Where the Bashkirs lived or roamed in Bashkiria. Bashkir people: culture, traditions and customs

Where the Bashkirs lived or roamed in Bashkiria.  Bashkir people: culture, traditions and customs
Where the Bashkirs lived or roamed in Bashkiria. Bashkir people: culture, traditions and customs

2) The origin of the Bashkir people.

3) The first information about the Bashkirs.

4) Saki, Scythians, Sarmatians.

5) Ancient Turks.

6) Polovtsi.

7) Genghis Khan.

8) Bashkortostan as part of the Golden Horde.

10) Ivan the Terrible.

11) Accession of the Bashkirs to the Russian state.

12) Bashkir uprisings.

13) Bashkir tribes.

14) Beliefs of the ancient Bashkirs.

16) Acceptance of Islam.

17) Writing among the Bashkirs and the first schools.

17) The emergence of the Bashkir auls.

18) The emergence of cities.

19) Hunting and fishing.

20) Agriculture.

21) Borting.

22) Influence Civil war on the economic and social life of Bashkiria

1) The origin of the Bashkir people. The formation, the formation of the people does not occur immediately, but gradually. In the eighth century BC, Ananyin tribes lived in the southern Urals, which gradually spread to other territories. Scientists believe that the Ananyinsky tribes are the direct ancestors of the Permian Komi, Udmurts, Mari, and the descendants of the Ananyinsky took part in the origin of the Chuvash, Volga Tatars, Bashkirs and other peoples of the Urals and the Volga region.
The Bashkirs as a people did not migrate from anywhere, but were formed as a result of a very difficult and long historical development in the places of indigenous tribes, in the process of contacts and crossing them with alien tribes Turkic origin... These are Savromats, Huns, ancient Turks, Pechenegs, Polovtsians and Mongol tribes.
The process of the formation of the Bashkir people is fully completed at the end of the 15th - in the first half of the 16th century.

2) The first information about the Bashkirs.

The first written evidence of the Bashkirs dates back to the 9th-10th centuries. The testimonies of the Arab traveler Ibn Fadlan are especially important. According to his description, the embassy traveled for a long time through the country of the Oguz-Kipchaks (the Aral steppe), and then in the area of ​​the present city of Uralsk it crossed the Yaik River and immediately entered “the country of Bashkirs from among the Turks”.
In it, the Arabs crossed such rivers as the Kinel, Tok, Sarai, and beyond the Big Cheremshan River, the borders of the Volga Bulgaria state began.
The Bashkirs' closest neighbors in the west were the Bulgars, and in the south and east - the formidable nomadic tribes of Guzes and Kipchaks. Bashkirs led active trade with China, with the states of Southern Siberia, Central Asia and Iran. They sold their furs, iron products, cattle and honey to merchants. In exchange, they received silk, silver and gold jewelry, dishes. Merchants and diplomats passing through the Bashkir country left stories about it. In these stories, it is mentioned that the Bashkir cities consisted of ground log houses. Bulgars' neighbors made frequent raids on Bashkir settlements. But the warlike Bashkirs tried to meet enemies at the border and did not allow them close to their villages.

3) Saki, Scythians, Sarmatians.

2800 - 2900 years ago in the South Urals appeared a strong powerful people - the Saki. Their main wealth was horses. The famous Saka cavalry with swift throws captured fertile pastures for their numerous herds. Gradually, the steppes of Eastern Europe from the Southern Urals to the shores of the Caspian and Aral seas and the south of Kazakhstan became Saka.
Among the Saks there were especially wealthy families, who had several thousand horses in their herds. Wealthy families subjugated their poor kinsmen and elected a king. This is how the Saka state arose.

All Saks were considered slaves of the king, and all their wealth was his property. It was believed that even after death, he became the King, but only in another world. The kings were buried in large deep graves. Log cabins were lowered into the pits - houses, weapons, dishes with food, expensive clothes and other things were put inside. Everything was made of gold and silver so that no one in the underworld would doubt the royal origin of the buried.
For a whole millennium, the Saks and their descendants ruled over the wide expanses of the steppe. Then they split into several individual groups tribes and began to live separately.

Scythians were nomadic people steppes, immense pastures stretching across Asia from Manchuria to Russia. The Scythians existed raising animals (sheep, cattle and horses) and partly hunted. The Chinese and Greeks described the Scythians as fierce warriors who formed a single whole with their fast, small horses. Armed with bow and arrows, the Scythians fought on horseback. According to one description, they removed scalps from enemies and stored them as a trophy.
Wealthy Scythians were covered with intricate tattoos. The tattoo was evidence of a person's belonging to a noble family, and its absence was a sign of a commoner. A person with patterns applied to the body turned into a “walking” work of art.
When the leader died, his wife and servants were killed and buried with him. Together with the leader, his horses were also buried. Many very beautiful gold items found in burials speak of the wealth of the Scythians.

Wandering along the borders of the Trans-Ural steppe of the forest-steppe, the Saks come into contact with the semi-nomadic tribes who lived there. According to many modern researchers, these were the Finno-Ugric tribes - the ancestors of the Mari, Udmurts, Perm Komi and, possibly, Magyar Hungarians. The interaction of the Saks and the Ugrians ended in the 4th century BC with the appearance of the Sarmatians in the historical arena.
In the second century BC, the Sarmatians conquered Scythia and devastated it. Some of the Scythians were exterminated or captured, others were subdued and merged with the Sakas.
The famous historian N.M. Karamzin wrote about the Sarmatians. “Rome was not ashamed to buy the friendship of the Sarmatians with gold”.
Scythians, Sakas and Sarmatians spoke Iranian. The Bashkir language contains the most ancient Iranisms, that is, words that have entered the vocabulary of the Bashkirs from the Iranian language: kyar (cucumber), kamyr (dough), takta (board), byya (glass), bakta (wool - molting), hike (bunks) , shishme (spring, stream).

4) Ancient Turks.

In the 6th-7th centuries, new hordes of nomads gradually moved to the west from the steppes of Central Asia. The Turks created a huge empire from The Pacific in the east to the northern Caucasus in the west, from the forest-steppe regions of Siberia in the north to the borders of China and Central Asia in the south. In 558 the South Ural was already a part of the Turkic state.

The supreme deity among the Türks was the Sun (according to other versions - the sky) He was called Tengre. The gods of water, wind, forests, mountains and other deities were subject to Tengre. Fire, as the ancient Turks believed, cleansed a person from all sins and bad thoughts. Bonfires burned around the khan's yurt both day and night. No one dared to approach the khan until he passed through the fiery corridor.
The Turks left a deep mark on the history of the peoples of the South Urals. Under their influence, new tribal unions who gradually moved to a sedentary lifestyle.

5) In the second half of the 9th century, a new wave of Turkic-speaking nomads, the Pechenegs, passes through the steppes of the Southern Urals and Trans-Volga regions. They were driven out of Central Asia and the Aral Sea region after being defeated in the wars for the possession of the oases of the Syr Darya and the Northern Aral Sea region. At the end of the 9th century, the Pechenegs and related tribes become the actual masters of the steppes of Eastern Europe. The Bashkir tribes were also part of the Pechenegs who lived in the steppes of the Trans-Volga and Southern Urals. Being an organic part of the Trans-Volga Pechenegs, the Bashkirs of the 9th-11th centuries, neither in their way of life, nor in culture, apparently did not differ from the Pechenegs.

The Polovtsi are nomadic Turks who appeared in the middle of the 11th century in the steppes of the Urals and Volga. The Polovtsians themselves called themselves Kypchaks. They approached the borders of Russia. Over the time of their domination, the steppe became known as Deshti-Kypchak, Polovtsian steppe. About the times of the Polovtsian domination of sculpture - stone "women", standing on the steppe mounds. Although these statues are called "women", images of warriors-heroes - the founders of the Polovtsian tribes - prevail among them.
The Polovtsians acted as Byzantium's allies against the Pechenegs, expelled them from the Black Sea region. The Polovtsi were both allies and enemies of the Russian tribes. Many of the Polovtsians became relatives of the Russian princes. So, Andrei Bogolyubsky was the son of a Polovtsian woman, daughter of Khan Aepa. Prince Igor, the hero of The Lay of Igor's Regiment, before his 1185 campaign against the Polovtsy himself invited the Polovtsians to take part in military raids on Russia.
In XIII - XIV centuries the territory of the Urals and Trans-Urals was inhabited by the Kypchaks. They entered into family ties with other tribes inhabiting the area.

6) Genghis Khan was the son of the leader of a small Mongol tribe. At eight years old, he was left an orphan. When Genghis Khan's father saw a large birthmark on the baby's palm, he considered it a sign that his son would become a great warrior.
Genghis Khan's real name is Temuchin. His merit was that he united nomadic tribes, little connected with each other, into one intertribal union. He devoted his entire life to building an empire. The war was the instrument of this construction. There were no foot soldiers in the Mongol army: each had two horses, one for himself, the other for luggage. They lived by feeding off the conquered population.

Cities, if their population resisted, were mercilessly destroyed along with all the inhabitants. True, if they surrendered without a fight, mercy could await them. Genghis Khan and his army became so famous for their cruelty that many preferred to surrender to him without a fight.
Genghis Khan's troops overcame the Great Wall of China and soon captured all of China. In 1215, Beijing was captured and all of China became part of the great Mongol empire.
In the 20s of the XIII century, Genghis Khan with his horde approached the outlying cities of Russia. Although the Russian cities were well fortified, they could not hold back the onslaught of the Mongols. Having defeated the combined forces of the Russian and Polovtsian princes in 1223 at the Battle of Kalka, the Mongol army devastated the territory between the Don and the Dnieper north of the Sea of ​​Azov.

In the thirteenth century, numerous troops of the formidable Genghis Khan approached the South Urals. The forces were unequal, in several battles the Bashkirs were defeated. As a sign of reconciliation at the rate Mongol Khan arrived the Bashkir leader Muitan Khan, the son of Tuksob Khan. He brought with him expensive gifts, including thousands of cattle. Genghis Khan was pleased with the expensive gifts and awarded the khan with a certificate for the eternal possession of him and his descendants of the lands through which the Belaya River flows. The vast lands given over to the rule of Muitan Khan fully coincide with the territory of the settlement of the Bashkir tribes of the 9th-12th centuries.

7) In the thirteenth century, numerous troops of the formidable Genghis Khan approached the South Urals. The forces were unequal, in several battles the Bashkirs were defeated. As a sign of reconciliation, the Bashkir leader Muitan Khan, the son of Tuxob Khan, arrived at the headquarters of the Mongol Khan. He brought with him expensive gifts, including thousands of cattle. Genghis Khan was pleased with the expensive gifts and awarded the khan with a certificate for the eternal possession of him and his descendants of the lands through which the Belaya River flows. The vast lands given over to the rule of Muitan Khan fully coincide with the territory of the settlement of the Bashkir tribes of the 9th-12th centuries.
But the broad masses of the Bashkirs did not come to terms with the loss of independence and repeatedly rose to war against the new masters. The theme of the struggle of the Bashkirs against the Mongols is most fully reflected in the legend "The Last of the Sartaevo Clan", which tells about the tragic fate of the Bashkir Khan Djalyk, who in the war against the Mongols lost his two sons, his entire clan, but remained unconquered to the end.

8) The formidable Tsar Timur left his mark on the history of Bashkortostan. Timur (sometimes called Tamerlane) was the ruler of a large state, and his capital was the beautiful city of Samarkand. He constantly waged wars against neighboring countries, taking prisoners of boys and girls, stealing cattle.
In June 1391, near the Kundurcha River in Bashkortostan, Timur defeated the Mongol king Tokhtamysh. As the victor, Timur's warriors set about robbery. They took away clothes, weapons, horses from the prisoners, ruined and destroyed hundreds of Bashkir villages, dozens of cities in the Ural-Volga region. The robbery lasted 20 days.
Timur left an unkind memory of himself. Here is one of the Bashkir legends, which explains the origin of the aul of Uchala: “Once a khan named Aksak Timur came to the Bashkir land. He came and asked the Bashkirs to marry him off their girlfriend. They decided to give him a girl of their kind. The khan paid generously for it and left. After a while, he came again to pick up his bride. But now the Bashkirs unexpectedly opposed his desire. They didn’t give the girl away. The khan was very angry. In revenge for his honor, he ruined and burned all the nomads and yurts of the local Bashkir clans. The people suffered greatly from this rift. For a long time they did not forget the cruel khan, they commemorated him with curses. Later, these places began to be called Uss aldy - he took revenge. They say that the name of the aul Uchaly comes from this word ”.

9) On January 16, 1547, the Metropolitan of All Russia Macarius in the Assumption Cathedral for the first time in Russian history solemnly crowned Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich as king.
The tsar's head was crowned with the Cap of Monomakh. After Ivan the Terrible, all Russian tsars will be crowned with the Monomakh's hat as a crown. Boyars in those days adorned each other with high fur hats. It was believed that the higher the hat, the more noble the clan. Ordinary people were not allowed to wear such luxurious hats. Needless to say: according to Senka and a hat.
Under Ivan the Terrible, the territory of the Russian state increased significantly, but the state itself was on the brink of disaster. The time of his reign, on the one hand, was marked by successes, and on the other, by the bloody war of the king against his people. To fight the enemies that seemed to him at every step, Ivan the Terrible came up with an oprichnina. The name "oprichnina" comes from the old Russian word "oprich" - besides, except. The guardsmen wore a special uniform. They looked everywhere for the enemies of the king. Together with the man, they seized all members of his family, servants, often even peasants. After brutal torture the unfortunate were executed, and the survivors were exiled.

10) In the middle of the 15th century, the Golden Horde disintegrated. Smaller states arose on its territory: the Nogai Horde, the Kazan, Siberian and Astrakhan khanates. The Bashkirs were under their rule. All this further worsened the position of the Bashkirs.
In the middle of the 16th century, after the liberation from the Mongol yoke, the power of the Russian state began to grow rapidly. However, the East was still not calm. The Kazan and Astrakhan khanates, with their constant raids, ravaged the Russian lands, took many prisoners. In Kazan alone in 1551, more than one hundred thousand Russian prisoners languished. The interests of the further development of the Russian state demanded decisive measures against Kazan. And Tsar Ivan the Terrible organized a military campaign. With the capture of Kazan on October 2, 1952, the existence of the Kazan Khanate ceased.
Ivan the Terrible turned to the peoples of the former Kazan Khanate with letters. In them, he called for voluntarily accepting Russian citizenship and paying yasak (tribute). He promised not to touch their lands, religion and customs, that is, leave everything as it was before the Mongol invasion. In addition, he promised protection and patronage from all enemies.
The flexible diplomacy of the White Tsar, as the Bashkirs called the Terrible, gave its results: the Bashkirs met his proposal with approval. The first to accept Russian citizenship at the end of 1554 were the tribes of Western Bashkortostan, which were previously part of the Kazan Khanate. In the spring of 1557, the process of entry of the bulk of the Bashkirs into the Russian state was completed.

At legal registration joining the conditions were agreed: the Bashkirs were obliged to carry out military service - to guard the eastern borders, participate in military campaigns together with the Russians and pay yasak.
The accession as a whole was of progressive importance for the Bashkirs. The domination of the Nogai, Kazan and Siberian khanates and endless internecine wars were ended. All this had a positive effect on the development of the economy of the region. The Bashkirs began to adopt agricultural and handicraft skills from the Russian peasants, and the Russians from the Bashkirs - some of the techniques of cattle breeding and beekeeping. Bashkirs, Russians and other peoples jointly mastered the natural resources of the region.
The accession to the Russian state was accompanied by the construction of fortresses and cities. Birsk was founded by the Bashkirs themselves back in 1555. In 1766 Sterlitamak was founded as a pier. In 1762, the construction of the Beloretsk plant began, in 1781 Belebey received the status of a city.

11) An important place in the history of Bashkortostan is occupied by the uprisings of the indigenous inhabitants against the colonial oppression of tsarism. This oppression was expressed in the forcible seizure of the Bashkir lands, in the persecution of national culture. The position of the Bashkirs was worsened by the fact that the tsarist officials abused when collecting yasak, the conditions for the annexation of the Bashkirs to Russia were violated.
The Bashkirs had nowhere to complain, so they expressed their protest with weapons in their hands. The Bashkirs organized 89 armed uprisings against the Russian colonialists.
Major armed uprisings of the Bashkirs: 1662-1664 (leaders Sarah Mergen and Ishmukhamet Davletbaev); 1681 - 1683 (Seit Sadir); 1704 - 1711 (Aldar Isyangildin and Kusyum Tyulekeev); 1735 - 1740 (Kilmyak abyz Nurushev, Akay Kusyumov, Bepenya Trupberdin, Karasakal); 1755 (Batyrsha Aliev); participation of the Bashkirs in the Peasant War of Yemelyan Pugachev in 1773 - 1775 (Salavat Yulaev, Kinzya Arslanov, Bazargul Yunaev).
The people composed songs, cubaiers, legends about the defenders of the people, about the brave leaders of armed uprisings. National hero Salavat Yulaev became the Bashkir people. Salavat Yulaev combined the talent of a poet, the gift of a commander, the fearlessness of a warrior. These qualities reflect the spiritual appearance of the Bashkirs. Bashkirs, Russians, Tatars, Mishars, Chuvashs, Mari gathered under the banner of Pugachev. But the first place among them in terms of the number of participants belonged to the Bashkirs. The first of the Bashkir commanders to appear in the Kinzya Arslanov rebel camp. He led a detachment of 500 people. As a highly educated person, he was immediately admitted to the Pugachev headquarters.
The authorities decided to use the Bashkirs to fight the rebels; in the city of Sterlitamak, on the orders of the governor of Orenburg, many armed Bashkirs gathered. Salavat Yulaev was among them. Salavat enjoyed tremendous trust among his subordinates. Even then, he was known as a poet-improviser. With a fiery speech, he speaks to the soldiers, urging them to join Pugachev. All unanimously supported Salavat. He becomes the leader of the entire Bashkir cavalry.
After Pugachev left Bashkortostan, the leadership of the uprising completely passed into the hands of Salavat. He continues to fight even when the traitor Cossacks extradite Pugachev to the authorities.
But the forces were unequal, the uprising subsided, Salavat's troops were defeated. Batyr was captured on November 25, 1774. After lengthy interrogations, cruel tortures, he and his father were sent to eternal hard labor in Rogervik on October 3, 1775. Here, together with other rebels, Salavat and his father Yulai Aznalin worked on the construction of the Rogervik port. It was grueling work, but they endured all the hardships. History knows this fact. Once the Swedes attacked the garrison, They killed all the guards and began to plunder everything. Then convicts attacked them. They put the Swedes to flight and captured their ships. After all that happened, the Pugachevites could go into the open sea. But they raised the Andreev flag and waited for the authorities. The convicts hoped that they would be pardoned for such a patriotic act. However, the authorities decided in their own way: everything remained unchanged. Yulai died in 1797. On September 26, 1800, Salavat passed away.

12) Each Bashkir tribe included several clans. The number of genera in the tribes was different. At the head of the clan was the biy, the tribal leader. In the 9th-12th centuries, the power of the biys became hereditary. Biy relied on the national assembly (yiyin) and the council of elders (koroltai). Questions of war and peace, clarification of borders were decided during the people's meetings. National gatherings ended with festivities: horse races were arranged, storytellers competed in poetry, kuraists and singers performed.
Each tribe had four distinctive features: a brand (tamga), a tree, a bird and a cry (oran). For example, among the Burzyans, an arrow was a brand, an oak was a tree, an eagle was a bird, a baysungar was a cry.
The name of the Bashkir people is Bashkort. What does this word mean? There are over thirty explanations in science. The most common are the following: The word "bashkort" is composed of two words "bash" means "head, chief", and "court" - "wolf". This explanation is associated with the ancient beliefs of the Bashkirs. The wolf was one of the Bashkir totems. A totem is an animal, less often a natural phenomenon, a plant that ancient people worshiped as a god, considering him the ancestor of the tribe. The Bashkirs have legends about the wolf-savior, the wolf-guide, the wolf-progenitor. According to another explanation, the word “bashkort” also consists of two words “bash” means “head, chief”, and “court” means “bee”. The Bashkirs have long been engaged in beekeeping, and then beekeeping. It is possible that the bee was the totem of the Bashkirs, and eventually became their name.

13) Religion among ancient people was born in an attempt to explain the world around them. No one could explain why suddenly there was cold or hunger, or an unsuccessful hunt.
Natural forces: the sun, rain, thunder and lightning, and so on, aroused special respect in people. All peoples in their early development worshiped the forces of nature and the idols that represented them. For example, the main god of the ancient Greeks and Slavs was a thunderer, who struck those who were disobedient to him with lightning. The Greeks called him Zeus, the Slavs - Perun. And the ancient Bashkirs especially revered the sun and the moon. They represented the sun in the form of a woman, the moon in the form of a man. In the myth of the heavenly bodies, the sun appears as a red water maiden emerging from the sea with long white hair. With her hands she takes out the stars and decorates her hair with them. The moon is drawn in the form of a handsome dzhigit, cheerfully or sadly looking at people from the sky.
The earth, thought the ancient Bashkirs, rests on a huge bull and a large pike, and their body movements cause earthquakes. Trees and stones, earth and water, like man, the ancient Bashkirs believed, experience pain, resentment, anger and can avenge themselves and others, harm or, on the contrary, help a person. Birds and animals were also endowed with intelligence. The ancient Bashkirs believed that birds and animals can talk to each other, and in relation to a person they behave as they deserve it. And fire, according to popular beliefs, was the source of two principles - evil in the form of ubr and good - as the power of cleansing from evil spirits and as a source of heat.
Therefore, the Bashkirs behaved carefully in relation to the world around them, so as not to cause anger and discontent from nature.

About 1400 years ago, appeared on the Arabian Peninsula new prophet... Mohammed (Muhammad) was born in 570 BC. At the age of six he became an orphan and was raised by his adoptive parents.
In those days, the Arabs worshiped many gods. Like other peoples at an early stage of development, they worshiped various idols. The tribes of Arab nomads lived very poorly and in constant enmity with each other. In order to unite, a common faith was needed. Islam has become such a faith.
Islam was a new religion, at the same time it borrowed a lot from Judaism and Christianity. Mohammed declared himself a prophet of Allah, who through the archangel Gabriel (Jabrail) revealed to him the truths of the new faith, later collected in the Koran.
The word "Islam" in translation from Arabic means "obedience". “Muslim” means “one who obeys”. The new faith proclaimed Allah to be the only god who is kind to people, but, nevertheless, takes revenge on those who are not devoted to Islam. It should be said that the Qur'an contains many legends about the prophets, which are mentioned in the sacred Jewish and Christian books. According to the Qur'an, Moses (Musa), Jesus (Isa) and many others are prophets.
Mohammed, preaching on behalf of Allah, forced the warring tribes to unite into a single people, which subsequently led to the creation of the Arab empire. Mohammed and his followers created a new Islamic society that combined strict religious precepts with the commandment to protect the weak — women, orphans, and slaves. Europeans often believe that Islam is a militant religion. But this is not the case. For centuries, Jews, Christians and Buddhists have lived side by side with Muslims in the world.
The Arab conquests led to the spread of Islam throughout the world. Islam played very big role in the development of mankind. The new religion contributed to the development of science, architecture, crafts, trade. For example, having decided to conquer the countries with which they were separated by the sea, the Arabs became excellent navigators. More than 840 million people are Muslim today.

15) Acceptance of Islam.

Islam began to penetrate into Bashkir society in the 10th-11th centuries through the Bulgar and Central Asian merchants, as well as preachers. The Arab traveler Ibn Fadlan, back in 922, met one of the Bashkirs professing Islam.
Already in the XIV century, Islam became the dominant religion in Bashkiria, as evidenced by the mausoleums and Muslim burials.
The spread of the Muslim religion everywhere was accompanied by the construction of prayer buildings and mausoleums over the “graves of saints”, which are now examples of ancient Bashkir architectural architecture. The Bashkirs call these monuments of art “keshene”. On the modern territory of the republic there are three mausoleums built in the XIII-XIV centuries, of which two are in Chishminsky, and the third is in the Kugarchinsky districts.
One of them is the keshene mausoleum of Khusain-bek is located on the left bank of the Dema River, on the outskirts of the Chishma station. Keshene was built over the grave of Khusain-bek, one of the active Muslim preachers.
The building in its original form has not survived to this day. The base of the keshene is built of large rough stones, and specially processed and well-fitted stones were used to build the dome.
The whole appearance of the building resembles the "tirme" shape, it is an architectural image that at that time dominated in the steppes of Bashkortostan.

16) The Bashkirs, like many Turkic peoples, used runic writing before the adoption of Islam. Ancient runes resembled Bashkir tribal tamgas. In ancient times, the Bashkirs used a stone, sometimes birch bark, as a material for writing.
With the adoption of Islam, they began to use the Arabic script. Poems and poems, appeals of the batyrs, genealogies, letters, tombstones were written in the letters of the Arabic alphabet.
Since 1927, the Bashkirs switched to Latin, and in 1940 - to Russian graphics.
The modern alphabet of the Bashkir language consists of 42 letters. In addition to 33 letters common with the Russian languages, 9 more letters are adopted to denote specific sounds of the Bashkir language.
The first schools in Bashkiria emerged in the second half of the 16th century. They copied the traditional religious school of Islam - madrasah (from the Arabic "Madras" - "place where they teach").
In the madrasah, the main attention was paid to the religious and moral education of children. Students also received some knowledge in mathematics, astronomy, classical Arabic literature.
Since the end of the 18th century, the network of mektebs (primary schools) and madrasahs in Bashkiria has been rapidly expanding. And in the first half of the 19th century, Bashkiria turns into one of the centers of education in the Russian east. The madrasahs in the village of Sterlibash (Sterlitamak district), Seitovoy posad (Orenburg district), Troitsk (Troitsk district) were especially famous.
The madrasahs were founded by wealthy entrepreneurs who perfectly understood how important education is for the people. In 1889, the Khusainiya madrasah was opened, which was supported by the Khusainov brothers. Other well-known Ufa madrasahs: "Gumaniya" (1887t., Now the building of school number 14), "Gali" (1906).

17) Many Bashkir auls are distinguished by a beautiful and convenient location. The Baddkirs were very careful in choosing a place for wintering (kyshlau) and summer-wok (yaylau).
Bashkir auls grew and developed from winter quarters. When the economic basis of life was nomadic pastoralism, the choice of a place for wintering was conditioned, first of all, by the availability of a sufficient amount of fodder for keeping livestock. The river valleys met all the requirements of the Bashkirs. Their wide floodplains, abundantly irrigated during the spring flood, were covered over the summer with tall, succulent grass and were excellent winter pastures, later - hayfields. The surrounding mountains protected the pools from the winds, and their slopes were used as pastures.
The location of winter quarters near the water was also convenient because rivers and lakes served as a source of subsidiary, and for part of the population and the main occupation - fishing.
Bashkir auls mainly bear the names of their founders: Umitbay, Aznam, Yanybay and others.

18) UFA
The division of labor is one of the greatest human achievements. How was labor divided? It is very simple: someone was skilled in making dishes and other utensils from clay, someone had blacksmithing in their souls, and someone most of all liked to work the land. This is how the first artisans appeared.
The potter, blacksmith and farmer had to exchange or sell what they produced. And still it was necessary to defend against enemies. This is how the first settlements of people appeared, which over time grew, became the center of trade and civilization.
The first cities, about which there is information, were built by the Sumerians about five and a half thousand years ago. The land of the Sumerians was located on the territory of modern Iraq, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It was called Mesopotamia, which translated from Greek means “country between rivers”.
In the South Urals, the first cities appeared about 3 thousand years ago. One of these cities - Arkaim - is located 60 kilometers from the city of Sibay. The settlement was surrounded by three rows of powerful walls made of mud bricks, wood and turf. The semi-dugout houses measuring 4x12 meters were planned so that the walls served as walls for two other neighboring dwellings. Each house had two exits - to the courtyard and to the street. The city had a common sewerage system for water drainage. Such fortresses-settlements are the most ancient in the territory of Russia. Merchants from distant countries stayed here, bought metals and products from them, traded in the brought goods. But the main task of such fortified cities was to protect the mines from the capture and destruction of their hostile neighbors. About a thousand years ago BC, man learned to make tools from iron. With the discovery of iron, both the culture and the structure of society changed. In the Southern Urals at this time, two ways of life developed - nomadic cattle breeding in the steppe part and sedentary cattle-breeding and agricultural in the forest-steppe part. The foundation of the city of Ufa was a major event in the history of the Bashkirs. The city got its name from the name of the river Ufa, but what the name of the river itself means and what its origin is, neither Slavic, nor Turkic, nor Ugro-Finnecne languages ​​give us an answer. In 1574 the Ufa fortress was founded. The fortress allowed the Bashkirs to facilitate the observance of the onerous duty of surrendering yasak, since since the annexation of their region to the Russian state, they were forced to carry yasak to distant Kazan, which was unsafe. But the Moscow tsars, agreeing to the construction of the fortress, thought not only about the conveniences of the indigenous population of the region, but also about their own benefit. The Ufa fortress was for them that strong point, from where a favorable opportunity was created to extend the dominion of the Moscow sovereigns further and further to the southeast.
For many years the fortress lived a wary, but, in general, a relatively quiet and peaceful life. The inhabitants were few: by the beginning of the 17th century, only 230 people. But the number of inhabitants grew from year to year. Within 30 - 40 years the population of the city reached 700 - 800 people.
In the second half of the 17th century, the Ufa fortress inscribed its page in the history of the Great Peasant War under the leadership of Yemelyan Pugachev. Bashkiria was the area of ​​the most active actions of the rebels. From the first days, the Pugachevskaya freemen tried to seize Ufa, but the occasional raids of the rebel Cossack detachments and the Bashkirs who joined them did not achieve their goal. peasant war its significance as a defensive fortification finally fades away. The government decree ordered "to sell the pig-iron cannons and send the copper ones to Orenburg."
Modern Ufa consists of several isolated massifs, stretched from southwest to northeast for more than 50 kilometers and covers an area of ​​468.4 square kilometers. It is a city with more than a million inhabitants.


In the picturesque valley of the Belaya River, surrounded by the mountains of the Southern Urals, the city of Beloretsk has grown - the oldest in the Urals and the only center of ferrous metallurgy in Bashkiria. Beloretsk is located in the central part of the Southern Urals, in the mountain-forest region of Bashkiria, rich in iron ore, refractory clays, magnesites, dolomites, crystalline shales, limestones, including marble-like ones, which can be used as facing stone. The mountain ranges surrounding the city in the past were covered with dense coniferous forests, mainly pine. All this created conditions for the construction of a metallurgical plant, when pig iron was smelted on charcoal. The emergence of Beloretsk dates back to the middle of the eighteenth century. In 1747, with the help of local Bashkir residents, the famous Magnitnaya Mountain was discovered. But in the area of ​​this mountain there was no forest and the plant was built at a considerable distance from it, on the Belaya River. It was the Beloretsk iron foundry ironworks. The Tverdyshev brothers founded the plant on a plot of land of 200 thousand dessiatines, for which they paid the Bashkirs only 300 rubles. In 1923 Beloretsk received the status of a city. Outwardly, Beloretsk has much in common with the old mining settlements of the Urals: in its center is a vast pond with a dam across the Belaya River and a metallurgical plant with blast furnaces, cowpers and chimneys protruding against the sky. The city is divided into three parts by the White River and its tributary. The lower village on the right bank is the historical center of the city. An iron foundry and an ironworks were built here, and later a steel wire and mechanical one. The streets of the lower village stretch along the banks of the pond and the Belaya River and perpendicular to them. The old quarters are built up with small one-story buildings with white shutters typical of the Ural mountains.


Sterlitamak is the second largest city in Bashkortostan. It is located 140 kilometers south of Ufa, at the confluence of the Belaya and Ashkadar rivers, at the mouth of the Sterli river. The city was founded in 1766 as a pier for the rafting of Iletsk salt, which was delivered to the pier on carts. Then it was loaded onto barges and floated down the Belaya, Kama and Volga rivers to Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of Russia. Since 1781 Sterlitamak became a city and a county center. The city was given a coat of arms: there are three silver swans on the unfolded banner. Until 1917, 20 thousand inhabitants lived in it, 5 small sawmills, 4 mills, a distillery and several tanneries worked. Whichever side you approach the city, a chain of lone mountains called shihans appears in front of you. The mountains give the landscape a kind of harsh beauty.
The bowels near Sterlitamak are rich in minerals: oil, limestone, marl, rock salt, clay. Sterlitamak is now a modern industrial and Cultural Center... The city is being built and continues to develop. He has great prospects. All of it is in the future.

19) Rich steppes and forests made it possible to catch and shoot game and animals, keep birds of prey, and fish with various tackles. Horseback hunting took place mostly in the autumn. Groups of people, covering wide areas, looked for wolves, foxes and hares, shot at them from a bow, or, having caught up on a horse, killed them with clubs and flails.
Collective hunting played a large role in teaching young people the art of war - archery, spear and flail skills, horse riding.
Hunting prey was a great help for the Bashkirs. The skins were used to make clothes. Fur furs were exchanged for other food products, and also went to pay taxes. The squirrel skin was the currency that gave the name of the penny in the Bashkir language. The coat of arms of Ufa depicts a marten, and the wolf was one of the totem animals. Fishing was not as common as hunting. However, fisheries played a significant role in forest and mountainous areas. In dry years, as well as during periods of war, and in the steppe zone, the population resorted to fishing.

20) No one can say for sure when people began to engage in agriculture, but it is reliably known that 9 thousand years ago people grew wheat, barley, peas and lentils.
Initially, agriculture developed in the Middle East, on the territory of modern Iran, Iraq and Turkey. About 6 thousand years ago, the Egyptians plowed the land with a sharpened piece of hard wood. He was pulled by bulls or slaves. The ancient Greeks and Romans attached a metal tip to the cutting part of the plow - a ploughshare. The plow, made entirely of iron, appeared around 1800.
Like most of the Eurasian nomads, the Bashkirs planted small fields with millet and barley. Lands free from forests were used for sowing. In forested areas, the forest chosen for arable land was cut down and burned. The ash of the burnt trees served as a fertilizer for the soil. This method of farming was used by neighboring Finno-Ugric tribes, as well as the Slavs. Up to the XX century in Bashkiria and throughout Russian Empire during the harvest, the harvest was harvested with the help of iron sickles and scythes. The ears in the field were tied into sheaves and brought to the threshing floor or tok, where the sheaves were threshed with wooden chains to separate the grain from the straw. They also thrashed with horses, chasing them in a circle on bread evenly spread on the current. The crops of the Bashkirs were insignificant, since the demand for bread from them was satisfied through the exchange of other products with neighbors. But the respectful attitude of the Bashkirs to the bread and labor of the farmer is reflected in folk proverbs and sayings. Here are some of them: “If you don’t sing on the field, you’ll groan on the current”, “Even when running, planting seeds - there will be food by return”, “Earth to those who know its value; who does not know - that is the grave ”.

21) In forest and mountain-forest areas essential in the Bashkir economy there was bee-keeping, which was apparently taken from the Bulgars and the Finno-Ugric population of the region. Bortnichestvo existed among the Bashkirs in two forms. The first boiled down to the fact that the beekeeper was looking for a hollow tree in the forest, in which wild bees settled, carved his ancestral or family tamga on it, widened the hole leading to the nest and inserted pads into it to collect honey. The beaded tree became his property. Another form is associated with the manufacture of artificial boards. For this, a straight tree with a thickness of at least 60 centimeters was chosen in the forest and a voluminous hollow with holes for the entry of bees was hollowed out at a height of 6-8 meters. In the first half of the summer, enterprising beekeepers tried to make as many beads as possible in places attractive to bees. In the middle of summer, during swarming, new colonies of bees moved into almost all sides. The practice of making artificial boards made it possible to regulate the dispersal of bee colonies and to concentrate the board holdings of individuals and tribal communities in limited areas most favorable for collecting honey and ensuring the protection of boards from bears.

22) The imperialist and civil wars caused enormous material damage to the industry and agriculture of Bashkortostan. As a result of hostilities, requisitions of food, horses, carts, cattle carried out by "white" and "red", punitive expeditions, actions of various gangs, the peasantry of the Ufa province and Little Bashkiria ended up in plight... Only in three cantons of Little Bashkiria (Tabynsky, Tamyan-Kataysky and Yurmatynsky) 650 villages were destroyed, 7 thousand peasant farms were ruined. In Malaya Bashkiria, more than 157 thousand people were left homeless, hungry and naked. In the Belebeevsky district of the Ufa province alone, more than 1 thousand farms were destroyed and burned, 10 thousand heads of horses and cattle were taken away from the population, etc.
The productive forces of agriculture fell into complete decay. According to the 1920 census, in the Ufa province the sown area decreased by 43% in comparison with the pre-war period, in Malaya Bashkiria - by 51%.
Industry has suffered greatly. Equipment, raw materials and vehicles were removed from many factories and plants, mines were destroyed and flooded. In 1920, 1,055 large, medium and small enterprises were inactive in Malaya Bashkiria and the Ufa province. Cotton production was pushed back to the level of the middle of the 19th century, metallurgy - even further. Factories and factories were depopulated. Some of the skilled workers and engineering and technical workers left with the "whites", the other left, fleeing hunger, terror, and banditry.
During the hostilities, bridges, railroad tracks, station and track facilities, rolling stock, telegraph lines were destroyed. Large losses in transport were explained by the fact that the advance of the troops was carried out mainly along the railways. Many economic infrastructures and traditional economic ties were destroyed. The natural exchange of raw materials, foodstuffs, and manufactured goods ceased.
After the end of the Civil War, an even more terrible disaster - famine - fell upon the inhabitants of Bashkortostan. The first reason that gave rise to malt was the destruction of the productive forces as a result of the World War and the Civil War, in addition to the drought of 1921. The second reason for the famine was the food policy of the Bolshevik government. In 1920, the crop was poor. Despite this, the grain allocation was set at 16.8 million poods. It was decided to fulfill it at any cost. They took the entire crop by force, not even leaving it for seeds. By the beginning of February 1921, 13 million poods of bread and grain fodder, 12 thousand poods of butter, 12 million pieces of eggs and other products were requisitioned in the province. In Malaya Bashkiria, 2.2 million poods of grain, 6.2 thousand poods of butter, 121 thousand head of cattle, 2.2 thousand poods of chalk, etc. were taken away. As a result, the peasants were left without seeds and food supplies. The third reason for the famine was the underestimation of the scale of the disaster by the central Soviet institutions and the sluggishness of the local authorities.
As a result of the famine, the population of the Bashkir Republic and the Ufa province decreased by 650 thousand people (by 22%). At the same time, the number of Bashkirs and Tatars decreased by 29, Russians - by 16%. It was a famine unprecedented in the history of the region, which remained in the memory of the people as the Great Famine (Zur aslyk). Only during the famine of 1891-1892. there was a decrease in the population by 0.5% percent, and in the rest of the lean years, only a decrease in population growth was observed. For two years, 82.9 thousand peasant farms disappeared from the face of the earth (16.5% of the total), the number of workhorses decreased by 53%, cows - by 37.7, sheep - by 59.5%. The sown area decreased by 917.3 thousand dess. (by 51.6%). The consequences of this famine were felt for many years.
Industry has suffered greatly. By the beginning of 1923, the proportion of operating enterprises of the factory industry amounted to only 39%, workers - 46.4% of the pre-war level. Due to the lack of labor, raw materials and fuel, some enterprises suspended work for an indefinite period, while others worked part-time.
In these difficult conditions, later than in other regions of the country, the revival of the national economy of the republic began. It took place on the basis of the new economic policy adopted by the X Congress of the RCP (b) in March 1921.

In the Russian Federation, people of the most of different nationalities... Each of them has its own traditions and customs. One of the most numerous peoples is the Bashkirs. The people have a rich centuries-old history and have their own traditions and customs. To get to know the nationality better and begin to better understand its representatives, you need to familiarize yourself with the current information on the topic.

A little about Bashkortostan

Monument to Salavat Yulaev

The most numerous of the peoples have their own subjects that are part of Russia. So, the Republic of Bashkortostan is located in the Volga Federal District. It belongs to the Ural economic region. On the border with the subject are:

  • regions: Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg,
  • regions: Perm,
  • republics of Udmurtia and Tatarstan.

The city of Ufa was chosen as the capital of Bashkortostan. The subject was singled out as part of Russia on a national basis, having received such a right as the first among such autonomies. This happened in 1917.

The main population of Bashkortostan is the Bashkirs. For them, this republic is the main place of residence in the Russian Federation. However, representatives of nationality can be found in other parts of Russia and even beyond its borders.

Who are the Bashkirs?

Today, more than 1.5 million ethnic Bashkirs live in Russia. The people have their own language and writing, which until the 20th century. based on Arabic characters. However, during the Soviet era, the writing was first translated into the Latin alphabet, and then into the Cyrillic alphabet.

Religion is a factor that allows representatives of nationality to preserve their community. The overwhelming majority of the Bashkirs are Suits Muslims.

Let's plunge into the past

The Bashkirs are a very ancient people. Modern scholars argue that the first representatives of the nationality were described by Herodotus and Ptolemy. In historical records, the people are called Argippey. According to the manuscripts, representatives of the nationality dressed like the Scythians, but had their own dialect.

The chroniclers of China interpret the Bashkirs in a different way. Scientists of the past ranked representatives of the nationality as the Hun tribe. In the "Book of Sui", which was created in the 7th century, two peoples are mentioned, which modern experts interpret as Bashkirs and Volga Bulgars.

Travelers from Arab states who traveled around the world during the Middle Ages made it possible to bring more clarity to the history of the people. So, in about 840 Sallam at-Tarjuman came to the homeland of representatives of nationality and described in detail their way of life and customs. According to his description, the Bashkirs are a people who lived on both slopes of the Ural Mountains. Its representatives lived between 4 different rivers, among which the Volga was also present.

Representatives of the nationality were distinguished by their love of freedom and independence. They were engaged in cattle breeding, but at the same time they led a semi-nomadic lifestyle. Militancy was inherent in the Bashkirs of the past.

In ancient times, representatives of the nationality professed animism. There were 12 gods in their religion, the main of which was the Spirit of Heaven. In ancient beliefs, there were also elements of totemism and shamanism.

Moving to the Danube

Gradually, there was not enough good pasture for livestock, and representatives of different peoples began to leave their usual places, going on a journey in search of best places for life. Such a fate did not escape the Bashkirs. In the 9th century, they left their usual places. Initially, the people stopped between the Dnieper and the Danube and even formed a country here, which was named Levedia.

However, the Bashkirs did not spend much time in one place. At the beginning of the 10th century. the people began to advance westward. The nomadic tribes were led by Arpad. Not without conquests. Having overcome the Carpathians, the nomads managed to capture Pannonia and founded Hungary. However, representatives of different tribes could not act together for a long time. They split up and began to live on different banks of the Danube.

As a result of the exodus, the belief of the Bashkirs also changed. The people became Islamized in the Urals. His faith was gradually finally replaced by monotheism. In the ancient chronicles it was said that the Muslim Bashkirs settled in the south of the Kingdom of Hungary. The main city for representatives of the nationality at that time was Kerat.
However, Christianity has always predominated in Europe. For this reason, Islam could not last that long. Over time, many of the nomads who came here and lived in the area changed their faith and became Christians. In the 14th century. there are no Muslims left in Hungary.

Faith before the Exodus from the Urals: Tengrianism

To better understand the representatives of nationality, it is worth paying attention to religion. She bore the name Tengi, which she received in honor of the Father of all existence and the supreme god of the sky. According to the ancestors of the modern inhabitants of Bashkortostan, the Universe was divided into 3 zones:

  • Earth,
  • everything that is above the ground,
  • everything that is underground.

Each of the zones had a clear and invisible part. Tengri Khan was located on the highest celestial tier. Nomads at that time did not know about the structure of government. However, they already had a clear idea of ​​the vertical of power. The representatives of the nationality considered the rest of the gods to have power over nature and its elements. All gods obeyed the supreme deity.

The ancestors of the Bashkir people believed that the soul is capable of resurrection. They did not doubt that the day would come when they would be reborn in the body and continue on their way further in accordance with the usual foundations.

How did the union with the Muslim faith come about?

In the 10th century. in the territories where the people lived, missionaries who preached Islam began to come. The nomads entered the new faith without violent protests and rejection from the common people. The Bashkirs did not oppose the teaching due to the fact that their initial faith coincides with the concept of one God. The people began to associate Tengri with Allah.

However, the Bashkirs for a long time continued to honor the "lower gods" who were responsible for natural phenomena. The past of the people has left a mark on the present. Today, in proverbs and customs, you can find many connections with the original belief.

Features of the adoption of Islam by the Bashkir people

The first burials of Muslims, which were discovered on the territory of modern Bashkiria, date back to the 8th century. However, experts say that the deceased were not natives of the area. This is evidenced by objects that were found along with the remains.

The conversion of the Bashkirs to Islam began in the 10th century. During this period, missionaries of the brotherhoods called Naqshbandiyya and Yasaviya had a great influence. They came to the lands of the Bashkirs from Central Asia. Most of the natives were from Bukhara. Thanks to the actions of the missionaries, it was predetermined what religion the representatives of the nationality profess today.

Most of the Bashkirs converted to Islam in the 14th century. Religion remains the main one among the representatives of the nationality today.

RF connection process

The entry of Bashkiria into the Muscovy took place when the Kazan Khanate was defeated. The exact moment dates back to 1552. However, the local elders did not completely obey. They managed to come to an agreement and got the opportunity to preserve some kind of autonomy. Its presence allowed the Bashkirs to continue to live according to their ways. Thus, representatives of the nationality have preserved their faith and their lands. But they did not manage to preserve the final independence. So, the Bashkir cavalry took part in the battles with the Livonian Order as part of the Russian army.

When Bashkiria officially became part of Russia, cults began to penetrate into the territory of the autonomy. The state sought to take control of the believers. For this reason, in 1782, a mufriate was approved in the current capital of the republic.
The dominance in the spiritual life of the representatives of the people led to the split of believers, which took place in the 19th century. Muslims of Bashkiria were divided into:

  • traditional wing,
  • reform wing,
  • ishanism.

The unity was lost.

What faith do modern Bashkirs profess?

Mosque in Kantyukovka

The Bashkirs are a warlike people. Representatives of the nationality could not come to terms with the seizure. For this reason, from the 17th century. uprisings began to take place in the region. Most protests occurred in the 18th century. Attempts to regain the old freedom were severely suppressed.

However, the people were united by religion. He managed to defend his rights and preserve the existing traditions. Representatives of the nationality continued to profess their chosen faith.

Today Bashkortostan has become a center for all people professing the Muslim faith living in Russia. There are more than 300 mosques in the region and other religious organizations.

What do cultural scientists say about religion?

It is noteworthy that the beliefs that were present before the adoption of Islam have been preserved by the Bashkirs to this day. If you get acquainted with the rituals of representatives of nationality, you can clearly trace the manifestation of syncretism. Tengri, in which ancient ancestors once believed, became Allah in the minds of the people.

Idols turned into spirits

Amulets can serve as an example of syncretism in the Bashkir religion. They are made from the teeth and claws of animals, however, they are often supplemented with sayings from the Koran, written on birch bark.

In addition, the people celebrate the border holiday Kargatui. He retained the clear traces of the culture of his ancestors. Quite a few traditions testifying to the fact that in the past the Bashkirs professed paganism are observed during other events taking place in a person's life.

What other religions are present in Bashkortostan?

Lyalya Tulip Mosque

Despite the fact that the republic got its name from the predominant people living on its territory, ethnic Bashkirs make up only a quarter of the total population living on its territory. For this reason, in the subject of the Russian Federation there are other beliefs that are professed by other nationalities. Representatives of the following religions live on the territory of the republic:

  • Orthodoxy, which came to the subject with Russian settlers,
  • Old Believers,
  • Catholicism,
  • Judaism,
  • other religions.

This diversity was facilitated by the multinational population of the republic. Its indigenous people are very tolerant of other religions, while continuing to honor their traditions. Tolerance allows representatives of different nationalities to peacefully coexist with each other, creating a unique flavor of Bashkiria.

Material prepared: social scientist, candidate of historical sciences Mostakovich Oleg Sergeevich

16/12/09, AzezAyla
Yes, yes .. I also know Bashkirov. I don’t know about others, but I personally met a good, sympathetic, friendly person from Bashkiria. It seemed to me that the man was very gentle and kind. I don't know about the rest of the Bashkirs. I know that there are not the best people among them, but there are also good people who came across to me ..

05/02/10, Heavenly Heights
I love Bashkirs because they are cool people ... I myself am 25% Bashkir. although a little harmful, but still cool people

06/02/10, disciple
What difference does it make what nationality a person is? Fucking Nazis write negative things about this topic.

31/03/10, Kushtemo
rugmag, that's just the point - in OUR Bashkortostan! In YOUR Tatarstan, no one will oppress you, go there if you don’t like it here. And then, who touches you? Live in peace, don't insult us and everything will be fine. There are generally more Tatars in Bashkiria than the titular nation, so it's a sin for you to complain about anything.

28/04/10, CHELOVEK
There are enough idiots in any nation! About oppression ... nothing like that! These are close peoples .. Why quarrel? you are specially vented for fun! Is it really incomprehensible? There are people who are bad, sometimes they are not very good ... and it doesn’t depend on what nationality the person is!

10/06/10, Filchik
because we are open, wonderful, friendly, and sometimes harmful, but mostly we are just super! Yes, all nations are wonderful, there is no need to single out someone, since the main thing is we live and enjoy life! A nation is not determined by the fact that in society you had how many familiar Bashkirs or another nation, each person is individual. and the nation does not so much influence the character of the people!

04/08/10, DemigoD
This small people held back Genghis Khan for 14 years (while the march through Russia took only 3 years) after which it actually received territorial autonomy within the empire of Genghis Khan. They also occupied a privileged position as a people who owed the kagans primarily military service and retaining its own tribal system and management. And where did you get the idea that you are nationalist?

15/12/10, Tony soprano
In principle, I didn't really communicate with them, but my mother said that she had one familiar Bashkir woman and seemed to be a normal aunt, so this is enough for me, in principle, I don’t like every nation as a whole, in each of them (and in my including) come across normal people and criminals there all sorts

24/02/11, Wasim
I love the Bashkirs, they are so accessible, you don't even need to persuade them, only there would be a bubble.

03/11/11, Andros ranger
I myself am half Bashkir and have experienced many problems and depression with my appearance.

10/11/11, Sonya Reed
I am a Bashkir. I am not a Nazi, I respect other nationalities. But in Bashkiria, the president is now a Tatar. Tatars were delighted хД

01/06/12, bashkord
Good day! Guys, I'll put everyone in their place right away! I am happy that I am a half-breed 50/50, and the son of two great cultures and peoples of the Bashkirs and Tatars, I love and communicate with individuals in any nation and I know that there are enough goons and Nazis everywhere! So live happily, love your neighbors and treat people the way you want to be treated you. Bashkirs are friendly and very hospitable people! don't forget whose land you live on! My ancestor Zainitdinov put a tribal tamga on the agreement on the annexation of Bashkiria to Russia (if we had not done this, the fate of the Indians on the reservations would have awaited us), but if we are pissed off, there is no one with us who will not be comparable to repelling the enemy! who does not even know the Japanese emperors had a personal guard of bodyguards from the Bashkir samurai, and the French still remember the Bashkir bows and steles. Do not try to play off the two fraternal peoples!

06/08/12, Bashkort
That's why I love the Bashkir))

14/08/12, Bashkir
Yes, the friendship between the peoples has probably passed. And why are you all brave on the site, try to say something like that about the Bashkir people in my eyes. I think my health will decrease dramatically and let's see who is stronger than the Bashkir batyr or some cowardly mongrel. The only courage is enough to be malicious on the sites. And in life you are cowards.

12/10/12, Shaolin
Bitch fuck come to Ufa, in the virtual world we are all heroes and what is weak in real life? Tatars, etc., which knows how to divide people into castes ... well, of course, in life you yourself have not achieved anything, and what is left for you to do! Say thank you that you are still alive, in Russia you * would have been there already and would have been homeless. If there are still offensive comments against the Bashkirs, then tell them this to their faces, then all of you n * x will be buried on the spot. And what asshole even created such a theme? Ban him forever !!!

30/10/12, Ale4e4ka
Russians you are no better than us so come on

30/10/12, Nibelung
I have never crossed paths with them in real life, therefore I am neutral, I am also quite loyal to the Tatars and to many Uzbeks with Tajiks and to the Armenians and Kyrgyz.

19/11/12, Renato12
Bashkirs are normal people. Good people. I am a Tatar. All the graters between Tatars and Bashkirs are garbage, something like a quarrel between two small children, but what have adults to do with it? I don't even want to comment on this.

14/01/13, Nega
But really, who took it into their heads to create such a stupid survey? Even in the rules for posting messages, etc., it is written, in paragraph 11, not to touch on Nazi topics. I will look like this to be a nationalist in fashion has become, all and sundry follow the teachings of Hitler, BUT it did not lead to good. In fact, every nation has its own freaks, and if in life you did not meet very well, let's say a person with our nationality, this does NOT mean that all the Bashkirs are like that, the moderator definitely fell asleep, to delete this poll !!!

10/05/13, sup
I myself am a Bashkir. I understand that we belong to a dying nation at all times they say we were vassals so it is, you do not understand why it was, but because my ancestors were threatened by their people and loved ones. And what they say we oppress the Tatars, bring down then to your Tartary if you do not know how to appreciate hospitality. The whole point is that this hatred is cultivated by the Russians themselves, they still remove tribute from us, just the name is now different. And the fact that my ancestors staggered across the steppes is all a property but to all peoples. Yes, and they walked on their land, the entire Ural belt was ours, only now the darling * Russians came and took it away, and the Bashkirs did not understand that this land could be left to their people. Even in the battle with the French, my origins distinguished themselves no less than the Russians, and therefore I respect them as strong people. And I regret that I was not born earlier, I would have concluded an agreement with Hitler on the destruction of Russia on the condition of a quiet life for the Bashkirs. And if it is possible that he would help Genghis Khan, because the Mongols are Turkic people brothers in language.

14/05/13, rayan
I myself am a Bashkir. Not against the fact that you think there are stupid ones among us. We all have them. Moreover, the Russians (dirty as pigs, down-and-out alcoholics and stupid like Putin, brought them to a crisis, let's say there was no other choice)). I love my people and my tradition. I am ready to rip out the heart of anyone who tries to take away the freedom of my people. We have suffered enough from the actions of the Russian authorities. We are too hospitable and calm.

28/10/13, Personal life
"Bashkirs are a small people, but they are constantly trying to deceive or humiliate someone" - give an example. Blathering foulbrood towards the Tatars, Bashkirs, Finnoushrs and other indigenous peoples of Russia are chauvinists who want to destroy us. You are only siphoning our resources and robbing us, we are of no use to you. And most importantly, think for a moment what will happen when the indigenous peoples rise up at once and drive all Russians back to their historical homeland. Everything goes to this if chauvinists and nationalists do not change their attitude towards us.

15/12/13, Bashkirin
I love the Bashkirs, because the Bashkir himself, because the rest of the nations are suckers. We Bashkirs are the smartest people, the most honest, the most decent, the bravest, we will never let anyone down or substitute. Everywhere we make our way for ourselves. Always thinking about others, therefore love others to teach life

06/04/14, istorik19
Bashkirs are a great people with a thousand-year history. Throughout its history, they have always been tied to the Urals, managed to breed a unique breed of Bashkir horse, their own breed of bees, Russia owes the Bashkirs the origin of its mining and iron processing. They were always famous as good warriors, for several centuries they guarded the southern borders of central Russia, participated in the European campaigns of Kutuzov and Suvorov. Many Volga peoples sheltered on their territory (Tatars, Chuvash, Mordovians, Mari and others), peasants who fled from serfdom and Muslim Turks who fled from violent Christianization. Attempts by haters to stir up national hatred are ugly and ridiculous. The history of all the Volga and Ural peoples is closely intertwined, they have long been fraternal.

12/06/14, Yulia95
I will not say that I love these people in general. At least I didn't like them before. In general, the point here is not just this nation, but the fact that I generally cannot tolerate persons of a different nationality. But something has changed in my life. I got a Bashkir boyfriend. And you know, I loved him very much. Yes, he loves to download rights, loves himself and sometimes arrogates, but I see his love, care, tenderness. He's very good, funny. I'm happy to be with him. And even in the future, I might marry him. For besides him, I do not need anyone :)

09/03/15, surhan
I am a Bashkir by my paternal birth. I love the culture of the Bashkirs, the nature of Bashkiria-Ural !!! Scientists still do not know where the Bashkir clan came from! There are many versions and theories) I know such places of power in Bashkiria! Such energy! Captures the spirit! Bashkir honey is the most useful honey in the world! There is cave drawings in the Muradymov gorge, which means that the Bashkirs are an ancient people of Russia! The Ural Mountains are the most ancient mountains on earth! This is the spine of our mother earth! There is no bad nation bad people) Anyone who says that the Bashkirs are stupid, etc. - he is deeply mistaken in his ignorance) Even the Mongols Tatars could not conquer the Bashkirs for almost 19 years ... ancient writing reads. In general, all of you kindness and love!))))

11/04/15, Gunn
"Not a single people shed so much blood for their freedom as the Bashkirs" Lobavski (1860-1936) "If he did not bow his head before the padishahs, the Bashkirs will not bow his head before the rest" Are you pigs to denigrate my people? The only people in Russia who had the right to land. Votchiniki The only people in Russia who fought in all wars, campaigns with the Russians and at the same time fielded their regiments entirely from among the Bashkirs. We have the blood of Sarmatians, Huns, Magyars and Türks - that is why we are strong.

In the historical literature of the 9th - 10th centuries. the first mentions of the tribes of the Southern Urals appear. Southern Urals in the 9th - 10th centuries was inhabited by tribes that were part of the Kipchak ethnopolitical formation that dominated the steppes of Siberia, Kazakhstan and the Lower Volga region. They had a powerful lower state known as the Kimak Kaganate.

For the first time, the country of the Bashkirs under the proper name of the people was described by the Arab traveler Salam Tarjeman, who traveled through the South Urals in the 40s of the 9th century. In 922 Ibn-Fadlan passed through the Bashkir country as part of the Baghdad Caliphate embassy to the Volga Bulgaria. According to his description, the embassy traveled for a long time through the country of the Oguz-Kipchaks (steppes of the Aral Sea region), and then, in the area of ​​the present city of Uralsk, it crossed the river. Yaik and immediately entered the "country of Bashkirs from among the Turks." In it, the Arabs crossed such rivers as Kinel, Tok, Soran, and beyond the river. Big Cheremshan began already within the state of the Volga Bulgaria.

Ibn-Fadlan in his work does not specify the boundaries of the country of the Bashkirs, but this gap is filled by his contemporary Istakhri, who knows about the Bashkirs living east of the Bulgars, in mountain-forest regions, therefore, in the Southern Urals.

Questions about the origin of the ancient Bashkirs, the territory of their settlement and, in general, the ethnopolitical history of the Bashkir people until the present remained for a long time poorly developed, therefore they caused serious disagreements among researchers. Now these disagreements have been overcome, which is the great merit of archaeologists who discovered and studied hundreds of monuments of the Bashkir tribes of the 9th - 14th centuries. The materials of the excavations in combination with the data of other sciences make it possible to more fully describe the individual stages in the development of the history and culture of the Bashkir people up to the XIV-XV centuries.

The concept of "Bashkir country" in life does not take shape instantly, but over the course of several centuries. In this case, clearly recorded in the sources of the 9th-10th centuries. the concept of "Bashkir country" ("Historical Bashkortostan") did not appear immediately, and the early stages of its formation certainly include historical processes in the South Urals of the 5th-8th centuries. In this sense, the tribes of the Bakhmutin, Turbasli and Karayakup cultures can be considered as the closest ancestors of the Bashkirs of the 9th - 10th centuries, and among them there could be groups of tribes - carriers of the name (ethnonym) "Bashkir"

Economy and social structure of the Bashkirs in the 9th - 12th centuries.

The economy of the Bashkir tribes of the 9th - 12th centuries gives great originality to the presence of their own developed metallurgical production. This indicates that. That the Bashkirs had numerous high-class blacksmiths who specialized in the manufacture of weapons and jewelry.

Archaeological material provides numerous examples of the existence of active trade relations with their distant neighbors among the Bashkir tribes of the 9th-12th centuries. In particular, similar ties with the peoples of Central Asia are recorded, from where the Bashkirs received luxurious Sogdian silks.

Cultural and economic relations of the Bashkir tribes of the 9th-12th centuries with their neighbors were in the nature of trade and money.

However, it must be emphasized. That the development of the economy of the Bashkirs at the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd millennia did not lead to their widespread transition to a settled cattle-breeding and agricultural work and the emergence of large cities, as was the case, for example, in the Volga Bulgaria and the Khazar Khaganate.

A lot of historical and ethnographic information (legends) about the existence of the Bashkirs of the 9th - 12th centuries has been preserved. own political associations such as state formations, for example, it is mentioned that the Bashkirs of the XIII - XIV centuries. are direct descendants of the union of seven Bashkir tribes led by Myasem Khan, whose personality is quite real.

One of the early Bashkir khans of the 9th - 10th centuries. could be the legendary Bashdzhurt (Bashkort). Bashdzhurt was the leader (khan) of the people who lived between the "possessions of the Khazars and Kimaks with 2000 horsemen", in close proximity to the Kyrgyz and Guzes.

The origin of the Bashkirs still remains an unsolved mystery.

This problem is of interest both in our country and in other countries. Historians of Europe, Asia and America are racking their brains over it. This is certainly not imagination. The Bashkir question, which consists in the desperate and militant history of the people, in its (people) incomparable character, original culture, in a peculiar national face different from its neighbors, in its history, especially in ancient history, as it plunges into which it takes the form of a mysterious riddle, where each riddle solved creates a new one - all this, in turn, gives rise to a question common to many peoples.

The written monument, in which the name of the Bashkir people was first mentioned, is said to have been left by the traveler Ibn Fadlan. In 922, as the secretary of the envoys of the Baghdad caliph Al-Muktadir, he passed through the southwestern part of ancient Bashkortostan - through the territory of the present Orenburg, Saratov and Samara regions, where on the banks of the river. Irgiz was inhabited by Bashkirs. According to Ibn Fadlan, the Bashkirs are a Turkic people who live on the slopes of the Southern Urals, inhabiting a vast territory from the west to the banks of the Volga; their southeastern neighbors are refugees (Pechenegs).

As you can see, Ibn Fadlan, already in that distant era, established the values Bashkir lands and Bashkir people... In this case, it would be useful to explain as broadly as possible the messages about the Bashkirs in translation.

Closer to the Emba River, the missionary begins to be bothered by the shadows of the Bashkirs, from which it is clear that the caliph's envoy travels through the Bashkir land. Perhaps he had already heard from other neighboring peoples about the warlike disposition of the masters of this country. During the crossing of the Chagan River (Sagan, a river in the Orenburg region, on the banks of which the Bashkirs still live), the Arabs worried about the following:

“It is necessary that a detachment of fighters who have weapons with them cross over before anything from the caravan can cross. They are the vanguard for the people (following) them, (for protection) from the Bashkirs, (in case) so that they (ie the Bashkirs) do not capture them when they are crossing. "

Trembling with fear of the Bashkirs, they cross the river and continue on their way.

“Then we drove for several days and crossed the Jakha River, then after it the Azkhan River, then across the Badja River, then through Samur, then through Kabal, then through Sukh, then through Ka (n) Jala, and so we arrived in the country of the people Turks called al-Bashgird. " Now we know the path of Ibn Fadlan: already on the banks of the Emba, he began to warn the brave Bashkirs; these fears haunted him all the way. Having crossed the fast Yaik near the mouth of the Sagan River, it passes on a straight line along the Uralsk - Buguruslan - Bugulma roads, crosses in the order indicated by the Saga River ("Zhaga"), which flows into the Byzavlyk River near the modern village of Andreevka, the Tanalyk River ("Azkhan" ), then - Small Byzavlyk ("Bazha") near Novoaleksandrovka, Samara ("Samur") near the town of Byzavlyk, then Borovka ("Kabal" from the word boar), Mal. Kyun-yuly ("Sukh"), Bol. Kyun-yuly ("Kanzhal" from the word Kyun-yul, Russians write Kinel) reaches the region densely populated by the people of "Al-Bashgird" of the Bugulma Upland with picturesque nature between the rivers Agidel, Kama, Idel (now the territory of the republics of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and the regions of Orenburg and Samara). As you know, these places make up the western part of the Ancestral Homeland of the Bashkir people and are called by Arab travelers such geographical names like Eske Bashkort (Inner Bashkortostan). And the other part of the Bashkir Ancestral Homeland, stretching across the Urals to the Irtysh, was named Tyshky Bashkort - Outer Bashkortostan. There is Mount Iremel (Ramil), allegedly originating from the phallus of our deceased Ural-Batyr. The elevation of Em-Uba, known from the myths, 'Vagina-Upland' of our Ese-Haua - Mother-Heaven, which is a continuation of the southern ridge of the Urals and towering over the Caspian Sea, in common parlance sounds like Mugazhar-Emba, in this place the river is still in full swing. Emba (Ibn-Fadlan passed by her).

Strangers could pass to the open international Bashkir bazaar-city of Bulgars along the path made by Ibn-Fadlan, along south edge Int. Bashkortostan. Penetration on the sacred mountains - "Body of Shulgan-batyr" and "Body of Ural-batyr" and others - on the mountain of gods - was forbidden by a deadly taboo. Those who tried to violate it, as Ibn Fadlan warned, were sure to cut off their heads (this strict law was violated after the Tatar-Mongol invasion). Even the force of the 2 thousand caravan, armed to the teeth, could not save the traveler from the impending threat of being deprived of his head:

“We were wary of them with the greatest caution, because they are the worst of the Turks, and ... more than others encroaching on murder. A man meets a man, cuts off his head, takes it with him, and leaves him (himself). "

Ibn-Fadlan, all along his path, tried to inquire in more detail about the indigenous people from the person assigned to them specially who had already converted to Islam and had a good command of Arabic a Bashkir guide, whom he even asked: "What do you do with the louse after you catch it?" It seems that the Bashkir turned out to be a rogue, who decided to play a trick on a traveler who was meticulously curious to everything: “And we cut it open with our fingernails and eat it”. After all, even one and a half thousand years before Ibn-Fadlan, the Bashkirs, when asked by the same curious traveler, the Greek Herodotus, say, how you extract milk from the udder of a mare, they propped it up against a crooked birch tree (in other words: they joked, they deceived): “It's very simple. We insert a kurai cane into the mare's anus and all together inflate its belly, under the pressure of air milk itself starts to spray from the udder into the bucket "... Anyway, Ibn Fadlan, who did not get into the trick, hastened to literally record the answer in his travel book as there is. “They shave their beards and eat lice when any of them is caught. One of them examines in detail the seam of their jacket and gnaws at the lice with their teeth. Indeed, there was one of them with us, who had already converted to Islam, and who served with us, and so I saw one louse in his clothes, he crushed it with his fingernail, then ate it. "

In these lines lies the black stamp of that era rather than the truth. What is left to expect from the servants of Islam, for whom Islam is the true faith, and those who profess it are the elect, all the rest are evil for them; They called the pagan Bashkirs who had not yet accepted Islam as "evil spirits", "those who eat their lice," and so on. The same dirty label he hangs on his way and on other peoples who did not have time to adhere to righteous Islam. According to the bucket - the lid, according to the era - the views (opinions), you cannot take offense at the traveler today. Here is a kind of different definition: “They (Russians. - ZS) are the dirtiest of the creatures of Allah, - (they) do not cleanse themselves of stool or urine, and do not wash themselves of sexual impurity and do not wash their hands before and after food, they are like wandering donkeys. They come from their country and dock their ships on Attila, and this is a big river, and they build on its banks big houses made of wood, and there are ten and (or) twenty (less and (or) more) gathering (of them) in one (such) house, and each (of them) has a bench on which he sits, and with him (they sit) girls are a delight for merchants. And now one (of them) is combined with his girlfriend, and his friend looks at him. Sometimes, many of them unite in this position, one against the other, and the merchant enters to buy a girl from one of them, and (thus) finds him combined with her, and he (rus) does not leave her, or ( satisfy) partly your need. And they have to wash their faces and their heads every day with the dirtiest water that can be, and the most unclean, namely, that the girl comes every morning, carrying a large tub of water, and brings it to her master. So he washes both his hands and his face and all his hair in it. And he washes them and combs them with a comb into a tub. Then he blows his nose and spits into it and does not leave anything out of the mud, he (all this) does in this water. And when he finishes what he needs, the girl carries the tub to the one who (sits) next to him, and (this) does just like his friend does. And she does not stop carrying it from one to the other until she bypasses everyone in (this) house, and each of them blows his nose and spits and washes his face and his hair in it. "

As you can see, the caliph's envoy, like a devoted son of the era, assesses the culture of the "kafirs" from the height of the Islamic minaret. He sees only their dirty tub and he has nothing to do with the condemnation of the future generation ...

Let's return to the memories of the Bashkirs again. Worried about the “lower” people, deprived of the Islamic faith, he sincerely writes the following lines: “(and here is) an opinion deviating (from the truth), each of them cuts out a piece of wood the size of a fall and hangs it on himself, and if he wants to go on a journey or meets the enemy, then he kisses him (a piece of wood), worships him and says "Oh, sir, do me this and that." And so I said to the translator: "Ask any of them, what is their justification (explanation) for this and why he did it as his master (god)?" He said: "Because I came out of something like this and I do not know about myself a creator other than this." Of these, some say that he has twelve masters (gods): the lord of the winter, the lord of the summer, the lord of the rain, the lord of the wind, the lord of the trees, the lord of the people, the lord of the horses, the lord of the water, the night lord, lord of the day, lord of death, lord of the earth, and the lord who is in the sky is the greatest of them, but only he unites with them (the rest of the gods) in agreement, and each of them approves what his partner does ... Allah is above what the wicked say, in height and majesty. He (Ibn Fadlan) said: we saw how (one) group worships snakes, (another) group worships fish, (third) group worships cranes, and I was told that they (enemies) put them (Bashkirs) to flight and that the cranes screamed from behind them (enemies), so that they (the enemies) were frightened and themselves were put to flight after they had put the (Bashkirs) to flight, and therefore they (Bashkirs) worship the cranes and say: “These (cranes) are our lord, because he put our enemies to flight, "and therefore they worship them (and now)." An identical myth and hymn-like song-melody "Singgrau Torna" - the Ringing Crane - is a monument of worship of the Usyargan Bashkirs.

In the chapter "On the peculiarities of the Turkic languages" of the two-volume dictionary of the Turkic peoples, M. Kashgari (1073-1074), Bashkir is included in the number of twenty "main" languages ​​of the Turkic peoples. The Bashkir language is very close to the Kypchak, Oguz and other Turkic languages.

A prominent Persian historian, the official chronicler of the Genghis Khan's court, Rashid-ad-din (1247-1318), also reports about the Turkic people of the Bashkirs.

Al-Maksudi (X century), Al-Balkhi (X century), Idrisi (XII), Ibn Said (XIII), Yakut (XIII), Kazvini (XIV) and many others. everyone claims that the Bashkirs are Turks; only their location is indicated in different ways - either near the Khazars and Alans (Al-Maksudi), then near the Byzantine state (Yakut, Kazvini). Al-Balkhi with Ibn Said - the Urals or some western lands are considered the lands of the Bashkirs.

Western European travelers also wrote a lot about the Bashkirs. As they themselves admit, they do not see the difference between the Bashkirs and the ancestors of the present Hungarians of the Ugric tribe - they consider them the same. To this is directly added another version - the Hungarian story, recorded in the XII century unknown author... It tells how the Hungarians, i.e. Magyars, moved from the Urals to Pannonia - modern Hungary. “In 884,” it says, “the seven ancestors of our god, called Hittu Moger, left the west, from the land of Scith. Together with them, the leader Almus, the son of Ugek from the clan of King Magog, with his wife, son Arpad and other allied peoples left. Having passed through the flat lands for many days, they swam across Etil in their haste and nowhere did they find any roads between the villages, or the villages themselves, did not eat food prepared by man, however, until Suzdal, before reaching Russia, they ate meat and fish. From Suzdal we went to Kiev, then in order to take possession of the inheritance left by the ancestor of Almus Atila, through the Carpathian Mountains came to Pannonia. "

As you know, the Magyar tribes who settled in Pannonia for a long time could not forget their ancient homeland, the Urals, in their hearts they kept stories about their pagan compatriots. With the intentions of finding them and helping to get rid of paganism and lean towards Christianity, Otto, Johann the Hungarian, set out on a journey to the west. But their trip failed. In 1235-1237 with the same goal, more missionaries arrive to the banks of the Volga under the leadership of the brave Hungarian Julian. After long ordeals and hardships on the way, he finally reached the international trading city of the Bashkirs, the Great Bulgar in Inner Bashkortostan. There he met a woman who was born in the country he is looking for and who got married in the local area, with whom he inquires about her homeland. Soon, Julian finds his fellow tribesmen on the banks of the Big Itil (Agidel). The chronicle says that "they listened with great attention to what he wanted to talk to them about - about religion, about other things, and he listened to them."

Plano Carpini - a traveler of the 13th century, the envoy of Pope Innocent IV to the Mongols - in his work "History of Mongols" several times calls the Bashkir country "Great Hungary" - Hungaria Major. (It is also interesting: the Orenburg Museum of Local Lore contains a bronze ax found on the bank of the Sakmara River in the neighboring village of Senkem-Biktimer in the village of Mayor. ). And here is what Guillaume de Rubruck, who has visited the Golden Horde, writes: “... After we passed the 12-day journey from Etil, we came to a river called Yasak (Yaik - modern Ural. - Z.S.); it flows from the north from the lands of the Paskatirs (that is, the Bashkirs. - Z.S.) ... the language of the Hungarians and the Paskatirs is the same ... their country from the west rests on the Great Bulgar ... ".

Once rich natural resources the Bashkir land "of its own free will" became part of the Moscow state, the popular uprisings that had flared up there for centuries forced the tsarist autocracy to look at the Bashkirs differently. Apparently, in search of new opportunities for conducting colonial policy, a thorough study of the life of the indigenous people begins - its economy, history, language, worldview. Official historian of Russia N.M. Karamzin (1766-1820), relying on the messages of Rubruk, concludes that initially the Bashkir language was Hungarian, later, presumably, they began to speak "Tatar": communication, forgot your native language". This, if you do not take into account the work of M. Kashgari, who lived a century and a half before the invasion of the Tatars and considered the Bashkirs one of the main Turkic peoples. However, until now, among the scientists of the world, disputes do not stop regarding the fact that the Bashkirs by their origin are Türks or Uighurs. In addition to historians, linguists, ethnographers, archaeologists, anthropologists, etc. also participate in this battle. Interesting attempts to solve the riddle with the help of a non-rusting key - the ethnonym "Bashkort", are observed.

V.N. Tatishchev:"Bashkort" means "bash bure" ("main wolf") or "thief".

P. I. Rychkov:"Bashkort" - "main wolf" or "thief". According to him, the Bashkirs were so named by the Nugays (that is, a fragment of the Usyargan Bashkirs) because they did not move with them to the Kuban. However, as early as 922 Ibn-Fadlan wrote down "Bashkirs" by their own name, while the time of the resettlement of the Usyargan-Nugays to the Kuban dates back to the 15th century.

V. Yumatov:"... They call themselves" bash kort "-" beekeepers ", patrimonials, owners of bees."

I. Fisher: it is an ethnonym, differently called in medieval sources "... pascatir, bashkort, bashart, madyar, all are of the same meaning."

D.A. Khvolson: Ethnonyms "madyar" and "bashkort" originated from the root word "bazhgard". And the "Bazhgards" themselves, in his opinion, lived in the South Urals, later decomposed and were used to name the tribes of the Ugrians. According to the assumption of this scientist, one of the branches headed west and there formed the ethnonym "bazhgard", where the capital "b" is transformed into "m", and the final "d" is lost. As a result, “Mazhgar” is formed ... It, in turn, becomes “Mazhar”, which subsequently transforms into “Madyar” (as well as “Mishhar”, we add!). This group managed to preserve its language and laid the foundation for the Madyar people.

The rest of the second part "Bazhgard" turns into "Bashgard" - "Bashkart" - "Bashkort". This tribe eventually became Turkic and formed the core of the present Bashkirs.

F.I. Gordeev: " The ethnonym "Bashkort" must be restored as "Bashkair". Hence the following is formed: it is quite possible that "Bashkair" was formed from several words:

1) "Ir"- means "man";

2) "NS"- goes back to plural endings -T

(-ta, tә) in Iranian languages, reflected in Scythian-Sarmatian names ...

Thus, the ethnonym "Bashkort" in the modern language refers to the people inhabiting the banks of the Bashka (us) river in the Urals region. "

H.G. Gabashi: the name of the ethnonym "Bashkort" occurred as a result of the following modification of the words: "bash uygyr - bashgar - bashkort". Observations of Gabashi are interesting, but the modifications in the reverse order are closer to the truth (Bashkort - Bashgyr, Bashuygyr - Uygyr), because, according to history, the ancient Uyghurs are neither modern Uyghurs nor Ugrians (since they are ancient Usyargans).

The determination of the time of the formation of the Bashkirs as a people in the history of the Bashkirs themselves still remains, as an untied Gordian knot, not an untangled ball, and everyone tries to unravel it from the height of their minaret.

Recently, in the study of this problem, there has been a desire to penetrate deeper into the layers of history. Let us note some thoughts regarding this sacrament.

S.I. Rudenko, ethnographer, author of the monograph "Bashkirs". On the ethnic side of the “ancient Bashkirs, relative to the north-west. Bashkiria, can be associated with the Herodotus Massagets and, relatively east. territories - with Savromats and Iiriks. Consequently, history has been known about the Bashkir tribes since the time of the life of Herodotus in the 15th century. BC "

R.G. Kuzeev, ethnographer. "It can be said that almost all researchers in their assumptions do not take into account the last stages in the ethnic history of the Bashkirs, but they are in fact important in the formation of the main ethnic characteristics of the Bashkir people." Apparently, R. Kuzeev in the question of the origin of the Bashkirs himself is guided by this point of view. According to his main idea, the Burzyn, Tungaur, Usyargan tribes form the basis for the formation of the Bashkir people. He claims that in the process of the complex self-education of the Bashkir people, numerous tribal groups of the Bulgar, Finno-Ugric, and Kypchak associations participated. To this ethnogenesis in the XIII-XIV centuries. the Tatar-Mongol horde is added with the Turkic and Mongol elements that came to the South Urals. According to R. Kuzeev, only in the XV-XVI centuries. completely looms ethnic composition and ethnic characteristics of the Bashkir people.

As you can see, although the scientist openly designates that the basis of the Bashkir people, its backbone are the most ancient strong tribes Burzyn, Tungaur, Usyargan, nevertheless, in the course of his reasoning, for some reason he avoids them. The scientist somehow overlooks, bypasses the reality that the aforementioned tribes existed before our era, and already "since the time of the Prophet Nukh" they were Türkic-speaking. It is especially important here that the Burzyan, Tungaur, Usyargan tribes still constitute the core, the center of the nation, moreover, in all the monuments of the 9th-10th centuries. Bashkort is clearly designated as Bashkort, the land is the Bashkir land, the language is Turkic. For reasons unknown to us, it is concluded that only in the XV-XVI centuries. the Bashkirs were formed as a people. Worthy of attention are these eye-popping XV-XVI!

The famous scientist, apparently, forgets that all the main languages ​​of our continent (Turkic, Slavic, Ugro-Finnish) in ancient times were a single proto-language, developed from one trunk and one root and then formed different languages. The times of the proto-language could not in any way relate, as he thinks, to the XV-XVI centuries, but to very distant, ancient times BC.

Another opinion of the scientist is directly opposite to these of his statements. On page 200 of his book "Bashkir Shezhere" it is said that Muitan-bey, the son of Toksoba, is considered the great-grandfather not of all Bashkirs, but of the Bashkir clan Usyargan. The mention in the shezher of Muitan (the great-grandfather of the Bashkirs) is of interest in relation to the ancient ethnic ties of the Usyargan Bashkirs. The Bashkir clan Usyargan, according to Kuzeev, in the second half of the first millennium was ethnically connected with the most ancient stratum of the Muitan tribe as part of the Karakalpak people.

As you can see, here the main root of the Bashkir people, through Usyargan-Muitan, is transferred from the period supposed by the scientist (XV-XVI centuries) one millennium earlier (deeper).

Consequently, we grabbed hold of the deep roots of the Bashkirs called Usyargan, were able to trace its continuation to the end. I wonder to what depth the fertile soil that gave birth to Usyargan will pull us? Undoubtedly, this mysterious layer extends from the ancestral home of the ancestors from the Urals to the Pamirs. The path to it, possibly, is laid through the Bashkir tribe Usyargan and the Karakalpas Muytan. According to the statements of the famous Karakalpak scientist L.S. Tolstoy, perhaps already at the beginning of our era, the historical ancestors of the Muitans, who make up the bulk of the modern Karakalpak people, having entered into a confederation with the Massaget tribes, lived on the Aral. The ethnogenetic ties of the muitans, the scientist continues, on the one hand, lead to Iran, Transcaucasia and Near Asia, on the other hand, to the northwest to the shores of the Volga, the Black Sea and North. Caucasus. Further, as Tolstoy writes, the Karakalpak clan Muitan is one of the most ancient clans of the Karakalpak people, with its roots going deep into the distant centuries, goes beyond the scope of the study of ethnographic science. The problem of the most ancient roots of this genus is very complex and controversial.

In this regard, two things became clear to us:

firstly, the ancient roots of the Muytan family (we will assume that the Usyargan) lead us to Iran (one should take into account the Iranian elements widespread in the hydrotoponymy of the Bashkir language), to the Transcaucasus and to the countries of Near Asia, to the Black Sea in the North. The Caucasus (meaning related Turkic peoples living in these parts) and to the banks of the Volga (hence, to the Urals). In a word, completely and completely to our ancient ancestors - to the world of Sak-Scythian-Massagetae! If you investigate in more depth (from the point of view of language), then the intuitive thread of the Iranian line of this branch extends all the way to India. Now before us looms the main root of one surprisingly huge "Tree" - "Tirek": its strong branches spread out in different directions from the south cover the river. Ganges, from the north the Idel river, from the west the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea, from the east - the sandy Uigur steppes. If we assume that this is so, then where is the trunk that connects in one center these splayed mighty branches? All sources first of all lead us to the Amu Darya, Syrdarya, and then to the place where the roots and the trunk join - to the lands between the Urals and Idel ...

Secondly, as L.S. Tosloy says, it becomes clear that the Usyargan-Muitan tribes with their roots go back to the depths of centuries (before the creation of the world), go beyond the scope of ethnographic research, the problem is very complex and controversial. All this confirms our first conclusions, the controversy and complexity of the problem only doubled the inspiration in his research.

Was it true that the people living on Orkhon, Yenisei, Irtysh, according to the Bashkir shezhere and legends, were "Bashkorts"? Or are those scientists right who asserted that the ethnonym Bashkort originated in the 15th-16th centuries? However, if the time of the origin of the Bashkirs belonged to this period, then there would be no need to waste words and strength. Therefore, you should turn to scientists who have eaten more than one dog in the study of this problem:

N.A. Mazhitov: middle of the first millennium AD - the threshold of the emergence of the Bashkir people in the historical arena. Archaeological materials indicate that at the end of the first. thousand AD there was a group of related tribes in the Southern Urals, we have the right to assert in the broad sense of the word that they were the people of the Bashkir country. According to the scientist, it is only when the question is posed in this way that one can understand the records of M. Kashgari and other later authors who speak of the Bashkirs as a people inhabiting both slopes of the Southern Urals.

Mazhitov approaches the problem very carefully, but all the same with regard to Usyargan he confirms the date given by R. Kuzeev. Moreover, he confirms the periods indicated by the last scientists in relation to other tribes of the Bashkir people. This means a two-step forward shift in the study of the problem.

Now let's turn to scientific anthropologists who study about the typical features of the structure of the human body, about their similarities and differences among peoples.

M.S. Akimova: according to the studied chain of signs, the Bashkirs stand between the Caucasian and Mongoloid races ... According to some signs, the Usyargans are closer to the Chelyabinsk Bashkirs ...

According to the scientist, the Trans-Ural Bashkirs and Usyargans are closer to their southeastern neighbors - the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz - in terms of their individual qualities. However, their similarities are determined only by two characteristics - the height of the face and height. According to other important features, the Bashkirs of the Trans-Urals and southern regions of Bashkortostan, on the one hand, stand in the middle between the Kazakhs, on the other hand, between the Tatars, Udmurts and Mari. Thus, even the most Mongoloid group of Bashkirs differs to a greater extent from the Kazakhs with a pronounced Mongoloid complex, especially from the Kirghiz.

The Bashkirs, according to the scientist, also differ from the Ugrians.

And as a result of the research of the Moscow scientist, the following was revealed: at the end of the first millennium BC. and at the beginning of our era. the northern part of present-day Bashkortostan was inhabited by people with the lowest content of the Mongoloid mixture, and the people of the southern part belonged to the Caucasian type with a low face.

Consequently, firstly, the Bashkir people, being the most ancient both in their modern characteristics and in their anthropological type, occupies one of the leading main places among other peoples; secondly, according to all paleoanthropological features, their roots go back to the interval between the end of the first millennium BC. and the beginning of our era. That is, to the annual rings of the trunk cut, which determines the age of the world Tree-Tyrek, one more ring of the first millennium is added. And this is another - the third - step in moving our problem forward. After the third step, a real journey begins for the traveler.

On our way there are no direct roads with distance indicators, bright traffic lights and other road signs and devices: we must gropingly find the right path in the dark.

Our first search by touch stopped at the line Usyargan - Muitan - Karakalpak.

The etymology of the word "Karakalpak" appears to us as follows. At first there was "kary ak alp-an". In ancient times, instead of the current "punishment" - "kary ak". "Alp" still exists in the meaning of a giant, "an" - the ending in the instrumental case. Hence the name "Karakalpan" - "Karakalpak" originated.

"Karakalpan" - "Karakalpak" - "Karaban". Wait! Of course! We met with him in the book "Ancient Khorezm" by SP Tolstoy. It dealt with dual-clan organizations and secret primitive associations in Central Asia. "Karaban" is just one of such associations. In the snatches of the records of ancient authors that have come down to us, one can find very scanty information about the carabans - about their customs, traditions and legends. Among them, we are interested in the celebration of the New Year - Nauruz in Firgana. In the Chinese monument "the history of the Tang dynasty" this holiday is described as follows: at the beginning of each new year, the kings and leaders are divided into two parts (or separated). Each side chooses one person who, dressed in military clothes, begins to fight with the opposite side. Supporters supply him with stones and boulders. After the extermination of one of the parties, they stop and looking at this (each of the parties) determine whether the next year will be good or bad.

This, of course, is a custom. primitive peoples- a struggle between two phratries.

The well-known Arab author Ahman-at-Taksim fi-Marifat al-Akalim al-Maqdisi (10th century) reports in his notes how on the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea in the city of Gurgan (the name is from the variant pronunciation of the Usyargan ethnonym Ugurgan> ) Usyargans carried out a rite of wrestling on the occasion of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, when “in the capital of Gurgan one can see how two sides fight for the camel's head, for which they injure, beat each other ... In matters of divination in Gurgan, fights often arise among themselves and among the people of Bakrabad : on a holiday there are fights for the camel's head. "

Here we are talking about a brawl between residents of the urban settlements of Shaharistan and Bakrabad (between Usyargans and Bashkirs), located on both sides of the river in the city of Gurgan and connected by bridges. In many sources, there are often lines telling about the enmity that has become commonplace and the brutal brawls that break out between the two sides of the citizens of Central Asia (by the way, in the brawls in early spring between the Bashkir boys of the upper and lower parts of the village, you can see the echo ancient custom... - J.S.).

In the previously mentioned history of the Tang dynasty, there is valuable information about the people of the city - the state of Kusya, who in the new year have fun for seven days in a row, watching the battles of rams, horses, camels. This is done in order to find out whether the year will be good or bad. And this is a valuable find on our journey: here the above-mentioned custom of "fighting for a camel's head" and "Firgan Nauruz" are directly connected by a bridge!

Close to these customs is also the annual rite of sacrificing a horse in ancient Rome, which begins with a chariot competition. The horse harnessed to the right, which came first in one shaft, paired with another, is killed on the spot with a spear blow. Then the inhabitants of both parts of Rome - the Sacred Road (the Kun-Ufa road?) And Subarami (is it connected with Asa-ba-er with the name of the city and the Suvar tribe in the Urals?) - began to fight for the right to own the severed head of a slain horse. In case of victory of the people from the Sacred Road, then the head was hung on the fence of the royal palace, and if the Subarovtsy won the victory, then it was exhibited at the Malimat minaret (Maly-at? - literally in Russian it sounds: “my cattle is a horse”). And casting horse blood on the royal palace threshold, and storing it until spring, and mixing this horse blood with calf's blood, which was sacrificed, then in order to preserve it by giving this mixture to fire (the Bashkirs also preserved the custom of protecting themselves from misfortunes and troubles by wiping off horse blood and skin!) - all this, as S.P. Tolstov, is included in the circle of rituals and customs associated with land and water in ancient Firgan, Khorosan and Kus. Both according to the traditions of Central Asia and according to the traditions of ancient Rome, the king has always occupied an important place. As we see, the scientist continues, the complete similarity makes it possible to assume that the ancient Roman customs help to unravel the riddles of the rather sparingly described traditions of ancient Central Asia.

Now in science, it is indisputable that between the states of Central Asia, ancient Rome and Greece there was a close connection and there are many actual material, proving their comprehensive relationship (culture, art, science). It is known that the capital of Greece, Athena, was founded by the ancestors of Usyargan, who worship the she-wolf Bure-Asak (Bele-Asak). Moreover, it is indisputable that ancient legend about the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, sucking Bure-Asak (Fig. 39), in ancient Italy moved from the East; and the twin boys (Ural and Shulgan) and the wolf Bure-Asak, who nursed the ancestor Usyargan, are the central bundle of the Bashkir myth (in our opinion, in the ancient original of the epic “Ural-Batyr”, brothers are twins. - YS).

In the ruins of the destroyed city of Kalai-Kakhkah ancient state Bactria, now the territory of Wed. Asia, a painted wall was discovered on which twins are depicted sucking Bure-asak - a girl (Shulgan) and a boy (Ural) (Fig. 40) - just like in the famous sculpture in Rome !. The distance between the two monuments from Bure-Asak is the distance of so many peoples and years, a distance of thousands of kilometers, but what a striking similarity! .. The similarity of the traditions described above only strengthens this amazing commonality.

A pertinent question arises - is there any influence of those ancient customs today, if so, for which peoples?

Yes there is. Their direct "heir" is the custom of "kozader" ("blue wolf"), which exists today in different forms and under different names among the peoples of Central Asia among the Kazakhs, Turkmens, Uzbeks, and Karakalpaks. And among the Bashkirs at the end of the 19th century, P.S. Nazarov stumbled upon him. “Both earlier and now, in some places, the rite of 'cozadera' prevails. It consists in the following: Bashkir horsemen gather in a certain place, one of them drags on a refreshed goat. According to a certain sign, the Bashkir, who brought the goat, starts galloping on his horse, while others must catch up with him and take away his burden from him. Children's game "Come back, geese-geese!" is an echo of this ancient custom. Moreover, you can give examples proving the connection between the Bashkir custom and the ancient Roman ones:

1) the Romans sacrificed a horse, immediately after the race, the Bashkirs also had a tradition before slaughtering cattle, they first forced it to jump (it was believed that this improved taste qualities meat);

2) the Romans smeared the palace threshold with the blood of a sacrificed horse (healing, sacred blood), while the Bashkirs today have a custom when, immediately after steaming the skin of cattle, they smeared their face with fresh fat (protects against various diseases);

3) the Romans solemnly hung the head of a killed sacrificial horse on the palace wall or on the bell tower, the Bashkirs still have a custom to hang horse skulls on external fences (from the street side) (protects from all kinds of misfortunes).

Are these similarities an accident or do they testify to the kinship-unity of the ancient Romans and Bashkirs ?!

History itself, as it were, brings clarity to this.

We have already talked about the unity of the twins fed by the She-Wolf Bure-Asak. As two drops are similar to each other, and the enmity between them lies in the destruction of each other (Romulus - Rem, and Shulgan - Ural). Consequently, there is some reason here that requires clarification of things that have been a secret until now.

It is known that it was founded by the legendary Romulus and Remus before 754-753. BC. "The eternal city of Rome" stood on the banks of the Tiber River. It also became known that this river at the time of the two brothers was called Albala (k). This is not Latin. But then what is this language? Latin-speaking authors translated it from the language of Romulus and Remus as "the pink-scarlet river". Consequently, the word consists of two words (two-part word), "Al-bula (k)", in addition, exactly in our way, in Bashkir, where "al" is a pink color, "bulak" is a river, like a river Cornel, in the Urals! .. It should be remembered that the changed word "bulak" as a result of the modification of "r" into "l" in its original form was "burak" ("bure" 'wolf') and after the modification retained its meaning (bulak - volak - wolf - Volga!). As a result of the action of the linguistic law, the name "Bureg-er" (ie "Bure-ir" - Usyargan wolves) turned into "Burgar> Bulgar".

Thus, it turns out that the founders of the city of Rome Romulus and Remus spoke our way. And the ancient Roman historians unanimously wrote that they were not really Indo-Europeans (which means - the Ural-Altai Turks!), That they came from Scythia, located in the north of the Black Sea, that according to their ancestral affiliations they are - "Enotras, avzones, pelasgi". Based on the indicated similarities between the Bashkirs and the ancient Romans, we can correctly read the names of the clans, distorted in a foreign (Latin) language: Bashkirs-Oguzes (Oguz - from the word ugez 'bull'), worshiping "enotru" - Ine-toru (Cow-goddess) ; "Avzones" - Abaz-an - bezheneks-Bashkirs; "Pelasgi" - pele-eski - bure-asaki (she-wolf), ie Usyargan-Bilyars.

The state structure of Rome during the reign of Romulus is also instructive: the people of Rome consisted of 300 "orugs" (clans); they were subdivided into 30 "curiae" (cows-circles), each of which consisted of 10 genera; 30 genera branched into 3 "tribes" (Bashk. "Turba" - "tirma" - "yurt") 10 cows each (Bashk. K'or - community). Each clan was headed by a “pater” (Bashk. Batyr), these 300 batyrs made up the senate of aksakals near Tsar Romulus. The election of the king, the declaration of war, inter-clan disputes were resolved in the nationwide kora - yiyyn - on the "koir" (hence the Bashkir kurultai - koroltai!) By voting (each kor - one vote). There were special places for holding kurultays, meetings of aksakals. The royal title sounds like "(e) rex", which in our language corresponds to "Er-Kys" (Ir-Kyz - Man-Woman - the prototype of Ymir the hermaphrodite, that is, his own master and mistress), combines both the wings of the clan (man, woman - Bashkort, Usyargan). After the death of the king, until the election of a new one, representatives of 5-10 cows (communities) temporarily stayed on the throne and ruled the state. These cortexes, elected by the Senate (in Bashkir anat) aksakals, were the very heads of 10 cows. Romulus had a powerful foot and horse army, and his personal guard (300 people), saddling the best horses, was called "celer" (Bashk. Eler - swift-footed horses).

The rituals and traditions of the Romulus people also have many similarities with the Bashkir ones: everyone should know the genealogy (shezhere) of their ancestors up to the 7th generation, it was possible to be married only with strangers bypassing seven generations. The sacrificial cattle in honor of the gods was cut not with an iron knife, but with a stone one - this custom existed among the Ural Bashkirs: which is confirmed by the stone finds discovered by the local historian Ilbuldin Faskhetdin in the Usyargan village of Bakatar - instruments of sacrifice.

As for the land issue, King Romulus gave each clan a land called "pagos" (Bashk. Bagysh, baksa - garden, vegetable garden), and the head of the plot (bak, bey, bai) was called pag-at-dir - bahadir, that is ... hero. The significance of the partial division of state land and the protection of the territory was as follows. When the need arose for a god, who is a god for crushing the earth, as a way of grinding grain, this god was called "Term" (Bashk. Tirman - Mill) ... As you can see, the life of the ancient Romans and Bashkirs are similar and therefore understandable. In addition, one should not forget about the perpetuation of the name of our ancestor Romulus in the Urals of Bashkortostan in the form of Mount Iremel (I-Ramul - E-Romul!) ...

The Italians of the middle of the first millennium AD may have recognized the historical unity of the Bashkirs and the ancient Romans, as well as the Bashkirs' right to land. Because after the insidious defeat in 631 in Bavaria of the Usyargan-Burzyan rearguard under the leadership of Alsak Khan by the allies of the Franks, the surviving part of the army fled to Italy and to the Duchy of Benevento (this city still exists) near Rome, where it lays the foundation cities Bashkort , known by the same name in the XII century. Byzantine historian Pavel the Deacon (IX century) knew those Usyargan-Bashkirs well and wrote that they speak Latin well, but they did not forget their native language either. If we consider that the images of winged horses, common in the myths and epics of the Greeks, as well as the peoples of Wed. Asia in the form of Akbuzat and Kukbuzat, constitute the central bundle in the Bashkir folk epics, then it remains to admit that these similarities are not accidental, we see the connection with the ancient Junons (Greece) in one of the main shezhera Bashkirs in "Tavarih name-i Bulgar" Tazhetdina Yalsigul al-Bashkurdi(1767-1838):

“From our father Adam ... to Kasur Shah, there are thirty-five generations. And after living on the land of Samarkand for ninety years, he died adhering to the religion of Jesus. From Kasur Shah, a ruler named Socrates was born. This Socrates came to the area of ​​the Greeks. At the end of his life, being a ruler under Alexander the Great-Roman, expanding the boundaries of possession, they came to the northern lands. The country was founded by the Bulgarians. Then the ruler Socrates married a girl from the Bulgarians. He and Alexander the Great spent nine months in Bolgar. Then they went into obscurity towards Darius I (Iran). Before leaving the land of obscurity, Darius I, the ruler Socrates died in the land of obscurity, Darius I. A son was born from the named girl. And his name is known ”...

If we eliminate one inaccuracy in the names by inserting the name of the successor of his teachings Aristotle instead of the ruler Socrates, then the information mentioned in the Bashkir shezher will coincide with the records of historians of the old world. Since the ruler Socrates (470/469) - 399) died even before the birth of Alexander the Great (356-326), he could not be the teacher of the second, and from history it is known that his teacher was Aristotle (384-322). It is known that Aristotle was born in the city of Stagira on the outskirts of Thrace in Scythia (the country of our ancestors!) And, like Socrates from the Bashkir shezhere, in search of teachings (education) went to the capital of Juno in Athena. Also, the story is silent about the fact that Alexander's teacher married a Bulgar girl and that Aleksandar himself was married to Rukhsan, the daughter of Oksiart, the Usyargan-Burzyan Bek of Bactria conquered by him. There is also information that from this marriage his son Alexander was born. And in the further campaign, the Macedonian died by his own death, and not Socrates or Aristotle. It may also be true what was said “Made the homeland of the Bulgar” in the event that it is not about the city on the Kama-Volga, but the city of Belkher (now Belkh) on the banks of the Belkh River in Bactria (northern Afghanistan). Consequently, it turns out that Alexander the Great married a Usyargan-Burzyan girl Rukhsana and a son Alexander was born from their marriage ... All cities and states named in different times Belkhar, Balkar, Bulgar, Bulgaria, founded the Bashkir Usyargan-Burzyan (or Bulgarian) tribes, because the cities just mentioned mean "Wolf Man" ("Usyargan-Burzyan).

Meanwhile, the origin of the Bashkir people and ethnonym Bashkor / Bashkort (Bashkir) is very clearly “written down” by our ancestors in the main tamga of the Usyargan clan (Fig. 41), where the main myth about the origin of mankind is encrypted:

Fig. 41. Tamga of the Usyargan clan is the origin of the Bashkirs (the first ancestors of mankind).

Decoding of the figure, where the tamga of the Usyargan clan is indicated by a bold (solid) line, the paths of resettlement of the ancestors to the place of the first tirm (yurt):

1. Mount Kush (Umai / Imai) ’Ymir’s mother’s breast’.

2. Mount Jurak (Hier-ak) ’Cow-milk’ - the nipple of the northern breast, a wolf-nurse was born there, and the Cow-nurse brought there the newborn ancestor of the Bashkirs and all mankind Ural-Pater.

3. Mount Shake ’Mother-Wolf-nurse’ (destroyed by the Sterlitamak Soda Combine) - the nipple of the southern breast, the Cow-nurse was born there, and the Wolf-nurse brought there the newborn first ancestor of the Bashkirs and all humanity Shulgan-mother.

4. Mount Nara ’the testicle of the male half of Ymir’s great-ancestor‘, there, with the help of the “midwife” Cow-nurse, the Ural-father was born and was brought to Mount Yurak (their path is shown by dotted lines).

5. Mount Mashak ’scrambled eggs of the female half of Ymir’s great-ancestor‘, there, with the help of the “midwife” of the She-wolf-nurse, Shulgan-mother was born and was brought to Mount Shake (their path is shown by dotted lines).

6. Atal-Asak 'Father-Fire and Mother-Water', the place of combination (marriage) of the ancestor Ural-Pater (Father-Fire) with Shulgan-mother (Mother-Water) for living together (original Korok / Circle), having formed the initial (bash) circle of people (kor), which by adding these two words "bash" and "kor" began to be called bash-kor> Bashkor / Bashkir, that is the beginning of the beginnings of human society. Term Bashkor by attaching the plural indicator "t" to it took the form bashkor-t> bashkort 'A person from the original circle of people'. At this place, where the first round tirma (yurt) of the first family allegedly stood, now the ancient village of Talas (name from the word A [ tal-As] ak 'Father-Fire - Mother-Water'), from the same word comes the name of the great Bashkir river Atal / Atil / Idel (Agidel-Belaya).

7. River Agidel.

8. The point of intersection (knot) of the sacred roads is Mount Tukan (the word toucan> tuin means “knot”).

Routes 3 - 8 - 4 - 2 - 6 are the Korova and Ural-Pater road; 2 - 8 –5 –3 –6 - She-wolves and Shulgan mothers.

The present version of the origin of the national ethnonym "Bashkort / Bashkir" reflects the last stage in the development of world mythology, but the version based on the data of the first stage also remains valid. In short, in the first stage of the formation of world mythology, the formation of the main two ethnonyms, it seems to me, was associated with the names of the totems of the two phratries, since the primary association of people was understood as “people of the bison-cow tribe” and “people of the she-wolf tribe”. And so, in the second (last) stage of the development of world mythology, the origin of the main two ethnolims was rethought in a new way:

1. Name of the totem animal: boz-anak ’ice cow (bison)‘> bazhanak / pecheneg ; from the abbreviated version of the same name "boz-an" the word was formed: bozan> bison ’ice cow’. A variant name for the same totem gives: boz-kar-aba ’ice-snow-air’ (bison)> boz-cow ’ice cow (bison)’; which in abbreviated form gives: boz-car> Bashkor / Bashkir and in plural: Bashkor + t> bashkort .

2. Name of the totem: asa-bure-kan ’mother-wolf-water’> asaurgan> usyargan ... Over time, the ethnonym-term asa-bure-kan began to be perceived simplistically as es-er-ken (water-earth-sun), but this does not change the previous content, because according to the mythology of the Bashkirs Kan / Kyun (Sun) could descend and run on water-earth (es-er) in the image of the same she-wolf es-ere> sere (gray)> soro / zorro (she-wolf). Consequently, the authors of Orkhon - Selenga runic monuments under the term "er-su" meant earth-water in the form of a she-wolf.

When you go along the main road from Sterlitamak to Ufa (mythical "abode of the gods"), on the right side along the right bank of the river. The Agidel mountains turn blue to the magnificent shikhan mountains: the sacred Tora-tau, Shake-tau (barbarously destroyed by the Sterlitamak Soda Combine), the two-headed Kush-tau, Yuryak-tau - only five peaks. We, the Usyargan Bashkirs, pass from generation to generation a sad myth associated with these five peaks and every year in the first ten days of April by the repeated harsh blizzard “Bish Kunak” 'five guests': allegedly five guests followed from the far side to us guests (bish kunak) and, not reaching the goal, were subjected to the named seasonal blizzard, everyone froze from the cold, turning into snow-white mountains - therefore this blizzard was named "Bish kunak". Obviously, before us is a fragment of some epic legend, which in a more complete version was preserved in Iranian-Indian mythology (from the book G.M. Bongard-Levin, E.A. Grantovsky. From Scythia to India, M. - 1983, p. . 59):

The bloody war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas ended with the victory of the Pandavas, but it led to the extermination of entire tribes, the death of many heroes. Everything was empty around, the mighty Ganges flowed quietly, "but the sight of those great waters was bleak, dull." The time has come for bitter doubts, deep disappointments in the fruits of aimless enmity. "Tormented by grief," the righteous King Yudhishthira grieved for the lost. He decided to abdicate the throne, transferred the throne to another ruler "and began to ponder his journey, his brothers." “I dropped my jewelry in the house, wrists, put on a mat. Bhima, Arjuna, Gemini (Nakula and Sahadeva), glorious Draupadi - all also put on their mats ... and set off on the road. " The path of the pilgrims lay to the north (to the country of the gods - Bashkortostan. - Z.S.) ... Terrible difficulties and trials fell to the lot of Yudhishthira and his five companions. Moving to the north, they passed the mountain ranges and, finally, saw ahead of the sandy sea and “the best of the peaks - the great Mount Meru. They went to this mountain, but soon Draupadi's strength left. Yudhishthira, the best of the Bharatas, did not even glance at her, and continued on his way silently. Then, one after another, courageous, strong knights, the righteous and sages fell to the ground. Finally, the “tiger-man” fell - the mighty Bhima.

Yudhishthira was the only one left, "he left without a glance, burning with grief." And then the god Indra appeared before him, he lifted the hero to a mountain abode (to the Urals - to the country of the gods Bashkortostan. - ZS), to the kingdom of bliss, where “the gods of the Gandharvas, Aditya, apsaras ... you, Yudhishthira , wait in shining clothes ", where" the tours-people, heroes, renounced from anger, dwell. " This is the story of the last books of the Mahabharata - The Great Exodus and Ascension to Heaven.

Pay attention to the five companions of the king - frozen in a snowstorm and turned into five peaks of the sacred mountains-shikhan along the road leading to the abode of the gods Ufa: Tora-tau (Bhima), Shake-tau (Arjuna), Kush-tau / Gemini (Nakula and Sahadeva), Yuryak-tau (Draupadi) ...