Communicative uud Russian language presentation. Presentation "Formation of communicative language at foreign language lessons in elementary school"

Communicative uud Russian language presentation.  Presentation
Communicative uud Russian language presentation. Presentation "Formation of communicative language at foreign language lessons in elementary school"

Formation of communicative universal educational activities of primary school students Methodological recommendations of MAOU "SOSH 5"

Communicative "universal learning activities" Communicative "universal learning activities" provide social competence and taking into account the position of other people, a partner in communication or activity, the ability to listen and enter into a dialogue; participate in a group discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interactions and collaborations with peers and adults. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Communicative actions include: planning educational cooperation with a teacher and peers - determining the goal, functions of participants, ways of interaction; posing questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information; conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve the conflict, decision-making and its implementation; management of the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions; the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language, modern means of communication. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Communicative actions can be divided into three groups: communication as interaction (communicative actions aimed at taking into account the position of the interlocutor or partner in activities); communication as cooperation (substantive core - coordination of efforts to achieve a common goal); communicative and speech actions that serve as a means of transmitting information to other people and the formation of reflection. MAOU "SOSH 5"

The content of this type of UUD - planning educational cooperation with a teacher and peers - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information - conflict resolution - managing partner behavior - expressing one's thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication - possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech MAOU "SOSH 5"

The system of conditions for the formation of this type of UUD 1. Providing support and assistance to those on whom the achievement of the goal depends. 2. Ensuring conflict-free teamwork in a group. 3. Establishing warm relations of mutual understanding with others. 4.Using effective group discussions. 5. Ensuring the exchange of knowledge among group members for making productive decisions. 6. Adequate response to the needs of others. 7.Democratic style of cooperation between teacher and students. MAOU "SOSH 5"

The main types of tasks for the formation of this type of UUD - for the organization and implementation of cooperation; - taking into account the position of the partner; - to transfer information and display subject content; - role-playing games; - group games; MAOU "SOSH 5"

The results of the development of UUD - the ability to listen and hear each other; - the ability to express one's thoughts; - the ability to adequately use speech means for discussion and argumentation of one's position; - the ability to be interested in other people's opinions and express their own; - the ability to conduct a dialogue; - willingness to develop a common position when discussing different points of view; - the ability to establish and compare different points of view; - the ability to determine the goals and functions of group members; - ability to plan common ways of working; - the ability to exchange knowledge between group members; - the ability to take initiative; - the ability to extract the missing information with the help of questions; - the ability to resolve conflicts MAOU "SOSH 5"

Technologies for the development of universal educational activities Technology of project-based learning. Subjects (subject areas) on the priority use of pedagogical technologies - Technology; Foreign (English) language; natural science subjects; Physical culture and basics of life safety; MAOU "SOSH 5"

Communication and dialogue technologies. Philology; Art; Mathematics; Natural science subjects. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Technology for the development of critical thinking. natural science subjects; Philology; Mathematics and informatics. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Case - technology. Social science subjects. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Learning game technology. Physical education MAOU "SOSH 5"

Formation of ECM based on the use of general characteristics of project and research activities General components of the structure of project and research activities Formed types of ECM (by priority) Final results of participation in project and research activities Collective work Individual work Analysis of the relevance of the ongoing research (project) Goal-setting Task formulation Choice means and methods Planning work, determining the timing and sequence of actions Carrying out design and research work Presentation of results Presentation of results Communicative ECM Regulatory ECM Cognitive ECM Personal ECM Regulatory ECM Cognitive ECM Personal ECM Communicative ECM Intellectual and personal development of schoolchildren Growth their competence in the chosen topic Formation of the ability to cooperate in a group Formation of the ability to work independently Students' understanding of the essence of research and project activities tee MAOU "SOSH 5"

Formation of UUD taking into account the forms of organization of design and research activities Forms of organization of design and research activities Formed UUD (in priority) In the classroom: Lesson - research Lesson - laboratory Lesson - creative report Lesson - story about scientists Lesson - defense of research projects Lesson of open thoughts Educational experiment Regulatory, cognitive, communicative, personal ULD Communicative, cognitive, regulative, personal ULD Regulatory, communicative, cognitive, personal ULD Communicative, cognitive, regulative, personal ULD Regulatory, communicative, cognitive, personal ULD At extracurricular activities: Research practice Educational expeditions ( hikes, trips, excursions) Personal, regulatory, communicative, cognitive UUD Personal, cognitive, communicative, regulatory UUD MAOU "SOSH 5"

Formation of UUD taking into account the forms of organization of design and research activities In educational activities: Preparation of a sports festival Organization of a concert Organization of KTD Organization of an exhibition Organization of “Dedications to fifth graders and high school students” Preparation of materials for a school website Issue of a wall newspaper Organization of evenings Conducting sociological surveys with subsequent processing and presentation of data Preparation class hours for junior schoolchildren Regulatory, communicative UUD Regulatory, communicative, personal UUD Regulatory, communicative, cognitive, personal UUD Regulatory, communicative, personal UUD Regulatory, communicative, cognitive, personal UUD Regulatory, communicative, cognitive, personal UUD Regulatory, communicative UUD Regulatory , communicative, cognitive, personal UUD MAOU "SOSH 5"

Form of cooperation Educational cooperation Distribution of initial actions and operations, given by the subject condition of joint work; Exchange of ways of action; Understanding; Communication; Planning general ways of working; Reflection. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Form of cooperation Collaboration of different ages Work from the teacher's position in relation to another; Testing with subsequent analysis and generalization of means and methods of educational activities. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Form of cooperation Project activities (as a form of cooperation) Distribution of responsibilities; Evaluation of a friend's answer; Following the rules of work in the group; Transition from the position of the learner to the teaching oneself; Development of individual styles of cooperation. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Form of cooperation Discussion Formation of one's own point of view; Coordination of the points of view of others with the subsequent formulation of the conclusion; Formulation of one's own opinion with the appropriate design in oral or written speech; Conducting a mental dialogue with the authors of scientific texts (in a situation of written discussion) with subsequent receipt of information about views on problems. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Form of cooperation Educational proof (as a special way of organizing the assimilation of knowledge) Proposing a thesis (statement); Providing arguments; The conclusion of inferences (reasoning, during which a new judgment is born). MAOU "SOSH 5"

Form of cooperation Reflection Statement of a new task as a task with missing data; Analysis of the availability of methods and means of performing the task; Assessing your readiness to solve the problem; Independent search for missing information; Independent invention of the missing mode of action. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Conditions and Means of Forming Universal Educational Actions The basis for the development of UUD in the basic school is a system-activity approach. In accordance with it, it is the activity of the student that is recognized as the basis for achieving the developmental goals of education; knowledge is not transferred in finished form, but is obtained by the students themselves in the process of cognitive activity. In educational practice, there is a transition from learning as a presentation of a knowledge system to the active work of students on tasks that are directly related to real life problems. Recognition of the active role of the student in learning leads to a change in ideas about the content of the student's interaction with the teacher and classmates. It takes on the character of cooperation. The sole leadership of the teacher in this collaboration is replaced by the active participation of students in the choice of teaching methods. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Types of methodological means used: role-playing games; psycho-gymnastic studies; emotional-symbolic methods; discussion games; relaxation methods; drawing methods; cognitive methods; directed imagination method. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Types of tasks that form communicative universal learning activities Compose a task for a partner; feedback on the work of a friend; group work on compiling a crossword puzzle; tape poll; “Guess who we are talking about”; dialogue listening (formulation of questions for feedback); “prepare a story...”, “describe orally...”, “explain...” … MAOU "SOSH 5"

Recommendations for the development of communicative universal learning activities Teach your child to express his thoughts. During his answer to the question, ask him leading questions, make an algorithm for retelling the text. Do not be afraid of "non-standard lessons", try different types of games, discussions and group work to master the material. Teach your child to ask clarifying questions on the material himself (for example, Who? What? Why? Why? Where?, Etc.), ask again, clarify. Study and take into account the life experience of students, their interests, features of development. MAOU "SOSH 5"

Conditions and means of forming universal educational activities The development of UUD in the main school is expedient within the framework of using such opportunities of the modern information educational environment as: teaching aids that increase the efficiency and quality of training of schoolchildren, organizing operational consulting assistance in order to form a culture of educational activities in educational institutions; cognition tools responsible for the formation of research skills by modeling the work of scientific laboratories, organizing joint educational and research work of students and teachers, the possibility of prompt and independent processing of the results of experimental activities; means of telecommunications that form the skills and abilities of obtaining the necessary information from various sources; personal development tools that ensure the formation of communication culture skills; an effective tool for monitoring and correcting the results of educational activities. MAOU "SOSH 5"

The main criterion for the formation of communicative actions can be considered the communicative abilities of the child, including: the desire to make contact with others (the motivation for communication is “I want!”); knowledge of the norms and rules that must be followed when communicating with others (acquaintance with communication skills “I know!”); the ability to organize communication (the level of mastery of communication skills "I can!"), including the ability to listen to the interlocutor, the ability to empathize emotionally, the ability to resolve conflict situations, the ability to work in a group. MAOU "SOSH 5"

In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower (actually psychological) sense, this term can be defined as a set of student actions (as well as related learning skills) that ensure independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.

As part of the main types of universal educational activities that correspond to the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished: 1. Personal UUD Self-knowledge and self-determination Allows you to develop your life position in relation to the world, people around you, yourself and your future. (I am a family member, a student, a classmate, a friend, a citizen) Meaning formation Actions make learning meaningful, ensure the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real life goals and situations. (What is the significance and meaning of the teaching for me?) Moral and ethical assessment Personal actions are aimed at understanding, researching and accepting life values ​​and meanings, allow you to orient yourself in moral norms, rules, and assessments. (Why did I, my friends do this? Mutual assistance, honesty, truthfulness, responsibility on my part and on the part of my peers)

3. Communicative UUD Communication as interaction Taking into account the position of the interlocutor, understanding, respect for a different point of view, the ability to substantiate and prove one's own opinion Communication as cooperation Actions provide opportunities to effectively cooperate both with the teacher and with peers: the ability to plan and coordinate joint activities, distribute roles, be able to negotiate. Communication as a condition of internalization The ability to ask questions, build statements that are understandable for a partner, correctly express one's thoughts, and provide support to each other.

4. Cognitive UUD General educational universal actions Identification of the educational goal, information retrieval, sign-symbolic actions, reflection of the methods and conditions of action, their control and evaluation, criticality, choice of effective solutions. Universal logical actions Analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, hypotheses, proof. Statement and solution of problems Formulation of problems, independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

2. Acquiring knowledge about how to perform an action. 4. Control of the ability to perform an action. Way of formation of universal educational actions. 1. Idea of ​​action, primary experience and motivation. 3.Training in the application of knowledge, self-control and correction.

Personal UUD For the formation of personal universal educational activities, the following types of tasks can be offered: - participation in projects; - summarizing the lesson; - creative tasks; - visual, motor, verbal perception of music; - mental reproduction of a picture, situation, video film; - self-assessment of the event, incident; - Achievement diaries.

Personal UUD 1. The game “What to do? How would you do? (search for a way out of the current situation, you can take situations from literary works). 2. "Kind words" (words are addressed to former enemies, an example from fairy tales is better). 3. Exercise "Frame". 4. “Change your point of view” (it is raining, snowing, and you are a child, a janitor, a driver, a parent, an animal). 5. Write a story on behalf of another (you are a stone on the road, you are a fish in a pond).

Personal UUD For diagnostics, you can use the following methods: - "Ladder". - "Unfinished sentences". - Appreciate the act. - A methodology for studying motivation for elementary school Lukyanova. - "What is good and what is bad". - "What I like about school."

Cognitive UUD - Logic tasks and riddles. What is redundant and why? - Discussing cause and effect relationships. -Drawing from geometric shapes (with and without restrictions (men)). -Drawing from randomly located dots. - "Columbus egg", "Tangram". - "What is hidden in the picture." - Formation of complex words. - Game with a little man. - "What does it look like?" - “Come up with a riddle and draw it (view of the object from above, from the side). - "How many meanings does an object have?" (things to throw away). Clever solutions.

Cognitive UUD - Name all the possible features of the subject (Which one? Which one?). - “Cause and effect” (what is the cause and what is the effect - choose from the chain - laughter, joke; wet asphalt, rain, puddles, wet grass). -Check the correctness of the statements (for example, all cakes are sweet, candy is sweet, then candy is a cake or all wolves are gray, Rex is gray, which means he is a wolf.) -Come up with a nature conservation sign, a new road sign. For diagnosis, you can use: - Questionnaire for the orientation test of school maturity J. Jerasek. - How many words are in the sentence?

Regulatory UUD - "Do the same" (from geometric shapes, for example). - Continue the pattern, following the pattern. - “Hide the letter” (rewrite, but put a dot instead of any letter). - “Keep it a secret” (repeat the words after the teacher, but you can’t repeat, for example, words denoting color that start with the letter p, words of 2 syllables). - Draw a triangle and a square at the same time. - Find your friend's mistakes. -Search for information in the proposed sources.

Regulatory UUD - The game "neither yes nor no." -Patterns by cells (several options). - Drawing from dictation. - Laying out patterns from counting sticks. - Color according to instructions. - Draw half. What word is repeated many times? - Make a word with 2 syllables. - "What has changed in the pebble?" “Give everyone your item.” “Change places those who…. (first second Third). - "Follow the teacher's speech" (active game). -Coding. Diagnostics: - "House". -"Pattern". - "Drawing by points." - "Beads". - "Correction test". -"Coding". - "Graphic dictation". -Map of observations for teachers. -Visuo-motor gestalt - test by Laura Bender

Communicative UUD For the diagnosis and formation of communicative universal learning activities, the following types of tasks can be offered: - compose a task for a partner; - feedback on the work of a friend; - group work on the preparation and solution of tasks; - dialogue listening (formulation of questions for feedback); - “prepare a story ...”, “describe orally ...”, “explain ...”, etc.

Communicative UUD Speech games are suitable here: -Descriptive riddles (give a description so that the other understands you). "Who are we talking about?" - Narrative with pictures. - Call it affectionately, call it in the plural. - Draw with your hands. Options - in a group, everyone, or individually, others guess. Group games: -Create a collage in a group on a topic - plus tell us what idea you wanted to convey. -Build a tall tower together with just 10 sheets. -Be creative and create objects from paper strips. - Color together with your fingers drawing


Zhurova O.Ya., primary school teacher, MBOU "Secondary School No. 5" site

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Cognitive ECM Regulatory ECM Communicative ECM – 1st place Personal ECM

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We learn to interact.

The development of communicative competence is one of the primary tasks of modern education

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Basic communication and speech actions.

1. The child's need to communicate with peers and adults.

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2. Possession of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication

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L.S. Vygotsky:

“The verbal nature of communication is initially associated with generalization and, arising as a means of communication, the word becomes a means of generalization and the formation of individual consciousness”

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3. Acceptable attitude towards the cooperation process.

Slide 8

4. Orientation to a communication partner.

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5. Ability to listen to the interlocutor.

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Groups of communicative UUD.

Communication as interaction. Communication as cooperation. Communication as internalization.

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Communication as interaction.

Indicators: Anticipation of different possible opinions on the same subject, fact, event from different people. Ability to substantiate and prove one's own opinion

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Communication as a joint action. (Cooperation) Components: 1. Distribution of initial actions and operations, given by the subject condition of joint work.

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2. Exchange of ways of action and operation as a means to obtain a product of joint work. 3. Mutual understanding. 4. Communication, ensuring the implementation of the processes of distribution, exchange and mutual understanding.

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5. Planning for general ways of working. 6. Reflection.

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Normative - age indicators.

the ability to negotiate, find a common solution to a practical problem, express and argue one's own opinion, a friendly attitude towards each other,

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the ability to take the initiative in the organization of joint action, to exercise mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of the task, to carry out mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of the task.

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Communication as internalization.

Communicative-speech actions that serve as a means of transmitting information to each other and the formation of reflection.

Formation of communicative UUD at foreign language lessons in elementary school

Mirzakhanova Nelya Chulpanovna

The concept of "universal learning activities"

In a broad sense, the term "universal learning activities" means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

  • ensuring the student's ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities;
  • creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuous education; ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

The task of forming UUD in elementary school students

  • Personal:
  • self-determination
  • Meaning formation
  • moral and ethical


  • Cognitive:

Working with information

  • educational models,
  • the use of sign-symbolic means, general solution schemes,
  • performing logical operations
  • Regulatory:
  • managing your activities
  • Control, correction
  • Initiative and independence
  • Communicative:
  • speech activity
  • collaboration skills

  • Speech activity
  • Ability to communicate verbally and in writing
  • Language knowledge and skills to operate with them
  • Cooperation Skills (on the example of training in cooperation, project activities)

As a result of learning a foreign language, younger students acquire

basic communication skills , i.e. the ability and willingness to communicate with native speakers, taking into account their speech capabilities and needs in different forms: oral (speaking and listening) and written (reading and writing).

The graduate will learn:

  • participate in elementary dialogues: etiquette, questioning dialogue, motivation dialogue;
  • write a short description of an object, picture, character;
  • talk about yourself, your family, a friend.

Dialogic speech

Planned result: participate in elementary dialogues: etiquette, questioning dialogue, motivation dialogue.

There is a new student in your class. Get to know him/her. Find out his/her name, age, what he/she likes to do. Role-play the dialogue with a classmate.

There is a new student in your class. Get to know him/her. Find out his/her name, how old he/she is and when his/her birthday is, what he/she likes to do, what subjects he/she likes and why. Role-play the dialogue with a classmate.

monologue speech

Planned result: write a short description of the object, picture, character.

Basic level task (elementary school)

Tell us about your favorite fairy tale character (appearance, where he lives, what he can do).

Basic level task (high school)

Tell us about your favorite fairy tale character / celebrity (appearance, character, what you like to do) without naming him. Let your classmates guess and name the hero of the fairy tale ...


The graduate will learn:

  • correlate the graphic image of a foreign word with its sound image;
  • read aloud a short text based on the studied language material, observing the rules of pronunciation and appropriate intonation;
  • read silently and understand the content of a short text, built mainly on the studied language material.


Basic level task (elementary school)

Read the text. Choose the correct answer to the question. Mark answer

Wer hat eine Woche Urlaub?

  • Bernie.
  • Bernds Mutter.
  • Berni und Seine Mutter.

Text to read


Basic level task (high school)

Read the text. Complete the sentence by choosing from the given options the one that corresponds to the content of the text. Mark answer

Berni und seine Mutter haben Eier gekauft, um …

  • Darauf ein kleines Papierstück zu kleben.
  • Eier zu essen.
  • Sie mit den Farben zu bemalen.

Text to read

Text to read OSTERFERIEN Bernds Mutti hat eine Woche Urlaub. Sie ist zu Hause und spielt mit ihm. Das findet Berni gut. Heute haben Berni und seine Mutti einen Ausflug ins Dorf gemacht. Dort haben sie Eier gekauft. Mutti sagt: „Nun kochen wir die Eier und malen sie an. Wo sind die Farben?“ „Hurra!!!“, ruft Berni. Ein Ei legt er heimlich weg. Er will es Mutti am Ostermorgen Schenken. Auf das Ei klebt er ein kleines Papierstück. Er hat einen Wunsch darauf geschrieben


The graduate will learn:

  • write off the text and write out words, phrases, simple sentences from it;
  • restore a word, sentence, text in accordance with the educational task being solved;
  • write a short letter to a foreign friend following the model;
  • write a greeting card for the New Year, Christmas, birthday (based on the sample).


Setting the baseline

Read the letter received from a pen friend and write an answer, completing the unfinished sentences.

Text of the letter

The text of the reply to the letter about Lieber ______________________________________________________________ Vielen Dank für deinen Brief Ich heisse_____________________________________________________________ Ich komme aus ____________________________________________________________ Ich bin _____________________________________________________________ Ich lerne in __________________________________________________________ Ich habe eine_________Familie. Das sind _________________________________________________ Ich __________________________________________________________ Viele Grüsse_ Dein__________________________________________________________


Planned result: write a short letter to a foreign friend following the model.

Basic level task (high school)

Read the letter received from a pen friend. Write

him a letter. Tell us about yourself and answer his three questions (Was machst du gern? Welche Fächer hast du besonders gern? Warum?)

Text of the letter

Text of the letter Mein lieber Freund, Ich heisse Kurt. Ich komme aus Deutschland. Ich wohne in Munich. Ich bin zwolf. Mein Geburtstag ist am 22 March. Ich habe eine nicht besonders grosse Familie Das sind meine Mama, mein Papa und mein Bruder. Ich schwimme gern und spiele am Computer. Was machst du gern? Ich lerne and gern. Meine Lieblingsfächer sind Russisch und Biologie. Welche Fächer hast du besonders gern? Warum? Ich bin schon gespannt auf deine Antwort. Viele Grüsse dein Freund Kurt

Cooperation Skills

Our guests were students from Austria. One of them is Anna Wilander.

She taught lessons selectively for almost the entire third quarter.

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Presentation - Formation of communicative UUD through the technology of educational cooperation

The text of this presentation

Baborenko Natalya Ivanovna, primary school teacher, MAOU "School No. 55" Kanavinsky district of Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical experience: 30 years Contact phone: 89030522867
Attestation work for the highest category Formation of communicative UUD through the technology of educational cooperation in the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics

Conditions for the formation of a teacher's personal contribution to the development of education
Research conditions: Analysis of pedagogical, psychological and methodological literature on the topics "Formation of communicative UUD of younger schoolchildren", "Functional capabilities of the technology of educational cooperation."
Methodological conditions: Development of educational resources, technological maps of the lesson, the use of effective technologies in teaching, including the technology of educational cooperation.
Organizational and pedagogical conditions: Participation in seminars, the work of the school methodological association, Internet communities, advanced training.

The relevance of the topic of pedagogical experience
The need to work on the formation of communicative universal actions of younger students is due to the requirements for learning outcomes in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO. The implementation of the technology of educational cooperation in the educational process makes it possible to fulfill the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO for the formation of the characteristics of a primary school graduate, his personal, subject and meta-subject competencies: plan their activities, monitor and evaluate them, interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process.

In the context of the concept of universal learning activities, communication is considered as a semantic aspect of communication and social interaction, the basic components of which include: the child's need to communicate with adults and peers; possession of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication; positive attitude towards the cooperation process; orientation to a communication partner; ability to listen to the interlocutor.

The purpose of the pedagogical research: to develop the communicative UUD of younger students through the use of various forms of organization of group and pair work in the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics in elementary school. Tasks: Analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem. The study of the essence and significance of communicative universal learning activities. Development of a set of techniques used to organize educational cooperation in the educational process for the development of communicative universal educational activities in the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics. Development of memos - instructions for individual topics in the Russian language and mathematics for the teaching materials "Primary School of the 21st Century", aimed at the development of communicative UUD. Establishing the effectiveness of the work done in practice.
Goals and objectives of pedagogical experience

Leading pedagogical idea: A modern lesson should form the basis of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one's activities - the ability to accept, maintain and follow goals in educational activities, interact with teachers and peers in the educational process. This will allow developing communicative universal learning activities in younger students.
Novelty of the research: Developed memos - instructions for teaching materials "Elementary school of the 21st century", aimed at the development of communicative UUD; systematized methods of educational activities for the development of communicative UUD within the framework of the technology of educational cooperation.
The base of pedagogical research: students of grades 1-4 "B" (2012-2016), where education is conducted according to the "Primary School of the 21st Century" system.

Expected results The student will be able to
Development of communicative UUD
Consider the position of the interlocutor (partner)
Communicate information appropriately
Display the subject content and conditions of activity in speech
Organize and implement collaboration and cooperation with the teacher and peers
Communicative UUD provide opportunities for cooperation - the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinate joint activities, assign roles, mutually control each other's actions, be able to negotiate, lead a discussion, correctly express one's thoughts in speech, respect partner in communication and cooperation and myself.

Theoretical justification
The model of joint educational activities in the group of A.B. Vorontsov confirms Piaget's idea of ​​the success and high effectiveness of educational activities under the condition of educational cooperation; Hypothesis of G.A. Tsukerman about the need for educational cooperation for the full-fledged mental development of the child. The implementation of the technology of educational cooperation in the educational process makes it possible to fulfill the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO for the formation of personal, subject and meta-subject competencies.

Communicative actions
Planning educational cooperation with a teacher and peers Asking questions Resolving conflicts Managing partner behavior Possession of dialogic and monologue forms of speech

Development of communicative UUD through group forms of education
Group discussion, dialogue
Group and pair work
Group survey
Non-traditional lessons
Review of knowledge
Project based learning

The scientific basis for isolating this problem
were the works of V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, G.N. Zuckerman, Rubinshteina S.L., I.M. Cheredova, S.P. Ivanova and others.
Their studies convincingly show not only the very possibility of practical organization of effective forms of cooperation between elementary school students regarding the assimilation of educational content (Russian language, mathematics and other subjects), but also recorded the positive impact of the experience of cooperation on the development of communication and speech.
Cooperation in a group of equals is a source of development of decentration - a unique ability to understand the point of view of another and act from the position of another person, both in the intellectual and emotional and personal spheres. (G.N. Zuckerman)
The cooperation of children with each other is the basis for organizing a group (collective) form of education in elementary school.

Collaborative learning has been used in pedagogy for a long time, the origins of which come from collaborative pedagogy. The idea of ​​a humane approach to the child has passed through the hearts and works of all the classics of pedagogy.
Sukhomlinsky V.A. believed that “cooperation between teachers and children is possible only on the principles of equality, the participation of teachers and pupils in a common cause. The pupil is understood as a participant in common affairs, and not as an object of education. Methodist and scientist Soloveichik M.S. believes that "cooperation is an atmosphere of kindness, respect, mutual understanding, common interest, collective search, mutual satisfaction from cognitive victories." Tsukerman G.A. in his book Why Should Children Study Together? considered "cooperation as the ability to learn - the ability not only to follow, to be led, but also to do without a teacher, to teach oneself, independently acquire new knowledge, skills, and abilities."

Development of communicative UUD
Creation of memos - instructions for individual topics in the Russian language and mathematics for the teaching materials "Primary School of the 21st Century", aimed at the development of communicative UUD.
Implementation of a set of techniques used to organize educational cooperation in the educational process for the development of communicative universal educational activities in the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics.
The activity aspect of pedagogical experience

At the 1st stage of the memo - instructions are detailed, detailed. They are important step by step, sequence of actions. They are mainly designed to teach children to listen carefully to their partner and express their opinion using cliché phrases: “I agree”, “I disagree”.
At stage 2, in the memos - instructions, argumentation appears, evidence is presented, points are added: Prove ... Explain ...
At stage 3, creative tasks appear: Make something similar ... Continue with your own examples ... And the memos themselves - the instructions are folded and become more concise.
Reminders - instructions

Russian language Grade 2 Topic: "The root as a common part of related words"
Card 1. Find related words. Write related words. Highlight the root. chair, armchair, bench sheet, leaf, foliage Card 2. Make words from syllables. Choose related words.
cat garden
ir house
Memo No. 1 Read the tasks one sentence at a time. One reads the top chain of words and tells how to complete the tasks. The other is listening carefully. If you agree, continue on. If you don’t agree, add, correct your friend’s answer and go to the bottom chain of words. The bottom chain is already read by another and tells how to complete the tasks. Memo No. 2 I read the assignment to a friend. I think myself. I express my opinion. I listen to my neighbor. We come to a common opinion. We write down each other's dictation one word at a time. We select the root in the words.

Russian language Grade 2 Topic: "Single-root words"
pair work
Card. Read the dialogue carefully. Write related words. Highlight the root. - Who are you? - I am a goose, this is a goose, and these are our goslings. And who are you? - And I'm your aunt - a caterpillar. Memo No. 3 Read a task to a friend. Assign roles and read the dialogue. Switch roles and read the dialogue again. Have a friend explain which words are related. You listen carefully, check, correct your friend's answer. Write down, dictating in turn, related words. Highlight the root.
"Speech development"
Memo. Algorithm for working on the presentation I. Read the text aloud along the chain. 2. Discuss who is it about? 3. Using the text, describe the main character to each other. 4. Title the text. 5. Divide the text together into parts. 6. Plan the text together. 7. Take turns retelling the text to each other in parts. 8. Close the textbook and write your own summary. 9. Check each other's work. 10. Evaluate each other's work and your overall work.

Topic: "Repeat the spelling rules for unstressed vowels at the root of a word"
3rd grade
Card 1. Choose and write down the test words. Insert the missing letters. Write 5 more words for the same rule. b_r_zhet old_r_live g_l_sok Card 2. Pick up and write down the test words. Insert the missing letters. Write 5 more words for the same rule. k_l_juk m_l_dezh g_v_rlivy Card 3. Pick up and write down the test words. Insert the missing letters. Write 5 more words for the same rule. d_r_live s_l_net pos_l_tit
Memo No. 4 We write the test words and the word to be checked, dictating to each other. We select the spelling. I make a chain of 5 words for the same rule. I present my chain to a friend.

Work in pairs
Game "Go on"
Treasure Hunt
Reception "Zigzag" or the Saw method
Mosaic or Puzzles
Group work techniques

Pair interaction of students
Two teams produced 128 parts per shift. How many parts did each team produce if one of them had 7 people and the other had 9 people? 96 colored and simple pencils were put into boxes: 6 colored and 2 simple. How many colored and pencils separately? For 2 days, the adjuster serviced 56 machines. The first day he worked 8 hours, the second 6 hours. How many machines did the adjuster service each day? There were several bouquets, each with 15 daisies and 10 cornflowers. There are 125 colors in total. How many daisies? How many cornflowers?
A.S. Granitskaya identified 3 types of pairs: static, dynamic, variational. Cards - tasks for working in dynamic pairs in a mathematics lesson in grade 4.

Cards for working in a variational pair. Children perform oral tasks on their cards. Then they change according to the scheme with their neighbors, checking each other. The work is carried out until the card is returned. For the success of the control, the correct answers are given on the reverse side.
Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4
1) Escaping from a dog, a cat climbed up a tree at a speed of 2 m/s in 3 seconds. How high did the cat climb? 2) A motorcyclist has been driving for 4 hours at a speed of 80 km/h. What distance did he travel? 3) The boat sailed at a speed of 7 km/h for a distance of 28 km. How long was she on the road? 1) The mouse, running away from the cat, ran 12 m to its mink in 4 seconds. With what speed did she run? 2) How long does it take a pedestrian to cover 15 km walking at a speed of 5 km/h? 3) The plane flew for 4 hours at a speed of 600 km/h. What distance did he fly? 1) At what speed must a cyclist travel in order to travel 33 km in 3 hours? 2) How long did it take a tourist to walk 28 km if he walked at a speed of 4 km/h? 3) A skier covered a distance of 24 km in 3 hours. How fast was he walking? !) Bamboo grew by 72 cm in 24 hours. How fast did bamboo grow? 2) What distance will the boat cover in 4 hours if it is moving at a speed of 32 km/h? 3) The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s. After what time will we hear the sound of a shot fired at a distance of 990 meters?

Mathematics Grade 1 Topic: "Problem Solving" Reception "Snowball"
Changing the issue question. Work in groups with differentiated tasks. Olya hung 7 toys on the Christmas tree, and Lyuba 3 toys. How many more toys did Olya hang up? 1 group. Solve the problem. Think, what other question can be put to this condition? 2 group. Solve the problem. Put a question to this condition. Write it down and solve a new problem. 3rd group. Put another question to this condition. Write it down and solve a new problem. Can you put another new question to this condition? If you can, write it down and solve the problem.

Fast, speedy. Moves, rushes, honks. A car makes it easier for a person to get around. High risk tool!
We compose syncwines according to the rules Reception “Brainstorming” Russian language Reception “Game“ Continue ”At the lesson of speech development, writing mini-essays in groups is used. Each member of the group proposes one sentence on a given topic. Suggestions are heard by the whole group. Based on the discussion and discussion, a common text is compiled, which is recorded by each member of the group. Checking the work can take place in the form of a presentation in the lesson in front of the whole class.

Russian languageTheme "Repetition of the past"
3rd grade
What is called a root? What elephants are called single-rooted? What part of a word is called an ending? What is it for? What is an attachment? What is it for? What is a suffix? What does it serve?
Treasure Hunt Reception
Grade 4 What are the main members of the sentence called? What does subject mean? What questions does it answer? What does predicate mean? What question does it answer? What are the other parts of the sentence called? What questions do they answer?

Working with phraseological units Task. Working in pairs, correlate the lexical meaning and the situation of application with the phraseological unit.
1 class

The bear came to fall asleep in my ear When I recited a poem by heart, Kolya prompted me. The teacher decided that I did not learn well and put "3". Kolya gave me….
Grade 2
Phraseologism Lexical meaning Situation of application
Nodding Giving unnecessary help Sasha was so tired at training that he was on the bus on the way home...
When cancer whistles on the mountain. Never We'll go fishing...
It's a disservice to fall asleep When I recited a poem by heart, Kolya prompted me. The teacher decided that I did not learn well and put "3". Kolya gave me….

Enrichment of children's vocabulary
Grade 3 - 4 Pair and group work effectively develops communicative UUD. Table with omissions Omission in the lexical meaning - restore (work in pairs). Pass in the situation of application - think of how you can use the phraseological unit "the cat cried" at home, at school, in the store, in the yard, in the theater, at a party (the "Puzzles" technique). Create a skit and show it to the class (Brainstorm technique).
Phraseologism Lexical meaning Situation of application
The cat cried Milk in the bottle remained, just ...
Chickens do not peck Time left before the start of the lessons ...
With a gulkin nose It turned out that the potatoes were in the barn ...
Vasya has a cart and a small cart of toys ...

Approximate thematic planning of the course "Russian language" Grade 2
35 Learning to write letters of unstressed vowels at the root of a word Working with unstressed vowels, when checking which it is necessary to take into account the meaning of the sentence. Comparison of sound and letter notation of words. Selection of related words with a given root. Reception "Game" Continue "
42 Learning to write letters of consonants at the root of a word Exercises: working out a way to check spelling. The development of spelling vigilance Reception "Brainstorm"
47 Learning to write letters of vowels and consonants at the root of a word Development of spelling vigilance. Activation of vocabulary in the process of selecting test words. Working with texts Reception "Snowball"
52 Learning to write words with unpronounceable consonants at the root Observation of language material (function, meaning and location of the suffix in a word) formulation of conclusions. Exercises: working on the rule Reception "Zigzag"

Lesson No. Lesson topic Content, teaching methods Elements of additional content
72 Learning to write prefixes Practicing the spelling of prefixes with the letter a. Derivation of the action algorithm Reception "Snowball"
75 Learning to write a dividing solid sign (ъ) Analysis of language material: formulating a rule, working out an algorithm for its application. Construction of words, revealing the correlation of sound and letter records of words. Particular cases of spelling of words with ъ and ь signs. Reception "Brainstorm"
94 We repeat the spelling of parts of the word Work in the spelling notebook "We write competently." Spelling training. Comparison of sound and letter recording of words Transcription of words. Reception "Brainstorm"
109 Learning to apply spelling rules Work in the spelling notebook "We write correctly." Spelling training. Development of control action. Comparison of sound and letter notation of words. Spelling of prefixes and suffixes. Various ways of forming words. Reception "Puzzles"

Guidelines for the use of educational cooperation technology in the classroom The use of educational cooperation technology should be systematic and purposeful. A variety of technological forms, techniques and methods at each stage of work will make the lesson effective and efficient. The cooperation of the teacher and students should be aimed at the joint construction of the lesson, while the most important component is the presence of a problematic situation, which forms the motivational basis for educational cooperation. A clear step-by-step implementation of the technology of educational cooperation in the course of work in the lesson is the key to high efficiency and effectiveness of mathematics and Russian language lessons.

Communicative UUD (basic types) Main evaluation criteria Typical diagnostic tasks
Communication as interaction - orientation to the position of the interlocutor, understanding, respect for a different point of view; the ability to substantiate and prove one's own opinion Method "Brothers and Sisters" (J. Piaget) Method "Who is right?" (G.A. Zuckerman and others)
Communication as cooperation is the ability to negotiate, find a common solution; the ability to argue your proposal, convince and yield; the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other in a situation of conflict of interest; mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of the task; the ability to distribute roles, to perform joint activities in a coordinated manner. Method "Mittens" (G.A. Zukerman)
Communication as a condition of internalization is the ability to reflect one's actions; the ability to build statements that are understandable for the partner, taking into account what he knows and sees and what he does not; the ability to ask questions and get the necessary information from a partner. Method "Road to Home" (modified version)
Diagnosis of communicative UUD

Levels of formation of communicative UUD
Input Diagnostics
Control diagnostics

The results of diagnosing the formation of communicative UUD (subject to cooperation)

The effectiveness of pedagogical experience
The use of group forms of cooperation provided the younger student with the ability to: plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, ask questions and receive the necessary information from the partner, answer the questions of the teacher and comrades, express their thoughts fully and accurately, observe the norms of speech etiquette, understand the speech of another person to resolve conflicts peacefully.

Translatability of pedagogical experience
2013-2016 speeches at meetings of the MO of primary school teachers on the topics: “Functional efficiency of the technology of educational cooperation in elementary school”, “Forms of technology of educational cooperation in project activities”, “Peculiarities of group work in the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading”, “Project activity”. 2013-2016 participation in the work of intra-school experimental sites and speeches at pedagogical councils. 2013-2016 management of state practice in their classes by students of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Nizhny Novgorod Provincial College", methodological work and organization of annual open lessons and events.

1. Asmolov A.G., Burmenskaya G.V., Volodarskaya I.A. and others / Ed. Asmolova A.G. How to design universal learning activities in elementary school. From Action to Thought: A Teacher's Guide. - 3rd ed. - M.: Education, 2011.2. Panyushkin V.P. Group teaching methods as a means of forming student cooperation // Psychological problems of the process of teaching younger students / Ed. L.M. Fridman. - M., 19783. Romaneeva M.P., Zuckerman E.A. The role of cooperation with peers in the psychological development of younger students // Questions of psychology. - 1980.- No. 6.4. Rubtsov VV Organization and development of joint actions in children in the learning process. - M., 1987.5. Ryabtseva S.L. Dialogue at the desk, -M..1989.60. Joint activity / Methodology, theory, practice//Ed. A.A. Zhuravlev. - M., 1988.6. Tsukerman G.A., Elizarova N.V., Frumina M.I., Chudinova E.V. Training in educational cooperation // Questions of psychology, No. 2, 1993.7. Tsukerman G.A., Elizarova N.A. and others. Teaching educational cooperation // Questions of psychology. - 1993. - No. 2.8. Tsukerman G.A. Qualitative features of the joint educational work of children // New research in psychology. -1981.-№2.9. Tsukerman G.A. Joint educational activity as the basis for the formation of the ability to learn: Diss. doc. psychol. Sciences. -M., 1992.

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