KVN for children of the preparatory group in kindergarten. KVN in kindergarten "Friends of Nature

KVN for children of the preparatory group in kindergarten.  KVN in kindergarten
KVN for children of the preparatory group in kindergarten. KVN in kindergarten "Friends of Nature

Seredonina Inessa Vasilievna

Dear colleagues!

I present to your attention a photo report

from the KVN event in kindergarten.

Explanatory note: Social psychological culture The teacher assumes that he has certain pedagogical views and beliefs, an attitude towards an emotionally positive attitude towards the child and a whole range of communication skills and abilities necessary for pedagogical communication. Usage various forms methodical work contributes to an increase in the theoretical preparedness of the educator and the development of his pedagogical position on the main problems of the upbringing, education and development of the child and interpersonal interaction with all participants in the educational process.

Good afternoon dear fans of KVN!

Today we have gathered in this hall to begin a wonderful and good tradition- a competition of cheerful and resourceful in our kindergarten!

“Who said competition is easy? Vanity of vanities and masquerade... Competition is the future of growth, technology is a festive outfit. Competition is a reflection of reality, an impulse of daring, a flight, a spark of igniting modality, a whirlpool of inspiration.

The educators who have gathered today in this hall are extraordinary people: creative, spiritual, surprisingly charming. And that's great!

“Not in words, but in things of tradition, which tomorrow's life to match, you need to be born as an educator, and only after that - to become!

You give everything to your work,

You wake up a dream in children's souls!

Thank you for being alive!

For your deeds and thoughts purity!

After all, every geologist and every botanist;

And even a scientist, among many books,

Could not appear without education,

And they have a kindergarten at the start!

They say on earth and are not mistaken: “Educators are not made, they are born!”

He was given by God the highest gift for centuries - to bring a preschool child into people!

The purpose of our event: to increase the creative activity of teachers, to promote creative search, as well as the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the teaching staff of MADOU. Our competition is held in order to expand professional contacts, identify talented, creatively working educators who, unlike natural stars, not only burn themselves, but also ignite others with their energy, restlessness, and indifference!

Our jury will judge: (methodologist, senior educator, specialists)

The musical screensaver of KVN sounds and in music hall teams come in. The audience supports them with loud applause, chants, posters. Teams take their places in the hall.

So let's say hello to our teams! We ask the captains to approach the host to draw lots and find out which team will perform first! (drawing lots).

1 Contest - Greetings! Teams introduce themselves, express their wishes to rivals, spectators, and the jury. The jury evaluates all competitions on a five-point system.

There are many good people in the world the right professions and each requires its own skills and abilities. And the profession of an educator is universal! The teacher knows everything! And now we will make sure of it!

2 competition. Warm up. You need to come up with a quatrain. Each team is given 1-2 quatrains, where only last words. In 5 minutes you need to compose a poem and present it.

3 competition. Captains competition. Team captains must sing: by lot 1) biting their lower lip; 2) biting his upper lip.

4 we had a musical competition. Educators are people who sing! If the teacher cannot sing, then his soul sings anyway! At least a lullaby! But what if you forgot the words of the lullaby? Words from another song will come to the rescue! 1 team sings a lullaby to the words of the song "Antoshka"; 2 team to the words of the song "Let the pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles."

5 competition! Music from the program “What, where, when” sounds, a black box is brought onto the stage. Teams need, with the help of leading questions, to find out what is there! The teams successfully completed the task.

Team 1 got a pay sheet, and team 2 got a group report card.

6 competition. Homework. Prepare creative performance commands on the topic "Educator's dream".

7 skill competition. From the proposed materials, it is necessary to make a postcard and present it.

8 competition. It is necessary to draw up a kindergarten menu. Creativity and originality are valued.

Before the jury counts the points, the audience sang the song "Kindergarten" to support the participants. (to the motive "The blue wagon runs, sways").


Only in the morning the dawn is engaged

He cheerfully calls to work,

We rise vigorously from the bed

So every day, year after year!

Chorus: Tablecloth, tablecloth,

Long way creeps

How many souls and years have been given to the garden!

To everyone, to everyone

Believe, believe

There is no better garden than ours in the whole world!

Slowly the minutes drift away

Kindergarten is usually busy

Sometimes there will be a slight sadness

Because the houses are waiting for a long time!

Yes, friends, the work of an educator

Eternal road without end.

We chose it consciously.

We give our hearts to children!

While the jury is deliberating, I would like to give each participant a “teacher’s memo”

If you want life to smile at you, smile back at it (Spinoza)

A good teacher gives everything to work - even what he does not have.)

A good teacher never gets sick, and if he does, he will never admit it.)

A good teacher knows that there is nothing to blame on the administration if everything is wrong for everyone.

A good teacher is always joking - so long until he learns!

The jury puts points, summing up, awarding the winners!

Methodical development ( senior group) on the topic: Intellectual KVN for children 5-6 years old

1. To teach children to find solutions to problems based on preliminary reflection on the course of the solution.
2. Fixing the account within 10.
3. Shaping logical thinking children.
4. Development of competitive qualities of children.

To the music, children enter the hall, the hall is decorated accordingly. Spectators sit in the hall (parents, children from the preparatory group)

Presenter:- Today we will arrange an intellectual competition. Are the teams ready?

Children: - Yes!

Presenter:- We have two teams of children, there are spectators and there is a jury that will observe the course of the competition and evaluate your results.

Presenter:- Teams greet each other and our spectators.

The Smart Team.
"We are smart kids, kids are naughty,
We love to play in KVN and, of course, to win.”

Our motto: "One mind is good, but many are better."

Team "Znaiki".
“We are the guys of the know-it-all, the know-it-alls are not the know-it-alls,
We play different games, we win in KVN.

Our motto: "Knowledge is power."

Presenter:- Let's start our intellectual competition. Teams will receive points for each task.

Exercise 1. "Warm-up for the mind"
The facilitator asks the children the following tasks. The team that raises the flag the fastest will answer. (1 correct answer = 1 point)
1) Liquid, not water, white, not snow.
2) What grows upside down.
3) Who can't be picked up from the floor by the tail?

(ball of thread)
4) Seven brothers have one sister each. How many sisters are there?
5) Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother with a granddaughter. How many?
(Three: grandmother, mother and daughter)
6) There are three apples in the basket. How to divide them among three children so that one apple remains in the basket?
(Give away one with the basket)
7) One man has four sons and each of them has Native sister. How many children does he have?
(Five people)
8) There were sweets on the table. Two mothers, two daughters, and a grandmother and granddaughter each took one piece of candy. How many sweets were on the table?
9) When a goose stands on one leg, it weighs 7 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on two legs?
(7 kg)
10) In the running competition, Yura, Grisha and Tolya took top places. What place did each of them take if Grisha did not take second or third place, and Tolya did not take third?
(Grisha - 1, Tolya - 2, Yura - 3)

Task 2. "Logic Pair"
The children are given the task to look at the pictures and continue the row. (1 correctly completed task = 5 points)
Task for 1 team:

Tasks for 2 teams:

Task 3. "Let's pick up the sea piece by piece"
Children are given a task, whose team collect faster picture gets 5 points if the second one completes the task later, gets 3 points if it does not complete 0 points. You need to collect the picture in stripes, putting the numbers in order.

Intermediate scoring is done.
Host: Well done guys! And now we will rest a little.
The music is turned on, exercises are performed to the music.
While the votes are being counted, the audience is invited to guess tricky riddles.

Everything is dressed in white snow -
So it's coming...

At night, every window
Weak lighting...

Friend of animals and friend of children
kind doctor...

Crows awake
Dear, kind...

tall, long-legged,
He is not too lazy to fly -
On a straw roof

Task 4. "Euler circles»
The team with the lowest number of points chooses the difficulty of the task.
1 level of difficulty - 5 points
2nd level of difficulty - 7 points
You need to choose the correct answer.
1st level:

2nd level:

Task 5. "Captains"

Team captains participate in the competition. You need to find 10 differences between two pictures. Each team receives as many points as there are differences. (1 difference = 1 point)
1 team:

2 team:

- Guys, ours is over. mathematical KVN. Now the final results will be summed up, so the floor is given to the jury.
All children are awarded medals "Intellectuals"

Leisure forms of interaction with teachers are an integral part of methodological work. With their help, the senior educator solves various problems: creates a favorable climate in the teaching staff, activates creative activity teachers and creates conditions for their constructive communication.




Intellectual game.

Purpose of the event:

To increase the creative activity of teachers, to promote creative search, as well as the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the teaching staff

Location: Kindergarten Music Hall.

Members: educators and specialists


Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

We welcome everyone to our KVN. What is KVN? K - club, B - lovers in pedagogical activity, and N - hoping that over time, and not without our participation, the world will become better and kinder, and adults and children will perfectly master the language of mutual understanding.

Competition is a reflection of reality

Impulse of boldness, flight,

A spark of igniting modality,

Whirlpool of inspiration.

Who said competition is easy?

Vanity of vanities and masquerade...

Competition is the future of Growth

Tech festive outfit.


The educators who have gathered today in this hall are extraordinary people: creative, spiritual, surprisingly charming.

Not in words, but in things of tradition,

Which tomorrow's life match

An educator needs to be born

And only after that - become!

Leading: According to Russian custom, it is supposed to greet each other, introduce yourself, so the first

Contest #1 is called Greetings (5 points) where each team will present their team name, motto, emblem and greeting to the opponents.

Time for presentation (5-7 minutes). The jury evaluates originality, disclosure of the pedagogical credo of the team, oratory.

Competition No. 2 "Warm-up" (3 points) FOR TIME

Questions for first team teachers

  1. A fashionable pedagogical curse, invented to pass off a well-forgotten old for something stunningly new. INNOVATION
  2. The ability to clearly pronounce words in speech. DICTION
  3. A break, a temporary stop in speech, music. PAUSE
  4. A modern lightweight children's designer? (LEGO)
  5. Walking style, gait. GAIT
  6. Name the neighbors of the environment. TUESDAY THURSDAY
  7. Feeling, emotional experience. EMOTION
  8. A hand movement that signifies something. GESTURE
  9. Does the game play differently? (CONTENT)

Questions for teachers of the second team

1. The long-awaited day, once again reminding you that "actually, I'm doing something here"

2. Art, in which feelings, mood are conveyed with the help of sounds. MUSIC

3. A fairy tale about a village family who grew a giant vegetable. TURNIP

4. Facial expressions, lips, eyes, expressing pleasure. SMILE

5. Something that often “does not cook” in the morning. HEAD

6. Favorite independent activity of children? (A GAME)

7. A sport in which they can quite officially “tap” on the head. BOXING

8. You start dreaming about it from the very first day you get out of it. VACATION

9. The tallest hero of Sergei Mikhalkov? UNCLE STEPA.

Competition No. 3 "Gift" (5 points)

Words in our age are worn to the limit.

With their help, what is there to say

And black is easy to make white

And white is easy to blacken,

And sell blue for blue

And make the red blush again.

Where can we get the words that we need with you?

Hold on, hold on…. In the eyes look for the answer ....

There are wonderful non-verbal means that make our appeal more colorful, emotional, and meaningful. Can we understand the feelings of a person by his facial expressions? Let's check…. Let's try….

For this competition, 2-3 participants from each team are invited, each of you in turn will make a gift to the opposite team. Gift to be made"hand over" ) silently (not verbally, but so that your neighbor understands what you are giving him. The one who receives the gift should try to understand what is being given to him.

(Gift certificate, voucher, rope ladder, samovar, stopwatch, body armor.)

Competition No. 4 "Thinking" (5 points)

Practical task

For the first team: it will prompt you to think about how the style of relationship you have chosen with children can affect the development of positive or negative qualities child's personality.

On the right side of the sheet are written statements that you need to complete by choosing the correct word from the left side of the sheet.(connect with a line):

1. If a child is criticized, he will learn. 1 patience

2. If a child is treated with hostility, he will learn ... 2 self-confidence

3. If a child is ridiculed, he learns to ... 3 feel guilty

4. If a child is shamed, he learns ... 4 thanks

5. If a child is forced to be tolerant, he learns. 5 fight

6. If a child is encouraged, he will learn ... 6 trust

7. If a child is praised, he learns ... 7 blame

8. If a child is treated honestly, he learns to… 8be shy

9. If a child grows up in safety, he will learn to… 9 love himself

10. If a child is treated with approval, he will learn ... 10 justice

Answers : (1 - 7 blame; 2 - 5 fight; 3 - 8 be shy; 4 -3 feel guilty; 5 - 1 patience; 6 - 2 self-confidence; 7 - 4 gratitude; 8 - 10 justice; 9 - 6 trust; 10 - 9 love yourself.)

For the second team:

Behind every negative act of a child there is always a positive intention, therefore, in order to deal with each “bad” act, it is necessary, first of all, to understand why the child does it.

Exercise "Portrait of a child"

Exercise: In every negative quality, you need to find a positive intention.

Cruelty, aggression - a manifestation of character, the ability to stand up for oneself; self-realization;

Lies - caring for your neighbor; the ability to keep a secret, unwillingness to offend; Stubbornness - perseverance, self-affirmation, the ability to achieve a goal; Incontinence - energy, the ability to throw out energy; fast reaction;

Laziness - accumulation of energy, rest, rejection of excessive needs; taking care of your health;

Cowardice - the desire to look worthy; self-preservation;

Rudeness - liberation from negative energy, discharge; defensive reaction;

Absenteeism - the ability to find time for more interesting activity; independence; knowledge of the new;

Resentment - the ability to find rest from others; self-affirmation; Kleptomania - collecting; the ability to find before someone is lost;

Fear - the ability to avoid threatening situations, objects; self-preservation.


Competition No. 5 "How our word will respond" (5 points)

(like a robot, snail speed, machine gun speed, like you're very cold, like you have a hot potato in your mouth, like a 5 year old girl).

Our Tanya is crying loudly:

Dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry:

The ball will not sink in the river.

Jumping No. 6 theatrical "Pantomime" (5 points)

When reading fairy tales, stories and other literary works it is very important to be able to imagine what is read, and at the same time, with the help of voice, intonation, to convey the meaning of the work to children. In this regard, our competition.

Teams are given the name of fairy tales.You must demonstrate an excerpt from a fairy tale without words, and your competitorsin the game you need to guess which fairy tale was staged.

1 team - Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, Gingerbread Man.

Team 2 - Three Bears, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, Turnip.

Preparation schedule - 3 minutes.

Competition No. 7 "Who knows fairy tales more" (3 points)

I hand out leaflets and certain time You must remember and write as many fairy tales as possible. Time limit is 3 minutes.

Competition No. 8 "Funny character" (5 points)

Task: For each team, an easel, a sheet of paper, felt-tip pens.

1 blindfolded participant draws on a sheet of fairy tale

character, while others stand nearby and suggest, only guide.

Result: Who has the funniest character.

Competition No. 9 "Find the owner" (2 points)

I have different things for the teams in the boxes. Someone has lost them. We need help finding the owner. But not only to name who owns these things, but to read an excerpt from a fairy tale.

  • Soap: "So the soap jumped"("Moidodyr")
  • Saucer: "And behind them saucers dzin-la-la, dzin-la-la"("Fedorino grief")
  • Nut: “Nuts are not simple, all shells are golden”("The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")
  • Mirror: “My light, mirror, tell me, tell the whole truth”("The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes")
  • Phone: "My phone rang("Telephone")
  • Thermometer: "And puts thermometers on them("Aibolit")

Competition No. 10 " Great names – great ideas” (5 points)

1) "To whom belong following words: Childhood is the most important period human life not preparing for future life but a real, bright, original, unique life”…

I offer you the following answers:

1. Makarenko

2. Vygotsky

3. Tolstoy

4. Sukhomlinsky

(answer: Sukhomlinsky)

2) “This direction in pedagogy arose when working with the so-called difficultchildren. The fundamental words in it are: “Developing environment andaction". And helping objects are rich sensory and didactic material". Who is the author of this direction?

1. Gianni Rodari

2. Rudolf Steiner

3. Fröbel

4. Montessori

(Answer: Montessori)

Competition No. 11 captains (2 points)

In two minutes, name as many proverbs as possible about the homeland. You can use the help of the command.

Competition No. 12 "Skillful Hands". (5 points)

Task: participants must make a homemade toy from waste material and present it.

The jury evaluates originality, aesthetics, age-appropriateness, functionality, presentation.

Time to complete the task 3-5 minutes.

Competition No. 13 “Changeling”, you need to guess the name by the “shifter” famous movie or a proverb.(3 points)

4 people per team are invited to participate.

For example, the shifter “Vasily Ivanovich stays at work” is the inverted title of the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”

  • Sad girls ("Merry guys").
  • You stand louder - you will not be closer. (The quieter you go, the further you'll get).
  • Cry of the Sheep (Silence of the Lambs).
  • A man on a cart is harder for a gelding (A woman with a cart is easier for a mare).
  • With laziness, you can’t put a bird in the sea (Without labor, you can’t take a fish out of the pond).
  • Six in the car, given the cat. (Three in the boat, not counting the dog)
  • Don't be afraid of the bike ("Beware of the car").
  • AT symphony orchestra not just boys (“Only girls in jazz”).

Competition No. 14 "Guess the melody"(4 points)

The next competition we will dedicate to the song. You will have to guess the song and remember the first line.

Now guess what song it's about.

1. A song about the tragic death of a small insect. ("In the grass Grasshopper sat…")

2. A song about four men in hats with feathers, who are grateful for their fate for many things.(“It’s time, time, let’s rejoice in our lifetime ...” from the movie “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers.”)

3. A song about animals, thanks to which our planet moves around its axis.("Song about bears" from the movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus".)

4. A song about the contents of the head of one of the mammals with brown hair.("Winnie the Pooh Song")

5. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a headdress. ("Song of Little Red Riding Hood"».)

Competition No. 15 "Guess the Monument"(3 points)

Team portrays some sort of monument St. Petersburg, and the opposing team must guess depicted .

The jury sums up. Sounds saver "KVN".

  • The game "Why I love my profession" (without points)

Teachers pass each other a flower to the music, when the music stops, he must answer question asked Why I love my profession

  • Reflection "How good we are" (without points)

Participants are given stickers in the form of hearts. On which it is proposed to write something positive quality which helps them interact with children. Next, the hearts are glued onto whatman paper. All qualities count.

Jury member:

You give everything to great work,

You in children's souls will be a dream come true.

Thank you for living

For your deeds and thoughts purity!

Jury member:

After all, every geologist

And every nerd

And even a scientist

Among the many books

Could not appear without education,

And it is the kindergarten at the start of them.

Announcement of results and rewarding teams.

Explanatory note

The socio-psychological culture of the educator implies that he has certain pedagogical views and beliefs, an attitude towards an emotionally positive attitude towards the child and a whole range of communication skills and abilities necessary for the educator for pedagogical communication. This means that the educator must have knowledge about the patterns of communication and relationships in the teaching staff, in the children's group, in working with parents. The use of various forms of methodological work helps to increase the theoretical preparedness of the educator and develop their own pedagogical position on the main problems of the upbringing, education and development of the child and interpersonal interaction.

The course of the KVN

Target: consolidate the knowledge of the participants in the game about the features of communication with the child, exercise in understanding mental states children, the ability to expediently express their attitude towards them using verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Develop Creative skills and love for the profession.

Leading: We are glad to welcome in this cozy hall people who are convinced that childhood is one of best periods human life. Our KVN is dedicated to the most complex and very relevant topic - communication between an adult and a child.

KVN - a meeting of our club ( To- club, AT– in love with teaching, and H– hoping that over time, and not without our participation, the world will become better and kinder, and adults and children will perfectly master the language of mutual understanding). And in order for this to come true, it is necessary now, without postponing for later, to learn to communicate, to check your thoughts, guesses. We will reflect on the problems of interaction, on the ways and means of creating a joyful and cheerful mood in children in the course of communication with adults, performing various tasks.

Leading: Competent judges - the jury - will decide on the level vocational training participants and give helpful tips and recommendations.

Icompetition. "Greetings"

According to Russian custom, it is supposed to greet each other, introduce yourself. But so that everyone can guess what you do, what you live, what you dream about. It can be a song, a poem, aphorisms, a drawing, a story. So get started, friends. (Assessed on a 5-point system)

IIcompetition. "Psychological crossword"

(10-15 minutes are given to solve the crossword puzzle)

Horizontally: 1. Man, as a social product - historical relations with certain individual qualities. 2. The interaction of two or more people, consisting in the exchange of information of the body to new conditions. 4. An automated way to perform an action. 5. Targeted and systematic impact on a person in order to form certain forms of behavior, worldview, character and mental abilities. 6. Method psychological research based on questions and answers. 7. Active attitude to the surrounding reality, expressed in the impact on it. 8. Incitement to action, impetus, motivating reason.

Vertically: 9. Brief tests designed to assess the level of certain psychological qualities. 10. The process of assimilation and active reproduction by the individual of social experience. 11. Motivation for activity associated with the satisfaction of a specific need. 12. Unconscious submission to influence. 13. Naturally occurring response of the body to irritation

(Answers to the crossword puzzle: 1 - personality, 2 - communication, 3 - adaptation, 4 - skill, 5 - education, 6 - conversation, 7 - activity. 8 - stimulus, 9 - test, 10 - socialization, 11 - motive, 12 - suggestibility, 13 - reflex).

IIIcompetition. Solving pedagogical situations

Leading: To solve pedagogical problems, 2 teachers from each team with a short work experience are invited. The completeness and consistency of the answers are evaluated.

Situations for the first team

1. The teacher, due to the circumstances, worked for a whole month without a change. The replacement educator turned out to be newly accepted. On the first day of communication with the new teacher, the following was said in a demanding form: “I am very glad that you came to the group. I have been working alone for so long, I am very tired .... All the main work falls on you: you will write plans in this notebook, be responsible for holding holiday matinees, then you will spend Parent meeting, I'll give you a topic. There must always be perfect order in the group. Work!”…

2. The teacher tells Natasha's mother (6 years old) that the girl loves to help adults very much.

Perhaps at home you teach your child to do everything with you. This is very good - she will be your assistant.

Yes. My daughter has a very big desire to help me. Whatever job I take, it's right there. But what is her help? One hindrance. I send her for a walk, without her I quickly manage the housework. And don't be too hard on her. Nothing to interfere with adults.

Comment on the situation.

What would you advise mom?

3. Seeing that Vadik is going to draw in his free time, the teacher asks:

What are you going to draw and with what?

How will you arrange the drawing on a sheet of paper?

What do you draw first, and then what?

Reminds you to put everything in place after drawing.

Question: Is such adult intervention necessary in independent activity children?

Situations for the second team

1. When checking the plans, the methodologist discovered: on the day of the check, there were no plans for the previous two weeks. In a conversation with the teacher, the explanations were as follows: “You will still find something to complain about. You are the boss!" What should be the methodologist's reaction?

2. In the locker room in the presence of children, one mother says to the other:

How well your Seryozha draws. And my Dimka has only scribbles. No matter how much I tell him to draw carefully, he draws badly every time.

Have you tried teaching him?

I often sit Dima down for drawing while I do household chores so that he does not interfere with me. He probably doesn't have the ability.

  • Comment on your attitude to this conversation.
  • Is Dima's mom right?
  • What advice would you give to this boy's mother?

3. Seryozha (4 years old) at home when dad asks “What does the kindergarten teacher do, how does she work?” answered that she does not work, but plays with children, walks and studies. In the evening, mother, who is in maternity leave for the care of the second child, laughingly tells the teacher about this conversation. The teacher, having called Seryozha, asks him: “And what does your mother work with? What is she doing?" Serezha's answer was as follows: “My mother does not work and does nothing. She sits with her little brother, goes to the store, does laundry and cleans the apartment.” Mom indignantly asks: “How is it Seryozha? Isn't that work?" “No, they go to work and then get tired, like dad.”

What is the reason for this child's response?

What would you advise Serezha's mother?

IVcompetition. How will our word resonate?

While they decide challenging tasks, other participants compete in the verbal skill contest "How our word will respond"

1. Representatives of one team must say the phrase “You are my sunshine” with different emotional connotations, representatives of the other “Finally” (joy, surprise, regret, anger, reproach, etc.).

2. "Read any text"

For example, text

Once upon a time in the cold winter time

I came out of the forest, it was very cold.

I look: it rises slowly uphill

Horse carrying firewood.

Vcompetition. "What can you say with your eyes"


Words in our age are worn to the limit.

With their help, what is there to say

And black is easy to make white

And white is easy to blacken,

And sell blue for blue

And make the red blush again.

Where can we get the words that we need with you?

Hold on, hold on…. In the eyes look for the answer ....

There are wonderful non-verbal means that make our appeal more colorful, emotional, and meaningful. Can we understand the feelings of a person by his facial expressions? Let's check….. Let's try….

(Each team is invited to act out a fairy tale using non-verbal means of communication)

1. The game is a fairy tale for the first team"Sparrow Family"

“Once upon a time there was a sparrow family in the forest: mom, dad, son. Mom flew away to catch midges, to feed her family. And dad - a sparrow strengthened the dwelling with twigs, insulated with moss. The son also helped his father, and with this he always boasted to his friends. He tried to prove to everyone that he was the most dexterous and strong. And with those who did not agree with him, the sparrow quarreled and even fought. Once, mom and dad flew to the nest, but the son was not there. They were waiting for him for dinner, but the sparrows did not arrive. His parents began to worry that the cats had eaten him. Papa - the sparrow was angry and grumbled, and mother even burst into tears. After all, she thought that something had happened to her son. And the son quarreled with his friends. The disheveled sparrow finally flew to his parents. And in the sparrow family there was a serious conversation. Sparrow had to confess that he boasted and fought. The son told his parents how he wanted to prove to everyone what an adult he was. Sparrow explained that he would very much like his parents to be proud of him as the strongest son. But instead of joy and pride, he saw sadness in their eyes. Sparrow asked for forgiveness. And his parents forgave him. They fed their son delicious food and, stroking his feathers, affectionately explained that they loved him very much, and for them he was the most dexterous and strong sparrow in the whole forest.

2. The game is a fairy tale for the second team"Kicking Horse"

“There was a horse who loved to kick and be capricious. Her mother says to her: “Eat fresh grass, daughter.” “I don’t want to, I won’t,” the horse screams and kicks its legs. Dad persuades the horse "Walk, play in the sun!". “I don’t want to, I won’t go,” the horse answers and kicks again. Mom and dad could not persuade their stubborn daughter, they left her at home, and they themselves went on business. The horse thought, thought, and went for a walk alone. And to meet her cunning Gray wolf. The wolf says to the horse: “Don’t go, horse, far into the forest, you are still small.” The horse will again be stubborn: “I’m not small, where I want, I go there!” And the wolf needed it. He waited for the horse to enter the very thicket of the forest and pounce on it from behind. Horse let's kick. First, she hit the wolf with one leg, then with the other leg. And then with two legs together she began to kick so much that the wolf ran away, and no one saw him there again. The horse has ceased to be stubborn and naughty, has grown up and now works in the circus, kicks its legs, throws balls high to the delight of the audience.

VICompetition of captains "Show your resourcefulness"

Leading: Before us are 2 captains, two experienced teachers.

Find a way out of an emergency situation: in winter evening Lights went off unexpectedly in kindergarten. The children have not gone home yet. The resourceful educator gathered everyone around him. Sincerely and mysteriously says: "Children, I want to tell you ..."

(The competition of captains is evaluated on a 3-point system.)

VIICompetition "Skilled Hands"

Leading: You have been asked homework: ways to calm down crying baby. Playing out the situation.

Evaluated: originality of the toy, resourcefulness, mobility.


Leading: To paraphrase famous proverb"The way to a child's heart can also be found through the stomach." It is proposed to draw up a daily menu for kindergarten.

Evaluated: the originality of the name of the dishes and knowledge of children's addictions, the ability to feed not to the detriment of the child.

Summing up the jury.


1. V.P. Dubrova, E.P. Milosevic. Organization of methodological work in preschool. Moscow. 1995

2. O.M. Yeltsov. Workshop on professional communication of teachers: recommendations, games, trainings. Volgograd. Teacher. 2010

3. L.F. Ostrovskaya Pedagogical situations in family education of preschool children. Moscow. Enlightenment. 1990