Sun and Cloud Janni Rodari Review. Literary reading lesson Topic: Gianni Rodari "Sun and Cloud

Sun and Cloud Janni Rodari Review. Literary reading lesson Topic: Gianni Rodari
Sun and Cloud Janni Rodari Review. Literary reading lesson Topic: Gianni Rodari "Sun and Cloud

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1. Working with the text of the work before reading.

Find such a fairy tale in the textbook.

- What did we read from the works of J. Rodari? (In addition to the "Adventures of Chipollino", J. Rodari wrote many other fairy tales, amazing stories and wonderful poems.)

- Who will be the heroes of the new work?

2. Consider illustration. Slide 5.

- Is there anything fabulous in the artist's illustration? (Not . )

- What sun on the illustration? (Bright, affectionate, festive . ) And cloud?

Pay attention to the illustration. What paints took an artist?

- What can happen between the sun and cloud?

Assumptions of children.

2. Working with the text while reading.

1. Reading to yourself (it is given to install a dialogue with the author through the text).

A pencil in the text marked where you asked the question and emphasize the words whose value will be incomprehensible to you.

Our assumptions were confirmed?

Which of them was happier - the sun or cloud?

Let's try to figure out why the sun is happily, but there is no cloud.

What incomprehensible words met? Slide 6.

Chariot - in ancient: large wheel carriage, wagon harvested by horses

Fire chariot of orange-red color, color of fire.

Goredely - expressing his own superiority and dignity. Slide 7.

Generously - not stupid and not greeding. Slide 8.

Transzhira is the one who is frivolously spending without parsing or distributes something. Slide 9.

FizminutkaSlide 10.

2. Reading out loud and conversation in the course of reading.

Productive reading.

The sun traveled across the sky on his fiery chariot fun and proudly. It generously scattered rays - in all directions.

What traveled the sun?

Why was the fiery chariot in the sun? (Sun roast, like fire. Therefore, the chariot fiery as the sun)

And everything was fun. Only cloud was angry and grumbled in the sun.

Oh why?

N your assumptions

And it was not surprising, she had a storm mood.

What does the thunder mood mean? (Thunderstorm - Very dangerous, frightening, inspiring strong fear.)

-TRANSIRA YOU! - Cloud frowned. - Drying hands! Shoulder, shit with your rays! Let's see what you will stay with!

Burrying hands -

Have you met with such an expression?

And the sun she listens to the cloud?

And in the vineyards each berry caught the ray of the sun and rejoiced him. And there was no such blade, spider or flower, there was no such droplet of water that would not try to get their own part of the sun.

Why were everyone joined the sunshine?

Why did everyone try to get their Sun part? (From the sun's rays, everything around was awakened. Looking in the sun, everyone had a mood. Warm rays were imperative, and from this, he also became warmer.)

And who did not like the sun? Why?

-Well, the tranir is still, - did not have a cloud, - the trangrib of his wealth! See how they thank you when you already have nothing to take!

The sun has continued to roll around the sky and millions, a billion crushed his rays.

When the sun docked them to enter the sun, it turned out that they were all together, look, everything is up to one!

After learning about it, the cloud was so surprised that I was immediately crumbled in Grad. And the sun has fun jammed into the sea.

What was the cloud surprised? What happened to her? (The fact that not a single ray was missing for the sunset at the sun. They were all together. The cloud crumbled hail.)

What was the sun at the end of the day? (funny, happy) Why?

Work in groups (Slide check)Slide 11.

Connect the words, suggestions related to the heroes.

3.Preparation for expressive reading.

but) Selective reading.

- What was the sun? ( "Traveling fun and proudly", "Each berry rejoiced to him," "crushed his rays," "fun frowning.")

- What did cloud do? Choose from text verbs related to it.

(Frowned, did not lose, angry, grumbled, was surprised, crumbled. )

Prepare in pairs.

b) Expressive reading

3. Working with text after reading.

- Describe the main characters of this fairy tale.

- Which of the heroes did you like more? Why?

Who reminds the sun and cloud with their actions, speech? (People who are generous, like the sun, and greedy, dissatisfied as a cloud.)

What kind of people can we compare with the sun? (Good, responsive, generous, caring.)

And about what kind of people can we say "go black of clouds"? (Gloomy, unlike, evil.)

What attracts him in people? (Kindness, generosity, openness.)

What repels? ( Rudeness, malice, envy)

In this, at first glance, a tale of J. Rodari wanted to tell us something very important.

6) What do you think, what advice gives us Janni Rodari? (be generous, good)

- So who was happier - the sun or cloud? Why?

What is the main thought of the fairy tale Gianni Rodari?

Work in parach

Read and select proverbs that characterize clouds, emphasize them with a blue pencil, the sun - a red pencil.

Simulate proverbs - "nuts" with their "nuclei" - thoughts.

Good age will not forget. Do not compete

Do not rise the nose: Will stumble. Speak less, do more

Life is given to good deeds. Do good

Do not rush the tongue in a hurry. Welcome long remember

Class: 2

1. Factual information: The sun traveled through the sky and spread his rays. The sun gave her rays and vineyards, insects, and beasts, and all plants. Cloud was angry and grumbled in the sun. At the end of the day of the rays, the sun did not diminish, and the cloud from anger was crumbled with hail.

Subtext information: Sun is a symbol of generosity. Cloud, because of his thunderstorm, reproached the sun in generosity.

Conceptual information: be generous in relation to others. The person himself will not impoverish from this, and it will be spiritually richer.

2. Genre: Tale-Nocturne.

3. Theme: "What does it mean to be generous?" (On the tale of Gianni Rodari "Sun and Cloud")

4. The objectives of the lesson:

  • to acquaint with the work of Gianni Rodari "Sun and Cloud", with a new literary genre of a fairy tale-nocturous, literary admission of the allegory;
  • analyze the characteristics of the nature of the sun and clouds, help students make an independent conclusion that, it means to be generous;
  • to watch the author's ratio to the heroes of the fairy tale.

5. The type of lesson is a dating lesson with a new text.

Stage of antibodies

Read the offer written on the board "It traveled across the sky on its fiery chariot, spread the rays - in all directions"

What is it about?

What helped determine?

Chariot (big wheel crew).

How could the sun travel in a chariot?

Pick up the words for the word "sun": rays, the sun, grumbled, generously, cloud, crumbled a hail, fun, angry.

And the remaining words to what can be attributed to? (Cloud)

And what a cloud can grumble, angry? (Figurative meaning)

In my opinion, grumble, angry - these are words synonyms, what do you think?

This is the title of a new work. Open textbooks.

Who is such a cloud, the sun? (Heroes of the work) Title - the main characters.

You have already met the key words of the text. Can I immediately determine the product genre? (Story)

This is not just a fairy tale, but a tale-nocturne.

What is incomprehensible in definition? (Nocturne). (Nocturne - a small lyrical work)

Is it clear now? (Lyrical work - work, expressing feelings, experiences)

Consider illustration

This is a fairytale. What is fabulous on it? (There is nothing fabulous)

Pay attention to the nature depicted on the illustration. (Italy - Motherland Gianni Rodari)

What is the sun on the illustration? (Bright, affectionate, festive)

What can happen between the sun and clouds? Assumptions.

The sun traveled across the sky on his fiery chariot fun and proudly. (What could be proud of the sun?) It generously spread the rays - in all directions.

And everything was fun. Only cloud was angry and grumbled in the sun. (What was unhappy with the cloud?) And it was not surprising - she had a thunderstorm. (That's why she was angry!)

TRANSIRA YOU! ("Transzhir" is ... ..) - Cloud frowned. - Drying hands! (Interestingly, as the sun can be a holey arms) Shoulder, shit with your rays! Let's see what you will stay with!

And in the vineyards each berry caught the ray of the sun and rejoiced him. And there was no such blade, spider or flower, there was no such droplet of water that would not try to get their own part of the sun.

Well, the tray of the thing is, - did not take a cloud, - the trangrib of his wealth! See how they thank you when you already have nothing to take! (Does not trust the surrounding - it's bad)

The sun has continued to roll around the sky and millions, a billion crushed his rays. (How many warmly got it?!)

When the sun docked them to the sunset, it turned out that they were all in place, - watch, everything is up to one! (How did they come back back?)

After learning about it, the cloud was so surprised that I was immediately crumbled in Grad. (That's how much anger in her has accumulated, which was scattered with hail, and not it rain) And the sun was blunting into the sea.

2. Summarizing conversation.

What was the cloud surprised?

What was the sun at the end of the day? (Cheerful, happy, kind, generous)

Isn't it "good, generous" - is it not the same thing?

Clarify the meaning of the words. Workbook p.47 №3.

What is the definite definition for the sun? (Kind, gentle, happy, generous, cute, warm)

Who was happier - the sun or cloud? Why? (Generously crushed ...)

You said that the sun was generous. We note the support words. (Work with text). Traveling fun and proudly, each berry rejoiced him, crushed his rays, funfully blurred.

What did cloud do? (Frowned, did not lose, angry, grumbled, was surprised, crumbled in a hail)

3. Expressive reading

4. Working with text after reading

Who reminds the sun and cloud with their actions, speech? (People who are generous, like the sun, and greedy, displeased, like a cloud)

What hidden meaning is contained in a fairy tale? (Be generous in relation to others.)

What is the question of what we tried to answer the lesson? (What, it means to be generous?)

So, so, it means to be generous? Do not be greedy, dissatisfied. If the man is generous in relation to others, he will not impoverish, but it will be richer spiritually.

5. Work in groups.

Information for parents: The sun and cloud - a fun fairy tale of the Italian writer Janni Rodari. It tells about how the sun traveled in the sky, giving everyone his rays. Only one cloud gloating, saying that the sun would distribute all his rays and would remain with nothing. The Tale of the "Sun and Cloud" will be interested in children aged 5 to 8 years. You can read it before bedtime.

Read a fairy tale sun and cloud

The sun, cheerful, majestic, traveled through the sky. It rushed in a fiery chariot and scattered his hot rays in all directions.

And a cloud, which at this time was the most precreication mood, malicious and grumbled:

- ILO, wasteword! Scatter, scatter your rays! Excuse me - Single! ..

In the vineyards, each grape that matured on the vines, tormented by anything to drag alone, and if it was possible, then two rays. And there was no such blade, spider, flower or water drops, which would not try to take their share.

- Well, let him go to everyone and everyone. You look at how you thank you when you already have nothing to take, "the cloud thundered.

And the funny sun did not happen in the sky and crushed his rays with millions, billions, without a score - everyone who needed them.

The sun has fun and proudly rolled across the sky on his fiery chariot and generously spread the rays - in all directions!

And everything was fun. Only cloud was angry and grumbled in the sun. And it is not surprising - she had a thunderstorm.

- TRANSIRA YOU! - Cloud frowned. - Drying hands! Shoulder, shit with your rays! Let's see what you will stay with!

And in the vineyards each berry caught the sun rays and rejoiced them. And there was no such blade, spider or flower, there was not even such a droplet of water that would not try to get their own part of the sun.

- Well, the tray is still! - did not have a cloud. - Passage your wealth! See how they thank you when you already have nothing to take!

The sun still fun rolled through the sky and millions, the billions crushed his rays.

When it counted them to enter them, it turned out that everything is in place - watch, everything is up to one!

After learning about it, the cloud was so surprised that I was immediately crumbled in Grad. And the sun has fun jammed into the sea.

Theme lesson: "Gianni Rodari "Sun and Cloud." The secret of happiness. " Grade 2 (UMC "School 2100)


Formation of the type of proper readers through a dialogue with the author.


Teach text prediction based on title, illustrations and keywords.

To form the right and conscious reading out loud in compliance with the necessary intonation, pause, logical stress to transfer the exact meaning of the statement.

Develop the ability to argue its point of view, its attitude to the read.

Brief kindness, the ability to give joy to others.


illustrations, interactive board, presentation to the lesson.

During the classes:

1. The organizing class

Hello guys! Smile to each other, greet our guests.

2. Stage "Call".

I will make a riddle, guessing them, you will learn the main characters of the work with which we will get to know today in the lesson.

One firewood warms the whole world

He rides around the sky, smiling to people.

(the sun)

No legs, but goes,

There is no eye, but crying.


Suppose what is the name of the work we will study today?

("Sun and Cloud")

Right. Open tutorials on page 122, read who is the author of this work.

What do you know about him?

D. Rodari lived in Italy. He was fond of music, took the lessons of playing the violin. His favorite occupation was to compose comic poems.)

In his youth, he worked as a primary school teacher, was very friendly with the guys and invented fun games for them.

What works D. Rodari are familiar to you?

And the genre of the work with which we will get to know today, you will learn if you correctly insert deaf consonants. (STORY)

Did you read the tales of J. Tarry? Would you like to read?

3. Stage "Conference".

Reception "Reading with Stopping".

1st stage

Pay attention to the illustration. Describe it.

(The artist took bright juicy paints. The sun is bright, festive, affectionate. Cloud formidable, gloomy, heavy. I think these are the main characters of the fairy tale and between them can happen something good or not very good.)

2nd stage (reading out loud, conversation in the course of reading, vocabulary work)

The sun traveled across the sky on his fiery chariot fun and proudly. It generously scattered rays - in all directions.

And everything was fun. Only cloud was angry and grumbled in the sun.

Who knows what is "chariot"?

one). Chariot - in ancient: big wheel crew, wagon

Fire chariot- orange-red color, color of fire

What question arose to the author?

Oh why a cloud was angry and grumbled?

N your assumptions?

And it is not surprising - she had a thunderstorm.

    Thunderstorm - Very dangerous, frightening, inspiring strong fear

TRANSIRA YOU! - Cloud frowned. - Drying hands! Shoulder, shit with your rays! Let's see what you will stay with!

And in the vineyards each berry caught the ray of the sun and rejoiced him. And there was no such blade, spider or flower, there was no such droplet of water that would not try to get their own part of the sun.

Well, the passage is still, - did not have a cloud, - the trangrib of his wealth! See how they thank you when you already have nothing to take!

    Transzhir - one who spends money without parsing

Drying hands

Have you met with such an expression?

And the sun she listens to the cloud?

The sun has continued to roll around the sky and millions, a billion crushed his rays.

When the sun docked them to enter the sun, it turned out that they were all together, look, everything is up to one!

After learning about it, the cloud was so surprised that I was immediately crumbled in Grad. And the sun has fun jammed into the sea.

    Bottles - show, how is it?

What was the cloud surprised?

What happened to her?

What was the sun at the end of the day? (Happy). Why?

-Let's remember how the lesson began, and check the assumptions: "What a fairy tale?".

3rd stage.

Reception "Cluster".

Work in groups. Find the text of the phrases and suggestions that characterize the sun and cloud.

Output: Discuss in each group, and then read the characteristics of the main fairy tale characters.

4. Stage "Reflection".

What secret of happiness was opened by an author to each of you?

Happy one who knows how to give joy to others!

In the next lesson, we will continue to get acquainted with the work of this wonderful writer. And now I suggest you write Sinwen. Topic: 1 Option: Sun.

2 Option: Cloud.

I remind you that Sinwen is a poetic product that is drawn up by the rules.

how do it:
Name (usually noun) ___________________________
Description (usually adjective) ____________________________
Feeling (phrase) _________________________________________
Repeat essence ________________________________________

5. Homework. - Forum try to retell a fairy tale from one of the characters.