How to write an analysis of the work plan. How to make a work analysis

How to write an analysis of the work plan. How to make a work analysis
How to write an analysis of the work plan. How to make a work analysis

Full plan Analysis of the work

1. The history of creation (writing time; as a writer worked on the work).

2. Direction, genus and genre.

3. Themes and issues (main topics and problems).

4. Idea and Paphos (ideological and emotional assessment).

5. The main characters (their place in the figurative system). In a lyrical poem: an image of a lyrical hero.

6. The plot and composition.

7. Artistic originality:


- scenery;

- art details;

- means of poetic expressiveness (trails);

- Features of the language of the work;

- Features of poetic syntax;

- Features of the phonetic organization (sounding).

8. For lyric poems:

- poetic size;

- Features of rhymes;

- stroke.

9. The value of the work:

- Place of work inthe work of the writer;

- meaning in the literary life of the era;

- value for subsequent era;

- Relationships with the works of the same author and other writers.

Working on the works on this plan, pay special attention to the questions that are important not only for the preparation of the material for the composition (Q5 task), but also for answers to the tasks of parts B and C1-C4. From this point of view, it is important not only to note the direction, within the framework of which this or that work was created, its genre, allocate composition features and key points scene development, give a brief description of the main characters, ideological and thematic content and consider the author's assessment of the depicted, but also to give examples of interconnection on different aspects with the works of other writers. After all, in the task C2 and C4, the question of the literary context is included as a mandatory. Not always, in the conditions of work on the exam, it is possible to quickly find an answer to this kind of questions - it is better to prepare for them in advance. In our plan, this can be done in paragraph 9, where the value of the work is considered. For example, speaking of the Roman Lermontov "Hero of Our Time", it should be noted that he not only continues to be launched by Pushkin in the novel "Yevgeny Onegin" the topic of the "Hero of time", but also discovers the path in the development of this topic for writers of the second half of the XIX century. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that it is gradually the attitude towards the type of personality, which appeared in the novels of the first half of the XIX century and then got the name "extra person." Writers of the second half of the XIX century see it rather than weakness and disadvantages than dignity. These are the heroes of this socio-psychological type in the works of Turgenev "Diary of an extra person", "Rudin", " Noble Nest"," Fathers and Children ", in the poem Nekrasov" Sasha ", in the novel of Goncharov" Oblomov ", in the story of Chekhov" Duel ". And although the type " excess person"Belongs the literature of the XIX century, the problem of searching for the" time hero "remains relevant and in the literature of the XX century, for example, in the novel by Pasternak" Dr. Zhivago ". In addition, it is important to note those artistic achievements of Lermontov, who found a continuation in Russian literature. First of all, it should be said about the formation genre form Russian realistic social and psychological novel of the second half of the XIX century. The discoveries of Lermontov were especially important for the formation of Tolstovsky psychological method "Dialectics of the Soul."

Another example is from lyrics: speaking about the poem of Pushkin "Prophet", you can select a certain tradition that comes from the spiritual OD M.V. Lomonosov and G.R. Daughter. But at the same time, it should be emphasized that here Pushkin, for the first time in Russian literature, elevated a poet to the level of the prophet, thus identifying one of the most important features of Russian literature as a whole. It was after Pushkin that an idea of \u200b\u200bthe special role in the society of poets was established, designed to serve such a prophetic. Following the Pushkin, Lermontov continued this topic in his "Prophet", written shortly to death in 1841. She was then picked up by writers of the second half of the XIX century - Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and many others who became the personification of the special mission of the writer for the whole world, which the Russian poet of the 20th century E. Evtushenko determined the words: "The poet in Russia is more than the poet."

Finally, we turn another very important issue regarding the preparation of text material for the exam. Speech will go O. lyricswhich is presented in the codifier to a very surround list of works different poets XIX and XX centuries. As a rule, in the essay themes of the 3rd part, it is supposed to consider not some one specific poem of a particular author (this is contained in the second part of the work), and the whole ideological-thematic layer. For example, in the demonstration embodiment, the third topic (C5.3) sounds like this: "What gives tragedy theme of the Motherland in Lyrique S.A. Yesenina? ". The same feature of the questions of this part was also characteristic of Kimov EGE on the literature of past years, for example in 2008: "On what features of poetry A.A. Feta pointed L.N. Tolstoy, noting the "lyrical audacity" of the poet? ". Obviously, this specificity will remain in Kima Eger In literature for which you have to pass the exam. This necessitates in advance to consider lists of poems on the work of each of the poets presented in the codifier andto a certain way to grouped Their works.

For example, refer to the section on the work of Pushkin: in the codifier, a list of 25 poems is given. How best to arrange them when preparing for the exam? Of course, you can choose the traditional path - chronological. He is fully justified when studying the works of the poet at school on a historical and chronological basis, since it allows you to trace creative way Writer, his evolution. But for the purpose of preparing for an essay by lyrics, it is better to turn to another principle - Thematic.Thus, you will be able to determine the circle of those poems to which you to orient when writing an essay. Of course, this circle can be expanded due to works that are not included in the codifier, but those that correspond to writing themeOf course, should be considered.

Based on the list of poems on the work of Pushkin, the following thematic groups can be distinguished: freestyle, civilian-patriotic, philosophical, landscape lyrics, theme of the poet and poetry, Lyrics of love and friendship. In accordance with these topics, we define the groups of poems (within such groups it is possible to use the chronological principle):

1. Winnocheing Lyrics: "To Chaadaev", "Village", "the daytime shine ...", "prisoner", "Freedom deserted sower ...", "To the sea", "October 19" ("Rhines the forest crimson his own ... ")," In the depths of Siberian ores ... "," Anchar "," I have an unpretentious monument to myself ... ".

2. Civilian-patriotic lyrics: "To Chaadaev". "Village", "In the depths of Siberian ores ...", "I am an unpretentious monument to myself ...".

3. Philosophical Lyrics: "Freedom deserted sower ...", "Anchar", "Imitation of the Quran" (IX. "And the traveler is tired on God Ropal ..."), "demons", "Elegy" ("Mad Years Falling Fun. .. ")," Cloud "," I visited again ... ".

4. Landscape Lyrics: "Rogged daylight ...", "To the sea", " Winter road"," Anchar "," Winter Morning "," Demons "," Cloud "," I visited again ... ".

5. The theme of the poet and poetry: "The conversation of the bookcard with the poet", "Prophet", "Poet", "I am a monument to myself erectually ...".

6. The theme of love and friendship: "To Chaaadaev", "the daytime luminaries went out ...", "October 19" ("Rhines the forest crimson his own ..."), "K ***" ("I remember a wonderful moment .. . ")," Nyan "," In the depths of Siberian ores ... "," on the hills of Georgia there is a night blast ... "," I loved you ... ".

It should be borne in mind that the poems of different thematic groups may be repeated, since Pushkin often in one poem can be distinguished several topics. So, for example, the poem "October 19" ("Rhines the Forest of the Bagger of his own ...") can be attributed to the lyrics of friendship, because in it it is about the lyceum friends of the poet and it is devoted to the date of the founding of the Tsarskoye Lyceum; It can be considered in connection with the evolution of the topic of freedom in the work of Pushkin; This poem expressed philosophical reflections of the poet about the inexorability of the course of time, about the connection of the moment and eternity, memory and oblivion, about the role of fate.

So, we have completed the consideration of a very important aspect of preparation for the exam in literature relating to its meaningful part. In fact, if you are well oriented in the ideological and artistic content of works, you know and know how to use theoretical and literary concepts in their analysis, you understand historical and literary relationships, then most Preparations for the exam in literature can already be considered performed. But there is one more the most important aspect This work: You need to learn from all these knowledge to build writing detailed answers to questions, write an essay. This will be devoted to the next head of the benefit. But before proceeding to it, check your knowledge.

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Table of contents:

1. Analysis receptions artistic text
2. Criteria for the artworks (general and private)
3. Assessment of the plot of works
4. Estimation of the composition of the work
5. Empty elements
6. Nattery, description, reasoning as methods of presentation
7. Rating language and style. Speech errors.
8. Evaluation of characters
9. Evaluation of art details
10. Features of the analysis of the story as a form of an artistic work

Artistic text is a way of perceiving and recreation by the author of the surrounding reality.

The author reflects the world in special artistic figurative system. Through images, the literature reproduces life in time and space, gives new impressions to the reader, makes it possible to understand the development of human characters, connections and relations.

The literary work should be considered as a systemic education, regardless of whether there is a prevailing system or not, is completely education or imperfect.
In assessing, the main thing is to catch the originality of the structure of a specific work and show where the solution of images, situations do not correspond to the plan, creative manner Writer, general building works.

Artistic text analysis

Analyzing the text, it is always necessary to correlate the whole with private - that is, as total banner Works, its topic, structure, genre are implemented through the plot, composition, language, style, patterns of characters.
The task is not simple.
To solve it, you need to know some techniques.
Let's talk about them.

The first reception is to compile a work plan, at least mentally.

Sending you to Alex Petrovsky's reviews, which always uses this technique. Alex Po E R E C A C A E T Sword. If you describe it smart words, Alex shall highlight the support semantic points in the text and reveals their coinlab. It helps to see and fix the actual and logic errors, contradictions, diseases of judgments, etc.
"Translation" of text on "your" language works very well. This is the criterion of understanding text.

There is also an anticipation - anticipation, prediction of the subsequent presentation.

When the reader understands the text, he seems to imply. Previends the direction of development, anticipates the thoughts of the author.
We understand that everything is good in moderation. If the Fabul and the actions of the heroes are viewed without difficulty, reading such a work is not interesting. However, if the reader can not follow the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author at all and guess at least the general direction of its movement, then this is also a sign of unfavorable. The anticipation process is broken when the logic of the presentation is violated.

There is another reception - this is a statement of preceding issues that our respected boa love.

What happened to secondary hero? Why did another character acted so? What is hidden behind the mysterious phrase of the heroine?
It is necessary that the necessary majority of such questions find answers in the text. All plot lines must be completed, mutually linked or logically torn off.

It is curious the fact that the reader and the author moves as it were in opposite directions. The author comes from the plan to the structure, and the reader - on the contrary - appreciating the structure, should get to the plan.
A successful work is that in which the author's efforts and the reader are approximately equal, and they are found halfway. Remember the cartoon "Kitten named Gav"? When a kitten and a puppy ate a sausage and met exactly in the middle? You will laugh, but in the literature everything is the same.

What hazards lie authors \u003d the most vulnerable link in the process. Reader - What? Snorted, closed the book and went further, and the author is suffering.
Hazards - oddly enough - two. The first - the reader did not understand the author's plan completely. The second - the reader put his idea (instead of the copyright, which turned out to be incenti). In any case, communication has not happened, emotional transmission too.

What to do? Analyze the text! (We return to the beginning of the article). Watch where Rascoordination occurred, and the idea (the topic \\ structure \\ genre) was separated with the embodiment (the plot \\ composition \\ style \\ characters' images).

Criteria for artistic work

We are divided into common and private.

General criteria

1. Unity of the content and shape of the work.

Artistic image does not exist outside a certain form. An unsuccessful form discredits the idea, may cause doubt in the justice of what has been said.

2. The criterion of artistic truth \u003d undistorted re-creation of reality.

True art is not just the truth of the fact. Often we see how the author, protecting its work (as a rule, unsuccessful), puts forward an iron (in his opinion) an argument - I described everything as it really happened.
But the artwork is not just a description of the events. This is a certain aesthetics, a certain degree of artistic generalization and understanding of reality in convincing their aesthetic images. The critic does not appreciate the accuracy of the realities - he appreciates whether the author managed to achieve the facts and images of the necessary emotional impact.

The author's handwriting is the synthesis of objective and subjective.
Objective reality is refracted in the individual perception of the author and is displayed in the content, which the author reveals in the original, it is its inherent form. This is a globility of the author, his special vision, which is expressed in special stylistic letters of writing.

4. Emotional container, associative wealth of text.

The reader wants to empathize the events together with the hero - to worry, rejoice, resent, etc. Empathy and creation is the main purpose of the artistic image in the literature.
The reader's emotions should be caused by the image itself, and not impose by copyright and exclamations.

5. The integrity of the perception of narration.

The image arises in consciousness not as the sum of individual elements, but as a whole, one poetic picture. M. Gorky believed that the reader should perceive the images of the author immediately, as a blow, and did not think over them. A.P. Chekhov added that the fiction should be placed per second.

Someness criteria concerns not only elements designed for simultaneous perception - comparisons, metaphors - but also to those constants that can be in the text at a considerable distance from each other (for example, portrait strokes).
It matters when analyzing the characters of heroes. There are often cases of beginner authors, when the descriptions of the actions, thinking the character do not create a picture of his spiritual world in the imagination. Facts are in the eyes and imagination, and the whole picture does not work.

Private criteria

They relate to individual components of the work - themes, plot, speech characters, etc.

Assessment of the plot of the work

The plot is the main tool, recreation of events. Optimal can be considered an option when the strength of the action is determined not only by unexpected events and other external techniques, but also internal complexity, deep disclosure of human relationships, the significance of the problems set.

It is necessary to understand the relationship of the plot and images of heroes, to determine the importance of situations created by the author to disclose characters.

One of the important requirements of artistic is the persuasiveness of motivation of actions. Without this, the plot becomes sketchy and contrived. The author freely builds a story, but he must seek convincing that the reader would believe him, based on the logic of the development of characters. As V. G. Korolenko wrote, the reader should learn in a new adult man of the former hero.

The plot is the concept of reality (E.S. Kychov)

The plots arise, they will be borrowed, are translated from the language of one type of art on another (drawing, screening) - and thereby reflect the norms of behavior of people peculiar to one or another type of culture. But this is only the first side of the relationship Life - Art: The plots not only reflect the cultural state of society - they form it: "By creating plot texts, a person has learned to distinguish plots in life and, thus, to interpret this life" (c)

The plot is an integral quality of the artwork; This is a chain of events that are inevitably present in this type of works. Events, in turn, develop from actions and actions of heroes. The concept of a deed includes and externally tangible actions (came, sat down, met, headed, etc.), and internal intentions, meditation, experiences, sometimes pouring into internal monologues, and all kinds of meetings that acquire the form of dialogue of one or more characters .

The assessment of the plot is very subjective, however, and for it there are certain criteria:

- the integrity of the plot;
- complexity, stress of the plot (the ability to captivate the reader);
- the significance of the problems issued;
- originality and identity of the plot.

Types of plots

There are plots of two types - dynamic and adamic.

Signs of dynamic plot:
- the development of action occurs intensively and rapidly,
- in the event of the plot is the main meaning and interest for the reader,
- Scene elements are clearly pronounced, and the junction carries a huge substantive load.

Signs of the adamic plot:

The development of action is slow and does not seek to be a junction,
- The plot events do not make much interest in themselves (the reader does not appear a specific busy expectation: "What happens next?"),
- elements of the plot are expressed in fuzzy or not at all (the conflict is embodied and not moving with the help of plot, but with the help of other composite means),
- the denouement is either no at all, or is purely formal,
- in general composition Works are many extrapty elements that move the center of gravity of reader attention.

Examples of adamic plots - " Dead Souls»Gogol," Adventures of the Brave Soldier Schweik "Gashek, etc.

There is a fairly simple way to check, with which story you deal with: works with the adamic plot can be reread from any place, works with a plot dynamic - only from beginning to end.

Naturally, with the adynamic plot, the analysis of the plot elements is not required, and sometimes it is impossible at all.

Rating composition

The composition is the construction of a piece that combines all its elements into a single whole, this is the path of disclosure, the method of systemic organization of content elements.

The composition must comply with the specifics of the work and publication, the volume of the work, the laws of logic, defined type text.

Rules for constructing the composition of the work:
- the sequence of parts should be motivated;
- parts must be proportionate;
- The compositions of the composition should be determined by the content and character of the work.

Depending on the relationship between the plot and the fabul, in a particular product, they talk about different types and receptions of the plot composition.

The simplest case is the one when the plot events are linearly located in a direct chronological sequence without any changes. Such a composition is called another direct or headquarters.

A more complex reception, in which the event that happened before, we learn at the very end of the work - this reception is called default.
This reception is very effective, because it allows you to keep the reader in ignorance and tension to the very end, and in the end to hit it by the surprise of the story turn. Thanks to these properties, the default reception is almost always used in works. detective genre.

Another technique of violation of chronology or phabuli sequence is the so-called retrospection, when the author makes retreat in the course of the plot, as a rule, during preceding the string and the beginning of this work.
For example, in the "fathers and children" of Turgenev, along the course of the plot, we face two essential retrospects - the prehistories of the life of Pavel Petrovich and Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. Starting an affair from their youth was not included in the intentions of Turgenev, because it would clutch the composition of the novel, and the concept of the past of these heroes seemed to be necessary - therefore the reception of retrospection was applied.

The phaance sequence can be broken in such a way that the time-based events are given in advance; The story all the time returns from the moment of accomplishment of action in different previous temporary layers, then again refers to the real thing in order to return to the past. Such a scene composition is often motivated by the memories of heroes. It is called a free composition.

When analyzing the artistic text, it should be considered to motivate the use of each reception from the point of view of the composition, which should be supported by the content and shaped text structure.

Many drawbacks of the composition are explained by violation of the requirements of the basic laws of logic.

The most common disadvantages of the composition include:
- improper division of the work on the largest structural parts;
- way out of topic;
- incomplete disclosure of the topic;
- disproportion of parts;
- crossing and mutually absorption of material;
- repetition;
- unsystematic presentation;
- incorrect logical connections between parts;
- incorrect or inappropriate sequence of parts;
- Unsuccessful breakdown of text on paragraphs.

It must be remembered that in the artistic literature following the phased logical plan not necessarily, sometimes in violation of the logic of the plot of the plot, it is not necessary to see a comprehensive defects, but special reception comprehensive construction Works designed to increase its emotional impact. Therefore, when assessing the composition of the artistic work, great care and care is required. We must try to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author and not to break it.

Empty elements

In addition to the plot, in the composition of the work there are also the so-called extra-wing elements that are often at least, or even more important than the plot itself.

Increased items are called such elements that do not promote actions forward, during which nothing happens, and the heroes remain in previous provisions.
If the plot of the works is the dynamic side of its composition, then the extrapty elements are static.

There are three main varieties of extra warfares:
- Description,
- lyrical (or author) deviations,
- Inserted episodes (otherwise they are called inserted novels or plug-in plots).

Description - this is a literary image of the outside world (landscape, portrait, world of things, etc.) or sustainable lifefriend, that is, those events and actions that are committed regularly, day after day and, therefore, are also not related to movement plot.
Descriptions are the most common type of extra-made elements, they are present in almost every epic work.

Lyrical (or author) deviations are more or less deployed author's statements of philosophical, lyrical, autobiographical, etc. character; At the same time, these statements do not characterize individual characters or relationships between them.
The author's retreats are an optional element in the composition of the work, but when they still appear there (Evgeny Onegin, Pushkin, "Dead Souls" Gogol, "Master and Margarita" Bulgakov, etc.), they play, as a rule, crucial role And subject to mandatory analysis.

Plug-in episodes are relatively complete fragments of the action in which other characters operate, the action is transferred to another time and place, etc.
Sometimes the plug-in episodes begin to play and the work even a large role than the main story: for example, in the "dead souls" of Gogol or and "adventures of the brave soldier Schweika" Gashek.

Evaluation of speech structures

In the work, fragments of belonging to some type of text - narrative, descriptive or explanatory (text-sensitive) are allocated.
Each type of text is characterized by its type of material presentation, its internal logic, the sequence of the location of the elements and the composition as a whole.

When complex speech structures are found in the work, including narration, and descriptions, and reasoning in the interlacing of their elements, it is necessary to identify the prevailing type.
It is necessary to analyze fragments in terms of their compliance with signs of type, i.e. to check whether the story is properly built, description or reasoning.

The story is a story about events in the chronological (temporary) sequence.

The narrative is engaged in action. Comprises:
- nodal moments, that is, basic events in their duration;
- ideas about how the change of these events occurred (as the transition from one state to another).
In addition, almost every story has its own rhythm and intonation.

When evaluating it is necessary to check how true the author chose the nodal moments so that they correctly display the events; As far as the author is consistent with their presentation; Whether the connection between these basic moments is thought out.

The syntactic structure of the narration is a chain of verbs, so the center of gravity in the narration is transferred from words related to the quality of words that transmit movements, actions, that is, to the verb.

Two ways of narrative are distinguished: epic and stage.

Epic way is a complete story about events and actions that have already happened about the result of these actions. Most often found in strict, scientific presentation of the material (for example. Narration about the events of the Great Patriotic War in the history textbook).

The stage method, on the contrary, requires the events to be outlined, the meaning of the reader on the eyes of the reader has revealed through gestures, movements, words acting persons. At the same time, the attention of readers appeals to details, in particular (for example. The story of A.S. Pushkin about the winter blizzard: "Ring the clouds, clouds are clouded ... the invisibility of the moon illuminates the snow of flying ...").

The most common disadvantage in building a narrative: the overloadability of its little meaningful facts and details. It is important to remember that the significance of a particular event is determined not to its duration, but its importance of value or for the sequence of events.

When analyzing descriptions in artistic work No rigid scheme. It is in the descriptions that the author's personality is brighter.

The reasoning is a series of judgments that relate to a certain subject and follow each other in such a way that others flow out of the previous judgment and the result is a response to the question.

The purpose of reasoning is the deepening of our knowledge of the subject, about the world around, since the judgment reveals the internal signs of objects, the relationship of the signs among themselves proves certain provisions, reveals the reasons.
The peculiarity of reasoning is that it is the most sophisticated view text.

Two ways of reasoning are distinguished: deductive and inductive. Deductive is reasoning from the common to the private, and inductive - from private to the common one. Inductive or synthetic type of reasoning is considered a simpler and accessible mass reader. There are also mixed types of reasoning.

An analysis of the argument involves checking the logical correctness of constructing the reasoning.

Characterizing various ways of presentation, specialists emphasize that the main part of the author monologic speech Makes narration. "The narrative, the soul is the essence, the soul of literature. The writer is primarily a narrator, a person who knows how interesting, grabbing to tell "
The author's appeal to other speech structures, reinforcing the stroke of the storyline, depends on the individual style, genre and object of the image.

Score language and style
There are different styles of different types of literature: journalistic, scientific, artistic, official-business, manufacturing, etc. At the same time, the boundaries between the styles are enough if the styles of the language themselves are constantly developing. Within the same type of literature, you can see some differences in the use of language agents, depending on the purpose of the text and its genre features.

Language and stylistic errors have many varieties. We will list only the most common and most common of them.

1. Morphological errors:

Incorrect use of pronovation
For example. "We must be a valid lucky to win a large artistic canvas in a few rubles. They were the technician Alexey Stroyev. " In this case, the improper use of the pronoun "they" creates the second anecdical meaning of the phrase, as it means that Alexey Stroyev turned out to be an artistic web.

The use of a plural number of nouns instead of the sole. For example. "They carry baskets on their heads."

Errors in the end.
For example. "Here next year school, bath, kindergarten will be built.

2. Lexical errors:

Inaccuracy of the choice of the word, the use of words causing unwanted associations. For example. "Classes are underway without warning, in a family atmosphere" - instead of "without invitation", "relaxed".

Inappropriate use of phraseological phrases.
For example. "Our troops switched through the frontier" - instead of: "Our troops have reached the turn / Our troops crossed the line."

Use in relation to animals of expressions, usually characterizing the actions of people or human relationships.
For example. "At the same time, the rest of the bulls gave excellent daughters."

3. Syntax errors:

Invalid word order in the proposal.
For example. "I felt my heart from the joy of Avdaev.

Incorrect control and adjoining.
For example. "More attention should be paid to the Safety Safety of Youth."

The use of syntactically unformed offers.
For example. "All her little figure is more like a student than a teacher."

Punctuation errors distorting the meaning of the text.
For example. "Sasha ran in the gardens with the children, played in grandmother sitting at the desk, listened to teachers' stories."

4. Stylistic errors:

- "Stationery" style
For example. "As a result of the work by the Commission, the presence of significant reserves was established in the further use of materials and a decrease in this regard to their consumption per unit of products" - instead of "the Commission found that the materials can be used better and, therefore, reduce their consumption."

Speech stamps are a rather complicated phenomenon that is widespread due to the patterns of thought and content. Speech stamps can be represented:
- words with universal meaning (worldview, question, task, moment),
- paired words or satellite words (re-response),
- stamps - style decorations (blue screen, black gold),
- screening formations (carry an honorary watch),
- stamps - integrated words (oven-giant, miracle tree).
The main sign of the stamp is the absence of meaningality. The stamp must be distinguished from the language cliché, which is a special kind of language tools and is applied in business, scientific and technical literature for more accurate transmission of the circumstances of an event or phenomenon.

Evaluation of art details
The artistic detail is the detail that the author has believed a significant semantic and emotional burden.

Artistic details are predominantly subject details in a wide sense: details of life, landscape, portrait, interior, as well as gesture, actions and speeches.

Through successfully found items can be conveyed specific traits human appearance, his speech, behavior manners, etc.; Convected and viewing the situation, the place of action, any item, finally, the whole phenomenon.

Art detail may be necessary or, on the contrary, redundant. Excessive passion for details, characteristic of novice writers, can lead to the journey of details, which will prevent the perception of the main thing and therefore tip the reader.

There are two characteristic miscalculations to use artistic details:

Need to distinguish artistic detail From simple details that are also necessary in the work.

The writer should be able to select precisely those details that will give full, alive, bright picture. Creating the "visible" and "hearing" for the reader the text, the writer uses real items that can be considered in the work as detail.
Excessive passion for details makes a picture of motley, deprives the narrative of wholeness.

Black chopstick

Some thoughts of an ordinary reader about artistic details

Features of the analysis of the story as a form of an artistic work

The story is the most concise form. fiction. The story is difficult because of its small volume. "In Mall - Much" - here is the main requirement for small forms.

The story requires particularly serious, in-depth work on the content, plot, composition, tongue, because In small forms, disadvantages are visible than in large.
The story is not a simple description of the case of life, not sketching from nature.
Story just like a novel, shows significant moral conflicts. The story of the story is often as important as in other genres of fiction. Significant I. copyright, the significance of the topic.

The story - the work of one-planned, in it - one storyline. One case from the life of heroes, one bright, a significant scene can be the content of the story, or a comparison of several episodes covering a more or less prolonged period of time.
Too slow the development of the plot, tightened exposure, unnecessary details are harmful to the perception of the story.
Although there is a count case. Sometimes, with excessive conciseness of the presentation, new disadvantages arise: the lack of psychological motivation of the actions of heroes, unjustified failures in the development of action, the schematic characteristics of the characteristics devoid of memorable traits.

N. M. Sikorsky believes that there is a brethable and unjustified brevity, that is, missions in the presentation of events that are easily restored by the reader's imagination - and unfilled voids that violate the integrity of the narration. It is important to notice when the shape is replaced by simply information messages about events. That is, the story should not be just short, he must have genuinely artistic conciseness. And here a special role in the story plays artistic detail

The story usually does not happen big number Characters and many plot lines. Overloading with characters, scenes, dialogues - the most frequent disadvantages of the stories of novice authors.

The assessment of the work is carried out in order to clarify the originality of a specific work.

Analysis is carried out in several aspects:

1. The correlation of execution and design (image as an expression of the thoughts and senses of the author);

2. Fine accuracy (image as a display of reality);

3. Emotional accuracy of the influence of text on imagination, emotions, associations of the reader (image as a means of aesthetic empathy and creativity).

The result of the assessment is to create some recommendations that will enhance the unsuccessful components of the text that do not match the plan, the general system of the work and the creative manner of the author.

Skillfully spent transformation should not disrupt the integrity of the text. On the contrary, the release of its structure from the elements brought by side effects will clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

With stylistic editing, inaccuracies are eliminated, speech errors in manuscripts, roughness in style;
With the reduction of text, everything is cleaned, not the corresponding genre, the functional accessory of the work;
With composite directions, parts of the text are moved, the missing links are sometimes inserted, which are necessary for the connection, the logical sequence of presentation.

"Carefully remove unnecessary, as if you remove the film from the transfer picture, and gradually the bright drawing appears at hand. The manuscript is not written to you. And yet, happily feel some involvement in its creation "(c)

Information for reflection.

Before you two edits of the text began the story of L. Tolstoy "Haji Murat."


I returned home the fields. There was the most middle of summer. The meadows were removed and just gathered to mow rye. There is an adorable selection of flowers of this time of year: fragrant kasya, red, white, pink, you love, do not-love, with your spicy heavy smell, yellow, honey and island, - lilac, tulip-visible peas, multicolored scabiosa, gentle with slightly Pink Poor Plate and, most importantly, charming cornflowers, bright blue in the sun, blue and purple in the evening. I love these wildflowers with their finishes and slightly noticeable, not for everyone, with its delicate and healthy odor. I scored a big bouquet and already on the way back I noticed a wonderful raspberry in the channel in full color of the ray, the grade that is called Tatarin and who are diligently or thrown out of the Six of the Mysteries so as not to prick on him. I wondered to disrupt this ray, put it in the middle of the bouquet. I tears into the ditch and driven the bumblebee in the flower and, since I did not have a knife, I began to tear the flower. Not only is he colop from all sides, even through a handkerchief, which I wrapped my hand, stem was so scary strongly that I fought with him about 5 minutes, one by one breaking fibers. When I touched, I rented a flower, then he's his own alay and did not go to the gentle subtle colors of the bouquet. I regretted that I ruined this beauty, and threw the flower. "What energy and the power of life," I thought, coming to him ...

Final option

I returned home the fields. There was the most middle of summer. The meadows were removed and just gathered to mow rye. There is an adorable selection of flowers of this time of year: red, white, pink, fragrant, fluffy karya; arrogant daisies; Milk-white with a bright yellow mean "you love-unlose" with your own spicy stuck; Yellow coarse with his honey smell; Highly worthwheel and white tulip bells; creeping peas; yellow, red, pink, purple, neat scabiosa; with a little pink down and a slightly audible pleasant smell of the plantain; Vasilka, bright blue in the sun and in "youth, and blue, and blossoming in the evening and under old age; and gentle, with a almond smell, immediately withering, filing flowers. I scored a big bouquet different colors And she walked home when he noticed a wonderful raspberry in the ditch, in full color, the ray of that variety, which is called "Tatarin" and who is diligently, and when he is inappropriately bevened, throw the places from the hay, so as not to prick on him. I wondered to disrupt this ray and put it in the middle of the bouquet. I tears in the ditch and, having drove into the middle of the flower and sweet and sluggishly felling out there a shaggy bumblebee, began to tear the flower. But it was very difficult: not only that the stem was quole from all sides, even through a handkerchief, which I wrapped my hand - he was so scary strongly; What I fought with him. Five minutes, one breaking fibers. When I finally cut off the flower, the stem was already all in rags, and the flower no longer seemed so fresh and beautiful. In addition, he did not suit the gentle colors of the bouquet in his rudeness and alyappost. I regretted that it took a flower in vain, which was good in my place, and threw it. "What, however, the energy and power of life," I thought, remembering those efforts with which I broke the flower. "As he stiffedly defended and dearly sold his life."

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Certificate of Publication №213052901211


Analysis - Criticity Third, Positive

Quote - Estimation of the plot is very subjective, however, and for it there are certain criteria:
- Significance Situation for the disclosure of characters;

Scene elements are the stages of the development of a literary conflict (exposure, tie, development, culmination and junction). Allocation of these elements is possible only in connection with the conflict.

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors who are in total viewing more than half a million pages according to the attendance counter, which is located to the right of this text. In each column, two digits are specified: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Lyrical analysis scheme (poetic) work

Analysis of the lyrical work is one of the essay options. As a rule, the themes of this kind look like this: "The poem A.A. Block "Stranger": perception, interpretation, score. " In the formulation itself, it is laid that you need to do for the disclosure of ideological and thematic content and artistic features of the lyrical work: 1) to tell about its perception of the work; 2) to interpret, that is, approach the author's plan, to solve the idea laid in the work; 3) Express your emotional attitude to the work, tell about what touched, surprised you, drew your attention. Here is a scheme for analyzing a lyrical work.

  • facts from the author's biography associated with the creation of a poetic work
  • who is dedicated to the poem (prototypes and job addressees)?

2. Genre of poem. Signs of genre (genres).

3. The name of the work (if any) and its meaning.

4. Image of a lyrical hero. His proximity to the author.

5. Idean-thematic content:

  • leading topic;
  • idea (main idea) works
  • development of the author's thoughts (lyrical hero)
  • emotional coloring (orientation) of the work and methods of its transfer

6. Art features:

  • art techniques and their meaning;
  • keywords and images associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work;
  • takes of sounding;
  • the presence / lack of division into stanzas;
  • features of rhythm poems: poetic size, rhyme, rhymes and their connection with ideological design author.

7. Your reader perception of the work.

Epic Work Analysis Scheme (Story, Tale)

1. History of creating a work:

  • facts from the author's biography associated with the creation of this work.
  • communication of the work of S. historical epoch its creation;
  • place of work in the art's work.

2. Genre of the work. Signs of genre (genres).

3. The name of the work and its meaning.

4. From whose person is the story? Why?

5. Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Problematics.

6. The plot (plot lines) works. Conflict. Key episodes.

7. Work pattern:

  • characters of the work (main, secondary; positive, negative;
  • features of the names and surnames of the characters;
  • acts of characters and their motivation;
  • commodity details characterizing the character;
  • character connection with public environment;
  • attitude to the hero of the work of other characters;
  • characteristics of the characters;
  • copyright To the characters and the ways of his expression.

8. Composition of the work:

  • dividing the text of the work on the part, the meaning of this division;
  • the presence of prologues, epilogues, initiations and their meaning;
  • the presence of inserted episodes and lyrical deviations and their meaning;
  • the presence of epigraphs and their meaning;
  • the presence of lyrical deviations and their meaning.

10. Artistic remedies, techniques that reveal the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

11. Features of the language of the work.

Each of us was once a schoolboy, and perhaps everyone, with all the love for such an excellent subject, as literature, did not really like to dig in the text, trying to look out what was there, in fact, no. Search operation hidden meaning It has a wonderful and very interesting name - Analysis literary work. In this article, we will explain popular how to do it.

First of all, in order to make a normal analysis of the work, you need to read it. Ideally, you need to read the full version of the book, however, if you are constrained in time and do not hurt the desire to read, and the Reader is suitable. Remember your best friends While reading should be a small notebook and a pencil, where you will be methodically recorded all that is useful for analysis. And the following can be useful.

The composition of the work is a breakdown on the chapters, parts or other logical sections. It is important to understand how the principle is separated by the chronology, according to the logic of the plot, at the place of action or in some other way. Conducting the analysis of the work, you must first describe from which parts it consists.

However, breaking the work on separate logic sections, do not forget that you still have a case with a single semantic whole, the plot lines of which can pass through all the narration. That is why you need to go to the second section of this type of work as an analysis of the work, list all the main characters, after which you briefly describe scene lineconcerning each of them. This will help quickly structure the content of the work for yourself and for a person who will read your research.

And then ... the creativity begins next! Do not forget that literature is free, and you, by and large, free to perceive the content of each read book as you consider it necessary. Describe those feelings that your reading of the book has (however, if the only feeling that you have appeared is a sense of hopelessly lost time, better do not mention it), but do not forget that your speech should still be logical and coordinate With what you wrote in the first two sections. The combination of strict logic and a flight of fantasy - this is what is the right analysis

You also need to pay attention to what the author uses in his creation. Yes, yes, you will have to remember and try to endure from the memory of the definition of such words as "epithet", "metaphor", "hyperbole" and many others. Without it, if you do not mention how the author tried to influence the reader's consciousness, do not explain how he tried to make us think about something that can be found only between the lines, then your work is not an analysis of the work, But only his retelling. Agree that just retelling any book, even if it is very detailed, will not reach the complete analysis. And in order to better catch the difference between analysis and retelling, we advise you to read samples of literary criticism.

And last. Most often, such a bulk work, as an analysis of the work, is asked quite long before the term of delivery - as a rule, we are talking about two or three weeks allocated to writing work. We advise you not to postpone the task for the last day - as soon as you were asked the analysis, immediately read the book and make small notes, after which you do not return to the work for several days, and let it be "searched" in consciousness. This will help with the subsequent use of the text of the work while writing analytical work It is quickly oriented in it, and will also make a holistic impression of read. We wish you a successful analytical work!


Read well with the work that you intend to analyze, because this depends on the correctness and clarity of the result. Most likely it will be a classic describing the abundance of social and moral problems, multifaceted and ambiguous work of the writer. Perhaps something modern, relevant and dynamic. Choice work It remains for you.

Start the analysis of the book with the formulation general theme workDescribe the author's affected by the author, expand the main ideas. At the same time, try not to disturb the logic of your reasoning, express my thoughts consistently, without jumping from one thought to another.

Pay attention to the originality of the genre. For example, Gogol his "dead souls" Nareka Poem, despite all the rules, and Evgeny Onegin was characterized by Pushkin as a novel. In such cases, weight. Among other things, language features narration inherent in this particular author and funds artistic expressivenessused by him will not be completely superfluous.

Next Make a description artistic imagesPresented in the work - another part of the analysis requiring weighty reasoning. The literature is filled with ordinary and generally accepted types of people, the habits and the habits of which also have today, and sometimes non-standard and amazing. Therefore, try to describe in detail and give your assessment of characters of heroes.

After smoothly go to the plot work, raise his conflict, set out the conclusions taken either by the author himself, or the character, from whose face rose problem issues. The advantage will be the presentation of his opinion on this.

At the end of your analysis, write about the importance and significance work In the work of the author, about the contribution brought to Russian and literature. Depending on the required amount of analysis, this part can be inserted some details from the visitor's biography, its features.

Check out the text for grammatical and spelling errors. Edit all moments. Correctly enter the changes if necessary. Try to achieve homogeneity and integrity of general narration.


  • Content and composite elements of the analysis of the literary

It is not very simple to analyze the analysis of the lyrical work, since much depends on the personal subjective perception of poetry. Nevertheless, there are certain analysis schemes that help more clearly strudule the analysis. There is no single scheme or a plan analysis of poetic text, but in any case, it should show how well the reader understood the poem.

You will need

  • Pooh text, paper sheet, pen


Specify the topic of poem. Ask yourself: "What does the poet tell about this?". The poetic works can be, patriotism, politics. Some describe landscapes and beauty of nature, others are reflections on philosophical topics.

In addition to the theme, it is also necessary to determine the idea or the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Think what I wanted to convey the poet to the reader, which "message" lies in his words. The main idea reflects the attitude of the poet to written, it is a key factor for a true understanding of the literary work. If the author of the work touched on several problems at once, list them and highlight one as main problem.

Write to what fine articles and stylistic techniques The author resorted in this work. Give concrete from the poem. Specify, for what purpose the author used one or another reception ( stylistic figures, etc.), i.e. What effect was achieved. For example, rhetorical questions and appeals increase the reader's attention, and the use of irony indicates the author's mocking and the like.

Perform the characteristics of the composition of the poem. It consists of three parts. This is a size, and rhythm. The size can be specified schematically to be seen, on what syllable the emphasis falls. For example, in a four-stranded jamb, the emphasis falls on every second syllable. Read one line from the poem loud. So it will be easier for you to understand how the stress falls. The method of rhymes is usually indicated using the designations "A" and "B", where "A" is one type of end of the string of the poem, and "B" is the second type.

Specify the features of the image of a lyrical hero. It is advisable not to miss this item in the analysis of the poem. Remember that in any product there is a copyright "I".


  • Plan analysis poem

Any lyrical work reflects the poet's globility, so that analyze Pooh, you need to know about the features creative method, in which it was written. In addition, it is important to carefully read the poem, since its analysis should be carried out in all language levels: from phonetic to syntax. To structure a written analysis verseUse the instruction.


Start an analysis of the lyrical product from determining the date of writing and. Collect the material on the creative history of the poem, because The actual side is very important for understanding his topic. Specify who is dedicated to if he has a destination.

Determine the topic of the work, i.e. What he writes: about nature, love, relationships of the lyrical character and society, about philosophical categories, etc. Answer the question of how the topic of the poem is associated with its name.

Track the movement of the lyrical plot: how the mood of the lyrical hero changes throughout the poem, his attitude to what the author tells about. In this you will be helped by words expressing feelings: sadness, admiration, passion, bitterness, despondency, etc.

Determine the features of the composition of the work, i.e. Its construction. Find the main composite reception used by the author: repeat, contrast, comparison on the association, etc.

Tell us about lyric, which is revealed through a specific mental state, the experience of a certain life situation in this moment. Answer the question what position is the author in relation to his lyrical hero.. Note that it should not always identify his hero.

Consider fine remedies Works in different language levels: sounding (phonetic means of expressiveness), vocabulary (stylistically painted, presence of synonyms, antonyms, paronims), poetic syntax.

Determine the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work identified as a result of analysis. Answer the question, with what message is the author to the reader.

Consider the rhythmic organization of the poem, determine its size and types of rhymes.

Finishing a written, define the features of the poetics of the creative method, within which the work was created, reflected in it. To do this, using a literary criticism, get acquainted with different areas in the history of literature (romanticism, realism, symbolism, acmeism, futurism).


  • how to write not change

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, perhaps, will forever retain the reputation of the greatest poet in the history of Russian literature. I contributed to this, of course, the special talent of the writer who lived from 1799 to 1837 and, unfortunately, early deceased on the tragic duel. So what works enter Pushkin's literary heritage?