Plastic operations Irina Agibalova. Irina Agibalova - an unsuccessful plastic surgery, photos before and after Roman with Alexey Samsonov

Plastic operations Irina Agibalova. Irina Agibalova - an unsuccessful plastic surgery, photos before and after Roman with Alexey Samsonov
Plastic operations Irina Agibalova. Irina Agibalova - an unsuccessful plastic surgery, photos before and after Roman with Alexey Samsonov

Agiantic, known on the same telestroy of the TNT channel.

Irina Agibalova. Biography

Irina Alexandrovna Tarasenko(after marriage - Agibalova) Born on November 1, 1964 in the Kazakh village of Borodulich of the Semipalatinsk region, where from 1971 to 1981 he studied at the Nikolai Ostrovsky school. Mom Irina on the origin of the German, and the Father is Russian. He worked in Kazakhstan by the head of the management of construction mechanization (HSS).

Elder Sister Irina - Galina Subsequently, along with Mom, he moved to the Rubtsovsk of the Altai Territory and was employed by the head of the neurological department at the local Gorbolnice.

In 1986, Irina, who arrived immediately after receiving the school certificate to the Pedic Institute named after N. K. Krupskaya in Semipalatinsk, successfully graduated from the university, while at that time a family woman who was waiting for the appearance of the firstborn and the name of Agibalov. After the decree continued to work in the specialty, teacher of biology, at a local school.

From the Military Town of Chagan under Semipalatinsky Agibalova, together with her husband and children in 1994, moved to the parents of Yuri to near Moscow Schelkovo-3, where Irina did the 14th school and worked on almost three years as a deputy director for educational work.

Subsequently Irina Agibalova Switched to the business sphere, starting this career period as a manager in the wholesale company engaged in the sale of ferrous metal, and completing the financial director of FarmaService LLC in 2008.

The place of residence of Irina Agibalova and her family changed several times. So, in 1998, she moved to the Moscow Region Reutov, and in a year - to the capital, in 2007 - in Pavlovsky Posad.

From 2010 to 2013 Irina Aleksandrovna It was at the perimeter of the television project "Dom-2", where her youngest daughter Rita came first, and then the eldest - Olga. Agibalova thus became the first Russian member of the realistic family.

After participating in the Scandalous TV show of the TNT channel Irina Agibalova, the active user of the social network, has become the leading very popular blog, which includes the most exciting topics for women and girls. She talks about cooking, beauty, clothes, weight loss, cosmetology, etc. In addition, the woman's fundamentally transformed, appears as a guest on the TV project Tower " House 2", Channels" Russia ", NTV.

In 2018, Irina, she opened his own beauty salon. "We have been looking for a premises for a long time, in the end we stopped on it - the location and a metrar. For a long time, my subscribers asked advice, where and what procedures can be done. I am glad that now they will come for this to me, to proven masters. Now you can make a manicure, pedicure, hair and face procedures, as well as massages. True, not the whole staff is staffed, so I am waiting for suggestions and resumes. Especially interested in experienced stylists. We plan not one salon, but a whole network, "she shared with the publishing station" Starhit ".

  • Irina Agibalova. Project House-2

Irina Agibalova Came at the perimeter "House-2" on April 1, 2010. The aim of her appearance was to assist his daughter Margarita, which by that time had already spent enough long time on the project and even managed to marry, get pregnant and give birth to a child - Son Mitu.

However, before Irinathe project has already appeared, also looked after Margarita, which is the first of the family of Agibalovaya began to act in a reality show, and, I must say, actively intervened in the relationship of His younger daughter and her husband Evgenia Kuzina.

After a couple of months after mom, the older daughter of Irina came to the project - Olga. Rita after a divorce with her husband went to build his life in the usual world. But Irina Aleksandrovna I did not hurry to leave the glade and help my daughter to care for a child, my grandson, in the conditions of the city. She managed to become like one of the stars. " Houses-2."And one of the most conflict participants. Among those with whom Irina Agibalova There were conflicts - almost all participants in the program of the relevant period.

    Irina Agibalova: "I feel great. I have time for myself, it is possible to fully pass a rehabilitation. I do not want to become an old grandmother, I want to remain a woman - a beautiful, well-groomed and young. I will not build love on the project. I like to communicate with the guys, and almost with all I have a good relationship, just have people offended on me. But I do not perceive this negative seriously - the participants take offense at me, as children offended to mom when she tells them the truth in the face. "

  • With many of the project participants relationships Irina Agibalova did not work out. Others accused a woman in the fact that she wants to be the first everywhere, seeks to control the family life not only his daughters, but also other guys from the perimeter of telestroy. His stay on the project Irina Alexandrovna, who left reality in 2013, appreciated as a mission.
  • Irina Agibalova: "You see, easy to get up, clap the door and live without problems. But we carry a really big social work. And I am here, because there is a problem that is transmitted from the century, this is the problem of fathers and children. We show relationships between parents and children, young people and adults. In some sense it carries an educational idea. I understand that some mission I perform. Not just living here. I do not regret it, a lot gives me a lot. It seems to me that I received a second breath in life. Second youth. He got the opportunity not to just sit on pensions with grandchildren, but also breathing with full breast, enjoy life. "

  • Irina Agibalova. Health

Irina Agibalova During his stay on the project, it happened to the hospital. Many believe that the woman lay down under the knife of plastic surgeons. The face tightening, indeed, took place, and the operation was unsuccessful - turned out to be sprayed eyebrows, as a result of which Agibalova had to undergo a rehabilitation course. But liposuction, according to Irina, she did not do, explaining that her slightness was caused by a completely different procedure. Doctors removed her a benign tumor, and before and after the operation had to be observed a rather strict diet.

By the way, the thoughts on improving their external data from time to time Irina visited. For example, she stated his intention to make an increase in breast an increase in the new plastic operations and about the desire to become a member of the project "".

However, in 1999, Agibalov divorced. Then Irina married the director of the firm, where he worked. From the second spouse on December 10, 1999, a woman gave birth to Son - Oleg. In 2000, this marriage broke up.

After seven years, Irina and her first husband Yuri, having sold apartments in Butovo and Reutov, bought a house in Pavlovsky Posad, where they decided to live together. On December 29, 2016, Agigalov officially adopted the child of Irina from the second marriage. Now Oleg Wears his surname and patronymic.

// Agibalova I.A.

Why Did Agibalova I.A.?

The amazing slimming of the participants of the house-2 Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova is addicted simply - she made an operation directed to the narrowing of the stomach. Read and see the interview with Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova on the surgical method of weight loss.

Photo Agibalova I.A. before and after weight loss

Question:Irina Alexandrovna How did you manage to lose weight?

The answer of Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova: I really lost weight as a result of surgical intervention, only it is not at all about liposuction. I had a stomach banging. Honestly, before my appeal to the clinic, I did not even consider such a weight loss option. As many women, I considered such operations something terrible and was confident that only liposuction can help me.

Talking with a bariatric surgeon, I made sure that bandage is really a relatively easy way to lose weight. Especially important for me was that I was practically guaranteed the result and said that I can have everything I want and as much as I want to lose weight. I was limited only in the use of ice cream and sweet soda (coca-cola, etc.).

Bandage operation really passed very easily. After her, I rested about 3 hours in the clinic, and the next day I had already set off on the next shooting on the House-2 project. No one did not even notice my absence.

Question: Like Agibalova I.A. Did you decide to reduce weight?

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Bariatric Surgeon Vadim Viktorovich Fedenko:

In the Irina method proposed by us, Aleksandrovna Agibalov bribed the fact that we could confidently promise her weight loss in a scheduled time, without using diets or some other restrictions and without enhanced physical exertion, and she could decide for how many kilograms to lose weight.

The stomach bandage operation today is widely used in our country and abroad. Stomach bunding is recognized as the most physiological, safe and effective method of treating overweight and obesity. The operation is carried out without cuts, does not require long-term rehabilitation and is easily transferred to patients.

Bandage takes only 20-30 minutes and guarantees not only the rapid achievement of the desired goals, but also the preservation of the result for life.

The operation is reversible. If you wish the patient, we can return its stomach to the initial state, but, of course, the weight will come back

Video interview Agibalova I.A. Before the stomach bandage operation

Video interview Agibalova I.A. 1.5 years after the bariatric operation. A detailed story about the new lifestyle and nutrition after the operation to reduce weight:

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First of all, we find out who Irina Agibalova, and what is the responsibility of the interest of the public to her person. She is not a singer and not an actress, but only the baby's grandmother, born by the participants of the reality show. I venture assume that this energetic lady, according to the plan of the authors of the show, was supposed to show the country that age is not a hindrance for active public life And thereby attract the attention of the age audience to the scandalous project. The idea was partly a success - Irina Alexandrovna really appeared fans and opponents, her person actively began to discuss on the Internet, and in addition, they began to actively invite as an "expert" to all sorts of television shows, largely due to plastic operations made it.

Reference. Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova came to the House-2 project in April 2010 at the age of 46 years, naturally, not "build love", and then to help raise the "fruit of love" of his younger daughter Margarita and a participant of the TV project Yevgeny Kuzina. Previously, the lady also flashed on the screen, most often, giving an assessment (usually unfolded) to the next day of the daughter. Not forgotten the Grandmother and the rest of the project participants who were constantly trying to teach the mind, which was confined against themselves almost all the inhabitants of the telestroy. Nevertheless, on the project, Agibalova lasted for about three years and left him in 2013, noticeably imprint and loose. Let's try to figure out which plastic operations were made by Agibalovaya Irina, and her photos will help in this before and after corrections, as well as information available on the Internet.

Irina Agibalova: Plastic face

The radical plastic surgery was made by Irina Agibalova at the age of 47 in one of the metropolitan clinics. Since, according to experts, the condition of the skin and soft fabrics of the face was a deplorable, patient was required and were performed in one reception:

Smas face lift, implying a complex skin suspension, muscles, ligaments and subcutaneous muscles of the neck. This type of surgical intervention allows you to accurately restore the contour and the features of the face and at the same time avoid the effect of the "response" skin, and in addition, the face looks young and taut for 10-15 years. It is believed that after a properly performed operation, the patient does not have clearly pronounced bruises and swells and after a week he can appear in public. However, this is relevant to relatively young people and only if it has been made endoscopic, more sparing, compared with traditional,.

Endoscopic Larba and Brow Patients are done by all age categories, if they are bothering, hanging and wrinkles and. The operation is rather gentle, performed through small cuts in the temporal and frontal zones, usually along the hair growth line with the use of special endoscopic tools. Rehabilitation usually takes about a month.

Lifting middle zone Allows you to smooth over age-related changes in the field of cheekbones and around the eyes. In addition, the operation is eliminated by paint bags, the fat hernias, tear and zilly furrows. An expanded suspension of the middle zone (it was it was done by I. Agibalova) eliminates the obvious signs of aging, such as skin ptosis, omitting the exterior and the collapse of soft tissues of the cheeks (). Operation takes up to two hours and is done through blepharoplasty access (skin and muscles are cut under the crop edge of the lower eyelid). Endoscopic tools are usually used for surgery. Rehabilitation lasts about five weeks, the effect of the operation is preserved up to ten years.

Plastic Ice) It lies in the correction of the subcutaneous muscles of the neck (platbands), which is located between the breast and the lower jaw. If platitum weakens, double chin and folds in the neck area is formed. It is considered one of the most complicated plastic operations, but only it will help restore the contours of the face and neck in full and eliminate non-welltic springs, wrinkles and folds. The photo of Irina Agibalova before and after the operation convincingly demonstrate the improvement and the absence of visible age-related changes.

The result of the operation of Agibalov, according to its own recognition, disappointed. The lady probably wanted to appear in a week in a week before the viewers with the "new" immaculate face. What, in other matters, it happened, but it was impossible to be called an impeccable face - he was hidden the bandage, under which hematoma was clearly visible. Immediately it was concluded that the plastic surgery was failed (although such conclusions can be made at least a month after the intervention, and given the age and health of the patient, this period should be increased to two or three months!). Although the reason for the disorder was still: complications arose, because The face was asymmetrical, the right eyebrow fell, and the upper part of the face lost the fair. To wait, on the advice of specialists who performed the operation, unprecedented natural recovery, Agibalova did not want - under threat it was further participation in the project, since in such a form it was simply refused to be released on the platform. Probably, frightened by the soon oblivion, Irina went to the Clinic "Dr. Plastic", where she was given disappointing diagnoses: paresis of the frontal nerve, the loss of the ear sensitivity (partial) and the formation of fibrous tissues in the seams area.

I.Abalova, restoring procedures, such as ultrasonic and LPG massages, microcurrent therapy and drug treatment, as a result of which the patient's condition improved significantly, and six months later her face acquired a healthy and blooming appearance. With the filing of "grandmother" of telestroy, the press rose in the press around the "unsuccessfulness" of her plastic surgery, but the absurdity of such statements was refuted and specialists of the doctor "Doctor Plastic" and European Professor Ulf Samuelsson, who observed a woman. Yes, rehabilitation was dragged out that it was not surprising with such a set of surgical interventions performed at the same time! If I. Agibalova chose a more sparing option (and the nite lifting) also to it proposed (with the specialists of the doctor's "Dr. Plastic" clinic), such trouble could be avoided.

Video: I. Agibalova at the reception at the plastic surgeon

Irina Agibalova: Plastic Body

After receiving a "new" face, Irina Alexandrovna decided to seriously take up the figure. In the plans of the participant's reality, the show included correction (, liposuction and. However, the state of health and, in particular, the detected benign tumor was postponed for an indefinite period of visiting to the plastic surgeon, but it was necessary to go to the gynecologist and phlebologist. So the operation has become an impetus for weight reduction to remove the tumor, or rather restrictions in nutrition, mandatory in such cases. Restoring, I. Agibalova continued to lose weight and in a few months got rid of 30 kilograms. The lady does not hide that the doctors of the DOCTORPLASTIC clinic have been pretty over her figure: and special cosmetology procedures applied.

I.Abalova was made by the banging of the stomach, that is, a silicone belt was dressed on the body, thanks to which saturation occurs when using a very small amount of food. The operation is made through the puncture in the navel zone, there are no scars on the body. Operation is reversible, if necessary, the bandage can be deleted.

A sharp weight loss led to a natural accusation of the skin in such cases, and the Agibalova worst was the whole thing with the inner surface of the hands. In such cases, usually do But to avoid the scars remaining after it, it was decided to do with the tightening of mezzanines and RF-lifting. In other body zones, the correction was carried out using, procedures and contour plastics.

The "crown" of the transformation program was supposed to become a "new" chest, but difficulties arose in the form of several cysts in lactic glands. After passing the course of appropriate treatment for about two months, the patient was ready for a breast correction operation, during which asymmetry and, which manifested after weight loss were eliminated.

Star Realistic Show "Dom-2" Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova, which is respectfully called the "grandmother" of the project, like any woman, very checkered about their own appearance. It is difficult for her to refuse the presence of natural beauty and charm, but age gradually contributes here its adjustments. Therefore, at the end of 2011, 47-year-old Irina decided on a very radical plastic surgery.

It is not surprising that this event received appropriate lighting within the "House". Since the state of the star was very unsatisfactory, to which Agibalova turned to help, suggested a rather radical option of rejuvenation - conducting several operations at the same time:

  • Endoscopic
  • Subdosny lifting of the middle zone of the face

Such an impressive "Arsenal" in combination with the experience of the surgeon allowed the best way to solve the task of the task, about which the photo of the Irina Agibalova is told about the photo.

Unsuccessful plastic Operation Irina Agibalova

It is worth noting that the plastic of the face has become the first in the life of Irina operation - at least, that is how it stated to their fans. In addition, Agibalova, reported that he had never been ken to himself, but several times did rejuvenating.

In the December aces "House-2", Irina Alexandrovna visited the consultation, on which they, together with Blokin, spoke the details of the future suspenders and made some photos. The plastic surgery itself was conducted by Agibalova before the new year - December 28.

And in just a week later, Irina Alexandrovna reappeared on the television screen, visiting the project with a short-term visit. Cameras recorded her "new" face in a surgical bandage and with characteristic postoperative hematomas.

Estimated transfigurations in the appearance of the star at that time was too early - as a rule, preliminary conclusions about the results of the suspender are made in 2-4 weeks after the operation. But already in mid-January, after the next esters, the fans agreed that Agibalova really began to look markedly younger than his age.

However, at the end of the month, when even postoperative swelling did not touch, and before the final evaluation of the results was still very far, in some media there was serious complications: Irina Agibalova had serious complications: the face has lost symmetry, there were expressed problems with facial expressions and Neesthetic scars.

Photo of Irina Agibalova before and after plastic surgery

It was at that moment that the further participation of Irina Aleksandrovna in "House-2" fell into question. Televishers simply refused to produce her to the site in this form.

Upset star immediately went to consult another clinic (""). The result was disappointing: the Agibalova stated the defeat of the nerves, in particular - paresis of the frontal nerve, damage to the mimic nerves and the partial loss of the sensitivity of the ear, as well as the complex scarring with the formation of fibrous tissues.

Greedy to the sensations of the press hurried to blame in what happened, illustrating the event by photographs of the Agibalova, made literally a few days after the plastic surgery. As a "complication", absolutely planned moments of the recovery period appeared, obvious to any specialist, but very shocking for unfamiliar with the features of such complex surgical interventions of a person.

It cannot be said that this is common practice, but such complications happen, and not so rarely - that is why initially Agibalova recommended a set of "gentle" plastic operations that ensure similar effects (,). Nevertheless, the choice was made in favor of more traumatic.

To calm the star, she was appointed a complex of rehabilitation events - and ultrasound massage, physiotherapy, medical treatment and. And at the end of February 2012, on the conservium, which includes the leading specialists of the clinic ", incl. Her leader, as well as one of the leading European specialists in the field of plastic surgery, Professor Ulf Samuelsson, was once again confirmed that the plastic surgery of Agibalova was successful.

Of course, it was still early to talk about the full restoration at that time, therefore the course of rehabilitation cosmetology procedures was continued. And after half a year, the results of the "unsuccessful" plastic surgery of Irina Agibalova better than any words illustrate her photos.

Irina Aleksandrovna after a complex of rejuvenating activities: plastics,

Irina Agibalova is the most famous telebabushka of Russia, the star "House-2", was born on 01.11.1964 in Semipalatinsk (Kazakhstan).

Life to "home"

The life of Irina and the project was not boring. She was always active and never afraid of change. After graduating from High School, Irina entered the Pedic Institute in the specialty "Chemistry and Biology", which successfully completed and settled to work in the usual high school.

By this time, she had already managed to get married and even give birth to her older daughter Olga. Yuri's husband is a military engineer who served in those years in long aviation. Actually, in the service of the guy from the Moscow region and listed in the distant Semipalatinsk, where he met his destiny. But in 1998, shortly after the birth of the second daughter, the family decided to move to the parents of Yuri in Schelkovo.

In young age

At first Irina, I still got a job as a school. But the teacher's salary lacked to provide the younger children, and soon Irina began to build a business career. Replacing several posts, in 2008 it becomes director of Pharmacy LLC. Yuri is arranged in the design bureau and makes a successful career in Moscow.

House 2

The Dom-2 project came to the Semis Abigalls in 2007. Rather, the older daughter of Irina Olga, who attracted Andrei Cherkasov, came to his playground, and she decided to try to build relationships with him. After some time, "pulled out" to the frontal place of younger, Margarita.

With daughters

The whole country was shocked when the sisters began to compete for one guy. No one still does not know whether this advertising move or both really managed to fall in love with the local macho, but this love triangle made all its participants superpopular. By the way, Olga Cherkasova could not be kept, and she flew out of the project.

Rita was not too compliant and about this often quarreled with Cherkasov. As a result, she also soon left the project, but after a while he returned. Then another participant paid attention to her, and Rita again became part of the love triangle.

As a result, she was pregnant from the new Beloved Eugene Kuzin. The couple played a wedding right on the air, and in December 2009 they had a son.

Irina exit

Working in direct ether with the baby Margarita was very difficult. And at the perimeter, Irina appears, which basically takes care of the grandson. At the same time, it does not feel too silent by the son-in-law, as it always preferences more courageous and independent Cherkasov.

Naturally, she constantly interferes with a young family, which makes it so unbearable that Margarita will soon leave the project.

The very same Irina, who has already managed to become a scandalous, but the star of the show, is not in a hurry to leave the site. In addition, they managed to work well on it perfectly, she dropped overweight, got markedly and learned to many televishes.

True, during this time she was overradiating almost with all residents of "House-2", but Irina himself did not completely worry. She sincerely believed that he had brought up young people, it was divided with her life experience and her main mission on the project.

Soon, Olga's older daughter returned to "Dom-2", and Irina's herself left the project in 2013, but did not disappear into television screens. It constantly appears in the project talk show, as well as various cooking programs, fashion and other female topics.

She really likes her new image and lifestyle, and in the near future she is not going to change anything. On the contrary, it has repeatedly declared a desire to participate in other projects, but until she succeeds.

Personal life

With the first husband, Yuri she divorced in 1999. Scandals began when Irina went into business and practically ceased to go home and take care of the family. Yuri, accustomed to the fact that the spouse is engaged in the house, allegedly could not accept her desire to self-realize.

However, Irina was not long alone, and in the same year she married the director of the firm in which she worked and even managed to give him a son. This gives a reason to think about the true reason for the divorce still became the novel of Irina on the side, which learned the legitimate spouse.

The marriage with the Father of the Third Child lasted less than a year. Already in 2000, the official divorce followed, and the former spouse disappeared from the life of Irina and their joint son. But Yuri again appeared and began to support Irina.

With my husband Yuri

A few years later, they came together again, re-got married, and Yuri adopted the boy so that they had a normal full-fledged family in which they live happily so far.