The scenario of the holiday is March 8 in the women's company.

The scenario of the holiday is March 8 in the women's company.
The scenario of the holiday is March 8 in the women's company.

International Women's Day March 8 is a holiday, since the Soviet times enjoying great popularity in our country. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this day, despite the initial political color, remained out of politics, and maybe because this is the first spring holiday. Anyway, the 8th of March loves everything.

And begin in advance: in the office, in the workplace, it is there that first congratulations or toasts for women sound there, and sometimes the teams are arranged and real corporate holidays dedicated to this event. We want to offer script Ideas for March 8, this wonderful spring holiday, with a small remark, in the women's team.

Idea number 1. Screenplay March 8 in the women's team "Eight girls, one I .."

Perhaps some of you are familiar to this situation: the spring holiday is gaining momentum, men run on the streets with crafts of flowers to congratulate their employees, and you are a funny shrubbaching package you have a holiday yourself, the plenty of the only man who adds male halanery to your bachelorette party. Of course, our lovely women do not suffer especially about this, and yet ...

The script offered to your attention on March 8 in the women's team "Eight Girls, one I" is created solely for such a situation. Actually such a clear distribution of women and men is not at all necessary. According to this scenario, you can spend a party and in a more motley company, but in this case, the representative of the Magazine is only one.

Italics highlighted tips for the lead, or, as in this case, Leading.

It is assumed to have one individual of the male floor, for example Peter Petrovich.

Leading: My dear colleagues, comrades and girlfriends! It so happened that both on weekdays and on all our holidays we carry heavy wear and for themselves and for that guy. If the favorite Peter Petrovich was not respected and all of us, it would be possible to feel like absolute amazons. Of course, the female society is pleasant and even useful: our communication enriches us not only by professional knowledge, but also practical advice on homework, or issues of education of children ... and men who, in essence, also our children.

But that the sin of Timing, the women's company sometimes gradually and spoils our family relationships, and then it turns into a dead end. And we begin to see each other in the vest, and complain, what "all the men are ...!" I did not say the series is so called.

And today, as it does not seem strange, I would like to talk not about us, women, but about those in those walls sometimes, oh, how to get. Today is our holiday, and we have the right to choose any topic for conversation, and Peter Petrovich will forgive us in honor of such a day?!

So, the first contest that we will open our holiday evening:

First Competition "Male of My Dream"

Leading: Dear ladies, in our first competition it is proposed to draw a portrait of a man of your dreams. The paints will not need you, the portrait will be verbal, but there will be additional conditions.

The story should describe:

external features

inner world

and ... stomach. Pardon, taste addiction.

Competition is held: participants are in turn talk about their perfect men. Wins the most witty.

Leading:You see, my dear, we ourselves do not know what we want. Or we have overestimated, or logic and really female. And how can a man be able to deal with all this, not to mention to fit?

But since we are so smart let's prove that our claims on the ideal are quite substantiated, and that being an ideal man is not at all difficult. Moreover, it is very useful not only for us personally, but for himself. After all, we know with you that good, and what is bad, men, with their straightforward thinking, can not always see a light goal for the next turn of the winding path. And it is given ... no, before reading the condition of the task is small Intermediate contest.

Competition "Beautiful Galatia" or "Body Exchange"

Leading:Now we will have a pygmalion contest - you, my dear beauties, get honorable, but the temporary title of man, knight, gentleman, macho, etc.

The presenter can distribute to the participants of the male toilet details. The easiest way to provide all ties.

Our, or rather your hero, creative personality. And like any creative personality, she has, that is, he, and if quite accurately, each of you have his own dream, ideal. And you are now such and blind. The competition for the title of the best Pygmalion is open. Only here is the model, unfortunately alone. Therefore, everyone will receive the right to one single blow to this piece of marble. Remember, as Michelangelo said: "I take a piece of marble and comparting everything too much." We will have everything up to the opposite. For women, unlike sculptors, you need a lot too much.

Well, here our beautiful lady is ready, now you, my dear knights will have to conquer her heart. At the end of our evening, Galatia necessarily calls the best.

Competition is held

After Galatia is ready, contests begin, who evaluates the new "woman" - Galatia (more precisely, our respected, transformed Peter Petrovich, if anyone forgot). And women acting on men become the main subjects.

Quiz woman from "A" to "I"

Leading: And let's start with the "trifles", important and not very for any woman. Who will give more correct answers in the quiz, will receive a prize.

(The presenter asks the question, every time giving a fabricant to the participant who gave the right answer, the winner is the one who in the final quiz will have the greatest amount of tokens)

A - an affordable creature with wings or a very kind woman (Angel).

B - Best friends of girls, this .. (Diamonds).

B - elegant piece of fabric capable of turning a woman in an excellent stranger (Veil).

M - fur, worthy decorating the shoulders of a luxury woman (Ermine).

D - head decoration any princess (Diadem).

E - the name of the first woman (Eve).

E - ballet, in which no decent woman will not risk (EAPER).

Well - weakness that the strongest men can resist (Femininity).

Z - an animal with which they compare something annoying woman (Snake).

And - selected woman style (Image).

Th - a medicine that is in a home first aid kit of any woman (Iodine).

K - it makes a female gait attractive and irresistible (Heel).

L - What is the woman able to cure and without medicines? (Caress).

M - the main purpose of the woman (Maternity, Mom).

N - it protects the gentle female fingers during sewing (Thimble).

O - It is his woman who creates, keeps and protects (Family Forest).

P - Best Ballerina Theater (Prima).

R - Relationships in which the woman enters (Novel).

C - one of their brightest and desirable events in the life of every girl (Wedding).

W - What does a woman provide his man? (Comfort).

F - Food, perfectly suitable for love games (Fruits).

X - What is the name of the dish of frozen meat broth? (Jelly).

C - these women are ready to receive both on holidays and on weekdays (Flowers).

H - spice that prevents infections and kisses (Garlic).

W - she heats, and having received her as a gift, the female soul Mlex (Fur coat).

Shch - traditional dish of Russian cuisine (Soup).

E - impressionable women do not know how to restrain ... (Emotions).

Yu is a very attractive pure female clothing detail (Skirt).

I - how jicely called 45-year-old birthday (Berry).

(The winner is awarded a prize)

After this competition, participants, as if oppose the face of men. And with them consistently you can spend contests:

Poetic Competition "Madrigal"

Competition "Romeo"

Then, according to the results of the competition "Newly "Woman" - Galatia "(Peter Petrovich) solemnly announce the winner and will encourage all the participants. And it will be especially good if at that moment he will say a beautiful toast in honor of all those present by the ladies already on behalf of a man.

Idea number 2. Scenario on March 8 in the women's team "Well, that, the girls, in a small!?"

A second option for holding a holiday in a women's company, maybe "purely female", in which the conviction of the celebration, on the contrary, will be happy to respond to their favorite topics: fashion, beauty, men and most importantly, about themselves beautiful and unique. And if, at the same time, there is a small number of men, then let them be happy to participate or ... do not interfere.

- If the men are on the festival, then the presenter can start a holiday like this:

Leading:Good evening, dear men (if they are on the holiday), Despite the fact that each of you is of particular value, every exclusive on the "weight of gold", today is not dedicated to you, but beautiful and dangerous, weak and persistent, beautiful and cute, mysterious and unpredictable ... women! Therefore, the theme of our conversations and competitions will be mod, beauty, and our relationship with men.

- If there are no men, then:

Leading:Good evening, dear ladies! It so happened that this wonderful holiday we meet with you in a beautiful company, and therefore I suggest to spend it as we want, chat on your favorite topics and have fun from the soul!

( First toast: Congratulations on the onset of spring and the first spring holiday! Love you, joy, vivid impressions and unfading youth!)

Game "Appeal to Men"

Leaders:Dear girlfriends, let's admit, no matter how we try not to talk about it, but, after all, a little annoying to celebrate a holiday without men?! I suggest right here and right now write a message to the male half of humanity so that the universe will hear us and sent to our team of her representatives. So, let's start with the adjectives, what are the adjectives of you first remember, when mentioning the word "man"?

(Ladies call the adjectives, leading one after another fit them into the missed places of a pre-harvested template, then solemnly read what happened. It sounds pretty funny, because they are called, as a rule, either very flattering or, on the contrary)

Approximate appeal pattern

".......... Our men, ............Friend, ...... .. Sicklegie and ...... .. Protectors. Today in this ....... Jean and ..........Delite, we want to declare that you really need us! And we want everyone to ...... day and every ...... night, you were there, surrounding us with your ...... Care, ....... Durry and ...... .. Love, gave us ... .. .. ...... compliments and ... ... .. Job. Know that only yours ...... looks and ...... The arms make us truly happy. ....... Move, we love you!

Your ...... girlfriend "

(Second toast)

Comic musical game "Between us girls"

Quiz "fabulous fashion"

Role Tale "Let's slightly"

Music game "My light, mirror say"

Idea number 3. Scenario thematic party

The third option of the spring holiday in the women's team may be the idea of \u200b\u200ba thematic party. In order not to feel discomfort about the fact that in such a holiday there is no male colleagues with you, it is best to arrange a holiday in no way connected with a purely female theme and enjoy the immersion in another era or reality. Select the topic: Fairy Tale, Cinema, 19th Century, Hats, Coffee, etc. And fully spent the evening in the style of the selected plot - it will be fascinating, and informative, and original.

The scenario of the holiday "March 8" for children is 5-7 years old: the stupid bear did not know what a gift should give mom on March 8. And his friends decide to help him in this and they all go to the search for a gift for a mother.

Super Mom (competitive program)

Show program "Super-Mom", held on the eve of the celebration of March 8, will raise the festive mood and delivers pleasure and girls - students of junior classes, and their mothers. Competitions contribute to the strengthening of friendly relations in the family, the development of creativity, mixtalks and resourcefulness.

Scenario for March 8 for adults "Oh, these women!"

So the wonderful holiday came on March 8! And on this day we want to give our women a piece of joy and fun, where you can show all what you are smart and talented, and you can cope with any task, no matter how difficult it is.

Scenario March 8 "Fashionable Beauty"

Holiday script March 8 for adults. This scenario can be used at a corporate party, which is devoted to the International Women's Day.

Scenario "Spring, how cool that you came!"

Holiday script March 8 for preschool children (4-6 years). This scenario can be used on the matinee in kindergarten. It is necessary that in advance children prepared postcards and crafts for their moms made by their own hands. In addition, you need to learn poems in advance with children. The leading stands in advance to prepare costumes.

Scenario for March 8 "Favorite Moms and Grandmothers"

Scenario of the school event - the festive competitive and entertainment program "Favorite Moms and Grandmothers", is designed for children of 8-10 years. During the holiday, moms and grandmothers will be able to see not only talents and skill of their children, but also to take part in various competitions.

Scenario "Magic flower, or as Vanya gifts for March 8 chose"

Boy Vanya does not know what to give mom by March 8. A kind wizard gives him a magic flower, which will hold him in fairy tales, where Vanya will find an answer to his question.

Scenario "March 8 - Slavim Dame!"

The holiday of March 8 is famous for the beautiful half of the population - women, girls and girls. To congratulate them in honor of the International Women's Day came the most famous stars of the Russian popstrade! The scenario is designed for a festive event among the adult population - on a corporate party, student party or in a circle of friends.

Scenario March 8 for adults "Secrets of Women's Image"

The scenario of a small festive concert dedicated to the celebration of an international female day in the team of friends or colleagues. The holiday will be successful if you spend it in the assembly hall.

Scenario for March 8 in the rural settlement "Women - Flowers of our Life"

With the arrival of spring bloom not only nature, but also women's beauty. In addition, one of the most gentle and sensitive holidays is coming - the International Women's Day to meet and notice is worthy. With this scenario, you can spend an interesting event, give women positive emotions, a lot of joy and smiles.

Scenario for March 8 for women in a rural club "How spring with the winter throne divided"

This scene will become the perfect start of a festive concert prepared for March 8. Merry, interesting plot, will certainly give a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions to everyone who came.

March 8 - the most romantic holiday. This spring day is always associated with love, warmth and tenderness. This is a great reason to demonstrate your sympathies of cute ladies, express the most tender feelings to your moms and grandmothers, make a congratulation from the soul sister. Sincere joy and smile from them will not make himself wait long!

The program of school evenings dedicated to the holiday of March 8, traditionally include many beautiful and kind girls, mothers, grandmothers and teachers. Also prepare schoolchildren various concert numbers: songs, dances and, of course, scenes, which are usually comic, and therefore especially loved. In the elementary school of scenes, as a rule, devoted to mothers, in the elder - girls classmates.

Perhaps offered here scenes on March 8 for schoolchildren Create to compile a concert program or original congratulations.

Scene on March 8 for schoolchildren "how to congratulate girls"

(Based on "Three girls under the window ...")


3 boys



Necessary inventory: chairs, desks, poster, diary, handles, notebooks, books


Cosmetics, shoes on heels, jewelry.

In the scene, only boys take part, after each Council, a demonstration should be.

1. The first thing is the figure - it is necessary to keep yourself in the hunters, simply speaking. Nothing is.

2. Emphasize its individuality, with makeup.

3. Fascinating gait.

4. Clothes. Be extremely open (Tarle your shoulder, shifting a sweater)

5. Shoes should be elegant.

6. In intellectual competitions, all questions are responsible short and clear: Yes, no, it's not me.

7. You must have good vocal data. But it is not recommended to execute Ramstain, Rasmus, the ocean Elzy, etc.

8. Do not wear too much and too heavy decorations. Heavy earrings draw the ears and in old age they will be your knee.

9. For victory, you should not risk your health and make a lot of plastic operations to improve your appearance - it is better to go to school you scare there and it will be better than any suspender.

10. When entering the school models, do not run for the director and do not ask "Well, take me." The girl should know itself.

All this you can know in our model school "Grace".
You can finish the number you can congratulations for all girls

(Source: site

Staging-congratulations in verses.


Boy, Girl

Boy:Our call is terribly ringing,
I depart in the corridor ...
I have one girl
Take a conversation ...
- And my dad is a champion!
He walks to the stadium:
He throws up the Giri -
It will be the strongest in the world!

Girl: Although men and strong -
Does not know the furnace pancakes ...
You, men, shortness,
To educate you, teach
And parsley from dill
You can not distinguish!
By the way, who erases home?
God you talent is not given ...
TV "Consuming",
You go to the sofa!

Boy:From a man there is no sense?!
This is not a talent for us?!
Who nailed the shelf in the kitchen?
Receded in the kitchen a crane?

Girl: Borsch cook you reluctance
Do not fry the kitlet ...
You would go to work
Well, no longer any sense.

Boy:You, barbed zanoz,
Do not know us, men,
This is the case of tears.
And besides, without reasons ...
You say spiny words, Robust ...
Dad in the house head!

Girl:And mom in the house - Neck!

Boy:No, it is not necessary to solve in the dispute,
In the corridor conversation
Who is stronger and who is important ...
Just ... Mom all gentle!

(Source: website)

Scene by March 8 for schoolchildren "And in our yard"

( Author Kruglova ON)

The guys sing a song - alteration on the motive of the song from the K / Ma "Carnival Night."5 young men and 3 girls are involved

If you, frowning, come out of the house,

Remember that now a festive day!
What is ready to congratulate you any friend
Or even an unfamiliar counterweight guy!

And smile, without doubt,
Suddenly touches your eyes
And good mood
Does not leave more than you!

Youth 1.: Women's holiday!
Here is the reason
That's why we sing!
And cordially congratulations
We are all women with this day!

Everything: Congratulations! (throw balls into the hall, fanfare sounds)

A young man with a portrait of Yesenin comes to the scene and reads:

Youth 2: Shagana you are mine, Shagan!
There is a girl in the north too.
She is scary on you,
Maybe thinks about me.
Shagana, you are mine, Shagan!

On the other hand, another young man comes out with a portrait of Pushkin and reads

Junior 3: No, remember to see you,
Everywhere to follow you,
Smile mouth, eye movement,
Catch in love with
Hand you for a long time, understand
Soul all your perfection,
Before you in flour to dy
Pale and go out ... here is bliss!

The following reader comes out with a block portrait and reads

Junior 4: I called you, but you did not look around,

I tears lily, but you did not decline.

You wrapped in blue raincoat,

In the crude night you left home.

I do not know where the shelter of your pride

You, honey, you, gentle, found ...

I sleep firmly, I dream of your blue,

In which you went to the crude night ...

Read more reads with a portrait of Lermontov

Youth 5:Oh, heaven, I swear she was

Beautiful! .. I burned, I tremped,

When Kudrey, running down with chela,

Silk golden hand met his

I was ready to fall to her legs,

Give her will, life, and paradise, and all

The following reads (Portrait of Pasternak):

Youth 6:Love other - heavy cross,

And you are beautiful without sinks,

And charms your secret

Ripping life is equivalent.

The rustling of dreams are heard in the spring

And the rustling of news and truths.

You are from family such basics.

Your meaning, like air, is uncanyten.

Youth 1:Ah, how many gentle feelings
You in the heart called!
Oh, how many young men in those feelings died!
And we glorify you for all heartfers,
How cool that school brought us
With a beautiful half of the planet.
We will prank school all for it!

(The girl leaves (discharged, squeezed) by car, almost knocking down poets. Spring brakes. Girl rides and looks in the mirror)

Girl 1: The light is my mirror, say, and all the truth will report. I am in the light of all the nurses, all the rosy and whiter?

Mirror's voice: You are beautiful, no dispute. But take a little to the left. Fool, stand! Now the right. You're where to the red light ... brand !!! UHB, ditch ... You are beautiful, there is no dispute, but I have not seen the white light of anyone dumber you.

Girl 1: Ah well! Nasty toy! You no longer girlfriend!

The second girl comes out: (dialogue on modern jargon).
1st: Yuu, girlfriend!
2nd: Yooh!
1st: What are you talking yesterday at the Tus?
2nd: Yes, the ancestors of the brain ruptured. Notations again tried to suck. Yes, I'm drum.
1st: Well, what, today your bones are driving on the Tus?
2nd: Chew - holy!
1st: Then you dry, Chao!
2nd: Remensant. (Girls are called "poets" with them, but those refuse!)

Youth 1: Of course, see - hear it is funny to us.
Sometimes it is a terrible movie.
We observe part with the boys
And in the depths of the soul always
Dream, of course, about Juliet, that - (Juliet is coming out (girl in a beautiful dress)
Beautiful, gentle and simple! - (under the song "And in our yard" and all poets go for nonQ)


Sergey,Mom (Sergey)Barsik (cat), Ilya,Denis

On the stage - the unfinished, uneasy and chumaded guy in pajamas.
Going to the chair, removes something crumpled from him and patchless.

Sergey: Ma-AM! Today girls congratulate girls. Did you stroke my shirt?
Mum: Good morning, son. Stroked.
Sergey: Hey! Which one?
Mum: White.
Sergey: White?
Mum: White, white.
Sergey: And what was my white?
Mum: Of course, it was. Last year they bought. Do not remember?
Sergey: I do not remember…
Mum: You still dress her for a new year, remember?
Sergey: For the new year I remember. And after - I do not remember. And ... and she is white?
Mum: Of course, I was posts. You have been lying down under your bed - I found her nasil! Have you cleaned your teeth?
Sergey: Ah, so here she was! This Barsik dragged her there! (Throws a dirty shirt under the bed, puts on clean).Well, wait, now you will get me! Barsik! Barsik! Kitty Kitty Kitty! Go here! .. Again in the kitchen eats something.

It includes a fat Barsik. Chew.Barsik: What?
Sergey: Thick from here !!!
Barsik: (Goes out).
Sergey: Pig, not a cat ... Ma-AM!
Mum: What, son? Have you cleaned your teeth?
Sergey: Yeah. And Barsica too.
Mum: Clear! And the neck soyl?
Sergey: SchA, wash! (Takes the key).Barsik !!! Come here!
It includes a fat Barsik. Chew.
Barsik: Well, what?
Sergey: Chyu! .. yes nothing!
Barsik: Ah-ah ... so right and said. (Goes out).

The boy takes off his pants from the chair - also dirty and leaning.
Sergey: Ma-AM! And the new trousers stroked?
Mum: Stroked. And jacket.
Sergey: And what about me - there is a jacket?
Mum: Of course have. (The guy throws pants under the bed and grabs a jacket with a torn sleeve.)
Sergey: Well, then it will be a vest . (Remove the second sleeve).
Mum: What do you crack there?
Sergey: I'm charging it, mom!
Mum: A, well done, well done!
Sergey: At the Girl Today, the eighth of March, I prepared poems, now read, you hear? (Combed).
Mum: I hear! Good poems!
Sergey: What poems?
Mum: Which you cooked.
Sergey: Ma, what are you doing there?
Mum: I cook the cake, my son. You will come to congratulate the girls not with empty hands.
Sergey: Why Pie? I need flowers!
Mum: Flowers in the hallway. Money for lunch in bedside table.
Sergey: And portfolio?
Mum: There is also near. Call, open the door!
Sergey: This is probably guys from class ... (Interest tidy boys with flowers in their hands).
Sergey: Oh! Who?
Andrew: We need Sergey out of 9 - "A".
Sergey: I'm listening to.
Everything: Serega! Are you?
Sergey: Well, yes, I. What?
Denis: You do not know?
Sergey: Wait for the weather! I find out !!! We seem to be resting with you in the summer ... exactly - in the camp! ..
Denis: What summer? We are your classmates. Andryukha, Denis and Ilya.
Sergey: Very nice ... oh, that is ... guys, so are you? Well, you are frozen! Did not recognize…
Ilya: You look at yourself! ( Sergey rushes to the mirror, sees himself - combed and tidy dressed and fainting).
Mum: And here and the cake! Oh, Serious, you are so elegant - you can not know! Flowers did not forget?
Ilya: No, did not forget. Only I am not Serious, I'm Ilya. Serious woman is lying.
Mum: Seriously, I ask you, do not stand, please, in the hallway in clean clothes. Be patient to school.
Sergey: Mommy, I did not recognize myself! What will happen now?
Mum: Nothing, nothing, nothing ... Get used to!

Scene "Wonderful Mom"

Mom sits behind a laptop near the child stands and tells the poem, at the moment when the mother must say his corona phrase in the text of the poem, he shows her in his shoulder, Mom tears his eyes from the computer and says: "Without problems!" And again stuck in the laptop.
Not a problem I am a child,
I say this to all.
Even mom confirms ...
- True, mom? (Mom shoes)
- No problem!!!

I do not want to dare now!
Better I eat candy!
Smiling mom will say

(Mom shoes, mother zero reaction)
Mom will say ... (Mom shoes)
- No problem!!!

Brought four two,
And there is no top!
Mom is not silent, what do you say?
- Everything is fine? (Mom shoes)
- No problem!!!

In the house a terrible mess,
On the floor smeared cream.
I do not want to get used!
- Can I mother? (Mom shoes)
- No problem!

I know that such mom
I wanted everyone at once!
Connect to the Internet
And everything will be ... (Mom shoes)
- No problem!!!

Scenario-gathering on March 8 for the Lady team.

"Women's Day for Female"

One of the employees acts as leading. Everyone is invited by tables.

Leading: Dear ladies! On the eve of a wonderful holiday, we gathered with you to the bachelorette party. As, however, and in all other days, because our cohesive female team is already simply no water! We are not going to such gatherings for the first time and, I think that we will celebrate the upcoming holiday is not much more boring than in the company of men! Because the woman knows best and understands only a woman.

Let's have fun, talk about our little weaknesses, gossip about men and share women's tricks and secrets! As it comes in the song: "De-Viccin, a bachelorette party, a man here is superfluous!"

Snow mests March-prank,

Hearts will catch off from winter.

Let's meet a female holiday

So, as we can only!

The toast rises for a beautiful occasion and no less beautiful company.

Leading: And right now we will sing!

Song "Today is a holiday from the girls" (on the motive of the song "Girls" from the repertoire of Larisa Valley).

Text must be printed in advance and distribute.

Today is the holiday of the girls,

Today we are in shock!

And let it envy

Men or guys,

Collecting Silenks,

Stand aside,

Bouquets in the hands of Terench

Because today girls

"Take off" in full want!

We will sing and dance

Walk and have fun

Men do not notice

And their sad faces!

Let Malconki

Stand aside,

They don't need them now

Because we are with you, Girls,

On the threshold of beautiful spring!


Today the sun is happily shining,

Singing Spring Breath,

And all the dreams are beautiful in the world

Today I need to come true!

We raise this glass for a new spring! In the spring, always and breathes freely, and in the heart of more fun. In the spring, not only nature, but also feelings, hopes, good mood wake up. With the female holiday you and with a new spring!

After a toast: And whether you know, the girls that if you look more attentively around, we can see that at-course of spring foreshadows and a lot of other life changes! There are a lot of funny spring will take, for example ...

Spring signs

Swallows pair fly - it's to the matchmaker!

Snow is melting - to shopping!

Bubbles on the puddles - to a rich fiancé!

Skish on the first day of spring - to a fun life!

Wind from the south - to happy variables!

Leading: So pay attention, dear ladies! But there is another integral sign of spring. On the eve of March 8, literally per day or two, in stores just do not push around. All because men choose gifts for us, as always, at the very last moment! And quite often, if not to say regularly, they give us completely wrong! Woman need what? All that will make it even more beautiful and irresistible.

And today it is supposed to be suitable for you that are the most necessary and practical in the world!

I will have to be a little in the role of Santa Claus, despite the fact that winter is already behind ...

Please choose!

The presenter makes a big bag from which each employee should not looking out to take out a gift.

The presenter accompanies this process with ribs-comments (the name of the employee in a similar form is substituted in the poem).

"Gifts for beauty"


You, Olya, - Curl!

Strong Kudri Owli

Yes from the house come out -

Well, man, wait!


Become a fan of glamor,

Pedicure manicure

Will be able Katya without clauses

With this feel for nails!

Cotton swabs

And for Lenok - surprise,

This is the most necessary prize:

Not funny

Ear sticks!


It's a mirror Irisha,

Keep nearby, at hand,

So that you are with your kras

He admired the day-day!

Bath salt

Tanya, Hand allow

Fragrant salt!

With her you will be the queen,

The king fell in love with you!


Natashaya With all the soul

I give a nasal handkerchief!


For hygiene is important!


For you, Alenushka,

Nothing sorry!

Here you have a sauna

New urinary!

Hand cream

From any relief flour

This gentle hand cream!

Julia, handles lining sneaking,

There will be a life as smooth!


Snow melts on the track,

Snimika Anya Boots!

You do not look at the cold



This prospect of others is more valuable:

Will you Galya All slimmer!


Combing dense braids

Now you can no question!

With this new comb

Sveta All will fight all!


On a diet merciless

Tired of sitting!

Will be Lyube so gratifying

Chocolate to eat this!


Beauty - great strength!

Gets out Vale soap!

Soap wash so nice:

And fresh and fragrant!

Nail polish

Varnish Marina come in handy

It is easy to transform with him:

Hand maroon

Discover your marigolds!


Ole- Laughches coil!

Carry them with them, girlfriend,

To with your favorite guy

You contacted a nodule!

Grinders for eyebrows

To style icon,

We need to paint eyebrows!

Darim. Nature tweezers,

Beware, offenders!

Green tea

You need to drink tea green!

Masha, drink and enjoy

Ever young stay!

For Lyudmila expensive -

Iodine bubbles

After all, the health of the best

Than any fashion!


Brushing his teeth Lida clearly

In the morning and evenings,

And with such a dental brush

All in the light of the teeth!


No more spectacular hairstyles

Than hairstyle "horse tail",

And now our Rita

There is an elastic band!


Well, no one was sentenced? I see all satisfied with your gifts! And now I remembered the distant childhood, when, for the holiday of March 8, we prepared surprises and gifts with love for our moms ...

Sun shines clear

In these hanging days,

Gives warmth and affection,

How from my mother's hand!

Let's fill and raise the next boot for moms, let them be long and healthy!

Toast behind mothers:

When God created a baby, he decided to send him to Earth. Baby said:

"But I'm so small and do not know how to walk, how can I survive on earth?"

"Woman wearing you on your hands," God answered.

- But I do not know how to eat myself!

- This woman will feed you.

- But I do not know how to talk in the language of people. Teach me to explain on it!

- You have enough to learn one word - "Mom" ...

Lead (after a toast): Girls, speaking of Mama, on this day I can not say about our common second mom! I'm talking about our favorite boss! About her without exaggeration can only be said good. She leads and directs all of us, takes over all responsibility and, so to speak, rushes to the ambrusura, protecting our interests. We picked up words for so long to express our gratitude to her and admire what a whole song turned out!

Song of the boss (on the motive of the children's song "Smile").

From the smile of our lady boss

Even the most lazy will wake up

And no one will hang his nose

If ours (name and patronymic) Smile!


And then probably

Clouds fly away

And in the reports, errors are corrected!

From a blue stream

River begins,

And the bosses begins with a smile!

From the smile of our lady boss

On the soul always becomes wonderful!

Despite margin,

We are accepted for work with the song!

You are of such good people

Who is only a presence one

Every day makes merge,

And the world is cheerful and color!

Let your success be the result

All undertakings and clauses

In the soul you have dreams about many

Let them come true soon!


Lead(after a toast):

Let happiness and love smile

Spring sometimes long-awaited

Let the most cute, dear, desirable

Care surrounds again and again!

So we started talking about the most cute and expensive, about our beloved and sometimes hated - about men! It is often in life that we, weak floor, take over too much and carry it on fragile shoulders ... There is one folk wisdom: men need to be allowed to be men. And how much do we let them?

Let's check!

Test joke "Are you independent?"

Leading: I have a short test for you. Answer "Yes" or "No", you want to mentally want - out loud! So, started!

You at least once in life ...

1) sat down behind the wheel?

2) scored a nail?

3) spoke to someone compliment?

4) raised the luggage harder to the lady's handbag?

5) Changed the wheel of the car?

6) swear with sellers in the store?

7) bought gold?

8) And finally, do you know what the word "Passatia" mean?

And now we will decipher the results:

- Those who have no answers "yes": a man is categorically necessary to maintain at least minimal opportunity to survive in this complex world;

- Those who answered "yes" half and less than half of the questions: still have a chance to become independent and independent;

- answered "yes" for more than half of the questions: these are real Russian women who will stop, and go to the hut!

Leading: Of course, this test is comic, but, as they say, in every joke only the share of jokes ... What do we want to see our "dream men", our knights, princes on a white horse?

Competition "My Prince"

Paper sheets are attached in advance on the wall. The task of the competition is to draw a prince (or knight - if desired), but certainly on horseback!

Everyone participates.

Leading: And now let's drink for men ... they are, what are there are not perfect, as we ourselves. And let's mentally send them our hello and air kiss! And you can not mentally: do you know that in the form of a lipstick in the kiss you can judge intentions and feelings? Check on napkins! If the imprint turned out to be a round form, it means a serious stable relationship. If the heart is passionate love. "Band" - frivolism and not meaningful flirt. And the imprint of the square form will mean dishes and hidden hostility!

Leading: Well, men we "smiled bones." Well, that they do not hear us now. But in fact, of course, without men there would be no most important happiness on earth - our children!

The toast rises for the health and successes of children of all those present.


Why do we love spring days so?

Why are they with hope and joy waiting?

Because only they are filled

Unusual, special happiness, warm ...

ATTENTION, LADY! March eighth is made to give women flowers. Yes, and women bloom themselves like roses! But few knows that there is a special flower horoscope. Now we will learn who of us who will get a chic bouquet ...

Please stand those who were born in January! You are orchids! Please, orchids, fill your glasses and listen about yourself (and so about all months,):

Orchid (January)

Who bold dream about orchid,

He knows - a difficult undertaking:

She will break your heart

And proudly away will leave!

Mimosa (February)

Always fresh, bodra mimosa,

Does not spend voyage!

Mimosa - Surprise Girl,

"We live only once" - Her motto!

Lily (March)

Everyone is known: Lilia Lilia

Innecess to like Bastille!

But in the circle of her friends

No Tools Veleers!

Dahlia (April)

Purebred nobleman

Our wonderful dahlia!

Nobility here in the blood ...

But dahlia dreams

About simple earthly love!

Lily of the valley (May)

Lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Modest and Viscription,

Very tidy and very beautiful!

She does not work too lazy

And make beauty all day!

Bell (June)

The bell of everyone is fun

Have fun like a child!

He remembers about the most important thing:

Pessimist can not be!

Tulip (July)

From which overseas countries

Tulip granted us?

Exotic, eccentric,

But at the same time sympathetic!


Look at sunflower:

Charm to say!

So much in it ideas and plans,

How many seeds inside!

Carnation (September)

All cloves are no closer

Wrap like good:

Only cloves know the mystery

Eternal youth of the soul!

Chamomile (October)

Slightly shy chamomile

But it's not a bit of poking!

She is the last shirt

Will give to others to help!

rose flower (November)

Many secrets hides Rosa,

But one secret in it:

In this glance, in this posture

All the greatness of victories!

Lotus (December)

Knows how the lotus convince


Peace for him only dreams

And there is nothing to be proud!

Leading: We will raise the toast for our motley and extremely beautiful team-bouquet! In it, all the flowers are so selected to each other that there is at least one replacements - and it will not be at all! ..

And once again with the female holiday of all of you, my dear flowers! How spring is blooming, let your beauty also flourishes! We wish each other happiness, spring, love, good!

The most heart words

Full of spring warmth,

Congratulations on the first rays,

Happy Love and Beauty Holiday!

Rejoice yourself, dream, believe

Smile wider as now,

Let at any time of year the heart

Beats in the spring you have!

And now I invite everyone to dance!