Nikolai Gogol wallpapers. Gogol N

Nikolai Gogol wallpapers. Gogol N

There was no sample, there were no predecessors in either Russian or foreign literature. All theories, all literary legends were against him, because he was against them. To understand it, it was necessary to completely throw them out of my head, forget about their existence - and this for many would mean to be reborn, die and resurrect again, ”wrote Vissarion Belinsky. You can't say better than him about the amazing gift of this genius.

The classic of French literature of the 20th century, Henri Troyat, spoke about Nikolai Vasilievich as follows: “In the eyes of the Western reader, the two pillars of Russian literature are FM Dostoevsky and LN Tolstoy; in the eyes of the Russian reader, both of them are in the shadow of a short man with a long nose, a bird's gaze and a sarcastic smile. This man is arguably the most extraordinary, nugget genius the world has ever known. Among the writers of his time, he appears as a unique phenomenon that, very quickly getting rid of the influence of others, draws his admirers into the world of phantasmagorias, in which the funny and the terrible coexist. "

We have selected 20 quotes from the works of Nikolai Gogol:

It is, of course, the hero of Alexander the Great, but why break the chairs? "Inspector"

I will marry you so that you will not hear. "Marriage"

Raise my eyelids: I don't see! "Viy"

I gave birth to you, and I will kill you! "Taras Bulba"

No matter how silly the words of a fool, sometimes they are enough to embarrass an intelligent person. "Dead Souls "

I tell everyone openly that I take bribes, but why bribes? Greyhound puppies. This is a completely different matter. "Inspector"

Eh, Russian people! Doesn't like to die a natural death! "Dead Souls "

Nothing is more angry than all kinds of departments, regiments, chanceries and, in a word, all kinds of officials. Now every private person considers the whole of society to be insulted in his person. "Overcoat"

Do you know Ukrainian night? Oh, you don't know the Ukrainian night! "May Night, or the Drowned Woman"

The Fatherland is what our soul is looking for, which is dearer to it than anything else. My homeland is you. "Taras Bulba"

The child was christened, and he burst into tears and made such a grimace, as if he had a presentiment that there would be a titular councilor. "Overcoat"

The newspaper can lose its reputation. If everyone starts to write that his nose has run off, then ... And so they say that many incongruities and false rumors are being published. "Nose "

There is only one decent person there: the prosecutor; and that, if you tell the truth, a pig. "Dead Souls "

What grief does not time carry away? "Old World Landowners"

You need to be honest with your word. It is the highest gift of God to man. "Selected passages from correspondence with friends"

There are no bonds holier than comradeship! The father loves his child, the mother loves her child, the child loves the father and mother. But that's not it, brothers: the beast loves its child too. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood. "Taras Bulba"

Everything is deception, everything is a dream, everything is not what it seems. "Nevsky Avenue "

The Russian man has an enemy, an implacable, dangerous enemy, without whom he would have been a giant. This enemy is laziness. Letter to K. S. Aksakov, March 1841, Rome

Russian strength and power in the winged word. So from the heart it impresses into history that descendants will remember for millennia.

High truths must be guarded tirelessly and used carefully. Otherwise, truths will turn into common latrines, which are little trusted, and then in a small way, or out of need. - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The value of the Russian language is in precious words, in which sound is a souvenir; phrases are savory, grainy and large, like jasper or sparkling amber. Other names are more precious than the plain thing itself.

Stolen glory is useless, even harmful to a thief. Before the well-deserved glory, they tremble and worship.

Grief takes time away. Passion must survive in an unequal duel with him.

Gogol: They have not yet invented reasonable books, where wisdom is studied according to human suffering and bitter misfortune.

A woman will not call her rival a beauty, it is easier for her to smack the devil in the ass.

The lightness of the poet's phrases, the ease and sublimity of the artist are given to him by sweat, suffering and incredible efforts, which is called talent.

Wolves always remain extreme - they try to write off all the moose of the reserve on the gray ones.

Read the continuation of Gogol's beautiful quotes on the following pages:

Jump from here for at least three years, you won't go to any state.

Be patient, Cossack - you will be ataman.

Yes, in Russia there are such nicknames that you just spit and cross yourself, if you hear.

What grief does not time carry away?

It is impossible to understand people who, having met happiness in panic, run away.

What is spoken aptly, is the same as what is written, is not cut out with an ax.

How not to fight with a bull, but you cannot get milk from it.

It is already known to the whole world that when England sniffs tobacco, France sneezes.

I have invited you, gentlemen, in order to tell you the most unpleasant news: an auditor is coming to us.

There is no greater torment for a person than to want to take revenge and not be able to take revenge.

The lady is pleasant in every way.

There is life in the old dog yet?

Even the one who is no longer afraid of anything is afraid of ridicule.

To be in the world and not designate your existence with anything - it seems terrible to me.

When a person falls in love, he is like a sole, which, if you soak in water, bend it, it will bend.

Architecture is also a chronicle of the world: it speaks when both songs and legends are silent.

Youth is happy that it has a future.

A man without a nose is something terrible. It seems not a man already, but not an animal either. And what to do with this is completely incomprehensible - whether to throw it away, or leave it!

No matter how much you feed the wolf, you can't blame all the moose of the reserve on it.

You should never brag about the future.

There is no Russian person who would refuse to drive fast.

The Russian man has an enemy, an implacable, dangerous enemy, without whom he would have been a giant. This enemy is laziness.

If you have a fist, you will not bend into the palm of your hand.

Pity never takes hold of us so much as at the sight of beauty, touched by the pernicious breath of debauchery.

The Russian man has an enemy, an implacable, dangerous enemy, without whom he would have been a giant. This enemy is laziness.

One has only to take a closer look at the present, the future will suddenly appear by itself.

Damn you, world, how beautiful you are.

There is hardly a higher pleasure than the pleasure of creating.

What is spoken aptly, is the same as what is written, is not cut out with an ax.

You must be honest with your words.

Fear is clingier than the plague.

Comparing knowledge and the ability to dispose of it is the same as comparing the distance to home and to the Sun.

And although my thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia, but I myself, but my mortal composition will be removed from it.

There is life in the old dog yet.

When a person falls in love, he is like a sole, which, if you soak it in water, take it and bend it - it will bend.

Love us black, and everyone will love us white.

Misfortune softens a person, his nature then becomes more sensitive and accessible to understanding objects that surpass the concept of a person who is in an ordinary and everyday situation.

Poets do not come from somewhere over the sea, but come from their own people. These are the fires that have flown out of him, the foremost messengers of his strength.

The higher the truths, the more you need to be more careful with them: otherwise they will suddenly turn to commonplaces, and they no longer believe in commonplaces.

Reason is an incomparably higher ability, but it is acquired only by the victory over the passions.

God, what a life we ​​are! eternal strife between dream and substance!

You must be honest with your words.

Without good fathers, there is no good upbringing, despite all the schools.

Remember forever that every wasted minute here will inevitably be asked for there, and it is better not to be born than to pale before this terrible reproach.

The theater is a pulpit from which you can say a lot to the world.

Be patient, Cossack - you will be ataman.

Glory cannot give pleasure to the one who stole it and did not deserve it; it produces constant trepidation only in the one who is worthy of it.

The source of poetry is beauty.

Teaching others is also learning.

On the road! on the road! away the wrinkle that has run over the forehead and the severe gloom of the face! At once and suddenly we will plunge into life with all its silent rattles and bells.

To be in the world and not designate your existence with anything - it seems terrible to me.

In literature, death does not exist as a concept. The dead live as well as the living. Act with them. Exist.

Art certainly strives for good, positively or negatively: whether it exposes to us the beauty of all the best that is in a person, or laughs at the ugliness of all the worst in a person. If you expose all the rubbish that is in a person, and you expose it in such a way that every spectator will receive complete disgust for it, I ask: isn't this already a praise for all that is good? I ask: isn't this a praise for good?

A man in love as a sole. Rotate it, throw it, do what you want - it will endure everything.

Even if you happen to get angry with someone else, be angry with yourself at the same time, even for the fact that you managed to get angry with another.

My thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia.

No matter how silly the words of a fool, sometimes they are enough to embarrass an intelligent person.

There are no bonds holier than camaraderie.

There is no word that would be so ambitious, boldly, would burst out from under the very heart, so boil and live like a well-spoken Russian word.

The governor is as stupid as a gray gelding.

No matter how silly the words of a fool, sometimes they are enough to embarrass an intelligent person.

What is spoken aptly, is the same as what is written, is not cut down with an ax.

Why are you laughing? You are laughing at yourself!

It's easier for a woman to kiss the devil than to call another beauty.

If there is only one Russian farm left, then Russia will be reborn as well.

Those who already have a fist cannot bend into the palm.

There is hardly a higher of pleasure than the pleasure of creating.

The reason for all the troubles is that it seems to people that if they were in a different time, in a different place, in a different position, they would have done everything better. And behind these thoughts they forget to do well here and now, in their place.

The source of poetry is beauty.

Often tears invisible to the world flow through the laughter visible to the world.

Misfortune softens a person; his nature then becomes more sensitive and accessible to the understanding of objects that surpass the concept of a person who is in an ordinary and everyday situation.

Architecture is also a chronicle of the world: it speaks when both songs and legends are silent.

There is nothing more pleasant than being obliged in everything to yourself.

The writer has only one teacher: the readers themselves.

Lord God! What an immense distance between the knowledge of light and the ability to use this knowledge!

The highest ability, which is wisdom, can be obtained only by expelling unnecessary passions and base desires.

There was no sample, there were no predecessors in either Russian or foreign literature. All theories, all literary legends were against him, because he was against them. To understand it, it was necessary to completely throw them out of my head, forget about their existence - and this for many would mean to be reborn, die and resurrect again, ”wrote Vissarion Belinsky. You can't say better than him about the amazing gift of this genius.

The classic of French literature of the 20th century, Henri Troyat, spoke about Nikolai Vasilievich as follows: “In the eyes of the Western reader, the two pillars of Russian literature are FM Dostoevsky and LN Tolstoy; in the eyes of the Russian reader, both of them are in the shadow of a short man with a long nose, a bird's gaze and a sarcastic smile. This man is arguably the most extraordinary, nugget genius the world has ever known. Among the writers of his time, he appears as a unique phenomenon that, very quickly getting rid of the influence of others, draws his admirers into the world of phantasmagorias, in which the funny and the terrible coexist. "

We have selected 20 quotes from the works of Nikolai Gogol:

It is, of course, the hero of Alexander the Great, but why break the chairs? "Inspector"

I will marry you so that you will not hear. "Marriage"

Raise my eyelids: I don't see! "Viy"

I gave birth to you, and I will kill you! "Taras Bulba"

No matter how silly the words of a fool, sometimes they are enough to embarrass an intelligent person. "Dead Souls "

I tell everyone openly that I take bribes, but why bribes? Greyhound puppies. This is a completely different matter. "Inspector"

Eh, Russian people! Doesn't like to die a natural death! "Dead Souls "

Nothing is more angry than all kinds of departments, regiments, chanceries and, in a word, all kinds of officials. Now every private person considers the whole of society to be insulted in his person. "Overcoat"

Do you know Ukrainian night? Oh, you don't know the Ukrainian night! "May Night, or the Drowned Woman"

The Fatherland is what our soul is looking for, which is dearer to it than anything else. My homeland is you. "Taras Bulba"

The child was christened, and he burst into tears and made such a grimace, as if he had a presentiment that there would be a titular councilor. "Overcoat"

The newspaper can lose its reputation. If everyone starts to write that his nose has run off, then ... And so they say that many incongruities and false rumors are being published. "Nose "

There is only one decent person there: the prosecutor; and that, if you tell the truth, a pig. "Dead Souls "

What grief does not time carry away? "Old World Landowners"

You need to be honest with your word. It is the highest gift of God to man. "Selected passages from correspondence with friends"

There are no bonds holier than comradeship! The father loves his child, the mother loves her child, the child loves the father and mother. But that's not it, brothers: the beast loves its child too. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood. "Taras Bulba"

Everything is deception, everything is a dream, everything is not what it seems. "Nevsky Avenue "

The Russian man has an enemy, an implacable, dangerous enemy, without whom he would have been a giant. This enemy is laziness. Letter to K. S. Aksakov, March 1841, Rome

The most characteristic feature of Gogol's talent is originality and originality, which distinguishes him from all Russian writers.
... Gogol did not have a model, there were no predecessors either in Russian or in foreign literature. All theories, all literary legends were against him, because he was against them. To understand it, it was necessary to completely throw them out of my head, forget about their existence - and this for many would mean to be reborn, die and be resurrected again. To make our thought clearer, let us see in what relation Gogol is to other Russian poets. Of course, in those works of Pushkin, which present paintings alien to the Russian world, without any doubt, there are Russian elements, but who will indicate them? How to prove that, for example, the poems: "Mozart and Salieri", "The Stone Guest", "The Covetous Knight", "Galub" could be written only by a Russian poet, I that they could not have been written by a poet of another nation? The same can be said about Lermontov. All of Gogol's works are devoted exclusively to portraying the world of Russian life, and he has no rivals in the art of reproducing it in all its truth. He does not soften anything, does not decorate because of love for ideals or some previously accepted ideas, or habitual predilections, as, for example, Pushkin in Onegin idealized the landowner's way of life. Of course, the predominant character of his writings is denial; any negation, in order to be alive and poetic, must be done in the name of the ideal - and this ideal is also not his own for Gogol, that is, not native, like all other Russian poets, because our social life has not yet taken shape and has not been established so that could give literature this ideal.
... However, talents, even brilliant ones, do not always avoid the influence of theory. Gogol is one of the few who completely avoided any influence of any theory. Knowing how to understand art and marvel at it in the works of other poets, he nevertheless went his own way, following a deep and faithful artistic instinct, which nature generously endowed him with, and not being tempted by other people's successes to imitate. This, of course, did not give him originality, but gave him the opportunity to preserve and show completely that originality, which was an belonging, a property of his personality and, therefore, like talent, a gift of nature. This made it appear for many to have entered Russian literature from the outside, while in fact he was its necessary phenomenon, required by all the development that preceded it.
Gogol's influence on Russian literature was enormous. Not only did all the young talents rush to the path indicated to them, but some writers who had already gained fame followed the same path, leaving their old one. Hence the emergence of a school, which its opponents thought to humiliate by the name natural. After Dead Souls, Gogol did not write anything. On the stage of literature now only his school.

For Gogol, as for many other writers, the theme of Russia is connected with the theme of the people. Let us turn to the folk images of the poem - the various characters in the epic part of Dead Souls. These are two men who we meet at the very beginning of the poem, who, seeing Chichikov's chaise, begin to argue whether it will reach Ryazan or Moscow. In fact, this is a question "to be or not to be", considered at a primitive, everyday level. And what? This is Chichikov's footman Petrushka, "who had a passion for reading" and everything indiscriminately: from the ABC book to romance novels, and the coachman Selifan, who does not care whether he whips it or not: "You can whip it."

The Russian people are also the courtyard girl Pelageya, who “does not know where the right is and where the left is,” Uncle Mityai and Uncle Minyai, who in vain tried to move Chichikov's overturned cart.

All these people are portrayed by Gogol not in an ideal, but in a satirical light. The writer denounces the primitiveness of the peasants, spiritual poverty, indifference to life and obedience to their master, but is their trouble that they are crushed by life, spiritually impoverished? .. In the poem, Gogol shows that no one cares about all landlord and bureaucratic Russia to ordinary people. The landlords force the peasants to work as much as possible, without caring about the life of the serfs and wanting to make a profit from their farm. Officials, instead of solving state problems and working for the good of Russia, think only about how to move up the social ladder, that is, they care only about their own benefits.

In The Tale of Captain Kopeikin, it is especially vividly depicted how in bureaucratic circles where bribery, embezzlement, and deceit reign, no one cares about a simple soldier who shed blood for his homeland.

Thus, the people are suppressed by the system of government in Russia, but Gogol, being a connoisseur of the Russian character, feels the true strength of ordinary people, the beauty of their soul, their best qualities. The lyrical part of Dead Souls recreates the ideal image of the people - the embodiment of Gogol's concept of the Russian national character. The writer shows the breadth of nature of the Russian man, the freedom-loving nature of the people in the image of Abakum Fyrov, a fugitive peasant who “walks noisily and merrily on the grain pier, having ordered himself with the merchants”. Gogol also admires the diligence of the Russian people, such as that of Stepan Probka, "a hero who went to all the provinces with an ax in his belt"; resilience and endurance, "the ability to get used to everything and to any climate", "liveliness of mind, a lively nugget himself that does not go into his pocket for a word ...". It's hard not to admire the qualities of the Russian people!

However, Gogol's theme of Russia is connected not only with the depiction of the image of the people. According to the great Belinsky, "true nationality is not in the description of the sundress, but in the very spirit of the people." Gogol “looks through the eyes of the whole people”, “feels and speaks like this”, like a truly Russian person. The fact is that in the process of working on the poem, the writer repeatedly turned to folklore materials, because he shared the point of view that the folk spirit is most fully manifested in folklore. Therefore, in Dead Souls, Gogol used proverbs, sayings, images from Russian folk tales, containing the centuries-old wisdom of the Russian people. For example, when describing Manilov, the writer calls him “neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Se-Lifan”, compares Sobakevich with a bear, and the Box with a chicken, for the image of poultry in Russian folklore is a symbol of stupidity.

Gogol admires the Russian word ("emerged from the depths of Russia") and the Russian song, which, according to the writer, reflects the beauty and strength of the Russian spirit, the creative abilities of the people.

It must also be said that the problems considered by Gogol in Dead Souls are not universal, but all-Russian. In particular, this is the question of the fate of Russia, of its future. Gogol foresees the future of Russia, feeling its inner strengths, possibilities and comparing it with the "bird-three", that "smoothly scattered half the world", that "overtakes everything, leaving behind." But the writer, exposing the social problems of Russia, criticizing the bureaucratic-bureaucratic system, showing the arbitrariness that is happening on the estates and the plight of the people, does not know the ways to achieve a wonderful future. Therefore, the final of Dead Souls is open, Gogol asks the question: "Where is Russia rushing?" and cannot answer it ... And should a writer solve this problem? This is the business of statesmen, politicians, officials who, as Gogol shows, do not want to think about the welfare of their country ...

Aksakov called Dead Souls a universal work of the whole people, while Belinsky wrote that “Gogol is a great Russian poet, nothing more; and "Dead Souls" also only for Russia and in Russia can have infinitely great significance. " One cannot but agree, because Dead Souls is a purely Russian work, in which Gogol shows, on the one hand, the plight of people, arbitrariness in contemporary Russia, but, on the other hand, embodies the wealth of spiritual heritage, national traditions and internal, hidden the forces of the Russian people; the writer speaks of the potential possibility of Russia, "inspired by God", to become the strongest of the states ...

The plot of the poem was suggested to Gogol by Pushkin. Gogol's attention was especially attracted by the opportunity to show the whole of Russia, with its characteristic types, situations, characters, with the help of a road plot. “What an original plot! What a diverse bunch! All Russia will appear in him, ”wrote Gogol.

In his previous works, Gogol preferred to portray some small place (Dikanka, the ghost town of St. Petersburg, the “district town” in The Inspector General) as a special world, living according to its own laws and inhabited by characteristic inhabitants; in this world, of course, Russian characters were also guessed. For example, Gogol himself called The Inspector General a "Russian anecdote" and wrote about this comedy: "I wanted to collect everything bad in Russia and laugh at everything at once." The same principle remains in the poem "Dead Souls", but here Gogol gives his fictional world the name "Russia". This is a fabulous, mythologized scene of action, where outlandish events take place and “strange heroes” (Gogol's expression) act.

Note that all objects, people, situations in the poem are characterized as "Russian", "frequent in Russia." For example, "two Russian peasants" at the very beginning of the poem. The fact that they are Russians, of course, goes without saying, but Gogol repeats this word and does it regularly in order to give all objects and persons a folklore-mythological, conventionally-all-Russian character. Speaking about Chichikov, Manilov, Korobochka and others, he certainly inserts a characteristic-reasoning about the typicality, "Russianness" of this hero. Let us recall the famous: "What Russian does not like to drive fast" - this is said about Chichikov. Sobakevich is associated with the "hero" (a character of the national epic), but this is a caricature hero shown in the "distorting mirror". It is also said about Korobochka that there are many such people in Russia.

As you know, after listening to the first volume of the poem, Pushkin exclaimed: "God, how sad is our Russia!" We know this statement only from Gogol's letter in "Selected Places ..." And in the same place Gogol argues with Pushkin, explaining that he did not depict Russia, but only a painful fantasy of his sinful mind, or Russia, but only in a negative hypostasis, in " crooked mirror "satire. The poem was supposed to be structured like Dante's "Divine Comedy", according to the principle "Hell - Purgatory - Paradise". In the second and third volumes, Russia and a Russian person (Chichikov?) Would be fabulously transformed, there would be “Russian movements”, “hitherto unraveled strings,” “a wonderful Russian girl, all woven from high aspiration and selflessness,” “a valiant Russian husband,” and other worthy, goodies. But Gogol himself in "Selected Places ..." admits that he loves and prefers to portray vice, and the heroes always come out funny and ugly, but they do it better than any other Russian writer.

Only the first volume, a satirical one, was written. Russian landowners, peasants, officials are shown here from the most negative side, grotesquely satirically. They are endowed with funny names and nicknames (for example, an official Pitcher snout accepting a bribe from Chichikov). These could include a strange Gogol definition - "Dead Souls", which gave the name to the poem. These are not people, but “ghosts,” as Belinsky put it, adding that the Russian life itself at that time was “ghostly,” grotesque, and absurd.

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