Use and advantages of guar gum. For older people

Use and advantages of guar gum. For older people
Use and advantages of guar gum. For older people


Guar gum, or guar resin, is a dietary supplement related to stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners. It is used in industry as a thickener, an increase in viscosity. In the article you will learn about the benefits, the dangers and use of guar gum.

What it is

Guar Gum - Product Extraction of Pea Tree Seeds or Guara. This legobobic culture is grown in Pakistan, Australia, USA, Africa. The largest manufacturer of guar resin is India: its share accounts for more than 80% of world production.

As a thickener, guar gum is used in the production of textiles, paper, cosmetics, Pharmaceutical and food production.

However, more than 70% of the resin produced in the world is used in the oil and gas industry.

The demand for it is so high that in many Indian states of peasants supply free seeds, they will argue everywhere to grow instead of cotton.

This is due to a sharp increase in the extraction of shale oil and gas. Guar gum is not only the main ingredient of fluids for hydraulic breaks, but also the cheapest.

In the food industry, guaraded extract is used as a retainer, stabilizer and thickener and is indicated by the E412 index. Knowing the unequal relationships of buyers to additives with an index E, many manufacturers write on the packages of GUAR or Guaran products.

It is part of:

  • cooled products (cocktails, cold desserts, ice cream), slowing down the formation of crystalline ice, stabilizing the consistency;
  • ketchupov, sauces, giving them a more dense consistency;
  • dairy and meat products, jams, cheese products, jelly as a stabilizer;
  • fish and meat canned canned soups, juice concentrates, improving the structure of the product;
  • bakery products, like replacing expensive baking potters.

How to choose a good product

Buy guar gum can be in stores selling products for healthy nutrition, Components for home cosmetics, or in wholesalers supplying it to food industry enterprises. Someone can implement the product through their own retail points.

When buying a thickener wholesale seller Learn the range of his regular buyers. If these are famous brands, then the probability of buying a poor-quality product is small.

In online stores it is worth it to reviews, and in retail points - To find out how wholesaler is purchased with raw materials, where it is failed.

Composition and chemical properties

Guar gum is a vegetable polysaccharide.

This light powder has no taste and smell. Dissolving in water, it turns it into a viscous gel.

In 100 grams of the product contains:

  • proteins - 4.6 g;
  • fats - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0

Calorie 100 g of product is only 0.2 kcal.

The glycemic index is low.

Influence on health

Finding into the body, the additive behaves like fiber, having a similar effect. It practically does not dissolve in the intestine, but all the beneficial substances are successfully absorbed through the intestinal walls into the blood. Like a fiber, it successfully removes harmful toxic substances from the body, struggling with the bark of the body.

Based on Guard Comedy, preparations are created, funds from constipation. Many dietial budgets designed to prevent atherosclerosis.

It is in the composition of the means cleansing the body, for and fat deposits.

For men and women

The additive can be used as a cleansing means to combat constipation. Due to the high content of soluble fiber, cholesterol serum can reduce the content of cholesterol and used as a means that prevents the development of early infarction and strokes.

For pregnant and nursing

Pregnant and nursing, like everyone else, consume daily products containing an additive.

If there is the possibility of using natural foods in nutrition, it will positively affect the health of the mother and the baby.

But no contraindications to the use of products and medicines containing guar gum does not exist.

For kids

IN childhood Consumption of products containing guaran, above. After all, children adore various jelly, yogurts, ice cream.

Although no cases of poisoning were identified, but allergic reactions should beware, limit consumption.

The product can be used as a light laxative, cleansing the body.

For older people

The use of dietary supplements for the prevention of atherosclerosis containing the addition of guaran can be useful in old age.

It is possible to use guaran to clean the body from slags As a light laxative.

For special categories

Studies have shown that guar gum helps with diabetes, slowing out suckling of sugars in a small intestine.

It finds use and in sports nutrition, Programs for cleansing the body from slags and toxins.


There are no special restrictions, but should be used with caution in allergic reactions that can manifest themselves in the form of a wound, ulcers, itching and diarrhea.

It is impossible to combine products containing thickener, with taking drugs and vitamins. Otherwise, the absorption of medicinal substances will be significantly difficult.

There are no restrictions or daily norm The use of products, which contains guar gum.

It has not been proven that its presence in food can harm health, to have a detrimental effect on the body.

This does not mean that Guaran can be in unlimited quantities. With excessive use is possible diarrhea, meteorism. Vomiting, pain in the stomach, nausea is not excluded.

Included as a thickener in drugs additive is rigidly dosed. Taking medicines in strict accordance with the recommendations of the doctor easily avoid trouble.

How to use in cooking

Product contained in hundreds of finished products and semi-finished products presented on store shelves. But you can try to prepare dishes with it yourself.

Many simple recipes are easily reproduced at home kitchen.

Ice cream

Ice cream with thickener is easy to cook at home. Here is the simplest ice cream recipe:

  • two tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of guar gum is added to 1 liter of milk;
  • beat;
  • after the bubbles appear in the molds;
  • we put in the freezer until it is frozen.

Here's another one non-flat recipe Ice cream using this substance:


Each blender winner will easily prepare this light mayonnaise. Cooking algorithm Next:

  • mix in a blender 1, 50 g of sunflower oil, pour out 3g guar gum in a mixture;
  • beat with a blender before thickening;
  • add 150 ml of low-fat, 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar, 30 g ready, salt;
  • you can add some sugar, but you can not add;
  • get off once again to get a homogeneous mass.

For weight control

Guar gum is part of the products for weight loss, but in many countries, first of all, the United States, the use of dietary supplies with guar gum is prohibited due to multiple reports on cases of intestinal edene and esophagus.

Numerous studies and meta-analysis showed the ineffectiveness of food additives with guar gum to reduce weight.

Application in medicine

Guar gum as a filler is part of many drugs.

As an independent drug, it did not find a special application, although official medicine does not deny its effectiveness when removing constipation, treatment, crown disease.

In hospital hospitals and in the US nursing homes, the additive is used to thicken liquids and food when feeding patients with dysfagia (symptom of swallowing).

A guar-based compound is included in artificial tears to treat dry eyes.

In cosmetology

The product is not too in demand from producers of elite cosmetics, but in the budget segment he has no equal. As a thickener, emulsifier, stabilizer, it is part of the gels, creams, serums for the face, body and hair care products.

Using the Comedy contributes:

  • effective humidification of the face;
  • tender cleaning of epidermis;
  • protection of the skin from wind, temperature drops, ultraviolet radiation;
  • restore the structure of damaged hair, giving them glitter.

Gum can be used in home cosmetology. However, experts do not recommend doing this without special needs.

High requirements for the quality of raw materials, the risk of side effects, the costs of acquiring ingredients make a more preferred hike for ready-made means in the nearest pharmacy.

But if there is a desire and a lot of free time, you can risk and prepare a couple of useful funds.

Universal cream

It is suitable for all skin types. Ensures irritation, cleans, clarifier, regenerates.

You can cook like that:

  1. Connect 1 g guar gum with 120 ml of lavender hydrolate, insist until all solid particles dissolve.
  2. In a refractory branch, mix 60 ml of peach bone oil, 4 g of stearic acid, 16 g of emulsion wax. The mixture is heated in a water bath.
  3. The combined mixtures are whipped with a mixer. The mixture of gum and hydrolate before the union should be warm.
  4. You can add essential oil.


Available gel recipe with rosemary for oily skin. A small amount of its components provides simple but efficient care. He is preparing like this:

  1. In 15 ml of water to dissolve 0.2 g guar gum. Beat Leave to swell the emulsifier for 5-7 minutes. Beat again.
  2. Add 1 drop of rosemary in 5 ml of forest walnut oil, mix.
  3. Pour the mixture of oils into the solution of the gum and beat the mixer.
  4. Pour into a clean jar. Gel can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than a week.

Guar gum we consume almost daily.

The food industry will never give up this cheap additive, and its number in our diet will only grow.

I want to believe that the benefits of it are still a little more, and there is no harm at all.

In contact with

Wanting to become a bit harming, we resort to numerous diet, fall asleep ourselves huge number Articles and recipes, we study products and preparations that promote weight loss. But whether we often think about the fact that there are natural and effective meansnot only help get rid of hateful kilograms, but also useful to all organism? One of these is a guar gum . This tool can help not only everyone who is effectively also in the fight against diabetes and atherosclerosis.

What is guar gum?

Before proceeding, directly, to the properties of this plant, it is necessary to understand what it is. Guar / Guara / Indian Acacia - is an Indian plant (right now it is grown in other countries: Pakistan, Sudan, USA, Afghanistan), which is grown for cosmetic and food purposes. After processing the seeds of the plant, which is obtained in the E400 stabilizer group - E499. It has a laxative action, inhibits the development of obesity and atherosclerosis.

Properties of the plant

The unique properties of the gum are suitable for use in different directions:

Well soluble in water;

Compatible with many types of hydrocolloids;

Increases viscosity;


Possesses absorbent properties;

Not absorbed by the intestine, which means it reduces appetite;

Reduces cholesterol, as well as lipoproteins, triglycerides and fats;

Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, intestines and their microflora;

Cleans from toxins;

Increases the digestibility by the calcium organism;

Increases products.

Where is the guar gum?

There are many directions where the substance is used:

Used as a thickener in the manufacture of cosmetics: shampoos, masks, various gels and creams;

Used as a laxative;

It is used in the fight against atherosclerosis and diabetes;

Used to purify the body in weight loss programs;

It is used in nutritional purposes in the manufacture of bread, cheeses, ice cream, sauces, jams, sausages, puddings, yogurts and other products;

Used in paper, textile, coal, oil and gas industries;

In the future, it may be used in the manufacture of hypoglycemic agents.

Guar gum - harm body

Like many other plants and drugs, such a gum can cause unwanted side effects. Side effects are possible only in overdose by drugs containing in this plant. Among them are: - Nausea; - Pain in the stomach; - diarrhea; - vomiting; - Allergic reactions. There were cases when hazardous toxic substances were discovered instead of the E412 code (guar gum). In the 90s in the US, the case of clogging of the stomach was recorded in ten people and the death of one person due to the use of guar gum.

Preparations for weight loss with a guar gum

Means "guarer" - reduces the feeling of hunger, displays harmful substances From the body, normalizes the work of the intestine;

Biologically active additive "Fat Grabbers" - normalizes weight and metabolism, absorbs toxins, removes toxins and fats, improves the intestinal operation .

Other drugs containing guar gum

The tool "Logly Bad" - normalizes the work of the intestine, absorbs toxins, reduces blood sugar and cholesterol, strengthens the immunity, protects with radiation therapy;

Means "Stomak Comfort" - normalizes the acidity of the stomach, improves digestion;

Tent "TNT" - strengthens immunity, improves the body's performance;

Pastelinki with zinc - increases immunity, leads to normal the work of an important endocrine system, and further improves the reproductive abilities of men, contributes to the healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

5000 SPZ and 3500 SPZ, in standard solution) used in the food industry as a consistency stabilizer and has the following properties:

  • an increase in viscosity;
  • geling properties.

Guar gum is well soluble in cold water, compatible with most other plant hydrocolloids, such as agar-agar, carrageenan, gum of the horn tree, pectin, methylcellulose, etc., improving the consistency, such combinations can have a mutually positive effect.

It is believed that it is practically not absorbed in the intestines and helps to reduce appetite and very effectively reduces cholesterol and saturated fats in the body.

Used in the production of sauces, yogurts.

May cause allergies.

Guaran in quality food additive E412 is used in the food industry as a stabilizer, thickener and structure. Guar resin relates to polysaccharides and is a fairly soluble substance. E412 supplement is supplied to the food industry in the form of a chopped pale powder with a white tint. Get guar gum from guar beans (Podles of Indian Acacia), grown mainly in India and Pakistan. Approximately 80% of World Guard Comedy comes from India. Also, a guar of the resin is produced in the USA, Africa, Canada and Australia. The production method consists in obtaining extract from seeds of the Cyamopsis Tetragonolobus plant. By its chemical composition, Guara gum is similar to the horn tree (food additive E410). It is a polymer compound that contains the remnants of galactose. At the same time, Guararan is hard enough and has elevated elasticity and solubility in water. Due to this, it is considered a very profitable emulsifier and stabilizer. Also, this additive is characterized by good stability when the cycle of freezing and defrosting products. In the human body, Guaran is practically not absorbed by the intestine, so it is considered to be healthy. This additive reduces appetite and effectively reduces elevated level Saturated fats and cholesterol in the body. Also, guar gum helps to remove toxins and harmful bacteria from the intestines, increases calcium digestibility by the body. Used B. diet nutrition, fonding to ensure a feeling of satiety in the body. The E412 additive is added to the diabetic preparations for slowing the absorbability of sugar in the intestine. In the late 1980s, the supplement was actively used in the USA in preparations for weight loss. As a result, at least 10 people were hospitalized with fatal outcome due to the blocking of the esophagus as a result of the use of drugs in large quantities With insufficient fluid consumption. Later studies conducted by scientists proved the inefficiency of guar resin in weight reduction. The main property of the Guard Comedy is the ability to slow the crystallization of ice in various frozen products, which is particularly often used in ice cream or in the manufacture of a variety of cooled confectionery products. Also as a stabilizer, an E412 additive can be used in the meat industry, bakery production, increasing the shelf life of products and giving them greater elasticity and density. In addition, the additive is used as a stabilizer for cheeses and some other dairy products (kefir, yogurt, milk), as well as in jelly, jelly and frozen desserts. E412 improves the appearance of various salads, seasonings and ketchups. It is also contained in syrup and juices, various food concentrates, dry soups, canned fish, in various butters, fats and even in pet food.

Other applications of guar gummer:

  • Textile industry;
  • Paper industry;
  • Production of explosives;
  • Cosmetic industry;
  • Oil and gas industry;
  • Coal industry.

The use of guar gum in the petroleum industry when used during the drilling of oil wells a guar gum prevents the loss of water from a viscous drilling fluid and the bentonite clay used in the drilling fluid is well suspended.

Guar gum very well performs this function and is cheaper than most other drilling fluids. However, it has limitations, since it is less thermostable than xanthan gum, at temperatures above 100 degrees C. To a large extent, this limitation can be overcome using its hydroxypropyl derivatives that are more thermostable.

To increase the production of oil by means of hydraulic rupture in the well under pressure, the proplining agent, for example, sand, suspended in a thicken GARAR or hydroxypropylguar solution, in order to create and expand cracks in rocks and ensuring oil / gas seeping into the well.

Due to the formation of transverse bonds with borates or transition metal ions, Zr and Ti, the injectant guar guman comes often occurs. After completion of the hydraulic break, the gel is destroyed and washed away, and after the destruction it remains the minimum amount. Application in the field of oil production is one of the main applications of guar gum.


Guar gum is obtained from seeds of a plant Cyamopsis Tetraganoloba - legobobic culture, known as Guard, or pea tree. In Europe, Russia and Kazakhstan banned guar gum (E412), and in Ukraine? ..

The Chief Sanitary Physician of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko ordered to stop the production and remove food products containing guar gum (food additive E412) of Indian or Swiss-made, according to the official website of Rospotrebnadzor.

The head of Rospotrebnadzor signed a resolution of August 31 "On Food Products, in the manufacture of which guar gum (E412) was used with a high content of dioxin and pentachlorophenol." The document obliges enterprises engaged in the production and turnover of the specified food additive and food products containing a guar of Indian or Swiss-made guar, to stop making and remove from sale.

On the product label, the additive is denoted as E412 or as a "Vidosm B", "Vidosrem D". Guar gum (Other names: Guar Resin, Guara) - a thickener promoting viscosity.

The reason for the prohibition of additives and products containing it, served as directed to European countries. .

According to the data obtained by Rospotrebnadzor, in the guar resin received from India, the content of a number of toxic substances significantly exceeded the allowable WHO levels.

Russian consumers are advised to temporarily refrain from eating a chocolate soybean of the German company Natumi - Sojadrink Schoko Enerbio, as well as dairy products of the German company Karwendel Huber GmbH and Co. In addition, fifteen-percent culinary cream of Valio (product code 209534, expiration date is 17.10.2007 or earlier) in the list. In Europe, hazardous products are also withdrawn from retail chains. Additional materials

Izvestia for 09/03/2007: What did the European Commission scare this E412 or, "in Russian" saying, - guar resin? The fact is that EU experts discovered in it an invalid content of dioxin and pentachlorofenol - toxic substances that can not only cause irreparable harm to the health of the consumer, but also to cause various abnormalities of the body, to cripple and even disfigure a person (it was dioxin that the current president of Ukraine Victor was poisoned Yushchenko). The faults of the manufacturers in what have not happened. They were summed up from India, which for more than half a century is the main supplier of guar resin (for example, in the vulgar year, India put about 800 thousand tons of this ingredient to the world market). At the same time, there were no complaints about the Hindu. But now they are expected serious trouble. According to experts, in the near future, the volume of supplies of guar resin may decrease by 20%. Meanwhile, the causes of the incident are not yet clear. For them to find out the other day, EU experts will be sent to India.

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (03.10.2007): on the basis of an emergency notification of the General Directorate of Health and the Protection of Consumer Rights of the European Commission, Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Kazakhstan Belonog A.A. Of September 28, 2007 No. 20 on the territory of Kazakhstan, the implementation of a chocolate soybean beverage company Natumi - Sojadrink Schoko Erbio (Germany), dairy products (fruit yogurts) of Karwendel Huber GmbH and CO, 15% culinary cream of the company<Валио> (Product Code 209534, expiration date on October 17, 2007 or earlier) containing guar (E412) of Indian or Swiss production, in which an increased dioxin and pentachlorofenol is revealed. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan recommends that consumers temporarily refrain from the use of specified products. Government agencies Sanitary and epidemiological surveillance is assigned to enhance the supervision of the importation and turnover in the Republic of Kazakhstan Guar Gum (E412) production of Unipektin AG, food additives<Видокрем B>, <Видокрем D> and food products containing.

see also ).shtml

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Guar gum is a plant of a legume family. The basis of Guara, known in the world for the gauric resin derivative made of its seeds. It is native to the Asian continent, mainly from India. Currently, it is also grown in the United States. Guara is also used as a dietary supplement since the 1950s (E412).

Guar gum is characterized by the fact that it is a white powder that does not smell or taste. Can be hydrated in cold water and does not depend on the presence of salts.

Guar gum comes from seeds of the Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba plant, which is processed and processed for industrial use. This supplement is almost always in the form of a powder, but in combination with other ingredients it can also be found in a liquid or gel form (with a horn tree gum, agar, methylcellulose, carrageenan).

Advantages of guar resin

Some studies show that guar gum has little side effects. Among the advantages that it provides:

  • Effective with a decrease in hyperglycemia, body weight and cholesterol concentration (prolongs the phases of the absorption of fats, carbohydrates and sodium in the intestine, without causing Malabsorption).
  • Good tolerance, does not have side effects (the same should be consumed in moderate quantities, since all unimagnable polysaccharides can accumulate gas).

Guar resin can be used as an emulsifier in many foods, as well as sauces. It helps ingredients based on oil and water mix together. Guar Gum also helps to improve the feeling of taste of many products, which otherwise would be unattractive, for example, toothpastes and commercial ice cream.

Is it possible to lose weight with a guar gum

Because of its laxative effect, the guar gum has long been used as the main component of some over-the-counter products for weight loss. However, due to significant discomfort in the intestines and dangerous obstacles that it causes, it is no longer approved for use in these products. Guar gum also absorbs liquid, creating a feeling of completeness. This is useful when you want to lose weight, but also is a risk for the digestive system.

Remember that guar resin is an add-on, support in a diet for weight loss, in no case is it not recommended to replace it with fiber food, it is desirable to comply with a balanced diet, with low calorie content, perform physical activity, drink a lot of water to be able to see the results in weight loss.

How to use in food

Guar resin is mainly used to thicken aqueous solutions and control the mobility of dispersed or dissolved materials.

  • Milk products

The characteristic of guar resin as a water retainer makes it ideal as a rapid hydrogenating agent in the formation of viscous colloidal solutions. Ensure as a thickener or viscosity modifier. Guar resin is used in ice cream stabilizers, especially at high temperatures, in a short time, when conditions require 80 ° C for 20-30 seconds. Guar resin is also used to stabilize sorbets. Used in various products made of soft cheese, in treated and pasteurized creamy cheese and in production to increase the exit of solid products from cottage cheese. It produces soft curds, compact, excellent texture. Creamy cheeses are obtained by mixing 1 - 2% guar gum with other cheese ingredients, melting and then cooling a homogeneous mixture.

  • Bakery products

Guar resin when adding to different types of test during kneading gives greater elasticity and gives a smoother texture, longer shelf life and the best processing properties. In cakes and oils, guar gum produces a softer product that is easily removed from the forms and is easily cut without destruction.

Guar gum acts as a binder and lubricant in the production of a variety of meat products, such as sausages, stuffed meat products and canned animal feed. Guardian chewing gum Reduces weight loss during storage.

  • Beverages

Guar gum is useful by thickening from various fruit drinks and diet drinks without sugar. Guar Gum Plus CarRageEnan is used to stabilize chocolate syrups and mixtures of chocolate powders. Fruit nectars consisting of fruit puree, fruit juice, sugar, ascorbic acid and citric acid, get good texture and stable viscosity by adding 0.2-0.8% guar resin.

  • Sauces

Condiscing property Guard Comedy is used to maintain stability and external view sauces. Compatible with very acidic emulsions and effective as a percentage of 0.2 to 0.8% of the total mass.

What is the difference between xanthan gum from guar gum

Main differences:

  • One of the differences between these two products is to come from where they come from. Guar gum is made from seeds living in the tropical regions of Asia, and xanthan gum is made by a microorganism called Xanthomonas Camestris, which feed on corn or soybean diets.
  • It is not known whether Xanthan gum can cause a reaction in people with very allergic consequences from corn and soybeans, so it is recommended to use a guar-resin as a substitute for these cases.
  • In the presence of very acidic ingredients, such as lemon juice, guar gum loses the ability to condensate. If you are using citrus, it is recommended to use xanthanum resin or apply more guar resin than usual below indicate how much it is recommended to use.
  • Xanthan resin is not toxic. The administration for controlling products and medicines (FDA USA) approved it in 1969 as a food additive without any particular quantitative restriction. Although the recommendation should not use more than 15 grams per day (which is equivalent to 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons).
Xanthan gum for glucumber bakingGuar gum for gluten-free baking
Cookies¼ teaspoon on a cup of flour¼ up to ½ teaspoon on a cup of flour
Pancakes and cakes½ teaspoon on a cup of flour¾ teaspoon on a cup of flour
Buns and bread¾ teaspoon on a cup of flour
Bread without gluten1 to 1 1/2 teaspoon on a cup of flour
Pizza dough2 teaspoons on a cup of flour1 teaspoon on a glass of flour
Other dishes½ teaspoon on a cup of liquid1-3 teaspoons per liter of fluid (for example: soups, hot stew)

Guar gum is an edible polymerized carbohydrate, suitable as a thickener with water. It is mainly used in the food industry, in juices, ice cream, sauces and feeds for pets.

Where to buy guar gum

Currently, you can get guar gum in many places, mainly in specialized stores, trailies, pharmacies, health food stores, other viable and efficient purchase options, many sites offer these types of products, just make sure you buy a quality product.

Side Effects Guard Resin

Although this fiber is a product of natural origin, it is important to know side effects, as, every body is different, and therefore some people may have good tolerability, and in others there is no. These effects may occur:

  • hypersensitivity to components
  • exacerbation of digestion problems, if hydration is insufficient, there may be intestinal obstruction, meteorism, bloating
  • intestinal discomfort

It is important to note that changes and effects occur in the body, as soon as the consumption of Guard Comedy begins, although there are many properties and advantages that this fiber provides the body, it has also been proven that it may have some serious consequences for some people. Therefore, it is recommended to contact a specialist who can recommend this product as the most suitable, in accordance with the needs of each person.


Guar gum was very useful in different industries Industry, such as textiles, pharmaceuticals, mining, cosmetics, food, being a popular ingredient for cooking. In addition, they can be found in food additives, dairy products, sauces, bandages, among other products.

Methods for using guar resin can vary, it depends on the type of product that it turns out, it should be taken enough water, and it is recommended to take it before eating. It is not recommended to abuse the consumption of guar resin, since it can not only cause side effects, but also not to maximize their advantages.

Guar gum. Natural cosmetics: video

Use and benefits of guar gum

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The composition of many products includes a dietary supplement E412. The guar gum is encrypted under this code. Food additives are substances that are used to improve different properties. Guar gum has several names that hint at its origin: Guara, Guaran, Guar Flour, Guaran Gum, Guar Resin. By chemical composition, this is a polymer compound containing a certain amount of galactose.

The composition of many products includes a dietary supplement E412. Under this code, a guar gum is encrypted

Guara is distinguished by the following properties:

  1. Sufficient rigidity.
  2. High elasticity.
  3. Good solubility in water.
  4. Resistance to freezing and defrosting.
  5. Slowing the conversion of water into ice with the formation of a structured gel.

Guard is used as a thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, tool for capsulation.

Getting a food additive from Guara

Guar flour is obtained from the seeds of legume culture called Guard. This plant has several names: peas, Indian Acacia. It grows on the Indian Peninsula: in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The production of Guarana was also established in the United States and Canada, grow a pea tree on the Australian and African continents.

Production of E412 additives is based on mechanical exposure to plant seeds. For this pods are open, the released seeds grind up to the consistency of flour. Flour is sieved by getting a finished product of different grinding.

What does the yarrow look like and how

Guar flour get from the seeds of legume culture called Guard

In the oil refining industry, flour, fluttered from unworn fragments of pods.

Gallery: Guar Gum (25 photos)

What "e" do not be afraid (video)

Where is the guar gum?

Guar gum is widely used in the food industry. The substance is well soluble in water (cold, warm and acidified). The main properties of the product that improve adding a supplement:

  • viscosity;
  • stabilization of emulsions;
  • creation of cream-shaped consistency;
  • improving the beating process;
  • enhance elasticity.

Recommended dosage for food products - 0.1-5%. The substance interact well with other vegetable additives. It shows the effect of synergies, i.e. A joint and simultaneous action of 2 or several drugs to improve the properties of the product obtained, in conjunction with xanthane, carrageenan, pectin, agar-agar, gum of the horn tree. These substances complement and strengthen the properties of each other.

Guar gum is a fine powder in a colorful palette from white to beige.

The substance is used in the production of plant canned food, mayonnaise, cheeses and other dairy products, meat products, ice cream, frozen confectionery, bread.

Buyers can check the presence of E412 additives in food using the "Search for Ingredients" service.

Widespread use found Guard in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The substance is used in the form of a thickener for dental pastes, air conditioners for shampoos. The pharmaceutical area knows its use as a binder in tablets.

In the oil industry, the additive protects the drilling fluid from the loss of water and creates a suspension with a bentonite clay - an element of the drilling fluid.

E412 is characterized cheap compared to other thickeners.

What is the food (video)

How does the E412 additive affect the human body?

The substance is allowed for use in the production of food and pharmaceutical products, cosmetics in many countries.