Julio Iglesias Jr .: “The most beautiful girls live in Russia. Once I even wanted to marry a Russian

Julio Iglesias Jr .: “The most beautiful girls live in Russia.  Once I even wanted to marry a Russian
Julio Iglesias Jr .: “The most beautiful girls live in Russia. Once I even wanted to marry a Russian

The famous Spanish singer Julio Iglesias Jr. will arrive in Israel with a single concert.

Julio Iglesias Jr. is one of the most talented musical families in the world. He is both the youngest, because he bears the same name as the father, and the eldest, as he is the first son in the family. He has 5 sisters and as many brothers, including the equally famous brother Enrique, who also made an impressive career in the world of show business.
The heir to a high-profile surname and a fortune of $ 300 billion (this is the amount of his father's capital is estimated), the same burning handsome Julio Iglesias Jr. was born in Spain, and after his parents divorced in 1979 he moved to live in Miami with his father, Julio Iglesias, one of the the most legendary figures of Hispanic and Latin American music, entered in the Guinness Book of Records for a record number of released albums.

Nature generously endowed the Iglesias family not only with singing talent, but also with powerful charisma and inimitable charm. Therefore, before concentrating on music, Julio made a career as a supermodel and a successful actor. He has lucrative contracts with Versace, Tommy Hilfiger, GAP, other major representatives of the fashion world, as well as several notable roles in film and television.
His acting career began on the teenage NBC series "Out Of The Blue". No less successful was his own project - a 22-episode series of documentaries about the exoticism of Latin and South America, which was successfully shown on the Travel Channel. Iglesias Jr. also tried himself in Hollywood - he starred in the title role of the movie "The Music of You Heart", the soundtrack to which was his song "Nothing Else" about a musician who is looking for his muse after experiencing a tragic life story. The song became an instant hit, finally establishing Julio's superstar status.
But this will be later, and began his way to the musical Olympus Iglesias Jr. in the late 1990s with the release of the single and the self-titled album "Under My Eyes", after the release of which, he became the new idol of teenagers in the United States. Then there was the album "Tegsega Dimension" (2003), which blew up the charts in Latin America. Well, after that, the famous Cher invited Julio Iglesisas to a joint tour of the United States, the popularity of a beautiful and beautifully singing Spaniard from the star Iglesias family reached exorbitant heights.

Julio immediately began to be invited to popular television programs and television shows - both in the States and in Spain. He even appeared on the Spanish version of the TV show "Dancing with the Stars", won the reality show "Gone Country", and the "American music awards" and "Fame Awards" awarded him the title of "Best New Artist".
After America was conquered, the whole world opened up to Julio Iglesias Jr. - now he is actively touring countries and continents, conquering more and more women's hearts. In the past few years alone, the hot Spaniard has amassed a collection of Victoria's Secret bras that fans throw at him when he walks on stage.

To date, the artist has 4 albums in his arsenal, the last of which was recorded in 2014 in collaboration with the Latin Lovers group, which included two of Julio's friends, Damien Sarg and Nuno Resende.
In December of this year, after a tour of Europe and Asia and a performance on the same stage with his eminent father, after successful concerts in Russia and Eastern Europe, Julio Iglesias Jr. will perform with a single concert in Israel. Julio Iglesias Jr will perform in Israel with talented singer and producer Manolo Ayaleto. Do not miss!
Julio Iglesias Jr.'s only concert will take place:
December 2, Friday, at 22.00 - in Tel Aviv (Reading 3 Club)

Ordering tickets on the website of the ticket office biletru.co.il
Photo: Kelwin Lawson. Provided by the tour organizers, Liga-S LTD.

Julio Iglesias's childhood

The future famous singer was born in Madrid. His father was a gynecologist, his mother was a housewife. The family lived in a dilapidated house, which has not survived to this day. Julio was the eldest child, his younger brother's name was Carlos. Three years later, the family changed their address, moving to Via Benito Gutierreza. Iglesias lived there until the wedding.

Since childhood, the boy was a wonderful athlete, standing out strongly among his peers, and always strived to be in the spotlight. The family lived peacefully and happily. Carlos wanted to become a doctor, like his father, Julio dreamed of becoming a diplomat or a famous lawyer. His hobby was music.

After graduating from school, the boy entered a Catholic college, where the choir director advised Julio never to sing due to his complete lack of ability. The young man switched to sports, became interested in football and achieved good results. Already at the age of fifteen, he became the reserve goalkeeper of the youth team of Real Madrid.

The nineteen-year-old Iglesias student, who studied at the University as a lawyer, was driving the latest Renault-Dauphin model and already saw himself as the famous goalkeeper of Real Madrid. However, everything in his life changed dramatically. A year later, he lost control and had an accident, injuring his spine, crushing his leg and injuring the left side of his face.

He was given first aid and was allowed to go home. Several months passed, and the young man stopped getting out of bed, his back was very painful, and his legs were no longer. Doctors diagnosed a spinal cyst. The operation was unsuccessful, the sensitivity in the legs did not return, and Julio spent a year and a half in bed. Doctors advised getting used to a wheelchair.

But Iglesias had other goals in life, and he decided to fight: at night, while no one was seeing, he crawled around the room, trying to overcome the pain. After a while, Julio was able to stand on crutches and began to develop his legs. To better understand the processes occurring during his illness, he read many books on neurology. So the will was able to defeat a serious illness. All that reminds of that terrible accident is a small scar on his face and a slight limp.

According to Iglesias, it was the hospital that made him a singer. Due to worries, inaction and insomnia, his musical talent began to manifest: he studied the guitar, wrote poetry. All this was for entertainment, there was no question of becoming a singer at that time. Music turned his world upside down. It was in the hospital that he composed his first song, Life Goes On.

Natalie. Julio Iglesias

When Julio was 23 years old, he had already completely recovered and decided to complete his studies. The father sent his son to England, where he was able to improve his English and study at Remsgate, and then at Cambridge.

Once in a beer bar at the Cambridge airport, where Julio was relaxing with friends, he asked one of the visitors for a guitar and sang the song "Guantanamero", which tells about the unhappy love of a Cuban girl. Unexpectedly for Iglesias himself, everyone present listened to him attentively in complete silence, and then there was applause, which became his first "fee".

The beginning of Julio Iglesias's career: first songs and great success

In the bar, where the future famous singer first performed the song with a guitar, he began to perform periodically, sang songs of the Beatles, Tom Jones, Humperdinck. Julio soon met a French student named Gwendoline Bellor, who became both his girlfriend and his musical success. It was to her that he dedicated the song, with which he took fourth place at Eurovision. This success immediately made him famous all over the world.

In 1967, Julio decided to get a law degree, for this he again entered the University for the first year, but thoughts of a possible career as a singer and musician did not leave him. A year later, he became a participant in the Spanish Song Festival and won it brilliantly. After that, Columbia Records signed a contract with him. This is how an unusual Spanish singer was born. His hypnotic, enchanting voice immediately became recognizable.

Julio Iglesias - Nostalgie

It was clear that he would not be a lawyer. The father assisted his son in the release of his first disc. He put a lot of work into the development of his career, and soon many of his songs became national hits. Several years passed, and Iglesias was already considered the first singer in Spain. He toured a lot abroad, performing songs in different languages, and conquered Europe.

The result of his creative career has been the release of more than seventy discs, receiving many prestigious awards and music awards, the singer has completed about 4600 concerts around the planet. The fashion for it does not pass even today.

Julio Iglesias' personal life

Iglesias has eight children: three from his first marriage and five from his second. He married his second wife after twenty years of living in a civil marriage, the ceremony was attended by all five of their children. When the singer was fifty-seven years old, he became a grandfather, daughter Maria gave birth to a famous grandfather's grandson. The most famous descendant and continuer of the profession was

Julio Iglesias (full name Julio José Iglesias de la Cueva) is a Spanish singer and artist, one of the world's legendary musicians. Thanks to his creative activity, selling over 300 million of his records, he achieved the status of a successful commercial artist in Spain. The biography of the great personality is filled with vivid events that arouse extraordinary interest among his fans.

Childhood and youth

Julio was born in Madrid (born September 23, 1943). The musician's father Julio Iglesias Puga was a famous gynecologist in the country, and his mother Maria del Rosario was the homemaker of a happy family (housewife). Another boy grew up in the family of the future singer - his younger brother Carlos, the age difference between the children was very small.

According to Iglesias's childhood dreams and plans, he was to become a diplomat, a lawyer, or build a sports career, because, after studying at St. Paul's Catholic College, he became seriously interested in football. From the age of 16, the young and promising young man played for the Real Madrid club as a goalkeeper, was distinguished by excellent sports data, high hopes were pinned on the guy.

But life decided otherwise. On September 22, 1963, Julio got into a terrible car accident and lay in a hospital bed for 2 years. The lower limb was crushed, the spine was damaged, and there was practically no hope that Julio would walk again. Fortunately, the hands of the failed football player were intact, therefore, in order to somehow distract the young man, the attending physician allowed him to play the guitar.

Here, in the hospital, the young guy discovered a new talent - composing music and songs. At night, suffering from insomnia and pain in the body, he often listened to the radio, wrote poetry on high topics (romanticism, human destiny).

Iglesias did not give up, at first he got up on crutches, diligently worked out his legs, read many books on neurology and conquered the disease. Now, only a minor scar on the face and a slight limp remind of that terrible period.

After leaving the hospital, Iglesias returned to the university, and after graduation he moved to England to study English. He studied in London and Cambridge, returning to Madrid, enrolled in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, where he was educated in opera (tenor). But even at St. Paul's College, the choir director, having heard the boy's vocal abilities, recommended that he choose any profession in life, with the exception of musical activity.


Julio decided to study English deeply for a reason. Friends liked his songs, so they invited the future musician to take part in a national competition, which was to be held in the resort town of Benidorm. To participate, it was required to select an English song.

In England, Julio José had the first impromptu concert in his life. The singer accidentally visited the Air Port Pub in the company of friends. There, in the hands of a stranger, he saw a guitar and asked to sing a song. The Spanish composition "Guantanamero", which tells about the unhappy love of a Cuban girl, in the magnificent performance of a young man shocked the audience present here. On this day, Julio received his first musical royalty.

Later, the talented guy began to perform in a pub on weekends, performing songs by musicians popular at that time: The Beatles, Engelbert Humperdinck, etc.

In Cambridge, Julio met a man - a French student Gwendolina Bollore. It was she who became his muse, close friend. Julio dedicated a song to her, which became a world hit ("Gwendolyne" - 1970) and brought the singer in the future the fourth place at Eurovision.

Returning from England to his hometown, the aspiring musician and composer started looking for performers for his songs. After giving several musical products to one of the Madrid recording studios, Julio soon received an advantageous offer - to sing on his own and become a participant in a Spanish song music competition.

Then, performing a song under the symbolic title "La Vida Sique Igual" ("Life goes on"), the unknown singer managed to win three prizes simultaneously in the following nominations:

  1. “For the best performance”.
  2. "For the best text"
  3. “For the best song”.

It was a success. After a short period of time, Julio Iglesias adequately represents Spain at Eurovision (1970), participates in long foreign tours, and performs at prestigious European venues.

The talented musician was clearly distinguished among the idols of those years. Julio always went on stage in a black tuxedo, white shirt with a bow tie, and while singing he actively gestured, which caused both admiration and ridicule among the audience. The audience liked this demeanor, and his career quickly went up.

Within a few years after the Spanish Song Contest, Iglesias won the title of the most famous and successful singer of his country, as well as the most popular Spanish-speaking performer on the planet.

In 1969 Julio recorded his first disc. The musician's hard work and unique talent led to the release of more than 80 albums performed by him. Over 300 million records of Julio Iglesias have been sold worldwide. He has more than 5,000 concerts in various cities around the world, including Moscow.

The musician performed in a duet with the most famous performers of our time: the maestro, and other celebrities. The famous name Julio Iglesias is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Among the best compositions of the singer are: "Amor Amor", "Besame Mucho", "Abrazame", "Baila Morena" and others. Thousands of views of the artist's music videos on YouTube speak of his constant demand among listeners. It is permissible to compare the performance of Ilesias with vocal hypnosis, which has an amazing effect on the psychological state of a person.

Personal life

In 1970, a young but already famous musician meets the amazingly beautiful model and journalist Isabel Preisler. After interviewing Julio, the girl received an invitation to his next concert, and already in 1971 their wedding took place. But in 1979 the family broke up. From the first barque, the musician left three children: the son of Julio Iglesias Jr., the daughter of Maria Isabel, the famous son, with whom he continued to maintain relations.

The marriage to Isabel turned out to be strange and unsuccessful for various reasons. The famous musician was constantly jealous of his wife, making her a hostage of the "golden cage", while he himself enjoyed amorous relationships with various women. Soon after the divorce, Julio's children moved in with him to live in Miami. it was not safe for them to be in Spain. The singer's father, Julio Iglesias Puga, was kidnapped by terrorists, demanding a huge ransom, and the mother decided to send Mario, Julio and Enrique to America.

On the one hand, the children were comfortable here, they did not need anything except for the attention of their famous and constant touring dad.

The second and real marriage of Julio Iglesias was concluded with a girl 22 years younger than him. Miranda Rinisburger - a former model, gave birth to the artist three sons (Rodrigo, Miguel and Alejandro) and twin daughters (Victoria and Christina). Despite the status of a mother of many children, Miranda managed to maintain a beautiful figure, and at the wedding ceremony, which took place after 20 years of their life together, she looked charming. This woman managed to win the heart of a famous performer, who claims that he is ready to live with her until the end of his days. Their love only gets stronger over the years.

The age of Julio Iglesias can be called respectable, but the musician continues to write songs, release new albums, travel around countries as part of a tour. On May 25, 2016, he visited Moscow, giving a recital at the Kremlin Palace and presenting his new album Mexico to the audience. Julio boldly compared the audience of Russia with the Spanish audience, finding similarities in temperament.

The great Spaniard admitted to Russian journalists that he adores and respects women, considers them to be life teachers and believes in the energetic female power that can change the world.


  • Yo canto - 1969
  • Gwendolyne - 1970
  • El amor - 1975
  • Aimer la vie - 1978
  • Hey! - 1980
  • En concierto -1983
  • Starry Night - 1990
  • Tango - 1996
  • Love Songs - 2003
  • Romantic Classics - 2006
  • The Collection - 2014
  • México - 2015

Julio Iglesias Jr. (Julio Iglesias Jr.) - official website of the concert agent

Julio Iglesias Jr. (Julio Iglesias Jr.) - official site. The RU-CONCERT company will organize a performance by Julio Iglesias Jr. (Julio Iglesias Jr.) at your event. The official website of the agency invites you to leave contacts for an application for a concert with the participation of the performer! Having received a request from you, we will instantly provide all the necessary information about the singer and the conditions for her performance.

When holding a concert, it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances: free dates in the schedule of Julio Iglesias Jr, the amount of the fee, as well as the household and technical rider.

The cost of organizing an event depends on a number of factors that should be considered. The total amount will be affected by the location of the artist, the class and distance of the flight (moving), the number of team members. Since the prices for transport, hotel, etc. are not constant, the cost of his performance must be specified.

At the beginning of this week, a talented Spanish singer, the son of the legendary Julio Iglesias, Julio Iglesias Jr., flew to Moscow. We managed to meet with a hot Spaniard and talk about family, creativity, crazy deeds, about Russian girls and the secrets of a long and strong relationship.

Why did you decide to connect your life with music? After all, as far as we know, you had the opportunity to become a model or editor of a glossy magazine, for example.

I started working at a very young age. When I was 18-20 years old, I really had the opportunity to start a career in the modeling business. I managed to try myself in a lot of things, but being a singer is exactly what I like more than anything else. Since I was born into a creative family, music has inspired me since childhood. In fact, I have always lived in such an atmosphere.

Do you remember your first performance on the big stage? How did you feel at that moment?

For the first time I appeared on stage with my father. It happened during his tour of Japan. I was no older than 9-10 years old then. I remember it was very pleasant for me to stand next to my dad during the performance. But then I did not feel the grandeur of everything that was happening. For me, as for any child, it was a kind of game.

What do you love the most about your work?

I love the songwriting process and all the time I’m in the studio writing a new album. But, if we talk about what I love most, then I will say that performing and doing bright, interesting shows.

You are often compared to your brother. How do you feel about this?

It’s absolutely okay. My brother is a wonderful guy. I really love Enrique and everything he does. He is my best friend and we are never bored together. Just recently we were together in Las Vegas, where we had a really great time.

You are the eldest son in the family. Did you feel responsible for your younger brothers and sisters as a child?

It is a great pride for me to be the eldest son of Julio Iglesias. I have 5 brothers and the same number of sisters, and I can say that we have always been friends in childhood. Of course, as an older brother, sometimes I felt responsible, because I really love each of them in their own way.

Name three character traits for which your friends value you, and three for which you scold yourself.

On the positive side: I am very spontaneous, unpredictable, I have a great sense of humor, and I am also a great friend. And from the negative ... Stop! Is there anything bad in me? (Laughs) But seriously, I often scold myself for being an incredible perfectionist and I try to make everything I do as close to the ideal as possible. Oddly enough, I can't say anything bad about myself anymore.

What inspires you?

I take inspiration from travel. I love nature in all its forms: mountains, rivers, animals. Yes, perhaps nature inspires me the most.

Who of the idols of the past would you like to meet, and what would you talk about?

If I had the opportunity, I would like to meet with Frank Sinatra. He was a good friend of my father, and I would be interested to know about their friendship and how my father was in his youth. Of course, it would not have been without talking about music, I would really like to ask about the creative and life principles of Frank and his children.

By the way, about the children. In one of the women's magazines a few years ago, information was published that you were going to marry no earlier than 50 years old and would like to have 15 children. It's a joke?

Seriously? Was I drunk that day? I must have drunk a lot of vodka before saying this. (Laughs) In fact, I certainly want children, but certainly not 15. I would probably agree for two, but at the moment I'm not ready to become a father yet. I am already married, and perhaps someday I will indeed have 15 children, but definitely not now.

You have been happily married for several years now. And before getting married, you and Shariss met for many years. What's the secret to a long and happy relationship?

Everything is very simple. Happiness is made up of elementary things. First of all, you need to leave one behind the other the right to personal space. The second prerequisite is that you and your soul mate must have common interests. Third, it is very important to understand and accept each other's work, while maintaining trust. Learn to truly enjoy your partner's company and always find new ways to surprise. For a long-term relationship, choose a person with whom you will always have fun and try to make it so that it is mutual.

What attracts you most about women?

Definitely a sense of humor. It is also important that a woman always has something to talk about and that it is pleasant to be with her in society. And she should also be understanding and interesting as a person.

How important is it for you that a girl is a good housewife, knows how to cook, etc.?

In fact, it doesn't matter to me at all whether a girl can cook or not. The main thing is that she should be good in herself and kind to other people. I am much more concerned about the personality of the girl, and not some everyday issues. Maybe someday I will become wiser and change my mind, but so far such trifles as the ability to cook don't bother me much.

Which country has the most beautiful girls?

I can say with confidence that in Russia. All my friends Russian girls from Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Chicago and other cities are incredibly beautiful. Now, having once again come to your country, I am convinced of this again. There is simply an incredible concentration of beauty. Once I even wanted to marry a Russian girl. But my brother borrowed this idea from me, however, it has not yet come to the wedding between him and Anya.

Society has long believed that Spanish men are the embodiment of passion and madness. Have you done any crazy things for love?

Crazy things? Of course. I've done a lot of crazy things. Clarifying that these must necessarily be actions for the sake of love, are you hinting at my exploits in bed? (Laughs) Why are you interested in this? I'm married. Okay, if not joking, then I prefer to do crazy things in sports. I love surfing and other extreme water sports.

Is it thanks to water sports that you keep yourself in such great shape?

Oh, you think I look like an athlete? Thank you, I am pleased. Sport has always occupied an important place in my life, and I try to do everything to continue this way. I have good sports data. At one time, I had the opportunity to become a football or tennis player, but I chose a musical career. But regular exercise is one of those things that I really enjoy.

They say that you have to try everything in life. Are there things that you will never do?

I agree that in life you need to try as much as possible. But, at the same time, I can definitely say that I will never use drugs. I value my health very much and try to support it in every possible way. Taking risks, doing things you like, enjoying life is certainly very important, but only if it is not too dangerous for your health.

Is there anything you would like to change in your life?

Perhaps I would have left everything as it is. I have a wonderful wife, I do what I love, travel and do what I like. Everything is fine, I don't want any of this to suddenly change.