Characteristics of heroes in the play "Thunderstorm. Drama "Thunderstorm": Ostrovsky and its contradictory female images

Characteristics of heroes in the play
Characteristics of heroes in the play "Thunderstorm. Drama "Thunderstorm": Ostrovsky and its contradictory female images

Work plan
1. Entry. A variety of symbols in the play.
2. The main part. Motives and themes of plays, artistic premiums, symbolism of images, phenomena, details.
Folklore motifs As an artistic prevention of a heroine situation.
- Dreams of Katerina and symbolism images.
- Story about childhood as a composite prevention.
- Motive of sin and rejection in the play. Kabanova and wild.
- Motive of sin in the images of the fecuschi and the polushum-walled barynie.
- Motive of sin in the images of Kudryash, Varvara and Tikhon.
- Perception of sin Katerina.
- The idea of \u200b\u200bthe play.
- Symbolic meaning of the plays.
- Symbols of items.
3. Conclusion. Philosophical and poetic fate of the play.

Symbols in the play A.N. Ostrovsky diverse. Symbolically, the name of the play, the theme of the thunderstorm, the motives of sin, the court. Symbolistic landscape paintings, items, some images. Allegorical meaning Care some motives, topics folk songs.
At the very beginning of the play, the song "Among the Rusty Valley ..." (Kuligin sings it), which at the very beginning Introduces the motive of thunderstorms and the motive of death. If we recall the entire lyrics, then there are the following lines:

Where can you rest
When will the thunderstorm go?
Gentle friend sleeps in crude land,
It will not come to the aid.

It also arises in it the theme of loneliness, orphanhood, life without love. All these motifs seem to be foreseen life situation Katerina at the beginning of the play:

Ah, bored lonely
And trees grow!
Ah, bitter, bitterly well
Without a cute life news!

The symbolic meaning is also acquired by the dreams of the heroine in the "thunderstorm". So, Katerina jells because people do not fly. "Why people do not fly! .. I say: why people Do not fly like birds? You know, I sometimes think that I am a bird. When you stand on the mountain, so you pull you. That would have been fused, raised her arms and flew. Try not enough now? "," She says Varvar. IN parental House Katerina lived exactly the "bird on the will." Give her how she flies. In another place of the play, she dreams of becoming a butterfly. The theme of birds in the narration of the motive motive, cells. Here we can remember the symbolic rite of Slavs to produce birds on the will of the cells of which - Vera Slavs in the ability to reincarnate human soul. As noted by Yu.V. Lebedev, "Slavs believed that the soul of a person can turn into a butterfly or a bird. IN folk songs A woman whoes in an unloved family in an unloved family is wrapped in a cuckoo, departs to the garden to his beloved mother, complained to her on a dust. " But the theme of birds is asked here and the motive of death. So, in many cultures milky Way called "bird road" because the souls flying on this road to the sky were represented by birds. Thus, at the beginning of the play, we notice the motives that anticipate the death of the heroine.
A kind of artistic prevention becomes the story of Katerina about her childhood: "... so I originated hot! I was still six years old, no more, so I did! They offended me with something at home, and the case was in the evening, so dark; I ran out on the Volga, got into the boat and packed her from the shore. On the other morning they found a vert for ten! ". But Katerina's story is a composite prevention of the Final Plays. The Volga for her is a symbol of will, space, free choice. And in the final she makes his choice.
Final scenes "Thunderstorms" are also preceded by the song Kudryash:

As a Donskaya Cossack, Cossack led a horse to poison,
Good well done, he stands at the gate.
At the gate stands, he himself thinks the Duma,
Duma thinks how will be a wife to ruin.
As a wife, his wife was recking her husband,
In the ray, his legs bowed to him:
You're, father, do you cordious friend!
You are not Bay, do not goubi you from the evening!
You kill, ruin me from midnight!
Let me sleep with my small fraud
Small deubs, all near neighbors.

This song develops in the play, the motive of sin and reward, which passes through all the narration. About sin constantly recalls Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova: "I have long to warm up! The conversation close to the heart will go, well, they will sin, get angry "," Full, fully, do not fear! Sin! "," What a fool and talk! Only sin one! " Judging by these replicas, sin for kabanova is irritation, anger, lie and deception. However, in this case, Marfa Ignatievna sins constantly. She often annoyed, angry on his son and daughter-in-law. Preaching religious commandments, she forgets about love for neighbor and therefore lies around. "Khunzha ... the beggars will give up, and the homemade at all," Kuligin says about her. Kabanova is far from true mercy, faith of her Surov and merciless. About sin in the play mentions and wild. Sin for him is his "swearing", anger, nature of character. "Sinful" wild often: gets home from him, nephew, Kulizhn, men.
About sin in the play is attensely reflects the wanderer of Feklush: "It is impossible, Mother, without sin: We live in the world," she says. For fecushi, sin is anger, a quarrel, a non-character, whispered. Behind him, she recognizes only one of these sins - gluttony: "One sin is behind me, for sure; I know myself that there is. I like to eat sweetly. " However, at the same time, the fecusch is prone to deceptions, to suspicion, she tells the earlie to look after "for the wretched" so that that "did not pull anything." The motive of sin is embodied and in the image of a half-handed Baryn, who sinned a lot to the smolod. Since then, she prophesies to everyone "Out", "fire ... non-regulation."
In a conversation with Boris about sin, I also mention Kudryash. Noticing Boris Grigorea near the Kabanov Garden and counting his opponent at first, Kudryash warns young man: "I love you, sir, and on any kind of service is ready, and on this track you will not meet with me at night so that, save the Lord, the sin of which did not come out." Knowing Kudryashk, we can assume what kind of "sins" are behind him. Barbara is in the play "sinful", not talking about sin. The concept of it lives in her consciousness only in the usual life-handled plan, but she obviously does not consider him a sinner. There are sins and Tikhon. He himself recognizes this in conversation Kuligin: "I traveled to Moscow, do you know? I read Mama on the road, I read me the instructions, and I went, so touched. I am very glad that I broke out. And I drank all the way, and in Moscow everything drank, so it's a bunch that on-socks! So that whole year go away I never remembered about the house. " Kuligin advises him to forgive his wife: "Something, tea, also not without sin!". Tikhon unconditionally agrees: "So what to say!".
Catherine often thinks about sin in the play. That is how she regards her love for Boris. Already in the first conversation about this with Vary, she clearly indicates his feelings: "Ah, cooking, sin on my mind! How much I, poor, cried, I didn't do on myself! Do not leave me from this sin. Not anywhere. After all, it is not good, because it is scary sin, Varnka, what do I love another? ". And for Katerina, the sin is not only an act as such, but the thought of him: "I'm not scary to die, and how I think that this is suddenly I am going before God, what I'm here with you, after that conversation, - That's what's scary. What I have on my mind! What sin something! Scary to express! ". Katerina is aware of his sin and at the moment when it meets with Boris. "If I was not afraid of sin for you, was I fighting a human court? They say it is even easier, when for some sin here, on earth, get lost. " However, then the heroine begins to suffer to the consciousness of his own sin. Own behavior disagrees to her ideal ideas About the world whose particle is she herself. Katerina introduces to the narration and motive of repentance, rejection for sins, God's kara.
And the theme of God's chambers is connected with the name of the play, and with a thunderstorm as a natural phenomenon. This theme is symbolic about the theme. However, what is the meaning of the playwright in the concept of "thunderstorms"? If we remember the Bible, then the grommet rolls are like the glory of the Lord. Almost all Kalinovtsy belong to the thunderstorms unambiguously: she inspires them a mystical fear, reminds of God's worship, about moral responsibility. Wildlock says: "... the thunderstorms are sent to us in punishment so that we feel ..." The prophecies of the crazy lady hint at Kara, "" For everything ... I will have to answer ... I will not leave God. " In the same way, it takes a thunderstorm and Katerina: she is convinced that it is nothing, other, like rewarding for her sins. However, there is a different meaning of this phenomenon in the Bible. With thunder here compare the gospel sermon. And this, it seems true meaning this symbol in the play. Thunderstorm "designed" to crush the stubbornness and cruelty of Kalinovsev, remind them of love and all exercise.
That is how Kalinovtsy had to come with Katerina. Public repentance of the heroine is an attempt to her reconciliation with the world, reconciliation with himself. In the subtext, the play sounds biblical wisdom: "Do not judge, do not judge, for what court judge, such a judgment ..." Thus, the motives of sin and the court, intertwining, form in the "thunderstorm" the deep semantic subtext in the "thunderstorm" Parable.
In addition to themes and motives, we note symbolic meaning Some pains of play. Kuligin introduces the ideas and themes of educational thinking in the play, also this character introduces the image of natural harmony and grace. The image of the polushum-headed lady at the island is a symbol of the sick conscience of Katerina, the image of the fecushi is a symbol of the old patriarchal world, the foundations of which rushes.
Last times The "Dark Kingdom" symbolize some objects in the play, in particular the old gallery and the key. In the fourth action, we see in the foreground a narrow gallery with an old, beginning to collapse the construction. Painting it reminds of well-defined plots - "Geenna Fire", the battle of Russians with Lithuania. However, now it is almost completely fallen, everything overgrown, after the fire it was never corrected. The symbolic detail is the key that Varbara transfers Katerina. Scene with the key playing crucial role In the development of the conflict of the play. In the soul of Katerina occurs internal struggle. She perceives the key as temptation as the sign of the upcoming death. But the thirst for happiness wins: "What am I saying that herself deceive? I even die, but see him. Before whom I pretend something! .. Throw the key! No, never in the world! He is mine now ... Whether it will be, and I will see Boris! Oh, kaby night as soon as possible! .. " The key here becomes for the heroine symbol of freedom, it seems to be laundered her soul in captivity.
Thus, the Pieces of Ostrovsky has both poetic, and philosophical subtext, expressed in motifs, images and details. Thunderstorm, swept over Kalinov, becomes "Cleaning storm who has taken deeply rooted prejudices that cleaned the place for other" morals ".

1. Lebedev Yu.V. Russian xIX literature century. Second half. Book for teacher. M., 1990, p. 169-170.

2. Lyon P.E., Lohova N.M. Decree. Op., p.255.

3. Buslakova T.P. Russian literature of the XIX century. Training minimum for applicant. M., 2005, p. 531.

1. The image of thunderstorms. Plays time.
2. Katerina dreams and symbolic images of the end of the world.
3. Heroes characters: wild and kabani.

Already the name of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" is symbolic. Thunderstorm is not only an atmospheric phenomenon, it is an allegorical designation of relationships between older and younger, having power and dependent. "... two weeks there will be no thunderstorms to me, there are no shackles of these on the legs ..." - Tikhon Kabanov is glad at least to break out of the house, where the mother "gives orders, one of the other is terrible."

The image of thunderstorms is closely related to a sense of fear. "Well, what are you afraid, tell me for mercy! Each now herb, every flower rejoices, and we hide, fear, exactly what! Thunderstorm will kill! Not a thunderstorm it, but grace! Yes, grace! You have a thunderstorm! " - Shames Kuligin fellow citizens, trembling with the sounds of thunder. Indeed, thunderstorm as a phenomenon of nature is also needed, like sunny weather. The rain washes off the dirt, cleans the earth, contributes to the better growth of plants. A person who sees in a thunderstorm phenomenon natural in the cycle of life, and not the sign of the divine anger, does not feel fear. The attitude to the thunderstorm characterizes the heroes of the play in a certain way. A fatalistic superstition associated with a thunderstorm and common in the people, voiced by Samodor Wild and a woman hidden from a thunderstorm: "Thunderstorms are sent to us in punishment so that we feel ..."; "Yes, like neither hiding! If someone is written on the family, you can't leave anywhere. " But in the perception of wild, kabani and many other fear of thunderstorms is something familiar and not too bright experience. "That's something, it is necessary to live so to always be ready for everything; I would not have been such a fear, "Kabaniha notices coolly. She does not doubt that the thunderstorm is the sign of God's wrath. But the heroine is so convinced that it leads the right way of life that there is no alarming.

The lively trembling in front of the thunderstorm in the play is experiencing only Katerina. It can be said that this fear clearly demonstrates her spiritual disorder. On the one hand, Katerina is eager to challenge a senior existence, go to meet her love. On the other hand, it is not able to dreamed of ideas, inspired by the environment in which she grown and continues to live. Fear, according to Katerina, is an integral element of life, and this is not so much fear of death as such as the fear of the coming punishment, before its spiritual failure: "Everyone must be afraid. Not that scary that kills you, but the fact that death will suddenly find you, as you are, with all your sins, with all the thoughts of Lukavi. "

In the play we find both the attitude towards the thunderstorm, to the fear that it seems to be unlikely to call. "I'm not afraid here," say Barbara and the inventor of Kuligin. Attitude towards thunderstorm characterizes and the interaction of a particular play of the play with time. Wild, kabani and those who share their eyes on a thunderstorm as a manifestation of heaven displeasure, of course, are inextricably linked with the past. Internal conflict Katerina comes from the fact that it is not able to break with the ideas that go into the past nor keep the "Domostrola" covenants in an inviolable purity. Thus, it is located at the point of the present, in contradictory, the turning point when a person must choose how to do it. Barbara and Kuligin are directed to the future. In the fate of Barbara, this is emphasized due to the fact that it leaves the native home is unknown where, almost like Heroes of Folklore, traveling in search of happiness, and Kuligin is constantly in scientific searches.

The image of the time is also slipping into the play. Time does not move evenly: it is compressed up to several moments, then it is incredibly long. These transformations symbolize various sensations and changes, depending on the context. "For sure, it happened, in the paradise of the trick, and I do not see anyone, and I don't remember time, and I do not hear when the service will end. Just like all this in one second was "- so Katerina characterizes the special state of the spiritual flight, which she worried in childhood, visiting the church.

"Last times ... for all signs the last. You still have in the city of Paradise and silence, and on other cities so just Sodom, Mother: noise, running, riding indifferent! The people are so sinking, one there, the other here. " Acceleration of the pace of life The Feklusha Stranger treats as an approach to the end of the world. Interestingly, the subjective feeling of compression of time is experiencing in different ways to Katerina and FEclushy. If for Katerina quickly flying time church service It is associated with the feeling of indescribable happiness, then for the "dimension" of time is an apocalyptic symbol: "... the time is shorter becomes. It happened, summer or winter is stretching, pull, you will not wait, when you end, but now you will not see how to fly. The days and the clock are all the same as if left; And the time is, for our sins, everything is shorter and shorter is done. "

No less symbolic images from children's dreams Katerina and fantastic images In the story of the wanderer. Intriticities and palaces, the singing of angelic votes, a flight in a dream - all these symbols pure soul, not yet knowing contradictions and doubt. But the unrestrained movement of time finds the expression and in the dreams of Katerina: "I'm not going to -MN, cooking, as before, the paradise trees and the mountains; And for sure, someone hugs me so hot and hotly and leads me somewhere, and I go behind him, I go ... ". So the experiences of Katerina are reflected in dreams. That she tries to suppress in itself, rises from the depths of the unconscious.

The motives of "fuss", "Fiery Zmia", which arise in the story of the fecles - is not just the result of a fantastic perception of reality simple person, ignorant and superstitious. Themes, sounding in the story of the Stranger, are closely connected with folklore, and with biblical motifs. If the fiery sniped is just a train, then the bustle in the view of the fecuschi - the capacious and multivalued image. How often do people hurry to do something, not always correctly appreciating the real meaning of their affairs and aspirations: "He seems to him that he is running for business; hurry, poor, people will not know, it seems to him that his manita is someone; And it will come to the place, the en empty, there is nothing, the dream is one. "

But in the play "Thunderstorm" are symbolic not only phenomena and concepts. Symbolic and figures of characters play. In particular, this applies to the merchant of Wild and Marf Ignatievna Kabanova, ninnable in the city of Kabaniy. Symbolic nickname, and the surname of the venerable Savel Prokofyuch with full right can be called talking. It is not by chance, because it is in the images of these people that thunderstorms, not mystical heavenly anger, but quite real tyranny power, firmly strengthened on sinful land.

Subject. Drama "Thunderstorm". The history of the creation, the system of images, revelations of the characteristics of the characters.

Objectives: 1. Submit a material about creating the drama of the island "thunderstorm" in the form of a video report.

2. Develop the analysis of the analysis of the characteristics of dramatic characters on the example of residents of Kalinov: First of all, the spiritual atmosphere in the city depends on.

3. Education of patriotism on the example of the history of creating the drama of the island "thunderstorm"; awaken interest in the creativity of Ostrovsky

Equipment: Multimedia projector, computer, presentation to the lesson on the topic, video report about the cities located on the Volga River.

Lesson plan.

    Organizing time.

    Check your homework. Interview:

Why did the formula "Columbus Zamoskvorechye" "Growing" to Ostrovsky?

What was the Zasoskvorechye Is Ostrovsky?

What is dramaturgy?

What theater collaborated with Ostrovsky and how did this theater of Goncharov called in a letter to Ostrovsky?

What is the merit of Ostrovsky in front of theater?

III. Work on the lesson. Announcement of the subject of the lesson: "Drama" Thunderstorm ". The history of the creation, the system of images, revelations of the characteristics of the characters. "

1. Video report on the history of the possession of the Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

1. "Present" of the city of Kalinova

In the summer of 1855, the Maritime Ministry of Russia has equipped an ethnographic expedition to study the life and culture of the Volga Cities. The expedition took part in A.N.ostrovsky. The impressions of the trip were reflected in many works of playwright. According to researchers, the "prototype" of Kalinov's city in the play "Thunderstorm" could be Kostroma, Torzhok or Kineshma. With Kostroma, it is connected by a picturesque area, with Kineshma - scene Terrible court, captured on the porch of one of the churches, with Torzhok - local morals. It will be more correct to say that Kalinov is a generalized image of the provincial cities of Russia.

2. Work with theoretical material.

Conversation with class:

Name genre features drama.


1) genre;

2) literary rodbelonging to simultaneously theater and literature.

Drama feature:

1) conflict,

2) membership of the plot on stage episodes,

3) solid chain of executives characters,

4) Lack of narrative principle.

Indicate the conflict of the play.

A.N.ostrovsky showed how "the protest against centuries-old traditions

and as old-fashioned entry begins to collapse under the pressure of the requirements of life. "

Conflict between the "Dark Kingdom" and new

man living under the laws of conscience.

3. Working with the text of the plays of the Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

Consider the system artistic images:

"Dark Kingdom"

Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna

Wild Savel Prokofich

wanderer Feklusha

moisan Shapkin

the servant is heard

Victims of the Dark Kingdom







- Let us turn to the values \u200b\u200bof the names, since the heroes of the play "talking names."

Catherine - Spoken Katerina, translated from Greek: clean, noble.

Barbarian -translated from Greek: Inaemka, Strank.

Marfa -from Aramaic: Mrs.

Boris -borislav's abbreviation, from Bulgarian:

fight, from Slavic: words.

Covere -from Savely, from Hebrew: Scaffed


Tikhon -from Greek: Successful, calm.

Teacher's word: "The action takes place in the city of Kalinov, located on the banks of the Volga. In the center of the city - Basar Square, nearby Old Church. It seems peacefully and calmly, but the owners of the city are different and cruelty. "

Conversation with class on questions:

    Tell us about the residents of Kalinov.

    What orders reign in the city? (Response the text).

N. Dobrolyubov responded about the inhabitants of Kalinov, so:

"Nothing saint, nothing clean, nothing right in this dark

world: Motherhood dominant for him, wild, insane,

it is wrong, he drove out of him any consciousness of honor and law ... ".

Do you agree with the opinion of criticism?

"Savior of Russian life."

Conversation with class:

    What does the word "Samodor" mean?

    What is your idea of \u200b\u200bthe wild?

    What is the cause of the unbridled arbitrariness of the wild?

    How does he belong to others?

    Is it confident in the infinity of power?

    Describe speech, Manera talk, to communicate wild. Give examples.

We conclude:

Wild Savel Prokofich -"Piercing man", "Rugator", "Samodor", which means wild, steep heart, abstract person. The purpose of his life is enrichment. Rudeness, ignorance, brand, swearing are familiar to wild. Passion for curses becomes even stronger when he is asked for money.

Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna -typical representative of the "Dark Kingdom".

1. What is your idea about this character?

2. How does it relate to their home? What is her attitude to "new orders"?

3. What is the similarity and distinction of the characters of wild and kabani?

4. Describe speech, the manner to speak, communicate with Kabanova. Give examples.

We conclude:

Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna -the embodiment of despotism, covered with the hens. As faithfully, it was characterized by Kuligin: "Khunzha ... the beggars will give up, and the homemade lies at all!" For her there is no love, maternal feelings for their children. Kabaniha is an exact nickname given to her by people. She is "a worry girl" and the defender of the customs and orders of the "Dark Kingdom".

Young heroes play. Give them a characteristic.

Tikhon -good, sincerely loves Katerina. Exhausted by Wcros and the orders of the mother, thinks about how to break out of the house. He is a bad, humble man.

Boris -soft, kind, really understands Katerina, but help it is unable. He is not able to fight for his happiness, chooses the path of humility.

Barbarian -understands the meaninglessness of the protest, for her a lie - protection against the laws of the "Dark Kingdom". She ran out of the house, but did not conquer.

Kudryash -desperate, boastful, capable of sincere feelings, is not afraid of his master. He struggles with all the way for his happiness.

Katerina's struggle for happiness.

    What can Katerina differ from other heroes of the drama "thunderstorm"?

2. Tell the story of her life. Give examples from text.

3. What is the tragism of its position?

4. What paths is it looking for in the struggle for happiness?

Comment on the picture.

Why can Katerina stay alone with his grief? Why didn't Boris take her with him?

Why did she not return to her husband?

Do Boris and Tikhon are worthy of her love?

Was the Katerina another exit, except for death?

Work with text.

    Why did Katerina decide to repent in his sin?

2. What role does a thunderstorm stage play?

3. Read the expressive monologue of Katerina in the repentance scene. What role does he play in the disclosure of the ideological content of the work?

Try to interpret the meaning of the name of the drama "Thunderstorm".

Storm -this is a natural power of nature, terrible and fully studied.

Storm -this is a thunderstorm state of society, a thunderstorm in the souls of people.

Storm -this is a threat to leaving, but still strong peace Kabanov and wild.

Storm -this is a Christian belief: the wrath of God, punishing the sins.

Storm -these are greeted new forces in the fight against old remnants of the past.

    Prove that the development of action inevitably leads to the tragic end?

    Could Katerina find happiness in the family? Under what conditions?

    What does the heroine fight: with a sense of debt or with the "Dark Kingdom"?

    Expressive read last words Katerina. Who is to blame for her death?

N.A. Dobravubov:"Katerina is a ray of light in the dark kingdom.

In the tragic end ... Dan a terrible challenge for Samoga. Morality, protest, brought to the end ... "(N.A. Dorobrubov" Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom ").

D.I.PISAREV:"Education and life could not give Katerina or a firm character, nor the developed mind ... It destroys the tightened suicide knots, which is completely unexpected for her."

(D.I. Pisarev "Motifs of the Russian Drama").

And what opinions do you hold and why?

Total lesson:

Evaluation of students' responses.

Today at the lesson we learned not only about the nras of Kalinovtsev, but also considered representatives of the "Dark" and "Light" Kingdom

At the end of the lesson, answer for yourself to the question: "What direction to self-education should I draw attention to a greater extent?".


Perform an abstract article n Dobrolyubov "Light Light in dark kingdom"According to plan:

    "Dark kingdom" in "thunderstorm"

    Katerina - "Light of Light in the" Dark Kingdom "

    The expression of folk aspirations

    The most resolute work of Ostrovsky.

Events in Drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" unfold on the coast of the Volga, in the fictional city of Kalinov. In the work, a list of acting persons and their brief characteristics, but they are still not enough to better understand the world of each character and reveal the conflict of the plays in general. The main heroes of the "thunderstorms" is not so much.

Katerina, girl, main character Pieces. She is pretty young, her early gave her married. Katya was brought up in accuracy according to the traditions of the housework: the main qualities of the wife were respect and humility to their spouse. At first, Katya tried to love Tikhon, but nothing but pity could experience him. At the same time, the girl tried to support her husband, help him and not to reproach him. Katerina can be called the most modest, but at the same time the strongest character of "thunderstorms". Indeed, the form of the character of Kati does not appear. At first glance, this girl is weak and silent, it seems as if it is easy to break. But it's not at all. Katerina is the only one in the family that opposes the kabani attacks. It is opposed, and not ignores them like Barbara. The conflict bears rather internal nature. After all, Kabaniha is afraid that Katya can affect her son, after which Tikhon will cease to obey the will of the mother.

Katya wants to fly, often compares himself with a bird. She literally chips in the "Dark Kingdom" Kalinov. Feeling in love with the arrival of a young man, Katya created himself perfect image Love and possible release. Unfortunately, her ideas had little in common with reality. The girl's life ended tragic.

Ostrovsky in the "thunderstorm" by the main character makes not only Katerina. The image of Kati is opposed to the image of Martha Ignatievna. A woman who keeps in fear and straining the whole family does not cause respect. Kabaniha strong and despotic. Most likely, the "Brazuds of the Board" she took after the death of her husband. Although it is likely that in the marriage of Kabaniha did not differ in humility. Most of all came from her Kate, daughter-in-law. It is Kabaniha indirectly guilty of the death of Katerina.

Varvara - daughter Kabanihi. Despite the fact that she learned for so many years, the reader still sympathizes to her. Varvara good girl. Surprisingly, deception and cunning do not make it similar to the rest of the city. She comes as she likes and lives as she wants. Barbara is not afraid of the wrath of the mother, because it is not authority for it.

Tikhon Kabanov fully complies with its name. It is quiet, weak, imperceptible. Tikhon cannot protect his wife from the mother, because he himself is under the strong influence of the Kabani. His riot in the end turns out to be the most significant. After all, it is the words, and not the escape of the barbarians make readers think about the entire tragedy of the situation.

Kuligina the author characterizes as self-taught mechanic. This character is a kind of guide. In the first action, he seemed to lead us according to Kalinov, telling about his inels, about families who live here about the social setting. Kuligin seems to know everything about everyone. His estimates of others are very accurate. Kuligin himself good personwho got used to live on well-established rules. He constantly dreams of a general good, about Mobility-Mobile, about the threshold, about honest labor. Unfortunately, his dreams are not destined to be realized.

Wild has a clerk, Kudryash. This character is interesting because the merchant is not afraid and can tell him what he thinks about him. At the same time, Kudryash, as well as wild, trying to find benefits in everything. It can be described as a simple person.

Boris comes to Kalinov in cases: he needs to urgently establish relations with wild, because in this case he will be able to get the money legally. However, neither Boris nor wild want to even see each other. Initially, Boris seems to readers such as Katya, honest and fair. IN last scenes This is refuted: Boris is not able to decide on a serious step, take responsibility, he simply escapes, leaving Katya alone.

Some of the "thunderstorms" heroes are a wander and maid. Feclusha and Head are shown as typical inhabitants of Kalinov city. Their darkness and uneducation sincerely amazes. Their judgments are absurd, and the horizon is very narrow. Women are judged by morality and morality on some kind of perverted, distorted concepts. "Moscow is now Gulbishchi da playing, and the streets of Indo rumbled, the moan stands. Why, Mother Marfa Ignatievna Mother, Fiery Zmia began to bargain: Everyone, you see, for the sake of speed, "so the fecusch responds about the progress and reforms, and the" Fire Zmiem "woman calls the car. Such people are alien to progress and culture, because it is convenient to live in a confined limited peace of calm and dimension.

This article is given a brief description of Heroes of the Piez "Thunderstorm", for a deeper understanding, we recommend familiarizing yourself with thematic articles about every character "Thunderstorms" on our website.

Test on the work

In 1859, a premiere took place on the stage of one of the metropolitan theaters. The audience saw the drama created by the young writer - Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolayevich. This work is considered unique in its own way. The drama does not repeat the many laws of the genre.

"Thunderstorm" was written in the Epoch of Realism. This means that the work is filled with symbols and images. Consequently, in our article you will learn about the meaning of the name and the shaken symbolism of the Drama "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky.

The first image of thunderstorms

The thunderstorm image in this product is multifaceted. This natural phenomenon is at the same time an idea and actor drama. What do you think is the Ostrovsky used the image of a thunderstorm? Let's rummage about it.

Please note that this phenomenon of nature in the work appears before the reader in several horses. First, the meaning of the name and shaped symbol The drama "Thunderstorm" lies in the fact that the reader initially sees the phenomenon of nature. The city of Kalinov, described in the work, as well as its inhabitants live in anticipation and waiting for thunderstorms. All happens in the play lasts about two weeks. The point in the streets of the town, conversations are audible about what the storm is coming.

In the composition of the thunderstorm is also climax! It is the powerful rollers of thunder forcing Katerina to confess in deception and treason. Attentive readers will notice that 4 the action is accompanied by rolled. It seems that the writer was preparing the reader and the viewer to the apogeo. But it is not all. Secondly, the meaning of the name and the figurative symbolism of the drama "Thunderstorm" has another kernel. Let's consider it.

Second thunderstorm image

It turns out that each character works understands the thunderstorm in different ways, that is, in its own way:

  • The inventor of Kuligin is not afraid of her, as it does not see any mystical nature in this phenomenon.
  • Thunderstorm as a punishment perceives wild, he considers her a reason to remember the Most Him.
  • Unhappy Ekaterina saw in the thunderstorm symbolism of fate and rock. So, after the most terrible roller thunder, the lady confessed the feelings for Boris. She is afraid of thunderstorms because he considers it God's court. On this quest for the meaning of the name of the Piez "Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky does not end. This natural phenomenon helps Katerina to go for a desperate step. Thanks to her, she herself admits himself, becomes honest.
  • Kabanov, her husband, sees a different meaning in a thunderstorm. The reader will know this at the very beginning of the play. He needs to go for a short time, thanks to this he will get rid of excessive maternal control, as well as from her unbearable orders. He says that there will be no thunderstorms and no shackles. In these words is a comparison of a natural disaster with endless hysteries of Kabanih.

Author's interpretation of the meaning of the name and figurative symbolism of the drama "Thunderstorm"

We have already talked about the fact that the thunderstorm image is symbolic, multifaceted, as well as multivalued. This suggests that in the title of the play, many meanings are concluded, which are complemented and combined with each other. All this allows you to understand the reader with a problem comprehensively.

It is worth noting that the reader arises great amount Associations with the title. It is noteworthy that the author's interpretation of the work does not limit the reader, so we do not know exactly how to decipher the image character you are interested in.

Nevertheless, the meaning of the name and figurative symbolism of the drama "thunderstorm" the author is understood as the phenomenon of nature, the beginning of which the reader watches in the first action. And in the fourth thunderstorm impulsively gains strength.

The city lives in fear of coming thunderstorms. It is not afraid only Kuligin. After all, he leads the righteous life - makes a living for honest labor and so on. He does not understand the primitive fear of citizens.

It seems that the thunderstorm image carries a negative symbolism. However, it is not. The role of this natural phenomenon The play is to stir and refresh public life and people. After all, not in vain literary critic Dobrolyubov wrote that the city of Kalinov is a deaf kingdom in which the spirit of vices and stagnation dwells. The man became a fool, because he does not know and does not understand his own culture, which means he does not know how to be a man.

The thunderstorm phenomenon is trying to destroy the trap and penetrate the city. But one such thunderstorm will not be enough, like the death of Katerina. The death of the young lads led to the fact that the indecisive spouse arrives for the first time as a conscience makes him.

The image of the river

As you already guessed, the image of a thunderstorm in this product through. That is, he is embodied and appears in front of the reader in different hypostatas. However, there is another no less in the drama important imagewhich also concluded a figurative symbolism of the drama "Thunderstorm".

We are moving to the consideration of the image of the Volga River. Ostrovsky depicted it in the form of a border that shares opposite worlds - cruel kingdom The cities of Kalinov and the world are perfect, drawn by each hero of the work. The lady repeated several times that the river delays any beauty, as this is an outer. The alleged symbol of freedom in the representation of the Kabani is to be a symbol of death.


We looked at the work of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky - "Thunderstorm." The drama is written in the Epoch of Realism, which means it is filled with many meanings and images.

We saw that the meaning of the name and the figurative symbolism of the drama "thunderstorm" is relevant even today. The author's skill is that he managed to portray the image of a thunderstorm in different phenomena. With the help of natural phenomenon, he showed all parties to Russian society early XIX. century, ranging from wild morals and ending with the personal drama of each heroes.