The guy, hesitating with Tyler, will learn hit Aerosmith by heart. Street musician, hesitating with Stephen Tyler: I still can not believe in what you have happened, your friends have shown that you have a big family

The guy, hesitating with Tyler, will learn hit Aerosmith by heart. Street musician, hesitating with Stephen Tyler: I still can not believe in what you have happened, your friends have shown that you have a big family

Sasha "Linkin Park" - now a real star in local parties. Fight with the legend of world rock by Stephen Tyler - it will not even dream of everyone. And then the sleep is right. It was on Friday late in the evening, the soloist of the Aerosmith group walked around Moscow. The next day he had to speak with a concert on Lubyanka. A street musician played on Kuznetsky Bridge on the guitar. Tyler decided to listen to the guy.

I play "In The End" of the favorite group "Linkin Park", "28-year-old Alexander Anisimov told" KP ". - Gathered a small crowd. In general, everything is as usual. In the dark, the edge of the eye notice among the audience some man in a brilliant blinder and long hair.

- Well? Find out who it is?

Not! Some kind of foreigner, tourist probably. Standing 20 minutes, listened to me. Probably, he liked how I play.

- How did he come to you?

Someone from the crowd shouted: "Play a song from Armageddon. I played "I don" t Wanna Miss a Thing "(" I do not want to miss a moment ", - per.) And here it began.

- He approached the microphone, and you immediately recognized the Tyler?

NOTE! I did not recognize him at all. A foreigner approached me and began to sing along. I was embarrassed a little, moved to the side. "Soots well" - I think. But when he served more confident and louder, it came to me, who is it. I was taken away. As played at this moment - I do not understand. On the machine, probably.

- On the video you with him seems to sing together ...

How there! My breathing captured, lyrics from my head flew out. I sang, gently say, not very. I still can not believe that it was Steve Tyler himself.

- Your friends have shown that you have a big family?

Yes, we have two children with my wife, we are waiting for the third, this is about to be born. My wife is now with your parents in Minsk. I myself am Muscovite and while I am here. I make a living.

- Do you work somewhere?

I earn music - I play clubs, restaurants, on coposportatives. On the Kuznetsky Bridge also regularly go out. But this happened to me for the first time. I wonder if it will happen yet. You know, I consider this meeting with fateful. Recent years tried to get away from music, pampering is all. And here is it! Still, music is my fate.

Help "KP"

What else did Stephen Tyler do in Moscow?

1) walked on shopping, bought a shirt in the Moscow boutique, and profitable - in New York, according to him, such costs 2,000 dollars

2) waved the mop, taking it from the cleaner

3) went to the restaurant "Dr. Zhivago" for dinner

4) celebrated the 45th anniversary of the leader Limp Bizkit Fred Derest in a beacon bar

5) Walked around Red Square and photographed with local police officers

Steve Tyler (Aerosmith) sang with an outdoor musician.Stephen Tyler sang together with a street musician in Moscow Stephen Tyler - American musician, the author of the songs, more known as the leader of the Aerosmith group sang together with a street musician in Moscow. I DON`T Want To Miss a Thing. Already today, September 5, Stephen Tyler and his group Aerosmith will perform at Lubyan Square in honor of the city's Day. But yesterday Tyler gave another, unplanned, mini-concert. Walking on Kuznetsky Bridge, Stephen drew attention to the street musician who played the guitar and remained almost unnoticed by the crowd. Suddenly Tyler approached the young man and with him fulfilled the famous song I don "T Want to Miss a Thing, immediately collecting a big crowd of listeners around him. Some of them fell asking for the camera. Watch friends, like simple world-acting recognizable person He left the crowd and supported a street musician! Russian stars type ..., learn ...)) Steve Tyler made this guy famous not only on the street;)), - wrote one of the eyewitnesses in Facebook. / _2Y2N26J35M

A simple street musician from Kuznetsky bridge Alexander Anisimov at one moment became a star of Russian and world Internet. It is not surprising, because a duet with Muscovite decided to sing not anyone else, as Stephen Tyler himself. The record of how the frontman Aerosmith performs with Alexander a song from the group repertoire, was doomed to become a hit. And LifeNews managed to find a newly new hero of rock and question the details of the joint speech.

Alexander noted that he did not get ready to revise the moment he would remember for life. According to him, Stephen Tyler stood and listened to how he performs songs of other authors, for 20 minutes and no one recognized him in the crowd. The audience understood who stood next to them, only when one of them asked the musician to sing something from Aerosmith. Alexander decided to hit the audience a hit from the soundtrack to Hollywood blockbuster "Armageddon" - and really struck everyone.

- Someone said: "Come on Aerosmith," and he came out. I still stood and played two hours there, and everyone took me to smartphones, everything, as always. And even when Tyler was in the crowd, everyone filmed me, he was simply not recognized. I also did not understand who stands next to. I look - the man in the hat stands and his face is some kind of familiar, - Alexander told.

The musician admitted that he could not find a response, why in the evening of September 4 Stephen Tyler, walking around Kuznetsky Bridge, decided to stop and sing with him just like that. On the Internet, many have already managed to blame the authors of the video in the production, but Alexander all such attacks rejects. According to him, his friend-operator filmed a Tyler in the crowd, because he had been standing there for a long time and no one paid attention to him. And when he approached Alexander to sing together, specially climbed into the network to make sure that next to his friend, a simple guy with a guitar, really stands the living legend of world rock.

- it was especially remembered that he was able to adapt to my game, because I don't remember the chords of that song very well. He is a big one, "said Alexander.

According to other eyewitnesses, the surveyed LifeNews, which happened on Friday is not setting. Tyler just really liked how Alexander sings.

28-year-old Alexander Anisimov admitted that he was engaged in music from 16 years old, but the singer's career did not succeed. Muscovite abandoned music when he married and to feed the family, worked as a loader, seller, bartender. Now with his wife they are waiting for the replenishment - the third child.

According to the musician, last summer he realized that both the game on the guitar could earn enough funds for their relatives. On average, the performance of the songs brings about 70 thousand rubles a month to Alexander, and his personal record is 30 thousand per night, which he earned just on Kuznetsky Bridge.

By the way, Tyler did not leave Alexander money, but it doesn't matter. The fact of what happened is already more expensive than any money. The musician promised that I would now learn i don "T Want to Miss a Thing, and it will be the main song in its street program.

Recall the Aerosmith group on the eve pleased with Alexander, but also hundreds of thousands of other Muscovites who were watching a free concert in honor of the 868th birthday of Moscow.

Tyler arrived in Moscow to give a concert for the day of the city. Aerosmith will perform on Lubyanskaya Square on September 5. The concert for the day of the city will begin at 15:00 and will end at 22:30. Aerosmith will sing about one and a half hours. The entrance to the concert will be free. At the concert, the British singer John Newman and Russian artists Dima Bilan and Polina Gagarin and the Gorky Park group.

During a press conference before the celebration of the city's Day, 67-year-old Tyler confessed to his love for Russian cuisine, and Tom Hamilton's guitarist Tom Hamilton said that the Red Square appeared to him a "beautiful and peaceful place." "My grandmother is German, grandfather - from Ukraine, when they met Russia and Ukraine were one country. Grandfather always considered himself a Russian, and I grew up on the boosher, I adore Russian food. And today I will go there, "the Talera quotes the Russian Agency today.

Tyler compared the Moscow stage with a height of 35 meters with Hollywood scenery: "This is amazing, straight frost on the skin!" The drummer Joey Kramer said that he was struck by the scale of Moscow, but he could not live in such a city. Hamilton added that "in America they used to see the Red Square on TV, with military parades."

Moscow did not spend a penny at the invitation of Aerosmith and other artists, the head of the Moscow Department of Trade and Services Alexey Nemeryuk said. Meanwhile, RBC writes with reference to the competitive documentation on the public procurement website, that the Moscow government will spend more than 500 million rubles for the celebration of the 868th anniversary of the city - twice as much as last year. In the amount did not include the expenses of the mayor's office at the Moscow Autumn festival and on the acceleration of the clouds. The concert paid unknown entrepreneurs who love Aerosmith.

Because of the bad weather, part of the events in the framework of the holiday had to be postponed, the Agency "Interfax" reports. So postponed the procession of 1,200 participants in the Spasskaya Tower Festival on Tverskaya Street. "A powerful atmospheric front from the West approached Moscow, a width of 350-400 kilometers, a depth - about 300 kilometers," explained the deputy mayor of Moscow on housing and communal services and landscaping Peter Biryukov. He said that the meteorepenoval plane rose in the sky. "But because of difficult weather conditions, a strong fog and rain and rain only at 06:00 aircraft flew out, which were to provide good meteo conditions over Moscow," he added. At first, the aviation worked at a distance of 150 kilometers from the city, on the first line of the atmospheric front, then at a distance of 75-100 kilometers. "Now aircraft work in the sky along the Moscow Ring Road," said the official. Later, the group of aircraft increased to 10 pieces. Works, according to Zammer, continued in extreme weather conditions.

Stephen Tallarico (Tyler), Joe Perry and Tom Hamilton decided to unite in the group in 1970 in Boston. Later, Guitarist Brad Whitford and Kramer joined the group. In 1973, Aerosmith recorded the first album. In total, the group sold 150 million albums for its existence. In 2001, the musicians included the Rock and Roll fame hall, and the Rolling Stone magazine and VH1 TV channel included them in the list of 100 of the greatest musicians of all time.

Video: Leader of the Aerosmith group Stephen Tyler sang on Arbat

The leader of the legendary group Aerosmith Stephen Tyler sang on Arbat Duet with a street musician.

Steve Tyler is the leader of the Aerosmith group - which will perform at the bottom of the city in Moscow, on the eve of the concert walked along the Russian capital and pleased his fans of surprises.

Walking around Arbat, the musician sang a duet with one of the street musicians. He performed his song I DON "T Want To Miss a Thing.

Tyler immediately surrounded the crowd, which began to clap and sing along with him well-known motifs.

On the Internet bloggers write that this is the most beautiful thing they saw in the last day. "The musician of happiness is enough for the end of the days. It will be that the grandchildren tell," he wrote one of the users.

Steven Tyler (Steven Tyler), Present Name Stephen Victor Tallarico (Stephen Victor Tallarico) was born on March 26, 1948 in Jonkers (New York, USA). American musician, songwriter, more famous as the leader of the Aerosmith group.

In the 1970s and early 1980s, Tyler was also known for his addiction to drugs and alcohol. During his bright and dynamic performances, he usually went on stage in bright and colorful clothes, and his branded sign was the microphone racks, with screams attached to them. His name is located on the 99th position in the list of the greatest vocalists of the Rolling Stone magazine. It is also noted on the 3rd line in the charts of Vocalists 100 Parader "S Metal.

In 1970, together with Gitarist, Joe Parry founded the Aerosmith group. In the group, in addition to vocals, plays immediately on several instruments: lifting harmonica, keyboards, drums, bass guitar, mandolin, violin, flute.

He was married three times (from 1978 to 1987 on Syringe Fox, from 1987 to 1988 to Elin Rose, from 1988 to 2006 on Teresa Barrick), he has four children. One of them is the famous actress Liv Tyler (daughter Bibi Bewell). Less known, however, also filmed into the cinema and operates the other daughter of Stephen - Mia.

In 2007, Stephen signed an agreement with the Activision game company to the right to use the appearance and songs of the Aerosmith group in Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (2008).

In November 2009, in its online interview, leaving the group was announced, but after 3 days, Steve denied this information while performing with Joe Perry over his solo project.

In December 2009, he was treated on drug addiction in a rehabilitation center.

On November 9, he was invited to the MISS Universe 2013 contest, where he headed the jury of the competition and performed his famous single "Dream ON".

Known with its drops and receipt of ridiculous injuries. The last time with a fall out of the bath, he knocked himself 2 tooth.

Played himself in the episodic role of the series "Two and a half people".

Owns the first car Hennessey Performance Venom GT Spyder.