Presentation of assignments for teachers on communicative language. Communicative oud

Presentation of assignments for teachers on communicative language.  Communicative oud
Presentation of assignments for teachers on communicative language. Communicative oud

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Presentation on the topic: Formation of communicative UUD

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Changing the paradigm of education Development of skills for independent study of the material and evaluation of the results of one's activities The ideal of an employee is a performer. The modern era requires a creator Students solve subject problems, but in life all problems are interdisciplinary Formation of general educational skills and competencies

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* PERSONAL META-SUBJECT SUBJECT Self-determination: the internal position of the student; self-identification; self-respect and self-assessment Meaning formation: motivation (educational, social); the boundaries of one's own knowledge and "ignorance" Value and moral and ethical orientation: orientation towards the fulfillment of moral and ethical standards; the ability to solve moral problems on the basis of decentration; assessment of their actions Regulatory: management of their activities; control and correction; initiative and independence Communicative: speech activity; cooperation skills Cognitive: work with information; work with training models; use of sign-symbolic means, general solution schemes; performing logical operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification, Establishing analogies, subsuming under the concept Fundamentals of the system of scientific knowledge Experience of "subject" activity for obtaining, transforming and applying new knowledge

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Communicative actions: - planning of educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determination of the purpose, functions of participants, ways of interaction; - setting questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information; - conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve the conflict, decision-making and its implementation; - management of the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions; - the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; - possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

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COMMUNICATION AS A CONDITION OF COOPERATION STRUCTURE The ability to negotiate and find a common solution The ability to argue one’s assumption, convince and yield The ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other in a conflict situation Mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of completing a task COMPONENTS the ability to negotiate, find a common solution to a practical problem (come to a compromise solution ) even in ambiguous and controversial circumstances (conflict of interest); the ability not only to express, but also to argue one’s proposal, the ability to both convince and yield; the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other in a situation of dispute and conflict of interests, the ability to find out missing information with the help of questions; the ability to take the initiative in organizing joint action, to exercise mutual control and mutual assistance in the course of the task.

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COMMUNICATION AS A CONDITION OF INTERIORIZATION STRUCTURE Reflection of one’s actions as a sufficiently complete reflection of the subject content The ability to build statements that are understandable for the partner The ability to use questions to obtain the necessary information from the partner in the activity COMPONENTS Communicative and speech actions for internalization the ability to build statements that are understandable for the partner, taking into account what he knows and sees what is not; the ability to ask questions in order to obtain the necessary information from a partner in activities with their help; possession of the planning and regulatory functions of speech; the ability to identify and display in speech the essential guidelines for action, as well as to convey (inform) them to a partner.

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Directions and methods for the formation of communicative UUD 1. THROUGH THE CREATION OF AN APPROPRIATE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE OU (integration of classroom and extracurricular activities) AND IN A SEPARATE LESSON 2. BY MEANS OF VARIOUS SUBJECTS (each subject makes its contribution to the development of the CUUD). 3. WITH THE USE OF BASIC EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES (problem-based learning, project method, ICT technologies), so information and communication technologies contribute to the development of communicative UUD through the exchange of hypermedia messages; speeches with ICT support; communication in the digital environment (e-mail, forum, chat, videoconference, blog)

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* 1.1. Development of KUUD through the creation of an appropriate educational environment within the educational and play spaces Purpose: for mobile activities and for quiet work, for communication and for solitude, for a “trial of strength” and for demonstrating achievements, for information retrieval Learning space: a place for a teacher, a freely designed place for students to work, a "central" place for performances, a "central" board, work boards, a corner of books and other information sources, an audio and video center, a "writing" center a table with exhibition handouts, stands, etc.

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2.1. Developing the ECM by means of various academic subjects through typical tasks games Cognitive ECM Regulatory ECM Tasks and projects for building a strategy for finding solutions to problems Tasks and projects for seriation, comparison, evaluation Tasks and projects for conducting empirical research Tasks and projects for conducting theoretical research For planning For reflection For orientation in the situation For forecasting For goal setting For assessment For decision-making For self-control For correction

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2.2. The development of CUUD through the specifics of individual subjects (example) Reading as CUUD Reading skill - as a general educational ability to understand and reproduce the meaning of what is read. 1. Analytical skills to work with educational, artistic and popular science texts. 2. Bibliographic skills. 3. Mastering the information retrieval algorithm (search for information from various sources) 4. Screen reading Planned result Classify, label, designate, find by table of contents… Experiment, identify, find, perform, analyze… Demonstrate understanding/awareness, use… Hear, articulate, intotone ... Recognize, identify, explain ... Provide and receive help in case of difficulties

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4. Development of KUUD through the competence-based education of participants in the educational process Formation conditions Determination of communication goals A partner is selected Functions and roles are distributed Students are able to act and interact Types of exercises Associative Cogitative Speech Reflective Interpretation Forms of work: organization of mutual verification of tasks, mutual tasks of groups, educational conflict, discussion by participants methods of their action, project tasks, special training sessions

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  • Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 176 with in-depth study of individual subjects
  • Formation of communicative universal actions in elementary school.
  • (from work experience)
  • Samara
Communicative UUD Communicative UUD
  • Communi-
  • cationic
  • actions
  • communication-
  • interaction
  • Communication-
  • like cooperation
  • Communication-
  • as a condition
  • interiorization
Types of communicative actions
  • - planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers;
  • – definition of goals, functions of participants, ways of interaction;
  • - asking questions;
- conflict resolution
  • - conflict resolution
  • - partner behavior management
  • - the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication;
  • possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.
Tell me and I will forget.
  • Tell me and I will forget.
  • Show me and I will remember.
  • Involve me and I will learn.
The ambiguity of the fable genre 1. Definition of the goal. 2. Choose a communication partner.
  • The child acquires the experience of perception, understanding and interaction, receives feedback from an equal partner.
3. Distribution of functions.
  • Depending on the nature of the problem being solved, partners may
  • the same actions
  • opposite actions
  • complementary actions
  • - listen carefully to your communication partner;
  • - ask again and clarify to be sure that you understood him correctly;
  • - Focus on the positive first.
  • - Respect other people's mistakes. Politely explain your opinion;
  • - try to work well;
  • - in case of difficulties, ask for help from a partner and provide this help yourself if another asks for it;
  • - the result of the work of the pair / group is your common opinion;
  • - remember, together you can do much more than each separately;
  • - thank the partner for the work.
  • 4. We act, we interact.
Group number 1.
  • Group number 1.
  • 1. Everyone knows the word miss. What does it mean?
  • Spill - s read ___________________________________________.
  • 2. A person who is something "missed" often popularly called crow. What else can you call such a person? _______________
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • 3. Get to know the proverbs. What features of the crow did the people notice in proverbs?
  • The crow flew over the sea, and the crow returned.
  • Why does a crow need big talk, know your crow's crow.
  • A frightened crow and a bush are afraid.
  • Do not fly a crow in high mansions.
  • 5. We get and evaluate the result.
Group #2.
  • Group #2.
  • Crow perched on the spruce,
  • Exercise:
  • 1. Write out from the dictionary of synonyms words that are close in meaning to the verb perch. ____________________________________________
  • 2. Think about how the meaning of the words you wrote out differs from the meaning of the word take off? ___________________________________
Group #3.
  • Group #3.
  • Crow perched on the spruce,
  • I was about to have breakfast…
  • Exercise:
  • 1. Analyze the sound composition of the word perched.
  • Are there more vowels or consonants in a word? ________________
  • ______________________________________________________________
  • Are there more voiced or deaf consonants, hard or soft? __________________________________________________
  • 2. What words sound like a word to you perching?
  • ______________________________________________________________
  • _______________________________________________________________
  • 3. What can be imagined by the Raven, based on the sound structure of the word perching?____________________________________________
  • _______________________________________________________________
  • heavy
  • huge
  • clumsy
  • loud-voiced
6. Draw conclusions, reflection.
  • Crow
  • Silly, clumsy
  • Sat down to have breakfast, croaked.
  • Don't listen to the flatterers!
  • Razin.
  • Fox
  • Cunning, flattering
  • Noticed, crept up, dragged away.
  • The stupid are easily deceived.
  • Cheat.
  • Class
  • Communicative UUD
  • 3rd grade
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Defend your point of view, observing the rules of speech etiquette.
  • 6. Be critical of your opinion
  • 7. Understand the point of view of another
  • 8. Participate in the work of the group, distribute roles, negotiate with each other.
  • Class
  • Communicative UUD
  • 4th grade
  • 1.Participate in a dialogue; listen and understand others, express their point of view on events, actions.
  • 2.To formulate their thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account their educational and life speech situations.
  • 3.Read aloud and to yourself the texts of textbooks, other fiction and popular science books, understand what they read.
  • 4. Performing various roles in the group, cooperate in the joint solution of the problem (task).
  • 5. Defend your point of view, observing the rules of speech etiquette; justify your point of view with facts and additional information.
  • 6. Be critical of your opinion. To be able to look at the situation from a different position and negotiate with people of other positions.
  • 7. Understand the other's point of view
  • 8. Participate in the work of the group, assign roles, negotiate with each other. Anticipate the consequences of collective decisions.
  • 1. Teach your child to express his thoughts.
  • 2. Don't be afraid of "non-standard lessons"
  • 3. Make an algorithm for retelling the text of the material for students
  • 4. Remind the guys about the rules of discussion, conversation
  • 5. Teach your child to ask questions
  • 6. Consider students' experiences
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Slides captions:

Communicative UUD provide: social competence and consideration of the position of other people; ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in a group discussion of problems; productive collaboration with peers and adults.

Types of communicative actions: planning educational cooperation posing questions conflict resolution managing partner's behavior the ability to express one's thoughts

planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the goal, functions of participants, ways of interaction

posing questions - proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information

conflict resolution - identification, identification of the problem, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve the conflict, decision-making and its implementation

partner behavior management - control, correction, evaluation of his actions

the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language, modern means of communication.

Project activity

Extracurricular activities

Work in pairs

Group work

Forms of work: organizing mutual verification of assignments, completing assignments from textbooks and workbooks, mutual assignments of groups, discussion by participants of their methods of action, training games, competitions, work in groups, work in pairs, project activities, extracurricular activities.

Techniques for the formation of communicative UUD Give students time to think about their answers. Draw your attention and the attention of students to each answer of their comrades. Do not make your corrections and your opinion (depending on the situation). Support all statements, whether they are true or not. Give students the opportunity to ask questions about the understanding of the statements of their comrades, about differences of opinion. Ask clarifying questions to the author of the statement if it was expressed incomprehensibly to the students.


The result of work on the development of communicative UUD is: - the student is able to listen and understand speech, correlate his statements with the statements of others, receive information about the subject of discussion; keep the discussion appropriate to the situation; own non-verbal means of communication (manner, gestures, voice volume); ask questions, prepare a short speech, do not deviate from the topic, structure the message); express an opinion in accordance with the current situation; ask questions on the topic; argue your point of view; prepare a presentation, use language and style understandable to the audience.

Thank you for your attention!

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marginal notes...

"UUD according to GEF" - Social partners. Personal. Entrance. The system of typical tasks for the development of UUD. Process. Grade. Regulatory universal learning activities. Material and technical equipment. Will you agree? Resources. Basic educational technologies. Financial incentive. What is the mission of the school? Goal setting.

"UUD" - Meta-subject UUD as a subject of pedagogical design, tracking and evaluation. Universal learning activities. Design. Universal learning activities. Didactic support of the lesson. "Tuning" of each educational situation. Personal development. The most important conditions for the development of UUD. Developing lessons.

"UUD in elementary school" - Words for reference: thick, white, dirty, huge. Deforestation by humans has caused the death of bison. Top scores. Demonstrated by 10% of graduates. The work included 14 tasks. The best performance in OS (average values). The bison lives in the forest. The text and tasks of the integrated test for students of grade 1 Zubr.

"Communication Skills" - Project activities allow: Students of any age feel the need for effective communicative interaction. Survey results. Theoretical basis of the study. Presentation of the work of the elective course. The goal of the OS "School 2100" is the formation of a functionally literate personality. Student survey.

"Formation of UUD" - Personal UUD. Grade. Forecasting. Process control and evaluation. UUD functions. Goal setting. Model transformation. Analysis of objects. The concept of UUD. Modeling. Emotional maturity. Correction. Problem solving. Communicative UUD. “If I want to change the world, I will start with myself.” Building a logical chain of reasoning.

"UUD at school" - 1.3. Cognitive UUD (continued) General educational UUD. Universal learning activities –. Implementation of the school development program "School of Social Success". Direction of the PR "Introduction of the Second Generation Federal State Educational Standards". Functions of universal learning activities. 2. Communicative UUD. Theoretical and methodological basis for the development of UUD.