Youth subculture emo. Origins, genesis, psychoanalysis, signs

Youth subculture emo. Origins, genesis, psychoanalysis, signs
Modern teenagers seek individuality. They want to look cool, non-standard and in accordance with their inner world, so they often become representatives of a certain subculture, for example, emo. What is subculture Emo.And what is it expressed?

Emo subculture was formed by fans of a musical style. Representatives of this youth subculture are called emo kids. The guy and the girl - Emo-fight and Emo Gerl.

What is emo

Emo subculture (from the word "emotion") appeared in the late 80s in the United States. Emo is primarily a type of hardcore music. These are songs about separation, unhappy love and spiritual experiences.

Emo subculture is bright positive and negative emotions that fill the world of representatives of this direction. Emo-kids believe that the main thing is to be yourself and not shy to express their feelings, and this is not considered a manifestation of weakness. Emo-Kids seek to get bright emotions, no matter, suffering is or joy. They crave self-expression, their globility is very sensitive, and emo-kids are openly protest against injustice. Representatives of the subculture Emo openly cry and laugh, not embarrassed by others. The essence of this direction lies in the ability to combine emotions and mind.

Emo-Kyda - this is usually teenagers with a vulnerable psyche. They are very painful perceive all the strikes of life and are sharply experiencing trouble. Their inner world is filled with mental suffering, but it has a place and positive emotions that emo-kids are very valued.

Image of Emo.

The traditional hairstyle of Representatives of the subculture EMO is a long torn oblique bang, because of which there is no eye. Haircut at emo-kids ribbon, often short rear. The hair is straight, tough, chaotically sticks out. Hair color is usually black. Emo girls can wear children's hairstyles, for example, two tails. Often used in hairstyle bright hairpins and gum (bows, hearts). To create a hairstyle, emo-kids spend a huge amount of fixing lacquer.

Image EMO provides for the presence of piercing of different parts of the body. Emo-Kyda love to punch repeatedly ears, to make tunnels in them. Popular among representatives of subculture Emo is the piercing of lips, eyebrows, left nostrils and bridges.

Image EMO is based on brightness and causing appearance. Girls and guys use a tonal cream of bright shades, coloring lips under the color of the skin, eyes allocate, not sparing a black pencil or shadows. Emo-Kyda nails paint black varnish.

Clothing Emo

Subculture EMO implies "black and pink" image. Emo-kidd clothing basically has pink and black tones. Other bright colors are also allowed in emo clothing. Representatives of this subculture love combinations into a wide strip. Emo's clothes often have sad drawings like a broken heart. Also in emo clothes prefer and fun, cartoon drawings. Typical clothes Emo: Narrow T-shirt, narrow jeans with holes, belt with big fucking, sneakers with bright shoelaces, cloak brazer on the neck. Emo wear a bag over her shoulder, love bright multicolored decorations and badges.

Value of Flower Emo

Black color is the main thing in emo. He is associated with sadness, depression, misfortune. Bright pink (or other) color symbolizes joyful moments. It is associated with romanticity, sensuality and innocence.

They created their subculture. They confront the material and mercantile world. They defend their right to love - clean, sincere, unconditional. But are they capable of themselves? ..

In painting its own world in black and pink paints, knocking bangs on the eyes and put on dark glasses, they are holy believe that they can change the world and people living in it. Emo-Kid is children and teenagers with big, full of fears with eyes that are able to plunge into the horror of their parents. That's who are Emo.

Who are Emo: Emo-Kid about himself

"The most important thing for us is emo, it is to be ourselves"
"We are not afraid to show our emotions. For us, this is not a sign of weakness. "
"Emo is, first of all emotions."

That's what the children of emo about themselves say. They are emotional, ranks. They have their own style of clothing, their music, their accessories, and even their own coat of arms - a broken heart. They openly express their emotions, do not hide joy and suffering, and the second is always in priority. But the question: who are such emo, does not cease to torment the parents of these children and adolescents.

Their nicknames and avatars are always bright, they are difficult not to notice, but noticing - to forget. Their statuses in social networks frighten, or at least injected into confusion:
"I will leave, and no one will notice, remember only a dying look"
"I will be written on the tombstone: no one loved her"

And if the prevailing black color in clothing, or unusual Emo accessories, the parents of these children are more or less tolerant, then the other manifestations of this subculture cannot remain unnoticed ...

Who is Emo - the opinion of psychologists

"Emo is children who have not received sufficient warmth and attention from parents. Children who their parents prefer money, power, career. Teenagers come to this subculture, who do not pay enough attention, do not speak their love to them. They feel "unlisted", deprived of attention. They suffer from the lack of parental heat and misunderstanding. All that is necessary to such a child is to feel necessary, important.
In our world, where all the money is managed, such children are adapting poorly. About the person is judged by no one who is in fact, but by what he has. And if he has no latest version of iPad, or Ferrari, he is nothing in this life. "

Simply put, if the child became Emo, it means that he just needs to pay more attention to buy him an iPad of the last model, and Ferrari. That's just reality talks about a friend.

Not every child whose parents cannot afford so expensive gifts, it becomes those who are called emo. Life examples show us that children from poor families are not less likely to "rich" in this life, and do not think about who Emo such or how to cut the veins to be tapped by pills. At the same time, children from families of famous businessmen can become how they say "Tru Emo", or on the contrary, enthusiastically do the continuation of their parents. And, for now, no one psychologist has failed to catch the line, crossing through which teenagers begin to dream about death.

Who are Emo really?

They really differ from many others: their huge emotional amplitude, desire and ability to experience colossal emotions - from love to sadness. Yes, they have values, much higher than the material - they appreciate love. All this is asked in them, but not secured ...

Such properties like: Love, compassion, empathy - they have, but do they implement them? And if this is done, is it right?

Those who become emo, children with an auditorium, are born for large tasks in demand by modern society. To work out the ability to empathize and reduce the level of dislike in society. To do this, they need to develop intellectually and sensually to develop in a timely manner. But the incorrect development of their potential since an early age turns them into the suffering children who hysterically requiring love and attention to themselves.

All their emotions, which they so diligently show, are sent only to themselves. Love, about which they like to say so, is what they require to themselves, but are not able to give away from themselves.

As a result, instead of reduced hostility in society, they increase it.

What are parents and psychologists fear?

So who is such emo and what they scare the parents of adolescents?
Statuses, posts, avatars and photos on pages in social networks of these children, romantizes the worst - death. Speaking of inscriptions on the tombstones, drawing terrible paintings and publishing photos of people with cut veins, they instill fear and horror in the hearts of their parents and social workers.

"Emo subculture promotes suicide!" - Make the "specialists" conclusion. But they do not notice one thing - the children enter the community of Emo, originally possessing a special attitude towards death.

Fear of death - This is a congenital fear of a person with a visual vector. And it is the children with an auditorium stand in the ranks of Emo. But they do it at all in order to end with them, but in order to draw attention to themselves to become more noticeable.

Attention - This really lacks children with an auditorium, but only those of them, in whom this vector is not developed. Trying to stand out on a general background, they pursue the only goal - to draw attention to themselves. There is a deep meaning in it. Taking care of attention, such children subconsciously begin to feel their security: "They see me, it means that in case of danger, they will be able to save." Children with an auditorial vector in fear - this is who Emo!

Improper realization of the visual vector is deeply immerses the child into fears. Over time, he is not enough attention from parents, and all the people around him. Their appearance ceases to shock their acquaintances, and then they go further, they take others, already radical measures.

Drink a tube of sleeping pills, cut the veins, stand on the window of the ninth floor - this is the next stage, often becoming the last ...

Their suicide is only another attempt to attract attention. And they take this attempt with the expectation that they will be able to save them. So, the tube tube drinks out 5 minutes before the arrival of the parents, and the veins are opened when someone certainly has nearby.

Psychological blackmail is that there is a suicide emo, but no desire to leave life.

What is dangerous subculture Emo really?

It will be wrong that the subculture of Emo carries some kind of danger, the danger comes from those children who go there. But they do it initially because they were not taught compassion and love, as it is - directed outward, and not insulting herself.

And even if such a child passes the fate of those units that came with them, and then only because they did not have time to save, the rest of his life would be pursued by fears. The fear of darkness, obsessing the thought of black hand, is about to intertercy from under the bed, deep phobias, which are unable to heal a non-systemic psychologist - that's what the child expects. But the global problem is not even in this, but in the fact that all these people are those who are now emo, they will not be able to work for the benefit of society, reduce the accumulated hostility and develop culture in the highest sense of the word. They will never be able to properly adapt in society and receive what they want to see - love, real, and not the one that is directed to themselves.

How to pull the baby from the emo community

Neither expensive gifts, neither unconditional love and attention to the child are not able to extinguish him from the community of Emo. Just learning how to release their emotions, direct them not on themselves, but on the people around you, learning that such compassion and love will outward, the one who is Emo will be able to dilute his paint palette.

In adolescence, namely, teenagers become emo, to understand who Emo such, and direct the development of their child in the right direction is still possible. And if the literature causing compassion can still be helped at the age of 7-8 years, then in Pubertat you need other, stronger methods - visiting the houses of people with disabilities, rehabilitation centers and nursing homes - that's what a teenager will help with an auditorium. Learn how to push your fears . Common to other people - weak old men, disabled children, children with development defects, a child with an auditorial vector ceases to experience fear for himself, his fear of his own life passes in the fear of the life of another person - in this and there is the essence of compassion and pushing the fear outside.

System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan gives landmarks to understand who Emo, and in what direction should develop their child in such a way that he can be able to properly adapt in society and receive the maximum pleasure from life.

The article is written on the training materials on system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan .

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I liked it - to put "heart":

Now all the big turns are gaining emo-culture. It is possible that you have already happened to meet on the street, on the bus of her representatives: strange girls with black hair, shiny hairpins on the head and rings in the lower lip and thin guys with a bangs, closing half of the face, in black and white died and "postal" Bag over the shoulder with a scattering of multi-colored icons and improvised patches. These were emo-kids, people who consider themselves adherents of emo culture.

Subculture Emo is non-aggressive, non-intellectual, with undeveloped social institutions.

The specificity of the EMO subculture is that its characteristic semantics very accurately corresponds to the peculiarities of the psyche that are characteristic of adolescent age. In the case of emo, the teenager is able to explain, including himself, some features of its emotional state, behavior, the perception of the surrounding world, through belonging to this subculture. The subculture legalizes increased emotionality, psychological disharmonality, infantility, hysterical reactions and adolescent conflict. Characteristic is also a squeezed "children's" infantile behavior

The aesthetic forms of subculture EMO are broadcast due to several main carriers. These include music with its oven-emotional and aggressive sound, combined with sentimentally tragic intonation. A very important conductor of aesthetic norms are the appearance and image of subculture participants.

The idealized norm of emo subculture is bisexual relationships of all possible options: a girl, group sex. The most actively declared homoerotic friendship of a boy boy.

Emo collected, as a rule, in parks. They do not drink blood, not hooligany, do not shout, just quietly and peacefully communicate. However, they are forced to constantly change the place of meetings. Otherwise, confess, dangerous. Perhaps because it is still not all used to see many sad young people who, in all the laws of logic, should be funny, vigorous and energetic.

You can relate to emo in different ways (however, in fact there is no one else). Some say that this subculture helps "survive in our cold and cruel world," others consider emo hysteries and panickers. Third think it is just a new fashion that will soon pass. But it is worth noting that young people who, at their own desire, change the young burdens on the despondency are becoming more and more. And this already suggests.

Cons: the desire to experience bright and clean emotions and their expression - the main rule for emo-kids. They are distinguished by: thirst for self-expression, confrontation of injustice, a special, sensitive worldview. Consequently, all this can lead to a nervous breakdown and problems in later life.

Emo is immediately noticeable among those around the bright appearance, to properly understand this, it is necessary to analyze the fashion trends of this youth direction.

Emo fashion is closely connected with punk fashion as well as with Gothic fashion. On almost all current trends, emo clothing - these are narrow jeans on men and women, long bangs, often combat on one side of the face, painted black, straightened hair, tickling t-shirts, with rock band names, belts with rivets, belts with blahs, Kedy, or other black shoes - often old and beaten - and glasses in thick black rim. Emo fashion has changed over time; Early tendencies included haircuts similar to the old Romulas and Vulcans in Star Wars, strongly tight sweaters, shirts on buttons, and working jackets (frequently called gas station jackets). Now it is no longer in fashion.

Emo-kids stand out from the crowd with their bright appearance: thin, high, hard, straight, black hair (torn bangs, closing half of the face, behind the hair sticks out in different directions). Girls have children, funny hairstyles - two small tail, bright hairpins - hearts on the sides. And boys, and girls can paint the lips to the skin of the skin, use light tonal cream, the face looks pale, a bright spot looks densely detached black eyes. Eyes - soul mirror. Soul - emotions. Narrow jeans, possibly with holes or piping, cocked belt with a chain or pink. Turning t-shirts with funny children's drawings, black with the names of emo groups, with crossed pistols (classical inscription: Bang-Bang) or with torn in shred hearts on the chest. On the legs of the sneakers or Vance, on the hands of multicolored bracelets, especially popular snaps or (snaps) of all colors of the rainbow. On the neck, large bright beads or white pearls borrowed at the grandmother. Sweaters with a V-neck, jackets with icons, Olympics of the USSR Times, a vest with rhombuses like a grandfather, long striped scarves, punctured tongues, lips, ears, nose, nose. Often emo-kids are made in the ears of the tunnel (these are such large holes (on average 12-16 mm)), in which the plagges insert (round earrings) or tunnels (bagels with a hole inside). Emo-Kyda go with bags over the shoulder or backpacks, which are hanging many icons, soft toys, patchwork. Some wear square glasses with transparent glasses in black rim and striped leggings on their hands (the most common - black and pink). On the nails - black varnish (boys often got enough and not on every nail), in the ears headphones (common phenomenon - emo-kids, listening to music). Emo-kids do not break clothes from second-hand, they say that there can often find what is not in the most expensive boutiques.

Our emotional reaction to color is incredibly strong. The eye perceives the color and instantly in the brain begins the process spoken in the peripheral nervous system.

Clothing color eloquent. Will you be set up aggressively if the service representative will be dressed in all white or black? Will the doctor who prefer the bright orange tie will be enjoyed? Which of women experts will you choose as a financial advisor - the one that carries a dark blue suit, or this, in a bright pink blouse?

Colors of clothing can give us confidence, strength or vice versa, create a sense of awkwardness. There are no "bad" or "good" colors, we are talking only about the possibility of choosing the types of color communication.

Consider in more detail the color gamut emo, we recall that it is black and pink.

It is said that optimists look at the world "Through pink glasses." It is not surprising, therefore, that pink not only provokes a friend, but also reduces the evilness and aggressiveness.

Contemplation of pink is so dull anger and physical strength that this color is actively used in correctional establishments and schools for difficult children in order to prevent the asocial behavior and reducing the attempted suicide. Similarly, the football coaches of the host team are managed to paint the pink locker rooms in guests to reduce their aggressiveness on the field.

Pink color is passive, he calms down and softens the emotions, and it is known from the XVIII century, when it was believed that the pink contributes to digestion, and the ash and pink color entered the fashion.

The properties of pink testify both idioms - "Pink Dreams", "Life in Pink Color".

If red speaks of passionate love, then pink rather about tenderness. That is why it is considered color of femininity; Pink linen choose for newborn girls.

Pink is the most passive of flowers - provokes friendly and reduces aggressiveness, both inner and external.

The most feminine color, pink is associated with feeding and upbringing.

Pink soothes, and it is believed that he contributes to digestion.

Bright pink, in which much more red, more energetic and fun.

Men prefer pink tones of yellowish tint.

Undoubtedly, black is the most authoritarian and overwhelming color of the spectrum. It is associated with death and darkness, creates an alarming feeling of unknown. Black is the color of the mystery. People fear that the world can disappear in a black hole, and if a black cat goes the road, then wait trouble. An impression generated by black is endowed with great power.

In the world of fashion, black is truly omnipresent.

If the Invitations on the reception indicated "Black Tie" (Black Tie), then this emphasizes the importance of the event and the information is transmitted that the costume should be strict because the meeting will be official.

Black color is considered conservative and inspiring respect.

In Heraldry black color - symbol of grief.

Black gives a sense of weight and depth. People seem like black figures weigh more than the same white shapes.

Emo turned out an interesting palette - a combination of calm, romanticism and femininity with authoritarianism, conservatism and mystery. From such a combination, it is quite possible to fall into depression.

EMO of specific external signs, distinctive ideology, also has its own direction in music. It must be considered in more detail.

Emo - Rock music genre. Starting from its appearance, EMO is used to describe several independent music styles, freely connected, but with a common pedigree. Also, the use of the term was the subject of a large amount of debate.

In his initial embodiment, the term "emo" was used to describe the Scharger of Hardcore Punk Music, which for the first time he sounded in Washington, DC, in the mid-1980s. The term EMO referred to the fact that, on occasion, the participants in this subculture can spontaneously become more emotional during the presentation. The most popular groups of that Rites of Spring, Embrace, One Last Wish, Beefeater, Gray Matter, Fire Party, and a little later Moss icon. The first wave of the popularity of EMO began to subsoine after the collapse of most musical teams in the early 1990s.

Starting in the mid-1990s, the term of Emo began to reflect the indie scene, which followed the influences of Fugazi, which was directly the branch of the first wave of emo. Group, including Sunny Day ReaL Estate and Texas Is The Reason, promoted more indie-style rock emo, more melodic and less chaotic in nature than its predecessor. The so-called "India Emo" speech, survived until the end of the 1990s, so many of the groups, or disbanded or changed style.

Since the lagging indie emo group has entered the main trend, newer groups began to imitate a newer style, creating the style of music, which now earned the nickname emo within the popular culture. Taking into account the fact that even in the past, the name of EMO was used to identify a wide variety of groups, the variety of groups listed under today's emo even more extensively, using the term "emo" more as a definition than a certain genre of music. Emo has its own musical groups: "Bullet for My Valentine", "Funeral For a Friend", "Yellowcard". Emo-style differs from the rest of the musical styles by an abundance of squeal, crying, moans, whisper, tearing on a cry. Yes, and the lyrics themselves about the unfortunate love, injustice, about cruel and full violence of the world. Emo is different. Someone loves more melodic and calm songs, someone like heavy, supervised compositions, it's rather taste and preferences, so there is no particular sense to compare one emo group. Each different emotions, and in different way they turn out to be expressed. The most important thing is that they be sincere. The main components of any emo group: a soloist with a strong voice, able to take the highest notes, a frantic power of music, the most complicated parties, impulsiveness, a sprinkling refill Long Creek (Scream) - all this emo.

Thus, the EMO subculture is very emotional, these are people who are able to rapidly express their emotions, not embarrassed by anyone. They have a very bright appearance, representatives of both sexes paint nails and eyes, most often black, also in appearance pink prevails. Emo-Kyda is most often sad and can perform suicidal actions.

social youth emo goth

Emo. - Style of clothing, which prefers young subculture of the same name. The style itself is characterized by an abundance of black both in clothing and in the image in general, with its indispensable alternation with pink. The presence of pink color is one of the main differences of Emo style.

The name "Emo" is a reduction from the English "Emotional", "emotional". Representatives of this area are called "Emo-Kidami" (from English. Kid is a child). Sometimes you can find the terms "emo-battle" or "Emo Gerl" (from the English. Boy - boy and girl - girl). Such "children's" designations are not accidental: the subculture is called "emotional" because adolescence, like any other, peculiar to deep experiences and bright emotions. Often this adolescence is called youthful maximalism.

It can be said that Emo is a style for young men and girls who are characterized by strong experiences and who are not afraid of them to openly express. It is believed that all emo kids are depressive people with bright suicidal inclinations. In fact, representatives of this youth flow are not always submersible in depression. They simply either love very much, or very hate: friends, parents, beloved, themselves. The key parameter is the force of experienced emotions, and not their character.


The image of Emo-Kida is very injecting attention. Partly this is why this style has become so popular. It is inherent in a certain proportion of andfinity, and therefore emo-battles are often similar to girls.

Most often, youths and girls relating to this area, paint hair in black. However, you can meet the combinations of black with ash-white or pink. Emo's hair is mostly straight, medium in length (approximately the middle of the chin) or long enough (girls, young men rarely grow long hair). Emo etching or very neat, hairs to the hairs, or, on the contrary, slightly negligent. Girls love to decorate their hairstyles in Emo style Bright hairpins or rims. Also, many emo worn bangs covering one eye.

Since the Musical Culture of Emo Cor is a "direct descendant" of punk rock, despite their value differences, young men and girls of this subculture are inherent in love for typically attribute - piercing. Purchased lips, chin, eyebrows, nose - quite a characteristic picture for this style.Often, Emo-Kyda resorts to a special kind of piercing ears, the so-called "tunnels".

Love emo-kids and tattoos. Usually it is very stylish and beautiful colored tattoo a large enough size. Perform most often in the hands ("sleeves"), chest, back. The subjects may be the most different, but most often the meaning of the tattoo is closely related to the basic values \u200b\u200bof the direction: love, emotions.

Bright makeup - an indispensable attribute of style. They make it not only girls, but also a young man. Usually simple and catchy: eyes are bodied by a black pencil, black shadows are applied. Also, the combination of black and pink colors is also used to underline the eye.

Clothes and shoes

Emo's clothes, like their makeup, bright enough. All the same colors, black and pink predominate in it (however, other bright colors are allowed). The choice of this gamma is incomplete. Both colors have their own designations. Black is a symbol of sadness, sorrow, longing and pain. Pink, on the contrary, reflects cheerful and positive moments, such as friendship and love.

It is difficult to say that Emo adheres to some particular style in terms of clothing as such. However, most of them close something sports:, sweatshirts, Olympics.

Characteristic to style emo narrowed. Girls can wear-fells - such a shock is not yet rebeling, because it is self-expression, which is so appreciated in this subculture. Emo girls are not alien to purely girl elements of clothing.

As a rule, EMO style clothes implies the presence of bright, unusual drawings. It can be hearts, blades, pistols (peculiar symbols of suicide), and there may be something more positive, for example, stylized images of couples in love.

For clothes of this style, a black and pink strip or a black and pink cell ("Shash") is also characteristic.
However, as for the pattern in the cell, then the black and white version is also found.

Favorite shoes Emo are sneakers and skaters, as well as flips and slips (rag slippers and slippers with rubber soles).

EMO Style is usually an abundance of a variety of thematic. As a young man and the girls of this culture are icons, with images or logos of well-known groups of this musical direction, or with drawings similar to those that can be seen on their clothes.

In the Emo environment, striped golf and leggings, mitts and, scarves, sweatshirts are popular. Restantly reminds accessories of Pankov, however, has a more pronounced romantic nature.

How to create an image in Emo style?

Since EMO culture is built on a stray of self-expression, the creation of an image in this style will help not only attract attention, but also add confidence. Having learned to express your emotions with the help of clothes, you can brighter to declare yourself and be creative.

Emo style for girls

  • First, choose expressive things, be it a T-shirt, sweatshirt or blouse. Pay attention to the dark colors that are peculiar to many popular emo groups, such as "AFI" or "My Chemical Romance". Combine black and dark gray things with pink, purple, fuchsia color. Wear cozy things, baggy Hoodie and warm colored jampers, decorated with characteristic emo-prints and mysterious inscriptions that surround the most intimate thoughts. Try yourself to apply inscriptions or images to your clothes that will express your views.
  • Find the basis for your emo image. Let it be narrow jeans or tights, focusing on the bends of the figure, which emphasize Emo-style. It is best to think your ever-changing mood all shades of blue, as well as sparkling white. You can also combine short denim with openwork.
  • Add accessories in Emo style. For example, it is perfectly suitable such objects like a skull, necklaces with crosses and collars with spikes, as well as metal chains. Pay attention to both plastic decorations of black, pink, purple shades. Wear bright pink leggings and writhing on your hands. Purchase a couple of dark glasses that look mysterious. Add all sorts of ties, suspenders and dressings.
  • Your EMO Style will emphasize semi-speaking sneakers, such as or vans. They can also be decorate with spikes, rivets and buttons of different colors.
  • Find creatively to makeup, because it is one of the main components of the image of the girl emo. Let your mood be fundamental to your daily makeup and reflects in it. Forget about fashionable trends in make-up, color schemes, as well as combinations of colors accepted for the rate or standard. In addition, do not be afraid of the excessive amount of cosmetics, because among the girls-emo is customary to paint brightly and use rather heavy daily makeup. Abundantly squeeze your eyes with a dark blue or black liner to make your gaze expressive and emotional. Apply several shades of shades at once, which will create a noticeable visual effect. On the lips apply a dark or neon color to lipstick.
  • Next, do the hairstyle. Stress on some separate strands and bangs using their secretions. To do this, use hair gel and varnish strong fixation. Asymmetric hairstyles and ripped bangs, almost closing eyes, are a distinctive feature of Emo. To show your commitment to freedom and emphasize the bright personality, make dreadlocks or tighten your hair into small flagella. Do not forget about hair coloring. It can be done with easily washes or professional paint. Color strands in blue, pink, black, purple, green colors. In addition, it is allowed to wear various wigs or overhead curls that will help create the effect of the scope on the head. Change the hairstyle regularly to specify your changing mood.

Emo style for men

  • Boys Emo, as well as girls, very reverent treat their hairstyle. The main type of haircut, which they choose, are short rear and elongated front hair. Long bang - a mandatory attribute of any hairstyle of any emo.
  • Also for emo peculiar, and what is more, the better. Start with the ears, then pinched the nose, eyebrow or lip, and better all together.
  • Wear it makes many boys-emo.
  • Some emo, wanted to fully fit the style, also use makeup. It is worth noting that it is not at all rare among young people. If you want to look like a real emo, squeeze your eyes with a black liner or slightly grow in black or red shadows on the eyelids. You can also make your nails with black varnish.
  • Let the main component of your emo-wardrobe become black T-shirts. They can be a bit crazy or ribbon, with or without. Choose enough tight styles and combine them from a suitable style, preferably - dark and decorated with your own hands.
  • In general, the term "tight" is key in the form of emo. This applies not only to T-shirts, but also jeans, and for young people representing this subculture.
  • By the way, not every belt is suitable for your Emo style jeans. To match the style, make sure that you have chosen a model of a bright, contrasting with clothing color decorated with metal rivets, spikes and buttons.
  • And finally, shoes. Complete the image of black converse keda.

Everything can be found in life, and various representatives of youth subcultures are not the most amazing. But in their behavior there are many strange moments:

  1. Why do they like the same clothes?
  2. What attracts the selected movement?
  3. How do they live in such an image?

Most often, these questions in our country raise in relation to those who, to the soul, the subculture "Emo". It is worth noting the fact that this direction has literally mutated and has changed much compared to its original character. Many Emo do not even realize how far they are from pioneers, and continue to live with false ideas about their movement.

Where does the wind blow?

The previous century turned out to be rich in the opening of fundamentally new cultures (although it remains current phrases that everything new is well forgotten old). The etymology of the word "emo" is very simple and is available even for a person with a complete ignorance of foreign languages.

Emo's subculture in English sounds like "Emotional", which means "emotional". In sociology and cultural studies, this is a certain part of public culture, which has fundamental differences with the prevailing. In essence, it is a little world with its values, manner of behavior, style and even tongue. Of course, it is worth noting the fact that such communities differ in many basic factors, for example, by national, demographic, professional or geographical.

The subculture of Emo appeared as a reaction of society to the sermost and the attenuation of the present. Every day, most people go to the unloved job, knowing that they would spend the whole day there, having hooked a false smile, while under the sight of tracking cameras (which is now found completely and nearby). We hide your real emotions under the mask, forgetting that one's life is one, it will not be possible to repeat it. Real emotions are genuine life. On the basis of this thought there is a whole move.

From the history

It is worth noting the achievement of the American sociologist David Ryzman, who in his work identified groups of people similar to style and moral values, in subculture. In turn, Dick Hebdidge wrote a book on subcultures and the meaning of style, having told his point of view into groups and deciding that the main motive for the separation is dissatisfaction with generally accepted standards.

The topic began to study the Frenchman Michel Miffesoli, who called such youth movements by the city tribes, but Victor Dolnik was more delicate in his book writings and used the concept of "clubs". In the USSR subculture was informal associations, which were also called parties. This relationship is understandable, because representatives of such movements differed from the total mass.

There were only three major topics that were not affected by the organizers and ideological inspirations of subcultures. It is a prison, drugs and homosexuality. These areas themselves are so specific that dividing inside of them does not attract others and does not cause desire to join. Emo's youth subculture arose on the basis of fans of one musical style, which was just distinguished by an abundance of expressed emotions.

The main features of Emo

The first and most important differences are the general worldview and attitude towards emotions: Emo is not afraid to show the present itself, opens his soul completely, and therefore remains in Lada with himself. Representatives of this area love bright colors, but here's stereotypical thinking, according to which the only suitable combination for them is black and pink, erroneously.

Emo subculture stands for brightness and paints - this is the color of grass in the spring, and bright sunlight (The greater the color and shades, the better). Therefore, real emo is not at all those strange children in striped clothes, but just people who stand out from the crowd, whose outfit wants to consider and may be repeated. By the way, emo can be found on the question and request to tell about the ideological component of the costume - they will not be silent or leave the answer. In communication, they are best friendly as possible, as they do not believe in evil, they oppose injustice.

It is possible that the representative of Emo culture will, on the contrary, depressive and easily person, since negative emotions are too sharp. In his desire to tell Mount Emo can exhibit a stick and then push out people. Stereotypes paint them as flexible and weak people, but authentic motion representatives are completely different. The subculture of emo is very deep and interesting for cognition, but requires the right approach and the desire to promote it into the masses.

About music

So, the base for the occurrence of this community was music, which resembles punk rock and, strictly speaking, is its type. At the same time, the value orientations of these directions are absolutely polar. Probably the most romantic and sensitive people in the world unites the subculture of Emo. The history of the emergence of this movement eloquently emphasizes attention on romantics, the love hill and emotionality of his peculiar. Personal experiences for them are much more important than public events. In this case, Emo is completely devoid of aggression, which is so characteristic of hardcore.

Music is often Rodnit Emo also with representatives of the Gothic subculture, which are "very original" in choosing the color range of their outfits (they prefer absolutely black and the most closed style, although there are exceptions to the rules). Emo often sing about pretty sad things, such as Paramore or Fall Out Boy, which perform songs with a supervision, narrating the problems of being and happiness of love. Now at the peak of the popularity of the group, singing in the style of emo-rivilev, to which you can rank Empire! Empire!, Touche Amore and many others.

About symbols

What is the difference between emo subculture? Briefly, it can be judged by the clothes of representatives: Let the color may be variable, but the style always recognizes - narrow jeans (regardless of gender), a large belt with a symbolism of adherent to the veganism. By the way, this movement is very popular among emo, and not everyone can be vegan.

Thus, Emo protest against violence towards animals, many of them do not eat meat and animal products. Emo love comfortable shoes, namely, sneakers. The image can be supplemented with gheeters, mints, checkered brazers and multi-colored icons. The latter can be quite a lot, but still you need to know the measure.

Image and Make-up

Even a guy who loving Emo style is unlikely to cost without a certain ride of cosmetics. But only skillful will look with it stylish, and not feminine. By the way, among Emo, there are not many representatives of unconventional orientation, as it is considered. The guy can remain courageous, even wearing a traditional hairstyle with a ribbon cheek. And many famous musical performers give them an example, swaying the eyes by the black liner. Girls in this regard is easier, because emo will approve the bright Mek-up, funny hairpins and the abundance of hearts.