Genre Anime Cartoon Adventure Drama Horror. Anime Horror: List of the most terrible and creepy

Genre Anime Cartoon Adventure Drama Horror. Anime Horror: List of the most terrible and creepy
Genre Anime Cartoon Adventure Drama Horror. Anime Horror: List of the most terrible and creepy

Halloween, the only day in a year, when officially you can embody fear and horror into life, close. You need to prepare for it with feeling, really and arrange. Firstly, . Secondly, decorate your room / cave / Scientific laboratory.

Thirdly, arrange Horrora's marathon from those who invented the concept "", - the Japanese.
High grade mystic. Utsutsu and YUME had hard childhood: They did not have the playstock parents did not love them. Once, when they walked out of school, a strange view of a woman approached them and said that those worried red butterflies. But Yume's younger sister did not save himself and met with mysterious creatures, after which turned into a monster. Very, very, very hungry monster, which feeds on human flesh.

Mayumi gave storage large amount Charitable money - and someone saved them safely. In a panic, the girl appealed to classmate aus with a request to lend money. But Ayu evil and Kowarnso unhappy actually became her slave. Once Maumi learned about the site that sends to hell Soul anyone, whose name will write on his page exactly at midnight. About the consequences, naturally, no one has thought. Quoting the Great Grandmas, " this is all your computer to blame".

Up to madness atmospheric animewho professionally pursues to goosebumps. IN high School team grades dies "Excellent, an athlete, a Komsomolka, whom everyone loved and adored. Despite the fact that doctors, teachers and parents stated the fact of death, odnoklassniki. completely refused to believe in death and continued to pretend that the girl is still next to them. There are no monsters, torn off limbs and other attributes, but all this is compensated. strange and frightening circumstances.

It all starts like the next part of the "very scary movie." Cory with girlfriends only-only graduated from university. In order to celebrate the transition to adulthood, where it will finally be possible to walk without a hat and not report to parents that you eaten, left on vacation. In a beach house where they settled, girls attacked strange walking fish. So a series of events began, which is difficult to surpass in adversity.

Deep philosophical anime-thriller With a pleasant share of drama. The young pop singer decided to go to the TV series, but her fans were not delighted with this decision. Strange calls, envelopes with explosives and other frightening trash thin hint singer that peacein which she lives, - solid lies and provocationAnd she is not at all who sees himself. At some point the audience seems to be that they go crazy with the heroineSo fear in this anime is serious.

The guy moves from the city to a quiet village, where practically the threshold begins to be friends with charming classmates. According to the tradition of Horror, for cute facesties girls hiding horror, fear, brutal killings and non-traced disappearances. Local Ball Right wild power of evil. Plot anime complicated, Suitable only to those who love to move brains and can read between the lines. Highly stressful, lots of blood and desert.

Long ago, in a distant distant galaxy, initial school Tenzin closed After a series of mysterious and cruel incidents. In her place did not guessed to build anything better than the Academy. Group of local students spends ritual, after which, according to legend, they " forever will remain together". But something went wrong: earthquake, floor in the class collapses, and each of them turns out to be alone in a dark dilapidated school. Welcome: This is the School of Tenzin, which still roam the souls of the dead. Uncompromising brutality and liters of blood.

The army of fans of terrible cinema increases year after year. The anime-horrors have acquired particular popularity in our days. The list of the most terrible paintings submitted in this article will come in hand in handy to all lovers to rip their nerves. So, what non-resident fairy tales will certainly come to connoisseurs of the genre?

Anime-Horror: List of the most terrible tapes

What pictures are able to cause a real fear of the audience? What can be recommended to those who like anime horror? The list of the most terrible cartoons is given below.

  • "A fish".
  • "Pupa".
  • "GANC".
  • "Monster".
  • "The deceased."
  • "Other".
  • "When cicadas cry".
  • "Hunt for ghosts."
  • "Hell Girl".
  • Elf Song.

All anime, which are in this list, of course, deserve a more detailed description.

Troika leaders

"Fish", "doll" and "Hans" - known to all fans of the genre of anime-horror. The list of the most terrible cartoons will not be complete if you do not mention them. "Fish" - anime, telling the story of the three friends, university graduates. Girls decide to celebrate the beginning adult lifeFor which they are sent on the journey. They arrive at Okinawa and find shelter in a beach house belonging to their familiar. A vacation, which promised to be pleasant, begins with the fact that the girlfriends attacks a terrible type of fish, capable of moving around land.

"Pupa" - tape, worthy of attention of the audience, which attract anime horror. The list of the most terrible paintings can hardly do without it. This is a story about a boy, early orphaned and forced to replace parents younger sister. Children should noise help, so they learn to survive themselves. So continues until the girl meets a bright and beautiful butterfly, after which it begins to turn into a monster. In his new look, she attacks people, kills and eats them. However, Brother is convinced that it will be able to save his sister from the curse.

"GANC" is an anime series, which tells about life after death. People who have left lives turn out to be in strange place. There they are forced to fight for survival, otherwise they are waiting for the final death.


"Monster" is another tape that you can recommend those who are interested in the worst anime horrors. A young and promising surgeon from Japan finds a job in Germany. One day his patient is a boy with a gunshot wound, which the doctor will save from death. It turns out that the child suffered from the hands of an unknown criminal who killed his parents. Soon there happens a number of similar crimes in the city, and the surviving boy secretly leaves the hospital walls.

There is a calm, which lasts about ten years. Then mysterious killings begin to occur in the city, the number of victims is growing.


Top very terrible horror anime Includes a picture of the "deceased". She tells about the terrible events occurring in a small village located in the mountains. Residents do not know who to blame in massive deaths. They begin to suspect that this is the business of the hands of the nose, recently settled in a big house on the hill.

Not everyone shares this point of view. A local doctor takes for an independent investigation. Of course, there are heroes who are ready to seek real criminals with the doctor.


The story begins with the fact that in the class of ordinary japanese school Appears new student. The boy is surprised by the atmosphere of fear reigning in the audience. He finds out that many years ago one of the school students died at mysterious circumstances. However, classmates who loved a beautiful and intelligent girl refused to take her death. They continued to pretend that the deceased alive and is among them.

The main heroine of this native fairy tale is actually death. She does not know pity, embodies Darkness and loneliness.

"When cicadas cry"

What other are exciting anime horrors? List of them scary films And the serials will not be complete and without a fairy tale "when cicadas cry". With its popularity, she is obliged to a complex plot saturated with riddles.

The main character, together with his family, moves into a small village, which gives the impression of bright and joyful. Boy easily finds mutual language With classmates, acquiring friends. However, he ceases to enjoy moving, when the villagers begin to disappear one by one.

"Hello girl" - anime, which is also included in the list of the best. main character - An excellent girl, whose life changes the site randomly on the Internet. She learns that with his help you can get rid of any of your offender. It is only necessary to make a special name of the enemy in a special form, and his soul will immediately go to hell. At the diligent student there is a bullish, who poisoned her life. This is an arrogant and ruthless queen class, which mocks her. However, it will not be possible to pay off the offender if the girl does not pay for it with his own soul.

"Ghost Hunt" tells about a mysterious building, in which, if you believe rumors, ghosts dwell. Of course, children, including May and her girlfriends, do not care. Girls, having listened to ghost stories, decide to conduct an independent investigation.

"Elf Song" is a terrible anime series, which tells about the world in populated genetically modified beings. One day, one of the inventions of humanity comes out from under control. The creature named Lucy makes one bloody crime after another.

What else to see?

If you continue the list of the most terrible full-length anime horrors, it is necessary to include the picture "Blood. The last vampire. " At the beginning of the film, the US Army is preparing for the invasion of Vietnam. However, the war is not the most important threat to the existence of humanity. Soon people will have a much more important battle, in which their enemies will be raised by night - vampires.

"Death Notebook" is a famous anime that can be viewed both in the form of a full-length cartoon and in the format of the series. The story begins with the fact that ambitious and intelligent young man finds an unusual notebook with which you can kill people. A boy who is the son of a policeman decides to change the world for better and eradicate crime. However, the situation soon comes out of its control.

Sometimes, in order for a person to drive out of the soul fear and fears, it is necessary to hold the nerves thickening well. In such cases, come to the rescue horrors onlinewhich are capable not only to scare well, but also leave noticeable fear for the next few days. A task better horror - It is to create a maximum psychological stress to subsequently enjoy relaxation. Some works can keep the viewer in tension to the most titles, others opposite - frighten periodically, giving the viewer to a little break from horror on the screen.

Anime horrors Trying to adhere to the generally accepted rules of the Puganya people. The main scooter is usually a mystical creature or a killer maniac. The main thing for the screenwriters is to create an oppressive atmosphere and, of course, hopeless situation. Very often, a similar genre is found in the top 100 anime. Hero, falling into a trap to an ominous creature, trying to save his life, despite the tricks of the villain. At the moment when the hero is ready to die deceitfully, it may suddenly come to save, which can destroy the sinister killer plans. The killers are usually very cool and inhuman. Before the villain can get to the main character, he will deprive life great amount People, body that operators will show close-ups.

The unexpected appearance of a mystical strength or a killer, can make the heart drag unusually loudly. The fear that is a permanent companion of the main character dominates in the consciousness of the viewer, who dared to see horrors. On our portal, visitors will be able to find a huge amount of fiction anime, about war, mystical, dramatic, mysterious and at the same time terrible stories From the life of real heroes, who fell into a hopeless situation and faced face to face with a powerful killer. Welcome to world of anime fear, death and fearlessness.

Horror is one of the most popular and favorite genres for many kinomans. But if the gaming horrors enjoy a success of not one decade, then there are no multiplication work of such the subject matter. The vast majority of terrible cartoons are released in Japan. Local animation, called anime, is designed mainly for a teenage and adult audience. At the same time, the creations of the country's multipliers ascending sun Known all over the world.

Among the main distinguishing features of Japanese cartoon horror systems - black and very specific humor, absurd situations and alogichic madness. These filmmakers are quite cruel and very bloody. Often there are so unpleasant things in them that viewing such products is not recommended for children and impressionable adults.

Our list of the most terrible horror anime from Japan has 15 positions. We did not rank them in quality, the level of fear or other criteria, but simply followed the alphabet. The hit parade includes both full-length projects and the most terrible and interesting serials. Each of these creations will have to soul to connoisseurs of the genre and will surely frighten the tremors. Have a nice and terrible viewing!

After life: Anime with alive and dead heroes

"Hellish girl" (2005-2006)

A diligent student Maumi learned that there is a mysterious site on the Internet. Allegedly exactly at midnight, you need to record the name of your offender, and then his soul will fall directly to hell. The girl just has an offender that poisoning her life is the evil queen class ay. But to punish cruel beauties, you will have to pay your own soul.

"GANC" (2004)

Existence after death is a frequent topic of such a cinematic genre like horrors. On thinking about what awaits on the other side of life, the anime series "GANC". Action in a project consisting of two seasons unfolds in an unusual placewhere the dead falls. They have to track down and kill the aliens, and all the final death are waiting for all the mission.

"Other" (2012)

One day, a new one came to the usual class of one of the middle schools. After a few days of study at a new place, he begins to feel the atmosphere of fear who reign in the classroom. 26 years ago in this class studied smart, beautiful and sports girl who suddenly died a few months before the release. An adorable classmates made her appearance as if she was still alive ...

- Death does not regret anyone. She is dark, it can only see the darkness, perfect loneliness ... But because of life it is not very different.
The terrible letter "K": Anime about the monsters of all the masters

"When cicadas cry" (2006)

One of the most popular and terrible anime with a complex plot, full of secrets and mysteries. Kaychi, together with their parents, moved from the city to a pretty and seemingly blatant village. The boy quickly made friends with classmates, but light and interesting life In a new place spoils the gloomy story of terrible murders and non-traced disappearances hiding behind the idyllic facade of the serene region.

"When seagulls cry" (2009)

Cicadians, seagulls ... perhaps once in japanese anime Even hamsters will pay. In "Seagulls", it is also described about the remote island, where relatives of the head of one rich and influential clan come to the annual meeting. Unexpectedly raining Typhoon cuts off the island from external worldAnd on his shores a terrible witch appears. Soon members big family Begin to die one by one.

"Ghost ship" (1969)

Now this animation tape seems not so terrible as decades ago, when she just went to the rental. But during its existence, the cartoon frightened not one generation of viewers. It is about the mysterious ship. After a meeting with him, other vessels disappear without a trace, and miraculously surviving people tell the scary stories about ghosts. The mystery of the mythical ship is trying to uncover only one bold boy.

"Blood: the last vampire" (2000)

The United States on the verge of joining Vietnam. On one of the bases of the Japanese Air Force raises the voltage. However, in the walls of the protected complex, it was hardly not much dangerous than the ambulance war - vampires!

"Case" (2014)

Yutsutsu became an orphan at a young age. It was on his shoulders a concern for younger sister YUME. Children did not have any other relatives, and they used to rely only on themselves. Somehow, YUME saw an unusually beautiful and bright butterfly. From that day, the girl began to turn into a monster eating people. Only the older brother tries to save the unfortunate and return her former appearance.

Everything is terrible and strange: terrible and strange anime

"Monster" (2004-2005)

An outstanding Japanese surgeon got a job in Germany. Once he saved from the death of a boy who received a gunshot wound in the head. The incident occurred during the killing of the child's parents, and then in the city there were some more similar crimes. Soon a miraculously survived thanks to the brilliant doctor, the boy ran away from the hospital. And after 10 years, the murders began to occur again ...

"If only the rain could wash off everything." Fear. Malice. Sorrow. In life, it turns out the opposite. Everything becomes only worse.

"Ghosts Hunt" (2006-2007)

Next to the School, where Ma and her girlfriends study, there is an old wooden building, which has been planning to demolish for several years. The building uses bad glory, but is an ideal place of action of terrible stories about ghosts, such a favorite local children. But once the director still decided to get rid of the gloomy building, and to support the exorcists of all the masters.

"Fish" (2012)

The 70-minute anime tells about three girlfriends, which have just graduated from the university. They decided to celebrate the receipt of diplomas and the beginning of adulthood and went to Okinawa - to swim in a beach house belonging to the relatives of the groom with one of the girls. During the rest, a strange walking fish attacked one of the tourists. And promised to be a very pleasant vacation turned around a series of terrible events.

"Twilight Virgo and Amnesia" (2012)

The effect of this atmospheric and a bit of a terrible series unfolds at the Squake Academy, whose students have created a club on studying paranormal phenomena. It includes a 13-year-old psychic, which can communicate with the other world, a girl from an old genus, possessing spiritual power, and a modest secretary. Well, the President of the Club is the most ordinary school ghost.

Anime about killers - children and adults

"Death Notebook" (2006-2007)

The famous anime, based on the iconic manga, and adapted not only in the format of the animated series, but also in the form of a full-length cartoon, a game film and a television series. And soon manga is waiting hollywood screening. The plot of the stories is probably a sign of every fan of Japanese animation. Smart and ambitious teenager found a notebook of one of the gods of death. If you record the name of any person on her pages, then he will die. With the help of an unusual find boy - the son of a policeman - decides to eradicate crime. But everything goes wrong, as he planned.

- I will create the perfect society. Create such a world in which only those responsible and kind people.
- and in this the perfect world You will find the only villain.

"Ice" (2010)

Terrible events worthy the best films Horror, began to occur in a small village, lost somewhere in the mountain wilderness. According to residents, to massive deaths whose series in the hot August days shook this before the peaceful region, the inhabitants of the newly built big house on the hill are involved. Local doctor and other crisps are trying to find true guilty of crimes.

Elf Song (2004)

The cracked anime series tells about the world, where they learned how to create genetically modified creatures living under the control of the government agency. One of these inventions is Lucy. She looks like an ordinary teenager - True, with horns on your head. Once a girl runs away from the insulator of a special content, while setting up a real bloody massacre and losing memory ...

- Did not know the evil, you can not fully appreciate the good. And only hatred from life, called the whole world, perhaps, will be preserved the warmth of love as the Zenitsa Oka.

Additional six: a few more terrible and terrible anime

Of course, even fifteen items are not enough to mention all the scary Japanese cartoons. Therefore, as a supplement, we decided to briefly tell us about several works of Japanese animators in the horror genre.


"D: Vampire Hunter" (1985)

Full-length animation picture is based on famous novel. In addition to high-quality drawing, the audience is waiting for an exciting and terrible plot

"Berserk" (1997-1998)

Gloomy and cruel fantasy with horror elements. The series will appreciate, above all, lovers of gothic and medieval entourage

"Bugipop never laughs" (2000)

Mystical detective gathered the most famous and terrible monsters of urban folklore and legends. The mini-series is distinguished by a nonlinear plot and a complex, confusing composition, and the action combines heroes from different temporal layers.

"The Dead Party: Tested Souls" (2013)

Creepy and cruel mini-series based on a popular video game. Among the main minuses - free handling of the original and gaping holes in the plot

"Ghost Hunt" (2007-2008)

Mystical animated series with elements of a psychological thriller is distinguished by high-quality drawing and interesting, intense plot

"Man-Devil" (1972-1973)

Retro-anime, despite the years of release, scares no less modern horror counters. Bloody travels and mountains of corpses are attached

Drawn horror stories - from the virtuoso thrillers to the chorror-free soul - are made on the highest technical and art level. And some of them affect serious life themeshave philosophical subtext and filled deep meaning. Therefore, the Japanese animation is so popular among the seeking Youth in the world. Today, anime fans can be found in almost any country in the world. And many spectators prefer the animetic horror strokes, ticking the nerves and keeping at no less gaming horror movies.

Although the Japanese are strong in Horrors and, of course, it was they who invented anime, terrible anime - yet a rarity. Nevertheless, even enough exotic horror genre has decent representatives. So, a list of the most terrible anime.

15. Warzobidodzi (1989)

Not just some banal demon. Superdemon!

Classic hentai. It is time when the superdemon must come true. And they are not afraid of Ababa in whom, but in a lustful Japanese schoolchild, regularly soldering on lubricant classmates. The problem is that the birth of the superdemon means the offensive of the apocalypse and the death of the whole world ... In addition to the voluptuous, the tentacle, Urtozhukidoji bribes the titanic scope, the highest artistic performance and really impressive demons.

13. Danganronic (2013)

At the Academy "Peak Hope" receive only siblings of the richest families and young stars Show business and sports. True, you do not have time to cross the school threshold, as deprived of feelings. Come to yourself, they turn out to be in act of the Hall. Before them acts ... teddy bear Monocum, who declares that the only way to get out of school is to kill a neighbor. And kill so as not to leave evidence. But that's not all. Gradually, in front of schoolchildren opens terrible truth: The world behind the walls of the school is destroyed by a sect-carrying despair bearing ...

Dunganronica has a good plot. But, since it is anime, you will have to come to terms with the idea that the glamorous schoolgirl 15-year-olds can be thought out and implement sophisticated plan By seizing the world. And not for the sake of profit or power, but in the name of the highest ideological purposes. Nya!

12. Mononok (2007)

Mysterious pharmacist destroys evil spirits (mononok, hence the name of the series). The pharmacist himself is also not a person and, obviously, is immortal, since the operation of the series consistently unfolds in different time segments over the centuries - from ancient to modern Japan. The main features of "Mononok" - love for Japanese folklore, really terrible monsters and non-standard for anime, but very pleasant rice.

11. Hellic Girl (2005)

I am Ahmy, and my mushrooms!

Offend classmates? Pursuits too obsessive cavalier, preserved on youngsters? Moved with a neighbor? At your service - the site "hellish correspondence". Just go to it at midnight and enter the name of the offender in a special window. The hellish girl will appear and sneaks your cheap in hell. True, taking advantage of its services, you yourself after death, go to hell. By the way, the hellish girl has its own sad storyassociated with the ancient custom of the Japanese to sacrifice children to the glory of the harvest. And the hellish girl is stunningly beautiful.

10. Ghost Hunt (2007-2008)

As a child, Tarot Comori and his older sister, the attacker kidnapped for redemption. As a result, the sister Taro died, and he himself survived only a miracle. Even 11 years later, after the incident, the memories of this horror did not give Taro rest, because of what he is forced to contact the psychoanalyst. Meanwhile B. native village Tarot is going to work out strange things. People see ghosts, besides, developing strange rituals suspicious sect. And the father of one of classmates Tarot is engaged in mysterious bio-engineering experiments ...

A good mystical thriller, unfortunately, the ending of the merge. For Ryudzin - Japanese God Dragon appears in it without any reasons. And everything suddenly becomes good. Mind Japan do not understand yes.

9. When cicadas cry (2006)

You have never seen such terrible kawairy girls

The 15-year-old Kaychi comes to the quiet village of Hinamidzava, where we are treated with the warm car of Kawaii Gerboul. True, Kaychi soon understands that the kavoyny girls actually plan to kill him. In order not to be killed, Kaychi himself takes the bit and solves the kavoyny girls ... However, this is not an end, but only the beginning of the story, in which the aliens are involved, alien virus, elder villages, ancient goddess And even the Japanese government. Well, of course, bloodthirsty kavaya girls. Nya!

8. School of Dead (2010)

The haired day in the life of each schoolchildren - a zombie apocalypse broke out. It remains to take a bit and start to twist and break up zombie skulls. And in the interruptions - frantic and school nurses are furiously on the charms, which, by the way, is also well carried away by bits. Sex and violence - these eternal values \u200b\u200bof the "School of the Dead" embodies literally and with Azart. It is a pity that the second season did not come out, since the creator died. Perhaps he was ate zombies. Well, we continue the list of the most terrible anime.

7. Berserk (1997)

Gloomy fantasy Middle Ages. The ambitious young man Griffith wants to capture power in the country and narrows the invincible detachment of Sokolov. One of his associates is an invincible black swordsman, a valiant warrior named Gasts. Gradually, the falcons seek tremendous success, and they are invited to the yard. True, by that time Gats begins to suspect that his old friend Griffith is not at all such a wonderful guy ...

"Berserk" is powerful battles, adrenaline and testosterone. The last three series, when Griffiths without conscience revelations sends a squad of Sokolov sacrificed to the ancient demons to gain supernatural powers, just great. Well, there is a morality: if your commander looks like a fanish gay, then he will behave in Gabsk. And not in good sense.

6. Paranoia Agent (2004)

Confused, adult and really scary anime. An elusive teenager maniac appears in the city, deftly an oarse baseball bat. After a series of tight attacks, the police begins to investigate. Gradually, the investigator detective understands that the guy with a bat is not a living person, but ... a kind of supernatural being. Which has some attitude to the young girl Tsugikiko, the inventor of the superpopular toy Marome. Separately, it is worth noting the brilliant opling of the Agent of Paranoia, which was rightfully entered in the 50 best openings of all time.

5. chaos; Top (2008)

A closed teenager, a fan of anime and MMORPG, suddenly becomes a witness to the cruel ritual murder. After that, strange girls with no less strange D-swords begin to be around the guy. One of the girls, for example, swears that he is friends with the hero from childhood, although he does not remember this at all. Another for some reason asks him to awaken ... And the third simply tries to kill. Perhaps our hero is a banal schizophrenic. Or has long been living in the matrix. Or lying in the hospital in a deep coma. Or ... what about something else?

4. Dead Party: Tested Souls (2013)

Well, where are the handles, where are your handles

Anime adaptation of the famous Corpse Party's famous Gorror Taitla. After spending a "ritual of friendship", the group of schoolchildren turns out to be in parallel reality Hell school. There they begin to pursue evil ghosts and a dead girl in a red dress, like two drops of water similar to Alma from Fear. If Corpse Party is not the most terrible anime, then the most tough on this list is undoubtedly. Schoolchildren are killed here with a savory and pleasure, cutting off the heads, pumping eyes and releasing insides. It costs to celebrate and famously swirling plot, and a witty ending.

3. Other (2012)

A quiet parenchy cross moves from Tokyo in a quiet town of Yumyama and enters school. Everything would be nothing but it is very concerned about a strange classmate, whom, it seems, no one sees, besides him. In addition, rumors will soon be afraid that 20 years ago, a class where he studies was cursed ... A very good thriller, in the end - a test Rubilovo and vane of schoolchildren. Separately, it is worth mentioning a nightmare school photo Damned class. Yes, and the idea that in someone from your acquaintances, an unaccificed dead dead man was settled, underlying "other", by itself enough frightening.

2. Fish (2012)

An occupied and non-standard version of the zombie apocalypse, except instead of zombies - fish. It was that the fish and the myriad of other marine inhabitants suddenly grew mechanical limbs and the lungs were formed, allowing them to breathe on land. Countless legions of walking fish flooded cities around the world, ruthlessly destroying people. Few surviving desperately try to survive. The ending of the "fish" when the perspired heroine turns out to be on board the liner, reminds the Japanese horror film "Pulse".

1. Deprecation (2010)

As usual, the little girl is to blame in all troubles. Nya!

A family of vampires arrives in a tiny Japanese village and begins to fell local residents. Some after that dying goes, but others will rise, turning into the deceased, and also begin to drink blood. Finally, these inconsistencies are bored with seliners, they are armed with colas and gasoline, and satisfied the deceased genocide. That's just it is not easy to skip in the chest of one who was still yesterday best friend, relative or classmate ...