Alexander Novikov's Biography and Personal Life, discography and musical creativity. Alexander Novikov - biography, personal life, creativity where the singer Alexander Novikov is located

Alexander Novikov's Biography and Personal Life, discography and musical creativity. Alexander Novikov - biography, personal life, creativity where the singer Alexander Novikov is located
Alexander Novikov's Biography and Personal Life, discography and musical creativity. Alexander Novikov - biography, personal life, creativity where the singer Alexander Novikov is located

Alexander Novikov - Famous Soviet, Russian chanson, artist of the author's songs. This musician has already refused the honorary title of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation three times.


Alexander Novikov was born in the petrel (Kuriles, ITUP ISUP) on October 31, 1953. The petrel was called military town, where his father, a military pilot, was sent to serve. Mom boy was a housewife. A few years later, Novikova-Sr.'s service came to an end. The family moved to the Great Earth, in the city of Frunze, the capital of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, which is now called Bishkek. Almost all his school childhood Sasha spent in this city.

He could not be called a diligent student. Sasha managed well only in those subjects that were interesting to him. Already in the younger school, he perfectly knew the verses of Yesenin, read "Anna Karenina", but in his diary there are always more "Trok" than the "five". When he became older, the family moved to a new place of residence, in Sverdlovsk, where the guy graduated from high school.

In the family of the Soviet officer, a small rebar and an oppositionist, Sasha early developed a negative attitude towards the Soviet system. Pioneer and Komsomol organization were greatly politicized. Many events in these organizations were formally conducted for a check mark, and it was very annoyed by thinking teenagers. Novikov was just such a young man, smart, critical, he saw how much the words of the Komsomol leaders differ from their affairs and behavior.

He did not want to join the Komsomol, and I had to pay for it. He was an honest, open man, did not have the habit of hiding his views. Problems began with school teachers, law enforcement agencies. As a result, Novikov failed to get higher education.

He tried to do it three times, but not in one university did not want to see such a free-rope. Novikov studied in the Ural Polytechnic, in Sverdlovsk Mountain, in the Forestry Institute. As soon as information was received in the dean, he was not a Komsomol, the young man was expelled from student rows.

According to youth, he was not too frustrated because of this. Soon Sasha and generally began to think that the technical education was not his road. He had a big desire to become a rock musician, and then chanson. Music career began to gain momentum, but then the unexpected arrest followed. Initially, he was accused of anti-Soviet lyrics. But it was so unfounded, a contrived accusation that after a while the investigator changed the article. Novikov convicted for speculation, falsification of musical equipment. Such an accusation also did not have any soil, but he had to spend the next ten years of his life behind bars.

As a result, the musician conducted in places not so distant six long years. He behaved very adequately, the singer has repeatedly offered an easy job, for example, to fulfill the duties of the librarian. However, Novikov did not consider it possible to agree on preferential conditions, along with the main mass of prisoners he worked on the forestry, at a construction site. Prisoners respect him for a persistent character. Alexander and here did not lose time with nothing, wrote poems in his free time. In 1990, Novikova dismissed early, the Supreme Court of the USSR considered his arrest and the verdict unreasonable.


Even before his arrest, Alexander was carried away with music, organized his own group "Rock Polygon". It was at the very beginning of the 80s. Novikov himself wrote songs, played the guitar, was the performer. The first songs of the singer had a barrier difference from his later creativity. Music team played rock and roll with some linations of punk roll.

The artist opens his own recording studio for the name "Novik Records". In 1981, he was engaged in the recording of the first magneto albums. However, after three years, Novikov became interested in a completely different genre, spiritual songs become much closer to him. He records the album called "Visit me, the cab". In this collection, many famous songs of the artist were included - "The City of Ancient", "where the pathways leads", "telephone conversation", "Ruble-penny". After that, a long pause came in his musical career, the performer held his days in a prison camp.

Returning from the conclusion, Novikov immediately engaged in reproving the old album. On the second day after his arrival, it already works in the studio. Two songs from the new collection are gaining great popularity, it is the "Eastern Street" composition, and "remember the girl! ..". After a while, three more songs Novikov become hits - "chanson", "city romance", "parting with her." Alexander writes texts himself, picks up music to them. On the most popular songs, he records video clips, causing great interest among Melomanians.

The singer himself is a big fan of Sergey Yesenin's creativity, the poets of the Silver Age. In 1997, he recorded the Disk "Sergey Yesenin", where he used the poems of the Russian poet as texts for Hingshells. After Novikov, he released the plates "I remember, Favorite" to the verses of Yesenin and "Pineapple in Champagne" to poets of the Silver Century poets. In the list of singer - over two dozen studio works.

In the mid-1990s, Novikov reached the peak of a career of the artist. He actively engages in concert activities, creates concert albums. He released fifteen disks, where he wrote out music from performances. Novikov enjoys recognition from his colleagues, he was 12 times nominated for the "Chanson Year" award. As a result, the executor 9 times became a laureate of the prestigious award.

Social activity

In 2010, the famous chanson came to the post of arthritu Ekaterinburg Estrada Theater. The musician immediately engaged in the adjustment of the theater repertoire. One of the performances, the "blue puppy", which enjoyed popular with local theater, immediately fell under the ban. The artist explained the reason for such disfavor. He called the setting of low-grade, artistic feeding material tasteless, and in the very topic of the "blue puppy" discovered a clear hint of pedophilia.

Novikov - a man with an active life position. I united with Alexey Navalny, he urged his countrymen to go to the polls, to give a voice for those candidates whom the Urals consider worthy.

Novikov tried his strength and as director's director. The names of these tapes - "Remember, the girl?", "I just from the cage", "Gop Stop Show". The most popular work was a biographical film called "Oh, this Farian!". The tape is dedicated to the Creator of the group "Boney M" Frank Farian. Abroad, the picture had a great success, but the Russian audiences could not see it.

Scandal with "Cove of Queens"

In 2015, Novikova, together with M. Shilimanov, accused of fraud. The future tenants of the housing and construction cooperative "Cove Quins", which made their money for the construction of apartments, feared that housing would never complete, because the construction was in a frozen state.

It was about the lack of 50 million rubles, which allegedly appropriated Novikov and Shilimanov. Alexander managed to prove his innocence in this matter, currently the ostels "Cove of Quins" settled into their apartments and do not have complaints about the Contractor.

Personal life

Famous chanson is married. Maria, his spouse, he met while studying at the Mountain Institute. The girl also studied here, young people met during geophysical practice. After the singer was in prison, the woman was patiently waiting for his return. He is very grateful to his spouse for it, and made everything to her further life to be secured and happy.

Know the biography of Alexander Novikov is important to everyone who understands domestic music. This is a famous domestic performer of Shanson's own songs. A unique musician who has already been refused three times to receive the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In total, they are written about three hundred songs, the most famous of which "chanson", "drove me, the cab", "Street beauty", "remember, girl? ..". In its discography, 20 only license albums, he is a repeated winner of the "Ovation" and "chanson year" premiums.

early years

To tell the biography of Alexander Novikov to begin in 1953, when he was born on the island of ITUURUP on the territory of the Sakhalin region. Ros Hero of our article in a small military town of Petrel, since his father was a military pilot, and Mom was engaged in household.

A few years later, a change in the biography of Alexander Novikova and his family. Father transferred to another service place, the family moved to Bishkek on the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan. There Sasha went to the first class. But it was already released in Sverdlovsk.


In adolescence, Alexander was already distinguished by a negative attitude towards the state system in the country. For example, he even refused to join the Komsomol, because of what he had constantly problems with teachers and the police. As a result, this fact became decisive at admission to the university.

Although Novikov made three attempts: I was tried to the Sverdlovsk Mountain Institute, then in the Ural Polytechnic and Forestry, but everywhere to no avail. Soon he was expelled.

True, he was not very frustrated because of this, because at that time the rock music was held in his life, it was confidently said that she had a significant impact on the biography of Alexander Novikov.

At the beginning of a career

In addition to rock music, he was fond of Chanson, thanks to which in the future and became famous. When his career was already gaining momentum, Alexander was arrested.

At first, he was accused of anti-Soviet songs, but since it was not easy to prove it, the accusation was later replaced. To judge the Hero of our article decided for falsification and speculation with musical appliances.

The singer received a real sentence - ten years colony. At the Alexander Zone, a simple work was offered a simple job, such as a librarian, but he categorically refused, going every day to the forest. So he overcame this difficult period in his biography of Bard Alexander Vasilyevich Novikov with a highly raised head. It was respected by other prisoners.

During the restructuring in 1990, the verdict of our article was recognized as an unreasonable supreme court, he was released conditionally. In total, Alexander spent six years in prison places.

Creative career

The Creative Career Novikov began to develop in the early 80s, but the popularity came to him only after being released from prison. The conclusion imposed its mark on the biography of Bard Alexander Novikov, hence, apparently, the choice of the appropriate repertoire.

At the very beginning of his career, he even managed to organize his own team, which was called the "rock polygon". The musician himself wrote songs for the group, fulfilling them on the guitar. True, the style of the very first compositions was very distinguished from those songs to which his fans were accustomed to today. In the early 80s it was a mixture of rock and roll and punk rock.

Change format

In 1981, the new magnetic albums created the first magnetic albums in the recording record studio. But already in 1984, the musician change dramatically the format of his creativity.

Novikov records a whole collection of spiritual songs, which hit such hits as the "telephone conversation", "the city of the ancient", "where the pathways", "Rubliki-Kopechka". After that, in the creative biography of Bard Alexander Novikov, a long pause associated with imprisonment was followed.

At freedom

Returning to freedom, he reprins the previous album. After the appearance of it on the shelves of music stores, they immediately become real hits of the composition "Eastern Street", "Remember, girl? ..". Most of the songs he writes himself, creating texts favorite listeners.

There are in the work of Novikov and several albums, songs in which are written on the poems of other authors. For example, in 1997 a plate "Sergey Yesenin" appeared, on which the poets of the poet of the Silver Age, laid on the music. Later he repeated this experience, having released another album on the verses of Yesenin entitled "I remember, my beloved" and the album "Pineapple in champagne", in which there were poems of different poets of the Silver Age.

Starting from the mid-1990s, the musician regularly travels around the country with concerts and solo programs. Music from such speeches makes in the form of separate albums. His discs have already gained 15.

During his creative career, Novikov was only 12 times nominated for the Prize "Chanson of the Year", chasing to defeat nine times.

Social activity

In 2010, unexpectedly for many Novikov appointed the art leader of the stage theater in his native Yekaterinburg, where a large part of the hero of our article was held. Reviewing the Repertoire, Alexander Vasilyevich forbade the production of the "Blue Puppy", which was loved among local theatrons. In the play, the artist himself saw a hint of low-grade, pedophilia and a miserable. This decision caused a scandal with a local creative elite. So began his work as an artistic director.

In 2011, Novikov again turned out to be the focus of the media when the inhabitants of Yekaterinburg did not go to the elections along with the famous opposition politician Alexei Navalny.

In 2014 and 2015, Novikov was a member of the jury of the popular TV shows "Three Chord", which went out on the first channel, repeatedly acted on stage.

In 2016, it became known that the Novikov himself plans to run into deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region. However, to take part in the elections did not allow new problems with the law.

Again in the center of the criminal case

In December 2016, it became known that a criminal case was initiated against Novikov under the article "Fraud in particularly large amount". Before the new year, the court sent him under house arrest for a period of two months.

According to investigators, who led this case, with the ex-deputy minister of Sverdlovsk region, Mikhail Shilimanov gathered money from the construction of the cottage settlement in Yekaterinburg called "Queensk Bay". In total, they managed to get about 150 million rubles.

After that, they transferred money to their accounts, and the construction of houses frozen. The ultimate amount of damage the result estimated at about 35.5 million rubles. In January 2017, it became known that Novikov, being under a subscription on the wrong season, left Russia to the United Arab Emirates for treatment. However, soon he returned back.

A family

To learn about the biography, personal life, the children of Alexander Novikov seek all his fans. The hero of our article is married, his chosen is Mary. He met her on geodesic practice, when she was still in the Geological Institute.

When he was in prison, a woman did not turn away from him. She together with her husband passed through all the difficulties, now they are together for more than forty years. So in the biography of Alexander Novikova, personal life played a big role. Wife did not allow him to lower his hands and despair in difficult minutes. In communicating with representatives of the media, Novikov often emphasized that he was grateful to his wife and does not want to change anything in his family.

Even in the black stripes of their biography, the singer Alexander Novikov could always rely on the family. He and Maria had two children. Natalia's daughter became art historian and designer, and the son of Igor is a professional photo artist. Currently, the singer has already become a grandfather.

It is known that Novikov is a deeply believer man. At the same time, it is not limited to a visit to the church and prayers. In 1993, he, together with the bell tower from Uralsk, cast seven big bells, which decorated the bas-reliefs of kings from the genus Romanov. All this belfry was donated to the men's monastery, where it still remains. That's all that is aware of the biography of the singer Alexander Novikova, the personal life of the hero of our article.

Activities in recent years

A new criminal case against Novikov became the main thing that occupied the famous singer in recent years. The investigation and consideration of the charge in court turned out to be complex and confusing. As a result, the whole process stretched over two years. Only in August 2017, the court of Yekaterinburg made a final decision, recognizing the musician guilty of a crime. Novikov himself categorically all denies, presenting evidence of its rightness. One of them, according to him, is the completion of the construction of cottages and the transfer of real estate objects by the shareholders of the residential complex.

On the "First Channel" even released the release of the program "Let them say" with Dmitry Borisov, who was dedicated to this events. As for the scandalous criminal case, there was a lot of those who wish to speak.

The singer himself, after entering the transfer to the screen, sueded her creators and leading Dmitry Borisov, accusing to discharge his reputation of the artist and frank slander. About this, Alexander himself reported on one of his pages on social networks. Currently, the legality of the actions of the television company and the Creators of the Transmission "Let them say" is being checked.

In September 2018, the singer announced the release of his new album under the name "Girl-Fire". Prior to that, his latest albums were called "Blessed", "E-album", "breaking with her", "I remember my beloved ...", "Ponty Amur". Also, his collection of "Hooligan Songs", which included the most popular hits from the previous creativity of the Hero of our article and fresh musical compositions.

Alexander Novikov - Russian chanson, who was able to become truly famous not only in his country, but also for its borders. He had to endure a lot of complex life stages, but he turned every tried emotion into a sincere composition.

The man managed to achieve fame as a bard, a composer, a reliable equipment manufacturer, as well as a successful studio manager.

Childhood and family Alexander Novikova

Alexander Novikov was born on October 31, 1953 on the island of ITUP (the largest island of Kuril). In childhood, the boy was not particularly injured, but the parents were loving and caring.

Alexandra Father was a military pilot, Mom tried to pay a lot of attention to his son and therefore became a housewife. In 1959, the head of the family went to a well-deserved rest and decided that it was time to get out of a small village, where there were no prospects for the Son. As soon as Sasha turned 6 years old, parents decided to move to Kyrgyzstan to get a good education in Bishkek.

At first, the boy was hard to get used to the new atmosphere and others, but at school he quickly adapted and fought friends. He was ambiguous as a student: already in the first grade knew the verses of Yesenin, I read the "war and peace" to the third class, nevertheless, he had bad estimates in his table, and because of his bad behavior, he was not taken to pioneers.

Parents often moved, so the boy changed 4 educational institutions for school years. He received a certificate in one of Sverdlovsk schools in 1970.

For the past 10 years, he persistently tried to receive higher education: at first in the Ural Polytechnic university, and then in mountain and forestry universities. He failed to get the desired diploma, because he was all the time expelled for various reasons: behavior, performance, coincidence.

So, at 18, he received the first term for the fight, but his motives were noble. Together with the buddies, he witnessed the beating of the waitress and stuck behind a woman. Grubian was beaten up to the hospital bed, and while he lay unconscious Alexander pulled the clock from his pocket and gave victims as compensation. Alexander Dali "Consolid" and sentenced to mandatory work.

In the student years, Alexander has made himself a bad reputation between the "anti-Sovetchik", as the flattery refused to join the Komsomol and was not afraid to criticize the regime. This was listed in the bodies and were closely followed by him. Leaving attempts to get a tower, the guy decided to devote himself to creativity. In the late 70s, he began to perform in expensive restaurants of Sverdlovsk: "Malachite", "Cosmos", "Ural Pelmeni".

Musical career

In 1981, the guy opened the Novik-Records Studio and gathered the Rock Polygon group. The repertoire consisted of an interesting mixing of rock and roll, reggae and even psychedelic rock, which in the USSR was new. In 1983, the team presented a debut album with the name of the same name. Unfortunately, creativity has not been checking the ideology, and therefore there were few concerts and they were all underground, not for the general public.

In parallel with this, the young man began the production of electrical equipment, which was not inferior to the quality of foreign. He also worked as a coach in a sports club.

In 1984, Alexander decided to experiment with the genres and released a debut solo album "Vise me, the cabin in the style of Chanson.

The fans were delighted with the record, but they didn't even guess what efforts to write it down. Other musicians came to the aid of Alexander: Alexey Khomenko, Vladimir Elizarov and Sergey Kuznetsov. So without having agreed to rent a studio, which was located on the territory of the Uralmash plant, the guys scratched there at night and recorded a really good album.

Alexander Novikov - "Visi me, the cab"

After the world heard the new creation of Alexander, the authorities have established observation after him. His talk on the phone was heard, followed every step and, of course, they collected information in pieces. At some point, it has accumulated enough to arrest the musician.

Alexander Novikova arrest

The fateful in the morning of October 5, 1984, Alexander passed along the embankment, how suddenly the car was stopped and people came out of it in civilian clothes. He was arrested, placed in the SIZO, and a criminal case was brought under Art. 93-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR ("Theft of State or Public Property in Extremely Large Sizes"). The texts of the songs Alexandra did not work under the criminal case, so accused him of the manufacture and selling fake musical instrument. However, the singer was confident that his songs became the cause of arrest. "The author of the above-mentioned songs needs if not in psychiatric, then in prison isolation," it was noted in the conclusion of the expert. In 1985, a court was held, which is a progress of a novice singer for 10 years of strict regime. Freedom Sasha has a wife and two minor children.

Once in prison in the small town of Ivdel in the north of the Sverdlovsk region, Alexander could get a good place in the library, but he chose only the hardest job. It was this act that he deserved recognition of local authorities. Throughout the term, he seized the forest and helped in construction.

In 1990, the Supreme Council of the RSFSR decided to free the prisoner, and a little later, the Supreme Court of Russia pardoned Alexander. The authorities agreed that Alexander spent 6 years in conclusion due to a fabricated business.

Further career

Once at freedom, Alexander first restored his studio and continued to engage in creativity. In the mid-90s, the singer spoke on the radio, recorded albums and toured. In 1993, he personally drew mockups and cast 7 bells for the temple, which should have been built on the site of the death of the Romanov family.

In 1995, he received the prestigious Award "Ovation", and in two years later he recorded a new album called "Sergey Yesenin". In 2000, he went to Ekaterinburg to give the manufactured bells to St. Patriarch Alexei II.

Alexander Novikov - Remember, Girl

For his career, Alexander released more than 300 songs, and also received the informal title of pioneer of the "City Romance" genre. His most popular albums, the "driver", "remember, the girl" and the "city of ancient", became a real classic of chanson. The clip on the song "Chancenet" is perfectly known to all connoisseurs of the genre.

Alexander Novikov - chanson

In the summer of 2010, Alexander Novikov became the head of the Yekaterinburg Theater, and a few months later released another album "Pineapples in Champagne". In 2012, the next album was recorded - "Peeling with her."

Despite the old age, Alexander is engaged in sports, does not smoke and almost all free time from the speeches is spent with his family.

Concert Alexander Novikova, Song "In the Zathetic Restaurant"

In 2013, he recorded an album called "E-album", and in a year - "along the memory". In the fall of the same year, a concert took place in the Kremlin Palace, where the singer fulfilled many songs from the album who had loved to everyone "Visi me, the cabin." You could hear these hits on the NTV television channel.

Personal life of Alexander Novikova

Alexandra has a loving wife Maria, whom he met in his youth. In serious times, a son and daughter were born in the family couple. The spouse did not quit her husband in conclusion, I was looking forward to his return.

The singer is very proud of his daughter Natasha: she received a good education and became a professional designer. As for Son Igor, it is only known that he has his own photo show.

At one of the ceremonies of the premium, the "Chanson" Novikov gave a small interview, in which he thanked his wife for being able to save the family in the hard time for them. He also officially declared that he would never throw it, whatever rumors did journalists.

Alexander Novikov today

At the end of 2015, Alexander Novikov became a fragmentary of a large scandal. The LCD Covers' LCD, the construction of which was conducted for three years, but was frozen in 2012, accused him and his companion Mikhail Shilimanov, former deputy minister of the Sverdlovsk Region economy, in the embezzlement of funds with a total of 150 million. The shareholders were convinced that Novikov and Shilimans simply listed their means to their account and stopped the construction.

In August 2017, the singer presented a final charge under the article "Fraud in a particularly large amount, a committed group of persons on the preliminary conspiracy." However, the construction of the "Queens Bay" the developer still finished.

October 31, 1953 In the village of Petrel near Islands, ITUPUP was born creative and famous - Alexander Novikov. Known as author-musician songs in the genre of Russian chanson. Dad is a military pilot, mother housewife.

From an early age, parents have comprehensively developed a guy. As a child, I went to the box, then on sambo. Mom tried to instill love for the theater. The first stage where they visited - "Unknown with a tail." The family moved to Kyrgyzstan to the city of Bishkek, the boy was 6 years old. I went to the first class in 1960. In 1969 He moved to Sverdlovsk, there he graduated from education, and in 1970 he received his diploma. Upon current day, he works and lives in Sverdlovsk. After he graduated from school, the Ural Polytechnic, Sverdlovsk Mountain, Ural Lesotekhnichechnic, joined three universities, was expelled from each other for their reasons.

Personal life

In the last university met with a girl of Masha. Soon 1975, she became his wife and in the same year her son Igor gave him. After seven years, she also gave birth to a daughter called Natasha. Novikov challenged the rules and principles. The guy was with character, often walked contrary to the opinion of people. Soviet regime criticized. Komsomol was not fundamentally, he did not tolerate them terribly. Organs were interested in such a person, the highest circles were watching him.


From 1970s, he very loved the car for this reason got a job as a car mechanic. His work was to restore cars after car accident. Novikova had a "kopeck" car, which he acquired. Some driver crashed on it, and Alexander managed to restore it, thus assigned it to himself. In the late 70s, rock music became interested in. Sasha got a job in the restaurants of Sverdlovsk by a musician and a singer. He worked in such establishments "Cosmos", "Malachite", "Ural Pelmeni".

Start of creativity

For 4 years of work, I gathered not small money. He opened his own workshop of the Novik-Records Studio. There began to write down his rock songs.

The Rock Polygon group created his group in 1980. The first album called the Rock Polygon. Songs were performed in rock and roll styles, reggae, a new wave with elements of punk rock and psychedelic rock. The government did not support the type of activity of musicians, so the group was not quite legal. Music equipment was manufactured by Novikov himself. Some instrument musicians still enjoy.

In 1984, Alexander Novikov liked Chanson, he wanted to create his "dirty" songs. In 1984, he released an album with 18 songs. Such people worked on the creation of the album: Abramov, Khomenko, Chekuns, Kuznetsov, Elizarov. So there were hits "Visit me, the driver", "I came out of the Jewish Quarter" and "remember the girl?".

Worked on the album at night in the House of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Plant "Uralmash". I avoided the authorities, they were afraid that they would not have time to finish the started, but the prisons were not afraid. Some elderly gentleman, special in this matter, took up the promotion of this album. True, Novikov he said immediately: "I can roll it all over the country in two months, but you, a young man, will rise." The moral character of the guy did not stop and already in May 3, 1984, the album "Vesi me, the cab" was published. The album became very popular, by tyary broke all records, he listened throughout the corners of the country and throughout the Soviet Union. Furior was awesome. The musician was watching, his phone was standing on the velvet, the sector of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was outraged by such behavior.

Arrest and freedom

In October 5, 1984, the musician grabbed the streets straight on the street and placed in the insulator of Sverdlovsk. In the criminal case there was every song and review of it. The authorities believed that Alexander Novikov should fall into a psychiatric hospital or to prison. The musician also accused of creating musical instruments. He was given 10 years of strict regime.

For all the years in prison, he was offered light work, but Alexander refused, he, as well as worked on the forest, construction. Novikov was a man with a modest behavior that was not afraid of hard work, all prisoners respected him for it. Being in the chamber one 30 days, wrote his other song "On Eastern Street". Released in 1990 by the Armed Forces of Russia, revoked the sentence. In the 90s, he became the artistic director of the theater of the song. The musician for his unpleasant statements attributed to unwanted persons.

Creative ascent

Closer to the mid-1990s, Alexander Novikov began playing on television, radio. Tours, gave concerts and recorded new albums.

In the 93th year was the producer of the young singer Natalia Sturm. Removed the film in the documentary genre about the group "Boney M." And its creator Frank Farian "Oh, This Farian!" In 1994. The shooting took place in Luxembourg and Germany, the film included unique interviews of Farian and materials from his personal archive. In Russia, the film did not show. Alexander Novikov also starred in such films as "Gop Stop Show", "Remember, girl?", "I just from the cage". Novikov received the "Ovation" premium in the nomination "City Romance" in 1995. He created an album called "Sergey Yesenin," wrote songs to poet poems, the musicians rated his album and considered him the best. Alexander wrote over 300 songs and poems.

The first clip, which became unique - "Chancel". In this clip, all the characters were made manually without the help of computer graphics. Alexander Novikov was the first to create a city romance genre.

Life today

To date, Sasha lives with his wife, be proud of his children and grandchildren. Loves fishing, hunt. He became an authority in criminal circles, but he sees bad things in it. Sasha is a believer, helps in the construction of the temple. The bells were cast for the temple-wisp and for the monastery of the Holy Royal Straights on the Ganina Name. The bells are unique. He became an outstanding musician of the twentieth century. The best work believes "remember the girl?". Takes part in the Kremlin in the National Prize "Chanson Year". He refers his songs to the male lyrics. Tours often. Alexander Novikov is a musician, composer, singer, author and public figure. President of the Ural Foundation "400 Years House Romanov". Leads in Yekaterinburg the stage theater.

When he was appointed Derukom, the first thing that he did it, gave a decree to prohibit the play of the Blue Puppy, in which the sign of the propaganda of pedophilia.