Tatiana and Evgeny in the VIII chapter of the novel. Moral problems of the novel "Eugene Onegin

Tatiana and Evgeny in the VIII chapter of the novel. Moral problems of the novel "Eugene Onegin

"Moral choice"

Option 1

Moral choice - This is, first of all, the choice between good and evil: loyalty and betrayal, love and hatred, mercy, or indifference, conscience or dishonor, law or lawlessness ... He is committed every person throughout his life, perhaps more than once. From childhood, they explained that well, and what is bad. Sometimes life puts the choice of us: be sincere or hypocritical, make good or bad actions. And this choice depends on the person himself. I will prove this thesis, bringing the arguments from the text of V.K. Zheleznikov and analyzing his life experience.

As a second argument proving the thesis, I will give an example from reader experience. In Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" moral choice arises before the main character: refuse a duel with Lensky or not to refuse. On the one hand, the opinion of the Company, which condemns the refusal, and on the other - Lensky, a friend whose death was not needed. Eugene did, in my opinion, the wrong choice: human life is more expensive than public opinion.

Thus, I proved that we constantly face a moral choice, sometimes even in ordinary things. And this choice should be correct to not regret after.

Option 2.

What is a moral choice? I think the moral choice is a choice between love and hatred, confidence and distrust, conscience and dishonor, loyalty and betrayal, and if we generalize, then this is the choice between good and evil. It depends on the degree of human morality. Currently, as always, a moral choice can show the real essence of a person, because the choice between good and evil is the most important choice of man.

In the text E.Shima, you can find an example confirming my thought. Gosha, a boy with a mild character, makes a truly heroic act when, risking his health, protects faith. When a boy sees that the rocket can explode, he makes the right choice. This act characterizes it differently than at the beginning of the story, because Gosha is changing the opinion of himself for the better.

As a second proof of the thesis, I want to give an example from life. I want to talk about Nicolae Swedeck, who risking his life, saved five people who were driving on a snowmobile and failed under the ice. Nine-grader, seeing what happened, caused an ambulance, himself, taking a rope, rushed to help people. Nikolay made this act, although no one forced him to do it: he made his moral choice.

Option 3.

Moral choice - This is the choice between good and evil, between friendship and betrayal, between conscience and dishonor ... The main thing is that a person makes such a decision, which he will not regret later. I consider the phrase "moral choice" every person understands differently. For me, moral choice is a choice in which the education and soul of man is manifested. To confirm your point of view, I turn to the text of V. Ologanov and personal experience.

The first argument in favor of my opinion may be the proposals 24-25. In these proposals, the author says that a narrator after many years understands: his choice at that moment, when he selected the book from Kolka Babushkin, was wrong, and very regrets about it. This is once an incorrectly chosen solution became its pain, his "inseparable companion", because the hero understands that, unfortunately, it cannot correct anything, even impossible to ask for forgiveness (30).

Thus, after analyzing the two arguments, I proved that the moral choice is a choice that a person makes primarily soul, heart, and then a mind. And sometimes the experience of the lived years suggests him that he did wrong.

Option 4.

Moral choice - This is the adoption of one solution from several: we always think that choose: good or evil, love or hatred, loyalty or betrayal, conscience or dishonor ... Our choice depends on a lot: from the person and its moral landmarks, from life circumstances , from public opinion. I believe that the moral choice can not always be true, it is often reflected as a person brought up. A person with a bad character will choose solutions to its advantage: he does not think about others, he does not care that with them. For evidence, we turn to the text of Yu. Dombrovsky and the life experience. Works OGE and EGE

Secondly, I would like to remember the story of a boy from the story of V. Astafyeva "Horse with a pink mane". In the work, we see that the boy understood his mistake and repented of his act. In other words, the hero, before which the question arose is to ask for forgiveness from the grandmother or silent, decides to apologize. In this story, we are just observing that the solution of moral choices depends on the nature of the person.

Thus, we have proven that the moral choice is a solution that we accept every day, and the choice of this solution depends only on ourselves.

The nineteenth century is rightly called the golden age of Russian poetry, and I would also call him a golden age of prose. Among the constellation of names for many closest and relatives is the name of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Each person has their own life, his fate, but there is something that unites all people. In my opinion, it is primarily human feelings and aspirations, looking for itself. This is close to each of us, and wrote Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his works, he tried to reach the hearts of his readers, trying to convey to them all the beauty and depth of human feelings. When you read Pushkin, there are many questions, but the main thing is that the reader is worried, are the eternal problems of good and evil, love and friendship, honor, decency, nobility.
My favorite work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - "Eugene Onegin". Everyone is peculiar to find something expensive in this novel, unique, sometimes understandable only to him, but what the moral ideals of the author himself can be found here?
Despite the fact that the novel is called "Eugene Onegin" - the main character, in my opinion, is the author himself. Indeed, in comparison with Evgeny Onegin the spiritual world of the lyrical hero, the attitude of him to life, to work, to art, to the woman above, cleaner, more significant. The life of Eugene Onegin, full of secular entertainment, bored him. For him, love is "science of passion gentle"; Theater is tired of him, he says:
It's time to shift all the time, I suffered ballets for a long time, but I'm tired of Dido.
For Pushkin Theater - "Magic Edge".
In the poetic novel, Pushkin affects the issue of honor. Onegin rides in the village, where he gets to Lensky. In an effort (for the sake of entertainment) to sighten a friend, Onegin cares for Lensky's girl. Lensky in the heat of jealousy causes him a duel - the opportunity to defend his stained honor. For Onegin - convention, he would not go shoot, if not the opinion of the world, which would condemn him for refusing. Lensky dies. Pushkin shows how human life becomes cheaper than gossip.
Onegin goes on a journey that has greatly changed it. There is a revaluation of values. He becomes a stranger for the world, where a few years ago was his. Onegin loved a woman. For Pushkin, love is moral value, how many beautiful lines he devoted to this feeling. Recall his poem "I remember a wonderful moment ...":
The soul is awakening:
And now you came again
As a fleeting vision,
As a genius of pure beauty.
Love for Pushkin is a holy feeling. Love awakened in Eugene is a vivid evidence of how Eugene has changed. But your favorite woman remains with another - here is the harsh punishment of Onegin.
But the moral ideal in the novel for Pushkin is Tatiana Larina. From the first rows dedicated to her, we feel the author's sympathy for her, her kind and sensitive heart:
I love so much
Tatyana Milua my.
We will not meet in the novel Description of the appearance of Tatiana, the author only speaks of her clean and beautiful soul, only the inner world of heroine is important. He creates Tatiana Mila and a sensitive, its attachment to his relatives and close, understanding of the beauty of nature is important for him. Only the world around us can give a person inspiration and calm.
Tatiana falls in love with Evgeny Onegin. "Tatiana loves not joking," says Pushkin about his heroine. She is bothering this love throughout his life, but she cannot donate her husband's happiness for his beloved person. Tatiana explains his refusal to Evgeny Onegin so:
But I'm given to another;
I will be the age of him true.
Good respond to good - here is the eternal truth. Tatiana is close to this folk wisdom. And, probably, so Pushkin calls her "Russian soul".
"Take care of honor" - this is the epigraph of the story of A. S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". The same instruction gives the father to his son Peter Andreevich Grinevo, sending him to the service. The father himself is trying not to knock her son from the right road, sending him not to Petersburg, where the young man could get off the way, having started drinking, playing cards, but sends him to a small fortress, where he could honestly serve the Fatherland, grasp soul After all, Peter Andreevich Grinevo is only seventeen years old. Pushkin in Father Greeneva shows those features that are valued in the people of old hardening, in people of the XVIII century. The meaning of the life of Andrei Petrovich Greenieva is that a person for any trials do not go to the transaction with his conscience. He believes that the purpose of the life of every man is an honest service for the benefit of the Fatherland.
In the "Captain Daughter" we meet a lot of heroes, for which the principle of "take care of honor" is the main thing in life. For Pushkin, the concept of "honor" is associated with loyalty to friends, debt. We see how Grineh, being captured by Pugacheva, speaks directly to his eyes: "I am a natural nobleman; I swore the sovereign by Empress: I can not serve. "
Maria Ivanovna, Grnev's bride, fainting when a gun shot in honor of the mother's name, does not go to a deal with his conscience, she rejects the offer of a traitor to Schwabrin, who enjoys the case and suggests bringing it out of the fortress if she marries him.
We see how in all the heroes Pushkin embodies their moral ideal: loyalty to debt and word, integrity, the desire to help a friend or a loved one.
It seems to me that Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin believes that the principle "is good in good" is one of the many folk wisdoms. This wisdom is very close to him. Grineh, trying to save his bride, comes to Stan Pugachev. Pugachev remembers good (Grinemen met Pugacheva even before the uprising began and gave him a sheep in Tulup) and he let him go with Marya Ivanovna. Being in captivity of Pugachev, Grinevo hears a song about the king and the robber. The robber, like Grinev, honestly recognizes the king in what he did, Grinevo tells Pugachev about his intention to serve Ekaterina P. King executing the criminal, and Pugachev lets the captive.
I told the entire two works of A. S. Pushkin. Like every person, he had his own view of what was happening, he sought to find an answer to questions that worried his contemporaries, but for Pushkin works there is no time frame, it is interesting for all ages. The moral ideals of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - loyalty to debt, friends, cleanliness of the soul, honesty, kindness - these are the universal values \u200b\u200bon which the world holds.

And happiness was so possible
close ... Chapter VIII, Stroof XLVIII

Is it possible to happiness?

Objectives lesson:

Educational:formation of conscious skills and text skills

Developing:speech development - enrichment and west of the vocabulary stock.

Raising:the purposeful formation of such moral qualities as responsible and honesty towards the selected position.

Lesson plan:

1. Orgmant.

2. Stage of training students for active learning.

3. Stage of generalization and systematization of the studied.

4. Stage of students' information about the homework.

Methods and forms of work:

1. Greeting.

2. Heuristic conversation.

3. Assignment of reproductive nature. :

Preparation for lesson:


Must know the content of the work of A. S. Push-Kina "Evgeny Onegin" (Chapter 8).

During the classes


Start lesson.

Work with text.

- What are the facts of the author's biography of the author of the 8th chapter? (Story about the lyceum, reference,nania about the Caucasus, Crimea, Moldova, but most importantlythe inner world, the movement of creative thoughts, developedthe spiritual state of the author.)

- Five stanza needed Pushkin to recall all life. There was a youth - she left, there were friends, but they were killed. But the memory of them remained, the loyalty to the ideas for which they gave life, went to the Nerchinsky mines. The muse remained, it is unchanged, it will always remain clean and

light, she will help to live:

And now I am for the first time ...

I bring to the secular Raut ... The first chapter we saw the St. Petersburg ball with a glimpse, in essence from the street, through the window:

For whole windows, the shadows go ...

In the 8th chapter we are in a secular round. In the light, much attractive:

You can admire the noisy cramming, flashed dresses and speeches, a sense of slow guests in front of the hostess of young, and the dark swarme of men around the ladies, like near paintings.

The appearance of Onegin: For all, he seems to be a stranger.

- Was the Onegin stranger for secular society? (Not.)

- The light decided that he was a smart and very nice. There is a whole series of questions. Who can ask them? Author? Frequency of secular rounds?

Where was he three years old? With this bewilderment, you can compare the words of Molchalin: "As we were surprised! Here you would serve us in Moscow! "

- Peresa about him. ("Courts Chudak".)Who will come? (IN The highest light is familiar with unhurudy, and "Maiden's one-head masks", and those who do not look like them,countrieswe are incomprehensible.)

- What advice do they give Onegin? ( Advise him"Be kind small, like everyone else.")

- Is it familiar to Onegin Light? (Yes, he spent eight yearshere. But something in it was not as much asall, now? "What is too frequent conversations //We are happy for business, // What is stupid windyand evil, // What important people are important to the eyes // and thatmediocreness one // We shouldch and noton the?" "Silent bliss in the world"; idealmediocrity: "Blessed, who was young as the Smoles,// Blessed, who ripen on time, // who graduallylife cold // With the years, I was able to endure with the years; //Whostrange dreams did not indulge in, // who is a secularnot aliented, // about com regidered the whole century: // NNred man "; Pushkin's belief: it is impossibleto give youth! "Understand to see before) //they dinners long row, // look at life like onrite "; Excerpts from the Travel Onegin will answerto the question, with which cargo came to the fall of 1824. Marshrut: Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Astra-han - CaucasusCrimea -odessa. Onegin acquaintedfrom homeland.)

Conclusion: Onegin arrives in St. Petersburg updated.

- Why did Onegin got like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball? (Irreconcilable feud in society, in Onegin Deep inner life, which was not before.)

On the board - the subject of the lesson:

"Tatiana and Eugene in the VIII chapter Novel.Moral problems of the novel "Eugene Onegin"

- And now there is a new meeting of heroes. Tatiana shows, And Onegin does not recognize it and finds out. As Pushkin describes, what was Tatiana, without which it happened? (It was leisurely, // not cold,not talking, // Without the arrogant to all, // withouttries to success, // Without these small clamps, //Without imitative clauses ...)

-Why the Onegin, who did not like Tatiana in the tree, is now covered by such a all-consuming stress? (Heroes have changed, updated Onegin nowcan appreciate the whole depth of Tatiana's soul.)

- What has changed in Tatiana? (She learned "evgeny I once advised herthat.) Why does she attract Onegin?

- What about Evgeny? ( What about him? In which it isa dream? // what moved deep in // Soullodan and lazy? // DOSADA? Suit?Il again// Care of youth - Love?)
What happens to him? How did he change?

Expressive reading by heart of Onegin letters. What is the hero we see in the letter? What feelings do they spray?

Listening to the passage from the Opera Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin".
Your impression. How does music, the stage of actors help to understand the heroes, pass the feelings?
The word of the teacher.

- Pretty compositional scheme of the novel. The main characters are changing roles by the end of the book:

1. She loves him - he does not notice her. She writes him a letter - headers his sermon.

2. He loves her - she does not notice him. He writes her letters - she listens to her confession (propo-after all, rewarding).

But this simple construction only emphasizes the complexity of human experiences, externally stacked in such a simple scheme. How much is the feeling of Onegin!

- He appealed to books again as in his youth. Around the reading very definitely says to the reader -Remennik A.S. Pushkin: Gibbon, Rousseau, Mountains, Madame de Steel, Bel, Fontainelan-fi, enlighteners, scientists. It's not two or three novels

in which they reflected the "eyelid and modern man's favorite Onegin earlier. This is a circle of reading de-Cabrist, people seeking to action. ",

- But this is not enough. Read Onegin ones on all that was not available for three years on the back.

The poet, friend of his heroes, the whole soul wishes them to be happiness. But happiness is impossible. A dispute arises about the final of the novel. Different points of view appear, each of which is based on the text of the novel. In addition, every generation reads Pushkin in its own way.

Eight years after the Summary of Pushkin, in 1845, V.G. Belinsky wrote his famous articles about Evgenia Onegin. 80s. In connection with

the discovery of the monument in Moscow in 1880. F. M. Dostoevsky delivered a speech at a meeting of the community of fans of the Russian literature, in which he expressed his interpretation of the final of the Roman.

Task. Perform yourself with reflections on the finals of the novel and the images of Tatiana and Onegin
famous Russian writers: Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky and Fedor
Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
. Work in groups. Writing theses from articles. who express the thoughts and attitudes of critics to the finals of the novel and the images of the heroes.

Tra-Gedia VIII chapter is that Tatiana did not understand One-Gin and his love. Democrat, a man of the 40s, Be-Linsky put the freedom of human person above all the freedom of human person, he condemns Tatiana for the fact that she sacrificed her love for the sake of loyalty to her husband, which she does not like, but only respects.

F. M. Dostoevsky:"Tatiana is the ideal of the wife, the ideal of man. Her behavior in the 8th chapter - the embodiment of moral perfection, because what"... maybe a person to establish his own-pin on the misfortune of another? Happiness is not alone towards love. And in the highest harmony of the Spirit. What calm down the spirit if you are behind the wrong, ruthless, inhuman post-puzzle? Her to run because of the only thing that my happiness is there? But what could be happiness, if it is based on someone else's unfortunate? ... no: the pure Russian soul decides as: "Let, let me alone my happiness, let it finally, no one and when ... don't recognize My victim will not appreciate it. But I do not want to be happy, turning another! "
Output. Belinsky and Dostoevsky judged in different ways about the actions of heroes. Who of them is convincing, or rather understands the motives of Tatiana's act in relation to Onegin and his own feeling? Why Tatyana rejects Onegin?
1 research work.

To answer these questions, let's turn to the verbs again.
Browse the monologue of Tatiana, find the verbs, define the time. Why Tatiana,
explained with Onegin in the present when he speaks about himself, uses
exceptionally verbs of the past time?
Shine I did not spoil, I did not turn Tatiana, the soul was still the same, although for these three years she did not stop such as it was.

- If Onegin has changed internally, then Tatyana Ski-Ray is outward. She matured, she became restrained, calm, learned to protect his soul from a chuzzy look. And this external restraint with the same inner wealth, the same beauty of the soulful, which she had in his youth, even more at the end of the Onegin.

- Previously, happiness was not possible, because Onegin did not know how to love. Happiness is possible only now with the updated Onegin, but (late!) Tatyana does not consider himself to sacrifice the happiness of the husband for his happiness.

In March 1825, having lost hope for personal NAV-STIS, Onegin remains alone in St. Petersburg. In the main text of Roman Onegin remains at the crossroads - and the reader together with him once again thinks: what is life? How to live? Where to go? Who love? Who and for what to deal with?

Summing up the lesson.

Why the VIII chapter causes the most disputes and interpretations? (Pushkin does not give psychologicalrunning events, actions, facts.)

At the end of the novel, both main acting persons are Dosina to sympathize with readers. If one of them could be called "Negative", the novel would not have under-strain the tragic sound. Love for an unworthy creature can give rise to very sad situations, but it does not become such a source of tragedy, as a mutual love of two worthy of happiness of people with the full impossibility of this happiness.

Onegin at the end of the novel is not a romantic "demon" with a prematurely structured soul. He is full of thunder happiness, love and desire to fight for this happiness. His impulse is deeply justified and causes reading compliance. But Tatiana -. The man of another warehouse: she is to give her own happiness in the name of higher moral values. Her spirituality is full of an es-spiritual beauty, which is admired by the author, and readers. It is the fact that both heroes, each in their own way, are worthy of happiness, makes the impossibility of happiness for them deeply tragic.

But who will explain to us, finally, Roman A. S. Pushni-on? Who pliz "Onegin" so that nothing will be up to-commission? It is necessary to hope that no one. Let this book live forever, and let each new generation find something in it. Very important for him.

*Task for those who reflect.

1. Is it possible to have a happy reunion of Onega-on and Tatiana? Essay - thinking. By heart the passage (letter of Onegin).

2. Research: "What role can the grammatical categories in the artistic text be played? (A.S. Pushkin
"Eugene Onegin")".

Good luck at the lesson!

Problems and heroes of the novel "Evgeny Onegin"

Before talking about the problem and the main characters of the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin", it is necessary to clearly understand the features of the genre of this work. Genre "Eugene Onegin" is a lyrol-epic. Consequently, the novel is built on an inextricable interaction of two plots: epic (the main characters of which Onegin and Tatiana) and lyrical (where the protagonist is a narrator, from whose person is the story). The lyrical plot is not simply equal in the novel - it dominates, for all the events of real life and the romance being of the heroes are presented to the reader through the prism of the author's perception, the author's assessment.

The key, central in the novel - the problem of the purpose and meaning of life, for in turning points of history, which was the era for Russia after the Decembrist uprising, in the minds of people there are a cardinal reassessment of values. And at such a time, the highest moral debt of the artist to point out the society for eternal values, give solid moral landmarks. The best people of Pushkinsky - Decembristian - generation as it were, "come out of the game": they are either disappointed in former ideals, or they do not have the opportunity in new conditions to fight for them, embody them in life. The next generation is that Lermontov calls "the crowd sullen and soon forgotten" - initially "put on his knees." By virtue of the characteristics of the genre in the novel, which literary studies rightly interprets as a kind of "lyrical diary" of the author, the process of revaluation of the entire system of moral values \u200b\u200bis reflected. Time in the novel flows so that we see heroes in dynamics, trace their spiritual path. All major heroes in our eyes are experiencing a period of formation, painfully looking for the truth, determine their place in the world, the appointment of their existence.

The central image of the novel is the image of the author. With all the autobiographics of this character, it cannot be identified with Pushkin, if only because the world of the novel is the ideal world, fictional. Therefore, when we are talking about the image of the author, we mean not personally Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, but the lyrical hero of the novel "Eugene Onegin".

So, before us, the lyrical diary of the author; Frank conversation with the reader, where confessional moments are mixed with light chatters. The author is serious, it is frivolous, sometimes evil ironic, sometimes just cheerful, sometimes sad and always Oster. And most importantly - always absolutely sincere with the reader. Lyrical retreats reflect the changes of the author's senses, its ability and to a light flirt (characteristic of the "windy infinity"), and to a deep worship before the beloved (compare the stations of the XXXII and XXXIII of the first chapter of the novel).

... we, the enemies of Hymen,

In my homework zrim alone

A number of tedious paintings ...

Spouse perceived as an object for ridicule:

... Morner cuckold,

Always satisfied with itself,

With her lunch and wife.

But pay attention to the confrontation of these verses and lines "passages

from the journey of Onegin ":

My ideal is now - the mistress,

My desires are peace

Giving a pot, yes myself is big.

The fact that in her youth seemed a sign of limitations, spiritual and mental poverty, in mature years it turns out to be the only right, moral path. And in no case cannot suspect the author in the Hedgehog: we are talking about the spiritual adultery of man, about the normal change of value criteria:

Blessed, who was young as a smallest,

Blessed, who matured on time.

The tragedy of the main character in many ways stems from the inability of Onegin "to mature on time", from the "premature old age of the soul." The fact that in the life of the author was harmoniously accomplished, although not painlessly, in the fate of his hero caused the tragedy.

The search for the meaning of life passes in different planes of existence. The plot of the novel is built on the love of the main heroes. Therefore, the manifestation of the essence of a person in choosing a lover, in the character of feelings - the most important trait of the image that determines all his attitude to life. Love for the author and for his heroine Tatiana is a huge, tense spiritual work. For Lensky - the necessary romantic attribute, therefore, he chooses the deprived of the individuality of Olga, in which all the typical features of the heroine of sentimental novels merged:

Her portrait, he is very nice,

I loved him before,

But he tired of me immensely.

For Onegin Love - "Science Passion tender". True feeling will know by the end of the novel when the experience of suffering will come.

Evgeny Onegin is a work realistic, and realism, in contrast to other artistic methods, does not imply any final and uniquely correct solutions to the main problem. On the contrary, it requires the ambiguity of the interpretation of this problem:

So our nature has created

Neightening is inclined.

The ability to reflect the "tendency" of human nature "to the contrary", the complexity and variability of self-awareness of the person in the world - the distinctive features of Pushkin realism. The duality of the author's image is that he evaluates his generation in its integrity, without ceasing at the same time to feel himself a representative of the generation, endowed with him with merits and disadvantages. Pushkin emphasizes this duality of the self-assumption of the lyrical hero of the novel: "We all studied little by little ...", "We read all zeros ...", "We all look at Napoleon", "So people, first I repent, // from doing nothing friends..."

Human consciousness, the system of its life values \u200b\u200bis largely forming moral laws adopted in society. The influence of the highest light itself is regardless of ambiguous. The first chapter gives a sharply satirical image of the light and the pastime of secular youth. The tragic 6th chapter, where the young poet dies, ends with lyrical retreat: the author's reflections about the age border, which he is preparing to step over: "I will soon be thirty years old?" And he calls on the "young inspiration" to save the "soul of the poet" from death, not to give "... to become // in a dead upset of light, // in the seaside waters, where I // swim, cute friends!". So, the out, dead soul. But here is the 8th chapter:

And now I am for the first time

I bring to the secular round.

She likes the order of slim

Oligarchic conversations

And cold pride calm,

And this mixture of ranks and years.

Very correctly explains this contradiction Yu.M. Lotman: "The image of the light received double lighting: on the one hand, the world is soulless and mechanistic, it remained the object of condemnation, on the other - as a sphere in which Russian culture develops, life is spiritualized by the game of intellectual and spiritual forces, poetry, pride, as the world of Karamzin And Decembrists, Zhukovsky and the author's author "Eugene Onegin", he retains unconditional value. Society is heterogeneously. It depends on the person himself, whether he will take the moral laws of a unwell majority or the best representatives of the world "(Lotman Yu.M. Roman A.S. Pushkin" Eugene Onegin ": Comment. SPb., 1995).

"The Mostly Multi", "Friends", surrounding a man in the "dead" "waters of the world" appear in the novel. As a caricature on real love was the "science of the gentle passion", so the caricature for true friendship is a secular friendship. "From doing nothing friends" - this is the verdict of the author by friendly relations of Onegin and Lensky. Friendship without a deep spiritual community - only a temporary empty union. And this caricature of secular friendship leads the author into rage: "... Save us from friends, God!" Compare the yaling lines about the slander "Friends" in the fourth chapter of the novel with the penetrated verses about Nyan (Struck XXXV):

But I am fruits my dreams

And harmonic clauses

I read only the old nurse,

My friend's friend ...

It is impossible for a full life without disinterested dedication in friendship - so these secular "friendship" are so terrible. For in True Friendship, a treachery is the most terrible sin who can not be justified, in the secular parody of friendship treachery - in the order of things, normally. For the author, the inability to be friends is a terrible sign of the moral degradation of modern society.

But the friendship is not both between us.

All prejudices exterminated

We read all zeros,

And units - ourselves.

We are all looking at Napoleons,

Two-foot creatures millions

For us, one; one;

We feel wild and funny.

Pay attention to these verses, they are some of the most important, central in Russian literature of the XIX century. Pushkin formula will form the basis of "crime and punishment", "war and the world." Napoleonic theme is first realized and formulated by Pushkin as the problem of human life. Napoleon here appears not as a romantic image, but as a symbol of the psychological attitude, according to which the personality for his desires is ready to suppress, destroy any obstacle: After all, the people surrounding are only "Two-legged creatures"!

The author himself sees the meaning of life performed by his destination. The whole romance is saturated with deep reflections on art, the image of the author in this sense is unequivocal: he is primarily a poet, his life is unthinkable outside of creativity, outside of tense spiritual work.

This is exactly the opposite of Eugene. And not at all because he does not plow in our eyes and does not sow. He has no need for labor, in finding a destination. And the formation of Onegin, and his attempts to immerse themselves in reading, and his efforts to write ("yawning, for the pen took") the author perceives it ironically: "The work has been tessen." This is one of the most serious moments for understanding the novel. Although the effect of the novel ends before the uprising on the Senate Square, the features of the Nikolaev era are often guessed in Eugene. A heavy cross for this generation will be the impossibility of gaining his calling, solve the purpose. This motive is central in Lermontov's work, comprehensies this problem and Turgenev in the form of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

Especially important in the "Eugene Onegin" problem of debt and happiness. In essence, Tatyana Larina is not a love heroine, this is a heroine of conscience. Appearing on the pages of the novel by a seventeenth-year-old provincial girl who dreams of happiness with his beloved, she grows in our eyes in a surprisingly solid heroine, for which the concepts of honor and duty are above all. Olga, Lensky's bride, soon forgot the deceased young man: "Judy Urana captivated her." For Tatiana, the death of Lensky - a catastrophe. She curses himself for continuing to love Onegin: "She must hate in it // Killer's brother's brother." The aggravated sense of duty is the dominant image of Tatiana. Happiness with Onegin is impossible for her: there is no happiness built on dishonor, on the misfortune of another person. The choice of Tatiana is a deep moral choice, the meaning of life for her - in accordance with the highest moral criteria. This was written by F.M. Dostoevsky in the sketch "Pushkin": "... Tatiana is a type of solid, standing firmly on its basis. She is deeper by Onegin and, of course, smarter. She is already alone with one noble instinct, where and in what the truth, which was expressed in the final Pooms. Maybe Pushkin would even better have done if Tatiana named his poem, and not Onegin, because she is the main heroine of the poem. This is a positive type, and not negative, it is a type of positive beauty, this is a Russian woman's apotheosis, and her I intended the poet to express the thought of the poem in the famous scene of the last meeting of Tatiana with Onegin. You can even say that such a beauty is the positive type of Russian woman almost already and did not repeat in our artistic literature - except for the image of Lisa in the "noble nest" Turgenev. But the manner look down did the fact that Onegin did not even even recognize Tatiana when he met her for the first time, in the wilderness, in a modest

the image of a clean, innocent girl, so Obuke, before it from the first time. He failed to distinguish in the poor girl finishes and perfection and indeed, maybe he accepted her for the "moral embryo". It is her embryo, it's after writing it to Onegin! If there is someone moral embryo in the poem, so it is, of course, he himself, Onegin, and it is indisputable. And he could not recognize her at all: does he know human soul? This is a disturbed man, this is a restless dreamer in his entire life. He did not recognize her and then, in St. Petersburg, in the image of a notable lady, when, in his words, in a letter to Tatiana, "I compiled all its perfection soul." But these are only words: she passed in his life by him, not recognized and not aspired by him; In the tragedy of their novel<…>.

By the way, who said that secular, the court life was attempted to touch her soul and what exactly the Sunday lady and new secular concepts were partly the reason for the refusal of her Onegin? No, it was not. No, this is the same Tanya, the same rustic Tanya! She is not spoiled, she, on the contrary, leaning the magnificent St. Petersburg life, was broken and suffered, she hates her seat of a secular lady, and whoever judges it differently, he does not understand what Pushkin wanted to say. And here she is firmly telling Onegin:

But I'm completely given

And I will be true ave.

She expressed it precisely as a Russian woman, in this her apotheosis. She expresses the truth of the poem. Oh, I will not tell a word about her religious beliefs, about the look at the sacrament of marriage - no, I will not touch this. But what about whether she refused to go behind him, despite the fact that he herself told him: "I love you," because she, "like a Russian woman" (and not South or not French) , it is not capable of a bold step, unable to break their own ways, unable to sacrifice the charm of horses, wealth, secular significance, the conditions of virtue? No, the Russian woman has troubled. A Russian woman will safely be able to believe in what she believes and she proved it. But she "is given to another and will be the age of him true"<…>. Yes, it is true to this general, her husband, an honest person, her loving, his self-respecting and her proud. Let her "prayed the mother", but she, and not whoever, gave consent, after all, she herself swore him to be honest his wife. Let her come out for him from despair, but now he is her husband, and treason will cover it with shame, shame and kill him. And can a person establish his happiness on the misfortune of another? Happiness is not only the pleasures of love, but in the highest harmony of the Spirit. How to calm the Spirit if Nazady stands a dishonest, ruthless, inhuman act? Her to run because of the only thing that my happiness is there? But what could be happiness, if it is based on someone else's unfortunate? Allow, imagine that you yourself erect the building of the Destiny of Human with a view to attending people in the final, to give them finally peace and peace. And I also imagine that for this it is necessary and inevitably need to be tortured only only one human being, it is not enough - even if not so worthy, funny even at a different look of the creature, not Shakespeare, but just an honest old man, a young husband Wives, in the love of which he believes blindly, although his hearts do not know her at all, respects her, proud of it, happy her and faded. And only it needs to be disheaval, dishonor and torture and on tears of this undertaking old man to build your building! Would you agree to be an architect of such a building on this condition? Here is a question. And can you allow at least a minute the idea that people for whom you built this building would agree to accept such happiness from you if it's suffering in the foundation<…>. Tell me, could they solve otherwise Tatiana, with her high soul, with her heart, so affected? Not<…>. Tatyana sends Onegin<…>. He has no soil, it is the brandwind. It is not like that at all: she and in despair and in the suffering of the consciousness that her life died, still there is something solid and unshakable, on which her soul rests. This is her childhood memories, the memories of the Motherland, the village wilderness, in which her humble, clean life began, is "cross and shadow of branches above the grave of her poor nanny." Oh, these memories and old images are now more precious, these images alone remained to her, but they save her soul from the final despair. And this is a lot, no, there is already a lot, because there is a whole reason, there is something unshakable and indestructible. There is a contact with a homeland, with his native people, with his shrine<…>."

The culmination point of the plot is the sixth chapter, Duel Onegin and Lensky. The value of life is checked by death. The tragic mistake commits Onegin. At this point, the opposition to his understanding of honor and debt of the meaning, which invests Tatiana in these words. For Onegin, the concept of "secular honor" turns out to be much more moral debt - and he pays the terrible price for the displacement of moral criteria: it's forever the blood killed by the buddy.

The author compares the two possible paths of Lensky: sublime ("for the good of the world, Ile at least glory was born") and landed ("ordinary lotion"). And it is important for him that the fate is more real - it is important that there will be no, Lensky killed. For the light that does not know the true meaning of life, human life itself does not have value. For the author, it is the value greatest, ontological. Therefore, the author's sympathies and antipathy in the novel "Eugene Onegin" are so clearly visible.

The author's attitude towards the heroes of the novel is always definitely unequivocally. We will note the unwillingness of Pushkin, so that he was identified with Evgeny Onegin: "Always I am glad to notice the difference // between Onegin and me." We will remind about the ambiguity of the assessment by the author Eugene: as the novel is writing, his attitude to the hero is changing: the years go, the author himself changes, and Onegin changes. The hero at the beginning and end of the novel - two different people: in the final Onegin - "Tragic face". For the author, the main tragedy of Onegin is to the gap between his true human capabilities and the role that he plays: this is one of the central problems of the Onegin generation. Sincerely love his hero, Pushkin can not not condemn it for fear to break secular conventions.

Tatiana is the favorite heroine of Pushkin, the closest author image. The poet will call it a "cute ideal." The spiritual proximity of the author and Tatiana is based on the similarity of the main life principles: a disinterested attitude towards peace, proximity to nature, national consciousness.

The author's attitude to Lensky is lovingly ironic. The romantic littleness of Lensky is largely artificially (recall the Lensky scene on the grave of Dmitry Larina). Lensky's tragedy for the author is that the right to play the role of the romantic hero Vladimir sacrifices life: the victim of the ridiculous and meaningless. The tragedy of the failed person is also a sign of time.

A special conversation is the author's attitude to secondary and episodic characters. He largely reveals in them not individual, but typical features. So the author's attitude towards society is created in general. Social society in the novel is heterogeneously. This and "Soviet Mobile", who made the main principle of life, the pursuit of fashion - in convictions, in behavior, in reading, etc. And at the same time, the circle of people adopted in St. Petersburg Salon Tatiana is the true intelligentsia. The provincial society appears in the novel by caricature for the highest light. One phenomenon in the names of Tatiana Kiveninic (they are the heroes of the Comedy of Fonvizin "Nepal") shows that in fifty years, separating the modern Pushkin, the province of the province described by Phonanovin has not changed. But at the same time, Tatiana is possible in the Russian province.

Summing up, it should be said that the fate of the heroes of the novel primarily depend on the truth (or falsity) of the values \u200b\u200badopted by them for the basic life principles.


Monakhova O.P., Malhouse M.V. Russian literature of the XIX century. Part 1. - M.-1994.

Lotman Yu.M. Roman Pushkin "Eugene Onegin": Comment. SPB.- 1995.

Among the main problems of the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin", A.S. Pushkin, you can allocate the following:
- search for the meaning of life;
- The purpose of a person's life in society;
- heroes of that time;
- Evaluation of the entire system of moral values \u200b\u200bof that period.
Roman A.S. Pushkin is largely autobiographical for the author, because he, like the protagonist of Roman Yevgeny Onegin disappointed in the old ideals and moral principles of that era. But to look for ways to change, I myself should do something for changes in your life, the hero is not under power, he overcomes the eternal Russian Handrea, which in the novel is characterized by the fashionable English word "Spleen".
In his rows, A.S. Pushkin very confidentially tells the reader about his feelings and vision of the world. For him, family related bonds. The sacred homemade focus represents an undeniable value, and this thought is transmitted by the words of the main character of Tatyana Laryna:
"But I'm given to another,
And I will be a thing about him true! "
We can trace the whole path of growing up and the formation of the personality of Eugene and Tatiana, changes in their worldview.
The novel also affects the value of human life for society, a description of the characters of the time, and the impact of advanced ideas on the ideology of society.

When I studied at school, we all studied Roman A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin". The ending of this novel is very sad, and she does not respond to all the "expectations" of readers.
Throughout the novel, we are still waiting for Tatiana, the genius of pure beauty, and the female ideal will answer the reciprocity of Eugene, and they will live long and happily a lot, many years. And it turns out that everything is not like this:
- I love you, what to smear?
But, I am completely given, I will be the century to him true.
Tatiana, rejects all the courtship Eugene, and it becomes a complete surprise, and the main problem of the whole novel.
Perhaps Pushkin, we did not tell everything, and in the life of the main characters it could turn out otherwise, but, in a similar situation, many people are in our time.
In the life of Tatiana, there was an opportunity, change one man to another, and before her, became a difficult choice, between the present and the future. Onegin did not have a "impeccable reputation."
According to the novel, he was selfish, proud, not reliable, and he "regularly changed women," and Tatiana perfectly understood the essence of things, she had no lack of male attention, and marry her, would like many men from her "circle" .
Tatiana, according to the novel, a very reasonable woman, she respected her husband, who loved her truly, and wanted her to be happy only with him. Could Evgeny Onegin make her happy? And why, only three years later, he understood how he loved her?
Having rejected the courting of Eugene, Tatiana did as a reasonable woman, and did not change his own family life, on a "light shelter".
In this case, the mind, won the feelings.
We cannot condemn Tatyana, because how many people, so many opinions, and the problem of this novel, in choosing the right life path!

It seems to me that in his novel Pushkin opposes, compares and seeks similarities and differences among two different "worlds" - the world of beautiful lush balls, metropolitan known and peace of ordinary people of noble blood, living more securely and modestly. The representative of the first world is the main character of the Roman, Eugene Onegin, and the brightest representative of the second - Tatiana. Eugene is represented by a brilliant young man, educated, but mired in secular life. But he already missed this life, and the author himself, as we see from the novel, is not delighted with her. She is full of meaningless and merciless intrigues, bowling, betrayal, debauchery. Only from the side it seems attractive, beautiful and unusual. Those who find themselves inside it quickly lose their human dignity and strive for false values. And here Yevgeny, tired of this higher world, rides in the village and meets there is a completely different world, people of another type. Tatyana Chista, she is educated and clever, it is close to her ancestors - the family in the first place, the desire for harmony and perfection. But Eugene did not immediately imbued with a warm feeling to such ideals, and then, when he has already realized his mistake, it was too late. So the main problem lies for the relationship between these two main characters, as the main representatives of the two layers of society.

Evgeny Onegin is one of my favorite novels. Studying him at school, I reread it 5 times, probably. Then the novel was just an interesting book for me, no more. Probably at that age, no one deeply thought about the problems raised by Pushkin.
Now, I think I look at the heroes of the novel a little under a different angle. The plot is built on the love of the main characters. Together with them, we live the stages of their spiritual formation, the search for truth, they define their place in this life. For each of the heroes, love is something personal. For Larina, it is a huge spiritual work, for Lensky - just a light romantic attribute, for Olga - the lack of sentimentality and individuality, for Onegin - science of tender passion. Near the problem of love deeply there is a problem of friendship. It is now I understand that friendship without deep mental attachment is impossible and time.
Especially important in the novel is the problem of debt and happiness, because Tatyana Larina is a girlfriend of conscience and honor and conscience for her as important as love. In the course of the novel, it is transformed into a holistic person who has its own moral principles and foundations, vital values.
Also a huge problem described in the novel is the relationship of various segments of the population.