Didactic profession games. Card file of didactic games "all professions are needed, all professions are important"

Didactic profession games.  Card file of didactic games
Didactic profession games. Card file of didactic games "all professions are needed, all professions are important"

Class hour "All professions are needed, all professions are important"


1 Development of interest in professions;

2 Identification of the level of knowledge of students about professions;

3 Raising respect for working people;

- Hello dear guys! Do you know why we are gathered in this hall today? Do not know? Then let me tell you a story, and you try to guess what it is about.

- Once upon a time there were two hammers in the world: Tsok-tsok and Knock-bryak. Both are the same in height and weight, as if they were born on the same day. But if you look at them more closely, how different they were.

- The tsok-tsok is always neat, it shines directly, and its handle is smooth, as if polished - it’s so nice to work, and the Knock-break is all rusty, instead of a handle - an unplaned stick. Tsok-tsok got up early and immediately set to work - he made houses for starlings, repaired high chairs for the guys, he always tried very hard. And people loved him. And Knock-Bryak woke up for a long time in the morning, lazily stretched, yawned, then reluctantly walked to the blackboard. If he hits the nail twice, it will bend.

- Nothing comes out! Nasty nail! - Knock-break is angry.

But don’t be angry, try, then it will work out as it should. - Tsok-tsok tells him.

It won't come out, it won't come out! I know it won't work!

And you calmly put the nail, then tsok-tsok! - and you're done! It's very simple!

But Knock-Bryak did not know how to try. That's why they called him Stuk-Bryak. He did no good to anyone. But he loved to brag!

Think! You have to try hard! Yes I! - Grabbed a nail, swung it, uh-uh! It fell off the handle and flew out the window. It lay around for a long time, not needed by anyone. But one day the Master saw him. He began to wash and launder it, wipe off the rust, polish it to a shine with a cloth, and teach it to work. Now he too got up early, built beautiful houses for birds and did other useful things. And people loved it. One day he went out for a walk and met Tsok-tsok.

Good evening, Tsok-tsok!

- Good evening, - he answers - A very familiar face, but I just don’t remember who you are.

And take a good look.

Really Knock-break?

There was once a Knock-Bryak!

Yes, you really have now become Tsok-tsok! How good! Let's go build a bird house together!

And they went hand in hand.

Here's the story guys. What is it about?

Children: (answer) About diligence, diligence, skill.

That's right, that's what it means - skillful hands! It is not for nothing that the people say “Work - loves skillful hands.” Today we will talk about work and professions.

Let's remember what the word profession means? Turning to the explanatory dictionary, we will reveal the meaning of this word.

Profession- this is a type of work that requires a certain training, knowledge and skills from a person.

What work is important to you right now? (Gain knowledge)

That's right, your work is studying and helping parents.

Today's class hour takes place in the format of a game - travel. We will find out how many professions you know. You will pass the stations, which will be offered various tasks related to the professions of people.

You will receive an itinerary listing the names and locations of the stations.

We call the team captains for the draw and get the route sheet:

  1. Builders


  2. educators

You have received the itinerary. You need to go through the stations indicated in them. Time spent at each station 4 minutes.

The beginning of the time and its completion sound signal. Your task is to meet the deadline and get the most points at each station.

1. Station "Decoder" (5 points)

All team members guess the word for the profession, which is encrypted on the card.

For example:

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Answers: miner, carpenter, turner, locksmith, carpenter

2. Station "Professional alphabet" (12 points)

Each team receives a card with the first letter of the profession name. Teams must write down the names of professions for all the letters of the alphabet written out to them in 4 minutes (calculate points).


Phys. minute


6 people are selected (2 people from each team). They take the stage. All other children remain below. Professions are written on the cards. Those participants who are on stage must show the movements shown on the cards. Participants in the hall must repeat the movement and guess the profession.

3. Station "Lost and Found"

Syringe, book, red pen, hammer, thread, money, ladle, whistle, comb, camera, wrench, screwdriver, calculator...

4. Station "Mysterious" (16 points)

Who is the most useful in the days of illness?
And cures us of all diseases? (doctor)

Sasha proudly plane

Lucky on a rope

He is getting ready to fly.

So it will grow .... (pilot)

White sawdust is flying, flying from under the saw -
It's someone who makes the frames and floors.
With an ax, a planer, he cuts planks.
Made window sills
Without a knot - a hitch. (a carpenter)

Master, master, help
The boots were worn out.
Hammer in the nails harder
We're going to visit today. (shoemaker)

Sasha proudly plane

Lucky on a rope

He is getting ready to fly.

So it will grow .... (pilot)

He lays brick after brick.
Grows floor by floor.
And every hour, every day

Higher, higher new house! (builder)

We must fight fire
We are partners with water.
We are very much needed by all people,
Answer quickly, who are we? (firefighters)

Saved programs and files ... ... (programmer)

Last time I was a teacher
The day after tomorrow - the driver.
He must know a lot
Because he ... (artist)

This doctor will remove
I have easy appendicitis.
The scalpel is his best friend
Who is that doctor? …!

He is friends of four-legged
A recognized connoisseur by all,
The teacher is very strict
Holds the leash firmly.
He teaches at a dog school
How to execute commands.
All boxers, dogs, collies
By heart should know them.


We build a house out of bricks
To laugh the sun in it.
To higher, to wider
There were rooms in the apartment.


He studied science.
Earth - as if tamed,
He knows when to plant
Sow as well as harvest.
Knows everything in the native land
And it's called...


We will rise when you sleep
And sift the flour in a sieve,
Let's heat up the oven,
To bake bread in the morning.

In the firm, he considers profit
Everyone gets paid.
And he is not too lazy to count
All taxes all day.


Who is cooler a little noticeable
To the cloud, to the cloud
Meter by meter
Rising with difficulty
He carries his house on his back.


Physical minute

"Say a word"

Defend everyone in court

Our skillful ... (Lawyer.)

He's a financial fakir

The bank is waiting for you ... (Banker)

Our computer is clean from malicious viruses:

Saved programs and files... (Programmer)

Make laws glad

In our Duma ... (Deputy)

Solve problems clearly and quickly

Should in the government ... (Ministers)

Tall, slender as a spruce,

In a dress fashionable top-... (Model)

Here is a drawing for you, where each size

Gave a new part ... (Engineer)

A traffic light is flashing for me

He knows that I ... (Driver)

All seas and ocean

Conquered our... (Captain)

The viewer freezes in fear -

In a cage with a tiger... (Tamer)

Dawn sings to the village cock -

Leads cows to the meadow ... (Shepherd)

At the machine he is days and nights,

He can do everything, he is ... (Working)

At the post and in the rain and in the hail,

He will go into battle for us ... (Soldier)

An elephant or a mouse has a fever -

They will be saved ... (Veterinarian)

Knows exactly the kids:

The food is delicious ... (Cooks)

So that our barn is with grain,

Needed in the field ... (Agronomist)

Furniture, bread and cucumbers

They sell us ... (Sellers)

Our souls, mind builder -

Our wise school ... (Teacher)

Dive hundreds of times

Into the depths of the sea ... (Diver)

Plane in the blue sky

Controls it... (Pilot)

That's my little suit,

A new one will sew for me ... (Tailor)

Gave us a signal... (Driver)

Our choir sings to the orchestra

Ahead of us - ... (Conductor)

Sang with soul, well done!

You will be noble ... (Singer)

What is an actor afraid to do?

Perform boldly in the cinema ... (stuntman)

Stretched canvas, paints, tripod -

He paints a picture from life ... (Artist)

The whole sheet is written in quick handwriting -

An essay is scribbling in a newspaper ... (Journalist)

Lame boots helper,

Heels will beat ... (Shoemaker)

The insidious fire will win

The one whose name is ... (Fireman)

Spare parts for TV

He will pick up for us ... (Telemaster.)

Pears, apple trees, gooseberries

Planted in the spring ... (Gardener.)

5. Folk wisdom (1 point per proverb)

Name as many proverbs and sayings about work as you can.

(“If you want to eat kalachi, don’t lie on the stove”; “Work feeds, but laziness spoils”; “The work of the master is afraid”; “Patience and work will grind everything”; “Who is not afraid of work, she argues with him”; “ Love the work - you will be a master).

6. Skillful hands. (1 point per task)

    Bandage the head (bandage)

    Sew on a button (fabric, needle and thread, button)

    Make a salad (board, knife, plate, banana, apple)

    Check work, evaluate (text)

    draw a portrait of a teacher (sheet of paper and pencils)

    apply makeup (shadows, blush)

Summarizing. Video - song "Professions"

Result in route sheets.

Here is such a wonderful and useful class hour we got with you, friends!

Reflection Guys, let's try to count all the professions on the planet? Ready? (listing in order)

Remember that only hardworking people are held in high esteem always and everywhere. Help your parents and teachers, prepare in advance for your future profession, and then you will become excellent specialists, true masters of your craft!

And if you try really hard, then you will certainly succeed. Remember the fairy tale "Tsok-tsok and Knock-break"? You just have to want to - you will learn everything. And who to become, I think that you will decide for yourself very soon. All works are good - choose to taste!

Goodbye dear guys!

Quest game for older preschoolers "Profession for Krosh"

Target: The formation of positive attitudes and respect for the professions of a preschool educational institution in preschool children.
Expand children's ideas about the professions of preschool.
To form in children ideas about the social role of adult labor and the importance of professions in kindergarten (cook, housekeeper, assistant teacher, laundress, medical worker);
To develop interest in the independent solution of cognitive and creative problems;
Strengthen the ability to interact with peers in team games;
Enrich and create conditions for a variety of story-role-playing games;
Enrich and activate the vocabulary of children on the topic "Professions";
To educate in children a respectful attitude towards a working person;
Preliminary work:
Didactic games "To whom, what is needed for work", "Lost tool", "For what and from what";
Role-playing games "Hospital", "Dry-cleaner", "Canteen", "Pharmacy", "School";
Meetings with representatives of various professions (firefighter, medical worker, assistant teacher, teacher - speech therapist);
Conversations about professions.
Demonstration and handouts: a postcard to start the quest, a cartoon character, a map of movements, a surprise.

Krosh comes to the group to the guys.
Krosh: Hello, friends! It's me, Krosh. You recognized me? I am very bored in the world of Smeshariki and I would like to benefit everyone, to become needed. Pinn says that for this you need to choose a profession and people of the best professions work in kindergarten. Help me! Let's take a journey through the professions of kindergarten workers.
Pin has prepared a postcard for you with 1 hint, but to get it, tell me, what professions do people work in kindergarten? What are they? Choose attributes for professions (pictures with images of an iron, a washing machine, a pan, a vacuum cleaner scoop, a medical gown, a syringe, a thermometer, etc.).
So, the task is completed and 1 hint is in your hands.
- picture "Find 5 differences"
Find 5 differences

There are 5 differences between the two pictures. They indicate the places where the 5 parts of the clue are located.
In total, you need to find 5 pieces of the puzzle and put them on the table (show where).
Children name the differences: Bed, slippers, chair, picture, watch. When all the pieces are found, the children add up the clue. It has a refrigerator on it.
Educator:“Think about where you can find a refrigerator?”
Children's answers: "In the kitchen."
Educator: I suggest you go to the kitchen.
Krosh: Guys, what a wonderful city I ended up in? It smells very good here. Who works here?
Children tell crumbs about the cook.
Krosh: A very interesting profession, probably when I grow up, I will be a cook.
The children explain to the cook that they want to see a refrigerator in the kitchen. She suggests first guessing riddles:
Let's prepare the place
Let's roll out the dough.

Here is jam, here is cottage cheese.
We want to bake ... (pie)

Not okroshka and not soup.
Beets in it, carrots, cucumber.
Served us for lunch
With vegetable oil ... (vinaigrette)

small, sweet,
Round, edible.
I won't eat you alone
I will share with all the guys.

He jumped off the frying pan
Browned in the middle.
Know another one is ready
From the heat of the heat thin ... (damn)

Children enter the room, examine it and find a rebus:

Children solve the rebus and guess the word iron.
caregiver: “Think about where the iron can be? What is it for?
Children's answers.
Children, teacher and Krosh go to the laundress.
Krosh: What an interesting place. And who works here? And what does the maid do? I can also wash and iron. Look here. Krosh demonstrates his abilities. No, I won’t be a cook, I’ll go to the clerk. I will wash the bed for the guys, towel, iron. It's so easy.
The castellan explains to the children and Krosh what her job is. And asks what brings them here.
Castellane: Before giving you the next clue, complete my task. Game "Find the extra"

Children are looking for an extra item. This item turns out to be a medical spoon for examining the throat.
caregiver: Guys, where can you find a thermometer in kindergarten?
Children's answers.
Everyone goes to the medical office, where they are met by a nurse.
Krosh: Wow, what are these snow-white chambers, who lives here? The children explain to Krosh who works in the medical office and what the nurse does. The nurse completes and summarizes the children's answers.
Krosh: Interesting profession. Put thermometers for the guys, check the neck, put injections. Everything is decided, I will be a doctor.
Nurse: So you got acquainted with the profession, now you can move on.
Children explain to the nurse the purpose of their visit.
Nurse: to get the next hint, complete my task. Determine from the subject to which doctor it belongs.
The teacher shows the children sets of medical instruments belonging to different doctors, the children determine.
Nurse: You did a great job, here's a hint.
“We have a robot in the kindergarten,
He has a huge trunk.
Robot loves cleanliness
And buzzes like a liner: "Tu-u-u",
With great desire swallows the dust,
But he doesn’t get sick, he doesn’t sneeze.”
Children's answers: this is a vacuum cleaner.
Educator:“Think about where the vacuum cleaner could be? What is it for?
Children's answers: a vacuum cleaner is needed to vacuum carpets.
Educator: Remember, in what rooms of the kindergarten did you see carpets? Who uses the vacuum cleaner and cleans the groups?
Children's answers. They all return to the group together, where they are met by an assistant teacher with a vacuum cleaner in his hands.
Krosh: What is an Assistant Teacher? What does he do?
Children's answers.
Krosh: I also like to clean up, and everyone can go for lunch and afternoon snacks. How easy, I'd rather be the teacher's assistant.
The teacher's assistant tells Krosh and the children about the features of his work.
Educator: Well, Krosh, now you understand what professions people work in kindergarten. Have you chosen something that suits you?
Krosh: Guys, here's what I understand. And the cook, and the doctor, and the housekeeper, and the teacher all had to study in order to work well. And who teaches us? - teachers! I also decided to become a teacher and teach other Smeshariki different professions. And thank you guys very much for helping me figure out the professions of kindergarten workers. I have prepared a surprise for you, only you will receive it by completing the last task.

Krosh presents the children with a basket of sweets. The children and the teacher thank Krosh for the surprise. Say goodbye.

Card file of didactic games to familiarize children with professions

in the middle group.

#1: What do I want to be? How will I work?

Target: to form the ability to make choices in accordance with one's own interests and abilities; realize the importance of any profession.

Material: Pictures depicting people of different professions.

Game progress: 1. Conversation on the topics: “How many professions can a person master?”, “What determines the name of a profession?”, “Why does a person strive to master a profession?”, “What is the best profession? Why?”, “What do I dream of being? What do I need to learn to do this?

2. Discussion of the topic: “What professions are called female? Male?”, “Does it happen that women master a male profession, and men - a female one?”.

3. The conclusion to which the teacher brings the children: the main thing is to love and know your job well.

No. 2. "Catch - tell."

Target: consolidate knowledge about the professions of adults.

Equipment: ball.

Game progress: the children become in a circle, the leader, throwing the ball to the children, calls the profession. The one who catches the ball throws it to the leader, naming what a person of this profession does.

Sample: a doctor - heals, an artist - draws, a cook - cooks, a fireman - extinguishes, a carpenter - plans.

No. 3. "About Olya and Kolya."

Target: teach children to use the union "because" correctly in speech.

Description of the game: the teacher invites the children to listen to the beginning of the sentence, they must finish it. Then the children themselves come up with the beginning of the sentence.

Sample: Kolya gave way to Olya because ... he is a boy.

Olya loves to sew because… she is a girl.

No. 4. "Helpers".

Target: to form an idea of ​​the household duties of women and men, the need to help relatives.

Material: cardboard flower with removable petals.

Stroke: children take turns tearing off the petals of a flower, naming the duties that they perform at home (watering flowers, sweeping the floor, caring for pets, cleaning toys, etc.).

Game option: children list the household chores that their moms and dads do.

No. 5. "Guess the profession."

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about professions. To form an idea of ​​the division of professions into male and female.

Material: cards with the image of people of different professions.

Stroke: the educator alternately lists the actions of a person engaged in this or that business. Children name a profession, one child chooses a card with the corresponding image. Then a discussion is held about this profession.

No. 6. "Name it in one word."

Target: to learn to enrich objects with one word, to enrich vocabulary.

Material: pictures depicting a piano, violin, drum, saw, axe, planer, sewing machine, scissors, needles, etc.

Game progress : group these items.

Questions: how can these objects be called in one word? Why is it possible to group like this? Come up with your own symbol for any group

No. 7. "Who wants to be who?".

Target : the use of difficult forms of the verb

Children are offered plot pictures depicting labor actions. What are the boys doing? (The boys want to make a mock-up airplane) What do they want to be? (They want to become pilots). Children are invited to come up with a sentence with the word want or want.

No. 8. "Name the words - actions."

I name the profession, and the children say words - actions that people of this profession perform

The doctor listens, writes a prescription, looks at the throat, measures the temperature, prescribes medicines.

The seller weighs, shows, cuts, wraps, counts.

Cook - cuts, cleans, cooks, fries, bakes, tastes, salts.

Hairdresser - combs, cuts, washes hair, does hairstyles, shaves beard and mustache.

No. 9. "Who needs these items."

Scales, goods, counter (for the seller).

Scissors, fabric, sewing machine (for a dressmaker).

Ladle, saucepan, products (for the cook).

Tires, bus, steering wheel (for the driver).

Syringe, cotton wool, bandage (for a doctor).

Bricks, cement, trowel (for the builder).

Paint, brush, bucket (for the painter).

No. 10. "Who needs this item?".

(On the carpet are a helmet, a wand, a sewing machine, a syringe, a hammer, a wrench, a colander, a comb, a newspaper, a molar brush, a notebook, a planer).

Children move in a circle to the music, the music stops - the children take objects and say:

What is the name of this item?

What profession do they need?

What does a person in this profession do?

No. 11. "What are the items for?".

Children stand in a circle, throw the ball and name the object. The child who has the ball must quickly say what is being done with this object.

Knife - cut

Broom - sweep

Saw - sawing

With an ax - chop

Ladle - pour

Shovel - digging

Needle - sew

Scissors - cut

Thermometer - measure temperature

Comb - combed

brush - paint

In a saucepan - boil

In a frying pan - fried

On the scales - weighed

No. 12. "Let's cook a delicious vegetable soup."

Target: introduce children to the process of making vegetable soup, showing and naming the actions that the child performs; continue to form an idea about the profession of a cook; develop imagination; activate speech. Raise respect for kindergarten workers.

Game progress:

There is a stove in front of the children. On it is a saucepan, a frying pan (toys, large enough, or real dishes); nearby - a set of vegetables (natural), a bowl of water, a knife, a spoon.

Educator: - I'll teach you how to cook delicious soup from vegetables! On the stove is (showing) ...?

Large saucepan.

This pot contains water. Look (she scoops up water with a spoon and pours it back). The water will boil soon, so it's time to peel the potatoes.

The teacher asks one of the children to find and give him potatoes, wash them in a bowl, peel them. Children name actions, repeat the names.

The teacher is interested in how the potato looks now.

It is white, clean without skin (skin).

Throw it in the pot whole or...?

Gotta cut.

The teacher puts the onion in the pan. Then the children bring cabbage, carrots, watch the teacher wash and chop the vegetables. Separately, in a frying pan, he fries the onion (the children name the vegetable and the action with it).

Educator: “Listen,” the teacher says, “how the oil sizzles in a hot frying pan: shhhh. How does it hiss?"

The teacher puts the onion in the pan, stirs the soup.

Says: "It's a pity that" does not burn " our stove. But now we will cook vegetables, vegetable soup, on a real stove.”

When the cook arrives, the educators pass him the pan. He is interested in what is in it, listens to the children, approves and clarifies their answers. He promises to cook soup.

Note . It is desirable that a vegetable be prepared for lunch on this day. Noah soup. This will bring joy to the children.

No. 13. "Who does what?".

Target: develop the ability to correlate the action of a person with his professional activity; cultivate respect for the working person.

caregiver distributes cards with the image of representatives of various professions to children. Then he demonstrates subject pictures depicting the object of their activity, while asking questions: “Who builds houses?”; “Who sews dresses?”, “Who sells milk?” etc. Examples of children's answers: “The builder builds houses”, “The tailor sews dresses”, “The seller sells milk”.

No. 14. "Who needs what?".

Target: to systematize knowledge about the professions of a cook and a doctor; about their work.

The teacher calls two children. On one he puts on a chef's hat, on the other - a doctor's hat (with a red cross). He sits them at the table facing the rest of the participants in the lesson. Invites a third child to the table. He invites him to get a thing out of the box and, having named it, transfer it to its intended purpose: either to the cook or to the doctor. The one who received the thing should name it and tell what it is for, for example: “This is a meat grinder, you can crank meat, bread, onions and make cutlets.”

During the game, the composition of its participants changes once or, if time permits, 2 times.

No. 15. "Petrushka goes to work."

Goals: To teach to classify objects according to their functional purpose (satisfaction of labor needs); develop a desire to help adults.

Equipment: Pictures depicting items necessary for playing and for working in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment; three layouts (garden, kitchen, room)

Game progress: A letter arrives from Petrushka, in which he says that he is visiting his grandmother. He plays, draws, walks, and also helps his grandmother. Today she gave him three tasks: to plant carrots in the garden and water the flowers; cook soup; clean up the room (remove toys, dust, vacuum). However, Petrushka is entangled in the tools and asks the guys to help.
The teacher offers the children layouts of the garden, kitchen and room and explains that you need to take one picture, look carefully, name the item, tell how to use it and what work it is for, then put the picture to the appropriate layout. For example, a vacuum cleaner is needed to clean the carpet, it needs to be turned on and vacuumed, so the picture with the image of the vacuum cleaner needs to be put to the layout of the room. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that among the pictures with tools there are pictures with toys. They need to be selected and put into a box. The task is considered completed if all the pictures are laid out correctly.

At the end of the game, the teacher invites the children to tell Petrushka in a letter what items he needs to complete the grandmother's tasks.

No. 16. "Professions".

Target: develop an idea of ​​professions, enrichment and replenishment of the vocabulary of words; development of imagination, thinking, word formation skills.

Inventory: Not required.

Game progress:

The facilitator describes various professions. The task of the children is to name the profession.

Wears a white hat, cooks delicious food. Who is it?


Drives a car...

Driver! etc.

No. 17. "Shop of utensils."

Target: form the names of dishes, continue to form knowledge about the profession of the seller, cultivate respect for the work of people of all professions, develop thinking, speech, memory, perception, attention.

Material: Shelf with dishes: two sugar bowls, breadbaskets, napkin holders, a cookie dish, a biscuit bowl, a salt shaker. (items can be changed).

Organization: Educator:

We have a cookware store. To buy dishes, you need to know exactly what you want to buy. Know what it is, what it is for. You must have money to buy. If you call it wrong, the seller will not understand you and will not sell the right thing. First, consider what kind of dishes are in the store: here are the ones you know ... (bread box, sugar bowl, napkin holder). The teacher points to the objects, making it clear to the children that they need to be named. - Here is a special dish for biscuits, this is ... (biscuit bowl). Here's the cookie platter. It has no other name. Just a dish. Don't make the mistake of naming them when you're customers. Please, whoever wants to buy some dishes, come up, the store is open. The teacher puts the “bought” dishes on the table, explaining that a special car will deliver the purchase to the house.

No. 18. "Cloth shop".

Target: to form the ability to determine the fabric depending on its origin, to consolidate the skills of determining the type of fabric, an idea of ​​​​the profession of the seller.

Equipment: shelf with different types of fabric, meter, scissors.

Game progress: The teacher creates the following situation: - Guys, imagine that you and I are in the Fabric store and we need to pick up fabric for Tanya's doll. The teacher opens a showcase with strips of fabric. - Which of you buys fabric for a summer dress? Children choose a fabric, explaining at the same time: -for a summer dress, you need a thin fabric so that it is not hot. Here is such. It is made from cotton. This is a cotton fabric, the threads for it are made of cotton. When choosing fabrics for winter clothes, children have the following opinion: woolen fabric is needed. Fluffy, warm. It is made of wool sheared from sheep.

No. 19. "Shop".

Target: continue to consolidate the knowledge of the profession of the seller, with different types of stores and products; to cultivate a sense of respect, gratitude for the work performed.

Game progress: In front of the children - a store with departments "Shoes" and "Clothes".
“Dear children! - says the teacher. In our store you can buy clothes and shoes for your dolls. What can you buy? Today on sale were: a red dress with a white collar and pockets; beautiful checkered trousers with a black belt; brown fur boots with embroidery (it is enough to name and describe 3-4 things. There are twice as many in the store). The educator - the seller calls the child, asks: "What do you want to see?" (“What can I show you?”). He replies: "Please show me a blue sarafan with flowers." Or: "I want to see a white shirt with a checkered tie." The thing bought by the child (they are sold 5-6) the teacher puts in a bag, and the bag in the back of a truck. At the end of the lesson, the teacher delivers the purchases to the recipients. Handing over the package, he asks the child's name, surname, specifies in which department of the store the purchase was made.

No. 20. "Where can I buy it?".

Target: the game reinforces the knowledge of children that different goods are sold in various stores: grocery, manufactured goods, books (there are different grocery stores: "Vegetables - Fruits", "Bakery", "Milk", manufactured goods: "Shoes", "Clothes", "Fabrics", "Children's World", "Sporting Goods"); teaches children to distinguish stores by their name, to navigate in the environment; fosters a desire to help parents, make simple purchases; communicate in joint activities.

Didactic material:items depicted in small pictures on large cards.

Game progress: The game is played like a lotto. The winner is the one who first closes all the cards and never makes a mistake. At the beginning of the game, the teacher conducts a conversation with the children about whether they know where their mothers buy food, necessary things, items, what stores they know, what are the names of the stores that are close to home. Do they help their parents in buying milk, bread and other products. After the conversation, the teacher shows large cards. Where are the shops shown? Children will learn from the shop windows which stores they are.

Educator: And now, children, let's play. I will give you small cards, and then you will have to say where on the big map to put a small card, bring the card and put it on the big map, on the store where you can buy it. Don't rush, take a close look at the picture! After distributing the cards, the teacher gives a signal: “Start the game!”. Children come to the table and put their cards on the squares of the big card. Where the Milk store is drawn, they put cards with the image of packages of milk, cheese, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc. The teacher checks the correctness of the actions of the children, encourages those who correctly found the right store. The game helps children learn the knowledge that everything that people need is bought in stores, there are different stores. You need to know what actions and words you need to say in order to quickly buy the right goods.

No. 21. "Toy Store".

Target: The game teaches children to describe an object, find its essential features, recognize an object by description, strengthens communication skills in public places. To consolidate knowledge about the sales profession.

Didactic material: Toys.

Game progress: children sit in a semicircle in front of a table and a shelf with toys. The teacher, turning to them, says: - We have opened a store. Look how many beautiful toys it has! You can buy them, but in order to buy a toy, you need to fulfill one condition: do not name it, but describe it, while you cannot look at the toy. According to your description, the seller will recognize it and sell it to you. A seller is chosen with a short rhyme. The teacher is the first to buy a toy, showing how to follow the rules of the game: - Hello! I want to buy a toy. It is round, rubbery, can jump, children like to play with it. The seller hands the ball to the buyer. -Thank you, what a beautiful ball! - the teacher says and sits on a chair, holding the ball in his hands. The seller calls the name of any of the players. He comes up and describes the toy he chose to buy: -Sell me. Please, such a toy: it is fluffy, orange, it has a long beautiful tail, a narrow muzzle and sly eyes.
The seller gives a toy - a fox. The buyer thanks and sits down.
The game continues until all the children buy toys for themselves, play with them in the room or on a walk. The teacher brings to the store such toys that the children have not played with for a long time in order to arouse interest in them, to remind them how interesting and beautiful they are.

No. 22. "Who will tell more about the profession."

Target: to correlate the actions of people with their profession.

Organization: The teacher clarifies the children's understanding of the words "profession", "action".

Educator: - Children, I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. I tell you how to behave, play with you, draw, read, sing, walk, put to bed ... And what do you think, what is the profession of Oksana Alexandrovna, who cooks dinner for us? That's right, chef. What other professions do you know? (Children's statements). Every adult has his own profession. It works and performs some actions. What does the chef do? (The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables ...) - What does the doctor do? (The doctor examines the sick, listens, heals, gives medicine, makes injections, operations).
What does a tailor do? (The tailor cuts, basting, smacking, ironing, trying on, sewing). The teacher also names the professions of a builder, teacher, watchman, shepherd, shoemaker, and the children name the actions of people in these professions.

No. 23. "Writer".

The child is invited to portray a famous writer who came up with a "story" about a profession, an attribute of this profession, depending on the material being studied. Then one of the children comes out to the applause of friends and tells his "notion".

No. 24. "Excursion".

Children sit on chairs arranged in two rows, like seats on a bus. On one chair, in front, sits "The Chauffeur". He holds an imaginary steering wheel in his hands. One child is dressed in a traffic light costume.

Children: We got on the bus together
And looked out the window.
Our driver pressed the pedal,
And the bus ran.
(Children sway rhythmically. The driver "turns the steering wheel")

Traffic lights: (shows a large photo)
Stop! Cars have a red light.
There is no further way for you.
Take a look at the windows
And think a little:
What building is in front of you?
Answer quickly yourself.
(What is the street in front of you? What is the monument in front of you? etc.)
Children : This is the Winter Palace.
Traffic lights: I turn on the green light
And I send you on.
So the children "travel" around the city and return to the street.

No. 25. "The most important."

The teacher distributes subject pictures to the children and tells a fairy tale, how representatives of different professions argued about which of them was the most important. Children describe the object shown in the picture according to the scheme in the first person and end their story with the words: "I am the most important." At the end of the game, the teacher concludes that all participants in the dispute are necessary and useful.

No. 26. "Guess the profession by the result."
The teacher invites the children to alternately take pictures with the image of an object - the result of someone else's activity. Taking a picture, the children should name the profession and the action that a person of this profession performs (pictures: dress, house, pie, photograph, etc.).

No. 27. "Determine the profession in the subject."
Children take turns taking out objects from the bag (ladle, cotton wool, coins, comb, whistle, pointer, paints, threads, hammer, etc.) that are necessary for a particular professional activity. According to the subject, children must name the profession in which the subject is used.

No. 28. "What is superfluous?".
The teacher lays out four pictures depicting objects - assistants (for example, a syringe, cotton wool, iodine and binoculars). The child must name an extra item and explain his choice.

No. 29. "Tell me a word"
We play in the profession
We choose them according to our liking
And we dream soon
Mom and dad get older
Not just to dream
And who to be decide and become.

Sasha proudly plane
Lucky on a string.
He's getting ready to fly
So it will grow...(pilot)

Pilot Borya has a friend
Paint all around.
Rain on the window
So it will grow...(artist)

The artist has a sister
He can sing very loudly.
Birds sing along to Nastya,
So it will grow...(singer)

He wrote them a sonnet
So it will grow...(poet)

The poet's brother is Stepashka,
He taught the insect all year
Jump from glass to bucket.
Stepa - young ...(trainer)

Trainer with friend Dima
The whole day they were looking for a mine.
Dima jar under the fence,
Buried to become...(sapper)

The sapper has an older brother,
He is always happy to help everyone.
Cats from a tree remover,
Leva is the future...(rescuer)

Our lifeguard walks in pairs
With a kind girl Tamara.
She treats animals with a decoction,
Wants to become...(veterinarian)

At Tom's veterinarian
The mice have all left the house.
He will find them by questioning everyone,
Tim, local...(detective)

Our detective on the couch
Found Ani's hairpin.
Anya is learning the role of Alice,
To get big....(actress)

For actresses - applause
And flowers, and compliments.
He shouted to Anechka: “Motor!”
Glory - movie...(director)

Theater director abandoned
He vacuumed the floor with Danka.
Road world around
Danka. He will...(ecologist)

No. 30. "Find the mistake."

The doctor is making soup.

The chef is driving.

The teacher cuts his hair.

The dressmaker heals people.

The policeman weighs the products.

The hairdresser treats people.

Before school, the child must have ideas about professions, be able to make sentences and build associative connections that he can justify. In addition, the preschooler should already have an idea about the letters, he can read by syllables and understand what he read.

The tasks are aimed at consolidating existing knowledge among preschoolers, as well as working out new concepts and preparing for classes at school.

Task 1. Name the profession with a letter

Target: work out knowledge of letters in the alphabet; expand vocabulary.

materials: cards with letters written on them.

The task is preferably performed in a group of children. The preschooler draws out a card, names a letter and a profession starting with it. It is guaranteed that there is such a word for each letter, but if he cannot remember, you can use a word in which the letter is the second, third, and so on.

Task 2. Who did I think of?

Target: teach to use vocabulary; develop imaginative thinking.

The task has a stronger effect when working in a group. In turn, each person thinks of a profession to himself and imagines himself in its role. The task of the rest: according to the descriptions of the presenter, guess what exactly he made up. The leader is constantly changing.

Task 3. He, she.

Target: introduce the concept of gender; reinforce vocabulary skills.

An adult begins a phrase like "He ..." and calls the profession in the masculine form. The specialty should be chosen in such a way that a female counterpart can be made without a semantic error. Sometimes, to test the attentiveness of a preschooler, you can include words that can be attributed to both genders: doctor, photographer, baker, composer. Or those that can be used in only one kind: artist, artist; nurse, nurse; waiter, waitress; teacher, teacher.

Task 4. If it were not for ...

Target: educate awareness of the importance of each craft.

The conversation leads to what would happen if there were no certain craft. The preschooler must express his own thoughts most fully, while at the same time using both hemispheres of the brain. The sentence begins with the phrase "if there were no builders ...".

Task 5. I want to be!..

Target: to develop ideas in preschoolers about what actions will be required to obtain a craft.

The child talks about what he would like to become. You can also give out cards with specialties drawn on them. Then the adult asks leading questions, to which the preschooler must give a detailed answer.