted? ..

Meanwhile, the master with a little hammer began to gently pull the pipes one after another. Someone from the workers spoke, and Bahh shook him, putting his finger to her lips. Everyone was silent, listening to the deaf tugging brass about lead. And suddenly a plaintive sound rang out in one of the pipes, which could not be confused with any other. And it was so unexpected that everyone looked around.

Kitchen, damn me Derie! - exclaimed by, forgetting that he was in God's temple. - How did he get there?

Our abbot will bring cats to bring off, "the master explained. - And this one, right from the upper beam frightened. Yes, right in the squash. And how it did not suffocate, the poor fellow!

After some time, the kitten was released.

Study in the lyceum of St. Michael approached the end. In the spring of 1703, Johann Sebastian Bach received a diploma, giving the right to continue education at the university. But neither scientist nor Pastor did not imagine himself in the future. Alone music fully owned him with his heart. So why change it?

During his life, Johann Sebastian Bach moved several times from the city to the city, changing the place of work, since it was almost always unsatisfactory working conditions, a humiliating, dependent position. Bach sought his music to awaken live in people human feelings, but church authorities They were afraid that this music would lead the parishioners from under their power.

Johanna Sebastian Baha was accused of the fact that his music was too complicated and at the same time was too people that it prevents believers to focus in a religious mood. Johann Sebastian Bach did not get along with the church bosses, more than once was going to leave his office. Only the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to feed large seven stopped him. And he still continued to write music, which he suggested him his heart, - humane, inspired by alive thoughts and deep feelings, free from church restrictions.

The only timeful throughout the life was creativity and family.

Grown sons - Wilhelm Friedem, Philip Emmanuel, Johann Christian - turned out to be talented musicians. Still at the lifetime they became famous composers. Anna Magdalena Bach was distinguished by great musicality - the second wife of the composer. Good sang eldest daughter Baha. Therefore, music often sounded in his house. For his family, Johann Sebastian Bach composed vocal and instrumental ensembles.

The last years of the composer's life was overshadowed serious disease eye. After unsuccessful operation Johann Sebastian Bach Epole. But then he continued to compose, dictating his works for writing.

One day, July morning, Bach opened his eyes and realized that something wonderful had happened. He sees again! Behind the window of the buoye green, famous Leipzig gardens. A black and burgundy butterfly was sat down on a half-board. The sky was filled with warm solar blue.

Thank you, Lord, that I smiled at the farewell, - whispered Bach. - Thank you, my only mentor ...

Sounds of music


As it was often often happening, during the lifetime of Johanna Sebastian Bach, almost nothing of his writings was printed, he died in poverty and obscurity. Only after almost 100 years, his music was assessed, and now his name knows the whole world. But despite heavy LifeJohanna Sebastian Baha has been and fun. Probably, in one of these minutes he composed his "joke" - play for flutes accompanied by chamber Orchestra. In order to transmit a funny, sparkling nature of music, Johann Sebastian Bach chose a fairly fast pace, and his "joke" is not so simple. Only a real virtuoso can cope with it.


Johann Sebastian Bach composed many little light plays for children, for those who studied playing on the key and organ. And these plays he recorded notes in a notch notebook. He dedicated this collection by Anna Magdalene Bach. Since then, it is called - " Totebook Anna Magdalen Bach. "

Menuet - Vintage Dance french origin. The word Menuet occurred from the French word MENU, which means "small, small". Three centuries ago and later Menuet was very popular in different countries. In Russia, he was danced at the court of King Peter I. This dance is dancing small, small chains in moderate Tempe, smoothly, ceremonially, with bows and squats. This is an old dance, discreet, ceremony, gallant.

Toccata and Fuga Re Minor

During the service in the Church, Bach played the authority. An organist-virtuoso conquered people with art performance. Many were amazed to "How he could so much and so quickly twist the fingers and legs ... not allowing not a single false sound."

Bach often improvised, that is, composed music at the moment of execution. Its organ improvisation is distinguished by power, a huge dramatic force.

Top of creativity Bach is his organ music. It was in it that the composer embodied the greatness and power human spirit. His organ works They know and love listeners around the world. Among them is the Organ Toccata and the Fugue of Re Minor.

What amazed listeners in Tokcati music? The introductory section, similar to a passionate human speech, begins an agitated movement, resembling a non-stop stream, which is interrupted by power chords. In a free improvisational manner, the composer moves from one episode to another: passengers replace each other, the sound of the organ like solemn singing church Chora, Weave the votes (polyphony), as if he draws a majestic cathedral with stained glass windows, arches and spiers aside in heaven in the imagination of the listener.

Toccata translated from Italian means "touch", "touch" (to the keys). This is a virtuoso play for a keyboard tool.

Questions and tasks:

  1. With which musical instrument mostly associated composer and performing creativity Bach?
  2. The word "Bach" in German means "stream". In this regard, I wonder the statement of L. Beethoven about Babach: "Not a stream - the sea to him the name." Think what the point is enclosed in the comparison.
  3. What does the word "Toccata" mean? What is the character of the Organ Tokcaty of Re Minor I. S. Baha?


1. Presentation - 21 slides, PPSX;
2. Music sounds:
Bach Suite # 1. Menuet
Bach Toccata and Fuga Re Minor BWV 565
Bach Joke, mp3;
3. Accompanying article, DOCX.

Ludwig Van Beethoven - one of ingenious composerswho worked in the era of classicism. His works are valued all over the world, some are very easy to learn. Who did not hear " Lunar Sonata"? Composer possessed pretty not an easy character, he was very sophisticated fate. He created ingenious music, and some of the composer's statements were reached. It is quite interesting to know what Beethoven talk about music.

short biography

The composer was born on December 16, 1770 in Bonn. From the very childhood he had to be not easy: the Father, noticing the musical gifting of his son, tried to make a "second Mozart" from him - a child-genius. Ludwig was early lost both parents and already at 17 years old was forced to assume the responsibilities of the head of the family, to keep junior Brothers.

Unfortunately, this event did not become the last blow of fate. At the age of 26, the young composer, the musician began to lose hearing. And yet it did not prevent him from continuing to make music.

An iconic event in the life of the composer was the Great French Bourgeois Revolution of 1789. Ludwig Van Beethoven hotly accepted the ideals of the revolution ... And their wreck after the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte has become a new shock for him. And yet in the era of classicism worked amazing people. No life difficulties Could not break the composer, could not interrupt its creative process.

For your life, the composer wrote 9 symphonies, 5 concerts for piano with orchestra, 32 Sonata for Piano, Opera and much more.

Quotes Beethoven

Perhaps it is because of the fact that Beethoven was forced to communicate with the help of the letter, we can read a lot of his statements. Undoubtedly, many quotes are dedicated to the favorite class of the composer.

Music should carve fire from human hearts.

Music is a folk need.

Music - meditally between the life of the mind and the life of feelings.

Music is a higher revelation than wisdom and philosophy. Music is one particular entrance to higher Mir The knowledge that humanity comprehends, but which cannot comprehend the person.

From the quotes of Beethoven about music, you can see how highly appreciated the musical art composer, elevated him even over wisdom and philosophy. And after all, still Johann Sebastian Bach proved that music - philosophical view Art, she is able to disclose serious, "eternal" questions.

Part of the statements can be attributed not only to music, but also to the whole art as a whole.

A genuine artist is deprived of vanity, he understands too well that art is inexhaustible.

The development of art and science has always been and remains the best connection between the most distant peoples.

Art! Who comprehended him? Who can consult with this great goddess?

Only artists or free scientists carry their happiness in themselves.

The fate of the composer was not simple and it was also expressed in his quotations. Philosophical thoughts German composer can teach a lot even modern people.

Grow your children in virtue: only she is alone and can give happiness.

The heart is the true lever of all the great.

I do not know other signs of superiority except kindness.

For a person with talent and love for work there is no barrier.

Higher honors of a person is perseverance in overcoming the most severe obstacles.

It is a sign really wonderful man: Resistance in the face of trouble.

None of my friends should need, while I have a piece of bread, if my wallet is empty, I can not help immediately, well, I only stand at the table and take up work, and rather soon I will help He get out of trouble.

Nothing is no longer unbearable than the need to recognize their own mistakes.

And, of course, such non-easy life It is impossible to live without humor. Several composer expressions are pretty funny.

Only clean heart Can make good soup.

One German composer:

I liked your Opera. Perhaps I will write music to her.

  • Ludwig Van Beethoven never called his sonata number 14 "lunar." This did musical critic Ludwig Robestheb in 1832
  • When the composer realized that hearing loss is inevitable, he decided to reduce scores with life. The document is preserved - the testament of the composer. But the composition of Symphony No. 3 forced the composer to change their mind.
  • Beethoven did not hear many of his ingenious works, such as the 9th symphony.
  • The inner hearing of the composer was just amazing - to compose ingenious music, not hearing it, is almost impossible. The composer had a special piano with more loud soundAnd he also tried to "hear" music through fluctuations - for this he clapped a pencil in his teeth and touched them to the instrument.

Great minds of subsequent generations about Bakha

Generations that followed directly behind Bach were so forgotten him that later it was in the full sense of the word had to be opened again. Only in the circle of his immediate disciples, the memory of him lived for a longer time. The first biographer Bach was Forecel. He received data on his life directly directly from the sons of Baha. The work of the Flakel, numbering 98 pages, was named "about the life, art and works of Johann Sebastian Baha. For patriotic admirers of the present music art. Leipzig, 1802. He dedicated this book by Baron Wang Sithient, who was a great admirer of Baha, a friend of Haydna and Mozart and the well-wisher Beethoven.

Wrix Biography Bach Photography Ends next words: "And this person, the greatest composer And the greatest performer musical workswho ever existed and, in all likelihood, will exist, was German. Be proud of them, the Motherland, be proud, but be worthy of him! "

Rokhlitz, the first of the famous musicologists, who understood all the greatness of Bach, wrote about the interest in the composer suddenly flashed in 1800: "The rotating wheel of the story for one moment raised to the most high point Nice Sebastian BakhalBut he is convinced that the time of the true revival of Baha has not yet come, because "Createness of events after more or less short breaks again takes on the surface of those main directions that are defined by the great human minds."

Mozart got the opportunity to get acquainted with the art of Bach at Barona Wang Switen. He wrote: "Every Sunday I go to Baron Wang Sithuan; We play there exclusively only Handel and Bach. Now I am just making myself a collection of Bach Fugue, and it includes works of both Sebastian and Emmanuil and Friedeman. "Rokhlitz reports that through the former student of the Baha Cantor of the Church of St. Thomas, Dolse, Mozart met in Leipzig with the Bach Motet We sing Lord new song; "Mozart knew Baha rather first than his works; At least motes that have never been published, there were unfamiliar to him. But barely choked the first beat, as he looked up, shocked; A few more clocksand he shouted: "What is it?" As if all his soul focused in hearing. When the chorus is fallen, he gladly exclaimed: "This is again something that can be learn!" He was told that at school, where Sebastian Bach was a cantor, still stored and shy, like a shrine, full collection His motels. "Very correct! Here is nice!he shouted.Show me them! " Since there were no scores of these songs, he asked him to give him discharged separate voices. For a quiet observer, it was genuine joy to watch, with what zeal of Mozart sat down and laid the leaves around him, holding them in both hands, knees, on all the closest chairs; He forgot everything in the world and did not get out of his place until he thoroughly did not look through everything that was from the creations of Baha. He asked himself a copy and carefully kept them. "

Beethoven has already recognized the outstanding importance of Sebastian Baha compared to other representatives of this family. It belongs famous statement: "He needs to call not Bach- (Creek), and the sea. "Another time he said: "Old? Among them, the geniuses were only Germans Handel and Bach. "Beethoven met with Bach's fugues already through his Bonn Teacher of Christian Nefa. According to the testimony of his student of mobile, he also knew the "well-tempered key" by heart.

In Berlin, most interested in the art of the Bach conductor "Leader-Tafel" Cherquek, friend Goethe. He even managed to infect her great friend Goethe and his student of Mendelssohn. July 9, 1827 he writes Goethe that Bach "Composer of the highest rank." "Weighing everything that testifies to him, you need to say: Leipzig Cantordivine phenomenon: he is clear and still inexplicable. "

He also does not forget to add:

You asked me a job:

I learned from the darkness of oblivion ...

Celter told Goethe a funny story with a portrait of Bach, who was owned by a former student of Bach, the famous musical theorist Kirinberger: "U Kirnberger was a portrait of his teacher Sebastian Bach, which I often admired; He hung in the room between two windows on the column, over the piano. Once some kind of convolving trader of the leptzig, who saw Cyrnberger, when he is still a pupil of the Sch. Thomas, with singing passed by the bench of his father, came to Berlin and decided to honor the visit now the already famous Kirnberger. But barely Leipzig Burger sat down, as jumped up, shouting: "Lord, my God! Why, this is our cantor hanging, Bach! This portrait is in both of us in Leipzig, at the School of Foma. Very rough must be a man. Watch what a vain fool, ordered to draw myself in such a luxurious velvet robe! " Kirnberger quietly stood, grabbed his chair with his back, raised him with both hands and swung on the guest, shouting, first quietly, then all louder: "Marsh hence, dog! From here, a dog! " Poor respectful Leipzig Burger, to death, killed, rushed behind his hat and stick, having grabbed the door with both hands and ran out on the street. Kirnberger removed the picture, wiped her dust from her, ordered to wash the films chair and hung up a picture on an old place, covering her handkerchief. And if someone asked what this handkerchief means, he answered: "Yes, leave, probably there is something for him!" This case served as a reason for the spread of the hearing, that Kirnberger rushed. "

Goethe heard a "well-tempered key" performed by the Berne organic brush. On June 21, 1827, he wrote about this Certer: "I had such a feeling that eternal harmony He talked with himself, as it was probably in the chest of the Lord before the creation of the world. So the Oka worried my confused soul, I felt that I had no ears, nor eye, nor other senses, and there was no need for them. "

Due to the happy chance, a genuine manuscript of poems was discovered in one copy of Khoralov Baha.

Among those who in the first half of the XIX century were tirelessly and successfully fought for the art of Baha, in the first place is Robert Schuman. "FROM time the sources are increasingly convergered. "He wrote. - For example, Beethoven did not need to learn everything that I studied Mozart, Mozart did not need to study everything that he studied Handel, and Handelwhat has studied Palestrina, because each of them absorbed the legacy of the predecessors. There is only one inexhaustible sourceJohann Sebastian Bach!"In 1836, Schumani wrote: "Once in the evening I went to the Leipzig cemetery to visit the place of soothery of one great man, I was looking for a long-time watch, but I didn't find an inscription anywhere." I. S. Bach ".... When I asked the graveman, he shook his head relative to my ignorance, and said: "Bahkh was a lot!" On the way home I thought how the case was actively operating! In order not to be needed to think about the transient praha, so that the image of a banal death has not pursued us everywhere, the chance of scattering his dust throughout the world so that I could then present it to himself only in magnificent clothes sitting with a straightened body in front of the organ. The tool sounds, the public is reverently looks at it from the bottom up, and from top to it, perhaps, be looking at the angels ... ".

At the beginning of the 30s, Schumani writes in his music newspaper: "The world should learn something, and the sooner the better. For it is possible to believe that in the music cabinets of the Berlin Conservatory, which an old camber wanted his library, carefully stored in manuscripts at least seven such concerts and, in addition, countless works of the Bach? Only very few know about it; However, these manuscripts are there, it is completely accurate. And in general, did it come if it would not be useful if the German nation once decided to collect together and publish all the works of Bach? We need to think about it. Perhaps the epigraph to this publication would have to put the words of one specialist who expresses about this company on the 76th page of the same book "of the new magazine", namely: "You want to publish the works of Sebastian Baha, which is very nice to my heart tied large love to mighty art Father harmony, so I wish you just as soon as possible to see this publication in the bookstores. "

In 1839, Schumani writes in one of its articles: "One of the ways to move forward is the study of other great personalities. To refute this position, lead in the example of Mozart and argue that the genius does not need it, but who could have to say how much Mozart would create if he studied the Bach in all his greatness? What incentive gave him Hydn, and how big the stimulus would have to give him Bach! "

Schumanim gives a good parallel to the famous and tagged in the parallels of criticism of a shab written by him to Baha when he writes: "If anyone, however, should be removed from oblivion, then something like the immortality of the critics of Beethoven should be ensured, namely, that of them, which in 1799 foreshadowed 151 pages" Universal Music Newspaper ": « If Mr. Beethoven had not renounced himself and followed the field of nature, then with his talent and adjacent, he probably could create a lot of valuable for a tool for us, which ... etc. ".Analogy with the criticism of the contemporary Bach, Shabe, just amazing. "This great person, - spoke Shabe, - could be the subject of the amazement of peoples, if it had more pleasantness, if there were no high pollism and chaoticness, they did not deprive him of the work of naturalness and if he did not dhocate their beauty with his excessive art. He judges his fingers, so his works are extremely difficult to play; He wants singers and musicians to make their throat and on tools, what it was capable of its key. This, however, is impossible ... In short: he is in music the same than once Mr. von Loenstein in poetry. The high polity led both of the naturalness to artificiality, from the magnifications to the darkness; Both can only be divided into severe work and extraordinary efforts that, however, spent in vain, because they are everywhere contradict the sober mind. "

Karl Maria Von Weber wrote in 1821: "The identity of Sebastian Baha, actually, even in his rigor, was romantic, which is truly German quality; This may be contrary to a much more antique nature of Handel's greatness. Its style is great, shiny and luxurious. He reached the right impression by an amazing plexus of leading voices and formulated due to this special rhythm, intertwined on in a skillful counterpoint; Of these, his majestic spirit built a real Gothic temple of art, although to him less the great minds were mocked in artificial stock, dryness, because they were looking for the inner life of art in the very form and, of course, did not find anything…».

Richard Wagner, the great end of Weber's aspirations, also spoke on Babach very characteristic. In the article "What is a German?" he's writing: "In the desire to describe the originality, the strength and significance of the German one incomparably characteristic picture, it should be deep and reasonable to consider it almost inexplicable, a mysterious phenomenon, which was Sebastian Bach, this is a miracle of music. He is a history inner life German Spirit in that terrible century, when the German people almost degenerated. Look at this head in a senseless French wig, on this master who is in the quality of the poor Cantor, then the organist wanders in the small towns of Thuringia, the names of which we have almost forgotten, suffer in miserable positions and remains so unlucky that it took almost a century, to save his works from oblivion; even in music he collidedfrom artistic formwhich externally was the perfect picture of his eradry, tough and pedantic, as if in the notes entered a wig and braid. But look now, what world created an incomprehensible great Bach from these elements! I refer only to creations, for their wealth, majesty and comprehensive importance cannot be described by any comparisons. "

Ferenz Leaf considered Bach with his compatriot. According to his student A. Göllirich, he expressed his belief in the following words: "Bach was my compatriot, because he also took place from Hungary as the descendant moved from Bratislava in the Eisena Pekary Johann Baha. But it did not affect his counterpoints. "

The authenticity of this statement confirms the other student of the sheet, A. Praise:

"The leaf persistently believed that I. S. Bach was a Hungarian by origin. To this conclusion, he came by studying the structure of some of those Baha and many decoration elements found in his works; Sheet believed that in the "well-tempered key" you can find directly folk Hungarian songs. Therefore, in his fantasy and fugue "B-A-S-N" for the piano, he used the Hungarian turn at the end of the Fugue. "

But erecting all the utterances were interpretation by a sheet of works of Bach. Let's tell about the words of Wagner:

"The Great Ferenc Sheet satisfied my desire to hear Bach,he played me a fourth prelude and a fugu from the "well-tempered key". I knew very well what could be expected from the sheet when he sits down for the piano, but he heard, did not expect from the Bach himself, as he would carefully study him. But in this case, I could see what the revelation means compared to every study! The execution of one of this fugue leaf opened me Bach, so now I already know exactly what place is after him; Since then, I can fully appreciate it and dissolve in unshakable faith all my delusions and doubts about Bach. "

Johann Brahms expressed his immense respect for Bahu in the following words:

"If all the musical literatureBeethoven, Schubert, Schumandisappeared, it would be extremely sad, but if we lost the Bachi would be delicious. "

That Schopenhauer did not leave any statements regarding the art of Bach, was noticed by Albert Shveyser. Unlike him, Nietzsche in a letter to Ronda writes about Bach: "This week I listened to the" Passion of Matthew "of the Divine Bach every time everythingfrom the same sense of immense admiration. For people fully learned from Christianity, this work sounds like a gospel: this is the music of the denial of desire, but without asceticism. "

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