Here it is, our "summer". Friends of Viktor Tsoi and Mike Naumenko remember how everything was really

Here it is, our
Here it is, our "summer". Friends of Viktor Tsoi and Mike Naumenko remember how everything was really

The film "Summer" Cyril Serebrennikov called many responses and discussions even before his premiere and was greeted with wary expectations. Boris Grebenshchikov, reading the first version of the script, called the picture "Lit from start to the end." "I personally knew the people about whom the film of Serebrennikov. They have nothing to do with the heroes of his paintings, "said the" Aquarium "leader at a press conference.However, after the premiere, the mood of the public has changed dramatically. According to reviews of both critics and professionals, and the viewers of the prime minister passed with great success. The Insider decided to turn to people who knew the heroes of the painting, so that they shared the memories that they had caused a film from them, clarified the realities behind what they saw, and just remembered, "what was really".

Natalia Cruzanova

Mike and Natalia Naumenko's girlfriend since 1980, in 1979-1984 - Faculty of the Faculty of Journalism LSA I.A. E.Vedanova, from 1989 by our time - television director

The film "Summer" I liked. Without offensive. He no gram insulted my feelings or my memories. I am happy that there is such a film, because I understand that no one else is so delicate and talenlivion will take about Mike. We are very lucky!

When Mike first heard the songs of Viktor Tsoi

In the film, this acquaintance comes to the city, on the shore. I do not know whether Mike was familiar with Victor before ... But I witnessed when he first heard his songs. It was at us at home! On Dimitrov Street to Kupchino, my husband with Pavlov took an apartment <Павел Крусанов участвовал в нескольких рок-группах, сейчас известный петербургский литератор, прозаик — The Insider> . Almost every day we had Mike and Igor Gudkov (Pancker). Pasha and Panker worked at the Theater Institute on Mokhovoy and, naturally, they knew all the actors' students. One day a student came to Maxim Pashkov with two friends. It was Vitya Tsoi and Olegvalinsky (drummer, the one who went to the army, and now the big boss in Russian Railways). We are, Pasha, Mike and Panker - drank beer and played cards ... and were not going to be distracted. The boys sat quietly, we played the cards while Maxim did not suggest us to listen to the songs of Viti. We agreed, but continued to play. Vitya sang three songs - "Once you were a hipster," "My friends are walking through the life of a march", the third song, I, unfortunately, do not remember ... But I remember that my cards fell out of the hands, we stopped ... so much It was unexpected and fresh. By the way, I sang Vitya with Oleg, they were very beautifully combined voices. After that, Mike Creven suggested Viktor to visit ....What continued in endless chants of Nanatashina and Maikovskaya municipal kitchen. "Eighth grades", "Aluminum cucumbers" and other early songs I first heard in the kitchen.

We also called each other with each other by the patronymic - I am Echinovik Robertovich, he is me - Natalia Gennadevna, I had such a game.

Vitya was very modest and silent at that time. Favorite expression - "What to do?". It was used in a variety of situations!

The first concert of the movie group in the Leningrad Rock Club. From left to right: M. Faynstein (Aquarium), V. Tsoi, M. Naumenko, I. Gudkov, A. Romanov (Aquarium). From behind T-shirt - presumably Alexey Rybin. 1982

Acquaintance with Maryana

With Maryania, I was introduced to all of us (Igor) Petrovsky <его заметки см. ниже — The Insider> . They studied together at the preparatory courses in Mukhin (Mukhinsk Art School). Mariaan and our buddy Sasha Bick's birthdays were one day - March 5. It was decided to cope with Luda Petrovskaya. A huge company gathered - there was a Vitya with Fisky Fish (fish). How I told me Mariash, "I looked around and understood - there is only one real man here, it's Tsoi!" (Naturally, there were free men). She wrote his phone lipstick on the mirror.

Mike and Natasha

Mike Natasha (his wife) called Natalia. He considered her his closest friend. Natasha is a very talented person, but also very modest. A bunch of people constantly pushed in their room, sometimes came from other cities, he accepted everyone. At Mike, I first saw Kinchev's Kinchev's costume, Jura Naumova .... In the presence of T-shirt, everyone was very respectful, although he never pressed his knowledge and authority. He could patiently explain something and respond to the most banal questions. But at a certain point could say: "Everything for the way out, Natalia is time to sleep." I will not write a lot about their relationship, Natasha wrote everything herself.

Wedding Natasha and T-shirt. From left to right - Natasha Cruzanova, Pavel Cruzanov, Mikhail Naumenko, Dmitry "Red Damn" Gusev (playing on a Garmoshka with Acarium and other groups and left in the USA), a piece of Natasha Naumenko. Photo from a personal archive.

Igor "Ish" Petrovsky

Close friend of Mike and Natasha Naumenko. Artist of the group "Zoo". Prototype of one of the characters of the film

I knew that the film would not scrupulously reproduce the facts from the life of my heroes or tell the absolutely true history of the Leningrad Rock Club. I would even upset if it happened. I was interested to see a fairy tale, which Cyril Serebrennikov, actors and the entire film crew created. The fairy tale turned out beautiful and touching. We want to look with people once again and we hope that our grandson will also look at ten years. Now, not without excitement, we are waiting for the additions: an interview with the prototypes of the heroes is 36 years old (and it was so much lived Mike) later.

My most serious claim for the film is his conversational part. The actual communication of the heroes of this story was much more exciting than it looks on the screen. And Luda, my future wife, not among the actors! And Natasha Krusanov also did not show.

But thanks to all, everyone who created this movie. And freedom to Kirill Serebrennikov!

Actually, "Summer"

In the film Mike on a picnic sings his song "Summer", and after a few minutes it gets acquaintance with Viktor and Lenya. In fact, this song was written after Mike heard the first songs of the nameless then Trio (Viktor Tsoi, Alexey Rybin, Oleg Valinsky). The song has a subtitle "Song for Caoi", but Vitya never performed her. Instead of using the Mike's song, he composed his "summer" and "spring", announcing them as part of the "Seasons" cycle. The third part of the cycle was "sunny days" (winter song), and the song about autumn seems to have never appeared.

At about the same time, Mike wrote two songs that suggested Andrei "Swing" Panov, hinting that I would like to get any modest remuneration for it. One of the songs of the pigs rejected, and the other took on the execution, but the fee shirt did not pay. Then Mike decided not to give her pig completely and he himself recorded this song called "I don't know why" (bu-boo) is a song for a pig on his album LV. Performance of Panova, this song received another, low-rotten, name. The second song, which Mike offered a pig, was called "My Feet". She was never fulfilled in public and was not recorded anywhere. The text of it, apparently, is lost.

"Summer" - a song for Caoi - was recorded by Mike on the same LV album, as "I don't know why" (bu-bu).

Generation of janitors and watchdis

In the film Natasha and Victor bring coffee T-shirt to work. Mike works guard (so it was) and sits among metal structures or in the factory, or in the hangar.

In the department of private security of the Petrogradsky district of Leningrad, Mike began to work in the spring of 1980 and quit somewhere in 1987, when it became possible to officially employ the musician in the cultural center "Leisure" in Vsevolozhsk. Simultaneously with the "zoo" in the days of salaries, musicians and other groups came there, for example, DDT and TV.

And at the time, when Mike worked as a private security controller (so it was officially called), they also carried their watch in the day through three Boris Grebenshchikov, Vsevolod Gakkel, Andrei "Duš" Romanov (Brigadier), Igor Petrovsky and Anatoly "Rodion" Completion (brigadier). For a longer, Mike worked, guarding woodworking workshops of UNR-77 on Petrogradskaya Embankment. Two steps from a Mike-protected object was the technical school building, which was followed by Seva Gakkel.

Mike at work. Woodworking workshops. Year and the author of the photo are unknown.

"Album does not go"

There is an episode in the film where Mike says Natasha: "I have no album." It is unlikely that these words could be told at that time. Because there was no "work on the album", but the songs were composed, which were fulfilled in front of friends or from the scene, as a rule, before students or high school students at the festive evenings. These songs were recorded in the strangest conditions, such as "all brothers - sisters" Mike and Boris <Гребенщикова — The Insider> . And not all the records were decorated with pictures with pictures, photographs, lists of songs and reference to the names of the project participants. In this regard, the album Mike "Sweet N and others" was very highlighted among other similar records. It was issued by the photos of Andrei "Willy" Usov, and the face was decorated with a drawing of Natalia Shodbleva, in the future Naumenko. Mike's album decided when he had accumulated a dozen and a half songs that he was considered suitable for recording. At that time, he worked in the Leningrad Bolshoi Puppet Theater, and the sound operator Igor "Ptero D'Atil" Sverdlov, who knew the songs of Mike, offered him to take advantage of the opportunity to write them down. The record was carried out by urabs when the studio was free and could not always foresee when the next session takes place.

Once Mike called me and gave me to listen to the song recorded by him "Blues with a detailed and thorough description of how Isha and Mike broke into Moscow in March 1980," which we have been writing together in a hour and a half a few months ago, and it seemed to me That we have been forgotten about it for a long time. Then she began to be called "Blues de Moscou".

"It all should not sound like this, but there is strained with time and different other things," he explained. "I think, even if so it will be." Apparently, he meant not one of this song, but the entire album.

The next album, released already on behalf of the Zoo group, was a compilation of records made during a concert in Moskvorechye DC in October 1981. At first, Mike wanted him to call him "Sweet N in Moscow" and for this name I drew a cover, completely at the time there is obscene. Then the album was called "Blues De Moscou" and put a photo of the group made by Andrey "Willy" by Usov

Chernovik design album "Sweet N in Moscow". "Depicted animals - Astral animals of group members, only a monkey lack" - Igor Petrovsky, 1981

This is how work on albums took place at that time. Therefore, to say, he goes or does not go, it was unlikely possible. Of course, it is impossible to understand this phrase and as regret not too good sales. On this then the conversation did not go at all.

But after a couple of years, when the group recorded in the studio Andrei Tropillo album "Yesterday and the day before yesterday in the district of N", it became possible to talk about the concept of album and working with sound.

Zoo in the Studio A. Tropillo, 1983. The author of the photo is not installed.

In the interval between Blues De Moscou and the "LV" Mike Album, which can also be included in the discography of the group, if only because the group except the drummer participated in the record. Due to the fact that the living drums were impossible in the Studio Studio Studio, they were replaced by a fashionable drum machine. The record was led by Igor Panker, he was monosube.


In the film, the Naumenko family lives in a communal apartment, as it was in reality. They have a rather spacious room (or two?), There is a fireplace and a balcony. In fact, everything was much more prosaic. Community, where they lived, referred to the so-called departmental housing. In such apartments, people were settled, who did not have Leningrad regulations and those who worked on various heavy and low-paid work, instead of receiving the right to stay in Leningrad. The apartment in which Natasha received the room, who came to Leningrad from the Vologda region, was settled with gas boiler house workers. It was the seventh floor of an old house near Ligovsky Prospect. The elevator was, but it worked not always properly.

1) Natasha with Zhenya in that room (1981?) 2) Zhenya and typewriter T-shirt (1981?) 3) Natasha and Mike, New Year 1981-1982.Photo Alexander Bitsky

In the apartment on the left side of the long corridor there were seven-dimensional (narrow and elongated in length) rooms. In everyday life, such premises were called "Pencil" or "Coffin". The room where Mike, Natasha and Zhenya lived, was the fourth from the entrance, its area was 16 m. Act. Near the door in their room in the corridor on the shelf stood a telephone, the only one for the entire apartment. At the end of the corridor was a toilet, also one at all, and the corridor itself was in a rather large kitchen. In the kitchen to the left of the doorway there was a door to the bathroom. The bathroom did not so much so much as the lingerie was erased, since there were no hot water in the apartment. We went to the bathroom nearby. Next to the Bath for tradition was the beer stall.

In the first corridor from the entrance, the room lived from Moldova Tasya, which soon married (and married so far) Guitarist "Zoo" Alexander Khrabunov, settled in the same apartment. Shura, Tasya and their daughter Masha moved after the death of Mike.

Corridor of the same communal. Our days. Photo from the Internet (announcement with rental offer)

Crimea. Malorechenskoye

On April 30, 1982, People with People with FRUNZENSKY R. Leningrad registered with people. Our witnesses were Natalia Naumenko and Alexey Rybin. In July, I and Luda still felt the newlyweds, and the relationship of Marianna and Victor <Цоя — The Insider> turned into a solid connection. We took on a tent on a couple, the stock of products on the road and at first and went to the Crimea. Why we turned out to be in the village of Malorechenskoye, I can't remember.

The coast was pretty densely populated by the same as we rest. But we managed to find a place where we were separated by several tens of meters with the nearest neighbors. There we put our tents and started rest. I do not think that it was very different from how the majority of Soviet people who came to the sanatorium on the trade union triumph were spent in the Crimea, but by themselves and did not shoot the corner or barn from locals, but who put their tents and slags where For them there was a place.

Igor Petrovsky, Viktor Tsoi, Marianna Rodovanskaya, Lyudmila Petrovskaya. Crimea, pos. Malorechenskoye, summer 1982 photo of Vladimir Novikova

Walking, bathing, cold dry wine from barrels and automata, warm from bottles. Maryan and Vitya's skilled divers were collected under the water adherent to the stones of the mussels, which we were fried on the bore. Marianna was sometimes taken to draw landscapes, and Tsoi took the poses of Bruce Lee and swamped the limbs. Upon nights around the tents loudly stamped and snorted the hedgehogs, and from the shore, "Sea, Sea" Yuri Antonov was coming performed by holidaymakers. For some time, the local police came to us and forced to leave the tasted place, because It turned out that it is forbidden to put tents there. We moved a few hundred meters. It is possible that it was impossible to there, but no one bothered on the remaining days. Once we unexpectedly met our St. Petersburg friend Volodya "grandfather" Novikova. It turned out that he came a couple of days ago and settled where we were recently driven from. Volodya made several photos, one of which we see. Another invaluable document of that trip is a collective letter written by Marianna's hand. It was addressed to Natasha and T-shirt, for which we had time to miss, and in general it was necessary to take the time. The letter mentions our burnt and swollen bodies, compresses with urine, cholera, stoley seagulls and terrible spiders, climbed into the tent. In general, the tone of the letter is cheerful and life-affirming. Natasha managed to save it. At one time it was published in the book of A. Zhitinsky "Tsoi Forever". And in the same book, Ivan Kapitonov read addressed to Natalia Rovsovsky's Zhitinsky, in which she told the story of that long ago friendship and love. From her story and began the film "Summer".

"Not a record and not a rehearsal. Igor "Pancker" Gudkov, Mike and Igor "Isha" Petrovsky just so yelling is unknown that. " FROMseptember 1980, that day, when Mike became acquainted with Ilya Kulikov and decided to create a group. Photo by Alexander Bitsky.

Alexander Don (Background Romanov)

Member of the Leningrad Rock Club from the date of foundation, the musician of the Zoo Group until 1987. Now - Composer, Singer, Writer, Teacher

After the ugly squall comments on the Internet, which rose long before the premiere of the film, I swore no longer read and not write about him. I do the last exception. The film is very lyrical and chaste, like Mike himself, and their family relationships with Natalia. All this story happened in my eyes and in my participation, as I even lived at Mike with Natalia and Little Zhenya in their municipal room of the month four in 1982, until he took her housing and did not find work in LDM (ARS Group ). So believe the word! Unlike individual places, characters, gestures and phrases did not embarrass me - the reconstruction is not included in the range of mandatory tasks of the artistic work. So, I'm completely clear to the choice of nature. We say for the dwelling T-shirt - instead of a "shoe box", which had a place to be on the departmental living space and absolutely faceless in essence, the director was taken by the "Old Fund", transmitting the aroma of the Northern Capital. Music is made jewelry and filigree - which was noted in Cannes. The subtlety of this stylization is particularly well audible in cinemas with appropriate equipment. I watched a movie with my son, and I was not ashamed of the incidents of the incomparable tears. I'll go again.

Freedom Cyril Serebrennikov!

1981 or 1982, the birthday of Pasha Region at the Finnish bay

Among the familiar T-shirt, which he kindly presented me back at the end of the 70s, were Alexander Enders and Pavel Terrays. Both were, like all of us, big lovers and connoisseurs of Anglo-American rock music. Sasha, who was engaged in the Samizdat rock journalism, led the edition of the "underground" magazine "Roxy", and in the medium of phyloofonists was known as "Sasha with crimsons" due to its special addiction to the "Cream" group, the discs of which he constantly updated on the underground Vinyl gatherers meetings. His interviews and critical reviews of bobble albums in the Roxy headed by them stylistically imitated the articles carefully read by our "Rolling Stone" and "Melody Maker", which came to us (like the wheels themselves) Thanks to the people who went to St. Petersburg sailors - not It is worth forgetting that the port was and remains the geographical dominant of our city, which determines its specificity. (In general, I note that neither Gogol, nor Dostoevsky, this circumstance was reflected in their descriptions of St. Petersburg, focused around the administrative and officials of the component of the St. Petersburg Society). Hence some patronage of tone in his articles.

In an interview that I and Mike and I gave him after the IV rock festival of 1986 - when the "zoo" finally became a laureate, it clearly refers to our co-authorship. For me, this is valuable in the light of modern attempts by some authors to submit our cooperation with him as session and almost random. We often visited Sasha in his apartment at Moskovskaya metro station, listening and rewriting discs, reading the press and literary owner's empasses and his friends (in particular a fantastic story "Journey to Black Ugra"), as well as tasting alcohol, which Sasha chas .

Pasha Regions every year at the end of May celebrated his birthday to the mass departure to the Finnish bay near Tarhovka Station (joker renamed her to the roadsack). Usually, the weekend coming to his birthday according to the prior agreement (I will remind you that even even home phones were not all) gathered on the platform of the Finnish station "At the locomotive Ilyich" and drove on the train at the Gulf of Finland. There were kebabs, drank and sang songs under the guitar. And this tradition has been preserved to this day!

Here is the birthday of Pasha Region and captured on this photo. Year or 1981, or 1982. In the center - Mike with a guitar, to the left of him (in glasses) - Sasha Startsev, on the right - the sinking me and next to me (in the profile) - Pasha Regions. I do not even take the rest now. I will add that Pasha arranged "apartment", one of which is recorded and released on the CD in the Moscow Department "Exit", published almost all the records of Mike, for which they have a low bow and cordial thanks!

By the way, the last member of Ilchenko's project (with Evgeny Guberman on the drums) is called "Finnish Bay" (Zhenya changed it to the "Finnish Zaliff"), in which Jura was superbly sang "poverty" Mike.

Along the way, I can't remember the wedding of Natasha Vasilyeva, on which we and Mika and I were a year of EDAC in the 1978th \u200b\u200bM-79th in the company with Yura Ilchenko, which was then the leader-guitarist "time machine". Natasha - the author of a huge number of photos of the dosoparkovsky period, subsequently - the official photographer of the Leningrad Rock Club. In the second half of the 70s, "MV" often performed on "Seysenah" in St. Petersburg, being almost prohibited in Moscow. Makarevich even dedicated Ilchenko's song "Who did you want to surprise" after Yura dies with my luxurious hair almost to the belt and shaved naked: "You can walk like a launched garden, and you can hit everything naked ..." Makarevich was at the wedding, He played and sang his songs under the guitar. Encouraged by the practice of homemade musitations of this kind and some of the alcohol, I kept singing to him well-known songs. Makarevich strictly looked at me in pauses, but did not rebound the mouth. Probably played the role of the notorious rock fraternity, but I hope that the fact that my "patients" was not "across".

Spring of 1984, Leningrad Rock Club, the 2nd Rock Festival, the dressing room of the group "Zoo" before the performance. Top row from left to right: I and Andrei Danilov (drums). Lower range from left to right: Evgeny Guberman (drums), Mike, Alexander Khrabunov (guitar) and Mikhail Fanstein-Vasilyev (bass guitar, "Aquarium"). Photo from the personal archive of Alexander Donskoy. The author is not installed.

The exact composition of those who performed the "zoo" on the second rock festival is best to clarify according to the book of A. Zhitinsky "Journey of Rock-Dieletant", in which everything is very scrupulously recorded (this work is particularly valuable). Ilya Kulikova is not in the frame, and it seems that the fan played on the bass, although I'm not sure. Zhenya Guberman is present in the frame Rather as a friend of Mike and Zoo - I still think that Danilov played at the concert. By the way, it was the governor who came up with a sharp characteristic riff in the song T-shirt "Fuck in your eyes." (Already in the 2000s, we somehow threesome - Guberman, Fan and I - performed this song at a concert in the Elven garden for "Saigon". Alas, they are already not with us ...)

I already worked at that time in the "earthlings" (by the second soloist - after Skachkova - in the second voice, well, with a pair-three solo songs, plus keys), and this very red-white striped t-shirt has already been marked by a zealous journalist in the newspaper "Change": "The soloist of the group" Earthlings "is opposed to the American flag (!) On the chest!" In order to conspiracy, I asked Starteva to Roxy to designate me with the naval "marine" that he did. I really hoped that the head of "Earthlings" Vladimir Kiselev will not notice my participation in the "amateur" festival, but it was not there! Kiselev summoned me "on the carpet," a look drilled for a long time and then led: "Well," marine "? So that this is no longer! " And it was not. At the third festival, the Zoo did not speak. Formally due to the lack of "new songs", although it did not correspond to reality. In fact, at this time, large-scale newspaper injury of rock groups was deployed at all, and especially the "zoo" - in particular. T-shirt was imputed to the blame almost no calls for terrorism for the lines: "We all need someone to ... torture, crumpled or even kill!" T-shirt was forbidden to use such words as "abortion" in the songs (he virtuoso replaced his famous "... But are you ready for the 502th abortion?" On "... Sorry, dear, but you beat all records!") , "... And in your deck is not enough ace, and the joker serves the currency" ("Does she play in cards?"). In addition, in 1985, the international festival of young people and students took place in Moscow (from "Earthlings" at the "warming up" then there was little famous British group "Everything But The Girl", and in the closed round table "Wrestlers for the World" participated Bob Dylan himself and the Pink Floyd group in full force!), who was preceded by the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Victory in World War II.

We walked clouds on the "TUNYADETS" on weekdays in cinemas on day sessions. We are with Mike from such a cloud in the Titan cinema on Nevsky while watching the film "Tristan and Isolda" Saved Oleg Garquash, who brought friends through the official move. In short, the ideological "witch hunt" was in full swing! But after a year after the events described, in 1986, "she suddenly suddenly began in spring" ...

1986, Laureat Concert of the 4th Rock Festival in LDM, group "Zoo" from left to right:Natalia ("Mikhasya") Shishkin, Alexander Khrubunov, Mike, Sergey Teshev (bass guitar), I, Galina Skigigin and Valery Kirilov (drums). Makeup of LDM. Photo by N.Vasilieva-Hull

In March 1986, I left the "earthlings". Before that, the group was left by Igor Romanov and the drummer Valera Brusilovsky, Volodya Ermoline came from the group "Zair" and some friend Sergey Skachkova, who finally became the voice, but also the frontman of the lovers of astronauts. Sprinkles spread in the group some santovshchina, completely intolerable for me, and indeed the priority system began to change quite significantly - in short, I wrote a statement on my own request. After the final executions "on the carpet" in Kiselev ("I don't leave me, I'm carrying from me!"), I returned to "my city, familiar to tears" and we started Mike and a group to the activities of the program for the 4th Rock -Festival. Instead, again, the missing Ilya Kulikova was invited to the bass guitar Sergey Tshevul, who was then fashionable by fashionable funk and Slepem (in the photo he modestly looms in the background, since he was forbidden to smile in front of the camera and on stage). For the drums, the experienced musician Valera Kirilov - from this year to the last days of Mike. I invited Natasha and Galina with whom we made a vocal trio for the backstage (the first in the history of the rock club, by the way!). Rehearsals began - separate groups, separately - the vocal workshop, then - consolidated. At the last rehearsals of the male part of the group, it was ordered to exclude abnormative vocabulary from use and in general - pull up. T-shirts were highlighted black pants "under the skin", a black velvet jacket and a butterfly on a naked body. It was necessary to see how it did all this - in the photo it is noticeable of proudly sprinkled head. New arrangements of old things were made - such as "a woman (face in the city gate"). Finally, he sounded, as it should - in the style of Moscheche - one of the best Mike songs: "Light", partly illustrating the "pomegranate bracelet", but at the same time, and "our own", no matter how cool!

My Mike and I wrote a few new - "salons", "Rum and Pepsi Cola", "Your New Poodle" and those that I am particularly proud of - "Maria" and "Illusions". Especially for girls I added to Mike's permission to the already well-known hit "Bugi-WGOG - every day" Their small solo a la starting to enter Rap: "Yes, but for dances I need a partner - a partner who has burdens! And if you invite you, then without a progress I take your invitation - e! " Mike instructed me to fulfill the text "Ah, Love!" For me, to which I composed music in retro style. Case boiled! And the result did not make himself wait - the "zoo" became the laureate of the 4th festival! After that there were a record in the house of radio, and shooting clips "Bugs" and "Maria" - the last disappeared and not yet found, and it is unlikely that they will already be discovered ... about all this and what happened later I am more or It was less detailed and how I could sincerely wrote in the novel "Ghosts of the city N".

Olga Slobodskaya

Since 1985, the secretary and administrator of the Leningrad Rock Club

Most enthusiastic resignation and reviews for the "Summer" picture are completely fair. "Summer" seemed to be warm, light painting, filmed with great love and respect for his heroes. Just every other day, "Summer" in St. Petersburg, I met at the Aquarium concert with a former curator of the rock club from LMDST (Leningrad House of Inter-Union Amateur Creativity) Natalia Messerova, which Julia Auga played in the film. We chatted with Natalia for a long time and recalled the affairs of the past days.

For example, as the Scorpions group arrived at the usual rock club concert in 1988. It was during their famous "restructuring" tour in the USSR, whose symbol was the song "WIND OF CHANGE". The scorpions will come to us, we learned at the last moment. The narrow courtyard of the Rock Club on Rubinstein, 13 was under the arch, and they drove there on a limousine, which they have plunged into shock, because they did not understand how the car is going to unfold and leave back. Yes, and the limousine itself was uncommon. Concert was in a small placement of a former red corner (such a special place for holding parties or friendly vessels in almost every institution in those times). The musicians rose first to our administrative room and chatted with those who were there. Some of them asked George Gornitsky's poet (one of the two founders of the Aquarium and a permanent member of the Rock Club Council): "Do you support the government?" George answered with a light smile - "Sometimes."

Then they descended into a red corner, where there was a concert of the NEP group, the first female rock band "Situation" and Andrei "Pigni" Panova (in Léter, Alexander Gorkin played brilliantly). The sound was terrible. In the red corner there was very bad acoustics and this place, of course, was not at all suitable for post-punk and hard rock. But when Scorpions themselves went on stage, took the tools of someone from ours and played, a miracle happened. Everything sounded!

At the same time, I first saw a gun - one of the guards scorpions leaning the jacket and I saw a weapon. I do not know if it was a firear gun, and how they received permission, but I strained - the hall was full of davey "Metalists", and if they climb on the scene to ScoIRPONS, as can respond to the security. But everything went and everyone was very pleased.

In the same year it happened, as they would say, unauthorized procession in front of our festival in the winter stadium, which we have been preparing for a long time, and the preparation was complex and nervous. The sound engineer Andrei Tropillo (recorded the first albums "Aquarium", "Cinema" and many others) assured us that agreed with all the authorities. The Festivals of the Rock Club were then great events in the city, thousands of spectators began to be collected. And suddenly, on the eve of the festival, the fire department declares that in the winter stadium, the room is not ready for mass events, and they prohibit the festival.

We stood on the street with the President of the Rock Club Kolya Mikhailov, the leader of the "TV" by Misha Bourzikin, who came to the Soundchek, and reflected what to do now. Misha with his characteristic straightness and uncompromising said that it was necessary to go to Smolny. On the street, near the stadium, approximately a thousand people gathered, although the festival began only to the next day. It was young people who came to excite before the festival, listen to the soundcard, chat with someone from the musicians, and just had fun on a summer sunny day. It seems we did not even argue with Misha. Quickly wrote a poster, which began with the words "Fate of the Festival in our hands," and went.

Leningrad, 1988 Youth demonstration against Rock Festival's prohibition.Photos from a personal archive

We walked, as it should be in the cultural capital, culturally - by the sidewalk, but since there were a lot of people and someone joined us along the procession, part of the public did still go to the roadway. We began to accompany the police car. They did not combine us, asking to turn to some street at the cinema "Leningrad", thereby driving in a dead end. The street was bursting. At the trench, the police lieutenant colonel, someone from the commander of the CPSU, went to Mikhailov and Bourzikin. - And by the time there were already thousands of two, they sat on the asphalt and waited for the result of the negotiations.

Olga Slobodskaya during the 1988 youth demonstration in Leningrad. Photos from a personal archive

I remember that day was in a T-shirt with the inscription "Perestroika", which turned out to be a symbol of this story for me. About an hour later everything was settled. The festival was allowed, we promised to find rubber mats to cover them all the stadium and even water them with water between the concerts. Before each concert, Mikhailov went to the stage and asked the public not to smoke in the hall (then no one would especially fought smoking right at the stadium). In the parter, which accompanied 3-3.5 thousand people, no one was lit, and the entire festival was held without excesses.

Leningrad, Winter Stadium, 1988 before the beginning of the Rock Festival.Photo from a personal archive

In 1989, each group became sufficiently independent and the need for a rock club, as an organization that helps musicians to literate, that is, to allow execution, texts and arrange concerts, disappeared. We doubted whether to arrange the festival. And they decided to arrange, but not so big as previous, but to hold it, which is called home, on Rubinstein, 13.

Participation should have been at that time big stars - "DDT" and "Alice". The hall on Rubinstein had only 500 people, of course not enough tickets. We expected the crowd of quite violent aliceamans on the street, and therefore they wanted to overlap a piece of Rubinstein Street at least an hour. I incurred the application of Griboyedov to the headquarters of Leningrad riot police (he is located there). Without any hope, I brought an application to the reception chief, and he was in his office. Riot Omeon headlong Zubinkin. In response to his request, I listened to your request, close to the fact that in the movie "Summer" pronounces the character of Alexander Bashirov: our rock bands are enemies of the state, low-line musicians, who have no relation to culture.

I listened patiently: I needed a result. But when Colonel Rubnkin said that the festival will take place only if there is no "Alice", my patience burst. And I, 22-year-old, fragile girl said: "You are mistaken. The festival will take place. And it will take place with "Alice". My case, as an organizer, to inform you and submit an official notice that I did. And your business is to provide order at the event. This is your job. See you. "I got up and left. Now It is probably difficult to believe in it, but in the restructuring such communication with the riot police commander was possible. The street was not overheated, one DPS car came, stood and left. But we coped with our own.

Maybe sometime about all this will also remove the cinema. In the meantime, if you have not watched the "summer", but you want to feel the times of the 80s, when no one was starring and did not assume a restructuring or the collapse of the USSR, and understand what music was for everyone who was going to Rock Club - run to watch movies.

P.S. Remember that this film about free people was removed the director who was under house arrest, who will soon be a court. Cyril Serebrennikov!

Valery Kirilov

On this day, 91 years old Mike Naumenko died, Comrade is the head of the zoo. How I remember:
Summer in 1991 was hot, did not want to do anything. But the T-shirt had new ideas, and we waited for a new breakthrough.
Without the opportunity to speak in the music plan for several years, exhausted by continuous touring, with a depleted nervous system, Mike more and more wrote "on the table". He quickly wonder, he was revealed by the truth unknown to us, - because of this, he strongly broke away from his usual environment, which simply converts and who ceased to understand him, taking his alienation for the results of unsuccessful joint drunkenness. Subsequently, these "friends" launched a shitful hearing of his death from alcohol. Mike more and more self-aumed; Having lost interest in old friends, he was not looking for new acquaintances.
The accumulated fatigue was aggravated by a difficult problem for every musician: the motility of his left hand sharply worsened, "sometimes he could not even take a chord. Although Mike, like any musician, carefully hid his sores, especially professional, - to avoid rumors and speculations, but in the end, it was forced to turn to doctors. They did not encourage him.
All this happened against the background of family troubles, which ended with a rupture of Mike with his wife Natalia, with which he lived for many years, and loved her very much.
The patient, on the verge of a nervous breakdown - Mike did not give up. Watching my work to restore one of the first records of Tsoi, he suggested that a solo album conceived by him. I quickly agreed with a friend, Valentin Zadyhin (Odita's sound producer), and he agreed to provide us with the studio. It remained only to find money for the film and other necessary trifles. Mike said that the question with money was decided himself. How he was going to do this, I did not ask, although I knew that it would be difficult for him to get money.
In an effort to protect yourself at the time of work on the album from drinking friends, Mike took the guitar, a packet of paper and moved to live to me. I understood that a perennial touring rally did not pass for him without a trace, he needed rest, in a sharp change of the situation. Every morning his brain, "dispersed" many hours of night work, could not switch to rest immediately; He wandered around the apartment, played with a cheese, watched the TV or wrapped the fireplace.
About KISU - a separate story. When my wife worked in a duet with I. Kornelyuk, cats were born kittens. Olga simplified me to take one. The kittens were two: a healthy kid and a patient, a weak girl. We took her and went out. She dangled with me on the tour, loved to look from the airplane of the aircraft on the clouds and was, according to Mike, "surprisingly intelligent cat." She became a common favorite - so to speak, "team kisa". I loved to shoot in the clips very much, before you fall the straight of the directories. Later, I suggested using it as a "face of the zoo"; Mike did not objection, but we could fulfill this idea only after his death, when they independently produced a record "Music for the film": there on the "apple" - Kisa. On the side and she looks at us, on the side of the rear view. And no letters and inscriptions.
When Mike, living with me, worked at night, Kisa constantly tried to stick to the paper lying in front of him, hoping, apparently, to distract him from the scriban. "Kisa, go to FIG! Kisa, do not bother! " - I politely persuaded her Mike, but she stubbornly climbed onto the leaf to the left, then on the right, clearly and meaninglessly not letting him write.
Increasingly, to fall asleep after night work, Mike had to drink alcohol. Usually one bottle was enough for 3-4 days. Our life rhythms did not coincide, - in the morning I ran on our deeds, and Mike went to bed. Sometimes we drank together: I'm "on the move foot", he before bedtime. Once, returning home, I discovered that he, instead of sleeping, drank all day. "Mike, why did you burn so much? You will die, like a dog! " - I gently pointed him (such a specific humor in the zoo). "And I want it," he answered, without accepting my tone. I began to persuade him to go to rest in Lithuania, to my relatives. Multiple persuasions unexpectedly crowned with success: he agreed. I ran to the station to buy tickets for the nearest train ...
Two weeks of solid walks, fishing, rolling on a grandmother and a healthy food turned out to be not enough to remove long-term fatigue. But the desire of Mike return home was stronger, - he rushed to work.
Upon arrival, Mike finally moved to me and began to be feverishly writing. In the interruption, he started endless conversations about death and a woman. It became clear that he no longer sighs death, - he already knows exactly about her.
At the request of my mother, I helped her in her tourist Soviet-American company, - temporarily worked as a group of law. Talking Shura Hubunov about his new unexpected profession, I jicely noticed: "Mike gathered to die, so we will have to look for another job."
Mike began to work on wear, day long. He raised me at night with bed and read just written. Sometimes I heard through the dream, as he tears poems; Going out of the bedroom, I saw it burns whole pile of paper in the fireplace. How much he destroyed everything then! "Why burn, then you modify," I somehow noticed him. He looked at me in surprise and said sadly: "then it will not be."
So I remembered it: a pale, exhausted by insomnia, with feverishly burning from overwork with eyes ... Once in the morning he left. Forever and ever.
That day, without waiting for a T-shirt, I went to bed. I woke me a sharp phone call: it was Hubnov. "Valera, you turned out to be right." "What?" - I did not understand. "In the fact that we need to look for another job. Misha died, "Shura answered. Throwing the phone, I rushed to him, not even guessed to take a taxi.
When I entered the Mike's room after half an hour, he had not cooled yet. Next to him was mom and sister. I looked and not knowing what to say or do, went to the kitchen. There was a lost Shura. His wife Tasya, preparing for his birthday, brought the day before the box of wine "Bouquet of Moldavia", which we and Shaura and I drank overnight. Stunned grief, drank silently, and no one interfered with us.
The examination showed that alcohol in the blood of the T-shirt was not, and death came due to hemorrhage into the brain caused by the fracture of the base of the skull. Such a injury is possible as a result of a strong blow to the head in front or with a strong jolts behind the housing. It was found out that on that day Mike returned home, and something happened in the yard, as a result of which he was injured and lost some personal belongings.
Forceing pain, he rose to the elevator into his apartment on the 7th floor, opened the front door, passed along the corridor, put the key on the door of his room, - but here the strength left him, he fell and lay down near the door for about an hour (there were no neighbors at home). When it was discovered, Mike was still alive. They called "ambulance", the doctors refused to take him to the hospital and ordered to "prepare for the worst". Called the second "ambulance", but she arrived too late ...
The criminal case was not initiated, but on the day of the funeral, I promised the father of Mike, which would get someone who did it. Unfortunately, I just managed to find out that the neighboring boy saw how some unfamiliar man tried to raise a jersey with asphalt in the yard. Missing things also did not find anywhere. Footprints were lost ...
Mike, dear our Mike, wherever you are now, I remember and love you, let's there!

Musician and performer

I was too long here.
Probably, I have to say goodbye to me
And yet I wanted to stay,
But, alas, I have time ...

Mike Namento

Mikhail Naumenko's work had a tremendous influence on Russian rock musicians. He was the first to perform a classic rock and roll in Russian, which was previously impossible to be impossible as listeners, so performers. Songs Mike to this day do not leave indifferent those who grew up on his work, and those who only discover his talent.

Mike's parents were indigenous Leningraders, the Father is a teacher of a technical university; Mother - library worker. The head of the family, the main educator, and the authority for Mike was a grandmother. She was a cultural and very educated person, very loved children, understood them and always found a common language. Mike learned to read at 5 years old. In kindergarten, where he began to walk at 6 years old, he was on behalf of the teacher with a permanent reader.

To music until fifteen years old Mike was absolutely indifferent. As a child, he did not sing, did not participate in artistic amateur studies and generally tolerate could not bear any public speeches to guests or at school.

The tape recorder and guitar parents bought Mishe to sixteen - in 1971. His first guitar, let him not very inexpensive, he loved gently and devotedly. He studied on the guitar on his own. In school, Mike showed his patience peculiar to him, adjacent and perseverance. He did not know a long time ago, but he always refused to go to music school. Mike for some reason considered it completely unnecessary and even harmful.

At the same time, Mike studied at school with enhanced learning English. After graduating from school, Mike could well go to the University Faculty of Philology, however, the in-depth knowledge of the language was used by Mikhail in another direction. He read, translated and completed a huge number of literature related to rock music, and became an authoritative specialist in this direction.

He listened to the albums "Rolling Stones", "The Beatles", "Jefferson Airplane", collected Western articles about "T.REX", "DOORS", D. Bowie. Under their influence, Mike began to compose songs in English and tried to play with various compositions.

After school, Mike entered the Engineering Institute. Misha passed the entrance exams quite successfully, the winter session was safely safely. His studies at the Institute Mike began quite successfully. He liked a student life, less strict than in school regime, scholarship. But he studied without any interest. With two academic leave, under the pressure of the parents, he studied four courses and threw the institute when he remained until the end of just a year and a half.

Mike himself later announced in the interview: "I started in 1973 as a bassist. Until the 75th played two or three groups, which is not worth talking about. In 74th met the "aquarium". ... In June 1978, with Grebenchikov, we recorded a joint acoustic album "All Brothers - Sisters". A, in general, I fulfill the duties of rock and roll whores: I play where you have to, with whom will have and what will happen ... "

In early 1977, he would not play in the "Union of Music Lovers of Rock" by Vladimir Kozlov for a long time. From 1977 to 1979, it periodically collaborated with the "aquarium" as a invited electric guitarist, performed under the comic name "Vocal and Instrumental Grouping named after Chuck Take" with a repertoire of a classic rock and roll. In the summer of 1979, he traveled around the villages of the Vologda region as part of the "Overhaul" group, which was later perfectly described in the story of Vyacheslav Zorin "Unlocked Circle".

In mid-1978, Mike, together with the leader of the Aquarium, Boris Greeschikov recorded the Acoustic Album "All Brothers - Sisters". Two guitars and lifting harmonica were recorded right on the banks of the Neva on the microphone of the old tape recorder "Electronics 302". Half songs sang Mike, half of the Grebelchikov. The recording quality was frightening.

In the summer of 1980, the studio of the Leningrad Bolshoi Theater dolls Mike recorded his first solo acoustic album "Sweet N and others". From recorded 32 songs in the album entered only 15. The album quickly went through the country and Naumenko began to call the "Leningrad Bob Dilan".

The record itself took place in the studio of the Bolshoi Cupollaglaglarodar theater to Viktor Viktor Sudarushkina, early from life, - recalled the senior technician-Radist Alla Nightingale, who carried out some of the sound engineering during the session "Sweet N".

Naumenko has not yet had his own group, and Mike invited Vyacheslav Zorin from the Guitarist session from the "Overhaul" group. Something was rehearsed in advance, and part of the program was decided to record almost immediately. On several compositions of the guitar duet Mike Naumenko and Vyacheslav Zorina played by the harmonica Boris Grebenchikov.

Mike began the record a little timidly, but seeing the reaction of operators and the first listeners, calmed down and went amusing, "Zorin told. "After the first session, when we went out to the street, he said amazingly a solemn voice:" Today I will not live in vain. "

Zorin recalled that besides a few compositions in which Mike was superimposed on top of the solo guitar and occasionally - bass, most of the songs were played by alive, and no more than three draft doubles left for each of them.

"Mike wanted how best and was afraid to spoil the options," said Zorin. "He assumed that some songs would be converted another time."

From the album recorded by the album, inspiration and sixties. Medalerrokn-n-roll "Seventh Heaven" adjacent to the rhythm-end blues "Morning together" and magnetism of "suburban blues", in which the line "want to smoke, but there was no papirot" seemed pulled out of the arsenal of the decadent poetry of the Silver Age. Executed in a mad pace, this composition looked like an open application for punk rock. At that time, the "suburban blues" was perceived as a call to an armed uprising - it's not by chance after a couple of years with a litolon in the rock club instead of "I sit in a sorter and read Rolling Stone" turned out to be "I sit in the apartment." Well, even though censors from Rubinstein Street did not touch beautiful, but the suspicious word "Papiri". Did you never know what could be inside ... opened the album "If you want" the album, actually pursued on the general rehearsal of the opening of the first Rock Club version in the 79th year. Spectacular Rechitative and Pseudo-Bitlovsky Transition from Major to Minor and back to Major fought the formulated outcome of the life philosophy of the Leningrad Culture Life Philosophy: "And if you want, you can make me!"

The medicine, invented by Mike, turned out to be just a drug. St Bar Tablets from Mike introduced into temptation to work under the underground of many children who lived for the most part in the high-altitude Stalinist homes and have never been in the life of those who did not see these queues and the police commissions.

The first side of the album closed several blues at once. "If it is raining" - beautiful, a little torn acoustic ballad, "I am returning home" - a bachelor's manifesto, accompanied by a solemn battle of chords, and finally - super-hit "Blues de Moscou", played with the active participation of the Guitar Zorin and his own Replica: "Pull up!"

It is curious that on this album in the composition "Blues De Moscou" "Baryshni in the capital still do not like the stars of punk rock" - and not musicians, as it was in later versions, when Mike with a terrible force began to divert from the weakened punk Movement. In the meantime, Mike is in proud loneliness pushed a heavy cart with a gluable blues. "This Is The Blues" - he announced the next rock and roll at this session, calling the blues everything, including a typical rock and simply ballads. They say he did not really love root African music, preferring to listen and grow white blues, although the final of the old RAS and ends with a reggic guitar solo from I "Shot The Sheriff".

One of the main hits of the album was the composition "Dryan". This song Mike wrote over the whole year and finished only in 1979. Many argued that her melodic line one in one was removed from "T.REX", the bass move was taken from Morrison, and the text resembles a free translation of Lou Reed and a semi-forgotten fighter "Russians" called "Vastness". In particular, Vyacheslav Zorin recalled that, sitting in the evening at a party at Mike, he accidentally heard "rubbish" in English. Vyacheslav, you just don't think anything, "Mike worried. What can I think! Mike and Bob, as the most English-speaking of Leningrad authors, knew western rock poetry perfectly. It was not necessary to translate anything completely, if it is enough to study the poetic philosophy or mentality of Western rock minesters and reproduce the desired in relation to the Soviet urban folklore or interrupted the traditions of the Silver Age.

The same "rubbish" was perceived later as brilliant improvisation and eventually became a classic in the repertoire of Mike and Zoo. In the early 90s, the right to execute "Dryni" was received from the former wife of Mike by a group of "Crematorium", and almost at the same time "Dryan" was recorded by Olga Peshina - co-author of the "two tractor drivers" and the aquarium combat girlfriend " Triangle. "

Mike never masked the sources of his inspiration, calling Mark Bolan and Lu Reed among the favorite performers. Not accidentally recorded during the session in the doll theater, the composition "Fear in your eyes" reminded one of the t.rex melodies from the plate of the 77th year "Dandy In The Underworld", and "I love Bogi-WGG" from the album " The white stripe "exactly copied" I Love to Boogie "from the same disk of Bolan - without an indication of the authorship. For comparison, we note that the same Grebenshchikov was not ashamed to point out the composition "Sergey Ilyich" from the "Triangle", which is a song for MB. Look out!

During the June session, Sweet N Mike was recorded for more than sixteen compositions that did not enter the album and saw the light after a half dozen years at the dual CD "Sweet N and others". Among these archival compositions there are many curious - ranging from several songs of "overhaul" in the performance of Zorin, ending with apartment hits T-shirt Times "All Brothers - Sisters": "Bathroom", "Woman" and "Seventh Chapter". Another album that did not enter the album was devoted to the sound operator Igor Sverdlov. Attended by the session in the doll theater, Andrei Tropillo claims that most of the "sweet N" recorded not Sverdlov, but Alla Nevolai - because Igor preferably engaged in port management and the establishment of alcohol contacts. In principle, Mike in its dedication to Sverdlov: "Doppeaking Portwine - go home."

About the very half-phyphic "sweet n", which several compositions were devoted to at once and the existence of which Mike stubbornly denied for a long time Mike himself told in an interview with the Leningrad Underground Rock magazine "Roxy" a few months after the album recording:

"Sweet N is a stunning woman, which I lovefully love, but at the same time I'm not quite sure that it exists in nature ... but maybe she looks like that on the cover." In reality, the Leningrad artist Tatyana Apraksina, with which Mike met in 1974 served as a "sweet n" prototype. Interesting outwardly, with the attractive inner world and charm of the fabulous sorcerer in the performance of Marina, Tatiana was then the main museum of Mike.

"Mike came to visit me one or some of the friends, modestly by making a small retinue of the aquarium, remembers Tatyana, whose artistic pseudonym was associated with the fact that she lived in Apraksin alley. "Slender, plump, with a big nose, with eyes, brilliant good-natured curiosity, Mike was ready to participate in everything and to be friends with everyone. None of his famous songs by that time he had not yet written, although he had already carried a neat notebook with him, in which the foundations of future hits were laid. He could enter one song for years, from time to time, in a notebook, then the word, then the phrase, pretending different options - as if making up a mosaic - and exposing the text of the gradual editor. "

"Aquarium" accepted perfectly. However, Mike became a star of the evening. It was the first speech in his life in the Great Hall. He came out in sunglasses and a vigilant voice announced that he recommends that all Leningrad "Whiteor" and Rum "Havana-Club". Then he started "Sweet N" ... one could foresee that Mike would greatly surprise the hall, but the spontaneity and the power of the reaction surpassed all the expectations ... "From" Rock in the USSR "Artemy Troitsky.

In the autumn of 1980, he collected his own group, not without regard to the "Aquarium", calling it a "zoo". Two musicians of the student group "Farewell, Black Monday" Alexander Khrubunov (Guitar) and Andrei Danilov (drums) were invited, and then on the recommendation, the bassist Ilya Kulikov was invited from the group "Maki." The group began to rehearse in November 1980, next year was adopted in the rock club, and the first concert with the program from Mike's songs was given in the spring, which caused a turbulent, albeit an ambiguous public reaction.

For three years, the Zoo regularly performed at home and went to Moscow, where Mike initially enjoyed much more successful, than in Leningrad, for some reason he was perceived by the local public as Punk, several times acted as accompanied by the musicians of the group "DC" and made a concert Album "BLUES DE MOSCOU". In St. Petersburg, during this time, Naumenko played guitar solo at the Debut Concert of the Movie Group in March 1981.

In 1982, Mike with friends records the album "LV" (55 - year of birth of Mike). The album is characterized by musical diversity and parody, and is replete with the initiations of St. Petersburg musicians.

The following year, Mike recorded the album "The County City of N" at the Antrop Studio, the title song of which is a 14-minute ballad, called the "encyclopedia of our life." And the album "White Straight" in 1984 made the name of Mike and his songs by the famous whole country.

"By the way, besides directly musical addictions, Mike is also involved in the creation of one of the oldest St. Petersburg rock-samizdat magazines - Roxy. At one time he, together with BG and others, was the editorial office of this magazine. What else did he study in life? Yes, it is probably the same thing and all the then rockers. Pancker and I came to the T-shirt at the place where he was engaged in creativity, wrote songs and ... worked part-time watchman. As it should be in this world, it seems to all artists, writers and musicians. They are watchman. Only whom from whom it is not clear. But they are watchman. And who should be guard, on the other hand, as not a writer, not a musician, not a poet? Mike was engaged in there, to all of the time, and the fact that Paul Putven was met with friends and played the preference. He was generally a very charming person ... "-" O Sashbash, about Kinchev, about himself, about life "Svyatoslav Razyri wrote.

In May 1983, on the 1st Festival of the Rock Club, a pianist and singer Alexander Donskoy appeared as part of the Zoo. Although the speech of the Zoo turned out to be uneven, and the group did not become a laureate, Mike himself received a prize for the "consistent development of a satirical theme". Special nomination, the inciator of which was the writer-publicist Alexander Zhitnsky (Rock-dilett). This is described in his book "Travel Rock Amateur". By the next winter, the original composition of the group collapsed.

In March 1984, Naumenko and Khrubunov appeared on the club's scene accompanied by the Rhythm Section "Aquarium": Mikhail Vasilyev (BAS) and Peter Trochchenkov (drums). Vasilyev, who at that time actually left the "aquarium", played in the "zoo" until the end of the year, and Trochchenkova in April changed the best drummer of the city of Evgeny Guberman.

In 1984, the Zoo is written by the Album "White Straight", which in 1988 the company "Melody", cutting the song "Poverty" and "forward Boddyswa", is published. The plate includes "fear of your eyes" and "Gopniks", not "insolent" at one time by the Leningrad rock club.

But there is an opinion that, such as Zoo with Mike sold there ...

Who ??

Well,, "melodies", official ...

First, I can honestly say that I didn't hit my finger to the finger in order for this plate to come out. Sold "melodies"? - So the "melody" does not pay anything at all. Well, all, who have the records came out - took everything and sold, or what? - From an interview with Mike.

The performance of the Zoo on the 2nd Leningrad Rock Festival became one of his central events, despite the campaign against amateur rock at the time at that time, inspired by provocative articles of the composer Alexander Morozov in Komsomolskaya Pravda and V. Vlasov in Leningrad " Change. "The group received a prize of visual sympathies, and a special prize established by the Optic Institute. And the laureate was the "Secret" group, who performed the song of Major Rock and Roll on the festival, and did not hide his admiration for his music.

In the summer of 1984, Andrei Tropill recorded, as it turned out later, the last studio album of the White Strip group. In November 1984, Mike and Khrubunov played one concert and Zoo was missing for nine months. Only in August 1985, the search for suitable musicians was temporarily ended, and a new zoo was released on the stage, which included Sergey Tessyulyl and Valery Kirillov.

The next spring "Zoo" was again surprised by many, appearing on the stage of the 4th Rock Festival accompanied by a spectacular vocal trio (Donskoy, Natalia Shishkin and Galina Skigin) and the keyboard player Andrei Muratov. Elegant arrangements, lightweight theatricalization, stylized Du-Uop vocals - old Zoo fans have been annoyed, new - intrigued, and the jury are focused, as a result of which the group first received the Laureate title. This version existed a year, made a number of scattered records for the radio and broke up in May 1987.

In September 1987, Zoo spoke at the All-Union Rock Festival in Podolsk, a lot was toured in the country - at some stage he was the most concert group of the rock club, and perhaps the whole country. In 1988, Tropillo released a slightly trimmed version of the album "White Straight" on the record. In April of the same year, Muratov went to DDT, and the Zoo returned to the composition of the quartet, although the activity of the group from this moment began to decline sharply. In the fall of 1988, they rehearsed with them, but did not join the ex-guitarist "Myths" Alexander Novikov.

For 88-90 years, Mike mestold all Russia, and, despite the fact that the band has not changed his repertoire for a long time, almost everywhere at his concerts was a full hall. As the press wrote at that time, the "zoo" became the champion of the Leningrad Rock Club in the number of concerts per year, overtaking even "Aquarium" and "Cinema".

In 1988, Zoo recorded his last album "Music for the film". In one of the songs of this album "Shots" there are words: "Well, will there be tomorrow, a new day, again?" Probably Mike and did not believe in the "new day" for himself.

In early 1990, director Alexander Kiselev took on the Leningrad Studio documentary films dedicated to the "Zoo" tape "Bugi-Vui every day", for which the group recorded several of their previously published numbers, later included in the album "Music to the film". A decline in widespread interest in rock and roll, and with him and touring activity, plus the growing problems practically brought the "zoo" from the game: Andrei Tropyl attempt, in the summer of 1989, selected by the director of the Leningrad gramzapy studio, lead the group to the studio was not crowned with success.

With the "Zoo", Kulikov again broke up, and the bassist became Nail Kadyrov. On March 14, 1991, Mike Naumenko was last appeared on the stage, fulfilling his "suburban blues", accompanied by the "Aquarium" at the festival dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Leningrad Rock Club.

Mike died on August 27, 1991 in Leningrad, in his room in the communal service on the street Rowing. Doctors recorded death from hemorrhage into the brain. He did not live for only two months to the 10th anniversary of the group.

Life T-shirt broke tragically. Returning home from the party after the wires abroad of one of the musicians of the group, he fell in his communal apartment, he was dotted with a neighbor before the bed, I was lying down without movement. Behind the fact that the relatives aroused "ambulance", which stated the most incompatible with life from all injuries - the fracture of the base of the skull. In such cases, doctors even at inspection do not move the patient, for and easy movement is enough to make death. Mike was in consciousness to the end, and behaved very courageously.

"Mike was a vanity, in general - the kindest man. What happened to him, I still do not understand. The circumstances of his death remain in many ways mysterious. With Tsoem, at least everything is clear - if not in essence, then in form - how it happened. The T-shirt everything was almost the same as with Jorus Ordanovsky. The one is known simply disappeared without leaving any traces "- an excerpt from" Interview with Mike (Last Rock "n" Roller) "in DBP.

And we do not love them.
All go on the subway,
Well, we are not from such.
Yeah, we take the motor,
Although in his pocket goats,
And we shook your portow
We drink someone else's brandy.
I do not like Taganka,
I hate Arbat.
Another one
And it's time ago.
No one loves us here
And does not call on Flat,
Does not exhibit beer
Does not prepare for us dinner.
We all support the buff
We will break the buzz,
In Sokolniki and in the Center
One cool bummer.
Here it is cold and gadko,
It's not at all here.
Another one
And it's time ago.
And young ladies in the polis
Do not fulfill us
They do not like punk rock stars,
And here is a solid failure.
Me dynamite telegraph,
Without issuing translation.
I have nowhere to hide
When the stomach hurts.
From a torn pantna
Looks my bare ass.
Another one
And it's time ago.
We are dumb in stores
Everything is not like us
There is not to get a port
On sale only kvass.
The people there
He hits each other Fais.
No one heard "Stranglers",
And in fashion, only "Space".
From this whole getting off
So pulls on the mat.
Another one
And it's time ago.

Mike Namento

He was buried on the Volkovsky cemetery in Leningrad.

Around the director Kirill Serebryannikova recently too many scandals, legal proceedings. Another problem was more when Rock Singer Boris Grebenshchikov expressed the opinion of the film "Summer" about Viktor Tsoi. According to him, the film is solid fiction of the director, and there is no connection with real events.

The official director Kirill Silvernikov was drawn in the next scandal. This time, the rock performer Boris Grebenchikov became his nacket. The singer negatively spoke about the new film "Summer" about Victor Tsoe.

Mike Naumenko Natalia's wife, relationship with Tsoem: Boris Grebenshchikov called the film of Serebryannikov false

A press conference was recently held in St. Petersburg, which was devoted to the release of the Album Boris Grebenchikov "Time N". Involuntarily went on a new film "Summer" Kirill Serebryannikova, which will soon come to the national court. The filming of the film is finished, only installation remained.

The film tells about the summer of 1981 and is dedicated to the life of the leader of the Movie group Vladimir Tsoi. The main events are Vladimir Tsoi and Mike Naumenko, the leader of the Zoo Group, as well as his wife Natalia Naumenko.

According to Grebenshchikov, the scenario of false, and at that time they lived differently. And the screenwriter, in theory, at that time would have to serve in the KGB. From the film at the rock performer, negative sensations precisely because of other opinions about life in 1981.

"The script is a lie from beginning to end. We lived differently. In his scenarios, Moscow hipsters, which except *** (having sex) for someone else's account, do not know anything else. The script wrote a man with another planet. It seems to me that in those days the screenwriter would work at the KGB, "the performer said displeasure.

At the time of 1981, Boris Grebenshchikov, the leader of the Rock Group "Aquarium" communicated well with the leader of the "Cinema" and with the leader of the Zoo group. They communicated, drank, worked, loved together. And to whom, as not Grebelshchik, know about the life of Viktor Tsoi and Mike Naumenko, as well as the events of that time.

Mike Naumenko Natalia's wife, relationship with Tsoem: Boris Grebenshchikov About film director Summer

He himself suggested the hope of the liberation of Serebrynnikov from home arrest, although there was a mistake in the embezzlement of funds for the needs of the film.

"I hope, Cyril Serebrennikov will be liberated, but we have different opinions about the film. I think I'm right, because I lived at that time. Any games with the state can end in the SIZO. The state is a dangerous thing. I mean to take money from the state, "the Grebenchikov clarified.

Recall, Cyril Silvernikov began shooting a film about Victor Tsu in July 2017. However, after time, the shooting was stopped due to an open business about the use and embezzlement of funds from the budget by the leadership of the Seventh Studio. The film was still finished when the director was under house arrest. At the rental of the film "Summer" should come out this year, at the end of summer.

Mike Naumenko Natalia's wife, relationship with Tsoem: the relationship of the TVURDALIST to the new film

Boris Borisovich's opinion about the film "Summer" was supported by other creators of different spheres that were familiar with the 1981 events.

According to Evgeny Dodolov, the TVURDERALIST, the script for the rarity is dulitant and unlimited. He fully agrees with the opinion of the Rock Artist. Dodolov expressed the opinion that the scriptwriter was not familiar with the events and characters for a minute, and also experiences hostility to all rock performers and movement in general. However, he expressed the hope that this talentless scenario will be able to save the realization of Sereven Serebryannikov and his talent.

"Two months ago I read the script: this is a surprisingly amateur and illiterate thing. The only hope for Kirill's talent is that he was able to refine it. Motivations that are attributed to the heroes, and in general their portraits - I see in this a deep dislike of the author of the script to the whole rock movement and to people who personified him in those years. They are shown there flat. primitive. A person does not know the material at all, "the journalist told.

Mike Naumenko Natalia's wife, relationship with Tsoem: Opinion Alexander Lipnitsky about the film Summer

Alexander Lipnitsky, Rock Musician, director-documentist was originally ironically configured in relation to the film. Lipnitsky clarified that the script did not read, but he knew about the project, and configured against him. The director, when creating a documentary film about the "Cinema" group, took an interview with the writer Alexander Zhitinsky.

Zhitinsky at that time worked on creating a book about the group leader, and spoke about the records that Natalia Naumenko did in his diary. There were really described by the romantic experiences of Natalia, and relations with Viktor Tsoem, but they are so insignificant as flirting. Therefore, hearing the creation of a film in which Natalia and Viktor's relations will be laid, Lipnitsky immediately reacted ironically.

"... I got to this ironic, because there the whole story is sudden from the finger, she does not pull on the film. Even if it really is, what I doubt. Therefore, I have no illusions that something interesting will come of it. Despite the fact that Kirill Serebrennikov, as to theatrical director, I treat great respect, "the director said.

Mike Naumenko Natalia's wife, relationship with Tsoem: Artemy Troitsky about the film Summer

Artemy Troitsky, musical critic, on the contrary was not against the creation of the film. He read the script, saw the heroes, even the one who performs the Troitsky himself, and approved. However, Roman Tsoi and Natalia, according to him, is not valid, "very strong lack of stick." According to him, about this novel, if he existed, no one heard, perhaps even someone from the participants of the triangle.

The critic also clarified that the opinion of Grebenshchikov, based on one scenario, is not very fair, because the director most likely made his adjustments.

"On the other hand, I took this scenario for no more than a reason to tell about truly fun and inspired times, which reigned in St. Petersburg in the early 80s. And here you already need to watch the film: how long this atmosphere is passed and how convincing is that the director wanted to express this film. And he, as I understand it, wanted to make a film first about time, and not about love drama, "Troitsky told.


The director Kirill Serebrennikov is working on the filming of the film "Summer". The picture is talking about the famous Leningrad rock musicians. In the center of the plot - the leaders of the group "Zoo" and "Cinema" Mike Naumenko and Viktor Tsoi.

Already at the stage of production, many friends and acquaintances of both (now deceased) musicians collapsed with criticism. It was criticized among the number of the love line, involving some romantic relationship between Tsoem and his wife Mike. AiF.Ru talked to Natalia Naumenko himself about how she regards the excitement around this story, as well as the fact that she actually tied her with Tsoem, and how Mike himself was.

Mike Naumenko at Viktor Tsoi's funeral: Mike Namento's wife told about friendship with Tsoem

Natalia, could you comment on the situation with the film?

What for? I do not want to be liked to those who do not read Pasternak, but condemns. Let's wait, let's see, then it will be possible and to talk items. What I managed to see on the set - the atmosphere, the attitudes of the actors and the director - very much. I believe Kirill.

Yes, I would be much easier to live, if many years ago I did not give in to the persuasion of the old one friend of Alexander Zhitinsky: "I am writing a book about TsE, and no one can really tell about him - not a famous, not poster, young ...". We agreed that my text Alexander would use exclusively for auxiliary purposes. Therefore, it was discouraged. But Sasha wrote letters with a request to leave everything as it is, because the heroes look noble, and all that is so different. Again behaved. Now it's timing ...

- Mike jealous of you to Tsiu?

- There were no reasons to jealous. Although he believed that such friendly relations are much more dangerous than everything else. I do not understand what suddenly clung to this story? I am very good at Vite, but it's not interesting to be his "classmate" (conventionally speaking), which, for sure, has already gained a class for three, a girlfriend, unknown love, famous for love ... For a very short time we had, I dare to hope Gentle friendship. Congratulations on the Day of Girls and the Day of the boys (as in Japan, instead of February 23 and March 8) and endless conversations (who would have repeatedly about Tsoe Book, Tsoy-Molchun). Deep man, clever. Not too often, but he could have fun and laugh with excellent jokes. And the whole of our "love story" is a kindergarten. Thank God, you can remember, not embarrassed, but with a huge tenderness.

And what kind of Tsoi and T-shirt were relationships? They were friends?

- No, there was no special friendship. I think a friendly relationship ... For some time, Mike for him was a teacher. Tsoi said that he would definitely need to know the opinion of the T-shirt about the new song. At that time, he highly complexed and was very insecrated. And Mike believed.

Mike Naumenko at Viktor Tsoi's funeral: Mike Naumenko about Victor Tsoy

I met Viktor Tsoyem Year in 1981. Then we lived nearby - in the Victory Park, meters in four hundred from each other.

Perhaps we were not friends - rather friends. It seems to me that he had no friends at all - some special fluid of loneliness had always proceeded from him.

I really liked his songs. Immediately. I then for youth and stupidity considered himself a steep rock star and a master. Naturally, he began to give him advice. Something recommended and corrected. Something from this he took. Let's say in the "idleness" the word "mother" - from me. And there are a lot of such examples. I also introduced him to - in my opinion, at his request - with BG, who, in principle, and made him the whole career.

Tsoi and Rybin came to us with his wife almost every second day, brought a bunch of dry wine (mostly "Rkazitel" of the Dagestan spill of 1 rub. 70 kopecks), sang new songs, chatted, sometimes staying spending the night.

I remember, after after my very first record, they were able to fall into the apartment for some Euphoria for about midnight and literally physically forced us to listen to the film. It's funny that on the whims of fate with them then played "hired" drummer Valera Kirilov, who after five years old became a member of our group of the zoo, where he works for this.

Tsoi generally used people very skillfully. He always knew how to make the necessary acquaintances, and was very cold and calculated in the relationship.

I did not like how he changed in recent years. This is probably a disease that many rock musicians got sick. Money, girls, stadiums - and you are starting to forget the old buddies, hold your nose up and imagine yourself supercrushed. Well, not he is the first and not he is the last. We are all humans. I'm just somewhat surprised that after death, a certain angel is trying to make some of him. He was not an angel, as was not and a demon. Like all of us, he was just a man with his advantages and minuses. But in our country it is advisable to die to become finally popular. While you are alive, for some reason you do not appreciate. Examples of how everyone is known, mass.

I remember the very first movie concert in the Leningrad Rock Club. In one song ("Once you were hipster") I even played on the leadergitar. On the bass guitar, Mikhail Vasilyev was played from aquarium, and on the piano - Andrei Romanov. Alexei Rybina (by the way, one of the two founders of the movie group, which for some reason no one remembers) then straight on the stage pants were broken in the most interesting place. So the concert was very funny.

In general, speaking, I always liked the early Material of Victor. Although, who knows?

Mike Naumenko at Viktor Tsoi's funeral: Mike Biography

Mikhail Vasilyevich Naumenko (April 18, 1955, Leningrad, the USSR - August 27, 1991, there is also more famous under the scenic name Mike - Soviet rock musician, founder and leader of the Zoo Group. The author of such songs like "Sweet N", "suburban blues", "Dryan", etc.

Born on April 18, 1955 in the family of Leningrad intellectuals. His father (Vasily Grigorievich, 1918-2007) was a teacher in Lisi, and Mother (Galina Florentievna Naumenko Brightigam, 1922-2010) - a library worker. In childhood, music did not work. Music's passion began when Mike first heard The Beatles music. Then, Chuck Berry, Bob Dylan, Mark Bolan, Lou Reed, and others were strong on his work.

Writing songs began at school, after the grandmother gave him a guitar. The first songs Mike wrote in English. Naumenko studied at the special school and had a good language. He also received the nickname "Mike". The former wife of T-shirt, Natalia, claims that this was the first time for the first time a school teacher of English. The first texts in Russian were written in 1972 under the influence of Boris Grebenchikov. In addition to music, he was fond of the manufacture of models of aircraft, reading Soviet detectives, translation from English.

After school at the insistence of the Father, I entered Lisi, but after the fourth course, I quit my study. He worked as a sound engineer in the Bolshoi Puppet Theater, then - Watchdow. All this time remained a musician.

He died on August 27, 1991 in his apartment from hemorrhage to the brain as a result of an accident. The drummer of the Zoo group Valery Kirilov expressed another point of view: According to him, Mike Naumenko really died from hemorrhage into the brain, but it happened not by natural reasons, and due to the fracture of the skull base as a result of a cruel shock, applied by T-shirt when robbery The courtyard, what is evidenced by the disappearance of the musician's personal belongings. There are also testimony of one adolescent, who allegedly saw, as a shirt in the yard, someone raised from the ground. After the attack, Mike did not die on the spot, but managed to rise to his home, but there finally weakened and lay down in unconsciousness for a long time, nobody was noticed in a communal. When it was finally discovered close and called an ambulance, it was too late. However, many people familiar with the circumstances of the death of Mike, this hypothesis is not confirmed.

Buried on the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg.

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