The history of the ancient Babylon. Ancient brevony - the kingdom of the south of Mesopotamia

The history of the ancient Babylon. Ancient brevony - the kingdom of the south of Mesopotamia
The history of the ancient Babylon. Ancient brevony - the kingdom of the south of Mesopotamia

BABYLON,the famous ancient city in Mesopotamia, the capital of Babylonia; Posted on the Euphrates River, 89 km south of the modern Baghdad and north of Hill. In ancient Semitic language, he was called "Bab-Ilya", which meant "the gate of God", in the Hebrew, this name was transformed into Babel, in Greek and Latin - in Babylon. The initial name of the city survived the century, and until now the northernmost of the hills on the site of an ancient Babylon is called Babil. Excavations of the giant ruins complex remaining from the ancient city were launched in 1899 by the German Eastern Society under the leadership of Robert Koldoyevoy.

On the historic horizon, Babylon appears in the older period (approx. 1900 - approx. 1600 BC). At the beginning of this period, the very small town of Bab-Ily in Akkada became the capital of a small kingdom, in which the rules of Amori Sumuabum, who became the founder of the I Babylonian dynasty. His successors were Sumu La El, Sabium, Apil-Sin, Synballit and Hammurapi, ruled from 1792 to 1750 BC. Hammurapi was the most famous ruler of the era and became famous not only by military successes, but also as a wise ruler. Having won the Rome-Sin from Lars, Hammurapi mastered the Sumer, located in the lower part of the Mesopotamian Valley, and became the Lord of the Sumero-Akkadian kingdom; Capturing the kingdom of Marie, he spread the borders of his state to the Verkhovyev Euphrates. Even earlier, Hammurapi conducted important reforms, fully subordinate to himself in the administrative and economic relations of the temple, streamlining taxation of taxes and creating a single judicial system; His work as a legislator is captured in the famous Hammurapi laws, a copy of which was found in the sowes.

The excavations in the central part of the Merkes hill in Babylon reached the layer lying partially above and partially under groundwater level and dated dynasty I dated. At the open remnants of the city it is clear that it was well planned, the streets crossed one different at right angles. The houses found were built of raw bricks and are surrounded by the same walls on the foundation from the burned brick.

Already with the son of Hammurapi Samsilun, the invasion of Cassite tribes, descended from the eastern mountains, began. For more than a century Samsulun and his successors managed to restrain the onslaught of Cassites. However, in the end, they managed to seize the country and ruled in Babylon almost half a thousandth (approx. 1600 - approx. 1155 BC). The excavations of the Cassight Plaster Hill Merekes showed that the location of the streets and quarters during this period remained almost the same as in the time of Hammurapi. The houses of this period were built from raw bricks, but, as a rule, did not have a foundation from the burned brick, which was a characteristic distinctive feature of the city of Hammurapi. Ceramics was definitely distinct, the abundance of jewelry is particularly drawn.

The Coussic dynasty changed the II dynasty of Iscin, holding power in Babylonia for more than a century. It was the most outstanding king was Nebuchadnezzar I (1126-1105), who was able to subjugate to Assyria for a while. However, after it, the country was under the domination of Assyria after him. Sargon II in 710 BC Captured Babylon and crowned here as a king. Then he built a massive wall with a round corner tower from the southern citadel, leaving on her stone walls inscription: "To Marduk! Great Mr. The Divine Creator who lives in Esagil, Mr. Babil, his Mr.; Sargon, a powerful king, king of the land of Ashshur, the king of all. The ruler of Babil, King Sumer and Akkada, Esagil and Ezid feeder. Son Sargon Sannoterib in 689 BC. Completely destroyed the city and even turned the water of Euphrates on him to wash it with a large part of him from the face. However, his heir Asarhaddon restored and rebuilt the city. In particular, the main temple of Babylon, Esagil, was restored; At the same time, the famous zikcurate was also built, which became a story under the name of the Babylonian tower.

Novovavilon period (612-539 BC) began with the seizure of the royal power in Babylon Halldee Naopalasar, who entered into an alliance with other anti-massive forces and destroyed in 612 BC. Ninevia, the capital of Assyria. With his son and successor, Nebuchadneosor II (605-562 BC) Babylon reached the highest heyday. Then it happened, as the German archaeologists called, who conducted the excavation of Babylon, "the colossal restructuring of the whole city". Everything was rebuilt: Esagila - the temple of Marduk, the zikcurate of the ETEMENANK, the Temple of Eshma in the citadel and more ancient temple of Ishtar on Mercles. The southern citadel was supplemented by the Tsarist Palace, in the northern part of it, another palace was built. The walls of the early city restored, and the city grown in size surrounded by a huge outer wall; Channels were dug and built the first stone bridge through the Euphrates. One of the seven wonders of the ancient world was considered hanging gardens, but modern excavations could not give materials for which it would be possible to identify their remnants with confidence. The most magnificent buildings of Babylon of that period were, how much can be judged by the preserved remnants, the Gate of Ishtar and the Alley of Processions, the elegant appearance of which the friezes of bulls, dragons and lions were attached made of colored tiles.

The last king of this period was Nabonid, who delivered power in Babylon with the Senior Son Belashar Quadzur (Valtasar). As a result of the excavation, it was established that after Nabonida in Babylon, there was a new temple of Ishtar on Mercles and a powerful fortification wall with a large pier on the shores of the Euphrates.

In 539 BC, as noted in the Chronicle of Nabinia and Svitchka Kira, Babylon was captured by the Persian king of Kirome II Great. We have reached the descriptions of the Babylon's times of the Persian kings left by Herodot and Ktyepi, the doctor of Artaxerks II; From the times of Artaxerxa II, the ruins of the building in the Southern Citadel are preserved. There is no doubt that the decline of Babylon began already before the conquest of His Alexander Great. Alexander, who won the Babylon with his capital, assumed to produce large restoration work here, but he died, not having time to fulfill his plans. In the Greek and Parfyan period, the royal buildings remained from ancient times began to disassemble the material for new construction, and it lasted for centuries while the city did not have ruins.

For a year and a half thousand years, the remnants of one of the greatest cities of antiquity were hidden under the sand and clay. And we still remember it, calling this name any big and noisy city. This, of course, because this city is often mentioned in the Bible.

Translated from Akkada, this name (Babil) means "gate of God." A small settlement existed here, on the shores of the Great River Euphrates, already in the middle of 3 millennia BC. Cravan roads went along Euphrates to the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Downstream of the river was moving vessels heading for old Sumerian cities of southern two-frequencies. Through a tiger, connected to the Eufrate channel, passed the way to Ashshur and the mountains of the pan, rich forest and valuable rocks of the stone.

In the early 19th century BC e. In Mesopotamia, a small state was formed with a center in Babylon, the rulers of which are destined to create a single great power here.

The most powerful king of the ancient Babylon was Hammurapi (rules in 1792-1750 BC. E.). He conquered all the neighboring hostile Babylon of the kingdom, built many palaces, temples and canals. But most of all the king was famous for the creation of a meeting of laws. This is the most ancient assembly of laws from those that we know. Mesopotamian scribes continued to rewrite and study the laws of Hammurapi many centuries after the fall of the Great Power created by him.

Descendants of Hammurapi ruled in Babylon over a hundred years. Then the era of enemy invasions began. But the city was touched, lived and developed.

In the 8th century BC e. Babylon was conquered by Assyria. Tsar Asarkhaddon (680-669 BC) did not want to turn into the desert subject to him the land: seeking to tolerate the evil brought by his father, the king returned the inhabitants of Babylon to the homeland.

But Assyria fell, and in Babylon from 612 to n. e. Started to edit the Chaldean dynasty. The largest king was Nebuchadnezzar II. In 586 BC e. After a 18-month siege, Navudkhodonosor's troops took the capital of ancient Israel, Jerusalem. Residents of the city were taken to Mesopotamia. For Jews, the tragic period of the Babylonian captivity occurred. Thousands of prisoners styled in Babylonia and the permanent influx of Dani collected from the obedient lands were allowed to create unprecedented buildings, which saved his capital than one of the wonders of the world (the hanging gardens of seminimides).

But the star of the new Power, Persia, has already risen. October 29, 539 BC e. Cyrus Grade captured the Babylonian kingdom, and the peoples moved there, returned to their homeland.

In 331, Alexander Macedonian troops came to the city, who declared Babylon's capital of his future world powers. But after the death of Alexander, these lands were included in the state of the selevka commander. Seleevk built the city of Seleucia on the Tiger River and resettled there many Babylonians. In the future, Babylon quietly fugged, having lost its merchant. After Arabic conquest in the 7th century n. e. Channel system was destroyed. Fertile soils became deserted, and only a small village remained.

In the middle of 5th century BC. e., less than a hundred years after the conquest of Mesopotamia, Kirome Persian, Babylon visited the Greek historian and traveler Herodotus.

Herodotus called Babylon the most beautiful of all cities, which he happened to see. The city was surrounded by a deep, full of water with a moat and a high wall, built of burnt brick. The walls around the edges were protected by towers and so wide from above that they could drive four of the horses. Herodota struck a huge temple, built as the Tower of eight tiers; There were marches of external stairs around them, directed to the tower located on the very top of the tower - the sanctuary of the god Marduk. This temple, probably, struck and the ancient Jews, who described it in the Bible as the Babylonian Tower.


The elevation of Babylon in the Epoch of the Starovalon Kingdom (19-6 centuries. BC)

Culture of the Babylonian kingdom




It is unlikely that they are now fond of ancient cities to such an extent as the ancient Babylon is studying. This city is known to almost every resident of the Earth with his hanging gardens of the Semiramides and the Babylonian Tower, which is so colorfully narrating the Bible. In addition, the study of the Ancient East is an important interest that helps to understand and reveal many phenomena of the modern world.

The purpose of this work is to study the history of ancient Babylon, its culture and a political and economic structure.

When studying the literature on the subject of the Ancient East, the following tasks were delivered:

· Analysis of sources on the development of the ancient East;

· Study of factors and prerequisites for the allocation of Babylon in an independent state;

· Studying the historical path of Babylon, starting with its formation and ending with political and economic decline;

· Detection of the effects of the culture of Babylon for the subsequent development of civilization, including medieval Europe and the Russian state.

Writing work was preceded by an analysis of the literature of such authors, like A.V. Kostina, S.S. Averintsev and other scientists and researchers whose works are devoted to the history of Babylon.

From the textbook of researcher Vigasina A.A., who also studied the history of the Ancient East, the following information was drawn. The blooming of the Babylonian kingdom is at the time of the reign of the sixth king of the first Babylonian dynasty-Hammurapi, who was an outstanding statesman, a prickly and a deer-cherry diplomat, a major strategist, a wise legislator, calculating and skillful organizer. His research also emphasizes that Hammurapi was an excellent commander, thanks to which this king was able to subjugate and combine huge territories.

S.S. Averintsev writes the following. In Babylonia, he received a great development of the cult of the deceased kings and the deification of the most royal power. The kings were proclaraged by standing immeasurably higher people, and their power was strengthened in the minds of the exploited masses as sacred power.

In addition, Bongard-Levina G.M. Decides to study the Codes of Laws. She argues that the Khammurapi Code trace the principle of guilt and evil will. For example, the Babylonian king establishes a variety of punishment for an intentional and unexpected crime. Scientists note that injuries were still punishable by the oldest custom "Eye for the Oco, tooth for the tooth." In some articles, class distinction of citizens is clearly traced. For example, cruel karas were installed with a stall and naughty slaves, and the person who was accused of stealing someone else's slave, sentenced to death.

babylon Kingdom Hammurapi Political Cassian

1. The elevation of Babylon in the era of the Starovalon Kingdom (19-16 centuries. BC)

In the 16th century, the crisis of the system was taken to which the major royal dynasties of the HR were leaning, many Sumero Acca centers were destroyed under the onslaught of amorev's cattle breeders, which were distributed throughout the Mesopotamia. All this led to the decline of a centralized state, as a result of which the large political center was weakened and began to crush.

Scientists also celebrate the destruction of the kingdom with the center in Lars, the north of which is beginning to rise in the state with the center in Isin. Also, at that time, Marie and Ashshur played a big role in the political arena and the Euphrates, and the State of Eshnuna is fighting along the Dialy River.

In 20-19 centuries BC. These states were in a state of civil war. And gradually in this war rises and acquires independence by the city of Babylon, in which the Amorean dynasty agrees, the time of the reign of which in science received the name of the Starovalonian period.

Babylon was located in the center of the valley, in the place where the tiger closer with Euphrates. Since the location presented a huge military benefit (it was convenient immediately for defense and defense), then gradually Babylon begins to become the center of the country.

Here it is also possible to note the convergence of the main network of the country's irrigation life, for which the most important river and land routes of all of anterior Asia took place.

"The flourishing of the Babylonian kingdom falls at the time of the reign of the sixth king of the first Babylonian dynasty-Hammurapi, who was an outstanding statesman, an overwhelming and deer-cunning diplomat, a major strategist, a wise legislator, calculating and skillful organizer."

Hammurapi masterfully created various military unions, and after achieving the goals set, as unnecessary, ruptured. First of all, Hammurapi signed an agreement with Lars to protect himself during military trips. Thus, this allowed the Babylonian king to start a grip to the south cities. As a result of these campaigns, Uruk and Ostin were subordinated. Then all the attention of Hammurapi sent to the state of Marie, which overthrew the power of Assyria and was managed by the representative of the local Zimrilim dynasty. With this ruler, Hammurapi has established the most friendly agreements on all key issues.

Union with the state Marie served as a support for the subsequent war with Eshhunu, completely crushed by the troops of Babylonian. Wimronilim did not claim these lands and gave the brars of the Board of Hammurapi. A little later, the allies collapsed on Lars, the ruler of which surrendered and ran to Elam, and the kingdom thus got Hammurapi again.

Now the whole territory of Mesopotamia was two huge states: Babylon, who united under his beginning all the southern and middle part of the country, and Marie, whose ruler ruled over the rest of the lands.

Marie represented a very strong and dangerous enemy for Babylon, since this state was located on the average recovery of the Euphrates and united several nearby cities, and also subordinated to themselves nomadic tribes that inhabited the Syrian-Mesopotamian steppes. In addition, Marie Velo Trade and established a number of diplomatic relations with Biblom, Ugarit, Yamhad, Carkemich, as well as the Islands of Cyprus and Crete. During the reign of Zimrilim in the city, a magnificent palace was built, exceeding the territory area in 4 hectares and possessed premises for religious, economic and residential purposes. In the palace itself there was a magnificent throne room, which was specially decorated with frescoes, statues, terracotta baths, equipped facilities for foreign ambassadors and messengers. The building of the palace was also placed room for economic and diplomatic archives.

In 1759, Hammurapi, under the pretext of the rupture of the military union, appeared with his army under the walls of Marie, subjugated this state Babylon, reacted in it. But the rebellion of Zimrilima who followed this seizure made the Babylonian king to make a re-hike to the walls of the city, as a result of which Marie was completely destroyed and destroyed. After that, the Marie state never could fully recover, and therefore modestly injected their existence.

In the north of Mesopotamia, still weak Assyria remained, but its largest cities of Ashshur, Nineve and others soon recognized themselves the domination of the Babylonian kingdom.

Scientists note that the first 35 years of the Board of Hammurapi fully went to strengthen centralized power throughout the Babylonian Power, which spread out in the territory of Mesopotamia. During this time, Babylon passed a huge way of development from a small town and turned into the capital of a huge Asian power, becoming a major political, economic and cultural center.

But initial successes did not bring the desired result. Babylon included many conquered cities and regions, so in some extent his power was fragile.

All this led to the exacerbation of internal contradictions, which were associated with the ruin of communists, warriors, taxpayers and state defenders. The state also experienced certain foreign policy difficulties during the reign of the son of King Hammurapi. Samsulun is in every way trying to maintain the prestige of the royal power, builds zikkrats and temples, erects golden thrones in honor of the Babylonian gods, paves new channels. But in the south of the country there comes the tribe of Elamites, which gradually captures the city of Sumer. Then the rebellion occurs in Sippar, the walls of which were destroyed during the fierce rebellion. During the reign of the son of Hammurapi, political tensions, instability, external wars are constantly observed, as evidenced by the data on permanent and numerous nonpects.

The situation on the foreign policy isna is also not favorable by the development of Babylon. The Cassites tribes begin to penetrate the territory of the state, and in the north-west Mesopotamia, a new state of Mitarian is formed, which cut off the access of Babylon to the main trading routes of Malaya Asia and the East-integration coast.

The invasion of Hittites in Babylonia was the beginning of the end of the reign of the first Babylonian dynasty and completed the older period.

Chammurapi laws. Socio-economic and political system of the Babylonian kingdom

The most outstanding monument of the Babylonian kingdom is undoubtedly the laws of Hammurapi, forever captured on a black basalt post. Also, the copies of the individual parts of this forensic were reached the clay signs to this day.

The state of state laws begins with abstract administration, which refers to the divine role of the royal power of Hammurapi, that he has been placed to protect the poor, weak, orphans and widows from the offense and oppression from the strengths of this world. The situation itself consists of 282 laws that cover all aspects of the life of the Babylonian society (civil, administrative, criminal law). At the end of the Code of laws placed the final part.

The laws of Hammurapi on the maintenance and "level of development of legal thought were a huge step forward compared to those previously preceding the Sumerian and Akkadian legal monuments." In the Hammurapi Code, the principle of guilt and evil will is traced. For example, the Babylonian king establishes a variety of punishment for an intentional and unexpected crime. Scientists note that injuries were still punishable by the oldest custom "Eye for the Oco, tooth for the tooth." In some articles, class distinction of citizens is clearly traced. For example, cruel karas were installed with a stall and naughty slaves, and the person who was accused of stealing someone else's slave, sentenced to death.

During the period of the Starovilian kingdom, the state inhabited full citizens who were called the "sons of her husband." They were legally free, but not full people, since they were not members of the community. Such people worked in the royal economy and according to their status they ranked in slaves. If any citizen has caused damage to the tsarist worker, it was punishable on the principle of "OCO for an eye, tooth for the tooth," and the latter for inflicted damage was accompanied by a cash fine. If the "son of the husband" was made unsuccessful operation, then the doctor who spent it was punished with a cut-off of his hand, and if a slave was died from such an operation, then his owner was only paid a monetary compensation for incurred losses. If the son of the owner died during the construction of the house, then the main contractor was punished with the death of his son. If the "Son of her husband" disappeared the property, then the guilty was punished in tenfold, returning the stolen property. In the case of the theft of the temple or royal property, the compensation for the loss in thirty-folded size was envisaged.

During his board, Hammurapi was concerned about the constant number of warriors and taxpayers, so he tried in every way to alleviate the fate of this part of the state's population. One of the articles of the Hammurapi Code is therefore limited to pay the debt to the lender in three years of work on it, after which the entire balance of the unpaid amount was automatically paid by the state. If a natural disaster has happened and the entire harvest of the debtor turned out to be destroyed, then the amount of debt and payment on it was automatically transferred to the next year. Some articles of the Code of Law are devoted to the rent, which was established in the amount of the third part of the crop and the two third parts of the garden.

For the legality of the marriage, it was necessary to conclude a marriage contract. If the wife was truncated in adultery, she caught drowning in the river. In the event that the husband talked his wrong wife, she and her lover were exempted from punishment provided for by law. The adultery from the side of her husband was not considered a crime, unless he seduced his wife's free man. The sons were sure to be inherited if they were not involved in crimes, and the father was obliged to train his children to the inflicts of his profession and craft.

"The warriors received land from the state and were obliged to make a goal at the first request of the king. These passes were inherited by the men's line and were inalienable. The lender could take only the property of the warrior for debts, which he himself acquired, but did not put on him, complained to him. "

The state especially carefully took care of trade, which brought a significant part of income into the Babylonian treasury. Trade was engaged in special trading agents - Tamcars who were led by major state and own trade. Tamcar was carried out through smaller intermediary traders. For their service, the state highlighted them land, garden sites and houses. Tamcars also performed in the role of tenants of the royal land, they often were major loaving.

Babylonian kingdom at the Cassic Dynasty

Cassites were a population of one of the mountain tribes of the pan, which appeared on the borders of Mesopotamia shortly after the death of Hammurapi. In 1742 Cassites invaded Babylonia, and their king assigned to himself the title of Lord, although the real conquest of the state has not yet happened. The invasion of Hettov, in the Babylonian throne, has failed to resist the state in the Babylonian throne.

In 1595, the Middle Label period begins, which was marked by the beginning of the Board of the Cassight Dynasty. He ended only in 1155.

During the reign of Cassites, the use of horses and mules during military trips, in agriculture they begin to use a seeder and plow, create a network of roads, foreign trade is significantly activated. But at the same time, the country's economy is experiencing a period of stagnation, as the volume of the commercial economy has decreased and the flow of workforce has decreased due to a decrease in military hikes.

In the middle-quality period, generic associations and large families increase their importance. This was the result of the control of the cassit bodies of a large territory, they also watched tax collecting, the fulfillment of public affairs. Simultaneously with stagnant phenomena in the Babylonian economy there is a process of enrichment of cassit giving births due to the creation of a large private land tenure, which separated from the community and entrenched the relevant royal decrees and laws. These laws gave the ownership of this or a different aristocrat to the granted property and land, as well as freed them from paying taxes in the treasury. Such decrees were evicted on special signatures - Kadurra.

The centralized power in Cassites slightly weakened, since the heads of noble cassist clans used the well-known independence and managed the individual parts of the Babylonian kingdom. Large cities, such as Babylon, Nippur and Sippar held an independent position, their population was released from paying taxes and military service, they also had their military contingents. Castitian power with time was assimilated with noble citizens of Babylon.

Foreign policy during the Board of Cassites did not differ in particular scope. Egypt, Mitania, the Hittte kingdom was among themselves the struggle for hegemony, and in this war, the Babylonian state was one of the secondary figures at the military-political arena. The inscriptions of the Egyptian pharaohs say that the power of the Egyptian Power was recognized by Babylon, who brought her respect and gifts, and in the 15th century, stable peaceful relations between these two states were established. The Cassie Tsari usually sent the Egyptians as a gift of horses and chariots, bronze vessels, valuable oil varieties, oil products. As a response gifts, they received gold, magnificent furniture made of valuable trees, decorated with gold and ivory, jewelry and decorations.

To bind up their political relations, the Egyptian pharaohs took themselves to their wife's daughters of the Cassitsky kings, but they did not marry their daughters for the rulers of Babylon, because they were not allowed from outside the Egyptian state.

When the Egyptian kingdom began to weaken, Babylon increases its requirements. In letters, the displeased tone begins to be traced. For example, the Babylonian king of Bourna-Buryash indignant the inbidity of the Egyptians to his illness, as well as a small retinue and quality of gifts directed to Babylon. Babylon's discontent is increasing when his rulers learn about the reception of Assyrian ambassadors in Egypt, which were dependent on Babylon. After this event, Babylon ruins diplomatic and friendly relations with the Egyptian power. Now the external policy of Babylon is aimed at the target and the Hittite state. For example, the default of the Mitania on the Eastern Eastern-Medical Coast did not meet resistance from the Cassic rulers, and the daughter of Burna-Buryash was issued for the Hett Tsar.

However, powerful powers do not seriously perceive weakened Babylon. Strong Assyria inflicts Babylon a number of tangible lesions. And Hettites, who led fierce wars with Egypt, did not support their ally.

Thus, the fight against Elam, Assyria and local rulers put an end to the Board of the Cassicy Dynasty, which by that time was completely assimiced with the Babylonian one.

Culture of the Babylonian kingdom

Mesopotamia is one of the most ancient civilizations and cultures. It is here that the exit of all mankind from the state of primitive and his entry into the era of antiquity. The transition from "barbarism to civilization" meant the appearance of a new type of culture, the birth of a new type of human consciousness. All this is closely associated with the spread of numerous cities, complication of social differentiation, the formation of statehood and "civil society". New activities are formed, managers and training are allocated, as relations between people acquire a new character.

An important role was played here writing. Its appearance marked the invention of new forms of transferring and storing knowledge, which appeared the basis for the further development of science, purely intellectual activity. Residents of Mesopotamia rightfully belongs to the merit of the invention a peculiar writing of the clinopy. This is the most characteristic and important feature inherent in the culture of antiquity. In addition, the majestic breeding buildings did not reach our time, but all over the world in museums are kept clinst plates, narrating the life, nebaws, indices and laws of the Company of that time.

Mesopotamian writing appears at the turn of 4-3 thousand years to our era. Before it existed a system of "accounting chips", which the clinies gradually replaced and outstretched. It is believed that in the earliest Pictographic system there were more than one and a half thousand pictures, and a certain word corresponded to each such sign, in rare cases, several words.

The most ancient pictographic messages are peculiar rebuses that were completely understood only by scribes and those people who were present when writing the tables. Such signs were peculiar written confirmation of various contracts and transactions, as well as served as an indisputable source in the event of various disagreements. The first such texts are wills about the transfer of property, dedication to the gods. The most ancient written sources also include training texts in which the significance of a different sign is decrypted.

A fully clinbered system was developed only by the middle of 3 millennia to our era. In addition, there was an expansion of the sphere in which the cylinder was applied. Construction reports and calculations appear, collections of proverbs, lists of the names of mountains, countries, rivers, lakes, posts, the first bilingual dictionaries are published.

Floine also adapt to their needs and neighbors of the Mesopotamians - Across. In the second millennium, the clinies are borrowed by the hitts, and then a simplified syllable clinley of the inhabitants of Ugarite is created on its basis, which influenced the development of letters from the Phoenicians, who later gave the beginning of the Greek alphabet. Thus, the clinies have largely influenced the appearance and development of this region.

The ancient literature has preserved and reached our days in relatively large quantities. It is now open about a quarter of artistic texts that existed in Mesopotamia. This is explained by the fact that clay plates are very well saved, and even if they are long in the ground, they are subjected to minor destruction.

Training in Babylon was built on the correspondence of the texts of artistic and everyday content. Schools even created libraries in which clay plates were kept with information on a variety of industries of scientific knowledge. The libraries were also built at the palaces of kings and temples, in which, in addition to literature, the administrative and economic documents were held. The most famous library of the time is the collection of books of King Ashursbanpala. The king himself followed the system acquisition of books, the copies from all ancient literary sources were shot by his order, which were stored in the temples and private collections. The literature of the ancient Mesopotamia includes literary works of folklore content, the songs, poems, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings. The most outstanding monument of the time is "Epos about Gilgamesh."

In this work, the thought of the eternal life of people, to whom the Sumerians sought so much. Gilgamesh, "Being half of God, half a person and losing a friend of the Liberty An Enkid, goes to search for immortality." In his search, a friend of Hilgamesh attends even the kingdom of the dead, but the immortality flower found by him was abducted by the snake, so people never managed to find immortality.

The existence in the Babylonian society of the flow, which marked some departure from the traditional religious worldview, is evidenced by a wonderful literary monument, known as the "dialogue between Mr. and Slave". In this work, Mr., talking to his slave, expressing various wishes one after another, and the slave approves each of these desires of his master. When the latter refuses his desire, the slave and here agrees with him, while leading good arguments and in favor of refusal. Thus, the futility of all the aspirations and mentals of Mr.: His hopes for the mercy of the king, hopes to find oblivion in feast or in love for a woman, hopes for salvation with the help of magic, prayers or victims. It is aimless to follow the usual orders of virtue, for the death of everyone equifies, as the slave claims, turning to his Mother: "Some of the ruined hills of destroyed cities, pass the ruins of antiquity and look at the skull of people who lived a long time ago and recently: which of them was evil and who of them They were good? ". The dialogue ends with the statement that Mr., who wished to kill his slave, will survive it only on the "three days."

A deep mark in culture also left math and astronomy. Modern people enjoy the positions created by the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, the positioning system of numbers and a six-month account, paying an hour for 60 minutes, and a minute for 60 seconds. Astronomy achievements were especially significant.

The creative flourishing of the Babylonian mathematical science falls on 5 century to our era. In those days, the most famous schools were in Babylon. Uruk, Borsippe and Sippar. Scientists from these schools have developed a system for determining the lunar phases, set the duration of a solar year, and solar precessions were discovered. Thus, the level of mathematics of that time was not inferior to the development of the mathematician of the Renaissance era in Europe.

Medicine and chemistry were intertwined with magic. Carefully designed witchcrafts accompanied, for example, making a melting furnace, installing it and work on it. Our information about Babylonian chemistry, unfortunately, is still limited due to the difficulty of understanding the relevant clinical texts, often intentionally, in the magical purposes that darkened the ancient scribes.

Zoology, botany and mineralogy found their expression in alone long lists of animal names, plants and stones. However, these lists can be attributed rather to philological directories, which were so rich in the tubes of Babylonia, who paid great attention to the study of the language, his vocabulary and grammar.

Interest in the problems of the language was largely due to the fact that the Vabylonian priests, by that time, the Sumerian language continued to play the role of the Holy Language. In addition, without the knowledge of the Sumerian language, it was impossible to properly apply the writing for the Akkadian language, the originally based on the Sumerian language. Therefore, the Babylonian scribes were needed to be needed to study along with their Akkadian language, the second, alien language alien to them. This study made them more consciously treat their native language. Along with the vocabulary, Babylonians began to study and grammar first.

Of great interest is the Babylonian political system, as well as a military system, law and historosophy. The administrative system of Assyria was later borrowed by Persians who handed it with the Hellenistic rulers and Roman Caesars. In ancient Rome, there were many traditions that took their origins in the courtestoff of the kings of Mesopotamia.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe transition of continuity from one city to another, which later served as one of the source of the concept of the "Moscow-Third Rome" concept was also characterized. Interesting the fact that the insignificance of the Byzantine and Russian kings occur from Babylon.

In Babylonia, a number of local gods were revealed, identified with heavenly luminaries. The deities of the Sun and the Moon were an important role - Shamash and Sin. Ysttar, corresponding to Sumerian Inanna, the goddess of Uruk, personified the planet Venus. In the bloody-red planet Mars saw Nargala, the god of war, disease and death, the main god of the city of Kutu. The God of Wisdom, Letters and Accounts of Nabu (which corresponds to the West Semitic Nabi - the "Prophet"), which was revered in the neighboring Babylon Barsippe, was compared with the planet Mercury. Finally, Ninurta was compared with the planet Saturn, the God of a successful war. God Marduk was identified with the biggest planet Jupiter. Seven major astral (star) gods along with Tryada - Anu, Bel (Enlil), Ea - played a crucial role in the religion of Babylon. In honor of these gods, temple towers were built or in three floors (sky, land, underground water) or seven (seven planets). Research reverence of the Babylonian astral gods is a modern seven-day week. In some Western European languages, the names of the week and are currently reflecting the names of seven deities.

In Babylonia, he received a great development of the cult of the deceased kings and the deification of the most royal power. The kings were proclaraged by standing immeasurably higher people, and their power was strengthened in the minds of the exploited masses as sacred power.

Babylonian priesthood influenced the folk masses of the magnification. Couple in huge temples with their majestic stepped tower-zickkrats. Information about the large number of temple utensils from gold, as well as the richest victims, brought daily to the Altari temples, are preserved. The deification of the royal power, suggesting submission of the gods and king, the owner of a slave-owner nobility, were the basis of the cult.

In the history of the two-frequencies, it was repeatedly summed up by this or another state that was the applicant for domination over their neighbors. The most fortunate applicant for domination over the entire valley was made as above, Babylon. It was reflected in the fact that Marduk began to play, the god-patron of Babylon, mainly myth about the universe.


Babylon is rightfully a unique state, and it is very difficult to allocate at least another state that would exceed it in its development.

After reading the literature dedicated to the Babylonian kingdom, I can conclude that the culture of Mesopotamia presented the transition period between the antiquity and the beginning of the origin of the thinking of a new type, which scientists are called rational. This conclusion is made on the facts of mathematics, writing and astronomy.

I also believe that the literary and scientific sources of Babylon largely anticipated the masterpieces of Greek literature, served as the base on which the science of the Renaissance era was then based.

In addition, I believe that the political, social and legal system of the Babylonian state was quite perfect for that time, although there have been such shortcomings as punishment depending on the social situation, the presence of a large number of slaves.

But despite this, Babylon is rightfully a treasury of world culture, science and architecture.


1.Averintsev S.S., Alekseev V.P., Ardzinba V.G., ed. G.M. Bongard-Levina. Ancient civilization. - M.: Thought, 1989.-479 p.: Il.

.Afanasyev V.K. and others. Art of the Ancient East.- M.: Higher. Shk., 1971.- 567 p.

.Vigasin A.A., Dandamaev MA, Kryukov M.V. History of the Ancient East: studies. For stud. Universities studying in the specialty "History" .- M.: Higher. Shk., 1988.- 416 p.

.Erasov B.S. Culture, religion and civilization in the East: Essays of general theory. M.: Higher. Shk., 1990.- 456 p.

.Kostina A.V. Culturalology: textbook. - M.: Knorus, 2010.- 336С.

.Matveyev K., Sazonov A. Land of ancient two-frequencies. - M.: Higher. Shk., 1986.- 467 p.

.Nemirovskaya L.Z. Culturalology. History and theory of culture. - M. Higher. Shk., 1992.- 346 p.

.Nemirovsky A.I. Myths and legends of the Ancient East.- M.: Higher. Shk., 1994.- 563 p.

.Readings on the history of the Ancient East / Ed. V.V. Struve and D.G. Reder. M., 1963.- 680 p.

.Readings on the history of the ancient world / Ed. V.G. Borukhovich. Saratov, 1987.- 560 p.


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How to decide on the place of recreation is a problem for many, but also a very exciting occupation. So with us happened - my husband and I did not know where to go, and therefore decided to throw lots. And what happened from it, I will tell further.

Where is the ancient city of Babylon

It so happened that I pulled a hat from the hat. And it was wonderful, because I have long wanted to see such a legendary place. We began to look for where Babylon is.

We started our search from the Internet. The remains of the ancient city of Babylon are located in Iraq south of Baghdad near the town of Al Hill. We got there from the airport rather quickly.

From the guide in the first hours of staying there we learned a lot of useful information:

  • the history of Babylon;
  • the fact that Babylon became famous;
  • the history of the Babylonian tower.

The city of Babylon, which means "the gate of God", was founded on the banks of the Euphrates River and was the capital of Babylonia, which existed 1500 years in the south of Meternrachia in the territory of modern Iraq.

What was famous for Babylon

In Babylon, the basis of architecture was zigkurats - this is the so-called secular buildings and palaces. It is unique at that time architectural achievements of humanity. Also, according to the biblical scriptures there is a legend of the Babylonian tower, which in height reached heaven. She was built by people who spoke in the same language to make their name. But according to legends, the construction of the tower was interrupted by God, who gave people different languages, and this led to the construction of the tower and the city as a whole. This greatest city was erased three times from the face of the Earth by the invaders, but also resumed.

Detection of the Babylonian Tower

The scientific history of the search for the tower began with several pieces of painted bricks, which found German architect and archaeologist Robert Colladew. Thanks to this, fragments of the tower were found, and excavations began. As a result of these excavations, it became exactly clear that the tower was exactly built in ancient Babylon, which was a crown of architecture at that time.

This story with the Babylonian tower, architectural monuments and stories about hanging gardens made us with her husband to think about the continuation of romantic holidays. And I hope we once again visit this wonderful place!

Long before the heyday of ancient Greece already existed developed powerful powers. One of them is the famous Sumer. It was located on the territory of modern Iraq in the geographical and historic region Mesopotamia. It must be said that this name was invented by the Greeks. It means literally "between the rivers." This large region of the area did extended the plain locality, spreading between the rivers Tiger and Euphrates. There were many cities-states in Mesopotamia. One of them is Babylon. In which country and where is the city of legendary sumerians now? Why isn't it preserved to our times? What epochs of the flourish and decline survived? This is our article.

Eden in Iraq

There is a suggestion that Noah's Ark is lying on Mount Ararat, and the paradise garde risks on the lands of Mesopotamia. Even in religious literature, there are allegations that Eden was there in the confluence of two rivers. The once famous city of Babylon flourished here, that translated from the local adverium meant "Gate of Paradise". But in the history of those places so much weave that even not all historians can figure them out. Babylonian civilization is often called differently: Sumero-Akkadskaya. Where is Babylon in our time? This place is known to many tourists. Lovers of ancient history regret that from the once-grand city there is little left, but to look at his ruins, stroll through the sacred ("divine") land, everyone can touch the centuries-old stones.

From Neolithic to Sumer

Before answering where Babylon is, we will tell a little about the time when he flourished. Traces of settlements of ancient people in Iraq can meet everywhere. During the neolithic period in the Middle East, cattle and farming were already well developed. 7 thousand years before e. Crafts developed there: pottery, spinning. And about 3 thousand years old, people mastered melting copper and gold. At the same time, cities with unique architecture begin to develop there. Arches, for example, first appeared exactly there, and not in ancient Rome. There is written, political and legal norms of public life. Located settlements of UR, Uruk and Ereb. These were the largest cities-states of the first civilization of Mesopotamia - Sumerian. She was crushed by the Semitic tribes, united in the kingdom of Akkad. With the king Sargon, the Sumer was defeated, and the territory of Mesopotamia was first combined. But two states continued to coexist. Akkad controlled the north of the region, and Sumer - South. Unfortunately, they had many enemies, dreaming to capture fertile flowering lands. When Cotrees-amorea came from the previations, the great state ceased to exist. Elamites settled on the territory of Sumer.

Elevation of Babylon

For all the time, civil engineers, which was far from the borders, suffered less than others. Sumerians called his cadingirr. The city was built on the banks of the Euphrates, near the modern settlement of El Hill, 80 kilometers from Baghdad. There was a residence of the rendering collector. It was in this provincial town that the Amorean leader of the Sumuabum settled, making it not just the capital, but by creating the Babylonian kingdom. Representatives of the Dynasty of the Amorean kings fought a lot. Therefore, they attached the main importance to the fortifications of Babylon, in connection with which they built a defensive wall around it. But the temples at this time were also actively rebuilt, the sanctums were erected. The five rulers of this kind have changed before Babylon began to dominate in two-range. In 1792 BC e. The throne took Hammurapi. Taking advantage of the constant civilian neighbors, he managed to subjugate the Babylon Most coastal lands near Tiger and Euphrates. Over the forty years, the first centralized state of Western Asia, the Old-Babylonian kingdom was created. Its foundation can be considered the border of the XIX-XVIII centuries to our era.

Center of the Universe

Babylon very quickly became one of the centers of the world. Such a situation was up to 1595 (before the Nativity of Christ). His God-patron was Marduk, who became one of the main Mesopotamian deities. The city of a rich man, which was reflected in his appearance. New walls, gates and wide streets, which could undergo crowded temple processions, were erected not chaotic, but according to plan. Residents of the capital were not called in the army and did not pay taxes, she had the right to self-government.

Decline of Babylon

Hammurapi successors could not keep the high position of Babylon. Gradually begins its decline. One and a half century kings I of the Babylonian dynasty fought with other applicants for power in two-range. The mining tribes of Cassites took advantage of the weakening of the power. Thanks to the defensive structures erected in the northeast, their first onslaught was stopped by the Hammurapi. At the same time, I had to constantly suppress the uprisings of the southern, "Sumerian", provinces. Related alternately or at the same time the city of Lars, Ur, Katulla, Nipur. Finally, these areas come out from submission to Babylon in the XVII century BC. Small Asia then almost completely belonged to the Hittch kingdom. His troops invaded Babylon, completely plundered him, destroyed many cultural monuments. Part of the inhabitants was executed, part sold into slavery. Where is the city of Babylon now? You will learn about it below.

A new beginning

The invasion of Hittites served as the end of the Old-Babylonian kingdom. Soon these lands submitted to themselves Cassites. The middle-class period began. Power experienced decline, especially in the economic and cultural spheres. Nice was in these century and state authority. The struggle for the leadership was between Egypt, the Hatthe kingdom and the country of Mitarian. Pharaohs, judging by the information that came to our time, belonged to the neighbor who had recently threatening them disseminately. However, it was a long period of stability, when it was possible to establish trade relations destroyed during the interfoots between different regions of the state.

Another destruction of Babylon

Falling III of the Babylonian dynasty, which is called Cassight, coincided with the enhancement of Assyria. In addition, the eastern neighbor is rising again, Elam. At the end of the XIII century BC. e. The king of Assyria mastered the Babylon, destroying the walls of the city and even transported to Ashur (his capital) the most revered statue of the Supreme God Marduk. The Assyrian ruler Sinaiherib became famous for the fact that in 689 BC. e. Not only captured Babylon, but also almost destroyed it. The restoration of the power of the glorious city began only after weakening Assyria. In the city then the leaders of the Chaldean tribes were ruled. One of them, Naopalasar, headed the uprising ending with the defeat of the Assyrian army under the walls of Babylon. The Novovavilon period was marked by the restoration of the former power of the legendary state.


The restoration of the city began after the death of Sinaiherib. Gradually, the state restored the former power. Time of the highest prosperity - 605-562 years BC. e. when Nobushadnetsar II rules. This is the same Nahiphodonosor, who destroyed Jerusalem and captured many thousands of Jews. During his reign, the country spread from Iran to Egypt. Unprecedented wealth contributed to stormy construction. Thanks to the clinway records, Herodotus and excavations of archaeologists, we can recreate the appearance of the Babylon of those times.

What did the "capital of the world" looked

Euphrates shared Babylon in half. On the plan he occupied almost 10 square kilometers. Around the three rows of fortress walls built, built huge towers and eight gates. It was extremely difficult to approach them. In the center of the Old Town there was a 7-tier zikkurat, which is considered a prototype of the Babylonian tower from the Bible. The main temple of God Marduk was touched there, the market was functioning nearby. There was a large palace of Nebuchadnezzar II. It was a huge complex, which was built by Napalasar. He included the officials of officials and a throne room. Palace impressed visitors with its size and luxury. On his embossed walls from colored brick bricks, the masters depicted a "tree of life" and walking lions. In the palace there was one of the seven miracles of the world - the hanging gardens of the Semiramides. So the "Vladyka of Polusveta" comforted his wife, Tsarevna from the mussel, who gave birth to his homeland.

House Babylonianin

The new city was conducted by a 123 meters long bridge. There were residential neighborhoods. How did the usual people of Babylon lived? The appearance of these dwellings is known for excavations. These were two-story houses. The lower part, in the protection of erosion, was laid out of the burned brick, and the second floor and the inner walls are from raw bricks. Small windows did only under the ceiling, so that the light fell almost exclusively through the door. From a jug with water, which stood in the Seine, washed legs. There was also various utensils. From there it was possible to get into the courtyard. More wealthy people have a pool located there, and a wooden gallery was located on the inner wall. Be sure to existed a parade hill, from there the passage led to an inaccessible for an extraneous small courtyard, where the owners built a home altar. They also tried to bury the dead. Back in the III millennium BC. e. Babylonians began to use stools, tables and beds. But the bed was most likely there was only one. We slept on her the owner with his wife. The rest were located on mats or just on the floor.

City of thousands of languages

Babylon of the last period was a real metropolis for its time. It lived about 200 thousand people of various nationalities. These were Elamicians, Egyptians, Jews, mussels. Everyone retained their traditions, spoke in their native language, worn their national clothes. But Sumerian was considered the main language. Education Children received in schools (e-oaks). Those who endanted a full course of study, owned encyclopedic knowledge for those times. In addition to literature and letters, graduates studied mathematics, astronomy, land services. In Babylon, a six-month-old calculus system was adopted. We are now dividing an hour for 60 minutes, and a minute for 60 seconds. Preserving in clinox libraries, the literary works of those years have reached us.

What is the name of the country where the city is Babylon now

Despite the military power that prompted trade, achievements in culture, the city of Babylon again took decay. In the first centuries, the power of Persia begins to acquire Persia's power in the east of Meternrachia. In 538, Babylon was taken by King Kirome, but after that he kept the status of the capital. The Persian Empire included East Mediterranean and Egypt. Mesopotamia stopped playing a leading role in the region. But Babylon still remained the center of science, culture and crafts. The current situation did not suit his residents who made attempts to return to the former power. After the next uprising, Xerxes deprived the city of his status. Economic life has continued. It was then in Babylona visited Herodotus, who wrote enthusiastic words about him. Alexander Macedonian became the next conqueror. He wanted to make a powerful Babylon the capital of his empire, but then founded a new city nearby, which called his name.

Now where is Babylon? In which country? The history of the city is sad. First there remained a small settlement, but after the conquest in 634, the two-frequencies of the Arabs, it disappeared. Almost two thousand years was forgotten even the place where Babylon was located. Now it is located in modern Iraq (former Persia). The only preserved building of that time is the theater. The country's administrative center closest to the destroyed city includes half a million residents. So where is Babylon now? These are several tens of kilometers from Baghdad. Modern Babylon (where is located, you already know) - the largest museum of the world outdoors.