The problem of ecology (arguments of the USE). The arguments of the e-mail

The problem of ecology (arguments of the USE). The arguments of the e-mail

Love to motherland

1) hot love for homeland We feel pride for her beauty in the works of classics.
The theme of the heroic attack in the fight against the enemies of the Motherland also sounds in the poem of M. Yu. Lermontov "Borodino", dedicated to one of the glorious pages of the historical past of our country.

2) the topic of the Motherland rises In the works of S.Senin. Whatever Yesenin wrote: On experiences, about historical fractures, about the fate of Russia in the "harsh terrible years", - every Yesensky image and a row of warming with a sense of limitless love for homeland: but most. Love for the native edge

3) Famous writer He told the story of the Decembrist Sukhinov, who after the defeat of the uprising was able to hide from police societies and after the painful sketeering, finally, got out to the border. Another minute - and he will find freedom. But the fugitive looked at the field, the forest, the sky and realized that he could not live in a foreign land, away from their homeland. He surrendered to the polynation, he was stolen into the shackles and sent to the cautious.

4) outstanding Russian Singer Fedor Shalyapin, forced to leave Russia, all the time he had some box with him. No one guess what is in it. Only many years later, the closest learned that Shalyapin kept the handful of his native land in this box. It is not for nothing that the native land and in the handstone of Mila. Obviously, a great singer, he had a hot schismo, it was necessary to feel the proximity and warmth of his native land.

5) Fascists, occupying France, suggested General Denikin, who fought against the Red Army during the Country War, to cooperate with them in the struggle against the Soviet Union. But the general responded with a sharp refusal, because his homeland was more expensive than political disagreements.

6) African slavesTransported to America, Tos-koval about their native land. In desperation, they killed themselves, hoping that the soul, throwing the body, would be able to be a bird, carry home.

7) the most terriblethe punishment in antiquity was considered the expulsion of a person from a tribe, city or country. Outside of your house - Alien: Alien Earth, someone else's sky, someone else's language ... There you're quite alone, there are no one, creature without rights and without behalf. That is why to leave the homeland meant to lose everything for a person.

8) outstanding Russian Hockey player V. Tretyakov suggested to move to Canada. We promised to buy him a house, pay a big salary. Tretyak showed her hand on the sky, the earth and asked: "Do you also buy it for me?". The answer of the famous athlete led everyone to confusion, and no one else returned to this proposal.

9) when in the middle The 19th century, the English squadron was siege to Turkey Stambul, the entire population feared to defend his city. The townspeople destroyed their own homes if they met the Turkish cannons to lead aiming fire on enemy-kim ships.

10) Once the wind I decided to fall asleep mighty oak, which grew on the hill. But the oak just bent under wind blows. The wind asked the wind at the majestic oak: "Why can't I beat you?"

11) Oak answeredthat it does not hold it. His strength is that he is in the land in the land, rooted for her. In this frequency history, the idea is expressed that love for the Motherland, the depth-cast connection with the national history, with the cultural experience of ancestors makes people invincible.

12) when over England The threat of a terrible and devastating war with Spain, then the entire population, they have a breakdown of a speech, rammed by an axis around his queen. The merchants and nobles for their money were equipped with an army, people of a simple name were recorded in the militia. Even pirates remembered their homeland and led their ships to save her from the enemy. And "invincible Armada" of the Spaniards was defeated.

13) Turks during Captured boys and boys captured their military hikes. Children were forcibly paid to Islam, turned into soldiers, who were called Janchars. The Turks hoped that deprived of spiritual roots who had forgotten their homeland, brought up in fear and submission, new VOI would become a reliable stronghold of the state.

We have collected for you the best literary arguments from a variety of sources in one place. All arguments are divided by topics, which allows you to quickly find the necessary for the writing. Most of the arguments are written specifically for the site, so you can be sure that you will write a unique essay.

How to write an essay using arguments from our database, you can read in our article

Choose a theme to get ready-made arguments:

Indifference, worn and indifference for a person
Power and society
Education of man
Life values: True and false
Historical memory
Scientific progress and morality
Human Responsibility for his actions and the lives of others
Human attitude to nature
Fathers and Sons
Patriotism, love for homeland
The problem of mass literature
Self-sacrifice, love for neighbor, heroism
Compassion, sensitivity and mercy
Striving for knowledge
Theme of teachers in Russian literature
Man and art. Impact of art on man
Man and history. The role of personality in history
Honor and dishonor
Soching, humiliation to higher

What are the arguments for?

In the third part of the exam, you need to write a little essay based on the proposed text. For the correct task, you get 23 points, which is a substantial part of the total number of points. It is these points that may not be enough for you to enter the desired university. To the task of part "C", unlike the tasks of the block "A" and "B", can be prepared in advance, armed with everything necessary for writing an essay on the topic given to you. The previous experience of the implementation of the USE shows that great difficulty when performing the task of part "C" for schoolchildren causes the argument of its position to a given problem. From what arguments you will pick up, success in writing an essay. The maximum number of points is charged for the reader's arguments, i.e. taken from fiction. As a rule, the texts presented in the tasks of the part "C" contain problems of moral and ethical. Knowing all this, we can arm yourself with ready-made literary arguments, facilitating the process of writing an essay as much as possible. Having in the arsenal we offer arguments, you will not have to see all read works from the memory itself, looking for anything suitable on topics and problematics. Please note that the allocated time for the fulfillment of all work to schoolchildren is usually not enough. Thus, we will make maximum effort in order to get 23 points for an essay on the exam.

Vasil Bykov "Sotnikov", "Obelisk" A vivid example of moral choices can be found in the work of Vasil Bykov "Sotnikov". The guerrillas of the Sotnikov, being in front of the choice between life and death, was not afraid of the execution and confessed to the investigator that he was partisans, and the rest had nothing to do with it. Another example can be found in the story of Vasil Bykov "Obelisk": Teacher Moroz, having a choice to stay alive or die along with students who have always taught good and justice, chooses death, remaining morally free person.

Arguments for the composition

A. S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter" Hero with high moral qualities is Petrusha Grinev - Character Tale A. S. Pushkin "Captain Daughter". Honor his Peter did not stain even in those cases when it could be paid his head. It was worthy of respect and pride. Highly moral person. He could not leave Schwabrin's impunity on Masha, so he called him a duel. Schvabrin is the complete opposite of Grinevo: This is a person for whom the concept of honor and nobility does not exist at all. He walked along the heads of others by crossing themselves in favor of his rapid desires.


Arguments for the composition

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich" Happiness everyone understands in different ways. The character's hero, for example, A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich" realizes herself "happy" because he did not get into the Carder, he received an extra plate soup, did not get sick, but the main thing is that he rejoices in fair work. The writer admires patience, hardly worry a Russian man who believes in God and hopes for his help.

Evil, good and artistic activities

Arguments for the composition

Akutagawa Ryunca "Flour of hell" Creates a psychological portrait of an elder-artist Esihide, very famous in his places - first of all, terrible, asocial character and relevant paintings. The only thing that pleases his eyes is the only daughter. Once the ruler ordered a picture from him, depicting hell and flour sinners in He. The old man agreed, however, provided that for greater realism, he will see the death of a woman in a falling carriage. The opportunity for him was provided to him, however, as it turned out, the woman was his own daughter. Esihide is quietly working on the picture, but at the end of it, finishes the life of suicide. Thus, it costs to evaluate the art through morality, but this entire estimate depends on the actual ideals of the evaluating subject. The Escihide had one value - his daughter, which he lost because of art.

Does a person have freedom of choice?

Arguments for the composition

V. Zerkrukin "Mother Human" The main heroine of Mary, having encountered a wounded enemy (German) appeared before moral choice, kill him or not kill him? For all their atrocities, but it was a boy, his cry "Mom" stopped her, the heroine was not able to go to the desperate step, he managed to stop in time, realizing that the hatred that overlapping her would not have led to anything good. V.Resputin "Farewell to Mattera" On the bank of the hangar of power gathered to build platinum, which floods near the underlying island, so the population should have moved to another place. The main heroine of the old woman Darya seems to be the right of moral choice: to leave, or to defend their right to happiness, for life in native land.

The ratio of the crowd to people who stand out of it

Arguments for the composition

Griboedov "Woe from Wit" Comedy "Woe from Mind" Griboyedov. Chatsky - Buntar, a rebel, rises against the crowd., Moscow society of that time. His wilds and alien to their habits, his moral of society amazes him. He is not afraid to express his opinion. In the monologue "And the judges who?" It is fully disclosed its essence. The problem of the crowd is that they do not know how to listen and do not even want to heed the truth. They consider the "truth" covenants of their fathers, which have long been outlined. Creativity Mayakovsky The creativity of Mayakovsky is devoted to the topic of confrontation of the hero and the crowd. Crowd - these are vulgarists who are lengthenless. They do not see the beautiful, do not understand the real art. Hero alone in their own world. He does not leave the crowd, does not hide, but boldly throws her challenge, ready to fight with misunderstanding. For example, in poem "And you could?" A sharp feature was performed between "I" and "You".

National feud

Arguments for the composition

A. Predashin "Opened Tuchka Golden" The problem of national hostility is particularly acute in the story of A. Podtashin "The Tuchka Golden" spent the night. The author shows us the tragic events of the 40s of the twentieth century, associated with the relocation of orphanages in the Caucasus, on the territory, "liberated" from local residents - Chechens. The revenge of people, forcibly evaluated from the Earth of their ancestors, is condicted on no obey people, including children. We see how the brutal murder can give the twin brothers Sasha and Kuznyysh Ridge. It is symbolic that at the end of the story of the ring calls the native brother of the Chechen boy of Alhuzur. So the author convinces us that all nations are the brothers that the humane human began is stronger than the evil that the power, inciting national distribution, is committing a crime against humanity and humanity.

Tragedy of "Little Man"

Arguments for the composition

N.V.Gogol "Shinel" The problem of a "little man" most fully reveals the Russian writer, poet, critic N.V.Gogol. In the story "Shinel" the playwright tells the reader about Akaki Akakiyevich - the poor titular adviser from St. Petersburg. He jealously fulfilled his duties, he loved the manual rewriting of papers, but in general the role of him in the department was very insignificant, because of what young officials were often laughed at him. In his tragedy, the theft of the new shelter, the hero does not find a response of the help of society.

Personality in history: Peter I

Arguments for the composition

A.S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" A.S. Pushkin wrote in the "Copper Horseman" ... Nature Here we are destined to cut the window to Europe ... These lines were written about Peter the First. He is a person who has changed the course of history, one of the most outstanding statesmen who determined the direction of the development of Russia in the 18th century. Petr deployed large-scale reforms of the Russian state, changed public entry: cropped hoses and beard to boyars. He built the first Russian fleet, thereby defending the country from the sea. Here he is, that person, the person who accomplished in his life a lot of great and heroic, worked in history. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy denied the opportunity to actively affect the individual on history, believing that the history makes the masses and its laws cannot depend on the desire of a separate person. He considered the historical process as an amount folded from the "countless number of human arbitals", that is, the efforts of each person. It is useless to oppose the natural course of events, in vain to try to fulfill the role of a vertex of the fate of mankind. This position of the writer was reflected in the novel "War and Peace". On the example of two historical personalities: Kutuzov and Napoleon, Tolstoy proves that it is the people - the Creator of History. Million masses of ordinary people, not the heroes and commander, unconsciously drive society forward, create great and heroic, creative history.


Arguments for the composition

MA Bulgakov "Dog Heart" The main character of the story of M.A. Bulgakov "Dog's Heart", Professor Preobrazhensky - a hereditary intellectual and an outstanding medical scientist. He dreams of turning a dog into a person. So the balls appear with the heart of the stray dog, the brain of a person with three convictions and a pronounced passion for alcohol. As a result of the operation Crazy, although the tricky ball turns into a rich-like Lumen, capable of betrayal. The balls feels like a master of life, he brazenly, Chvanquing, aggressive. He quickly learns to drink vodka, rude a servant, turn his ignorance in weapons against education. The life of professors and the inhabitants of his Apartments becomes a tricky hell. The ball is the image of the Hamsky attitude towards people. D.I Fonvizin "Lady" The indignation of someone else's rudeness, people often do not notice that they can sometimes behave as outrageously. Perhaps it is best to see this on the example of parental relationships to children. The character of a person is formed in the family, and what person could Mitrofanushka become? He took over the mother all the vices: extreme ignorance, rudeness, greed, cruelty, contempt of others, rudeness. Not surprising, because parents are always the main example to imitate children. And what an example could file his son Mrs. Prostakakova, if if she allowed himself to rudely, to humble, humiliate others? Of course, she loved Mitrofan, but in connection with this heavily spoiled him.

False / true values, the search for the meaning of life

Arguments for the composition

I. Bunin "Mr. San Francisco" I. Bunin in the story "Mr. from San Francisco" showed the fate of a man who served as false values. The wealth was his God, and he worshiped this God. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that genuine happiness passed by man: he died, and without learning what life was. U.S.MEM "The burden of human passions" The novel of the famous English writer U.S.Maem "The burden of human passions" affects one of the most important and wealthy questions for every person - is there a sense in life, and if there is, what is he? The main character of the work of Philip Carey is painfully looking for an answer to this question: in books, in art, in love, in judgments of friends. One of them, Cynic and Materialist Kronschow, advises him to look at Persian carpets and refuses further explanations. Only years later, after having lost almost all of its illusions and hopes for the future, Philip understands that he meant and recognizes that "life does not make any sense, and the existence of a person is aimless. Knowing that it makes no sense and nothing matters, a person can still get satisfaction, choosing various threads, which he woves into an infinite tissue of life. There is one pattern - the easiest and most beautiful: a person is born, husbands, marry, takes into the light of children, works for the sake of a piece of bread and dying; But there are other, more intricate and amazing patterns, where there is no place for happiness or striving for success, - in them is hidden, perhaps, some kind of disturbing beauty. "

Self-realization, aspirations

Arguments for the composition

And A. Goncharov "Oblomov" Good, kind, talented man Ilya Oblomov failed to overcome himself, his laziness and promiscuity, did not reveal his best features. The lack of a high goal in life leads to moral death. Even love could not save Oblomov. U.S. Moem "Razor's Trees" In his later novel "The Top of the Razor" U.S. Moem_Rysuits the life path of the young American Larry, half of the life of the books, and the other - travel, work, search and self-improvement. Its image is vividly distinguished against the background of young people of his circle, spending their lives and uncomfortable abilities to be enforced by fleeting, on entertainment, on carefree existence in luxury and idleness. Larry chose his way and, not paying attention to the misunderstanding and reigning of loved ones, was looking for the meaning of life in deprivation, wandering and wandering around the world. He was completely given to the spiritual beginning to achieve the enlightenment of the mind, cleaning the Spirit, to open the meaning of the universe. D. London "Martin Eden" The main hero of the novel of the American Writer Jack London Martin Eden is a working guy, a sailor, a leaving from the bottom, about 21 years old, meets the Ruth Morz - a girl from a wealthy bourgeois family. Ruth begins to teach the semi-graphic Martin to the correct pronunciation of English words and awakens interest to literature. Martin will find out that the magazines pay decent fees to the authors who are printed in them, and firmly decides to make a writer's career, make money and become worthy of their new acquaintance, in which he managed to fall in love. Martin is a program on self-cultivation, it works on his tongue and pronunciation, reads a lot of books. Iron health and imbibeable will move it to the target. In the end, passing a long and thorny path, after numerous failures and disappointments, it becomes a famous writer. (He further disappointed in the literature, his beloved, people in general and life loses interest and cums the life of suicide. This is, just in case. The argument in favor of the fact that the fulfillment of the dream does not always bring happiness) Scientific facts Shark, if it stops moving forwards, a stone will go to the bottom, the bird, if it stops waving the wings, falls to the ground. So and the person, if the aspirations, desire, goal will be gone, will collapse to the bottom of life, he will drag him a thick bog of gray ordinary. The river that ceases to flow turns into a fetid swamp. So and the person who ceases to search, think, rushes, loses the "souls of beautiful gusts", gradually degrades, his life becomes aimless, miserable stagnation.


Arguments for the composition

M. Gorky "Old Man Izergil" In the story of the Russian writer, Prosaika and Maxim Maxim, Maxim Gorky "Old Wasvergil" amazes the image of Danko. This is a romantic hero, who donated to the sake of people. Danko was "the best of all, because there was a lot of strength and living fire in the eyes." He led people through the forest with calls to defeat the darkness. But weak people during the way began to fall in spirit and die. Then they accused Danko in the fact that he was ineptly ruled by them. He overcame indignation and in the name of his great love for people ripped his chest, took out her burning heart and ran ahead, holding it as a torch. People ran behind him and overcame a difficult road. And then they forgot their hero. And Danko died. FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" In its work "Crime and Punishment" F.M. Dostoevsky refers to the topic of self-sacrifice for the sake of salvation of someone else's soul, revealing it on the example of the image of the Sonchi marmalade. Sonya is a poor girl from a disadvantaged family, which is sent after the Raskolnikov on the catguard to share it wear and fill it with spirituality. From the compassion and a sense of high social responsibility, Sonya goes to live "on a yellow ticket", after earning the bread of his family. People like Sonya, possessing "infinitely unsaturated compassion" meet today. (Other option) Self-sacrifice, compassion, sensitivity and mercy - the problem is ambiguous. It is clearly visible in the work of the great Russian playwright F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Two of his heroines, Sonia Marmaladov and Dunya Raskolnikov, sacrifice himself in the name of the expensive people. The first sells his own body, earning the bread in this way to his family. The girl is cruelly suffering, shakes himself and his life, but refuses himself even in suicide, because he understands that they will disappear without her. And the family with gratitude takes her sacrifice, almost idle Sonya, her self-sacrifice is good. The second one is going to marry low, podilly, but a rich man to help a beggar brother.

Compassion, love in neighbor

Arguments for the composition

A.I. Solzhenitsyn Matrynin Dvor In the story "Matrinin Yvor" of the Russian writer, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature A.I. Solzhenitsyn amazes the image of Matriol's peasantry, her humanity, selflessness, compassion and love to everyone, even to strangers. Matrius "helped someone else's for free", and herself "did not chase after the leaving": did not start "good," did not try to get a tenant. Especially her mercy is manifested in the situation with the hillside. She allowed us to disassemble his house (where he lived his whole life) on the logs for the sake of pupils of Kira, who has nowhere to live. The heroine sacrifices all for the sake of others: countries, neighbors, relatives. And after her quiet death, a description of the cruel behavior of her relatives, who simply wants greed. Thanks to his mental quality, Matrena, made this world better and kinder, sacrificing her life. Boris Vasiliev "fly my horses ..." In the work "We fly my horses ..." Boris Vasiliev tells the story of a wonderful person - Dr. Yanesen. From the sense of compassion the doctor, the price of his life, saved the children who have failed in the sewering pit! L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Getting captured, Pierre Duhov met there a simple soldier Platon Karataev. Plato, despite his suffering, lovingly lived with everyone: with the French, with comrades. It was he who his mercy helped Pierre to find faith and taught him to appreciate his life. M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man The story tells about the tragic fate of the soldier, who lost all relatives during the war. Once he met the Sirota boy and decided to turn his father. This act suggests that love and desire to do good give a man for power for life. FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Raskolnikov from a sense of compassion gives the last money for the funeral of Marmaladov.

Ungratefulness of children, parental love

Arguments for the composition

A. S. Pushkin "Stationander" Samson is written, the main character of the story, there is a daughter of the Danny, in which he does not have the soul. But the passage of hussar, who posted an eye on the girl, his deception takes her from his father's house. When Samson finds her daughter, she is already married, well dressed, lives many better than him and does not want to go back. Samson returns to his station, where she subsequently drinks and dies. Three years later, the narrator drives to those places, and sees the grave of the caretaker, and a local boy tells him that a lady came with three barcats and looked long on his grave. FM Dostoevsky "humiliated and offended" Natasha, Heroine Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "humiliated and offended," he betrayed his family by fueling out of the house with her lover. The father of the girl, Nikolai Igmenhev, painfully perceives her care to the son of his enemy, considering it shame, and curses the daughter. The father rejected and lost his loved one, Natasha is deeply experiencing - she lost everything that she had a valuable in life: a good name, honor, love and family. However, Nikolai Igmenhev still loves her daughter insanely, despite anything, after a long spiritual torment, in the final of the story, finds her strength to forgive her. In this example, we see that parental love is the strongest, disinterested and all-friendly. D. I. Fonvizin "Lady" Despite the fact that Mrs. Prostakova is a coarse, said landlord, she loves his only son Mitrofan and is ready for him for everything. But the Son turns away from her in the most tragic moment. This example shows us that parents try to do everything for the benefit of children. But children, unfortunately, do not always appreciate it and understand. A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" He did not bypassed the problem of fathers and children and Russian writer A. S. Griboedov in his work "Mount from the mind." The Comedy traces the relationship between Famusov with his daughter Sofia. Famuses, of course, loves her daughter and wishes her happiness. But here, he understands happiness in his own way: happiness for him is money. He taught the daughter to the thought of profit and this makes this crime, because Sofya can become a similar to Molchalin, who took only one principle from his father: to look for everywhere wherever possible. Fathers tried to teach children of life, in their instructions handed them the fact that they themselves were the most important and significant.

Conflict generations

Arguments for the composition

I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Roman Russian Writer I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children". We see the conflict of generations in the relationship between the Bazarov with his parents. The main character has very controversial feelings towards them: on the one hand, he admits that he loves parents, on the other, he despises the "stupid life of the fathers." Bazar's parents are given primarily his beliefs. If Arkady Kirsanova, we see apparent contempt for the elder generation, caused by the desire rather to imitate a friend, and not coming from the inside, then the Bazarov is different. Such is his life position. With all this we see that it was the parents of their son Eugene who was truly roads. The elderly bazarovs love Eugene, and this love softens their relationship with his son, the lack of mutual understanding. She is stronger than other feelings and lives even when the protagonist is dying.

The influence of the teacher

Arguments for the composition

In the story of V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons" An ordinary rural boy, difficult fate and hunger forced to contact local boys and start playing money. Finding out that the child is undernourished, and he has no other way to get the funds necessary for him, a young French language teacher, Lydia Mikhailovna invites the boys in addition to French. But this is only a fabulous preposition. In fact, she seeks to somehow help the child who has fallen into a difficult situation, but one of the pride refuses to dinner from his teacher, indignantly returns her parcel with products. Then she proposes to play with her for money, knowing exactly that he will beat her, will receive his cherished ruble and buy milk, which so needs to him. She deliberately goes to a crime from the point of view of pedagogy, violates all the current rules for his student, showing genital humanity, and unprotected courage. The director of the school, however, considered the game with a disciple crime, seducing and dismissed Lydia Mikhailovna. Having left for myself to Kuban, a woman did not forget the boy and sent him a parcel with products and even with apples that the boy never tried, but saw only in the pictures.

Globalization, technical and scientific progress, their influence on man and society

Arguments for the composition

E.I. Ramatin - Russian Writer of the beginning 19, the end of the 20th century "We" In the novel "We" Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatina The main character, D-503 describes his life in a totalitarian "single state". He delight talks about the organization based on mathematics, society. The author in his work warns people about the detrimental impact of scientific-technical progress, about its worst sides, that scientific and technological progress will destroy morality and human feelings, as they are not amenable to scientific analysis. M.A. Bulgakov - Russian Soviet writer and playwright 20th century "Fat Eggs" The problem of scientific and technological progress is reflected in the story of M. Bulgakov "Fat Eggs". Pursuing only its own goals, Professor Rockk thoughtlessly uses the invention of Persikov and grows giant reptiles, ostriches. In this ridiculous catastrophe, the wife of Rocca Manya, thousands of people and peaches themselves die. M.Bulgakov "Dog heart" The problem of the interaction of people and nature is reflected in the literature. In the story of M. Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" Professor Preobrazhensky performs an operation to transform a dog to a person. In the work, the reader sees how the Milny Dog The ball turns into a disgusting ball. "Moral of this Basni is such" - you can not interfere in the natural processes of nature, without predicting the nature of the consequences.

Memory mapping soldier

Arguments for the composition

K. Simonov In the years of war, Konstantin Simonov, who during the war, worked as a correspondent of the newspaper "Red Star" and was constantly in the current army, writes: "Do not forget about the soldiers who beat from the last strength, in the bandages moaning in Medicalbat and so hoped for the world!" I am sure that none of those soldiers who wrote Simonov will never be forgotten, and their feat will forever remain in the memory of descendants.

Arguments for the composition

M.A.Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" The main character, Andrei Sokolov, fought for the salvation of his homeland and all mankind from fascism, losing his relatives and comrades. He suffered the hardest trials at the front. News on the tragic death of his wife, two daughters, son collapsed on the hero. But Andrei Sokolov is a Russian soldier of an inflexible will, suffering everything! He found the strength in himself to accomplish not only a military, but also a moral feat, adopting a boy who had war to the parents of soldiers in the terrible conditions of the war, under the onslaught of enemy strength remained a man and did not break. This is a real feat. Just because of these people, our country won in a very difficult struggle with fascism. Vasilyev "And dawns here are quiet" Rita Ojanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Lisa Brichkin, Sonya Gurvich, Galya Faud, and a foreman of Vaskov, the main characters of the work, showed real courage, heroism, moral excerpt, fighting for their homeland. They could no longer save their lives, it was necessary only a little later to retreat from their own conscience. However, the heroes were confident: it is impossible to retreat, you need to fight until the end: "I don't give a nurse to the nurse ... no matter how hard it is, no matter how hopelessly to keep ...". These are the words of a true patriot. All characters are shown by acting, fighting, dying in the name of the salvation of the Motherland. It was these people who were blocked by the victory of our country in the rear, resisted the invaders in captivity and in the occupation, fought on the front. Boris Field "Tale of a true man" Everyone knows the immortal work of Boris Polevoy "Tale of the Real Man." At the heart of dramatic history - the real facts of the biography of the pilot - fighter Alexei Meresyev. Drown in battle over the occupied territory, he made his way through the shuffled forests, until he fell to the partisans. Having lost both legs, the hero subsequently shows an amazing nature of character and replenishes an air victory over the enemy.

Love to motherland

Arguments for the composition

S. Yesenin, Poem "Rus" The creativity of S.Senin's creativity is permeated by the theme of love: "But most of all the love for his native land, I tormented me, tormented and zhughto." With all the souls wanting to help the debris in a difficult time, the poet writes the poem "Rus", in which the voice of the People's Wross hears. Yesenin fully reveals the theme of love for the debris: "If the holy rhine is crying:" Throw you rus, live in paradise! " I will say: "I don't have paradise, let my homeland" " A. Blok. Lyrics A.Blok is filled with completely special love for Russia. He spoke of his homeland with an infinite tenderness, his poem is full of sincere hope that his fate and the fate of Russia are inseparable: "Russia, the poor Russia, I am in gray, your songs are winds, like tears first love! .." Legend There is a legend that one day the wind decided to dump a mighty oak that grew up on the hill. But the oak just bent under wind blows. Then the wind asked at the majestic oak: "Why can't I beat you?" Oak answered that it was not the trunk. His strength is that he is in the land in the land, rooted for her. In this frequency history, the idea is expressed that love for the Motherland, deep connection with the national history, with the cultural experience of ancestors makes people invincible. Block, "sin shamelessly, incombusation" In the stitches of the poem, the Russian everyday life, reflecting the stupidity, the osoy of its social system is traced. The main idea is enclosed in lines: Yes, and so, my Russia, you all are more expensive to me. What a strong feeling to native land is experiencing a poet! He believes that a real patriot should love Russia as it is. Despite the imperfection of his country, her troubles and difficulties, everyone needs to experience bright feelings for her. This example of sincere and disinterested love for a homeland may help someone a different look at his father's house.

\u2060 Airguments to the composition

After stopping sensitively to someone else's trouble, someone else's grief, we cease to be people. And even the scale of the help of help, which you will find a person, and the very fact of this help.

The guys who disinterestedly assist are worthy of respect. After all, it is in childhood that a understanding of the need to help people should be laid.

dr. Pirogov, accidentally having met a stranger man in the night fleet and learning that the small daughter of this man is seriously ill, and there is nothing to eat, without thinking, it goes behind him and helps everyone than in the power. After this wonderful meeting in the minerous family, everything changed for the better. And many years later, the son of Merzalov - Grigory Merzalov - recalls the Doctor as the most responsive and good man in his life. Mercy and unfortunately Dr. Pirogov had a huge influence on the formation of the boy's personality.
Favorite heroine writer - Natasha Rostov - definitely chooses the help of wounded soldiers located in Moscow after the Borodino battle. She understands that they do not have enough strength to get out of the city, which from day to day will be captured by Napoleonic troops. Therefore, a girl without regret forces parents to send wounded carts intended for sending numerous things from their home. Her impulse, the guild, with which she speaks to the mother, that the more important things are what people make an elderly woman ashamed of their petty things.

aunt is a carp, watching in a military hospital, after changing the chambers and helps the wounded: someone will bring to someone, someone will straighten the pillow, I will talk to someone, it will talk to someone, picks up a kind word. So, she went out after the hard wound, Alexei Prankin, led him to his house. When Alexey asked the aunt in the throat, what he reproaches her for such a good, which "gold-silver," replied simply that if all the people for good each other were calculated, then the world would have turned into a store. And it would be kind in this store "wrapped up" because good without careful.

Nature in the poem is in close connection with people. So, the solar eclipse as if warns the prince of Prince Igor about the coming danger. After the defeat of the Russians, "the grass is none of pity, and the tree with grief to the ground has abandoned." At the time of the flight, Igor, from the captivity of Wattle, the path to the river suggests his knock. The Donets River also helps him, "Lelle's Prince on the waves, wrapped him with green grass on his silver shores, dressing him with warm fogs under the canopy of green tree." And Igor thanks Donets, his Savior, poetically chatting with the river.

K.G. Powestoys - a fairy tale "disheveled sparrow."

Masha's little girl made friends with a plow sparrow. And he helped to return her a glass bouquet stolen a glass bouquet, which father, who was on the front, gave her mom once.

How does Nature affect the human soul? Nature helps us open yourself and the world

L.N. Tolstoy - Roman-epic "War and Peace".Nature gives a man hope, helps a person to realize his true feelings, sort out his own soul. Recall the meeting of Prince Andrew with Oak. If, on the way to the Otradny, this old, perishing oak filled his soul only bitterness, then on the backrest of oak with young, green, juicy leaves helps him suddenly realize that life is not yet over, ahead, maybe, happiness, fulfill its purpose.

Yu. Yakovlev - the story of "awakened by nightingians."Nature awakens in the soul of man The best human qualities, creative potential, helps to reveal. The hero of the story is a kind of sorvi-head, a difficult child, who adults did not like and not perceived seriously. The nickname of it is a sealuzhok. But once at night he heard the singing of the nightingale, and I wanted to portray this nightingale. He sculpts him out of plasticine, and then he is written to the art studio. In life, his interest appears, adults change their attitude towards him.

Y. Nagibin - the story "Winter Oak".Nature helps a person make a lot of discoveries. Against the background of nature, we are better aware of our own feelings, as well as we look at the people around us. So it happened with the heroine of Nagin's story, the teacher Anna Vasilyevna. Once with Savushkan in the Winter Forest, she appeared in a new way to this boy, opened the qualities in it that did not notice earlier: proximity to nature, immediacy, nobility.

What feelings awakens in our soul beauty of Russian nature? Love for Russian Nature - Love for Motherland

S.A. Yesenin - poems "On Pashnya, Pashnya, Pashnya ...", "Sleeps Kovyl, the plain dear ...", "Rus".The theme of nature in the work of Yesenin is inextricably merged with the theme of a small homeland, the Russian village. Thus, the early poems of the poet, filled with Christian images and the details of the peasant life, recreate the picture of the life of Orthodox Russia. Here are the villages of Kalika's wretched, here the wanderer Mikola appears on the roads, here the decek comes the dead. Each of these plots is framed by a modest, unpaired landscape. And until the most recent days, Yesenin retains loyalty to his ideal, remaining the poet of "Golden Breeding His." The worship of the beauty of Russian nature merges in verses of him with love for Russia.

N.M. Rubtsov - poems "I will jump on the hills of the rearness of derticles ...", "quiet my homeland", "Star of the fields", "Birch". In the poem "Vision on the Hill" N. Rubtsov appeals to the historical past of the Motherland and traces the connection of times, finding the echo of this past in the present. The times of Batius have long passed, but for Russia all times there are its "Tatars and Mongols". The image of the motherland, the feelings of the lyrical hero, the beauty of the Russian nature, the inviolability of folk ruralities and the strength of the spirit of the Russian people there is a good start that is opposed in the poem of the image of evil in the past and present. In the poem "silent my homeland", the poet creates the image of a native village: huts, willow, river, nightingales, the old church, the graveyard. The star of the fields becomes Rubatov symbol of all Russia, the symbol of happiness. It is this image, and even, perhaps, Russian birchs are associated with a poet with a homeland.

K.G. Powesty - the story "Ilyinsky Out".The author talks about his attachment to one of the small towns of Russia - Ilyinskaya pool. Such places, according to the author, carry something sacred in themselves, they fill the soul with peace of mind, reverence before the beauty of the native land. So in a person there is a feeling of the motherland - from small love