What to do if a deceased grandmother dreamed. Why does the deceased grandmother dream - Freud's dream book

What to do if a deceased grandmother dreamed.  Why does the deceased grandmother dream - Freud's dream book
What to do if a deceased grandmother dreamed. Why does the deceased grandmother dream - Freud's dream book

The image of the deceased granny in a dream is very often interpreted as a harbinger of important events in your real life. This dream may mean that very soon you will have to face problems and difficulties, which will be very difficult to overcome. But despite this, if a wise relative or acquaintance is nearby, the situation will be resolved in a light that is beneficial to you.

In some dream books, you can find an interpretation according to which a dream about a deceased grandmother indicates that you need support. Too many difficulties and everyday troubles have fallen on your shoulders, which is quite difficult to cope with alone.

Of particular importance for an accurate interpretation is the woman's mood and her speech addressed to you. If a grandmother shares her memories in a dream, tells something animatedly, then this is a sign of good news and surprises. Morality and dissatisfaction can mean that you are leading the wrong lifestyle, you are an evil and deceitful person. Hearing advice from her in a dream, then by all means use it in reality. Ignoring what has been said can seriously spoil not your affairs and family relationships.

Seeing a joyful grandmother in a dream, her smile is a sign that soon positive changes will occur in your family (especially for relatives on her ancestral line). Seeing a sad, upset grandma in a dream means the emergence of difficult situations and conflict in the family. The deceased grandmother had a chance to cry in a dream - expect misfortune, perhaps loss. Sometimes people turn to dream books because they saw the tantrum of the deceased. As such, there are no interpretations concerning the dreamer's life, but this is a clear sign that the deceased does not find a place for herself in the other world.

Other interpretations of dreams in which a deceased grandmother dreams

If in a dream the late grandmother gives money, then this portends a quick profit, an increase in wages, an increase in income. Giving money to the dreamer in the hands of the deceased means that a major purchase is not far off (for example, a car or real estate). The same interpretations can be applied in the event that you received or gave any present.

Kissing or hugging a native woman - to sadness, tears. As some commentators say, tears and bad moods will be triggered by minor causes, such as memories.

Swearing or scolding granny means that you will soon get very sick. The disease will proceed in an acute form, but, fortunately, no complications will follow.

As you can see, if a deceased grandmother is dreaming, then, as a rule, something favorable can be expected in the near future. What this is connected with is not written in the dream books and has not been revealed by any scientists. Maybe a dear, albeit deceased, person is trying to take care of us in this way? Nobody knows…

With a heavy feeling, a person wakes up who sees a deceased in a dream, even if it was a recently deceased beloved grandmother. Let it be a consolation that the dream books, deciphering what the deceased person dreamed of, unanimously give the opposite interpretation. Dreams of death, with rare exceptions, contain bright signs - tears turn into good news, losses - positive changes, a revision of a life position.

But chatting with a deceased grandmother, receiving gifts should be alerted - this is not good. It must also be borne in mind - an inconspicuous detail of a dream can radically change its meaning. Therefore, referring to the interpreter, remember all the seemingly insignificant moments.

How alive

We have a complex relationship with everything related to death. And when a deceased grandmother dreams, we are upset, we try to understand what caused such a dream. Signs, interpretations, read in dream books, calm, give some certainty.

I had to see in a dream a recently deceased grandmother, who dreamed as if she were alive - this causes tears and warms with warmth. We miss the departed, and such dreams help us cope with the loss, prolonging the bitter parting.

In a dream, they saw a living grandmother as a deceased - from the bottom of my heart wish her good health - they say that such a dream promises the dreamed a long life.

The dead are often seen in dreams, who are seen alive in a dream. Such a dream generates anxiety and insecurity. Many people think - this is bad news, bad weather, illness, imminent death. However, look at how the famous dream books explain why the deceased grandmother dreams, who was seen as if she were alive. You can see that they are less categorical, they pay attention to many favorable moments.

If a deceased grandmother dreams of being alive, then there may be reasons to feel guilty in front of her. We all have them, we are not perfect in relation to each other.

Seeing in a dream the deceased grandmother shortly after the funeral, many understand that this is due to the experience of the bitterness of loss. However, one should take into account the following - dream books interpret any dream about a deceased grandmother as news of upcoming changes, girls promise a quick marriage, and businessmen long-awaited responsible negotiations.

Sometimes the grandmother dreams with another deceased relative. What a relative is dreaming of depends on the circumstances. The deceased mother is dreaming, the dream book foreshadows illness, the brother recalls, one of the relatives is waiting for help and compassion from you. According to the dream book, the father warns that the business you have begun can ruin the family.

Close relatives who have passed away, appearing in a dream, urge you to be more careful about your actions so as not to damage your family reputation. Perhaps someone is preparing to strike a blow at the honor of the surname, dissolving dirty gossip - the dream book calls to be on the alert.

Immediately, both deceased grandmothers visited you in a dream, according to the dream book, this is a sign of strong spiritual patronage and protection. Why is grandmother dreaming with her deceased grandfather? He always comes to additional troubles, new responsibilities. His appearance according to the dream book may mean that soon someone will need your help, maybe financial participation. Often, deceased grandparents dream together before important ceremonies.

If the deceased grandmother dreams constantly, this is alarming. Since an old woman in a dream always asks for something, it means, according to the dream book, you have unfinished business, unfulfilled obligations. If you want to stop these obsessive dreams, make a list of unfinished business and begin to strictly follow them. You will feel the result right away - just don't quit this job halfway.

In addition, you may be tormented by remorse about the relationship that did not work out during life, about the insults inflicted on her. You can't fix your past life, so you better stop worrying about it. Rather than wondering why a deceased grandmother dreams so often, it is better to leave the past, take care of the living. You probably have elderly relatives who need help.

According to Freud's dream book, the grandmother personifies the feminine principle. If an adult man sees her in a dream, this speaks of sadness over missed opportunities, not everything in life turned out as he wanted. In a dream, a young guy dreamed of a deceased grandmother - the dream book tells him that the guy doubts his ability to perform difficult work, feels inconsistency in relations with women. Why is the girl dreaming of these dreams? According to the dream book, the young lady is afraid of her own imperfection, doubts her appearance, her own feminine charm, worries, suddenly no one will love her.

It all depends on the details

In a dream, some events often occur, try to remember them. For a dream book, there are no random details, objects, furnishings - everything carries information, mysteriously reflects on real life.

If you dreamed about the house of a deceased grandmother, the dream book explains that you lack warmth, constant support from loved ones. Grandma's house, at least in a dream, gives you confidence - they are waiting for you and love you. The old woman entered her house, which means that you will soon get rich. However, according to Miller's dream book, the house of a deceased grandmother may not be good for a dream. Perhaps a relative on her side will have a dangerous illness. The dream book calls to inquire about the health of relatives and, if necessary, provide them with help. Do not forget about your health - you are also her direct descendant. The dream books interpret the house of the deceased grandmother itself as a change of values, your worldview, under the influence of events, can change significantly.

Why is the grandmother's funeral dreaming? Mourning in a dream can carry a wide variety of information. Do you remember what the weather was like? The interpretation given by the dream book depends on it. Good weather - everything is safe at home, prosperity awaits the family. Bad - even if everything is fine with loved ones, soon, alas, sad changes await.

If in a dream a deceased grandmother lies calmly in a coffin, dream books give diametrically opposite interpretations - one by one, this is an omen of a quick monetary profit, on the other - misfortune and failure. It is especially sad, some dream books interpret: to see a dead grandmother in a coffin in a dream means the fulfillment of the worst fears, the infidelity of the second half. For a girl, this is the loss of a loved one, for spouses - serious disagreements due to treason, which, according to the dream book, will lead to divorce.

Communication with a deceased grandmother

Communication in a dream with a deceased grandmother is especially important for interpretation.

Talking with a long-dead grandmother is alarming, and this is easily explained by the dream book - it warns of the onset of a black streak in fate. Anything you think about with fear can come true.

Why do we see conversations in dreams? They warn of a possible development of events. A loved one from afar cares about your well-being, seeks to warn against rash decisions, to give practical advice. Dream Interpretations unanimously say that these words should be taken seriously enough. It is possible that our subconscious mind speaks to us through the lips of a deceased grandmother, which is ready to tell us the correct interpretation of events, but being prisoners of stereotypes, we “do not hear” this voice. Only at night, through the image of a loved one who took care of us during life, comes awareness of problems, sober judgments and correct guesses. Life often proves that the grandmother was not worried in vain, she protected her grandson from even more troubles.

Hugging a deceased grandmother in a dream, you, according to Miller's dream book, can expect longevity and health. According to other dream books, the prognosis is not so favorable. If you are healthy now, you may get a little sick, but if you are already sick, then the condition is alarming. A visit to a doctor, expert advice, a full range of treatment is better prevention than treatment.

If a deceased grandmother hugs you in a dream, this means that the dreamer recently made a mistake that he will soon regret.

Dream books interpret the kind image of a grandmother as a symbol of wisdom and care. It is easy to guess why the deceased grandmother is cooking, baking pies - wait for the guests and try not to lose the traditions of grandmother's hospitality. The deceased grandmother will feed in a dream, give advice - wants to improve your situation, by the way, try to remember the advice, even better if you follow them. According to the dream book, a grandmother crying in a dream reminds us to visit her grave, remember.

Kissing a dead grandmother - there is unrequited love ahead. If a young woman dreams of a dream, then the dreamer is completely indifferent to a man who is madly in love, they have no future. To kiss an old woman before burial, on the forehead, means to get rid of all obligations, to feel that the conscience is clear before the deceased. She is kissed by one of the relatives - to unforeseen material expenditures, loss of money.

Dream Interpretations say that usually giving any items to a deceased grandmother is good, taking from her is bad.

To dream of a dead grandmother who gives you some thing, or, even worse, calls for you, promising to give values ​​is an extremely unpleasant sign, possibly the dreamer's imminent departure from life. If in a dream you resisted the temptation, it means that in reality you will also overcome enemies, diseases.

The deceased asks for money - the family will live richly, amicably, happily. Asks for something from clothes, which means there is a very joyful event ahead, you need to prepare new clothes for all family members. She asked for food - the dream book explains that you have no wrongdoings in front of the deceased, your conscience in front of her is clear.

A dream where a deceased grandmother gives money portends the loss of property, the loss of a source of existence. The old woman gives her things, clothes, and you accept her - you can repeat her fate. Often the interpretation of a gift depends on what the deceased grandmother conveyed. The progenitor gives advice, and you do not mentally accept them, but hear how in reality - carefully analyze for what reason, what exactly is said, it may make sense to follow grandmother's advice in order to avoid trouble, as it was done during her lifetime.

Alarming signs

Despite the fact that the most important and informative moments of dreams about the deceased progenitor have already been considered, one should dwell on the most disturbing dreams, their consequences and possible opposition to dangerous signs.

From the dream I recalled how your deceased grandmother, as if alive, gets up from the coffin, you may be covered with cold sweat. However, this action in itself does not bode well, at most, the arrival of relatives whom you have not seen for a long time, did not particularly miss. Maybe an old friend will visit you unexpectedly.

It is more dangerous to talk with an old woman lying in a coffin, this can bode well for misfortune. To big trouble, dreams about how the progenitor got up from the coffin or stood in the coffin for a long time.

Dreamed of a deceased grandmother, who was crying while lying in a coffin - the dream book interprets, this is a quarrel, abuse, spoiled relationships, mental wounds.

Anyone who is kissed by a deceased grandmother in a dream can be pitied. Soon, troubles will fall on him from all sides - setbacks at work, tensions in personal relationships, health problems. Miller's dream book says that kissing her forehead itself means parting for a short while with one of your loved ones.

Quite an unpleasant dream - if the deceased grandmother calls for her, she manages to take the dreamer with her - the same death awaits him as hers.

It is a bad omen if the deceased grandmother dreamed of a cheerful, lively, smiling. This means that the dreamer has come under bad influence, risks his reputation, material losses. Perhaps the danger comes from friends. As long as you underestimate it - be vigilant, resist manipulation.

There are dreams that you want to forget. It is terrible to give someone's photo to the progenitor in a dream - the one in the photo will die. To follow the deceased is to go to death.

Dreams related to the apartment of the deceased grandmother may cause some concerns. The dream book claims that in the apartment you saw the deceased grandparents - illnesses in their descendants would have serious consequences. The grandmother lies in a coffin in her own house - it is the dreamer who can get sick, and the reason will be the wrong way of life. Consider you have been warned.

One of the worst dreams is to see a deceased grandmother, to talk to her, understanding how her body has decayed. Dream interpretation does not bode well. As they used to say, the dead man came for the soul of a man. In practice, such a dream can turn into diseases - yours and those of your dearest people, sudden obstacles that will interfere with the implementation of your plan. Life can go downhill. I had a dream where a long-dead grandmother seemed to come to life, but at the same time bears the stamp of death - visit her grave as soon as possible, remember, light a candle to “butter up” the deceased.

A softer version of such warnings is to see the deceased grandmother cry. The consequences of this dream are not so catastrophic, you need to visit the grave, otherwise the health of loved ones, blood relatives of the deceased grandmother, will be under threat.

Comments 258


    So we must beware of this date. The granddaughter should not go anywhere that day. I had such a dream three times. In the first, they predicted the imminent death of my grandmother, a month later she was hit by a car. Then I had a dream twice with the exact date, they said if I go somewhere, I will not come back. I was sitting at home and had very bad feelings. But thank God she survived. But she didn’t save my grandmother, didn’t pay attention to sleep then ...

      • I could distinguish ate from reality, my grandmother came to say goodbye to me because I am going to the army, I could smell her smell, how she smelled during her lifetime and hugged me, the fact is that she did not get along with us during her lifetime .... If anyone knows, tell me the answer.

        • According to legends, when a deceased relative is dreaming, it is usually a change of weather. But since the relative feels lonely, the smallest thing you need to do is buy sweets and give them to the kids to remember. I usually order a mass of repose in church.

      • I dreamed about my grandmother, she appeared outside the window and was dissatisfied, then next to my mother under the covers she began to appear and snore, the clothes were lifted, and she disappeared, as soon as the bed was covered next to my mother, the body appeared again as if next to her and snored. It was scary in a dream, in a dream there was the realization that she was not alive. What could it be?

        Marina, my grandmother dreamed alive and walked around the apartment after me, I ran away from her, and she brought needles and thread and yarn to my room and put her things on the table. She loved sewing and spinning. Why is this dreaming?

        I dreamed about my grandmother alive, she was lying on the bed and asked to spread cream on her hands, and I smeared it. She also said that she had stomach pain every day for no reason. The whole thing took place in the old apartment where they used to live. Even in a dream I saw my brother, with whom we have not seen each other for a long time and do not communicate, he asked me if he should go to his friend's birthday party, I told him to go. Also in my dream there was another sister, she was sitting in the kitchen at the table. We were going to eat, on the table there were only pancakes and condensed milk. And for some reason alcohol in the room where my grandmother was lying, I went there to pour alcohol for us. Here is such a dream, if anyone knows the meaning of sleep, write, I will be grateful to you!

        I dreamed of a grandmother who died 1.5 years ago. I had never dreamed before. As if she walks and works the garden, and I come up, shake her hand. Her hands are so soft. I say: hello, grandmother. And she told me: hello. Then I see a coffin with a deceased on the next garden bed, and I ask my grandmother: why is there a coffin? Is it so possible? And she indistinctly answers: they say, I don’t know. Such a strange dream. I am looking for an explanation for this. Thanks.

        That night my deceased grandmother dreamed again. This time she did not shake hands like the day before yesterday, but as if I were going into a glass toilet, and there my grandson was standing. I have 2 keys in my hands. I give these keys to my grandson. And I see through the glass how the grandmother comes up and touches the glass and looks at us. I beg you, please answer, what can all this mean? Maybe I can prevent trouble if it comes!

        I very often dream of my grandmother, but in breakthroughs and almost always I see her alive, young and joyful. But in my dream I know that she is dead. This time I dreamed that I opened the door to my mother’s apartment and she entered. We were in the bathroom, and I cried so much as I never did with happiness that she returned, and my husband said: we are so glad that you are back, everyone would return like that. When I woke up I was crying and this pain in my soul was with joy and tears were pouring straight. Tell me, what does this dream mean?

        Tell me please, my grandmother died, not yet 40 days have passed, and I dream that she is alive and that I’m asking her - how did you die in front of my eyes, and now alive, how is it to die and come to life, and she says to me, here you die and see.

        I dreamed about my great-grandmother, as if she was pretending that she was alive, but I know that she was dead. And in my dream, another grandmother said this to her mother, but she is currently alive. She said to me: "maybe you are like us" go look in the mirror. I went and my eyes became completely black and it began to break me ... I'm afraid.

        I saw in a dream the deceased mother's aunt! But she was alive in a dream and was sitting on the bed, I went up and asked how she was doing, hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, she shook her head back to me like everything is the same. She had a magazine in her hands, I took it and began to leaf through! What is this dream for?

        I dreamed of my grandmother, who died a year ago, alive, not happy, did not let me into the entrance and said something quietly, and I cried. Can you please tell me why this could be dreamed of? Before that, I had never dreamed of it. Thank you in advance.


        I never saw my great-grandmother in a dream! At first, with a friend and some strangers, I ended up in a village, and we saw an unfamiliar grandmother there. She said something. Then I said: can I find my great-grandmother? And where? They did not search for long. And they did not find it. Tell me why you dreamed about it? I will be glad !!! Thank you in advance!


        I dreamed about my grandmother, who died three weeks ago, she asked me to find and put her glasses in the coffin, and I did so in my dream. Tell me what this can mean and do you need to do something?

        I dreamed of a long-deceased grandmother, I remember her very badly, I dreamed 2 times, the first time she called me to the cemetery, where the dead were everywhere, and I followed her, and the second time I looked for her, despite the fact that in my dream I remembered that she was not alive, what does that mean?

        And my sister dreamed that I came to her, and my late grandmother came after me - she died this year. I went into the apartment to pick up something, and she stayed at the entrance. What does it mean. Tell me please.

        A long-dead grandmother dreamed in a dream in her own house. I stand at the door in the hallway and see how she slender and young behind me walked past me and held on to the side from which a tumor stood out, from which she died. I asked her if it hurt her? She very energetic walked by and with her back retiring to another room, answered that of course it hurt. Looking at her, I thought that from behind she very much reminds me of my own sister. What is it for?

        Arina Zorina:

        I dreamed about my maternal great-grandmother, whom I had NEVER seen. She died when my grandmother was 18 years old, so even my mother did not see her. In a dream, I met her at the corner of the house (she seemed to be waiting for me). At first, I confused her with my other great-grandmother, and she laughed in my face, and then began incessantly to chatter that I was not like that. Not correct. Not like everyone else. Shouldn't have been born. And your mother is not like that either. When I woke up, I immediately told my grandmother, described her appearance, and she confirmed that it was her mother. I am somehow not calm after this dream. Tell me what it could mean?

        I dreamed about my grandmother, lay on the bed and was already, as it were, dying. She said that all her friends had left and she would go now. My sister and I began to amuse her, as if you still have grandchildren. What does it mean?

        I dreamed that I was sitting somewhere and reading a book to the sacred grandmother, and she listened carefully and said something left side hurts I need to sit on the right side it is more convenient to listen to me reading to her and suddenly I woke up, there was still a little girl next to her, her I don’t know, I’m a Muslim. What does this dream mean?

        I dreamed that my already deceased grandmother died, and from somewhere I go home and see that my grandmother is dead and I am crying, I say call the ambulance to save my grandmother. What does this dream mean?

        I don’t know why. I dreamed about a grandmother in a coffin (grandmother died six months ago), I tell her, they say, grandma, you have a day left, you will not be accepted later (I don’t know where), you have to die ... but she answers ”I myself cannot, help, strangle me … ”I answer that I can only slightly strangle, that I don’t want to take sin. And then my mother and I cover the coffin with a living grandmother with a plywood sheet and put candles, flowers on it ... and I keep thinking, how is it to die like that? After all, a person himself cannot give an order to his body to die within 24 hours ... Needless to say, after waking up I had a shock ...

        Yesterday I dreamed about one grandmother, as if she were alive. It was an ordinary day, everyone went around the house doing their own thing, and no one paid attention to the fact that she was alive, although she died. And today I dreamed about another grandmother and she was also alive. She smiled and told me that if she took any pills for a long time, she would live again. What does it mean?

        I dreamed about our apartment with my parents. The long-dead grandmother on my mother’s side (her not her own mother) seemed to be visiting us. But the whole strangeness was that in the corridor (next to the kitchen) there was either a small sculpture of some other deceased with his living head, or an urn with the ashes of that deceased (with the same head, somehow holding on to this urn), which I do not know (a woman of about fifty). And this urn (or statue) I associated with a completely living person with whom my grandmother spoke. They were whispering about something, or rather, this woman was saying something to my grandmother almost in a whisper. I wondered what the conversation was about, and so I tried to eavesdrop in every possible way, while still in my room. Now I go to the door, then somehow I start to hear something through our rather old tape recorder (with a radio), which is usually not in my room, but in our kitchen. And I hear this phrase through him, before waking up: "Beware, someone might hear us." The only one who was in the apartment besides them was me, the parents, apparently, were at work (it was during the day, and at this time they usually are not at home). I remembered some details of the appearance (face) of a woman unknown to me, I have no idea who it could be.

Disturbing dreams with deceased relatives reflect deep emotional ties left with the deceased by the dreamer.

When a deceased grandmother or a deceased grandfather often dreams, people begin to worry, fear accidents or something unpleasant, but fears are unfounded. What is the dream of a grandmother or grandfather who has already died, it is not always easy to answer. In order to determine what a dream means, in which a deceased grandmother or a deceased grandfather dreamed, you need to remember well all the details and emotions of the dreamer.

What can provoke a dream in which a deceased relative appears alive?

  • New responsibilities in reality.
  • The guilt the dreamer experiences about some kind of waking action.
  • Desire for protection, help, care.
  • Fear of change.
  • Waiting for punishment or forgotten obligations.
  • Strong feelings caused by losses in reality.
  • The work of the subconscious mind to weaken the emotional connection with departed relatives.

General interpretations

In the dream book, a grandmother, who has died long or recently, but whom the dreamer sees alive, enters in the form of a symbol of care and participation, acceptance and unconditional love. Why a grandmother dreams of being alive if she recently passed away depends on what happened in the dream. For example, to see how a grandmother in her house is engaged in household chores, as if she did not die at all - a person who has seen such a plot cannot get used to the reality in which his loved one is no longer alive.

And if she meets the warmth of the dreamer and in a dream hugs and gives to her granddaughter or grandson, this is a reflection of the desire for help that they received in reality from her earlier. The last dream is characterized by the fact that money can mean any warmth, care or advice that a person previously received from his grandmother, but is now absent. To cope with the lack of these things, you should either turn to other relatives, or try to find understanding and support from close friends.

If you dreamed of a late grandmother who is leaving, you should interpret such a dream as a sign that the dreamer's psyche is trying to cope with the loss and is gradually recovering. True, when, when she leaves, the dreamer begins to pour or feels extremely upset and lost, the connection is still very strong and the desire to bring the grandma back to life, to be with her does not leave the person, does not allow him to fully feel what is happening. In this case, it is recommended to diversify your life with positive emotions, new impressions and warm meetings with friends.

It is easy to understand why the grandmother is dreaming or who have recently passed away, but in a dream they look alive and vigorous and at the same time want to leave, but the dreamer does not allow them to do this, locks the doors, tries to stop. The desire to stay close to loved ones who have died is quite clear - a person is afraid of losing what he had while being next to them.

To overcome the fear of a new life with such a serious loss, you need to try to rethink the experience of communicating with them, to analyze what the loved ones brought into his life while still alive.... Perhaps the dreamer will be able to get similar emotional experiences in communication with other people or by reading books loved by deceased relatives, watching their favorite films?

It is easy to determine what the grandparents dream about when they began to hug the dreamer and with him - this is a sign that new duties in reality will be easily taken on by the dreamer and he will cope with them perfectly. However, if they died recently, then the person may lack the usual manifestation of kindness and interest on their part.

Often difficulties arise with the answer to the question of what the late grandmother or the deceased grandfather is dreaming of, who condemn the dreamer. Think about what principles were unshakable for them, what were the main guidelines in their life, what they could condemn in reality if they were still alive. Based on this, analyze the actions that you have done recently. If some actions fall into the category of those condemned by the grandmother or grandfather, then the dream indicates them.

The dreamer's feeling of guilt due to the fact that he does not adhere to the patterns of behavior of his ancestors can be very exciting and cause a storm of negative emotions in his soul. And they dream in response to this feeling of a person's own condemnation of their actions. Therefore, you should either rethink your behavior, or try to look at your actions from a different angle in order to recognize their rationality and correctness in those situations when they were committed.

To figure out what the late grandmother or the deceased grandfather is dreaming of, who warn the dreamer about the dangers, one should turn to the analysis of reality. How confident is a person in himself and his actions, his business and his friends? If there are critical problems in reality or big changes, then such plots are dreamed of as a sign to pay special attention to these problems and not to solve anything in a hurry.

To understand what the deceased grandmother or the deceased grandfather is dreaming of, who are asking for something from the dreamer, again, an appeal to reality is required. In the dream book, a grandmother or grandfather, asking and crying, is included as a symbol of the forgotten. You need to analyze well your affairs in reality, find out if there are unfinished business, unfulfilled promises.

The unfinished worries the dreamer and forms such dreams in order to remind of oneself and to remove material from the subconscious. A to-do list should be drawn up and followed in stages, which will affect the general emotional state of the dreamer almost immediately.

To see how the deceased dear grandmother, as if alive, in a dream calls with her, means in reality a desire to escape from difficult circumstances that have developed against the will of the dreamer and cannot be corrected by him alone. Such dreams are dreamed during critical periods of life. In reality, you can not give up business and leave everything to go its own way. You need to pull yourself together and try to change the conditions that do not satisfy a person by asking for help from loved ones.

Seeing how the deceased grandmother entered in a dream is a harbinger of material well-being. When the empty house of the deceased grandmother is dreaming, into which the dreamer comes and does not find a place for himself, wanders around and yearns for it, you need to carefully consider your inner state. The person lacks support and warmth. If you just dream of the house of the deceased grandma, then soon there will be a change in worldview, a new understanding of your goal, a change in values ​​or their rethinking.

To see how the deceased grandmother is in a dream means the dreamer's fears about his affairs and their successful completion. In order not to jeopardize your affairs, you need to look very closely at partners, colleagues and people who may be interested in the collapse of the dreamer's plans.

Interesting are dreams in which the dreamer has to save deceased relatives from terrible conditions.

  • Such dreams may reflect the situation of real people from the dreamer's environment who need help.
  • This may indicate a desire to preserve the memory of the dead, to fulfill their covenants, to live according to what was important and valuable to them.
  • Such plots can also symbolize the fear of getting confused in life, betraying the principles of their ancestors.

Therefore, in order to choose the best behavior in reality, you need to look around and understand what exactly is suitable for a given period of life from the interpretations. If the late grandmother and the deceased grandfather are dreaming, who in a dream treat each other very tenderly, then, apparently, the dreamer has found a real friend for life.

Dreams with strangers

An unfamiliar dead old woman seen in a dream symbolizes outdated situations and irrelevant affairs. Old people usually dream as a symbol of experience and knowledge.

If an unfamiliar dead old woman walks as if she were alive and gives money to the dreamer, then already forgotten good deeds will soon bear fruit. Money can also symbolize the fulfillment of a secret desire that torments the dreamer for a long time.

If an unfamiliar old woman was lying in a coffin, then a change in values ​​will not bring very positive emotions, but the changes will contribute to the spiritual growth of the dreamer. Seeing in a dream how an unfamiliar grandmother was dying - the process of transforming the worldview of a person who saw such a plot ends, there is still a little effort and comprehension to gain a new understanding of the world.

To see a dead person in a dream in the form of an old woman threatening the dreamer - some views of a person come across public condemnation. But if the dreamer did not back down, then he will be able to defend his beliefs with honor and adhere to his own line of behavior. And if he retreated, then a person should carefully consider what he really wants, what he really believes, who is the master of his fate and his opinions.

In general, if you dreamed about a grandmother who has been dead for a long time, then you need to pay close attention to your emotional state and try to determine what worries the dreamer most in reality.

The emotions experienced by the dreamer during awakening are especially important. If there is joy and peace, then a person accepts life and is ready to show his strength in a short time. If there is fear and anxiety, then some circumstances in this person's life do not satisfy and frighten him. Therefore, you should disassemble them either yourself, or by attracting friends or specialists on controversial issues that have risen edge for the dreamer.

If a person experienced sadness and longing, then perhaps the dreamer closes in his loneliness and does not let anyone close to him. Therefore, the best behavior in this situation would be to try to open up to close and dear people, look for like-minded people and trust others more.

A dream with a grandmother or grandfather who died is a symbol of inner life, as well as advice on how to improve your condition in reality. By listening to such dreams, we can build our behavior most correctly and fill our being with joy, peace and energy, if we correctly unravel the meaning of the dream.

The late grandmother in a dream is a very important sign that you should pay special attention to. This image is interpreted in different ways by different dream books. To figure out why such a dream is dreaming, you should carefully, to the smallest detail, recall your dream, possible words or dialogue with the deceased, your own feelings in a dream. Having gathered together the images and having received a full-fledged picture of the vision, you can look for the interpretation in the dream book.

Deceased relatives do not come in a dream just like that, but with the aim of warning about something or pointing out something important that we have overlooked. For those who happened to see the deceased grandparents in a dream, dream books are advised to pay attention to this dream, since it contains encrypted information, which, in most cases, concerns relatives.

To find out why the deceased grandmother is dreaming, you need to pay attention to the smallest details: actions, gestures, words of the deceased - all this has a hidden meaning that you need to be able to “read” and understand correctly.

A dream in which the late grandmother often dreams may indicate that the deceased should be remembered. Most often, this is done in this way: they buy sweets, cookies and other sweets that the old woman loved during her life and the neighbors, colleagues or just acquaintances treat themselves to them with a request to remember a relative.

In some cases, in a dream, the deceased herself "orders" what she wants. You should buy everything that the old woman asked for and take it to the cemetery, light a candle and put on a plate all the delicacies bought the day before. Sometimes a relative can order not only food, but also wardrobe items, cosmetics or hygiene items.


If the deceased grandmother dreamed in a dream, then, according to the dream book, the dreamer will face big changes in his life. This may apply not only to family ties, but also to work and personal spheres. A cardinal revolution in human consciousness is possible.

A dream in which I happened to see the deceased's grandmother in a dream does not in any way portend death, but rather, on the contrary, promises a long and happy life. In most cases, the dream book interprets such a vision as a subconscious anxiety for the grandmother. Perhaps in reality the old woman got sick, and your fears began to manifest themselves in a dream.

If you dreamed that the deceased grandmother was alive, then you should take a very careful look at her. If in a dream the old woman does not try to take aside and tell something and does not make any attempts to talk to the dreamer, but simply behaves as usual, then significant changes in the family are not expected.

If the deceased does not move away from a certain person in a dream, talking to him, taking the hand or just walking, then in reality you need to see the dreamed people, because the relatives are bored and remember the dreamer.

For a woman, a similar image, according to the dream book, suggests that in the past she made some unforgivable mistake, for which she will soon have to pay with her own happiness.

A dream in which the late grandmother came to life in front of the dreamer is considered unfavorable. Such a vision, according to the dream book, warns of misfortunes that will soon fall on a person or his relative. Often the result of such cataclysms is other people's intrigues and backbiting.

Seeing a dream where the deceased grandmother dies foreshadows unexpected news, which can be both positive and negative. For a girl, such a picture promises the appearance of a favorable moment to declare herself at work, and for beginners - to get closer to colleagues.

To get into a difficult position because of an incorrect choice made, the fault of which will be the dreamer himself, this is what the 20 dream is about, where the late grandmother swears. The dream book advises to beware of rash actions and to weigh your every step and think over every word.

If the deceased grandmother constantly dreams, who is in an excellent mood, is beautifully dressed and made up, then, according to the dream book, in real life the sleeping person will do the best, and all worries are in vain and groundless. To a married young man, this vision is deciphered as an impending break in relations (divorce) with his wife.

Seeing an old woman silent and dejected promises unpleasant events with a dream book, which can entail unexpected consequences. For men, such a dream can portend unfinished business that must be completed.


Interacting with a deceased old woman in a dream will also help decipher what the deceased is dreaming of.

To see in a dream how the late grandmother is crying means that soon one should expect serious squabbles and conflicts with relatives. In most cases, the cause is some small thing, which is only the tip of the iceberg, but like a match that can ignite a serious scandal.

For young mothers, such a dream, according to the dream book, reminds them that they need to better look after their young children, since they can get very sick or hurt. The girl will feel guilty for her "negligence" for a long time.

If a person had a chance to kiss a late grandmother in a dream, then one should expect a deterioration in his own health, frequent ailments and a painful state of the whole body. Seeing the deceased kissing someone - to serious health problems in the person who appeared in the dream. If a relative kissed from the forehead - to the unexpected death of that person.

To explain why you dream of feeding the deceased grandmother in a dream, you need to remember the dish that the old woman was treated to. Jam - beware of deception, a girl should not trust a young man claiming the hand and heart of a beauty.

If a young man dreams of how the deceased is feeding him, then it’s time for him to think about his own health and the correct daily routine. For an unmarried man, such a vision is interpreted by a dream book, as a desire to find a family, to acquire heirs.

Hugging a late grandmother in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a person's need for care and guardianship. In some cases, a dream can mean nostalgia for someone.

A dream in which the late grandmother gives money suggests that in real life a person is experiencing (or will be experiencing) financial difficulties, to the extent that he will borrow money from unfamiliar people. This state of affairs can lead to the fact that the dreamer may become dependent on these persons, who can use him for illegal and unkind deeds.


Deceased relatives who come in a dream do not always look the same as in life. However, you should not just ignore your dream because of this, since all the details can help to find out in more detail what the deceased grandmother is dreaming of.

Seeing your relative with a stranger's face indicates that it is better for the dreamer not to trust strangers, since they pose a potential threat. You need to try to shorten your stay in the company of unfamiliar people in the near future, not trust your acquaintances and not be provoked.

If the face of a loved one acquires the familiar features of another, then you should take a closer look at him. This vision may not always indicate negative points. Sometimes the dream book interprets such images as helping the native spirit in solving difficult situations, indicating a person who can solve the problem.

Seeing the deceased grandmother lying in a coffin warns the dreamer of rash acts that can greatly affect the relationship between family and friends. The dream book advises you to follow your words, so that later you do not bitterly regret what you have said.

It is useful for young girls to know why a pregnant deceased grandmother is dreaming. This dream portends quick joy, surprise and replenishment in the family. It also denotes successful endeavors, and for a woman - a new stage in life.

If you dream about the house of the deceased grandmother, then it is important to remember its details. If it is new, clean and bright, it means that a successful acquisition will soon take place in the dreamer's life. Old and abandoned - to troubles associated with old gossip or conflicts. Businessmen should not get involved with people with whom they were previously in a litter, since they will not live up to expectations.

The words spoken by the deceased dear old woman are of great importance. In most cases, after waking up, half of the dialogue does not remain in memory, however, the meaning of what the grandmother said in a dream should remain. Sometimes spirits communicate with us through those phrases and sentences that evoke certain associations. You need to listen to your intuition and interpret the meaning according to your own understanding of the phrase.

An important factor helping to find out what the late grandmother is dreaming of is her behavior in a dream. If a relative behaves in an unusual way, too aggressively and defiantly, then, according to the dream book, one should be afraid of squabbles and discord in the family, since the scandal will be stormy, prolonged and with dire consequences.

The quiet, silent image of the deceased grandmother with a reproachful gaze, according to the dream book, suggests that a person has gone down the wrong path and made many mistakes, for which not only him, but also his family and friends will have to pay.

Young people, having seen such an image in a dream, should not rush to grow up. Love, care and respect for loved ones should come from the dreamer in the near future, since these people need them very much.

For a man, this dream speaks of an excellent opportunity to get closer to his wife, with whom they have not been able to find a common language for a long time. A silent reproach in the gaze of a relative will haunt a person until he realizes his mistakes and sincerely repent of them.

Other dream books

Miller's dream book interprets a very unfavorable sign in a dream, promising disappointment, failure and illness in reality. However, a dream in which you have to hug a deceased old woman is interpreted as an auspicious sign, foreshadowing health and longevity.

Miller's dream book interprets the dream in which he happened to see the house of the deceased grandmother ambiguously. On the one hand, a deceased relative warns that someone in the dreamer's ancestral line will soon become seriously ill. It also serves as a reminder for a person to pay attention to their relatives.

However, if you see how his mistress enters the house of the deceased, then to the dreamer such a picture portends wealth and good luck in achieving his own goals. For an unmarried girl, this image foreshadows a meeting of a betrothed or an early engagement with a dream book.

The interpretation of sleep - the deceased grandmother, behind the Gypsy dream book, suggests the health and longevity of the dreamer and his family members. Talking with the deceased is a good advice that relatives will give the person. You need to heed the advice, even when some of the statements of people may hurt pride.

The dream in which I happened to see the deceased grandmother in a dream, Vanga's dream book interprets as the presence of higher forces that will accompany and help the sleeping person to cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

Seeing in a dream how a dear old woman hugs someone close is a sign that these people need care and guardianship. The dream book advises to surround the dreamed people with attention, who will later become good friends and faithful companions.

The desire for love, attention and understanding, this is what the deceased old woman dreams of according to Long's dream book.

Comments 63

    Dreamed of a deceased mother and a deceased grandmother alive. They lay very sick, and I asked my daughter to give them pain pills and I remember exactly she gave two pills to my mother and, according to my grandmother, too, I don’t remember exactly what this dream was about. I was very worried that they were in great pain.

    Hello, please tell me, I'm leaving every other day to work, I dreamed that I was walking near a river with very muddy water (calm, no current), and my late grandmother was walking about 5 meters from me in front of me along the very edge and suddenly she had as if one leg slides into the water and she cannot keep her balance falls, I scream and run to her, and she smiles calmly and suddenly a gurgle under the water. I have thoughts that I need to do something, panic and I jump after her, but the water is so cloudy that I have to dive, I sort of felt her hands, but I can't pull them out and woke up, I want to help, but I can't, I don't know how, help explain, I'm worried because I leave the child with the parents, and the food itself is for a month.

    Hello, I had such a dream, my late grandmother came to the house with a flower in a pot, she, as I understood, wanted to make a surprise and came, and I always cry when I see her. In a dream, she was very beautiful, healthy and joyful, she was beautifully dressed, we sat and hugged her and talked to her, as she came unnoticeably, and left. What is this dream for?

    Not even a year since my grandmother died, today I dreamed that she died and came to life in front of my eyes, then she asked me a question: why did you tie my hands and feet?

    • The hands and feet of the deceased are tied so that the corpse does not disintegrate, but keeps its shape in the coffin. I don’t know how to explain it yet. Someone in your family did this or in the morgue. Usually, the strings are removed before closing the coffin or a little earlier. You probably haven't taken it off? Granny is probably not happy with this.


    Please tell me, I dreamed about my deceased grandmother. The dream was this: I was running with a friend and did not see the cliff, I jumped into the river with her, there I see my dead grandmother and one living grandmother walking in the river, they were holding hands, and the dead grandmother smiled at me that it could to mean?

    Help interpret the dream. I stand at night in front of the cemetery, and on the side, my grandmother who died recently, says: "Tell Zina to buy me a candle!" And then in the dark sky, as if a door opens, from there a bright light and something dark flew out. And then this shadow appeared in front of me. I started to run away from fear and woke up. Then I fell asleep again and I dreamed that the dead grandmother was lying across the bed in her house. I understand that she is dead. I sit down next to her and stroking her hand, I say: "My grandmother, the brightest man was." And she opens her eyes, and her eyes are empty, without eyeballs, only darkness, and she stretched out her hands to me. I woke up again with fear. So I can't understand why she didn't have eyes?


    I dreamed about my grandmother, in a dream I hug her and try to kiss her on the cheek, but something bothers me as if it’s my hair, I kind of push it apart and still kiss, she’s kind of glad about that, and I say grandma I miss her, she answers me, I'm cold cold, thus hugged me.

    Hello! Can anyone help me. The late grandmother often began to dream, she died six months ago, and quite recently I began to dream very often. She almost always in a dream is very painful, then she screams that she is dying, she even dreamed that her legs were amputated. Today I dreamed in the hospital and asked to cover her more warmly. All dreams are very difficult for me, I remembered and prayed. Maybe someone knows what it is?


    My grandmother died 10 years ago, I dreamed for the first time 2 years, at that time I was in a position, in a dream she came to visit me and brought raw meat, in general, a couple of months after sleep, my child died in the womb. At the moment, I am again in a position, exactly two years have passed and I again dreamed of my grandmother, cursed with me that for many years I had not taken her to the dacha and poisoned me with a big dog. And here's how I define this dream. The mood in the morning is lousy.

    I dreamed of a deceased grandmother, so as soon as she died, for some reason we put her in a terrible unfinished coffin and put it under the floor with my other grandmother, she is alive, and then night fell, we all went to bed, and the deceased grandmother began to scream like that in the coffin it just crawled to the bone in her voice it was horrible. We go down there with my mother's brother and another grandmother, open the coffin, and the grandmother is alive and says, why did you make such a small coffin for me (in fact, my grandmother had a normal coffin that was not cramped) and reproached us for everything that we are bad and her the whole body had bruises on the shoulders and hips. Please explain this dream to me because I am scared, I live in the house of the deceased, and my husband works on watch, I am often alone and waking up at night alone is simply awful!

    My deceased mother and grandmother are in the grandmother's garden. In front of us is a hole about a meter deep, about 2 by 6, and lined with rotten logs along the edges, and at the bottom there is earth in cracks. Grandma has a shovel and she picks the ground around the hole. I stand on one side of the pit, mom and grandmother on the other. The grandmother is drunk and unhappy, the mother is sad, she says to me, look what grandmother is lazy and started everything. All this happens at dusk, why such a dream?

    My grandmother died 41 years ago, I was 6, and I never dreamed of it, but here it lies on the floor, and we have to bury her, I think now my aunt will come and tie her legs, her legs are covered, and for some reason I crawl over her, and she opens her blue-blue eyes, and looks at me. I crawled on all fours to the door, looked around, and she rose from the floor and stood to her full height. I woke up. And I noticed that she is somewhat similar to me, I was named after her. What is this dream?

    I dreamed about my grandmother, we are talking to her and she is beautiful in a good mood, I ask her how you are, she says everything is fine, and then we eat raw meat with her. What is all this for.

    I dreamed today that I was sitting in a dark grandmother's apartment. There is no light. The key turns and someone walks in, I'm scared and I want to wake up. And then my grandmother appears in the corridor, stands and looks at me with emphasis. I was very happy about her, began to shout "Grandma, grandmother" !!! She turned away and went into the kitchen and began to cook. And cuts vegetables, cuts, standing with his back to me. I tell her: grandma, I love you very much !!! And I stroke her back. I take her hands, look into her eyes and say that I love her. And she looks at me, and I see that she is upset and does not believe. Continues to cut and is silent. Here's a dream, my grandmother died about 8 years ago and I haven't been to her grave for a long time.

    I dreamed that my late grandmother came to life, and I forced her to come with me and make her a new passport, and for some reason I wrote my autobiography for her. And when we went to the registry office with her, she asked all the way why she needed a passport, she was fine without it. And I told her that without a passport she could not do anything. Explain what it is for?


    Hello. I had a dream about how I was at my deceased grandmother's kitchen, cooking fish. She came in (bright, smiling), I was very happy, shouted "Grandma!" She ran up and hugged her (she was just as warm and soft). And when I hug her, she told me: "Close your eyes." I closed. Then I remembered what my mother told me (not to go after the deceased). And I just started talking out of topic, that I can’t today and tomorrow I can’t, I still have to hang my laundry. And I woke up abruptly.

    The dream was very strange and confused. I remembered well only part of the dream, at the end. I saw my cousins ​​moving to the other side of the river over the stones protruding from the water, and I hurried after them. As soon as I stepped ashore, the terrain changed dramatically. I didn't see the sisters anymore, they just disappeared. Instead of spring nature, I saw yellowed trees and realized that I had moved to another place and time. Judging by the clothes of passers-by, 16-17 years ago (approximately the second half of September-early October). It was a courtyard in one of the districts of our city. I decided to go into one of the entrances. It turned out that an elderly writer lived in one of the apartments (in reality, she had never seen this woman live or in print publications / media). I stayed with her, she gave me her autographed book at parting. When I went out into the street, my grandmother, who died 15 years ago, was standing near the entrance. She looked at me in silence. I was so glad to meet you, as if I just hadn’t seen her for a long time, as if I didn’t know that she was dead. It seemed that my heart was about to jump out of my chest. But for some reason I didn't hug her. And she didn't rush to me. We exchanged glances (did not speak at all), after which she disappeared into no one knows where, as soon as I turned away. At that moment, I suddenly moved again. I saw a house at an intersection, which was relatively close to my aunt's house. I don't remember anything else. Help someone decipher the dream. No matter how hard I tried, I don't understand what he means. In my opinion, it is also significant that he dreamed of me on the Annunciation. The last time I dreamed about my grandmother was about a month and a half after the funeral. She said goodbye to me and never came back until today. If this is important, then I have not been to her grave for a long time because of my university studies.

    I dreamed at our house, my grandmother and I were standing on the loggia. I lean on the railing, she kind of hugs me from behind and begins to press her body on me, I say: throw me off, and somehow it turns out that she squeezed me over the railing with her body, and then abruptly grabs me by the shoulders, but I'm hanging over the railing and she pulls me back and I woke up. What is it for?

    And I very often dreamed about my grandmother, and she was sick, and died, and came to life. I was always drawn to her, she would not let me near her. Now I understand what these dreams were for. My mother died two years ago, she was 48 years old, and my grandmother stopped dreaming. Mom began to dream. They even dreamed about them together. Now mom often dreams. There was a dream in which my mother wanted to give me a gift. She said that she would give something. Mom always talks to me in a dream. I even dreamed that I was dying and I saw myself from the outside, how the doctors were trying to pump me out. Then I find myself in my mother's room, and she says to me: "Well, I knew it," and I woke up. Now I think and am afraid that my mother is also dreaming of me for a reason, that she wants to tell me something. After death, my mother dreamed of me after the 40th day and said that she was good there and not bored, that there were many of them, and I tried to give her her boots, and she told me to wear them. And she said that I would give them to her later. The last time I dreamed about it for a very long time, but I do not remember the dream, I remember that I felt good in this dream. I follow her in almost every dream. Tell me what these dreams are for?

    What can this dream mean? I walked in a dream with my late grandmother and father, but I didn’t see their faces, I just knew that they, my grandmother looked bad during her lifetime, but in a dream she was neat and in a bright white sweater. She told my father and me that she did not regret her first love and that she had lived with him all her life, I began to cry, asked her to hug, hugged her tightly, and she said three words in my ear: I did not love you. Help explain please.

Seeing close relatives in a dream is a fairly common phenomenon, because these people, even after death, occupy a significant part of any person's thoughts. Did you see your beloved deceased grandma in a dream? Open our dream book, what the late grandmother dreams of, you will find out right now.

Very often, deceased relatives want to warn us about something important, so if the deceased grandmother dreamed, you should not leave such a dream unattended.

If you dreamed of a late grandmother, and with her grandfather, then this is a sure sign of future troubles. Perhaps now you are preparing for an important business - a move or a holiday, and worries cannot be avoided. Such a dream can be an omen of big money spending in the future.

If you dream of a deceased grandmother who smiles, it means that there are people in your environment who are bad for your reputation.

Seeing a deceased grandmother in a dream and talking to her is also an unpleasant sign. Such a vision is interpreted as a harbinger of loss and trouble.

A very bad dream if a deceased grandmother gives you money in a dream. If in a dream you took this money, then the loss is inevitable. If they refused, then your material wealth will not suffer, and you will come out through any difficulties with dignity.

When a late grandmother dreams of asking you to give her money, this is a good sign. Such a dream portends wealth and a carefree life without material difficulties.

What is the dream of the deceased grandmother according to Vanga's dream book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant interpreted the dream with the deceased grandmother in different ways, depending on how long ago the deceased passed into another world. If 40 days have not passed since death, and you

dreamed of a deceased grandmother, then this speaks of your pain from loss, but nothing portends anything bad in the future.

If a lot of time has passed since the moment of death, then it is very simple to find out why the late grandmother is dreaming from Vanga's dream book. For a young girl, such a vision means change. It is possible that a dreaming deceased grandmother warns you about an imminent marriage.

What does it mean if the late grandmother dreamed alive? You talked to her or hugged her, that is, you clearly saw that the deceased was alive and well. This means that your grandmother reminds you of a promise you forgot. This was probably the promise you made to your grandmother when she was alive.

The clairvoyant told, if you dreamed of both grandmothers who are not in this world, then they protect your life from trouble. You should probably pray for the dead, go to church and light candles for the repose.

Wanga warns that if in a dream the deceased grandmother calls you to her, then this is a bad sign. Especially if in a dream you agreed to follow her, you should not expect anything good. You can become seriously ill or even die.

If you dreamed of a deceased grandmother, and you hug her in a dream, this means that everything is fine with your health. If the deceased grandmother hugs you in a dream, this is a sign that you have made a stupid mistake, but you can still fix it.

Why is the late grandmother dreaming about Hasse's dream book?

So, you dreamed about a dead man - a grandmother. If in a dream you kissed her and she was alive, this is a sign that the person you love does not reciprocate. If you kissed your grandmother in a dream, and she was lying in a coffin, then this is a sign that obligations will soon go away, and you will free yourself from a sense of duty.

Let's open Hasse's dream book: the late grandmother dreamed of being alive, and someone hugs her or kisses her - such a dream means that material expenses await you in the future.

Dream interpretation of Menegi: the late grandmother dreamed alive

Menega answers what the deceased grandmother dreams of to her granddaughter. If a grandmother in a dream asks for something - money or food, this means that in your life you do not have any outstanding debts to her.

The deceased grandmother, who eats sweets in a dream, dreams of her granddaughter in order to warn that the groom is brazenly using her.

The late grandmother in a dream - Miller's dream book

Miller interprets the dream about the deceased grandmother as a sign that it is necessary to inquire about the health of close relatives. If you saw a grandmother in her house, then the psychologist deciphers such a dream as a revaluation of the value system. Perhaps your worldview has changed recently.

If you saw a grandmother in a coffin in your dream, then according to Miller, this means the infidelity of your other half.

If the late grandmother often dreams

Be sure to pay attention to the details of the dream in which the deceased appear. Most likely, your deceased relatives are trying to convey important information.

If in a dream the late grandmother is crying, then this is a sign that there will be many quarrels in your life.

Had a dream that you were giving your grandmother photographs? This is a bad sign for those depicted in the pictures - they will soon die.

If you dream of the corpse of your deceased grandmother, this is very bad. Dream Interpretations interpret such visions as sure signs of the approach of serious illnesses.

If a deceased grandmother is dreaming and she is crying, be sure to visit her grave. Most likely, this is how your progenitor is sad that you forgot her.

Sleep theme:,