Who invented Dr. Aibolita. Dr. Aibolit

Who invented Dr. Aibolita. Dr. Aibolit
Who invented Dr. Aibolita. Dr. Aibolit

Good Dr. Aibolit!
He sits under the tree.
Come to him to be treated
And cow, and a wolf,
And bug, and worm,
And bear!

All cure, heament
Good Dr. Aibolit!

And came to Aibolit Lisa:
"Oh, I was bitten by the OSA!"
And came to Aibolit Barbos:
"I was chicken in my nose!"
And came running Zhenichikha
And screamed: "Ah, ah!
My bunny fell under the tram!
My bunny, my boy
Hit under the tram!
He ran along the track
And he cut legs,
And now he is sick and chrome,
Little Zainka my! "

And Aibolit said:
"No problem! Sign it here!
I will send him new legs,
He will run on the track again. "

And brought a bunny to him,
Such a patient, chrome,
And the doctor sewed his legs,
And Zainka jumps again.
And with him and hassiness mother
Also went to dance.
And she laughs and shouts:
"Well, thank you, Aibolit!"

Suddenly, from somewhere jackal
On the mare rushing:
"Here is a telegram
From Hippopotama! "

"Come, Doctor,
In Africa soon
And save, doctor
Our kids! "

"What? Really
Your children got sick? "

"Yes Yes Yes! They have a sorry,
Scarlatina, Cholery,
Diphtherite, appendicitis,
Malaria and bronchitis!

Come sooner
Good Dr. Aibolit! "

"Okay, okay, run,
Your children will help.
Only where do you live?
On the mountain or in the swamp? "

"We live on Zanzibar,
In Kalahari and Sahara,
On the mountain Fernando-software
Where hippo walks
Broad Limpopo.

And got aibolit, ran aibolit,
In the fields, in the forests, in the meadows he runs.
And the only word is repeated aibolit:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in the face of him the wind, and snow, and hail:
"Hey, Aibolit, turn back!"
And Aibolit fell and lies in the snow:
"I can't go further."

And now it's because of the tree
Shaggy wolves run away:
"Sit, Aibolit, riding,
We will catch you! "

And the arabolit rushed forward
And the word only says:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

But in front of them the sea -
Raging, noise at the square.
And the wave walks high in the sea,
Now Aibolita will swallow.

"Oh, if I drown,
If I go to the bottom,

With my beasts of forest? "

But here heats whales:
"Sit on me, Aibolit,
And like a big steamer,
I'll take you forward! "

And sat on whale aibolit
And the word only says:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And the mountains get up in front of him,
And he starts crawling in the mountains
And the mountains are all higher, and the mountains are worse,
And the mountains go under the very clouds!

"Oh, if I do not come
If in the way the break
What will be with them, with patients,
With my beasts of forest? "

And now with a high cliff
Eagles descended to Aibolit:
"Sit, Aibolit, riding,
We will catch you! "

And sat on Eagita Aibolit
And the word only says:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in Africa,
And in Africa,
On black Limpopo,
Sits and crying
In Africa
Sad hippopo.

He is in Africa, he is in Africa
Sitted under the palm
And on the sea from Africa
Without rest looks:
Does not go in the boat
Dr. Aibolit?

And grow on the road
Elephants and rhinos
And they say angrily:
"What no Aibolita?"

And near Behemotiki
Grabbed the tummy:
They have hippo
Tumors hurt.

And right there
Squeezed like pigs
Ah, sorry, sorry, sorry
Poor fucking!

And measles, and diphtherite they
And there, and bronchitis from them,
And their head hurts
And sore hurts.

They lie and wander:
"Well, he does not go,
Well, he does not go,
Dr. Aibolit?"

And nearby confused
Toothy shark
Tord shark
On the sun lies.

Ah, at her baby,
At the poor shark,
Already twelve day
Teeth hurt!

And dislocate the player
At the poor grasshopper;
Does not jump, he does not jump
And bitter bitterly crying
And the doctor calls:
"Oh, where is the good doctor?
When will he come? "

But here, look, some kind of bird
Getting closer and closer through the air rushing,
On a bird, look, sits aibolit
And the hat is waving and loudly shouts:
"Long live my dear Africa!"

And glad and happy all the defortion:
"Come arrived! Hurrah Hurrah!"

And the bird is spinning over them,
And the bird sits on the ground,
And runs aibolit to hippopamics,
And claps them on the tummy,
And everything in order
Gives a chocolate
And puts and puts the thermometers!

And to striped
He runs tigry
And to the poor humpback
Patients with camels,
And every Gogol,
Everyone can
Gogol Mogul
Gogol Mogul
Gogol-mog flows.

Ten nights aibolit
Does not eat, does not drink and does not sleep,
Ten nights in a row
He treats unfortunate animals
And puts and puts the thermometers.

So he cured them,
So cured patients,
And they went to laugh
And dance and indulge

And Shark Karakula
With the right eye impulsed
And laughs, and laughs,
As if who tickles her.

And Baby Hippo
Grabbed the tummy
And laugh, poured -
So that oaks are shaken.

Here is a hippo, that's Popo,
Hippo Popo, Hippo Popo!
Here goes hippo.
He comes from Zanzibar,
He goes to Kilimanjaro -
And he shouts, and he sings:
"Glory, thank Aibolit!
Glory to good doctors! "

Chukovsky's roots

It is believed that the doctor of Dr. Aibolit was the image of Dr. Dulitla from the book of Hugh Lofting, which came out in 1920. Chukovsky's roots are a wonderful translator from English - probably read this book. But still his "Dr. Aibolit" can not be called simply by translation. Chukovsky enriched the plot with new episodes and gave the hero of the "speaking" name Aibolit.

And besides, the true prototype of the good doctor Aibolit was a real person, not the hero of the lofting. It was Cmes Yozhelevich (Timofey Osipovich) Shabad (1864-1935), with whom Chukovsky met in 1912 in Vilnius, which was then called wine. He stopped at the doctor twice when he came to wine in cases.
Cmemas Shabad was a doctor and scientists. He was born in 1864, finished the medical faculty of Moscow University, then was aimed at eliminating the cholera epidemic to Astrakhan. Then Shabad settled in villy, opened private practices there and founded health camps for children and shelters for orphans. He did not take money from the poor, never refused to go to the sick at night and in any weather. In his free time edited the Medical Journal. Shabad stood at the origins of the Jewish Scientific Institute. He was the leader of dozens of Jewish organizations, including the Vilen Jewish community, one of the founders of Yiddish Folkspartei, a member of the Vilen Municipality, a deputy of the Polish Sejm (Wicked then was part of Poland).
He also did a huge work on medical and hygienic education of the population, wrote many publicistic articles on hygiene. In the fact that during the war in Vilnius ghetto there were no outbreaks of infections - the great merit of his commandment: "Clearness - the condition of survival". In those years, it was not so obvious at all as now. Some considered him an eccentric for the fact that he was ready to treat and vagrants, and crooks and even animals: horses, cows, cats and dogs, and even raven. And all patients loved him unless.
Therefore, it is not surprising that Chukovsky's roots wrote from him Dr. Aibolita. In his memoirs Chukovsky wrote:
"There was this kinder man I knew in my life. Will come, there was a slender girl to him, he tells her: "Do you want me to write you a recipe? No, milk will help you. Come to me every morning and get two glasses of milk. " And in the morning, I noticed, a whole queue built it. Children not only came to him, but also brought sick animals ...
Somehow, three crying children came to Dr.. They brought him a cat, in which the tongue was puzzled by the fishing crochet. Cat roared. Her tongue was all in the blood. Timofey Osipovich armed with forceps, inserted a cat in his mouth some kind of strut and a very clever move pulled out a hook. So I thought it would be wonderful to write a fairy tale about such a kind doctor. After that, I wrote: "Come to him to be treated and cow, and a wolf ...".

Cemes Shabad died on January 20, 1935 from blood infection. Behind his coffin was more than thirty thousand citizens. His death The Great Jewish historian S. Dubnov called the loss of the associate that fell on the battle post. At the beginning of World War II, the watchman hid a bust of Shabad and after the war he returned it to his colleagues of the famous Vilencan. Now Bust is located in the Jewish Museum in Vilnius.
And in the center of Vilnius, there is now a monument that depicts this particular episode - the girl holds his wounded cat. The bronze figure of Dr. Aibolita and a little girl with a cat in his arms installed on the native Street of Dr. Shabad, in the former Jewish quarter of Vilnius.
Its author is a sculptor Romas Quintas in Lithuania. The sculptor said that he was unfair when the literary character knows more people than a real person of Dr. Shabad, a resident of Vilnius. The figures are not installed on the pedestal, but directly on the sidewalk to save the feeling - the doctor with us.

Aibolit is the fairy tale of Kornea Chukovsky about the good Doctor, who helped everyone who had not addressed him. And once came to Aibolit Telegram from the Hippopotamus, who called the doctor in Africa to save all animals. Doctor tells "Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo", and help him in the path of wolves, whale, eagles. Everybody cures good doctor Aibolit.

Fairy Tale Aibolit Download:

Aibolit fairy tale Read

1 part

Good Dr. Aibolit!

He sits under the tree.

Come to him to be treated

And cow, and a wolf,

And bug, and worm,

And bear!

All cure, heament

Good Dr. Aibolit!

2 part

And came to Aibolit Lisa:

"Oh, I was bitten by the OSA!"

And came to Aibolit Barbos:

"I was chicken in my nose!"

And came running Zhenichikha

And screamed: "Ah, ah!

My bunny fell under the tram!

My bunny, my boy

Hit under the tram!

He ran along the track

And he cut legs,

And now he is sick and chrome,

Little Zainka my! "

And Aibolit said: "Not trouble!

Sign it here!

I will send him new legs,

He will run on the track again. "

And brought a bunny to him,

Such a patient, chrome,

And the doctor sewed his legs.

And Zainka jumps again.

And with him and hassiness mother

Also went to dance.

And she laughs and shouts:

"Well, thank you, Aibolit!"

3 part

Suddenly, from somewhere jackal

On the mare rushing:

"Here is a telegram

From Hippopotama! "

"Come, Doctor,

In Africa soon

And save, doctor,

Our kids! "

"What? Really

Your children got sick? "

"Yes Yes Yes! They have a sorry,

Scarlatina, Cholery,

Diphtherite, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis!

Come sooner

Good Dr. Aibolit! "

"Okay, okay, run,

Your children will help.

Only where do you live?

On the mountain or in the swamp? "

"We live on Zanzibar,

In Kalahari and Sahara,

On the mountain Fernando-software

Where hippo walks

Broad Limpopo.

4 part

And Aibolit got up, ran aibolit.

In the fields, in the forests, in the meadows he runs.

And the only word is repeated aibolit:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in the face of him the wind, and snow, and hail:

"Hey, Aibolit, turn back!"

And Aibolit fell and lies in the snow:

And now it's because of the tree

Shaggy wolves run away:

"Sit, Aibolit, riding,

We will catch you! "

And the arabolit rushed forward

And the word only says:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

5 part

But in front of them the sea -

Raging, noise at the square.

And the wave walks high in the sea,

Now Aibolita will swallow.

"Oh, if I drown

If I go for the bottom.

With my beasts of forest? "

But here heats whales:

"Sit on me, Aibolit,

And like a big steamer,

I'll take you forward! "

And sat on whale aibolit

And the word only says:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

6 part

And the mountains get up in front of him,

And he starts crawling in the mountains

And the mountains are all higher, and the mountains are worse,

And the mountains go under the very clouds!

"Oh, if I do not come

If in the way the break

What will be with them, with patients,

With my beasts of forest?

And now with a high cliff

Eagles flew to Aibolit:

"Sit, Aibolit, riding,

We will catch you! "

And sat on Eagita Aibolit

And the word only says:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

7 part

And in Africa,

And in Africa,

On black

Sits and crying

Sad hippopo.

He is in Africa, he is in Africa

Sitted under the palm

And on the sea from Africa

Without rest looks:

Does not go in the boat

Dr. Aibolit?

And grow on the road

Elephants and rhinos

And they say angrily:

"What no Aibolita?"

And near Behemotiki

Grabbed the tummy:

They have hippo

Tumors hurt.

And right there

Scattered like piglets.

Ah, sorry, sorry, sorry

Poor fucking!

And measles, and diphtherite they

And there, and bronchitis from them,

And their head hurts

And sore hurts.

They lie and wander:

"Well, he does not go,

well, he does not go,

Dr. Aibolit?"

And nearby confused

Toothy shark

Tord shark

On the sun lies.

Ah, at her baby,

At the poor shark,

Already twelve day

Teeth hurt!

And dislocate the player

At the poor grasshopper;

Does not jump, he does not jump

And bitter bitterly crying

And the doctor calls:

"Oh, where is the good doctor?

When will he come? "

8 part

But here, look, some kind of bird

Getting closer and closer through the air rushes.

On a bird, look, sits aibolit

And the hat is waving and loudly shouts:

"Long live my dear Africa!"

And glad and happy all the defortion:

"Come arrived! Hooray! Hooray!"

And the bird is spinning over them

And the bird sits on the ground.

And runs aibolit to hippopamics,

And claps them on the tummy,

And everything in order

Gives a chocolate

And puts and puts the thermometers!

And to striped

He runs tigry

And to the poor humpback

Patients with camels,

And every Gogol,

Everyone can

Gogol Mogul

Gogol Mogul

Gogol-mog flows.

Ten nights aibolit

Does not eat and does not drink and does not sleep,

Ten nights in a row

He treats unhappy animals,

And puts and puts the thermometers.

9 part

So he cured them,

Limpopo! So cured patients,

Limpopo! And they went to laugh

Limpopo! And dance and indulge

And Shark Karakula

With the right eye impulsed

And laughs, and laughs,

As if who tickles her.

And baby hippo

Grabbed the tummy

And laugh, poured -

So the mountains shake.

Here is a hippo, that's Popo,

Hippo Popo, Hippo Popo!

Here goes hippo.

He comes from Zanzibar,

He goes to Kilimanjaro -

And he shouts, and he sings:

"Glory, thank Aibolit!

Glory to good doctors! "

Character Aibolita

Older and adult children often interest how such unusual fabulous characters could come up with? However, it is likely that Chukovsky's characters are not quite fiction, but a simple description of real people. For example, the well-known Aibolit. Chukovsky's roots itself said that the idea about Dr. Aibolit appeared after his acquaintance with Dr. Shabad. This doctor studied in Moscow at the medical faculty, and spent all his free time in slums, helping and curing the poor and disadvantaged. For his own and so modest means even gave them food. Returning to his homeland in Vilnius, Dr. Shabad fed poor children and did not refuse to help anyone. He began to bring and domestic animals and even birds - he helped everyone disinterestedly, for which he was warmly loved in the city. It was so respected by his people and were grateful that the monument was established in His honor, which is still in Vilnius.

There is another version of the appearance of Dr. Aibolit. They say that Chukovsky just took the character from another author, namely, Hugh Lofting his Dr. Dulitla, who treated animals and could talk in their tongue. Even if this version is true, in any case, Dr. Aibolit Chukovsky is a unique work for young children, which teaches cleanliness and order from small years, justice, love and respect for the brothers to our smaller.

Does the children who wrote "Aibolita" know - the most popular fairy tale among young preschool literature lovers? How was the image of the doctor, who was a prototype and whether to read this fairy tale at all? Below about it is described in more detail.

Who wrote "Aibolita"?

This fairy tale was written by the famous children's writer and the poet in 1929, she was first introduced to the readers' court and immediately won the hearts of thousands of readers. She fell in love with not only kids whose caring parents read them fairy tales for the night, but also adults who had fallen in the soul of the plot of the work.

The author of "Aibolita" did not simply told the story of a selfless medicine worker, strictly observing the oath of the hippocracy, and it became stamped into living poems, which easily fall into memory and literally from the second reading is remembered by children.

The prototype "Aibolita" Chukovsky considers Dr. Dulittla - the hero of the English fairy tale, which heals animals and understands their language. The roots of Ivanovich translated a fairy tale for Russian-speaking children and at some point thought that it would be nice to write his fairy tale about the same wonderful person.

"Aibolit" is a story about how a medical wide profile is engaged in medical activities, healing animals from various diseases, and sometimes it is quite peculiar: chocolate, sweet Gogol-Mogol, which suggests that he is not just a skillful healer bodies, But the unfortunate souls. He takes the patients, sitting under the tree, which suggests his altruism and complete dedication, while he does not divide animals into classes, caste or by the nature of activity - for all there is a minute of attention and treatment.

At some point, the messenger arrives at the horse with an urgent letter, in which residents (animals) of Africa, who says about his abilities, is begging for help. Naturally, the compassional Aibolit is in a hurry to the rescue and various beasts and birds help him in this. By common efforts, they defeat the terrible epidemic within ten days, without releasing either a moment. As a result, the fame of the striking abilities of the doctor applies to the whole world.

Characteristics of the main character

"Good Dr. Aibolit ..." - this is exactly what the first line of fairy tales in verses sounds, and it is she who defines the essence of this fabulous man: his kindness and love for animals does not know borders, because sometimes the doctor finds himself in critical situations, on the verge of life and death And still makes a choice in favor of suffering, and not yourself. His professional qualities will not be allowed to doubt the huge luggage of knowledge to which the aibolit possesses. Chukovsky gave him such qualities as the latitude of souls and fearlessness, gullibility, but the softness of the soul.

At the same time, according to the plot, it is clearly seen that even such a wonderful and brave person comes the moments of despair and the decline of the forces, which makes it even more humane, closer to the simple people, unlike European and American stories, in which the main characters were often endowed with "Divine "Qualities.

What does this work teaches?

Aibolit's fairy tale is designed to open knowledge about what does not matter what kind of, family and family do you belong: in moments of grief, difficulties and suffering living beings should help each other not only for payment or gratitude, but simply by kettling Hearts and kindness of the soul. Combined such wisdom, a person rises to a higher level of evolution - disinterested love for animals and the whole world.

The one who wrote "Aibolita" made a work simple for understanding even the most small listeners, knowing that the seeds of good, laid down in early childhood, will definitely be powder and will give great fruits, forming the moral and high spiritual spirit of man.

Author about "Aybolit"

The roots of Ivanovich picked up the rhymes for this fairy tale quite a long time, turning out hundreds of phrases and plot phrases, trying to invest a maximum of meaning in a small amount of words, knowing that there is no longer a long "epic" of a child who has a scrupulous descriptions of nature, items and appearance is not interested, because he himself Maybe it is to think, thanks to an amazing fantasy, which is strongly developed for each kid.

At the same time, Chukovsky wanted the rhymes of the fairy tale to be banal and primitive, because he was the admirer of the great poetry Pushkin, Derzhavin and Nekrasov: He simply could not lower his creation to the level of boulevard rhymes. Therefore, the tale in verse rewrited again and again: something was added, the other categorically cut off, sometimes in large parts. The author wanted to focus the attention of the reader on the character of the doctor, on his heroic attitude to his profession, no! - Rather, the lifestyle when his honor and conscience did not allow to leave the suffering in trouble.

Therefore, the fairy tale has undergone several changes, he drove into half and only then was presented to the court of readers.

The continuation of the fairy tales is!

The one who wrote "Aibolita," did not stop at what was achieved, because the popularity of history was a pretty: the children wrote the letters to Chukovsky, falling asleep with questions about what was further, as the doctor lived, whether he had relatives and about other things that are interested It is children. Therefore, the roots of Ivanovich decided to write a fairy tale about the same doctor, but with a more detailed description of what was happening: if the tale in verses was close to children up to six years, then the second version of the story was closer to children from six to 13, since the plots in it More - four more, and in each there is a separate morality, which Chukovsky wanted to convey to small readers.

For the first time, this story was released in 1936, he was redoned several times by the author, refined and in 1954 finally approved in the completed version. The fairy tale came to the soul fans of the creativity of Kornea Ivanovich, but many admitted that the fairy tales in verses succeed better.

It is worth mentioning that the character of Aibolit appears in two fairy tales in verses of the same author: "Barmalei" (1925) and "over-the Barmaley" (1942). If you judge the dates, then "Barmalei" was written earlier than "Aibolit", which means that the author first created the fleeting image, which after fully opened in a separate work.

Ballet in 4 acts 8 paintings (according to the fairy tale K. I. Chukovsky). Comp. I. V. Morozov, scenes. P. F. Abolimov, 20.9.1947, Novosibirsk t p, balletm. M. F. Moiseev, Hood. B. G. Knoblock, Conductor I. A. Zack; Dr. Aibolit - M. F. Moiseev, Tanya - A ... Ballet. Encyclopedia

DR. AIBOLIT - "Dr. Aibolit", USSR, Soyuztest Film, 1938, Ch / B, 72 min. Adventure fairy tale. Based on the fairy tale of K. Chukovsky. Cast: Maxim Stroh (see Strook Maxim Maksimovich), Anna Williams, Igor Arkadin, Victor Seleznev (see Seleznev Victor) ... Encyclopedia of cinema

Dr. Aibolit - Dr. Aibolit … Russian spelling dictionary

Dr. Aibolit - (fabulous character) ... Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

Dr. Aibolit (Tale) - This term has other meanings, see Aibolit (values). Dr. Aibolit Genre: Tale

Dr. Aibolit (cartoon) - This term has other meanings, see Aibolit (values). Dr. Aibolit Type Cartoon Hand Drawn Animation Genre Fairy Tale Director David Cherkasy ... Wikipedia

Dr. Aibolit (film) - This term has other meanings, see Aibolit (values). Dr. Aibolit ... Wikipedia

Aibolit and Barmalela (cartoon) - Aibolit and Barmalei Aibolit and Barmalei ... Wikipedia

Aibolit (values) - Aibolit: Aibolit Fictional veterinarian, a character of several works of Kornea Chukovsky, 1929 1936. Aibolit (Tale) Children's fairy tale in verses Kornea Chukovsky, 1929. Aybolit 66 Single Music Artistic ... Wikipedia

Aibolit - Character of the Fairy Tale "Aibolit" (1929) of the famous literary critic and children's poet Corpel Ivanovich Chukovsky (Nikolai Vasilyevich Nikolaychukova's pseudonym, 1882 1969), a good one, an eccentric doctor who treats animals and birds: Good Dr. Aibolit. He is under ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions


  • Dr. Aibolit, Chukovsky K .. In the book "Dr. Aibolit" K. Chukovsky entered the famous fairy tale about the travel of good doctor Aibolit and his friends: Ducks of Kiki, Avvi dogs, Little pigs, Khry-Khrew, Parrot Korudo and ...
  • Dr. Aibolit, Chukovsky's roots. Aibolit Fairy Tale Kornea Chukovsky about the good Doctor, who helped everyone who had not addressed him. And once came to Aibolit Telegram from the Hippopotamus, who called the doctor to Africa ...