Large eyes: Margaret Kean in the world. Big eyes Margaret Kean artist who painted big eyes

Large eyes: Margaret Kean in the world. Big eyes Margaret Kean artist who painted big eyes

Since 2012, Tim Burton (Hollywood) rented a film - a story about Artist Margaret Keen (Amy Adams), which has been witness for Jehovah for over 40 years. In the journal "Have Awake!" For July 8, 1975 (Eng), her detailed biography was published.

Just below you can read it in Russian.


From January 15, 2015, the film "Big Eyes" will appear in Russian box office. In English, the film Premiere is scheduled for December 25, 2014. Surely, the director added to the plot of the paints, but in general it is the history of life Margaret Kin. So soon many people in Russia will watch the drama "big eyes"!

Here you can already watch a trailer in Russian:

The main heroine of the film "Big Eyes" is the famous artist Margaret Keen, who was born in Tennessee in 1927.
Margaret attributes inspiration in the art of deep respect for the Bible and relatives with his grandmother. In the film Margaret is a spiritual, decent and modest woman who learns to stand for themselves.
In the 1950s, Margaret becomes a celebrity thanks to his paintings, which are presented children with big eyes. In huge quantities, they begin to replicate her work, they printed literally at each subject.
In the 1960s, the artist decided to sell his work under the name Walter Kina, his second husband. Later she filed to the court to his former spouse who refused to admit this fact and various paths tried to sue her work.
Over time, Margaret meets Jehovah's Witnesses, which, according to her, is very changing her life for the better. As she says, when she witnessed Jehovah, she finally found her happiness.

Biography Margaret Kin.

Below is its biography from the journal "Have Awake!" (July 8, 1975, translationunofficial)

My life as a famous artist.

You may have seen a picture of a pensive child with unusually large and sad eyes. It was quite possible that it was what I painted. Unfortunately, I was unhappy with how I painted children. I grew up in the southern part of the United States in the region, often called the Bible belt. Perhaps it is this environment or my grandmother-Methodistka, but it instilled me deep respect for the Bible, although I knew very little about it. I grew up, believing in God, but with a lot of questions left without an answer. I was a painful child, lonely and very shy, however, I found a talent for drawing early.

Big eyes, why?

An inquisitive character prompted me to ask questions about the meaning of life, why are we here, why is there pain, grief and death, if God is kind?

Always "why?". These questions, it seems to me, later found their reflection in the eyes of children in my paintings, which seemed to be addressed to the whole world. The look was described as penetrating into the soul. They seemed to reflect the spiritual alienation of most people today, their longing for something outside of what this system offers.

My path to popularity in the world of art was thorny. There were two destroyed marriage and many soul torments on this path. Disputes surrounding my privacy and authorship of my paintings led to the trials placed on the first lane with paintings and even articles in international media.

For many years I allowed my second husband to be called the author of my paintings. But one day, unable to continue more deception, I left him and my house in California and moved to Hawaii.

After the depression period, when I wrote very little, I began to restore my life and later married again. One turning point occurred in 1970, when the newspaper reporter made a show on the television competition between me and my ex-husband, which took place on Union Square in San Francisco to establish the authorship of the paintings. I was completely alone by accepting a challenge. Life magazine has highlighted this event in the article that has corrected the previous erroneous history where the authorship of paintings by my ex-husband ascribed. My participation in deception lasted during twelve years and is what I always regret what I always. However, it taught me to appreciate the opportunity to be truthful and that not a fame, nor love, no money, no one else's unclean conscience.

I still had questions about life and God and they forced me to look for answers in strange and dangerous places. Looking for answers, I explored the occult, astrology, chiromantia and even analysis of the handwriting. My love for art prompted me to explore many ancient cultures and their basic provisions that were reflected in their art. I read Tom on Eastern Philosophy and even tried transcendental meditation. My spiritual hunger forced me to study various religious beliefs of people who entered my life.

On both sides of my family and among my friends, I communicated with various Protestant religions, in addition to the methodologists, including such from Christian teachings such as Mormons, Lutherans and supporters of the association. When I married my current husband, Catholic, I seriously examined this religion.

I still did not find satisfactory answers, there were always contradictions and always lacked something. With the exception of this (without having answers to important issues of life), my life has finally started to improve. I reached almost everything I have ever wanted. Most of my time went to the fact that I loved to do the most - drawing children (mostly small girls) with big eyes. I had a wonderful husband and a wonderful marriage, a wonderful daughter and financial stability, and I lived in my beloved place on Earth, Hawaii. But from time to time I wondered why I was not completely satisfied, why I smoked and sometimes drank too much and why I was so tense. I did not understand which selfish was my life in my desire for personal happiness.

Jehovah's Witnesses came often every few weeks to my door, but I rarely took their literature or did not pay attention to them. I did not occur to me that one day one knock on my door can radically change my life. At that particular morning, two women, one Chinese woman and another Japanese, appeared on my threshold. Once upon their arrival, my daughter showed me an article about the resting day, Saturday, not Sunday, and about the importance of compliance with him. It made such an impression on us both that we began to attend the Seventh Day Adventist Church. I even stopped drawing on Saturday, thinking that it was so sin. So when I asked one of these women with my door, what day was the day of peace, I was surprised that she replied - Saturday. Then I asked: "Why don't you keep him?" It is ridiculous that I, White, brought up in the Bible Balary, I am looking for answers from two people from the east, which were probably brought up in a non-Christian environment. She opened the old Bible and read directly from the scriptures, explained why Christians are no longer obliged to observe Saturday or various other features of Moiseeva law, why the law on Saturday and the future of rest is 1,000 years old.

Her knowledge of the Bible made at me such a deep impression that I myself wanted to further explore the Bible. I enjoyed the book "Truth, leading to eternal life," which, according to her, could explain the main teachings of the Bible. Next week, when women returned, my daughter and I started learning the Bible regularly. It was one of the most important solutions in my life and led to the striking change in our lives. In this study, the Bible was the first and biggest obstacle was a trinity, since I thought that Jesus was God, part of the Trinity, having this faith, which suddenly challenged the challenge, as if they had knocked out the soil from my legs. It was frightening. Since my faith could not resist in the light of what I read in the Bible, I suddenly felt a deeper loneliness than I have ever experienced before.

I did not know who to pray and doubts were even in that if God was in general. Gradually, I was convinced of the Bible that the Almighty God - Jehovah, Father (not a Son), and since I studied, I began to restore my destroyed faith, this time on the true basis. But since my knowledge and faith began to grow, began to strengthen the pressure. My husband threatened to leave me and other close relatives were extremely upset. When I saw the requirements for True Christians, I was looking for a way out because I did not think I could ever testify to strangers or go from the door to the door to talk with others about God.

My daughter, who now studied in the next city, was moving much faster. Her success, in fact, became another obstacle to me. She believed that she completely recognized that she wanted to become a missionary. My only child's plans in a distant country frightened me and I decided that I should protect it from these decisions. So I started looking for a flaw. I felt that if I could find something that this organization was taught that it was not supported by the Bible, I can convince my daughter. Having so much knowledge, I carefully looking for shortcomings. I finished what I acquired more than ten different Bible translations, three conformations and many other Bible dictionaries and reference books to add books to the library.

I received a strange "help" from my husband, who often brought home books and booklets of witnesses. I studied them in detail, looking thoroughly all that they talked. But I never found flaws. Instead, the fallacy of the doctrine of the Trinity, as well as the fact that the witnesses know and report the name of the Father, the true God, also their love for each other and their strict commitment to the Scriptures, convinced me that I found a true religion. I was deeply impressed by the contrast between Jehovah's Witnesses and other religions on finance.

At one time, my daughter was baptized together with forty others on August 5, 1972 in the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean, the day I would never forget. The daughter has now returned home, so she can devote his full-time ministry as a witness here, in Hawaii. My husband is still with us and is even amazed to change both of us.

From sad eyes to joyful eyes

With the dedication of his life Jehovah, many changes have happened in my life.

Picture Margaret Keen - "Love changes the world."

One of the first was that I stopped smoking. I actually lost a desire and need. It was the habit of twenty-two years, smoking on average pack or more a day. I desperately tried to abandon the habit, because I knew that it was harmful, but found it impossible. Since my faith grew, the text of the Holy Scripture in 2 Messages to Corinthians 7: 1, turned out to be a stronger incentive. With the help of Jehovah through the prayer and my faith of his promise in Malachi 3:10, the habit was finally defeated. Surprisingly, I did not have abstinence or any discomfort!

Other changes were deeply psychological transformations in my individuality. From a very shy, closed and gone into the man who was looking for and needed long hours of loneliness, when it was possible to draw and relax from my tension, I became much more sociable. Now, I spend a lot of hours, making what I did not want to do before, talking to people, and now I love every minute!

Another change was that I spend about one-quarter of time that I used to spend on painting, and yet, surprisingly, I achieve almost the same amount of work. However, sales and comments indicate that the pictures are becoming even better. Painting used to be almost my obsession. I could not not draw, because this drawing was for me therapy, salvation and relaxation, my life completely rotated around it. I still really enjoy it, but the tendency to her and dependence on it has no longer.

It is not surprising that since my knowledge of Jehovah is the source of all creativity, the quality of my paintings has improved, although time on their implementation has decreased.

Now much of my ex-painting time is spent on serving God, the study of the Bible, the training of others and visiting five meetings for the Bible study in the kingdom hall every week. Over the past two and a half years, eighteen people began to study the Bible with me. Eight of these people are now actively learn, everyone is ready to become baptized, and one baptized. From among their families and friends more than thirteen learned studies with other witnesses. It was a big joy and privilege - to have the honor to help others find out Jehovah.

It was not easy to throw my cherished loneliness, my own routine of life and a lot of my time for painting, and put in the first place, before anything else, the execution of the commandments of Jehovah. But I was ready to try through prayer and trust seeking help from Jehovah God, and I saw that every step was supported and rewarded with them. The proof of approval, help and blessing God convinced me, not only in the spiritual plan, but also in material.

Looking back, on her life, on her first painting, made when I was about eleven years old, I see a big difference. In the past, symbolic big, sad eyes that I painted, reflected puzzling contradictions that I saw in the world around me, and who raised so many questions in me. Now I found the reasons for contradictions in the Bible in the Bible, which once tormented me, as well as answers to my questions. After I received accurate knowledge about God and his goals for humanity, I found God's approval, peace of mind and happiness that come with him. This reflects to a greater extent, in my paintings, and many notice it. Sad, lost view of a large eye is inferior to a place now happier.

My husband even called one of my recent happy portraits - Children followed by "witness's eyes"!

In this biography, you can find answers to some questions that we will not see and do not know in the film.

Margaret Kin today

Currently, Margaret and her husband live in Northern California. Margaret continues to read the Bible every day, she is now 87 years old and now she has an episodic role of the old woman, sitting on the bench.

Amy Adams is studying at Margaret Kin in her studio, as part of the preparation for his role in the film "Big Eyes".
Here Margaret Kean in the Museum of Contemporary Art.

December 15, 2014 in New York.

" Defend your rights, be brave, and not afraid "

Margaret Kin

" I hope the film will help people, never lie. Never! One tiny lie can turn into terrible, terrible things. "" says Kin in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

The purpose of this article is not to call for a movie, since in the film there will not be a word to say that she is the witness of Jehovah. In the film, the history of life Margaret, before she witnessed. But perhaps, with the help of this upcoming film, any of us can start a good conversation with a person about truth.

Selection of the most remarkable paintingsMargaret Kin.

The newest film Tim Berton is waiting for fans of a gloomy master, sometimes admiring the selection of very large, very peculiar, such familiar eyes.

The name of the film "Big Eyes". He tells the story of a husband and wife - two artists, Margaret and Walter Kene, who rose to glory in the 1950s and 60s. Their theme was - children and girls with eyes, like Lani, now they resemble precious momentsXX - go century. Those moments in which these eyes were a symbol of the current era.

Reading the history of life and joint creativity of two artists, you know and feel the terrible character of the heroes of paintings - sweet-sweet, but demonic - it seems they are the mirror of the relationship of Kina and his wife.

Once they found themselves in court, proving the world, who was a real author Big Eye. Was this Walter, the Public Person of Keane Keane? Or Margaret, housewife, as her husband argued, she could not even draw a sunset?

Margaret's life was not so easy, and she spoke. "Over the years, I allowed my husband to attribute my pictures to my paintings. But one day, no longer to endure deception, I left him and my house in California and moved to Hawaii." In 1965, she got a divorce. And in 1970, she admitted to the radio show that all the "eyes" of the paintings were her.

In response, Walter compared himself with Rembrandt, El Greco and Michelangelo, and said that he was "amazed" by Margaret's proclamations. The decision was found - artistic duel in front of the judges. But Walter did not come! He stated that he had a shoulder injury and he could not write. And Margaret, in front of the jury, calmly and fast - just 53 minutes, wrote the next big eyes than and completed the dispute.

The court ruled Walter to pay $ 4 million as compensation for damage in 1986.

There was a lot of interesting things in this story, and it seems, it is better to watch a film, whose premiere is - Hurray (!), Gradually approaches! Tim Burton promised her for Christmas and recently confirmed his promise.

We are waiting for a film in which there will be an alarming, romantic history and, they say, just terrible. And fully enjoy the biographical work of Berthon, in the roles: Amy Adams and Christoph Waltz.
I hope we also have "Big Eyes" will appear in the cinemas in December of this year.

But how good are these works? Then Adam Parfrey called them "Sakharin, Kitch, Madness," the bishop called them "Flaxy Folk Creativity". And at that time, the buyer continued to absorbcE, from postcards to large canvases.

Now many critics call these work with delicious masterpieces, and the paintings by Margaret Keen are in state collections around the world: the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Madrid; National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo; National Museum of Contemporary Art, Mexico City; Musee communal des Beaux-arts, Brugge; Tennessee Museum of Fine Arts, Nashville, Tennessee; Brooks Memorial Museum, Memphis, Tennessee; Capitol of Hawaii, Honolulu; United Nations, New York and others.

So, December - the month of the premiere, and of course, the film should be amazing, because in the bizarre universe created by Tim Berton with an inimitable black humor, there is not a single dull moment!

In the 1950s, the paintings of Walter Kina became incredibly popular in the USA. They were most often depicted by children and women with exaggeratedly large and sad eyes.

In 1965, Walter Kina was already called one of the most successful artists of that time. Many celebrities ordered their portraits who were invariably in an unusual and original style, called later Big Eyes (big eyes). Kein's works have replenished private and state-owned artistic collections worldwide.
In an interview with the well-known American magazine Life, Kean said that inspiration to draw sad and thoughtful children with big eyes because of the memories of children experienced horrors of war.

A Sound of Thunder!

In 1970, Margaret Keen, Walter Kina's spouse, with which he divorced in 1965, said that the author of famous paintings was she who!
The disputes about the authorship continued until Walter in an interview with USA Today stated that Margaret did such an assumption, as I thought that Walter died.
Margaret filed to court. The judge demanded from the former spouses in front of the jury to draw a portrait of a child in a characteristic style. Walter referred to pain in his shoulder and refused, and Margaret drew a picture in 53 minutes. After subsequent legal proceedings, the court recognized the authorship of Margaret Keen. The court awarded $ 4 million. Compensation, but from them Margaret did not receive a cent.

So the world and found out about a talented artist with a unique style!

For 10 years of marriage with Walter Kin, Margaret was a hostage of his talent. By nature, Margaret was closed and shy, never reread her husband, and felt happy only when I draw. Walter, genius marketing, took advantage of this. He sold pictures of his wife under his name. Once Walter threatened to kill her and her daughter from the first marriage, if she tells who is a true director of the pictures. Until 1970, Walter Kin continued to receive millionsian fees for selling paintings, their reproduction, printing of postcards, etc., until he lost Margaret.

The first thing that attracts attention in the works of Margaret Keen is big eyes filled with many emotions. According to her, she wanted to display the eternal issues of humanity about the meaning of life and herself: why there is grief and death if God is kind, why we live, what is the meaning of life ...

Edited Alem Gallery.
Photo found on the net.

Film Tim Burton

The larger connoisseur and collector of the paintings by Margaret is the director Tim Burton. In 2014, his film "Big Eyes" came out. Margaret Kean is divorced with her husband, takes her daughter with him and goes to a big city, conquer the peaks. There, seduced by pleasant speeches, she comes out for a less successful artist Walter Kina. And he, at first, from the best motives, issued the authorship of the "big-eyed" paintings by Margaret for his own. So they caused a more pleasant impression of critics and buyers, besides, Margaret knew so little about the world of art ... That's just now all the glory goes to her husband, and the artist as if the slave on the Galen by day draws popular canvases.

In addition to issues of emancipation, challenging the Creator, the construction of the image, the picture opens the question of when art becomes just a stamping? Margaret Kee has become one of the attorney pop art - bright and so popular in the wide masses of the type of art. Surprisingly, the phenomenon of pop art would not have happened, do not be at the ingenious artist of the ingenious image and the Walter seller. And even if everything ended with the brief exploitation of his own wife, without him Margaret simply not to get such a take-off and not only because of male prejudices - it did not have the envy, that wishes of glory, the recognition was filled with Walter.

The film opens up a spacious for a very interesting discussion about married relations. The charming walter becomes a monster ... But isn't Margaret herself that he allows him? Are not good earned in many ways thanks to him, she then sides and creates. In fact, if the monster would see us Walter, we memorize it in real life?

An interesting fact: In the episodic role in the film, you can see the very healthy Margaret Kin (old woman on a bench). Moreover, she approved the candidacy of Amy Adams to fulfill himself in his youth and remained very pleased with her game. And I can only admire the game of Christoph's roller!

With all his camera, the film "Big Eyes" turned out to be very colorful and not completely simple, how it seems at first glance.

Reduced Alem Gallery
Full text of the article here:

19 May 2017, 16:39

In the early 1960s, about American artist Margaret Kein, few people knew, but her husband Walter Kene was laitting on the waves of success. At that time, it was his authorship that sent sentimental portraits of sad kids with eyes as a saucer, which were probably among the best-selling art objects in the Western world. They can be loved or called a talentless Maznoy, but, undoubtedly, they took their niche in American pop culture. Over time, of course, it was revealed that the big-eyed children actually drawn Walter Kina's wife, Margaret, who worked in virtual slavery, supporting her husband's success. Her story was based on the new biographical film of the director Tim Burton "Big Eyes".

It all started in Berlin in 1946. Young American named Walter Keen came to Europe to learn the artist's skill. At that time, he had repeatedly watched the unfortunate largest children, fiercely fighting for the remains of food found in the garbage. Later he would write: "As if prompting with deep despair, I did the sketches of these dirty, torn out of little victims of the war with their bruises, thesistered minds and bodies, tangled hair and the magazine noses. Here, my life, like the artist, began seriously.

Fifteen years later, Kin became a sensation in the world of art. An American one-story suburb just started to grow up, and millions of people suddenly had a lot of empty space on the walls that needed to fill something. Those who wanted to decorate the dwelling with optimistic fantasies, chose pictures with dogs playing poker. But most liked something more melancholic. And they preferred sad large-sized Walter children. Some of the kids in the paintings kept in the hands of poodles with the same huge and sad eyes. Others were sitting on flower glands. Sometimes they were dressed as harlequins or ballerinas. And they all seemed like innocent and seeking.

Walter himself was not at all melancholic. According to his biographers, Adam, Perfreus and Nelson cell, he was always not averse to drink, loved women and himself. For example, as Walter describes his first meeting with Margaret in his memoirs "Kina Mir", published in 1983: "I like your paintings," she said to me. - You are the greatest artist, whom I met in my life. Children on your work are so sad. I hurt on them to look. The sadness that you depict on the faces of the children is so living that I want to touch them. " "No," I replied, "never touch my paintings." This imaginary conversation probably took place at the open-air art exhibition in San Francisco in 1955. Walter then was still an unknown artist. He would not become a phenomenon and in the next few years, if it were not for this acquaintance. In the evening of the same day, as they say in his memoirs, Margaret told him: "You are the best lover in the world." And soon they got married.

As for Margaret itself, her memories of their first meeting are completely different. But this is true, Walter was the charm itself and completely struck her at that exhibition in 1955. The first two years of their marriage flew happily and cloudlessly, but then everything changed dramatically. The center of the Walter Universe in the middle of the 1950s was the club of Hipsters The Hungry I in San Francisco. While the scene was played by such comedors as Lenny Bruce and Bill Corpi, Kin, before the entrance, sold his paintings with the largest children. One evening Margaret decided to go to the club with him. Walter ordered her to sit alone in the corner, and he himself talked lively with buyers, demonstrating paintings. And here, someone from the visitors came to Margaret and asked: "Do you also draw?". She was very surprised and suddenly struck by a terrible guess: "Did he give her job for his own?" So it turned out. He spent his patrons with three boxes of lies. And drawing paintings with largelaze children, and everything is up to one, it is Margaret. Walter can and looked at the sad, emaciated children in the post-war Berlin, but he definitely did not paint them, simply because he did not know. Margaret was out of herself. When the spouses returned home, she demanded immediately stop this deception. But in the end, nothing happened. During the next decade, Margaret kept silence and nodded in respectful admiration when Walter sank to journalists, telling that with the time of El Greco, he was the best artist depicting his eyes. What happened between spouses? Why did she agree to it? In that ill-fated evening on returning from Hungry I, Walter said: "We need money. People willingly buy a picture if they think that they communicate directly with the artist. They would not like to know that I can't draw, but all this art is my wife. And now too late. Since everyone is confident that I draw big eyes, and here we suddenly say that it is you, it will be with a sense, they will start to sue us. " He suggested a wife an elementary solution to solve the problem: "Teach me to draw biglashy children." And she tried, but it turned out to be an impossible task. Walter did not go out, and in annoyance he accused his wife that she teach him badly. Margaret felt that he was trapped. Of course, she thought to throw her husband, but was afraid in the end to remain without a livelihood with a small daughter in her arms. Therefore, Margaret decided not torturing the water, but quietly sail along the flow.

By the beginning of the 1960s, the reproductions and postcards with drawings were sold by millions. Slightly in every store there were shopping racks, from which huge eyes looked at the buyers. Stars like Natalie Wood, Joan Crawford, Din Martin, Jerry Lewis and Kim Novak bought originals of work. Margaret herself did not see money. She just drawn. Although, by that time, the family moved to a spacious house with a swimming pool, gate and serving. Therefore, she did not have to worry about anything, it was only required to draw. And Walter enjoyed the rays of the glory and the charms of secular life. "Almost always three or four people flooded with Nagishm in our pool, he screamed in his memoirs. - All slept with each other. Sometimes I went to sleep, and there I was already waiting for three girls in bed. " Visiting Walter was the participants of The Beach Boys, Maurice Chevalé and Howard Kil, but Margaret rarely saw someone from celebrities, because she painted for 16 hours a day. According to her, even the servants did not know how everything actually is, because the door to her studio was always locked, and the curtains hung on the windows. When Walter was not at home, he called himself hourly, wanting to make sure that Margaret did not leave anywhere. It greatly brushed into a prison sentence. She had no friends, but she preferred anything about love affairs of her husband, and she was already deeply noting for it. Walter, like a capricious customer, constantly pressed on her so that she worked more productively: then draw a child in a clown suit, then do two on a rocking horse, yes quickly. Margaret has become something like a conveyor.

One day, Walter came to mind the idea of \u200b\u200ba huge picture, his masterpiece, which will turn in the UN's building or somewhere else. Margaret was just a month. This "masterpiece" was called "tomorrow forever". Hundreds of big-eyed children of different religions were depicted with traditionally sad glances standing by a column, which stretched to the horizon itself. The organizers of the World Exhibition of 1964, held in New York, hung a picture in the Pavilion of Education. Walter was very proud of this achievement. He was so inflated from his own significance that he told in memoirs, about how the late grandmother told him in a dream: "Michelangelo offered to include you in our chosen circle, claiming that your masterpiece" tomorrow "will forever live forever in the hearts and The minds of people, like his work in the Sistine Chapel. "

Artist John Canada, probably, Michelangelo was not in a dream, because in his review "Tomorrow forever" on the pages of the newspaper New York Times, he wrote: "On this tasteless, Haltur is shown about hundreds of children, therefore, this is somewhere a hundred times Worse than an average of all the works of Kina. " We hurned by such a response, the organizers of the World Exhibition hurried to remove the picture from the exposition. "Walter was in bearing," Margaret recalls. - I was hurt when there were nasty about the paintings. When people argued that it was nothing more than sentimental nonsense. Some even could not look at them without disgust. I do not know where this negative reaction come from. After all, they loved them very much! They liked little children and even babies. " In the end, Margaret burned out from someone else's opinion. "I will just draw what I want," she said to himself. Judging by the stories of the artist about her unexpected life, creative inspiration was simply nowhere to take. She herself claims that these sad children actually were her deep feelings that she could not express in any other way.

After ten years of marriage, eight of which were just hell for his wife, the spouses divorced. Margaret promised Walter, which will continue to draw for him. And she kept the word for some time. But by making two or three dozen paintings with big eyes, she suddenly Ospella, deciding to get out of the shadows. And in October 1970, Margaret told her story to the reporter of the UPI news agency. Walter immediately moved to an attack, swearing that big eyes were his work, and generously looked insults, calling Margaret "sexually concerned about an alcoholic and a psychopath", which, according to him, he once caught her having sex with several automotive parking workers. "He was and, though, was knotted," Margaret recalls. "I could not believe that he hates me so much."

Margaret has witnessed Jehovah. She moved to Hawaii and began writing large-eyed children floating in the azure sea with tropical fish. In these Hawaii, you can see that careful smiles began to appear on the faces of children. The further life of Walter was not so happy. He moved to a fishing hut in La California and began to drink from morning to evening. Several reporters who were still interested in her fate, he stated that Margaret entered into collusion with Jehovah's Witnesses to fool him. One journalist from USA Today published a story about Walter's distinguished position, in which the imaginary artist claimed that his ex-wife said that they had drawn some of his paintings, because he thought he had already died. Margaret submitted to Walter to the court for slander. The judge demanded from both to draw a child with big eyes, right there, in the meeting room. Margaret took 53 minutes to work. And Walter refused, complained about pain in his shoulder. Of course, Margaret won the trial. She suggested $ 4 million from a former husband, but did not see a penny of them, because Walter was all cut. A court psychologist diagnosed his mental state called a delusional disorder. This meant that Kin did not breathe at all, he was sincerely convinced that he was the author of the paintings.

Walter died in 2000. In recent years, he refused alcohol. In his memoirs, KIN wrote that the sobriety was his "new awakening away from the world of drinking, sexual beauties, parties and customers of paintings." From which it is easy to conclude that he strongly formerly former days.

By the 1970s, large eyes fell into disfavor. Monotonous paintings with sad children, in the end, the participation of the public. Acklessly Woody Allen put a bold point, having risening big eyes in his film "Sleeping", where I portrayed a ridiculous sample of the world of the future, in which they were read.

And now a certain Renaissance has come. Tim Burton, in which there are several works of works in the artistic collection, removed the "big eyes" baiopic with Amy Adams and Christoph's roller starring. Kinokarttina reached the rental in 2014. At the real Margaret Kean, which is now 89 years old, even there is Kameo in the film: Little old lady sitting on a park bench. Surely after the premiere will break up the audience to the Pictures with the Breeding Sad Children. Many representatives of the modern generation until this afraid were not even familiar with this story. And, as usual, the opinions of the public about the works are shared. Some contemptuously call pictures with a relaxed hackturoy, and others will gladly hang one of the heavy-eyed reproductions on the wall of their housing.

Inspiration to the post served to watch the film Tim Berton. For those who are interested in this story I advise you to watch the movie big eyes.

January 25th, 2016, 04:59 PM

The other day I looked at Tim Burton's "big eyes", and was so captured by the plot that I forgot about everything. The film tells about real events from the life of the artist Margaret Keen, who hid many years, intimidated by his second husband Walter Kyin, the authorship of his paintings sold under his name.

Female tragedy in art

Walter Kean married Margaret, a divorced woman with a child. She tried to earn on her life and the life of his daughter what was able to paint. On the square along with the rest of the amateur artists, she traded her paintings. Margaret drawd portraits, mainly women and children. A distinctive feature of all her portraits was disproportionately big eyes. As she explained, "the eyes - the soul mirror," and therefore she tried to express better emotions, emphasize them through the eyes.

Walter Keen survived the young girl, in whose paintings individuality was guessed. He himself only indulged in painting, drawing a street of Paris (as it turned out, just a masy brush and put his signature under foreign paintings). He earned the life of the sale of houses. He had a real merchant goods. He could sell anything and anyone.

Along with their works, he began to put in local cafes and work his wife, issuing them for his own. After all, she wore him surname, and therefore "Kin" signed. Having learned about the dishonesty of her husband, Margaret tried with tears in his eyes to explain to him, as it was inflated and dishonest on his part, but he convinced her that the society biased to the "Ladiesky Art".

For many years they managed to led everyone, opening all the new more successful exhibitions. Walter Kean so unfolded the business for the sale of the paintings of his wife, which was not only the canvas themselves, but also their reproductions, posters and even postcards.

A woman for many years remained in the shadow of his own husband, even tried to change his own writing style of paintings, some of whom signed by their name. Even incomplete, but only the initial name, adding the surname of the spouse. She partly copied the style of Modigliani, only on her canvases portraits of women invariably had sad entities, reflecting the tragedy, which for many years he wore an artist.

Only in 1964 she had enough courage to leave her husband, leaving her daughter to live in Hawaii. It took another 6 years to tell people the truth. Walter until the end defended his version of events, even in court, where he refused to draw a portrait of a child with big eyes, invented pain in his shoulder. Margaret drew portrait, proving, thereby, his authorship of all other works, which for a long time was considered the property of her former husband.

This story proves once again that a woman is difficult to pierce his way everywhere, but it does not mean that it is necessary to reconcile with fate and silently to suffer humiliation. You need to defend your rights, even if you are afraid or intimidated, otherwise you risk losing your personality and respect for yourself!