Alexandra Bortich first commented on the divorce. "Iron Maiden is my all": Interview with Alexandra Bortich

Alexandra Bortich first commented on the divorce.
Alexandra Bortich first commented on the divorce. "Iron Maiden is my all": Interview with Alexandra Bortich

Alexandra Bortich is one of the most sought-after actresses of his generation. Not having theatrical education, she has already managed to play in 29 paintings, many of whom became kilometers.

Spectacular blonde in his 23 years has already managed to get married and divorce. In mid-July, the news about the parting of Alexandra with her husband, musician Vyacheslav Vorontsov, more famous under the pseudonym of the mesz, for many fans of the artist became a real sensation. Few people generally knew that Bortich was officially married.

Now, for the first time Alexander commented on the divorce, although he does not like to talk about his personal life. Bortich admitted that parting with her husband became a happy moment for her.

"I don't want to talk about it. But to put it mildly, I was very glad to stay alone. For the first couple of weeks, I only heard that in my situation to be so happy is simply indecent. So, just congratulate me. It was very fast and it was a mistake. When you realize this, you understand - it's time to finish, "said Alexander Bortich.

Alexandra was extremely frank and told several facts from the biography, which became a complete surprise for fans. For example, Bortich told how on the casting of the first of his film "What is my name" she easily showed the chest.

"Yes, I showed the chest on the casting. But there was Nigina (Saifulllaeva - approx. Ed.), Director, and actress Lena Nesterova, who helped Nigina with casting. We were three in the room. And Nigina asked: "Can you undress? Can you now? ". And I raised the shuffle. I then had a more trunk in a good sense of the word, and free, "Alexander said.

In general, Bortich has repeatedly had to be found in front of the camera. According to his own recognition, she often understood why it is necessary, so it was easy. However, one "naked" scene turned to the actress by nightmare. And all the fault of Tina Kandelaki.

In the painting "elusive" heroine Alexandra, absolutely naked, rides in a red square riding on a white horse. Tina Kandelaki became an involuntary witness to shoot this scene, took a photo on the phone and immediately posted on the network. Alexandra recalls this day as a great test that has changed its attitude to the Internet.

"Before I turned out to be naked on a horse, I didn't really understand what was happening, and we all did everything in this project during the filming. And then I sat on the horse and around so many people and it was so wild, but I could not retreat. And this "wonderful woman" took pictures of me so that there was no operator or director, and laid out on her page. I chose in this scene and went to the store, and someone wrote to me or called, I went to look and saw this in the comments. I just happened hysterical I was sitting in the toilet and just sobbed. Mom came, my boyfriend, and I somehow coped with it. After that, it is not very easy, "said Bortich.

By the way, Alexander rose in the Belarusian city of Grodno. Up to 11 years old, her mother brought up alone. Bortich says that the parent is her best friend, ready to always come to the rescue.

Now Bortich is alone and as he says, enjoys a new state, she likes to wake up one, to do what I want, and "spend all the money for yourself," what she told in an interview with Youtube-channel "Gentle editor".

In the Russian cinema, the young Belarusian Alexander Bortich was made in the Russian cinema and immediately settled in the company of the most sought-after actors. A girl who has no theatrical education managed to enter the top 9 best actresses 2015 according to GO magazine.

Alexander Bortich in the series "Quartet"

Biography and personal life Alexande Bortich: Latest news of secular chronicles

Sasha's childhood passed in the small Belarusian town Grodno, where the girl was after the divorce of his parents. Mother left for Moscow to earn money, leaving the daughter on the care of her grandmother. From the small years, the future actress was distinguished by an irrepressible temperament and delivered a lot of hassle, possessing rare talent to constantly fall into some "emergency" situations ending with injuries, bruises and burns. At the same time, Alexander, from an early age, loved to read, and, having a chain of memory, studied whole excerpts from the loved works, wouldingly decleate them before the guests and arranging real homemade performances.

Alexander Bortich in childhood

Soon mom again married and took the daughter to Moscow. There, restless Sasha was taken to music school, and a new passion appeared in her life - music. Its choice fell on the saxophone, and the spectrum of musical sympathies extended from classic works to heavy metal and heavy rock. Because of this, it was disliked by classmates, considering strange and slightly "not from this world." Sasha, in turn, deliberately increased the degree of conflict, being in a school in a T-shirt with the image of the leader's leader LED Zeppelin or chasing on a bike in Moscow.

Alexandra Bortich did not find a common language with classmates

In high school classes, the girl unexpectedly "fell ill" by the actor, accidentally hitting the theater studio at the local house of creativity. This occupation was so fascinated that, having received a certificate of middle education, she, without thinking, carried documents to theatrical. And I did not do ... I had to go to the pedagogical advice on the advice of the mother, but thoughts about the cinema did not leave an ambitious girl, and soon she abandoned his studies and decided to prepare for admission to the theater university again, while setting around to work as a waitress in the rock bar.

But it never succeeded in the institute. At one of the castings, she unexpectedly suggested a major role in the film "What is my name". The director needed an internally free and liberated girl, and Alexander, as it should not be better in this role.

Actress Sasha Bortich in the film "What is my name"

Shooting in the Crimea, new acquaintances and sensations made an indelible impression on a young actress and finally convinced her in the correctness of choosing a further life path. This work was not left unnoticed by film critics, and at the Festival "Kinotavr" Alexandra first heard many flattering words in his address. The Masted Russian Cinema Receiver Anton Valley, for example, called the Labing of a new "sex symbol" of domestic cinema and advised directors to pay close attention to the young debutant. Whether with a light hand of Anton, whether the case will be the case, but from this point on, the role was sprinkled on Alexander, as from the horns of abundance. Yes, what else!

She played a girlfriend Danille Kozlovsky in the second part of the cult picture "Dukhless", perfectly coped with the role of the sister of the chief hero in the series "Shot", performed one of the key roles in the criminal thriller "elusive", flashed in Renata Litvinova, Evgenia Tsyganov, Renate And Vladimir Mashkova in the painting Anna Melikyan "About Love."

Alexander Bortich in the film Duhless-2

And, of course, it is impossible to bypass the popular film "Viking", which became the most loud and controversial film in 2016.

Bed scene Alexandra Bortich with Danila Kozlovsky in the film "Viking"

In this picture, Alexander got the role of one of the wives of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Polotsk Princess Roggeds. Special resonance caused a frank bedside scene Danille Kozlovsky and Bortich. Alexander herself admits that there was no constraint during filming, especially since gentle fraternal fraternal relations established between her and Danila after working on the picture "Dukhless". The main inconvenience for the actress was the fond of the February cold, who reigned in the unheated scenery.

Alexandra Bortich as Princess Roggeds in the film "Viking"

"Viking" collected a record cashier in the Russian box office and went to the international level, and also caused a huge flurry of both flattering reviews and sharply negative criticism. In any case, this role only added the popularity of novice actress, positively reflected on her and so rapidly developing film engineer.

Actress in bed scene with Danil Kozlovsky in the film "Viking"

Photo Session Alexandra Bortich for Glamor Magazine Maxim

It is worth noting that Alexander never shunted his nude body, and refers to it as a working tool, competently using career. It is difficult to believe, but there were times when an elegant blonde with a model appearance weighed almost seventy kilograms. And although glamor is not quite her topic, nevertheless, it often accepts the proposals of popular glossy publications to take part in photo shoots.

Alexander Bortich in a photo shoot for a fashion magazine

For the first time, she attracted the attention of the general public to his body a provocative promotion to the TV series "Elusive". Dressed in bodily color Triko, fully created the illusion of the naked body, the girl passed on horseback in the center of Moscow. According to the actress, do not pay attention to the views of passersby it helped her wayward animal from whom she was afraid to fall.

Alexander Bortich on horseback in the center of Moscow

The following was followed by shooting for Elle, Tatler magazines, GQ, who could not get around their attention to a sexy blonde with a mischievous shock in the eyes. For a year and a half, the actress became a favorite of Russian fashion photographers who arranged a real hunt for her. Fans are looking forward to the photo shoot Alexandra Bortich for a glamor magazine Maxim, as evidenced by numerous requests in RuNet.

Alexandra Bortich in a photo shoot for a glamor magazine GQ

Personal photos of Alexandra Bortich in Instagram

The best pictures from photo shoots for domestic gloss Sasha regularly publishes on his page in Instagram, which has more than one hundred thousand subscribers. There you can see reports about its new filmmakers and photos from the personal life of the actress, made during travel.

Alexander Bortich in Prague, photos from Instagram

Bortich's most attentive subscribers, regularly looking through her instagram, noticed that for some times, her joint photo with the beloved Ilya Malanina had ceased to appear, with whom the actress met in 2014 on the set of the TV series "elusive."

Wedding Alexandra Bortich: who became her husband actresses

Alexandra and Ilya attracted each other during the casting for the TV series "elusive", and joint work on the set turned out the spark of passion in a real fire between young people.

Alexandra Bortich and Ilya Malanin on the set of the TV series "Elusive"

After filming, the lovers immediately decided to live together and practically did not part, despite the stressful schedule. Alexandra has repeatedly been admitted to journalists, which adores their joint walks in Moscow in the company of Beldoga Jagger's favorite Bulldog and sees her future along with Ilya in a spacious house surrounded by children and dogs. Therefore, when in the summer of 2016, in the instagram, the actress has a joint photo in the wedding dresses and with the wedding rings on the fingers, the fans hurried to congratulate Sasha and Ilya with an important event in their lives. True, it turned out later that it was only a draw, and the picture was made on the set of the next series of "Policeman from Rublevka".

Wedding photo Alexandra Bortich and Ilya Malanina

In early 2017 it became known that Alexander and her failed husband broke up without a special explanation of the reasons. They rummed that Ilya was ambiguously perceived the participation of the beloved in a frank bed stage with Danila Kozlovsky and the hype arise around this, and he was constantly jealous of her to colleagues on the acting shop. Fans of the couple refused to believe in the final gap of their relationship and hoped that the lovers would climb.

However, in the spring of this year, information about the novel of the actress with Raper Vyacheslav Vorontsov, more famous under the pseudonym of the mesza, appeared. Alexandra has already managed to introduce a new boyfriend with his mother, which approved the choice of her daughter.

Alexandra Bortich and Raper Mezz

Actress impms that her new Beloved understands and takes the specifics of her profession and supports her creative ambitions. And they have a huge amount of energetic and purposeful Alexandra, and to stop at the reached Belarusian beauty is clearly not going.

Day September 5, a naked girl passed on a white horse in Tverskaya Street in Moscow. As you managed to find out Tjournal, the girl was actress Alexander Bortich, who went to such an act for the shooting of the film "Duhumless 2".

One of the first eyewitnesses turned out to be TV presenter Tina Kandelaki. She published a photo of the rider at 13:45 in his instagram, calling the girl "Naked Queen", but not specifying what exactly happened on Tverskaya.

Later amateur video from the Manege Square published the site of the LifeNews TV channel. The publication reported that the rider is the actress of the film, which is removed in the center of the capital. According to LifeNews, the shooting team did not bother the movement, and not all eyewitnesses realized that they were involved in creating a film.

Nevertheless, in the roller, he can hear one of the employees of the shooting brigade says: "Tell me for the swirling to overlap." Another team member tells the English-speaking author of the NO Photocamera roller and prohibits removing what is happening.

With the help of Tjournal's robot, it was possible to find other pictures in Instagram made at the time of the shooting. Imjameker and stylist Ekaterina Anosov published a photo of a horse: according to her, the animal name is Coke, and the streets of Tverskaya and Okhotny row were blocked.

Customer Twitter Nina Bedoev published Photo of a nude rider, and then sent him to his friend under the nickname Eternal_Duality. She posted him in Instagram, writing that what was happening in the photo - the filming of the film "Duhless 2", held on the Manege Square.

As Tjournal Bedoev told, it works not far from Manezh Square and therefore often sees the actors of the film. According to her, the shooting continues about three weeks: then on the newspaper alley, then on Nikitsky Boulevard.

In the comments, Eternal_Duality began a discussion and it turned out that the girl riding a horse in Moscow is Alexander Bortich, a 19-year-old actress from Belarus. Bortich is in the list of actors of the film "Dukhless 2", the main role in which Danil Kozlovsky is playing.

Alexandra Bortich

The director "Duchless 2" - Roman Jugunov, Producer - Fedor Bondarchuk, and the scenario was written by Writer Sergei Minaev, together with the former editor-in-chief of the Russian magazine GQ Mikhail Idovy and Writer Fuad Ibrahimbekov. The film premiere is expected on March 5, 2015.

Actress Alexander Bortich fell into the number of 9 girls, which Russian GQ intends to follow in 2015.

In addition to this blue-eyed blonde from Svetlogorsk, Monica Bellucci was in the list, which will play in the new Bondian series, Dakota Johnson, the leading role in the "50 shades of gray" and other celebrities.

Alexander Bortich became famous for the scene in the thriller "" (and not "Dukhless 2", as previously reported). Fully naked actress in the center of Moscow, including in close proximity to the Kremlin.

"We didn't just have decided to remove a bare chick on a horse in the city center." According to the script, it was necessary to be powerful, shockingly and hard - and did it,- stated Bortich in an interview with the popular Russian resource BURO 24/7.

- It is difficult to imagine what should be written in the script so that you are embarrassed.

- I am also difficult to imagine this. If tomorrow calls Tarantino and says me to take part in his frame in a supercoiled stage, naturally, I agree. It all depends on how much the idea of \u200b\u200bthe director is motivated. When I say something like: "Oh, and let's add a little sex; Whether in the cowards, "I answer:" No guys, sorry. " There is a difference, and you need to feel it. "

By the way, BURO 24/7 also noted the "wonderful acting work" Alexandra Bortich in the film "What is my name is", which

The girl sitting on a white horse, undressed, after which he drove on several central city streets, reports. Photo and video riders immediately appeared in social networks, and the TV presenter Tina Kandelaki became one of the eyewitnesses.

"Just ... in the city center. Now so fashionable? Naked Queen? ", - wrote Tina Kandelaki in Instagram.

It was subsequently that a naked rider - actress of the film spiritless 2, which is removed in the center of the Russian capital. At the same time, the team decided not to brake the movement of cars and pedestrians during the shooting of the episode, and the film crew worked so carefully that not all eyewitnesses understood that they were At the site where the new film is removed.

It also turned out that the rider is a native of Belarus, 19-year-old Alexander Bortich, reports Euroradio.

Alexander Bortich really is in the list of film actors, whose premiere is expected on March 5, 2015. The main role is performed by Daniel Kozlovsky.

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