Make a plan for the story on the hill. Theme "N.

Make a plan for the story on the hill. Subject
Make a plan for the story on the hill. Theme "N.

UMCL. F. Klimanova

Goal: To acquaint students with the story of N. Nosov "on the hill" - to develop the ability to read fluid, share text to pieces, find the main idea, retell read in detail; develop logical thinking, memory, attention; Educate hard work and respect for someone else's work.

Planned results: Students should be able to predict the content of the work; explain the lexical meaning of some words on the basis of the dictionary textbook and an intelligent dictionary; tell your opinion; talk about heroes, expressing their attitude towards them; characterize the hero using antonyms; correlate the meaning of proverbs and the content of the text; Compile a work plan, retell text in detail based on a plan.

Equipment: Portrait and exhibition of books N. Nosova; audio record story; Cards (text for speech workout, tasks).

Location lesson №1

I. Organizational moment

II. Checking homework

A brief retelling of the story "Live Hat".

III. Speech workout

Read the poem by selecting a suitable reading way.

Kohl Buthane live

In our house the fifth year.

Not scandalite, does not swear

Does not stick, does not roar ...

This boy will grow up

Not by day, but by the clock ...

Doesn't know how this boy

Nothing in the world itself.

Nor remove your bed

Neither shoe lace out.

V. Volin

What qualities are valued in people most?

And what do you know how to do best?

Read the poem expressive.

IV. Setting the goals of the lesson

Today we will get acquainted with the story of N. Nosov "on the hill". What do you think about this story? (Children's assumptions.)

Check whether your assumptions will be confirmed.

V. Work on the subject of the lesson

(The teacher and students read the story "on the hill" on p. 60-63.)

- What impression was the story for you?

- Was there a similar situation in your life? Tell about it.

Vi. Fizkultminutka

Once, two - above the head.

Three, four - hands wider.

Five, six - sit quietly.

Seven, eight - too lazy to throw!

VII. Fastening learned

(Reading text with students.)

- Open with. 64. Answer questions 1-4.

VIII. Reflection

Today I managed ...

IX. Summing up the lesson

- What story did we read in the lesson?

- Did you like Cotka? Why?


Prepare expressive reading of the story.

Lesson Lesson number 2.

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech workout

- Read the proverbs. Explain their meaning.

Hurry up - rush people.

Seven times will die, and one revenue.

Do you do skid - you do on laughter.

- Is it possible to take some of them to the story of N. Nosov "on the hill"?

III. Setting the goals of the lesson

Today we will continue work on the story "on the hill". We will learn to share it on the part and make a quotation plan.

IV. Work on the lesson

- on s. The 65 textbook is given a plan from the drawings (Picturesque Plan). Check if the order of drawings corresponds to the story events.

What pictures are missing?

We restored a pattern plan. It will help us rally text on the part and make another plan - a quote.

Quote - accurate, literal excerpt from some text, statements.

(Under the leadership of the teacher, the disciples make up a quotation plan, then read each part and allocate the main proposal in it.)

Sample plan

1. All day the guys worked - they built a slide in the yard.

2. And Cotka Chizhov from the sixth apartment - what!

3. Only climbed onto the hill - stuck!

4. He became from the sand drawer on a slide to carry.

5. Skates do not go on the sand!

6. Here guys came running.

7. Take now shovel!

V. Fizkultminutka

In the dark forest there is a hut,

Stands back in advance.

There is an old woman in that hut

There Baba Yaga lives.

Nose crochet, eyes big,

As if coal, burn.

Wow, what an angry!

Standing hair!

Vi. Fastening learned

1. Preparation of a recovery on a quote plan

2. Definition of the image of Cratka

What was Cottka? Think and select the desired definitions.


Cotka evil



What would you say about him?

3. Crossword on the story

- If you solve everything correctly, the word relating to the name of the story will appear in the dedicated cells. (Slide.)

1. What could be waiting for a whole week. (Snow.)

2. The tool worked in the yard. (Shovel.)

3. Who worked in the yard? (Guys.)

4. The boy from the sixth apartment decided to ride them. (Skates.)

5. The name of the one who dragged the sand. (Cotka.)

VII. Reflection

- Select and continue any offer.

In today's lesson, I learned ...

In this lesson, I would praise myself ...

After the lesson I wanted ...

Today I managed ...

VIII. Summing up the lesson

- What's new you learned in class?

- What types of plan do you know?

- What did you study in the lesson?


Repeat the works studied in this section.

Home\u003e Document

Amounted to: primary school teacher Artyomenko Larisa Anatolyevna Cow Abolasovskaya basic secondary school February 20212 SUBJECT. N.NOSov "on the hill". Training creative retelling. Goal : 1. To introduce students with the content of the story. 2. Learn to divide the text on the part, to make a plan, find the main idea, express read in detail. 3. Develop reading skills, connected speech, thinking, memory, attention. 3. Upload hard work and respect for someone else's work. EQUIPMENT : Textbook, presentation


1. Start lesson.

Emotional setting

We have a lesson of literary reading, a lesson of communication. It's nice to communicate with a man cheerful, friendly. Let's start the lesson from the game "Hi, neighbor!" - So, turn each other, take hands and smile ... d yet chorus pronounce text: Hi, neighbor! Smile to me in response. I want you to not be sad, all the smiles today gave.

Breathing exercises

We will conduct respiratory gymnastics and prepare a voice to work: * inhale the nose, exhale through the mouth; * Nyuhai flower; * Cutting candle. OK-OK - Snowproof Slide1 IP-IP-IP - I hear snow squeak Re-Rea - Mountains in Snow Silver - Read the end of the 1st sentence with question intonation. - Second sentence read with exclamation intonation. - In the third sentence, put a logical stress on the word snow. - take the cleaningory in a whisper and slowly. -And now read it loud and fast. 2. Message the topic of the lesson, its goals. - What authority did we study on the last two literary reading lessons? Slide 2. - What are these works? - Today we will read another story of this writer and will learn to retell it. And what is the name of this story, try to guess ... I give a hint: the name consists of two words. Children sink anagram: A N K EG O P Slide 3. 3. Preparation for the primary perception of text - We already know how much books in the world, but there is one, from a series of special, which knows about the word all. This is your book: Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Slide 4. - Which of you wants to know everything about the word "slide"? - "The slide is an exaltation rising above the surrounding area. This is a lot of something. " - And a slide is called the flight of a sports aircraft, or a glazed locker for beautiful dishes. - There is a "red hill" concept, it is very old. So call the first week after Easter. - We can see the slide of salt, a slide of sugar, a slide of flour, a slide of seeds, etc. - About which hill we offer to know Nikolay nosov? ( about a snow hill) - Tell me what is needed for the construction of a snow slide? - Building slides - not easy job. It requires great strength and patience. - Guys, do you like to go on a hill? - Why? - What do you think there will be this story?


Before we start reading the story, let's prepare for reading difficult words that will meet in the text. - We read by syllables, and then whole words: Slide 5. Cry-Ba Li - Sgrabali (pick up the word close by value: collected) Sva-Li-Vashe - dumped Tru-Dyat-Xia - work (pick up the word with the opposite value: Lena) Slip - I - Slipping -This - I climbed (replace synonymous) yard-olt-ka-i - downtown (find the interpretation of this word in dictionary on a textbook page 214) from-mean-zero - it pushed out even-vene-ki-fours ( How do you understand this word?) On-til - reforted (pick up the word close by value: broke) 4 .. Primary text perception - Let's read the text "on the chain", to my signal. - What did you like the most reading? 5 .. Check primary perception of text

Emotional-valued conversation

Who liked the story? - What moment the story did you especially like? Why?


How on a hill snow, snow

And under the slide snow, snow.

And on the Christmas tree snow, snow,

And under the Christmas tree snow, snow.

And under the Christmas tree sleeps the bear.

Quiet, quiet, not noise!

6. Analysis of the work, selective reading

Who is the main hero of the story? ( Cotka and his friends) - What did the guys do? - Read how they built a slide. - What did Cottka do when the guys worked? -Why did he not come out? ( did not want to work, but I wanted to ride) Is he? ( cunning) - What happened when the guys gone dine? - Read how Cottka tried to climb on the slide. - Why did he sprinkle with sand? ( he could not climb her) - What came of it? Read. -How reacted the guys when came running on the slide after lunch? ( crowded Cottcu and forced him to fall asleep slide with snow). - Cotka immediately agreed to do it? ( no, he suggested wait until the snow falls) - Did you like Cotka to work? - Confirm with words from the text ... - Do you think Cottka has changed? ( yes, he became better). - Who helped him become better? ( his comrades) - Close your eyes and imagine that the year has passed. What was Cottka? - Find the proverb that expresses the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story: 1. Hurry - the people rush. Slide 6. 2. Singing seven times, and one resignation. 3. I knew how to make a mistake, mind and recover. - Why did you choose the proverb under the number 3? - You correctly coped with the task. Cool the mistake of Cottque helped his comrades who worked with him.

Fizkultminutka (Relaxation)

Cilia are lowered

Eye closes.

We rest calmly

Sleep magic fall asleep ...


We rest calmly

Sleep magic fell asleep,

Open eyes together

And go to work.

7. Text division into parts, drawing up a plan, retelling

The artist drew pictures to this story. Consider them. Slide 6. - Does the order of drawings matches the story events? (No) - let's break the pictures in order. - What picture is missing? - We got a picture plan. Let's call each picture.

Plan. Slide 7.

    Building slides guys.

    Hits on slippery slide.

    Cotka sprinkles with sand.

    The guys forced the comrade to work.

    Kotka liked to work.

- Find a part in the text that you would attribute to the first point of the plan (KO 2-MU, etc.). Where does it end? -What is it necessary to say in this part? - I think many of you are ready to retell the text now. But I want to complicate the task. Maybe someone will try to retell the text from the face of Cotock?

8. Generalization of the material

Choose words that, in your opinion, are suitable for this story:




What is the purpose of Nikolai Nikolaevich wrote a story "on the hill"? To: Slide 9.

    Cheer the reader. Match over someone. Help see the actions, reflect on them. Wake up fantasy. Help the reader to distinguish the correct act from the wrong?
- So, all 5 conclusions are true, and I hope that you guys, now you can easily distinguish good from the bad, and the ugly act comrar to forgive and help him will continue to do this.

9. The result of the lesson.

Everyone on the desk is a snowflake. Take it. Write your name on it, rate your work in the lesson and put yourself a mark.

  1. The work program is created on the basis of an approximate or author's program. Development of exemplary programs Competence of the Russian Federation represented by its federal state bodies

    Working programm
  2. Basic educational program

    The main educational program of primary general education (OPP) MOU SOSH S.AYATSKY for 2011-2015, was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education

  3. The working program for literary reading was created on the basis of the federal component of the State Standard of Primary General Education, the approximate program of the Ministry of Education in Mathematics 2006,

    Working programm

    The working program for literary reading was created on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of primary general education, the approximate program of the Ministry of Education in Mathematics 2006, the basic study

  4. Working curriculum on literary reading (literacy learning) UMC "Harmony" Developers: Terebilov G. B

    Work curriculum

    The program has been developed on the basis of an exemplary program on the literary reading of the draft federal state educational standard about the second-generation elementary school and is implemented through UMC,

  5. Working program for literary reading for 2011/2012 academic year 1 class

    Working programm

    Since speech activity is the main means of knowledge and communication, literary reading is one of the leading learning items in the system of training the younger schoolboy, promoting the overall development, upbringing

The main hero of the story of Nosov "on the hill" is the name of Cotka Chizhov. Cottka - the boy is cunning. When the guys did a slide in the yard, he sat by the window and looked at them. The guys were called to help him, but Cotka was felt, pretending to do not get out of the house.

But as soon as the slide was finished, and the yard was empty, Cottka immediately went outside. He decided to go skating. But in the snow it was not interesting to ride. Then Cottka decided to slip with a new slide. However, when he tried to rise at her, he fell - it was very slippery. Then Cottka began to think and came to the conclusion, as he climb the hill.

In the courtyard stood a box with sand, which the yard sprinkled when it became slippery. Here is Cottka and fell asleep the whole slide of sand, after which she calmly rose to her top. But it didn't work out from him - the skates did not go on the sand. At that moment, the guys who built a slide came to the courtyard, and began to find out who spoiled her. Having learned that the culprit is Cottka, they forced him to fall asleep the sand on a hill in the snow, after which they reborn her water.

And Cotake, I liked to correct the hill, that he additionally made a shovel step, so that it was more convenient to rise.

This is a summary of the story.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of Nosov "on the hill" is that before doing something, you need to think about which consequences will lead. Cottka guessed how to climb a slippery slide, but did not think how he would go with her when she stops being slippery. If the hero of the story thought well, he could immediately make steps and not spoil the slide. The story teaches to appreciate the results of someone else's labor. Cottka fell asleep with sand slide, which did not build and thus spoiled it. And the guys had to re-pour it with water so that you could ride.

In the story I liked the guys who built a slide. They know what friendship is both mutual assistance, as they built a hill together with joint efforts. And when the slide was spoiled by Cottque, they did not lower their hands, but restored her, taught at the same time Cottque a lesson of hardworking.

What proverbs approach the story "on the hill"?

For stupid actions, much mind is not necessary.
Overwhelmed himself.
He managed to spoil, sakes and fix.

    Full nameBarinova Irina Nikolaevna


    Positionprimary school teacher

    Thingliterary reading

    Class 2B

    Theme and lesson number in the subjectlesson number 4 "We are friends"

    Basic textbookL.F. Klimanova "Literary reading. 2 class" UMK "Perspective"

    The purpose of the lesson:introduce students with the story of N.Nosov "on the hill"



    contribute to the formation of a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe story;

    promote the formation and development of educational skills and skills: fluent, consciously and correctly read, find keywords in the text to characterize the hero;

    create conditions for expressive reading;

    promote speech correction, improve the competent system of speech;


    to form communicative speech skills when working with the text of the artwork; develop emotional responsiveness when listening and reading the work;


    education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness: to contribute to the cohesion of the children's team, establishing friendly relationships in a team based on mutual assistance and mutual support, awareness of the students' values \u200b\u200bof friendship, support, mutual executions;

    education of hardworking: respect for work and creativity, careful attitude to the results of their labor and labor of other people, awareness of the value of joint activities; Negative attitude to laziness, excited relation to the results of people's labor.

Planned results

Make up a text plan, retell using a plan and illustration;

Retell text on behalf of the main character;

Metairemless skills:


- perform a learning task on the algorithm;

Adequately evaluate the result of the study of the learning task.


Identify the topic and main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and justify your

Select the proverb to the work and justify your choice.


Adequately interact in the pair and in the group when performing training

Personal skills:

Show emotionally valuable attitude to the hero of artistic


    Type of lessonstudying a new material

    Forms of work of studentsfrontal, group.

    Necessary equipment:computer, diaper projector, laptops for children Interactive board.

    Structure lesson

During the classes



The name of the lesson stage

Tasks of the lesson stage

Activity of teacher and students

Motivation of training activities

Create emotional setting

We have a lesson of literary reading, a lesson of communication. It's nice to communicate with a man cheerful, friendly. Let's start a lesson with a greeting. So, turn to each other, take your arms and smile. Look at me. I wish you a good mood and interesting work in the lesson.

planning training cooperation with teacher and peers


providing students of their study activities (communicative)

Speech workout.

to present the skills of ownership of breathing, develop the organs of the articulation apparatus.

    Breathing exercises.

Snowflake fell to your mitchka. Take a breath and jump onto the snowflake to flew away.

Look where your snowflakes dropped.

    Development of diction.

Slide 1.

Forest noise - Shshsh

Flight Bees - Zzz

Flight Beetle - LJ

Pumping the ball - Fff

Flowing Ball - CSS

Forest noise - Shshsh

Read the eyes.

Read the whisper and slowly.

Read loud and slowly.

Read loud and quickly.


Slide 2.

Like a slide on the hill

Thirty-three york lived

OK York, two Egorka, three Egork ...

Actualization of knowledge.

Play educational material necessary for the perception of the new, organiso

to give and send cognitive activity of students.

Carefully read the words in each column.

Slide 3.

Cotka good soul

Fedor in school

Petya Fedorino Gore

Vovka on the hill

What unites them? (heroes, name)

Install the correspondence between the words of the first and second column. (Vovka Hero of the poem "Vovka - a kind soul", etc.)

Exclude the works already studied and specify the topic of the lesson completely. (Story N.Nosov "on the hill")

Slide 4.

What do you know about N.N. Nose?

(He composed funny stories about children, wrote books about minor).

What works of this writer did you read? Put these books to the exhibition.

(Children put on the shelf reading books).

analysis, independent allocation Formation of a cognitive goal, the ability to accept and maintain a learning task


Work on the lesson

1. Reading text with students and teacher.

2. Check reading attention.

Slide 5.

(Graphic dictation, if the answer is correct put V, if incorrect, put?)

The guys in the yard built a slide.

The main character was called Bear Chizhov.

The boy could not climb a hill, because She was slippery.

In order not to fall, he sprinkled her salt.

The guys had to pour a slide again.

Cottka made steps.

Checking the execution of dictation.

3. Drawing up a plan

On page 121 of the textbook is given a plan from the drawings. Check if the order of drawings corresponds to the story events.

What pictures are missing?

(Under the guidance of the teacher compiled a plan)

Sample plan. Slide 6.

    1. Building slides.

    2. Sly Cottka.

    3. The hill is covered with sand.

    4. The guys forced Cottik to work.

    5. Cotka liked to work.



We are tired of tired,

And now everyone got together.

Once - rose, stretched,

Two - bent, dispersed,

Three - in your hands three cotton,

Head three nodes.

Four - hands wider,

Five - to wave,

Six - to become exactly.

Show movements like Cottka sprinkled with sand.

Show the facial expressions, as the guys were surprised, seeing a spoiled slide.

formation of installation on a healthy lifestyle (Personal Wood)


naya work with self-test


to give an independent execution of students with certain tasks. Organiso.

put correlated with a reference for self-control


put the reflection of activities for this stage.

1. Research work in groups.

Slide 7,8,9,10,11 12.

Now you will work in groups. Each group will have to explore the text of the story in their task.

Group 1 Find lines from text that are suitable for pictures on page 121

The group for what purpose N. Nosov wrote a story "on the hill".

Choose the right answers

3rd group Select and emphasize words characterizing the main character:

sunny honest

fair lazy

sophisticated caring

Confirm your statements from the text from the text.

4th group Find errors in sentences

    And chitka did not work

    I thought, I thought and invented: "Now I will do the steps and take it on it."

    And when the guys left, he slowly dressed, took skis and jumped into the courtyard.

    The guys sprinkled the slide of snow, and Cottka was poured again with water

Group 5 Prepare and read the dialogue between the Cottail and the guys without the words of the author.

6th group

Choose proverbs that fit the text.

    A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    I knew how to make a mistake - I'll die and correct.

    Case time - fun hour.

    Hurry up - rush people.

    Seven times will die, and once a rejection.

Check the task executed (according to 1 student from the group).

2. Drawing up synkievine in groups.

Slide 13,14

1. Name (1 noun)

2. Description (2 adjectives)

3. Action (3 verbs)

4. Attitude (phrase of 4 words)

5. Repetition of the essence (synonym from one word)

Students are invited to make Sinwen on the chief hero of Cotnik.

educational cooperation with peers, the ability to express their thoughts, reaching agreement and coordination of the general solution

(Communicative Wood)

recognized and arbitrary construction of speech statement Search and selection of necessary information




to discuss your homework discussion by different groups teach

Open tutorials on with. 122, find the task number 6. Compare our plan with a textbook plan.

Why did we make a plan?

(With the help of a plan, it is easy to retell the text).

This will be your homework. The story plan is printed on the cards lying in front of you, and on the reverse side - the task. Need to choose to retell as the author wrote, or prepare the retelling from the face of Cotock. In this case, start your story as:

Once in the winter I looked out the window and saw the guys ...

setting and formulating the problem, the ability to accept and maintain a learning task


Reflection of educational activities in the lesson.


wash Sam

an assessment of the activity in the lesson.

You have snowflakes in your desks. Rate your work at the lesson. He who believes that he coped with all the tasks very, very well, worked independently, take the biggest snowflake in my hands. Who considers that he coped with the tasks well, but needed help, take the middle snowflake. And who thinks he still needs to work hard, is a small snowflake. And now we will build our slide. Go to the board and attach your snowflakes. Good hill it turned out!

control and evaluation of the process and performance, self-esteem based on the success criterion, adequate understanding of the causes of success / failure in educational activities

(Regulatory Wood)

Topic.n. Nose. "On the hill".

Objectives: Continue work on the story of N.Nosov "on the hill"; Develop the skill fluently read, divide text on the part; find a major thought; retell read; develop thinking, memory, attention; Educate hard work and respect for someone else's work.

During the classes.

I. During the lesson.

1. Emotional mood.

We have a lesson of literary reading, a lesson of communication. It's nice to communicate with a man of cheerful, benevolent. Let's start the lesson from the game "Hi Neighborhood"!

So, turn each other, take hands and smile ...

Children choir pronounce text:

Hi, neighbor!

Smile to me in response.

I want you not be sad

All smiles gave today.

2. Breathing exercises.

* Inhale the nose, exhale through the mouth;

* Nyhai flower.

* Cutting candle.

II.. Speech workout

Read proverbs. Explain their meaning.

(Slide number 1)

*Seven times measure cut once.

* Do you do skid - do on laughter.

* I knew how to make a mistake, help and recover.

Is it possible to take some of them to the story of N. Nosov "on the hill"?

III. Setting the goals of the lesson.

Today we will continue to work on the story of N. Nosov "on the hill". We will learn to share it on the part and make a quotation plan.

IV. Work on the lesson.

    Reading the story N. Nosova "On the hill".

2. Questions to the text:

Who is the main hero of the story?

(Cotka and his friends)

What did the guys do?

Read how they built a slide.

What did Cottka do when the guys worked?

Why didn't he come out? (I did not want to work, but I wanted to ride)

What is he? (Cunning)

What happened when the guys went to dine?

Read how Cottka tried to climb on a slide.

And why did he sprinkle with sand? (He could not climb him)

What came out of this? Read.

How did the guys responded when they came running on the slide after lunch? (Read on roles)

Did you like Cotka to work?

Confirm with the words from the text ...

Do you think Cottka has changed?

Who helped him become better? (His comrades)

V.. Physical attachment.

In the dark forest there is a hut,

Stands back in advance.

There is an old woman in that hut

There Baba - Yaga lives.

Nose crochet, eyes big,

As if coal, burn.

Wow, what an angry!

Standing hair!

* Continuation of work on the subject of the lesson.

3. Text division into parts, drawing up a plan, retelling.

The artist drew pictures to this story. Consider them. (Slide number 2)

Does the order of drawings correspond to the events of the story? (Not)

What pictures are missing?

We restored a pattern plan. It will help us split text on the part and make another plan - a quote.

Quote - accurate, literal excerpt from some text, statements.

(Under the guidance of the teacher, children make up a quotation plan, then read every part and allocate the main offer in it.)

Sample plan. (Slide number 3)

* All day the guys worked - built a slide in the yard.

* And chizhov chizhov from the sixth apartment - what a cunning one!

* Only climbed onto the hill - worship!

* He became from the sand drawer on a slide to carry.

* Skates - then in the sand do not go!

* The guys came running here.

* Take now - the same shovel!

VI. Relaxation with music.

Cilia are lowered

Eye closes.

We rest calmly

Sleep magic fall asleep ...


We rest calmly

Sleep magic fell asleep,

Open eyes together

And go to work.

VII. Fastening learned.

1. Preparation for retelling on a quote plan

2. Definition of chitki image.

What was Cottka? Think and select the desired definitions.

(Slide number 4).

Smart, cheerful, stupid, honest, angry, patient, hardworking, lazy, harmful, kind.

What would you say about him?

    The crossword on the story. (Slide number 5)



    What could be waiting for a whole week. (Snow.)

    The tool worked in the yard. (Shovel)

    Who worked in the yard? (Guys)

    The boy from the sixth apartment decided to ride them. (Skates)

    The name of the one who dragged the sand. (Cotka)

VIII.. Presentation of the student on the topic "N.N. Nose. "


What would you praise yourself?

What did you do with you?

What story did we read in the lesson?

What is the purpose of Nikolai Nikolaevich wrote this story? To:

(Slide number 6)

1. Release the reader.

2. Hell over someone.

3. Everyone to see the actions, reflect on them.

4. Quite a fantasy.

5. Help the reader to distinguish the correct act from the wrong?

I hope that you guys are now able to distinguish good from the bad, and the ugly act comrar to forgive and help him will continue to do this.

X.Summing up the lesson.

What new did you find out in the lesson?

What types of plan do you know?

What did you study in the lesson?


Repeat the works studied in this section.