Kalmyk rituals. Kalmykia and Kalmyki, Nature, People, History, Traditions

Kalmyk rituals. Kalmykia and Kalmyki, Nature, People, History, Traditions

Namurva Altana

The lifeguard of the Kalmyk people was formed by centuries. It was determined mainly by labor rhythm of life. There were people and their moral criteria, their unwritten code of courtesy and cultural behavior of people - i.e. Folk ethics.

People without traditions that a tree without roots, he loses his peculiarity. Kalmyki - a people having a rich spiritual and cultural heritagewhich is carefully transmitted by the new generation, i.e. us.

Our task is not to lose a single drop of the precious ethnocultural heritage of our ancestors.



Gorodovikovskaya Multidisciplinary gymnasium. B. B. Gorodovikova

Calmyt folk customs.

West senior.

Namweva Altana Anatolyevna

9 "b" class

Teacher: MARMINOV G. G. Teacher of Kalmyk language and literature

How many freshness B. people's Word, Things wisdom, which is forever! .. With envy I study to him, having missed the simplicity that does not know the gloves ...

D. Kougultinov. "How much fresh in folk words ..."

The lifeguard of the Kalmyk people was formed by centuries. It was determined mainly by labor rhythm of life. There were people and their moral criteria, their unwritten code of courtesy and cultural behavior of people - i.e. Folk ethics.

For example, when two talk, and from the side intervene the third or overhears their conversation - it was very indecent. In indecent, all curiosity was considered in general: peeping, listening. The Kalmykov had a special attitude towards older people. I dedicate my job to this side of the folk mentality. If a young man is heated to the eldest, it was considered an equivalent to what he had heard his parents.

In Kalmyk families, children brought up in the spirit of respect and unquestionable subordination to parents and other senior people. Kalmyki say: "Kүn - Akhta, Devl - Zakt" (people have a senior, and the fur coat is a collar). Respect for the elders is not only a custom, but also an immutable law, which Kalmyki adhered to generation into generation. This custom, children absorbed with Mother's milk, because all the way, all rules in the house were visually connected with this custom. Children from the Small years have seen the parents from the old men: the first cup of tea, the first, with the best, piece of hot meat, fresh buts were taken primarily to old people. And, ground, the children knew that the elders should be treated in a special heat and respectful.

It was impossible to cross the road with an old man, to enter earlier the older house. Violation of these rules was considered a sin.

Folk poet Kalmykia K.E. Ehrengenov wrote: "When old man I went to the house, then young people supported him and opened the door in front of him. Previously, the older in age or an elderly young man did not enter the kibituka and did not sit down. When the eldest or guest was going on the road, then the youngs were preparing it on the road and saddled the horse. "

Kalmyks believe that the one who treats with respect for the eldest lives the longest. This was explained: the old men warm the respectful attitude towards them, and in response to this they mentally turn to God and ask him that he approved long years Life good man. The Kalmyk people have many different traditions and customs of the worship of the elders.

When the elder or Guest was going to the way, then the young preparing it on the road and saddled him a horse;

When an elderly man went into the house, then young people supported him and opened the door in front of him;

Previously, the older in age or the elderly young man did not have the right to enter the kibitu, especially, sit down;

When senior, younger did not join conversations; Children from the Small years were committed not to chart, do not interrupt and not argue with the elders. "Biyәsn MedәTә Kүүnәs Beachә үg Bulald." (Do not lose the oldest in age.)

At the weddings, holidays, housekenes and in other solemn events, the first sterns were pronounced older in age, and then the rest. The people say: "AND kN - ECLDG, Bichkn - Davuldg. (Senior begins, the younger continues).

Snow with mother-in-law should not remove the headdress and be barefoot;

Younger had to obey the elders, did not have the right to enter with them in stocking, to raise the voice in their presence;

The elderly was always inferior to the road;

If the young man will heat up to her older in age, it was considered an equivalent to what he had heard his parents.

Many customs associated with reverending older people will surprise their deep meaning. For example, a person should be called respectfully "you", this is said about this in the proverb:

- "TA" GISN - Taalsn, "Chi" GISN - Chichasn "(Call" You "Anyway, what to caress, call" you "anyway, what to hit.)

When meeting with elders by age, even if they are unfamiliar to you, it is necessary to greet (Mendlch).When, at a meeting, a person welcomed his friend, and he seemed to not notice and passed by - it was considered to be zaznovy and condemned by everyone.

It is considered one of the greatest sins to offend old on Kalmykov. It is believed that the old men are similar to small children. "KөGSHN KүN KүүKD MET." ( an old man Like child.) - We say: "Kөgshdig Beachә show, Kүүkd Beachә Shokl." (Old people do not scold, do not mock your children.)

Parents taught their children to learn from the elders, obey them. This is reflected in Kalmyk proverbs:

  • "Medhәr Sedhlә, MedәTrig Society" (if you want to become a knowledgeable, then listen to the elderly.)
  • "Өvgn Krimnd өrgmzh Kergtә, the hall Krimnd Surһmzh Kergtә." (Old men need support, young needs instructions.)
  • "Үvlin Kiititan - Havrttan, ө Khdin Kershүkdtәn." (Winter cold resembles the spring, the shrill mind of the elders is transmitted to children.)
  • "KөGSHN NOKAN Huzlt өrtzәәtl Sonzgdg, KөGSHN Kүүә Surhmzh Zug Zhibld Kerglgdg." (Lai of the old dog is heard until the morning, the instruction of an old man remains for life.)
  • - "Achig Ald Kudldg, DүG Delm Kudldg". (Senior must be respected on a whole soot, younger - on the top).

Universal Resperation used by Kalmykovmother or other womanReplaced children native mother. She was gifted by gifts, they treated it so that her heart always rejoiced his life.

There was another good custom from our people- young vodka do not drink, Especially in the presence of elders. On holidays and weddings, vodka, or rather, the moonshine (әrk) was served by the guests elderly, her young were not given it. On his youth parties, the guys and girls got along without strong drinks, danced, sang and played various interesting games. If anyone has downed extra, it was a shame. Such young man Long condemned, and he was ashamed of his misconduct. Kalmykov says: "әrk Savasn Bishңn EVDG." (Vodka destroys everything except its own dishes). This saying does not lose its instructive meaning and now.

People without traditions that a tree without roots, he loses his peculiarity. Kalmyki - a people having a rich spiritual and cultural heritage, which is gentle by the new generation, i.e. us. Our task is not to lose a single drop of the precious ethnocultural heritage of our ancestors.


  1. Kvyvka V. L. Kalmyk riddles and proverbs. - Elista, 1972
  2. Olzeva S.Z. Kalmytsky folk traditions.- Elista, 2012
  3. Hobuna E.E. Formulas of traditional Kalmykov etiquette or how to become "Yosta Halmg". - Elista, 2010.
  4. Chebanova E. I. Traditions and customs of Kalmykov. - Elista, 2008
  5. Erdney W.E. Kalmyks: historical and ethnographic essays. - Elista, 1985.
  6. Erendenov K. Golden Spring. - Elista, 1985

Kalmyks are residents of the European part of our immense homeland. They speak Mongolian. This article is devoted to what bright traditions are inherent in the people.

New Year in Kalmykia

New Year in Kalmykia is called Zul. It was accepted in the recent days of December (December 22 on the day of solvent). The holiday is folk, the oldest. But given the fact that Kalmyk Buddhists, the festival took place in Buddhist temples. On Kalmyk language, Zula means a lamp, fire. In the New Year, it was customary to dry the fire. At the same time, the fire was to be the most as large as possible. It was believed that this fire returns the sun all its strength, which means that the sun will warm the warmer. As for the temples, on this day, the lamps were made here. For the manner of fire, people read their future. After that, it was necessary to get around the temple on the sun, in the hands there should be a sacred subject - icon with Buddhist deities, books and others. And it was also necessary to not forget to leave the gifts (sweet foods, dairy products) on the sacrificial table.

Tsagan Cap

Tsagan Sar in Kalmykia

Tsagan Sar means the first month of spring. If you translate this phrase from Kalmyk, then it means "white month". At this time, it is customary to congratulate everyone with the end of the cold and winter, as well as the fact that Spring has come. It is also known that they are preparing for the swing at the end of the rating of the cattle. There is a holiday in the first full moon of spring. This holiday was celebrated in every home. Everyone went to each other to visit, treated with disadvantages. The man who came to congratulate on the holiday was to stand on one knee and the palms cuddled to his forehead. The greatest expectation of this holiday is dawn. A few centuries ago it was customary to gather in the courtyard of the temple, and at the emergence of the first sunlight, a total prayer was held. After all actions, the temple went clockwise.

Is there a gift offering this holiday?

Yes, as in the previous case, there was not without gifts (sacrifices). Dara brought dairy products, meat. By the way, the temple went around after the victim's offering.

Earth and Water Unity Feast (Uryus)

Uryus - main holiday Summer. He was celebrated in the first summer full moon. On this day, it was customary to bring the sacrifice to the spirits so that they give the suitable grass on pastures for the excellent feeding of livestock, and so that the cattle makes the cattle and multiply. If the cattle is healthy, it will multiply, then the cattle products will live richly with the abundance of food, their children will be healthy and will not be anything. That all this was from the Kalmyk people, this holiday was made to collect all the existing cattle near the house, spray the head of livestock with milk, kum.

Dzhangar and Dzhangariada

Epos Dzhangar.

In 1990, there was the 550th anniversary of the creation of the epic Dzhiang. The hero personifies the real fighter for freedom and independence, which gives these benefits to the people together with their friends. In honor of the anniversary of the epic decided to coincide the holiday.


If you want to visit some folk calm festival, we recommend that you go here on the second Sunday of September. On this day, the celebration of Dzhangaiad is the celebration of Games, created in honor of the epic Dzhangar. On this day are bright walking, sports, as well as theatrical productions.

Tulip festival

Kalmykia is famous for its tulip fields. In April, all Kalmykia is illuminated by the bright beauty of tulips of all sorts of colors. And the holiday of tulips falls on the second Sunday of April. In Kalmykia, it walks on this day and old, and young.


Kalmykia is a distinctive country that will not leave anyone indifferent. The traditions and customs of Kalmykia are bright festivities, walking, amazing stories.

Traditions and customs of the peoples of Kalmykia

Hello, inquisitive readers! Today we will have to look into the southeastern corner of the European part of Russia, where Kalmykia spread out in the interfold of Done and Volga. This is the only country in Europe where we are confess. This religion has greatly influenced Kalmyk customs and traditions.

We will talk about them.

Historic past

Kalmyks, descendants of Wesnerongol Ohiratov, moved to the lower house of the Volga in the middle of the XVII century, when they had disagreements with other inhabitants of the Jungan Khanate.

In a new place, Kalmyk Khanate was formed. Later, it was abolished by Russian states.

Kalmytsky people had to survive the hardest misfortunes during the existence of the USSR. They lost autonomy, were deported, resulting in more than half of their population.

Only by the 60s of the last century Kalmykov rehabilitated. Now their state is part of Russian Federation Under the name of the Republic of Kalmykia.

There are two state languages \u200b\u200bin it - Russian and Kalmyk.

Kalmyki and Lotos.

Despite the experienced difficulties, Kalmyks do not lose optimism. Perhaps it helps them in this following an ancient Buddhist teaching.

Kalmykia is the only state in the world from whom on the coat of arms, and the flag depicts a lotus. In Kalmyk, is "Badm". And on Sanskrit - "Padma", on tibetan - "Pad Ma".

The Kalmyk people honors the Bodhisattva of the compassion of Avalokiteshwaru, which is depicted by carrying this flower. It is to him that they pay their prayer "Om Mani Padme Hum", which means "Oh, treasure, in the core of the lotus!"

Of three species Lotus, one, Indian, grows on the banks of the Volga. Further, north of this place, you will not meet it, and in all of Europe it is only here. Kalmyks are proud to be enjoying his bloom in natural conditions.

They believe that their people awarded special right to live near the place of growth of this miracle and have it on their state symbols. It is a bad Kalmyk name to Badma, there are many surnames formed from this root: Badmakhaleaev, Badmayev, Badminov, etc.

Everyday life

Since Kalmyki was nomads, then the housing had a mobile, called "Kibitka" - like, insulated felt. In the summer it was cool, in winter - warmth.

In kibits, more prosperous nomads were inhabited, as she was covered with a cat with a sheep wool, and for this it was necessary to have livestock.

Poor Kalmyks could not allow themselves to be in everyday life. Their dwellings were called Joolum and built from reed sheaves installed in a circle and tied up tightly tightly.

They were without windows, and inside it was dark. For insulation, clay was used, which Jolum was cooked from the inside and outside. It was very cold in it, which sometimes even served as the cause of the death of residents.

By the way, before, before Kalmykov, it was not accepted to bury the dead. They were left in the steppe to eat predators. Now the funeral is invited to Lama, who "indicates" the path of the one who deplorable into the world is different.

Symbolic dish

The most beloved delicacy local residents are bounty. Previously, they could afford only rich, because of the high cost and inaccessibility of wheat flour.

There are over ten varieties of these cakes, and each view has deep meaning and purpose.

  • the sun is required for the holidays;
  • in the form of a bubble symbolizes the infinity of the living wheel - Sansary, they certainly fall at the table during the celebration of the zul;
  • as Rogoli resembles the upper part of the cow and are presented with a problem with an increase in the livestock of large livestock;
  • the shape resembling a part or a whole lamb, giving the owner to have more sheep, symbolically represent an ancient curse of animals;
  • similar to the horse's inside - whale - symbolize the abundance of food;
  • small size - chores - are presented so that there are more children or livestock;
  • shore Belg, like bayonets, show determination to defend themselves from enemies;
  • sovun, in the form of birds, announce the arrival of spring.

It is far from full list Such flour products, which, according to Kalmykov, indicate the relationship of all living in the world, its cause-dependent origin in accordance with one of the Buddhist provisions.

Main celebrations

Among the main holidays in Kalmyk culture, it is necessary to note the ace, which means "Lampad". Initially, he was devoted to the birth of the Universe, and then it was a national birthday, which every Kalmyk becomes older for a year. The same day symbolizes the offensive of the beginning of the next year.

In the local calendar there is a month of cow, here in his 25th day and celebrate this holiday. Since the universe arose due to an explosion, during the celebration there should be a lot of fire. This significant day is also associated with Parumby Tsongkapa, which founded the Buddhist school.

Another famous holiday is Tsagan Sar. During it, the arrival of spring is celebrated. It lasts a whole month, during which it goes to visit each other, gifted with gifts, delicious treat.

Both in Zul, and in Tsagan Sar, it was supposed to put off the Buchanam (sculptural figures of Buddha) - a hemp, and to light the lamp in front of them.

Folk ethics

Kalmykov has a distinctive system of moral and ethical rules transmitted from generation to generation and strictly observed.

Senior is respect and honor. They are missed first and support at the entrance, help prepare a horse on the road, offer better food and tea before others.

After the mile on a new pasture, the elderly people treat them to bless a new place. When the elders talk, they will not be switched, they do not interrupt, listen to their advice, never increase the voice in their presence.

During the holidays, Johli - prosperity - also provided those who are older. They also use strong drinks, it is not allowed.

All century wisdom Kalmyk people are collected in his heroic Epos called "Dzhangar". He describes the feats of the heroes who live in a non-existent country of Bumba.

Epos is about a thousand years old, and it has been preserved to our days thanks to the residents who knew all his songs and passed them to orally the next generations.

Kalmykov, it is not customary to praise his wives, but to strengthen the spirit and raising authority everywhere praise men. There is even a proverb "No praise no boys."

Family ties

IN those times Kalmyks lived clans - hotons. Each hoton was called by the name of the main thing in the family.

It was considered very important to know his relatives to the seventh knee. The father's line has always dominated the house, since the mother came to the family from another kind.

Around the fourth knee, relatives were close, and from the fifth to the seventh - they were considered long. Relatives for the father's line did not allow them to marry among themselves, since the offspring was born in this case with the patient, and the genus weakened.

Wedding sacrament

At a timely time, the walling in Kalmykia took place in three stages:

  • familiarized families in the house of the bride;
  • woven with the discussion at the table menu of the future wedding, gifts and composition of the wedding train;
  • again the bottom of the ceremony.

Nowadays everything happens faster. GERUING (Buddhist Monk) defines one more favorable day for matchmaking and second - for the ceremony itself.

The preparation for the wedding includes interesting rituals. The bride cuts off strands of the hair, nails so that she does not take away the happiness of her family from the house. The groom prepares a wedding train that was supposed to consist of odd number, 9 or 11 married men.

Before the celebration, it is supposed to damage the hands and rinsing the mouth and pray before Burkhan. It lasts long, since the bride should be delivered to the groom's house.

After the feast of the bride puts on a handkerchief, praises to Burkhanam, drinks milk and leaves why at home. Her dowry will be shipped into the wedding train, and the young leave.


Kalmyki - amazing peoplewhich has richest cultural and spiritual heritage. Its representatives are distinguished by high morality, wisdom and simplicity.

Kalmyt traditions

The lifeguard of the Kalmyk people was formed by centuries. It was determined mainly by labor rhythm of life. There were people and their moral criteria, their indispensable code of courtesy and cultural behavior of people - folk ethics.
For example, if a young man heats up to her older in age, it was considered an equivalent that he had heard his parents.
When two talk, and on the part of the third or overhears their conversation - it was very indecent. In indecent, all curiosity was considered in general: peeping, listening.

Kalmykov has a long time has long established custom - respectfully refer to older people, senior comrades, guests. On this score, there are instructive Kalmyk sayings: "Senior Brother, respect Arshin, and the younger - on the top", "a person has elders, and the fur coat".
These moral rules were performed from generation to generation and expressed in the following:
- When the elder or Guest gathered on the road, then the youngs were preparing him on the road and saddled her horse;
- When an elderly man went into the house, then young people supported him and opened the door in front of him;
- Previously, the older in age or an elderly young man did not enter the kibituka and did not sit down;
- When older was spoken, the younger did not enter into conversations;
- at weddings, holidays, housekenes and other solemn cases of prosperity were the first to pronounce more older in age, and then the rest;
- Snow at the mother-in-law should not remove the headdress and be barefoot;
- the younger had to obey the elders, did not have the right to enter with them in the bargoing, to raise the voice in their presence;
- The elderly gave way to the road.
Here it should also be noted that special respects were honored by the surrounding pregnant women. If a young woman, let's say, the daughter-in-law was in a position, then even the beet was inferior to her, speaking at the same time: "Come, dear! You have two souls, two hearts! .."
Was in our people and such a good custom - young vodka not to drink, and with the elders especially. On holidays and weddings, vodka, or rather, the Motherboard (Araku) was served only by guests the elderly, her young were not given. Guys and girls did without strong drinks: danced, sang and played various interesting games. If anyone has downed extra, it was a shame. Such a young man was condemned for a long time, and he was ashamed of his misconduct. Therefore, the elderly, impended experience, people always warned young people: "Vodka destroys everything except her own dishes." This saying does not lose its instructive meaning and now.

Beginating on the occasion of the new
Kalmyks often moved from place to place in search of good pastures. Settling in a new place, they necessarily satisfied the treat for the elderly to get blessings from them. Old men and old women pronounced prosperity - Johli:
- Live happily in a new place!
- Let your house be like a palace with open doorsSo that you have not passed and did not go any nobody, so that you always have guests and that you have an abundance!
And in our time this custom is observed. When the family is assembled in new apartment, in new house - First of all, the treats are satisfied, invite everyone close and listen to the prosperity from their friends, comrades.

Fire cleansing

Nomadic Kalmyki from November to March went to wintering. With the onset of spring, when snow began to melting and the steppes were covered with green grass, Kalmyki came out of winter on summer pastures.
Before leaving the scene of wintering, kibits and home scarves were folded on the carts, repaired on camels. In two places burned fires. They threw old unsuitable things in the sadstone of salt. There were livers between these fires themselves and drove their cattle.
This is the so-called "flame cleansing" was made to be released from pathogenic microbes and all sorts of rhochemati, accumulated over long winter days. They prayed fire - this cleansing fires, giving the rite of great importance.



Performed: Athaeva Victoria Ilinichna

Pupil 7B class MBOU "SOSH №18"

Leader: Pureeva Galina Aleksandrovna

Kalmyk language and literature teacher

The purpose of the event is:

  • Preservation of culture I. traditions of peoplesliving in the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia;
  • Development of creativity and initiatives of students;
  • Acquaintance of children with history, customs and traditions of religious rites of the Kalmyk people.

Preparation for the event:

The class is divided into six groups. Each group is needed Prepare information about a particular rite, as well as choose a designer who will prepare a draft of this rite.

(Up to the event, students are divided into groups to prepare the material of the class hour).

Cool hour passes in the form of a circular table.

Teacher: Our class hour Dedicated to the religious rites of the Kalmyk people. All students were divided into groups, each group prepared information on a particular rite, as well as in each group was his designer who prepared a draft of this rite. Let's listen to the first group.

Picture 1

1 group of students.

Students: We, prepared the rite, which is called "Appeal to the Heavenly Patron", and also our designer fulfilled the calendar. (Example project see Appendix 1)

Appeal to heavenly patrons

In search of the best pastures Kalmyki nomaded from place to place. It is quite natural that every time the ancestors became increasingly observant, reasonable, ignorant. Like all nations, at a certain stage of development, nomads worshiped the deities of the Sun, the sky, the Moon, the Earth, etc. However, Stepnyaki had not relied on the divine patrons in everyone, so all the signs associated with the weather knew perfectly well. Wise men could predict what the coming day will be, a week, focusing on the state of the sky, stars, etc. Old people sincerely believed that the stars give a person physical health: "Let so many years you have, how many stars in the sky," the standard prosperity sounded. In the Kalmyk people, heaven were so hot, and from time immemorial, what is the attitude to higher powerProbably causes a person so far in the times of big misfortunes, experiences to handle the prayer to the sky: "Tengr Burhn Oryshhythya!" (Let the heavens need to remember me!). Here are some signs who lived to this day:

Figure 2.

If you see a falling star, it is necessary to spit three times over the shoulder. It is impossible to count the stars in the sky. In no case do not show your finger in the sun, the moon, the stars. As for the latter, the Kalmyks were waiting for them, considered alive. The brightest even had their names: Altal Gasn (Golden Pillars) - Polar Star, Colmn ( morning Star) - Venus, Dollaan Burkhn (seven gods) - Big Major, Tronrgin Odl (Heavenly Show) - Milky Way, Gurve Marl (Three Maral) - Orion, and others. In the stars, nomads unmistakably found the road, if they happened to divert in the endless steppe. But it happened extremely rarely, the shepherds were so prone to environmentalWhat was the true children of nature. So, the ancestors believed that the big bear was protected by octar from wolves, increases the number of livestock. And the person who committed any misconduct was enough to ask for forgiveness, repeating seven times the prayer "Dolan Burkhn". It is believed that repentant gets a star forgiveness, and his sins are removed. Stepnyaki always feared the thunderstorms with their thunder and lightning. When the bad weather came, nomads prayed only that the electric discharge does not get into a person, cattle, dwelling. Old people say: "Two (Tele and Vel) of the hero, they came together in the skies. Mortal remained only to pray, so that after the rain there was a good grass for feeding cattle, and the animals were filled and fat.

The place where the lightning came, was considered "burnt heavenly fire, he was accounted for by the party. If necessary, they tried to move to another land. At the old place, the sacrifice of fire was arranged. After that, they prayed, splashed milk, as if removing the curse. But if the zipper fell into a tree , it became sacred. People came to him and prayed.

When the lightning killed a man, the old men said that he urgently needed the gods, because they were climed so quickly to themselves, and his soul immediately fell into heaven.

The age-old observations of natural phenomena allowed the Kalmyk people to make their own signs related to the weather. For example, white clouds are foreshadowed. And if white cumulus clouds are harvested, then wait for the weather change: or rain, whether a strong wind.

"If noisily argues, not far to quarrel if the wind catches the clouds, then we are waiting for bad weather," says the old Kalmyk saying. Surprisingly, no one doubts that if you contradict each other, argue, the quarrel will be broocled, in the same way attentive people are confident that if clouds are going to the sky, it will certainly come idle. I existed at Kalmykov and such a funny sign, a rather controversial in terms of accuracy: women of the old days did not have to go out of the house without a head remove, and it would go heavy rain.

Even the nomads predicted the weather to sunrise and sunset: if at sunrise, the jaws are yellow - the weather will be clear; Yellow sunset - Wait for bad weather. When rainbow appears during the rain in the sky, then it will soon stop rain.

2 group of students.

Students: We, prepared a rite, which is called the "land worship ceremony and the sky," and also our designer fulfilled a postcard. (Project example See Appendix 2).

Earth and sky worship ceremony

Figure 3.

Moving to a new place, which happened quite often, since Kalmyki-nomads constantly moved from place to place, people, before leaving the land based on the land, necessarily arranged a big prayer: cleared the old place, did not leave anything, everything was buried or burned or burned. Not wonder, because the ancestors were very carefully and relatively related to the land and heavens, belonging to them as deities. So, leaving, Kalmyki necessarily pronounced a special prayer, designed to die in the geniuses:

Oh Gods!
This land did not do anything bad.
We lived here perfectly, they raised children, grandchildren, cattle,
Not hungry, not chododali, well lived.
Let the power and wealth of this land will follow us!

Before settling in a new place, great purification was made, prayer: asked heaven, gracious gods wish for prosperity for people and livestock.

Historically, there was a way that people did not dare to be offended by the sky, threatened and sending curses when, let's say, there was no rain for a long time, drought fell, the earth was cracked from incredible heat. For cattle breeders, there was no greater misfortune than the dry steppe. This meant the absence of feed, that for cattle was destructive. In such cases, old people went to the steppe, looking for a hill and organized a big prayer (Gasran Tryskong) on \u200b\u200bit. The old men fastened the fire, they were deege (offering), the oil was thrown into the flame, fat, splashed milk, tea, while the rosary were crossed, prayed. People asked heaven to show mercy to people, livestock, to all living things:

Oh, merciful gods! Heaven Our Divine!
You dedicate this hot food.
We ask you to drink and feed us,
Let everything be in prosperity,
Let we live in health.
We ask you for help
And we raise our prayers for you!
Here is another prayer:
Let the heavens and the merciful gods spare us!
Let the heavens leave their love on us.
Suppose Nature will show us favor,
Let it send water so that we thorough your thirst!

After such a large prayer, it really came to earth soon, which brings joy with him. The moisture is quickly absorbed by dry firm, the steppe spies the greens, everything around comes to the literal sense. In recent years, this ancient custom is gradually reborn. Many began to gather together with their countrymen, to travel to the lands, where they lived before the Kalmyk people were subjected to fierce deportation. It's no secret that after the Siberian links, not everyone could return to their native places, and some settlements So they were rejected from the face of the earth. Modern residents of the republic go to small homeland And there is a large prayer (Gasman Trysitgn): Fire is missing, oil, fat, tea, milk, read prayers, remember the ancestors, and ask for descendants, they leave coins. Most often, Gerung is specially invited to such events. During the Tryskong newsr, the food is brought, which remains untouched. Only birds and animals can be touched by the remaining food. All this can not but rejoice.

The revival of traditions, customs testifies to the revival of the identity of the people, its identity, uniqueness. Old custom and faith will help to find their unique national flavor, young people will teach love and pride for their homeland, for their people.

3 group of students.

Students: We prepared rites associated with natural phenomena, as well as our designer fulfilled the newsletter. (Project example See Appendix 3.)

Rites associated with natural phenomena

For any people on Earth, one of the most important natural phenomena, which was even erected into the rank of deities, is, of course, the sun. Today we know well that the star is the center of our system. But we never forget that thanks to sunlight On the planet Earth there is life. Kalmyki in this sense is no exception. And the Stepnyakov existed many customs associated with heavenly luminaries.

  • So, the whole life of Kalmyks in those distant times, when there were no benefits of civilization, was built through the sun. Only only his rays touched the ground, nomads were taken to work: milking cows, cook food, produce cattle for pasture, collect Kizyak (cow pellets used as fuel), selection of skins, cooking Arak (Kalmyk vodka), shoot down milk and much more. So the life of nomads was arranged, not a single minute of peace. With the sunset, all work should have been completed, because, by reference, with the onset of darkness on Earth, the power in their hands takes the unclean power.
  • In Starin Kalmyki, Illness, were treated by Geruns. Gearing - the doctor gave the Mijanin medicine that it was necessary to take it in the morning, at dawn. Only in this case the effect of the drug brought benefit and the disease was completed with a favorable outcome. And today, heberungs are doctors when they give up the healing agents, negotiate the adoption of medicine at sunrise.
  • Any important thing Kalmyki traditionally begin in the morning and finish after lunch. This rule exists a long time ago, moreover, it has become a tradition that needs to be respected and observed. For example, departure for the bride and the arrival of the wedding train when the bride is introduced into the house of the groom, they make only dinner. All because in the afternoon the sun begins to strive for an approach, and during this period Kalmykov had no undertaking. Today with this custom modern people Not considered, although it laid a strong positive start. After all, in the prosperity of young people say: "May your happiness be lit by the Sun, let your faces never dare shadow (troubles)!"
  • It was not allowed to sleep in the evening at twilight, it was believed that this could cause a disease.
  • In the twilight did not do needlework, as the evil spirits (shulmus) confuses the thread.
  • To the Sun and the Stars in no case could not be handled by showing them with a finger or nod of the head, so it was so much in ancient respect for Kalmykov to heavenly luminaries.

Figure 4.

During sun Eclipse The ancestors of nomads were necessarily went outside, they beat the gland, noisy, shouted, in other words, they published a strong noise. Thus, the crash and prayers, people caught scared Schulmus, who, according to their sincere conviction, absorbed the sunny deity. In the folklore of any nationality there are similar legends, epics and to this day. Science, of course, has long revealed all the secrets of this mysterious natural phenomenon. Moreover, with modern telescopes and other achievements technical progress Solar eclipse saw every person on the body of the screen, and in the smallest details. But this simple, somewhere even the naive custom in any case you need to know.

  • When the sun was sitting in the clouds and at the same time they painted in red, Kalmyki believed that the next day the weather would deteriorate: there will be heavy rain or wind. The most interesting thing is that this sign usually happens exact.
  • In the summer, during the drought, when the sun burns herbs, harvest, etc., nomads believed that the deity was angry at them, and therefore she sends a curse in the form of nonsense, failing. In such cases, the ancestors went far into the steppe, more often by the reservoir coast and made the rite of worship of nature: land, water, sky and sun. They asked to remember nature and send grace. Such rituals of worship forces of the four elements nomads were to make annually.
  • First spring thunderstorm, Thunder and lightning also had, if you can, so put it, your own rites of worship. Kalmyki in distant times scary these natural phenomena were scared, which, overnight, could bring a lot of trouble, and therefore they tried to drag them, as they imagined it. Usually, the hostess endured milk - this product in Kalmykov is considered sacred, - looting a big and ring fingers and splashed up, sentencing: "Let the sky and the gods guard, and the thunder and lightning will pass the side." And it is done three times.
  • In almost every Kalmyk settlement, there was necessarily a large pond (pond, lake, river), on which heberungs conducted traditional endorsement rites. Mortals in no way should have been cocked by his bathing.
  • Each person once a year should take a rite of thanksgiving land and water, and after collecting old people and treat them, remember the ancestors.
  • The Kalmykov had not taken to scold the weather. Neither the exhausting heat nor a strong wind nor the Purga had to cause indignation in a person. The people believed that "Nature lives in their laws, a person is not authorized here." The only thing that could be done is to pray and ask grace from the highest strength.
  • It was forbidden to kalmyks to dig in the ground without need, to knock down, pin, etc. If it was necessary to apply a shovel, then after work, the instrument of labor was necessary to put horizontally, sticking the shovel. The end was considered a great sin: the earth may not forgive if a person struck her wound.
  • If there is a hail on Earth, three snow skirts need to be put in the mouth. According to believe, it will bring health and good luck.
  • During the feasts of Kalmyk, they never forgotten the first drops of Qia or vodka to prevent fire, sky. Do this rite so: a big nameless finger splashes on four sides of the world.
  • Nomads had not just to know the signs that foreshadow natural phenomena, but also navigate the moon and the stars. In the end, nomads lived in the lunar calendar, allowing the weather to be treated.
  • Numbers 8.15, 30 lunar calendar called "Mazg". These days you need to light the lamp and pray. They spend this ritual when stars will appear in the sky.

As you can see, the rites associated with natural phenomena, Kalmykov, the great set, all of the above is only part of folk wisdom. However, to know and take into account this, let a small list of quite useful.

4 group of students.

Students: We, prepared fire rites, as well as our designer performed a booklet. (Sample project see Appendix 4).

Fire rituals

The fire is considered in Kalmykov the Great Deity. That is why many traditions, customs and believing are associated with fire. The most common custom - when opening a bottle of vodka, the first few drops splash on the fire. Thus, gathered at the table thank merciful gods.

In the distant times, when the Kalmyk people still led a nomadic lifestyle before installing a kibitu, people treated the selected spot with fire. The rite of cleansing fire is alive to this day, according to the tradition of Kalmyk, entering the new place of living, rush through the rooms the bowl with fire.

Highly vintage custom - "Feeding of fire", usually passes a month of mice (October). For thirty days, it was supposed to throw pieces of sheep fat or oil into the fire. This month was not accepted to play weddings, since this month - the feast of the Fire deity and people should not be equal to him or disturb him with their noise. In addition, in each month there are three saints of the day - Mazg (the eighth, fifteenth and thirtieth day of the lunar calendar), when a zul (lamps) is lit in homes on custom, emphasize the house incense. This is also considered to worship fire. For the holidays. Zul and Tsagan is a mandatory rite.

The bride, entering the house of her husband, first of all commits a sevente worship of fire.

After the funeral, the fire is traditionally bred near the house. People returning from the cemetery must necessarily wash their hands and clean the fire.

In addition, after dirty, unclean work, it will not be superfluous to pass the rite of cleansing with fire. And even folk remedy Against some sores (herpes on the lips) is migration and fumigation. The fact that Kalmyks are very respectful and respectively to the fire, and is also visible from the fact that the burning flame is in no way poured with water. Moreover, it is considered to be a great sin. The focus, the fire is extinguished, falling asleep sand or land.

Words were considered a terrible curse: "Let your hearth fill with water." From the height of today's days, these customs and beliefs seem naive and outdated. But do not forget that they live with the people of the Great many years, are transmitted from generation to generation. This is how the links of times and generations are established, which is so necessary to maintain the uniqueness and uniqueness of the nation.

Fire cleansing rite.

Figure 5.

In Starina, Kalmyk-nomads had to move often from place to place: in search of fresh water, good and rich pastures. And sometimes from the spaced place left due to unfavorable events, diseases, crumbling, the case of livestock, etc. In any case, leaving the former place, Stepniki conducted a rite of purification by fire so that everything bad remains in the old place, and did not go after them. Usually, this procedure was the fires buried on both sides of the road, which threw salt to enhance the action. There were cattle, horses with carts, camels of the bloves between the lights, and people were going there. Kalmyks sincerely believed that such a "since they would be cleaned from the whole of the bad, accumulated during the time, accommodation in the old place. By the way, moving from place to place, people were not supposed to leave behind the garbage. Therefore, the rag, junk, unnecessary things carefully clutched, drunk , burned. On Earth there was no even trace of human presence. After all the Calmyk procedures, they definitely prayed them at once, they said goodbye to her, thanked her for all the benefit: "Let it be bad here, and let everyone clean the fire", - spoke old men.

Moving time, as well as a new residence for the time being, no one opened to anyone. Kalmyki did that because they believed: only in this case all fees, departure, the road will be calm, without delay. The kibitka was quickly understood, Skarb was gathered, he was introduced to camels. It is noteworthy that anything was heard anything, everything should have been carefully packed. In a new place, before proceeding with the location itself, the new place was previously sanctified the entire cleansing fire. And so until the next moving

Figure 6.

Sacrifice of fire

One of ancient customs - Sacrifice of fire. The meaning of this rite is very deep and serious, and therefore they commit it at a certain time, according to a significant occasion. Traditionally, an exclusively man takes part in the sacrifice. Naturally, people who commit this rite must be believers, as well as well-informed about all the intricacies of the religious procedure. Women usually do not need to participate in ritual. So, in what cases do Kalmyki make sacrifice of fire?

1. After the bride's wires. By visiting the bride, relatives begin to make a rite of sacrifice of fire. For this, the sheep is used, which brought the bridegroom. Why is it actually done? Of course, the relatives wishes her happiness to new family The girl was waiting for love and respect for new relatives, so that she always had a lot of food, clothes, and with her husband there were a way and mutual understanding until the oldest. It looks like this: ignite the fire, where they throw pieces of lamb fat, and at the same time they say prayer. And the bridegroom should score a bridegroom, and guided by Kalmyk customs and traditions. In addition, this person was supposed to be kneading and skidding, because he still needed to catch up with a wedding train and arrive in the groom's house with everyone. No one had to lag and get lost on the way home. Kalmyki sacred believed that life then the young would be the same: without losses, grinding and parting.

2. After the funeral of the deceased, on the commemoration. In the seventh or forty-ninth day, relatives commit the rite so that the path of the deceased into the world was smooth and prosperous, and the new rebirth was ambiguous.

3. During a large prayer for the worship of the land, "Gazer Tryskhann". This rite is mainly committed in the summer, when the strong heat does not fall, and due to the lack of rain, the earth dries. In such cases, the person and the cattle suffer. Older people sincerely believe that the sacrifice of fire will help to die with the element, and she spokes up over his children.

4. To recover the patient, relatives can hold this rite. Since time immemorial, Kalmyk was heal a seriously ill person with the help of this ancient rite: worship of land, water, sky, fire, ancestors. All this together is intended to help the suffering.

Figure 7.

"Gal Tyalgn" is a special rite: the sacrifice is performed only by a ram. The fire throws pieces of fat and three types of bones splashes vodka so that the flames flames and sparks sprinkled. Important moment: manipulations are produced right hand, three times. All the action is accompanied by a large prayer.

The rite of the sacrifice of fire is complex and not everyone under power. And before, in general, hoton could make it units. According to this ceremony in all nuances, it is impossible to make it, understand it and feel only by observing the actions of the connoisseur. Today, their scourge is left, there is no focus in the apartment, not every day Baran is bought, but if you really need to make this rite, then make it at home, wasting, three times throwing pieces of lamb fat. It is necessary to make it right hand.

Figure 8.

5 group of students.

Students: We, prepared the rite of sacrifice, as well as our designer performed a wallpaper. (Example project see Appendix 5.)


One of the most important Kalmyk rites, which lived safely to the present day, is the rite of imposing to the gods. There are many subtleties, nuances, rules and values. In every house, ideally there is a special bowl

Figure 9.

Traditional offering (resene) is made daily exclusively fresh morning tea. At other times the day, the commission is allowed only in special cases: someone goes into fallen road Or in the house came important guests. The deeke is in no case leave for the night, usually tea gives you to drink the youngest family members. Special veneration of Kalmykov enjoys food from sheep internals (Dotur). Therefore, before proceeding with food, we have been offering, consisting of pieces of heart, liver, kidneys, a thick and small intestine. Then he was heard distributed to children.

In addition, Kalmyki traditionally take a special offering (oil, tea, sweets) to throw their ancestors in Hurul. In a word, the resistant is not easy to sleep, but the ability to respect the keeper's gowns at home and family. From the guests brought by guests - usually these are bils, sweets, cookies - necessarily a little postponed to be heard.

And also when the hostess escorts the guests and collects a cherished gift, a small part (hemp) is left in the house. This will mean that the house and family will never remain without the patronage of the gods, never gets at crees and does not empty the bowl with food. By the way, the customs go to visit and take them at home: Kalmykov does not take to visit people with empty hands, as well as send guests to Light.

Another custom associated with the offer that young people must know. From the first earnings, it is necessary to make offering: they usually buy sweets, cookies for the treats of the elders who, in turn, wish the young man of good luck and success in further work.

In solemn holidays Do not sit at the table at all, before the tribute to the tradition is not given. Here, for example, wedding offerings consist of a bottle of vodka, candies, cookies, Bolsikov - Cervgh (round cakes). Then edible or belong to Hurul, or distribute to the elderly. Special wedding offer - Welded sheep head: its top brought into the house of the bride, and the lower part with the tongue remains in the groom's house.

The main Kalmyk holidays of Zul and Tsagan Sar are accompanied by their offices, usually consisting of tea and bolts, necessarily installed in front of Burkhan. It is noteworthy that Kalmyk tea is drunk on the same day, and the Borcians are eaten no earlier than in three days and only family members. Tsaganovskyi Bolsiki differ from the usual special form: round cakes, symbolizing the sun, in the form of a sheep head, twisted in the form of a lead, balls (Horch Borsg).

Festive innovations are necessarily accompanied by special obscene (Yolylmi). They are pronounced the most respected man, senior in the family, the head of the family. In this case, there is your own rules. A young man makes a freshwater meat into the room on a tray becomes a face to guests. Senior pronounces traditional Johl:

Let us always make offering
And the food will be fresh and hot.
Let us always be feste
And let us always be joyful, satisfied.
May be always happiness and peace on native land!

This Johl is dedicated to guests, all living on earth. Then holding the tray with meat turn, and this is pronounced Yohl:

Let the spirit of hot meals reach those
Who went to the world another.
Let them rejoice with us.
Let them rest with the world, without resenting us,

And we, their descendants, wish happiness and long life!

These wise customs that have come down to us through the depths of the centuries, helped Kalmyk people at all times. In many ways, due to the fact that our old men were holy by tradition, our people survived in heavy, troubled years, while retaining their originality and mentality.

Figure 10.

6 group of students.

Students: We, prepared the rite of splashing, and also our designer fulfilled the announcement. (Sample project see Appendix 6).


The unusual custom of "splashing" (Tstsl Tsatvgn) exists in Kalmykov from time immemorial. Any celebration, reception of guests or just a festive event is not bypassed without this interesting rite. For example, opening a bottle of wine, vodka, the first drops are devoted to fire (splashing on fire) or heavens (splashing on the ceiling, some prefer the right corner). As repeatedly mentioned, Kalmyki traditionally revealed fire for the deity, which must be able to die, at least in this way. Splashing on fire, you need to pronounce:

COF HYAYARKHN "(Divine fire, be merciful!). Drops, of course, should be small, otherwise it is not far from the fire.

The reasons to make the rite of "Tsatzl Tsatsylgn" Kalmykov great many: be sure to celebrate Zul and Tsagan. In general, this custom must be performed at least once a year, as is the "deezh" offering, prayer.

Arrival expensive guestsOf course, it does not do without treat. The table necessarily opens a bottle of hot. In these cases, Tstsl Tsclgn is done twice. The owner of the house, treating guests with hot fresh tea, the first drops devotes fire. And then, having started a feast itself, conversations, communication, open a bottle brought by a guest, and the fire is treated again. At the weddings, opening the food brought by the Bride Party, it is necessary to decide (offering), and the first drops are splashing from the bottle.

The ceremony of "knew" makes a man, and this is done with an exceptionally right hand. Woman doing this rite does not lean. If there is no host in the house, then Tsatzl Tsatvgn may well produce his son or senior from relatives.

Recently, when Kalmyki began to celebrate their birthdays, at the celebrations on this occasion you can also make a rite of "Tsatatal". "In other words, there are plenty of reasons to make this rite, the old people always said that in order to do" knew ", you need not to lose your head. After all, wine and vodka - the food is dangerous. No wonder one of the popular food. kalmyk saying It says: "Vodka spoils everything except dishes." Many should think about the meaning of this folk wisdom and try to keep themselves in the ultrasound. The ceremony of "Tsatswing Tsatvgn" does not bind to the time, once they opened a bottle, it must be added. This rite is not daily, and you need to make it only for significant events.

For example, visit native land, committing a large prayer wheel, ancestors, house, descendants. When people carry offering: candy, cookies, butter, milk, meat, vodka, etc., in this case, the Tsamert Tsclgn - the first drops of alcohol need to devote to the gods. This is done in this way: the first drops splash up to the east, the following drops - to the houses, if there are, or to the place where they used to stand, the earth. Remains with prayers and prosperity drinking people.

Kalmykov's ancestors committed the knee and in cases where he returned from afar: they stayed in the steppe, on the border of the native hoton, they opened a bottle and brought a little offering in the form of the first droplets of the drink. The man, therefore, thanked the gods that he returned to his native land in full health. It was believed that the ancestors who went to the world of others treat with him and rejoice in the safe return of their child.

There are others important events, koi in the life of any person a lot: for example, the son grew up and goes to serve in the army or leaving for study, etc. Then, according to tradition, Kalmyki sanctify the road, wish good luck. The rite of "Tsatsl Tsatsylgn" is happening, the older generation sincerely believes that the simple wisdom of ancestors will help young in his future life.

Conducting guests on the road, they also make a "knew," saying: "Let the fire of fire saves you in well-being", most often add: "Let the conceived happen, work arms, let the joy do not leave you, and do not forget the road to this house. ! " After that, from the bottle, everyone is poured gradually, pickled tea and go on the road way.

Without the "tart", wedding rituals do not cost. Learning for the bride, "go on the road only after the rite of" Tsatsl Tsatsylgn ". But in different places this rite is made in different ways: someone splashes on fire, someone - up, someone - over the shoulder, someone - To the right corner. It is difficult to indicate which method of them is the most faithful. Probably, everyone is allowed, because in this form the rite came from the depths of centuries, it means that the ancestors did this. An important nuance: "Cattle" is performed only by vodka; this rite is not Make.

Relatives for Father, and this concerns only men, one blood is considered among them, one fire, one hearth. Girls, women do not belong to this circle, because when the maiden married, she will belong to another family, her husband's family. But if the girl has no father and mother, then her uncle is married, brothers, i.e. Relatives for the Father, the so-called people of one "knew" (one fire, focus). And Vodka brought by matchmakers splashes in the uncle's house, brother, etc. It is permissible. It is impossible to issue a girl married from the house of relatives on the mother, since these people are not the same kind, and therefore they cannot produce the rite. So, if the orphan married, she had to find at least a long-range relative for his father, so that his wedding train would take it from his house.

Of course, the rite of "Tstsl Tsatvgn" is primarily connected with the use of vodka. But it does not mean that he calls for drunkenness, which is in the root incorrect, who exactly understands this folk custom. The meaning of the rite is that Kalmyki traditionally worship the land, fire, ancestors, heavens. The latter, in turn, always kept their children, especially in the most difficult times for them.

Teacher: Our class hour dedicated to the religious rites of the Kalmyk people ended. I hope that today, for these round table, you learned a lot of interesting, cognitive and new.

And now listen to the prosperity:

Building a round head
And stopping the knees
After choosing the best one
After choosing the best day,
I sacrificing the white ram
With a yellow head
I ask for fiery windows Tengri
Happiness and prosperity
Huray! Huray!
Let him trust well-being
From yellow-motley cows,
Similar to lions and cooked horns,
Arsh, hips.
Huray! Huray!
Let there be happiness from red-brown
Sheep with silky wool,
Beautiful tail and peritoneum.
Huray! Huray!
Let there be happiness from herd horses
With disheveled manes and long tails.
Huray! Huray!
Let it be happiness from the hull camel
And camel.
Huray! Huray!