Anatole France about geniuses. Anatole France - biography, information, personal life

Anatole France about geniuses. Anatole France - biography, information, personal life
Anatole France about geniuses. Anatole France - biography, information, personal life
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    Father Anatola France was the owner of a bookstore specializing in the literature dedicated to the history of the Great French Revolution. Anatole France hardly graduated from the Jesuit college, in which he studied extremely reluctantly, and, having failed several times at the final exams, passed them only at the age of 20.

    Since 1866, Anatol France has been forced to make a living itself, and began his career bibliographer. Gradually, he meets the literary life of that time, and becomes one of the notable participants of the Parnassian school.

    Anatole France died in 1924. After his death, his brain was explored by French anatomies, which, in particular, found that its mass is 1017. He was buried in the cemetery in Nyui-sur-Sen.

    Social activity

    In 1898, France took the most active part in Dreyfus. Under the influence of Marseille Pruts, France was the first to sign the famous letter of Manifesto Emil Zol.

    From these times, France has become a prominent leader of the reformist, and later - the socialist camp, participated in the device of people's universities, read the lectures of the workers, participated in rallies organized by the left forces. France becomes a close friend of the leader of Socialists Jean Zhorses and the literary master of the French Socialist Party.


    Early creativity

    Roman who brought him fame, "Crime of Sylvester Bonnar" (Fr.)russian, published in 1881 - satire, in which frivolism and kindness is preferred before harsh virtue.

    In subsequent rates and the stories of the França with a huge erudition and a subtle psychological slightly, the spirit of different historical eras is recreated. "Kharchevnya Queen Goose Paves" (Fr.)russian (1893) - A satirical story in the taste of the XVIII century, with the original central figure of Abbot Zherom Kuanyar: he is a pious, but leads a sinful life and justifies his "falls" by the fact that they strengthen the spirit of humility. The same Abbot France displays in the "judgments of Mr. Zherom Kuanyar" ("Les Opinions de Jérôme Coignard", 1893).

    In a number of stories, in particular, in the collection "Pearls" (Fr.)russian (1892), France detects a bright fantasy; His favorite topic is a comparison of pagan and Christian world stories in the stories of the first centuries of Christianity or early rebirth. The best samples in this way - "Saint Satyr" ("Saint Satyr"). In this, he had a certain influence on Dmitry Merezhkovsky. Roman "Tais" (Fr.)russian (1890) - The history of the famous ancient curtain, which became holy - written in the same spirit a mixture of epicoreism and Christian mercy.

    Characteristics of the worldview from the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Ephron

    France is a philosopher and poet. His minorozing comes down to sophisticated epicuressie. He is the most acute French critics of modern reality, without any sentimentality revealing weaknesses and moral drops of human nature, imperfection and ugliness of public life, morals, relations between people; But in his criticism, he contributes special reconciliation, philosophical contemplation and serenity, warming the sense of love for weak humanity. He does not judge and does not moralize, but only penetrates the meaning of negative phenomena. This is a combination of irony with love for people, with an artistic understanding of beauty in all manifestations of life and constitutes a characteristic feature of the works of France. Humor França is that his hero applies the same method to the study of the most heterogeneous appearance in the form of phenomena. The same historical criterion, on the basis of which he judges the events in ancient Egypt, serves him for judgment about Dreyfusovsky and his influence on society; The same analytical method with which he proceeds to the abstract scientific issues helps him explain the act who has changed his wife who has changed him and, realizing him, calmly leave, not condemning, but not good.


    "Religions, like chameleons, painted in the color of the soil on which they live."

    "There is no magic stronger than the magic of the word."

    "The case is a pseudonym of God when he does not want to subscribe to his own name"


    Modern story (L'Histoire Contemporaine)

    • Under urban knitters (L'Orme du Mail, 1897).
    • Yves mannequin (Le Mannequin d'Osier, 1897).
    • Amethyst feature (L'Anneau d'Améthyste, 1899).
    • Mr. Berger in Paris (Monsieur Bergeret à Paris, 1901).

    Autobiographical cycle

    • My friend's book (Le Livre De Mon Ami, 1885).
    • Pierre Nozier (Pierre Nozière, 1899).
    • Little Pierre (1918 LE PIERRE, 1918).
    • Life in color (La Vie En Fleur, 1922).


    • Yokasta (Jocaste, 1879).
    • "Skinny cat" (Le Chat Maigre, 1879).
    • Crime of Sylvester Bonnar (Le Crime De Sylvestere Bonnard, 1881).
    • Passion Jean Servien (Les Désirs de Jean Servien, 1882).
    • Count Abel (Abeille, Conte, 1883).
    • Tais (Thaïs, 1890).
    • Kharchevnya Queen Goose Paws (La Rôtisserie de la Reine Pédauque, 1892).
    • The judgments of Mr. Zheroma Kuanyar (Les Opinions de Jérôme Coignard, 1893).
    • Red Lily (Le Lys Rouge, 1894).
    • Head of Epicura (Le Jardin d'Épicure, 1895).
    • Theatrical story (Histoires Comiques, 1903).
    • On White Stone (Sur La Pierre Blanche, 1905).
    • Penguin Island (L'île Des Pingouins, 1908).
    • Gods threaten (Les Dieux ONT SOIF, 1912).
    • Angel's uprising (La Révolte des Anges, 1914).

    Collections of Novel

    • Valtasar (Balthasar, 1889).
    • Pearl cassette (L'Étui de Nacre, 1892).
    • Welcome Saint Claire (Le Puits de Sainte Claire, 1895).
    • Clio (Clio, 1900).
    • Procurator Judea (Le ProCurateur de Judée, 1902).
    • Krenkebil, Putua, Rica and many other useful stories (L'Affaire CRAINQUEBILLE, 1901).
    • Stories Jacques De Jacques Tournebroche, 1908).
    • Seven Wives of Blue Beard (Les Sept Femmes De Barbe Bleue Et Autres Contem Merveilleux, 1909).


    • What the hell is not joking (Au Petit Bonheur, un acte, 1898).
    • Krenkebil (Crainquebille, Pièce, 1903).
    • Yves mannequin (Le Mannequin d'Osier, Comédie, 1908).
    • Comedy about a person who married a mute (La Comédie De Celui Qui épousa Une Femme Muette, Deux Actes, 1908).


    • Life Zhanna D'Ark (Vie de Jeanne d'Arc, 1908).
    • Literary Life (Critique Littéraire).
    • Latin genius (Le Génie Latin, 1913).


    • Golden Poons (Poèmes Dorés, 1873).
    • Corinthian Wedding (Les Noces Corinthiennes, 1876).

    Edition of writings in Russian translation

    • France A. Collected Works in eight volumes. - M.: State Literature Publishing House, 1957-1960.
    • France A. Collection of writings in four volumes. - M.: Fiction, 1983-1984.

    (real name - Anatole Francois Tibo)

    (1844-1924) french Writer-Realist

    Anatole France was born in Paris in the family of bookseller. His childhood was held in a book shop located in the center of Paris on the shore of the Seine. He grown among books, and sometimes literary heroes seemed to him more alive than real people.

    Having received a classic education in college St. Stanislav, the young man began to help his father. Permanent reading made a future writer man widely and versatile educated. It begins to cooperate with various publishers, editors of magazines and newspapers, publishes the first collections of poems.

    Fame came to him in 1881 after the publication of his first novel "Crime of Sylvester Bonar". Old scholar Sylvester Bonar is spent most of his life at the desk. He lives primarily spiritual interests, it is easy to put up with life adversities and worst self-merchant and stupid people. The fact that in society is considered legitimate and decent imitation, the main character of the novel considers immoral. He abducts from the guesthouse, John Jeanne Alexander, granddaughter with his beloved, as it can not see how she is striving to cripple with mediocre education. But according to the laws of the bourgeois society, Bonar makes a crime, punishable by law. Entering the struggle for Jeanne, he is transformed. The fate of people begin to worry more than old books.

    The novel "Crime of Sylvester Bonar" introduced a new hero into the literature - a chudak-philosopher, naive enthusiast, not recognizing the generally accepted dogmas of public morality.

    The ratio of the writer to the public norms of morality can be determined in one word - atheism. Through all the works of Anatoly France, the topic of religion passes. Christian dogmas for him is a symbol of nonsense, obscurantism and antihumanity.

    In the works of Anatoly France, everything is quenched, satirically rethought. The author's attitude to the described events and people is ironic, and often ulcer-mocking. With irony and with a skeptical smile, he reveals the inner world of the heroes and the backstage side of the events, watching what is happening from the outside.

    Anatole France - the author of the tetralogy "Modern History", consisting of novels "under roadside vessel" (1897), "Yves mannequin" (1897), "Amethyst ring" (1899), "Mr. Berger in Paris" (1901), and also Romanov "Penguin Island" (1908), "Gods crave" (1912) and others.

    The evolution of his views proceeded against the background of social and political events held at the turn of the two centuries.

    In the youth of the formation of the views of the France, the ideas of enlighteners of the XVIII century, especially Voltaire, with their faith in the human mind and in the lucky future of mankind were provided. However, after a variety of unrest and alarming events of the end of the XIX century, it can no longer share their faith in the coming. Anatole France skeptically refers to the possibility of man to create a society with a more elevated building of thoughts. It remains a third-party and ironic observer of human life.

    Dreifus's case sharply changed the worldview of the writer. In 1894, Alfred Dreyfus, a French officer, a Jew for nationality, was accused of espionage in favor of Germany and sentenced to reference. This lawsuit quickly converts into a political, sealing society into two camps: opponents and supporters of Dreyfus. Supporters of Dreyfus (among them were writers Emil Zol and Anatol France) proved that the charges were fabricated by nationalists and anti-Semitians. After a long struggle, Dreyfus was pardoned in 1899, and then rehabilitated in 1906 the case of Dreifus had a huge impact not only for the development of the social life of France, but also on the relationship of previously close people. Anatole France broke all relationships with his old friends Maurice Barres and Jille Lemeter; He returned the Government to the Order of the Honorary Legion, who was previously awarded; The scandal refused membership in the French Academy after E. Zola was excluded from there. More and more writer shares the ideals of socialism. He welcomed the first Russian revolution 1905-1907. And the October Revolution of 1917, Printed in the Communist Newspaper "Yumat" and created a society of Russian friends.

    Anatol France died in the Zenith of Glory (in 1921 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature) and was buried in Paris in Pantheon, the tomb of the great people of France.

    Anatole France was born four years before the French revolution of 1848 and lived eight decades, shocked by political passions, uprisings, coups and wars. Poet, publicist, novelist, satirik, he was an active person who manifested the extraordinary power of the mind and originality of nature. The same was his literary creativity - passionate, sarcastic, organically connected with dreaming, poetic attitude to life.

    Anatoly France was called "the writer in the most French, the most Paris, the most exquisite." And Lion Tolstoy, noting his truthful and strong talent, spoke of him: "Europe now does not have a real artist writer, except for Anatoly France."
    Anatole France (real name Anatole Francois Tibo) was born on April 16, 1844 in Paris in the family of Bukinist Francois Noel and Antoinette Tibo.

    His pseudonym, already being a mastic writer, France explained that his father, Francois Nael Tibo, who originated from the ancient kind of Anzhuy winegartes, was called France all his life in this region.

    Anatol grew up in the atmosphere of books and professional interest in the printed Word, the bookshop's Savrasmia was "treasury" for him, as he wrote later in his memories. Already at eight years, the small anatole was assembered of moral aphorisms (for which she even read Larochefuku) and called it "new Christian thoughts and maxims." He dedicated this work to "dear Mom", accompanied by his note and promise to publish this book when he grows.

    In a Catholic college, St. Stanislav Anatol received a classic education, slightly painted by theology. Almost all his college comrades belonged to noble or rich families, and the boy suffered from humiliation. Perhaps, so he became a dracan and mockery, early began to compose epigrams. The college made the future writer Buntar for life, forming the character independent, stinging and rather unbalanced.

    Literary creativity attracted Anatol back in childhood. Already at the age of 12, he enjoyed reading Vergil in the original, like his father, preferred historical writings, and his desk book in the youthful years was the novel of Cervantes "Don Quixote". In 1862, Anatole graduated from the college, but the bachelor's exams could not stand, having received unsatisfactory assessments in mathematics, chemistry and geography. Bachelor France still became, re-passing exams in Sorbonne in 1864

    By this time, France was already a decent earning professional critic and editor. He collaborated in two bibliographic magazines, and besides, tried forces in the art of resentment, criticism, dramatic genre. In 1873, the first book of the poems of France "Golden Poems" was published, where nature was sacred, love, and the reflections on life and death were adjacent.
    In 1876, after a ten-year waiting, France was included in the village of the Senate Library - to the Great Father's Satisfaction: Finally, Anatol also had a position, and stable earnings.

    In April 1877, Anatole Francois Tibo married. It was a traditional bourgeois marriage: the bride had to marry, and the bridegroom gain marital status. Twenty-year-old Marie Valerie de Soville - the daughter of a major official of the Ministry of Finance - for the son of Bukinist and the grandson of a rustic shoemaker was a party enviable. France was proud of a pedigree his wife, admired her timidity, silence. True, then it turned out that the silence of his wife is explained by the unbelief in his talent of the writer and contempt for this profession.

    Significant dowry Valerie went to the arrangement of the mansion on the street near the Boulogne Forest. Here, France began working a lot. In the library of the Senate, he was glad to be a negligible worker, but as for literary labor, then the writer did not reject a single offer of publishers, cooperating simultaneously with five dozen magazines. He edited the classics, wrote numerous articles - not only about literature, but also about the history, political economy, archeology, paleontology, the origin of man, etc.
    In 1881, France became the Father, he had a daughter of Susanna, which he gently loved his whole life. In the year of birth, the daughter came out and the first book of the France, in which he found his hero, Sylvester Bonnar, and with him his own individual style. The book "Crime of Sylvester Bonnar, Member of the Institute" received a French academy award. The decision of the Academy about the award was said: it was awarded to "the product of an elegant, outstanding, may be exceptional."

    In 1883, France became a permanent chronicle in the magazine "Illustrated World". Every two weeks it appears his review "Paris Chronicle", covering different directions of French life. From 1882 to 1896 It will write more than 350 articles and essays.
    Thanks to the success of the Sylvester Bonnar and the extraordinary popularity of the Paris Chronicles, France is included in the Higher Society. In 1883, he met Leonthina Arman de Kaiwa, whose salon was one of the most brilliant literary, political and art salons in Paris. This intelligent, power aristocrat was the peer of France. From her he heard what he needed at home: an incentive assessment of his work. Perennial, jealous, the tyrannic dedication of Leontin will long fill the personal life of the writer. And his wife, Valerie France every year there will be more and more to experience the militant need to find out the relationship and reduce the scores. Alien to the spiritual life of her husband, she managed to make a stranger for França and their own home, which he filled with books, a collection of paintings, engravings, antique products. The situation in the house was glowed to such an extent that France stopped talking to his wife at all, communicating with it only with notes. Finally, one day, without making silence, Valerie asked her husband: "Where were you last night?" In response to this, France silently came out of the room and from the house what was: in a bathrobe, with raspberry velvet "Cardinal" hat on his head, with a tray in his hand, on which the inkwell was and the article begun. Demonstantly passing in this form through the streets of Paris, he removed the furnished room on the fictional name of the granome. So, not quite in the usual way, he left the house, finally breaking the family relationships that he tried to preserve all recent years only for the sake of his beloved daughter.

    In 1892, Anatol France made a divorce. From now on, his faithful and devoted girlfriend became ambitious Leontin. She did everything to make France be famous for: the material wanted for him in libraries, made translations, put the manuscript, read the Grant, wanting to free it from work that seemed to him boring. She also helped him landscaping a small villa Side near the Boulogo forest, which soon turned into a museum filled with works of art and furniture of different centuries, countries and schools.

    In 1889, the famous novel "Tais" later became published. In it, France finally found the way of self-expression, where he was not equal. Conditionally, it could be called an intellectual prose, combining the image of real life with copyrighted reflections on its sense.

    After entering the light of the novels, the gods crave "," an angels uprising "and" Red Lilia "Glory Anatoly France has acquired world sound. Letters began to come from everywhere, and not only as a famous novelist, but also as a sage and philosopher. On numerous portraits, the writer, however, tried to look no majestic, l, rather elegant.

    Changes, unfortunately, sorrowful, touched upon the personal life of the writer. The daughter of France, his "gently beloved SUson", in 1908, having time to divorce the first husband, loved Michel Psychory, the grandson of the famous religious philosopher Renan, and became his wife. Anatoly Franz This union was not likely. He moved away from his daughter, and as it turned out forever. His relationships worsened and with Leontin de Kaiwa. For a long time she was singing and tied up to the gift of France, taking care of his successes, proud of what helps him, knowing that he loved her. Every year they traveled in Italy, visited Greece several times. However, Leontin's old-age is becoming increasingly vigilant and jealous. She wished to control every step of his friend, which began to tire and annoy França. The wisest mood of the writer was aggravated by a sense of guilt. The fact is that Leonthine's health, already impossible, staggered in the summer of 1909, when rumors had reached her that France, floating on a ship in Brazil, to read the lectures of Rabel, did not resist the fifty-year-old actress of the French comedy. Jealous leontin slightly. "This is a child," she said her friend, "if you knew what he was weak, naive, how easy it is to fool him!" Returning to Paris, France has obeyed in unworthy of his levity. Together with Leontin, he left in Kapan, her country house, where Madame de Kaiwa suddenly fell ill with the inflammation of the lungs and died on January 12, 1910.

    For France, the death of Leontin became a huge mental injury. Mountain helped postpone another loyal woman, Ottilia Sosmutytse, Hungarian writer, famous for his homeland under the pseudonym Shandor Keemer. She one time was the secretary of the writer and his sensitivity, kindness helped "cure the great mind" from depression.

    The years of the First World War were Anatol France. From Paris, he moved to a small manor of Bechehlry, not far from the province of Tpen, where Emma Laprevot lived, the former maid Leontaine de Kaiawe. This woman was sick and poor. France placed her in the hospital, and after recovery, she became a writer's homework, taking all the concerns about him. In 1918, France has suffered a new mountain - his daughter, Susanna Psychari died of influenza. Her thirteen-year-old son Lucien remained round orphan (Michelle Psychory died in war in 1917), and France took on the upbringing of his beloved grandson, who later became the only heir of the writer.

    In 1921, França was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature "for brilliant literary achievements, marked with the sophistication of the style, deeply stated humanism and truly Gallic temperament."

    Throughout his long life, Anatol France rarely complained about his health. Up to eighty, he almost did not pain. However, in April 1922, the vascular spasm paralyzed him for several hours. And the writer admitted that he could no longer "work as before." But, nevertheless, before the demise itself, he kept the vigor of the spirit and amazing performance. He dreamed of visiting Brussels, London, finish the book of philosophical dialogues called "Sous La Rose", which can be translated as "not for foreign ears."
    In July 1924, France went to bed with a diagnosis of the last stage of Sclerosis. Doctors warned friends and a close writer that his watch was considered. On the morning of October 12, France said with a smile: "This is my last day!" So it happened. On the night of October 13, 1924, "the most French, the most Paris, the most refined writer" died.

    As the writer Dusan Breaks said about him: "Despite all the transfers of a critical fashion, Anatol France will always stand next to B. Show, like a great Satir era, and next to Rabl, Moliere and Voltaire, as one of the greatest French israses."

    French writer and literary critic. Member of the French Academy (1896). The laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1921), whose money he donated in favor of starving Russia.
    Anatole France hardly graduated from the Jesuit college, in which he studied extremely reluctantly, and, having failed several times at the final exams, passed them only at the age of 20.
    Since 1866, Anatol France has been forced to make a living itself, and began his career bibliographer. Gradually, he meets the literary life of that time, and becomes one of the notable participants of the Parnassian school.
    During the Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871, France served for some time in the army, and after demobilization continued to write and fulfill various editorial work.
    In 1875, he appears the first real opportunity to express himself as a journalist when the Paris newspaper "Time" ("Le Temps") ordered him a series of critical articles on modern writers. Next year, he becomes the leading literary criticism of this newspaper and leads his own heading entitled "Literary Life".
    In 1876, he is also appointed by the Deputy Director of the French Senate Library and over the next fourteen years it takes this post, which gave him the opportunity and means to engage in literature. In 1913 he visited Russia.
    In 1922, its writings were included in the Catholic "index of prohibited books."
    He was a member of the French Geographical Society. In 1898, France took the most active part in Dreyfus. Under the influence of Marseille, France, France signed the famous letter-manifesto Emil Zol "I blame." From these times, France has become a prominent leader of the reformist, and later - the socialist camp, participated in the device of people's universities, read the lectures of the workers, participated in rallies organized by the left forces. France becomes a close friend of the leader of Socialists Jean Zhorses and the literary master of the French Socialist Party.

    France is a philosopher and poet. His minorozing comes down to sophisticated epicuressie. He is the most acute French critics of modern reality, without any sentimentality revealing weaknesses and moral drops of human nature, imperfection and ugliness of public life, morals, relations between people; But in his criticism, he contributes special reconciliation, philosophical contemplation and serenity, warming the sense of love for weak humanity. He does not judge and does not moralize, but only penetrates the meaning of negative phenomena. This is a combination of irony with love for people, with an artistic understanding of beauty in all manifestations of life and constitutes a characteristic feature of the works of France. Humor França is that his hero applies the same method to the study of the most heterogeneous appearance in the form of phenomena. The same historical criterion, on the basis of which he judges the events in ancient Egypt, serves him for judgment about Dreyfusovsky and his influence on society; The same analytical method with which he proceeds to the abstract scientific issues helps him explain the act who has changed his wife who has changed him and, realizing him, calmly leave, not condemning, but not good.

    France, Anatol(France, Anatole, Pseud.; Name. Name - Jacques Anatole Francois Tibo, Thibault) (1844-1924), French critic, novelist and poet. Born on April 16, 1844 in the family of bookseller. Literary activity began slowly: he was 35 years old when the first collection of Novel was published. His children's years he dedicated autobiographical novels Book of my friend (Le Livre De Mon Ami, 1885) and Little Pierre (Le Petit Pierre., 1918).

    First compilation Golden Pois (Les Poémes Dorés., 1873) and poetic drama Corinthian wedding (Les Noces Corinthiennes, 1876) indicated him as a member of the Poet. Start of fame of France as an outstanding prose of his generation put a novel Crime of Sylvester Bonnara (Le Crime de Silvestre Bonnard, 1881).

    In 1891 appeared Tais (Taïs.), for her - Kharchevny Queen Goose Paws (La Rôtisserie De La Reine Pédauque, 1893) and Judgments of Mr. Zherom Kuanyar (Les Opinions De M.jérôme Coignard, 1893), who gave a brilliant satirical image of the French 18 V. IN Red Lily (Le Lys Rouge., 1894), the first novel by França to the modern plot, describes the story of passionate love in Florence; Garden epicura (LE JARDIN D "ÉPICURE, 1894) contains samples of his philosophical reasoning about happiness, consisting in achieving sensory and intellectual joys.

    After election to the French Academy (1896), France began publishing a cycle Modern story (Histoire Contemporaine., 1897-1901) of four novels - Under roadside vesm (L "Orme du mail, 1897), Yves mannequin (Le Mannequin D Osier, 1897), Amethyst ring (L "Anneau D" Améthyste, 1899) and Mr. Berger in Paris (M.Bergeret à Paris., 1901). The writer depicts both Parisian and provincial society with a custody wit, but at the same time abruptly critically. IN Modern history Actual events are mentioned, in particular Dreyfus case.

    In Novella Case Krenkebil (L "Affaire CRAINQUEBILLE, 1901), recycled then in the play Krenkebil (Crainquebille, 1903), exposes the judicial parody of justice. Satyrian allegory in the Spirit of Swift Penguin Island (L "île des pingouins1908) recreates the history of the formation of the French nation. IN Zhanna D "Ark (Jeanne D "Arc, 1908) France tried to separate the facts from the legends in the life of the national holy life, although himself skeptically referred to any historical study, considering judgments about the past always to one degree or more subjective. In a dedicated French revolution, the novel Gods threaten (Les Dieux ONT SOIF, 1912) was expressed by his disbelief into the effectiveness of revolutionary violence; in written on a modern story Angelov's uprising (La Révolte des Anges, 1914) is subjected to christianity. Book On a glorious path (SUR LA VOIE GLORIEUSE, 1915) performed by the patriotic spirit, but in 1916, France made a condemnation of the war. In four volumes Literary life (La Vie Littéraire., 1888-1894) He showed himself an insightful and subtle critone, but extreme subjectivity made him refrain from any assessments, because in his eyes the significance of the work was determined not so much by his advantages as the personal preferences of criticism. He joined E.Zol in the protection of Dreyfus, and from the column essay To the best times (Vers Les Temps Meilleurs, 1906) is his sincere interest in socialism. France supported the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. In the early 1920s, he was among those who sympathized with the newly created French Communist Party.

    For many years, France was the main bait in the cabin of his close friend Madame Arman de Kaiawe, and his Parisian house (Villa Seid) turned into a place of pilgrimage for young writers - both French and foreign. In 1921 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

    France of França is a subtle wit reminds the Irony of Voltaire, with which his many relatives. In his philosophical views, he developed and popularized E.Renan's ideas. France died in Tour October 13, 1924.