Portraits of the heroes of the war and the world. Characteristics of the main characters of the work of war and the world, Tolstoy

Portraits of the heroes of the war and the world. Characteristics of the main characters of the work of war and the world, Tolstoy
Portraits of the heroes of the war and the world. Characteristics of the main characters of the work of war and the world, Tolstoy

Not just wrote a wonderful work "War and Peace", but also showed Russian life for several decades. The researchers of the works of Tolstoy calculated that on the pages of his novel, the writer portrayed more than 600 characters. Moreover, each of these actors has a clear and certified characteristics of the writer. This allows the reader to draw a detailed portrait of each hero.

In contact with

System of characters in the novel "War and Peace"

Of course, the main hero of the works of Tolstoy is the people. According to the author, this is the best thing in the Russian nation. According to the novel, the people include not only ordinary people who do not have, but also nobles that live for themselves, but for others. But the people in the novel are opposed to aristocrats:

  1. Kuragin.
  2. Visitors to Salon Anna Shersher.

Immediately, on the description, you can determine that all these heroes - negative characters of the novel. Their life of the leafless and mechanical, they commit artificial and lifeless actions are incapable of compassion, selfish. These heroes cannot change even under the influence of life.

Most otherwise, Lev Nikolayevich depicts positive characters. Their actions lead the heart. Such positive acts can be attributed to:

  1. Kutuzov.
  2. Natasha Rostov.
  3. Plato Karataeva.
  4. Alpatych.
  5. Officer Timokhina.
  6. Officer Tushina.
  7. Pierre Dunzhova.
  8. Andrei Bolkonsky.

All these heroes able to empathize, develop and change. But it was the war of 1812, the tests that she brought, makes it possible to understand what camp can be attributed to the characters of the novel Tolstoy.

Peter Rostov - the central hero of the novel

Count Peter Rostov is the youngest child in the family, Natasha's brother. At the beginning of the novel, the reader sees him even a completely child. So, in 1805 he was only 9 years old. And if at this age the writer only notices that he is fat, then the characteristic of Peter at 13 years old is also added that the teenager is beautiful and fun.

At 16, Peter goes to war, although it was supposed to enter the university, and soon becomes a real man, an officer. He is a patriot and is experiencing for the fate of his deception. Petya spoke perfectly in French and could regret the French-French Boy. Going to war, Petya dreams to make something heroic.

And despite the fact that the parents first did not want to let him go to the service, and then found a place where it was safer, he moves along with a friend to the army. As soon as he was appointed Assistant General, he was immediately taken captive. Deciding to participate in the battle with the French, helping Dolokhov, Petya dies, having willed in the head.

His name will be called his only son Natasha Rostov, who will never be able to forget his brother, with whom she was so close.

Minor male characters

In the novel "War and Peace" many secondary actors. Among them, the following heroes are especially distinguished:

  1. Drubetskaya Boris.
  2. Share

High and Blond Boris Drubetsky brought up in the family of growth and was in love with Natasha. His mother, Princess Drubetskaya, had a family of growth far-relative. He is proud and dreams of a military career.

Once in the guard, thanks to the troubles of his mother, he participates in the military campaign of 1805. The characteristic of his writer is unfolded, as Boris tries to start to start the "useful" dating. So, he is ready to spend all the money in order to enjoy a rich man. He becomes the husband of Julie Kuragin, as she is rich.

Officer Garda Doolokov - a bright secondary character of the novel. At the beginning of Roman Fyodor Ivanovich 25 years old. Born he was the honorable lady of Maria Ivanovna, belonging to the poor noble family. The officer of Semenian regiment was liked to women, as he was beautiful: medium height, with curly hair and blue eyes. A solid voice and a cold look harmoniously combined in Dolokhov with his education and mind. Despite the fact that the share of the player and loves a turntable life, in society it is still respected.

Fathers of families of growth and Bolkon

General Bolkonsky has long been retired. He is rich, in society enjoys respect. He performed his service at the time of the reign of Catherine the second, therefore Kutuzov is his good companion. But the character of the Father of the family of Bolkonsky. Nikolai Andreevich is not only strict, but also harsh. He watches his health and appreciates everything in order.

Count Ilya Andreevich Rostov is a positive and bright hero of the novel. His wife is Anna Mikhailovna Shinshin. Ilya Andreevich raises five children. He is rich and cheerful, good and self-confident in character. The old prince is very trusting, and it is easy to fool.

Ilya Andreevich is a responsive person, a patriot. In his house takes wounded soldiers. But he absolutely did not follow the state of the family, so it becomes the culprit of ruin. Prince dies in 1813, trying to survive the tragedies of his children.

Minor female characters

In the work of L.N. Tolstoy many minor actors who allow you to understand those events that the author describes. In the work of "War and Peace", women's characters are represented by the following heroes:

  1. Sonya Rostova.
  2. Julie Kuragina.
  3. Vera Rostova.

Sonya Rostov is a secondary sister Natasha Rostova, the main character of the novel "War and Peace". Sofya Aleksandrovna - Orphan and Nonfervanica. For the first time readers see it at the beginning of the novel. Then, in 1805, she was barely 15 years old. Sonya looked fine: the waist was thin and miniature, the big and thick black braid twice walked her head. Even a look, soft and closed, hit.

The older the girl was becoming, the more beautiful she looked. And at 22, it, according to the description of Tolstoy, was similar to the kitty: smooth, flexible and soft. She was in love with Nicholya Rostov. She even refuses to "brilliant" the groom by Shahov. Sonya knew how to work in front of a different public. She was usually a thin voice and very diligently.

But Nikolai pretended to marry Marya Bolkonskoy. And the economic and patient Sonya, which so skillfully led a household, remained living in the house of the young family of growth, helping them. At the end of the novel, the writer shows it at the age of 30, but it is also not married, but it's a lot with children of growth and caring for the sick princess.

Julie Kuragin - the secondary heroine of the novel. It is known that after the death of the brothers in the war, remaining with his mother, the girl becomes a rich heir. At the beginning of the novel, Juli for 20 years and the reader learns that she was from a decent noble family. They brought up her virtuous parents, and in general the family of Rostov Juli was familiar from orphanage.

Special external data from Julie was not. The girl was a round-blood and ugly. But she dressed up fashionable and tried to always smile. Because of her red face, poorly mowed powder, and no one wanted to get her wet eye. Julie is a bit naive and very stupid. She tries not to miss a single ball nor the theatrical statement.

By the way, the Countess Rostov dreamed of profitably marry Julie Nicholas. But for the sake of money, Boris Drubetskaya marries her, who hates Julie and hopes after the wedding to see her very rarely.

Another secondary female character in the novel of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" is Vera Rostov. This is the eldest and unloved daughter of Princess Rostova. After marriage, she became Vera Berg. At the beginning of the novel she was 20 years old, and the girl was four years older than his sister Natasha. Vera is beautiful, unloud and well educated and educated girl with a pleasant voice. And Natasha, and Nikolai believed that she was too correct and some kind of insensitive, as if her had no heart at all.

Prince, Father Helen, Anatol and Ippolit. This is a very famous and fairly influential person in society, takes an important court post. Attitude towards all the Prince V. indulgence and patronage. The author shows his hero "in court, shitty uniform, in stockings, shoes, with stars, with a bright expression of a flat face", with "scented and shining bald". But when he smiled, in his smile it was "something unexpectedly gross and unpleasant." Specially Prince V. Nikoma does not want evil. He just enjoys people and circumstances to implement its plans. V. always seeks to get close to people who are richer and above him. The hero considers himself an exemplary father, he does everything possible to arrange the future of his children. He is trying to marry his son Anatoly on a rich princess Marya Bologkoe. After the death of the old prince, Beshov and the receipt of a huge inheritance Pierre, V. Marsh of the rich bride and cunning gives his daughter Helen for him. Prince V. Big Intrigan, who knows how to live in society and make acquaintances with the right people.

Anatole Kuragin

The son of Prince Vasily, the brother of Helen and Ippolit. Prince Vasily himself looks at her son as a "restless fool", which you constantly need to get out of various troubles. A. Very handsome, fierce, naked. He is frankly stupid, not found, but popular in society, because "he had a precious age of calm and no confidence in him." A. Fr. Dolokhova, constantly participates in his kitsa, looks at life as a constant stream of pleasures and pleasures. It is not worried about other people, he is selfish. To women A. applies with contempt, feeling its superiority. He got used to everyone, without experiencing anything serious in response. A. Fasciance in Natasha Rostova and tried to take it. After this incident, the hero was forced to flee from Moscow and hide from Prince Andrew, who wanted to call the seducer of his bride to the duel.

Kuragin Helen

Daughter of Prince Vasily, and then the wife of Pierre Probrova. Brilliant Petersburg Beauty with a "unchanged smile", white full shoulders, glossy hair and beautiful mill. It did not have a noticeably coquetry, as if she was conscable "for her undoubtedly and too strongly and winning beauty." E. Ilight, providing all the right to admire himself, why it is felt like a gloss from many other people's views. She knows how to be silent-worthy in the world, producing the impression of a tactical and intelligent woman, which in combination with beauty provides her constant success. Coming out married Pierre Dunzhova, the heroine discovers before his husband not only the limit of mind, the rudeness of thought and vulgarity, but also cynical depravity. After breaking with Pierre and receive from him by the proxy of a large part of the state, she lives in St. Petersburg, then abroad, then returns to her husband. Despite the family gap, the permanent change of lovers, including Doolokov and Drubetskaya, E. continues to be one of the most famous and demanded ladies. In the world, she makes very great successes; Living alone, she becomes the mistress of a diplomatic and political cabin, acquires a reputation as smart women

Anna Pavlovna Sherler

Freilin, an approximate empress Mary Fedorovna. Sh. - Mistress Fashionable in St. Petersburg salon, Description of the evening in which the novel opens. A.P. 40 years old, she is artificial, like all the highest light. Its attitude to any person or event depends entirely on the latest political, courtiers or secular considerations. She is friendly with the prince of Vasily. Sh. "Fully and Gust" is filled with "," to be enthusiastic has become its public situation. " In 1812, her salon demonstrates false patriotism, eating soup and penalty for French.

Boris Drubetskaya

Son of Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskoy. Since childhood, he was brought up and for a long time he lived in the house of the growth, who had to relative. B. and Natasha were in love with each other. Externally, this is a "high blond young man with the right dead features of a calm and beautiful face." B. From his youth dreams of a military career, allows the mother to humiliate before higher, if it helps him. So, Prince Vasily finds him a place in the guard. B. is going to make a brilliant career, makes a lot of useful dating. After a while it becomes the lover of Helen. B. It manages to be in the right place at the right time, and his career and position are approved particularly firmly. In 1809, he again meets Natasha and is fond of her, even thinking to marry her. But this would prevent his career. Therefore, B. begins to look for a rich bride. In the end, he marries Julie Karagina.

Count Rostov

Rostov Ilya Andreevi - Count, Father Natasha, Nikolai, Faith and Petit. Very good-natured, generous man, loving life and not very able to count on his funds. R. is able to make it best to make, the ball, he is a warm owner and an exemplary family man. The graph is used to live on a wide leg, and then when funds no longer allow this, gradually ruins their family, which is strongly suffering. When departing from Moscow, R. starts to give the submission for the wounded. So he inflicts one of the last blows on the family budget. The death of the Son Petit finally broke the graph, he comes to life only when she prepares a wedding for Natasha and Pierre.

Countess Rostov

Graph Rostov's wife, "Woman with an eastern style of a thin face, years of forty-five, apparently exacerbated by children ... The slowness of her movements and a dialect, who originated from the weakness of the forces, gave her a significant appearance inspiring respect." R. Creates in his family an atmosphere of love and kindness, very careful about the fate of his children. The guise of the death of the younger and beloved son Petit almost drives her crazy. She got used to the luxury and fulfillment of the slightest whims, and demands it after the death of her husband.

Natasha Rostov

Daughter of graph and graphate growth. She is "black-eyed, with a big mouth, ugly, but alive ...". Distinctive features of N. - emotionality and sensitivity. She is not very smart, but she has amazing ability to guess people. She is capable of noble deeds, may forget about their interests for other people. So, she calls on their family to export wounded on the flows, leaving the property. N. Without the return, the mother is in charge after the death of Petit. N. N. Very beautiful voice, she is very musical. With his singing, she is able to awaken the best in man. Tolstoy notes the proximity of N. to the simple people. This is one of its best qualities. N. lives in the atmosphere of love and happiness. Changes in her life occur after meeting with the prince Andrey. N. becomes his bride, but later he is fond of Anatola Kuragin. After a while, N. understands the power of his guilt in front of the prince, he forgives her before his death, she stays with him before his death. The real love of N. is experiencing to Pierre, they perfectly understand each other, they are very good together. She becomes his wife and completely gives the role of his wife and mother.

Nikolay Rostov

Son of Graph Rostov. "A low curly young man with an open expression of the face." The hero is characterized by "swiftness and enthusiasm", it is cheerful, open, friendly and emotional. N. Participates in the military campaigns and the Patriotic War of 1812. In Shengraban battle, N. goes to the attack first very bravely, but then he was wounded in his hand. This wound causes his panic, he thinks about how he can die, "whom everyone loves." This event slightly slides the image of the hero. After N. becomes a brave officer, a real hussar who preserves loyalty to debt. N. was a long novel with Sonya, and he was going to make a noble act, married to the idleness in spite of the will of the mother. But he gets a letter from Sony, in which she says he lets him. After the death of the Father, N. takes care of the family, leaving. They and Marya Bolkonskoe fall in love with each other and marry.

Petya Rostov

The younger son of growth. At the beginning of the novel, we see P. still a small boy. He is a typical representative of his family, kind, cheerful, musical. Wishes to imitate the older brother and go in life by the military line. In 1812, full of patriotic gusts and goes to the army. During the war, the young man accidentally falls with the instructions of Denisov's detachment, where it remains, wanting to participate in the present case. He accidentally dies, on the eve of manifesting all its best qualities in relation to comrades. His death is the greatest tragedy for his family.

Pierre Duchevov

The illegal son of the rich and famous in the society of the Countness of Nukhova. He appears almost before the death of his father itself and becomes the heir of the whole state. P. very different from people belonging to the highest society even externally. This is "a massive, fat young man with a cut-off head, with glasses" with a "observation and natural" look. He brought up abroad, got a good education there. P. Sman, has a tendency to philosophical reasoning, he has a very kind and soft temper, it is completely impracticious. He loves Andrei Bolkonsky very much, he considers him his friend and the only "alive man" among all the highest light.
In pursuit of money, P. ends the family of Kuragin and, using the naivestream P., forced him to marry helen. He is unhappy with her, understands that this is a terrible woman and breaks relationships with her.
At the beginning of the novel, we see that P. considers Napoleon with his idol. After he is terribly disappointed in him and even wants to kill. P. Infected the search for the meaning of life. That is how he is fond of Masonry, but seeing their false, leaves from there. P. Trying to rebuild the life of his peasants, but he does not succeed because of his gullibility and impracticity. P. participates in the war, not quite even understanding what it is. Left in burning Moscow to kill Napoleon, P. is captured. He is experiencing large moral flour during the executive execution. In the same place P. occurs with the expressant "Thoughtful People's" Plato Karataev. Thanks to this meeting, P. learned to see "eternal and infinite in everything." Pierre loves Natasha Rostov, but that is married to his friend. After the death of Andrei Bolkonsky and the revival of Natasha to life, the best heroes are getting married. In the epilogue we see P. Happy husband and Father. In the dispute with Nikolai Rostov P. expresses his convictions, and we understand that we have the future Decembrist.


She is "thin, miniature brunette with a soft, shaded long eyelashes, a thick black oblique, twice the brainstorming her head, and a yellowish tint of the skin on the face and especially on nude thin, but graceful hands and neck. The smoothness of movements, softness and flexibility of small members and a few tricky and restrained manner, she resembles a beautiful, but not yet formed a kitten, which will be a pretty kitty. "
S. - The niece of the old Graph Rostov is brought up in this house. Since childhood, the heroine is in love with Nikolai Rostov, very friendly with Natasha. C. Restrained, silent, is judicious, capable of sacrificing himself. The feeling to Nicholas is so strong that she wants to "love always, and he will be free." Because of this, she refuses Dolohov who wanted to marry her. S. and Nikolay are connected by a word, he promised to take her to his wife. But the old Countess of Rostov against this wedding, he reproaches with ... that, not wanting to pay thanks, refuses to marry, freeing Nikolai from this promise. After the death of the old graph lives together with the Countess in the care of Nicholas.


"Shelokh was a man of medium height, curly and with blond, blue eyes. He was twenty-five years old. He did not carry a mustache, like all the infantry officers, and his mouth, the most striking feature of his face, was all visible. The lines of this mouth were remarkably finely curved. In the middle of the upper lip, it was energily descended to a strong bottom sharp wedge, and constantly something like two smiles in the corners was formed, one on each side; And all together, and especially in a combination with a solid, brazen, smart look, was the impression that it was impossible not to notice this person. " This hero is not good, but knows how to put himself so that everyone is respected and afraid of him. He loves to have fun, and quite strange and sometimes a cruel way. In one case of bullying over Quarterly, D. was demolished into soldiers. But during hostilities again gained its rank officer. This is a smart, brave and cold-blooded man. He is not afraid of death, hears the evil man, hides his tender love for his mother. In fact, D. does not want to know anyone, except for those who really love. It shares people in harmful and helpful, sees around him mostly harmful and get rid of them if they suddenly stand on his road. D. was Helen's lover, he provokes Pierre on a duel, dishonestly beats in the map of Nikolay Rostov, helps an anatoly to make an escape with Natasha.

Nikolai Bolkonsky

Prince, General-Annef, was settled from service with Pavel I and exiled to the village. He is the father of Andrei Bolkonsky and Princess Marya. This is a very pedantic, dry, active person who does not endure idleness, superstition. In his house, everything is written on the clock, he must be in any time. The old prince is not the slightest changes in order and graphics.
ON THE. Light growth, "In a powdered wig ... with little dry handles and gray hanging eyebrows, sometimes, as he was published, covered by the brilliance of smart and exactly young shiny eyes." The prince is very restrained in the manifestation of feelings. He constantly utters his daughter to the soldiers, although in fact he loves her very much. ON THE. Proud, clever man, constantly cares about the preservation of the family honor and dignity. In his son, he brought up a sense of pride, honesty, debt, patriotism. Despite the departure from public life, the prince is constantly interested in political and military events occurring in Russia. Only before death, he loses the idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale of the tragedy that happened to the Motherland.

Andrey Bolkonsky

Prince Bolkonsky's son, native brother Princess Maryia. At the beginning of the novel, we see B. as smart, proud, but enough man. He despises the people of the highest light, unhappy in marriage and does not respect her pretty wife. B. Very restrained, well formed, he has a strong will. This hero is experiencing large spiritual changes. At first we see that his idol is Napoleon, whom he considers a great man. B. falls on the war, goes to the existing army. There he fights along with all the soldiers, manifests greater courage, composure, prudence. Participates in Shenagraben battle. B. was seriously injured in Austerlitsky battle. This moment is extremely important, because it was then that the spiritual rebirth of the hero began. Lying Reality and seeing the calm and eternal sky of Austerlitz, B. understands all the petty and stupidity of all that is happening in the war. He realized that in fact there should be completely different values \u200b\u200bin life than those that he had so far. All exploits, fame do not matter. There is only this huge and eternal sky. In the same episode, B. sees Napoleon and understands all the insignificance of this person. B. Returns home where he was considered dead. His wife dies with childbirth, but the child survives. The hero is shocked by the death of his wife and feels his guilt in front of her. He decides no longer serve, settles in Boguchars, is engaged in the economy, the education of the son, reads a lot of books. During the trip to Petersburg B. for the second time it is found with Natasha Rostova. It awakens a deep feeling, the heroes decide to get married. B. Father does not agree with the choice of the Son, they postpone the wedding for a year, the hero leaves abroad. After the cheating of the bride, he returns to the army under the leadership of Kutuzov. During the Borodino battle, mortally wounded. By chance he leaves Moscow in Rostov's Most. Before death, he forgives Natasha and understands the true meaning of love.

Lisa Bolkonskaya

Prince Andrew's wife. She is a favorite of all the world, an attractive young woman, whom everyone is called "little princess". "It's pretty, with a slightly inxicious assholes, the upper sponge was short for the teeth, but that bedtime it opened and the more Mile was stretched sometimes and went down to the bottom. As it always happens, it is quite attractive women, the lack of her - the shortness of the lip and the half-open mouth - they seemed to be especially ill, actually her beauty. Everyone had fun to look at this full health and liveliness, a pretty future mother, so easily tolerant of their position. " L. was a universal favorite thanks to his always lively and courtesy of a secular woman, she did not think her life without top light. But Prince Andrei did not like his wife and felt unhappy in marriage. L. does not understand her husband, his aspirations and ideals. After leaving Andrei to the war, L. lives in the Bald Mountains at the Old Prince Bolkonsky, to which fear and hostility is experiencing. L. Prefers his ambulance and really dies during childbirth.

Princess Marya

D. ok old prince Bolkonsky and sister Andrei Bolkonsky. M. Nekrasiva, painful, but all her face transform beautiful eyes: "... the eyes are princes, big, deep and radiant (as if the rays of warm light sometimes came out of them), were so good that very often, despite the urgency of the whole face , these eyes were attractive than beauty. " Princess M. Differs great religiosity. She often takes all sorts of mantis, wanderers. She has no close friends, she lives under the oppression of the Father, whom he loves, but incredibly afraid. The old prince Bolkonsky was distinguished by a bad temper, M. was absolutely clogged with them and did not believe in his personal happiness. All his love, she gives his father, brother Andrei and his son, trying to replace the little mother to replace the little Nicholen. Life M. is changing after a meeting with Nikolai Rostov. It was he who saw all the wealth and beauty of her soul. They marry, M. becomes a devoted wife, fully dividing all the views of her husband.


Real historical person, commander-in-chief of the Russian army. For Tolstoy, he is the ideal of a historic figure and a person's ideal. "He will listen to everything, everything will remember, everything will put in her place, it does not hurt any useful and nothing will allow anything harmful. He understands that there is something stronger and more considerable to his will, - this is the inevitable course of events, and he knows how to see them, knows how to understand their meaning and, in view of this, knows how to renounce participation in these events, from his personal will, aimed at To another. " K. knew that "the fate of the battle is not ordered by the Commander-in-Chief, not the place on which the troops cost, not the number of guns and killed people, and that the elusive force, called the Spirit of the troops, and he followed this force and led it as far as it was in his power. " K. merges with the people, it is always modest and simple. His behavior is natural, the author constantly emphasizes his loadability, elder weakness. K. - expressive of folk wisdom in the novel. His power is that he understands and well knows what the people worries, and acts according to this. K. Dies when he performed his duty. The enemy is supplanted beyond the borders of Russia, there is nothing more than this folk hero.

All characters can be divided into such groups:

  • block family;
  • rostov family;
  • family of beans;
  • drubetsk family;
  • kuragin family;
  • Historical personality;
  • Heroes 2 plan;
  • Other characters.
The classification is convenient for analyzing immediate families and comparing characters between each other. A detailed description of the main actors is shown below.

Block's characteristic

The genus Bolkonsky originates from the princes that were related to Rurik. They are rich and provided. The family reigns the authoritarian power of the Father, because of this house there is a tense atmosphere. Blocks are strictly followed by family traditions and orders. Relations inside the family stretched, and the house was divided into two "camps":
  • The first "camp" headed Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky. His opinions were adhered to Mademoiselle Brying and Mikhail Ivanovich, Architect Prince.
  • In the second group included: Daughter of Prince Marya, the son of Andrei Bolkonsky Nikolai and all nanny and maid.
Andrei Bolkonsky was not in any group, as it was often in the road.

Characteristic Andrei Bolkonsky

Andrei Bolkonsky is a rich heir and son of Prince Nikolay Bolkonsky. Mother is alive, from relatives there is another sister of Marya, which he loves very much. Andrew is the best friend, another main hero of the novel. Andrey is low, a handsome guy. It is described as a person with a constantly bored gaze, walks slowly and leisurely, unlike his wife Lisa, which was characterized by a cheerful and light character. Bolkonsky looked like more for a teenager than on a man - the author often mentions that Andrei has small handles, a children's neck. The hero was distinguished by an inquisitive mind, he was read and educated, adopted some features of his father - rudeness and rigor to relatives. Andrei Bolkonsky is a liberal landlord, loves his peasants and makes their lives easier. At the time of writing Roman Andrei Bolkonsky was 27 years old.

Characteristic Maryia Bolkonskoy

Sister of the main character of Andrei Bolkonsky. She is young and, according to many heroes, an ugly girl, but with sad and impressive eyes. Marya is quite clumsy and possessed heavy gait. Her father taught her. Thanks to home learning, it learned about and discipline. She knows how to play on the keycorder, loves life in the village, unlike his brother. Princess Mary Bolkonskaya was distinguished by a good and calm character, believed in God. When communicating with people assessed them for mental quality, and not for status and position.

Nikolai Bolkonsky - Prince, Head of the Family. He was distinguished by a bad character and cruel actions towards households. Prince Nikolai was an old man, with a thin face and body. Bolkonsky has always been dressed in his status - he was General-Annev in resignation. The prince was more afraid than respected. He was distinguished by his own way and quite powerful position. But at the same time Nikolay Bolkonsky differs in hard work - he is always busy with something: or writing memoirs, or the teaching of the younger generation mathematics, or his favorite hobby - manufacture of tobacker.

Nikolai Andreevich was familiar with Catherine II and Prince Potemkin, than it is very proud of.The prince is hardly experiencing due to the invasion of French troops into the territory of Russia, and dies from a heart attack.

Characteristic Lisa Bolknoe

Andrei Bolkonsky's wife - a cheerful and cheerful girl. Did not differ in mind, but compensated for everything with kindness and good attitude. She was a low girl, she had a sponge with a mustache, always walked with high hairstyle. Elizaveta Karlovna is from the German family of Manien. Family received education and secular manners. Princess Bolkonskaya loved to learn and chat, but at the same time he was distinguished by observation. He loved her husband very much, but was unhappy with him. Died after the birth of the son of Nicholas.

Characteristic Nikolai Bolkonsky

Born in 1806. After the death of the mother - Lisa Bolknoe, is brought up with aunt Marya. Marya Bolkonskaya gives him Russian and music lessons. At the age of 7, he sees the death of the father of Andrei after the injury. In the epilogue of Roman Nicholas - a 15-year-old beautiful young man, with curly hair, very similar to his father.

Characteristics of the family growth

Noble noble family. The author describes the family of growth as an ideal family - good-natured, with good relationship between relatives.

Characteristic of the graph Ilya Rostov

Ilya Andreevich Rostov is the head of the family, a cheerful and good-natured graph. He is rich and has several villages in submission. Full body, gray head with baldness, always a smooth-scattered face and blue eyes - the appearance of Ilya Andreevich. The surrounding it is considered stupid and funny, but the graph loved his generosity and kindness. Sometimes this generosity turned into transit. He loves his wife and children, pampers them and allows everything. Ilya Andreevich does not like to join the disputes, he is better to eat and have fun. Because of this fun, he loses all the money and ruins the family. After a series of misfortunes in the family of growth, he falls and dies.

Chart characteristic Natalia Rostova

Wife Ilya Andreevich, 45 years old. The mother of 12 children, however, the story is only about four. Natalia Rostov possessed beautiful oriental appearance, was often tired, but at the same time caused respect from relatives. He married a count when she was 16 years old. Like a husband, is not distinguished by crumbling, loves to spend money. She tries to be strict with children, but because of her kindness it does not work. Countess Natalya helps others (for example, his friend Drubetskaya). By the end of the work, after experienced deaths, it becomes like a ghost.

Characteristic Natasha Rostova

Daughter of Count Nikolai Rostov and Natalia Rostova. Brought up in the caress and love, was a bit spoiled, but it remained a good and sincere girl. L. Tolstoy describes the little Natasha: "With black eyes, a big mouth, quite ugly, but charming and cheerful girl, with curly hair, thin legs and handles." By the age of 16, Natasha changed, began to wear long dresses, dance on the balas. Even more looked at 20 years old. It put on beautiful lace dresses, blocked her hair into a braid, with a smart look and a sensitive attitude towards others.
Important! Natasha is well versed in humans, but if it concerns a love relationship, it is lost (like love in Kuragin).
After the death of Bolkonsky, married Pierre Dunzhova, becomes sloppy and no longer cares for himself, give birth to 3 children and lives only for them.

Characteristic Sony Growth

Natasha and Nikolai Rostov's secondary sister. Brought up in the family of growth from birth. Beautiful and cute girl, smart and educated. Every woman helps his girlfriend Natasha. Loves to reclaim poems before the public. She secretly in love with Nikolai Rostov, this love does not accept Natalia Rostov. As a result, Sonya remains not married.

Characteristics of Pierre Progness

Another main character of the novel. A large young man wears glasses, strong, but awkward. The author often compares Pierre with a bear. He is an illegitimate son of the Count of Bezuhova, but is his favorite. Pierre lived for more than 10 years and studied in Europe. At the age of 20 came back to Russia. Lyuhov has a beautiful children's smile, sees only good qualities in people, because of this, he was often deceived. His wife Hehlen Kuragin, and did with him, deceived him and forcibly married himself. He can't find a job in his soul, does not really fond of anything, often idle. When Pierre becomes the heir of the status of bellows, begins to do the economy, but there often fails. Only after staying in captivity, the French begins to behave differently, becomes more restrained and calculated. At the end of the novel marries Natasha Rostova, after that it is perceived not as a clumsy chatter, but as a competent and respected person.

Characteristics of kuragic family

Another secular family in the novel. Unlike Block and growth, no nobility and kindness of people are not distinguished. Prince Vasily wants to profitably give all of his children, does not bother and deception. Full harmony between parents and children reigns in the family, both sides want to benefit.

Characteristic of Vasily Kuragin

Vasily Sergeevich Kuragin - Prince 50 years. Married on ugly and fat lady. Almost bald, loves to dress with a needle, taking. He had a beautiful low voice, always said slowly. Self-confident, indifferent, likes to laugh at other people.Communicates only for their own benefit.

Characteristic Anatoly Kuragina

Junior Son Prince Vasily. Beautiful, statist with big eyes and beautiful hands. It was always good and gently dressed. He received an education in Europe, according to arrival becomes an officer. It has a cheerful character, loves to drink and collect companies. Because of the goals and drinkers is constantly in debt. For the sake of money was ready to marry the princess Mary. Anatole is a suitable man, he deceives Natasha Rostov, promising to marry it. Kuragin thinks only about himself. After the Borodino battle, he is wounded, and he changes.

Characteristic of Helen Kuragina

Elena Vasilyevna Kurabina (after marriage with Pierre became a messy), the older sister of Anatoly Kuragin and the daughter of Prince Vasily. Sophisticated appearance, beautiful thin hands, thin neck, marble leather - its marked by the author external characteristics. Helen was high growth and impressed on all men. Her outfits were often too frank, although she was a graduate of the Smolny Institute. Elene Stupa, according to Bezuhova and Andrei Bolkonsky, but others consider it adorable and smart. Helene Kuragin knows how to seek his goal with any ways, even if it is a deception and hypocrisy. For the sake of money, she is ready for everything. Thus, all listed heroes are only part of the huge world of "War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy. It should be understood that the secondary heroes of the novel make up a fullest picture. We should not forget about the description of historical personalities, such as Napoleon and Kutuzov, who also influenced the course of the thoughts of the main characters. We also offer you to watch a video in which for a better understanding of the content there is a clear systematization of all the heroes of the novel "War and Peace".

In his novel, Tolstoy portrayed a number of heroes. The author is not in vain a detailed characteristic of the characters. "War and Peace" - a novel in which the components of entire noble births are the reader the reflection of people who lived during the war with Napoleon. In the "war and the world" we see the Russian spirit, the features of historical events characteristic of the period of the late 18th - early 19th century. The greatness of the Russian soul is shown against the background of these events.

If you draw up a list of characters ("War and Peace"), there are only about 550-600 heroes. However, they are not equally important for narration. "War and Peace" - a novel whose heroes can be divided into three main groups: the main, minor characters and simply mentioned in the text. There are among them both fictional and historical individuals, as well as heroes who have prototypes among the environment of the writer. This article will feature basic characters. "War and Peace" - a work in which the growth of growth is described in detail. Therefore, let's start with it.

Ilya Andreevich Rostov

This is a graph that has four children: Petya, Nikolai, Vera and Natasha. Ilya Andreevich is a very generous and dubbed man who loved life. As a result, his exorbitant generosity led to waste. Rostov - Loving Father and Husband. He is a good organizer of techniques and balls. But life on a wide leg, as well as disinterested assistance to the wounded soldiers and departure from Moscow, the fatal strikes were inflicted. The conscience all the time tormented Ilya Andreevich because of the approaching poverty of his relatives, but he could not do anything with him. After the death of Petit, the youngest son, the count turned out to be broken, but revived, preparing the wedding of Pierre Lobyov and Natasha. Graph Rostov dies a few months after these characters got married. "War and Peace" (Tolstoy) - a work in which the prototype of this hero is Ilya Andreevich, Grandfather Tolstoy.

Natalia Rostov (wife Ilya Andreevich)

This 45-year-old woman, the wife of Rostov and the mother of four children, had some oriental surrounding the nationality of the powerful and slowness in it as a solidity, as well as high importance for her family. However, the true reason for these manners lies in a weak and extended physical condition due to childbirth and forces given to the upbringing of children. Natalia loves his family, children, so it is almost a little bit crazy about the news of the death of Petit. Countess Rostov, like Ilya Andreevich, loved luxury and demanded from all the fulfillment of his orders. In it, you can find the features of Grandma Tolstoy - Pelagei Nikolaevna.

Nikolay Rostov

This hero is the son of Ilya Andreevich. He is a loving son and brother, honor the family, but at the same time devotedly serves in the army, which is a very important and significant feature in its characterization. He often seen even in his fellow soldiers the second family. Although Nikolai and was in love for a long time in Sonya, his cousin, nevertheless marries at the end of the novel on Marya Bologkoe. Nikolay Rostov is a very energetic person, with "open and curly hair. His love for the Russian emperor and patriotism never dried up. Having passed through the war, Nikolai becomes brave and brave hussar. He commenced after the death of Ilya Andreevich in order to correct The monetary position of the family, pay debts and become finally a good husband for your spouse. Tolstoy this hero is presented as a prototype of his own father. As you already probably noticed, the presence of prototypes in many heroes is characterized by the character system. "War and Peace" The work in which the morals of the nobility are presented through the features of the Tolstoy family, which was a graph.

Natasha Rostov

This is a daughter of growth. Very emotional and energetic girl who was considered ugly, but attractive and alive. Natasha is not very smart, but at the same time intuitive, as it could good "guess people", their character traits and mood. This heroine is a very pusher, prone to self-sacrifice. She dances beautifully and sings that it was at that time an important characteristic of a girl belonging to a secular society. Lion Tolstoy repeatedly emphasizes the main quality of Natasha - proximity to the Russian people. She absorbed a nation and Russian culture. Natasha lives in an atmosphere of love, happiness and good, but after a while the girl faces harsh reality. The blows of fate, as well as heart experiences make this heroine adult and eventually give her true love for her husband, Pierre Bezuhov. The history of the rebirth of Natasha's soul deserves special respect. She began to attend the church after he became a victim of a false seducer. Natasha is a collective image, whose prototype spoke to Tolstoy, Tatiana Andreevna Kuzminskaya, and her sister (author's wife) - Sophia Andreevna.

Vera Rostov

This heroine is the daughter of Rostov ("War and Peace"). Portraits of characters created by the author are distinguished by the variety of characters. Faith, for example, was famous for its strict temper, as well as inappropriate, albeit fair comments that she did in society. Her mother is unknown why, did not love very much, and it was acutely felt faith, often going therefore alternately. This girl later became the wife of Boris Drubetsky. The prototype of the heroine - Lev Nikolayevich (Elizabeth Bers).

Peter Rostov

Son of growth, quite another boy. Petya, grown, greeted the young man to go to war, and his parents could not keep him. He broke out from under their guardianship and decided on the regiment of Denisov. In the first battle, Petya dies, did not have time to hang out. Very bit the family of the death of his beloved son.


In this heroine, we finish the description of the characters ("War and Peace") relating to the family of growth. Sonya, a nice miniature girl, accounted for native niece Ilya Andreevich and lived all his life under his roof. Love for Nikolai became fatal for her, since she failed to marry him. Natalia Rostov, the old countess, was against this marriage, as the beloved were cousins. Sonya arrived noble, refusing Rolohov and deciding to love all his life only Nikolay, freeing it from the promise given to her. She spends the rest of his life on the care of Nikolai Rostov, with the old decanter.

The prototype of this heroine is Tatiana Aleksandrovna Yergolskaya, a spell aunt writer.

Not only Rostov in the work - the main characters. "War and Peace" - a novel in which the Bolkonsky family is also played.

Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky

This is the father of Andrei Bolkonsky, General-Annef in the past, in the present - the prince, who deserved the nickname in the Russian secular society "Prussian King". He is socially active, strict as a father, Pedantic, is the wise owner of the estate. Outwardly, this is a thin old man with dense eyebrows, which were hung over smart and insightful eyes, in a powdered white wig. Nikolai Andreevich does not like to show his feelings even to his beloved daughter and son. He exists Marre's permanent quirks. Prince Nikolai, sitting in his estate, follows the events occurring in the country, and only before death loses the idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale of Russian war with Napoleon. Nikolay Sergeevich Volkonsky, grandfather's grandfather, was the prototype of this prince.

Andrey Bolkonsky

This is the son of Nikolai Andreevich. He is ambitious, like the Father, in the manifestation of feelings is restrained, but he loves his sister and father very much. Andrey is married to Lisa, "Little Princess". He made a successful military career. Andrei is a lot of philosophy about the meaning of life, the state of His Spirit. It is in constant search. In Natasha Rostova, after the death of his wife, he found hope for himself, as he saw the real, and not fake, as in a secular society, a girl, so and fell in love with her. Having made this heroine offer, he was forced to go beyond the border, which was the test of their feelings. The wedding eventually broke. Andrei went to war with Napoleon, where he was seriously injured, as a result of which died. Until the end of his days, Natasha cared loyal behind him.

Marya Bolkonskaya

This is Andrei's sister, Daughter Prince Nicholas. She is very meek, ugly, but good soul and besides very rich. Her devotion of religion to many serves as an example of meekness and darling. Marya loves an unforgettable her father who often pesters her with his wickers and ridicule. This girl also loves her brother. She did not immediately Natasha as a future daughter-in-law, since she seemed to her too frivolous for Andrei. Marya after all adversity marries Nikolai Rostov.

Its prototype is Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, Mother Tolstoy.

Pierre Laughov (Peter Kirillovich)

The main characters of the novel "War and Peace" would not be fully listed, if not to mention Pierre Dzhovova. This hero plays in the work of one of the most important roles. He survived a lot of pain and mental injuries, has a noble and good temper. Lyubov Luz Nikolayevich very loves Pierre. Lyuhov, as a friend Andrei Bolkonsky, is very responsive and devoted. Despite the intrigue, herself under his nose, Pierre did not lose confidence in people, did not get out. He married Natasha, he finally gained happiness and grace, whom he lacked with the first wife, Helen. At the end of the work, his desire to change the political foundations in Russia, even you can guess the Decembrist moods of Pierre.

These are the main characters. "War and Peace" - a novel in which a large role is given to such historical persons as Kutuzov and Napoleon, as well as some other commander-in-chief. Other social groups are also presented, except for the nobility (merchants, breasts, peasantry, army). The list of characters ("War and Peace") is very impressive. However, our task is to consider only the main characters.

Each read book is another lively life, especially when the plot and characters are so worked. "War and Peace" is a unique Roman-epic, there is no such thing in Russian or in world literature. The events described in it occur in St. Petersburg, Moscow, foreign destroyers of the nobles and in Austria for a whole 15 years. Amazed their scale and characters.

"War and World" is a novel in which more than 600 acting persons are mentioned. Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy so much describes them that there are several characteristics that are honored through the characters, it is enough to make an idea about them. Therefore, "War and Peace" is a whole life in the entire fullness of paints, sounds and sensations. She is worth it to live.

The origin of the idea and creative quest

In 1856, Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy began writing a story about the life of the Decembrist, who returned after the reference. Time actions were to be 1810-1820. Gradually, the period expanded to 1825. But by this time, the main character was already a mature and became a family man. And to better understand it, the author had to return during his youth. And she coincided with a glorious epoch for Russia.

But Tolstoy could not write about the celebration over Bonapartovskaya France without mentioning failures and mistakes. Now the novel has already consisted of three parts. The first (according to the author's idea) was to describe the youth of the future Decembrist and his participation in the war of 1812. This is the first period of the hero's life. The second part of Tolstoy wanted to devote the rebellion of the Decembrists. The third is the return of the hero from the reference and his future life. However, Tolstoy quickly abandoned this idea: too large-scale and painstaking was the work on the novel.

Initially Tolstoy limited the time of its work 1805-1812. The epilogue dated 1920th appeared much later. But the author was worried not only the plot, but also the characters. "War and Peace" is not a description of the life of one hero. Central figures are immediately several characters. And the main acting person is the people, which is much larger than returned from the reference to the thirty-year-old Decembrist Peter Ivanovich Labazov.

Work on the novel occupied at the thick six years - from 1863 to 1869. And this, without considering those six that they went to develop an idea about the Decembrist, which became the basis.

System of characters in the novel "War and Peace"

The main acting face of Tolstoy is the people. But in his understanding, he is not just a social category, but creative strength. In Tolstoy, the people are all the best that is in the Russian nation. Moreover, it includes not only representatives of the lower estates, but also those of the nobles who are peculiar to the desire to live for others.

Representatives of the people of Tolstoy opposes Napoleon, Kuragin and other aristocrats - the regulars of the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler. These are the negative characters of the novel "War and Peace". Already in the description of their appearance, Tolstoy emphasizes the mechanistic of their existence, confusion, the "animation" of actions, the lifelessness of smiles, selfishness and inability to compassion. They are not capable of changes. Tolstoy does not see the possibility of their spiritual development, so they remain forever frozen distant from the present understanding of life.

Often researchers allocate two subgroups of "folk" characters:

  • Those that are endowed with "simple consciousness". They can be easily distinguished from the bad, guided by the "mind of the heart." This subgroup includes such characters like Natasha Rostov, Kutuzov, Plato Karataev, Alpatych, Timokhin and Tushin officers, soldiers and partisans.
  • Those who are "looking for themselves." Education and class barriers prevent them from connecting to the people, but they manage to overcome them. This subgroup includes such characters like Pierre Duhov and Andrei Bolkonsky. It is these heroes that are shown capable of developing, internal changes. They are not deprived of the shortcomings, more than once are mistaken in their life quests, but with dignity there are all the tests. Sometimes this group is attributed to Natasha Rostov. After all, and she once became fascinated by Anatolam, forgetting about the beloved Prince Bolknoe. The war of 1812 becomes a peculiar catharsis for the whole subgroup, which forces them differently look at life and discard the classual conventions that they have prevented them from living at the behest of the heart, as the people do.

The simplest classification

Sometimes the characters of the "war and the world" are divided into a simpler principle - according to the ability to live for others. This system of characters is possible. "War and World", like any other work, is the vision of the author. Therefore, everything in the novel is happening in accordance with the globility of Lev Nikolayevich. The people, in understanding Tolstoy, is the personification of all the best, which is in the Russian nation. Such characters like a family of Kuragin, Napoleon, many regulars of Sheron Sheron, are able to live only for themselves.

In Arkhangelsk and Baku

  • "Sugagants of life", from the point of view of Tolstoy, then there are from the right understanding of being. This group lives only for himself, egoistic neglecting others.
  • "Lenty". So Arkhangelsky and Tank calls those who think that they manage history. To this group, for example, the authors attribute Napoleon.
  • "Wise men" are those who understood the true world order and could trust providence.
  • "Ordinary people". To this group, according to Arkhangelsky and Baka, are those who know how to listen to their heart, but do not seek anyway.
  • "The Thighters" is Pierre Duhov and Andrei Bolkonsky. They all the novel are painfully looking for the truth, seek to understand what the meaning of life consists.
  • In a separate group, the authors of the textbook allocate Natasha Rostov. They believe that it is at the same time close to "ordinary people", and to the "wise men." The girl easily comprehends life with an empirical path and knows how to listen to the voice of his heart, but the most important thing for her is a family and children, as it should be, according to Tolstoy, at an ideal woman.

You can consider many more classifications of characters "War and Peace" characters, but they will ultimately be reduced to the simplest, which fully displays the world's world of the novel. After all, he saw true happiness in serving another. Therefore, the positive ("folk") heroes can and want to do it, but negative - no.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and World": Women's characters

Any work is a display of the author's vision of life. In Tolstoy, the highest purpose of the woman is care of her husband and children. It is the keeper of the focus of the reader and sees Natasha Rostov in the epilogue of the novel.

All positive female images of the characters "War and Peace" perform their highest purpose. The happiness of motherhood and family life gives the author and Maria Bolkonoe. Interestingly, she is perhaps the most positive hero of the novel. Princess Marya practically does not have drawbacks. Despite the versatile education, it still finds its purpose, as it believes the Tolstov heroine, in the care of her husband and children.

A completely different fate was prepared by Helen Kuragin and a little princess that did not see joy in motherhood.

Pierre Duchevov

This is the most beloved character of Tolstoy. "War and Peace" describes him by a person who has a highly abnormal temper from nature, so the people understand easily. All of its mistakes are due to aristocratic conventions that have been injured.

Throughout the novel, Pierre is experiencing many mental injuries, but it does not get angry and does not become less good-natured. He is devoted and responsive, often forgets himself in the desire to serve others. He married Natasha Rostova, Pierre acquired the grace and true happiness, whom he was not enough in the first marriage with his fake helen Kuragin.

Lev Nikolaevich loves his hero. He describes in detail its formation and spiritual development from the very beginning to the end. An example of Pierre shows that the main thing for Tolstoy is responsiveness and dedication. The author rewards his happiness with his beloved female heroine - Natasha Rostova.

From the epiloga, you can understand the future of Pierre. By changing yourself, he seeks to transform society. He does not accept the modern political leaders of Russia. It can be assumed that Pierre will participate in the Decembrist uprising or at least it is actively supported.

Andrey Bolkonsky

For the first time, the reader meets with this hero in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler. He is married to Lisa - a little princess, as it is called, and will soon become a father. Andrei Bolkonsky behaves with all the regulars of Sherler extremely arrogant. But soon the reader notices that it is just a mask. Bolkonsky understands that others do not understand his spiritual quest. In a completely different way, he speaks Pierre. But Blocking at the beginning of the novel is not alien to the ambitious desire to achieve heights on a military field. It seems to him that it is above the aristocratic conventions, but it turns out that his eyes are also storm as the rest. Andrei Bolkonsky understood too late that in vain refused his feelings to Natasha. But this insight comes to him only before the death itself.

Like other "seekers" the characters of the novel "War and Peace" of Tolstoy, Bolkonsky is trying to find an answer to the question of what the meaning of human existence consists. But understands the highest value of the family too late.

Natasha Rostov

This is a favorite female character Tolstoy. However, the whole family of growth is represented by the author of the ideal of the nobles living in unity with the people. Natasha can not be called beautiful, but it is alive and attractive. The girl feels well the mood and characters of people.

In thick, internal beauty does not combine with the external. Natasha is attractive at his expense, but the main qualities are simplicity and proximity to the people. However, at the beginning of the novel, she lives in his own illusion. Disappointment in Anatole makes her adult, contribute to the growing heroine. Natasha begins to visit the church and ultimately finds his happiness in family life with Pierre.

Marya Bolkonskaya

The prototype of this heroine was the mother of Leo Nikolayevich. It is not surprising that it is almost completely devoid of flaws. She, like Natasha, ugly, but has a very rich inner world. Like other positive characters of the novel "War and Peace", in the end it also becomes happy, becoming a custodian of the hearth in his own family.

Helene Kuragin

Tolstoy multifaceted characteristics of characters. "War and Peace" describes helen as a fancut woman with a false smile. The reader immediately becomes clear that there is no internal filling behind the external beauty. The marriage on it becomes a test for Pierre and does not bring happiness.

Nikolay Rostov

The basis of any novel is the characters. "War and Peace" describes Nikolai Rostov as a loving brother and son, as well as a real patriot. Lev Nikolaevich saw the prototype of his father in this hero. After passing the war, Nikolai Rostov is resigned to pay the debts of his family, and finds his true love in the face of Maria Bolkonskaya.