Andrei Bolkonsky Victory over himself. Life Searches Andrei Bolkonsky - an essay

Andrei Bolkonsky Victory over himself. Life Searches Andrei Bolkonsky - an essay
Andrei Bolkonsky Victory over himself. Life Searches Andrei Bolkonsky - an essay

Option 1 (Plan)

I. The desire of K. higher truth - The purpose of spiritual quest for the main characters of the novel. The complexity and inconsistency of the nature of Prince Andrei predetermine the difficulty life searches Hero, painfulness of his moral insight.

P. Spiritual quest Andrei Bolkonsky:

1. Find a true, decent case:

a) dissatisfaction with secular society;

6) disappointment in family life;

c) the dream of a feat, the desire for glory;

d) a wish in military service to gain self-confidence.

2. Participation in the war of 1805:

a) a sense of military debt, educated by his father;

b) the rejection of laws of light in the military officers environment;

c) the desire to experience the fate of Napoleon on himself;

d) a meeting with a true hero (the feat of Tushina in Shengraban battle returns Prince Andrei to reality);

e) the meaninglessness of the feat of Prince Andrew during Austerlitsky battle;

e) the sky of the Austerlitz (refusal of ambitious illusions, disappointed in his idol, understanding of life as something more than the desire for personal glory).

3. The death of his wife and the birth of the Son will help to understand Bolkonsky than he donated for his own egoistic aspirations.

4. Care of yourself, renunciation of active life.

5. A conversation with Pierre about good, justice and truth is the rapid moment in the life quests of Prince Andrei.

6. Meeting with Natasha in Otradnaya (The desire to revive), the embodiment of the thoughts of Andrei Bolkonsky in the image of oak - the symbol of "fading" and "Renaissance".

7. The desire to benefit in public service (I woke up ambition), rapprochement and gap with Speransky.

8. Love for Natasha, sense of duty and responsibility to your loved one.

9. Destruction of hopes for personal happiness(inability to understand and forgive close man, pointedness for yourself).

10. Participation in the war of 1812 - the decisive stage in the life of Bolkonsky:

a) return to the army, the desire to be a useful Fatherland, merging with the fate of the people;

b) the death of the father and the loss of the native home do not closure to Prince Andrei in itself;

in) moral feat Prince Andrew on the field of Borodin - a feat of the exposure and power of the Spirit;

d) mortal wound opens to Bolkonsky eternal truth - the need for love for people;

e) feeling of pity for Kuragin;

e) the revival of love for Natasha;

g) the death of Prince Andrew.

III. The fate of Andrei Bolkonsky is the path of "from Napoleon to Kutuzov", the path of a person who makes mistakes and capable of redeeming his guilt, the path of man seeking to moral perfection.

Option 2 (plan, quotes)

Way moral quest Prince Andrei Blkonsky

I. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky in the light:

1) dissatisfaction with life in the light ("... this life I is here, this life is not for me!"); kn. Andrei knows the price of light: a lie, hypocrisy - his laws;

2) Bolkonsky is not satisfied with the family life ("But if you want to know the truth ... (KN's sister. Marya) Do you want to know if I'm happy? Not. Is it happy? Not. Why is it? I do not know ...");

3) Friendship with Pierre Bezukhov ("You are dear to me, especially because you are one living person among our whole light");

4) Dreams of military glory, about his toulon.

II. War of 1805 in the fate of the KN. Andrei:

1) the changed mood and the world's weight of the KN. Andrei ("... a lot has changed during this time ... He had a kind of man ... busy business pleasant and interesting ");

2) Shenagraben battle. Kn. Andrei dreams of glory: "... He occurred to him that he was exactly intended to bring the Russian army from this provision that he, that toulon, who would bring him out of the ranks of unknown officers and will open him the first way to glory!". The first doubts are that military glory is exactly what should be: true heroes remain in the shadows;

3) Austerlitsky battle:

a) dreams of glory on the eve of the battle: "I want glory, I want to be famous peopleI want to be loved by them ";

b) the feat of Bolkonsky;

c) the sky of the Austerlitz - the collapse of the former dreams of Bolkonsky: the former aspirations for glory, the love of the human junior and therefore be insignificant. Something else should look for a person in life. But what?

III. Period spiritual Crisis. Life for yourself.

Life in Boguchachovo (the world of Bolkonsky after the death of his wife and the birth of the son narrowed. Standing at the bed of his son he thinks: "This is one thing that remains me now");

2) The arrival of Pierre Zuhovova and a conversation with him on the ferry - a fracture in the mood and the globility of Prince Andrei: "A date with Pierre was for Prince Andrei Epoch ..., with which his new life began."

3) “New life"KN. Andrei after meeting with Pierre (successful attempts to facilitate the position of their peasants).

IV. Meeting with Natasha Rostova and Love To her - the final revival of the KN. Andrei to life:

1) The first meeting with Natasha in Otradnaya (two meetings with oak - the reflection of the two sentiment of the KN. Andrei).

2) thirst active activities, in the Speransky Commission: "No, in 31 years a life has not ended up ...".

3) Meeting with Natasha on the Great Court Ball (1810) and the impression produced by Natasha on the KN. Andrei (he loved to meet everything that did not have a secular imprint).

4) disappointment in the Speransky and service: under the influence of love for Natasha, the Most Moskness of Bolkonsky is changing;

5) the whole point, all life for the CN. Andrei - in love for Natasha ("the whole world is divided into two half for me: one - she and there all happiness, hope, light; another half - all where it is not, there is all the despondency and emptiness").

6) The postponement of the wedding (at the request of the old prince Bolkonsky) and the departure of the KN. Andrei abroad. BBN error. Andrei: I thought a lot about my love and little about what the Natasha feels.

7) Final gap with Natasha. ("I said that the fallen woman must be forgiven, but I did not say that I could forgive. I can't ...").

8) Prince Andrei is looking for a personal meeting with Anatola, because, "without submitting a new reason to the duel, Prince Andrei considered the challenge for its part of the Rostov Countess." Even offended, even humiliated, Prince Andrei cannot humiliate a woman.

V. The war of 1812 in the fate of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky.

1) A trip of Bolkonsky in search of Anatol Kuragin, to St. Petersburg and to the Turkish army. The transition to his western army to Barclay de Tolly.

2) A trip to the Bald Mountains to the Father, a quarrel with him and leaving for war.

3) The decision of Prince Andrei to serve not at the individual of the sovereign, and in the army ("forever lost himself in the court world, without asking to remain with the person of the sovereign, but asking permission to remain in the army").

4) Andrei Bolkonsky on the eve of the Borodino battle; A date with Pierre and a conversation with him about the war, about the appointment of Kutuzov commander-in-chief. Bronsky's blood connection with simply nations, with soldiers ("He was all devoted to the business of his regiment, he was caring about his people and officers and gentlemen with them. In the regiment he was called our prince, they were proud, they loved him").

5) on the dressing point. Meeting with Anatola Kuragin: There is no old hatred, "enthusiastic pity and the love of this man filled his happy heart." What is it? Or, as he himself thinks, he opened that by the patient love for people. Which taught his sister!

6) wounded kN. Andrey in the Rostova Most. The spiritual state of the prince, his reconciliation with Natasha. The last moral struggle between life and death. ("That enthusiastic love for people he understood after injured, replaced by indifference to them: to love everyone ... I mean no one to love anyone, it meant not to live a terrestrial life").

Option 3 (plan, quotes)

The path of moral quest Prince Andrei Bolkonsky

To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confused, fight, mistaken, start and throwing ... And calm is spiritual meanness.

L.N. Tough

Favorite Heroes Tolstoy pass the path of the most difficult moral quest, trying to find the truth, the truth of life, to gain the real meaning of life and happiness.

For the first time we meet Andrei Bolkonsky in Shero's salon. Much in his behavior and appearance expresses deep disappointment in a secular society, boredom from visiting living rooms, fatigue from empty and false conversations. This is talking about his tired, bored look, grimacing, spiveling him beautiful face, manner pure when looking at people. He gathered in the cabin, he contemptuously calls "stupid society." Andrei is not a good realization that his wife Lisa cannot do without this idle circle of people. "Living rooms, gossip, balls, vanity, nothingness - the enchanted circle, from which I can not go out."

Only with his other Pierre, he is simple, natural, fulfilled friendly participation and cardiac attachment. Only Pierre he can admit with all frankness and seriousity to admit: "This life I is here, this life is not for me." He is experiencing an insurmountful thirst of real life. It entails his sharp, analytical mind, wide requests pushed to great achievements. Their opportunity, according to Andrei, opens the army and participation in military campaigns. Although it can easily stay in St. Petersburg, serve here a flaghel-adjutant here, he leaves where hostilities go. The battles of 1805 were for the Blocks exit from a dead end.

The Army Service becomes one of the important stages of the quest for the Tolstsky Hero. Here he is sharply separated from numerous quick career seekers and high awards that could be found in the headquarters. It does not seek reasons to increase in ranks and awards, unlike many staff officers.

Bolkonsky exacerbately feels responsible for the fate of Russia. The Ulm defeat of the Austrians and the appearance of a broken general poppy gives rise to his soul anxious thoughts about what obstacles are on the path of the Russian army.

The service in the army changes the prince. He did not make pretense, fatigue, with the face of the grimace boredom disappeared, in the gait and in the movements there is an energy. According to Tolstoy, Andrei "had a kind of man who had no time to think about the impression that he produces on others and busy, pleasant and interesting. His face expressed great content and surrounding. " Knunju Andrei insists that he can be sent to where it is especially difficult - in the squad of Bagration, from which only one tenth of the battle may return. The actions of Bolkonsky highly appreciate the commander of Kutuzov, who allocated him as one of his best officers.

Prince Andrey is unusually ambiguous. The hero of Tolstoy dreams of such a personal feat that would glorify it. He cherished the thought of glory, similar to the one that went to Napoleon in the French city of Toulon, which would lead it from the ranks of unknown officers. In Shengraben Battle, Bolkonsky boldly circles his position under the enemy bullets. Only he dared to go to the battery Tushina and did not leave it until the gun was removed. Here, in Shengraban battle, Bologkoe was lucky to become a witness to heroism and courage, which was shown by the captain's artillery officers Tushina. In addition, he himself found a military excerpt here and courage, and then one of all the officers arose to defend a small captain. Shengraben, however, did not even become for Bolkonsky his toulon.

On the eve of Austerlitsky battle, Bolkonsky is all in the authorities who covered his dreams. It seems to him how he "firmly and clearly speaks his opinion and Kutuzov, and Weirotere, and the emperors," as everyone is amazed "by the loyalty of his considerations, but no one is taken to fulfill him, and now he takes the regiment, division ... and one wins victory" . Here in the consciousness of the hero, the dispute of two internal voices begins.

Another inner voice objects to the prince Andrei, reminding him of death and suffering. But the first voice throws these unpleasant thoughts for him: "Death, wounds, family loss, nothing is scary to me. And no matter how the road nor my miles are many people, - Father, sister, wife, - the most expensive people me, - but, no matter how scary and unnatural it seems, I will give them all now for a minute of glory, celebrations on people, for Love for yourself people I do not know ... ".

In the Austerlitsky battle, the ambitious dreams of Prince Andrew about his "Toulon" are broken, hardly time to come true. Bolkonsky manages to prevent the troops to the panic and raise the battalion in the attack when, with a regimental banner in his hands, he rushes forward, calling for soldiers to the offensive.

However, in this battle, Prince Andrei receives a difficult injury, and life opens at all in a different way. Having expired on the Austerlitsky field, Bolkonsky suddenly realizes how empty, shallow and insignificant all its former desires. Dreams of glory heroic feat, love surrounding, Napoleon's genius - everything seems to him fussy, far from true sense Life, "concluded in a huge, endless sky," which he sees in front of him.

"How quietly, calm and solemnly, not at all, as I fled, I thought Prince Andrei," not as we fled, shouted and fought; Not at all as the Frenchman and artilleryman trained with embittered and frightened persons, the Frenchman and Artillerist are not so crawling clouds on this high endless sky. How did I see before that of this high sky? And as I am happy, I finally found out. " In the life of the hero, there is a kind of "coup", sharply changing his fate.

Realizing the pettyness of ambitious thoughts, Prince Andrei goes to private life. He decides no longer to serve in the army, or in the civil service, in his soul - "cooling to life", in thoughts - skepticism and challenge, in feelings - indifference and indifference. Disappointment in ambitious plans was deep and heavy, because it was aggravated by a personal misfortune - the death of his wife, in front of which Prince Andrei felt guilty.

He is filled with life, engaged in Boguchars only the economy and son, inspiring himself that only it remains to him. Now he intends to live only for himself, "I do not interfere with anyone, live to death."

But despite the attempts to leave the unrest of life, he is disturbed by the messages about the victories over Bonaparte under Prashish Eilau, as they are obsessed exactly when he did not serve in the army, he worries the letter of Bilibin with a description of the campaign.

The pessimistic moods of Tolstoy opens through the portrait of the hero. His view was "extinct and dead", devoid of "joyful and cheerful brilliance," it was noticeable "concentration and a clever".

Prince Andrei's socio-political views at this time wearing a pronounced nobility-class character. Chatting with Pierre, he expresses his eyes sharply opposing his entire follow-up. Prince skeptically refers to the need for innovations. He speaks about the peasants: "If they beat them, the sem and send them to Siberia, then I think that they are not worse from this. In Siberia, he maintains his same ascoating life, and the scars on the body will heal, and he is as happy as before. " Medical assistance, according to Prince Andrew, also does not need to be rendering peasants, it brings them only harm. During this period, Andrei Bolkonsky worries only the moral calm of the nobles, and not the well-being of the people, therefore, in his opinion, serfdom must be abolished for the sake of "save human dignity, the tranquility of conscience, purity "nobles, and not for the sake of the" Spin and Lbov "of the peasants," which, how many pieces, how much do not bay, will remain the same backs and foreheads. "

But in captivity of such views, so contradicting his honest and active nature, Prince Andrei was not long.

Its revival is shown in thick consistently in a number of episodes (a date with Pierre, description of the activities of Prince Andrei in the village, perceptions spring Nature, Meeting with Natasha).

Bolkonsky proves to Pierre that you need to live for myself without thinking about global problems Genesis. Pierre convinces a friend in the need for "life for everyone." But such a life brought the prince Andrei only bitterness and disappointment: wanting the feat, the glory and love of others, he lost faith in herself, in effectiveness, significance of any activity. "I know only two real misfortunes in my life: remorse of conscience and illness. And happiness is only the absence of these two angry, "says Bolkonsky Pierre.

Pierre believes that a friend's mental crisis is a temporary state that the momentary beliefs of Prince Andrei are far from the truth that exists in the world, regardless of all human delusions. "... there is truth and there is virtue; And the Higher happiness of a person is to strive to achieve them. It is necessary to live, you have to love, you have to believe ... that we don't live today only on this block of land, but they lived and will live forever ... "- he convinces Bolkonsky.

Pierre's words inspire Prince Andrew, in his soul he wakes up "something long ago fell asleep, something better and joyful."

In the next two years, which Prince lived in the village, he carried out significant anti-refrete transformations in his estates. In one estate, he translated three hundred peasants to free blades (it was the first experience in Russia), in others - replaced the barbecue with a lifestyle .. He organized medical care Peasants and took care of their enlightenment. In Bogucharov, the decek taught the diploma of peasant and courtyard children.

The life of Prince Andrei in the village was filled with intense labor. He carefully followed all the external events of the world, read a lot, and was aware in the field of external and internal politicians far better peoplewho came to the village from St. Petersburg. In addition, he "was engaged at this time with a critical analysis of the last two unfortunate campaigns and the preparation of the project on the change in our military charters and decisions" (T.II, Part III, Ch. I).

The return of the hero to life "helps his trip to Otradnaya. Here he meets Natasha Rostov, hears inadvertently her night conversation with Sonya. Natasha by the existence itself, his sincere love for the world calls Bolkonsky to life. It was after the night conversation heard in his soul he heard "an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes"; The updated, the Transfigured Oak, who reminded her old age, now causes the prince of Andrei "Unfortunately spring sense of joy", thirst for activity and love.

After the trip to the Otradny Prince, Andrew again acquires the desire to "live with everyone", the lost energy is being revived in it, an interest in public activities. He goes to St. Petersburg to take part in the reforms held in Russia. His hero is Speransky this time. Becoming a member of the Commission on the preparation of military charter, Prince Andrei experienced in St. Petersburg "a feeling similar to what he experienced on the eve of the battle when he was tomil to restless curiosity and inspirely dragged into the highest spheres." Speransky seems to him the ideal "quite a reasonable and virtuous person," he is experiencing a "passionate feeling of admiration, which he once experienced to Bonaparte."

However, admiring the extraordinary warehouse of the mind of Speransky, his energy and persistence, Prince Andrei, at the same time, is struck by him with a cold, a mirror look that does not miss his soul, and too big contempt for people he noticed in this man.

At home dinner, the Speransk Prince Andrei is completely disappointed in his idol. In the home atmosphere, a person is the most natural - the Bologna all gestures, poses, speeches of the Speransky seem to be done and talked. The slim sound of the Voice of Speransky is unpleasantly affected by Prince Andrew. And again, the hero attend the thoughts about the insignificance of what is happening, he recalls his troubles, distortion, formalism of meetings, where "diligently and briefly accounted for everything that concerned the essence of the case." Understood all the futility of this work, the bureaucracy of officials, cut off from reality, feeling that the work cannot make it happier and better, it may be useful society, Prince Andrei leaves with public service.

In St. Petersburg, Bolkonsky is again found with Natasha Rostova, and this random meeting on the ball becomes fateful. "Prince Andrei, as all people who grew up in the world loved to meet in the light of what was not on himself a common secular imprint. And such was Natasha, with her surprise, joy, and timidity, and even mistakes in French. " In Natasha, it is unconsciously attracted what is not in himself, - simplicity, fullness of life, accepting it, the immediacy of perception and huge internal freedom. He feels in Natasha "the presence of a completely alien to him, a special world, filled with some unknown joys ..."

Bolkonsky himself has never been internally free - it is custodized by public rules, moral norms, perceived by soul dogma, with its idealistic requirements for people and life. Therefore, love for Natasha is the strongest of all the feelings experienced by the hero. This is the biggest gusting it to life. However, the happiness of Bolkonsky was not destined to take place: Natasha unexpectedly fond of Anatola Kuragin and ruined his relationship with Prince Andrey.

And Bolkonsky again goes on military service. Now this service is for him - salvation from a personal misfortune, the desire to forget in a circle of new people and affairs. "Everything that connected his memory with the past, repelled him, and therefore he tried in relation to this former world just not to be unfair and fulfilled his duty." "Your road is the expense of honor," Kutuzov will tell him. The sense of debt does not allow him to remain indifferent to the great, grandiose events. The invasion of the French for Russia for Bolkonsky is exactly the same misfortune as the death of his father, as well as a break with Natasha. Prince Andrei see his duty to protect his homeland. Coming new stage In his life, leaving for rapprochement with the people.

The front person of the era, patriot, he condemns people who wanted only for themselves benefits "caught crosses, rubles and ranks." All this "Trutney population" focused on the main apartment and the least thought of the salvation of the Fatherland, so the prince Andrei goes to serve in the regiment: "Prince Andrei Lost himself lost himself in the court world, without asking to remain with the person of the sovereign, and asking to serve in the army" ( T.III, Ch.I, GL.XI).

Together with his regiment, he passed from Western borders to the village of Borodino. At this time, his spiritual quest is stopped, which take an increasingly pronounced democratic and patriotic character. In front of the Borodino battle, he speaks Pierre, who came to the battlefield. Bolkonsky no longer believes in a military genius and in the intelligent will of a separate person. The faith is now in the "folk feeling", the "hidden warmth of patriotism," which unites all Russian soldiers and gives them confidence in victory. "Tomorrow, whatever it is, we will win the battle!" "He says Pierre."

In battle, Prince Andrei gets a heavy wound, after which it operates. Here, the hero again feels the proximity of death, and only now there is a fracture in his worldview. After suffering suffering, he feels "Bliss, long-tested by him." He's heart fills the unfamiliar sense of Christian love earlier. He feels pity and compassion, seeing the wounded, lying next to Anatol. "Compassionation, love for brothers, to those who hate us, love for enemies - yes, the love that God preached on the ground ..." - all this opens suddenly by Andrei.

However, universal, compassionate love begins to fight in the dying Bolkonsky with love for Natasha, when they are found in Mytishchi, with love that ties him to life. And the first love wins - along with her, Prince Andrei "refuses" from life, dies. Thus, Tolstoy in the novel is opposed to life and Christian, long-friendly love.

The whole life of Andrei Bolkonsky was imbued with the desire for an unattainable ideal. Such an ideal for him is all exercise and compassion. Having gained a new worldview, he overcomes the spiritual limitation of individualism and intolerance. He dies, reaching harmony if not with life, then at least with himself.

Prince Andrei's spiritual quest were characteristic of the advanced nobility of the era of the preparation of the Decembrist uprising. Subsequently, such a quest led to the organization secret societies In Russia, whose activities were completed by the uprising in December 1825.

And although Prince Andrei died before organizing the first secret societies of the Decembrists, there is reason to assume that he would be in their ranks.

When, in 1820, Pierre became one of the organizers of secret societies and enthusiastically told about their activities, Nikolek (the son of Prince Andrew) asked him:

"Dead Pierre ... You ... No ... If Dad would be alive ... He would agree with you? ..

"I think yes," Pierre answered him. (Epilogue, Ch.I, Ch. XIV).

Option 4.

Spiritual quest for Andrei Bolkonsky

The epic "War and Peace" rose from the thoughts of Tolstoy to write the novel "Decab Rista". Tolstoy began to write his work, left him, again he turned to him, until the Great French Revolution turned out to be in the center of his attention, the theme of which he sounds from the first pages of the novel, and the domestic war of 1812. The idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a book about the Decembrist was swallowed by a wider design - Tolstoy began to write about the world, a shocked war. So it turned out a novel-epic, where in the history scale is shown the feat of the Rus-Russian people in the war of 1812. At the same time, "War and Peace" is "Family Chronicle", showing the noble society represented by several generations. And finally, it describes the life of a young nobleman, his views and spiritual formation. Many of those traits who, in the opinion of the author, should have a Decembrist, Tolstoy Natu-Lil Andrei Bolkonsky.

The novel shows the whole life of Prince An-Dree. Probably, every person once in life thinks about questions: "Who am I? Why live? In the name of what I live? " These and many other questions are trying to respond to the Hero of Tolstoy on the pages of the novel. The author with sympathy refers to the young prince of Blåns. This confirms the fact that Tol-Stop endowed Prince Andrew by many of his own views and beliefs. Therefore, Blocks is as it were for the conduct of the author's ideas.

We get acquainted with Andrey Bolkonsky in the salon Anna Sherler. Already then we are Vi-Dim, that this is an extraordinary person. Prince Andrei is good, he is flawless and fashionable dressed. He owns perfectly french languagethat at that time was considered a sign of education and culture. Even the surname of Kutuzov he pro-delivered with an emphasis on the last layer, as a Frenchman. Prince Andrei - a light-sky man. In this sense, he brought wives to all the influences of fashion not only in clothing, but also in behavior and style of life. Tolstoy turns our attention to his slow, quiet, senile step and aku-ku in view. On his face, we read pre-viewing and self-confidence. He considers himself below himself, and hence the Hu-same, hence boredom. Soon we understand that all this is applied. Seeing in the Pierre salon, Prince Andrew is transformed. He is glad to the old friend and does not hide it. The prince's smile becomes "unexpectedly welcome and pleasant." Despite the fact that Pierre younger Andrey, they talk, they are equal, and the conversation gives the pleasure of both. At the time of our meeting with him, Andrei - a fully formed personality, but he will still fall a lot of tests in life. Knya Zyu Andrei will have to go through howl, wound, love, slow umira, and all this time the prince will have to see himself, to look for that "the moment of truth", through which he will open the truth of life.

In the meantime, Andrei Bolkonsky is looking for fame. It is in pursuit of glory, he caught on the war of 1805. Andrei Zhazh-Children become a hero. In his dreams, he Vi-diet, as the army falls into a dangerous position and he saves her alone. Quicker's idol, the subject of his worship is Napoleon. It must be said that many young people of that time were fond of Napoleon's personality. And-Rey wants to be like him like and trying to imitate him. In such a raised mood, the young Bol-horse and goes to war. We are Vi-Dim Prince Andrew in Austerlitsky Solvy. He runs ahead of the attacking soldiers with the banner in his hands, then Fad is wounded. The first thing he sees Andrei after the fall is the sky. Highly, infinite sky, according to which the clouds be-gut. It is so calling, manit, Zavoru-lives with His greatness that the prince of And-Rey is even surprised by opening it for the first time. "How did I not see before that of this high sky? And as I am happy, I finally found out, "And-Rey thinks. But at that moment another truth opens the princess. All what he was stranded to, for which he lived, now it seems a trifle that does not deserve attention. He is no longer interested in political life to which he sought, not needed and military Career, which he recently wanted to devote himself entirely. His recent idol Napoleon seems small and insignificant. Prince Andrei begins to rethink life. His thoughts are returned to native home In the Lya Mountains, where the father, wife, Sesta Ra and the child had not yet born. The war was not at all what Andrei presented it. Justified glory, he idealized a military life. In fact, he had to face death and blood. Ozes-sharpened contractions, the embittered persons of Lyu dei showed him a real appearance of the war. All his dreams about military exploits now seem to him a children's game. Prince Andrei returns home. But at home is waiting for him another blow - the death of his wife. At one time, Prince Andrei could not cool to her, and now he reads pain and reproach in her eyes. After the Summary of Wife, the prince closes in himself, even little son Does not bring him joy. To somehow take yourself, he introduces new characters in his village. The spiritual co-standing of Prince Bolkonsky, his feeding and disappointment sees Pierre. "He was struck by the change in the change in Prince Andrei. Words were gentle, the smile was on the lips and face ... But the glance was extinct, dead ... "Pierre tries to return Andrei to life. True, from the moment of their last meeting there was a lot of time and friends somewhat from-given from each other. Nevertheless, the conversation in Bogucharov forced the Bolkon-Skogo to think over the words of Pierre "... if there is God and there future life, that is, truth, there is virtue; And the happiness of a person is that he would strive for achieving them, "" I need to live, you have to love, you have to believe. " I looked at the fact that the prince Andrei then showed by controversial, he realizes the correctness of Pierre. From this Momen begins the revival of Andrei to life.

On the way to Otradnaya Prince, Bolkonsky sees a huge oak "With broken ... by bits and with a broken crust, overgrown with old sores", which "old, angry and contemptuous freak standing between smiling birchings." Oak is a symbol spiritual state Andrei. This tree seems to say that there is neither spring nor happiness on earth, or only deception remained. And the prince Andrei agreed with the oak: "... Yes, he is right, one thousand times this oak ... let others, young, again givend to this deception, and we know life, - our life is over!"

In the opposite prince saw Natasha. This little girl was full of happiness, energy, cheerfulness. "And there is no case to my existence!" - I'll be Mal Prince Andrei. But he already throws the fate. He understands that it is impossible to bury him alive in the village, you just need to be able to live, enjoy life as Natasha does. And the symbolic oak "All transfigured, risks, having a tent of a juicy, dark greens, Mel, a little breaking in the rays of the evening sun." Natasha in one moment changed the life of Andrei, made him wake up from the hibernation and again believe in love. And-Rey says: "Not only ... What is in me, you need, so that everyone knew this ... so that my life was not for me ... so that at all she reflected and that they all live with me together."

But while Bolkonsky leaves Natasha and leaves for St. Petersburg. There he meets the best practices of his time, participates in the preparation of transformation projects, in a word, dip political life countries. In St. Petersburg, he spends more time than he intended at the beginning, and, returning, Andrei learns that Natasha changed him, carried away by Anatola Kuragin. Bolon-sky loves Natasha, but he is too proud and arrogant to forgive her change. Therefore, they are forced to part, having everyone in their soul anegous wound.

Prince Andrei once again meets Pierre. Now before the Boro-Dean battle. Pierre feels that Andrey is not destined to live, it seems, Pony-Male is Andrei. In Borodinsky, Bolkonsky again receives rapid. Now he stretches to the ground. He envies the grass, flowers, not proud, power clouds. He himself now has nothing left of the pride that made him break up with Nata-Shey. For the first time, Prince Andrei thinks not about himself, but about others. It is now that he is from the truth that Pierre spoke about him. He forgives Natasha. Moreover, he forgives And Anatol. Already on the verge of death, Andrei realizes that he "has opened new happiness, an integral from Chelch ... Happiness, located outside of the Mate Forces, outside the material influences on a person, the happiness of one soul, the happiness of love! He could understand him anyone, but aware of him and to prescribe him could only God. " Andrei once again meets on-tash. Minutes spent with her, the observes for Andrey the most happy. Natasha once again returns him to life. But it remained to live, alas, very long. "Prince Andrei died. But at the same moment, as he died, the prince An-Dray remembered that he was sleeping, and at the same moment, as he died, he, having made an effort on himself, woke up. " From this minute, "began for Prince Andrei along with awakening from sleep - awakening from life."

Thus, the novel shows two concepts about the happiness of Prince Andrei. At first, Andrei believes that it is necessary to live for himself that everyone should live in his own. There are two misfortunes in life: a thieves of conscience and illness. And happy man-eyelid only when these misfortunes are missing. And only at the end of the life of And-Rey realized true happiness - to live for others.

Andrei Bolkonsky, his spiritual quest, the evolution of the personality is described throughout the novel L. N. Tolstoy. For the author, changes in the consciousness and the worldship of the hero are important, because, in his opinion, this is exactly what the moral health of the personality. So everyone positive heroes "Wars and the world" pass the way to find the meaning of life, the dialectics of the soul, with all the disappointments, the loss and acquiring happiness. For a positive start in the tolstoy character indicates that despite the vital turmoil, the hero does not lose dignity. These are Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov. The general and most importantly in their quest is that the heroes come to the thought of unity with the people. Consider what the spiritual searches of Prince Andrei led.

Orientation on Napoleon's ideas

Prince Bolkonsky first appears in front of the reader at the very beginning of the epic, in the salon Anna Sherler, Freillins. Before us low height Man with a few dry features of the face, very beautiful outwardly. Everyone in his behavior speaks of full disappointed life as spiritual and family. He married a beautiful egoist, Lisa Maineen, Bolkonsky soon tires her and completely changes his attitude towards marriage. Even a friend Pierre Lesukhova, he tries never to marry.

Prince Bolkonsky is eager for something new, for him permanent exits in light, family life is a vicious circle, from which a young man strives to escape. How? Care of the front. In this uniqueness of the novel "War and Peace": Andrei Bolkonsky, as well as other characters, their dialectics of the soul, are shown in a certain historical situation.

At the beginning of the epic of Tolstoy Andrei Bolkonsky - an ardent Bonapartist admired by the Military Talent of Napoleon, a supporter of his idea of \u200b\u200bgaining power through military feat. Bolkonsky wants to get "his toulon".

Service and Austerlitz

With the arrival of the army, a new milestone quest of the young prince is read. The life path of Andrei Bolkonsky made a decisive turn in the direction of bold, courageous actions. The prince shows an exceptional talent in the officers, he exhibits courage, valor and courage.

Even small details Tolstoy emphasizes that Bolkonsky did right choice: His face became different, ceased to express fatigue from everything, the intake gestures and manners disappeared. W. young man There was no time to think about how to behave correctly, he became a real.

About what Andrei Bolkonsky talented adjutant makes the Kutuzov himself: great commander Writes the father of a young man letter, where he notes that the prince makes exceptional progress. All the victories and defeats Andrei perceives close to the heart: sincerely rejoices and with pain in the soul is experiencing. He sees the enemy in Bonaparte, but at the same time continues to admire the genius of the commander. He still dreams of "his toulon." Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel "War and Peace" - expressive copyright to outstanding personalities, It is from his mouth that the reader learns about the most important battles.

The center of this stage of the life path of Prince is the high heroism, heavily wounded, he lies on the battlefield and sees the bottomless sky. Then, Andrei comes awareness that he should reconsider the life priorities, contact his wife, whom he despised and humiliated his behavior. Yes, and the once idol, Napoleon, see him an insignificant man. Bonaparte appreciated the feat of a young officer, only to Bolkonsky was still. He dreams only about quiet happiness and impeccable family life. Andrei decides to finish the military career and return home to his wife, in

Decision to live for yourself and loved ones

Fate prepares another heavy blow to Bolkonsky. In childbirth, a wife, Lisa dies. She leaves Andrei Son. The prince did not have time to ask for forgiveness, because he came too late, he was tormented by a sense of guilt. Andrei Bolkonsky's life path Next is the concern for your loved ones.

Education of the Son, the construction of the estate, helping the Father in the formation of a row of militia - here at this stage its life priorities. Andrei Bolkonsky lives in solitude, which allows him to focus on his spiritual world and finding the meaning of life.

The progressive views of the young prince manifest themselves: he improves the life of his fortress (replaces the barbecue by the lubricator), the trims of the person gives the status of still yet, he is still far from making a sense of unity with a simple people: the fact and the case slip in his speech thoughts about neglecting the peasantry and ordinary soldiers .

Fateful conversation with Pierre

The life path of Andrei Bolkonsky goes into another plane during the visit of Pierre Proghov. The reader immediately notes the kinship of the shower of young people. Pierre, who is in a state of mental lift due to reforms conducted in his estates, infects enthusiasm and Andrei.

Young people discuss the principles and meaning of changes in the life of the peasantry. With something Andrei disagree, the most liberal views of Pierre on the fortress it does not accept at all. However, the practice has shown that, unlike Duzhkov, Bolkonsky managed to really ease the life of his peasants. All thanks to his active nature and practical look at the fortress system.

Nevertheless, the meeting with Pierre helped the prince Andrei well to penetrate into his inner world, Start moving to the transformation of the soul.

Revival to a new life

A sip fresh air, the change in the views on life was made meeting with Natasha Rostova - the main heroine Roman "War and Peace". Andrei Bolkonsky for the affairs of land visits the estate of growth in the apologist. There he gets a calm, cozy atmosphere in the family. Natasha is so clean, immediate, real ... She met him star at night During the first in his life, the ball and immediately convinced the heart of the young prince.

Andrew, as it were, is born again: understands what the Pierre once told him: you need to live not only for myself and your family, you need to be useful to all society. That is why Bolkonsky goes to Petersburg to contribute to the military charter.

Awareness of meaningless "state activity"

Unfortunately, to meet with the state owner of Andrei did not succeed, he was sent to Arakchev, a man unprincipled and stupid. Of course, he did not accept the ideas of a young prince. However, another meeting occurred, which influenced the worldview of Bolkonsky. We are talking About Speransky. He saw a good potential for civil service in the young man. As a result, Blocks are prescribed to the position associated with the compilation in addition, Andrei is headed by the Commission on the preparation of military time laws.

But soon to the Blocks comes disappointment by the service: the formal approach to work does not satisfy Andrei. He feels that it does not need anyone here, real care He will not have anyone. Increasingly, Bolkonsky recalls life in the village where he was really useful.

Initially, admiring Speransky, Andrei now saw pretending and unnaturalness. Increasingly, Bologkoe attended the thoughts about the festival of the St. Petersburg life and the absence of any meaning in their country service.

Gap with Natasha

Natasha Rostov and Andrey Bolkonsky were quite beautiful coupleHowever, they were not destined to get married. The girl gave him the desire to live, create something for the benefit of the country, dream of a happy future. She became Andrei Museum. Natasha had a favorably differed from other girls of St. Petersburg society: she was Clea, sincerely, her actions went from the heart, they were deprived of every calculation. The girl sincerely loved Bolkonsky, and not just saw a profitable party in it.

Bolkonsky commits a fatal mistake by posting the wedding with Natasha on whole year: This provoked her enthusiasm to Anatola Kuragin. The young prince could not forgive the girl. Natasha Rostov and Andrei Bolkonsky tear off the engagement. Wine everything is the excessive pride of the prince, the reluctance to hear and understand Natasha. He again the same egocentric, which reader watched Andrei at the beginning of the novel.

The final fracture is conscious - Borodino

It is with such a heavy heart that takes Bolkonsky in 1812, a turning point for the Fatherland. Initially, he is eager for revenge: it dreams to meet among the Military Anatola Kuragin and take revenge on his failed marriage, causing him to duel. But gradually the life path of Andrei Bolkonsky is once again changing: the incentive was the vision of the tragedy of the people.

Kutuzov trusts the young officer to command the regiment. The prince is completely given to his service - now it is a matter of all his life for him, he cried so much with the soldiers that they call him "our prince."

Finally, the day of apotheosis comes Patriotic War and the quest Andrei Bolkonsky - battle of Borodino. It is noteworthy that my vision of this great historical event And the absurdity of Wars L. Tolstoy is investing in the mouth of Prince Andrew. He reflects on the meaninglessness of so much victory for victory.

The reader sees here Bolkonsky, who has passed a heavy life path: disappointment, the death of loved ones, betrayal, rapprochement with a simple people. He feels that too much now understands and realizes, one can say, foreshadows his death: "I see that I began to understand too much. And it is not suitable for a man to eat from the Tree of good and evil. "

Indeed, Bolkonsky gets a fatal injury and among other soldiers falls on the care of the house of growth.

The prince feels the approach of death, he long reflects about Natasha, he understands her, "he sees the soul," she dreams of meeting with his beloved, ask for forgiveness. He confesses to the girl in love and dies.

The image of Andrei Bolkonsky is an example of a high honor, loyalty to the debt to homeland and people.

I have plenty of impressions. IN this novel Many topics affected: life during the war years, the relationship between people and love, the search for themselves and their meaning of life with heroes. The latter can be well traced in the interval of life described in the novel, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky.

Andrei Bolkonsky - one of the most important heroes of the work, son N.A. Bolkonsky. For the first time we get acquainted with him at the very beginning of the novel.

Bolkonsky is shown as a person who is alien social Society, intrigue, mercenary goals and empty conversations. It is easy to find out among the guests in the salon A.P. Sherler. Interest in Andrei appears, probably, when you start to delve into the history of his life.

Bolkonsky is a man who persistently and purposefully seeks the meaning of life. Everything around him does not cause joy and therefore Andrei seeks to achieve ideals who put himself: he married Lisa, because she always seemed to him with perfection, but after some time lived together, he stopped seeing the former charm, now Lisa seemed to be Andrei Ordinary and he, not even noticing, began to treat it differently, colder. Bolkonsky always dreamed of glory, wanted to make any feat, therefore, having entered the service, radically changes his life.

There Andrei performed his desire: during Austerlitsky battle, he ran ahead of all carrying a banner in his hands. I appreciated it even Napoleon, on which the prince always tried to be equal, the words "here is a wonderful death." But now all this did not seem like Andrei so incomprehensible and high, it was not at all for him a feat. Having received a fatal injury, Blocks opened a deep understanding that the war is still scary, it becomes sorry that he is the end, because only now the awareness of the meaning of life has come, but the time is lost.

The most romantic in the novel is the time spent by Bolkonsky with Natasha Rostova, starting with acquaintance. Natasha is the person with whom Andrew is destined to be happy, it is she who should be next to him. By the time of acquaintance with Rostova, Andrei was already disappointed in life, he stopped believing in love, it is noticeable in his worldview.

Probably, it was love at first glance, because Natasha has some kind of riddle, which Andrey is unable to solve, I think it attracts him to her. Bolkonsky is able to love at a distance, it even experiences some happiness only from the expectation of the upcoming wedding, and Natasha, although he loves the prince, because of his age lives moments, therefore fell in love with Anatol. I would not want to judge her strictly, because it's just such her character, she is a young girl, she tends to think about love, and the long lack of Andrei made himself felt. The case with Kuragin destroyed the relationship of Rostova and Bolkonsky, as Andrei could not forgive her a mistake. At this stage, fate disconnects them, leaving in the soul of every disappointment and pain.

After analyzing all these episodes from the life of Andrey, it can be concluded that Bolkonsky was quickly disappointed: in life, in glory and exploits, in love.

Thus, by showing the reader in the image of Andrei Bolkonsky, many wonderful features of the nobles of those years, the author finishes his life to death. And to continue the search for high spiritual values \u200b\u200band the meaning of life, which, unfortunately, understood Andrei so late, was destined to his friend Pierre Bezuhov.

Prince realized the great truth - life is absolute value. He felt his connection with infinity: "There is nothing faithful, except for the insignificance of everything that I understand, and the greatness of something incomprehensible, but the most important."

The prince repents in his ambitious dreams, the natural needs of love and good are rising in his soul.

Prince Andrei adopts some persons of Pierre, who have a beneficial effect on Blocks. Now the prince can admit to yourself: "No matter how happy and calm, I was, if I could say now:" Lord, hunt me. "

I meeting with oak "... it was a huge oak ..., with broken, long ago, you can see, bitches and broken bark, overgrown with old sores ..." "During the trip, he as if he again thought about his life and came to the same, soothing and hopeless, the conclusion that he nothing was needed that he had to live her life without making evil and not wanting anything. "
Meeting with Natasha Rostova in Otradnaya Returns to "Living Life," begins to feel the joy of communication with big world, people.
II meeting with oak "Through a rigid bark made his way ... young leaves." "No, life is not conquered at 31 years ... Not only I know everything that is in me, you need ... so that they all live with me together!"

The emotionality of Natasha, its sincerity and delight give the impetus to the spiritual revival of Prince Andrei. In this state, Prince Andrey is in a hurry to enter the close spheres state activities, converges with Speransky.

The prince is happier and better from that feeling that awakens Natasha Rostov in his soul.

During the Borodino battle, Bolkonsky performs his duty, they are moving not the desire of personal glory, but the sense of honor of the officer, hatred of the enemy who ruined his native land.

Forgiveness Anatoly Kuragin Seeing how anatol's leg amputately, the prince experienced sincere sympathy for pain and the suffering of this person: "Disamed ... Flower of love in spring, free, independent of life ..."
Revival of love for Natasha Rostova After severe injury, there is a passionate desire to live. It is in these minutes that love for Natasha returns to him. But this is another feeling: "... He introduced her soul for the first time. The first time I realized all the cruelty of the gap with her. "
Death of Prince Andrey "The more he in those hours of suffering privacy and half-breed, which he spent after the wound, was in a new one, the open began. eternal loveMoreover, he himself without feeling that, he renounced earthly life. Everyone, to love everyone, meant to sacrifice themselves for love - not to love anyone, meant - not to live the earthly life. " "This was the last moral struggle between life and death in which death won."

The fate of Andrei Bolkonsky is the path of man who makes mistakes and able to redeem his guilt seeking to moral perfection. Attachment to the feeling of eternal love was revived in Prince Andrei the strength of the Spirit, and he committed the most difficult, according to Tolstoy, the case - she died calmly and decent.