Map of Crimea with new villages. Map of Crimea Detailed with cities and towns

Map of Crimea with new villages. Map of Crimea Detailed with cities and towns
Map of Crimea with new villages. Map of Crimea Detailed with cities and towns

The map of the Crimea for a long time is the development of most seaworthy paths connecting various tribes and countries. All this is due to the geographical location of the republic and rare natural conditions.

From 1945 to 1991, the Crimean Republic was considered an area. Only after a while, found the modality of the republic. Located in the Crimean Peninsula, with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 27 thousand square meters. km. The number of residents is 2134.7 thousand people. From the south and west side is washed black, with the eastern - Azov seas. With the Russian Federation is divided by Kerch Strait. On land is connected to the Kherson region of Ukraine. They are connected by Perekopsty and artificial dam through Sevash.

In 2018, various types of resorts and sanatoriums operate in Crimea, which are located both on the coast and inside the peninsula. In 2018, a detailed map of the Crimea with cities and towns in Russian will help to decide on the rest area and pick up a convenient location of a sanatorium or hotel.

The administrative-territorial device of the peninsula consists of 14 districts, 16 cities, 11 of which have republican importance, 56 large settlements and 956 rural settlements. Simferopol - the administrative center of the republic, having a diverse national composition. Its territory inhabit the Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and other nations.

The territory of the peninsula is highlighted by a considerable natural manifold. The mountains of Crimea are in the south of the republic, dividing the terrain on the north - flat and southern mountain. Natural wealth here are famous here by fields of natural gas on bales of Azov, iron ores and depths of building materials. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Karadag is famous for underground pantry semi-precious stones.

Crimea is rich in variety of attractions:

  • Castle "Swallow nest";
  • National Reserve - Chersonese Tauride;
  • Yalta house writer "White Dacha";
  • Livadia Palace;
  • Tsarsky Kurgan in Kerch;
  • Khansky Palace;
  • Vintage manor Alushta.

The most significant indicators of the economy of the republic - the breeding of animal husbandry, retail trade turnover, passenger traffic. Automobile transport is efficiently developed. Functions mountain trolleybus compound "Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta". Equally important and the coherent and international navigation. There are several airports on the peninsula, about 10 seaports.

In the Crimea there are famous resorts - Saki, Koktebel, an old Crimea. The detailed map of the Crimea coast with cities and towns presented on our website will help determine their location. In addition to health facilities, the Republic is rich in reserves: Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Yalta, Cape Martyan, Karadagsky.

You can define 3 main directions designated on the coast map of the Crimea, where tourist flows are rushing.
South coast
Gorgeous Yalta, Poetic Gurzuf, Palace Alupka and Livadia, as well as other cities and villages of the southern coast have long attracted the attention of tourists. Relax on the southern coast of Crimea - Sounds proudly. Here you can find modest housing at a time or to go in chic apartments, but rest, in any case, will be interesting and enjoyable. Tourist on the south shore daily can visit not only the beaches of numerous cafes and attractions, but also the most interesting attractions (for example, the Botanical Garden, Chekhov's house, Alushta Reserve, Swallow Nest and much more).
East coast
This side of the Crimea is no less popular among holidaymakers. Feodosia and Sudak attract with their sandy and stone beaches, Koktebel and a new light - informality and spirit of freedom, and the Schelkino-Azov Sea. Extreme lovers can engage in deltalanenism by visiting Mount Klimentyev, and Windsseriers should pay attention to Cape Kazantip.
Due to the ferry crossing, many tourists drew attention to Kerch and its surroundings as a resort. Here you can also relax, as well as visit the famous quarry and mountain.
West shore
There are famous mudsheets on this shore, so Evpatoria and Saki are visited not only for the purpose of rest, but also treatment. There are many sanatoriums, boarding houses and children's wellness centers specified on the map.
On the west coast, excellent sandy beaches with severe entrance to the sea, which attracts families with children. During the day, children and adults are resting on these beaches, and youngest have fun here. Evpatoria is famous for its beach discos.
More popular among tourists, the villages of Chernomorskoye and inter-water, thanks to pure beaches and the absence of many people become becoming more popular among tourists. While here you can relax in silence for a small price.
You can relax in the Crimea, to be treated, entertained, admire with beauty, to know the past, so at least once it is worth come here and find out the peninsula closer.

The Crimea Peninsula is located in the northern part of the Black Sea. The map of the Crimea from the satellite shows that from the northeast, the Peninsula Square is washed by the Azov Sea.
The highest point of the region is the mountain Roman-Kos, the height of which is 1.5 thousand meters.
Crimea with mainland is connected by a small Perekopsty.

In the territory of three different types of relief: the mountainous part, the area of \u200b\u200bhilly plains and plains.
Yandex Maps of Crimea clearly demonstrate that the extensive territory of the peninsula cross over 250 water arteries. Also in the region a large number of salted lakes. The most famous and large lake is Sasiek-Sivash.

Saligir is considered the longest river. On the territory of Crimea, more than 150 natural reserves. The region has richest recreational resources.

Central regions of Crimea

All cities in the area are connected with the help of bus routes. Also areas on the map of Crimea have a trolleybus message. Sea routes exist in the region. In Kerch, there is a crossing of ferries through which passengers and goods are moved to the peninsula from the Krasnodar Territory.

Bakhchisarai district mainly has a mountain relief. The area is famous for the ancient monuments: cave old settlements on the mountain plateau. Also on this territory is the reserve Big Canyon and various reserves.

The map of Crimea in the east of the peninsula will help to find the Kirov district. The most important attractions of this part of the region are the old Crimea. The East of the Area is the Feodosia Reservoir and Lake Achi.

Mining minerals are represented by the following materials: gravel, clays and limestone. In the economy, the main place is assigned to agriculture. There are plants-state farms in the area and big farms.

On the banks of the Carcinite Gulf with the help of the Crimea scheme, the Razdannensky district can be found. Numerous natural resources are focused on its territory: therapeutic dirt on the Lake Bakalis, hydrogen sulfide, as well as favorable climatic conditions for treatment. On the fertile soils of the region are grown grain, mesh, as well as vegetable crops. This area is considered to be a spa zone.

The map of Crimea with villages shows where the Black Sea region is located on the Tarkhankut Peninsula. In the area, such minerals are mined, as a stone-sewer, natural gas and limestone. The resort area of \u200b\u200bthis area is famous for budget holidays. There are industrial organizations and agricultural enterprises on site.

Map of Crimea with cities and villages

Find and explore the famous cities of the peninsula will allow the map of Crimea with cities and villages:

  1. Simferopol is considered the capital of the region and an important industrial center. There are many food factories and companies on its territory: dairy, confectionery factory, pasta factory, and a brandy factory.
  2. Sevastopol is the city of federal significance. It contains the Russian fleet.
  3. Kerch is a small town on the shore of the Kerch Strait. It is in this settlement that the ferry crossing is located. This is one of the oldest cities in which many vintage architectural monuments have been preserved.
  4. A detailed road map of the Crimea will lead to Evpatoria. The city is located on the shores of the Kamitsky Bay. It has an extended spa area, as well as an old town with an old-style zone. Evpatoria is famous for the large number of medicinal natural resources: mineral water, rape and healing mud. In the vicinity of the city there are famous lakes: Moinakskoe, Sasiek and others.
  5. Feodosia is a transport node in which automobile, water and rail routes are converged. The basis of the economy is the resort industry. On the territory of the city there are beach zones, mineral springs and a variety of sanatoriums.
  6. Yalta is one of the most famous resorts of the peninsula.

Economy and Industry Crimea

With a map of Crimea with settlements, you can find all enterprises of the city. The main branches of the region include industry, tourism, construction and agriculture.
On the peninsula there are scientific centers of various profiles. In the southern part there is an astrophysical observatory.

The main part of industrial production is accounted for processing enterprises.
To study the objects of the Peninsula farm will help in detail the Map of Crimea. The most important sectors of the region include: chemical, food, machine-building and construction.
The peninsula developed grain farms. It also produces wool, milk and meat.

Crimea has more than 700 resort institutions and large hotels.
The Crimean Peninsula features the richest recreational resources.

Sochi, as well as other settlements. Map of the coast of Crimea Includes the location of cities, villages along the coastline, which officially exist in 2016. The Crimean coast has long been famous for its resorts. Tourist cities are located throughout the coastal line of the peninsula, but they allocate 3 directions by which the flow rates are distributed.

Map of the coast of the southern coast of Crimea

The southern coast of the Crimea is famous not only by its picturesque beaches, entertainment facilities, amusement parks, etc. The most famous and interesting sights of the Peninsula are concentrated here :, Alushta Reserve, and much more. - hospitable, sunny, beautiful cities that guests receive guests from year to be happy. Here you can stay in a luxury hotel or modest, quiet time. Regardless of this, you will spend your time, rest and definitely do not bother.

Map of the coast of the eastern coast of Crimea

The east coast attracts tourists a variety of natural landscapes. And they are famous for clean, picturesque stone and sandy beaches, the Azov Sea is manitis in tourists. Extremes will not remain here without entertainment. Lovers of deltaplanerymanism will perfectly spend time on Mount Klimentyev. And windsurfers can engage in their loved ones, visiting Cape Kazantip. The special atmosphere of freedom and inspiration reigns in cities and. Taking advantage of the ferry crossing guests of the peninsula can visit and relaxing out there, visiting the famous quarries.

Coastline of the West Bank of Crimea

The west coast of the peninsula is a great place not only for recreation, but also for treatment. Here are a variety of sanatoriums, boarding houses, children's health centers. Famous mudgewreads in and attracted people to people of tsarist Russia.

This wonderful place is an excellent option for family holidays. Extensive sandy beaches with gentle descent to water are perfect for children. In the afternoon, kids and their parents sunbathe and swimming on these beaches, and young people are having fun. Espatoria beach parties are especially good.

Takes and gain popularity among tourists. Vacationers attract clean beaches and a small number of people, as well as the low cost of living. The Crimean Peninsula is a universal resting place for every taste: treatment, extreme, incendiary discos, exciting landscapes, knowledge of antiquity, privacy, inspiration - all this is the Crimea!

Crimea - A very promising direction for travelers who prefer to combine beach holidays with extreme sports on steep ascents, as well as a study of the oldest historical monuments and enjoying picturesque nature.

Crimea on the world map and Russia

Being one of the most beautiful Peninsulas of the Planet, Crimea is famous unique relief and nature..

Where is and what climate?

The Crimean Peninsula is located on the territory and extends far to, and on the east side is washed. Its square is very small, but is saturated with areas whose names are known since childhood.

In eastern The Crimean Peninsula is located Feodosiya, Koktebel and Sudak, on South Tourists pleased Yalta and Alushta, in the West - Evpatoria and Saki, and in the Central District - Simferopol and Bakhchisaray. Finally, developed in terms of tourism is the Kerch peninsula, which can be found in western Crimea.

The extreme points of the Crimea: In the north - Perekopsty, which it is connected to the mainland, in the south - Cape Sarych, in the West - Cape Kara-Mrohan, in the east - Cape Lantern located on the Kerch Peninsula.

The climate map of the peninsula is divided into two regions - in the northern part prevails continental, on southern manifests subtropical climate. On average, in January, the temperature is + 1-4 ° C, in + 24 ° C. Summer here is arid and roast, and winter is soft and rainy.

Natural resources

The landscape of the Crimea is quite diverse and divided into two zones: steppewhich occupies most of its territory (about 70%) as well gornoLocated in the center and closer to the south.

The peninsula is washed by two seas, also has more 50 salted lakes, 257 rivers (The largest - Saligir, Alma, Belbek). Thanks to a unique location, nature has been perfectly preserved here, which is available in the Crimean, Yalta, Kazantypan and Karadagsky reserve.

How to get?

Most of the travelers stay in Crimea airway, Landing in Simferopol. It is also possible to cheap to the peninsula on a ferry from the mainland of Russia through Kerchinsky Strait, by bus from the cities of Krasnodar Territory (Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik or), by train to Simferopol or Feodosia, as well as car from anywhere in the country.

Attractions in popular resorts

The peninsula has a variety of resorts.


Enjoy the greatest popularity among tourists Balaclava - A small town, which is a real storehouse of interesting places to visit:


- The second resort town, capable of attracting the attention of holidaymakers, also has a landmark sightseeing:

  • Gallery Ayvazovsky - Museum of Marinist Painting, which includes the most extensive number of artist's works;
  • Green Museum - Memorial Museum of the Popular Romance Writer, in which the life of his life is recreated and the atmosphere of his life.

Sea species opening in this part of the Crimea are so beautiful that talented artists, as well as poets and other creative personalities could not bypass this beauty.

Sand beaches

The main reason why tourists choose Crimea is, of course endless beaches for every taste. Total on the peninsula about 75 The most luxurious beachesextending for tens of kilometers.

TO best Sandy beaches include:

  1. Snow white coast of the village. Olenevka and Intervailed;
  2. Bay of the village. Black Sea;
  3. Bounty beaches and scarlet sails in Koktebel;
  4. Lone beaches cape Meganom;
  5. Most of the territory Evpatoria;
  6. Dynamo Beach and Pearl Beach in Feodosia.

Regardless of the choice, rest in the Crimea will bring a lot positive impressionsAnd also will remain a pleasant event for any traveler.

Watch the video for more about several attractions of the Peninsula: